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File: 1c8b01da47414fd⋯.jpg (261.53 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 1328418163282.jpg)

347ec9 No.14271101

6 Years ago today

Never forget

d3ff60 No.14271103

File: a22077d4b4ca0e8⋯.jpg (57.53 KB, 500x454, 250:227, ed5b20f7ccc31fc9b1d1d2a261….jpg)

975bc7 No.14271111

I won't forget that hi-rez should be put in the gas chamber

I kinda want to push some sandrakers off this world

d2f021 No.14271121


So, how many members of this team got cancer?

000000 No.14271223


quads checked for justice

75f7bb No.14271583

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Never 4get

75f7bb No.14271589

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Reminder that all further games against Reddit, had them banning players, rage quitting, or outright cheating after it becomes apparent they weren't gonna win against a bunch of /v/irgin autists.

9849dd No.14271598

File: cdb12b8f26546fa⋯.jpg (158.36 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, latest.jpg)

You are all the cancer that killed this franchise. Eat shit.

c865cd No.14271617

File: b67ab2f90cd5193⋯.webm (7.92 MB, 420x238, 30:17, 993e43a142676ee606c782703….webm)


the more things change,the more they stay the same

6fddf9 No.14271668

File: 16673b00b3cf46c⋯.gif (2.42 MB, 630x469, 90:67, 16673b00b3cf46c171432abb01….gif)


>6 Years ago today

>being reminded that /v/ today has been split into a slowly dying board after being assfucked by null, or a far more cancerous cesspit than reddit

>And video games are even worse off than before

What a depressing reminder.

b13777 No.14271840

Midair's still dead af. Sucks, don't it? You'll never go fast again.

d1ba39 No.14271923


5b7a83 No.14272107


Is Midair even out yet?

274b45 No.14272211


>there were people who played this garbage and thought it was Tribes because it had skiing

d2102d No.14272234

5b7a83 No.14272275


Do you mean (((early access)))?

314c27 No.14272328

/v/ died when Tribes died.

We'll never see those glory days again.

c67996 No.14272349


Cuck/v/ died in 2007

This/v/ died in 2015

ace846 No.14272365

File: 89862588814b44d⋯.png (296.6 KB, 661x499, 661:499, real men cry alone.png)


>This/v/ died in 2015

>tfw you have been talking to the ghosts of your brethren this whole time

91e1f5 No.14272377

File: 53f633b01c0b05e⋯.mp4 (10.43 MB, 672x480, 7:5, Gondola on the Final Night.mp4)


>Staying here

>Talking to the ghosts

>Remembering the old days

>Celebrating the joy you once felt

Anon, you're a ghost bound here too.

ace846 No.14272406

File: a17a359d846c7e0⋯.jpg (55.03 KB, 1249x700, 1249:700, A dandy guy in space.jpg)


>you're a ghost bound here too


119dc1 No.14272754

It still amazes me that the developers of this game had a brilliant game filled with so much potential and they just threw it all away.

9ef3d8 No.14272777

File: 3a119a55f5d7a6f⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1446x2500, 723:1250, 8chan the horror story.png)




Not just any kind of… but the fucking boogeyman incarnate!

603281 No.14272795


The truth. Fuck hirez, I hope they get derezzed

ace846 No.14272808

File: 6ff1d93d4b67255⋯.jpg (114.65 KB, 998x779, 998:779, DUUUUUUBS.jpg)


Good thread

ed56ab No.14272836


Good. I am going to haunt every single one of you faggots and never leave you alone. You cant get rid of me, the ghostbusters are a bunch of fat women and a gorilla that cant work a god damn toaster, good luck nerds.

603281 No.14272882

Would you rather be playing Tribes under the developmental reins of hiRez or Tribes Vengeance? Which is worse?

6636f4 No.14272890



e2dcef No.14272897


It amazes me that it happened twice. Global Agenda could have been one of the best games, and for a time it was an incredibly enjoyable romp.

7b8a83 No.14272928


>Anon, you're a ghost bound here too.

Could have been worse all things considered I love you faggots.

290d80 No.14272956

The whole Tribes match with Reddit was a fucking joke and it ended up just pulling in more cancer from outside. Just like the Habbo hotel raids.

6fddf9 No.14272998

File: ef1d98ce4be3a8c⋯.png (578.87 KB, 1280x885, 256:177, 8chan homepage 2015.png)

File: aad9a292037a4d9⋯.png (335.89 KB, 1920x1064, 240:133, 8chan homepage 2018.png)


>and it ended up just pulling in more cancer from outside.

Good thing you don't have to worry about shit like that anymore.

828f1e No.14273023


we did hit 1000pph at one time, wish i had saved the pic, and on top it was even before the US election, i think it was during Q1 2015

6b57c3 No.14273072


I never knew we actually lost a lot of users, I guess all those crashes, alacrity deamons and Infinity Next actually affected the place, and yet the quality of our board is worse than it was back in 2015.

I also find it funny how leftypol has the same amount of pph, even with all their bots.

ddf8f5 No.14273247

File: a95caaafa7f5dc7⋯.png (219.41 KB, 498x378, 83:63, 1471556268092.png)


Are imageboards dying? this can't be real.

We have lost a handful to meguca and endchan but the biggest loss was /sp/ incredible all-board shitposting. /v/ lost half its goddamn PPH and i have a feeling cake kike had plenty to do with it.

5aba1c No.14273266

File: 91f85cd928070cb⋯.gif (4.9 MB, 480x480, 1:1, butthurt.gif)


B-b-but 8chan's doing fine! Those were all just bots and shills!

daed9e No.14273267


Cake kike had a lot to do with it, yeah.

daed9e No.14273270


t. /leftypol/

a843db No.14273307



What happened anons? Why does it seem so empty?

56543a No.14273322

File: c5f87bca63f4068⋯.png (2.02 MB, 3203x2766, 3203:2766, triggered mark.png)

6fddf9 No.14273326


>i have a feeling cake kike had plenty to do with it.

I'm convinced Cripple Kike and his fucking asswipe retarded friend Null was responsible. He incompetence, if not maliciously, sabotaged the boards so they ran like shit, spent a stupidly long time trying to impliment that abortion he called 8chan next, which crashed and burned before they could even get it off the platform, and kept fucking with /v/ and mostly /v/ because they called him a faggot.

5aba1c No.14273340

File: 1593cf5ad8e2458⋯.jpg (99.35 KB, 600x703, 600:703, kek.jpg)


What did he mean by this?

9612da No.14273341


This game fucking sucked and always did. It's like TF2 and WoW. Absolute shitheaps of games that for some reason people are convinced were ever good at some point.

a660cf No.14273360

File: 9064e90dcffba0b⋯.jpg (34.95 KB, 614x614, 1:1, THE LEGEND.jpg)


Those threads were great. It was like an all week dance thread.

My favorite part was infiltrating their moderation

Who else still in?

daed9e No.14273369


You know what I meant.

b420e5 No.14273384


Cripplekike also fucked with /pol/ because it didn't share his view on lolbergism.

a843db No.14273386



This makes me so fucking mad. We came here to escape faggotry, but unlike 2014 there isn't an organized effort to move somewhere good. This place is empty, endchan is dead, mewch is dead, 4chan is almost entirely porn threads, where did everyone go? God damnit I've spent almost a decade with you niggers and now we're fragmenting.

You're like family to me


daed9e No.14273403



I had so much faith in this website and Fred just gave up since he was surrounded by communists that he thought he was friends with. Guy was a well meaning idiot.

daed9e No.14273406


>endchan is dead

Endchan was a fucking honeypot you retard.

5aba1c No.14273408

File: a7ef151957f04ec⋯.mp4 (1.54 MB, 480x480, 1:1, oy vey.mp4)


I wouldn't ask if I knew what you meant, nigger.

b420e5 No.14273417


He was well meaning but god damn was he a gullible fuck. In the end he lost the website due to that naivete.

ddf8f5 No.14273431


Why didn't we just move to /svidya/ or something way back when, hell we could've made a new board named /vee/ or some shit. We had the opportunity to fix this shit two years ago and have a thriving vidya board.

/pol/ has become a magapede cesspool too so i'm not sure wherethe old polacks went since meguca is pretty slow but i do see the /meadhall/ guys moved over there long ago.

78f856 No.14273446

File: d129bbd6956d3a6⋯.png (134.09 KB, 386x389, 386:389, 1506260749826.png)


Original co-owner of /svidya/ here.

I gave up on this site because of the god awful administration a long time ago.

daed9e No.14273447


Because you know damn well what happened back in April of 2015.


Are you trying to be ironic or something?

7da616 No.14273455


meadhall is comfy right now

I think any new image board is going to have to adopt a live format like meguca.org

that really helps low pop boards gain activity and interaction

9612da No.14273458


Endchan is beyond dead, there's like 5 people there. A lot of the losses we took was caused by Mark just being a colossal fucking faggot and retard. The /intl/ boogeyman period was pathetic. Although it was funny when I shitposted so hard that Mark became convinced I was an entire /intl/ raiding party and proceeded to start nuking threads.

b420e5 No.14273460


It failed everytime it was attempted. Just like with /pol/ every offshoot of top boards crash and burn in around a month after its creation.

4844f8 No.14273461










So is this what they call divide and conquer… The only role cake kike played was shilling for Josh, and even then HW probably told him that the site would die without it like he did all of us. cake kike did what he had to do. The only thing I suspect of him and imkampfy is that they're paid by Jim to stay on the site. How else are they eating at night?

b2ee48 No.14273462



hi goon

4844f8 No.14273466


This entire thread reeks of demoralizing goons and cuckchan shills. It's disgraceful.

daed9e No.14273476


I didn't realize meguca was goon run. Got proof?

353108 No.14273485

File: b080f09708d4ed1⋯.png (470.5 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, efaa1fa31d48d83730e9e1fa01….png)


>Anon, you're a ghost bound here too.

I'll make sure to haunt y'all every now and then.

Probably till' the day I die

4844f8 No.14273486


Don't bullshit yourself.

daed9e No.14273489


So it is goon run then? I was just asking for proof since Daiz and foolz are well known communist kike faggots.

5aba1c No.14273490

File: e63a1d1d1169731⋯.png (64.21 KB, 583x241, 583:241, go with the flow.png)


>D-D-D&C shills, 8chan's doing just f-fine!

>Ignore any and all evidence of a declining userbase

91e1f5 No.14273492

File: 35814eb2e7f2f2c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 285.56 KB, 793x1599, 61:123, 1255615974394[1].jpg)



Everyone is growing up, anons. Some of us were destined to be normalfags and simply grew into it, some got better at hiding it, left, and pretend every day that they're happy. I don't like to think about how many people I've posted with have killed themselves. The rest of the world is growing up too, but the Wild West of the internet is over. The kids who would have thrived here get sucked into the 'safer' websites like reddit and tumblr. 'Edgy' teenagers go on 4chan and think they're rebelling against society.

I've been using chans since I was a fucking middleschooler in '06, I honestly credit anonymous faggots on the internet with raising me more than my family. Hey, at least I can sit back with a gin and tonic, the alcoholism I get from my dad, and shitpost with you fags till the end, right?

7da616 No.14273502


/svidya/ was a decent board

there was another live site that I remember people used as a bunker when 8ch was having big problems

3f6e4f No.14273503

Funny how all the metashit grows on the weekends

4844f8 No.14273512



What you mean the screen caps that were clearly fucked with? Regardless if you give up on 8chan then you're better off dead.


c865cd No.14273513


nah,probably just the same idiots that actually think they accomplish anything crying on >>>/sudo/

>muh Mark

>muh imkikey

>muh board speed

the only problem is that codemonkey isn't hotwheels so i don't think he even gives as much of a shit as the the midget did to bother with any of this meta crap,even less so to even read anything that is not an error report

daed9e No.14273514


>/svidya/ was a decent board

I couldn't tell if it was decent or not since Communists wouldn't stop spamming and shitposting everywhere trying to get people onto their own boards.

353108 No.14273518



Don't summon that fucking evil here.

1a859c No.14273526

File: 598399ac28d862e⋯.png (375.22 KB, 637x547, 637:547, pain.PNG)


I still have >>>/v8/

Come join when you'd like, I'm here.

4844f8 No.14273534


The only thing I worry about is that when people find out Mark works for Jim. Mark will probably resign due to the pressure, and we'll get someone much worse.

828f1e No.14273536


Well it was pretty much dead anyway, like every other board i use besides /v/.

I too would have liked it to thrive more, but the average tard here won't ever attempt to make a reasonably thought reply when discussing something.

Instead we could have a serious discussion general thread or something like that you know, ask the Kike to create one each day or so and people could suggest the next one.


iif you never were to the board, its motto was "no fun allowed"

ddf8f5 No.14273537

File: 262c6d073b6e606⋯.png (82.62 KB, 201x241, 201:241, 1469583642153.png)



>meguca being run by goons

Funny since one of the only boards there is an /a/ offshoot and it has tons of lewds.

>mark being only an issue as he shilled for josh.

Time and time again I have played during the gamenights, wurm, SWG, even the gachashit and every anon I have met has agreed that mark has been the fucking blight upon this board. Hes jewish, hes a newfag, hes such a nintendo babby that the cardboard meme probably makes him cry, Him and his mod team are everything thats been wrong with this board since we arrived here.


Could it possibly be because a few of us are sitting here without a thing to do off work due to the state of this board (and also the wurm server outage)

daed9e No.14273544


/a/ already did by letting themselves get cuckolded by nyaa.si. I can't find uploads to new shows on the nyaa pantsu now.

353108 No.14273548


At that point you could probably push for migration to something else. Just not to honeypots like endchan.

9612da No.14273555


>Just not to honeypots like endchan.

Do you ACTUALLY still believe Mark's bullshit?

7da616 No.14273563


I come here every so often for the space thread and decided to look at the catalog

c865cd No.14273566

File: 6eb9dc1a88ca302⋯.gif (994.6 KB, 500x372, 125:93, d5a979cd2ea4467c1f14f1cafa….gif)


>Mark works for Jim

i think you got this backwards

5aba1c No.14273569


>Regardless if you give up on 8chan then you're better off dead.

Damn, 8chan is serious fucking business!

9612da No.14273571


Meta thread shitposting is the only fun to be had on /v/ these days tbqhwyf.

d6be54 No.14273573

File: c653bb43b14e63d⋯.jpg (74.84 KB, 547x692, 547:692, this can't be real.jpg)


>reason for 4cuck exoduses: authoritarian, no fun allowed, faggot moderation and staff

<what we have now: manipulative, no fun allowed, kike moderation and staff


5aba1c No.14273577


Mark was in Wurm? Which village?

a660cf No.14273578

File: b390005ca737643⋯.png (25.11 KB, 200x225, 8:9, Fugg.png)


>Everyone is growing up, anons. Some of us were destined to be normalfags and simply grew into it, some got better at hiding it, left, and pretend every day that they're happy.

This is the most depressing thing I've read all day. I realized the other day that I've become a normalfag, and I don't know how to feel. I'll never forget the shit you fags taught me, because its helped immensely in social discourse, and its made me so self aware.

Even though this place may fall to shit, we'll always have each other, and I think I can keep going knowing that.

ace846 No.14273579


>Meta thread shitposting is the only fun to be had on /v/ these days

Funny how Mark is the first one to cast the shitposting stone and fucks off once it's over and back on the actual issues.

4844f8 No.14273580


I sure as hell don't believe yours.


Honestly I'd rather just have Mark. He may be retarded and fuck up from time to time, but he does a decent job. Notice how >>14273537 has no actual issues with the board. It's just personal issues with the kike.

353108 No.14273582


You cunts spammed "muh migration" for how how long now, when there wasn't any significant reason to split?

Also checked.

c865cd No.14273583


the one with all the merchants

b420e5 No.14273588


Give a kike an ounce of power and he'll ruin the place by acting like a faggot.

daed9e No.14273589


Yes you fucking kike. Maybe you shouldn't have spammed that shit when /intl/ was having threads for years on how to fuck with boards.

4844f8 No.14273595



>Implying Mark is nearly as bad as the cuckchan mods.

Hiroyuki go home.

9612da No.14273602

File: bbcfab87c0b09f3⋯.png (358.95 KB, 1874x1000, 937:500, ClipboardImage.png)



>the mark cult is resurfacing

Oh boy. Reminder, this board would have died a long, long time ago if Mark didn't actively try to censor and slander any alternatives. Case in point with the "b-but endchan is a honeypot" shit. He also does this shit with any alternative boards. What happened to Mark's "b-but endchan is a VIRUS!!11!" story, anyway?

8f7d8f No.14273603



It's been "out" for 3 years in the sense that you could buy alpha access for some absurd amount of money but it released in open beta in early access just in summer.

828f1e No.14273610


please /sp/ stop, you already made that superbowl thread today

63c722 No.14273611

File: cc72dfe51d7843d⋯.jpg (68.04 KB, 900x900, 1:1, grumpy grandpa.jpg)


>You're like family to me

Is your life so horrible that you have to establish fake friendships with strangers? End yourself.

But I agree, Mark shillery it's reaching titsboy levels.

d6be54 No.14273612

File: 23c8e20e29bb51e⋯.jpg (15.85 KB, 360x240, 3:2, wew god damn it.jpg)


t. Mark

b420e5 No.14273615


Cuckchan mods are on a whole other level. They are fucking SJWs and feds in the case of /b/. Doesn't mean the cake kike does a good job. It could be worse but it could be far better.

494563 No.14273616


Marky Mark also loves hoarding all the posters by turning /v/ into /v/+/vp/+/vr/+/vg/ under the excuse of there not being enough users on the site as a whole to sprout. Which is fucking bullshit, and especially was back then when the site still had a decent userbase.

9612da No.14273626


I wish I enjoyed sports. /sp/ always seems like they know how to have fun, but sports are just such a boring interest to me.

828f1e No.14273630


not true, i ve seen him bumplocking porn dumps, unless you mean pokemon threads, which are not really an issue.

As for generals they wont survive on their own, but they need to stop hogging the first page

6fddf9 No.14273631


>Cuckchan mods are on a whole other level. They are fucking SJWs and feds in the case of /b/. Doesn't mean the cake kike does a good job. It could be worse but it could be far better.

This, i don't know how it is NOW, but before the exodus that cuck moot fired all of the previous mods and replaced them with soyboys, including the boytoy of that zoe bitch.

3387d5 No.14273642


Also Tribes: Ascend went to P2W shit.

b420e5 No.14273646


Most sports are a niggerfest nowadays. You're not missing much.


True. I also know for a fact that /b/ mods have been feds for a fucking long time that's why one couldn't apply for any role when it came to /b/. The cuck risked losing his site due to the CP and he had to cut a deal in order to keep it.

aadb13 No.14273649

File: 74686d3d10e71c9⋯.jpg (33.33 KB, 896x722, 448:361, Spede.jpg)








This is /intl/ tier D&C, I especially love the (((references))) to endchan and meguca and the derail from melancholy to outright metashit.

You queers are so obvious it hurts, one look at /sudo/ while comparing this thread is all you need to see how blatant half of this thread is

5aba1c No.14273660


Who the fuck goes to /sudo/?

6fddf9 No.14273674



That shit even still around? I thought it got shitposted to oblivious years ago.

8f7d8f No.14273676


There's no actual discussion on this site aside from being mad/laughing at AAA garbage, playing "good" AAA garbage, weebshit and some F2P grinders. At this point it's just retarded paranoid shill accusations and internet politics. I've mostly quit this site for a semi-popular gaming forum instead. There's nothing really I'm interested about talking here and I just play video games instead. It's pointless to start threads too since if it's anything new people will sage and call you a shill and if it's anything old people don't care and won't reply. Most of the opinions are just reactionary hot takes to try to look cool to everyone.

b420e5 No.14273677


Shitposters who try to get mods removed from their board of choice. Basically /intl/ and rarely people who says to porchmonkey to fix his shit when the site is fucking up.

b176cb No.14273700


Til the end, pal.


>you don't actually believe X

Come on now, at least it's not the old "Mark/kampfy/whoeverthefuck banned all of the oldfags, they went to [insert imageboard with 6PPH]"

a660cf No.14273710


>There's no actual discussion on this site aside from being mad/laughing at AAA garbage, playing "good" AAA garbage, weebshit and some F2P grinders

F2P shit aside, there's nothing really wrong with that.

>if it's anything old people don't care and won't reply.

That's just dishonest, we always have things like doom threads all the time, and I enjoy the monthly AW threads.

>I've mostly quit this site for a semi-popular gaming forum instead.

>namefag sites


78f856 No.14273713

File: 41ffebfd025986b⋯.jpg (55.86 KB, 720x585, 16:13, 1509296419148.jpg)


There was constant shilling going on back in those days. When gg was in full swing I remember people accusing the board being run by goons or some gg e-celebs but I was just some random nobody /v/irgin who's been around for a long time. The spam was fairly easy to handle, and I kept trying to provide content to the board. But when the board admins were receiving no support to deal with the constant spamming and board wars a bunch of us just quit. A few small boards died around the same time I quit with them too.


I think it's almost impossible these days to foster a community that actually promotes real discussion online. It's something I've made peace with at this point. I recall there even being people on this /v/ calling /svidya/ "effortposting" as a somehow derogatory term.


Mark is pretty retarded I'll agree. I'll give him props though for sticking around so long, I wonder what's in it for him. All I recall is that back in the 2015 days he liked to use his status for meetups in new york along with cripplewheels which I always found rather unsavory and /soc/-like. As a personality, he's a bit of a retard, but considering /v/ is still more or less intact now that I come back to it he must be running a tight ship of sorts.


I also started on 4chan back in middle school of '06, now there's a feel I didn't expect. I'll miss the wild west of the internet, but at least we got to have our fun rather than none at all. I'll miss you faggots fondly.

A lot of this meguca/endchan shit is flying over my head. I haven't been around for a while. I'm assuming just more offshoot chan drama.

9612da No.14273727


>muh /intl/ boogeyman

9612da No.14273728


>Come on now, at least it's not the old "Mark/kampfy/whoeverthefuck banned all of the oldfags, they went to [insert imageboard with 6PPH]"

What are you talking about?

ddf8f5 No.14273738

File: 80f7869815e14e1⋯.png (268.98 KB, 960x654, 160:109, 1468189489712.png)



>muh D&C

>every voice of dissent is /intl/

I'm insulted frankly since i'm no shitskin and yet being lumped in with them

Complete your lurking before so easiy rallying to the defense of anything.



this was the shitiest meme right next to MUH RULECUCKS, there is absolutely nothing wrong with putting a more than two nuerons into the post you are firing off, not every board has to be 2018 /b/

The biggest problem i've had with the site is the fact that despite us supposedly having nearly three thousand active users we can rarely muster 20 of them to play a videogame. Playing with a bunch of other cunts is fun but the last time we had over 60 people was planetside and then everyone burned out. I know some lurkers feel such crippling anxiety around other people they wont even play online with other people but its not like were going to bite.

9612da No.14273745


>I wonder what's in it for him.

Being the BO of /v/ is the only feeling of value Mark has in his life. He has nothing else. Because of this, he would rather die than relinquish what little power he believes he has. We would be better off if he was gone.

6fddf9 No.14273746

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Mark is pretty retarded I'll agree. I'll give him props though for sticking around so long

I'll give him props for not fucking with /v/ every time he's called a kike or a faggot. Unless there's something i'm missing he can usually take the shit thrown at him personally without too much of a fuss, though oddly enough he can't handle people giving Nintendo shit as well.

>A lot of this meguca/endchan shit is flying over my head. I haven't been around for a while. I'm assuming just more offshoot chan drama.

I vaguely remember Endchan, mostly because the retard in vid related came from there, or so he says.

9612da No.14273755


I think it's more that people are too lazy to download a (usually dead) game to play for one night and then never touch again. Especially if there's any effort whatsoever required in installing it. Also people with potato internet or super jewish data caps.

d6be54 No.14273760

File: 1b873d085e76104⋯.jpg (10.81 KB, 208x200, 26:25, boo.jpg)



What? You actually unironically go to /sudo/? You're using it as a talking point, too? The faggots in /sudo/ saying "ded website LOL!!1!!!" are just (You) baiting faggots who have nothing more or better to say. People in this thread seem to be a lot more genuine and at least act like they care. The fuck are you comparing the two for, (1)?

>you're /intl/ D&C

You're saying everyone in this thread is a shitskin because they hate Mark, and discuss how he's fucked things so badly? God damn, that is some shitty logic.

78f856 No.14273782

File: 66b1e12b38421ba⋯.jpg (28.94 KB, 689x693, 689:693, door.jpg)


I've been interested in playing with you guys when I get the chance. I just haven't been around for a game night that involves a game I'm actually interested in. If I see anything I'm interested in on my free time, I'll join. That and having to do work and all. I mostly just play some games with my dev team these days.


These things have a tendency to consume you sometimes. I remember back then my sleep schedule was fucked and I easily spent 14 hours a day on 8chan. However using it to form a cult of personality is something I don't understand unless you're an artist or something.


Yeah, essentially the best I can say about Mark is that he hasn't destroyed his own board.

Isn't that guy Internet Aristocrat rebranded? I don't really keep up with e-celebs these days.

ddf8f5 No.14273787


Potatonet shouldnt be an excuse considering i'm sitting here on a MAXIMUM of 400kb/s and still make an effort to play, planetside was the only network strain due to the fact that 400 people updating positions every tick is a lot of info going back and forth

aadb13 No.14273825

File: 8269e91afbb200e⋯.jpg (61.46 KB, 773x488, 773:488, These races bore me to dea….jpg)


>because they hate Mark, and discuss how he's fucked things so badly?

/v/ has been dead since 2015 and so has /pol/ since the cuck/pol/ exodus.

Doesn't mean all I see are nothing but D&C shitters trying to shill their dead boards.

9612da No.14273837


No one's shilling anything, though.

d6be54 No.14273859

File: c227262d2282b7d⋯.jpg (35.83 KB, 314x397, 314:397, the ultimate forhead king.jpg)


>replying to the wrong post

>not even trying to reinforce your previous point

aadb13 No.14273877

File: 3719e60b45028de⋯.jpg (35.39 KB, 600x692, 150:173, ZUCCED.JPG)


F-fuck you

089a93 No.14273942


What worries me is that everyone agrees various boards are dead. 4chan now has malware built in.

Where the fuck is everyone?

End was dead, Kraut died iirc (I don't speak German), I'm not Japanese enough for 2, and not a drug user so no 420.

I just want to go back to the old ways. I get it, reddit sucks up new people and keeps them, people die and grow up. But where is my old /jp/, my old /v/, /pol/, etc?

I just miss the sense of community and likeminded individuals. I legitimately fear total isolation from the community that helped me through hard times, and helped me have fun.

c865cd No.14273953


you sound like a complete gaylord

dc152f No.14273961


Begging people who are aware of the alternatives wont work they think we're redditors or new so what the fuck do we do?

089a93 No.14273964

Oh look, a bump lock. Fuck you Mark, you realise I cling to this place because it's running on fumes, eventually I'm done. The. You will have zero power whatsoever because the board would be dead. You would think you would consider long term effects of everything you do, but I guess you like the idea of squandering opportunity.

089a93 No.14273998


For someone who made posts apathetic and not invested, you sure have stuck around this thread to talk shit. Hi Mark.

b176cb No.14274004

File: 8f4452e946429e1⋯.png (17.83 KB, 169x206, 169:206, Screenshot_2.png)



What are you on about?

d6be54 No.14274011


do you know what a shadowbumplock is? No matter how much you post, it will still go down in the catalog.

b176cb No.14274015

File: 42b085335d5829e⋯.jpg (12.63 KB, 620x387, 620:387, nige don't care.jpg)


>shadow bumplock

Oh, now I get who I'm talking to.

91e1f5 No.14274023

File: 3abb13276139cfa⋯.png (380.89 KB, 656x425, 656:425, Reckless faggotry.png)


You just posted, and we're on page 4. Our kike overlords are so terrified about the very idea that we would want a good service and moderation that doesn't actively try and ruin the site that they've decided to SHUT IT DOWN. "Why are imageboards dying" indeed.

78f856 No.14274027

File: 720d609f4e9208a⋯.png (455.84 KB, 568x568, 1:1, wizard.png)


If there is an active old/v/ community, I haven't been able to find it. I've just found that it's better to sink my time into work and personal projects than being on a board that is ghost of it's former self which itself was a ghost of old 4chan.


If you're really so motivated, I would suggest making something new. But you'd have to be prepared for everyone claiming you're a shill, FBI, a goon, a jew, etc. To me, it's a lost cause.

413326 No.14274033


This thread is still on page 4.

d6be54 No.14274035


It's on page 4 still, nigger.

b420e5 No.14274044


>But you'd have to be prepared for everyone claiming you're a shill, FBI, a goon, a jew, etc

I think at this point any new chan that would surface would be called a honeypot no matter who ran it.

089a93 No.14274046


I'm doing more personal shit too, but I still miss the community. We could exchange info and discover new things, just relax and enjoy banter, etc. Compare /a/ to anime clubs, or /v/ to discussing vidya irl or on forums. It's not the same.

91e1f5 No.14274062

File: 3eda3c4937670b3⋯.jpg (37.46 KB, 1318x117, 1318:117, 4chan vs other sites.jpg)

File: bc34885303b7c49⋯.png (37.19 KB, 1237x434, 1237:434, Abnormal.png)


>I've just found that it's better to sink my time into work and personal projects

Yup, the only thing left to do anymore is immerse yourself in the normalfag life and hope that you can make the world a better place in some way for the next generation. The world part is knowing that at the end of the day, when you want to unwind and relax there's no place for people like us anymore.

78f856 No.14274118


Essentially, yes. People are very protective of their communities. The people who are here who don't see the same problems you do, will reflexively be offended that you would come on here and suggest an alternative. They see it as you poaching their users and friends. Not to mention if the administration gets involved, then the offense becomes all the more personal, The way they see it, anyone trying to get others to participate in another community is someone who is trying to break up their home. It's only natural.


You're right. /v/ was unique in the age we each saw it in. But I don't think anyone is going to be able to make lightning strike twice. If there's ever a new internet community that captures a similar feeling, it'll still be different than what you and I remember it to be.



It's been nice catching up niggers.

91e1f5 No.14274137

File: fed1f003d02e49f⋯.jpg (141.31 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1262393046668.jpg)

089a93 No.14274150

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Look at the current state of 4/8.

That view wouldn't be wrong would it.

This is probably going to be my memory of the Internet, and I will treasure it.

089a93 No.14274164



I'm still not happy leaving. The annoying thing is I know damn well there is a community out there.

b420e5 No.14274169


The ironic thing is that it would be better keeping people like us confined in these places. Anons going to town would likely mean a bunch of pissed off people shouting in public about niggers and how the fucking kikes are brainwashing and exploiting us. Then again, maybe it leads finally to the race war.

6b57c3 No.14274174


> But I don't think anyone is going to be able to make lightning strike twice. If there's ever a new internet community that captures a similar feeling, it'll still be different than what you and I remember it to be.

I think that a new chan would have to be developed on a new type of internet, such as i2p, as they value the idea of anonymity and the barrier of entry(as simple as it is) will keep most normalfags out, though you will have to be contempt with a lower pph than after the first exodus.

089a93 No.14274184


>new internet

How is that possible?

If it were possible, (((they))) wouldn't allow it. Look now, they already despite the Internet.

ace846 No.14274186


That is a good point. It would have to have, like the internet in its early days, a tech barrier that needs to be overcome before you can even access it.

But even that you could google today.

b176cb No.14274190


I'm pretty sure >>>/tech/ or someone was working on something like that.

b420e5 No.14274198


At one point yes they were working on something but I think those who did fucked off and never came back.

089a93 No.14274210


Obviously they succeeded.

Jokes aside, I can't see it working. The Internet was limited by ignorance. But the infrastructure was there. Internet 2.0 wouldn't have ISP's, fiber cables, etc.

78f856 No.14274220


Chances are there are small video game oriented communities of former channers or people who have similar board culture. Such a community would probably be real slow. A lot of us have fragmented into small groups like I have on toxx or disagreement.


I've toyed with a similar idea. Something I've worked on and off on. A tech barrier to entry will always mean you'll get smarter people, although not necessarily the kinds of people with a sense of humor or a good value system.


It's definitely doable. The platforms for creating it exists. (((They))) don't get involved until a thing gets big enough to warrant government legislation or corporate investments.

6b57c3 No.14274238


Just started getting into it but from what I understand i2p works ontop the already existing infrastructure of fiber cables and switches, it's just another way of sendng packages, imagine someone creating a secret nation inside a currently existing nation.

353108 No.14274239


>Give up.

This ain't happening. Anons are the only sane bunch of people this world has left, there's no way I can leave you faggots. There must be a solution to this problem where things degrade to the point of mediocrity.

76dd9b No.14274255

Do you guys think the newer generation has their own niche community like 4chan before it went to shit?

6b57c3 No.14274263


The newer generation goes to facebook, 9gag and reddit, if they feel edgy they go to r/4chan and if they feel really edgy, they go to 4chan.

b420e5 No.14274266


Facebook, twitter and reddit. All of which are cancer.

78f856 No.14274273



Don't forget tumblr.

9612da No.14274279


Yes, it's called Reddit.

b420e5 No.14274292


Right. To think that fucking site killed my old man. He joined it and 6 months later offed himself. SJWs not even once.

6b57c3 No.14274295


I just remembered, didn't reddit also have some sort of exodus a one point, and went to some site that started with the letter v, probably some .io site? I also remember that hotwheels welcomed the refugees, as he wanted his site to grow, but I can't remember what was (((Mark)))'s stance on the issue was back then. For some reason I remember him telling them to go to another place as the chan format was too different for them, but maybe that's what I wanted to believe/remember.

b420e5 No.14274303


Voat. The site is still cancer but with less obvious leftist bullshit.

6fddf9 No.14274313



>I just remembered, didn't reddit also have some sort of exodus a one point, and went to some site that started with the letter v, probably some .io site?

Probably Voat, but regardless, firekike got pissed as fuck over that since everyone was telling him it was a fucking awful idea, to stop opening up your ass for reddit, and for some reason that really got to him.

6fddf9 No.14274332



*Thankfully he killed himself instead of joining the Tumblr hivemind, and you saw him become a poly-fairy transzirminal pony spirited faggot that chugs soy like it's water. Least this way he still retains some dignity.

b420e5 No.14274349


To be fair he was sick and suffering badly from having a fucked up neck thanks to some asshole who failed what was supposed to be minor surgery. I'm glad he didn't get too much of the poison before taking himself out.

aadb13 No.14274705


>I just miss the sense of community and likeminded individuals

Replaced by ebin trolling edgelording because chans are for trolling and everyone should be a dick to everyone else and pretend to be retarded instead of actually discussinh topics and make fun of shit/people sometimes.

2aa3fc No.14274747


Voat.co is what you're thinking of. Its populated mostly by normalfags and is actually in a similar situation as 8chan now that i think about it. Basically, only a few subs actually have traffic and there is constant mod drama. The sites not that awful but the cancer is still there.

477df9 No.14275286

Bump. Let's see if this shit really got bumplocked.

ace846 No.14275299


Reading the thread would've answered your question

Not to mention checking the board log

477df9 No.14275312



Fucking ridiculous, can't let the Proles remember their past.

d6be54 No.14275350

File: a597fd725849d3a⋯.png (4.64 KB, 616x52, 154:13, fucking MARK.png)

File: 493731b4c874572⋯.jpg (22.78 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 89028c86e4433d0cc0cb4d11a4….jpg)











Fucking Christ. Someone even had the nerve to report this thread, too.

477df9 No.14275430


Holy fuck. Is Reddit lashing out?

3076f4 No.14275432

File: 0a41d4d202ef7cc⋯.png (90.71 KB, 848x871, 848:871, tmp_26152-0a41d4d202ef7cc5….png)

I just want to go back to 2014. It was the golden age of this place

477df9 No.14275438


The anons made it what it was. The question is, where did they go and where can we find them?

27acd9 No.14275530


From what I understand, a LOT of anons went back to 4chan

b420e5 No.14275584


And they were retarded to do so. Not that this place is less ran by a data selling kike (I'm not mentioning Mark here but Jim) .

78f856 No.14275686


Wowee. As if I needed any more reason to think Mark was a faggot.

606ef5 No.14276686



>doesn't read the rules

>Shadows bumplock

Who are you faggots?

ead441 No.14277774


Many of the anons were also from reddit so take that for what you will.

9d644a No.14278229

File: 597d3b83dabd30e⋯.jpeg (55.05 KB, 960x540, 16:9, Godlike-Monster-Art-Seawe….jpeg)




Being the newfag i am i got here like 1 year or something ago begun on /Pol/ but realized everyone was more busy discussing about (((Trump))) or (((pizzagate))) than actual politics or anything i´ve settled up on /v/ because /tg/ is full of salty fatguys that hate fun i am truly honoured to see such venerable oldfags mourn the death of an age i didn´t even got the chance to witness

i feel like the small guy at the left side of Picrelated witnessing such a colossal ancient creature that goes beyond one´s understanding

you guys are the last of a extinct generation

the future will only bring degeneration and decadence

these are truly the end times

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