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File: 86900856ea5afc9⋯.webm (5.68 MB, 480x360, 4:3, itoki hana - (VocalArrang….webm)

20c871 No.14097011

> Current Happenings:




1. DIG: W.H.O. Proposing to Classify "Gaming Addiction" As a Disorder


2. OP TIMBER: Nintendo Localizers working with Japanese Devs to Censor Games




3. OP Chickasaw: Big Tech Companies are already violating the Constitution


4. OP GOOLAG: Hit Google Where It Hurts



A. Archive.is isn't sure you'll donate money to them. Prove them wrong: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate

B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations an unethical practices


>Polygon and The Verge violate FTC regulations: https://archive.fo/ii01W

C. Anti-Internet Censorship Database Operation: Defend Free Speech!


D. OP DICKTIONAIRY: ''The Destruction of Words and Language




>EA shit the bed with lootboxes in Star Wars Battlefront II and are taking major heat: https://archive.fo/wBFd8

>SJW Marvel comics just got canceled for Christmas, and Twitter is salty about it: https://archive.fo/Sbq7c

>Tencent promoting socialism: http://archive.is/0Zpbu

> Thread Repository:



> Summaries of #GamerGate:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;

https://archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

> Reminders (important, READ THESE!):

• Use https://archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;

• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.html

• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;

• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

> Background and Evidence for #GamerGate (read and spread these):

• The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.is/nv1Fb

• #GamerGate Wiki: http://gamergatewiki.net/

• History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/

• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

> How Can I Help?

• All Operations: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations


• Operation Disrespectful Nod: https://v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers)


>Update: A representative for Vox Media has stated that they will update their public disclosures across all their websites

• Operation Baby Seal: https://v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines)


• Operation Vulcan: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating)

• Operation UV: https://archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker)

• An Anon's Guide to Twitter: https://v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics)

> Lists:

• GamerGate Wiki Support List: https://v.gd/0fOHO3

• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: https://v.gd/n6GPPt

• GamerGate Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb

> Key GamerGate Hubs:


> Full OP Text:

• Current:


• Old:


> Want to Help Contribute to GitGud?


8e427b No.14097021


4427e9 No.14097025

Any word on what happened to the old one?

4a17ed No.14097026

File: f989e5d07adaf6e⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 2.91 MB, 320x284, 80:71, Construct additional prog….webm)

Was the last thread deleted?

9c3cf0 No.14097027


no first for benis, therefore sage

f234bc No.14097029

Long story short, OP of the now deleted thread was one of the Anons banned due to discussion in this thread: >>14096048

d692ee No.14097036


Probably because OP got all of his posts deleted because he did something the janitors thought was naughty.

4427e9 No.14097037

File: a0e0351d426283a⋯.jpg (44.08 KB, 495x495, 1:1, 1499872239.jpg)


Thank god for that, my whole world legit came crumbling down for a brief moment when I thought the GG threads were banned. This is why I say be nice to Mark, he is a just and loving god!

efb3d6 No.14097038

File: 00bd62fb6777910⋯.jpg (122.16 KB, 546x599, 546:599, very little rage.jpg)

File: a978c663e5861cd⋯.gif (3.75 MB, 400x225, 16:9, the pure incoherent rage.gif)

File: 46b424e0098c952⋯.jpg (112.29 KB, 640x360, 16:9, very little rage.jpg)



f234bc No.14097039

File: f746399390491dd⋯.jpg (307.29 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 1432693715604.jpg)

Archive of the bread from before the deleted one:


d692ee No.14097044

File: d23cc4cf9777081⋯.jpg (516.95 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Bread cute.jpg)

Archive of the bread before the deleted one


4a9fec No.14097051

File: f2cb778e6071f95⋯.jpg (23.65 KB, 400x600, 2:3, milf plaza.jpg)

Hello, is this the milf board?

efb3d6 No.14097056

File: d57f6eb51c8b6e0⋯.jpg (165.41 KB, 550x903, 550:903, a guy gets upset for a ver….jpg)


607201 No.14097057

File: 93e73fcc7e70c1f⋯.png (416.56 KB, 544x565, 544:565, difficult.png)



So the lesson is that mods should stop overusing the "delete all post by IP" button?

4a17ed No.14097059

File: b5d899acb582c6d⋯.jpg (101.37 KB, 500x675, 20:27, confused milkers.jpg)


>posts deleted board-wide for posts in one thread

I can get deleting posts in one thread to cut down on the autism but all posts? Still though, greatly appreciate the fact that communication is so fast

d692ee No.14097064


It would probably make our lives easier, question is, how many mods actually care about the GG threads to take that into consideration.

8e427b No.14097070

File: 55d677909a92fe1⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 189.06 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, milfcrosoft_mombot_by_fran….png)

File: 70ab5f2c8d48b01⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 527.41 KB, 1000x1200, 5:6, mom_bot_s_lap_by_franktoni….png)

File: 23a481586b50502⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 318.98 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, mom_bot_sits_by_franktoniu….png)

File: c949e06a8e347bc⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 219.8 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, mombot_maintenance_by_fran….png)

File: aa1c3ce24fd5bb8⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 222.32 KB, 1000x1075, 40:43, mombot_charging_by_frankto….png)



89090d No.14097071

File: 867eaf148d3df6b⋯.jpg (129.53 KB, 900x630, 10:7, cb8a5852ccf4f50c2d819dec5c….jpg)


My apologies, we were being raided. all over with /pol/ vs /leftypol/ shit in multiple threads.

I had like 20ish reports

ec818c No.14097073

File: ccc50326912359b⋯.jpg (74.39 KB, 900x900, 1:1, schwarbage.jpg)


Man, I hate that shit.

9c3cf0 No.14097076


fo FtoM trannies feel pleasure on their fake penis or is it just the same as fingering?

8e427b No.14097078


I think many mods don't care or don't like GG threads with Mark being the only one to tolerate them because he benefited from GG during the exodus.

efb3d6 No.14097080

File: 684253d23a95bd1⋯.png (898.77 KB, 833x696, 833:696, bully ranger.png)



4427e9 No.14097084

File: fc910bf2a82212f⋯.gif (1.3 MB, 400x360, 10:9, 1499732434.gif)


We love you mark, thank you for tolerating our presence!

af1e1b No.14097085

File: d6cb3d7e3762eca⋯.webm (685.05 KB, 640x360, 16:9, darnit.webm)

771008 No.14097086

File: 7570ce053139f74⋯.jpg (59.22 KB, 500x543, 500:543, billy.jpg)

4427e9 No.14097090

File: a9e56b3a35d268c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 280.46 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, DR9Vt-CUEAA5uYs.jpg)

File: 6b8b21ed1d8ed87⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 235.08 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, DR9VuC-V4AAmJv3.jpg)

File: dad31737bf32a6f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 175.53 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, DR9VtrbV4AEv5_G.jpg)

File: 1d85debec3902c0⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 192.17 KB, 899x1199, 899:1199, DR9Vt66VoAAMT9s.jpg)


Mombot pics have finally been leaked!

8e427b No.14097091


Everybody loves you, you beautiful kosher mod.

8e427b No.14097095


>Teenage girl

>Mombot "leaks"

Nice try.

4a17ed No.14097096

File: 9134456e7b8ce74⋯.webm (3.76 MB, 540x360, 3:2, Woodpecker consumes chick….webm)


It's a roll of skin, it doesn't have any of the actual organs necessary to count as a dick. It doesn't get erections and rubbing on it is just like brushing a finger against your skin, it's a skin roll that LOOKS like a dick. Sure, they can urinate out of it, but 90 year-olds piss in a plastic bag all of the time, being able to urinate is no extraordinary achievement.

607201 No.14097097

File: c64f518b1d067ad⋯.jpg (22.24 KB, 512x423, 512:423, 7b4b4b411bba7f5831a5333520….jpg)


Mombot is older and thicker than that.

358bcc No.14097098

File: 29a84a95f492a06⋯.jpg (34.75 KB, 338x480, 169:240, scare.jpg)

does this happen every holiday

89090d No.14097103

loli pls go

4a9fec No.14097104


You also for got prettier.

I'm actually fucking envious of her husband holy shit

4427e9 No.14097105

File: b2dbe1539fee7e8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 273.98 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, Mombot for real this time.jpg)


Like this?

9c3cf0 No.14097110


she's a mom so she would have a bigger cup size

8e427b No.14097113

File: 8ba706316503a4b⋯.jpg (280.29 KB, 650x854, 325:427, Plutia.jpg)

File: 726fffe20a5d0e4⋯.jpg (102.76 KB, 680x948, 170:237, 843.jpg)

File: 6473836360f028c⋯.png (658.37 KB, 945x417, 315:139, Plutia wants to be a mom.png)

File: 977b11440390251⋯.jpg (340.26 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 977b11440390251cf1339ee6f6….jpg)


Neps are best lolis.

4427e9 No.14097120

File: 566b4221951f99b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 214.48 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, mombot.jpg)


Like this?

4a3a08 No.14097121


Which threads?

So I can help you by reporting these rapefugees.


No, just few times per year.

dca186 No.14097136

File: aa508f0b22a93f6⋯.jpg (38.75 KB, 500x499, 500:499, 9228d6ed97d8811c753cc9bccc….jpg)

>actual mark cocksuckers

89090d No.14097137


I think I took care of it. but it was >>14096048 thread and a few others that aren't in my tabs right now.


Don't make me headpat you, little girl

7b7240 No.14097138

File: 270df74e82843a4⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 10.29 MB, 640x360, 16:9, young_mombot.webm)

8e427b No.14097146

File: 198f9024cb7a3d0⋯.png (317.18 KB, 655x608, 655:608, 198f9024cb7a3d003af4d35174….png)


>Not sucking cock in a gayman board

20c871 No.14097151


I fucking knew Mombot had to be the bread the whole time.

4a9fec No.14097163


So we were baking aras this whole time?

7b7240 No.14097177

Watch out for GamerGate

The public enemy of the world #1

It is the main hashtag responsible for…


☑ Making an ugly ass sweater

85bfab No.14097202

Niche Gamer: Why Gaming is Not and Will Never Be a Real “Addiction”


20c871 No.14097208

>try archiving Kotaku's article on the Logan Paul shitshow, to see if they actually tried to grandstand in the middle of all this

>get "Error: Network error"

Oh don't tell me Kotaku's running anti-archive software as well.

4a9fec No.14097214


what archive sites did you try?

20c871 No.14097217


Archive.is, ended up getting the page onto Freezepage and archiving it that way.


efb3d6 No.14097224

File: 68d0e57b2c14e50⋯.webm (7.29 MB, 574x480, 287:240, ggrevolt raid.webm)

File: d44935dfe1253fa⋯.webm (4.36 MB, 574x480, 287:240, masterchan raid.webm)

We're being raided.

e0724f No.14097226

File: 27b3d58c1746864⋯.jpg (137.98 KB, 540x772, 135:193, anime confirmed for jews.jpg)


Disable TORposting for a couple of hours you doublenigger.

f1ec77 No.14097229

File: 1bfcbb6b2864ee3⋯.png (219.01 KB, 1011x1013, 1011:1013, 1453339340930.png)


>tfw no robot mommy gf to cook for me and cuddle with me while we watch movies and ride my cock until I can't even get an erection anymore


I had to listen to a discussion about this in an unrelated class on Tuesday. I was completely unsurprised by which of my classmates thought it was a real addiction.

>purple hair

>early 20s with a 6 year old child

>child has severe autism to the point of nonfunctionality (and she constantly reminds us of this)

>she unironically referred to Bernie Sanders as "A modern-day Robin Hood"

The last one makes me angriest, though.

Robin Hood:

>took money from the rich governing body and gave it to all the people

Bernie Sanders:

>wants to take money from all the people and give it to the rich governing body ("to be used for social programs")

df5929 No.14097240


>I was completely unsurprised by which of my classmates thought it was a real addiction.

I mean all you have to do is ask them how much they use their phone or watch tv per day, if it's more than an hour a day it's an addiction apparently.

Like to play Gin Rummy with your friends for more than an hour a day? It's a card addiction.

Like to read more than an hour a day? Book addiction

2fb638 No.14097241


Sanders supporters were never as smart as their think they are.

efb3d6 No.14097246


I think at least they're better than Shillary supporters, I guess.

fad43e No.14097249


You deleted my (You)s with the last thread.

I demand reparations.

f1ec77 No.14097250


Well, she thinks it's an addiction because, as she took her time telling us during class time, her baby daddy dumped her because she kept getting mad at him for using his free time to play video games. So obviously he was addicted. I could have been at home 15 minutes earlier that day but nope this bitch with her potato baby has to tell us all in detail how her ex was a video game addict. Meanwhile the other people to chime in were more like "Well I stopped going to school a lot so I could play Unreal Tournament but I hated being there anyway so I can't put it on the video game" or "I've been playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and it's amazing and I want to play it more but I wouldn't call it an addiction".

4a17ed No.14097268

File: 805ed6296cd700d⋯.jpeg (7.38 MB, 3500x7000, 1:2, Sanders shilling.jpeg)


Not really, since most Shillary supporters are simply uninformed and not actually retarded

cda645 No.14097276

File: d1f584cfc8a711b⋯.jpg (17 KB, 255x255, 1:1, [002299].jpg)


CTP link in the OP is 404 - use this one:


efb3d6 No.14097277

File: 86ec10ffef8ed84⋯.gif (1.88 MB, 288x288, 1:1, wow just wow.gif)


Yeah, that makes sense.. most of Shillary supporters I've met didn't know she's evil Illuminati literal child eating monster.

16fe3d No.14097287


I think I just got stage two breast cancer from reading that.

cda645 No.14097295

File: 8054237ce9b7d31⋯.png (5.6 KB, 512x256, 2:1, (You).png)

4a17ed No.14097298

File: 721bb75e7ab29f8⋯.webm (1.99 MB, 954x538, 477:269, Smiegol at the DNC.webm)

File: 9a2d1b2012a3ea9⋯.webm (7.96 MB, 640x360, 16:9, DNC Highlights - Day 1.webm)

File: e8ce607febe365a⋯.webm (2.03 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Teleprompter delivers sho….webm)


I mean, very few of the voting stations where she won by a large margin were very enthusiastic about voting, it seemed more like a chore to them that will make the next 4 years of life easier than not voting.

607201 No.14097300

File: 36649b49f460b8b⋯.mp4 (900.17 KB, 306x320, 153:160, Fuck (You)s.mp4)

89781a No.14097306

File: 729f6b0a723d571⋯.jpg (1.72 MB, 3353x6050, 3353:6050, 805ed6296cd700daf57275dca2….jpg)


>that fucking filesize

Holy shit dude, lern 2 image

This took me less than a minute and is a fourth the size

a39988 No.14097315


The posting quality has gone down. Also there's a bunch of reddit spacing and misuse of archive.is

f1ec77 No.14097316

File: 2ee7e0cf93ec2b8⋯.png (163.27 KB, 344x290, 172:145, roaring laughter.png)


>third webm

That's too good. That "what the fuck" look on his face.

37019c No.14097317

File: 5a57a2c07d317b3⋯.png (199.71 KB, 601x703, 601:703, Mark is hentai.png)

00d902 No.14097321


I think that's at least 50% of them are unaware at all of anything to do with "their political team". That's why you get those interviews where they'll tell the person that "their" political candidate said something and they'll give a positive response, only to find out trump said it and then the cognitive dissonance sets in.

8e427b No.14097326


He kinda looks like a Jewish grandma.

f1ec77 No.14097328

File: 59dc1237f6b509a⋯.jpg (711.59 KB, 1097x1600, 1097:1600, biribiri_Loli_Tomodachi_34.jpg)


He does kind of remind me of the one guy from that h-manga where they buy a van, rape a bunch of lolis in it, and then kill themselves.

8e427b No.14097337

File: 96219d0cecfaaf6⋯.jpg (117.41 KB, 680x895, 136:179, Even Shadman hates Logan.jpg)

1f01c7 No.14097338


Not gonna lie, I'd sleep with him.

cda645 No.14097341


I clicked on the pic and all I saw was the word 'BONF' and his hair.

df5929 No.14097345


Wow it's almost as if it's a fun thing to do that you'd rather be doing than some stupid bullshit almost like any other hobby

dc9387 No.14097346

File: 104f2b167ad38bc⋯.jpg (204.06 KB, 641x760, 641:760, Screen Shot - 18-01-04.jpg)

File: 69993eca3376725⋯.jpg (160.39 KB, 674x681, 674:681, Screen Shot - 18-01-04 002.jpg)

File: be9ebc362fc14b8⋯.jpg (1.31 MB, 1110x3965, 222:793, 1515101344.jpg)


>Japanese Comedian Who Used Blackface Comes Under Fire Online


>Japanese TV causes outrage by bringing in New Year with blackface


>leddit attempts to shut it down but decides not to since it Started a Conversation™ about Japan's flaws


they are going after Gaki no Tsukai now

00d902 No.14097353


Hopefully Japan just keeps on doing what they keep doing and tell them to fuck off, this clearly wasn't intended for baka gaijin snowflakes.

32ca45 No.14097356


I've found barely anyone online who cares. This is just manufactured outrage.

4a9fec No.14097358


Just when I thought the waitu piggu couldn't be even more moronic after Acid Rain in Japan, they keep going.

fad43e No.14097362



Good start but not enough.

Can't you see how many (You)s the jew devil made itt by oppressing my people?

How many has he made in the last 4 years, by enslaving anons to make memes for him?

Did he give anons a piece of the cake?

Mods need to bend the knee, apologize and gibs me dats.

c420ab No.14097364

There's nothing connecting previous-previous bread to this bread since it linked to now deleted previous bread. Also, my shitposts were deleted.

8e427b No.14097373

File: 3abeb30b3071691⋯.jpg (476.55 KB, 921x665, 921:665, 7bFxXcD.jpg)


Hopefully, Japan gets pissed enough to put a travel ban during the Olympics or at least Nips getting outrages enough to petition the government to not host the Olympics.

1f01c7 No.14097377


The only people defending him are edgy fags and 12 year olds who don't know any better and defend him because he's "so funny".

efb3d6 No.14097383

File: 3b3eb71bfb87947⋯.png (99.58 KB, 300x189, 100:63, korean black.png)


>tfw even SJWs don't care shit if we makeup as black people

They certainly after the Japan. Just like every SJWs do, invade and occupy something big or influential and corrupting it from inside.

df5929 No.14097385

File: 31e5898d47c1f0a⋯.png (191.22 KB, 679x161, 97:23, retard.PNG)


I hate retards like this who think that the japanese should conform to ameircan sensibilities. "racial issues" so should americans be constantly aware and conform to anything that the japanese find offensive as well? Wow it's almost as if they're two entirely different cultures separated by an ocean with two different histories.

0bbc37 No.14097389


Kill yourself faggot, you contribute to this cancer

8e427b No.14097392

File: 162031a210dd686⋯.jpg (290.77 KB, 600x848, 75:106, Old Joseph.jpg)


Mostly little girls because they think of him as a pretty boy.Girls taste change with age, by adulthood they would be attracted to rugged masculine dudes and not some soyboy "chad" surfer.

00d902 No.14097394


The thing is, is, not that I think about it, it's clearly supposed to be a parody of a famous actor. It's not like he has the exaggerated huge nigger lips or actual black make up on. If a black man were to dress up as say Sean Connery with bald cap and white make up on, nobody would give a shit.

1f01c7 No.14097397


When i was a teen I liked muscled dudes and bara Even got fucked by my gym teacher in grade 9, kind of liked it. Now I like twinks and traps.

d692ee No.14097400

File: 3d8cf6251ddfea5⋯.jpg (207.29 KB, 854x1080, 427:540, 1463795998699.jpg)


It's almost like the sjw's are they real cultural colonialists.

2fb638 No.14097401


>If a black man were to dress up as say Sean Connery with bald cap and white make up on, nobody would give a shit.

That's because whites are ebil.

4ca43f No.14097408


that sounds reasonable

c5f11e No.14097413

File: bd70fe4ab815c74⋯.jpg (87.75 KB, 378x485, 378:485, bd70fe4ab815c7410e62556c83….jpg)


>that 3rd webm

That pause was golden.


Gear looks badass. Source?

900124 No.14097414

File: ba23993d5f680d3⋯.gif (101.86 KB, 758x696, 379:348, SUPERIOR.gif)

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

2b34ed No.14097415


>Even got fucked by my gym teacher in grade 9, kind of liked it

What the fuck man

1f01c7 No.14097416


Are they known for consistency? Aren't white farmers getting killed in Africa right now? Seriously, SJWs don't care about doing the right thing, only seeming like they are, and above all else thats why I can't fucking stand them.

37019c No.14097418

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5c3e17 No.14097423


>fag got molested as a kid

I'm sure these things are in no way connected.

f32925 No.14097425

File: 42fc483787d4262⋯.jpg (209.76 KB, 883x1349, 883:1349, IMG_20180104_154936.jpg)

File: f2f75bbd0fe0450⋯.jpg (149.68 KB, 883x1349, 883:1349, IMG_20180104_154942.jpg)

Last comics for those who missed them because of the purge that was done for free

efb3d6 No.14097427

File: 576ad7ec958c093⋯.png (498.13 KB, 650x614, 325:307, reminder that japanese gam….png)

c420ab No.14097428


Bait desu

8e427b No.14097429

File: a440bfdeb660ae0⋯.jpg (99.02 KB, 547x720, 547:720, a81530c438090795d103feb648….jpg)

File: 00a4de2342e5ae8⋯.png (804.84 KB, 886x584, 443:292, draw_me_like_one_of_your_h….png)


That's a reversal of what girls tend to get attracted too. You won't believe at the years go by I've seen the same girls that fawn over Link in their teens ended up fawning over Ganon when they reached Adulthood. The same girls that once fawned over Roxas from Kingdom Hearts ended up fantasizing over Snake from Metal Gear. The only adults that like pretty boys tend to be Gay Community.

1f01c7 No.14097431

File: fb0f3eec7c6217f⋯.jpg (86.01 KB, 841x468, 841:468, Battleborn.jpg)

1f01c7 No.14097438


Gannon is kind of cute too. I mean, I still like this, but more into twinks now.

cda645 No.14097443

File: 18d90441529f841⋯.jpg (198.36 KB, 850x1340, 85:134, (You)850.jpg)

89781a No.14097448

File: 668e27350c09c1b⋯.png (198.27 KB, 800x1150, 16:23, you4.png)



You'll never run out of images to pull when you accuse someone of bait, will you?

37f134 No.14097449



Happens all the time where I live Montreal, western SJWs really think the entire world is like America (even those that aren't Americans, probably because most of their time is spent consuming American liberal media).

8e427b No.14097457


>western SJWs really think the entire world is like America

They truly are retarded.

1f01c7 No.14097459


Aren't Canadians dealing with refugees? Wouldn't spending time with their new Syrian friends wake them up?

16fe3d No.14097463


>western SJWs really think the whole world is like America

>even those that aren't Americans

So this is the extent of SoCalization.

bb17ad No.14097466


They don't have syrian friends, they just pretend they do but even they know the muds would probably kidnap them and behead them on facebook without anyone giving a shit.

2b34ed No.14097467


Its really disgusting and makes me realy mad, every single culture on earth has things that offend them. I bet the japs don't like being reminded of being nuked. So should every country on earth forbid any media that depics nukes? Its so fucking stupid

8e427b No.14097469


These are the same hypocrites that cry "We need to respect their cultures!"

dc9387 No.14097471

File: f9b613f9b2963d0⋯.webm (5.63 MB, 720x405, 16:9, 1515103449.webm)

f1ec77 No.14097473


Fun is an addiction and grown men aren't allowed to have it, anon.

9edd47 No.14097477


Ganbare, cake-kun.

0219c0 No.14097478

File: e6da18c5d60a228⋯.png (186.5 KB, 500x610, 50:61, put the (You) in the bag.png)

2fb638 No.14097484


>Wouldn't spending time with their new Syrian friends wake them up?

Not if they have been brainwashed into apologizing for all rape they received at the hands of refugees. And that would be the result if the retards even dealt with them on any level (which they don't due to hair dyes and bare skin with tattoos disgusting them on every level).

432a6a No.14097488



f1ec77 No.14097495


do it faggot

8e427b No.14097503


The only culture they would tolerate and import is Islamic culture. Remember that SJWeeb that went to live in Japan and converted to Islam?

f32925 No.14097511


I dont think many mods like /v/ let alone care enough to actually inprove it.

(See: the 4am fiasco, yet somehow Ritsu never got banned)

1f01c7 No.14097515


Nice hitler dubs.

4a17ed No.14097532

File: 658c95fd57cb446⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 166.83 KB, 553x502, 553:502, It's no longer about truth….png)


>they are going after Gaki no Tsukai now

cda645 No.14097533

File: 5a189e13c169acb⋯.png (398.74 KB, 480x640, 3:4, viv567.png)

File: 8c1315e1f39029a⋯.png (71.62 KB, 200x200, 1:1, viv10.png)

File: a8660744ab1f032⋯.png (86.76 KB, 232x256, 29:32, viv56.png)

File: fe4b56bb2e8f9d3⋯.png (323.47 KB, 400x400, 1:1, vivianjames00.png)


My numbering system is basically 'pick a number'.

850 was for pic width

4a9fec No.14097556

File: 7985ac4222c1294⋯.jpg (32.32 KB, 480x480, 1:1, smug rinko.jpg)


3885ce No.14097562


Reposting January 27 to June 13 threads archive since last thread was deleted.

c420ab No.14097568

File: dbb0b3e5f9faa67⋯.jpg (83.37 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 66554496_p1.jpg)

I worry about the amount of shitposts at times, despite contributing passively to it.

There's stuff to focus on.

8f6581 No.14097573

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


>going after downtown

>the guys who base a ton of their comedy on being dicks

Yeah, this will work.

8e427b No.14097575

File: 77e524be9f4d9d8⋯.jpg (246.4 KB, 1051x697, 1051:697, BBC hypocrisy.jpg)

File: a28c635c3519789⋯.png (73.22 KB, 765x294, 255:98, 8, Colony Drop isn't Groun….png)

Like Pedo Judges in Magic the Gathering and how many SJWs happen to be exposed as sexual predators. The videogames industry has a lot of SJWs and they could be a part of the sexual predator rings.

fad43e No.14097579


I'm not saying they're injecting people with nanobots to make zombie assassins out of them, but if this dude tries to kill Trump or whoever I called it first.

efb3d6 No.14097582


What they exactly wants to happen is legalizing the pedophilia and pedo pornos while illegalizing any man-made 2D or 3D fictional porns like SFM into literal criminal act just like it happened in South Korea. Hypocrisy is their greatest ally and they wants to force it.

37f134 No.14097587


Most of them are in Ontario and that place was cucked as hell before the refugees came in



I see this all the time. For exemple, here in Canada we don't really have a big history of slavery or racism with black people and black people only make up 3% of the population compared to America's 12%, but any discussion about racism will bring up black people as if they're a big demographic suffering from racism in Canada. Or they'll spout the old "You can't be racist against white people" line in fucking Quebec of all places.

8e427b No.14097591

File: 43bf0a878ba1b28⋯.jpg (156.56 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, DNvGtQ3UEAAPIkk.jpg)

File: 69c7d43bdb814fc⋯.jpg (254.59 KB, 1400x1400, 1:1, 71VJsX5F5tL.jpg)

File: 5ad4e5f91760003⋯.jpg (651.32 KB, 2602x2961, 2602:2961, eXhbzn7.jpg)

File: 74faba272a12b18⋯.jpg (41.29 KB, 406x406, 1:1, 9781682615225_p3_v4_s550x4….jpg)

File: 71d4c31040337e1⋯.jpg (40.72 KB, 406x406, 1:1, 9781682615225_p5_v6_s550x4….jpg)


Why do pedos hate 2D loli so much?

4a9fec No.14097593


I thought every kind of porn was banned in South Korea, and everyone caught with those spend as much time in prison as an actual rapist. Did I get it wrong?

a7a5e1 No.14097594


Based on what I've read, even he doesn't defend it. He says it was tasteless, and wants his fans to stop defending his actions.

That said, I don't really know who the fuck he is, and I've only heard his name in the past two days because of the stupid suicide video shit. I'm amazed that people still pay attention to these shitty YouTube celebrities. I understand if they make political commentary, or comedy videos, or even Let's Play. I don't get these fuckers who do glorified vlogs and get millions of followers for just talking to a camera.

2b34ed No.14097597


Plus the fact that Black Lives Matter exists in Canada when there's not enough nigs to even be significant. Also they try to claim as if Canada is so racist when they are the descendents of runaway slaves. Like they literally ran to canada to be free and Canada accepted them. Its retarded i hate it

4a17ed No.14097598


Daily reminder that pedo rings are there to leverage control over important organisations, since you have endless amounts of shit to blackmail people over and they will be desperate for media protection to hide their crimes. One thing that Trump has done amazingly well is going against a multitude of pedo cells, which has resulted in many companies quietly replacing their CEOs.


There's a push-and-pull sort of relationship with pedos rings. The person leveraging control over the pedos wants it to remain illegal to have something to punish them with, while the pedos want it to be legal so that they can break free from their chains. It's why you have such blatant hypocrisy, one side wants control while the other side wants to fuck kids unpunished. Making 2D illegal is to further try to stigmatise fucking kids because you can't really make something already illegal even more illegal than it already is.

2fb638 No.14097599


>Why do pedos hate 2D loli so much?

Because they can't fuck 2D loli or will ever be able to.

c68af4 No.14097601

File: 72b77fb8672c5c6⋯.png (3.14 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, NIS America Press Event 20….png)

Here's something to keep an eye on.

NISA is holding a press event in Sanfran on the 9th of February.

4a9fec No.14097603


>I've only heard his name in the past two days because of the stupid suicide video shit.

You're talking about Logan Paul? Because he was Acid Rain in the SVU Intimidation Game episode.

8e427b No.14097606


>they can't fuck 2D loli or will ever be able to.

And they decided to ruin it for the otaku and weebs by wanting it banned? And then have the audacity to want kiddy diddling legal?

eb7a7b No.14097610

File: ef93e5b9b519a2d⋯.png (41.43 KB, 1356x592, 339:148, cuckchan here.PNG)

File: 2ea7d576099220f⋯.png (39.02 KB, 1360x592, 85:37, cuckchan here 2.PNG)

>All these fucking cuckchanners flocking the board

>Most don't even know how to fucking embed

>In March even more of them will come here since Hiroshima is enabling Google capcha

>Board hasn't been comfy for over 3 years now

Kill me



3443e6 No.14097612


I’m dreading this. Please don’t announce you got CS3 you fucks.

eb7a7b No.14097614

File: 19df89426fdc95e⋯.png (595.47 KB, 843x718, 843:718, 19df89426fdc95e21172cb1443….png)




1f01c7 No.14097616


Is pappy dead?

37019c No.14097617


Speaking of sjweebs I took a look at cuckchan's /a/ and sweet Jesus they make /r/ anime look high quality.

8e427b No.14097618


I hate how SoCal has been a go-to place for vidya development. It's the place where promising indie devs go to get pozzed and end up shitting.

c420ab No.14097620


Post screens, I don't want to bother going there.

efb3d6 No.14097622

File: 40864c7bb5cfd9e⋯.webm (2.65 MB, 720x406, 360:203, 방송통신위원회 공익광고.webm)


No, anon. You're getting it exactly right.

If I flip the TV on all the channels fucking broadcasting early teenage 'K-Pop stars' dancing half-naked and all the media and the government promote it, while a person watched drawn tits online he goes prison for at least 3~5 years, registered as sex offender and prohibited from getting any job for 20 years.

This is what they want, this is their final goal.

Here, I attach the recent Korean public service announcement. It's about a man comments 'evil words' online and get hunted by police, and a woman says at the end "Posting mean words online is a criminal act and will be punished". This is non-edited, real Korean public announcement and I've seen it even on kids channel until last year. By the way the comment he made on that public service announcement is something like 'you slut'.

Their final goal is 1984. Keep in mind.

8e427b No.14097623


They banned loli, didn't they? For some reason, lolicon isn't allowed on their /h/ and /d/ boards from what I heard despite the fact it relates to hentai. Has cuckchan's /v/ changed?

00d902 No.14097626


Has your english improved gook anon or are you a different gook?

4a17ed No.14097630


Their /k/ also bans discussion on gun control because laws regarding guns is not related to guns

31d4e1 No.14097631


And Sargon's Gypsie lover. He compares him to CNN and says that Logan did nothing wrong for recording a dead body with a stupid hat and laughing. CCN shouldn't use bodies to sell news? sure, but that doesn't excuse the faggot.

2fb638 No.14097635


Seems like it.


I'm sure that if you ask Kim Jong Un very nicely…..

eb7a7b No.14097636


Nah, still active

3885ce No.14097637


After SoCal it's Montreal, Gov's is spending a lot of money in tax credits to get big publishers to open studios around Québec.


A thousand new jobs in Sagenay, they'll double the population there.

90e7c9 No.14097641


I can't wait for SJWs to feel real racism when the Japanese and Chinese consider them childish white babies who only care about stupid shit that doesn't affect the world. Asian racism is far more intense than anything the west can offer, specially when you look at what SJWs think constitutes racism.

I think it's time we invent white fat face, where we make ourselves look fat, super white, neon haired, and then whine about mundane and inane issues that only rich white citizens of a highly developed nation can bother worrying about.

1f01c7 No.14097643


Got a little worried, his twatter has been inactive for a while last I looked, said he has no electricity.

a7a5e1 No.14097645


It's pretty simple, and it comes down to the same reason liberals want women to have 100% freedom except women who might want to be in porn who apparently don't deserve those rights, and hentai should be illegal for victimizing people who don't exist.

They want "freedom" but only for themselves and things that they explicitly like. Anything that shows any flaws or weaknesses of their position (or even just simple realistic nuance, such as free sexuality actually having a dark side) should be banned, according to them.

It's clear doublethink and repression. It's really not that surprising that so many of them go the way of all those super-conservative politicians that got caught fucking other dudes and doing tons of drugs, and end up being literal predators and sex pests.

Pedos want lolicon banned because it's legal and bothers people, and gives their own sexuality a bad image. They want to simultaneously push for acceptance of their side while shutting down anything tangentially related that the general public is uncomfortable with.

SJW pedos also usually don't like lolicon because they don't actually like the shape of children sexually, they are pedos because they have predatory personalities and their entire bag is preying on the weak and bullying people into giving them what they want. There are many types of pedos, mostly being those who are actually attracted to children and would generally look at lolicon and try to bury their shame, and those who are predatory piles of shit who just like to go after the weak and naive. The latter type are the ones who are pushing for all this. The former can be fixed through therapy and medication (electroshock therapy is actually shown to be really effective if the pedo gets it done every year), the latter group is a cancer that can't be cured.

4a17ed No.14097646

File: 11676d556c4b18d⋯.png (126.55 KB, 582x426, 97:71, Vee calling Jim an extremi….png)

File: 08e0dc541275361⋯.png (42.86 KB, 628x336, 157:84, Vee sucking off Jim in the….png)


Vee makes it very apparent that he's just sucking dicks for views.

37f134 No.14097647


Projection. A lot of sex offenders (or those prone to become ones) tend to think that everyone is like them and that they just hide it (Not necessarily thinking that all men are sex offenders but that they all have urges or find children attractive). Self-hating pedophiles start thinking they're "righteous" because they're controlling themselves by being leftists and fighting against sexism (Anything they might have done in the past was an "unfortunate mistake"). Since they think other people are like them, but other people aren't being leftists enough, it means those other people are highly dangerous pedophiles in their mind.

89090d No.14097648

File: 5a92feaff9b652a⋯.webm (5.64 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Mark_discovers_̸_pol_̸.webm)


I wish I was Johnny Hitler

37019c No.14097649

File: 5fd685b246ce372⋯.png (13.14 KB, 539x334, 539:334, 4dcbb8acc881e4f730c00706a1….png)

File: 64a453aa3bc37de⋯.png (51.46 KB, 960x567, 320:189, 9792508e1652796517b7521f47….png)

File: a6648e19becb580⋯.png (103.62 KB, 1058x527, 1058:527, d421b9127de31fe45d6e933ccd….png)

File: b17f45484e4c9a9⋯.png (515.98 KB, 1000x1052, 250:263, 5c048959785428539cbeaf225a….png)


That and commiefornia helped kill western animation.



I'll give you these teasers that someone anon dug up months and ago then I'll find some caps(if I don't fucking die from cancer)


>Their /k/ also bans discussion on gun control because laws regarding guns is not related to guns

Are you fucking kidding?


Toronto too.

4a9fec No.14097651

File: 3b5f9242a38373a⋯.png (404.12 KB, 445x909, 445:909, he's convinced.PNG)


SK is fucked and the only good news I'll hear from there soon will be "Crossdressing Bespectacled Man Fights Off Megalian Demons".

I hope you have an escape plan to Japan and kevlar layers inside that dress, gook.

00d902 No.14097654

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


If I were a communist dictator I would see california as a potential ally or at least a useful idiot.


Apparently it's already a thing in china. Vid related is some guy talking about it.

f7a299 No.14097655


>I clicked on the pic and all I saw was the word 'BONF' and his hair.

< Ehhhhh… What're we gonna do in the thread?


>MTG pedo controversey

Jeremy's twitter feed has been non-stop craziness since that story broke.

SJWs are currently trying to get him suspended for 'dox', even though the stuff he's posting proves there are, and were, convicted pedophiles running kid-friendly Magic events, and the information was publicly hosted by Wizard of the Coast on their own website. twitter.com/UnsleevedMedia/with_replies

4a17ed No.14097662


>Are you fucking kidding?

No, the mods there even made a sticky announcing that gun control threads will be deleted. Can't find the screencap but you can ask someone on full/k/ since it got posted there fairly long ago.

8e427b No.14097663


SJWs are made fun of as the 白左 in Asia.


Explains why Pedos just don't go out with adult Asian women since there are many that look like really young. Link related.


90e7c9 No.14097666


I know, but SJWs don't seem to want to admit it, yet they keep pushing into Asia. It's going to be hilarious when they get a taste of reality.

bbf6fa No.14097680



Surprised pateron has allowed that.

8e427b No.14097682


Well, she is an adult.

8afaea No.14097690


hahaha, where are you going to go?

all the other not-chans are corpses or too niche


00d902 No.14097691


patreon literally doesn't care unless you're a proven wrong thinker. Why would they ban anybody giving them money unless it gives them sjw points.

a7a5e1 No.14097696


The "cultural colonialism" argument is honestly what blows my mind the most. These are the people who scream the most about cultural colonialism and who hate the idea of westernizing the rest of the world. They want everybody to keep their cultures and western culture to keep out.

Then, big surprise, a culture has an aspect that they don't agree with and they want it shut down. They want the culture to adopt their sensitivities and behave in a way that their culture does.

So everybody should have their own culture, and the west should not impose their culture on the rest of the world, unless it's culture that I personally don't like, in which case we should impose our culture on them.

People are fucking stupid.

8afaea No.14097698

File: cd0196a57c5151b⋯.mp4 (9.63 MB, 480x360, 4:3, meteor compilation webm.mp4)


we can always return to the mememagic days

c'mon anon, just one small meme, memeteor is always waiting….

8e427b No.14097704


>Then, big surprise, a culture has an aspect that they don't agree with and they want it shut down.

We call them cultural colonists.

499dd9 No.14097706


SK manages to make western Europe look like a haven of free speech

I just hope you and all the other anons manage to get out before having a dick becomes illegal.

37f134 No.14097709

File: 57a6c3585822ac1⋯.png (51.07 KB, 180x170, 18:17, 1513050889768.png)


>tfw want an asian GF but also want to protect the white race

607201 No.14097711



Pretty sure the actual term is "cultural imperialism," or if you're a Marxist something like "cultural hegemony."

8e427b No.14097715


Then call them cultural imperialists. Beat them at their own game.

efb3d6 No.14097716

File: 554f7af273adcc1⋯.jpg (31.01 KB, 378x568, 189:284, All Smiles.jpg)


My English improved alot thank for shitposting!

And I don't think 8/v/ has other gookposter anymore that is not LARPer. I see some of on /pol/.





>breeding with Asian girl

>protect the white race

That's bit of contradiction, anon.

b91462 No.14097718

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>SJWs are pissed over a blackface joke in Gaki no Tsukai

>There are multiple times they did this and other things in their show.

>The west even did on a couple of occasions like It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and there was barely any backlash on it.

Yup, they sure do have their priorities straight.

8e427b No.14097721


Why do I notice so many white nationalists wanting to go out with Asian women? You have to make a choice between your race or your dick.

01d5bf No.14097722


Sarah Silverman did the same thing but then sperged out at people making racial jokes.

2644df No.14097725

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

RE: WHO Gaming Addiction:





NicheGamer did a good article on it, share the love- and the truth.



Psych profs argue WHO's judgement made assumption that games cause the same dopamine levels as drugs (they don't).

Spread that the WHO's judgement is on bad data.

I am afraid of this, as I've worked out how you could technically "prove" Gaming Addiction is real.

> Get some tard who plays videogames to cope with depression, abused, etc.

> Lock him in a rubber room, give him shit foot, give him no entertainment (or dull books/films), and interview him on a regular basis with the intention to get a reaction out of him.

> When he does react (cries and/or loses his temper) use that incident to claim Gaming Addiction is real, since this is withdrawl (not boredom harassment, lack of privacy, and a lack of release from traumas).

> Ramp up the propaganda by showing video of the guy's sperg out with advertising for "treatment".

> Maybe do it multiple times so you have a "large group" (you could do 5 and claim it's large, but the more the better).


Could we add embed related to the "Summaries of #GamerGate" in the OP? If we have room?


I thought with Blackface you had to exaggerate features? Red clown lips, poorly dressed, etc.

This is damn good make up- Tropic Thunder Robert Downey Jr. levels. Speaking of- no one cared when he did it.

8f6581 No.14097726



That's why he posted a sad animu grill.

a7a5e1 No.14097728



But they always find a way to convince themselves they're in the right. If you point out their hypocrisy, they'll either say that Japan is already westernized and should therefor be culturally sensitive, or that their statements on cultural colonialism don't actually apply to things that are "objectively problematic", or that their own criticism doesn't apply to themselves because they're a minority of some sort.

You can't beat them at their own game, because their own game is strictly keeping themselves invincible from any actual logic or reality.


Yep. It's also related to cultural relativism, which is that cultural practices can not be understood from the perspective of another culture, which is what they're perfectly willing to push until their own beliefs are challenged, then everything goes out the window.

I'm already getting pissed. This is why I avoid these threads. Fucking hypocrites.

8e427b No.14097729


So Gookanon, how pissed would Koreans be if Paul Logan did stupid shit in your neck of the woods?

4a17ed No.14097736

File: 02cebfb9397b48f⋯.jpg (162.88 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, niggerniggernigger.jpg)


You do know that Asians aren't the only people outside the West, right?

8e427b No.14097738


>But they always find a way to convince themselves they're in the right. If you point out their hypocrisy, they'll either say that Japan is already westernized and should therefor be culturally sensitive, or that their statements on cultural colonialism don't actually apply to things that are "objectively problematic", or that their own criticism doesn't apply to themselves because they're a minority of some sort.

Then I tell them that they are abusing their white privilege on them. Then I tell them they are fucking white.

1f01c7 No.14097741


I find your autism about gay people to be kind of hot, gook. Don't ever change.

8e427b No.14097742


Awww, she so adorable I want to give her a big hug. She needs headpats and snuggles.

00d902 No.14097743


Even if they were to double down and go "w-well there's some aspects of other culture that need to change." Then you hit them with the, okay well then what about muslims and gay people / women rights then.

00d902 No.14097749


Megalians would probably want to jump on his dick and then post about it online how Korean men suck.

fb4086 No.14097754

File: 0484b052724b075⋯.mp4 (582.12 KB, 510x388, 255:194, lickylick.mp4)


Because Nipponese women seem to be more traditionalist than city women. Outside the city is where all the good women gone.

0219c0 No.14097759

File: d53db5fc9caa8f9⋯.jpg (20 KB, 225x139, 225:139, No-Gays-Allowed.jpg)


>she so adorable I want to give her a big hug. She needs headpats and snuggles

Gay faggot

d20498 No.14097762

File: f2a7fff90f93293⋯.gif (1.49 MB, 400x225, 16:9, asian girl headpats.gif)


Just get an asian and a white gf.

8e427b No.14097767


Are Nip women not much better? I even hear that Nip moms are colder than Western moms.

7b7240 No.14097768

File: 3cc5829f41a19de⋯.jpg (46.09 KB, 590x677, 590:677, Hitler-Kimono-305490.jpg)


Japanese are considered Honorary Aryans

Korea piggu get out! :^)

fb4086 No.14097773

File: 0076cd78a7b45a9⋯.gif (1.08 MB, 360x360, 1:1, lewd.gif)


Here's the guide to saving the white race.

>Cut off borders to sandniggers and niggers

>Have multiple white children

>Send criminals to africa to go hogwhile and cause a black genocide.

>Suddenly africa becomes white


I don't know, I'm just guessing from what I hear online tbh.

efb3d6 No.14097774

File: 8f10a97b44f9848⋯.png (407.02 KB, 496x928, 31:58, the straight community.png)


He will be literally hanged at the crossroad. Korea is strong Confucian and Taoism country and still has intolerance culture against foreign faggotory, way more than Japan does. In Korea, despite younger generation eager for foreign dicks and pussies; the older generation are fucking old school as fuck and I see many of my people around literally forced to cut their relationship with their family solely because they wanted to marry with foreign people.

And if some fucking stupid foreign comes here and make fault or crimes the gook community will chase them to kingdom come and somehow punish them. Some stupid low life white wigger wannabe murdered Korean man back in 80's at some shady restroom and ran off to US then the fucking whole country chased him down for 20 years and few years ago we actually brought him to here and gave him life in prison. Gooks are fucking autistically tenacious. Especially on foreign people.

How conservative does old Korean people? I once asked my family that if I bring foreign woman and ask to marry and my family answer "over my dead body".


>implying rejecting the gay community is autism

If that's autism I will be the most autistic man on earth.

If I become the world ruler and you faggots will be first against the wall!

00d902 No.14097775


As with everything it depends on the individual, but yes asian women can be just as vapid and unmotherly as any white women and there will be a large percentage who are.

fb4086 No.14097777


4badc5 No.14097783


It's called being a poser, a fraud, a sham, a joke.

>>14097777 (checked)

c5f11e No.14097785

File: 5930d445898286d⋯.jpeg (15.51 KB, 289x225, 289:225, 5930d445898286d51db0e4c70….jpeg)



Can we stay on topic?

4a17ed No.14097786

File: e97669dbdf9979b⋯.jpg (240.47 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Katya Lischina.jpg)


As much as you want it to be a guy, she isn't a man. Deal with it, faggot.

efb3d6 No.14097789


And the restroom murder incident is extremely famous in Korea. There's even movie about it.


And here's Wiki article.


The wigger trash got 20 years in prison last year.

a7a5e1 No.14097797



There is no way. They're immune to all logic, including their own. You can hold absolute proof that they are wrong in their face, in their own words, and they'll just go "nope, I'm still right".

I've done that shit to SJWs I know in real life, and the people outright deny the Muslim gay thing, either saying that it's overblown by the media and doesn't actually happen, or that "those people aren't TRUE Muslims", and that Islam is actually an accepting religion. ISIS aren't actually Muslims, because Islam is tolerant. Ignore the fact that the vast majority of Muslims support ISIS, it turns out that "true Muslims" are only 10% of Muslims. I say "but it really is most Muslims", and they either say it is not, or they say that it's still not fair to judge an entire religion based on the actions of the vast majority of it (and I'm not even particularly anti-Muslim as people, and I've known good Muslims, I'm just anti-Islam in general).

That's the kind of mental gymnastics. If you use reality against them, they will change reality until it fits what they believe, and refuse to accept anything else, or they will accept the most ass-backward interpretations of things so that they don't have to change their ideals (like believing that Islam is defined by only the most liberal 5% of the religion).

They aren't "abusing their white privilege", they are "bringing equality and tolerance" to other cultures. It's not "colonialism", because the other people can keep their culture, just without the problematic aspects. They also probably aren't "white", because they are part black, or part native, or they don't identify as white, or they are trans-something and white privilege doesn't apply to them. Or (and I've had this one thrown at me in real life as well) they don't count as far as white privilege goes, because they are "allies" that are fighting against the patriarchy, and the concept of "white privilege" only applies literally to people they disagree with.

The old saying is true, You cannot reason someone out of something he or she was not reasoned into". They didn't get into their position by logic, and you can't get them out by logic. The only thing that gets them out is being betrayed by their own people, or some other wake-up call that forces them to confront that their worldview doesn't work. They need to be hit a brick of reality, something that they can't just deny to make it go away, and there's nothing you can do to make this happen to them. It needs to be something that uproots their life and forces them to confront it.

bbcaa5 No.14097800

File: 2f9d207c3e34d30⋯.jpg (83.08 KB, 956x641, 956:641, Praljak mug.jpg)


you know that reminds me, I made this a while ago. Did anyone ever make a better version than my shitty, no-effort MSPaint thing?

1f01c7 No.14097807


>If I become the world ruler and you faggots will be first against the wall!

Stop it, you're giving me a nosebleed and an erection.

2fb638 No.14097808


Does anyone have a copy of the Logan template?

2fb638 No.14097830


What was the thing you were worried about recently? It sounded as if Megalia were hunting you down or something using the legal system.

00d902 No.14097832


And then you say cool, if that's true, why do the majority of muslim countries carry the DEATH PENALTY for being gay. Sure they'll squirm and squirm trying to justify it in their heads, and maybe they'll keep doubling down regardless of facts, but maybe, just maybe you'll change someone's mind and that possibility is what should keep you going. Bear in mind you should choose your targets wisely as well in my opinion and you need to really know your shit (They love to argue semantics and will point if you are even slightly wrong like that somehow unravels your whole argument).

00d902 No.14097836

File: 25f3fd200c83326⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1174x1080, 587:540, 25f3fd200c83326cd1ad3f54f4….png)

8e427b No.14097840


Which makes me wonder why you would want an Asian wife if she won't be as much of a loving mother as a white one. Spic moms I hear smother their children.


They need to be gassed. I would gather them and lock them in a building full of Somalians. Somalians are the kind of niggers every other niggers stay away from.

2fb638 No.14097841

0219c0 No.14097844


Snuggling with girls is super gay

efb3d6 No.14097846

File: 2c52866fdd62b37⋯.jpg (27.2 KB, 500x522, 250:261, confused gook.jpg)


What you mean, anon? You meant the Megalia kidnap pedo shit? I heard she's arrested. I'm worried and depressed almost for everytime though.

358bcc No.14097848

File: 2d060066728510f⋯.gif (681.82 KB, 520x293, 520:293, bully.gif)

fb4086 No.14097865

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dickie on Adam Racewarski's stream with Styxhexenhammer666 and Sargon, should be fun.

8e427b No.14097872

File: c51b4b70010b549⋯.png (346.34 KB, 643x439, 643:439, CNN on Trump.png)


I swear, it's like you guys are trying to meme Warski to be a Ben Garrison figure.

2fb638 No.14097887


You sounded worried that people were after you.

efb3d6 No.14097897

File: ed7132887705baf⋯.jpg (94.01 KB, 800x800, 1:1, MARCHE IF YOU.jpg)


That was attention hungry Marche impersonating me. Watch out for fake gook LARPers, there are over 9000 fake feminine gooks wants your penis.

4a17ed No.14097899

File: eb70c0640db20e4⋯.jpg (138.08 KB, 986x1200, 493:600, Warski.jpg)


It's too late

8e427b No.14097902


Is Jim going to execute Order 66?

a7a5e1 No.14097904


> why do the majority of muslim countries carry the DEATH PENALTY for being gay

They say they aren't real Muslims. That's ISIS (or if not ISIS, just whatever country it is), not Islam. They should be stopped, but you can't compare that to Islam or use that to criticize Islam itself.

Don't get me wrong, I argue it anyway, but I go into most of these discussions knowing it's a lost cause and they'll never respond to logic.

8e427b No.14097906


Just lock them up in a room full of Somalians.

2f1e5b No.14097907

File: be6d636daa5e6a3⋯.jpg (17.83 KB, 166x231, 166:231, 1333582194102.jpg)


>they're attacking my boy Hamada

37019c No.14097910

We still doing Op Timber? Also it's scary at how deeply converted cuck/a/ and animu shitposters from it are to sjweebism.

4a17ed No.14097915

File: 8d4f0edd9b70faa⋯.png (171.27 KB, 933x698, 933:698, Jim almonds in overdrive.png)

File: 5d8b58f0026e9af⋯.png (106.34 KB, 628x524, 157:131, Jim causing the skeptic co….png)

File: 676228f0fe96172⋯.png (482.07 KB, 727x226, 727:226, Septics trying to discredi….png)

File: 185bd743a476be7⋯.png (13.14 KB, 527x207, 527:207, Septics trying to discredi….png)

File: 11676d556c4b18d⋯.png (126.55 KB, 582x426, 97:71, Vee calling Jim an extremi….png)


By the time he releases part 20, yes. So in other words, in around 35 years.

8e427b No.14097920

File: 38b206071be09a5⋯.jpg (144.06 KB, 800x976, 50:61, 38b.jpg)



20c871 No.14097921

File: e05d6723b35fde9⋯.png (291.47 KB, 620x413, 620:413, first person logan paul.png)

fb4086 No.14097923

File: a7ecb32eddb9e6d⋯.gif (1.45 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 1455659595104.gif)

>Sargon and Dickie already sperging at each other

37019c No.14097930



Jim and his enemies the skeptics are some of the biggest retards on youtube only ones worse are sjws or people like keemstar/leafy/The Paul brothers.

6c92bf No.14097934

File: 787d09a41dc8b12⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 337.85 KB, 557x385, 557:385, qnnVcNo.png)


But Hamada already did a black face, and no one was offended that time!

4ca43f No.14097956


8e427b No.14097960

File: bebdd13ef4e98d0⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 431.4 KB, 1063x1500, 1063:1500, 5.jpg)

8e427b No.14097977

File: b3d3aff1f7a3698⋯.png (742.84 KB, 1157x1410, 1157:1410, b3d.png)

4a17ed No.14097984

File: 38cb1d5660d1512⋯.png (164.42 KB, 553x502, 553:502, A streamer denied his ball….png)

File: 118414ceba04ebd⋯.png (217.31 KB, 522x453, 174:151, Septics trying to discredi….png)

File: 4c73ccf4185a00f⋯.png (223.01 KB, 524x519, 524:519, Septics trying to discredi….png)


Jim is pretty neat, since he attacks people for being garbage human beings and not on their views specifically. Lumping him together with the skeptics is fairly retarded when the thing you have an issue with here is the resulting drama. The meltdowns are hilarious like the time debated an atheist that claimed the Cologne sexual assaults were fake, which made the guy cry so hard on stream that the guy went into an asthma attack on stream and unironically converted to Islam.

771008 No.14097989


What is that guy even trying to say?

cb0168 No.14097992

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good evening!

9ca31a No.14097994

File: fd4349e08c0fc7b⋯.jpg (612.6 KB, 801x1200, 267:400, sad shiba inu.jpg)


>The only adults that like pretty boys tend to be Gay Community.

I never asked for twink genetics.

f32925 No.14098002

File: d247e97d1cd8614⋯.jpg (56.97 KB, 500x500, 1:1, IMG_20180104_180853.jpg)

File: 08170d772a0f525⋯.jpg (195.21 KB, 883x1349, 883:1349, IMG_20180104_180902.jpg)


Anyone can be a Johnny Hitler or a Video Game Dude.

All you gotta do is stay crotey totey and not be a fucking nigger fag grommet

0219c0 No.14098004




208765 No.14098006


>jim is pretty neat

Stopped reading right there.

8e427b No.14098007


The only thing you could attract is teenage girls or gay men. Or you could go the alternative route and go out with Japanese women since they are also into pretty boys like yourself.

37019c No.14098010


Jim and his fanbase lack self awareness and I lump them cause E celebs are fucking cancer.

2fb638 No.14098015


>stay crotey totey and not be a fucking nigger fag grommet

I see words but none of them make sense.

4a17ed No.14098017


He is trying to defend the skeptic community after Jim started releasing his series on Kraut. He could have easily just criticised Jim on other things but he just had to white-knight for them. I doubt most here have forgotten about Jim getting a blowjob during a stream while KoP was drunk talking about how the Holocaust never happened in the background, there is plenty to rail on Jim against (like Jim changing his mind on having a Patreon for shekels) but this guy is just incredibly defensive.

8e427b No.14098018

File: 1cf873530055240⋯.jpg (62.93 KB, 539x960, 539:960, 42e.jpg)


Jim is just a shitposter that enjoys poking fun at shit. It's Jim's fanbase that have a lot of faggots.

f32925 No.14098025



fb4086 No.14098033


Richard Spencer

37019c No.14098037


>Jim is just a shitposter

Jim is a faggot like the rest.


>People still stay on cuckchan


The most racist people I've ever met have been Asian and spics, there are growing fascist parties in South America and East/south Asia that would make /pol/ blush.

2fb638 No.14098047


This insult coming from a male feminist?

8e427b No.14098052

File: 8771c6d0eb487b9⋯.jpg (205.84 KB, 680x1554, 340:777, Gook Anon's Dayjob.jpg)


I remember an old spic watching an action flick, and there was a scene where a nigger was fucking a white woman, he dropped the movie saying that white with black is garbage. Whites are the only ones ashamed at being racially aware.

cb0168 No.14098056

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Off-topic, but this is Alpha vs. Omega from Wrestle Kingdom 12! Enjoy, anons!

f32925 No.14098066


I'm a rude dude who likes to get lewd.

A male femenist is a grommet who is physically unable to even type the words "nigger" or "fag", even on an anonymous board.

They have this fear that if they type it, his peers will know and shun him.

9ca31a No.14098067

File: d9ac8d6117c5b27⋯.png (125.25 KB, 726x641, 726:641, cirno suicide.png)


I already know this all too well.

>go to jail / marry someone that loses her attraction to me when she's older

>be a faggot

>be a race traitor and create the next elliot rodger

I don't think I'm gonna make it brahs.

89781a No.14098073


Where's the link to all of them? I don't want to dig through the archives of the last breads too much

31d4e1 No.14098079


This is staged, isn't it?

16feda No.14098084


Chris Jericho is fat now

8e427b No.14098085

File: a353a3346676feb⋯.jpg (30.96 KB, 430x534, 215:267, a0f.jpg)


>>be a race traitor and create the next elliot rodger

Roger was half jew, not half white. I knew a half Asian dude in college that was doing fine, even had a cute slav GF. Meanwhile I have no GF. It's mostly how you raise them. You can make it brah.

fb4086 No.14098087

File: 8c7b1f4201c98fd⋯.png (34.79 KB, 754x592, 377:296, iea.png)


cb0168 No.14098093


What did you do?!

00d902 No.14098095


Did you tell someone they were wrong or some other heinous crime?

fb4086 No.14098099



I have no idea.

8e427b No.14098101


Also forgot to mention. Alternately, hit the gym, get /fit/ and eat plenty of onions.

1f01c7 No.14098103


I find this meatloaf to be shallow and pedantic.

bb17ad No.14098110


>freely expressing yourself is critical to the Twitter community

>but if you freely express yourself in a way we don't like, we're going to restrict your ability to freely express yourself

People can't be so fucking stupid as to believe Twitter is a nonpartisan entity, right?

31d4e1 No.14098121


I thought Richard Spencer was supposed to be this super nazi, but he sounds somewhat like a fool.

Did we got sympathy for him because he was punched by communists?

f32925 No.14098127

93893a No.14098129



>super nazi


ffea19 No.14098132



no you dumb fuck, everyone knows spencer is an idiot except for retards that sook about DA ALT RITE and SJWs

go back to leftypol you dumbass

fb4086 No.14098133

File: 8baf4e24f45bce5⋯.jpg (39.2 KB, 797x808, 797:808, 1456435901626-1.jpg)


MSM and Libtards want you to think he's a super nazi, but he's just some dipshit that want's a ethnostate. This debate is triggering me because Styx is winning the debate against him, but Sargon is so fucking retarded all he does is "YOU'REN STUPID I'M RIGHT FUCK YOU" and interrupt Styx. This should've been Styx vs Spencer, get Sargoy outta here.

1f01c7 No.14098138


I'm starting to dislike Sargon tbh.

df5929 No.14098143


You don't show up very often anymore marche

31d4e1 No.14098144


Oh, I must have been fooled. I thought he was a bigger deal than he was.

I like Sargon.

93893a No.14098147



He's just like all the moderate faggot skeptic niggers. Absolutely valueless.

8e427b No.14098149

File: 90adf17beeee8c5⋯.jpg (541.02 KB, 1280x1873, 1280:1873, 55.jpg)

File: 407dffab42183ac⋯.jpg (479.59 KB, 1280x1876, 320:469, 56.jpg)


He's just a lefty that's part of the shitty skeptic community. People only cared for his This Week in Stupid videos.

fb4086 No.14098152


I fucking hate that pompous cunt. He's such a faggot, he can't debate worth a shit.

31d4e1 No.14098154



There is nothing wrong with individuality.

7b7240 No.14098155

File: 212d468d2dcceb6⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 122.64 KB, 400x550, 8:11, scat_special_cybernetic_at….jpg)


He wasn't just punched by a Commie

He was punched by a Commie diaper scat fetishist jew the Left's hero.

1f01c7 No.14098158


Isn't he getting sued?

93893a No.14098159




Yeah, nice, equality is so great. Can't wait to be fucked in the ass by divorce courts and affirmative action.

31d4e1 No.14098160


Only because of that, the Nazi win for a few points.

f32925 No.14098163


Only starting?

He was always a faggot and a literal nigger (quadroon, if i recall correctly).

all his videos are the fucking same.

>look at this tweet

>it is dumb because it is dumb

>looks at another tweet

>Slams hands on table

>HOW CAN THIS PERSON BE SO STYOOPEHD, cole blimey what a styoopid person!

Rinse amd repeat for a few mimutes amd you got his typical videos.

607201 No.14098165


My grandfather was half white, half Chinese and he was pretty alpha.

Took my father and I hunting and told stories about shooting commies in Korea.

Who knows, maybe it was the part Mongolian ancestry that helped.

Don't just settle for any Asian anon.

16feda No.14098167

Sargon epitomizes the obnoxious cunt who sits on the middle of the fence so he can call anyone to the right or left of him stupid while showing no convictions of his own outside of centrism for centrism's sake, eventually alienating everyone around him after pretending to be morally superior one too many times.

1f01c7 No.14098169


I guess I was going easy on him since he was supporting G at the beginning.

1f01c7 No.14098170

2891a3 No.14098184


yeah same. I have enjoyed his content through all the controversies over the years where people point out how much of an ass he is, but he really is acting like an sjw in this debate. Wanting to shut down the other speaker rather than debate arguments.

>Sargon keeps speaking over spencer

>warski steps in to stop them and gives the floor to sargon to respond

>sargon immediately asks an unrelated question

>spencer tells him to answer his question that sargon kept trying to talk over him on

>sargon: 'Oh, I don't know, I tuned out half way through, so just answer mine'

I'm getting flashbacks to sjws who have no intention of debating wrongthink and just want to run disruption on the other person speaking. Shouting over them and then changing the topic the moment they get the chance, just hoping that people forget the point raised.

31d4e1 No.14098194


I don't see what is the problem.

fb4086 No.14098197

File: 586ba08a5127676⋯.png (127.38 KB, 573x541, 573:541, 586ba08a512767665bb82d5bc5….png)


Meanwhile Styx is actually countering Spencers points and is asking on-point questions, yet Sargoy keeps talking over Styx and not letting him speak. Fuck Sargon.

0f24e0 No.14098198

File: 72cf415fc367007⋯.jpg (154.84 KB, 425x530, 85:106, 60298263_p0.jpg)



Jim threw us under the bus because his goon butt buddies were making fun of him for taking games journalism too seriously.

Jim is the typical goon, trying too hard to be nonchalant and jumping ship as soon as things get heated.

93893a No.14098200


He's literally not a nazi. He's said a few times he doesn't like national socialism, guy's a fruit.

2101bb No.14098202

File: 5fe8b19ad742280⋯.png (42.22 KB, 302x347, 302:347, wew.png)


>being proud of your history is pathetic

Fucking wew.

4ca43f No.14098205


you summarized the situation perfectly

37019c No.14098215

File: 32a803b58c015db⋯.png (224.05 KB, 479x380, 479:380, aw_yeah.PNG)


Nailed it.

bbf6fa No.14098228

Seems like you folks hate youtubers in general now. There are some I still find entertaining, Like Aydin Paladin, Dr Layman and TLDR. Others I put on as background noise.

31d4e1 No.14098242


I like Sargon. And is still TLDR making videos? I was starting to believe he got banned or something.

fb4086 No.14098244

File: 985b700971f6f70⋯.png (145.98 KB, 279x316, 279:316, 3d695e2787e3b007c082dfeedd….png)




ffea19 No.14098248


>Danganronpa v3 character

go and stay go

16feda No.14098249


> Ayyyadin Paladin


93893a No.14098251

File: 25723c3f72a0e87⋯.jpg (54.99 KB, 777x437, 777:437, youtubers.jpg)



>hating them just now

37019c No.14098261


Some are ok but a vast majority are cancer that need chemotherapy.

208765 No.14098264


I followed sargon for very little because it's just

>look at this idiot, haha, he's wrong

I follow wildsmile since its just short snips of interesting news.

0f24e0 No.14098276

File: 34ecd34624a999b⋯.png (257.03 KB, 444x341, 444:341, 1384200439764.png)


>aydin paladin

>literal autist

>us channers amirite

>animated tumblr dyke avatar

208765 No.14098285

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

37019c No.14098290

File: 1a49bd7262792c4⋯.png (171.06 KB, 357x482, 357:482, hm chink.PNG)


>31 genders

2101bb No.14098291

File: 1396db6edf88e22⋯.png (651.07 KB, 1067x800, 1067:800, where do you think we are.png)


>>literal autist

56747d No.14098298


We only joke about being autistic anon, in reality we are all well-adjusted, successful members of society.

56a5a3 No.14098303


Can't wait for Russia to nuke NY.

5ed516 No.14098306


How can we actually tell? I don't remember ever taking a test to tell if I have autism (Or retardation, for that matter).

77d098 No.14098308

File: d30da547d85d0c8⋯.png (401.41 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, steve.png)


>you folks

I still enjoy the chaotic neutral side of YouTube.

d1441c No.14098319


What happened with cuck/a/ now?

a3a20a No.14098342


Why would they waste time and money to do that? All the Russians have to do is wait and the lefty shit hole will destroy itself.

d77c7f No.14098345


Can they nuke San Francisco along with NY too?

a97fe6 No.14098353

File: 28c5f25d47da28d⋯.jpg (168.6 KB, 800x500, 8:5, MbYVc.jpg)


>We only joke about being autistic anon, in reality we are all well-adjusted, successful members of society.

You retard. All that joking about being autists ended up attracting literal autists thinking they're in good company.

c054f7 No.14098372


I still find it fucked that people on /v/ are more well adjusted then a lot of people nowadays.


They are triggered over Trigger's new anime coming next week and are proving themselves to be worse then Reddit in terms of sjweebness.

a97fe6 No.14098378

File: 0c351d7ded90535⋯.png (191.01 KB, 246x704, 123:352, Tekken.png)


Anyone that complains about moe, lolis, anime tittie, fanservice and ara thighs are SJWeebs that need to get wiped from the face of the Earth. If I was the mod of that /a/, I would have banned these faggots. But then again, halfchan is taken over by their ilk.

36511d No.14098381


Descartes was a fucking faggot and you are a retard.

767d07 No.14098384


Whats wrong with Trigger's anime this time? Is it going to cause more Rugga shitposting like KLK?

69fa92 No.14098392

File: c472d0059df1ac4⋯.png (2.81 MB, 3376x2115, 3376:2115, 66123818_p0.png)


Most anime with those tags tend to be trash

855373 No.14098401

File: c92023f1bf5e4d8⋯.png (242.37 KB, 541x458, 541:458, Wrong.PNG)


Nigger you're in the wrong fucking neighborhood.

8000e0 No.14098416

File: 4de87359197b1a0⋯.webm (501.47 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, WRONG! .webm)

2b67c5 No.14098430



Moe garbage can be good from time to time but it's the junkfood of anime on par with generic shonen only normalfags like.

c3557a No.14098440

File: 5cba34a0b4b8736⋯.jpg (2.94 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 5cba34a0b4b873614f60d517fc….jpg)

69fa92 No.14098452

3c3221 No.14098456


Oh shit, thanks anon.


Then stop doing it fag, it's not hard. Besides the bread was deleted so of course this bread is going to be shit because emergency breads are always shit.


This may be peak normalfag on my part but I barely follow any youtubers that heavily deal with politics & SJW/Anti-SJWs stuff and I am very thankful for that


It's not like I don't believe you but I'm going to need evidence that the sperg out is significant enough to warrant concern, even for cuckchan.

a97fe6 No.14098457



>Slice of life moe

Most normalfags complain about moe and slice of life. All they want is "Manime" like Dragon Ball or shit like Naruto and Boku no Hero Academia.

2b67c5 No.14098460


Read it again.


Good from time to time, I said. Kemono Friends is such a thing.

69fa92 No.14098465

File: c9db2af88b60e78⋯.gif (1.18 MB, 360x270, 4:3, h.gif)

36511d No.14098481

Sargon BTFO and Ragequits

4ef364 No.14098487


Styx was the only one fucking debating but Sargon was too busy sperging.

a97fe6 No.14098497

File: c8beb4ef4341cb9⋯.jpg (115.26 KB, 550x1080, 55:108, 621.jpg)


Sargoy of Cuckkad.

6e4a27 No.14098498


thank god. All he did was talk over spencer and styx and then complain that people were interrupting him

36511d No.14098501


I spoke too soon, though. He decided to stay on when his lapdog Vee made a point and he saw an opening to not keep getting his ass kicked.

His ballwasher rode in like a white knight.

a3806b No.14098512


lol. Nuclear war benefits no one at this time in history, therefore there won't be any. Zero fucking chance. Maybe later.

56a5a3 No.14098525


He haven't improved his debate skills, at all. I thought he might already had improved it since the Jenn Goodchild(DiGRA contributor in case you have forgotten) fiasco back in #GamerGate. Nope!

3c3221 No.14098533

File: 5ec8d3032bb92ed⋯.png (35.66 KB, 717x183, 239:61, films 2018.png)


>Though based on a much-hyped and bestselling novel by Ernest Cline which capitalises on the kind of geek nostalgia-teat which Stranger Things got plenty of mileage out of, Ready Player One, directed by none other than Steven Spielberg, also seems to play into some of the most facile and reactionary ‘white male hero’ narratives out there – which is not a great look in the post-Gamergate, post-Trump era.

Not a great look

a97fe6 No.14098538

File: 62d13524e60387c⋯.jpg (43.04 KB, 600x314, 300:157, Shiggy Diggy Emperor.jpg)

fe4c30 No.14098547


I wanted to listen to that book for years, but it being narrated by Will Wheaton, I can't force myself too.

bd5608 No.14098561


Just listen to anything Family Guy related. It must be the same shit.

6f26eb No.14098565


Just watch The Bang theory and Family guy.

39c525 No.14098570


>Based on what I've read, even he doesn't defend it. He says it was tasteless, and wants his fans to stop defending his actions.

Didn't he monetize both of his apology videos? Pretty sure that means he ain't sorry one bit.


Only Jewtuber I remember subscribing to was the Nuclear Negro, and from watching his past few vidya-related videos, it seems that he's kinda losing his righteous fire.


>Ready Player One

>anything but "HOW DO YOU DO FELLOW NERDS: the Novel: the Movie"


>post-Gamergate, post-Trump era


What, is this another evolutionary period now?

6f26eb No.14098581

Who won the debate, Richard Spencer or Sargon?

4ef364 No.14098585


Styx. Sargon and Dickie were both fucking retarded, but Styx was actually offering counter-points and giving on-point questions.

6e4a27 No.14098601


Spencer's ideas are stupid, but luckily for him sargon refused to let the debate be about ideas and instead just screeched in the corner for 2 hours, so sargon lost the debate.

fe4c30 No.14098608



It's that shit? Would of though otherwise since it got lots of praise before it even was picked up by Big pedoberg

a3806b No.14098627


As far as I can tell spencer just wants a place to fuck off with his whites. I have no problems with that, as long as he doesn't incite the mob to break the law to do so.

36511d No.14098633


I remember that. He didn't know how to argue with a sophist. That was embarrassing. It was like watching a toddler shit herself while Sargon tried to reason with the toddler to stop shitting.

6f26eb No.14098664


>since it got lots of praise

Keep in mind who gives it praise. I liked a movie "Three Billboards outside Ebbing Missouri", and some critics bashed it simply because it had a racist be the hero of the story.

673404 No.14098666


Far more than that, he wants to establish a neo-feudal government with a racial homogeneous aristocracy that will usher in a philosopher king who will take humanity to the stars. Someone has been playing too much 40k :^)

76d357 No.14098709


But he already did have torch wielding mobs! The media told me so!

Spencer is a retard. Torches?

e096e2 No.14098726

File: f18683bf30b3e17⋯.jpg (152.32 KB, 1447x2046, 1447:2046, f18683bf30b3e1745ce780a52d….jpg)

25e9d9 No.14098739


It's basically "hey I remember that" the book. You'll probably begin projectile vomiting once you reach his Delorean with KITT from Knight Rider installed and the Ghostusters logo on it, at least. If I'm watching something and all it's making me think is "Wow, this reminds me of something else I like much better", I usually stop watching it and just watch the thing it's referencing. Why do I need to see Gundam show up in some mediocre teen fantasy novel when I can just actually go check out some Gundam?

3270f4 No.14098766

File: 6408e9491f48192⋯.png (780.18 KB, 1480x1000, 37:25, (1) tohru.png)

e55cc4 No.14098786

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





>the skeptic community

TL;DR the people who you think are "the skeptic community" have nothing to with the actual skeptic community, and "the skeptic community" is a comfortable strawman for people to parade just how much they really dont care on the internet



5186e2 No.14098799

File: ef5894fac400295⋯.png (96.67 KB, 431x280, 431:280, 1470342861484.png)


(checked for the glory of satan)

That's some anarcho-commie tier delusion. Anyone who wants to reshape society to their grand design is a total fart-huffer.

e096e2 No.14098800

File: f26f27dff3104f9⋯.jpg (630.33 KB, 827x1169, 827:1169, 1514985570853.jpg)


Its not worth it.




5ed516 No.14098801

File: 49ae98039b1801b⋯.jpg (39.59 KB, 438x360, 73:60, Marth-and-Roy-in-Super-Sma….jpg)


>Why do I need to see Gundam show up in some mediocre teen fantasy novel when I can just actually go check out some Gundam?

17 years ago, the appearance of two characters in a party game brought a Japanese franchise to the West…

Most of it is just fanwank that will get people off by going "I remember that", but I'm willing to bet there will be those who unironically think that showing "support" for this crossover shit, and then sperging about how this one minute license shown is an "unappreciated" thing, will result in them getting more of that thing.

a0ddb6 No.14098812


reposting question does anyone know where that spider girl gif originates from?

ed575d No.14098828

File: 813bd65f40f4ec7⋯.png (15.7 KB, 548x239, 548:239, Screenshot(1).png)

Y…you too.

673404 No.14098849

File: f80bc457a6933be⋯.jpg (75.43 KB, 710x710, 1:1, 0817f40f3aba42d88af08f6d23….jpg)


It dawned on me that Spencer got his government model from fucking Warhammer when basically he said his white aristocracy would put humanity, well really only his ethnostate, aimed at space exploration again and eventually to the stars.

The faggot probably believes he will be crowned God-Emperor of his aristocracy too after creating the ethnostate.

Honestly can't tell if he actually believes it.

Then again some years ago I've seen /pol/acks play with the same ideas. Who knows, maybe that's where he got it from.

ba39ec No.14098856


>I've seen /pol/acks play with the same ideas.

Wasn't there that Namibia board where a bunch of /pol/acks wanted to take over an african country and make it a white ethnostate or something

>>>/namibia/ or something

673404 No.14098859


Yeah, kind of funny how a few media outlets reported seriously on that autistic roleplaying.

a0ddb6 No.14098861


no not Warhammer look at his obsession with blue humankind Empire Abh faggot literally based his political model on a sci fi romance novel between a cuck and an elf chick

ba39ec No.14098869


>Yeah, kind of funny how a few media outlets reported seriously on that autistic roleplaying.

I vaguely recall a single article about it. You wouldn't happen to know how to find the articles would you anon?

673404 No.14098883

File: 9acf251625ccd0f⋯.png (266.33 KB, 552x543, 184:181, 9acf251625ccd0f8091268c637….png)


That's even funnier. Almost forgot he is also a giant fucking weeb.

Guess I gave that retard too much credit for thinking he got it from 40k.

aa03dd No.14098925


>Inspiring your goverment off fucking W40K

Total grommet who most likey never looked past the superficial Space Marine shit and doesn't realize that the world is a gridmark dystopia that is intentionally as dark as possible.

It's just as bad as as faggots who refrences THE EMPRAH while at the same time worshipping chaos which is complete heresy punishable by Death.

Let's not forget the Eternal Agony that the God Emperor has endured for countless centuries, it is barely kept Alive by doing Mass sacrifices everyday.

855373 No.14098998

File: 1922dfa0b9504af⋯.jpg (796.16 KB, 1137x882, 379:294, 1922dfa0b9504af928cde697f5….jpg)

Unrelated to anything but does anyone have the /fit/ manlet cave copypasta?

855373 No.14099004

File: e52e61b07101ca1⋯.jpeg (127.07 KB, 593x933, 593:933, Destiny tell his new girl….jpeg)


4a8297 No.14099047

File: 94d6f21a71cc89f⋯.webm (3.72 MB, 350x202, 175:101, Manly Tears attends a Bul….webm)


Manly Tears must be elated that someone else came along to take his "manlet" title away from him.

eb4036 No.14099057


It was written by a nu-male who doesn't play videogames.

ed575d No.14099103

File: a1110fec3315d56⋯.jpg (180.16 KB, 780x500, 39:25, slow_bread.jpg)

Where is everybody? The New Year holiday is over.

c3557a No.14099139

File: 94ea847e37f2d93⋯.jpg (3.78 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20180105_160020.jpg)


Im making my new keyboard

47d3be No.14099159


K. I have no response to that. Give me something to work with marche

6e4a27 No.14099160


did the latest mattel come out?

05f32d No.14099163

File: 20c6ba2114005de⋯.jpg (42.47 KB, 248x280, 31:35, 20c6ba2114005dee23761bef9b….jpg)


I was jerking off

ab13a3 No.14099172


Busy playing video games

605969 No.14099173


I just got home.

Gonna work on a new comic.

I'm sick of working with a moue, it limits me, waiting for payday to get a stylus for my tablet

Mark follows me now , so that's pretty schway.

56a5a3 No.14099187


I'm playing some Nova Ragnarok Online. Currently farming for Izidors and Forbidden Red Candles.

efdde0 No.14099209


I am playing pokemon and building gunpla models.

88fb28 No.14099219

File: 26b10543774af43⋯.png (4.91 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 3de99ed28ff031658c6e6c654f….png)


I'm lurking here pal, lately I really have nothing worth saying.

3a369d No.14099224

File: 01ce444efaa7922⋯.jpg (236.05 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, DSlPawhVwAAORQq.jpg)


I got two heart redwood 2x6 eight foot boards for 2 cents. Its going to make my desktop when I go pick up some stuff to make the frame.

8b12d1 No.14099239


I just came back from playing board games with my friends.

47d3be No.14099252


Playing xenoblade 2 while listening to a windstorm outside.

bd5608 No.14099261


I wish I was playing it. I wanna farm Common/Rare Cores to give KOSMOS to Rex. I got Electra out of the pre farming Common Core bonding.

39dbd2 No.14099272

File: 567dc1e2e22e7ce⋯.jpg (47.01 KB, 960x720, 4:3, Haman_Karn_(Rose).jpg)


Still have 2 weeks left of holidays (gov job). I'm listening to Jon Tron videos while playing Xenoblade 2.

2cbf14 No.14099325


That is pretty bad. While it still tried to depict the Abh as in the right, they were basically how people like depicting nobility. Which means they were whimsical assholes.


The opening text they have in the Caiphas Cain books shows off the tone of 40k quite well.

605969 No.14099327

File: dc847acff68aeb9⋯.png (170.98 KB, 1268x552, 317:138, vidya game comic 15.png)


we want the /u/ audience.

4ef364 No.14099341

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm too busy shitposting on /cow/

ed3eb1 No.14099357


Do these shitty comics ever have jokes?

605969 No.14099371


You need to lurk for at least 4 years until you understand them.

635944 No.14099377


At least Japan has the balls to tell them to back off multiple times. Look at the UN response and the Dooley interview.

ba39ec No.14099383


You just want everyone to hate you don't you?

2b67c5 No.14099385


Been play Witcher 3 mostly. Game falls apart quest wise around the time you get to Skellige. Which is a shame because it's probably my favorite area of the game.

b5a7fa No.14099390


I fear the Japan Olympics, there's gonna be a whole crowd of foreigners that might act as disrespectful as Logan Paul.

5bf965 No.14099393

File: 838a2d8317a06d4⋯.jpg (415.79 KB, 1527x1080, 509:360, 838a2d8317a06d400cdfb4ee5d….jpg)


>Dooley interview

Not him, but which interview?

There are multiple niggers called Dooley, some literally.

47d3be No.14099407


Electra and ursula are my favorites right now. and I hope t-elos and xiaomu from namco×capcom might be new blades added in the season pass, at the very least t-elos.

229c5f No.14099409


>I fear the Japan Olympics, there's gonna be a whole crowd of foreigners that might act as disrespectful as Logan Paul.

Probably will, while the opposite happened to the athletes and watchers in the Brazil Olympics

b83c73 No.14099416

File: 539d7a69d6df190⋯.webm (953.94 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Reddit in a Nutshell.webm)


I think that's the point. There isn't one, it's what you would expect from a reddit comic but with relatively new assets.

605969 No.14099420


what does that have to do with the people you quoted?

673404 No.14099424

File: ab11e87211f2524⋯.png (44.87 KB, 508x570, 254:285, Untitled9.png)

File: 32e91cad39d2a08⋯.jpg (67.19 KB, 1098x402, 183:67, 32e91cad39d2a080ff4b22669c….jpg)


Retard from BBC went to Nipland, looking to complain and moral grandstand about sexual exploitation of imaginary characters, interviewed Girls Und Panzer character designer Takeshi Nogami and got BTFO.

Pics related

5bf965 No.14099436

File: 486d2b9abb83ead⋯.jpg (314.81 KB, 1413x2048, 1413:2048, 486d2b9abb83eadcbe0c9a29a3….jpg)


Kek, I had already seen the second pic, but it's always funny to imagine the butthurt.


Was it the same video as the "is this child pornography" one? I need to watch that sometime.

673404 No.14099442



They also compared the creation of doujins to child sex trafficking.

605969 No.14099449


I remember that pic, but it was a different anime.

can't remember the name, yet it's at the tip of my tongue.

a comfy slice of life with the adventures of straight man, hyper pink and cute airhead.

ba39ec No.14099453


No he's asking if the interview is from the same BBC video as that is this child pornography pic

229c5f No.14099454


>BBC bitch

>Wants to eliminate Child Pornography by first going to the country with the least amount of crimes

>A lot of Jap twitter users tell her to go to Africa or the Middle East instead

It was funny

502cc9 No.14099461


>be gg faggot

>make memes and send emails

>get get bored

>shit post

>get bored of that too

>go back to playing vidya

Hey niGGers, been a while. This shit still going? Did we save video games yet? Nah I know games are shit and always will be.

Though I did enjoy some good times being a niGGer with y'all. Glad to see the autism fire is still burning.

855373 No.14099471

File: eb3d9fede0502db⋯.jpg (208.3 KB, 1305x1237, 1305:1237, confused brown loli.jpg)


The only thing they have in common is that they won't ship overseas directly to my house without some sort of expensive third-party thing.

47d3be No.14099474


She could just go yell at her own gov, though in doing so die as "an ebil white supremacist attacking poor pedophilic pakis".

5bf965 No.14099475

File: e5af19e4bcb4c9a⋯.jpg (46.54 KB, 600x700, 6:7, 1467293721905.jpg)

Apparently it was the same video, but


>Nogami’s interview was not included in the finished documentary.

Quality journalism.


>if you count doujinshi, you have worse child sex trafficking problems than us

My sides.


That's yuyushiki, but I was asking >>14099453

47d3be No.14099478


The same except it evrn happens when trying to ship most things from america.

b5a7fa No.14099497

File: d621021d8ee6aa2⋯.jpg (45.88 KB, 680x477, 680:477, no way demon.jpg)


>Nogami’s interview was not included in the finished documentary.

How can she expect to be considered a serious reporter if she just censors her own work for her feelings?

ba39ec No.14099502


Documentarians will regularly skew facts and interviews to fit their agenda. Haven't you hear of Michael Moore or Rob Reiner?

5bf965 No.14099505

File: 96e1f662192df89⋯.png (2.07 MB, 2419x2258, 2419:2258, 96e1f662192df898e86313b044….png)


She has a vagina, that means she is always serious, but still occasionally funny, and anime is for pedos, bigot.

a0ddb6 No.14099508


Im pointing out WOTC's stockholder is a sex cultist

4a010b No.14099510

File: 7b2c5a0ae5dfd57⋯.png (119.87 KB, 367x373, 367:373, BEFORE_I_WAS_FAMOUS_-_YouT….png)


Dude, I'm gonna need some ref material for game dude, mom, and girl.

502cc9 No.14099528

File: 35afea21ee4c5e0⋯.jpg (22.43 KB, 530x482, 265:241, 1408326620054.jpg)

229c5f No.14099537


That would stop the BBC's mandate to distract their own watchers by making up documentaries that brainwashed them into being useless sacks of shits who can't think for themselves.

47d3be No.14099555



I think if she kept that in she and her producers would end up in prison for making uk look bad.

605969 No.14099577

File: a5f776bbdce9ff7⋯.jpg (251.64 KB, 618x750, 103:125, cali 199x.jpg)

4a010b No.14099592

File: 5e0da549f6ca9f8⋯.jpg (64.87 KB, 300x230, 30:23, Top_15_Dirty_Jokes_in_Batm….jpg)

>>14099577 (checked)

You got full body ref? Like outfits and stuff?

372dfe No.14099602

File: 31888867dccd72d⋯.png (56.47 KB, 447x529, 447:529, nazis.PNG)

File: 9a87856f161b5b7⋯.png (10.47 KB, 457x130, 457:130, nazis2.PNG)

>Elizabeth King / Brit+Co - The FBI Didn’t Charge Gamergaters Who Admitted to Threatening Women - "but in truth, Gamergate is a viciously misogynistic attack on women in gaming, especially women with any power and influence in the industry."




605969 No.14099603

File: c40b8de42eea995⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 59.1 KB, 468x556, 117:139, vide game dudette.png)

File: 80102a7ef2b959a⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 648.81 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Video Game Dad.png)

File: f1e12d6dd273d8c⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 94.73 KB, 1350x652, 675:326, video game dude.png)

File: 8f4b45860498999⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.02 MB, 1413x1593, 157:177, vidya game mom.png)

File: cbe199378d4124a⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 57.92 KB, 846x600, 141:100, video game dance.gif)

Video Game Dudette wears a flannel so large, it works as a skirt, under that she wears overalls and a white shirt

she is FLAT as a skateboard

b83c73 No.14099604


>vidya game mom is pseudo 1980s tie-dye ara

Just missing some CGA color schemes.

587a7f No.14099614


Because reporters already have the story complete before airing it.

They just need a short quote from the "opposition" so they can say they are being balanced.

Or a quote to "add flavor", in order to "debunk" it immediately to make the reporter seem smart.

It's a female thing to always have the last word, no matter what.

605969 No.14099619


Video Game Mom was Street Fighter Champion in Iceland back in 199X, she left for the US, because Iceland was too cool

Video Game Dad was one of the finalists from the Video Armageddon tournament in '89

that's some lore I'm leaving for now.

4a010b No.14099622

File: ff8f4e02dc89678⋯.gif (2.86 MB, 286x180, 143:90, Mmmmmmmm.gif)



5ed516 No.14099627

File: 624e90873508032⋯.jpg (366.36 KB, 496x440, 62:55, 1508215621446[1].jpg)


If you're going to add lore to a story…

Make sure it's mentioned or happens in the fucking story!

5a8b8a No.14099629

File: 913c77c647e2404⋯.mp4 (4.48 MB, 640x360, 16:9, yuyucp1.mp4)

File: 274cb50da6c8fa2⋯.mp4 (3.59 MB, 720x480, 3:2, yuyucp2.mp4)

File: cd793cc45e1fcde⋯.png (589.71 KB, 720x720, 1:1, yuyucp0.png)

File: f567a57bd138f0d⋯.mp4 (2.84 MB, 640x360, 16:9, yuyucp3.mp4)

Here's a magnet for that BBC Japan documentary.


605969 No.14099633


it will happen, it's just not the time yet.

8b12d1 No.14099641


who the fuck is weev

69fa92 No.14099642


A nazi, obviously

5bf965 No.14099646

File: 81587e4c5380ef2⋯.jpg (159.89 KB, 800x1130, 80:113, 81587e4c5380ef29975a92c2dc….jpg)


Thanks. I didn't think there was a torrent, so I was going to get a VPN and watch it on the site.

Yui best yuyu.

855373 No.14099676

File: 636842a1cd93185⋯.png (161.91 KB, 1185x346, 1185:346, garfield minus garfield.png)


Is Video Game Dudette the creator's waifu-insert who runs around and cleans up after the manchild(ren) main character(s)?

Like every other webcomic ever.



Like in Garfield without Garfield; both the purple and pink haired girls exist purely in the imagination of the autistic and terribly lonely Yellow haired girl.

Prove me wrong.

d4f57d No.14099680

File: c8b55ddbdfcf938⋯.webm (3.8 MB, 360x240, 3:2, (((blue))).webm)


Jewish Nazi

>webm related

605969 No.14099682


originally, that was going to be video game cat, but  he died for being a fucking furfag,

69fa92 No.14099692


wtf i hate blue now

5a8b8a No.14099834

File: 50ecf2f92a17de4⋯.jpeg (74.24 KB, 890x817, 890:817, vr1.jpeg)

File: bc90c0d82db2059⋯.jpeg (50.96 KB, 1200x629, 1200:629, vr2.jpeg)

File: 829d2c257b5190e⋯.jpeg (45.68 KB, 680x470, 68:47, vr3.jpeg)

587a7f No.14099913


The future is now.

673404 No.14099940

File: 7c3ab91369b5db5⋯.jpg (29.26 KB, 323x633, 323:633, 7c3ab91369b5db599e951ed7a2….jpg)


Every time I see a video from VRChat, its usually all male voices with animu avatars.

8e0263 No.14099949


There are some attention seeking weeb girls making anime sounds.

c3557a No.14099954


its just meme shit

05f32d No.14099957


It's a chat room, I'm pretty sure everyone there wants attention

8e0263 No.14099988



Anyway, anything new?

69fa92 No.14100008


Also a lot of guys that can make their voice higher and sound like a girl

d4f57d No.14100020


>artificially higher pitch = girl

Only if you are a retard

8e0263 No.14100025

File: 8f5cb5a6185067c⋯.png (248.68 KB, 339x418, 339:418, to be continued.png)

728dc8 No.14100030

File: a56982aebeadee7⋯.jpg (466.21 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, Amou.jpg)

Weekly reminder to love your waifu/husbando or else unforeseen consequences may befall to the people that you love or hold high respect.

8e0263 No.14100107

So… Netflix made a literal cucking ad… and got 13 million dislikes on youtube.

605969 No.14100113



>not embedding at all

fucking kill yourself, faggot. you don't belong here.

6e4a27 No.14100123

File: 92f4313ad0684dc⋯.png (80.25 KB, 261x153, 29:17, thumbnail.png)

File: e3fe1d065ad2d92⋯.webm (1.27 MB, 854x480, 427:240, ohayo.webm)

she's aware of the imitator

Virtual youtuber fight!

8e0263 No.14100134


Are we getting closer to a special needs highschool anime?

c3557a No.14100190

I finished my keyboard

062fac No.14100193

File: c124eabe0cdb93b⋯.gif (104.64 KB, 318x318, 1:1, clapping.gif)


Show us a picture

c3557a No.14100196

File: b954d4ca19c76ea⋯.jpg (632.73 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 20180105_182641_1600x1200.jpg)

File: 51f36f66b2e850d⋯.jpg (377.44 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 20180105_193508_1600x1200.jpg)

229c5f No.14100206

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

b83c73 No.14100208


Alright, I'm consigning myself to bullying, but what the everlasting grandest galactical gobsmacking fuck is that escape key?

062fac No.14100225

File: bf444e8c7514b4e⋯.png (61.83 KB, 214x223, 214:223, sugoi.png)



587a7f No.14100227


Whoever wins, we lose.

728dc8 No.14100235


I was difficult to watch this from start to finish. Is this supposed to be the "new normal"?

728dc8 No.14100239


really now… just bully me…


dae6ee No.14100242

File: 1e7ad8929315fe7⋯.jpg (49.17 KB, 720x720, 1:1, fa216a97d633ac4a1086cbcb9f….jpg)


What the fuck is the point of doing this? Why not just use a shitty $10 keyboard from walmart like everybody else?

635944 No.14100278


Why is using an ellipsis a bad thing?

8000e0 No.14100281

File: af9e2b9191b71b7⋯.png (277.21 KB, 576x554, 288:277, ...png)


>Why is using an ellipsis a bad thing?

635944 No.14100289


True, but aside from the usual (temporary) cleanup, Japan will talk shit about them behind their backs. I hear they're very two-faced.

c3557a No.14100298



Its a keycap. In this case its a brocap that can sell for around $200

b83c73 No.14100312


I know what a keycap is, I mean what specifically is it supposed to be?

I remember the first keyboard you posted in these threads, which had a Skeletor escape key, what is this one supposed to be?

56a5a3 No.14100328

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good evening!

c3557a No.14100342


Nothing. Ots just a sculpted cap

c79feb No.14100348

b83c73 No.14100373


a sculpted cap of what?

c79feb No.14100375

File: b2d604269328e1f⋯.jpg (223.9 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, AG018.jpg)

File: 0dde99ad17cd8ba⋯.png (140.33 KB, 429x526, 429:526, gudako rage.png)


>Their /k/ also bans discussion on gun control because laws regarding guns is not related to guns


>4/a/ bans loli

>4/k/ is /commiefornia/

>4/a/ is /cucknada/

b83c73 No.14100386


I love how every single thing that ever happens to halfchan now ensures that if 8chan goes down, I'm just going to chalk up my experiences as a rarity to a short-lived golden age that I'll never experience again.

c79feb No.14100402


>I've done that shit to SJWs I know in real life, and the people outright deny the Muslim gay thing, either saying that it's overblown by the media and doesn't actually happen, or that "those people aren't TRUE Muslims", and that Islam is actually an accepting religion.

lol "TRUE Muslims are the tolerant ones"

It's actually the other way round.

The "not particularly religious Muslims" are generally more forgiving. The "TRUE Muslims" are the same as the "god hates fags" christians.

I blame your dumb american media.

c79feb No.14100420


>Far more than that, he wants to establish a neo-feudal government with a racial homogeneous aristocracy that will usher in a philosopher king who will take humanity to the stars. Someone has been playing too much 40k :^)


>Spencer got his government model from fucking Warhammer


>no not Warhammer look at his obsession with blue humankind Empire Abh faggot literally based his political model on a sci fi romance novel between a cuck and an elf chick

is this the real life

c3557a No.14100424

File: d113dea6897d50f⋯.jpg (3.36 KB, 123x125, 123:125, 1428026436678.jpg)


Its called a brobot, it somewhat resembles a robot type face

5654fa No.14100444

trips for nonon

55848d No.14100448


>What the fuck is the point of doing this?

Ricer autism I think

>Why not just use a shitty $10 keyboard from walmart like everybody else?

Cheap USB keyboards have key rollover, which means they can only detect up to a certain amount of simultaneous key presses. I've had a shit time with platformers because of this.

Though, this is just a matter of buying a not shit keyboard that deals with this, and not necessarily build your own.

There are also keyboards with silly features like illumination, ergonomics, macros, wireless and so on.

c3557a No.14100468



Yea its ricer autism mostly. Its less placebo than headphones and a lot more customisable.

think of it as a middle of a triangle where shoes, headphones and gunpla are on each tip.

I totally get why people think keyboards are dumb but anyone who saus MUH $10 KEYBOARD IS JUST AS GOOD AND MECHANICALKEYBOARDS ARE THE DEVIL are truly oblivious and idiotic.

b83c73 No.14100475


Thank you for finally answering my question straight, you faggot aussie.

I like your waifu and I didn't like the excessive bullying you suffered. I hope you're willing to still show up here from time to time.

5654fa No.14100555

trips for midori

6f26eb No.14100564

File: 645f890e0088843⋯.jpg (193.61 KB, 540x736, 135:184, Debate.jpg)

587a7f No.14100587



372dfe No.14100628

>CBC: "'Very harmful': Poundmaker Cree Nation not happy with chief's portrayal in Civilization video game"


>Katherine Cross for The Verge: "It’s not just Logan Paul and YouTube — the moral compass of social media is broken." Uses Logan's antics as a justify censorship and social control.


>"Maybe Sex Robots Will Make Men, Not Women, Obsolete - Bloomberg" - article decides to use the same arguments Men use for sex robots including making the real humans compete for your attention.


587a7f No.14100652


>Maybe Sex Robots Will Make Men, Not Women, Obsolete

>Written by a woman

No real surprise here.

55848d No.14100677



>Advances in robotics and artificial intelligence have raised a dystopian concern for women: What if female robots become so realistic — and so adept at sex — that they render men incapable of engaging in real human relationships?

>Actually, I think it’s the men who should be worried. It’s entirely possible that robots can outperform them.

>Perhaps it’s time for a Big Think. Are women not as capable as men of crude objectification? There’s room here for everyone’s impure thoughts and desires. Robots don’t discriminate, and they can probably give good massages.

>Don’t get me wrong, I have a good husband. I doubt I would trade in. But if I had a daughter, I might consider giving her a robot as a college graduation present. Preferably one who can do the dishes and guard the door.

>And yes, I do think women could get spoiled by dashing menbots. Their standards might go up. They might even be lost to the dating pool altogether — like what’s already happened with some Japanese men.

>Would that be such a bad thing? In the #MeToo age, I feel like raising standards is quite reasonable. It’s called for, in fact. Make the men compete. It’s the dating equivalent of having free state colleges lower tuition rates everywhere.

>Granted, there could be dangers. There is, for example, the possibility that hackers could turn sex robots into killers. But the statistician in me can’t help asking: Would that make them more of a threat than actual men? Given the baseline murder rate for human sexual partners, it’s hard to get too worried. Plus, if they can understand female anatomy — I mean, really understand it — maybe it’s worth the risk.

>Just to be clear: I’m not saying we should want to live in a militant feminist world without men. Far from it, I am suggesting that women and men can coexist, but possibly not cohabitate. Men will likely have trouble with things like household chores and remembering to go to the doctor regularly, but they’ll manage. Maybe Siri can make their appointments.

>Who knows? If our sexual needs can be met by intimate automated helpers, maybe we’ll end up stronger as a community. We’ll come together, online or in person, and be more respectful, more relaxed, less edgy. It’s worth a try. So bring on the sex robots.

She thinks sex robots are house servants, not fucktoys. Talk about missing the damn point.

3270f4 No.14100750


same here

0d8d2e No.14100768


but why tell me this? i'm just asking about fake dicks

3270f4 No.14100781

File: a4ce739facb978f⋯.png (360.19 KB, 534x460, 267:230, check em.png)

d7f22e No.14100782

File: d605b14ab35b4bb⋯.webm (6.92 MB, 853x480, 853:480, (((open))) relationships.webm)


>it's real

Webm'ing in the unlikely event it gets taken down.

605969 No.14100785

File: a4f84f43d34f0d5⋯.png (1.24 MB, 883x1349, 883:1349, vidya game comic 16.png)


Every dad has a story to tell

b83c73 No.14100798

File: af001ebb00db199⋯.png (419.5 KB, 1887x2545, 1887:2545, af001ebb00db1996731601b7bb….png)


>Here's bullshit demonization of my enemy

>Here's me giving zero effort and utterly failing at communication because I started a shitfight on the internet with no ability to back it up

>Here's further demonization of my enemy

>female response of emotional gratuity through exaggeration




You could've cropped the name and photo out of the picture and I still would have ID'd the writing style as female, pic related is the manual for doing so.

Seriously, this is a fucking I AM SILLY comic given an extremely short-story form, along with the lessons that you're (((supposed))) to learn.

0d8d2e No.14100834


is this making fun of or trying to justify cuckolding?

54e2e1 No.14100871


I fucking love these comics and I cant explain why.

d7f22e No.14100874


It's from Netflix. You tell me, Anon.

5ed516 No.14100896


>I totally get why people think keyboards are dumb but anyone who saus MUH $10 KEYBOARD IS JUST AS GOOD AND MECHANICALKEYBOARDS ARE THE DEVIL are truly oblivious and idiotic.

But, isn't that true for basically…EVERYTHING when it comes to using any equipment? That people have specific tastes in what they like and what they want it to do?

d0e755 No.14100911


I think it's just an ad that tries to use the innuendo to sell netflix subscriptions

6f26eb No.14100919


You a fan of anti-humor like MDE?

5a8b8a No.14100934

File: f6d60e363df1a20⋯.webm (3.57 MB, 640x360, 16:9, bell test.webm)

36f871 No.14100938

File: 4956b745d8af35e⋯.png (677.78 KB, 741x2437, 741:2437, 2018-01-05_17-16-49.png)

File: ad704cd8dccc13c⋯.png (519.92 KB, 738x4886, 369:2443, 2018-01-05_17-20-01.png)

File: 63c2d5230c2c1f9⋯.png (511.09 KB, 566x605, 566:605, 2018-01-05_17-23-43.png)


>Maybe Sex Robots Will Make Men, Not Women, Obsolete - Bloomberg

>Actually, I think it’s the men who should be worried. It’s entirely possible that robots can outperform them.

>article written by Cathy O'Neil

Watch out boys! Once we have sex robots beautiful woman like this Cathy will no longer be interested in us!

6f26eb No.14100951


Is there nudity in this? If not, why bother watching this? Also Azuki is best girl.

bbf080 No.14100983

File: ad1275c1d6a3d3b⋯.jpg (499.02 KB, 1024x1020, 256:255, ad1275c1d6a3d3bd3e623d2dcd….jpg)

Are you ready for the greatest love story ever written on a book in history?

a77f4a No.14100998


That the book CBS, or whichever mews station it was, was shilling this morning with the headline of "Revealing truths that are causing a reopening in the Trump Russia collusion. The publishers knew the information must be out there so they released the book early before the White House can prevent them from publishing it."

587a7f No.14101001


It would not surprise me when the robots self-learning AI learns that people like cathy are ugly cows, and proceed to leave them.

36f871 No.14101032

File: 265746ad382aa0e⋯.jpg (300.89 KB, 940x1329, 940:1329, 4s2zwdojj2801.jpg)


>It would not surprise me when the robots self-learning AI learns that people like cathy are ugly cows, and proceed to leave them.

lel, I imagine how badly that would suck for them

2cbf14 No.14101055


People like them are ugly inside and out, and women in general do not have the same kind of thought processes or desires that lead to going towards waifus/husbandos. Unless there is a heavy shilling campaign for it, aiming for women as a market would be a weak response at best.

a77f4a No.14101065



Imagine the fact that humanity can no longer progress having nothing to do with encountering our limits, but has everything to do with hurting someone's feelings

36f871 No.14101071

File: 114ec5e0e826aff⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 57.29 KB, 640x757, 640:757, b7FQVN1.jpg)


you can't move on forever, at some point you reach your limit. That said I think we are far from our limit. I am pretty sure that we will look back at these days and wonder how humanity could be this retarded.

372dfe No.14101073

a77f4a No.14101075


>you can't move on forever, at some point you reach your limit.

Yeah, it's called "retirement".

372dfe No.14101093

File: 2b92bb221ccd929⋯.png (301.66 KB, 595x561, 35:33, star citizen.PNG)

bbf080 No.14101105


Who the hell is giving them the money? WHO?

3270f4 No.14101109



I'm beginning to think it's money laundering or something

a77f4a No.14101116

File: cdd9ebdda108b4b⋯.png (762.45 KB, 970x718, 485:359, 'Star Citizen' backers.png)

File: 7c4b441d190adfd⋯.png (183.09 KB, 1804x713, 1804:713, He used 20 grand on SC.png)




I unironically want to see the game completed just to see how much of a shitshow it will be.

657e9a No.14101133


Dubs checked. Women don't understand that men turn to sex dolls because their honestly just gave up on the modern dating scene and want to get their sexual tension over with. Men know the ugliest of women will always get laid whenever they feel like it so women wont be rushing out to buy sex dolls, especially when sex dolls dont bring in a larger pay cheque.

8e0263 No.14101139


You know what I hate about Kickstarters more than anything? you give them money in exchange of shit instead of becoming an investor with full right of a percentage of the profits because you invested on it.

Fuck e-begging.

82e395 No.14101162


Why is UK getting more and more like a 3rd world shithole?

2cbf14 No.14101176


Video game kickstarters burned a few bridges thanks to them having early adopters who showed off how flawed and stupid a system it was.


Much like the rest of western Europe, it is first world in name only now.

a77f4a No.14101177


Remember how a failed poo-in-the-loo lawyer from the otherside of the world caused the empire to be BTFO of his country by telling people to "turn the other cheek"? Perhaps that has something to do with it.

36f871 No.14101189


>it is first world in name only now.

So, which countries are first world countries in your opinion? Eastern Europe? Poland?

9170e1 No.14101238


Those are and always have been second world countries

39dbd2 No.14101264




bbf080 No.14101268

File: e786c7da63c6cee⋯.jpg (144.89 KB, 329x499, 329:499, e786c7da63c6cee3f14c3ff535….jpg)

File: 2d8b4a6cd8783b5⋯.png (84.43 KB, 749x806, 749:806, 78e171ef79aaa4dfd494042ce7….png)

The book screams with "Hillary should have won!" all over it.


2cbf14 No.14101269


Honestly, it feels like nowhere really embodies what was supposed to make first world countries such. Everything that was good about them is getting fucked by corrupt politicians, the left, unchecked megacorps, and mass immigration.

39dbd2 No.14101277


What is Randi up to lately anyways? Still e-begging trying to live in commiefornia?

88fb28 No.14101290

File: 99055c2a9ad4ec3⋯.png (41.02 KB, 129x173, 129:173, creepygilda.png)


If NISA gets the rights for Sen 3 I swear the email campaign will be nothing in comparison

88c912 No.14101333

File: 08d58f54b6d13f1⋯.jpg (31.51 KB, 750x474, 125:79, DNBWGBiVAAAN50e.jpg)


I'll probably fly over to NISA's offices and suicide bomb them.

88fb28 No.14101345

File: 0ed724e357c3eeb⋯.jpg (26.92 KB, 242x265, 242:265, gildubs.jpg)


>trip consists of three 3s


2c4cd0 No.14101378

File: ab967b95b7d7bf3⋯.jpg (271.04 KB, 1625x1245, 325:249, 13ef.jpg)


If kondo gives NISA a second chance it just proves that he's just doing this as a favor to his friend that works for NIS.

If they do get it I'm gonna go full boston salt party for Sen 3 and ruin it for every NISA cunt and frenchfag.

39dbd2 No.14101499


605969 No.14101511


sup bromigo

54c2a0 No.14101514

File: ee61cf1e4c0c233⋯.jpg (180.96 KB, 970x545, 194:109, must_he_ruin_everything.jpg)


>bookstore clerks never shut up about ready player one

>they're colossal faggots and the only one with nonshit taste quit years ago

>audiobook narrated by wil wheaton

Jesus christ how much virtue signaling will their be for this movie by people desperate to seem omg im real nerds xD

e52186 No.14101516

Bay Area earthquake rattled 9.8 million people — and offers a preview of something much worse



39dbd2 No.14101524


It's a ploy to try to save VR an sell more Vives.

605969 No.14101529


>Error 503 Service Unavailable

you better make a better link, brohan. and on the double!

372dfe No.14101534

>Ajit Pai cancelled his appearance at CES because of alleged death threats - Will those who condemned the "death threats" Anita Sarkeesian, Zoe Quinn, Brianna Wu et al "received" disavow?


>YouTube video of white noise has 5 different copyright claims


efdde0 No.14101536

>One of my friends thinks that Ugandan tribe knuckles meme is racist.

>He legitimately thinks it should be grounds for a ban.

Why is everyone losing their minds?

54c2a0 No.14101544

>that blue


36f871 No.14101549


>Ajit Pai cancelled his appearance at CES because of alleged death threats

Wonder how this will turn out. Lefties are normally very quick to sell their ideals.

b5a7fa No.14101553


Activate it.

39dbd2 No.14101555


Trump derangement syndrome. Or social justice types pushed their agenda too hard and now overshot their goal. The world getting crazy is a prelude to it coming back to normal. We should be at around 2007 normalcy by 2020 with some luck.

e096e2 No.14101556


I find it hilarious.

36f871 No.14101563


>Ugandan tribe knuckles

Is it good? I saw it in the webm thread but refused to watch it because sonic is lame.

e52186 No.14101567

File: 8f1b428d384a2cc⋯.png (105.43 KB, 249x250, 249:250, 8f1b428d384a2cc083f193cdec….png)


>Ugandan tribe knuckles meme

e096e2 No.14101571

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

250eae No.14101574



Someone posted it earlier: >>14099341

673404 No.14101581

File: 703228763eae51e⋯.jpg (69.33 KB, 981x725, 981:725, fucking stupid.jpg)


After listening to Spencer, in between all the appeals to emotion, dodging questions, holding contradictory positions sometimes within even the same sentence, horseshit romanticism, really just utter sophistry all around, I really fucking don't understand how anyone can take that retard seriously when he is arguing to create a modern day white ethnocentric kingdom because the common white is just too fucking emotional and stupid to have individual rights and needs a class of his racial betters to guide his life.

It really is ridiculous.

dd23fb No.14101592

File: 8af0e07fba311de⋯.jpg (289.74 KB, 1848x817, 1848:817, John Oliver.jpg)


People will continue pushing Ajit Pai as being the biggest issue imaginable in the next election, meaning that they will escalate it futher and further in order to maintain the feeding frenzy people have right now regarding Net Neutrality so that it can still remain fresh in two years. Either that or they will use the media to spontaneously spawn a supposed grassroots movement like they did with Net Neutrality during Obama, whereby they used blimey limey to agitate the masses. And I know that John Oliver isn't grassroots in the slightest, but most people don't see it as obvious that he is a MSM shill.

4ef364 No.14101596

File: 87d22530baac2e1⋯.gif (2.57 MB, 350x280, 5:4, 1471543398963-0.gif)


That debate would've fully shown how retarded Dickie is if Sargon wasn't fucking there sperging out.

dd23fb No.14101607

File: 66f3e2b338052c9⋯.jpg (88.42 KB, 640x690, 64:69, Gun ownership.jpg)


They could have easily taken someone not retarded like Jared Taylor instead of Spencer (who is pro-EU because he is dumb enough to think that constitutes as a white nation)


Seconding this. Although I do admit that Spencer was pretty smart in the way he approached Sargon by hitting him at an emotional level at the very start so that Sargon would sperg out for the whole debate, knowing that Sargon is just a jaded leftist.

36f871 No.14101613


>People will continue pushing Ajit Pai as being the biggest issue imaginable in the next election

They do this all the time, it was the same with Shkreli. The internet picks a scapegoat and then doesn't shut up until that person is fucked, then they shut up totally ignoring the fact that the problem still exists.

4ef364 No.14101614

File: 442a169dee8d840⋯.webm (3.78 MB, 500x600, 5:6, 442a169dee8d8404c4660ea01….webm)


I was genuinely getting frustrated when Sargon kept fucking interrupting Styx and not letting him talk when Styx was actually backing Dickie into a corner.

4a8297 No.14101630


>then they shut up totally ignoring the fact that the problem still exists

That's honestly what pisses me off the most. Burn the witch, but don't deal with the issues uncovered when the "witch" was in power.

dd23fb No.14101632

File: 97ed8a26858c257⋯.jpg (128.68 KB, 797x543, 797:543, Civic nationalism.jpg)


It didn't start from the internet though, that's the point I am trying to raise. They will simply try to maintain the frenzy because once it gets old, people won't hit the same target twice so it becomes necessary for them to escalate bit-by-bit to keep it from dying.


At least it wasn't as bad as the Naked Ape debate with Destiny, where you had them both actually shout "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP" in the discussion.

4a8297 No.14101639


Actually, Shkreli is a good example of this. People are now saying that Big Pharma will no longer be profitable in five years, even with the infamous price hikes that everybody does. But no one wants to do anything about the oncoming stagnation, because Pharma Bro is in jail now.

228806 No.14101652


>Sweden, Germany and France

>50-75% gun ownership

Wait what?

88c912 No.14101663

File: d00351b41ef7955⋯.mp4 (14.98 MB, 640x360, 16:9, LwccBanYtQZ6dyn6.mp4)

The shit he did here, I wouldn't go to ANY country and do it.

587a7f No.14101676


I can't speak for Germany or France, but Sweden has a shitload of hunters.

b5a7fa No.14101679


They're on the 30-50% range, not 50-75%. Look at the countries color's.

8000e0 No.14101681

File: 39cde22287052ec⋯.jpg (99.61 KB, 458x750, 229:375, 39cde22287052ec7a6f66200b5….jpg)


Gangs of New Swedes/Krauts/Frogs :^)

probably people who live out in the woods

36f871 No.14101692



Gun laws in germany changed after some school shootings. Germany used to have a lot of hunters too and it was very easy to get a gun a few years ago.

dd23fb No.14101694

File: c876a6af3f60e81⋯.jpg (479.08 KB, 1860x2928, 155:244, Anon decides to make a cuc….jpg)

File: c59f4df701e8c7c⋯.jpg (262.13 KB, 1860x3017, 1860:3017, Anon decides to make a cuc….jpg)

File: a38e8f55d7ae986⋯.png (36.3 KB, 1493x595, 1493:595, Anon decides to make a cuc….png)


Germany and Sweden have lots of hunters but no clue on France. Also although Germany has equal-force laws, its constitution also has public decency before it has any mention of the value of life: you can actually legally kill someone for insulting your honor, it is simply difficult to get the jury on your side if you try to argue your case with that.

d7f22e No.14101703


He clearly doesn't know the way.

e52186 No.14101707

File: 5d8982eddf786aa⋯.jpg (53.54 KB, 414x451, 414:451, 5d8982eddf786aa9b73aa02bfd….jpg)


Jesus christ, now I get why people hate him.

c36bc1 No.14101708


I'm guessing most of those weapons are found in mosques.

587a7f No.14101731


He is an even bigger faggot than I thought.

dd23fb No.14101743

File: 9c3ef38927e5502⋯.png (300.06 KB, 520x767, 40:59, These Kalashnikovs are jus….png)

File: 891d572ed32ad1b⋯.png (234.71 KB, 731x559, 17:13, These Kalashnikovs are jus….png)

File: 37e3043bc4345af⋯.png (359.25 KB, 597x668, 597:668, These Kalashnikovs are jus….png)

File: 43ed717085aa576⋯.png (411.45 KB, 788x779, 788:779, These Kalashnikovs are jus….png)


That is assuming those get counted in statistics

8e0263 No.14101750


I just saw 2 seconds and already clicked it off.

One thing is being a clown, another thing is being a disrespectful unbearable faggot.

36f871 No.14101772

File: 973807a1e6bb9a2⋯.png (393.1 KB, 745x942, 745:942, 2018-01-05_20-46-07.png)


It goes both ways, nazis with weapons are not that uncommon.

8000e0 No.14101791

File: 4bfa7bf0b68a16f⋯.jpg (38.21 KB, 600x530, 60:53, 572b054f33d73cc420a14ac3c9….jpg)


Shes big gun

587a7f No.14101801


>Seized airsoft from a "nazi"

Clearly the nazis are a greater threat than mudslime.

b5a7fa No.14101811


Kinda, most of the people I know that have guns are mostly hunters in the countryside.

dd23fb No.14101855


Oh it gets even better when you take Operation Gladio into account, one of the terror attacks in Germany done by Nazi groups which is used to mention how super evil they are was both supplied and coordinated by the US and NATO. I am not too keen to say that it was by the CIA because it was officially started before the CIA had actually been created and it was simply handed over to them. It was originally designed for conducting terror strikes to have an excuse to crack down on Communists and to ruin any chances they have of getting public support, but it was also used against groups that were negative towards NATO. Although Operation Gladio is officially over, people speculate that they simply opened up Operation Gladio B as soon as the last one got shut down with the following link to back it up.


>Politicians said the shredded files left the agency open to "every possible suspicion", including the notion that neo-Nazis were on its payroll or that agents themselves had neo-Nazi sympathies. The agency has made no secret of its use of paid "moles" to infiltrate the neo-Nazi scene.

>The destroyed documents contained background information on members of the National Socialist Underground (NSU).Over a decade, the neo-Nazi terrorist cell murdered a female police officer, shot dead nine immigrants, injured more than 20 people in two bomb attacks and robbed 14 banks to finance its operations.

>Police discovered the bodies of the gang's two ringleaders, Uwe Mundlos and Uwe Böhnhardt, in a burnt-out caravan in eastern Germany in November last year. Investigators established that they had committed suicide after robbing a bank.

e096e2 No.14101868

File: 1fa851119bd2b6d⋯.png (583.02 KB, 3100x2885, 620:577, 1511107702216.png)





Holy shit this vrchat stuff is blowing up, im seeing gangs left and right now.

88c912 No.14101882

File: 5ec13836e11a15a⋯.png (108.82 KB, 592x533, 592:533, FireShot Screen Capture #1….png)



36f871 No.14101885


>Clearly the nazis are a greater threat than mudslime.

They are both bad, getting shot by a nazi is not a better death than getting shot by a muslim.

36f871 No.14101890


Why is this nigger still doing this? Shia LaBeouf can go eat a dick.

ba39ec No.14101920


>he has vr

e096e2 No.14101929


I don't I just watched one Ugandan Knuckles video and my recommendation bar is being flooded by gang related videos.

8e0263 No.14101931


Some games look fun, but still VR is a shitty gimmick like 3d monitors.


How many seasons are there already?

e52186 No.14101932


Why is pyon shaving?

4a8297 No.14101940

File: 2013b8024a291d5⋯.png (141.84 KB, 438x299, 438:299, laugh_wheeze_spock.png)


I will never get over the fact that he was so asshurt about people with different opinions having a platform that he not only got rid of the interactive element, but also enlisted help of actual fucking communists to make sure no one can steal his shitty little flag.

e096e2 No.14101941



From what I've seen, you don't need a vr setup to play.

ba39ec No.14101947


I really want to play racing games with Vr and a racing wheel, it seems like it would be really fun.


Makes sense, I thought you were referring to seeing the gangs in the game


So is it just slightly more advanced second life at this point?

4a8297 No.14101963


>So is it just slightly more advanced second life at this point?

Pretty much. Also with the advantage that you don't have to pay for a mesh.

b5a7fa No.14101974

File: 2a72f0d6413fa46⋯.jpeg (44.69 KB, 400x400, 1:1, dragon milf licks lips.jpeg)


Shall we capture the flag again?

372dfe No.14101990

File: 6c7d0ed19fa14eb⋯.png (84.6 KB, 300x298, 150:149, Agito.png)

YouTuber Amra “Flitz” Ricketts Leaves Smosh Games After Sexual Harassment Allegations


52f6d6 No.14101996


>They are both bad, getting shot by a nazi is not a better death than getting shot by a muslim.

>getting shot by a nazi

name one

e52186 No.14102001


How many of these allegations are actually followed through and investigated?

b5a7fa No.14102002

File: babad7f22e112ef⋯.gif (161.26 KB, 244x211, 244:211, serval.gif)


587a7f No.14102007


You are right, I'd rather be run over by a truck than shot by an airsoft, those things make me ouchie.

6f26eb No.14102013


Watch, this will be FBI bait

d7f22e No.14102035



Even better, he even had to leave the country to pull something related to UNITED STATES politics because he's that asshurt over his flag being stolen by people with autism.

d1baa6 No.14102104


Barely any

372dfe No.14102147

File: 20ae7ac755f7bc4⋯.png (277.05 KB, 619x598, 619:598, civ korea.PNG)

05f32d No.14102176


She's still ugly even after being fixed

1b0814 No.14102183


>mfw he burned the flag after taking enough footage to loop for 13 seconds so no nazis could ever steal it

ba39ec No.14102186

File: 7a9a9feb336020c⋯.jpg (156.96 KB, 800x444, 200:111, korean-plastic-surgery.jpg)


She's Korean after all, there's a reason they are the plastic surgery capital of the world

5a1224 No.14102190


God, "He Will Not Divide Us" is the stupidest fucking slogan I've ever heard

Guess what retard, he already did. More than half the country voted for him.

2c4cd0 No.14102195

File: 261743629aaaae5⋯.gif (142.8 KB, 92x127, 92:127, ba5f757d40cb80a7f2432722e3….gif)


>read the article

>Chief Poundmaker Tootoosis

ba39ec No.14102198


And the left screeches autistically at anyone who did vote for him. Their rage at Trump winning is what divided the country

fff503 No.14102200


Now you can see why most consider leftism a disease.

ba39ec No.14102203

fff503 No.14102209


I just wanted to get dubs.

47d3be No.14102277


Destroy them.


>austria above sweden

I think the last step needs to be figured out, not all the factors are made evenly.

68350e No.14102313

On an off topic note is it weird to start college at the age of 21? Planning to start this year in community college.

6f26eb No.14102325


I'm 30 and thinking of going back

a0713e No.14102330


Nobody gives a shit, honestly your age won't come up that often and even if it does you're not that much older than everyone else that goes. Even if you were like 30 it wouldn't matter, the only thing that you would find is that you have nothing in common with the little shits you go to college with so you'll have a harder time finding friends.

2c4cd0 No.14102340


No, my friend has people in his class that were 30 plus.

I'm 25 and I'm finally gonna go next year.

05f32d No.14102344


I'm not American so maybe it's different there but when I went to college there was a lot of people in their 20s who started college at 18, didn't like what they were studying and started over studying something else. Also some guys in their 30s and 40s going back to switch career.

68350e No.14102345


Thank you anon, I appreciate it!

fff503 No.14102350

File: db71b8f0fc38267⋯.jpg (25.88 KB, 400x314, 200:157, fark_sz2TGrODihexjl_dJjHZw….jpg)


Not really, I did. Before I was a neet, this got me back on track. You'll just have to endure the youth of today but it isn't so bad. Good luck anon.

dd23fb No.14102361

File: 66fff48c68583fd⋯.jpg (2.44 MB, 2168x3792, 271:474, Dead pimps.jpg)


>not all the factors are made evenly

Well yeah, that is most likely due to the fact that HDI is used. Sweden has a very high HDI because the index also includes trans rights, gender equality and gay rights, meaning that it can turn its economy to shit and still have it higher than anyone else.

e52186 No.14102384

File: de0ea6ecebbba5f⋯.jpg (346.2 KB, 914x800, 457:400, 63652598_p61.jpg)


I dropped two/six classes my first semester, then only took two my second semester, didn't go my third. I was dealing with my depression during all this. Four classes on my fourth. Dropped my fifth semester halfway to try to move and transfer but got rejected so I'm out next semester too.

I turn 21 in a few days. It all feels like a waste.

fff503 No.14102385


Anyone related to the Clintons or any other shady ring will never see the inside of a cell, even less of a courthouse. They'll be suicide or disappear before.

68350e No.14102389



8000e0 No.14102395

File: c6385a6e9f3cac0⋯.webm (120.78 KB, 480x270, 16:9, Good Job.webm)


She now looks vaguely Korean instead of looking like a pale negress.

fff503 No.14102409

File: f9b86ebcf99aaa5⋯.jpg (13.82 KB, 448x267, 448:267, Promises.jpg)


With some experience now (I'm 31), I think that colleges (or equivalent, here they are called CEGEPs) put a lot of pressure on young kids to immediately find a career they want and follow it through. 17-20 is a tumultuous time for most kids and being pressured to find a job you'll do for the next 40 years is maybe too much. Dropping classes at the beginning is normal. I finished University at 28. Don't put too much pressure on yourself bro, just have fun for the time being. You can also go talk to a guidance counselor if they are worth a shit in your college. Mine was an asshole.

673404 No.14102427

File: a112cd17e4a5b11⋯.png (102.24 KB, 494x497, 494:497, b000e30cf49809da3890391196….png)

File: a36b8c736f6c34f⋯.png (407.17 KB, 603x642, 201:214, smugAI2.png)


I still find it hard to believe the nearest genetic link to modern Nips are Koreans.

Guess they really got the wrong end of the mongol genes.

Also, why aren't MtF trannies flying to Korea in droves to fix their manly faces?

fff503 No.14102437

File: 5dc1018f3d067dc⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 144.31 KB, 687x1024, 687:1024, sarina-valentina-ducky-str….jpg)


They prefer weird south american doctors which will performs illegal surgeries that will leave them in constant pain for the rest of their life.

53a74f No.14102441


I got into college at 19, after working some shitty jobs and thibking college would be a better idea.

It was fucking shot because you had to take courses that had nothing to do with what i studied, had to endure marxist bullshit and idiots with shit taste in anything, so the moment i got a job again, i completley forgot about college.

I think of maybe going back since nowadays you need a degree to prove you're bilingual. Maybe take a few language courses while I'm at it.

dd23fb No.14102447

File: 05c234dfcf06f23⋯.png (100.8 KB, 1246x840, 89:60, Dead bankers 5.png)


21 here, almost 22, although I got into a trade during the time before getting into uni later than others, you're not missing much. If you really want something that you requires little time investment but is really good, get a forklift driver's license. Forklifts are expensive as fuck so companies will want someone qualified to drive them, many people even take out a loan to buy their own forklift so that they could demand even more pay from the company. You can also get into a crash-course for a trade (outside of college, obviously) and go into work directly, it will help motivation immensely because you feel the obligation from the fact that you are paying for it and from the fact that you are never learning meaningless shit that you will never use. The downside however is that you will need to dish out cash for all of that, but I recommend to look up the costs of doing it, it may even end up being cheaper. Whether it is cheaper or not, you are guaranteed to be spending less of your time and thus catching up for lost time.

fff503 No.14102460


Also your age will be an asset when you graduate. When you postulate for a job, even with no experience, some firms might think you are more mature than other little shits with the same diploma but younger.


Just do it remotely, that's what I did for my second diploma. You go at your pace and don't have to endure classes full of retards.

673404 No.14102470


Either that or some Thailand doctor who runs an illegal clinic out of the back of his restaurant.

There are plenty of horror stories from people getting work done illegally in that country.

fff503 No.14102483


Sarina was either Thailand or South American, I don't remember. I remember a Thailand story on plebbit of someone getting his duck cut off and regretting it hard. It was a funny read, that's what happen when you listen to Twitter crazy trannies.

47d3be No.14102507


The only happy trannies shemales are the ones who go into porn from what I notice. post op trannies are miserable darwinian subhumans

9170e1 No.14102509


>Also, why aren't MtF trannies flying to Korea in droves to fix their manly faces?

Tranny here, they do. Its one of the more popular destinations for facial feminisation surgery. Its just really fucking expensive, between $30k-$50k depending. On the amount of surgeries needed. The reason for



Is because its way goddamn cheaper. Its not unreasonable to be able to find someone to do it for sub $10k >>14102483

The plebbit tranny who regretted the gash went to one of the most disgtunguished SRS surgeons in the world who is based in thailand. In fact nearly all the best SRS surgeons are thai

9170e1 No.14102515


Its not even just going into porn, just keeping the dick is way better than chopping it off.

fff503 No.14102522


rip Holly Parker and Kimber James.


>In fact nearly all the best SRS surgeons are thai

Didn't know this. Though I don't understand someone wanting to go through that surgery, it's major shit and can't be reverted.

dd23fb No.14102526


Also this goes without saying but learning to drive a forklift won't be very useful to you if you don't know any companies that need one or any types of jobs involving the vehicle.

673404 No.14102541


The worst I've seen was someone getting a serious infection a week after coming back from Thailand and had to get a big chunk of rotten flesh removed from their crotch.

Ended up with nothing left except a small tube to piss out of.

Penny-pinching on surgery is just asking for your shit to get fucked up.

9170e1 No.14102550


Yeah thailand has some weird tranny culture extended back a few hundred years where boys are raised as girls for some reason, so it naturally became one of the top spots for all things tranny related due to the high amount of them in the country, there's jokes about thai ladyboys for a reason.

>Though I don't understand someone wanting to go through that surgery

The mental illness makes you hate your dick and yearn for a vag so retards buy into the lie that the open wound they make will be nearly as good and not a disgusting feelingless wound. Honestly I'd rather just have no dick at all than get one of those

53a74f No.14102565


30-50k for surgery?

Those trannies could use that money for mortgages, hell, just buy a suit of armor.thats cheaper and is way cooler than beomg a tranny

9170e1 No.14102584


That's just for facial feminization surgery, SRS and boob jobs and electrolysis for hair removal are all expensive too. Hence the reason a lot of trannies go to south america or thailand for the cheap jobs.

Of course if you're lucky and have naturally feminine features and start early enough you don't need any of that and HRT will do everything for you. (Except hair removal)

I've personally only spent like 5k on electrolysis and probably 5k for HRT as well over the last 5 years so it's not that expensive if you're lucky

6f26eb No.14102592


Are you the tranny anon who won't get rid of your dick? Isn't that a key thing about being a grill is not having a dick?

fff503 No.14102594


But muh Twitter virtue signal.

32058b No.14102595

File: a898b7f78ae4004⋯.png (4.53 KB, 254x250, 127:125, Instincts.png)


My roommate 'realized' he was a tranny at the age of 28. He has no car or driver's license yet spent thousands of dollars getting his balls chopped along with electrolysis and hormones.

c054f7 No.14102605

File: 66c6f41dcbf568a⋯.png (403.8 KB, 1409x4759, 1409:4759, Tranny_regrets_it.png)

673404 No.14102606


>start early

How early?

The popular activist opinion now seems to be before puberty even though a meta-analysis of the most credible research shows most grow out of their dysphoria and end up just gay.

Then there is the question of is it ethical to perform SRS on someone who claims to be the opposite gender but doesn't actually meet the criteria for having gender dysphoria.

6f26eb No.14102615

File: f397bb943ffd2bb⋯.jpg (127.58 KB, 1280x842, 640:421, feel.jpg)


>tfw no car or drivers licence

fff503 No.14102621


Got no car either and have a license only because it was required for my job, but the car wasn't. I fucking love loopholes. Nowaday a car is a useless strain on your finances if you happen to live in a city.

32058b No.14102623


He's not planning on doing that, at least that's what he told me. He wants to get facial feminization surgery though.


At least you're not a tranny, or Anthony Burch.

d0e755 No.14102625


no. that would be just body dysmorphia, like bodybuilders who inject synthol

aa03dd No.14102633


Twitter is gay

only use it for the SCA

Invest in chainmail

6f26eb No.14102634


>At least you're not a tranny, or Anthony Burch.

I think I'd be respected more if I was a tranny than not having a license. Not sure about Burch.

57a4ad No.14102652


How'd Jim throw anyone under the bus? I didn't pay much attention to his Internet Aristocuck days.

And you sure as hell aren't referring to /v/ when you say 'us'. Who do you mean specifically?

9170e1 No.14102660


Yeah that's me, having a dick is fine, I'd rather have a vagina but I'm not getting a disgusting wound instead of a dick. I look and sound female otherwise so its good enough for me.


What a mong he's probably going to kill himself, this is something your realize by the time you hit puberty at the latest. Its probably more of an early life crisis and he'll realize that when he looks like a drag queen.


How early? 17-24, 20-24 are pushing it but it depends on the person. The one tranny I know irl (other than myself) transitioned at 24 and s/he passes perfectly. I transitioned at 20 but I was a trap before so it worked out well for me too. The people who want 15 year olds and lower to transition of block their puberty are abusing their kids and its disgusting.

8000e0 No.14102668

File: 024605b9c7856d2⋯.png (407.51 KB, 651x864, 217:288, 8731947b4fedd81fda6cb527a3….png)


> In fact nearly all the best SRS surgeons are thai

But in Thailand all the men already look like women and the women already look like men.What do they need SRS for?

9170e1 No.14102669


He's referring to GG, Jim was a fag and decided we lost and are a ded movement

9170e1 No.14102672


Some weird cultural thing where they raise certain boys as girls so those ones get the snips. Don't ask me I'm not thai

57a4ad No.14102675


He wasn't wrong, as far as I've seen. By the time Jim and /pol/ jumped ship, GG was a bogeyman rather than actually relevant.

673404 No.14102677


I think it was Ray Blanchard who argued that there is a link between autism and people who claim to be trans but don't meet the criteria for gender dysphoria.

Also, what has happened in the past 10 years is similar to what has happened in history when the media reports on what is formerly called multiple personality disorder, tons of people start show up to doctors claiming they have it.

>body dysmorphia

Congratulations, according to the activists you have a fringe theory and need to be shamed out of a job like the psychologists and endocrinologists who advocate people need to wait until after puberty before considering HRT or SRS.

6f26eb No.14102686

File: c1aecd296e76ea2⋯.mp4 (9.05 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Sargon BTFO.mp4)


> I'd rather have a vagina but I'm not getting a disgusting wound instead of a dick.

That sounds like the saner option tbh. This >>14102605

and that colon surgery image really should scare some sense into people.


He can think what he wants, I still enjoy his content. What matters is making SJWs lose influence and better gaming, and that doesn't change even if the "Gamergate movement" dies. The anons emailing Atlus or participating in torrential downfall are heroes.

Just seen this today, I think I missed alot yesterday didn't I?

32058b No.14102705


>Its probably more of an early life crisis and he'll realize that when he looks like a drag queen.

That's what I figured as well. He didn't really have any friends before and now the girls at his job fawn over him like their gay friend, and he's got a bunch of online 'trans community' friends now. He said that when his therapist asked him about it he didn't meet a lot of the usual signs, but still okayed him for having 'dysphoria'. He's been on hormones for a year now and seems to still be committed, but he was ugly as a guy and is still ugly now. The only real difference is that he thinks I'm attractive now.

6f26eb No.14102710


>he didn't meet a lot of the usual signs

What are the usual signs? Just curious.

9170e1 No.14102717


Being a boogeyman is still sort of a win and there's no reason we have to stop pushing for our goals because some eceleb faggot decided we failed. I guarantee that he still browses these threads occasionally for the latest hot takes. His whole fame is using the digging that other people did and presenting it in a comedic way. Its fine I still watch his videos but he's no better than us.


>That sounds like the saner option tbh

Any tranny should actually do research, I used to want SRS but after researching it for 5 minutes I realized its disgusting. But most are too blinded by the prospect of "having a vagina" to look at it objectively and realize its not what they want

32058b No.14102723


The only example he gave was associating more with girls than boys at a young age (i assume during the time that most boys think girls are gross). I haven't really looked into it.

57a4ad No.14102729


I agree that being a bogeyman is sort of a win. Still, Jim -E-Celeb or not- is still right, since a bogeyman is a fear of what was, rather than what is.

>I guarantee that he still browses these threads

He does the same shit on /cow/, and he occasionally shits up his own threads. Jim's a faggot and even a bit of a pussy, honestly, but I still don't think he really threw anyone under the bus or was wrong.

3afe41 No.14102733

File: 9a1ad005024dccc⋯.png (92.7 KB, 1279x534, 1279:534, ResetEraBoogieDefense.png)


Not as bad as Boogie.

6f26eb No.14102739


>Any tranny should actually do research

Yea, that's the part that gets to me. Do what you want, but do the research about what you're getting into, and with kids, let them know what they could be dealing with if they go through with it, don't sugarcoat shit.

6e4a27 No.14102745

File: f04ba1f2cde6dea⋯.mp4 (4.97 MB, 640x360, 16:9, -80mpLvvfvAUGF59.mp4)


I saw this clip floating around on twitter yesterday too. Sums up how most of the debate went besides people talking over each other. Sargon was so desperate to apply alinsky tactics that he took every point to the ridiculous extreme in a very clumsy way. He just ended up looking obnoxious and unwilling to discuss the points.

57a4ad No.14102762


Alternatively get mental help, and investigate the parents. If a kid wants to cut their dick off and act like a girl, they've been abused.

250eae No.14102766


Jim specifically threw #GG under the bus, but perhaps not for the reason anon stated.

In late October / early November of 2014, even though he'd spent months covering the whole controversy closely, sharing dig results and helping announce OPs, he finally realised that most pro-#GG people didn't agree with "no bad tactics" and wouldn't genuinely harass or dox anti-#GG just because some of them (and the third-party trolls) did it to us.

Thus, Jim declared the movement dead, saying we would never accomplish any of our goals and #GG should've done anything necessary to 'win' (his actual words were "Attack! Attack! Attack!"). Basically, he was one of the earliest /revolt/tards.

580b27 No.14102767


>third post

How long did it take for him to get the banhammer?

e096e2 No.14102781

File: ca0ef7ec4fcb6e7⋯.png (236.35 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1428533725316.png)


>Basically, he was one of the earliest /revolt/tards.


Are you sure you aren't Kraut?

673404 No.14102784


>criticizes Sargon for using abstractions and not real world practices

>goes on to use abstractions but calls it idealism

That is not a BTFO at all, its sophistry.

Every time his principles got questioned by Sargon and Styx, he retreated back to

<I live in the real world, lets talk about it in practice not abstractions

Also when he got called out for using appeals to emotion, he responded with something like

<I live in the real world and of course I have and use emotions

If I didn't know who Spencer was, would have thought he is on the far left with all his use of subjectivism when it suited him. Fucking annoying to listen to him.

6f26eb No.14102792


I don't like him either, but it was interesting hearing him talk and explain himself. Shame Sargon had to act all autistic, it should have been Styx and him sparring.

47d3be No.14102800


Jim wanted gg to be his army to attack blindly and if I recall correctly jim was a goon, so essentially he was using us to attack his fellow goons in some sort of goon infight.

250eae No.14102802


>Are you sure you aren't Kraut?

Worse; I'm a haggis muncher.

47d3be No.14102807


If /pol/ is correct and in this case I think they are, spencer is controlled opposition to harm the right.

e096e2 No.14102809

File: 92d949a65eec938⋯.png (23.98 KB, 255x245, 51:49, 1456575926930.png)

File: 07c7920fc528932⋯.png (223.12 KB, 590x335, 118:67, 1338157759031.png)


It could be worse, he could be Mundanematt.

For some odd reason out of the last couple months, today we get this random ass Anon trying to stir shit with Jim, when his next video is on set to be released while kicking a massive hornet nest of autists.




>Jim wanted gg to be his army to attack blindly and if I recall correctly jim was a goon,



Kiddo I know he likes shooting the shit with lowtax sometimes but Jim's far from what a goon is.

dc97bd No.14102810


jesus, sargon sounds more and more like a faggot.

e096e2 No.14102811


Don't forget to fix that shiftkey.

673404 No.14102815


Can understand why Sargon got really pissed off, I'd be too in that debate.

Unlike him, would have just bowed out after 20 minutes of that shit instead of progressively getting angrier as the debate went on.


Can really see why now, once you cut through all the shit, he is advocating for an "racially enlightened" ethnocentric monarchy and implied he will be king or at the very least in the ruling white aristocracy.

47d3be No.14102816


Its worse, hes a mix breed.

47d3be No.14102820


What made me think so was when only he got police protection in the charlotville shit while everyone else was guided into conflicts.

6534ad No.14102838


>More than half the country voted for him.

Technically, he got a slightly smaller amount of votes than Hillary, but his counted more due to how they were spread over a larger area, representing more types of people than Hillary's near equal amount of votes in concentrated areas. I forgot the exact term for that system.

24ab72 No.14102842

File: 62ce20a579b0b41⋯.png (654.2 KB, 864x698, 432:349, stolen furry porn.png)

82e395 No.14102849


Operation paperclip put murrfats on the moon

c66bbd No.14102853

File: 785c9686866c97d⋯.png (211.96 KB, 800x480, 5:3, Screenshot_2018-01-05-21-3….png)

Look who's cameo appearing in the book!

Anyone who looks at the panicked response the book had and all the sources and still thinks the book is just shillary fake news is being utterly naive. It's an interesting book, probably written in not the most factual way but overall I see no reason to doubt it's accurate. And hey, if the reason you insist in not even considering it is a drive that if it's true Trump is mostly a buffoon out of his water that somehow means you support Hillary, you're seeing it wrong- it's just further testament to how awful Hillary wins that she couldn't win against a now president who doesn't have the attention span to read the Constitution

e52186 No.14102859


Is this a good thing or bad thing?

On one hand furry artists aren't making money, on the other more furry porn is being shared.

fff503 No.14102868


>Filed to: WOW

They are desperate aren't they? That and the weird fanfictions they post lately makes me think the clickbait isn't as profitable as before.

6f26eb No.14102869


>I forgot the exact term for that system.

The electoral college? Democratic republic?

Better system IMO, but the two party system kind of puts a damper on things.

47d3be No.14102871



>gamergate is a group that harrasses women in the video game industry

Try harder.

c054f7 No.14102874

File: 37f65f40479a3f8⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1186x2062, 593:1031, 1st stage pseudogiant tran….png)


Do you try?

530a36 No.14102876


>spencer is controlled opposition to harm the right.


673404 No.14102879


Better than most Euro countries that have a shitload of parties and the ruling ones usually gets less than 20 percent of the total vote.

c66bbd No.14102884


I thought you wouldn't be disingenuous enough for me to spell this, it's obviously believabily factual regarding the administration events, not this sort of thing. At one point in trying to describe Bannon's past it says an mmorpg is a digital currency, but that's not what the book is about in the first place.

47d3be No.14102887


It would help a bit for some countries to have a "none of the above" vote, granted that would be the end of canadas parliment, but that would be a good thing.

c054f7 No.14102891

File: d5a9baecefb0def⋯.png (412.29 KB, 459x384, 153:128, jayztwostekch.PNG)


> it's obviously believabily factual

57a4ad No.14102902


If they can't be arsed to look up the phrase 'MMORPG' on google, and are too stupid to figure out what it means from context, I don't trust them or their sources to be even half-assedly checked, let alone whose assedly. At this point, their goal is to downplay Trump's accomplishments and pretend he is da wurzt prezdent evr, and nothing else.

6534ad No.14102907


I'm moreso referring to how the highest amount of votes in an area actually counts towards the final vote rather than total votes overall.

6f26eb No.14102908


Judging from the last election, not discussing trump or Bernie, "the outsiders", both parties wanted action against Russia, both wanted the TPP passed, both did not want any action against Immigration. If the election was Clinton vs Bush, what was the difference, what were you voting for in that case? If there was a multi party system, for it's flaws, at least there is a chance for a third option to come out of the woodwork and do something different. The states just got lucky with Trump, since the RNC did not want him to win, clearly.

6f26eb No.14102915


Okay, so the electoral collage. Even though several people voted for Hillary in Commiefornia, that was only worth 55 votes from the EC.

6534ad No.14102924



47d3be No.14102933


Bernie would have passed the tpp, lets not lie to ourselves.

c054f7 No.14102940

File: 73cef463fcd4f47⋯.jpg (124.85 KB, 967x1200, 967:1200, bread12.jpg)


57a4ad No.14102943


Oy vey, look at those lyin' dubs! our good friend Boyknee sandelschlomovonwitzstein would never have passed the TPP, how dare you speak against him!

8000e0 No.14102946

File: fc2b1941f9addbc⋯.jpg (32.12 KB, 696x499, 696:499, ARE YOU KIDDING ME.jpg)


>believabily factual

47d3be No.14102949


Its not even because hes a filthy lying kike, but because hes a doormat like turd in canada.

82e395 No.14102953


Bernie would have slipped in to a bullet before he took office

56a5a3 No.14102957

I'll make one!

c054f7 No.14102958

File: 8e9175dbcc397a7⋯.png (132.92 KB, 1791x399, 597:133, Reanon on Bernie.PNG)

9170e1 No.14102965


If Trump didn't Bernie wouldn't have either.

23de1e No.14102966

File: 2005ca076346f74⋯.jpg (100.51 KB, 753x741, 251:247, 1396082095879.jpg)


Are you being a textbook example off the Gell-Mann amnesia effect in action on purpose? Because it would be hard to make a more concise example than your posts.

56a5a3 No.14102969

Good morning! New bread is here and this is reeking with heresy!




47d3be No.14102973


It depends on whether hillary became his vp or his advisor, and if she wanted to be smart, be the advisor who skims funds but does not take the high position so she avoids scrutiny.

82e395 No.14102978


DNC is banking on getting 8 years after Trump's 4 so they're willing to wait it out.

But if Bernie had won, DNC would've needed to correct the record.

855373 No.14103374


The next 7 years of going "REEEEEEE DRUPF!" going to be very long for them.

a77f4a No.14103426


Are they refering to e621? I found that place in Middle School, by accident.





In the U.S., if no candidate doesn't get the required electoral votes, the president is then decided by the federal government (I forget who, specifically). Also, the biggest problem with a multi-party system is that no one can attempt to improve (Or cripple) things because you have 20 different parties all going in hundreds of different directions (IOW, the country cannot progress). Meanwhile, the two-party system requires people to suck it up, and make a decision (Whether it's good or bad), and give people an actual voice they can rally behind (or against).

Also, a third-party has risen in the past when it came to American politics. Granted, it resulted in the "splitting" party to lose the election, but it also gives people a chance to reevaluate what it is they stand for.

fff503 No.14103522


They're going to pull a 180 before that, the mass of normalfags are retarded as fuck and have the memory of a goldfish, they won't remember the reeing of the first years.

3c3221 No.14104030





>3 years

>STILL Whiteknighting /pol/ vaaatividya surrounded by dicklicking redditors and having a lack of self awareness

Consider suicide. Preferably before you cry to him again that these threads were mean to him for picking at low hanging fruit of deviantautists

ad70e9 No.14104886

File: 75e07877e859804⋯.jpg (158.21 KB, 1280x1440, 8:9, 24f29dce5e9ef07ae888b9a6f8….jpg)


this is bad as other artists might start snooping for patreon/enty/fantasia/whatever pics being shared around on boorus and such, and its easier to get everything under their tag removed rather than just the pay stuff.

so once again some upvote/click farming bovine minded herbivore ruins FUCKING EVERYTHING

5186e2 No.14105025


Upvote chan kawaii.

a361b8 No.14105391


My guess is that they threatened his family.

57a4ad No.14105403


Or he just kiked out, as his kind tend to do. Afterall, those mindless goyim gave him their hardly earned shekels, why not screw them over some more?

a361b8 No.14105430


Nah, I think the threat theory is more likely considering how many people around the Clintons have died by "suicide" and "accidents".

57a4ad No.14105456


They were all ultimately against her, though. Bernie Boy was rubbing his hands the entire time he swindled people.

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