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/abcu/ - American Broadcasting CommUnity

A VOICE of TRUTH in the SWAMP of LIES. WWG1WGA. A board for FACTS regarding the LIES we are presented daily.

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|| Welcome Page || FAQ || General Info ||
DO NOT SHITPOST in General Threads! Use Generals for Actual Discussion
|| SHITPOSTING in the wrong thread will result in BAN or post(s) purge ||
OP must set Tone and Subject when creating a thread. REPORT any self DOXing or Illegal Activity
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File: 66807547eb445c2⋯.jpg (116.76 KB,930x697,930:697,DeadDrop.jpg)

edb5a1 No.1 [Open thread]

Covert or Direct Real News Feed - Our "SecureDrop DEADDROP"

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748d11 No.9148

Understanding is key.

Now is the time to SHOW THEM ALL.

Information is your path forward. Be well read.

Together (You) are unstoppable.

You are the solution you seek.

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File: 06214325a31a596⋯.jpg (21.54 KB,478x265,478:265,NewFag1.jpg)

e66506 No.8 [Open thread]


ShitPosting in General threads will earn you a ban.

inb4 OP is a faggot.

Welcome to /abcu/! We all were new at one point.

If you are NEW to imageboards it is recommended to read the FAQs

8kun FAQ: https://8kun.top/faq.html

ABCU|8 FAQ: https://8kun.top/abcu/faq.html

>How do I navigate the board

- A single board consists of the following:

- Board - The entire page for subject - /abcu/ (https://8kun.top/abcu/)

- Threads - Each board has many threads

- (See examples of our threads https://8kun.top/abcu/catalog.html You can view all threads from the catalog.)

- OP - The OP is the first post in thread. This post is to set the tone of the thread when created.

- Posts - Posts are individual responses from anons

- (The typical "Anonymous" name field is replaced by "Truth Seeker" on /abcu/)

- There are two ways to navigate a board

- Index - The index allows you to view the recently active threads in a list(page) format. Sorted by "Most Recent" posts. (https://8kun.top/abcu/index.html)

- Catalog - The catalog allows you to view all active threads in a "catalog" view. Which shows the OPs content only. Sorted by STICKY then recent thread posts. (https://8kun.top/abcu/catalog.html)

>HowPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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15313e No.9132

File: e8293ed2714fe77⋯.jpeg (375.13 KB,1179x1739,1179:1739,IMG_3952.jpeg)


… … … … …

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File: 8390c727493c063⋯.jpg (154.43 KB,1280x720,16:9,Operations1.jpg)

File: 86f981404b62bf1⋯.jpg (78.16 KB,500x794,250:397,Operations2.jpg)

File: 3442f4b89ae48e6⋯.png (125.2 KB,1000x620,50:31,Operations3.png)

310310 No.30 [Open thread]




You will know, WE are always watching! Do well Patriots!


1 Operation TRUTH BQMB

There are more of us than any media outlet. We can flood Social Media at a rate that the MSM cannot keep up with they will have to embrace the truth or suffer from continuing to lie to us. >>> OP_T_BQMB

2 Operation MEME warfare

ARM yourself with memes to spread facts and knowledge. Or just for the LULZ >>> OP_MW_2020

3 Operation Echo-chamber Backfire

Counter operation to C_A "MOCKINGBIRD", Use Combo of T_BQMB >>> OP_ECB

4 Operation Kill AP

Kill the Associated Press, [Infiltration instead of Invasion] >>> OP_K_AP[Y]

[$^ Dark; C_L/invalid^$]

5 Operation

… … … .

6 Operation

… … … ..

7 Operation

… … … …

8 Operation

… … … … .

9 Operation

… … … … … ..

[$^Clear; C_L/change^$]

[{(C_L C-0)} O-S-OP |90-99| Green_OnActive]

10 Operation

…The Silent War Comes Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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2025b8 No.8116

Deepdigs lead to where the kraken sleeps

5 in full swing now, 6 soon

Watching & Waiting


1 Operation TRUTH BQMB

There are more of us than any media outlet. We can flood Social Media at a rate that the MSM cannot keep up with they will have to embrace the truth or suffer from continuing to lie to us. >>> OP_T_BQMB

2 Operation MEME warfare

ARM yourself with memes to spread facts and knowledge. Or just for the LULZ >>> OP_MW_2020

3 Operation Echo-chamber Backfire

Counter operation to C_A "MOCKINGBIRD", Use Combo of T_BQMB >>> OP_ECB

4 Operation Kill AP

Kill the Associated Press, [Infiltration instead of Invasion] >>> OP_K_AP[Y]

[$^ Dark; C_L/temp_elevate^$]

5 Operation High Beams

Shine the light on the corruption to expose it >>> OP_HB

6 Operation Petal to the metal

Now that the high beams are on it is time to gun it and push the messages further than ever before >>> OP_P2M

7 Operation BLAST OFF!

Most who can be woken will be awake, now is time for lift off, BUCKLE UP! >>> OP_B!

8 Operation Bird Song

Time to sing as the MOCKINGBIRD did, but now your songs, the songs of freedom >>> OP_BS

9 Operation Power to the People

Get involved any way you can and (community, school, local, state, federal) take the power back, take control of your communities, schools, states, and federal decision making >>> OP_P2P

[$^Clear; C_L/reset^$]

[{(C_L C-0)} O-S-OP |1-99| Green_OnActive]

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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File: a1e0500b68ddd5c⋯.jpg (13.07 KB,565x200,113:40,OpEd1.jpg)

File: efe34371d9bb9aa⋯.png (54.65 KB,890x350,89:35,OpEd4.png)

File: 1b0064ea5c97e90⋯.jpg (21.42 KB,300x150,2:1,OpEd3.jpg)

a57eb6 No.23 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Citizen Editorials

if you like to become a Volunteer or Reporter start by producing some work then reach out to @babyfist or express your desire in a thread.

Commentary on work created by CommUnity Journalist, Citizen Editorials. Always Link to OP in your rebuttal


Rebuttals to FAKE NEWS MSM Provide Sauce (Video, Article, ETC) provide sauce to back up your claims.

If you do not provide sauce for OP or your sauces the post will be removed WE are NOT the MSM

119 posts and 37 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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c87030 No.7419


he did say to spread far and wide

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File: efe34371d9bb9aa⋯.png (54.65 KB,890x350,89:35,OpEd4.png)

File: 43d7cc9abc144d6⋯.jpg (464.89 KB,1920x1080,16:9,OpEd2.jpg)

File: 1b0064ea5c97e90⋯.jpg (21.42 KB,300x150,2:1,OpEd3.jpg)

c7fb88 No.22 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]


if you are not Volunteer or Reporter use OP-Ed General if you like to become a Volunteer or Reporter start by producing some work then reach out to @babyfist or express your desire in a thread.

Commentary on work created by CommUnity Journalist. Always Link to OP in your rebuttal


Rebuttals to FAKE NEWS MSM Provide Sauce (Video, Article, ETC) provide sauce to back up your claims

If you do not provide sauce for OP or your sauces the post will be removed WE are NOT the MSM

70 posts and 86 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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9caa25 No.7339

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File: 4677c988867b2f5⋯.jpg (301.58 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1515347653_LAUGHING_MAN4_1….jpg)

File: e61336f4e0518cd⋯.jpg (67.88 KB,505x600,101:120,anonymous_laughing_man_git….jpg)

634a55 No.32 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]


Ideas, Comments, Input, Request Volunteer or Report Role.

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5f3179 No.6941


Sorry! It's really minor/unimportant.

Did not mean to nitpick.

Did not mean to inject minor task into your priority queue.

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File: 21eb0ffb915e132⋯.jpg (226.11 KB,1200x1087,1200:1087,Q_FAQ.jpg)

408c60 No.5032 [Open thread]

Frequently Asked Questions

About Q and the Anons

· Who is Q? >>5033

· What Does WWG1WGA Mean? >>5038

· Who are Anons? >>5035

· What is the Q Movement? >>5036

· Why All the Frogs? >>5073

· What are Q Proofs? >>5040

· How Can We Know if a Post is Really Q, on an Anonymous Message Board? >>5041

· Is Q Anon a Cult? >>5042

· What is the Q Clock? >>5043

· What is a Red Pill? >>5044

· Why Does Q Say "Wake Up!"? >>5045

· Why Does Q Post on Message Boards? >>5046

· Who Owns the News? >>5047

· What is Project Mockingbird? >>5049

· WPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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408c60 No.5073

File: 5a7a821ab50c847⋯.jpg (59.86 KB,480x449,480:449,PlagueOfFrogs8.jpg)

File: 790a1c3609e8a90⋯.jpg (302.31 KB,928x1040,58:65,FrogsOfWar.jpg)

File: 7e6ac7e6611e65a⋯.jpg (199.57 KB,860x483,860:483,frogsofwar3.jpg)

The cartoon frog Pepe expresses anons' reactions on an image board, and 'Kek' is a satirical thought-form representing the anons. Q quoted the Bible: "…and frogs to destroy them." However, every thread on Q Research begins with the declaration "We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here." Thus, the anons destroy false narratives by confronting them with the light of truth.

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File: cbb18cbe1b5e527⋯.jpg (127.17 KB,800x800,1:1,AP2.jpg)

139d67 No.4 [Open thread]

Citizen Journalist - A place to publish full articles.

Join the board by contacting @babyfist on tweeter or create a Topical thread regarding the material you would like to publish and request to receive the REPORTER role.

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139d67 No.1175

File: c7eb1853bd9b69d⋯.pdf (528.03 KB,HCQ_or_CQ_wout_malira.pdf)

File: f2c31db5668a898⋯.pdf (721.33 KB,Imperial_College_COVID19_N….pdf)

File: ddab41762cefae6⋯.pdf (2.14 MB,Full_Length_Title_Early_Tr….pdf)

For those wondering what type of content belongs here.

<example attached.

They do not have to be PDF format to submit. You could type it here. And provide Image resources if you would like. But this is for LONG FORM non Opinion news with full sources and typically academic or scientific backing

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File: 722be207071ddd7⋯.png (276.68 KB,716x361,716:361,UnknownKnowns.png)

407fc7 No.8235 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]


Welcome #WeAreTheNewsNow refugees and all deplatformed patriots!

This Topical thread is open for free chat, memes, & shitposting.

This board /abcu/ is for facts and news.

This board /abcu/ is open to Q Anons.

Famefagging and Namefagging are welcome in this thread.

You can shitpost in Topical threads (like this one). Our /abcu/ policy prohibits shitposting in GENERAL Threads; those are for specific topics. If you need a new thread created, just ask!


615 posts and 654 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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a96fce No.9172

File: 717501e56a9c8be⋯.png (53.86 KB,575x738,575:738,love_and_respect_to_Anons.png)

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a96fce No.9173

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10a2f3 No.9219

File: 9143481fdaa77dd⋯.png (489.69 KB,598x728,23:28,Kash_Truth_08172024_re_def….png)

File: 70650e1ff32e0b4⋯.png (286.3 KB,842x1112,421:556,early_voting_start_dates_0….png)

File: 9e71baa812b1d0f⋯.png (539.67 KB,900x503,900:503,walz_scrutiny_for_ties_to_….png)

File: 581275d4ad8c86e⋯.png (253.85 KB,600x856,75:107,wiki_propaganda_machine_vi….png)

File: 8eced4fb73848be⋯.png (214.29 KB,680x1087,680:1087,Trump_no_tax_on_tip_061520….png)

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a3b7a1 No.9220

File: 1e0c1c765ed4b55⋯.jpeg (291.67 KB,1400x792,175:99,IMG_9162.jpeg)



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70805c No.9228

File: 9daa4c5952e1303⋯.png (392.4 KB,1157x1103,1157:1103,game_theories_09062024.png)

File: 0c9161cb3315c56⋯.png (362.24 KB,1020x648,85:54,liz_cheney_vs_kamala.png)

File: 0b82efef87dd573⋯.png (726.94 KB,900x525,12:7,harris_tax_plan_camela_090….png)

File: 944e62606745992⋯.png (101.78 KB,979x894,979:894,bill_s_4361_border_4000_09….png)

File: eaeca676e9b6227⋯.png (649.68 KB,900x501,300:167,terrorist_encounters_south….png)

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File: be1b8ddb3f6ee73⋯.jpeg (173.58 KB,1242x779,1242:779,B262491D_D708_4064_83EB_D….jpeg)

9189cb No.8730 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Fallen Fallen

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f5dce5 No.9223

File: 29b47666030d36f⋯.png (441.16 KB,473x1146,473:1146,qaggdropimage2100_1.png)

File: a6b76b04e3dfe69⋯.png (224.06 KB,473x1041,473:1041,qaggdropimage2329_1.png)

File: 1580e7c7dee6ebd⋯.png (39.84 KB,473x329,473:329,qaggdropimage1171.png)

File: 8c24dbdb0a96675⋯.png (30.47 KB,473x273,473:273,qaggdropimage244.png)


Do you see it?

Do I.T. Q

Computers ars fun.

Perhaps a little too fun for some ;3

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f5dce5 No.9224

File: dbff059d47259f4⋯.jpg (101.4 KB,700x466,350:233,CatLHC_189196241.jpg)

>I am in your walls<

>~lets swim~

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f5dce5 No.9225


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f5dce5 No.9226


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f5dce5 No.9227

File: 58105ae8ea41a1d⋯.png (354.83 KB,473x864,473:864,qaggdropimage1678.png)


They're going nuts right now.

What made the chat gpt dot go pink the other day?

>What indeed :3<

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File: fcf81bebff34b94⋯.jpg (131.75 KB,1024x320,16:5,Construction.jpg)

File: f8fdd32b5a5fc26⋯.jpg (1019.05 KB,3000x3000,1:1,ConstructionBrain.jpg)

File: bb62886327cb335⋯.png (183.32 KB,1024x576,16:9,CuriousNPC.png)

c1c218 No.461 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Construction in Progress.

Testing some changes.

Will affect others threads. Sorry




> Images

> Logos

Q Flags

And much more.

Feel free to shit post whatever.

Just testing a few things. Before public invites start

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d3a9df No.9201


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d3a9df No.9202

There is only one person ill speak to from here on out.

You know who.

I know who.


YOURE up shit creek without a paddle 41020

I want the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help me God.

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d3a9df No.9203


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d3a9df No.9204


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d3a9df No.9205

This has never been about "feelings". This has been about TRUTH Donald. You want me to let go?


No more church.

No more service.

No more help.

I'm not you enemy.

You are not my friend.




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File: 711c390ea927b8e⋯.jpg (180.6 KB,1024x1024,1:1,TaoOfMemes.jpg)

2cea0b No.217 [Open thread]

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly or What makes a good meme GREAT?

Memes (images with added text) are a valuable tool in our info warfare arsenal. Not all memes are created equal, though. We'll pick apart meme examples and critique them, with the goal of raising our craft to the next level. You don't have to be an artist (but it helps); pithy verbiage alone can be a meme! We'll also delve into web apps and standalone tools that make meme crafting easier.

A meme is like the ultimate cluster munition. No blood loss, no damage to property, the only thing a meme can destroy is a narrative. It causes a brain not used to independent thought to begin mental exercise. A meme stimulates a mind to question that which is and begin to visualize that which could be. Unlike a cluster munition a meme can impact thousands in moments but have a residual effect whereby other minds encounter the meme later. A meme is the most dangerous of weapons, for it does not end, it creates a beginning.

Appropriate topics for this thread include:


How to select an image.

Image modifications.

Size and shape to maximize exposure on social media.

Image formats, their pros and cons.

Tricks to vary a banned image to revive its life online

Can AI actually read the text on memes? Tricks to circumvent

Text, anyone?

How much text?

Where to find text ideas

Font selection

Making your text readable (if they can't read it, what good does it do?)

Hashtag on the meme, or in the Tweet, or both?

Selecting a Twitter #hashtag. For Twitter campaigns: if we #hashtag together, our trends can expand exponentially

Does repetition really help?

Meme strategies

Do Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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cc75f5 No.4592

File: cfe94b9d8f69b9c⋯.png (1.28 MB,1200x630,40:21,BLM_Exxon_mobil.png)

File: 7108460cf0f5c23⋯.png (1.01 MB,1078x698,539:349,BLM_EA_game.png)

File: 9a6dffdc4096e70⋯.jpg (126.71 KB,1024x768,4:3,BLM_CocaCola.jpg)

File: 6dec1b1664f47b3⋯.jpg (69.33 KB,1024x576,16:9,BLM_Ben_jerry.jpg)

File: e611b9c7cbb05a0⋯.jpg (195.23 KB,662x441,662:441,BLM_BAESystemsSponsoredExp….jpg)

You know that dank quality when you see it. Irony.

A long list of companies gave large donations to "Black Lives Matter" (BLM) which has then engaged in riots and looting.

So these memes are associating some of those companies with the results of their sponsorship.

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91df01 No.5436

File: 6ff270ab1b8d3fd⋯.jpeg (410.67 KB,1800x1023,600:341,AB3D502D_FF08_435E_AA1B_9….jpeg)


boy did this become a big deal lately

your post was ahead of its time

Q on 9/10:

FB-TWIT using DARPA provided software to censor and restrict picture content using 'matching' [think reverse image] _upload one to find/locate all [cycling 5s].


Adapt & overcome.


been having fun with camo as it became a big topic in the bread this week

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843710 No.6725

File: c49f8d7aae8de90⋯.jpg (115.25 KB,695x489,695:489,parenting.jpg)

where is the meme site?

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a8a474 No.6726


The meme site is


Let us know if you have any trouble accessing it!

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5d0ada No.9120

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File: ca8046a1dd851a2⋯.jpg (447.78 KB,1600x900,16:9,AP3.jpg)

File: a1e0500b68ddd5c⋯.jpg (13.07 KB,565x200,113:40,OpEd1.jpg)

File: efe34371d9bb9aa⋯.png (54.65 KB,890x350,89:35,OpEd4.png)

bb9ee6 No.64 [Open thread]

ITT: No shitposting, Memes and Images are fine. Try to remain on topic or move to another thread.

p.s. I am CivAnon!

Called "Operations Megaphone" by Anon from /QR/

Hello Anons,

Calling all Writefags, Lawfags, Newsfags, SocialMediaFags, Politicfags, GrammerFags, ALLfags and Anons in general to help anons prepare letters to News, Newspapers, and Local/State/Federal Representatives.

This is an attempt to make our voices heard on a massive scale. If done correctly "WE" should receive even MSM news coverage, which will blow their cover letting them know that WE will no longer tollerate FAKE_NEWS.

They mobilize in similar fashions to achieve their goals, TWO can play that game. And their are many more of US.

This is a call to CALL OUT any FAKE NEWS or other disinformation given to the people by "TRUSTED" sources.

This is to make it clear that if they would like to remain as a "TRUSTED" source they must prove that they are trustworthy.

If our voices are not heard WE are prepared to make MSM obsolete. More details will come regarding HOW…

Remember friends WE are the NEWS NOW! Our Voices are strong. Our Voices are Loud. Our Voices will be heard.

They can no longer silence us. They can no longer lie to us. WE have the ability to EXPOSE their lies.

#FACTSMATTER #ExposeFakeNews #Write4Rights #YourVoiceIsOurVoice #ShowThem #FactsNotFear #TogetherWeWin

If anyone is interested just lurk on it not trying to slide bread. We can create a thread if anons are interested

Lies have many answers.

Truths have ONE.

See, Tell

Hear, Speak

Know, SHOW!

I recommend you NOT ONLY send an email but also a physical letter.

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fb2b14 No.428

Nice work CivAnon. I'll share some resources too.

For anyone who wants to be a reporter, the AP stylebook. Idk if you need to follow this for op-eds but it couldn't hurt.


some terms, concepts and links


>The lede is the first sentence of a hard-news story; a succinct summary of the story’s main point. Ledes should typically be a single sentence or no more than 35 to 40 words. The best ledes are ones that highlight the most important, newsworthy and interesting aspects of a news story while leaving out secondary details that can be included later in the story.

BBC Journalism Skills: Principles of good writing for news


some free courses:


>Improve your English grammar, vocabulary and writing skills through exciting topics in journalism and world news.


>Global Muckraking: Investigative Journalism and Global Media

>Learn how brave journalists can rock the world by exposing corruption and human rights and labor abuses.

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bb9ee6 No.430


Great work Anon!

Soon I will be placing topics in here for template creation. We will share the templates on QR and request Users Submit the letter if they can.

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52e947 No.639


right on, looking forward to that. Thanks for getting this board up and running, I agree with you, we need to put out article and twitter threads.

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43eb75 No.8670

Anonymous 07/09/22 (Sat) 14:53:43 5396e8 No.28012


Thuper Noteth of The B Gayness

>>27804 no such agency

>>27771 Baron Arizona and Babyfist: Is this the B Proof you were looking for? See/Sea

>>27323 Baron Arizona and Babyfist: I'm not quite sure about the proof around Sgt B.

>>23674 Babyfist/B fuckery bun

>>23076 Barron arizona and babyfist reply to 8bit on TS

>>23194 Video of jim and babyfist explaining B dcomms incident >>23204 Transcripted

>>23209, >>23212, >>23213, >>23215 Babyfist "Trial Run"

>>23220 Stupidity in action

>>23234 Babyfist talking about working with sgt b, running psops

>>23427, >>23429 Jim-crew talk about torturing Fred Brennan >>23431, >>23435

>>23441 Baron Arizona and Babyfist acting like B is real and should be listened to.

>>23444, >>23445 Barron Arizona op_basltoff activated

>>23449 Could Broderick be B? >>23452, >>23453, >>23454, >>23455, >>23456

>>23478 BV Called out babyfist VPS back then

>>23480 Babyfist on gab, wont tell who sgt b is

>>23513 B Admitting they used LaughingMan/Babyfists account to post on dcomms

>>23527 babyfist discusses the lies being told by qresearch

>>23544 babyfist saying that sgt b ruined his name it better be worth it

>>23550 babyfist talks about division

>>23564, >>23567 deepdigs claims babyfist chaos made up by oss even though admitted in video

>>23462, >>23463, >>23466 MR Red/Orlando

>>23476, >>23505, Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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15b886 No.8917

File: d08c02759fab00c⋯.jpeg (66.97 KB,346x346,1:1,IMG_1195.jpeg)


Let’s play 54 pickup

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16a33b No.2025 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Graphic designers collaborating on /abcu/ projects exchange graphical components here. Interim and final versions may be posted for discussion.

This is a TOPICAL thread.

Shitposting and commenting is allowed, but please stay on topic: graphic designers collaborating on /abcu/ projects.

Spam will be deleted without warning.

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4dfc82 No.8643

alive test

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4dfc82 No.8644


so it works…

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b24371 No.8645


lets go

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b24371 No.8646


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b24371 No.8647



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28c76f No.2972 [Open thread]

Education, discussion, and inspiration regarding the founding documents of the United States of America.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

The Constitution - https://constitutionus.com/

Declaration of Independence - https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/declaration-transcript

Bill of Rights - https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/bill-of-rights-transcript

This is a General thread. Which means all posts must be ON TOPIC. Discussion of constitutional topics is welcome. Off-topic posts will be deleted without warning.

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10e0c7 No.3296


The concept of the Federal Reserve was certainly a Federalist one.

As far as being "pro-fed" now days, things are different.

By saying "PRO FED", i am referring to the distribution of power WITHIN our borders and not "PRO "FEDERAL RESERVE". The Federal Reserve (central bank) is a concept that will never work [unless completely restructured and held accountable by Americans] because the funding for it is currently backed by global money/power, just as it was when Hamilton conceived it [central bank].

The founding fathers would turn over in their graves if they witnessed the what their simple arguments would evolve into.

While small government [Anit-Fed back in hammilton's day] works in a country that is self governed (ie-no global control, the American ideal)- it DOES NOT when that "small government control" has become two sided and one of those sides is pushing a global new world order that leaves its citizens in the hands of a corrupt global oligarchy. Wither the current democratic officials who are pushing the global agenda [calling it small government- ie- Anti Federal distribution of power] are aware of just what they are promoting, remains to be seen. Each of us must awaken in God's time. Some of those Dems are just victims of a two party paradigm that has been pushed [on purpose] since the Federal Reserve was established. The MSM has become a cheap megaphone for the NWO. Pro small federal control means power to the American people, NOT power to the[few] global elites whose agenda is one of global dominance with no regard to person.

Perhaps the Federal government is necessary at this point to regain control of our beloved country. When the infighting has become a war between American independent Liberty and a satanic plan to de-populate the world, American must be restructured [traitors arrested] to take back it's armies and use them to protect itself against wars from within. This can only happen when the Commander in Chief is American [trump?] and not doing bidding for the queen [HRC].

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28c76f No.3298

File: 7e80c1f3c2eef3e⋯.png (3.47 MB,2000x2054,1000:1027,end_the_fed.png)

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10e0c7 No.3300


EXACTLY!!!! The concept of a Central Bank run with GLOBAL Funds is not, and has never been a truly FEDERAL one!

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28c76f No.3301

This is the U.S. Constitution General thread.

>>1630 is the Constitutional Money thread.

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b5f3fa No.8632

once last chance

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