1. Doug Band with Bill Clinton in North Korea
2. U.S. Attorneys for SDNY from 1983 to present
SDNY US Attorneys
Rudolph Giuliani: June 3, 1983 -- January 1, 1989
-Appointed by Reagan; Departs January 1989 when GHWB becomes President
Otto G. Obermaier : October 16, 1989 -- June 1993
-Appointed by GHWB
-Obermaier also served as a chief trial counsel for the SEC
-Associate counsel to the Knapp Commission - The Commission to Investigate Alleged Police Corruption' within the NYPD
-In 2006, Obermaier established a law firm with John S. Martin Jr., also a former United States Attorney for the SDNY
John S. Martin Jr.
-Responsible for the $3.2 billion insurance dispute on whether the attack on the WTC was one or two occurrences
-Mediated the $1.2 billion settlement of property damage claims against airlines involved in the attack on the WTC
-Retained by law firms on… disputes between pharmaceutical manufacturers, claims relating to mortgage backed securities
Mary Jo White: June 1993 -- January 7, 2002
-Acting Appointed by GHWB; Official Appointment by Bill Clinton in March 1993
-Grew up in McLean
-Led the prosecution of John Gotti and oversaw those of the terrorists responsible for the 1993 WTC bombing
-It has been asserted… White used her influence to protect certain Wall Street CEOs from prosecution
-SEC Chair, April 2013 - White recused herself from significant enforcement cases due to private practice work at Debevoise and that of her husband, John W. White, a lawyer at Cravath, Swaine & Moore.
-White’s recusals in about 50 casePost too long. Click here to view the full text.