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ca8a36  No.16934905

Give me some JRPGs with a lot of sidequests and hidden stuff. It feels like I've played all the major ones: Paper Mario: TTYD, Skies of arcadia, Tales of Eternia, FF6 and FF5, Star ocean 2 to name a few.

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ca8a36  No.16934907

Seriously, I might play Unlimited Saga if nothing else shows up.

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85e230  No.16936157

ROBF series.

bonus: you can fuck monstergirls

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74a182  No.16936173

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Radiata Stories

Suikoden 2 (warning; has time sensitive side content, meaning you can miss out on not only events, but recruits)


do it, just learn how to play first. The hardest part of the game is figuring out HOW to interact with it:

if you land on a tile with a monster or an item to pickup or whatever but it doesn't trigger, go to the Skill menu and look at the top of the screen for a quick overview of what's in the area. You can press left and right to pick what you're interacting with. The game's tutorial won't tell you this. The anemic pamphlet of a manual won't tell you this either. I had to ask 6 different forums on the internet back in the mid-2000s to find this out

embed related is from a series of tutorials from the only guy insane enough to do a Lets Play of it

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fa2a99  No.16936188

go play the legend of heroes trails in the sky you absolute newfag

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ca8a36  No.16936262


Dear god no! What I played of that game was so boring. I got the 4th party member before I quit.

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4650f8  No.16939836


especially 1

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ca8a36  No.16940644

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Well, I've started playing wild arms alter code F. I loved playing the original a few years ago. It was nice hearing the original opening theme unchanged, thought I prefer the originals mid 90's anime look. The new opening is more action packed, and seemingly dark, while the original is more hopeful.

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