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/abcu/ - American Broadcasting CommUnity

A VOICE of TRUTH in the SWAMP of LIES. WWG1WGA. A board for FACTS regarding the LIES we are presented daily.
Comment *
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Confused? See the FAQ.
(replaces files and can be used instead)

Allowed file types:jpg, jpeg, gif, png, webp,webm, mp4, mov, swf, pdf
Max filesize is16 MB.
Max image dimensions are15000 x15000.
You may upload5 per post.

|| Welcome Page || FAQ || General Info ||
DO NOT SHITPOST in General Threads! Use Generals for Actual Discussion
|| SHITPOSTING in the wrong thread will result in BAN or post(s) purge ||
OP must set Tone and Subject when creating a thread. REPORT any self DOXing or Illegal Activity
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File: 06214325a31a596⋯.jpg (21.54 KB,478x265,478:265,NewFag1.jpg)

e66506 No.8


ShitPosting in General threads will earn you a ban.

inb4 OP is a faggot.

Welcome to /abcu/! We all were new at one point.

If you are NEW to imageboards it is recommended to read the FAQs

8kun FAQ: https://8kun.top/faq.html

ABCU|8 FAQ: https://8kun.top/abcu/faq.html

>How do I navigate the board

- A single board consists of the following:

- Board - The entire page for subject - /abcu/ (https://8kun.top/abcu/)

- Threads - Each board has many threads

- (See examples of our threads https://8kun.top/abcu/catalog.html You can view all threads from the catalog.)

- OP - The OP is the first post in thread. This post is to set the tone of the thread when created.

- Posts - Posts are individual responses from anons

- (The typical "Anonymous" name field is replaced by "Truth Seeker" on /abcu/)

- There are two ways to navigate a board

- Index - The index allows you to view the recently active threads in a list(page) format. Sorted by "Most Recent" posts. (https://8kun.top/abcu/index.html)

- Catalog - The catalog allows you to view all active threads in a "catalog" view. Which shows the OPs content only. Sorted by STICKY then recent thread posts. (https://8kun.top/abcu/catalog.html)

>How do I create a thread?

<See https://8kun.top/faq.html#how-do-i-create-a-new-thread

Review https://8kun.top/abcu/topical.html before creating a NEW thread on /abcu/, as well as the Catalog

- Before creating a new thread, check the Catalog https://8kun.top/abcu/catalog.html

- If a thread for your topic already exists, click on that thread to open it, read what others are saying about it, and make your post within the existing thread.

- It is 8kun etiquette = good form to use existing threads when appropriate.


– If no thread for the content you would like to share currently exists:

- From either the Index or Catalog page Click 'New Thread'.

- On /abcu/ you are required to upload an image or embed content.

- No board on 8kun requires you to provide content in the name or email address fields. Both those fields are optional

- You must provided a Subject when creating a thread.

- By clicking on [Show post options & limits], you can also choose a Q Flag, embed video links, choose not to bump, and spoiler images.

>How do I post?

<See https://8kun.top/faq.html#how-do-i-reply-to-a-thread

- Each post has the following fields

- Name - Do not fill this in unless you know what you are doing or you would like to namefag.


- Subject - Typically this does not need to be filled out unless creating an article and you would like a title for your post.

- Comment - This is where you fill in the content you would like other users to see.

- File - You can upload (jpg, jpeg, gif, png, webm, mp4, swf, pdf) file types.

- Max image dimensions are 15000 x 15000. You may upload 5 files per post.

- By clicking on [Show post options & limits], you can also choose a Q Flag, embed video links, choose not to bump, and spoiler images.

- Fill in the comment box at the top of page


- Click "POST A REPLY" at the bottom of the thread.


- Click "POST NUMBER" on users post to "REPLY" to specific user.

>How do I reply to a specific poster on the board?

<See https://8kun.top/faq.html#how-do-i-reply-to-another-poster

- Click the Number on the post you would like to reply to.

- This action will input the POST NUMBER into your content box

- If you highlight text then click a POST NUMBER the highlighted text will appear in the comment field as quoted text.

>How do I format my text?

<See https://8kun.top/faq.html#how-do-i-format-my-text

- We have custom "appearance" (If you use board CSS) to our formating options but the "how to" still applies in function.

-Red Text

> - Green Text

< - Pink Text

- Small Text

|| "Crescit sub pondere virtus" || "Virtue thrives under oppression." ||

Open Questions:

> "There are no dumb questions just dumb people trying their hardest." ~Anonymous

No really though, if you are new to images boards feel free to ask any question in this thread.

This thread is dedicated to helping newfags adjust to imageboards.

Feel free to ask any questions you would like here regarding using 8kun or about ABCU|8.


- 8kun FAQ: https://8kun.top/faq.html

- ABCU|8 FAQ: https://8kun.top/abcu/faq.html

- Index: https://8kun.top/abcu/index.html

- Catalog: https://8kun.top/abcu/catalog.html

- Welcome Page: https://8kun.top/abcu/welcome.html

- General Info: https://8kun.top/abcu/general.html

- Creating a Thread: https://8kun.top/abcu/topical.html

- Frens & Patriots: https://8kun.top/abcu/frens.html

- Operations: https://8kun.top/abcu/ops.html

- Hard Facts: https://8kun.top/abcu/facts.html

- Documentary: https://8kun.top/abcu/documentary.html

- News Feed:

- Social Media Accounts

- Twitter: https://twitter.com/ABCU_8

- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/abcu-8/

- Account Owner: https://www.linkedin.com/in/george-orwell-2663531b0/

- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/American-Broadcasting-CommUnity-100373931724948/

- Account Owner: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100052106061994

- Gab: coming soon

- Parler: coming soon

- WeWake.life: coming soon

- Recommend new one?

Created Content:

ABCU8 Media Kit:

- Title - <Link>

- Title - <Link>

ABCU8 Files:

- Title - <Link>

- Title - <Link>

ABCU8 Articles:

(This section is ONLY updated each NEW THREAD see active threads for updates.)

ABCU|8 STAFF Op-Ed >>22

(ABCU|8 Staff Thread for writing an OP-ED or Article or Expose.)

- Is Voter Fraud Really an Issue? - >>887

- Should George Floyd Be Put on a Pedestal? - >>900

- Special Treatment for Minority Students Could Backfire - >>951

- Congressional Display of "Solidarity with Protesters" Goes Horribly Wrong - >>1049

- Why the FBI Relied on Crowdstrike Examination of DNC Server after Alleged Russian Hack - >>1217

Anon Op-Ed >>23

(Thread open to all anons for writing an OP-ED or Article or Expose.)

- Title - <Link>

- Title - <Link>

ABCU|8 Journal >>4

(ABCU|8 Staff Thread for writing a long form FACT BASED ONLY Article or Expose.)

- Title - <Link>

- Title - <Link>

If you would like to be a Volunteer or Journalist/Report. Reach out to @babyfist or state your desire within the appropriate thread.

If you don't tell the truth who can you trust too??

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Post last edited at

b174c6 No.214

File: ce43bad76de0e28⋯.jpg (240.39 KB,700x700,1:1,HandWWG1WGA7.jpg)

Welcome Newfags and Newfrens!

Do you need info to get comfy in our new commUnity?

Questions on how the site works?

How to find the right place to post?

How to post and see the replies?

How to post a video or an image?

How to to fancy formatting?

Large text

Redor Bold or Italics?

>Green or


Underscore or Strikeout

Oldfags are here to lend a hand.


Ask away, and we'll try to help.

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f53bd7 No.294

File: 24bce7b23dfd4ac⋯.png (456.66 KB,560x413,80:59,Hey_newfagWelcome.png)

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5e98fa No.423

First time seeing this board, hope I can help.

There are some tips ITT for those of you like me who aren't on twitter yet.


I'll look around here tomorrow.

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e66506 No.429

File: 1f491f2e369b266⋯.jpg (13.64 KB,380x285,4:3,NewFag3.jpg)

File: e5048983c8a379e⋯.png (9.21 KB,255x254,255:254,NewFag4.png)



We look forward to working with you and your frens.

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e324d0 No.658


got no frens I can talk about anything of this with and never joined any of the spook discords. learning the truth has been totally isolating and even led me to avoid some family members. whatever I write here if it gets published, will be my first time leaving the containment zone.


twitter anonymity advice:

join twitter using a VPN, protonmail.ch email (.com domain is US property), and a phone number app–if you join with VPN, twitter demands confirm-by-phone.

>signal and wire have apps for windows and linux.

>Don't use whatsapp/telegram/FAGMAN apps.

For an extra layer of anonymity on phone app,

1. make a Virtual Machine on your desktop and install an easy linux OS in the Virtual Machine


2. put a phone number app on the virtual machine

A virtual machine is a window that has an independent Operating System running inside it. It's a really easy way to learn linux because you can go in and out of Windows to look up linux commands in a familiar OS. so you dont have to learn much at all.

Amazon took over Ubuntu if that bothers you. More secure linux OS for beginners are Debian and opensuse.


Buying with crypto is best anonymity

>dailystormer.su has "bitcoin for retards" guide and right side of homepage, when the site comes back up.

>It truly is the most censored news outlet in human history.

If you don't use crypto, you can get surfshark VPN or nordvpn on Tucker's site shop dot daily caller.com and there wont be any VPN on your bank statement

>buy $100 in dc credits for 80

>buy surfshark or nord with credits

They're cheaper this way too.

Nordvpn was hacked last year, I think that could happen to any service but make your own judgements.

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618693 No.683

File: 6b964b11ec80683⋯.png (84.67 KB,800x600,4:3,show_somebody_comms_2.png)

File: f6f732ecd7db6ff⋯.png (106.41 KB,800x600,4:3,show_somebody_comms.png)

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e66506 No.684

File: f6f910ff4377197⋯.jpg (10.28 KB,320x300,16:15,BeTheLight.jpg)



Will they find Us…

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618693 No.686


they Heavy Lifters or they Newbies?

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e66506 No.689

File: ff27298030d3063⋯.png (382.27 KB,1786x675,1786:675,ClipboardImage.png)

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618693 No.690


yeah thought that (shill), thas why checking

thanks for confirm

only reason i thought it might b real is cuz you replied to it, kek

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618693 No.691


only 4 Autist?

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618693 No.692


c_rock is ucba?

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618693 No.693


red mirror?


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e66506 No.694


Lets go to >>34

Keep Newfag clean!

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85b478 No.1031

I don't understand, what's this board about?

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e66506 No.1032

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85b478 No.1033


Okay I got it, thanks for helping.

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e66506 No.1034


Yeah NP that what this thread is for fren.


We are not officially open yet. Feel free to make yourself at home!

Most are just open chatting in


Things should start to pick up next week. We are officially going live and inviting user.

Currently just a small out of users!

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e150bf No.2648

Need help with logging in to post under laughing man. Can someone post a quick guide?

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e150bf No.2649


I have a login just dont know where it goes.

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1e3852 No.2651

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e150bf No.3285

doesnt worjk

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e150bf No.3286

ok it works

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d7df6f No.3671

Welcome everyone!

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b85c18 No.6909


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b85c18 No.6912

File: 7197d8946f721da⋯.png (2.39 MB,1464x995,1464:995,20201128_meme_trump.PNG)

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2dfa4b No.7442

Absolute schizo posting in here. You all doing well, mentally?

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082045 No.7531

File: df10493a8be20f2⋯.jpg (591.15 KB,2048x1285,2048:1285,GAY_superJumbo.jpg)

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ba7ce6 No.8191

File: 3af3cd5433bee29⋯.jpg (42.26 KB,644x449,644:449,photo_2021_10_05_07_08_40.jpg)

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c08717 No.8822

File: 0b608aac9b8523b⋯.png (364.31 KB,877x553,877:553,Q_B_25.png)


Who “r” u?

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8bccfe No.8912

File: dac3b9afeda1157⋯.png (Spoiler Image,2.51 MB,2521x8736,2521:8736,ClipboardImage.png)

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a98369 No.8929

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.


All for a lark

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11be7f No.8933

File: d5180f9eb466b5a⋯.jpeg (224.02 KB,1024x1024,1:1,IMG_2075.jpeg)


Nothing can stop what is coming

On to 9



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430379 No.9128

File: b638c219b1cbbd7⋯.jpeg (199.93 KB,1024x1024,1:1,IMG_8414.jpeg)



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753f66 No.9130



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15313e No.9132

File: e8293ed2714fe77⋯.jpeg (375.13 KB,1179x1739,1179:1739,IMG_3952.jpeg)


… … … … …

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