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f92be9 No.14254481

Anyone want to talk about modding? There's a number of tech autists that do the craziest reverse engineering shit. Lot of dullards use hot glue and just fill up the case, but I've seen some nice custom boards and 3D printed parts.

8747d5 No.14254482


b0e4ac No.14254487

Reminder that Raspberry Pi is SJW cancer.

f92be9 No.14254494


Gamergate was cringe proto-autkike shit anyway with

>muh based trannies

and quickly turned into a cashcow patreon sargon shithole. The tech is good reguardless.


6063c5 No.14254496


>The tech is good reguardless


Go back to your shithole

238b0c No.14254497

You know what i don't like about most smart board shit is that you need a 3D printer to be able to make your own cases or frames, using a printing service is expensive and time consuming considering you may fuck up something while designing and then you have to pay for another print.

b0e4ac No.14254499


Thank god!

Now I can comfortably ignore the fact that my money will be used to fund kikes and their tricks

6063c5 No.14254508


take that blackpill and shove it up your ass

3adde3 No.14254509


>Gamergate was cringe proto-autkike shit

Where in his post did he even mention gamergate?

3fecf3 No.14254511


Any other companies that make single board computers?

6063c5 No.14254512


Its a cuckchanner with baby's first consensus cracking attempt.

3adde3 No.14254513

File: bfa8afdae2b4e56⋯.jpg (12.58 KB, 409x295, 409:295, 5edcfccf0c27dabcd0f7f50ded….jpg)


>You already give money to the jews so just give them more money

617a20 No.14254524

File: ee14c68f0519e5d⋯.gif (141.56 KB, 213x331, 213:331, 1466793091228-1.gif)

Whole lotta videogames ITT

238b0c No.14254525

There is Orange Pi, Banana Pi, and a bunch of less known chink brands, and then there is ASUS, who makes the most powerful one around

238b0c No.14254527

4bfad2 No.14254545

File: 80ce385a1065dd5⋯.jpg (134.16 KB, 1040x600, 26:15, IMG_20180131_195018.jpg)


You just killed your own thread you fucking retard. Catapult yourself right back to cuckchan, you human waste.

5a6df0 No.14254546


Now you're just being retarded. Currency is older than the Jews.

d9aec8 No.14254554

>he still breathes the chemical jew

3fecf3 No.14254568


Checked out the asus one, looks like it goes for around 60 where the pi is like 30-40. I'll have to take a look at the chingchong ones

6063c5 No.14254575


what exactly are you planning to use a board for?

3fecf3 No.14254598


Just like to know whats out there. I have a rasberry pi 3b I got with one of my college classes that kinda collecting dust, I need to figure out something to do with it.

6063c5 No.14254607


the most popular use for boards is emulation but the machine you're typing your posts from probably emulates shit better than a pi board ever will.

15f1e0 No.14254608

File: fda81d72a117b73⋯.png (215.03 KB, 600x447, 200:149, sjw raspberry 2.png)

File: a846e8f3fa95306⋯.jpg (34.7 KB, 581x204, 581:204, sjw raspberry.jpg)

622ff2 No.14254610

File: 1e811413e24a7c7⋯.jpg (9.91 KB, 186x255, 62:85, 1425334025973.jpg)


>Raspberry Pi

anyone got any alternatives for raspberry Pi?




3fecf3 No.14254617


This is the thing. I had considered doing an emulation solution for it but I already emulate on my computer and it works fine. I could take the time and make some neat handheld with it or I could get a psp and use that instead.

Its in this weird spot where it wants to be useful but just isn't.

I guess I could do it if I wanted to bring some games over someone else's place but thats pretty much it,

44f24d No.14254625


I love when companies sperg out like anyone fucking cares.

b0e4ac No.14254627

File: feab6d367241e6e⋯.png (70.92 KB, 540x350, 54:35, Screenshot_2018-02-01-01-2….png)


>shitting the bed so hard that you get banned for it

490ef3 No.14254631


>anyone got any alternatives for raspberry Pi?


238b0c No.14254632

File: 9607295ef0c9741⋯.png (551.78 KB, 1701x2386, 1701:2386, ARP640-1.png)

>thought about modding a damn monitor to a PC case the other day

>looked google and all i found was shitty AIO chassis without support for custom parts

>reminded by this thread

>decided to search google again

Behold! A PC case with support for standard all custom components!

Now the fucking monkey hand tier curse is that it is only sold through Europe or Asia and i couldn't find a price tag for it, fuck.

ab064f No.14254643


seconding part a of this post

238b0c No.14254645

File: d2134d9c2506832⋯.png (742.5 KB, 1653x2339, 1653:2339, ARP640-P-1.png)


a shit i meant to post this one, that one doesn't support ATX psus

622ff2 No.14254669



>not using startpage

smh tbh fam

490ef3 No.14254695


Alright, i'll never underestimate you guys's knowledge again.

fa56c6 No.14254719


Why don't you go blog about it?

0ecbdb No.14254746


Not really an issue in that formfactor. I think the company only sells to military and government unfortunately.

169eea No.14254817


I want one

e055bf No.14255527


I was about to talk about the one I was gifted this Christmas but fuck that.


Perfect, this will be the case I'm getting when I update this old PC.

Thanks anon.

b3fa21 No.14255567

File: c88f825f811d649⋯.png (150.98 KB, 918x447, 306:149, ClipboardImage.png)

While I agree with part of your post, your subtlety needs work. Is this fastest record for OPs ruining their own thread?

5d01f0 No.14256309

File: 4d4004de3c726c5⋯.jpg (60.39 KB, 640x446, 320:223, osborne.jpg)

925a5c No.14256350

I'd like to get a good portable emulator machine, but GPD Win looks like it already does everything I need.

d0a636 No.14256373


no mouse = no fun

trust me

4bfad2 No.14256392


Without it being the first post? Yes.

553638 No.14256444

082a3f No.14256558


a dremmel and some of whatever material you want is probably a lot cheaper if you're willing to do it yourself.

39eb15 No.14256598


I use an Odroid C2. Much better performance and proper Ethernet.

f00ab8 No.14256640


Considering the case will cost as a much as the components inside, that is a reasonable option. Also shipping something of that size firm the other half of the world is going to cost hundreds

f00ab8 No.14256645


OH shit. I thought you were talking about the pc case

2cc1bc No.14256683

You know, I was about to make a thread about sbc, but I knew shitters like OP would fuck it up.

Anyway, how's Dreamcast emulation on the Asus tinkerboard? I originally wanted an Odroid XU4, but I can't find one at a decent price.

48ad52 No.14256728


that's nice and everything but because raspi has like 99% of that market, if you use one of the alternatives it's going to be on you to write all the necessary software.

if you just want a tiny linux machine to dink around with then sure, buy one of the other ones. just don't think there will be significant support for it.

i have a banana pro and their response to

>how do i enable hardware acceleration


>oh install android

no thanks

32b773 No.14256800

File: 5bcb06a1b570412⋯.png (129.46 KB, 445x445, 1:1, 1512080785382.png)



4ebc1a No.14256865

49906b No.14256906


Check out the Raspberry website. Also there are a lot more nifty boards for around the same price.

e2b9a3 No.14256982


>Anyone want to talk about modding?

Those pi things are piss weak and can't run shit, so no.

b163e0 No.14257048

repostan from /tech/

I was thinking of building a fightan game controller, it's mostly for shits and giggles and experience, but there's also the price of a real one since I live in a shithole. I have a basic theoretical knowledge of circuits and a decent enough software knowledge, but my hardware to software knowledge is limited to "energy comes in, porn comes out".

I have some ideas about how to design it with a clock and a flip flop and gate fuckery, but I have no idea if it'll work.

TL;DR baby's first controller, pls help

>How does the computer read input?

This is one thing I couldn't find by myself. I know most, if not all, controllers use a chip that takes the button input and translates it into the right bleeps and bloops, but I don't know if it does anything more than putting them in order.

Would it be possible to just send the pure output and have the software figure it out? Like just read the energy input during the stick phase and calculate where that would be, then read the energy input during each button's phase to see if they're on or off.

>How into USB differential?

I know the USB has a differential cable to prevent interference or whatever fuckery might happen. It seems simple enough for buttons, just throw a not gate in and done, but I can't imagine the fuckery that it would be with a potentiometer. Is it possible to just not use it? If not, is there an IC chip that does that kind of stuff?

>Is there a timed switch IC?

My original plan was to use the clock to send the raw output in phases, controlled by flip flops and transistor gates (e.g. potentiomer 1 output -> potentiometer 2 -> button 1 -> button 2 -> repeat) my current design is kind of retarded and just right, meaning I wouldn't be able to add extra buttons or a checksum in. Is there a IC that receives multiple inputs and cyclically changes the one connected to the output based on a clock input?

>For the stick, should I go with raw potentiometer input?

One one hand, the potentiometer grants extra positions (as much as the driver can read) and it's simple. On the other, translating it into an 8bit output or something might be better, it leaves less room for reading error, there's still, if it's 8bits, 256 positions on each axis, which's more than you probably need and would solve the differential problem.

>Is using a fuckton of ICs circuit nigger rigging?

Controllers only use one ASIC, though that's because they buy in bulks and it's worth to spend half a million for them. In my case, I was just going to use cheap generic ICs for logic stuff (like flip flops and whatnot), thing is, just the phase controller would use 5 ICs. Is it common in DIY stuff or am I being the darkest Argentinian right now?

>inb4 arduniggers

Fuck this site, I need to use a proxy just to post, and I'm not even banned.

d89e00 No.14257076

File: 0d953c3ea3c8d39⋯.webm (3.25 MB, 1166x900, 583:450, laughter.webm)



8af75c No.14257244

File: f29422ba40690ca⋯.jpg (43.88 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1424631573566.jpg)


Is it me or are we getting more and more of these idiots who can't talk in anything but retarded buzzwords?


wew lad

5fe404 No.14258382

File: ab0f46f048232f3⋯.webm (201.24 KB, 480x360, 4:3, baby_laugh.webm)

File: a6593fe04f5f301⋯.webm (308.7 KB, 236x426, 118:213, laughing fox.webm)

5f822f No.14258613


it isn't even open source hardware

what is raspberry pi good for exactly?

c4726e No.14258711

File: 76212f196635db8⋯.png (76.28 KB, 326x222, 163:111, mission_accomplished.png)


cuckchan filth blown the FUCK out

mods are once again doing what ascended them to GODShood

d300ef No.14259764

File: b0f87e937c19047⋯.png (197.39 KB, 500x503, 500:503, O0PScqeTXZaFWNIgiHMpoKC1fy….png)

Since this thread is ruined anyway, someone explain reddit memes to me

d300ef No.14259768

File: 427115fb0413f9d⋯.jpg (62.09 KB, 500x517, 500:517, leftist_meme.jpg)

d300ef No.14259770

File: 62cebcaef4c2480⋯.jpg (75.71 KB, 500x500, 1:1, tDnYHI9QiK1WdVIk8SUPQ7Yc_K….jpg)

4ebc1a No.14259779


Socially awkward penguin is from the times before time.

861372 No.14259811


You can't buy it, they only sell to government, business and military.

d300ef No.14259812


why do companies do this? I had to get my LLC validated to buy tape at some niggerly store

985708 No.14259829


Old stale memes from (probably close to a decade now) back on half/b/. Advice Dog and friends are old now; I've still got some (Confucius proverb variant) saved from threads back in 2009 still on my drive it seems. In retrospect, they're pretty shitty, inorganic things. Also, I'm pretty sure the term for those sort wasn't "meme", but "image macro".

Of the many good reasons to hate reddit, one of the big ones has been the habit of stealing content from here and other places to call as their own. And they weren't the first, nor was 9gag. This shit goes back at least to anons (and other places on the net too) hating ebaumsworld for doing the same, and even then I doubt they're the first place to take something and go "I made this".

0691ae No.14259833


>Since this thread is ruined anyway, someone explain reddit memes to me

Normalfags stumbled upon old, mostly 4chan memes one day and decided to make them their own.

09832c No.14259904

File: 3c502a4f644c68b⋯.jpg (43.97 KB, 590x447, 590:447, B8PfOY3.jpg)


explain this, then

a7311b No.14259931


>Normalfags stumbled upon old, mostly 4chan memes one day and decided to make them their own.

it seems pretty self explaining.

ead198 No.14260319



5a0e7c No.14260425


Anyone still think GamerGate isn't right-wing as fuck?

15ae0b No.14260459


They have the snowball rolling at this point.

When they started, their price is good enough, and they provided good support for their boards. Being the first one to have the idea also helped gain momentum.

They maintain their own fork of Debian, with enhancements specific to their board, and kept the OS updated. This drew a lot of people into the board, so projects involving raspi and support from third parties increased, which in turn drew even more people into it.

Then Broadcom hired an ex-Intel graphics person full time to implement full open source stack for VC4, so linux software that involves OpenGL can be compiled and work straight out of the box on the raspberry pi, instead of having to port standard desktop OpenGL to Broadcom's GLES. Their open source driver is one of the most usable ones out there, compared to other ARM SBCs.

There are many more powerful SBCs out there, but the feature parity and support, as well as community projects just haven't reached Raspi's level.

tl;dr: they're the first one, and they're "good enough" at every area, so everyone flocked to them. If you want to make something, chances someone already did it on the raspi, and the howto is a google away.

1495cf No.14264935

File: 0d7a713b11c3af2⋯.webm (3.58 MB, 640x480, 4:3, screams of laughter.webm)


My fucking sides.


Pretty much this. There are plenty of alternatives but they're also more expensive.

ffc150 No.14265331

File: 2409565166ed9d7⋯.png (179.47 KB, 400x271, 400:271, 1385399428497.png)



6e4f14 No.14265361


>what is raspberry pi good for exactly?

tons. when I got one before they denounced gamergate or whatever it was at the time, the raspberry pi had lots of guides for:

>portable gaming console (emulators)

>blocking ads/blocking IPs so you don't need to install adblockers on every device anymore

>'smart' device to dispense food for animals, or add sensors to it and augment your various appliances

>'smart' mirror, which displays weather, temp, pictures and feeds

>file server

ac782c No.14265369

File: 14fda3ded5a9e84⋯.jpg (10.91 KB, 397x127, 397:127, important.jpg)


It is not you , but the retards come from both sides anon, in other words, there is a huge fucking under the blankets falseflagging operation going on trying to derail every thread, and it has been this way for some time now, meanwhile mods can't do shit because ban evasion is easy and can't tell who is who anyway.

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