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File: 92418e92fd45228⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1028x708, 257:177, ClipboardImage.png)

ae7968  No.16879708[Last 50 Posts]

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ff8f8f  No.16879722

File: acf506e751dece3⋯.webm (663.95 KB, 540x360, 3:2, Smug_Selelction.webm)

>Doing shit like that in the middle of pandemic

Let the old men play their games, they're going to be dying on the streets soon enough due to their stupidity.

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5f3a2b  No.16879735

File: b8004302a960f34⋯.jpg (29.23 KB, 800x600, 4:3, a_bomb.jpg)


>old men dying from a man-made plague manufactured in China

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000000  No.16879738




>implying china made the virus and didn't just steal it from a developed country like they do with fucking everything

the chink does not innovate, it takes

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612084  No.16879740

File: ec13634cb37f493⋯.jpg (34.02 KB, 588x395, 588:395, 85dd14f42fa9138376fc9ffe83….jpg)

4th ammendment.

>Muh nsa/fbi/cia

shut up

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ff8f8f  No.16879741



There wasn't a global pandemic back then though.

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e48f6e  No.16879746

File: 3c5d4a2e1a64981⋯.png (290.41 KB, 500x375, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Honestly I'm scared with a headache. This is all so tiresome, it's like people in the Government woke up from bed and thought "How can I fuck over and oppress the American people today?"

Trump shoud have ended the Patriot Act, but he extended it instead.

Some anon said that this bill might die in limbo and many organizations including the ACLU are against it funny enough. I hope that anon was right and it becomes another failed bill.

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612084  No.16879748


Don't just hope, call your representatives and remind them this is a flagrant violation of the 4th amendment and the law is unconstitutional and supporting it leaves them legally actionable.

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1de1e3  No.16879760

File: 56b236357c58b52⋯.jpg (49.72 KB, 474x474, 1:1, OIP.jpg)


>Trump should have ended the Patriot Act, but he extended it instead.

(not so)funny thing trump is pro mass surveillance and would love to be in charge of a police state, he's a zionist boomer to the core. (still a x100 times better then hilldog or wacky joe) we need a real anon as president.

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e48f6e  No.16879763


At this point, there needs to be young people at the government and replace all the old. Of course it shouldn't be retards like AoC though.

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612084  No.16879769


>Trump is pro mass surveillance

>Literally during his campaign he was loudly and repeatedly bringing up the fact the feds illegally wiretapped him

>Most of his campaign was spent dealing with the fbi being niggers

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cc7e91  No.16879785

File: e750532581613ca⋯.jpg (319.63 KB, 1469x1102, 1469:1102, King_Terry.jpg)

Avenge him

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1abd22  No.16879825



>site owned by an israeli company that glows even harder than 8kun

They're like 4/pol/ if they never stopped bitching about porn. Don't pretend it isn't worse there.

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612084  No.16879827

File: 62f67bfd748910e⋯.jpg (480.25 KB, 960x540, 16:9, _102843_0187234_0124.jpg)


>Losing money

>Literally has enough money to ensure of comfy life for 3 generations of his kids

Anon c'mon now.

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5126af  No.16879830



excuse me its art and you take that back. Do not dare question our glorious anime tiddies. 2D>3D

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1494b8  No.16879833


>hentai is kike propaganda

>pornography originating from Japan is propaganda from Israel

And you fags have the gall to say you don't have brain damage.

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1abd22  No.16879834

File: 872ae76ffdda2e9⋯.jpg (129.74 KB, 790x819, 790:819, 0a436940486f779f69fafb80bc….jpg)

File: 143af26068546e7⋯.jpg (79.35 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, 5e7f61a732eccfc0096041d980….jpg)


Yes, I'm sure a desert tribe of murderers was responsible for every lewd picture and object ever created.

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4dc703  No.16879838


That's right goy aryan warrior, you must renounce all sin and lust, may I recommend circumcision to rid you of the jewish perversions?

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e6944d  No.16879862

File: df02e855c9debf6⋯.jpg (49.3 KB, 600x750, 4:5, take_it_easy.jpg)



>masterpiece art inspired by the female form is the same as your blacked.com subscription

Seethe harder, faggot;

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4a54fa  No.16879863


That's not what he was saying though, he was saying porn and hentai are kiked propoganda

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2c4542  No.16879870


post more tasteful statuary

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38e17e  No.16879875


You do not have the moral authority against porn if you frequent fat cakeman video games board on a mongolian tapestry website, that's just larping. It's like going on a crusade against narcotics as you down a bottle of whiskey.

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612084  No.16879892

By the way, nice derail you glow in the dark niggers

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000000  No.16879893


You must be too happy to tell the difference.

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a7e0c3  No.16879896

File: b3ece4a0a5b8d57⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 210.22 KB, 400x640, 5:8, mark.png)



Go back to Cuckchan

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1abd22  No.16879905

So what's a good way to signalboost this to normalfags? Or is that pointless given the mass quarantining everyone's going through?

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612084  No.16879910


fuck normalfags call your representatives

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e48f6e  No.16879911


This, it's best to call your representatives. Though you should also tell normalfags and get them to call their representatives too.

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d5294f  No.16879917


They took the common cold from Canada, enhanced it to the point of specifically targeting old men, then "accidentally" released it before they were done making "modifications" to the delivery methods.

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e48f6e  No.16879920

File: 501717b8d576f6a⋯.jpg (695.02 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 1c5ae2c5ed4d73468e41975eef….jpg)


Are you the same faggot sperging on /a/ now?

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e48f6e  No.16879925


>Coom and consoom are memes that have further reach than cuckchan

Cuckchan made memes are not welcomed here. Be original.

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d5294f  No.16879926

File: 791c00e0c10bf12⋯.jpg (645.18 KB, 1952x2760, 244:345, 791c00e0c10bf1231e924b3c50….jpg)


Pic related. Also, isn't your second pic a trap?

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2b2854  No.16879927

File: 38025cd402180c2⋯.jpg (213.04 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, _HorribleSubs_Hitoribocchi….jpg)


DRM is a kind of encryption, and I doubt anyone here isn't behind 700 proxies. Either way I see this as a win, since it'll take the normalfags off the net.

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e48f6e  No.16879929



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d5294f  No.16879930


I believe zipperhead is a Vietnamese racial slur.

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4dc703  No.16879931

File: 21356f051911141⋯.jpg (88 KB, 1334x589, 1334:589, Hwite_race_according_to_US….jpg)


Based and redpilled Kellog of the cornflake fame was spot on by promoting genital mutilation to prevent masturbation.

Only American™ puritanical evangelicalism can save the souls of people and the state of Israel


>It's like going on a crusade against narcotics as you down a bottle of whiskey.

Like going on a crusade against crack cocaine in a weed forum.


>a sperg "nord" mixing with a french autist and believing in magical placentas, patriarchy being jewish and more is savior of the hwite race

If that's really the case then the hwite race should end immediately because it's embarassing.

>none of you are hwite

Nobody with an actual heritage identifies as hwite, They're German, French, Italian, Czech, or any other ethnicity.


but the 50 billionth wojak edit is peak memetic power and creativity with HUGE REACH and AMAZING OPTICS, praise kek, or you're an npc coomer consoomer boomer zoomer bloomer doomer.

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e7d39d  No.16879935


Just report and hide the faggot. Don't interact with him and allow him to derail the thread. This is important.

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fe51ca  No.16879951

File: 64dda0c53b99fa6⋯.png (18.92 KB, 693x148, 693:148, unknown.png)


I was doing the 2020 census yesterday and noticed that.

Were weez kangs?

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94d313  No.16879962

yeah like all the other 47 bills that were going to "end privacy". they do this every year.

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e7d39d  No.16879974


>they do this every year.

It's still no excuse to get lax. More importantly this year is not an "every year". Shit's going crazy out there right now.

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94d313  No.16879979


why even bother? look at the people on the other side, retards like



you know what? good. pass the bill. kill civilization. i don't care. i have a stash with everything i need.

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9134c7  No.16879983


>ok coomer

Where did you come from, nigger?

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d9467d  No.16879986

File: 7dc47aa0efe8df5⋯.png (984.66 KB, 908x574, 454:287, which_is_more_masculine.png)


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2b2854  No.16879987


It's niggerpill

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e7d39d  No.16879988


Don't let them drag you down. Their post will be gone as soon as Mark or a vol sees them and then they will two or three angry off topic threads made screaming about how Mark is "censoring" them which will themselves be deleted or bump locked.

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f065e4  No.16879990


look at this nazi larper who thinks he runs shit here. this place exissted long before you heard of this place lmfao

>(((Anime))) is almost as, if not more degenerate than pornography. For so many years it has encouraged pedophilia and trannyism.

that's just as, if not, more retarded than beleiving that islam's prime directive is to uphold masculine values


but shitholes like uganda, colombia, sudan, iran, north korea, cuba, kazakhstan, fiji, etc. are much better, right?

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9ea4ad  No.16880005

File: fea591c99c7f6a4⋯.jpg (72.64 KB, 691x605, 691:605, rabbit.jpg)


At least put some effort into the fucking OP, you nigger.

>NCMEC (National Center for Missing and Exploited Children) believes online services should be made to screen their messages for material that NCMEC considers abusive.

>Use screening technology approved by NCMEC and law enforcement; report what they find in the messages to NCMEC; and be held legally responsible for the content of messages sent by others.

Of course, the bill is extremely vague and open-ended about the sorts of powers the government would have so that the normalfags will relinquish an inch and allow them to take a mile; one of the victims being end-to-end encryption. This shit has bad news written all over it.

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94d313  No.16880013

File: 178059121f5c11f⋯.jpg (12.35 KB, 415x387, 415:387, 1447466876006.jpg)

its always the same bullshit every year, they make a bill that goes like "enslave all white women and kill all white men and instate communism", name it "something children act", and eventually they get it passed because women vote and they're fucking stupid.

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0f10a6  No.16880018


Or someone just anchors the thread, like it is right now.

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8523aa  No.16880019

File: 6145de9ac56d287⋯.jpg (47.64 KB, 570x635, 114:127, 1583620203497.jpg)


Isn't democracy beautiful?

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a5c50a  No.16880094


>Trump shoud have ended the Patriot Act, but he extended it instead.

It's OK when we do it. Remember how Obama wanted to close Guantanamo? Elections are just a big game of musical chairs for rich people to see who gets to sit in the big boy chair and who will have to wait another turn. And we are the instruments being played.

You'll notice that when there is a controversial issue, one party will be pro and the other contra. If the pro party wins, by the next election the other party will be pro as well. You see how right-wingers are now perfectly fine with faggotry, or how left-wingers have no problem with keeping up wars all over the world. It's like walking, one foot is always behind, but it follows up eventually.

This allows politicians to give people the illusion of choice, but the only choice is whether you will get fucked now or four years down the road.

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5cca17  No.16880104

File: 54db45d7bf100b8⋯.jpg (27.14 KB, 337x325, 337:325, bloody_smile_kiryu.jpg)


I really want to touch that statue so bad.

I'm not even talking from a sexual type of thing, I just want to know what the folds in the depicted fabric feel like, it just sets off my autism, like when you're in a store as a child and your parents are telling you not to pick things up there, but you sorely want to because you're seeing all these cool things?

It's like that.

I have the touch lust and I need to satiate it.

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f3400c  No.16880159

File: f49951198268453⋯.png (1.06 MB, 2452x1496, 613:374, coomer_is_a_forced_reddit_….png)

They've been trying this shit for ages. The fact that they're trying to sneak it in while all the lemmings are globally flipping the fuck out over a virus is slimy as hell, even for them. Guessing they want to avoid the huge backlash that happened when SOPA was going on, though the average normalfag will have no idea what encryption even is or why it should be kept around.


Coomer was a forced meme made by redditfags on a shitcord. Cuckchan and reddit are close to the same userbase at this point, so calling them out like the cancer they are is good all around.

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28a926  No.16880186

Reminder that the "niggerpill" is a self admitted goon and jew when he reared his hooknose into the bunker. Pay no mind to it.

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1cc84d  No.16880214

File: a392f0135442155⋯.jpg (72.69 KB, 567x800, 567:800, 3007290679_77745ce893_c.jpg)


Find a column designed like this, it'll feel the same.

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f513c8  No.16880237

File: 6dacf02338d6488⋯.gif (386.39 KB, 592x570, 296:285, 1416814255390.gif)


>online services


These fucking senile boomers actually think the internet is telegrams or something.

You still missed the part that clarifies exactly what unconstitutional power they're trying to legitimize, though:

>The so-called EARN IT bill, sponsored by Senators Lindsay Graham (R-GA) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), will strip Section 230 protections away from any website that doesn’t follow a list of “best practices,” meaning those sites can be sued into bankruptcy. The “best practices” list will be created by a government commission, headed by Attorney General Barr, who has made it very clear he would like to ban encryption, and guarantee law enforcement “legal access” to any digital message.

So any website that isn't sufficiently "good goy" will be obliterated. Ring any bells?

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c92721  No.16880290


>Why do you defend kike pornography though?

Why do you make shit up?

<no moar broddurr woars! we are all hwite aryans

Embarrassing, go tell that ukrainians and Russians or Poles that, next up Serbs and Croats.

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8523aa  No.16881011


I don't even know what your were replying to but

>go ask violent subhuman slavgoloids why they are violent subhuman slavgoloids


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