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File: 24270066cf57d16⋯.mp4 (3.41 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Phantasy Star Online OST-O….mp4)

0b4ce0 No.14287947

>Current Happenings:




1. 8chan is being trolled by shills to create chaos on the site: >>>/n/586729

>Evidence of this happening has already taken place over on /co/: https://archive.is/6dPTA#selection-9011.0-9011.6 A couple times: https://archive.is/8vwcE

>Remember, report potential shills and see about reviewing COINTELPRO tactics: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

2. DIG: W.H.O. Proposing to Classify "Gaming Addiction" As a Disorder


3. OP Timber: Nintendo Localizers working with Japanese Devs to Censor Games




4. OP Chickasaw: Big Tech Companies are already violating the Constitution


>SPREAD: Twitter caught red-handed admitting to shadowbans & censoring "problematic" viewpoints, spying on user's sexual activity: >>>/gamergatehq/331496

5. OP GOOLAG: Hit Google Where It Hurts



A. Archive.is isn't sure you'll donate money to them. Prove them wrong: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate

B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations an unethical practices


>Polygon and The Verge violate FTC regulations: https://archive.fo/ii01W

C. Anti-Internet Censorship Database Operation: Defend Free Speech!


D. OP DICKTIONAIRY: ''The Destruction of Words and Language




>"If you’re concerned about discussing conservative values at work, maybe you should be. Maybe that’s a feature, and not a bug" (Google Lawsuit): https://archive.fo/Oh2IW

>inXile has some skeletons in their closet being revealed (Possible happening): https://archive.fo/V4tr7

>A series of unverified images were released on 4chan that detailed AI controlled marketing and monetization practices achieved through "legal" surveillance methods: >>>/gamergatehq/331502

>NISA porting Ys 8 to Nintendo Switch: https://hooktube.com/watch?v=a_u7g5BlfiY&feature=youtu.be&t=328

>MTG pedo controversy has started blowing the lid off of the sex offenders in similar fandoms: https://archive.is/QMEAF

>EA shit the bed with lootboxes in Star Wars Battlefront II and are taking major heat: https://archive.fo/wBFd8

>Tencent promoting socialism: http://archive.is/0Zpbu

> Thread Repository:



> Summaries of #GamerGate:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;

https://archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

> Reminders (important, READ THESE!):

• Use https://archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;

• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;

• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

> Background and Evidence for #GamerGate (read and spread these):

• The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.is/nv1Fb

• #GamerGate Wiki: http://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it

• History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/

• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

> How Can I Help?

• All Operations: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations


• Operation Disrespectful Nod: https://v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers)


>Update: A representative for Vox Media has stated that they will update their public disclosures across all their websites

• Operation Baby Seal: https://v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines)


• Operation Vulcan: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating)

• Operation UV: https://archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker)

• An Anon's Guide to Twitter: https://v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics)

> Lists:

• GamerGate Wiki Support List: https://v.gd/0fOHO3

• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: https://v.gd/n6GPPt

• GamerGate Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb

> Key GamerGate Hubs:


> Full OP Text:

• Current:


• Old:


> Want to Help Contribute to GitGud?


0b4ce0 No.14287954

File: ff2b47c223c8d42⋯.webm (583.39 KB, 640x640, 1:1, GamerGyate benis.webm)

Archive of the bread from before:


e78d51 No.14287958

Traps ain't gay.

75f9d3 No.14287961


But wanting to fuck one is.

2dbec8 No.14287965

File: 03aa65177b8bd60⋯.png (442.33 KB, 1260x1198, 630:599, 9volt heh gamers.png)

why are you still fighting progress, ((((gamers)))?

e78d51 No.14287966

File: b399d3937a01a6d⋯.jpg (139.26 KB, 622x700, 311:350, 1e5df74bae3391b7df4fc03ed0….jpg)

Contribute to the wiki!




Contribute to the wiki!

0b4ce0 No.14287977

File: d592156089739f2⋯.png (432.65 KB, 1462x557, 1462:557, THIS_IS_WHY_YOU_ARCHIVE_OR….png)

File: b06a9494aa59db2⋯.png (600.71 KB, 1829x550, 1829:550, I_want_to_kill_myself.PNG)

File: 5b67727e1a2993e⋯.webm (10.34 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Driv3rGate almost forgott….webm)

File: fd4aaec69b5a72b⋯.png (178.04 KB, 2391x795, 797:265, Archiving 101, your tools.png)

File: ec9a742e6596ee3⋯.gif (1.34 MB, 540x462, 90:77, ARCHIVING INTENSIFIES.gif)


e78d51 No.14287982

File: d5c19c4ceed1e84⋯.mp4 (3.17 MB, 640x360, 16:9, AstolfoSmile.mp4)


>wanting to fuck one isn't


e762ed No.14288002

File: 33513858b017645⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 161.97 KB, 564x1220, 141:305, 33513858b017645f78f8af2669….jpg)

Whenever a SJW slaps you for being a "sex offender", remember that fighting for more lewdness, even if in just videogames, is sin. You should reconsider if going to hell because of your spite some women on earth is really worth it.

31b04e No.14288003


passable, the benis should be in the text tho

75f9d3 No.14288021


I refuse to kowtow to a thoughtform virus.

8062fa No.14288024

File: 2680d1e61b299ee⋯.jpg (241.96 KB, 600x959, 600:959, __rakka_haibane_renmei_dra….jpg)


If heaven isn't lewd, I don't want to be there.

2b733f No.14288032

File: a23730eefc8a6ad⋯.jpg (286.53 KB, 796x1794, 398:897, 1437925701591.jpg)

Someone should tell Ian to tone down his spergery on twitter by a few notches.

34b616 No.14288052

File: 33f674501fcea89⋯.png (268 KB, 389x581, 389:581, worry.png)

>>14287977 (checked)

>2nd image

9bd78f No.14288112

File: bf95887708a34b1⋯.png (487.75 KB, 1000x1200, 5:6, 1452925301408-1.png)

Namco is less retarded than Sega.Hopefully Denuvo meme will die soon


4e8565 No.14288114


I hope not, seeing the resident autists screech and cry at every "it uses denuvo" announcement is a riot.

e7bde4 No.14288130

File: 715fdcb6661a900⋯.webm (312.53 KB, 500x500, 1:1, gamergate.webm)

File: ce4bd73953de97b⋯.webm (3.27 MB, 580x580, 1:1, antifa woking.webm)

File: f0e5a963fdd8a5f⋯.webm (9.53 MB, 500x400, 5:4, nazis.webm)

File: b3586f38d1f8bdc⋯.jpg (230.55 KB, 1221x1488, 407:496, please note.jpg)


deba61 No.14288215


>Not wanting games with abusive drm is autism

8fd0ed No.14288223

File: 6eac99b61cc20e3⋯.jpg (7.54 KB, 255x174, 85:58, happy 21.jpg)

How have things been? I got a friend to start using 8chan recently. I even got him to post in one of the last few breads. I was at work and I told him to come here and say hi for me, so now he's posted in the gamergate thread at least once and he really enjoys 8chan so far.

738aae No.14288228

File: e8527e3564c72f7⋯.png (128.07 KB, 334x381, 334:381, 2018-02-07_13.59.15.png)

File: dc61134e44f7563⋯.png (151.53 KB, 458x354, 229:177, 2018-02-07_14.02.39.png)

Reminder that the Daniel Vavra game has been released and you should check it out if you are interested in it.

75f9d3 No.14288238


That's interesting since they were among the most prolific users of the tech. I wonder if this is a portent of things to come.

8756a3 No.14288252


He knows his audience http://nichegamer.com/2018/02/06/kingdom-come-deliverance-rewards-virgin/

>The achievement itself is called “Virgin” and is granted when you “stay celibate and complete the entire game as a virgin.”

deba61 No.14288258


Back in high school, around 2009 or so I told my best friend about 4chan. I tried instilling in him the idea to lurk and learn before posting. Instead he found ED and became an over 9000 rage face spouting faggot irl. This fag would go on and on about how much he loved traps in class and would say u mad bro? And I'm firing my laser constantly to the point where you would try to have a conversation with him and he would constantly interrupt with cancer memes like it he had tourette's syndrome. I realized that day that you should never tell anyone about imageboards.

I was a trap in high school though and I lost my virginity to him so that was one benefit

600557 No.14288263


what part of 13. February do you not understand?

9bd78f No.14288283

File: 3584307864dddc8⋯.jpg (33.39 KB, 652x365, 652:365, Fag Zappa.jpg)


>I was a trap in high school though and I lost my virginity to him so that was one benefit

738aae No.14288285


>will be released*


4be51f No.14288302


Wait, but aren't traps gay?

74fbf6 No.14288303

File: 0a39fdd983b9631⋯.jpg (135.34 KB, 624x950, 312:475, hope this kills me.jpg)

I know this is off topic but can someone please kill Justin Castro for the love of Christ the peoplekind shit is the cherry on top of the shit sundae.

8fd0ed No.14288313


You know, I realised there's two ways to look at this question. Is being a trap gay, and is liking traps gay. As far as being a trap, it depends on if the goal is to attract male attention. As far as liking traps, it depends on if one knows it's a trap.

adfeb7 No.14288334

File: ba23993d5f680d3⋯.gif (101.86 KB, 758x696, 379:348, SUPERIOR.gif)

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

e78d51 No.14288335

File: 9c06a890a84778d⋯.jpg (734.48 KB, 1200x2171, 1200:2171, 66949044_p0.jpg)


Liking traps isn't gay.

The trap itself is gay only if it wants to be fucked by a guy.

deba61 No.14288362

File: e60c0fd520dc3f6⋯.png (1 MB, 1751x1080, 1751:1080, Wonder.png)


1 man + 1 woman. Thats definitely not gay anon

238646 No.14288364


This shit isn't complicated.

>Liking a trap you fell for isn't gay

<Liking a trap after finding out its a trap is gay

<Liking traps because they're traps is gay

>Being a trap isn't gay

<Being a trap that likes to get fucked by men is gay

8062fa No.14288385

File: badddcf3024da69⋯.jpg (49.59 KB, 500x576, 125:144, da4164074bb93d1f140531e043….jpg)


The original angle of it was solely to trick people into saying anime dudes looked hot. You'd post Bridget, someone would say "woah who's this cute anime girl" and everyone would have a laugh. It was largely only yaoi fans and general 4chan pervs who actually liked dudes crossdressing. It's gone way beyond post-ironic and no one gets tricked by these things anymore, but the culture of it never went away, so now it's just horny gays talking on social media about how they want to get fucked in skirts.

As far as I'm concerned if you don't actually get fooled by it and mistake them for a girl, it's not a true trap. That's just a cute guy in a dress.


If calling them that insults them, then it's good enough for me. It's why I love this whole "Trap is a transphobic slur" thing. Thanks for giving me more sayings you hate. Granted, brick is the hot new thing apparently, since trap would imply they could ever convince someone.

e78d51 No.14288394

File: 3e1199be839a5c0⋯.jpg (40.72 KB, 960x540, 16:9, ast.jpg)


>This shit isn't complicated.

>>Liking a trap you fell for isn't gay

><Liking a trap after finding out its a trap is gay

><Liking traps because they're traps is gay

Liking traps isn't gay if they are mostly feminine. It's the feminine look.

Trust me, I'm a scientist.

0b4ce0 No.14288395


>But now it's not so simple, and there's not an easy word to describe "acts like a total fruit, but doesn't actually fuck men".

I believe the term you're looking for is pansy, or wuss.

d463c8 No.14288396

File: ad73c6fea7281d0⋯.png (775.46 KB, 790x720, 79:72, 1440666246536.png)


I too love DRM my friend!

83c91d No.14288403



74fbf6 No.14288414

File: ea60fd884ed2364⋯.jpg (31.02 KB, 300x358, 150:179, kill_yourself.jpg)

692b8a No.14288428


well thats new

do they have great expectations for this game?

because the last game they refused denuvo was dark souls 3 and that was their golden eggs chicken.

also is the first one coming to pc as well?

74fbf6 No.14288429

File: 6da7e2bf41b165b⋯.gif (2.69 MB, 301x240, 301:240, getting past drm.gif)

9bd78f No.14288467

File: 5f54bab24494135⋯.png (343.03 KB, 594x593, 594:593, 2B0gYq8.png)


>not taking the word of an expert degenerate when talking about degeneracy

fa4782 No.14288470



also I think he married the nigger but I don't think he's a pedophile, he's a lot of things but not a pedophile I suppose

9093ef No.14288472


He's right, anon. What are you, a faggot?

74fbf6 No.14288478

So is trap shit another way of derailing?

e78d51 No.14288496

File: cc205357def3529⋯.jpg (190.23 KB, 780x1026, 130:171, cc2.jpg)

Traps are straight. Trap artists don't draw gay porn and only straight and bi men get off to them. Gay men don't look at pure traps, only twinks and barely feminine ones.


No, it's a philosophical discussion!

f6862e No.14288507




That was a media smear job and I will not stand for it!

Milo said he was seduced by a pastor back when he was 17. 17!

Compare that with George Takei who thinks grown-ass men trolling for 13 year old ass is OK.

deba61 No.14288509


>and fucking up your body like that

Eh you're conflating crossdressing with being a tranny, they're two different things. I was mostly just shitposting saying that you fucking sperg. Of course dressing up like a girl is pretty fucking gay. Pretty much anything effeminate is pretty fucking gay. But tell me that its full on gay when you only fuck girls like that and I'll tell you that you're retarded. Besides

>muh current year

Blame the 80's when that type of shit was far more prominent then, than it is now.

8fd0ed No.14288520


I still can't believe that when he was ousted as a fucked up shitbag he claimed russian bots were behind it and all the shitlibs fell for it.

e8bbd5 No.14288531

File: 5a5e00f36090b53⋯.jpg (9.59 KB, 198x198, 1:1, 86948950154882433155.jpg)

wtf you guys hate Milo now?

Are we being raided by neo-/pol/ newfag retards trying too hard to be edgy?

Milo never cucked out on GG like the ggrevolt-tier fucktards who fancy themselves /pol/ these days.

6f4447 No.14288535

File: d4051787a966442⋯.jpg (60.43 KB, 900x341, 900:341, Infinite.jpg)

#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news

Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence.

Useful Links:




> Make backups of your favorite doujins in case of Fakku DMCA purge

> ShindoL has a message to the English community.

- https://tweetsave.com/shindo_l/status/936655595767078912

- https://tweetsave.com/magicalfuntime/status/946901533584646145

> Falcom is going full NISA

- https://archive.is/fi9q4

Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add incoming Japanese games)

> Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/154755 )

> Fakku is localizing games/VNs now to the Localization Watch.

- http://operationrainfall.com/2017/12/23/fakku-now-selling-hentai-games/


> Bandai-Namco: Girls und Panzer Dream Tank Match (Winter.17, JP release w. eng sub), Ni no Kuni 2 (Jan.19.18, Dev'd with western market in mind), Little Witch Academia (JP:Nov.30.17,West:2018), SAO: Fatal Bullet (March, 2018)

> SquareEnix: Secret of Mana Remake (Feb.15.18)

> Nintendo: Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Out)

> Bullet Girls Phantasia (2018)

> Granblue Fantasy Project Re:link (2018)


pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.



They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.

Fakku 0001-1000: https://files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent

Fakku 1001-1100: https://files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent

Fakku 1101-1200: https://files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent

Fakku 1201-1300: https://files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent

Fakku 1301-1400: https://files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.txt

Fakku 1401-1500: https://files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt

Fakku 1501-1600: https://files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt

Fakku 1601-1700: https://files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt

Fakku 1701-1800: https://files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt

Fakku 1801-1900: https://files.catbox.moe/m37bm7.txt

Fakku 1901-2000: https://files.catbox.moe/z9nmm6.txt

Fakku 2001-2100: https://files.catbox.moe/arpo7h.txt

Fakku 2101-2200: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2369399

Fakku 2201-2300: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2377551

Info & feedback welcome

3f1ee5 No.14288543


Tons of people have disliked Milo forever, anon. He's not a "leader" or a "hero" of gamergate you twat. Stop idolizing him. Liking or disliking people is neither wrong nor right, it's your personal choice.

Unless it's Ben Kuchera or Moviebob or Jim Sterling, then you're a retarded cocksucker

ee340c No.14288567


>stop calling me gay or I'll dump my gay porn collection

homo alert

ac0e22 No.14288570


I see no problem with those tags. I've seen worse.

74fbf6 No.14288576

File: a2271852d0262dc⋯.jpg (58.19 KB, 857x670, 857:670, Kissblade is uh.jpg)

Great this thread is going to be shat up only thing else needed is for Marche to sperg out.

453360 No.14288587

File: f1a8b9805135518⋯.png (310.32 KB, 549x435, 183:145, LC.PNG)


Are you from the future?

8fd0ed No.14288612

File: 1db075c5e5b9769⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1141x1141, 1:1, 1494886995157.jpg)

Can we please just get along

Let's talk about something else like why kaijus are dumb and we could easily kill them or something

c03a98 No.14288618

File: 1630bace3ad7113⋯.mp4 (1.15 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1010.mp4)


Escape from Tarkov is a fun game.

82d835 No.14288619



>not heretics

8fd0ed No.14288646


Exactly! I watched "The Cloverfield Paradox" on netflix, terrible movie, but even more terrible is the fear of these giant fleshy monsters terrorizing the earth. Fleshy monsters. We have missiles designed to penetrate 20 feet of steel reinforced concrete from across the ocean, the fleshy hide of a kaiju would be no problem at all. Even monsters like Godzilla piss me off, even if the hide is impenetrable, which is nearly impossible, the eyes certainly are fragile.

e78d51 No.14288679

File: acb4bae261f83b6⋯.png (532.26 KB, 679x637, 97:91, Disgusted.png)


No. It's just some shitposters. They're likely goons, D&C, or idiots that missed that the pedo smear was taken out of context from a then 3 month old podcast conveniently being reported on when his book is getting published and he has a talk.



Fuck off.




>fan of a pedophile kike fraud

Kill yourself.



>It's a girl, therefore it's not gay

This is you.

Why are we getting so many D&C goons lately?

72878a No.14288683


Is it? It looked like a pretty standard battle royale game with a STALKER skin on it to me


I liked Pacifc Rim for the mechs and just how silly it was but goddamn kaiju are stupid. I normally hate anything with them honestly. Godzilla, or whatever else is all so boring in concept that I just can't bring myself to care

why is it that one early shitpost can derail a whole thread so effectively its terrifying

470637 No.14288690

File: cd0196a57c5151b⋯.mp4 (9.63 MB, 480x360, 4:3, meteor compilation webm.mp4)


just invoke the memeteor

8fd0ed No.14288692


There's a 4chan app that added 8chan support so we have a lot of them posting here now.

Turns out they have wildly different views now.

0fcc4d No.14288699




it's not a girl you retard.

759429 No.14288706

File: 10253204010e0e9⋯.png (260.56 KB, 569x563, 569:563, chairman contemplating.png)


Hold on, what if you like a character that's a trap, but wouldn't mind if they were a girl either.

As in liking a trap for their cuteness/personality and not because they have a benis.

8fd0ed No.14288719


No anon STOP

0fcc4d No.14288736

File: 12267e75161f76e⋯.png (446.86 KB, 799x936, 799:936, IMG_4630.PNG)


>those fucking nipples

686c51 No.14288739



Nigger why.

0b4ce0 No.14288740

File: e9b6b79a8452414⋯.gif (957.35 KB, 245x300, 49:60, =U.gif)



Okay, it's be fu-


>Third pic


8fd0ed No.14288747

That was actually really good cringe material. I have a friend that is always sending me cringe shit, I have some good ammo now for our next cringe war.

788372 No.14288751

File: c46d177a9464580⋯.png (758.92 KB, 1774x650, 887:325, Do it, you fucking faggot.PNG)




You're disgusting. Kill yourself, fag.

0b4ce0 No.14288753


Reload the page, about 30 posts were deleted.

078a1b No.14288761


Mechs are about as ridiculous, especially in something that is a fist fighter like Pacific Rim. The point was to have a bunch of giant robots fighting giant aliens, and they never tried to justify it so much that it made me question the premise. Them trying too hard to justify the mechs in Gasaraki was far worse for that, at least for me. It was kind of bad too since a couple of the things made me think "this has some use" and with the weird mysticism and magic mixed with science thing going on they could have justified them.

Anyway, the best Kaiju is Suika.

759429 No.14288762

File: c3383e9fde23a81⋯.png (268.97 KB, 439x456, 439:456, tfw nogames.png)


No fucking way i'd like a guy who keeps injecting his faggotry into right-wing stuff, shits on waifuism, and is pro-circumcision.

he's a kike.

c3ad33 No.14288778


reminder that Milo didnt cuck out but Jim did

72878a No.14288779


>The point was to have a bunch of giant robots fighting giant aliens, and they never tried to justify it so much that it made me question the premise.

I agree, that's why I said I liked just how silly it was, it didn't care it just wanted to do it's fun little thing and not think about it to much which I can respect.


Mods can see your post history on the board, if you use a vpn it's likely that you use the same one as this autistic australian furry named Marche. Or you are him and you're going to go have a sook on twitter

ed4d95 No.14288782

File: 26b8e68cb1ac1a6⋯.png (225.36 KB, 427x516, 427:516, you are not welcome.png)


>Who de fuck is marche

Or you are marche trying to stir shit just to be an attention whore or you are a cuckchan refugee.

In both cases you are not welcome.

5c0927 No.14288799


I keep getting my Threads deleted for no reason and Mark does't answer my emails


72878a No.14288800


To be fair not everyone outside these threads know him

f506cd No.14288802

File: a9e893285060e39⋯.jpg (46.92 KB, 479x370, 479:370, 1428464616944.jpg)


>go to flea markets to buy old vidya

>cant let those boxes/cds to rot

>give them a good home

>mfw reading second pic

ed4d95 No.14288809

>>14288800 (fullhouse check)

Anyway, that was a good chance to post that reaction image sitting in my folder for months.

74fbf6 No.14288814

What is going on with that Dev who got fired?

7582ef No.14288815


>wildly different

No. Kindly remember their "no fun" cancer was a minor reason some of us stayed left


>Who the fuck is marche and what was the reason for the ban?

Lurk moar.

1db192 No.14288817


I wasnt using vpn and im not from ausfailia

8fd0ed No.14288839


I only say that because I have a friend that exclusively uses 4chan, /x/ in particular, and based on what I know of we'd call him complete cancer. He says 4chan is "mean" and he unironically likes reddit and rage comics.

I wish I were joking.

f013bc No.14288841


No idea, aside from likely scenario he's going to be blacklisted to the rest of the industry. and I am still fuming over the whole fucking thing, especially when I thought that Subnautica was worth to buy. Not anymore.

8f8474 No.14288842

File: 24a24492d13561a⋯.png (438.89 KB, 500x738, 250:369, get the buffs.png)

I decided to go on a reading binge last night and decided to look up HFY stories where humans prevail against aliens spectacularly, one stood out, the "Jenkinsverse" stories. The ones where the utopian galaxies are that way because they grew up on pretty wimpy worlds, and our world is so full of death and disease and gravity worse then theirs.

The gist of the story idea is that humans are, outside Earth, walking bioweapons and extremely tough, able to take alien gunshots like light punches since we're dense and they can't use ballistics and all of them, even their fauna and building materials despite being advanced, are fragile.

What I found was a hive of SJWs, but it was interesting, because this was ultimately a story-verse about racial superiority that THEY essentially created and wrote. Near the whole fucking series is on Reddit. I saw this shit and nothing added up with what I knew about these guys, it was an anomaly, and you know, "know thy enemy", so I dove in anyway because I'm fucking retarded.

It was fucking bizarre, at one moment you'd have humans going full "Fortunate Son" Superman and killing alien after alien with imputiny with fucking bare hands popping them like blood bags, and the next having extremely awkward overly-talkative conversations (which I overlooked for a while since this was reddit and par for the course) full of pop references and insane conversations with themselves, at one point when the writer in "Humans Aren't Good Pets" mentioned genocide in relation to a species he uncomfortably pulls out parallels to Hitler being wrong despite being in full support of genociding a race the galaxy was at war with. This is the guy who sent his character through a fucking war arc where he did nothing but put the most brutal metal album covers to shame for the entirety of it, and the only reason he stopped was because some dude yelled at him for gutting his friend with the same sword he'd been using to slaughter entire armies. (low gravity superman humans remember)

You can REALLY get an idea for what kind of people are on reddit by reading these things, and frankly after a certain point I actually started to get disgusted, actually disgusted, because the fucking hypocrisy was too much and I felt at some point that all I was doing was reading the scribbles of mad men. And this is a guy who's seen some shit in regards to insane people.

It was the first time I actually felt that I wasted hours of my time sorting through it. These people are sick in the head. They're the type of people that'd say that genocide is wrong in the same sentence that they'd be goose-stepping to some fucking genocidal cause. Worst of all, they aren't even conflicted about this despite having views that are IN CONFLICT. These people, put simply, are mentally alien.

8fd0ed No.14288846


When you flush a toilet what direction does the water swirl?

e78d51 No.14288851


Subnautica audio designer? I haven't heard anything more. Someone should look his twitter up.

e8bd21 No.14288852


I don't have a toilet, I use an outhouse.

e8bbd5 No.14288854


Marche is a fake name Mark uses to bully himself because he gets off on being bullied by anons. He's a sick pervert like that.

8fd0ed No.14288855


Subnautica? What did he get fired for?

f013bc No.14288858

0311e7 No.14288872


JIm sterling called him a bigot who deserved to be fired and lose his livelihood while never getting a job again pretty much. The devs called him a bigot too. The sound designer easily has enough to sue for libel at this point since he got called a bigot and fired for pretty mild statements.

At least most of the people in the subnautica forum are not having it and shitting up their steam page. You now have desperate fanboys trying to get their steam accounts banned.

970a2d No.14288878


I've seen plenty oh HFY fom tumblr. It usually goes

>Vague concept that's interesting or fun

>Post that expounds on oncept, making a solid short story

>Response saying how great that idea is, adds one caveat

>Another person tries to write more but ruins the entire idea by turning it into virtue signaling

e8bbd5 No.14288879



Also we had a thread here >>14282371

e8bd21 No.14288881

File: ab03e962dd8cba8⋯.jpg (171.8 KB, 1125x1551, 375:517, sterling.jpg)

0b4ce0 No.14288884


Why does this entire thing sound so hilarious?

f506cd No.14288885


cure him with the D

74fbf6 No.14288896

File: af8ebb970a308c0⋯.gif (2.5 MB, 341x245, 341:245, increasing rage.gif)






This is why gaming is cucked beyond belief and doesn't help that devs like subnautica and Tim Soret are totally pussies.

0311e7 No.14288899


Yep. I really hate this faggot. He acts like he speaks for free speech and proclaims to call out corrupt shit, but he only ever goes after easy targets like EA. Even then he still plays devil's advocate for EA's bullshit. He will then go on to defend extremely corrupt bullshit his friends do both in terms of unjust bans or straight up poor business practices. He will also defend censorship as being a good thing despite saying he hates it. TB will then defend Sterlings retarded bullshit no matter what. Even when Jim justified doxing people or trying to get people fired, TB will do nothing or defend it. They are all hypocritical faggots.

8fd0ed No.14288906


I came to the same conclusion a long time ago. I know he gets used too often, but a short stroll down moviebobs timeline shows just how sick and sadistic these "people" can be.


God fucking dammit, and I already bought the game. Already beat it.

0311e7 No.14288910


The subnautica devs have always been faggots. The reason they got rid of guns is because they think guns are bad and now think games should be politically conscious for change by not using guns or pushing political bullshit. They even spoke out against their older games for being to violent or some other nonsense.


Moviebob and some of the other fans who are defending it are now trying to get people who liked the sound designer fired or actively saying they should be harmed. No one will call that shit out.

26fd8c No.14288914

File: 001e379204c45d7⋯.gif (665.89 KB, 480x234, 80:39, here's to you gay faggot.gif)


>bought the game

970a2d No.14288921


>The subnautica devs have always been faggots. The reason they got rid of guns is because they think guns are bad and now think games should be politically conscious for change by not using guns or pushing political bullshit. They even spoke out against their older games for being to violent or some other nonsense.

I give no shits on how dumb and faggy their views might be. They're entitled to their opinions. What I do mind is them firing a person for wrongthink. A refusal to accept differences is the problem, not their opinions themselves.

078a1b No.14288928


Movieblob is a living parody of game journos, despite game journos already being living parodies of real humans.


Yes, that is the issue, but their views are such that they cannot stand anyone disagreeing with them. They believe they are the righteous trying to purge the world of evil despite seeming more like chaos cultists from 40k to anyone outside of their group.

0311e7 No.14288929


>Not their opinions.

They actively want to make their games political statements and get rid of features in a wide variety of games. That is straight up retarded.

The funniest part is that firing the games sound designer when the game relies that heavily on it is dumb. Games like that require sound design.

f506cd No.14288930


>shits on waifuism


e0ffc0 No.14288940

File: 59e32e1c3899159⋯.png (40.71 KB, 782x327, 782:327, JS.png)



Isn't he talking about himself?


22814e No.14288942

Good to know you're alive frit, it's been some time

f506cd No.14288944


>This is why gaming is cucked beyond belief

its time to learn moonrunes.

8fd0ed No.14288948


I'm going to stop buying indie shit because it's all made by SJWs.

0b4ce0 No.14288962


26fd8c No.14288964


Even video games?

2a7713 No.14288968


I didnt buy the game because it was early access and the shit they said about guns, if they voice faggy opinions I fully expect that to fuck with their game and it looks like I was right.

ed4d95 No.14288970


Wow, now that was short lived.

970a2d No.14288971

>/animu/mod is going apeshit trying to delete threads and turn it into another /a/

And /a/ claims they're totally not mad

e78d51 No.14288974

c03a98 No.14288976

File: 2cd9a0cf18dff25⋯.gif (2.97 MB, 600x338, 300:169, 39fe7e021d53448370298bf344….gif)


No, it's not battle royale at all. The game plops you in a semi-random spawn point and the goal is to complete tasks for the traders to unlock better shit to buy and loot around the map for weapon mods. You don't have to kill players/AI to win, you just gotta go to one of the exit points with all your gear. The appeal for me is just hoarding stocks, foregrips, handguards, sights, and guns that I find around the map to customize my guns.

Just now I found this guy with no gear and gave him a medkit, so he followed me around the map. I killed another player and let the guy take the loot and we teamed up to take out two other players together. There's no VOIP, so we had to communicate using hand gestures.

The game's clunky as all hell, though, and the tasks for the merchants are MMO-esque, but I'm really loving this game.

0b4ce0 No.14288977


It was a typo I made in my quickness to post the news.

8fd0ed No.14288980

File: d9f00a27d3d8494⋯.webm (2.04 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Pop_Team_Epic_-_Thinking ….webm)

This subnautica shit is really a tell of just how fucked the western gaming industry is. ResetEra is a new site, a festering hive of puritanical repressive ideas, political obsession, genocide supporting madmen pedophiles…and yet they hold sway over an industry. A lunatic like Scooby Wu can merely speak, and his words become action. If you so much as take a single step out of line, if you "forget your place" and stray too far away from the cult's sacred line, you get banned, fired, excommunicated. All of gaming, all of tech, it's so ideologically homogeneous it can't have happened naturally. It's fucked up. It's super fucked up, and honestly, I see no way of fixing it.

At this point I just want to see it all burn. So Scooby Wu fucking over the original head of atari is a good thing. Fuck all of them over. I want more SJWs to go after the heads of gaming studios. Ruin them all. This is the future they chose. They made their bed, now they can die in it.

970a2d No.14288981



Is /a/ going to come back in here and tell us how absolutely NOT mad they are again?

e78d51 No.14288986

Kirino's mod account was banned already

see >>14288974 the mod is deleted

970a2d No.14288988


A crusade for what? As soon as the BO comes back online it'll be fixed.

26fd8c No.14288989


Why don't you go on a crusade to find a truck you can jump under.

0b4ce0 No.14288990


True, and we also have /drama/: >>>/drama/116

970a2d No.14288992


Can BOs restore deledted threads?

e78d51 No.14288993


If they backed it up I believe. Not sure if site admins did anything to prevent rogue mods.

8f8474 No.14288995

File: 84d3b4877b7ead4⋯.gif (662.11 KB, 499x328, 499:328, BlackAgumon.gif)


Because for the first few chapters in most of these stories, it's genuinely hilarious. But it stops there afterwards, because it always, ALWAYS degenerates into some sort of bullshit.

One of the incomplete stories, "Guttersnipe" is a story where a bunch of aliens capture a orphan human kid for experimentation because to them an adult is a nuke crossed with an incurable virus, and the kid they pick up is fucking BRAZILIAN so the kid crawls up into the vents to escape and systematically destroys their entire ship by fucking accident while looking for food. They send a very dangerous animal who's considered a war crime to even possess into the vents as a last resort, hoping it'd kill him. It's a fucking cat. He's last left off when he gets transported to a test facility where he aces the high-death rate special ops acrobatics course (basically revealed as a jungle gym about 18 feet in the air, he falls once and survives due to low gravity) and figures out that his captors have been trying to hurt him. the last scene of the story is that a little 12 year old boy glares into the observation room, their translators tell them he's pissed at them, and they collectively shit their pants. Because of a 12 year old malnourished unarmed 3rd world slum kid.

The aformentioned "Humans Aren't Good Pets" story is one where they figure that the strange bipedal animal they picked up isn't sentient, and treat him like a pet. They figure out very quickly that he's strong enough to tear doors off hinges, and he wrecks their food stores since all they have is basically a small amount of cabbage leaves and purple rats and gets into increasingly retarded antics, just messing with everyone there, eventually revealing his sentience by beating a bunch of them at a game that's basically simplified Othello but is considered a high intelligence game. He accidentally causes the fucking black plauge by being there after his immunizations wear off, and things shift to him literally killing space dragons in wars with swords made out of cold fusion, THEN he starts getting all faggy because apparently all that fucking metal vietnam violence was too much for the soyboys to handle.

Then there's the main verse story where the badasses of the galaxy that kill thinking beings for fun and religion (think Predator) and eat their kills make "first contact" at a fucking hockey game and get fucking slaughtered. The initial main character is an anti-religious fag who's extremely bitter and jaded, and ends up telling the aliens the equivalent of "WE KILLED OUR GOD WITH A STICK" and they're fucking pissed scared of the whole thing, which is hilarious, but then it turns into faggy romance when they start getting abducted humans together, lots of background sex and gender identity is name dropped after that and you get the picture.

It starts out great and then just ends up being fucking terrible.

e0ffc0 No.14288996

Why is there lots of shilling about /animu/ in GG threads right now?

As if shilling it in /tv/ a week ago wasn't enough.

994f47 No.14289001

File: b6a14069127a1a4⋯.jpg (187.38 KB, 627x900, 209:300, Moviebob.jpg)



>I'm sorry, aren't you the guy who used to regularly call all your female critics "feminazi cunts?"

On a different topic, is it just me, or is Polygon going maximum overdrive on the witch hunts and virtue signaling now that some of their senior editors got fired for being sex pests?

c3ad33 No.14289002

File: b2f2530d012f81b⋯.png (293.89 KB, 540x764, 135:191, gondora-san.png)



its hilarious tbh

fags mad that they cant shitpost on /a/ make their own board for shitposters and then wonder why their board goes up in flames

8fd0ed No.14289004

File: b4d64b443fdbb02⋯.png (79.22 KB, 1786x249, 1786:249, actual good post.PNG)

Went to /animu/ for the first time and found a decent post.

e78d51 No.14289007

File: 261b3d8694e0d93⋯.png (81.38 KB, 1071x624, 357:208, Capture.PNG)

Kamisama stepped in

fa4782 No.14289009


so he was the one who was the victim of a pedophile not the other way around

8b9f36 No.14289011

File: db07f9663ca4d18⋯.jpg (426.36 KB, 2000x1125, 16:9, k0q7brokwxoz.jpg)

File: 76a45f1b9864ba3⋯.jpg (60.15 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote-freedom-is-not-worth….jpg)

File: f3f784e6f9de5ee⋯.jpg (21.36 KB, 236x354, 2:3, everything is backwards.jpg)


Now I realize this isn't attack on vidya. It's not even about communism, race, gender, or anything they talking about. This whole SJW shit was to attack freedom and our liberty

Shit is fucking funny whenever I thinking about those 'liberals' are the one who hates liberty than any other people in this world.>>14288881

fb26f6 No.14289016





8f8474 No.14289025

File: 52501e929568a96⋯.jpg (176.11 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, feel good drink.jpg)


they're liberal with their fascism. That's the joke.

071dd9 No.14289037

File: 4002cabddb80536⋯.jpg (223.03 KB, 850x1112, 425:556, Huzzah.jpg)


lewdness is just the corona of the pure love star

8803c6 No.14289039


This, there's only liberty for themselves and wrongthinkers should be sent to gulags concentration camps Whatever kind of "rehabilitation center" they would construct should they be in power.

e8bd21 No.14289041


Last bread some anon claimed they are trying to takeover steam

8f8474 No.14289052


"Sensitivity Training" is their gulag at the moment, they sure as shit can't get away with the physical abuse aspect anymore, which is a good sign.

9ae3af No.14289057


honestly, I find the one-shot stories to be the best and don't even touch the series stuff.

74fbf6 No.14289069

So one of /animu/'s mods went like that mod on /co/ did?

470637 No.14289071

some fag(not the B.O) of /animu/ deleted tons of threads and it went to shit

We cannot have nice things anymore

970a2d No.14289079


The mod has been removed. Just give it a bit to recover.

7bda40 No.14289081

File: 52ebaceb70211f7⋯.jpg (44.96 KB, 540x732, 45:61, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.jpg)


The only similar thing on /co/ that I remember is some faggot actually finding a way to steal the BO's spot because Jojo posters hurt his feefees when he fucked up his own storytime of a comic, so he set out to exterminate Jojo.

759429 No.14289084

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

fa4782 No.14289086


>some fag(not the B.O) of /animu/ deleted tons of threads

that's why you should check twice when suspicious boards split ups happen

970a2d No.14289091


Do you have any idea hat you're talking about?

9bd78f No.14289097



e0ffc0 No.14289105


I think he means the usual alternative board drama which had in the past. For excample, /polpol/, /polk/, /ggrevolt/, /vidya/. The usual D&C tactics.

fa4782 No.14289117


yes, that

f506cd No.14289133


purgatory is way better

e78d51 No.14289137

File: a80fd60c0bdb51e⋯.jpg (439.43 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 08dd3c8fc06109213638032464….jpg)

File: 8cd7e1c69c36706⋯.png (21.43 KB, 800x550, 16:11, 64681057_p1.png)




Rolling stones: https://archive.is/mhsAR

Game Developer Quantic Dream Refutes Allegations of Toxic Workplace

"We believe in justice and hope that justice will rapidly be served"

gameindustrybiz https://archive.is/JNHvJ

>Quantic Dream labels claims of toxic conditions as "smear campaign"

>UPDATE: Council of Paris investigating public funds awarded to studio, and considering tighter regulations for companies that do not care for staff

criticalhitgaming https://archive.is/8tjLP

Detroit: Too Human developers Quantic Dream fires back at allegations of studio toxicity

Gamingbolt https://archive.is/NHnXf

Google Is Working on a Game Streaming Service, and Possibly on a Console and Controller

Gameindustrybiz https://archive.is/zOigM

Google prepping game streaming service - Report

Offering codenamed Yeti would work either with Chromecast or potential Google console

gameindustry biz https://archive.is/lF0r9

Vreal looks ahead to VR "tipping point" with $11.7m Series A round

VR figurehead Chat Faliszek and Maker Studios veteran Chris M. Williams will join the board of VR broadcasting startup

vg247 https://archive.is/NoEST

For the first time ever, PUBG registered a decline in Steam player numbers

pcgamer https://archive.is/TECW3

Scarlett wins Intel's pre-Winter Olympics 2018 StarCraft 2 event

Monstervine https://archive.is/3cPj1

Metal Gear Survive Needs a Battle Royale Mode, Here’s Why

Gameindustrybiz https://archive.is/cRJ1w

Applications open for Smithsonian American Art Museum exhibition

Smithsonian puts out call for indie devs to explore this year's theme of "game spaces"

vg24/7 https://archive.is/d4EiW

Gay-friendly RPG Gaydorado released, Valentine’s and Australia Gay Carnival events dated

destructoid https://archive.is/k01nf

Multiple Star Wars TV shows in the works

nichegamer https://archive.is/psC1h

Kaiju and Giant Mecha Turn-Based Strategy Game “Into The Breach” Launches February 27

(pic related)

destructoid https://archive.is/3yJMI

FTL creator's tactical mech game Into the Breach hits PC this month

gameindustrybiz https://archive.is/Rt0wn

Why isn't Nintendo Switch breaking records in the UK?

It's the fastest-selling games console in almost every market it's been released in, but not Britain

gamenite https://archive.is/9vYMw LOL

DayZ isn't dead and it's coming to Xbox One this year

gamespot https://archive.is/ZPiBV

Rainbow Six Siege Is Free To Play For A Limited Time Next Weekend On PS4, Xbox One, And PC

Ubisoft announces a limited-time free weekend for the tactical shooter.

gamespot https://archive.is/O5XqD

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Michael Mauler is named GameStop's new CEO.

Gamespot https://archive.is/bBiNU

Nintendo Labo Is A Seriously Impressive Showcase Of The Switch Hardware

Fig-ten geams

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Here Is The Evo 2018 Lineup

videogamer https://archive.is/nQhkY

Them's Fightin' Herds is the My Little Pony-inspired scrapper you always wanted

criticalhitgaming https://archive.is/b4g8Z

Marvel vs Capcom Infinite, King of Fighters XIV snubbed for Evo 2018

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EVO 2018 Lineup Revealed, Includes BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle And Dragon Ball FighterZ

siliconera https://archive.is/BoStZ

BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle Will Add RWBY’s Blake Belladonna And Yang Xiao Long As Free DLC Characters

Destructoid https://archive.is/cOc5k

BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle adds RWBY's Yang Xiao Long, Blake and Yang to be free DLC


Former S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Devs Announce FPS Battle Royale Game “Fear the Wolves” for PC, PS4, and Xbox One

Polygon: https://archive.fo/QwDUY

Nichegamer: https://archive.is/6L1d5

PCgamer https://archive.is/Uw2G1

eurogamer https://archive.is/poINp

vg246 https://archive.is/69G9S

E3 shit:

Polygon: https://archive.is/LrOE8

E3 public tickets on sale next week

Rolling stone https://archive.is/nTOha

Here's How Much It Costs to Go to E3 for the General Public

gameindustrybiz https://archive.is/EX4n3

E3 2018 specifies industry-only hours as public tickets return

Games industry professionals will get early entry to the show floor, Gamer Pass goes on sale next week

74fbf6 No.14289145


I remember that faggot getting super triggered each time Jojo got posted in the Adventure time threads.

f506cd No.14289148


what a fucking faggot.


8b9f36 No.14289151

File: 75122492bdde6a8⋯.jpg (56.51 KB, 400x400, 1:1, slowpokeman.jpg)


>skimming down on those news

>half of them are not even news

>and rest half of them are just glorified blodposting

Video game journalism must be gassed

e09329 No.14289156


The rogue vol was removed by the BO.

f506cd No.14289166


>Any companies in breach of these regulations would have to return any public funds received.


74fbf6 No.14289180


So can someone sum up what is going on? I'm interested.


I love how faggots tell us to ignore the cancer going on saying "that it'll go away like a bad dream".

8803c6 No.14289188

File: 174ad6ef4bc4e2a⋯.png (654.76 KB, 390x700, 39:70, what is the cure.png)


>the guys making S.T.A.L.K.E.R are making a battle-royale game

I want this meme to end.

e0ffc0 No.14289189

File: 92dc7268903b494⋯.png (161.3 KB, 642x772, 321:386, Untitled.png)


>Social RPG Gaydorado has been released for iOS and Android.

>Geared towards the gay community,

e09329 No.14289192

File: 26ccd3cc1357619⋯.gif (1.19 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Begone Vol.gif)


<Animated gif of BO removing the Kirino vol, colorized 2/7/2018

A vol called Kirino went rogue nuked half the board. This happened after anons suspected him being some /a/ spy trying to sabotage the board. The BO removed him.

ac0e22 No.14289212


How can one character be such a complete and worthless cunt? And what is with incest animes making the sisters worst girl?

4c134e No.14289213

File: 7c3ab91369b5db5⋯.jpg (29.26 KB, 323x633, 323:633, 7c3ab91369b5db599e951ed7a2….jpg)


Do these people just not brush their teeth or something?

e8bbd5 No.14289218

File: 566709a002568cf⋯.png (62.03 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 718241176931410624505.png)


Thanks anon, I try.

21ade3 No.14289222


No amount of toothbrushing is gonna prevent you getting a parasite from licking a mans anus.

8803c6 No.14289227

File: 55dfe98b6212059⋯.jpg (82.29 KB, 807x700, 807:700, capture.jpg)


What bothers me more is that they act surprised when they get sick by licking a place where shit comes out.

970a2d No.14289230


Beecause as an incest anime, you're supposed to automatically like the sister. To make other girls viable, they have to be given actual personalities. They don;t need to expend the same effort with the sister

5c0927 No.14289236



please respond

ed4d95 No.14289238


Or even better, brush their anuses. Why are all my kinks turning out to be irredemably nocive even in clean conditions?

e8bd21 No.14289245


Why rim someone's asshole to begin with? You're just going to taste shit.

f506cd No.14289252

File: be60259886b7498⋯.gif (983.97 KB, 480x270, 16:9, Begone_Vol.gif)


here you go


best way to make the cartoon popular or more people talking about it.

e0ffc0 No.14289253


Well for the first part, he's licking in a place where your SHIT COMES OUT.

And the second part, he's a faggot. Since where have you seen a single faggot without any diseases?

3f1ee5 No.14289283




I've barely read this manga and haven't watched a thing of the animé, what's the context of that scene exactly ? What did she do to deserve it ?

970a2d No.14289285


> What did she do to deserve it ?


bf2342 No.14289288

File: 703226302344638⋯.png (516.88 KB, 883x1751, 883:1751, Vidya Game Comic 34.png)


Make way Marvel/DC, there is a new hero in town!

e0ffc0 No.14289291


For being the worst girl and ruining the chance of the best girl. Imagine her as a little bit mature of that japanese garfield cat.

e8bd21 No.14289300

Umaru is a pretty good character.

e0ffc0 No.14289305

File: ba95febcf96baa4⋯.webm (5.96 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 3680725829.webm)



3f1ee5 No.14289310


I want details. I don't care about spoilers. I like it when shitty girls get their comeuppance.

e8bd21 No.14289313


Why does everyone have a problem with her?

bfbc59 No.14289315

File: 72e6e0968acfc7a⋯.jpeg (647.34 KB, 1128x1600, 141:200, 004.jpeg)


Because most of the time having a sister is not a fun thing. If you have a good sister, treasure her and make sure she doesn't become a person you don't want to be around.

74fbf6 No.14289317


I feel pretty bad for you /animu/ fags since it seemed like you had a decent board that was nice /a/ alt.


Jesus what a total cluster fuck.

f506cd No.14289323


wasnt she getting some character development but all the weebs in riceland got butthurt?

8f8474 No.14289331

File: 5ed5ef924f049fc⋯.jpg (40.88 KB, 582x600, 97:100, laughing murica.jpg)



Doesn't help much when you literally


You don't get a gastro intestinal parasite by just licking someone's ass, it's just skin, you get that shit by eating fermented shit that parasites thrive in, in other words he's literally eating shit out of someone's asshole. The parasites this guy had to have gotten if he DIDN'T eat shit would literally have to come from infected areas in the dude's asshole skin or whatever which means he either willingly ate shit or licked and bit into asshole boils. This shit is so fucking disgusting it's hilarious.

bf2342 No.14289336


aren't most of the HFY stories screencaps from /tg/ and /pol/ reposted on reddit because they are too scared to go to the problematic image boards?

72878a No.14289337


This is true, that would have never had happened if he wasn't licking dirty assholes, some soap and water and he'd be fine. He just doesn't want to admit to eating shit

8803c6 No.14289338

File: 263249cd207487c⋯.jpg (116.13 KB, 625x409, 625:409, clipboardImage.jpg)


>Why are all my kinks turning out to be irredemably nocive even in clean conditions?

>Having a rimjob fetish

You have quite the shit taste.

e78d51 No.14289342

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Cheats, Lies, and Video Games

-AdoreTV (AMD fanboy)

Mentions that newest Final Fantasy XV uses Gameworks which gives an advantage to Nvidia cards. However gameworks in the game cannot be disabled to help out AMD cards. When editing out hairworks, it improves performance even when there were no animals in the shot because they are always rendered in the distance with hairworks.

Talks about about a far back history of games with driver optimizations that penalize competing cards.

Mentions some cards also cheating benchmarks by cutting corners and optimizing specifically for benchmarks. When the drivers don't recognize the benchmark, they severely suffers.

Some more card talk.

Some of the sources linked:

Gamer's Nexus: https://archive.is/NNKJV

FFXV's Misleading Benchmark | Improper GameWorks Object Culling

bf2342 No.14289344

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




this guy was a prophet.

f506cd No.14289345

File: 45a69277eb5180f⋯.png (54.2 KB, 990x407, 90:37, Screenshot from 2018-02-07….png)

4c134e No.14289346

File: 4142af8d48d9039⋯.png (592.36 KB, 637x464, 637:464, 1497794900354.png)


Considering all the information that exists out there about how to clean your asshole, I figured most people would know better than to eat dirty ass.

I guess not.

e8bd21 No.14289347

>tfw find the idea of getting fucked in the ass hot but worried the other guy might find worms in my asshole

ed4d95 No.14289350


I like the idea of being rimmed mostly, but if anuses can't get clean enouth no matter how hard you try then I guess I'll have to keep it on hentai and ERP.

9bd78f No.14289356

File: 8b5a1dfc4e0a5ae⋯.mp4 (543.83 KB, 360x360, 1:1, Shouting Possum.mp4)


>which means he either willingly ate shit or licked and bit into asshole boils

0b4ce0 No.14289362

File: d6d870246af570a⋯.png (92.83 KB, 1793x417, 1793:417, Tom of XSeed.png)


<We already know hypocritical Tom is

However, he's also the "Last line of defense" for Xseed before the company is bound to sink because that interview put all of their customers on high alert.


I have a infrographic from /d/ about it, if you guys want me to post it.

8756a3 No.14289365


If only we would have listened to the wise africans about the gays.

8f8474 No.14289371

File: 5aa600ee05ccc24⋯.png (732.41 KB, 987x653, 987:653, facekamen.png)


Look, for health's sake just use a fucking dildo, dude. If you're going to be gay with your ass stick with silicon instead of flesh. Or fuck a woman. And wash your goddamned dildos with soap for fuck's sake. Also never actually fuck someone in the ass, not even with a condom, they like to fetishize it all over the place in porn but these are people who don't actually know or don't care about what it's actually like medically or physically. AIDS isn't the only thing you can catch by sending your dick helmet first into a fucking biological warzone.

I study medicine as a hobby

ac0e22 No.14289372


It's the scene where they reveal their relationship to the glasses girl. Bitches get angry at each other and have a cat fight. Bitch sister won the fight so she didn't even get her comeuppance in the end.


I have a sister, we're not super close but I consider us on pretty good terms. I was never able to instill good vidya taste in her and she fell for the mobile phone cancer. I easily consider that one of my greatest shames and failures in life.

bf2342 No.14289375


everyone with a brain knows that homosexuality is fucking gay and dumb, the people who ignored it are these liberalated soy drinking hippster degenerates that doubled down on their life style.

they'd see the nigger warning about the homo question, and just dismiss it as a poor minority who doesn't know any better.

8f8474 No.14289377


That was the least descriptive way I could put it. Did you know that parasites are living macro-organisms? This dude has a worm drilling through his intestines.

0b4ce0 No.14289379


>I have a sister, we're not super close but I consider us on pretty good terms. I was never able to instill good vidya taste in her and she fell for the mobile phone cancer. I easily consider that one of my greatest shames and failures in life.

My sister recently bought a fucking porg and some Pop figure. And, she has a boyfriend. So, I don't exactly know what to do.

f506cd No.14289380



>If developers feel they CAN'T be ludicrous, lewd, violent, or especially truthful, then that would be a sad world indeed.

>I want to see a world in which developers feel they CAN be all of those things, whenever they wish. And indeed, I want to see all of those things in art… where it benefits the art.

>But I also want to see a world in which developers don't feel they HAVE to be ANY of those things. Because right now, I see an industry in which a lot of developers add unnecessary fanservice or controversial content to their game not because it benefits the art, but because it helps get the game in the news and thus boosts sales, or because the game lacks substance or quality and the developers feel that they can sell copies regardless simply by adding things to – again – get the game in the news, or attract people to buy it solely for the fanservice (despite the game itself not being worthwhile otherwise).

>And no, I'm not talking about Senran Kagura, nor any other favorite games of anyone here (most likely), as those are titles that absolutely 100% utilize their fanservice and controversial content to benefit the art.

>Even in cases where that's not true, however – even in cases where I feel the controversial content is 100% gratuitous and adds nothing whatsoever to the art – I will always defend it to the end, fighting tooth and nail to include every last bit of it in the localized version. And I will never tell the developers that I feel they should not include that content, because it's not in my place to do so.

>But I can still personally WISH that content weren't there, in those cases. I can still wish that those developers didn't feel inclined to include what I perceive to be completely extraneous, gratuitous fanservice or controversial themes.

>And that's basically all I'm saying here.

>Why that's been such a cause for concern, I'm not sure. I mean, for people to say I'm wrong to wish that developers were more discerning with their usage of controversial themes, it almost seems like they're saying I should censor my viewpoints! ;)

e0ffc0 No.14289382


>It isn't as if I want the Japanese developers to stop creating those controversial contents. I just want them not wanting to create these controversial contents.

>Muh art

What a sad load of shit Tom is.

bf2342 No.14289384

File: 11ca0ec1039bbff⋯.gif (55.01 KB, 397x360, 397:360, nhip2Ye.gif)


NTR her Boyfriend, keep the blood line pure, obviously.

f506cd No.14289397



Its time to use the D, anons.

df1f35 No.14289410


I'm of the complete opposite opinion. Everyone everywhere ought to put that sort of content in their games so that it's no longer controversial and people can just get over themselves already.

0b4ce0 No.14289414



She also found the cancer that is kpop.

Also, I don't think that I may have to. She dropped her last one due to him being a faggot (Metaphorically), and this one is shaping up to possibly be a bigger fag. However, he also comes from an army family, so I don't know.

ea520e No.14289445

File: ecf7424e8068f36⋯.jpg (31.73 KB, 362x463, 362:463, DQIjgrfW4AArxM6.jpg)


My sister is great (she has pleb taste but still better than normalfag shit). She moved to Germany to be with her fiancee's family, though. As far as I know they're fairly wealthy and live in a non-sharia part but I still worry.

8fd0ed No.14289449


My sister tried to kill me and failing that dedicated the rest of her life to destroying mine.

72878a No.14289463


Story please

b499f3 No.14289464

Watch out for GamerGate

The public enemy of the world #1

It is the main hashtag responsible for…


☑ Making an ugly ass sweater

☑ Made Logan Paul level up

☑ Gave the Alt-Right an Asian fetish

☑ A precursor to the Alt-Right movement

☑ Trained a sealion to attack hipsters in San Francisco

☑ Defeated magical pedos in card games

☑ Helped a Korean improve his English Grammar

☑ Made Cathy Newman lose the lobster debate against Jordon Peterson

✓ Destroyed 4chan image posting

☑ May have exercised[sic] the evil from NeoGaf

☑ Bought Mombot™ merch

☑ Was caught with weapons of mass destruction by Batwu but framed a GamerGazi mod for the crime

new one https://archive.fo/BPTbd

bed194 No.14289467


Did you took her virginity or something to make her wanting to kill you and make your life miserable?

f870c2 No.14289478


>I want everyone to hold hands and french kiss each-others in preamble the greatest group sex humanity has ever seen.

This utopia they all sell is a farce, but they more or less benefit from it. In the end they all died due to aids.

8803c6 No.14289489

File: 8fc67f1ebb419cb⋯.jpg (802.76 KB, 1253x1850, 1253:1850, [Tagasuki Kou] MM2-gou.jpg)


Getting caught doing the gay in Uganda gets you prison for life IIRC.

a07b62 No.14289494

File: ded20ac809ddfcb⋯.jpg (11.04 KB, 255x254, 255:254, 1429572226452.jpg)




My sister has a weird mixture of different disorders that mean she has to be reminded not to masturbate in front of other people, barely leaves her bedroom, and starts cutting herself if you leave her alone too long or get mad at her. I feel awful for our parents because each child was worse than the last.

>older sister is completely normal

>older brother likes some nerdy stuff but that's it

>I was "that weird kid" who liked video games and anime and I'm probably going to die alone because I don't want to have to live with someone else

>sister is a complete mess

8fd0ed No.14289499



Our parents beat her and my older brother growing up and she became a loser, with me they took a different direction and wouldn't let her beat me, so she always resented me. She also wanted a little sister but she got a little brother instead. When we were little she tried to drown me but I got away from her. She then dedicated her life to abusing me mentally, really fucking me up while growing up. Till this day I struggle with issues because of it. I'm now somewhat of a success, I work a dead end job but at least I'm the boss there. My resentment of her drives me forward.

bf2342 No.14289503

File: 665db650c4f5bf9⋯.jpg (58.26 KB, 642x480, 107:80, erewrewrw.jpg)


Is your sister single?

if so, I got 2 season passes to the local Chuck E. Cheese.

don't worry, I'll bring her back before dinner.

8fd0ed No.14289505


>that weird kid

I appear to be a normal well adjusted person on the surface and everybody tends to like me. But inside I'm "that weird kid" too with fucked up likes & dislikes and will also die alone.

a07b62 No.14289515


She's single but she freaks out if people try to touch her, except me. Ever since she was little I'm the only person she likes. Always wants hugs and cuddling and other things that I've had to remind her you're not supposed to do with a sibling.


I learned how to hide it a long time ago. But inside, I know I'll never fit in 100%. I like machines more than I like people.

bf2342 No.14289520


>She's single but she freaks out if people try to touch her

that's kinda hot, I'll make sure to body slam her in into the ball pit.

ea520e No.14289522

File: d2c2460d9948685⋯.png (769.86 KB, 680x680, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>Always wants hugs and cuddling and other things that I've had to remind her you're not supposed to do with a sibling.

That's kind of cute.

a07b62 No.14289528


That might actually be pretty funny to see. She keeps a pocketknife in her sock, though. Might want to watch out for that.


I guess. It's annoying, though. If she wasn't messed up in the head I'd be more okay with it but I'm not really sure how much she understands about that kind of thing beyond "it feels good" and "it's how you get babies".

0b4ce0 No.14289533

File: 40bca5e7374158e⋯.png (311.77 KB, 781x833, 781:833, Don't joke about incest.png)


>Always wants hugs and cuddling and other things that I've had to remind her you're not supposed to do with a sibling.


>I'm not really sure how much she understands about that kind of thing beyond "it feels good" and "it's how you get babies".

I think you're going to commit wincest one day, Anon.

bf2342 No.14289535


>She keeps a pocketknife in her sock, though. Might want to watch out for that.

good luck, I wear chainmail on me at all times.

plus, she can't reach it once I pretzel her up in that sensual ball pit of love.

7bda40 No.14289540

File: 16f3a42cd321458⋯.jpg (115.11 KB, 354x588, 59:98, Myrmidon_Secutor.jpg)


Do not worry we will all make it to Mars together.


a07b62 No.14289543


I hope not. She's trying but I don't want that. I miss when we could just play video games together.


Use protection. At least some of what's wrong with her is genetic.


Forget Mars, I want a /comfy/ spaceship all to myself.

>sitting in bed staring out at the stars

>playing video games in the quiet

Maybe get a cat to keep me company.

bed194 No.14289556

>autistic sister

>masturbates everywhere

>won't let anyone to touch her, except you

>tried to kill you

Creepy and arousing at the same time.

Although, it depends if she was autistic since birth. Since you wrote that your parents beat her, this could be the reason of how she became.

8803c6 No.14289567


Can I get an ara companion bot to keepme company on Mars?


It's two different anons buddy, read the IDs.

a07b62 No.14289569


I think you got two people mixed up. Mine never tried to kill me but the rest is her. She was born with it though.

bed194 No.14289577


Sorry about that.

f013bc No.14289583

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

original link


No idea if people are still talking about the whole Bushnell fiasco, but Brad Glasgow made a decent video about it for the uninitiated. At least he gets down to business and talked to the old Atari employees.

bf2342 No.14289589


I want an ara healer as a companion for my adventures in medieval fantasy land.

adfeb7 No.14289595

File: 66b04fc00172060⋯.png (691.23 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, forbidden knowledge.png)


Sounds like something reaanon would write.

Speaking of which, I haven't soon that corpsefucker lately. Shit, I haven't seen many of the usual anons round here either.

1555a8 No.14289653

File: d0bd64413f63c0c⋯.mp4 (3.4 MB, 640x360, 16:9, the face of the future.mp4)


What did she mean by this?

archive.is is down

0b4ce0 No.14289661

File: b3f11635de98550⋯.webm (390.86 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Ah,youaremotherfucker.webm)


>archive.is is down

<No, it's not

<Anon is a (1)

7861d2 No.14289693

anyone have the "absolutely heretical" chist-chan pic?


at least you have someone you are close to.


>its beautiful that a 6 white kid wishes he was brown

I also really don't see the connection with the point she is trying to make. I think she is just rambling on different progressive talking points.

ed0040 No.14289708

File: 0747e0f2f127a52⋯.jpg (22.13 KB, 255x221, 15:13, absolutely_heretical.jpg)

7861d2 No.14289731


thanks but is it only thumbnail sized?

bf2342 No.14289777


So is it a date?

a9882f No.14289853

File: 447fd0307bff4b1⋯.jpg (604.2 KB, 1120x1600, 7:10, 014.jpg)

853bac No.14289860

File: 48cac568b40cb4d⋯.jpg (194.9 KB, 1224x1445, 72:85, you better not be.jpg)

853bac No.14289861

File: 5c59af695e97378⋯.png (528.47 KB, 1185x1029, 395:343, absolutely heretical.png)

fdd84e No.14289868


Christchan poster is worse than Gildafag.

8fd0ed No.14289878

File: b140160c91a57b8⋯.png (279.42 KB, 540x960, 9:16, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d1a18274defeac9⋯.jpg (53.9 KB, 600x600, 1:1, d1a18274defeac933fb7f0989d….jpg)

My friend is now sending me moviebob quotes of the day. I might kill myself.

ac0e22 No.14289888


Kill him. Then kill yourself for having a personal twitter account.

adfeb7 No.14289897

File: 6906b3ec04227dc⋯.png (762.83 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 951326087207821313_Cosmhit….png)


>I might kill myself.

If you're going to go out, you may as well take him with you.

f80469 No.14289899


I think he's funny but I don't personally like or trust him. I read a Breitbart article by him that contained libel againt Neil deGrasse Tyson citing sources that didn't say what Milo said they did. I don't like Tyson either, but you don't need to lie to make an attack on his character when there's already open avenues to do that. GG and Milo were mutually beneficial for while and that was it. No heroes, no idols.

c126be No.14289900


….. wtf is she talking about?

how is that relevant to anything?


hows your evening GG?

0b4ce0 No.14289915

File: 24603b63e538e27⋯.mp4 (1.93 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Confused Pelosi Stutters -….mp4)


>….. wtf is she talking about?

>how is that relevant to anything?

Isn't Pelosi also losing her fucking mind?

82d835 No.14289920


She's old as shit and is probably kept alive through satanic rituals. There is no wonder she is batshit insane.

0b4ce0 No.14289929

File: 167d58b20324d9b⋯.png (1.37 MB, 820x1104, 205:276, __miyako_yoshika_touhou_dr….png)


>…and is probably kept alive through satanic rituals. There is no wonder she is batshit insane.

Are all of the female Democrats kept alive via necromancy?

63fdb8 No.14289933


Gamergate's had long since been co-opted by patreon whores anyways, including Milo.

82d835 No.14289938


Most likely. The white house is probably one big summoning circle for demons. We're probably living in SMT2 and we dont even know it.

b99a51 No.14289940



Probably long-term setup for a mental incompetence defense at trial.

e78d51 No.14289942

File: a33f43a4a8981f8⋯.png (47.22 KB, 400x250, 8:5, 51972282_p0.png)

Guys! Guys!!!

Did you hear?

/animu/ is a far-right echochamber thatt is more pol that anime!!!

…according to the mod who sperged out.

28a6a4 No.14289947

File: 2d254c4dba49f76⋯.png (291.62 KB, 540x549, 60:61, 2d254c4dba49f76553ab213cff….png)


>/animu/ is an alt-right echochamber.


63fdb8 No.14289951


>A bunch of soyboys with a serious case of yellow fever can even be far-right


0b4ce0 No.14289952

File: da517b967109f9a⋯.jpg (141.03 KB, 679x960, 679:960, Death threat-chan.jpg)

File: 305af51e5d008e0⋯.jpg (736.43 KB, 1853x1920, 1853:1920, killer tan 2.jpg)


It's fun watching Kirino melt down. We have our very own Death-threat-chan.

f506cd No.14289964

File: 7911d3d2960d684⋯.jpg (29.6 KB, 455x451, 455:451, 1438906520122.jpg)


>through satanic rituals




>big summoning circle for demons

>mfw no qt demonic gf

8fd0ed No.14289977


No no, he's sending me screencaps to messenger.

0b4ce0 No.14289978


Leave your house, Anon.

16cf12 No.14289980


<you bloated stain on history

lmao my sides fam. movieblob calling someone a bloated stain. lol. It's funny because he's bloated and his underwear probably has lots of stains.

8fd0ed No.14289989

File: e3e64c3b9055da1⋯.jpg (300.33 KB, 1200x842, 600:421, getting sleepy.jpg)


I'm getting ready to go to sleep. How is your day anon?

bfbc59 No.14290014

74fbf6 No.14290026

File: 261876f359e3cc8⋯.png (32.86 KB, 133x238, 19:34, Lorem51.png)


I went to see and Jesus it's some /cow/ tier stuff.

0b4ce0 No.14290038


This entire thread: >>>/animu/7751

e78d51 No.14290044

ea520e No.14290045


The jew fears the samurai.

74fbf6 No.14290047

File: 52b271d2c6d31b4⋯.jpg (51.11 KB, 552x805, 24:35, bitch hold on.jpg)


Wait cause he didn't like the new BO he tried to nuke the whole board?!

f6af03 No.14290049

File: 7d4d1921b173ef5⋯.jpeg (186.03 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, F167A3CD-0127-4E62-866A-8….jpeg)

>Nancy Pelosi literally talked for 8 straight hours, demanding a solution to immigration

Sweet tap dancing Satan, no one has been this guilty of flapping their lips since Mercedes’s last porn shoot. I hope her throat is dry as fuck after that, because she sure fucking looks like she can dry up and die at any minute. You know who else did that and was infinitely less annoying? Quiet.

Anyway, here’s how you apparently spot someone with video game addiction. If you know anyone with the following symptoms

>Playing games

>Having fun playing games

>Being an awkward fag while playing games and having fun

Direct them to your nearest gaming rehab center


0b4ce0 No.14290054

File: 756aa0b776538b9⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 2.76 MB, 640x360, 16:9, kek.webm)

File: 9b0b5804d283080⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 805.97 KB, 854x480, 427:240, kek2.webm)

File: dd5557e84dc6b2d⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 178.97 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Ming Kek.webm)

File: 69d39377b392bbb⋯.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 696.41 KB, 854x476, 61:34, Pirate kek.mp4)

e78d51 No.14290058

File: 9d39fda8352a88f⋯.png (455.75 KB, 620x504, 155:126, 9b8ea306ffd520b32a5a4afcf8….png)

Neat article:

GamerNexus: https://archive.is/xEoFD

Meltdown & Spectre: Misconceptions, Current Status, & Expert Interviews

74fbf6 No.14290064

File: af87173e4439cfc⋯.jpg (132.63 KB, 800x940, 40:47, -BXGYtDr.jpg)


He makes (119) and Marche seem like well adjusted people.

c7dba9 No.14290082

File: b917a8ada1c8510⋯.jpg (85.81 KB, 846x411, 282:137, ss (2016-10-30 at 09.18.20….jpg)




01621c No.14290089


>She also found the cancer that is kpop.

My condolences, how bad is the infection?

>he also comes from an army family

Military service doesn't preclude you or your children from becoming massive faggots. Just look at the Navy.

0b4ce0 No.14290096


>My condolences, how bad is the infection?

She's doing a dance to a kpop song for the high school talent show.

7ec156 No.14290100

File: 6244e096ade7911⋯.gif (13.36 KB, 470x960, 47:96, lainbighead3.gif)


you need to put a stop to that right now

f3d542 No.14290102

File: f01762c2026c0ab⋯.png (623.39 KB, 801x714, 267:238, pffft.png)

File: 46877e1389fac00⋯.png (14.62 KB, 360x257, 360:257, pfft.png)

74fbf6 No.14290103


Call gook.

df4322 No.14290108


That guy is dead now.

e8fa7e No.14290111

Vice is short 100 million in earning estimates, investors are pissed, so which limp wristed journos are going to be without a job soon?

8fd0ed No.14290112

File: aca028ebfd34b55⋯.jpg (119.28 KB, 947x618, 947:618, goodnight!.jpg)

01621c No.14290113

File: 64b6e76a0a0a273⋯.jpg (71.7 KB, 679x679, 1:1, 64b6e76a0a0a273107d112ca82….jpg)


Damn dude, what's the song.

If it's Gagnam then it is "okay" cause of how normalfaggy it is. If it is anything by BTS then I'm sad to say that the case is terminal.

ea520e No.14290116


>the first non-glowing review

ETA on the media shitstorm?

2c239e No.14290117


How cancerous is kpop? I barely know any[thing about it so I'm just wondering.

a45f27 No.14290119


>you bloated stain on human history

Takes one to know one, huh?



>first negative review is a 3/5

36e3e8 No.14290120


No one has the balls to criticize a movie filled with niggers. What a surprise. Nothing special about it either, since the 70s were the heyday of the Blacksplotation boom.

73063a No.14290126

File: 0ac9ef8ad09ccc3⋯.webm (3.75 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Ghostbusters 3 - Teaser f….webm)

File: b5de5742c49af13⋯.jpg (147.87 KB, 599x683, 599:683, ghostbusters.jpg)


>regressive left blocks negative reviews of their latest propaganda

It's Cisbusters all over again.


Wrong. Negative reviews are being blocked.

01621c No.14290131

File: 7d6ccafcdd52b41⋯.jpg (58.66 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 7d6ccafcdd52b41a4348e41b4e….jpg)


It's like the faggots who run around with naruto headbands and practice with their katana but for boy bands

e78d51 No.14290135

File: e8b743ef5c9cfb9⋯.jpg (194.43 KB, 627x800, 627:800, 60482887_p18.jpg)


Tsk, only 75 so far

0b4ce0 No.14290137

File: d8bc6247132db49⋯.mp4 (6.86 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, BTS (방탄소년단) – FIRE (불타오르네)….mp4)


>Damn dude, what's the song.

>If it's Gagnam then it is "okay" cause of how normalfaggy it is. If it is anything by BTS then I'm sad to say that the case is terminal.

692b8a No.14290138


hey somebody saved my webm

f506cd No.14290148


>first webm

you need to go back.


>the BO of /animu/ is a lizard


>the BO of /v/ is a jew

this shit is getting to weird for me

692b8a No.14290149


>It's Cisbusters all over again

but this time te movie is good… right?

adc8da No.14290155

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Goodness fucking gracious, your sister needs some Shing02 and and Genki Rockets if she's going to come out of this with any taste.

2c239e No.14290156


Sounds incredibly fucking stupid. You got more info about this shit, man?

614813 No.14290160

File: fdded82921f986b⋯.jpg (104.27 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 8103611082_51f543189b_b.jpg)

So hey, what with all the deepfakes going on lately…

970a2d No.14290163


I definitely want to see her lose her shit

11107b No.14290164



that's hot.

b499f3 No.14290168

File: bcf0306f8e0cb83⋯.jpg (44.86 KB, 215x338, 215:338, Mark with banhammer.jpg)


>the BO of /v/ is a jew

Mark is the the Mr Bean of BO jewery

74fbf6 No.14290171


This is one of the biggest sperg outs I've seen since Marche a few weeks back.

a59243 No.14290173

File: 743cd65564f4436⋯.jpg (25.13 KB, 539x357, 77:51, sarkowen.jpg)

01621c No.14290182

File: 3e35901c5fc67b5⋯.jpg (409.98 KB, 1149x580, 1149:580, 3e35901c5fc67b5a924dc3e252….jpg)



I'd like to say it gets better, but it doesn't.


I have a coworker who is obsessed with it, so I don't really have any sites but they have stuff like kpop gatcha games, and things like browser extensions that show a new kpop photo every time you open a new browser tab.

73063a No.14290186

File: 7a447a8e529cafa⋯.jpg (15.19 KB, 223x209, 223:209, angry_neko-chan.jpg)


Why the hell would anything out of current day Hollywood be good?

01621c No.14290192

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


this kind of stuff

970a2d No.14290196


>It's Cisbusters all over again.

Or, it's just another Marvel movie. Not everything is a grand conspiracy.

f506cd No.14290203


i think they were using an old comic for the movie, about el dorados gold, but instead if being in south america, its in africa, I think, maybe im wrong.

0b4ce0 No.14290207

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Damn, I do like shit like this.

47ab13 No.14290211


Is that even a human?

2c239e No.14290214


Sounds kind of disturbing if you ask me. How deep does this kpop rabbit hole go?

da6d87 No.14290225


You mean avatar?

2c239e No.14290229


I've barely managed to gut a minute in and already I'm disgusted.

2c239e No.14290231


b3bdcd No.14290250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Shing02 and Genki Rockets

Excellent taste my brother from a different mother.

0027bb No.14290251


Even fucking children are obsessed with Krappop.

>Drive near a middle school

>Hear a kid say "Did you hear the new BTS song"

There's a reason why I drink myself to death.

01621c No.14290252

File: fd70cee0c3b6d06⋯.png (92.34 KB, 693x249, 231:83, c6362fce9219eaf450b839ff73….png)


Extreme amounts of merchandising, Israel would be put to shame.They even sell Christmas cards with themselves on them iirc.

a07b62 No.14290261


I wish she would stop trying to jerk me off.


With triples I guess I have no choice.

11107b No.14290272


Now you're just fucking lying.

a07b62 No.14290283


I did say earlier she tries to do things siblings shouldn't do. That's been a popular thing of hers when I have to keep an eye on her. She tries to talk me into letting her play with it. I guess she is an adult and probably has urges but I don't want to be the object of them.

11107b No.14290295


Don't fucking call your cock an it,that's just wrong,either give full stories of lewd encounters or stop

bf2342 No.14290299


Sweet, I'll be there in 20 minutes.

a07b62 No.14290310


There are no lewd encounters beyond her trying to touch my dick and being told no. The only autist playing with my penis is me.

01621c No.14290311

File: d64d953f2ae3dea⋯.jpeg (244.26 KB, 834x1285, 834:1285, d64d953f2ae3dea320e652490….jpeg)


I don't doubt it. It's becoming very popular in the US outranking a lot of contemporary artists at award shows and the like due to the fanaticism.

at least that's what I got out of the hour long sermons she gives me about it.

f80469 No.14290315



Hello newfriend.

c126be No.14290316


got home 3 hours ago. did some workout and now its vidya & GG time.

might draw some shit later

adc8da No.14290324

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I honestly thought I'd be called a weeb, but being a weeb is better than being a keeb. Is that what they're going to call weeaboo's that are obsessed with Korean culture? I hope it is.

01621c No.14290332

File: 2366d0f96ddb1f8⋯.png (266.59 KB, 1081x503, 1081:503, 2366d0f96ddb1f84fb8ea3c2b4….png)



and koreaboos

bf2342 No.14290333

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Korean animation is a national treasure!

b3bdcd No.14290339


>people liking gook crap

Wouldn't they be called geeks?

c98942 No.14290343

File: 40f2f7f27b0167d⋯.jpg (61.2 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Vidya Ackbar 5.jpg)

Good morning.

82d835 No.14290366


Geek is already a derogatory term for weak smart person that is good with computers.

3b9850 No.14290381

File: 6ed3108c9c633b1⋯.jpg (114.91 KB, 500x375, 4:3, albundy.jpg)


>What he doesn't get to do much of is jump around beating-up bad guys.

leave it to Marvel/Disney to make a superhero movie without crime-fighting in it

a07b62 No.14290393


There's a joke in here about black crime statistics but I don't have it in me right now.

2a0018 No.14290409

File: 72d4a95ab9e024c⋯.jpg (18.44 KB, 572x462, 26:21, o6ch4Ff.jpg)


keeb is a derogatory term for elves

37ae33 No.14290444

File: d2040808934b35e⋯.jpg (46.26 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 1458873881721.jpg)

my dog was diagnosed with diabetes

d463c8 No.14290450

File: a517f74a32d42ba⋯.gif (442.55 KB, 500x319, 500:319, 1434463496458.gif)



f6af03 No.14290452


I guess you can say he’s gonna die-of-‘betes

74fbf6 No.14290454

File: 9eda599943d91f2⋯.jpg (44.85 KB, 244x200, 61:50, Fuck you Carlos.jpg)

970a2d No.14290479


>Woman complains about sexism in MtG

>Is completely unaware that all behavior is 100% normal competitive environment behavior

f6af03 No.14290496

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c98942 No.14290500


Women cannot compete. Dismissed.

f80469 No.14290571


>Why isn't Nintendo Switch breaking records in the UK?

>It's the fastest-selling games console in almost every market it's been released in, but not Britain

Because the cucked Bongs hate Nippon, their goverment hates Nippon and has actively smeared it, and the influx of refugees certainly aren't buying Switches.

2c239e No.14290629


Damn, sounds pretty damn insane if you ask me.

2c239e No.14290634


Damn, sounds pretty damn insane if you ask me.



bf2342 No.14290651

File: 2cc5dfe2cf0d7f2⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 651.99 KB, 800x606, 400:303, deito.png)

Dude, the date is going great.

after 12 attempts at stabbing me, and biting my face, things are going great.

hope she doesn{t notice the discarded band aids and stuff.

can{t wait to show her how I got the high score in all the racing games and wack-a-mole!

f80469 No.14290697


>But I also want to see a world in which developers don't feel they HAVE to be ANY of those things. Because right now, I see an industry in which a lot of developers add unnecessary fanservice

This isolated statement I can sympathize with. Not in vidya, necessarily, but I recall being annoyed by the Parasyte anime adding in forced fan service scenes that weren't in the mango just because it's what's popular for pandering to new audiences. In nippon, when not going for worldwide appeal, "going for a wider demographic" doesn't mean making shit "diverse" or simpler. It means adding fanservice because that's what sells.

2c239e No.14290699


Damn, sounds pretty damn insane if you ask me.



37ae33 No.14290710

File: 3ae51fee27bdcec⋯.jpg (186.12 KB, 496x684, 124:171, Screen Shot - 18-02-08 002.jpg)

File: b81c9f5acf1ccb7⋯.jpg (108.98 KB, 668x781, 668:781, Screen Shot - 18-02-08 003.jpg)


>Reddit bans ‘deepfakes’ AI porn communities


>Reddit bans deepfake porn videos


0b4ce0 No.14290733

f80469 No.14290748


Stop bringing the drama back here. Either shitpost in the meta thread or let it die out and the board recover.

2c239e No.14290749


My browser was acting up, it's fine now.

37ae33 No.14290756

File: 2bd71625b558e17⋯.jpg (101.76 KB, 456x402, 76:67, 1517950892.jpg)


Pornhub and Twitter also removing deepfake posts because apparently it is "non-consensual content"

9dd6a2 No.14290767

File: 03c7f9d43121a21⋯.gif (61.62 KB, 260x200, 13:10, sakuraquestion.gif)



Never heard of this before.

ddda47 No.14290775

File: 03acb4cea344b98⋯.jpeg (29.33 KB, 195x195, 1:1, 03acb4cea344b984efcaf4cb2….jpeg)


It's like trying to bail water out of the Titanic. You can't undo technology.

bf2342 No.14290783

File: faecbc9e2f5c8b3⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 222.96 KB, 536x313, 536:313, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 031eac4567050b2⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 524.62 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, deito 2.png)

File: 8e24dc0d076546d⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 3.81 MB, 444x250, 222:125, IllinformedBriefBluemorpho….gif)


from what I'm seeing, it's like a faceswap, but you can do it on movies and porn, so finally you can have all the 3DPD rule 34 to your heart's content.

37ae33 No.14290793


how new r u >>>/tv/1104439

9bd78f No.14290796

File: af9e2b9191b71b7⋯.png (277.21 KB, 576x554, 288:277, ...png)


>"non-consensual content"

74fbf6 No.14290811

File: 51cd680b5c483bb⋯.png (111.46 KB, 379x298, 379:298, activate_the_oiling.png)

994f47 No.14290886

File: 6cb58d6c0d0b0b9⋯.png (186.24 KB, 560x432, 35:27, 1436475026215.png)


>hey guys, good work on the thing!

<guy in the distance that didn't have anything to do with it: FUCK YOU!

b499f3 No.14290914


> g*mergate

this thread just keeps on giving

692b8a No.14290916


hopeful whising?

994f47 No.14290924


Yeah, that's fucking Tumblr if I ever saw it.

74fbf6 No.14290929


He still going?

da1044 No.14290944

File: 02e3f4c11b74f48⋯.png (3.55 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, [HorribleSubs] Kono Subara….png)


>tfw I never bought into the /animu/ shilling

e78d51 No.14290963


You can't really take that as anything but bait

0b4ce0 No.14290966


Threads mostly slowed down.

9dd6a2 No.14290981

File: 454bc6329664694⋯.jpg (52.06 KB, 467x502, 467:502, smug kira's hair.jpg)


>OMFG J E W is filter to kike now.

>fuk u all

This has to be bait, right?

b3bdcd No.14290982

File: dd90f21f9c81334⋯.png (484.77 KB, 915x551, 915:551, kore wa beito desu ka.png)


Pic related.


If it came from Tumblr, then it would be a ridiculously long post. This looks like something reddit.

74fbf6 No.14290999


The thread is just anons raping the guy for doing it 4free.

78f4d2 No.14291015

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




mein negros



>"non-consensual content"

I'm glad to see the rights of CGI women being protected.

c98942 No.14291063

File: cd257f914d1acf8⋯.jpg (94.47 KB, 513x232, 513:232, Muh Representation.jpg)

994f47 No.14291069

File: 3bad443fae2e18b⋯.jpg (66.71 KB, 620x639, 620:639, 1432667120596.jpg)


>we've been begging for representation and tolerating the absence of it forever!

<naturally, any example you will throw out there way back to 1987 won't count because reasons, silly boys~!

f80469 No.14291080


>Dragging crossboard bait here

0311e7 No.14291087


Why does everyone want some sort of character that they have to be one hundred percent similar too, and usually only superficially even, to actually identify with them? What is it this hard to have empathy or sympathy or relate to a character that is not similar to you? There are plenty of characters and villains who could be appreciated for who they are as a character rather than focus so much on trying to insert yourself into every character that has their own established personality.

f80469 No.14291095


>any example you will throw out there way back to 1987 won't count because reasons, silly boys~!



It's not asking for female representation, it's asking for non binary gender representation which, by their own logic, there are an infinite number of.

994f47 No.14291109

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>What is it this hard to have empathy or sympathy or relate to a character that is not similar to you?

It's narcissism, plain and simple. I don't need to be Asian to sympathize with Johnny Gat in this Saints Row 2 scene, but for them, they're utterly incapable of understanding anything in this. Because Gat isn't them.


And they can especially fuck off.

3f490c No.14291136

File: 7f7c64224b9687b⋯.jpg (427.81 KB, 927x905, 927:905, MJ3.jpg)


Black Desert Online is the game they never asked for.

e78d51 No.14291143


>I'm glad to see the rights of CGI women being protected.

The faces being edited in are other people, usually famous movie stars, which is why people are getting uppity.

b499f3 No.14291151

File: 439763bddb3760a⋯.png (191.27 KB, 1024x615, 1024:615, sonic_s_no_fun_zone_by_dag….png)


You're one of those people

f80469 No.14291153

File: 8a3c9fdd0012dc8⋯.png (268.4 KB, 448x665, 64:95, Gave Him Gay.png)

f80469 No.14291160


The fun zone is the meta thread. Take it there.

b499f3 No.14291178


Why are you so new?

e78d51 No.14291179

File: 510c140ad71967f⋯.png (249.06 KB, 521x355, 521:355, HiougiWorryColor.png)


I rather disliked that doujin, I felt bad for the younger sis.

0b4ce0 No.14291202

File: 6efac0dde5419d2⋯.png (1.68 MB, 2180x1600, 109:80, Union of harmony.png)


It worked out in the end.

01621c No.14291218

File: 00cd6da268bda63⋯.png (99.73 KB, 680x834, 340:417, froppy.png)


>which is why people are getting uppity.

It never ceases to surprise me on how short sighted and idiotic celebrities can be. As this tech improves they will soon be able to claim any real footage of them whoring it up as a "deepfake". and that isn't even taking into account the ramifications of using this for political manipulation or editing of CCTV footage etc. in a legal case.

37ae33 No.14291220

File: 2b7e7d392843aee⋯.webm (3.78 MB, 640x480, 4:3, People told this shit was….webm)


b609b4 No.14291223

File: ab23e6c7026847e⋯.jpeg (282.15 KB, 1469x2048, 1469:2048, Asuka leaning.jpeg)

>The bread gets a PSO edition.

Aww yeah nigga. Tonight's looking better and better!

f09ca5 No.14291224


When I play a video game I dont want to play as me. Im not able to do things that I can in a video game. You have to be a super narcissist to think all media and entertainment must revolve around you. Just the Earth, it doesn't.

fd5e4f No.14291229

File: 9c8c3b9bfe40bc9⋯.jpg (110.63 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 9c8c3b9bfe40bc994b1d0e0645….jpg)


Isn't this false flagging and/or bait?

567755 No.14291234


This whole /animu/ shit is bait and falseflagging

retard board owner came here to shill his board then tried to make drama with /a/ now acting a victim because he huffs farts

f80469 No.14291236


Stop talking about shit you don't know about Marche.

970a2d No.14291248

File: ca3e12ca602f4c1⋯.webm (2.53 MB, 852x480, 71:40, Surrender or Die.webm)


I enjoy watching you try and justify being so mad that another anime board exists.

567755 No.14291249


Its true, none of this dumb drama woulda happen if the board owner didnt come here shilling his board and shit talking /a/

Why is this at the most basic form so fucking hard to understand? are you also a fart fetish?

567755 No.14291257


>le you mad XD

kid I'll fucking deck you I aint even mad

Anime is for fucking autistic retards anyway holy shit read a book nigga

fd5e4f No.14291259


Hasn't /a/'s BO recently been on a power trip in his nebulous grammatical autism?

567755 No.14291266


that was like months ago pretty sure and toned down once people complained.

even me being borderline dyslexics can manage not getting banned.

970a2d No.14291267

File: 9c9c796d18c002d⋯.webm (1.98 MB, 852x480, 71:40, Murray Twice Removed.webm)


>kid I'll fucking deck you I aint even mad

You wanna rethink that statement?

567755 No.14291273


fight me cunt

9dd6a2 No.14291301

File: 052a075b7f1074e⋯.webm (1.79 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, marche.webm)

Just filter the furfag, don't derail the thread any further than it already has.

567755 No.14291320


how the fuck is other people shitting up the thread with board drama my fault

74fbf6 No.14291322


Oh it's you Marche well time to filter.

567755 No.14291328


you're a nigger and filtering wont change that

f80469 No.14291332


>Announcing a filter

74fbf6 No.14291334


It was more to have him chimp out.

f80469 No.14291335


>Encouraging chimp outs

e78d51 No.14291338


Filtered you too.

7c1251 No.14291353

File: 7a46b9527b23a15⋯.png (466.59 KB, 1280x676, 320:169, sneaking build.png)

>Paul Tamburro/Game Revolution - Why it's Not Surprising That the Subnautica Developer Was Fired


>Kingdom Come: Deliverance Reset thread is starting to sound like the Subnautica sound dev thread.





>Quantic Dream's Alleged Troubles With Toxicity Has Paris Contemplating Cutting Public Funding



c03a98 No.14291357

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



How about some Nujabes as well?

74fbf6 No.14291363

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nice taste.

970a2d No.14291366

File: 2827f038b8df928⋯.webm (429.58 KB, 852x480, 71:40, Shouldn't it be easier to….webm)


>They're pretending Vavra claimed it was the "most historically accurate" game

1a54f9 No.14291371

994f47 No.14291373

File: c7a11deea88be4b⋯.mp4 (4.88 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Baby Cakes hears lies.mp4)


What have we learned in the past, well, decade? If they don't have anything to use against someone, they'll just flat-out make shit up and hope no one actually checks. Especially since he mocked them using Tumblr as if it's a legit source of information. Cue screenshot of Tumblr thinking a Bad Dragon horse dildo is a black burn victim.

SJWs always lie, SJWs always double down, SJWs always project.

fdd84e No.14291381

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

78f4d2 No.14291457

File: cd0476a481622fc⋯.jpg (72.07 KB, 245x320, 49:64, yes_13238006414438.jpg)

File: 53d6a0516895dfa⋯.png (338.86 KB, 800x600, 4:3, vavra_1086825323.png)

File: dbae043e4075366⋯.jpg (67.26 KB, 599x558, 599:558, Vavra_13940298340293.jpg)


>Resetera cucks trying to pick a fight with Vavra

Think about all the salt and free advertising for the game.

f506cd No.14291483

File: 8209df7adaf36eb⋯.webm (9.67 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Final?.webm)

f506cd No.14291506

File: e65b262d8354996⋯.jpg (23.21 KB, 400x229, 400:229, 9ae.jpg)


>He replied: "Helicopter. The attack kind,"

4ce8bd No.14291514

File: c8ea0612c9be23a⋯.png (564.31 KB, 1066x913, 1066:913, Disgust.png)


Despite all their reeeeing they still have not come up with a credible source for why there should be niggers in the game. No MedievalPoC tumblr isn't more credible than the actual historian they have working with them. Sorry but christ they don't even pretend to try to justify why he should stuff "POC" in the fucking game when it takes place in a small area of bohemia in the early 1400s.

b3bdcd No.14291518

File: 89341bdc629bfa5⋯.gif (1.54 MB, 500x300, 5:3, whenworstgirlwins.gif)


>That entire webm

That's some interesting shitstorm. Both the mod and character, Kirino, are horrible pieces of garbage.

74fbf6 No.14291524


He Makes Marche seem sane.

567755 No.14291550

74fbf6 is a shill

please report

c98942 No.14291551



No wonder the mod of /animu/ is shit. Kuroneko's obviously the best among the sisters.

72878a No.14291554

567755 is Marche

please report

da1044 No.14291556

File: 6ac0c3842906f85⋯.jpg (674.93 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, [Doki] Ore no Imouto ga Ko….jpg)

File: 171ae14b05fcd44⋯.jpg (886.54 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, [Doki] Ore no Imouto ga Ko….jpg)

File: 0228c0fbbeb55ed⋯.jpg (686.9 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, [Doki] Ore no Imouto ga Ko….jpg)


Incidentally, I just finished watching the second season of that anime a few minutes ago. I've never been so ripshit pissed at a protagonist for making the most absolutely


choice that ever existed. He passed up PERFECTION. God fucking damn.

b3bdcd No.14291577

File: 7344f16d4e731c1⋯.webm (3.07 MB, 640x360, 16:9, everyfuckingtimeinaromanc….webm)

File: 046c434ffd7e707⋯.png (653.04 KB, 1311x809, 1311:809, ClipboardImage.png)



>2nd season of Oreimo

And I thought Aquarion Evol pissed me off.

c828d8 No.14291582

Harmful Opinions on stream today mentioned that he had been in touch with Tim Soret, who may not have bowed and scraped so hard as he seemed to.

adfeb7 No.14291589

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I have a theory that the furry shitposts so much because he's genuinely autistic, and has to use his clicky clacky ricer keyboard constantly to self-stim before he goes into a meltdown and self harms or rapes a koala or some shit.

But more seriously, he's been pretty bad lately, and that only usually happens when something bad happens in his life like a pet dying. I'd wish he'd find a healthier way to deal with it than picking dumb fights on the Internet. When his 'tism isn't boiling so hard he can make good points, even if they're often coated in Aussie shitpost cum.

e264b9 No.14291603


Sorry to hear that anon.

da1044 No.14291604

File: c78e282901bd742⋯.jpg (43.92 KB, 640x480, 4:3, CHIKUSHOOOO.jpg)


>that scene

It was just a couple of hours ago for me, but I don't think I'll ever let that anger go for as long as I continue to watch anime. Best girl never deserved that. Mother of fuck.

e264b9 No.14291609


Got any more info than that?

567755 No.14291611


ive literally hardly posted in the last week and every time I do people like 74fbf6 decide to utterly derail and shit up the thread

this isnt my fault

6d1087 No.14291613



Is your dog Bladee?


>OMFG J E W is filter to kike now…fuk u all



Oh what will they think of to do him this time?

9dd6a2 No.14291615



I've never watched Oreimo and judging from all the loathing of it I've seen whenever it pops up, I probably never will. It's funny how the author's sister is no longer on speaking terms with him though.

b3bdcd No.14291623

File: 881badb9d325937⋯.jpg (420.29 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, aussiemoon.jpg)


If it makes you feel any better, Kuroneko is too good for that poor excuse of a MC.



That was a joke article.

e264b9 No.14291644


Red hair girl was best girl.

74fbf6 No.14291663


This made me laugh harder then it should of.

9e92b3 No.14291678

File: ffda8c2e3537d99⋯.jpg (115.15 KB, 1200x671, 1200:671, a patchy.jpg)


Anybody with enough autism to shed tears over 8/v/ bans on Twitter is going to chimp out no matter what happens.


>this isnt my fault

Feeding into the topic being shat up and bringing up off-topic cross-board drama is absolutely your fault. If you can't keep discussion on topic, please take it to a board where it is on topic.


There's got to be something else he tweeted other than that. Who really gets triggered by an "attack helicopter" joke? I'm sure even some trannies love that meme.

c828d8 No.14291709

567755 No.14291712


youre fucking dumb

80de7b No.14291714


>I'm sure even some trannies love that meme

If they do, they get exorcised from the tranny "community" for wrongthink. Supposedly it's the ultimate anti-tranny meme and anyone who uses it is a hateful drumpf supporter

9e92b3 No.14291736

File: 8953764a1f06452⋯.gif (2.7 MB, 540x360, 3:2, mac-tonight.gif)


Why don't you go along and cry about this drama of yours on Twitter?


>Supposedly it's the ultimate anti-tranny meme and anyone who uses it is a hateful drumpf supporter

Is this a similar faction of trannies who support attempting to keep their sex reassignment surgery a secret from partners?

c828d8 No.14291742

File: a3d7692d9dacdd1⋯.jpg (153.09 KB, 595x842, 595:842, a3d7692d9dacdd1a5e2600a792….jpg)


>attempting to keep their sex reassignment surgery a secret from partners?

This is what gets them murdered, not even joking.

9e92b3 No.14291746


>This is what gets them murdered, not even joking.

Well, if John is in favor of keeping it a secret, who knows what other crazies are encouraging it within the "community"?

5b0eea No.14291759


I know he's a (1), but ever since Tekken 7 & Dragon Ball FighterZ released there's been more of these retards.


Did you tell him to lurk for at least 2 years?


It has been used to derail these threads for months upon months. They are no different then shills at this point and should be treated as such.









>trap shit

>board drama shit


>Just filter the furfag, don't derail the thread any further than it already has.

Re-read it again, he didn't blame you, he said don't further derail by responding.


He did his thing, helped us out, and didn't cuck out and denounce GG but instead gives us a shoutout and recognizes how we made a difference while everyone else, ranging from leftist sanfran normalfag to /pol/ack did cuck out and think we did absolutely nothing.

As far as I'm concerned, he's alright in my book.


Brad Glasgow is also an alright fellow.


>no context link drop

>no hooktube



6d1087 No.14291772


Aww thread's closed. I think I can see a few of our infiltrators arguing in there.

>yes, fortunately that lack of guns has kept fascists & nazis from ever rising to power out there

Ah, at last I truly see. Trump won because guns. Somebody tell Zyklon Ben that he's doing a fantastic job mowing down the niggers.

b3bdcd No.14291776

File: 60ac1792e91efd0⋯.png (323.4 KB, 730x576, 365:288, thegangisallhere.PNG)



>Keeping their sex reassignment surgery a secret from partners

>There are probably people who wanted to have families and be good parents at some point, but some degenerate who wanted to live a lie fucked them up and gave them huge trust issues.

No-brainer on why they get beaten and killed.

8f1d3f No.14291892


>Young Pajeets know that TV made in their homeland is awful, and prefer Chinese Graffiti

Wew, laddie.

4ce8bd No.14291894

File: 8dbd8f22264b5af⋯.png (53.7 KB, 919x737, 919:737, 1387607378372.png)


tranny here fuck you faggots faggots who say I tranny post weekly I haven't done it since christmas. Anyway, the tranny community wants every single gender and made up gender to be taken completely seriously no matter how ridiculous at all times. They also think that any safety precautions such as not surprising guys you barely know with your disgusting axe wound is transphobic and if you think its a bad idea then you have internalized transphobia and should be shunned. Also all trannies should be treated as beautiful women no matter how fat, unshaven, balding or manly looking they are. In fact even suggesting that trannies should even look like women even remotely is incredibly transphobic and makes you a racist nazi with a lot of internalized transphobia and should be sent to the reeducation camps. Maybe one day I'll screencap some of the crazier stuff but maybe not at the risk of doxing myself

also always report australians on sight

567755 No.14291902


>tranny here

IA here, holy shit

ea520e No.14291904


Mombot here, ara ara

692b8a No.14291913


where is that image from

4ce8bd No.14291946


Reported for being australian :^)

9e92b3 No.14291949


Please deliver screencaps when time makes it convenient.


Prove it.

567755 No.14291982


Id say kill yourself but given the high % of you doing it anyway it sounds more like an offer

ed4d95 No.14292217


For fuck's sake. I'm tempted to get in just to bully him.

e3a415 No.14292359


Reported for being a tranny.

c98942 No.14292378

File: 0d9e3167b94d5c9⋯.jpg (87.71 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, Feminist Irony.jpg)

d448a8 No.14292405


Wasn't that website satire?

5b0eea No.14292460

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

MTG Judges Lie To Get @Patreon To Fire Me

I guess they're really mad that the pedos in their ranks got outed.

I really hate that when this happens to a youtuber the youtuber at one point gives an impression of asking for more crowdfunding to "fight back"


Looking around, it seems legit and has legit replies in the comments, just extremely biased, so don't listen and believe. The article has the video in the article anyway.




>all posted an hour apart

wew, pretty dead tonight.

c98942 No.14292475

File: 1fb5d8205c47aa7⋯.jpg (41.84 KB, 500x359, 500:359, Pol Pot 3.jpg)

Can anyone shop this and replace Pol Pot why any feminist of your liking?!

567755 No.14292480

b0f120 No.14292546


Yes, finally. It has begun.

2dbec8 No.14292617

File: 094708ea74e02c8⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 455.09 KB, 1232x1690, 616:845, viv genie glug.png)


are you Becky? I hope you're becky.

c98942 No.14292630

File: e9db800a9497dac⋯.jpg (168.04 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, Feminism 92.jpg)

ed4d95 No.14292647


This is strange. All those letters and all I can read is 'I'm an attention whore'.

f80469 No.14292648

File: 2e92be90e33904a⋯.png (3.44 MB, 3307x2126, 3307:2126, laughing_aku.png)


>I don't have to prove my nerd cred to anyone ever


8756a3 No.14292698



Stopped reading there. Dumb bitch should stop using caps when trying to convey a message.

6d1087 No.14292707

Any of you currently contributing to the ggwiki? I hope my files are all in working order and everything goes smoothly following the computer's system restore so that I may help properly.

7c1251 No.14292708

>Kotaku gives fake news about who has the largest concurrent stream on Twitch and Twitch staff try to further this since they don't like the number one guy.





>Twitch having townhall on guidelines and moderation policy changes. They area also going to be changing IRL(in real life) to prevent user to user harassment which past enforcement history has been very SJW in how it is enforced.


8fd0ed No.14292720

File: 297f8b4fc4ccc4b⋯.gif (231.03 KB, 325x570, 65:114, chrisquestioning.gif)

Can vidya be saved?

f80469 No.14292722


The answer is maybe.

ed4d95 No.14292723

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Remember the guy who exposed some pedophiles in the Magic community?

Patreon banned him.

8fd0ed No.14292742


What reason did they give?

c98942 No.14292758



ed4d95 No.14292759



Doxing I believe. For exposing the pedophiles.

8fd0ed No.14292764

File: 3285d8889403ce4⋯.webm (940.19 KB, 360x360, 1:1, rember happy day.webm)

Vidya might not be able to be saved, or maybe it can. But Gamergate did do a lot besides that. It started a chainreaction that may yet lead to the salvation of western civilization. Or maybe that's overstating it. But you know what it did save?


Gamergate saved me from a fandom that was consuming me, and was becoming more and more SJW, and by extension saved me from potentially becoming an SJW myself. Who know what would've happened if I had stayed in that place. Gamergate introduced me to a lot of ideas I hadn't previously considered, ideals that have tremendously helped me. I no longer blame the world for my faults and shortcomings, I take responsibility for them and work hard to correct them. I face the world for what it is, not what I want it to be. I've escaped the "outrage cycle" that mainstream media pushes normies into, and politics don't upset me. I went from being a raging dumbass to a chill motherfucker that sees the humor in everything and as a result have soared at my job and have a large group of friends now that I wouldn't have otherwise.


0b4ce0 No.14292765

File: b4375602862773b⋯.jpg (8.92 MB, 4082x8050, 2041:4025, cd2f949e32fa92b5e73da3576f….jpg)


The guy is sitting at 141 posts in the thread. He has passed (119) in levels of autism, and a Brazilian Anon came over to say that he is 10 times as bad as Marche at avatarfagging over on 55chan (Which is also against the rules over there).

e8bbd5 No.14292770

File: 8d36f7654b27cd2⋯.jpg (171.82 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 4452127121765226492142.jpg)

Can we do something to get back at resetera for the witch hunts? How do they pay for the site? Who's running the show? Where are they getting their leaks from?

I think these are questions worth investigating. They are going to try something against Warhorse soon when Kingdom Come releases, we should be on guard and looking into what they might try.

This would be more productive than shitposting about banned twatter furries or traps.

0845e4 No.14292803

File: faba507e43c5886⋯.png (195.43 KB, 811x800, 811:800, Gladerika.png)




The mightiness of an autist retard. Glad that he was kicked out of moderation.

96d8fb No.14292806


Why anyone takes these partisan hacks seriously after they banned Hotwheels is beyond me.

f80469 No.14292807



Do you have the pizza pasta one?

8fd0ed No.14292816

File: e499acb7cc70561⋯.png (993.7 KB, 1200x710, 120:71, ClipboardImage.png)


And a new legend was born.


They're a threat and need to be dealt with. Honestly neogaf/ResetEra ARE the core of the gaming industries problems. It all stems from there. To put this in overly dramatic terms, ResetEra is Mordor.

8756a3 No.14292835


Gamergate made me horribly depressed about the state of the world.

But at least I have truth on my side.

5b0eea No.14292856

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Seemingly Oldish video but I saw it being passed around today.

This is Brianna Wu tier when it comes to SJW programming. Of course the comments are disabled.

5b0eea No.14292860

File: 4b5c309606255e3⋯.png (170.35 KB, 857x706, 857:706, Category Theory in Life - ….png)


Around the 18 mark

c98942 No.14292902


My god. Terry Davis is insane with all of his paranoia over CIA niggers, but he's more talented than this hack.

f80469 No.14292907


>Rich non-white non-male is lower than poor white male

But watch this bitch be buddy buddy with hard left commie types.

8fd0ed No.14292927

File: bedd8ffb3596dfb⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1 MB, 1776x1000, 222:125, Tomoko Aoi_00001.jpg)

File: 02a0e452dc2022f⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1015.81 KB, 1791x1036, 1791:1036, ClipboardImage.png)

There's a game on steam called deep space waifu that has full nudity if you add a text file named "nude.patch.txt" to the games data folder. It's a classic shooter and kinda fun. Amazing that it's on steam. $1.99, and there's a flatchest version too.

8fd0ed No.14292956

File: 7ab9eddb39a0c5b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 846.8 KB, 1776x1000, 222:125, Sarah Dorner_00001.jpg)

File: f88bc44a181cfc7⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 912.47 KB, 1776x1000, 222:125, Motoko Suda_00001.jpg)

The art isn't the greatest but for how cheap it is it's actually an alright shooter. I've never played a vertical shooter with a mouse before, it way easier than using a controller. First few stages are too easy and too short, not sure if the difficulty ramps up or not.

756290 No.14292980


> Gamergate made me horribly depressed about the state of the world.

> But at least I have truth on my side.

It's nice but truth isn't helping is much. We need manpower, and we get that by spreading the word.

Slashdot has a thread about how good Wikipedia is. It's an opportunity to tell the truth and influence some people.


There are many incidents to choose from. Spread awareness.



756290 No.14293012


If you're going to Slashdot to spread the word, get an account. Here is an anonymous comment that no one is seeing because anonymous comments are hidden by default and no one is upvoting it. Don't post anon there. Make an account.


567755 No.14293019


Fuck you are an idiot

you are either underage or a newfag literally from reddit before GG



Sent :^)

No really check your emails friendo Ive sent you the plans we have to shut down them once and for all

8fd0ed No.14293048


> literally from reddit before GG

Nope, 4chan. But that's just as bad nowadays.

e78d51 No.14293049

File: 77b7ccfc810a3c6⋯.jpg (74.61 KB, 726x636, 121:106, 8531560a189e840dfe66383217….jpg)

SPLC: The Alt-Right is Killing People


Very briefly drops GG and milo (for whitewashing and introducing GG to the masses) as precursors to growing right.

The article mostly talks about a bunch of shooters, far-right websites, incidents, Charlottesville, memes, shitposting, etc. What you'd find on /pol/ basically.

e78d51 No.14293075

File: 13d7d9c8e9053eb⋯.png (51.23 KB, 923x585, 71:45, 1.PNG)

File: 466deeb75ec7d45⋯.png (53.25 KB, 912x652, 228:163, 2.png)


Two choice screenshots but don't let these mislead you about the whole article.

8756a3 No.14293086


>All these wrongs and projections

I'm gonna need a welding helmet for this.

0a5200 No.14293087

File: f67f17af2fdcc6d⋯.jpg (9.58 KB, 185x243, 185:243, 49a5e842579734735402700f61….jpg)


>Multiple Star Wars TV shows in the works

They really wanna run that sucker into the ground, don't they?

8fd0ed No.14293097


Maybe disney oversaturating the market with star wars can help kill off "geek culture?" Big Bang Theory is over too, isn't it? I firmly believe that if geek culture were to fuck off SJWs would fuck off too.

567755 No.14293109


Bit fucking late to say that

Its always been idiot bait its just now its targeted towards fat cat ladies

0a5200 No.14293138

File: 82a413ba9a7d9b0⋯.jpg (31.73 KB, 638x480, 319:240, and they say the real subs….jpg)

File: 11ac24e1a237167⋯.webm (5.36 MB, 300x250, 6:5, Steven Universe Fans.webm)


>more bazinga-tier trash

These kinds of idiots are what ruined gaming, fantasy and scifi culture.

<I don't have to prove my nerdiness to you! I am a true nerd! I bet you don't even know Princess Leia's dad's name or what Alderaan was like! Or what Dr. Who is!

>Bail Organa… And I mostly preferred Jon Pertwee's performance as the third and that's about it… So, what are you thoughts on the Killiks? If Alderaan had not been destroyed, should they have had the right to purge and/or assimilate the humans of Alderaan should they have ever returned regardless of the ensuing political instability and social chaos?

<Lol wtf is that even? Fuck off with your old timey sexist alpha nerd bullshit


Where did everything go so wrong?

0a5200 No.14293147


>Bit fucking late to say that

I know. But it feels like they're trying to bury out. I mean, SW has had no dignity since they started using Vader in so many cringeworthy ads back in the day, but now it feels like Disney is purposely trying to ride it so deep into the ground that it'll disappear and be forgotten. Its like they wanna make it as shit as possible.

8fd0ed No.14293161

File: 000e941f3d1acef⋯.jpg (225.89 KB, 962x1114, 481:557, soylent gape.jpg)


They just want as many shekels as they can possibly get, and they know geek culture is only a trend and if they don't move now they won't get all those trendy hipster geek dollarydoos.

e09329 No.14293229


This is hilarious. Also that /animu/ quickly recovered is another huge slap to his face after getting bullied by everyone.

449533 No.14293233


Indeed, its the mass milking of the corpse. They did it to mickey too, which is why hes pretty much deader than bubsy.


Projection and distortion of history at its finest I see.

8fd0ed No.14293234


Is this why we're so slow? Is everyone on /animu/?

e09329 No.14293252


They're at 220 ISPs and are right next to /r9k/

c03a98 No.14293303

File: b65e4cfd6535276⋯.webm (1.95 MB, 696x392, 87:49, b65e4cfd6535276134b2fd382….webm)

7861d2 No.14293317

File: bfb879cf527659d⋯.png (1.97 MB, 1000x1412, 250:353, 149859243169.png)


I'm always amazed how unsatisfying the ending made absolutely everyone feel.


princess Leia's dad is Luke Skywalker though

c3ad33 No.14293320

File: 3a0f12accefeabc⋯.png (99.61 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 3a0f12accefeabc55a9b718757….png)


well, the aut-right ARE acting like a bunch of rabid niggers

7861d2 No.14293326


fuck Anakin Skywalker

bully me

078a1b No.14293347


That was the only fucking way they would have done due diligence to protect their customers, and criminal records like that are a matter of public record for a reason. Fuck these people with a rusty rake.


>what about the Mexican gangs

>what about the black gangs

>what about Antifa

>what about muslims

Fuck these people. They deserve nothing but scorn.


Sheev's rise to power has some similarities to what SJWs, commies, and Disney want to do. Plus the Nazi analogue ended up being a fan favorite, and being justified in the old EU. There is quite a bit there that would be resentful over and its a big franchise that is heavily influenced by WWII.

c4a5b9 No.14293403

File: cc4fc64e72b9504⋯.jpg (326.88 KB, 1024x1200, 64:75, 06-quincy-jones-feature.w5….jpg)

>In Conversation: Quincy Jones

The music legend on the secret Michael Jackson, his relationship with the Trumps, and the problem with modern pop.


82d835 No.14293426


How graphic is the porn?

ef434c No.14293472


>It's narcissism, plain and simple. I don't need to be Asian to sympathize with Johnny Gat in this Saints Row 2 scene, but for them, they're utterly incapable of understanding anything in this. Because Gat isn't them.

Close psychopaths and sociopaths have trouble with a little thing called empathy. This lack of empathy extends to the characters they play games with. That is why a study (I can't find it the moment) showed that gamers had higher empathy levels than most. Gamers empathize with they characters they plat. We (at least I do) want our characters to succeed/overcome a challenge as the game's story progresses through gameplay completion. My point being, if you lack empathy, you will never enjoy a game that doesn't represent you because you are too focused on one's self and not the story being told by the devs. And that is only considering games with a story, For other games, the psycho/sociopath only feels rewarded when they can beat other player's scores.

8fd0ed No.14293477


What I've posted is all I've seen so far.

449533 No.14293598


They got some black groups, but for ever 1 they have 50 white groups, and 0 jew groups.

dcda0d No.14293606




449533 No.14293627


Who? Also

>I dated ivanka 15 years ago

>ivanka is 36 now

>the fucker is 85 now

Wheres the pedo acusations? Anyways, reading that, hes a great bullshitter, if he hated michael that much he would not have worked whith him so much, and if he knew who killed kennedy he would not have kept his mouth shut. And hes avoiding blaming liberals who held a great sway of power for the last 30 years for causing more racial and sexual relation damages than anyone else.

c03a98 No.14293640


>21 is pedophilia

6c629a No.14293642

In France, they've just voted to make it impossible for kids 15 and less to subscribe to social media without a parent's approval.

That's fucking reassuring as shit, as it implies kids are less likely to grow through the stupidity and uselessness of twitter or facebook.

9bd78f No.14293653

File: ad6c697887a74f7⋯.jpg (47.81 KB, 654x600, 109:100, ad6c697887a74f758033021964….jpg)


What if they just lie about their DoB when they make an account

449533 No.14293661


We have had people accused of pedophilia for dating 21 year olds while being middle aged, but they only get accused of such because they are right wing, thats what I was getting at anon. Hes a performer alright, he certainly knows how to lie through his teeth, but its not entirely his fault, people who eat his lies up without question are to blame too.

6c629a No.14293668


They probably will, they already do with porn sites of course. The point is, it shows a sense of "adulthood" to social media. They even call it "numeric majority". That implies, to parents, that kids can't access this shit without prevention and care. That it's like letting their kids watch violent or pornographic stuff.

It also adds more responsibility to the social media companies who have to make sure the ones subscribing are older than 15, and make it clear that it's necessary and shit.

It will also protect dumb teen girls more from making an instagram account to send nudes for example.

8fd0ed No.14293672

Is there a site that will crop and download clips from youtube? I usually use http://www.clipconverter.cc/ but it won't do anything with the video I want because there's music in it. I got a cute webm for whoever has an alternative.

dcda0d No.14293676


Doesn't Hooktube allow you to DL vids as a webm?

82d835 No.14293692


Not worth 2 dollars

449533 No.14293697


I dont see it stopping children.

8fd0ed No.14293709


It does but I'm not seeing an option to select from and to a certain timeframe.

8803c6 No.14293717

File: cf258013689c0d6⋯.jpeg (65.11 KB, 540x911, 540:911, 8c7c94c568f7d9502df8d3a31….jpeg)


Depends if they get found out by who I suppose, but knowing it's all "social" and "all the cool kids do it" and "it's free", an awful bunch of parents would probably let their kids on social media without surveillance. Then the kids post nudes to old geezers because they're naive, unprotected retards.

ab4f98 No.14293740

File: c2c7c6924d57e90⋯.jpg (118.87 KB, 391x366, 391:366, no it's fucked.jpg)

File: 86923c13625a2b2⋯.jpg (72.48 KB, 1000x352, 125:44, fubar.jpg)


>Can vidya be saved?

2458c6 No.14293760

What's the best adblocker out there guys?, I had to reset my PC and reinstall everything due to a damage in the hard drive.

82d835 No.14293765


I use ublock origin but who knows what the new best one is.

181245 No.14293768


Yes, if you're willing to turn the greatest bastions of corruption and unholy degeneracy into massive firestorms surrounded by literal nailed-to-wood crucified assholes.

8fd0ed No.14293771


I use Adblock Plus in combination with Poper Blocker.

6c629a No.14293781

File: 1f0a79856aaecfa⋯.jpg (212.51 KB, 1435x1579, 1435:1579, True fascists don't burn b….jpg)

ab4f98 No.14293794

File: 5b6a9c5572911ee⋯.png (180.09 KB, 350x350, 1:1, laughing japanese business….png)


>everyone reading books are now alt-right

>suddenly reading books becomes bad thing

No wonder why they so hates the knowledge itself

6c629a No.14293796


Gook ?

Are you wearing a dress again ?

82d835 No.14293798


So i can just read books in public and make people angry. Nice.

055fa9 No.14293801


>if you lack empathy, you will never enjoy a game that doesn't represent you because you are too focused on one's self and not the story being told by the devs. And that is only considering games with a story, For other games, the psycho/sociopath only feels rewarded when they can beat other player's scores.

Sounds like bull. To be empathetic you recognize and share their feelings. or is that sympathy? I always confuse them. Good writing can make you feel for a character even if it's an absurd setting and you've never been on that spot before. Let me give you an example. In the of the movie Get Out the black main character is justly killing his evil "girlfriend" on the dirt road when a cop car pulls up, it looks incredibly fucking bad, played on stereotypes, and the audience knows what lead up to it then we find out it was his friend It was a good scene and played on expectations.

Normal people don't empathize with liberal identity politics because it's a menial issue. And not everyone goes into a game for a story but for competition. You don't empathize when you're competing, only afterwards if you show sportsmanship.

16cf12 No.14293805


<Brave New World is alt-right

yes, that's right retardera, the concept of being so inundated with meaningless and inane ideas is so evil and alt right. Now get on your forum and discuss video games and how they aren't progressive enough, because the video game characters don't align to your political beliefs.

ab4f98 No.14293808

File: 50f9f93d07a8d32⋯.gif (1.86 MB, 329x470, 7:10, extremly scared.gif)


How did you..





dcda0d No.14293809

File: d9f0e13425c5a7d⋯.png (377.71 KB, 485x455, 97:91, ClipboardImage.png)


Pic related.

9bd78f No.14293812

File: 3f6e3238cbf0e82⋯.png (570.05 KB, 623x767, 623:767, 61df18151cfc0b8e09985deffd….png)



Twitter Pajeets need their CP you racists


This explains why all commies are dumb as frick,they can't read.

8803c6 No.14293814

File: 5e75878c69141ae⋯.png (957.42 KB, 1000x1080, 25:27, 5e75878c69141aef25ab8063c2….png)


>Fahrenhait 451, Huxley and Peterson are alt-right

Jesus christ, is there anything not "alt-right" to them? Not even themselves?


Hey man, how's the situation in SK? Did you prep if shit hits the fan?

e8bd21 No.14293815


>To be empathetic you recognize and share their feelings. or is that sympathy? I always confuse them.

Empathy is feeling what the other person is feeling, Sympathy is recognizing how that person's feeling.

181245 No.14293819

File: 88c4b46401219a9⋯.jpg (48.56 KB, 541x541, 1:1, 2e84999510894fb4bbe29b81d8….jpg)


>every alt-righter is obsessively reading books right now, btw, a good way to spot 'em

>mfw the only books I've been buying or downloading are about how to build things, how to fix things, or how to do things

cabddc No.14293820


ublock origin

6c629a No.14293821


You were way too obvious in your reply, gook. Get better at english. I'd even say…


4858b8 No.14293823


>reading books is alt-right

>yet screeching about how parseltongue or some other Harry Potter shit is a metaphor for Trump is progressive

Archive or fuck off, this sounds too good to be true.

449533 No.14293827


Sympathy is what you described, empathy is going "oh hey this person is like me," or "oh hey, I have feelings similar to this guy" people who can empathise well can say that even when similarities are minute or subtle, but those who cannot need overt shit to place themselves in the shoes of others.

0a91e0 No.14293837




7861d2 No.14293841


>No wonder why they so hates the knowledge itself

No wonder why they hate knowledge itself so much

181245 No.14293846


I'll walk you through your errors, gook.

>everyone reading books are now alt-right

This is fine.

>suddenly reading books becomes bad thing

This is also acceptable.

>No wonder why they so hates the knowledge itself.

And here's where you fucked up. The sentence is clunky and other acceptable alternatives would've been

<No wonder why they hate knowledge itself.

<No wonder why they hate knowledge.

<No wonder why they hate knowledge so much.

6c629a No.14293858


Actually, that first phrase is grammatically clumsy, as "everyone" preferably is singular. So it'd be "everyone reading books is now alt-right".

That second phrase too : "suddenly reading books becomes A bad thing".

078a1b No.14293872


>one group keeps promising gibs

>talks about how the rich should open their wallets and give more to the poor

>shits on rednecks despite a large portion of blacks in the US, and probably elsewhere fulfilling the inbred, violent, uneducated and degenerate portions of the stereotype as much if not more

He is a liberal through and through.

449533 No.14293874



>everyone who reads books are now alt-right

905b6d No.14293876

File: 55780b0a3ee8d97⋯.png (1.14 MB, 937x3546, 937:3546, 2018-02-08_19-53-04.png)

>Lawrence McKinney was 22 in 1977 when he was wrongly accused of rape. He was sent to prison the next year.

>wrongly accused of rape


e8bd21 No.14293877


I am nothing like the Baron from The Witcher 3, but I felt what he was feeling while playing that.

181245 No.14293878


I noticed that after I hit the reply button, but they are much better than the last statement where the errors just jump out at you.

besides, how else will we gookspot if he starts using perfect english

sorry gook, I meant that as a joke

8fd0ed No.14293879

File: defb3da8b3b255d⋯.jpg (60.34 KB, 1080x608, 135:76, 1500360547.jpg)


This is beyond parody. This is full on twilight zone tier shit, oh my god.

449533 No.14293883


Thats you picking up on the minute similarities, no matter how small anon.

74fbf6 No.14293890

File: f8ef52e4e43fe51⋯.png (167.06 KB, 460x269, 460:269, ss what.png)

181245 No.14293893



Found the post, archive here.

ab4f98 No.14293903

File: e65321a9d2095f5⋯.jpg (155.54 KB, 489x763, 489:763, healing.jpg)

File: b455ad304698bb7⋯.jpg (36.98 KB, 325x499, 325:499, 51c28ZmaAoL._SX323_BO1,204….jpg)

File: d7e742c708f1fe9⋯.jpg (23.39 KB, 260x260, 1:1, 51yNhSw5JFL._SX258_BO1,204….jpg)

File: 61a1c341ee21872⋯.jpg (65.88 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote-the-instruction-we-f….jpg)


Let's post your recent read books, /v/, let's trigger non-reading SJWs


>shit hits the fan

Moon regime representive and anti-north strategic minister just announced that "Even if our ally relationship with US broke there will be no war in peninsula". Moon's main goal for now is fucking preventing war with any cost and any means necessary. I'd say it's autistic but it seems it's fucking dedicated to it. It's one of the former president Noh's will, who was Moon's lifetime best friend and also who assassinated by… I'd say Illuminati.

And now Norks are desperate and call for 'muh peace' suddenly. Nork's intention is not to make war but being independent country that recognized by UN. Nukes is just a tool.

And also there isn't a single indoor stadiums for Pyeongchang olympics because the Park shit delayed, halted every single thing about the olympics. Apparently the main stadium for opening ceremony was intended to be cutting edge tech indoor stadium with air conditionor but the impeach shit made it halt at not even 50% of construction and now tens of thousands people will watch the opening with -20C, 12m/s wind with 0 humidity, opened dome.

Expect it to be shit, even hotels for players started to electrtic outage because Moon ordered to cut off nuclear plants because "muh greater good". Yes, city of Pyeongchang suffering eletric shortage even before the olympics begun.







>how else will we gookspot if he starts using perfect english

that point will never come, you can't learn english

c4a5b9 No.14293911


That second one interests me. Tell me about it.

181245 No.14293913

File: 099a2e8ee586866⋯.gif (249.85 KB, 512x384, 4:3, 099a2e8ee586866476d341c579….gif)


Gook, I just wanted to help.

8fd0ed No.14293921


I read all of H.P Lovecraft's works recently. Bought a hardback cover that had everything he ever wrote in it.

6c629a No.14293929


Recently read Dorian Gray. Fucking masterpiece. Brilliant telling of the suffering of pathological narcissists and cynical explanation of beauty in life.

ab4f98 No.14293930

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's about indian woman literally died for 7 hours for terminal cancer all over the body, wake up later and remembered she met her father's spirit and within next few days all the terminal cancer miraculously just dissappeared and she realized all the faults and mistakes she made in her life. It's spiritual lecture from a woman who went through near death experience.

She explains there is afterlife and the basics of reincarnation, and purpose of life.


i know anon i was too shy to thank your help thank you anon


>I read all of H.P Lovecraft's works recently

I adore you anon I can't even read stephen king's because they are creepy

9bd78f No.14293932

File: b9e162ee3b7823d⋯.jpg (302.91 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, 1403881963855.jpg)


>james demore is a scientific bigot


Spending too much time in Reset Era could lead to histoplasmosis be careful lurking there anons.

8fd0ed No.14293935

File: 00bbbecbba26c9c⋯.gif (1.86 MB, 1208x860, 302:215, 1503071872.gif)

ResetEra is legit scary shit. The mentality of these sorts…they're all a bunch of moviebobs. It's amusing that they call others nazis, when they symbolize the ideology of the nazis better than even the nazis.

74fbf6 No.14293951


I'm thinking a dig on them would actually be beneficial.

8fd0ed No.14293956

File: 0bd20b53de2d5f1⋯.mp4 (15.99 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, VRCHAT cute girl doing cut….mp4)

Ok, I found a site that acts like an online video editor. Takes a little time but it's good at simply cutting clips from longer youtube videos. https://online-video-cutter.com/

Here's the super cute video I promised.

c4a5b9 No.14293957


Sounds pretty neat. Near death experiences fascinate me.


I'm going through a Lovecraft collection right now. Only just started and read through Dagon. Reanimator is up next.

74fbf6 No.14293959


Mountains of madness is a good one.

8fd0ed No.14293968

File: 3434506cde07f2b⋯.jpg (368.13 KB, 840x700, 6:5, 3434506cde07f2b3f257908c0b….jpg)


It needs to happen. I heard within a month they got over a million posts, they already have industry insiders and wield a significant influence over the industry. Knowing that a collection of batshit crazy moviebobs has that amount of control over something like video games, which itself is a huge cultural influence, is legit terrifying.

But you won't get me anywhere near that place. There are dark corners of the net that even I won't travel down.

8803c6 No.14293971


Okay, but did you prep though? Guns? Food? Fuel? Anything?

If you didn't, maybe it's time to prep. Maybe /k/ can help you or something.

181245 No.14293977

File: b55c60187514146⋯.mp4 (7.4 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Overlord - before posting ….mp4)


We need buffs.

74fbf6 No.14294001


Cause I think a huge dig on them could help and aren't the mods ex NeoFAG mods?

fa4782 No.14294003


what are they smoking? carrots?

e8bd21 No.14294010


I got nothing left to lose, there's nothing I haven't seen before. Any tips on digging, what to look out for?

9bd78f No.14294013

File: 341b82662ddc8f1⋯.jpg (108.57 KB, 850x733, 850:733, a7d19a958651359eff9c7bac87….jpg)


The Thing on the Doorstep is probably the spookiest tbh

16cf12 No.14294016


Problem is imageboard people don't like to do things like write reviews or post in forums. They are content just playing games and shit posting about them. ReeeetardERA is filled with people who hate how video games are, but want to like video games, so they constantly have things to bitch and moan about. SJWs are usually egomaniacs and sadists, so they love to talk about how much better they think they are than everyone else with virtue signaling.


>fuck off and let me play games


<omg this game is so problematic I found out what's so problematic about it lets all talk about how toxic and problematic it is so we can harass developers into changing it

<i'm the #1 social justice warrior in the forum look at my posts!

994f47 No.14294031

File: db892bb9bba0403⋯.png (505.11 KB, 746x626, 373:313, 1491168895290.png)


>reading a book is fascist

RIP, Quentin.

ac0eb0 No.14294032

File: c34117d8708bff3⋯.webm (3.77 MB, 1280x688, 80:43, WeSucceededHorribly.webm)



Remember when ResetEra was founded, and people thought it would be funny to infiltrate the membership / mod positions, subtly trying to make the forum look as crazy as NeoGAF?

Either this >>14293781 is an amazing Poe, or that plan went horribly right.

c4a5b9 No.14294034

File: 82492ce6676e68e⋯.mp4 (584.72 KB, 544x612, 8:9, caaa134c55ec48499c09a979d1….mp4)


Sadly not included in this collection. I had another book that had more of his works but I lost it in storage.

e8bd21 No.14294038


Option 3. Nothing changed at all.

6c629a No.14294052

File: 7e374e466383cf7⋯.jpg (144.87 KB, 1440x1268, 360:317, Fascistic reading1.jpg)

File: 1df33ee2a9d3b85⋯.jpg (156.42 KB, 1440x1336, 180:167, Fascistic reading2.jpg)


Oh it's not a poe. He even replied, pics related.

ab4f98 No.14294054

File: 588b30cbd551ea1⋯.gif (4.04 MB, 300x168, 25:14, how to survive nuke.gif)


I have 90+ liter military packs with frame for each of my family, literally have over a ton of rice, living right beside of edible river, have various water filters, nice collection of machetes, gas masks with filters.

no fuel yet and i don't even have a car

And if norks drop nuke pic attaches is my tactic.


>Nintendo almost officially support them

>all the SJW cliques support them

>almost every major publishers in west support them

I bet fucking DARPA and MJ12 somehow involved in ResetEra as some kind of fucking digital brainwash frontier just like Hollywood.

74fbf6 No.14294065

File: 20eb846a570c7cb⋯.jpg (8.13 KB, 314x301, 314:301, frank what is this.jpg)

994f47 No.14294076

File: 6a513ba4ae123f3⋯.webm (303.05 KB, 320x240, 4:3, let me laugh even harder.webm)


>reading a book that's a warning about the mentality behind book-burning is a sign that you're a book-burning Nazi

Oh my god.

e8bd21 No.14294079

File: 38d84d751619355⋯.gif (176.87 KB, 500x419, 500:419, Question2.gif)


>The people we're talking about have an IQ of about 60

>Still able to read and understand the point of the book

8fd0ed No.14294088


>iq of 60

Says the imitation moviebob wackjob.

8803c6 No.14294091


>And if norks drop nuke pic attaches is my tactic

>thinking he can outrun a fucking nuke

Don't you guys already have nuclear shelters? There must be one near you.

181245 No.14294095


Succumbing to idolatry and the practices therein.

Their idol, their object of worship, are their political beliefs. Anyone who stands against them, even if they are completely similar in every possible way, are to be turned into the embodiment of evil until they're nothing more than mindless, slavering monsters who deserve genocide.

82d835 No.14294107


Time to stack rakukaja

8fd0ed No.14294108

File: cedec4a617963b6⋯.jpg (104.48 KB, 581x668, 581:668, 1501006967.jpg)

Someone ask on RetardEra what they would do to "alt-righters" if they had the power, unlimited power. If they were in control, what would they do. Go ask them. I'm willing to bet they respond with something remarkably close to "genocide."

ab4f98 No.14294113

File: 4734b42fb7b5ea3⋯.jpg (160.53 KB, 2000x956, 500:239, Albert-Einstein-Quotes-34.jpg)


>"Everyone who reading timeless Dystopian literature and books are alt-right and also Nazi!"

>"If you reading books you have IQ of about 60!"

Einstein was fucking right. There is no limitation in stupidity. There is no limitation in projecting also.


>taking joke seriously

all the sheltors in gookland been either closed or abandoned after 80's because at that point we all realized there will be no war and if one happens it will be the extinction of gookind and there is no way to avoid it because it's WW3.

e8bd21 No.14294136

File: af94cf96b8cd8d6⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 53.14 KB, 640x480, 4:3, uncropped.jpg)


>thinking he can outrun a fucking nuke

What if I paint myself blue like sonic the hedgehog and outrun it?

8803c6 No.14294147

File: 2d6c8f21df761cc⋯.png (296.38 KB, 653x420, 653:420, What_the_fu-.PNG)


>all the sheltors in gookland been either closed or abandoned after 80's

>when the niggers up north eagerly want to drop one on you

I know the Norks would get blasted away if they try anything, but that's not a good reason to not get some protection.

449533 No.14294164


I dont think that quote was real, and einstein was the bill nye of his time.

7861d2 No.14294179


I would rather be retarded and try to learn than an alleged "genius" who ridicules those not as high as him in an arbitrary and obsolete intelligence test.

e8bbd5 No.14294184

I'm actually pretty good at blending in with SJWs and slowly stepping up the crazy, I like to do that in sites that allow anonymous comments. I've gotten pats on the back from SJWs for saying some pretty retarded shit.

Maybe I should try to get into Resetera and see how much I can steer them.

8fd0ed No.14294200


Go for it anon. I tried to make a SJW parody account a long time ago but I went full throttle way too soon.

e8bd21 No.14294206


Make sure you get a burner email before doing it.

ab4f98 No.14294207

File: 568f6528799505d⋯.gif (406.24 KB, 300x166, 150:83, worried laughter.gif)


>I'm actually pretty good at blending in with SJWs

You are either extremely resistant, tenacious actor or complete sociopath. I gave up pretending to be SJW at the first attempt because when I do it I felt my soul slowly dying and being sucked into the deepest abyss of hell.

f31806 No.14294213


Mountains of Madness might be my favorite from Lovecraft and it makes me happy that that hack del taco didn't get a chance to make his movie about it.

449533 No.14294214


They legit use fascist tactics without knowing what a fascist is other than hitler was one all communists are fascists, as well as many dictators and leaders of democratic countries, hell trudeau is a fascist, the closest thing to being a non fascist is a lolbertarian or an ancap

72878a No.14294218


>The Premise of Fahrenheit 451 is that the masses call for the censorship of "offensive" books

>every single book ends up offending someone so all books get banned and burned

>vapid entertainment such as TV and gossip magazines are the only things allowed

I can see why they think it's alt-right, it argues against censorship of "offensive" things while they beg for it. They hate it because they are the people in the story who celebrate the burning of books

449533 No.14294227


They hate it because its not an abyss, but a mirror.

e8bd21 No.14294236

File: 16f17f33bd30da9⋯.jpg (78.19 KB, 675x650, 27:26, penguin.jpg)


Speaking of the publisher of that book

e8bd21 No.14294250

00ed41 No.14294256

File: 26c6850b4504c55⋯.png (59.54 KB, 313x289, 313:289, 26c6850b4504c5544a0aa6fae0….png)

Does anyone notice that whenever an anon calls out the shitty cuckchan wojaks, they get accused of being a nintendrone?

e8bbd5 No.14294293


It's just the good old spirit of the ruseman anon, in a magical age where one can assume any identity, it would be a waste not to play around and pull some comical trickery, I would not feel complete without it. I bamboozle, therefore I am.

4ce8bd No.14294302

File: 17d78cad08be04c⋯.jpg (270.07 KB, 400x395, 80:79, 1517757544-2.jpg)


>the people reading these books have an IQ of 60

>the people who only have read harry potter and watch star wars on repeat are the true intellectuals.

Holy fucking shit that makes me legitimately mad. These fucking braindead children who have never had a thought in their head that wasn't put there by modern pop culture are sitting there and smugly proclaiming that reading books and attempting to expand your knowledge outside of what you already know is contemptable.

You know what? They're probably right that anyone boning up on classic literature these days is what they would consider "alt-right" but the problem is that anyone right of Mao is "alt-right" to them. So these normal people who realize that maybe they should expand their horizons outside of pop literature and children's novels and actually learn about the world and culture are the "60 IQ" people to these morons.

What about those of us who read voraciously as a kid and read these books when we were kids? Is that alt right? Does that mean every high school who makes teens read 1984 or fahrenheit 451 is actually an alt right indoctrination factory? Wow what a fucking great concept, reading books about the horrors of censorship and a totalitarian government actually means you're a facist who wants a totalitarian governemnt!

I'm angry, I didn't need this on my lunch break

e8bd21 No.14294318

File: 12d341d71d82ea0⋯.png (302.05 KB, 1612x1983, 1612:1983, Hat Andy.png)


On the internet, they talk like intellectual superiors.

In real life, many of them are probably more similar to Dobson, according to this anon who claimed to meet him before.

ac0eb0 No.14294323


>Defending this line of reasoning, while claiming their opponents don't see the irony because of their "average IQ of 60"

If this is sincere, then it's a perfect example of the Dunning-Kruger Effect.

>Person is not clever enough or skilled enough to fully understand something, or perform a task to a high standard

>Unfortunately, they're too dumb (or afraid) to recognize and admit some factors that might be their own fault

>Because they can't admit a personal fault, they can't accurately judge their own competency

>They also lose the ability to make accurate comparisons between their own competency and someone else's

>Thus, they get caught in a coping mechanism; they assume they're much smarter and more skilful than they actually are

>Eventually, they conclude that the 'fault' lies with everyone else (especially those they don't like) who are 'worse' than they appear to be

449533 No.14294367



At least the replies are calling out the shit.

4ce8bd No.14294385


I've met loads like that. With women the ones like that seem to be able to hide it better to your face where they'll be quiet but friendly. And you'll wonder why this nice girl doesn't have any friends. But then you'll come to find a bunch of rumors about stuff you supposedly did that are outright lies or super specific angry facebook posts about "someone"

I at least prefer the ones who are outright pieces of shit so you know right away to avoid them and you don't pity them. Once I was at a party and talking to this girl about our favorite subjects in school and she seemed nice enough. But she mentioned that Native Studies was her favorite subject. I replied along the lines something like "I always liked ative studies too, and if I had t learn any social studies subject it would probably be that one but in general I dislike social studies" (the truth is I hate native studies but I wasn't going to shit on her favorite subject like that) she then went on a 20 minute diatribe about how I was super racist and she couldn't believe that I hated natives so much and how I'm obviously a white supremacist. After that party I heard rumors about how I hated natives for like over a year because she spread it far and wide

5a144d No.14294387

File: 5980f36c6dfc3cc⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB, 720x480, 3:2, a's loli inspection.mp4)


Before anyone gives me shit about not archiving this, know that Disqus comments do not archive correctly.

Now to my main point: As seen in examples such as that comments section, Is it just me or are people sounding more and more retarded with each passing day? Half these fucks can't even spell correctly and over dramatize every little damn thing.

<trolling is acceptable now? da world is doomed! think of the children now that it's my kids at risk too!

I've also noticed that a lot of these mooks are british. Is the Cheeto President's mere existence causing liberal brits to become stupider?

0a5200 No.14294395

File: 6853ab69bfc5e66⋯.mp4 (5.05 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Big Bang Theory anus.mp4)


>Big Bang Theory is over too, isn't it?

When did this happen?

449533 No.14294414




Brits are retarded egotists and look at >>14294323 as it describes many of them far too many brits. But they cant help it, they have been bred to be loyal to the noble class without question and to attack all that threaten it.

e78d51 No.14294420

off topic news


S. Korea dog meat restaurants refuse to stop serving for Olympics


Dem law takes aim at Trump, makes 'intimidating' journalists a federal crime

President accused of 'encouraging people to engage in violence' against news reporters


e8bd21 No.14294424

File: f185ad0766fb564⋯.png (643.06 KB, 1064x957, 1064:957, dog.png)


> Is the Cheeto President's mere existence causing liberal brits to become stupider?

People were always stupid

e8bd21 No.14294427


*and when they are angry they show it more

449533 No.14294435


If they try to make journalists a protected class, it wont end well for journalists, especially the ones caught lying like cnn. Even libshits in canada dont trust cnn.

e8bd21 No.14294461


>President accused of 'encouraging people to engage in violence' against news reporters

If anything CNN is encouraging violence against Trump and conservatives. But that's how I see it, calling CNN fake news rightfully so isn't calling for violence against them, and I have yet to see one journalist actually get assaulted yet.

ed4d95 No.14294468

File: cfe58ab0b0d2992⋯.jpg (78.97 KB, 424x615, 424:615, hate is boiling my guts.jpg)


>that article


7861d2 No.14294514



It is not quite what the headline says

the dog is had a malformed penis and they needed to basically cut it out and create a way for him to pee.

289ddb No.14294523

File: dfb8d04ef1786f7⋯.png (356.88 KB, 594x800, 297:400, wrong twintail.png)


Trump retweeted that wrestling gif.

Obviously that was a call for instigating the day of the rope against journos.

e8bd21 No.14294539


On that note, it seems like everyone forgot CNN blackmailed the guy who made it.

055fa9 No.14294544


Isn't proresu as fake as their news?

0a5200 No.14294551

File: 2afd8c56ce40a8d⋯.jpg (230.68 KB, 960x686, 480:343, 1437651913364.jpg)


>President accused of 'encouraging people to engage in violence' against news reporters

Every day, shit just gets more and more retarded.

289ddb No.14294591


And that the guy was a teenager.

4ce8bd No.14294605

File: 6d25b37a7e42b6a⋯.jpg (25.79 KB, 500x492, 125:123, 1485637757.jpg)


>doxing is okay when we do it goy

0a5200 No.14294647

File: 71fad82b3a50822⋯.jpg (18.26 KB, 255x423, 85:141, 1475196329657.jpg)


>dat pic

adfeb7 No.14294687

File: 2ef28a5e21b51d7⋯.png (885.48 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, happy grilling camping JK.png)

8fd0ed No.14294699

I'm noticing a LOT of multiplayer type games now have it so you spawn as a totally random character, random race & gender. Why not simply let people design their character? With forcing one to play as random characters, are they not running the risk of making a trans polykin SJW play as a cis white male?

ed4d95 No.14294701

So… is it true Sweden appointed a paki as the new head of the Swedish heritage board?

Everyday it is closer for Swedishtan to exist officially.

0b4ce0 No.14294722

File: 7a73286d5620bfe⋯.jpg (384.3 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Tom Clancy's Line Simulato….jpg)


>Why not simply let people design their character?

Because the last multiplayer game that gave players the most diverse options of character creation (Tom Clancy's The Division) still had majority of the player base running around as white dudes in the game. One of the game journalists over at Forbes even made an article about it.

ed4d95 No.14294751


>the most diverse options of character creation

But that is not All Points Bulletin'. Was the characer creation good?

abc98e No.14294758

File: aadf3de84e4be2b⋯.jpg (50.65 KB, 600x803, 600:803, x subway.jpg)


It seems to me that it became popular as a tactic to stop people bitching they can't be a genderqueer transnigger. The hell it's going to lead to though, is some souless kike charging for individual sliders If you don't want to play as a manlet Pajeet with downs syndrome.

0b4ce0 No.14294767


>Was the characer creation good?

Apparently it was one of the most customizable ones people had ever seen. Here's the article:

>'The Division' Is Still Mostly Just White Guys, Despite Diverse Character Choices



0b4ce0 No.14294782

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



<And, here's a video of the character customization

3d92b8 No.14294838

File: 83a3abc1bc87791⋯.png (54.2 KB, 173x255, 173:255, 1421715338672-0.png)


So they deliberately made the article seem like gender reassignment surgery is good.

8fd0ed No.14294861

File: dcb122b69cd9c04⋯.jpg (299.26 KB, 1100x898, 550:449, time to nap!.jpg)

Good night!

9bd78f No.14294964

File: 6dddf0062607e56⋯.webm (2.93 MB, 800x448, 25:14, actions have consequences….webm)


>tfw when my country is full of h'white niggers

3d92b8 No.14294976


Good night Anon.

0b4ce0 No.14294978


>Girl attacking guy

>Guy barely punches her

>Girl falls down

>Women go after guy for defending himself

Am I understanding that right?

72878a No.14295013


Pretty much

72878a No.14295017

9bd78f No.14295031

File: 93e80dcfde6e976⋯.png (25.27 KB, 740x386, 370:193, women are the niggers of g….png)


Yes as John Flynt once said women are the niggers of gender

744f1b No.14295048

File: f00e21af9d8369e⋯.png (7.68 KB, 1080x108, 10:1, in other words.png)

82d835 No.14295067


This fucking story

95b5d0 No.14295112


It is. It makes sjw trannies regret it and kill themselves.

8803c6 No.14295122

File: ddd0e3630498cd7⋯.png (375.75 KB, 1238x972, 619:486, jealous of sexbots.png)


>it was a nigger


5e785d No.14295123

RIP twitch.

0b4ce0 No.14295131

File: 70dcb76b3fd1417⋯.mp4 (7.42 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Women Are In Trouble In 20….mp4)

eb4b6e No.14295134


I'm amazed how listverse hasn't gone the way of Cracked. I hope it doesn't since anyone now can write an article and if the staff likes it they'll pay you in return.

0a91e0 No.14295140

File: 263a417b65caedc⋯.jpg (38.06 KB, 367x360, 367:360, nigger of the world.jpg)

95b5d0 No.14295147



fa4782 No.14295161



994f47 No.14295172


Camwhores cried about being called camwhores, the horny 12 year olds that's Twitch's moderation team are now going to be spying on off-site activity to defend milady's honor.

5e785d No.14295177


New rules, they are giving responsibility to the streamers for anything their followers do on and off-site. Even boobstreamers will have to curb all "misoginy, hatred and objectification" from followers.

4ce8bd No.14295182


Got an article abd an archive?

994f47 No.14295194



It's worded so vague that you know it isn't going to be applied equally.

8803c6 No.14295198

File: 464337b3c1b7fea⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 272.86 KB, 1528x1080, 191:135, 1558936 - Please_Tell_Me!_….jpg)


A sex doll wouldn't cut it for me, I'd need a companion bot that knows how to actually love someone unconditionally. That's my fetish.

Artificial womb included, of course.

a07b62 No.14295200



Isn't Blizzard doing the same thing? Seems like this is the new trend. I wonder how quickly that will change once people start exploiting it to get someone they don't like banned.

95b5d0 No.14295206


>need a companion bot that knows how to actually love someone unconditionally

Why? It's useless.

0b4ce0 No.14295207

File: 078715275c7f4a0⋯.png (429.6 KB, 635x1005, 127:201, Computers are not human.png)

File: 952cdc397003536⋯.webm (943.87 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Marche & his waifu.webm)


>I'd need a companion bot that knows how to actually love someone unconditionally.

<Sadly, not going to happen, Marche

a07b62 No.14295214


I'd be happy with a doll that has a way to simulate human warmth. It gets really cold in my bedroom and I can't figure out why.

>get myself really riled up

>pull out onahole

>lose erection because it's like sticking my dick in an ice block

72878a No.14295238


Get one of those USB onahole warmers

a07b62 No.14295292


I don't keep things with USB slots in my room near the onahole and I wouldn't trust it to not melt the thing.

e78d51 No.14295315


Warm up your lube?

Maybe place it in warm water, but I have the feeling someone advised against that.

a07b62 No.14295321


That won't work but I'm not going to say why. Normally I just hold it for a few minutes to warm it up. It is a problem with my bedroom not really an onahole problem.

72878a No.14295332


>That won't work but I'm not going to say why

Just say why faggot

a07b62 No.14295338


I clean it every couple weeks and just use my cum from last time as lube

72878a No.14295344


Nigger what the fuck, just use spit or lube, that's gross as shit

adfeb7 No.14295354

File: 9556872f25efbcd⋯.png (921.34 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, crying shogi loli.png)

72878a No.14295356


Why would you even do it like that anyway?

a07b62 No.14295359


Because lube is expensive and I'm poor.

4edc48 No.14295363

File: 7deb21b6636d83f⋯.webm (12.93 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Vol going nuclear in anim….webm)

72878a No.14295378


I'm disappointed in you anon

e78d51 No.14295380

File: 994c3743bb41ce3⋯.png (336.07 KB, 624x424, 78:53, HiougiShock.png)


>use cum



Have you ever tried to masturbate solely with spit?


Order it online or look locally faggot. Get water-based lube though.

I've never used an onahole but I even I know this.

e78d51 No.14295400

Who's baking?

74fbf6 No.14295401


He is legit a more autistic version of marche but on fucking speed and Brazilian.

a07b62 No.14295403


I've looked around. Online I get fucked on delivery fees and offline it's just really overpriced. When I'm eating one meal a day I can't justify buying lube. I can't even get new earbuds because there's $30 in shipping if I want them to come in before May.

16cf12 No.14295404

File: 4de43772f538982⋯.png (9.83 KB, 300x94, 150:47, iftray.png)


Anon, tonight you will be my onahole

72878a No.14295405


>Have you ever tried to masturbate solely with spit?

No I didn't get cucked by the jews because I'm a leaf

0b4ce0 No.14295406

File: 146a34c05822610⋯.png (98.29 KB, 854x512, 427:256, Kirino, bad girl.png)


You have no idea: >>>/sudo/70044

72878a No.14295411


Dude KY is like $5 a bottle at walmart

e264b9 No.14295415

Well another great end to another great thread everyone.

16cf12 No.14295418


anon he clearly lives in some remote area where there are no wal marts or UPS stores within a 100 mile radius.

adfeb7 No.14295420

File: 4ed9eb5fecaefa4⋯.png (821.18 KB, 1017x742, 1017:742, 012_edited.png)


It sounds like he either lives in some shithole in Bumfuckistan, or he's just really stupid at sourcing things online

a07b62 No.14295426


I don't live near a wal-mart. I've run the numbers and it comes out to about $15 in gas to get there and back. $20 will feed me for days.

72878a No.14295434


Do you live near a town with a pharmacy? I bet it's not that much more there

4edc48 No.14295439


androids waifus soon, fellow stalker.

0b4ce0 No.14295443

File: 0d3ec5ed37bf35b⋯.webm (5.54 MB, 640x360, 16:9, AWAKEN THE BAKERS.webm)

Want me to bake again?

a07b62 No.14295448


The pharmacy has jacked up prices on everything. And my spunk works fine anyway. It's not like I just leave it on my dick afterwards anyway. I only jerk off before I take my shower for the night. So I jerk off, shower, go to bed, wake up, and shower again. I'm not spendng perfectly good food money on overpriced lube right now.

72878a No.14295459




I don't know what to say anon, I can see why you didn't want to say though

95b5d0 No.14295470

File: 32850bd7e2e37bc⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1400x1000, 7:5, 32850bd7e2e37bce3c63e5d89c….png)

Any baker?

Also I'll be staying extensively at my condo for the first time since I bought it, I was always on the move before. I'm looking to decorate it a little, maybe with some vidya frames. I'm looking for advice on what to hang up, might be something else than vidya too.

0b4ce0 No.14295472

New Bread


New Bread


New Bread


New Bread


938233 No.14295494

File: 9d2f6f25a42c952⋯.png (42.94 KB, 1497x231, 499:77, 354a4f4f1d09ac639c52039270….png)

File: 81d8e9255d68c3f⋯.mp4 (478.66 KB, 598x360, 299:180, YJJhya6FVZNhRkCh.mp4)


What >>14292816 says is completely true, its the hivemind forum mentally that is the source of the issues that we currently face. Thanks to that we have marketingfag and insiders telling the higher ups that neofag/resetera are the true face of the market and that games should pander to them. Especially when they can show there bosses the 100+ pages of salt when ever a female character has a bit of cleavage, its no wonder that the western gaming industry is set out to make their female characters look ugly as sin.

On the top of a solution, the Metoo faggotry should have ended them but as long as they have their disagreement channels they can and will easily relocate. A possible solution maybe to target and expose the leakers, seeing how they are breaking ndas they would be fired immediately purging both the sjw cancer and neofag/resetera's shilling power. We should have coordinate better during their exodus and went after the leakers.

0a5200 No.14295938

File: b8dc17b43e37cd1⋯.jpg (111.4 KB, 1014x571, 1014:571, good taste.jpg)

5b0eea No.14296252


I use 4k downloader to download videos then convert them to webm later


This is what we call a degenerate.


Spit? Hand soap? Lotion? All work well.

01621c No.14296763

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Honey Badgers released an update about their court case against Calgary and The Mary Sue and it is golden.

The feminist lawyers are so much like cartoon villains that it lends credence to the theory we are living in a poorly crafted simulation.

c03a98 No.14296907

Neato, another gov shutdown.

a74eb1 No.14303334

File: 83fc15ef3070b6e⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 341x321, 341:321, What did I just read.gif)


>burning a book which is all about dystopian hellhole government burning books for wrong think.

The fuck is wrong with this world, these people are living jokes.

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