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File: 470fe1327031b47⋯.png (4.73 KB, 205x195, 41:39, 1573746379236.png)

a2a1a1  No.16884103[Last 50 Posts]

It's that time again. Page 13 and issues still unaddressed. Archive for autistic purposes. http://archive.is/8mTF3

The rules still reference 8ch, link to 8ch.net., and directs to /sudo/, a board that does not exist.

Oh hey, it's been fixed eight days ago. I presume still calling it 8chan is just Mark being stubborn, so I'll let that one go.

Why was the last technical issues thread deleted? If it was deleted because there were shitters using it as a regular meta, why not just delete and ban the shitters? If it was deleted because the primary issue of files being eaten was resolved, then wouldn't it have been better to lock the thread and leave an announcement in the OP about what the issue was and that it was resolved? I would strongly question the latter case as well, since there were clearly many more technical issues being discussed if one even merely skimmed the thread.

Secrecy and lack of communication. What exactly in this post Ron made about Odin needed to be kept a secret? https://archive.fo/7rxeZ#selection-30573.0-30575.2 Why couldn't this have been revealed months ago? As far as anyone knew up until this post, Odin seemed likely to have nothing to do with 8kun, and anons were rightfully angry with Ron prioritizing Odin over board migration and technical site issues. Then there's the general silence on migration and various other things. The lack of general or frequent communication from Ron has recently been attributed by him to horrible cramping in his hands that he believes is arthritis. This would be entirely understandable, if he had told everyone this months ago. As it is, revealing this so late will assuredly lead anons to suspect he's lying and made it up as an excuse post-facto. And those against 8kun will assuredly use it as another wedge to drive between site administration and users.

Board restriction. To the administration, I'm sure board restriction sounds fine on paper as a punishment for BOs who do naughty things. But it's not. You're not only punishing the BO, but the users of the board. Board restriction is objectively more destructive for a board than losing its board owner, and thus cannot be considered "a warning" to a board owner. /rand21/ is a perfect example of this. The board was restricted by ChrisHansen under questionable circumstance over a month ago. I don't think there's been a post on it in a month, when it was previously a very active board. As of yet, there's been no communication from either Ron or ChrisHansen as to whether the board will ever be unrestricted. This "warning" action, that is supposed to precede harsher action only upon further misbehavior such as board deletion, blocking, or banning, is effectively the same as deleting, blocking, or banning the board. It's dead and not likely ever coming back even if it's eventually unrestricted.

Global rules and rule transparency. When the site returned there were several changes to the site FAQ. Among these was a change to the text just below the global rule, stating "In short, the 8kun administration does not tolerate images of real children and Global Volunteers will treat such content as either child pornography or a Dost violation.". On the surface this change would ban all real child images, even those that are completely innocuous, rather than the previous rule of banning only DOST violations and near DOST violations. After pressure from Mark and anons, Ron revealed the rule wasn't in line with the global guidelines on illegal content, which remained unchanged and still aligned with previous version of the rule. This satisfied many anons, but also creates a lack of transparency regarding the rules, and makes the site FAQ totally untrustworthy. The reason for this change was to deter near DOST violating pedoposters, something that was already banned under the previous rule. This, of course, does not work in the slightest. Genuine pedoposters do not care about the rules. Those that are not genuine, spam and bad actors, similarly don't care about the rules. In both logic and practice this change has failed to accomplish it's stated goal, with CP spam remaining on the catalog of /v/ for 7-8 hours the other week. Despite anons, including myself, pointing out the logic was faulty at the time, Ron has stated that he has no plans to revise or reverse the rule change on the FAQ.

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664a28  No.16884136

File: bfec40f5f6a9126⋯.jpg (20.57 KB, 800x412, 200:103, sad_harmonica_solo.jpg)


>why not just delete and ban the shitters?

In 5 years of doing it for free, Mark has yet to do anything right especially hotpocketing.

When he is not revealing his trip in threads that shit on him to cover his ass he is busy taking shits the size of cripplewheels while his greasy lard fingers hit 20 buttons at once when he "moderates" the board over his phone.

Rather than address this ass wipe directly, I would suggest keeping Meta Threads to anons to discuss among themselves and make a list of things to forward to Mark.

This way he won't come in here, shit up the thread with a whole lot of nothing like he always does and then pretend like he did answer questions and concerns as he fucks off to eat his fifteenth dinner.

It's become all so fucking tiresome with this retard in charge.

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872acf  No.16884145

I'm still a massive newfag so I still have no opinion of mark

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42fae6  No.16884150


He's Mr Bean the BO.

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a2a1a1  No.16884151


Mr. Bean is funny. Mark is only occasionally funny.

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01f6fd  No.16884153

File: ec1d28c42323b7d⋯.png (358.63 KB, 615x399, 205:133, melo.png)


mark is funny in a way that makes you laugh at him, not with him

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539a29  No.16884154


Lurk more.

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a2a1a1  No.16884172


That artist is very hit and miss for me.

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872acf  No.16884176


there's something really cursed about the eyes

it doens't look bad when i click on the image but when It's just a preview it looks really fucking creepy

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04e0a4  No.16884181


Mark is pretty cool.

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814640  No.16884190

Mark "I ban fun and allow gachashit" Mann should just make a permanent cyclical meta thread, like he did with the tech support thread, so we don't have to keep making new threads every time and have them sink into the catalog where no one sees them.

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a2a1a1  No.16884193


>Rather than address this ass wipe directly, I would suggest keeping Meta Threads to anons.

Not possible. Meta threads are inherently addressed to the BO of their respective boards by nature.


For me it's a little of that, but usually more about the realistic mouths. In fact, I's say his works in general tend towards overly detailed realistic human parts verging on outright grossness that have been grafted onto non-human bodies of much lower overall detail. This gives his art a greater feel of the bizarre and uncanny than it does the erotic. That image posted doesn't seem so bad though.


Oh hi, Mark.

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872acf  No.16884204


the thing is the art doesn't seem to go all the way with realism, so it looks even more uncanny

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f32be7  No.16884215

File: ccd7813bfd76a79⋯.jpg (57.23 KB, 902x960, 451:480, 1581429066539.jpg)

>inb4 anchored

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9b855c  No.16884218

File: ac517863921f270⋯.png (189.41 KB, 704x528, 4:3, ac517863921f2706f9e761b1a0….png)

Hey cakekike why did you eat the Animal Crossing Thread? Are you out of cake already?

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4799e2  No.16884244

File: 6cb1686152bdeba⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 39.97 KB, 226x225, 226:225, 8kun.png)

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4799e2  No.16884245


He's terrible all the way around

Some drawfags on gurochan who know him also said he's secretly a scatfag which honestly wouldn't be surprising

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01f6fd  No.16884246


isnt that theboogie?

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6f8619  No.16884248


It's not very secret if they know it, is it?

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069b00  No.16884258

Seriously, when is /xen/ coming back?

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a2a1a1  No.16884272



Probably a question for the technical issues thread.


Most likely most boards won't return until after Odin is finished.

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432977  No.16884274

File: bb81e3974bc5693⋯.png (14.96 KB, 500x632, 125:158, welcome_to_v.png)

I demand an e3 stream for shitposting for each individual company

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04e0a4  No.16884275


There's still two up. Do you really need three?

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a2a1a1  No.16884276

File: 45ef2c09282f47b⋯.jpg (515.87 KB, 717x1012, 717:1012, Eltonel_546204_Loli_Erin_i….jpg)


Who doesn't?

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406664  No.16884292


I came to this thread to say I want to fuck Erin.

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a1b1c7  No.16884294

File: e9f37d7baaa5f8f⋯.jpg (11.16 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 0.jpg)


I'll answer to the best of my ability, however I don't have all the answers.

>Secrecy and lack of communication

Yeah, it was bullshit how Odin was kept a secret for such a long time considering what it was. I thought it was something else compared to what it actually is, despite this I have a plan that ron should take. However it's up to him if he wants to keep it or not.

>Board Restriction

I agree that it's also bullshit, however in /rand21/'s case the Board Owner was actively trying to push for child pornography to be allowed on the site. Knowing this I can understand why the administration have decided to close that board, that said I have no idea why we can't just reassign it.

>Global rules and rule transparency

That "no kids allowed" rule was fucking retarded and I told him as much, that said I DO wish we can bring back the transparency reports. Since the lack of transparency is fucking asinine, that said we have multiple people working on the site and Ron isn't the only person. Additionally I'll tell you what I know.

>CP spam remaining on the catalog of /v/ for 7-8 hours the other week

That was ONE time. That said I know that some of my vols haven't exactly been the most active, but they have good reasons. Especially now with corona chan fucking over everyone.


fuck off CIANigger. I've made my fair share of bad judgements, however I've also made an effort to get rid of cancerous shit like soyjack, consolewars, ecelebs, etc. In addition to promoting events made by anons and promoting streams we can all watch together for shits and giggles.

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cde649  No.16884299


>the Board Owner was actively trying to push for child pornography to be allowed on the site

<hai guise lets post CP lmao

<cheese pizza everywhere

<cat pictures everywhere

<board deleted

Yeah sure

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406664  No.16884310


Uh oh, mark is starting to get mad. Prepare for banning sprees.

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a2a1a1  No.16884316


>Yeah, it was bullshit how Odin was kept a secret for such a long time considering what it was. I thought it was something else compared to what it actually is, despite this I have a plan that ron should take. However it's up to him if he wants to keep it or not.

Dear god, a modicum progress at last.

>the Board Owner was actively trying to push for child pornography to be allowed on the site.

I have my doubts about that. It's not like it can be confirmed one way or the other, but pretty much the only thing that has been said about what he posted was that it was a catroll. He allegedly posted spoilered images claiming they were CP, when in fact CP meant they were cat pictures. It's an old joke that I certainly don't consider advocating actual CP.

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a1b1c7  No.16884318

File: b62aeb271666b31⋯.jpg (37.81 KB, 282x400, 141:200, 0457d0e72b6fc1e05fc46cbf95….jpg)


Jokes on you, I haven't done a banning spree since 2016. Most of the shit I ban are either stormfags that are spamming off topic nonsense in on topic threads, niggerpill, bots and cuckchan shit.

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a1b1c7  No.16884320


>I have my doubts about that.

This is what I was told when I wanted to reassign the board to someone else. Either way I do agree that the board didn't need to go on full lockdown, however it is what it is.

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a2a1a1  No.16884324


>That was ONE time. That said I know that some of my vols haven't exactly been the most active

It's not just about the fact the vols were inactive for far too long that one time. It's that that one time demonstrates that change to the DOST rule doesn't deter pedoposting in any great capacity.


>This is what I was told when I wanted to reassign the board to someone else.

Ah. Considering you were hearing one side of the story from ChrisHansen and presumably after the offending post and thread were removed, I wouldn't be surprised if he interpreted a catroll as advocating CP and told you that's what the BO was doing without any way for you to verify for yourself.

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04e0a4  No.16884331


>bans cuckchan shit

But don't you post that cuckchan Umaru anime girl?

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424622  No.16884335

File: 501717b8d576f6a⋯.jpg (695.02 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 1c5ae2c5ed4d73468e41975eef….jpg)



When will requested boards get migrated?

I claimed a board that hasn't been migrated.

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9977e2  No.16884337

File: 38ab92e4fd0c75c⋯.png (85.94 KB, 418x279, 418:279, c8785d86f74ae077b96bd6e920….png)


Mark I have been asking you for literally years to do something as simple as stop bumplocking the meta threads, so don't pretend you care what we think. Somehow every other board can get it right except the biggest board on the site.

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a2a1a1  No.16884345

File: 6c7650e00494d94⋯.png (112.64 KB, 308x335, 308:335, Confused_Riko.png)

So are things like site fixes, board migration, and board approval on the backburner until Odin is done, presumably because Odin is Ron's solution to deplatforming and doing any of the above may prove pointless if 8kunny gets deplatformed again?

Could you tell Ron that adding superfluous features like susucoin post archival and a voice recorder applet while people are still having site issues, migration is still ongoing, and board approval has slowed to a crawl, doesn't exactly help faith in the site administration having their priorities straight?

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ca93f9  No.16884346


So how come files greater than one or two megs sometimes fail to load properly? I have to manually download webms before watching them, and they randomly die in the middle of the download too. No other site I go to has this problem. Is the file server being DDoSed or something?

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ad2dfa  No.16884354


According to a guy I asked about the same thing in the tech meta, it has something to do with the server crash back in January.

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424622  No.16884355

File: d9853dfe68c36e7⋯.jpg (467.59 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 9a395f80334922596a176aa9cb….jpg)


Board migration, board creation and site stability should have been priority over susucoin and voice recorder applet. Honestly I would be more happy if Ron were here answering questions.

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a2a1a1  No.16884363

File: 0e88946e627c85d⋯.jpg (286.79 KB, 760x901, 760:901, 8e9828b2a180e0c78b6ee500a4….jpg)


Check the technical issues thread. This isn't related to the DDoS, at least unless the DDoS was what crashed the server. It has more to do with your location/ISP and the server crash back in January. I have the same issues.


I assume board migration is on the backburner until Odin is done, since if the site gets deplatformed again, migration will have to start all over. But it would be nice to have an official statement.


You probably wouldn't. Ron's QnA's haven't gone terribly well. He likes to give intentionally vague answers. Remember the pressure valve? Remember the "no child images" fiasco? Smiling_Baby.png? "lol just ban evade"?

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424622  No.16884369

File: 0fdbf22c393990f⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1200x1393, 1200:1393, ClipboardImage.png)


>He likes to give intentionally vague answers

I wonder if Ron was ever a chuuni?

Chuuni Ron would be a bit too cute.

Anyway, just keep us updated whenever you get new info from him about Odin and migration.

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a2a1a1  No.16884428

File: fd6923a7f67309a⋯.jpg (35.84 KB, 500x400, 5:4, HwaGftsatwliwgawgwwmithwal….jpg)

Honestly, I think Ron may have bit off more than he can chew with this whole Odin endeavor. Not only has he been working it for months at the cost of fully bringing the site back up, it's simply a massive undertaking. He claims he's creating a solution to deplatforming that isn't the same thing as 08chan and can handle everything 8chan formerly did. I understand bringing the site back up to snuff may be pointless if it gets deplatformed again, but at this rate with delay after delay and soon™ after soon™ it might be time to shift the idealistic endeavor of Odin to the back burner and focus on restoring the site first. With the speed of migration last year, I think most requested boards would have been migrated by now and most requested new boards approved. Can't say with certainty about site issues being fixed as fast, but I've had major issues with basic site functionality for two months now.

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872acf  No.16884583

Why'd my dol thread get deleted?

I thought this site was more tolerant, has it always been like this or is this just an 8kun thing?

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57d681  No.16884741


>Somehow every other board can get it right except the biggest board on the site.

Other boards I use aren't ran by an obese autistic jew from new york who is somehow so useless and retarded he ineligible for ethnic nepotism like another fat jew, Bari Weiss

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a1b1c7  No.16884794


What board, I can ask about it if needed.

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a1b1c7  No.16884797


I'll do a questionnaire either tomorrow or next week. The reason why these threads are bumplocked is because they have a habit of turning full /sudo/.

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000000  No.16884813

It's been 1 and a half months since /lolicons/ was request, and conveniently it is still pending and /loli/, /tot/, and /delicious/ have yet to be migrated too. The public stats are wrong too. It's been at 308 public boards despite a few new boards being made. So this Odin priority half-assed excuse doesn't fly. Newer boards have been created while /lolicons/ and others like it remain in limbo, conveniently.

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a2a1a1  No.16884817


>The reason why these threads are bumplocked is because they have a habit of turning full /sudo/.

Well /sudo/ hasn't existed for over half a year.

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a2a1a1  No.16884820


Supposedly some loli board dedicated specifically to the development of a particular loli game was migrated earlier. Board migrations have been mostly random with a mix of expected favoritism for larger boards and unexpected favoritism for a few boards Mark has pestered Ron about.

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190aee  No.16884870


I can only imagine Codemonkey's frustration

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cc1ae0  No.16884890


>in /rand21/'s case the Board Owner was actively trying to push for child pornography to be allowed on the site


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190aee  No.16884909


I can imagine Codemonkey's frustration.

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aa1fda  No.16884940



Offtopic but reminder that Ed Boon went on record to say that they went too far in the fanservice on Mortal Kombat. While being interviewed by Playboy

Good riddance indeed.

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4cf5d7  No.16885003


I don't think it's a content thing because if it was then /rule34/ and /fur/ wouldn't have been migrated either. As for why some boards get migrated and others don't, seemingly at random, I have no idea.

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a2a1a1  No.16885190



Here's an archive of the article Ron linked himself. It does not contain the smear nor reference it in any way, so we'll have to wait and see just what it is.


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424622  No.16885226

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424622  No.16885227


You forgot to mention /l/ also not migrated.

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a1b1c7  No.16885462


thats on ron to answer for, not me.

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a1b1c7  No.16885690


send over a claim, its being migrated now

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000000  No.16886862



and yet /loli/ and /delicous/ still have yet to be migrated despite Tewi sending in the request months ago. Convenient.

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2fc41e  No.16888223

File: 25c58a0508a8630⋯.jpg (32.95 KB, 301x351, 301:351, 1412644444099.jpg)


>"Hey, how come you're acting contrary to God's commandments in the Torah?"

<"I don't believe in those fairy tales. I'm an atheist jew."

>"Remind me, how'd you say your uncle escaped the Holocaust?"

<"God sent a miracle to save him."

>"I thought you said you were an atheist."

<"I am, but my uncle isn't."

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90c5bc  No.16890547

File: 43d86910fb49476⋯.jpg (95.16 KB, 714x585, 238:195, 1585242648376.jpg)


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6b1fc5  No.16890553

Why did you delete the Terminal 00 thread when we had several of those in the past, kike? Meanwhile you allow several gachashit threads at once, you are a fucking joke.

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a2a1a1  No.16897654

Thread is on page 13, but as my issues have been largely addressed, I will not be making another meta thread right now. Archive of this thread for autistic purposes. http://archive.is/Ala50


Mark, what happened to the questionnaire?

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9977e2  No.16898312


>Mark, what happened to the questionnaire?

>implying he was ever planning on it in the first place

He can just change the rules right now, no need for some "questionnaire". That's his way of continuing to deflect.

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