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File: a3f0ef10f24eb53⋯.jpg (221.08 KB, 1200x659, 1200:659, DZREB90VAAAv2Mi.jpg)

dd66ea No.14556536



March Event Schedule

02/28~03/11 - What Makes the Sky Blue 2: Paradise Lost

03/12~03/18 - Rise of the Beasts

03/18~03/24 - Xeno Corow

03/24~03/30 - Robomi Generations (Rerun)

03/31~04/08 - New Scenario Event


1.Infinity - 692908

2.Kihou - 740471

3.Sky Lords - 733000

4.Raven Nest (Dead) - 1024216

Guides and info


>How do I even play this shit?

You can play it from your browser by going to http://game.granbluefantasy.jp/

>I'm not going to use google botnet to play this.

You can use chrome alternatives, such as Slimjet or Iridium. If you don't like doing that, use an agent spoofer for the browser you do use to spoof chrome.

dd66ea No.14556549

File: 9f6033a397da9cd⋯.jpg (137.53 KB, 1024x752, 64:47, DYanMPQVoAAg2qI.jpg)

File: 1185f2ba50813f8⋯.jpg (132.71 KB, 1024x752, 64:47, DYanMPSVoAAmbwZ.jpg)

File: a8cfb60c7a5669b⋯.jpg (9.28 KB, 150x150, 1:1, DYYn7m1U8AALdyt.jpg)

File: e4c79b048cfecd8⋯.jpg (9.84 KB, 150x150, 1:1, DYYn7m1VwAAf5j6.jpg)

File: ce4029931c388e3⋯.png (437.88 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, DZCB5TLU0AAGv9b.png)

dd66ea No.14556566

File: 95bed711096b3d5⋯.jpg (205.8 KB, 1199x882, 1199:882, DYYn7m1VwAAf5j6.jpg)

File: 7815e32e600b261⋯.jpg (199.8 KB, 1199x882, 1199:882, DYYn7m1U8AALdyt.jpg)


Fixed the 3rd and 4th one

867038 No.14556568

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



This a new nip meme?

4cc469 No.14556585



I like this meme. I like it a lot.

Opening in Kihou Kihou when?

4cc469 No.14556611

The grind to 77M casino chips is brutal.

e1b4e7 No.14556624

Is there any purpose to doing the rupee draw after the first free one at rank 1?

4cc469 No.14556634


Primary source of +Bonus, infrequent source of R characters. Skill up food.

Seriously I pulled three R characters in one ten draw either last week or the week before. I am down to 4 and 3 of them are event rares. You should be pulling max every day. I feed the N weapons to my crew's ship.

5bd36d No.14556639


Can very rarely get R characters if you don't have them already. The R weapons you get from it have skills, so they can be used for (very low-level) skill fodder for SSR weapons. Additionally, you can draw weapons and summons with +1 bonuses on them, which carry over to other weapons/summons actually worth keeping.

4cc469 No.14556700

File: 69d3e12263c26a7⋯.png (148.58 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Sarya_(Event)_A.png)

So Draphtective in the Jewel Resort Incident is starting in 2 hours. I can finally get my grubby dickskinners on Sarya.

d933e5 No.14556773


She's one of the 2 girls with glasses this game has, and desperately needs.

9f3b17 No.14557002

File: 87655c02011532c⋯.png (74.26 KB, 199x179, 199:179, thxfgjnxf.png)


He protected that smile, goy.

3d82e5 No.14557601

File: 6bcd058fc0b2bfa⋯.png (811.77 KB, 750x800, 15:16, ClipboardImage.png)


>2 female draph available from side stories

>0 erune or harvin

Are the other races even trying?

ddadee No.14557606

Reminder that Granblue is only good for oppai lolis, and that even those don't justify playing mobage.

9135b7 No.14557623

File: 982baeb4214184c⋯.jpg (35.56 KB, 637x717, 637:717, 982baeb4214184c798dff41aa4….jpg)

^^^^ s e e t h i n g

3f2ab0 No.14557629


Your chick looks like a dude.

d933e5 No.14557681



b6ba15 No.14557692

File: 58237039be04d3b⋯.jpg (32.19 KB, 657x545, 657:545, anhonestman.jpg)

Can an honest man get some big fat draph tiddies?

028987 No.14557715

File: fc77dbde28acfbb⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 401.37 KB, 1800x2400, 3:4, Yaia.jpg)





Here, have a Yaia.

bd5b53 No.14557763

File: 52332c44362db91⋯.png (926.08 KB, 773x1091, 773:1091, help.png)

I'm stumped.

b6ba15 No.14557766


Its E.

All the other pictures have at least 3 limbs.

b269d2 No.14557832

File: e1d6be36cca55e3⋯.png (114.81 KB, 419x290, 419:290, 1443273996531-0.png)

I can't grind anymore. Bluh.

85c064 No.14558201


Where'd this start from? I remember seeing it on some Virtual Youtuber channel but I don't think that was the original.

798683 No.14558235

File: ea4d762a2d97327⋯.jpg (1.81 MB, 1815x1773, 605:591, cfbe2abcee835bab0c68c42eb3….jpg)


The event is really tiring and the prices are atrocious.

I'll go as far as I can be bothered, but fuck getting everything.

d3c946 No.14558252


Do you quadruple nignogs even read the event stories?

a3faaf No.14558257

File: 1bc8a68fc337540⋯.png (45.49 KB, 96x194, 48:97, Lyriamate.png)

File: b1318f75d3b41e7⋯.png (45.5 KB, 96x194, 48:97, Ruriamate.png)

I wanted to make a Lyriamate for a while.

I make a Ruriamate too so she can keep your draph sluts away from her dick.

798683 No.14558380

File: aeece6c71f385ac⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 544.55 KB, 600x957, 200:319, f99a095dc1438da351cb889698….jpg)


Yes. I usually let the characters speak fully before moving on.

I say usually because there are times when I just don't care about what is going on like in the "Four knights in a fallen land" side story which I finished last night.

I let everything play out normally for all chapters, but then the finale started to drag on and I just couldn't give less of a shit about the characters involved, so I mashed my left mouse button through it while glancing at the text.

Now that I think about it, the same happened during this event.

I loved "Blade of the young champion," though. It's not exactly a literary masterpiece, but it had enough interesting things in it to make me like it and it featured the main cast.


Good job anon.

More Io, because fuck Io.

1ed114 No.14558427

File: 2d679c0785efb5f⋯.jpg (83.07 KB, 780x1168, 195:292, io rear.jpg)


This is a good plan.

4b1984 No.14558463

File: 5662578bd72e8f1⋯.png (321.3 KB, 448x515, 448:515, Obviously.png)

I see.

a3faaf No.14558518

File: 7471f3074fc85ba⋯.png (424.95 KB, 468x550, 234:275, gleefully gay.PNG)

9135b7 No.14559488

File: 000b17766cbe547⋯.png (1.07 MB, 748x1010, 374:505, 2018-026.png)

4cc469 No.14559640

How much you want to bet that the event character for Robomi:Z will be named Kuro? Also Shirou might end up being a permanent backline member of my light team. He is pretty decent as a defender, two turn skill cooldown is useful as fuck, and he is cool looking.

4b1984 No.14559686


New character could also be Kenji to complete his villain to hero transformation.

4cc469 No.14559706


The weapons look like abomination skins. Maybe it is Kenji with an abomination body modeled after Rider Shirou. Robomi is returning and all he wanted was to follow his programming and hunt her down. Redemption arcs for dark riders are classic as fuck.

Man I am so hype. Seriously the Robomi storyline is my favorite in Granblue. Friends of justice are always the best.

4b1984 No.14559756


Robomi x Grancypher Rangers event when?

85c064 No.14559818


They should take advantage of that and make some Rider costumes for the Granblue cast.

4cc469 No.14559820

File: da11b959ab27797⋯.webm (3.3 MB, 640x360, 16:9, YES! YES! YES!.webm)


More Cypher Pink is always needed. Replace the entire treasure trade table with Grancypher Ranger skins.

4cc469 No.14559826


They already exist for some of them, anon.

485bc6 No.14559976

File: 5972fd065601b23⋯.jpg (23.5 KB, 440x204, 110:51, 235434645756876.JPG)

never doubt me again

b924fa No.14559979

File: 16aff44370dabfe⋯.png (224.56 KB, 316x544, 79:136, Effort.PNG)

And they say you shouldn't put effort in these raids.

d3c946 No.14560015


>that party setup

Holy shit, you're cancer

39a017 No.14560058


What's wrong with that team exactly?

4cc469 No.14560063

>tfw you shoot the butler because fuck butlers

Does anyone know if Water Lancelot's 95 support skill activates from the backline or do I need to frontline him?

1ed114 No.14560088


Clearly it's that there are not draphs on the team.

9135b7 No.14560173

File: 084bb9e20e8a511⋯.png (162.93 KB, 960x800, 6:5, CagliostroUniform.png)

File: 9560186448c3d4d⋯.png (90.89 KB, 640x688, 40:43, 3040009000_ranger.png)


I'd have a hard time deciding which to use, but that's a good problem to have.

4cc469 No.14560206

File: 1611fe0b8fec161⋯.png (12.99 KB, 250x250, 1:1, CagliostroUniform_SD.png)


Schooluncle Cags has some cute as HECK sprite animations. Always KIRA✰KIRA in the middle of my formation.

d3c946 No.14560227


So have we determined if it's gay to love cagliostro yet?

5bfaba No.14560235


don't start this

4cc469 No.14560246

39a017 No.14560255


>>14560235 is right. Besides, everyone already knows that it isn't gay.

d3c946 No.14560256

File: a758ee70d6ea26f⋯.jpg (18.95 KB, 255x300, 17:20, 013e66fa04f54ca9f57940aa9b….jpg)


Someone else started it - we need to finish it.

We'll be knocking out countless other birds with this stone. Tanya, Da Vinci, etc etc.

It's a bit like falling in love with a female avatar in some social life game.

867038 No.14560260

File: fd3c7f70330f38b⋯.jpg (125.37 KB, 850x708, 425:354, __medusa_granblue_fantasy_….jpg)

File: d14addcde66a11d⋯.jpg (68.79 KB, 850x708, 425:354, __the_order_grande_granblu….jpg)



I'm not sure myself.

bd5b53 No.14560265

File: 88e2c5cd25c5018⋯.png (359.91 KB, 846x544, 423:272, vyrn.png)

Am I gonna have to break out the Vyrn?

d3c946 No.14560336

File: 8d4b7684aff7380⋯.jpg (69.17 KB, 893x769, 893:769, 8d4b7684aff7380d30b2953adf….jpg)


>some mega autist complains because he doesn't like talking about how his unrequited love for Cagliostro may actually be homosexual in nature

>calls us the autists

I'm sure the potato crew was glad to be rid of you Although I would have left myself if the captain were a shitskin

b269d2 No.14560375

File: 1ae1ca46dadd939⋯.jpg (37.26 KB, 439x583, 439:583, fbbf23ba006724ea059acb2f83….jpg)

d0113a No.14560449

Why'd you leave the crew Silver?

bd5b53 No.14560477

File: 3e34351f88da13f⋯.jpg (123.61 KB, 1200x750, 8:5, sv yugu.jpg)

>New Shadowverse expansion just opened a few moments ago

>New Legendaries like Orchis, Alexiel, another Vampy, etc.

>Get Yggdrasil because cute

>She has a voice


1ed114 No.14560528


There was even a loli Yugu that had voiced lines back in RoB.

bd5b53 No.14560574

File: 14023866dbdd1d2⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1200x853, 1200:853, ygg_size.png)


Heretical. She's cutest the way she is in Granblue.

4cc469 No.14560605



498f85 No.14560614

File: 9dc0be9fcc658a0⋯.jpg (50.86 KB, 468x782, 234:391, capture_29032018_025618_00….jpg)

>start playing a bit before Valentine

>what makes sky blue rerun

>takes more than 80 turns to do wyvern reverie

>it gets added as side story

>retry with my stronger team, it still takes like 40 turns

>get Sandalphon in part2, unlock mechanic, roll Seruel during roulette, spark Lucio

>decide to retry today with them and finish it in 18 turns, get first trophy

>also rolled Summer Zooey in roulette, so try with my enmity dark team I'm building

>after a couple tries, do it in 3 turns

Man, that's a huge differrence in a month of time. Really, nothing can beat the cock enmity.

4b1984 No.14560678


I'm more surprised you managed to go from 0 to spark in one and a half months.

4cc469 No.14560715


100+ rolls plus all the tickets plus all the easy as fuck crystals everywhere at the beginning of the game would have made it possible.

4b1984 No.14560721


True enough.

4cc469 No.14560725


I am a compulsive luckshitter and I was still able to finally spark during the anniversary.

a5b897 No.14560943

jk 3 - this time the crew is dead and there should be more time for people to join i hope


9135b7 No.14561613

File: ba16b9093f5cc55⋯.png (999.99 KB, 927x796, 927:796, 431%.png)

For Nerom sometimes I use a 2nd claw

5da42d No.14561640

File: 800ee11a4885bb4⋯.jpg (62.55 KB, 500x422, 250:211, depressed animu grill 22.jpg)

Do you have to be a part of a crew in order to participate in Unite and Fight?

I left my crew and don't have any plans on joining one, besides losing out on the crew buffs and strike time, do I miss out on anything else?

Should I just make my own crew and toss a few gold/silver moons to buy all the necessary buffs?

4b1984 No.14561647


You can get some honor badges solo now, besides being able to draw from the boxes normally.

No chance of Tier C for you though.

2d11ad No.14561648



694cd6 No.14561651

File: 3f6f5818456d860⋯.jpg (216.6 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, DXL18LoU8AA2LK8.jpg)



Badges will also be a lot slower too, right?

4b1984 No.14561654


I can't see solo/unqualified crew badges surpassing losing Tier C matches.

5da42d No.14561677


I don't want to ruin this thread with crew shit

I was in one of the 8ch crews but left

Since I couldn't put in the time everyday I left, freeing up a crew slot for someone who can handle the everyday grind

Now I just want to play at my own pace

694cd6 No.14561695

File: af00e50ed194451⋯.png (291.13 KB, 500x754, 250:377, 54157373_p5.png)


Only one that would care that much would be Infinity unless you're gone for weeks at a time.

40ebac No.14561726

File: 34bc9b267006c97⋯.png (159.16 KB, 181x383, 181:383, vira12.png)


Get back in your crew right this instant young man.

5da42d No.14561924

File: cf2905db73c6926⋯.png (8.46 KB, 120x120, 1:1, Nope.png)


>Get back in your crew right this instant young man

Recently I felt overwhelmed by the sheer amount of grindan but then I realized it was because I was forcing myself to do it, having GBF open for hours while I browsed the web really made me not feel like continuing, so I'm slowing down in order to still enjoy this game

d0113a No.14562712

File: 7adbdebf6137685⋯.png (192.58 KB, 532x690, 266:345, Untitled.png)

File: b16fba67de3172f⋯.jpg (135.29 KB, 510x539, 510:539, 07.jpg)

f7b702 No.14562766


I don't get it either anon. Tried screenshotting it and flipping it around, "folding" it in half. I really just don't know.

39a017 No.14562860


You can't solve it with just what's been posted here.

a3faaf No.14562870

File: fe820a141141e21⋯.jpg (115.28 KB, 525x688, 525:688, flip it.jpg)


All you had to do was flip it and the answer would reveal itself.

1ed114 No.14562886

File: 0b0597280b34be0⋯.png (6.38 MB, 2480x3508, 620:877, DJM.png)

f7b702 No.14562975


Teach me your ways, how do you solve the puzzle?

13b5bb No.14562980

someone got the cracked pokerbot?

a3faaf No.14562986

d0113a No.14563320


It was a trick question, the answer is below what I cropped on the screen.

f7b702 No.14563394


rip. I got it. I'm retarded.

d0113a No.14563472

File: 28affc6627417c0⋯.png (181.71 KB, 481x511, 481:511, 1455657100553.png)


I didn't get most of the puzzles either. I guess we're both just plain dumb.

3239e4 No.14563563


Why do you need to do it with light?

0c7ed4 No.14563648

File: 01d8c6a10e50b65⋯.jpg (24.88 KB, 544x416, 17:13, 1429109845987.jpg)


Andi here, while I'm not on an official 8ch crew, I keep skills up every time, join if you want, no one talks here because nips dont talk. I also cant promise you any badges, fuck GW, Im about to grab niyon and fuck off from gw shit forever.

0c7ed4 No.14563673

File: 4bfd079f16ec99c⋯.png (41.44 KB, 1300x810, 130:81, 1412313906314.png)


then maybe I have a farm of salarymen who cant interact with humans anymore.

also, what the fuck is it with fili and digi, fili is flat, and digi has tits. what the flying fuck the voices dont help either to discern genders. I cant fap to anything in this event.

a3faaf No.14563682


The flat one is a trap, the one with tits is a tomboy.

Not that hard to figure out tbh.

0c7ed4 No.14563696

File: 4a16ab7749219dc⋯.jpg (74.91 KB, 700x508, 175:127, HRxL7kh.jpg)


I hadnt done this event until now, and just now noticed the presence of these two, cant fap to any of this, robomi is MIA, marie is not what I want, Muskel made the event cool, he's an honorable enemy and wish he was recruitable, 7/10 event, Kenji better joins in Z.

694cd6 No.14564045

File: 93b4f37f91253be⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1500x1063, 1500:1063, b4dbbc7563e0b64dbec157d980….png)




They want the Bridget and Leo audience.

0c7ed4 No.14564232

File: 03914b96946ee63⋯.png (784.09 KB, 779x1100, 779:1100, 36f1a67e3c13fc0b911c43f2cd….png)


All I want is either an Odin Sphere or Atelier (whichever) crosspromo. or Yggdra Union, not this thing, we have enough unwanted traps in this shit.

e2a616 No.14564263

File: f55418cebee085d⋯.jpg (49.37 KB, 559x500, 559:500, do_it.jpg)

>stop playing because i burnt out too fast

>look in thread

>raven nest is ded

>log in

>am leader now


4b1984 No.14564296

File: ac4b86a7d9dd5e6⋯.jpg (295.99 KB, 630x900, 7:10, Sorceress with Food (2015_….jpg)


>Vanillaware crossover

What's the status on 13 Sentinels?

Sorceress as a Magisa skin, Elf as a Sutera one, but who is Amazon?

0c7ed4 No.14564299

File: ed6a2916ae0d18d⋯.mp4 (2.98 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Billy_Gunn_Entrance_Music_….mp4)


me and the other survivors from crew 4 tried contacting you for months but you made your profile private, we tried to get the crew from you, and that was 6-7 months ago.

e2a616 No.14564311


I only log in to get my free draws

I might as well not be there

I'd play it more if the phone app wasn't such dogshit, because every time i'm on my pc i just end up playing actual videogames

62d907 No.14564317

File: b7527870762d668⋯.jpg (352.27 KB, 849x1200, 283:400, 9ce2ffbd2b2e4368ed8c759597….jpg)


>don't even play this game

>lurk every thread for draph tits

No bullshit: I would start playing this if Naru got a sorceress outfit version.

4b1984 No.14564336


Given Naru is a swordswoman, I'd say it would be more likely for her to get a Momohime kimono.

78b569 No.14564401


No new info on 13 sentinels. JP release date is still set for sometime in 2018.

I don't think there's a character in GBF that does the Amazon justice. The closest axe characters would be Sarasa and Nemone. Not a lot of bottom heavy, tall or either of those seperate girls in granblue.

4b1984 No.14564421


I think Mariah fits the bill, but she is the only one I can think of.

0c7ed4 No.14564445

File: e708b9860472e27⋯.mp4 (7.43 MB, 320x240, 4:3, How To Not Get Your Ass Ki….mp4)


well, can you let us go back and let us run that shit instead of us being fucking around?

a3faaf No.14564665

File: df3dee85d887c1a⋯.png (55.63 KB, 449x120, 449:120, that's a lot of saved grin….PNG)

862242 No.14564793



>Vanillaware crossover

I'm really surprised that they didn't do that yet. Seeing that they're doing P5, maybe there's a chance of a crossover for their new game.

>Odin sphere crosspromo

Gwendolyn and Oswald outfits for Djeeta and Gran never ever.

8b8415 No.14564869

File: 0fbcc2120a10585⋯.png (74.61 KB, 313x238, 313:238, ClipboardImage.png)

I want a Kamen costume for Halle now.

4cc469 No.14564882

File: 398e707cb34f562⋯.webm (6.42 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Kamen Rider Black Opening.webm)


>I want a Kamen costume for Halle now

<Picture clearly has no kamen

You aint no friend of justice. You aint no friend of justice at all.

0c7ed4 No.14564885

File: eaeb2820dab63a6⋯.jpg (130.18 KB, 500x518, 250:259, eaeb2820dab63a6028ab85812e….jpg)


OOO and Wizard are pretty up there.

78b569 No.14564937

I just had a scary thought and i want someone to help confirm this for me.

So far i've only made 0* The Sun from Arcarum, i'm waiting for character info to come out. I'm not able to reduce her. The only other thing i know that can't be reduced are revenant weapons before the appropriate step in GW 5* uncaps.

This leads me to believe that we'll have to reduce the Arcarum summons in order to get the oracles. Can someone check their summons to see if they are reduce-able? Inversely, if this assumption is correct, that would mean that the Arcarum weapons are not important since you can reduce those.

4b1984 No.14564947


Don't be dumb anon.

You can't reduce Primarch weapons either.

4b1984 No.14564957


To elaborate, anything that is truly one of a kind and is upgraded through the shop can't be reduced to save noobs from themselves.

Since RotB weapons aren't upgraded through the shop, they are reduceable.

78b569 No.14564999


Yeah, you're probably right. I'm most likely just being paranoid since i don't want to give up another useful item again.

I do want to know if the same summons sub aura stacks. I assume not since 40% DA, 80% HP or 40% DMG Up would be a bit much. That would explain why you can only make one of each Arcarum summon.

fed7bb No.14565149


It's hard being a lolicon, gbf is filled with cows but petites are rare gems.

e1b4e7 No.14565213

Meme draw the free ticket and get Catherine. Already have every 9.5 rated Earth character.

My Fire party is still low grade. RNG is committed to fucking me over for Fire characters isn't it?

2349e7 No.14565221


>rolling outside of legfest

What the fuck are you doing nigga?

e1b4e7 No.14565230


It's free tickets and I am the exact sort of person they're expecting to lose patience and gamble away real money I won't because I'm not that retarded

It just so happens I get rewarded more often than not and it encourages me.

b59cda No.14565259

File: 1bb69850013c34b⋯.png (335.74 KB, 487x468, 487:468, awooop.png)


e514f6 No.14565262

File: 6d91d4f2d771c4f⋯.jpg (84.8 KB, 600x550, 12:11, MAIMKILLBURN.jpg)


>I'm not a lolicon, I am a feminist.

694cd6 No.14565527

File: b12266017789ca8⋯.webm (7.99 MB, 512x288, 16:9, sentai_tributes.webm)



What are the best of the edgiest and fun Rider series?


But feminists only care about shota and the destruction of lolis.



Japs always get the better part of the raw deal.

1e7744 No.14565539

File: 193e3e183313849⋯.png (260.69 KB, 461x430, 461:430, it's time.png)



You trash goblin, don't like to people like this. Wizard was absolute shit. Even the costume design for the enemies was shit. The ending was shit, the middle was shit, the beginning was shit, the CGI was shit, the inner worlds were shit.

It was shit, despite having such a potentially interesting premise.

4cc469 No.14565660

Why are Toei such niggers that I can't find a single good Suika Arms video on youtube?

4cc469 No.14565680

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Watch the Kamen Rider Ghost movie while you grind.

fd47dd No.14565790

File: 3618c218594070d⋯.png (162.96 KB, 960x800, 6:5, 003.png)

Does anyone have a functional copy of Zooeybot cracked?

Pic not related, but the only way her outfit could be improved is through thighhighs.

694cd6 No.14565822

File: d9d2551884c0f60⋯.jpg (43.84 KB, 1023x682, 3:2, 1444604726476-0.jpg)

File: 34e9048a2195f73⋯.jpg (13.64 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 1444604726477-1.jpg)

File: 85408f4a4c47a97⋯.jpg (37.42 KB, 1023x682, 3:2, 1444604726477-2.jpg)


>It's a joke, retard

A shitty joke; like making a Muslim, a Priest, and a Rabbie joke and not having it end in some girls room instead of a boys.


Niggers aren't Jews.

163533 No.14565930

File: 1ca0eb12e0fe798⋯.jpg (171.05 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, mpv-shot0326.jpg)

Should I even bother getting the Robomi gun or the summon?


Amazons is definitely the edgiest show. S2 is not as good but has some good gore. Also movie soon.

About fun, which ones have you watched already?


>anything Ghost

I'd rather have my grind not be a bigger torture than what it already is, thanks.

694cd6 No.14565932

File: 161b4a7f48a4f1f⋯.gif (440.27 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 1414081652460.gif)


>Every day I grow to hate autists more and more

>Proceeds to become angry over someone saying a joke he reposts is shit

If that little bit set you off, then pic related is your only escape because it's only gonna get worse in this world.

694cd6 No.14565945

File: 0b0a83150924bad⋯.png (692.25 KB, 1253x1770, 1253:1770, 63789083_p9.png)


If you want to main dark but don't want to go through the grind for a Champion gun; it's worth it if you enjoy gun classes. The summon isn't worth it unless you're a giant robot fan or want something for desperation if the monster isn't immune to O.H.K.O.s.


Absolutely none. Been watching MADs involving them.

3d82e5 No.14566022


if you're able to farm it, the summon is good for some light quartz

e7ed96 No.14566023

File: 293f493c41b1aca⋯.jpg (97.87 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, mpv-shot0359.jpg)


The best starting shows would probably W and OOO, they're pretty solid and possibly the best post-Decade ones. Gaim same writer as Madoka, Fate/Zero and other edgy-ass stuff, but it's better as he's on a leash, Build and Ex-Aid are also good to start but a bit slower for the plot to kick in Haven't finished Drive or Fourze to have a solid opinion on them. Avoid Wizard and Ghost at all costs. Then on the older side you got Kuuga (which might be pretty edgy too), Agito and Blade (if you've seen MADs, then you've probably seen the Blade memes) **Kabuto and Faiz are hit-and-miss, Den-O might be great if you don't mind the wimp protagonist and/or feels (isn't fully subbed either). Avoid Kiva and Hibiki, sadly both great designs but everything else is

a clusterfuck, especially Hibiki that went through production changes. Decade has only two good episodes/arcs.**

Then from the Showa era (aka the first ones, '71-'88), BLACK is usually the most recommended one but if you can handle the stock footage and old effects Amazon, Stronger and X are also great X isn't fully subbed. Original show might've not aged too well.

Don't get anything from TV-Nihon, O-T is decent even if it gets a bit of excess localisation. OZC-Live has BD versions of almost everything, best choice.


I've yet to grind for a champion weapon, don't think I can't handle co-op Ifrit.

694cd6 No.14566134

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>The best starting shows would probably W

Lucked out on that one; one of if not the best opening I've seen so far.

>if you can handle the stock footage and old effects

I've been watching Orions dub of Johnny Sokko and his Giant Robot on Comet so I don't think that's a deal breaker.

>don't think I can't handle co-op Ifrit

Get yourself a guild and host the runs for the people that can handle it.

4b1984 No.14566210


>Reducing Super Robo Gigantes.

You don't got a manly soul in you, do you?

3d82e5 No.14566248

File: ad2c8d2c005ab82⋯.png (731.68 KB, 510x732, 85:122, Super robo Elsam.png)


I prefer super robo Elsam. Ygg > Marie

4b1984 No.14566260


Table for Seox sequel when?

1ed114 No.14566265

File: 2d4121194b61787⋯.png (502.04 KB, 563x1200, 563:1200, schooltree.png)

80ce12 No.14566319

File: 44f5a85b010b4d6⋯.png (466.96 KB, 1366x705, 1366:705, opinion.png)


>fan art where the artist conceptualized that the main character would actually use a selfy stick

something tells me I should never play this game

a88326 No.14566344


Japs love the selfiestick, the people who make your favorite manga/anime/game have probably used one

80ce12 No.14566363

File: 114a7ee6a425d88⋯.gif (2.43 MB, 266x240, 133:120, animuashite.gif)


into the trash my entire backlog goes

9135b7 No.14566376

File: 05fa1e36f8f1e3d⋯.png (162.12 KB, 640x688, 40:43, 3030153000_02.png)


Not just the main character, but don't worry she's every bit as autistic as you. You're right though, you should never play this game. Once you start you're here forever.

000000 No.14566465


Did you faggots seriously delete a post for saying they hate autismos? Autists are some of the most hate-able people in existence, and they know it.

5da42d No.14566503

File: adb1078f9cc47dd⋯.png (83.83 KB, 589x107, 589:107, Side Story Event.png)


Were the SSR weapons and summons reset at any point?

I wouldn't mind throwing down a few half pots to regrind this easy fodder, however the game won't tell me if they've been reset, some of them I've only traded 1 or 2 since it was expensive/repetitive as fuck

3d82e5 No.14566530


There used to be 3 ssr weapons in the side stories, which weren't enough to fully uncap one, so people complained. The added a 4th in at some point, which would have looked like a restock if you had already cleared that side story out. Besides that, side stories will not get a restock

694cd6 No.14566635

File: fb68736a91a0459⋯.png (867.51 KB, 750x1075, 30:43, DAADzbQUwAAs-KJ.png)


Always the Platinum game.

a88326 No.14566732

File: 2dbe12546e17af8⋯.png (123.13 KB, 225x350, 9:14, 118177.png)


>he doesn't collect a flb copy of everything

5da42d No.14566760


I'm actually thinking of doing it, I just want a grid filled with 3* FLB equipment so I can improve my base stats while grinding Magna I and II weapons

It's a horrible idea isn't it?

5da42d No.14566824


I mainly want to do so since I missed out on the Xeno weapons, my grids won't get any better if I just keep them filled with magna weapons at 0* with high SL

3d82e5 No.14566885

File: 203ced18b0a0d73⋯.png (401.86 KB, 377x733, 377:733, Falling flame.png)

File: 77594f98ea6f9a1⋯.png (566.29 KB, 383x893, 383:893, Aliza event.png)

File: 3f020dfd83cdd75⋯.png (592.54 KB, 383x889, 383:889, balmy breeze.png)

File: cef4042fdbf9c8f⋯.png (617.66 KB, 385x891, 35:81, blade of young champion.png)


>not grinding out everything while it's half off for all those useful items and that satisfying complete feeling.

918537 No.14566949


but why

3d82e5 No.14567015


skill fodder, quartz and merits are useful

3d82e5 No.14567041

File: f0ae2d2745b3b34⋯.png (4.55 KB, 141x37, 141:37, cp.png)


I have enough cp.

0656aa No.14567299

So are these daggers going to be the legfest thing or am I a day off?

dd66ea No.14567325

File: bc6678bb94c9f2f⋯.png (410.37 KB, 600x390, 20:13, CYE7NQ6UkAEQssF.png)

There's no event SR character on the next event but you can get a MC skin.


d933e5 No.14567483

File: 2780cb876ebf935⋯.png (158.76 KB, 1079x592, 1079:592, Screenshot_2018-03-30-13-2….png)

12b3ec No.14567502

File: 6628537ae4b6ebc⋯.png (208.05 KB, 960x800, 6:5, 6628537ae4b6ebc2f47ded4bb7….png)


Don't have a crack to zooeybot but I also hope there is one, having to repeatedly click to reactivate coop quests for slimeblasting is fucking annoying and I'd rather have that shit automated since I can pretty much 1 shot the mobs already.

1ed114 No.14567514


We'll soon find out which version of DJ is pure and all others are sluts.

d933e5 No.14567543


No, legfest should start with the next banner change

a3faaf No.14568436

File: 73a4edce44d6188⋯.png (262.45 KB, 478x545, 478:545, dancer memes.PNG)

Am I missing something?

918537 No.14568472


siete is my name ougi my game

e7ed96 No.14568546

File: db046fc4b5008c4⋯.png (371.5 KB, 390x780, 1:2, a certain non-ex.png)

File: b7794d0c757a85b⋯.png (374.49 KB, 390x780, 1:2, more katana memes.png)

File: c511dd808e1544e⋯.png (158.36 KB, 640x688, 40:43, rules of nature.png)

So what Robomi ZEEEEEEEEEEET is bringing us apparently

>Light Gun

>Dark Katana

>none of them are EX, fuck you, only Hades and Zeus now

>kaiju skin for MC (the worm and the humanoid one)

No sign of free character so far.

e7ed96 No.14568557

File: 98f25e88a79f0ce⋯.png (224.53 KB, 640x688, 40:43, april fools homo.png)

File: f86953eefc901a3⋯.png (115.27 KB, 640x688, 40:43, april fools jk.png)

File: 1dcab41f552520c⋯.png (61.43 KB, 640x688, 40:43, sled old man.png)

And from April Fools' so far we're getting a homo, a JK and an old man thing, straight from that comic.

ef2ec4 No.14568595

File: 7bbedb71e61e6cf⋯.jpg (61.77 KB, 900x550, 18:11, 20130613029.jpg)


>he criticizes Wizard when there's Ex-Aid

798683 No.14568759


Is there any worth in having non-magna/EX weapons in a grid?

918537 No.14568771


different multiplier means it has no diminished value if you stack it therefore the answer is yes,you should always have at least one ex weapon in your grid

798683 No.14568797


I asked if weapons that do not have a magna or an EX modifier are useful.

918537 No.14568816


you still want a normal weapon modifier

a3faaf No.14568820


The same concept applies, you'll still want a Normal weapon somewhere in there, be it a mainhand GW weapon, a Normal 2 ROTB weapon or a Grand weapon that has a Normal 3 skill.

bd5b53 No.14568827



You should always have something with a normal multiplier in your grid because of how the multipliers work. What you use still depends on the grid though– some are fine with just a Baha weapon (like Magna Wind grids), others can fit in another strong Normal multiplier weapon (like Magna Fire grids with the RotB Katana), and then there are Primal grids which are just filled with Normal multiplier weapons.

So yes, they're useful. Whether you'll need more than just your Baha weapon depends on more specific details.

ef2ec4 No.14568856

File: 1202870afcce134⋯.png (364.27 KB, 496x522, 248:261, ika.png)

File: 622ed16f3608a23⋯.jpg (40.53 KB, 476x470, 238:235, all hope is lost.jpg)


I never get all this shit. So, what if I make a grid with the rotb katana plus 9 colo weapons. normal multiplier means it only has one skill instead of two? I dont get any of this

918537 No.14568875


get 5-6 colo sticks 1 ex weapon baha weapon and the rotb katana

ef2ec4 No.14568886


Let me post the shit I got because I dont even fucking know what the fuck normal multiplier is supposed to mean.

798683 No.14568893

File: acbeca957d33804⋯.jpg (23.67 KB, 408x360, 17:15, acbeca957d3380445d822155f6….jpg)





All right, so have a little bit of everything.

I guess I'll try using the formula on the wiki to calculate what the hell I should get.

Now at least I know that I might want to get the gun and the katana from the next Robomi event.

bd5b53 No.14568902


Whether a weapon is a Normal/Omega/EX multiplier can be seen from the skill icon, where in the upper corner you'll see an omega, EX, or nothing at all written.

ef2ec4 No.14568915

File: 1721674ad225ff7⋯.jpg (93.2 KB, 800x587, 800:587, 117b2d709f18ed9eb24066dd53….jpg)


so what does EX mean at all, yes, you can read your weapon belongs to any , but what does it mean, why not just make every weapon say "+X%/+X000" on the whatever element youre using. why make it all in these weird classifications.

918537 No.14568931


ex means unknown to this day no summon can increase the "skill " power on it

ea7f05 No.14568950


Omega means the weapon comes from the raids, either Omega, Omega 2 or other high level content raids and even Arcanum.

EX means the weapon comes from an event and are not affected by summon auras that boost weapon skills.

If nothing means its a weapon you got from rolls.

The way things work is that bonuses from different sources multiply off each other. I dont remember the way the calculation was but think of it this way: Its stronger to have Skill lvl 3 * EX lvl 3 * Omega lvl 3 than it is to just have Omega lvl 9

78b569 No.14568964

File: c83891b7c529cd6⋯.png (72.45 KB, 600x158, 300:79, 2018-03-30_21-17-37.png)

File: 7e7f45539269ac3⋯.png (47.93 KB, 407x123, 407:123, 2018-03-30_21-17-57.png)


Not completely true. Ranko can increase the unknown skill of the IM@S weapons. It's highly specific and not good so you're still right in practice.

ef2ec4 No.14568966

File: cffa0226bc9333d⋯.png (526.74 KB, 470x601, 470:601, anata itsumo anata step up.png)

File: 6abbd72694c6d7e⋯.png (513.81 KB, 463x621, 463:621, Arbitrarian measurement we….png)

File: c5fc13b16d0bdb9⋯.png (899.17 KB, 834x799, 834:799, Uzuki is a good girl.png)



I also got Baotorda SSR but everyone told me hes flaming garbage, SSR Ferry, but no Mechanic, and SR Sophia.

918537 No.14568969


baotorda makes your team a tank but himself does little to no damage

918537 No.14568977


acquire more chev guns (or swords when you can flb em) replace albert with sandalphone

ef2ec4 No.14568988

File: d385fa5f0381919⋯.jpg (342.52 KB, 1600x2080, 10:13, 1516561696276.jpg)


Ive got 5k pendants ready, so a gun or a sword on this team?

bd5b53 No.14568995


Lumi Swords are sorta crap until you get them to 4*s where they get their second weapon skill. I'd go with the gun personally, but having a bunch of fully upgraded Lumi swords in your grid is pretty aewsome.

918537 No.14568997


are you rank 100+ and you have 3 more sword from god knows where? get sword otherwise get a gun and hit more chevs (luminiera omega)

ea7f05 No.14568998


Try not to worry so much about what tier lists say and try to find synergy within your team. Baotorda is good at taking hits for your team and surviving them but doesnt do much else. Vira does all that and also has a nice nuke and nice buffs for your team, so she completely outdoes him and there is no point in have 2 tanks in your team. Specially when you have Rosamia who, while she is not a tank, you can set her up so that she can survive ANYTHING for a couple turns. So you have very good tanks with those 2.


before that, have you bought rings for your characters yet?

32a608 No.14569003

File: 00ab0a81be0f27e⋯.jpg (31.25 KB, 517x536, 517:536, 00ab0a81be0f27e49e3de74fef….jpg)


An EX weapon is basically just a weapon that gives your damage calculation another multiplier. Lets look at a standard omega grid.

SL10 omega weapon = 18% damage multiplier to X element

SL10 EX weapon = 18% damage multiplyer to X element

SL10 Nova bahamut weapon = 20% damage multiplier [multiplier type is normal] to X races

Omega summon MLB = x2 to omega weapon multiplier.

18% x 9 (number of weapons in a grid full of omega weapons) = 162% damage overall

18% x 8 x2 = 144% x 1.18 (EX weapon) =169.58

18 x 6 x 2 = 108% × 1.36 (2 EX weapons) = 146.88 x 1.20 (bahamut sword, dagger or pistol) = 176.22

As you can see, combining weapons of all sorts improves your offensive power more than having a grid purely made of one multiplier will, not even taking into account the HP bonus a bahamut weapon offers. It is also less taxing on your sanity trying to get 36 copies of one type of SSR off an omega raid. I hope this helps illuminate the way the calcs work, at least a little bit.

798683 No.14569019


I have both and honestly find Albert to be better.

The delay and slight def down is worth it. They both have mediocre damage, so Sanda only has buffs to go for him.


My crew told me the same thing about guns, but they really seem like a poor investment if you're going to be using swords later on anyway.

2349e7 No.14569021


He wants eggsacks, not colo sticks

ef2ec4 No.14569029

File: de1560306ad706f⋯.jpg (39.72 KB, 560x404, 140:101, Uzuki_lost_her_fucking_min….jpg)

File: 6d9700494787a82⋯.jpg (13.9 KB, 311x243, 311:243, Uzuki_Shimamura_037.jpg)

File: 28d1c28c2dfd150⋯.jpg (107.49 KB, 600x750, 4:5, Uzuki fig confused.jpg)


Rings? what.

I don't even know about this, also, as

>>14569019 says I should probably grab another sword and just wait for the rest.

ea7f05 No.14569059

File: 3f6d4e5c239091f⋯.png (361.43 KB, 629x881, 629:881, chrome_2018-03-30_16-44-01.png)

File: 052fd540a26f291⋯.png (171.83 KB, 585x483, 195:161, chrome_2018-03-30_16-42-03.png)


like 2 or 3 weeks ago a new thing were added. Rings you can get and restock monthly, you can trade them for Renown and Prestige Pendants. The reset happens like 20 minutes from now and i highly recommend you buy them. You could get some from the Robomi event that just ended too

After buying these rings, go to a character's Extended Mastery page and scroll down, there should be a OVER MASTERY BONUS section with an unlock button. What you do is give your character rings on this section and they receive random bonuses. The amount and quality of these bonuses is completely random, but using a better quality ring increases the odd of you getting MORE bonuses.

ea7f05 No.14569074


Basically these rings let you get free stats on characters. If you get really bad bonuses or wanna reroll you can use another ring on them, the game then shows you the new stats the new rings gives you and the option to keep your old bonuses or replace them. Again, its completely random what you get. You could use a high quality ring and get shit stats or use a shittiest ring and get 4 bonuses like i posted there. Some rings have better odds but at the end of they day, they are just odds

798683 No.14569080

File: e0e1d2a79985c3d⋯.png (552.8 KB, 534x800, 267:400, 4ff6cdd21664a95cf7e18be085….png)


Don't listen to me, I've been here for less than a month.

Thing is, you can only buy 8 swords from the shop until they reset the stock at some point, so it makes sense to go with guns, but because I'm new, by the time I get all 8 swords (which are the rarest of all the magna weapons) they may restock them soon afterwards.

Not to mention that there are plenty of other good weapons to use in place of guns.

Or that's what I think, at least.

As for rings, you should have grinded out 6 of them during the Robomi event just now.

You use them in the "extended mastery" window when you select a character and they give them increased stats.

918537 No.14569105


>farming eggs at low rank

if you want a person to kill himself you are doing the right thing

ea7f05 No.14569106


Correction, i think the reset is tomorrow. Or so i was told im not sure.

2349e7 No.14569153

File: 3d61ff447204207⋯.jpg (223.26 KB, 1500x1254, 250:209, 27159b7dd5c6efb647d16bcf31….jpg)


Its no worse than farming a light or dark grid as a low rank. My first grid was light, I just want others to suffer.

798683 No.14569208


I'm focusing on making a light grid now (my light team is strongest), what's so bad about it besides the shit drop rates and lack of Lumi love?

2349e7 No.14569222


For a new player there is no SR stepping stone, that and the lower drop rate are really the only issues.

798683 No.14569246


We did get Sanda from the story event, so he must be great addition to anyone who had a poor light team.

The best approach might be to buy light weapons from the shop and farm everything else normally.

Although it would still take 2 months to buy all the Lumi swords, fuck me.

8b8415 No.14569314


Oh good, I need more pistol stones for my Tia guns.

78b569 No.14569421

Gonna repost this from last thread for race-anon

I was wondering if it was possible to get account 3 for a friend. This friend got suspended recently and he's still figuring out why. He wants to play again even though his progress would be reset.

He was rank 99 with a fully mlb'd Tia grid so as soon as he gets his old account back he's willing to give your account back or give you his old account depending on how long it takes or what happens in the meantime.

d140d5 No.14569647

File: 82bb8210ea2fe4d⋯.mp4 (287.3 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1448384570239.mp4)


>low effort enemy sprites instead of a Gigantes skin

498f85 No.14570231

So I hosted peacemaker wing for the first time and got cosmic blade atk.

I'm supposed to reduce them until I get cosmic rifle bal, right?

8d75b9 No.14570235


Adding to what another anon said about Baotorda, knowing that he's a tank whose role is already filled, then one thing you could do is put him in the last slot on the backline, so in case Vira is amount the first two to bite the dust, then you'll have a new tank lined up to carry you through the last stretch.

b59cda No.14570262


Almost, you're supposed to get the cosmic sword BAL.

240489 No.14570274



With magna II weapons throwing most grids into the mix, are cosmic weapons even worth using any more?

b59cda No.14570304

File: f13190169bd35f9⋯.jpg (225.25 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1511080756227.jpg)


Its worth it in light, where you typically use 6 swords and xeno corow swords.

8b8415 No.14570305


Light maybe, but other wise no. Earth has it's swords replaced with 3 katanas and two axes replaced, Light replaces two swords with bows, and Wind replaces two guns with harps. Fire stays as is and Dark may use one Staff. Should have picked Demi V considering Water got fucked.

cf50f1 No.14570334

File: f05f65464091c97⋯.jpg (515.69 KB, 1207x981, 1207:981, light.jpg)

Anyone help me build a light team? grid is still in the works and i need to SL my purity blade before i can upgrade it. I'm looking for some utility so i can be at least helpful since damage is out of the question.

b59cda No.14570396

File: db358ccffbd7202⋯.png (139.96 KB, 640x688, 40:43, spoonfeeding babies.png)


Replace robomi with Feather, he has a 5* that can compete with other light SSRs. He's a brilliant damage dealer.

Seruel/Feather/Sandalphon in front, sophia in the back, and baodatora in the back too I guess. Anything is better than light De La Fille.

d140d5 No.14570471

File: 7c7d405faaa740b⋯.png (399.84 KB, 450x577, 450:577, __de_la_fille_granblue_fan….png)


>Anything is better than light De La Fille.

She used to be the worst SSR in the game, but she's not THAT bad anymore. I'd use her over Baotorda.

cf50f1 No.14570486



how can someone be so cute and yet be so bad?

0656aa No.14570634

File: f80692decaec468⋯.png (884.62 KB, 559x1020, 559:1020, Vania.png)

I honestly think this game wants me to start a dark team up considering the characters I keep getting

240489 No.14570668

File: 5d7f6402fafac07⋯.jpg (640.11 KB, 781x1100, 71:100, 62117002_p0.jpg)


Her party wide mirror image on ougi alone puts her in "niche use" tier, and her kit is almost decent at this point. Definitely not the worst SSR any more. Still sadly outclassed by earth DLF which is "put in every team" tier

9135b7 No.14570674

File: ea5ca2886e6a854⋯.jpg (98.64 KB, 640x800, 4:5, Summertime_Forte1.jpg)


Dark is best.


For what purpose?

952f51 No.14570698


>Forte has a summer version in Rage of Bahamut, and a few other special versions.

>Meanwhile in GBF she didn't even get a 5*


0656aa No.14570741

File: 6ae73ee8295a353⋯.png (243.74 KB, 507x248, 507:248, Dark.png)


I was using the chrome app before they decided to discontinue it.

I think I have a decent dark team but barely any dark weapons or summons. though.

240489 No.14571008

File: 753760340f2d1d1⋯.png (37.15 KB, 119x141, 119:141, pregkitsayswhatnow.png)

164509 No.14571057

>60 pulls and not a single SSR

fuuuuck this, as a light lord I need the new Robomi

78b569 No.14571112

File: e2af19697ec289d⋯.png (116.62 KB, 588x173, 588:173, 2018-03-31_05-41-12.png)

I'm not sure if this is worth the effort.

0308e1 No.14571113

File: 612e66165a4379e⋯.png (135.61 KB, 443x162, 443:162, now let the depression set….png)

File: 12af1133cb9914d⋯.png (57.47 KB, 451x271, 451:271, Rackam hell.png)

Finished a spark, letting the depression set in, the battle report is as follows

SSR Summon

Halluel and Malluel




SSR character


Gold moons - 8






Water societte

Water societte


SR character


Dark Lucius




SR moons


R moons


You know the irony of having all these rackam guns is now that i've acquired Hades, Agni is the only primal I'm missing, so all these guns do me nothing. I'm not quite sure what my luck is telling me with all these double dupes, at least i can have yugu's smiling face cheer me up.

e7ed96 No.14571117

File: ecbf6735f6df8f0⋯.png (168.41 KB, 480x360, 4:3, kotaroseesyourgolgom.png)


That bewildered expression only reminds me of something else.

952f51 No.14571133

File: 8c2abcdb7981fd2⋯.png (72.54 KB, 500x439, 500:439, Acceptance.png)

3d82e5 No.14571137


it's easy to get 5,000,000 honours. Just grind. You get so much on the way to it, too, such as crystals in the draw boxes.

bd5b53 No.14571285

Why are the abomination ougi animations so dang good?

240489 No.14571292


Because they're our MC skins.

bd5b53 No.14571303


They're better than most mainhand ougis, and I'm not just talking about the generic R weapon ones.

240489 No.14571339


But the generic R weapon ougis are the best ones.

9b3802 No.14571806

File: ce6d8d407ef4953⋯.png (696.98 KB, 898x517, 898:517, tfw I finally sparked.png)

I finally did it.

After playing for 17 months, I finally sparked.

All 0* characters are the new ones.

3d82e5 No.14571850


>clarisse, juliet and io

>shiva and sheep

Grats, you're set for fire and light

aeef6e No.14571866

Is there a way to let the game play audio when chrome isn't in focus? I want to do other things while the story/event plays on auto.

862242 No.14571877

File: 6286fd6318765a9⋯.gif (1.06 MB, 541x675, 541:675, 6286fd6318765a90944ee95e6c….gif)


>Enemy sprite skins for MC

>Not a gigantes suit or a ranger suit

What a total letdown.

694cd6 No.14572293

File: 8a31d3a13f135e6⋯.jpg (54.92 KB, 400x250, 8:5, 1423094599035.jpg)



Not only did we get a skin that is inferior in every way to Gigante suit or the villains look from last Robomi event; they also gypped us out of an event character and the free 50 crystals that come with them and to make matters even worse, the skin that we getis furry tier which is worse than drowning in fujoshit.

e5f3a9 No.14572343

File: 6b0108b5beca12c⋯.png (216.01 KB, 301x341, 301:341, I dont know what to name t….png)

File: 005ab1cd85aa85f⋯.png (1.01 MB, 586x1261, 586:1261, legfest.png)

How's legfest treating you guys? This is the results of my two ten draws and ten tickets, feels good to luckshit after getting a single SSR from the 100 draw.

d933e5 No.14572354


I threw 6 tickets at it and got nothing, I'm stopping there.

I'm gonna save for my second spark in the summer flashfest.

498f85 No.14572355


It's an option with viramate.

240489 No.14572407

File: ea910dc0e383e14⋯.jpg (68.08 KB, 532x721, 76:103, ea910dc0e383e14a81fe69b6d3….jpg)


Got Metera, Fire Socie, Varuna and worst loli in about 40 rolls. I just wanted some mecha, man.

0308e1 No.14572832

File: 542449e0c1f7656⋯.png (163.19 KB, 375x475, 15:19, 1522491636764.png)

File: d7f2400dde61966⋯.jpg (52.07 KB, 471x440, 471:440, cursed image.jpg)

File: b598705c4a5c387⋯.jpg (25.21 KB, 471x451, 471:451, 2247729.jpg)

File: 1d95a8311c53a61⋯.jpg (54.62 KB, 509x501, 509:501, 9712501.jpg)

and so begins the cursed imagery once again

bd5b53 No.14572840

File: 6b42e6190395718⋯.png (13.01 KB, 171x63, 19:7, sara.png)


>second image

193291 No.14572862

If dubs I spark

498f85 No.14572989

File: e1b075231a091ba⋯.jpg (102.04 KB, 655x685, 131:137, capture_31032018_152326_00….jpg)

Isn't that the coolest of things?

798683 No.14573064

File: 664015eb9ddf1fe⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 198.07 KB, 610x956, 305:478, villain.JPG)

File: a64e580bea764c2⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 74.5 KB, 631x765, 631:765, villain4.JPG)

File: f8935c3b1da7363⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 100.01 KB, 628x802, 314:401, villain5.JPG)

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for our children.

240489 No.14573080

File: a93704e65956694⋯.gif (2 MB, 540x297, 20:11, a93704e65956694f1052d5c8bb….gif)


>posts a literal race traitor while posting the 14 words

498f85 No.14573186

File: 1f8d81c20c5ec84⋯.jpg (40.23 KB, 431x524, 431:524, capture_31032018_165620_00….jpg)

File: 107c43df3b30b9d⋯.jpg (43.75 KB, 435x660, 29:44, capture_31032018_165628_00….jpg)

temporary rating: Shirou 9, Robomi 9.5

1ed114 No.14573242


Light gun meta is at hand.

aebc64 No.14573246

So DoppleVyrn just attacked me. Should I go for the weapon and skins? Or should I just shrug it off and go on with my life?

498f85 No.14573257

File: 48162b5f0810bec⋯.jpg (67.02 KB, 487x602, 487:602, capture_31032018_172722_00….jpg)

File: 59ddff3865c3f0f⋯.jpg (74.99 KB, 483x676, 483:676, capture_31032018_172748_00….jpg)

File: cd4b448a1a84bd4⋯.jpg (72.92 KB, 485x617, 485:617, capture_31032018_172811_00….jpg)

File: f446655f7a1aef2⋯.jpg (76.24 KB, 486x703, 486:703, capture_31032018_172841_00….jpg)

>roll 12K crystals

>get 5 ssr characters including Robomi (and Anila, Lecia grand, Wind Lancelot, Ghandagoza)

That's a lot more than I was hoping.

498f85 No.14573260


Oh, didn't see I also got a ssr carbuncle summon

952f51 No.14573271


>not getting all skins


983cfe No.14573460

Did the game die again?

8b8415 No.14573462

Game is ded.

4cc469 No.14573464

Which on of you faggots killed Granblue?


6af7eb No.14573465


Jesus christ, even the japs did LOSS.jpg

d140d5 No.14573466

File: a6d7c27d619f2f8⋯.jpg (232.5 KB, 538x785, 538:785, 1462037772862.jpg)

>beat blackhole Vyrn

>the game immediately crashes

952f51 No.14573469

>Get Blackhole Vee to 49% HP

>Servers downed

So this is the tokage's true power, huh?

6af7eb No.14573470

Btw someone from crew 3 killed 9999999999999 vyrn. seconds after that person said that they did, the game died. Fitting.

f71a00 No.14573471

File: d86c1ec4c9dcf4f⋯.jpg (387.39 KB, 750x1071, 250:357, HelloPotionSeller.jpg)

>Can't open anything, internet can only connect to 8ch and some other unrelated websites

>Probably won't be back in time for apologems

dd66ea No.14573472

File: 78e953d36b0e157⋯.jpg (194.87 KB, 1200x858, 200:143, DLOARJZVwAQeoAy.jpg)

>the game crashing is part of the april fools joke

0e39ff No.14573473


Thanks for crashing the game fag, we need to make you wear a dress.

8b8415 No.14573478


19f969 No.14573490

>plan on playing on the way to work

>game is kill

I bet Crew 3 did this.

498f85 No.14573604

I have withdrawal symptoms. They need to put it back online.

6af7eb No.14573610

Fucking hell. Game is still dead and I was going to grind hard before work. I hate this. I better get a 10draw out of this.

0656aa No.14573612

File: ed15b432c820b47⋯.png (619.87 KB, 611x600, 611:600, 611px-Morrigna.png)


Got an SSR Vania and Morrigna Summon for about 3 rolls. All in all it wasnt too bad

aeef6e No.14573623


I won't get banned for this shit will I?

8b8415 No.14573625


As long as you don't do the auto play and hotkey stuff, you'll be fine.

e7ed96 No.14573632

File: 5268925b77341a0⋯.jpg (267.74 KB, 1513x1513, 1:1, lazy oracle.jpg)


No, you won't. Been using it for almost a year.

cce26a No.14573642

File: 317b79b86a730e6⋯.mp4 (3.91 MB, 384x288, 4:3, Papa Roach - Last Resort (….mp4)

We better get a buncha apologems out of this garbage.

8b8415 No.14573657

The ultimate prank for April Fools, Vyrn crashing the server with no survivors.

6af7eb No.14573659

I also really want to play that vyrn game they posted on twitter but i cant find it anywhere except the play store that has region locked it.

6af7eb No.14573669

Its up.

3c1000 No.14573670


>using Chrome

Your fate will be worse than a ban.

cce26a No.14573684

File: 0fb60182710097f⋯.jpg (64.15 KB, 612x574, 306:287, hmm.jpg)


then what do you use, m9.

4cc469 No.14573695


You get nothing, goy.

e7ed96 No.14573697

File: 60e234b091ee53e⋯.jpg (76.44 KB, 737x757, 737:757, cock burger.jpg)


Vivaldi, Slimjet, Chromium-based browsers.

3c1000 No.14573703

File: 7d2effed96b0311⋯.jpg (275.21 KB, 537x753, 179:251, Untitled.jpg)


Brave. Made by a right-winger and everything.

6af7eb No.14573782

And it broke again.

8b8415 No.14573783

It's fucking ded again.

4cc469 No.14573784

Dead again

Bravo you yellow niggers.

6af7eb No.14573797

Well I needed to go to work anyways. Fuck this shit, i want to see this game up and running with a box full of gems when i get back.

8b8415 No.14573804


You're gonna get your pots, and you're gonna like it.

5da42d No.14573944

File: 243a9fc3d50fccd⋯.png (113.1 KB, 700x606, 350:303, Beach Body Ready Vyrn.png)

>want to put this sexy beast into my grid for increased drop chances

>however it will take away a noticeable portion of my grids power

This is too much pressure, should have came with an attack buff then this wouldn't be an issue

Should I compensate a small 3%~ increase in drop tables in exchange for losing more than 15%~ of damage potential?

bd5b53 No.14573972

File: cf0f59bb0dbef6d⋯.jpg (97.91 KB, 529x752, 529:752, tien.jpg)


If you're that desperate for drop rates, then just get the placebo queen and glue her to your backline. If you already have her, then get to work on that 5* already.

3c1000 No.14573975


How much damage do you really need for the kind of stuff you're going to be farming?

5da42d No.14573990


I'm more worried that I'll put it into my grid(s) and then forget it while doing my dailies

I still to this day forget to change my party to the correct element when joining/hosting raids

3c1000 No.14574013


Have you tried having more than three brain cells?

5da42d No.14574079

File: 7c42e4913865bc2⋯.jpg (82.83 KB, 800x450, 16:9, delet.jpg)

0656aa No.14574149

File: 38110950f899ce3⋯.png (761.33 KB, 554x851, 554:851, Lancelot.png)

Just got a Lancelot, is he any good?

e7ed96 No.14574152


Now you can put the wall skin on him, congrats.

d3c946 No.14574156


naw he's shit, you should feel absolutely terrible

b59cda No.14574168


He's nice if you dont have either of the eternals for wind, he has atma sword proficiency, can help you get closer to defense down cap which is rare in wind, and hes a decent attacker overall.

Put the new skin on him.

f7b702 No.14574210

File: 2c926d7f6fd3ab4⋯.png (41.04 KB, 500x147, 500:147, ticket thing.png)

I have two questions for you fine folks. Is there any possible way for someone with let's say technically infinite AP and EP, only 37k crystals and 31 tickets and hasn't done a lot of content to manage to get enough crystals/tickets to spark before the end of this legfest that is currently going on? And secondly, what are these things in the picture that I've circled, of which I have two of. I've tried looking them up and I've gotten nothing.

bd5b53 No.14574221


No clue about sparking, but those tickets are for doing Arcarum. One run per ticket, get a ticket each day. I think you unlock it by first finishing a quest in Amalthea island or something.

5da42d No.14574230

1) Depends on how much content you've done, if you haven't done any of the side story/main story/free quests then you might be able to get a lot more crystals, there's 10 side stories so far and each has 3 draw tickets you could purchase for cheap because of the event going on with reduced treasure trades

If you held off for 2 more months then maybe you'd have enough to get 60k crystals and 100 tickets for 300 sparks if you did all the content available

2) Those are tickets that let you participate in Arcarum, see the wiki about that

0308e1 No.14574237

File: 47e6a9a2e495d84⋯.jpg (59.87 KB, 422x574, 211:287, [boom].jpg)

f7b702 No.14574240



Thank you for the help. I only have 3 of the tickets from the side story stuff and I'm at about chapter 30 or so in the main quest. So I'll take that as a probably not.

5da42d No.14574256


Think of it this way, 120 crystal rolls + 30 ticket rolls, you're already halfway to a spark

You'll definitely get a couple thousand more from doing the main quest and all the free quests that come along with it

bd5b53 No.14574295

File: 58598ef52f218a8⋯.png (1.2 MB, 773x1112, 773:1112, finally.png)

File: f50d5e4830ce4e5⋯.png (99.9 KB, 173x262, 173:262, victory pose.png)

It's the monthly reset, everyone. Did you unlock your EXII jobs yet?

3c1000 No.14574340

File: 6c706ac6f78746c⋯.gif (450.02 KB, 472x472, 1:1, 1401575106982.gif)


I'm just using the April Fool's grind as an excuse to finally max out all the Tier 1 jobs.

Come to think of it I really oughta be doing Robomi.

8b8415 No.14574381


Got Glorybringer last month, now I have Nekomancer thanks to the shop reset.

952f51 No.14574440


Gottem both.

2021bd No.14574588

File: fd16965c9efa6f4⋯.png (352.13 KB, 293x1163, 293:1163, doubt.png)

498f85 No.14574669

File: d777edc3666bf64⋯.jpg (88.14 KB, 488x794, 244:397, coronation 1 shit.jpg)

File: 7246b99a963594f⋯.jpg (88.76 KB, 481x830, 481:830, coronation 2.jpg)

File: be8b19c0700a414⋯.jpg (91.92 KB, 480x839, 480:839, coronation 3.jpg)

File: 5ba00078e5dbba3⋯.jpg (65.36 KB, 486x605, 486:605, lineage 1.jpg)

File: 7b02a92d7fbbe16⋯.jpg (76.15 KB, 501x644, 501:644, lineage 2.jpg)

I have been using coronation rings on sr and lineage on ssr. Most coronation give shit like I got on Owen. Also first time I get 4 stats on one.


I need to unlock tier 4 first (and finish extra 1, only halfway done)

862242 No.14574710

File: 82e8b33026d3bb2⋯.png (406.9 KB, 697x429, 697:429, 73543531236546.PNG)


>Gypped us out of an event character and the free 50 crystals that come with them and to make matters even worse, the skin we get is furry tier which is worse than drowning in fujoshit.

Talk about lazy on the MC skins and skeevy with the lack of free event characters. This event is a huge disappointment, and that sucks since I did enjoy the first two robomi events.


Still trying to unlock Tier 4 classes, and farming for halo quartz. Enjoy the smug cat class anon.

cce26a No.14574718

File: 8503ae8f53197dc⋯.jpg (57.48 KB, 624x552, 26:23, d017d0c39856116996ee1a237d….jpg)

Installed Brave and havent made it work what do I do

498f85 No.14574740

Welp, only boxes 1-3 have rings ;_;

0e39ff No.14575072

What happened to the apologems? This is bullshit.

8b8415 No.14575116

File: e7b09cdf38d838b⋯.png (371.46 KB, 329x676, 329:676, ClipboardImage.png)

That's some good shit right there.

b38e14 No.14575128


Nice to see I'm not the only one that lurks these threads for nice lewds. In fact, I pretty much do this for all the weeb games on /v/.

3d82e5 No.14575240

File: 415020700719fe7⋯.png (360.62 KB, 510x750, 17:25, Chev sword uncap.png)

It begins

aeef6e No.14575354

>install viramate

>sound works off focus

>better fonts in both languages

I don't care about the other features, the game is already infinitely better.

f7b702 No.14575404


>sound works off focus

I thought that was a feature.

8b8415 No.14575778

File: 377722b549232a1⋯.png (82.29 KB, 922x328, 461:164, ClipboardImage.png)

What in the ever loving shit is this?

c18187 No.14575803


You can only use it once per battle so it's balanced.

3d82e5 No.14575854

April news


2 side stories will be added this month. SideM and Zehek's event.

Main story will get 2 chapters on the 19th. Will end the nahlegrande storyline.

Bonus 10 badges for getting 1 billion honors in a day in A tier during GW. There's mention of a ring reward too, sounds like you get one for losing and a better one for winning. Everyone should try and autism to A tier in the prelims for your free daily rings.

Bonus RP and EXP for soloing your GW NM boss.

something about buying badges. Stock quantity of 10, which reset each GW.

Top 10 crew members during GW will now be displayed rather than top 5.

moon weapon flb will be added this month.

zenith masteries for characters released in January and Febuary.

Slime search (the special quest) is being buffed. It will give more RP and EXP. The slimes will have their defence nerfed. Slime swarm will drop half pots. Increase the spawn chance of king gold and silver slimes.

Warrior and Mage creed will have their droprate buffed in coop.

Hard+ magna raids will be added, which I think are the previously announced 3 hard raids in one to make magnafest dailies faster.

Repeat quest button added, another feature from viramate.

call backup cooldown shortened to 5mins.

More options to search for the coop quest you want.

952f51 No.14576011


>Warrior and Mage creed will have their droprate buffed in coop.

>Hard+ magna raids will be added, which I think are the previously announced 3 hard raids in one to make magnafest dailies faster.


3d82e5 No.14576162

File: d2993b77c2feacb⋯.png (576.93 KB, 419x789, 419:789, nalhegrande map.png)

I don't see how the nalhegrande story can end this month when we don't have 2/3rds of the map

5b33fd No.14576232


she doesnt even know he exists you know

3d82e5 No.14576253

File: e770ff272bcb0c9⋯.png (1.16 MB, 473x2070, 473:2070, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 239ea4ad8d457c6⋯.png (1.15 MB, 473x2070, 473:2070, ClipboardImage.png)


One day he'll make his move. Maybe in the next lowain event

498f85 No.14576833

File: 4e4dc6c535aad0b⋯.jpg (21.4 KB, 590x205, 118:41, capture_01042018_115534_00….jpg)


3 chapters and doesn't it say that it will finish just the dawning sky chapter of the second skydom?

798683 No.14577356


>Warrior and Mage creed will have their droprate buffed in coop.

>Hard+ magna raids will be added, which I think are the previously announced 3 hard raids in one to make magnafest dailies faster.

Thank fuck, the creed grind was already killing me, but the low drops (read: none at all) from Lumi are even worse.

Not sure what to make of the upgraded slimes.

I can already 1-shot slimeblast the co-op, so I wonder if it's going to be better than that.

bd8e59 No.14577722

File: 2277b18c21a9c63⋯.png (637.74 KB, 774x577, 774:577, devil ssr.png)

File: 25db043f31f3dbd⋯.png (8.76 KB, 120x120, 1:1, t14r3570.png)

haHaa kill me btw.

9b3802 No.14577748


>11 Sunlight Stones


bd8e59 No.14577752


By not spending any stones until you get 140% elemental summons or something else you really need in order to boost damage on certain element.

e5f3a9 No.14577766


That is a lot of stones, how long have you been saving them?

bd8e59 No.14577770


From the first GW I think.. Haven't been too lucky with right summons.

e5f3a9 No.14577789


God damn. Well, I wish you luck in your draws.

000000 No.14578016

Watching that dude cry on his stream yesterday for wasting hundreds of bucks on this game only to fail to get his waifu was priceless. Not even the Jews can compete with the Japanese anymore.

bd8e59 No.14578048

File: 481a3bca361e89b⋯.png (429.57 KB, 393x486, 131:162, g1141520.png)

Well then.

a3faaf No.14578077

File: 7f012b62c420426⋯.png (420.48 KB, 486x754, 243:377, April fool 1.PNG)

File: efd99361dbc93cb⋯.png (395.81 KB, 477x742, 9:14, April fool 2.PNG)



8b8415 No.14578112

File: 7ad49bcdc659215⋯.png (305.62 KB, 315x530, 63:106, ClipboardImage.png)

Good Lineage ring shit.

11e4fa No.14578209

File: b4d63f760fbce79⋯.png (225.48 KB, 619x464, 619:464, dumb.png)

Is it even possible for wind to inflict 50% def down on the first turn while using mechanic, without having Swimsuit Jeanne? Trying to come up with a well rounded team for Energy Maneuver memes is suffering.

11e4fa No.14578237


Mechanic retains access a normal 4th skill, huh. I should probably read up on stuff before asking shit questions.

a3faaf No.14578436

File: 9c5b7d2c2666869⋯.png (635.33 KB, 481x807, 481:807, Memerolls and confusion.PNG)

File: 91792d113ec46c2⋯.png (521.45 KB, 475x709, 475:709, SOON.PNG)

I kinda want Robomi too now.

Also, I'm 29 champ merits anda few angel weapons away from 5*ing Song.

a3faaf No.14578453

File: b67c2e3d0e64bc1⋯.png (179.57 KB, 756x535, 756:535, this is not photoshopped.PNG)

>Walder wants to be relevant so much he starts shitting up the wiki

983cfe No.14578522

File: 3f854231384f583⋯.png (301.53 KB, 778x544, 389:272, WindDefDown.PNG)


Made this in paint, I didn't include characters who's values weren't on the wiki.

193291 No.14578642

File: fe1755a03e7b47e⋯.png (218.81 KB, 398x303, 398:303, Sparkchar.PNG)

File: 5aa69964e42c873⋯.png (476.91 KB, 322x738, 161:369, sparkwep1.PNG)

File: 8d181be8396c43c⋯.png (487.27 KB, 322x838, 161:419, sparkwep2.PNG)

File: 5ecbd17f10c2743⋯.png (670.62 KB, 430x618, 215:309, sparkget.PNG)

Just sparked

>34 bronze moons

>14 silver moons

>4 gold moons

>no SSR summons

d140d5 No.14578739

File: d0f915c3e6208f6⋯.png (654.86 KB, 529x882, 529:882, intricacy ring.png)

Did I win?

a1772a No.14578775

File: 233eec1c9d8754c⋯.png (274.94 KB, 600x750, 4:5, 1521234661883.png)

File: 2278b8ee2d9c3ff⋯.png (211.43 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1521246507407.png)

File: b54828934275e02⋯.jpg (28.13 KB, 600x426, 100:71, CaovkltUkAAm7f4.jpg)


I can't make gbf start on Brave. Also this event has pretty much sucked, I'm on chapter 5 and I dont seem to see it getting any better. All I want is potato events, fuck this shit.

11e4fa No.14578820


Thanks for the detailed answer. When I asked I was convinced that mechanic doesn't get to pick a subskill, for some reason. With access to mist it's a non-issue, of course.

dd66ea No.14579307

New thread


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