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The Vidya
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File: 52eed012db7fa64⋯.png (250.87 KB, 2400x1563, 800:521, SticcMan.png)

d1522d No.14266510

d1522d No.14266514

File: 04c3d8bda6cc2bc⋯.png (295.7 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, request.png)


Request Anchor

d1522d No.14266515

File: c2c819833e38b61⋯.jpeg (64.68 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, anchor.jpeg)


Delivery Anchor

d73524 No.14266516

>more non-drawfag OP

well these had a good run, but all good thinks must come to an end

d1522d No.14266522

File: a57aac6f6e44494⋯.png (841.45 KB, 1900x2700, 19:27, New Sketch 03.png)


>more non-drawfag OP

>I clearly ask in the OP for someone to request something

I draw, anon.

8d9d1f No.14266533

File: 2d250e740f24eb7⋯.png (104.97 KB, 254x350, 127:175, Yuki.png)

File: 1c8f61a2de0d34d⋯.png (75.97 KB, 219x384, 73:128, Beebee.png)

File: 89409f604a52124⋯.png (618.65 KB, 877x894, 877:894, Cassandra.png)

File: 627372fe97c7917⋯.png (498.64 KB, 576x1125, 64:125, Lyndsey.png)

Well uh. I'd like to request some drawon to make some cute drawing with some of the female MySims characters. Here are some examples I guess.

60a3b7 No.14266550

File: cd4ff86b31eff39⋯.jpg (988.92 KB, 1007x1500, 1007:1500, IMG_20180131_235119.jpg)


Draw a potato elf

5129be No.14266554


Any cute girls doing cute things. Vidya girls are left as your choice.

d1522d No.14266563

File: 2f721ab8698af75⋯.png (50.05 KB, 300x303, 100:101, 2f721ab8698af752ce87c1a242….png)


Can I get a better front angle of the 1st image?

I can't tell what's around her neck.



Both good requests. Definitely keep these in mind.

6b4ba9 No.14266572

File: 3f3f4217628c9fd⋯.jpg (30.48 KB, 542x616, 271:308, 205.jpg)



It's been a while since I've seen these anchors.

36171f No.14266587

File: ea222feb4d03741⋯.png (280.57 KB, 1206x987, 402:329, chunneracornclr.png)

File: 646c89e391cc0ae⋯.png (353.68 KB, 1512x1335, 504:445, gilda mark.png)

File: e39fdabba1f76cc⋯.png (196.6 KB, 804x1010, 402:505, frostcassshower.png)

File: 9c056cea581143c⋯.png (376.65 KB, 1654x1318, 827:659, chen accordion mayohiga ca….png)

File: 08f329a6ffd31d9⋯.png (683.65 KB, 1578x1050, 263:175, samusrenamn2.png)


Here are some things I drew last thread

60a3b7 No.14266599


Do you ever work on improving?

8469cb No.14266622


All i want is a drawn where /v/ beat the shit out from Todd Howard…

f8211a No.14266640

File: 47b0ab88359a4a7⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 236.38 KB, 974x1379, 974:1379, Toddler.jpg)


Here you are

6b4ba9 No.14266641


That reminds me, although the OP links the hub, it's always nice to have some links to the various art boards.





d1522d No.14266669

File: 3a6f6284a83860a⋯.jpg (39.5 KB, 300x231, 100:77, 9922211.jpg)


Apologies, I forgot to link em'. Thanks, anon.

fe7f13 No.14266684

File: 1ff603b87620bfa⋯.png (7.67 KB, 400x400, 1:1, c2754744e64c40cd410171fd6c….png)

Get rid of the hubpages article in future drawthreads. We are not sucking tumblr and 4cucks mutilated genitals.

a4c54d No.14266711

File: 15d48d6365f1cb8⋯.jpg (231.13 KB, 1920x1272, 80:53, hands-in-chains.jpg)

File: dfea6212c5eb61e⋯.jpg (72.02 KB, 640x1210, 64:121, Cloud_Strife_Advent_Childr….jpg)

File: c49fba036c05e2a⋯.jpg (71.08 KB, 730x900, 73:90, dg-caim1.jpg)


Cloud Strife delivering Caim in chains

8d9d1f No.14266807

File: 4b65e3f8f6cd038⋯.png (151.27 KB, 281x507, 281:507, Yuki_MSSH_New.png)


Sorry for the late reply, I was grocery shopping. Here's another outfit for her in a slightly different pose.

36171f No.14266824

File: 6e8188bf38615c5⋯.png (116.61 KB, 757x737, 757:737, yurinkula.png)



snk gals fighters is gonna b good

8d9d1f No.14267044


Nah, I should be the one thanking you. It doesn't have to be lewd but it looks really good already!

d1522d No.14267067

File: 21597ab1105ffbc⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 307.86 KB, 1563x1800, 521:600, WIP.png)


Apologies. Forgot to spoil. And, thanks!

b3ece9 No.14267070

File: 7eb8d2703de8210⋯.jpg (130.71 KB, 628x472, 157:118, localization_loli.jpg)


That's cute.

7dfc27 No.14267194

File: 72e35f890b00044⋯.jpeg (462.19 KB, 1147x2000, 1147:2000, 8f04a4aa21cff0db32ee0753c….jpeg)


no more playing around i need a lewd chun-li crushing a skyscraper between her thighs fucking do it do it n o w

05a152 No.14267236

File: afded17933bba3e⋯.jpg (123.86 KB, 850x894, 425:447, afded17933bba3ef15a48b44f2….jpg)



You have a cute style anon

Tell me theres somewhere you post it

3d103d No.14267281

File: 2254d3b8cf0b5df⋯.gif (2.1 MB, 330x166, 165:83, 000o0a1n.gif)

>pen and paper


Pick one

51c30c No.14267288


Talking about pen and paper, I feel like it's been a while since we've seen some traditional artists. Wasn't there even a sculptor some time ago? The dude made clay models or something.

039247 No.14267314

I impose a creative challenge.

Draw the last character you played doing something in the world of the game you played before that.

e6df24 No.14267326


does it count if it's an eroge ?

039247 No.14267332


It counts even more.

51629e No.14267336

File: 3c971491e70f213⋯.mp4 (8.62 MB, 1280x540, 64:27, Blade Runner_ Tears in Rai….mp4)


I'd pick pen and paper over video games any day but they take forever to set up and find people willing to play them with you.

9db6f4 No.14267392


Pen and paper are arguably easier to set up than video games, but harder to play.

51629e No.14267414

File: 67a429150c6fc9d⋯.png (86.63 KB, 242x206, 121:103, 1440832658917.png)


You've clearly never GM'd before. Please, tell me the argument, unless you're making the video game yourself there is none.

51c30c No.14267428


>pen and paper


/tg/ pls stay

799531 No.14267431

File: 8bcd163a290312a⋯.png (13.73 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Untitled.png)

Improve on this

2c91df No.14267536

The booru is being invaded by a spammer posting pic's about someone's ass, named NileyHot

Might be a bot and i've seen this in other booru's


7f36fe No.14267545



Yay the lewd anchors are back.

7e196e No.14267553

File: 45e0068fa5416d5⋯.jpg (6.53 KB, 255x220, 51:44, what the hell, man.jpg)


You fucking what? Do you run FATE or some rules-light narrativist bullshit like that?

1e9517 No.14267578

File: c363a8116018bbe⋯.png (24.73 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 8bcd163a290312a322b92af008….png)

799531 No.14267589

File: c3c32d35fecbf92⋯.png (231.39 KB, 600x338, 300:169, CNkgpY-VEAAb3N5.png)


I like where this is going

d1ec39 No.14267615


No one uses the booru except for /monster/ anyway.



Requesting more such anchors.

d1522d No.14267668

File: 8a071d440e7647c⋯.png (190.1 KB, 1563x1500, 521:500, New canvas.png)

241b7f No.14267903

File: 26dc0c4891383f4⋯.png (171.63 KB, 643x800, 643:800, riceman.png)

a53008 No.14267949

File: 0197003c7999653⋯.png (173.48 KB, 322x312, 161:156, Das_it_mayne.png)

Posting my gondola here.

3edcbf No.14267967




Anon it is pretty good but yeah

1e9517 No.14267973

File: 2c19bd0cf72ddca⋯.png (107.33 KB, 512x512, 1:1, anchor.png)


I want to do unholy thing with that anchor

c35084 No.14267975

File: 78fb5d1f21e9daa⋯.png (5.58 KB, 512x390, 256:195, atari thing.png)


Something about him makes me think of old PC game art. That weird harshness.

Also, gondola do not into arms. Please refrain.

bd2888 No.14267983

File: 4e2af3d7724cf53⋯.png (130.18 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Gondola Guidelines.png)


A gondola but he's in your favorite scene from a video game or movie

a53008 No.14268000



I know he's not supposed to have arms but I do not have the skill to edit the arms out. I figured I'd just replace the mask this time. Also that harshness is because I did it in MS Paint.

3edcbf No.14268004


Gondola looks more genuine when drawn in ms paint

bd2888 No.14268007

File: 341229c761e2b39⋯.jpg (167.12 KB, 800x800, 1:1, tired.jpg)

also, here's an old gondola since the thread is evolving into a gondola thread

96a187 No.14268008

File: af0f30d4856799e⋯.jpg (31.75 KB, 800x600, 4:3, average_fin.JPG)


Wasn't this already done a while back?

d1522d No.14268011

File: 18cdc5f839ca066⋯.png (527.5 KB, 1563x2300, 1563:2300, A Hedgehog in Time.png)



>Draw the last character you played doing something in the world of the game you played before that.

Sonic Forces meets A Hat in Time.

I had fun drawing this.

d73524 No.14268013

File: 6b5ebe64c336936⋯.jpg (100.27 KB, 855x625, 171:125, 000 Dubsfall.jpg)



>since the thread is evolving into a gondola thread

Three to four posts don't really turn a thread into anything.

c35084 No.14268028

File: 0da9c1f03b3ed09⋯.png (89.6 KB, 752x894, 376:447, mole thing.png)

File: f4b0b945b95c321⋯.png (36.62 KB, 512x512, 1:1, space gondola.png)

File: 577f3fb2504bb95⋯.png (275.27 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, wily thing.png)


What about four to five posts?

a4c54d No.14268036


I'll play that

d73524 No.14268039

File: 61467be7cb0f222⋯.mp4 (3.04 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Gondola wild west.mp4)


well fugg

b77d6b No.14268044

File: 86286df33d10668⋯.jpg (19.82 KB, 202x242, 101:121, klo.jpg)


How gay are we talking here?

d1522d No.14268057

File: 3cf97469d7bfb89⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.01 MB, 1800x2200, 9:11, WIP 2.png)




Oh, anon if you're still here. I'm still working on your request. Just got sidetrack by another drawing, but I'm still working on it. Here's another update. Know you said it didn't have to be lewd… but.

51c30c No.14268094

File: 864d0fbea099d17⋯.jpg (34.01 KB, 600x450, 4:3, oh yes.jpg)


I certainly would.

b0a005 No.14268099

File: 3111eb21801c05b⋯.gif (1.43 MB, 426x230, 213:115, theylive.gif)


Requestan the hat kid from hat in time reenacting a scene from They Live with the dweller mask. Doesn't have to be this scene.

b3ece9 No.14268279

File: 603d34efd0dc7eb⋯.png (408.58 KB, 1900x1200, 19:12, yumi drawing in the sand.png)



>Any cute girls doing cute things. Vidya girls are left as your choice.

Hope this is adequately cute.

ec6b5a No.14268286

File: 5493c3048ca0951⋯.jpg (108.85 KB, 688x546, 344:273, yess.jpg)

15129f No.14268305

File: 47cede22f68f316⋯.png (25.2 KB, 603x592, 603:592, Gondola Team Epic.png)

File: 96b6bd4608813de⋯.png (48.67 KB, 506x803, 46:73, Gondola Aznable.png)


Oldies, but greaties!

a26745 No.14268310

File: fe00eefc1e7a2b7⋯.png (74.61 KB, 396x571, 396:571, Hanzo-Hibari_Burst_Render.png)


Requesting Hibari from Senran Kagura

d73524 No.14268316


You're no longer welcome here, you should know that.

07af29 No.14268323


Hibari is the worst fucking girl in the entire franchise. Autistic as fuck.

de9b4f No.14268326

File: 4829ed6f0714ddd⋯.gif (798.46 KB, 500x281, 500:281, b4a0b86aeb5a290049319ffdf4….gif)

not quite drawning, but /r/ing a witty edit of the projectiles in gif related. Something along first being a (You) and next two being "LOL XD" for a shitpost worth gif

a26745 No.14268346


Actually Haruka is the worst. Everyone has really terrible taste for some reason.

8d9d1f No.14268384


Nice! Looks very good! I'll be actually heading to bed now. Will be checking up when I'm awake again. Thanks again, anon.

8d0b1c No.14268519

File: f93741c3d5b8c82⋯.jpg (603.01 KB, 1627x1800, 1627:1800, Rita Ciano.jpg)

File: 1bab1359abcb30c⋯.jpg (33.06 KB, 665x574, 95:82, Rita-rdata.jpg)


Would any of you gentlemen draw this character doing anything or being done anything to her? an ebin shitpost response is also cool

51c30c No.14268636


That's /ita/'s mascot, isn't it? I remember someone maybe a year or so ago talking about her here.

**Ho assolutamente dimenticato di navigare il board più spesso. Volevo provare a migliorare la qualità del mio Italiano…

Non so nemmeno se avete drawthreads laggiù.**

8d0b1c No.14268691

File: a933885766ad00d⋯.png (63.06 KB, 300x250, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)



>I remember someone maybe a year or so ago talking about her here.

That was probably me or the Mexican artist that drew her rip in peace, pedro

>Volevo provare a migliorare la qualità del mio Italiano…

>Implicando che siamo in grado di discutere in Italiano corretto

Lo usiamo solo come metodo per alzare la voce contro quelli che non latitano e si lamentano di quando non troviamo ilari i loro memi, non preoccuparti e vieni pure a trovarci

>Non so nemmeno se avete drawthreads laggiù

L'unico che abbiamo si è trasformato in un /mu/filone con un Lupo intento a mostrarci i suoi arrangiamenti medievali. Era pure abbastanza bravo.

61f281 No.14268803

File: ed572a7f459f0c1⋯.jpg (45.87 KB, 283x423, 283:423, DT2.jpg)

/r/ing Link and Zelda ballroom dancing.

8e9e80 No.14268872

File: bbafcfb5274b15f⋯.gif (3.71 KB, 500x600, 5:6, eclipsing_thought.gif)

File: ff6ff046dabad87⋯.png (93.08 KB, 500x600, 5:6, 1362445253615.png)


Did you draw this for me several years back on 4chan before the exodus?

d1522d No.14268902

File: eba737126da7c2b⋯.jpg (17.03 KB, 350x277, 350:277, 1426006495612.jpg)


>Those beautiful pieces of art

Can't say I have, anon.

60db4d No.14269291

File: 211f943d7b5ded9⋯.jpg (4.25 MB, 4000x3008, 125:94, IMG_20180203_193933.jpg)

60db4d No.14269304

a26745 No.14269416


Cute, thanks for that anon.

36171f No.14269583

File: 0cb47b620d9a1fa⋯.png (286.49 KB, 874x904, 437:452, gondola night shitpostin.png)

thread feels alive. gonna draw some in a bit

4ec04c No.14269835

3c5967 No.14269874

Draw a good picture of the Final Fight between Gary and Jimmy Hopkins on the rooftop at the final showdown, with a hint of MGS4 in it.

1468f1 No.14269877

File: 4a229da5485827d⋯.gif (1.59 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Tomokogasm.gif)


D-do you draw lewds?

Requesting lewd Tomoko.

990d1e No.14269893



bd2888 No.14269913

File: 7004ab5d576da59⋯.jpg (30.15 KB, 500x703, 500:703, this goddamn shit every fu….jpg)



1468f1 No.14269916

File: 93bb54b98820eed⋯.gif (1023.91 KB, 500x281, 500:281, panic.gif)

Forgot to anchor.



4ec04c No.14269917

File: 9d7096d2de9ff2a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 179.77 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, opi.jpg)



this thread is doomed

36171f No.14269920


a) are you into breast inflation

b) are you Tom Preston

95f81f No.14269924

File: 7a8b5d1b873c584⋯.gif (1.59 MB, 847x860, 847:860, tomoko.gif)



4ec04c No.14269935



a19c46 No.14269979


>sauce he says

fucking newfags. you don't want to look anyway, she's half jewish

ead461 No.14270019

File: 5f9c3bda9aa1620⋯.gif (6.13 KB, 436x550, 218:275, tomoko madworld.gif)

File: 80683a771a868cf⋯.png (344.1 KB, 1028x700, 257:175, 102.png)


That's not nearly specific enough; the internet is FULL of Tomoko lewds. Also it isn't vidya.

4ec04c No.14270025


Used 3 different reverse image search and they give out nothing.

Trying to find her using boobpedia but it's a bigger chore than being told.

>Shes half jewish

I don't care she has nice tits and I want to fap to a 3DPD titfuck before going to sleep.

I was going to let out my baby batter using a Potato Salad Doujin but you kinda ruined that now.

take responsability

e33386 No.14270030


How hard is it to look up "huge tits asian" on bing?

4ec04c No.14270039


I want those particular rocket tits

That reminds me, haven't fapped to Raita's doujins in a while.

15129f No.14270041

It's Hitomi Tanaka for fuck sake. The other is Beshine if you care.

36171f No.14270049

File: 6fc7ee54c135670⋯.png (235.28 KB, 988x1078, 494:539, dani hueg.png)



low energy attempt

4ec04c No.14270085

File: 6d4395ae8f040ef⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 57.9 KB, 1117x943, 1117:943, 6d4395ae8f040efba054322f80….png)


Thank you anon

Now I don't have to slog through 35 pages of random whores.



36171f No.14270112

File: 2a7ae4bb43e1a86⋯.png (220.66 KB, 1002x1062, 167:177, rita chan.png)

a4d5e1 No.14270126

File: 1fdf17451bcd022⋯.jpg (77.02 KB, 630x1200, 21:40, MV5BMTg2MTMyMzU0M15BMl5Ban….jpg)


In light of the new Mario movie by Illumination, can someone draw a bunch of Toads as if they were Minions?

Or your mario characters of choice mashed with anything Minion related, up to you really

d4da05 No.14270137

File: 71ab7e80b850b49⋯.mp4 (1.4 MB, 640x640, 1:1, somebody touch my spaget.mp4)

36171f No.14270188

File: fef9e7d75fbb04e⋯.png (187.54 KB, 854x781, 854:781, xcom rookie n tetris.png)



my rookie in OG XCom trying to figure out tetris

4ec04c No.14270201

File: 2549e0bb6e0b8bc⋯.jpg (54.32 KB, 640x384, 5:3, 0_eOf8DrWKP6ZFjqJitN7BSo6I….jpg)


Spook her

15129f No.14270203

File: e7cd364e9c86944⋯.jpg (374.25 KB, 1370x742, 685:371, Queen Of France.jpg)

>>14270188 HEIL'D

Anon, I wish I had your enthusiasm to draw. But my tablet is like, a million light years away from me.

36171f No.14270214


i have backup china tablets everywhere. surprisingly those cheap HUION tablets never broke

15129f No.14270227


My tablet's actually right beside me, I'm just too lazy to hook it up.

36171f No.14270261

File: 1cc93bd26e533f6⋯.png (421.17 KB, 1392x1164, 116:97, xcom roookie n chrys.png)


It's a tetris terror

15129f No.14270269

File: 9089dafb2b76f66⋯.jpg (467.3 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, BaneMax.jpg)

He's holding a BLANK.

7052bc No.14270272


Requesting that the worst request of the thread be put through Google translate from English to Japanese and back 10-20 times and then draw what it translated to. If it basically stays the same than add Japanese to Russian to English.

4ec04c No.14270279

File: 185867da6cfbea8⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 187.96 KB, 874x562, 437:281, I love it Viv.png)


>He actually did it

Thanks anon

>Lip bite

And you even got me hard again


d4da05 No.14270291

File: d487373f22e2898⋯.gif (1.31 MB, 250x199, 250:199, 1429245718619.gif)


Where do you think we are?

69f40f No.14270296


>And you even got me hard again :D


2ba555 No.14270301


>not going out of your way to make sure everyone around you and on the internet knows when you get a boner

What a pleb.

8833c3 No.14270369

File: 33864ac3e484fd6⋯.png (818.56 KB, 1218x789, 406:263, Dibella preistess npc 01.png)

File: 400ae1d2b747fed⋯.png (616.33 KB, 1034x816, 517:408, Dibella preistess npc 02.png)

File: 8323cd0a4dc9183⋯.png (43.1 KB, 596x995, 596:995, Dibella preistess pc 01.png)


Requesting the pc being 'initiated' into the worship of Dibella be two priestesses.

36171f No.14270382

File: 2533f3f358975d8⋯.png (208.58 KB, 1034x938, 517:469, rookie xcom infected.png)


bye rookie

b0a005 No.14270410


godamnit I don't need this fetish

ead461 No.14270428

File: 3edefe0505e486b⋯.jpg (34.63 KB, 600x202, 300:101, Angels caught.jpg)

5129be No.14270501



Much appreciated anons. Good taste in vidya girls.

039247 No.14270526


Do not fill his requests in the future, the guy is a sperg who's done dozens of requests, gotten dozens of deliveries and still asks for more.

If he thinks he can get away with it, he'll make a guro request. I remember SonyShock filled one of his guro Hibari requests back when that crazy bitch still came here.

b0a005 No.14270545


>who's done dozens of requests, gotten dozens of deliveries and still asks for more.

what a faggot

d4da05 No.14270583

File: 41d0255f5ea7914⋯.jpg (34.48 KB, 397x520, 397:520, gentle persuasion.jpg)


That's not the point, fuck off and die you shitstain.

039247 No.14270584

File: cb539d7055200c7⋯.jpg (77.08 KB, 671x960, 671:960, free shrugs.jpg)


My post wasn't even directed at you, but if you wanna call yourself out as well that's alright, I guess.

80c1f6 No.14270591


You could always learn how to draw.

b1b69f No.14270629

File: 9c056cea581143c⋯.png (376.65 KB, 1654x1318, 827:659, Chen plays the accordion.png)

I wanted to thank the artist who made this for me again.

a6138c No.14270632

File: 84ba8e1389e513d⋯.jpg (14.43 KB, 480x360, 4:3, dodoria.jpg)


Kill yourself immediately.

418ce2 No.14270653

File: 555608c328bad25⋯.png (534.07 KB, 540x720, 3:4, 555608c328bad25c5054b361ff….png)


you give weebs and drawfags a bad name everywhere. Go fuck yourself leech

7fcea1 No.14270661

File: c20818deafb22a9⋯.png (460.56 KB, 674x666, 337:333, 1446852531169.png)


for some reason your art seems familiar.

039247 No.14270666

File: 47e2eee96524eb3⋯.jpg (56.94 KB, 491x492, 491:492, 1449485808625.jpg)





The funniest thing is that I wasn't even talking about him, I was referring to the Hibarifag but he apparently assumed I was talking about him without reading who I was replying to.

36171f No.14270671


from the linework I think it's eltonel

ceb846 No.14270677

File: 9d444d1b2e3689e⋯.jpg (27.54 KB, 270x249, 90:83, 1447824307407.jpg)


That's captainanaugi, pretty sure it's not his drawing

039247 No.14270688


My post wasn't about requestposters either, it was about him being a sperg who requested the same thing over and over again for about three years.

b0a005 No.14270697


There's nothing wrong with being a leech, it's a fucking drawthread, the requesters are half of the thread. The problem comes with him being a fucking sperg waifufag who keeps requesting the same thing after already getting what he requested.

b0a005 No.14270704


Yes, and then they stop requesting it, or at least slightly change the request after they receive it, you fucking idiot.

039247 No.14270706


I think he's just trying to justify himself also being an annoying leech at this point.

I hope the mods come by and clean this mess up, this is starting to take up a lot of posts and derail the thread.

7fcea1 No.14270715


nah ma, his shits completely different.

36171f No.14270749


could it be galdelic?

7fcea1 No.14270768


Eh, Naw, his faces look a bit different from the picture.

5d184a No.14270776

File: 35cb85f6d04f972⋯.jpg (16.6 KB, 513x276, 171:92, casper fat.jpg)

File: 38e0ccad789bc7a⋯.jpg (22.3 KB, 314x418, 157:209, 上馬キリスト教会 ‏ @kamiumach Jan ….jpg)

File: 8c2bb88fd91b739⋯.jpg (85.86 KB, 960x720, 4:3, emma watson.jpg)

File: 2b11ef3a96c4783⋯.jpg (110.3 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, A beer float made with Bre….jpg)

File: 1302a5d8a437a47⋯.jpg (188.82 KB, 600x424, 75:53, 56399161_p0_master1200.jpg)

inb4 bumplimit

039247 No.14270780


>inb4 bumplimit

We're 150+ posts away.

Why are you posting random images?

bd2888 No.14270781


he posts them for "Reference" but he's just shitposting

ceb846 No.14270782

80c1f6 No.14270788


My advice still stands, Satan.

36171f No.14270791


holy shit his art is awesome

7fcea1 No.14270797


>$20 Sketches

bd2888 No.14270809


a man's gotta eat

2a67d2 No.14270820

File: 5ac185510641621⋯.png (197.87 KB, 429x680, 429:680, Untitled.png)


Mine are $10

7fcea1 No.14270825


Fuck off you filthy red.

7fcea1 No.14270828



By the way, how do you do the water color thing?

8833c3 No.14270829



039247 No.14270830


Judging by the quality of your art, that's still too high.

2a67d2 No.14270870


Watch my streams and find out.

7fcea1 No.14270905

File: a540fdfc3781cda⋯.jpg (40.75 KB, 272x262, 136:131, 1439944078830.jpg)


you have streams?

05a152 No.14270915

File: 402834c5c0fbd65⋯.jpg (88.06 KB, 599x442, 599:442, 1387938670114.jpg)


Well why don't you link it, anon?

2a67d2 No.14270953




I'll tweet whenever I'm streaming.

039247 No.14270973



Starting off straight by shilling yourself, I see. Like a true commie :^)

7fcea1 No.14270997

File: f51350bf54ae8a4⋯.png (633.34 KB, 1992x1520, 249:190, Lisa molests a barmaid.png)


I tried, I really did.

I should get back to the mouse.

bc8a86 No.14271002


alright, "anon"

you do you

49fc65 No.14271031


Why, are you better with a mouse? Or does it feel better?

36171f No.14271038


holy shit this is rly good doe

7fcea1 No.14271048


No I mean the mouse drawings I was on earlier

15129f No.14271053

File: df548448066e1ee⋯.jpg (387.3 KB, 900x600, 3:2, Hard Drawing With A Mouse.jpg)



>Drawing with a mouse.

7fcea1 No.14271063

No I mean the mouse girl I was going to immolate.

6fff31 No.14271066

File: 11e4a47eef85484⋯.jpg (3.34 MB, 1250x7330, 125:733, retrospection_introspectio….jpg)


This guy started with a mouse, and his shit turned out pretty good in the long run.

Using a mouse indefinitely is a terrible idea though holy shit.

7f08ff No.14271152

File: 746ec9e1a62782f⋯.png (7.02 KB, 582x506, 291:253, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 293797d2fc1ee55⋯.png (9.87 KB, 745x389, 745:389, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5217c255be3c0f5⋯.png (8.53 KB, 424x451, 424:451, ClipboardImage.png)

This is now a doodle thread.

108f1a No.14271228

File: 78062c8ee868b06⋯.jpg (2.58 MB, 4740x6980, 237:349, Uni.jpg)

File: b17b886c5f84987⋯.png (883.71 KB, 713x1830, 713:1830, Rei.png)

File: 16298275789bb64⋯.jpg (441.09 KB, 1354x1920, 677:960, alcoholism.jpg)

Requesting Neptunia girls Uni and Rei miserably drinking together, because their systems suck. Outdoors setting would be nicest but I don't really mind. It just has to be depressing.


Cue Ao Usagi.

49fc65 No.14271260


Wasn't it already? :^)

36171f No.14271359

File: 8148bd6cb105766⋯.png (22.81 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png)

36171f No.14271380

File: f3adcb23d6212f2⋯.png (20.42 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png)

MundaneMatt just got his Youtube Play button

36171f No.14271396

File: 1ec511278eaf828⋯.png (19.14 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png)

I forgot how i loved drawing in this thing

36171f No.14271411

File: 21f43ad9049074c⋯.png (19.14 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png)

36171f No.14271471

File: 54263cf4f9849bf⋯.png (26.53 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png)

b3ece9 No.14271670

File: 643f33b05988651⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 627.51 KB, 1510x1400, 151:140, Tomoko video games.png)

990d1e No.14271696

File: 2b1a8258d7287e4⋯.webm (3.9 MB, 136x240, 17:30, CONDUCTOR.webm)

d1522d No.14271735

File: 92e1a9ac00c45d4⋯.jpg (32.05 KB, 594x638, 27:29, 92e1a9ac00c45d482b27798d3e….jpg)



But, seriously through, good work.

Why the watermark, though?

ceb846 No.14271754

File: 0a80a4ebcb2d3c4⋯.png (62.52 KB, 430x315, 86:63, 0a80a4ebcb2d3c4d639d02ae30….png)

36171f No.14271795

File: a6f06172e128b02⋯.gif (1.84 MB, 360x202, 180:101, high five.gif)




but seriously your lineart is great

36171f No.14271869

File: c5edc5f14cb7a8a⋯.png (2.25 MB, 1622x1540, 811:770, viv mslug3 walker mech by ….png)


he drew this.

i like the way he draws tanks n cars

0d41b3 No.14271945


Wouldn't any size work? Any potential size can still obey the laws of physics.

0d41b3 No.14271974


Aren't you the guy who drew the pregnant lactating succubus from Agony some months ago? Great stuff.

Sage for double post

36171f No.14271992

File: 63ec98a81f10aaa⋯.png (133.72 KB, 710x727, 710:727, Erika's honkers.png)



I just...can't. any bigger, it'll look like inflation porn

7271e6 No.14271994


Hey, Papa!

c35084 No.14272223

File: 821a938059441f0⋯.png (5.81 KB, 377x330, 377:330, spurdo.png)


For a brief moment, sure. They would not be sustainable, however.

Assuming the breasts are within a restricted range of densities, there will be a point at which two large enough breasts cannot be maintained. The gravitational forces acting upon the two masses of breast would overcome their mechanical integrity, pulling them together and forming one large breast. The collapse would happen far before reaching even a single Earth mass.

A collapse of a pair of breasts does not exclude singular breasts from having hard limits. If we were to consider expanding a monobreast, then we would create a body so massive to overcome intermolecular forces, create heat, sustain fusion, constantly accumulating heavier and heavier elements at its breast core, not unlike our sun. Over billions of years, the breast sun would start consuming more energy in the fusion that it would be producing. The temperature would be the only factor staving off gravitational collapse. Any residual heat reserves would keep the reaction going for quite a length, but the breast sun will inevitably collapse into its core, releasing a massive amount of energy in the form of a giant breastnova. A breastwave moving at a tenth of the speed of light, fusing and scattering breast matter in every direction and seeding future breasts. If the energy of this breastnova event were to cause the core itself to collapse as would be the case if the mass of the initial monobreast were maximized, it would then in to an extremely dense and small black breast. And black breasts are for niggers.

There hasn't been much research on the theoretical limits of monobreasts, I'm afraid. As for more practical advice, keep pairs of breasts under a few thousand kilometers in diameter and monobreasts under a few astronomic units. Those are rather conservative lower bounds for the limits in question.

60a3b7 No.14272249

File: d4a487b4c8ec66c⋯.jpg (692.23 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, 65953820_p1.jpg)


I really like this image

4ec04c No.14272265

File: c6bf482a35b1970⋯.jpg (10.34 KB, 235x196, 235:196, c6bf482a35b19708638f46143c….jpg)


>He's still alive

Almost thought you died

Espero um dia ver uma BD com o teu design, o teu trabalho é excelente, ainda que mereças ser encarcerado no Tarrafal

d73524 No.14272266

File: aa739743e74ce7b⋯.jpg (7.22 KB, 288x293, 288:293, this is not benis.jpg)

4ec04c No.14272287

File: 0e5d42fcf03c875⋯.png (947.26 KB, 1584x1937, 1584:1937, 0e5d42fcf03c8753365a5c7a41….png)


This is the autism I come here for

039247 No.14272327


I liked your demon drawing awhile ago.

While I personally dislike pedoshlolicon greatly, this is pretty well drawn. Is everything you draw this shade of greyish blue?

7b75fb No.14272367

File: 39baaf4bcdefe35⋯.jpg (254.25 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 39baaf4bcdefe35b29fc09b2e9….jpg)


>I dislike lolis

/v/ is a Christian board

108f1a No.14272379

File: 1e3d0a0aa04d6de⋯.png (131.6 KB, 1194x342, 199:57, planetboobs.png)


(You) deserve it.


>Vitan and Sony

039247 No.14272386


I'm a parent, so it makes me fucking revolted looking at it, but I don't give a shit if other people enjoy it or not. As long as it's not actual CP it doesn't matter much.



Spurdo is gay, Gondola is best.

d73524 No.14272395

File: 77c54fadbb9960d⋯.png (4.77 MB, 1920x6666, 320:1111, father of the year, it's a….png)


>I'm a parent

Is that you?

>Spurdo is gay

Non wizards don't get a say in anything 'round here, faggot

60a3b7 No.14272398


>having a kid

What the fuck is wrong with you

039247 No.14272423


Naw that ain't me.


Funnily enough my dad said the same thing.

7fcea1 No.14272441


He must have hated your ass

039247 No.14272442


Oh, it's not that. It's because I was 19.

60a3b7 No.14272455


God you are pathetic

d73524 No.14272459

File: 4f64f7bd52fc642⋯.png (78.99 KB, 439x441, 439:441, bad idea.png)



And she was?

039247 No.14272468


Is that you, dad?


19 as well, why?

1d1505 No.14272471


>having a kid at 19


d73524 No.14272474

File: dec1c9a4441f314⋯.png (168.95 KB, 399x437, 21:23, serious ochako.png)


>19 as well, why?

Not only did you ruin one life, but two.

a7d1ed No.14272484


Two don't fuck if one doesn't want you know.

Unless it's rape but rape is gay

d73524 No.14272495


>Two don't fuck if one doesn't want you know.

Yeah and there's people who think cutting their dick off makes them a woman.

Sometimes you gotta think ahead further than the point where your balls are empty.

039247 No.14272507



It wasn't a planned pregnancy, I'll tell you that. Always wear condoms, you know how contraceptives are 91% effective? We were in that 9%.

My dad was fucking furious but my mom was delighted she was going to be a grandmother. Her parents were surprisingly calm about it but they insisted on us getting married.

60a3b7 No.14272509


Why didnt she just poop it out?

a7d1ed No.14272512


Sure, but the two are to blame here, not just anon.

d73524 No.14272520

File: d859d71c951497a⋯.jpg (29.4 KB, 640x480, 4:3, you wot.jpg)


>but they insisted on us getting married

At least you had the decency to do that, right?


>two are to blame

>expecting a woman to take responsibility for anything ever anno domini 2018

60a3b7 No.14272536


Its probably not even his kid

865d27 No.14272550


>We were in that 9%

Jesus, anon, did you think contraceptives were a free pass to creampie all you like? That'd be fucking wonderful if it were the case.

Anons are giving you a lot of shit, but I hope you share everything about vidya with little anon, and find lifelong happiness with your family.

7fcea1 No.14272590

File: f12767e84f3660f⋯.png (544.86 KB, 1065x556, 1065:556, 4df1951d13ea95ad0d13fd8b1d….png)


You did Marry her, right?

d1522d No.14272640

File: f36e6f11e4beee9⋯.png (650.85 KB, 1531x1917, 1531:1917, Ashley Misspell.png)



My contribution. Ashley is pretty cute.

039247 No.14272654


>Jesus, anon, did you think contraceptives were a free pass to creampie all you like?

I was 19, can you blame me?



I'm going to keep it at this because this thread isn't my blog, but yes, we married.


She's cute, but what happened to her pants?

e51d0b No.14272657


>making babies at a young age means youre ruining lives

And thanks to that meme birthrates for whites and japs are dropping still.

d73524 No.14272669


>And thanks to that meme birthrates for whites and japs are dropping still.

What do you think are the odds he had a stable livelihood to support both of them and the coming child?

Not to mention the kid was not planned as he said.

If you're ready for it, that's one thing, but think not with your dick, anon.


>but yes, we married

Glad to hear. Hope you two make the best of it.

d1522d No.14272685

File: 00442002d315dc5⋯.gif (309.25 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 00442002d315dc5984a59e8b73….gif)



Whoops, delivery anchor reply.


I was going for a "spell gone wrong" theme. I just want an excuse to draw the character.

Sage for double post.

e51d0b No.14272736


>What do you think are the odds he had a stable livelihood to support both of them and the coming child?

No idea nor do I so much care. See my mom was 18 and my dad was 24 when they made my bro, around a year later I was pooped out. They made that choice themselves and wanted to have kids early and thanks to that it both made them stop being lazy shits and work hard because at the time they where piss poor to the point my dad had to steal bread every once in awhile. But then my dad got big raises simply because he started to work so hard and get things in order, everything to this day went well. You could simply say they where not ready for it yet they still did it.

The reasons they wanted them early was due to bonding and they both understood that the older a woman gets the unhealthier the offspring can be.

My dad also explained to me that it's best to have kids young, be responsible and then dick around when the kids are old enough to take care of their own, otherwise you'd be stuck with kids while you're too old to do anything really. And I fully agree with that.

Myself, I wanted kids at the age of 16. I'm almost 26 now and my girlfriend 22 and she practically begs me to impregnate her she be impregnated very soon. Thing is that I was so stupid enough to keep going to college simply because it's cheap around here, though I barely had any use for it. Otherwise I would've been a parent around the age of 20. I do have a well paying job so that's all fine.

I just assume that anon and his wife are not niggers and therefor I'm pretty sure they will manage just fine and wish them the best.

d73524 No.14272779


>no idea nor do I so much care

Then what are you pissing on my leg for?

I never implied that having kids early is bad, but in this day and age you're so easily left behind by society you better have the means to sustain your family before even the shit jobs are taken from you by """"""immigrants"""""".

>that whole blog

I'd ask if you're a gypsy but your spelling is too good for that.

That also sounds like a (((hollywood))) movie comeback story. Did your dad finally clean his room, bucko?

7dfc27 No.14272788

b5675b No.14272798

File: 135cd04b522505a⋯.png (246.04 KB, 474x548, 237:274, filia.png)

File: 5c4a9ec2d0452b0⋯.jpg (359.27 KB, 986x1336, 493:668, filia-concept.jpg)

File: b2dc7db0ecf1ca9⋯.png (608.12 KB, 2250x839, 2250:839, ClipboardImage.png)


Draw Filia(post-Samson) as a loli

b5675b No.14272806


This may sound odd considering the source material, but I want it cute, not lewd

2f51d1 No.14272812


Always wondered why the in game model looked way better than the actual art, its only small differences but still feels different, i think its because the ingame one is less thicc

7dfc27 No.14272813

File: a2abf7dd34e58b0⋯.png (7.64 KB, 83x81, 83:81, ClipboardImage.png)


tf is this? She has an anus on the back of her head?

0d41b3 No.14272815

File: a84f3df84ce25bd⋯.png (2.18 KB, 132x248, 33:62, my_attempt_at_why.PNG)


I remember your doodles.


I'll accept it though I feel like you still followed the laws of physics to predict what would happen

89a7b0 No.14272821


No that's meant to show that something has been "cut off" of the figure on the style sheet. That's where her pony tail goes.

e51d0b No.14272823


>but in this day and age you're so easily left behind by society you better have the means to sustain your family before even the shit jobs are taken from you by """"""immigrants"""""".

I understand, yet you can make use of the government programs and get extra dough just for having kids and look for a job in the meanwhile or get a job that's off the pay-roll. The town I live in now barely has any sandniggers. The ones that do get a job are usually kicked out within a month because they are lazy shits. Per usual.

>I'd ask if you're a gypsy but your spelling is too good for that.

Thanks, English isn't my native language so that compliment feels good. If you don't want to believe me or my dad for that matter then that's all fine. Not everyone stays a fuck up.

>Did your dad finally clean his room, bucko?

In doing so he became Kermit, no cure for that I'm afraid.

d73524 No.14272842

File: 83e238dc8247c3f⋯.webm (2.72 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Go on the internet and te….webm)


>If you don't want to believe me or my dad for that matter then that's all fine. Not everyone stays a fuck up.

Just poking ya. I know that nobody would ever go on the internet and tell lies.

>In doing so he became Kermit, no cure for that I'm afraid.

Shame. Though I heard there is a $600 personality test he might take to lessen the symptoms.

Glad your family pulled through and good luck for you and your gf.

e51d0b No.14272858


>Shame. Though I heard there is a $600 personality test he might take to lessen the symptoms.

I heard the $6 million package does wonder, though the one recommending this to me was rubbing his hands as if he was lighting a fire.

>Glad your family pulled through and good luck for you and your gf.

Thanks anon. Wish you all the best too.

4ec04c No.14272924

File: 00ef41db1c7d62f⋯.jpg (283.53 KB, 1413x1158, 471:386, 00ef41db1c7d62fba045956944….jpg)

>Thread derailed by a blogposter

>People replying and giving a shit about the personal life of others


d73524 No.14272942

File: 8160248a494ab7a⋯.png (185.69 KB, 718x451, 718:451, ClipboardImage.png)


Don't worry, the shitbosting is done.

Time for benis and art again.

You got to somehow procrastinate and not make progress after all.

039247 No.14272943


>not liking skull pussy

4ec04c No.14272960


I'm just reposting art, none of what I post is mine, I can't even draw

d73524 No.14272967


I know, the benis vult was mine.

I'm also working on reworking it.

d1522d No.14272972

File: 12a226fda309aae⋯.png (142.69 KB, 642x700, 321:350, 12a226fda309aaeff00ba21849….png)


Meh. It is what it is. I'm still workin' on another request. By the time I'm finished this thread will past its bump limit.

What's exactly the "protocol" for making new draw threads?

a7d1ed No.14272974

File: 4d65dcc1100e6a4⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 837.54 KB, 2097x2667, 699:889, erin viv noveau .jpg)


Don't be sad you turboqueer.

4ec04c No.14272976

File: 24d0ad2a0a11b82⋯.png (565.53 KB, 712x950, 356:475, 24d0ad2a0a11b825312d43127a….png)


>the benis vult was mine

039247 No.14272986


The only real rule is not to make one thread too quickly after another, so wait about a week or so.

In the past threads were made regularly, but that lead to a quick decline in quality and we got a lot of regular shitters showing up. Ever since threads were made sparingly the quality has been much higher.

7dfc27 No.14272987


Does Vivian have stinky armpits?

742e32 No.14272995


>birthrates for whites and japs are dropping still

I continually hear this, but what is the actual statistic on this, what metric is used to determine the birthrate is dropping?

Like, gun violence is at an all time low percentage wise, but only because there number of people not committing gun violence has risen, not because the crimes themselves are less frequent

d73524 No.14272997


>What's exactly the "protocol" for making new draw threads?

Including the OP with the links and the request and delivery anchor posts.

That's basically it.

Maybe the OP image could be an image from the last thread, be it done or a WIP to get people interested.

And what this anon said. >>14272986

d1522d No.14273009

File: 1b32d55ab0d3831⋯.jpg (183.97 KB, 850x850, 1:1, 1b32d55ab0d38316cf67d30053….jpg)



>The only real rule is not to make one thread too quickly after another, so wait about a week or so

So, even if I'm drawfag and want to do more request, I shouldn't make a new thread? Well, shit. Guess I'll post the finished product and hope the dude sees it.

039247 No.14273012


These threads are active long after the bump limit.

The last one was still going even on page 12.

a7d1ed No.14273022


I'm gonna draw for a bit, come join and talk about drawfagging.

d73524 No.14273038

File: 3a2e0894d7bfac5⋯.png (230.62 KB, 903x968, 903:968, wow.png)


>eltonel stream


17b940 No.14273059


Back then there were constant draw threads being made by people who were only there to request, not to deliver. So the threads crashed when it was all requests and no drawings due to burnout. The wait is to avoid a repeat of that.

But if you are drawing yourself i do not see why you couldn't make one sooner. Just be prepared to dump some stuff while the thread is still fresh, many draw threads died back then because a slow start kicked off a shitstorm about declining thread quality and how to fix it, consuming the whole thread.

7fcea1 No.14273066

File: 20f390975145aa6⋯.jpg (62.82 KB, 630x632, 315:316, 11873664_153609584973663_6….jpg)



Aw, he sounds so weak.

7fcea1 No.14273073

File: 759e0d4d65795ae⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 472.56 KB, 2250x1688, 1125:844, Chuuners.png)


This is as far as I usually take things as my line work is shit.

039247 No.14273079


That is some pelvis she's got there.

074091 No.14273086


where is the benis on the big belvis?

1468f1 No.14273093

File: 7768dc89eaa421d⋯.png (898.05 KB, 1342x812, 671:406, for (you).png)


Thanks, anon.

d1522d No.14273095

File: fd394a5d981afbe⋯.png (25.01 KB, 512x507, 512:507, 644373821.png)


>This is as far as I usually take things as my line work is shit.

I think it looks pretty good, personally.

8d9d1f No.14273099


Dude, that looks awesome

7fcea1 No.14273101

File: 274922c347c919f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 27.88 KB, 458x458, 1:1, 274.jpg)

7dfc27 No.14273122

File: 782186ca0c752f3⋯.jpg (43.7 KB, 500x380, 25:19, dedede-irked.jpg)


where the FUCK is the skyscraper being crushed to bits between her thighs with tiny people falling out of it?

what are you trying to do to me?!

it's really quite nice, but i wanted some sizefag content

039247 No.14273128


Please contain your macro autism

f3931a No.14273191

File: 15013d6f2896a95⋯.png (973.39 KB, 803x895, 803:895, ParaXkomrad_band_auth_Ken.png)

bd2888 No.14273237


>Shadman lines

d1522d No.14273250

File: 9de8473cc7de054⋯.jpg (127.11 KB, 1584x1196, 396:299, 563b2e58a4007934107aa98bc4….jpg)


Looks like a cover to some shitty "anime future funk" album.

f3931a No.14273291


thats exactly what it is

made it as a joke

ead461 No.14273600

File: 197315f5a90fb64⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1058x1251, 1058:1251, 197.png)

8d0b1c No.14273651



a7d1ed No.14273654

File: 56f48fa6a8c84d5⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.5 MB, 2097x3336, 699:1112, erin viv noveau .jpg)

File: 31542aa7fccc8e0⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 774.37 KB, 2508x3541, 2508:3541, last minute sketches.jpg)


I'm sorry I don't have a cool voice anon.

4ec04c No.14273656

File: 6f8d770a4f4e77a⋯.png (68.75 KB, 322x340, 161:170, 6f8.png)



61f281 No.14273671


Enjoyed the stream, thank you! Awesome as always!

a7d1ed No.14273675


Y-you too.

4ec04c No.14273691

File: 39f3d1ffbdc86e9⋯.mp4 (953.18 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Alberto Barbosa speaks out.mp4)



Work on that accent you spic, else I'll take Galiza back

c6c7d8 No.14273706

File: 0d5a5b7530844c2⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 4.03 MB, 6280x5000, 157:125, the snoopening.jpeg)

psst kid, remember me, your best pal drawpile?

is it time again yet?

b21b81 No.14273754




Anon I'll assume you're being benevolent here but if you're going to shill for me I'd rather you not pretend to be me

Still, thanks for your help in your bizarre way

039247 No.14273771


That is one fucked up looking assaultron.

0d41b3 No.14273776

File: 1e7b0429a6a1b82⋯.jpeg (27.01 KB, 500x500, 1:1, serveimage.jpeg)


How long has it been, 2 years? Maybe now it'll work on my machine.


I just knew there was something weird about his demeanor.

039247 No.14273794




b3ece9 No.14273803

File: ae7111dad0e42ba⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 316.31 KB, 1050x1400, 3:4, amazing chocolates pg1.png)

File: ef0c7acab23a0e5⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 289.46 KB, 1050x1050, 1:1, amazing chocolate pg2.png)

File: 18c290ff6f9872f⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 2.38 MB, 2180x2000, 109:100, Freya & Gilda Sybian Horse….png)

File: 56ca2e196a3afe6⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.11 MB, 2000x1200, 5:3, Vivian-Gilda Panty-Stockin….png)

File: 96996b804e67e24⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 379.16 KB, 1400x1200, 7:6, Viv_&_Erika_Masterrace.png)




>Is everything you draw this shade of greyish blue?

No, I just threw a color filter over it since monochrome looked uninteresting to me at the time. Same with the drawing of Yumi: >>14268279


People who engage in fantasies about something don't necessarily do it. There are plenty of statistics proving this. Crime has more correlation with brown skin pigment than media consumption. I don't agree with anons shrieking over having a kid though. Unless maybe you're in a war zone or dirt poor and cannot possibly afford to feed a child. Certainly isn't easy raising a kid all things considered, but you'd think a board fond of saying "git gud" could rise to a challenge like that where the outcome could actually be meaningful.


>Why the watermark, though?

h8chan pride worldwide. tbh, 8ch is the only place where I post art anymore I don't have a dedicated page, but maybe I should get one and dump everything there. Where can you even post lolicon?

Here's some other things I've done for those interested.

247918 No.14273816

File: 97e6f888845eb2f⋯.png (316.11 KB, 720x408, 30:17, vlcsnap-2018-01-15-00h02m1….png)


>8ch is the only place where I post art anymore I don't have a dedicated page, but maybe I should get one and dump everything there.

I've had the idea before to make a /agdg/ like board for artists to get general thread(s) to post their work. That way the art boards can be used for their intended purpose and we have an easy way to archive everything.

039247 No.14273818

File: c50cbec2f780e62⋯.jpg (23.69 KB, 470x345, 94:69, Rambo thumbs.jpg)


Most of your art disgusts me on a fundamental level, but you're pretty good at drawing.

Keep it up.

b3ece9 No.14273833


There's a booru for 8ch draw threads, but it isn't being updated most of the time. http://8-booru.booru.org so a lot of the art posted here isn't being archived anywhere unless the artist has a page and put it on there.

4ec04c No.14273840

File: b44f039ccf5fcb1⋯.mp4 (5.79 MB, 400x300, 4:3, You got the dud V2.0.mp4)


>PantyViv and GildaStocking

I've busted too many of my loads to this image

d73524 No.14273848



Last I heard it was just a /monster/ haven now.

Not to mention this porn spam bot I'm seeing, wew.

4ec04c No.14273851

File: dcb43cdef1eceea⋯.mp4 (1.08 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Gondola of the fireflies.mp4)


>Booru used to be used a shitton of times

>Now it's only used for some dumps and by based /monster/

It hurts

I really need to free up a day to post the countless Gygabytes I have of OC there.

039247 No.14273867


That bot spams on several popular boorus, I don't think 8booru has any active mods, but if it does it should be reported to them.

0d41b3 No.14273868


I wouldn't mind trying out something fun like that if others do too. Most other solutions (tumblr, DA, twitter, etc.) all have downsides.

4aa0bb No.14273881


The only real issue with that is if someone decides to grind out threads while the mods are asleep, are there protective measures for that kind of thing in the moderation tools?

4ec04c No.14273893


No, I'm talking about legit at dumps one in a while.

The spam is like one attention whore

039247 No.14273900


Yeah, I know who you're talking about. It's that thot posting pictures of her ass and a link to her kik.

It's a bot, I've seen it elsewhere.

0d41b3 No.14273905


Maybe the mod could pin drawfags' threads so that they don't get lost to that.

I don't know anything about a specific tool though. I've never made a board.

247918 No.14273909

File: 5c871b835015efa⋯.png (12.49 KB, 580x143, 580:143, waterfox_2018-02-04_14-57-….png)


There are thread creation limits per hour. This can be set to maybe 5 per hour and it wouldn't be an issue. This excludes mod posts, so requests for a thread can be made if the limit has been reached. Or it could be request only.

If a thread is just filled with shit, all you need to follow is the Mark method and the thread will have room.

9dc77d No.14273934

File: 10f4f83aeaf9687⋯.jpg (136.58 KB, 498x501, 166:167, efda188595c6f17fbabf2cac83….jpg)




>italians make yet another board

>it ends up being managed by a retard

>rinse and repeat

all I've heard about every single one of your spaghetti boards is shit about bad moderation, is there a single thing you can do right? it's like watching ww1 and 2 over and over

sage for no contriboot

4aa0bb No.14273971


I mean the issue somewhat is that an image board isn't really good for an archive of images.

247918 No.14274009


There is the reporter class of mods that allow for creation of threads only and posting in those same threads. I don't know if there's a limit to 'mods' on a board, but that could be one avenue.

8b48cc No.14274038

File: 91c212027204d63⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 266.23 KB, 853x712, 853:712, Deus Vult.jpg)



I don't know how to backgrounds, and new at digital

0d41b3 No.14274041


I guess, though I know several small-ish porn boards who've still got 3+ year-old threads, which means they even survived the various downtimes, server crashes and Josh fuckeries that were thrown at them.

247918 No.14274064

File: c5e06d18897e282⋯.png (225.91 KB, 720x392, 90:49, vlcsnap-2018-01-27-20h39m5….png)

7dfc27 No.14274080

File: 3db6dcc44966f9b⋯.jpg (77.57 KB, 355x369, 355:369, mokoucomeonboy.jpg)


why does he get size content but i don't

all i want is chun-li crushing the empire state building in her legs god damn it

c35084 No.14274093

File: 6191dcd280c6f6c⋯.jpg (184.41 KB, 620x693, 620:693, duce.jpg)

247918 No.14274097

File: 790994685437179⋯.png (288.11 KB, 720x400, 9:5, vlcsnap-2018-02-04-00h21m1….png)


Because you're not special anon.

741b6c No.14274104

File: fba6aa8a0895839⋯.jpg (46.12 KB, 475x476, 475:476, Fat Mew.jpg)



Is that you C0de?

d1522d No.14274109

File: 03a45c6e192053d⋯.jpg (179.16 KB, 1922x1391, 1922:1391, 03a45c6e192053d938e1ac1273….jpg)


Oh, okay. I didn't see that spoiler coming.


One day, anon. One day.

ead461 No.14274125

File: 58b27487a4f8401⋯.png (217.71 KB, 1185x1125, 79:75, chunner acorn.png)

File: d468d7f84773f47⋯.webm (3.06 MB, 450x360, 5:4, How I feel right now.webm)


bitter hubris; learn to love the acorn

8b48cc No.14274146

File: 598e0c2d5627a5b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 288.23 KB, 1185x1125, 79:75, 58b27487a4f8401a9196654981….jpg)

7dfc27 No.14274179

File: f75e978056397e3⋯.png (82.15 KB, 475x497, 475:497, ClipboardImage.png)

bd2888 No.14274285


fucking kill yourself, if someone makes something for you and yet you still fucking sperg about it not being correct, you're literally the most fucking autistic fucking waste of human life on this planet, please leave the thread at once

7dfc27 No.14274309


Well now I'm definitely not leaving.

0d41b3 No.14274320

File: 40109fc9c9df253⋯.jpg (106.87 KB, 1300x957, 1300:957, middle-aged-man-using-a-ta….jpg)

8d0b1c No.14274321

File: a396eb2b42c2b9f⋯.png (221.39 KB, 832x621, 832:621, ClipboardImage.png)


That is it boys

/ita/ is finally a real board, we did it


I can help you with that

7dfc27 No.14274344

File: b55908eb0ecc343⋯.jpg (4.4 KB, 177x168, 59:56, DHjgWkVVoAAGBFD.jpg large.jpg)



ead461 No.14274370

File: 7058cfc396e36a3⋯.webm (1.11 MB, 432x260, 108:65, Makarov.webm)


I think he's implying he's going to shoot you in italian.

webm unrelated

d73524 No.14274395

File: 5deca96aff42923⋯.jpg (99.81 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, the laws of this pasta won….jpg)


>shoot you in italian

8d0b1c No.14274555


Not really paisano


I have the radical proposition that a board cannot truly define itself as culturally relevant if there's not even one pornographic image of its representatives.

8d0b1c No.14274742

File: 00e139cf1924820⋯.png (33.23 KB, 300x450, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Guy's alright though, he embodies all the perfect Italo qualities: lazy, family-oriented and with a wicked sense of humor. Also he does minutes-long bans, throws blogposters off the site and is just about having fun rather than being "/pol/ but in another language".

c35084 No.14274874

File: 4bf46dd3e0d2a15⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 267.49 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, chin lu.png)


Will you leave now?

7dfc27 No.14274934

File: 16d707494942ef6⋯.gif (1.62 MB, 350x190, 35:19, sadleopard.gif)


You got me you son of a bitch.

518ac4 No.14275068

draw ren shooting someone at E3

990d1e No.14275084

File: 1c551ee0dd7644d⋯.png (1.06 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png)


How about this realistic depiction of ren shooting up E3 like he promised

b3ece9 No.14275109

File: 00904e9c125f684⋯.png (2.12 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, E3_Chihuaua_Ren.png)


But anon, Ren never delivers.

15129f No.14275726

File: 6d991a877421b49⋯.png (457.56 KB, 1200x1150, 24:23, New SexBot Model.png)


894ade No.14275784

File: d2d317561083735⋯.jpg (11.95 KB, 307x231, 307:231, sam aaaa.jpg)



ead461 No.14276125

File: 387af9adb1f7c0c⋯.png (303.79 KB, 990x657, 110:73, now were talking.png)

7dfc27 No.14276271

File: f6f0a5517fb91db⋯.png (435.55 KB, 800x942, 400:471, 11292367.png)





aa812a No.14276324

File: ced0d097f7cbbaa⋯.png (420.72 KB, 800x942, 400:471, Top Tier Delivery.png)

7dfc27 No.14276376

File: 171eaa2c9815f0a⋯.jpg (95.11 KB, 558x800, 279:400, chun_li_hentai.jpg)


I will not be rustled by the likes of you.

I am on a mission.

ead461 No.14276465

File: 062525be35e9e3d⋯.jpg (143.28 KB, 890x1195, 178:239, Boku no Hero Academia 28-0….jpg)


yeah but your mission is dumb and you should feel dumb

4cd1f7 No.14276521

7fcea1 No.14276574

File: 716d97eeee0c113⋯.png (113.94 KB, 543x629, 543:629, Damn.png)



Now would you kindly fuck off.

039247 No.14276729


>somebody's being annoying

>fill their request

You should know better than that.

0d41b3 No.14276743


Notice that it's still missing the little people falling. There's still potential for the saga to continue.

d1522d No.14276796

File: 0fe9f08ce2c8909⋯.jpg (66.7 KB, 426x407, 426:407, 0fe9f08ce2c890923e4b30bc77….jpg)


>A Draw fag actually did it

Good. Now the requester and his shit fetish can stop bitchin'.

1a170c No.14276803

File: 38cf8771a3863c2⋯.jpg (47.06 KB, 630x551, 630:551, every thread.JPG)

Guess I'll leave

d1522d No.14276807

File: 9453a0528802212⋯.png (44.17 KB, 400x392, 50:49, 9453a052880221208a7aff2899….png)


Anon, the thread isn't dead. Everyone is just asleep or they don't know there's a new draw thread.

990d1e No.14276810

Where's eyebrows mom dragon fag? He never finished the gondola I asked for.


Draw gondola, you spineless cretin

d1522d No.14276813


You want a request? Draw your favorite vidya character in an action pose. >>14266514

1a170c No.14276832

File: 9920f4fed865d10⋯.png (100.21 KB, 750x750, 1:1, gondolaspace.png)


Last time I was here I drew nothing but Gondolas, fagola

b0a005 No.14276849

File: 666e5a177a95ec0⋯.jpg (246 KB, 776x768, 97:96, Citytrial.jpg)

File: 8064ea83e07403f⋯.png (84.11 KB, 1024x618, 512:309, Citroen-ds-blueprints-cgfr….png)



draw a blueprint of one of the kirby air ride machines, then

1a170c No.14276915

File: ff46beb9a15b4d0⋯.png (156.06 KB, 750x750, 1:1, sketch I won't finish.png)


You know artists usually take commissions for orthographics, right?


This was starting to take a bit too long, so I'm just gonna leave it here unfinished.

b3ece9 No.14276934

File: 5b0521c35aebc35⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 571.69 KB, 1260x1400, 9:10, Henrike_Fucktoy_(degraded).png)

File: fc19a8982db368d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 541.48 KB, 1260x1400, 9:10, Henrike_Fucktoy.png)



Here's some action featuring one of my favorites.


>Most of your art disgusts me on a fundamental level,

>but you're pretty good at drawing. Keep it up.

You'll like this one. It's edgy.

I've had a rough sketch of this Unteralterbach fan art for ages and decided to finally follow through with it. It was originally meant for /loli/ but some militant weeaboo took over /loli/ and banned western loli which splintered and killed an already low-traffic board.

d1522d No.14276941

File: 32fac174870494e⋯.png (98.25 KB, 575x548, 575:548, 155.png)


Good lord, man. No wonder you don't post your work outside of 8chan. They'd tear you apart out there.

1a170c No.14276951

File: bfd4283c34f2747⋯.png (55.26 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 6.png)


Are you related to Shadman by any chance?

b0a005 No.14276970


At least there's no chromatic abberation

b3ece9 No.14276982

File: 1bedce2d9c1bc82⋯.png (650.83 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, Bullying Vita.png)


Because normalfags just can't wrap their heads around lolicon. They think "How could anything be depicted in fictitious artwork and not be taken into real life?"


I don't think I'm on Shadman's level of edginess. My stuff is usually really vanilla if you factor out the normalfag reaction to loli. Rarely do I draw anything edgy.

a9e960 No.14276995

File: a3e3b95ff6215b3⋯.png (319.34 KB, 850x832, 425:416, Some old drawing.png)


>girl who eats out of a dog food bowl and is covered with horrible body writing getting fucked

That's pretty nasty mate. Get some more sweet stuff in your life.

b3ece9 No.14277017

File: 2bcc0204e90a0c3⋯.png (928.04 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, v's hair.png)


>hand holding

Now that's sick. Spoiler that shit. Some things are just taking it too far.

ead461 No.14277036


You say that, but /delicious/ is in the top 50 and /loli/ isn't; i'd say they came out ahead.

1a170c No.14277058


Oh you're one of those guys who can't wrap his head around that loli is just as morally reprehensible as actual CP because of what it DEPICTS.

If I got my rocks off to dog decapitation, there isn't a lick of difference if it was a real photo or drawn because it's the idea and depiction of such things that are disgusting.

ceb846 No.14277065

File: ebd9349a24041c4⋯.png (139.46 KB, 713x1008, 713:1008, 6bebefbedb55a82c01221c7dee….png)


please draw love

873a1b No.14277069


What about depictions of things that cannot possibly exist in real life, like –since we're talking about fucked-up fetishes– inflation or macro?

1a170c No.14277076


If you want me to go down the whole road, yes it's just as fucked up.

Ideally, the only fetishes a man should have is gaining a large family with a loyal wife.

b3ece9 No.14277077


Of course they came out ahead. I said the weeb killed /loli/ and since /loli/ has around half the active ISPs of /delicious/ that's a fair assessment. But I'd rather there just be a loli board for loli no matter if it is eastern or western. A loli board that does what is says on the tin instead of being exclusionary like "We have loli, but not THAT loli. You can only have THESE lolis here. If you want OTHER loli then get out." It's fucking stupid and a handful of loud autists screeching "ban things I don't like" shouldn't have their way because it just ruins shit.


>there isn't a lick of difference if it was a real photo

What a dumb example. If it's a real photo then a dog was actually harmed. Also let's ban violent video games.

a9e960 No.14277082

File: fc68a454e938b68⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.93 MB, 1671x2116, 1671:2116, desire for in-out.jpg)


Take your old Jack Thompson logic and throw it in the bin where it belongs. I am not a murderer when I play Grand Theft Auto, and loli is harmless to produce unlike real CP.



b3ece9 No.14277090

File: c7233a2b89816c1⋯.png (376.03 KB, 849x700, 849:700, have some of this.png)



Can girls love girls?

1a170c No.14277092

File: d4794b6ce2ec484⋯.png (269.18 KB, 500x514, 250:257, d4794b6ce2ec484ba34e0877da….png)


>tfw "non-offending" paedophiles get the rope too


Your reading comprehension isn't too great is it?

a7d1ed No.14277099

File: 139d624d681dda9⋯.jpg (348.41 KB, 919x968, 919:968, reallynigga.jpg)


Nigger get a fucking grip.

A drawing is not a real person. It doesn't feel. It's not alive. It's a bunch of lines making a form your brain recognices as something, but it has no voice, no rights and most importantly IT'S NOT A REAL BEING YOU DUMB FAGGOT.

Is it so hard to discern reality from fiction? I'd rather have all the people of the world jerking it out to fucking toddlercon guro if that means no kid is diddled.

b3ece9 No.14277102

File: 21c1131f9d24fcf⋯.gif (374.98 KB, 800x713, 800:713, Erika Bully.gif)


>it's another leftypol larps as pol episode

What gave it away:


>the only fetishes a man should have is gaining a large family with a loyal wife.

Referring to the nuclear family as a fetish gave you away. Fetish is a favored lefty buzzword lately.

ead461 No.14277103


Well, freedom involves having choices, and now people have the choice of one board or the other. I think that's how 8chan, or in fact any imageboard with board creation, should work. Just a shame everyone who's disgruntled with Mark, not that i blame them, can't all bail to a new, better /v/ and get in the top 50 to start a chain reaction migration. Also a shame the NEETs left /aus/ and now it's below the fold, but that's life i guess.

Besides, /hgg/ and /htg/ have their own, surprisingly alive boards, almost as if for some reason someone doesn't want them here and the former doesn't want the latter.

1a170c No.14277109

File: f4dcb34c103f5b8⋯.png (131.45 KB, 304x447, 304:447, f4dcb34c103f5b8f211e4acac3….png)


Pedos have a hard time understanding, we don't hate you because we think you're harming lolis. We hate you because you think depictions of children are hot.





You're right. I'm not /pol/ though. Neither am I /leftypol/, however.

039247 No.14277112


I really don't care what you get your rocks off to, but if you're a NatSoc then you should know you wouldn't exactly be liked in a national socialist government for drawing porn, much less your specific types of porn.

ceb846 No.14277121


Our NEET thread isn't dead just yet

the rest of those cowards moved to their own dedicated board

b3ece9 No.14277122


One problem with how 8chan works is traffic. You either have it or you don't and when an interest is splintered across multiple boards that can be a detriment to traffic. Even moreso in the case of /loli/ where it was forcefully splintered by banning more than half the content. Which is the other problem, volunteer moderation without any trial period or vetting whatsoever. You wind up with idiots who ruin boards, but moderation was always a problem with image boards since it adds that fallible human element which subjectively enforces the rules.

a7d1ed No.14277146




I'm sure i can get you feel all tingly with a loli drawing that appeals to whatever is your fetish.

ead461 No.14277150

File: 87ded264b7c3aa9⋯.png (55.57 KB, 796x324, 199:81, loli eagles.png)


And if people find violence and bloody killing fun, does that make them sociopathic monsters right off the bat or do they have to start vivisecting hobos for them to hit a point of crime? And more over, does enjoying depictions of them, fake or real, unquestionably turn them into deranged killers by itself, or do people have to hit a point where they stop reminding themselves that wanton murder is bad? There's definitely a line of morality, but crossing that line is on the individual, not the materials available to him. There's probably something to be said about thinking a man guilty before he commits the crime, too, but that's gone out the window with tabloids and the modern news cycle.


If a vol is shit, that's on the BO; if the BO is shit, it's time to convince him to hand off ownership or jump boards. Continue until paradise is found.

1a170c No.14277155

File: 4a9ecb23dadb56f⋯.png (482.6 KB, 647x457, 647:457, 4a9ecb23dadb56fb9e59ff313f….png)


Anon, it's like you're trying to tempt me with a nigger.

I don't care what shape it takes, I already hate it for WHAT it is.


False equivalence.

Violence appeals to the innate warrior in all men.

Getting hard to kiddie fiddling is nothing of the sort.

a7d1ed No.14277181


So violence is cool because it appeals the inner warrior, in all men, but loli is wrong because it appeals to the inner healthy partner finder in every men too?

As you know, younger human beans are healthier than older ones, less propense to fall ill, more energy, and all that jazz. Surely it is for the good of the offspring to have a young and energetic mother rather than an old an easily tired one?

ead461 No.14277200


And what of murdering babies, is that still the primal violence? Stomping on cats, blowing up dead groundhogs with m-80s, eradicating darkies with AK-47s. How far does this violence you seem to find a-ok, especially in a civilized society, have to warp itself to deeper and deeper into people's twisted indulgences before you finally say that's the line? Surely hanging a girl by a fishhook and dissecting her like a carp isn't a perfectly healthy and reasonable branch of that theoretical warrior violence you seen to idolize; would you say, without question, that anyone who enjoys that should be thoroughly shunned, even on the internet, and the materials banished, or would you say it's mere fiction and thus no harm is done, just as with lolicon?

Conversely, sexuality is perfectly natural; finding lively and spirited women attractive is perfectly fine, and such energy may even be a good sign that the woman is healthy and, dare i say, verdant. Realize now, then, that most traits that women yearn for and attempt to emulate are that of a little girl. Smooth skin, hairlessness, vibrancy, a general cheerful energy and playful innocence. To actually diddle kids is a bad thing, no doubt, but to enjoy and even be attracted to them is entirely sensible. It's all an extension of sexuality and desire, and, as with violence, as long as it doesn't cross over into reality and crime, and i mean real crime and not just thoughtcrimes of maybe-do, there's no harm in it. Unless, on the other side of the coin and back onto violence, you think people shouldn't have assault rifles because they're clearly going to murder people or start a revolution with them.

873a1b No.14277364

Well at least when you like tiles or body modifications for communication you don't get into these terrific arguments. You're just labelled autistic and everyone mocks you.

990d1e No.14278011

File: a8c3bec984b115d⋯.gif (1.47 MB, 353x448, 353:448, Check my dubs (Check, my, ….gif)


God bless you, moonman

3b33f9 No.14278014


Current BO is just a bit lazy and retarded, but he's absolutely chill and the board is doing just fine


Very nice


Well, i guess it was just a matter of time before someone made lewdies of RIta

1cab8c No.14278284

File: 24a57e068f270b0⋯.png (9.81 KB, 649x361, 649:361, ClipboardImage.png)

Before the prune, i made this.

8bebb5 No.14278301

File: 215e186e3b02d21⋯.jpg (1013.87 KB, 2448x3264, 3:4, IMG_20180205_173142.jpg)

File: c6d8843cd492a5f⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 2448x3264, 3:4, IMG_20180205_173308.jpg)



I dunno man, never actually drawn lolis

b5675b No.14278319


Not bad!

Thanks for the draw

5129be No.14278424



Thanks anons.


>loli and ara

Great taste my friend. I still don't understand tewifags decision. Who would have guessed that splitting a niche board in half would have proven to be a bad idea? At least one half is still alive. Then again I never found much use out of /loli/ to begin with. I found that I only needed to visit the board once every month or two and after a batch downloading session had everything I needed. The direct sources and middlemen sites like the boorus or sankaku were more than enough already.

I'll admit this is my first time visting a draw thread, so I'm still unfamiliar with the etiquette and whether or not it is appropriate to ask for multiple requests in a single draw thread. If it is not then just ignore this post and I'll wait 2 or so draw threads before asking again. Draw your favorite protagonist doing something relaxing on their day off.

6de449 No.14278519


Your requests are fine, of course you can make more. Some people get mad at faggots who request the same fetish or waifu art all the time though I just find the whole situation quite funny but most won't get angry at harmless general requests like those that anyone can try their hands at.

There's actually a similar thread on /loomis/ that has for purpose to give themes to drawfags to draw.

8d9d1f No.14278856

Ha ha why don't some of you artist draw my original character ha ha

8d9d1f No.14278917

Serious question though. Do any artists of you take full on commissions? Cause seeing the artstyle from most of you makes me really wanna pay for it properly.

7dfc27 No.14278946

File: 01d828f561dc698⋯.png (260.6 KB, 423x515, 423:515, ClipboardImage.png)



I love it. Thank you, Anon. I can die happy.

7fcea1 No.14279178

File: 0fe89f2fc3dec72⋯.jpg (142.09 KB, 418x576, 209:288, 0fe89f2fc3dec72f85b8561712….jpg)


and you better die.

d73524 No.14279702

File: 215230b63b4098d⋯.png (5.51 MB, 1584x1937, 1584:1937, Benis Vult HD Remastered U….png)


>Do any artists of you take full on commissions?

Personally, I hate the thought of owing people something because I took their money, especially on the net. It makes it a chore and a job and I don't like the idea of it. not that there's anything wrong with being paid for you work

Only ever did one request from a friend irl who's a great bud and insisted he pay me after.

Other than that I mostly do freebies when I feel like it, mainly for /v/.

7eb8d2 No.14280439







Back off faggots, sure he thought too much with his dick but that age is the prime age to pro-create. Don't fall for the meme of having children so late that they're past many women's prime I'm unfortunately likely screwed in this regard


>yes, we married


3b33f9 No.14280756



That's a cheetah

36171f No.14282697


Paps and Eltonel take commissions. not sure about the other drawfags here

4389bb No.14282837


I think Maximumpingas takes commissions too.

8d9d1f No.14282864


Maximumpingas' art reminds me of this games' art. Maybe the other way around.


8d9d1f No.14282875

File: bf7b48651f7ba22⋯.jpg (545.9 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IA_2018-02-06_12-45-48.jpg)


At least specifically the loli

4389bb No.14282886


I can see that. The hair and eyes on the loli are familiar.

Those fucking tits are hilarious holy shit.

8d9d1f No.14282889


The game's pretty good imo.

36171f No.14283048

File: 094708ea74e02c8⋯.png (455.09 KB, 1232x1690, 616:845, viv genie glug.png)


4389bb No.14283177



>this nigga became a shrink


36171f No.14283269

File: 96474367fd105e0⋯.png (609.88 KB, 1098x1348, 549:674, TrjhLyOp.png)

from Paps

b21b81 No.14284246

File: fdf2a657719e7c4⋯.png (1.24 MB, 2035x1003, 2035:1003, rougerelic.png)

paid-for sonics

8d9d1f No.14284402

File: 8e5b43ee504c4a8⋯.png (768.55 KB, 1800x2200, 9:11, 3cf97469d7bfb89e5512d5918a….png)

File: 8160248a494ab7a⋯.png (185.69 KB, 718x451, 718:451, 8160248a494ab7aa8f6c301dfd….png)

How's the progress on the request that I did if I may ask.

d73524 No.14284462

File: 12eaa2c2592cb50⋯.png (140.45 KB, 461x509, 461:509, ClipboardImage.png)


it's going somewhere

chances are I'll never finish it :^)

tune in next draw thread

140b7f No.14284469

File: ff8c37133fea5a0⋯.jpg (3.28 KB, 125x122, 125:122, 1425816991953.jpg)


Apologies, anon. On top of school and work, I haven't had time to finish it, it'll be done by the next draw thread.

8d9d1f No.14284528


You've got a really interesting artstyle. Mix between realistic and cartoony. Kind of slightly uncanny valley looking I have to admit.


No problem, anon. I'm just happy that you accepted it. Thanks again.

c35084 No.14284561

File: bc9e37594749ebb⋯.png (61.2 KB, 214x129, 214:129, reservoir hogs.png)


Rouge's boots/feet look a little noodly and strange, even by Sonic standards.

Otherwise breddy neat. Looks a little iffy up close with how some lines and transitions are considerably sharper than others, but even slightly zoomed out, it all melds together.

I hope those Sonic autists are paying well.

b21b81 No.14284589


They pay well enough for the amount of effort I put into those drawings and also I'm a sonic autist myself hoping to monetise it at an official level eventually so I appreciate the practice, I think last I'd drawn Rouge was years ago

8d9d1f No.14284831

File: 02315a95675ee88⋯.jpg (438.62 KB, 900x776, 225:194, 82ffe3715f2ac2da0366cea2bc….jpg)

I have another request if any artist feels like it. The request being snuggly the crow. Doesn't have to be lewd but if lewd I'd prefer something cute/nice like loving sex and some belly bulge.

If not then just make her as cute as possible please.

c35084 No.14284867


I'm not going to inquire on financials, but out of curiosity, how long did it take to put those Sanics together?

b21b81 No.14284872


hmm. probably hour and a half, or so? maybe a bit longer as I got into the lineart before remembering "wait I'm supposed to just be roughing this so I don't spend too much time in it"

b0a005 No.14286628


well that link sure isn't eerie and menacing

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