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File: 32052e6fe60584f⋯.jpg (1.94 MB, 1330x1120, 19:16, 909fc34725605b6755291bd02a….jpg)

cd0261 No.14278696

>Current Happenings:




1. 8chan is being trolled by shills to create chaos on the site: >>>/n/586729

>Evidence of this happening has already taken place over on /co/: https://archive.is/6dPTA#selection-9011.0-9011.6 A couple times: https://archive.is/8vwcE

>Remember, report potential shills and see about reviewing COINTELPRO tactics: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

2. DIG: W.H.O. Proposing to Classify "Gaming Addiction" As a Disorder


3. OP Timber: Nintendo Localizers working with Japanese Devs to Censor Games




4. OP Chickasaw: Big Tech Companies are already violating the Constitution


>SPREAD: Twitter caught red-handed admitting to shadowbans & censoring "problematic" viewpoints, spying on user's sexual activity: >>>/gamergatehq/331496

5. OP GOOLAG: Hit Google Where It Hurts



A. Archive.is isn't sure you'll donate money to them. Prove them wrong: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate

B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations an unethical practices


>Polygon and The Verge violate FTC regulations: https://archive.fo/ii01W

C. Anti-Internet Censorship Database Operation: Defend Free Speech!


D. OP DICKTIONAIRY: The Destruction of Words and Language




>inXile has some skeletons in their closet being revealed (Possible happening): https://archive.fo/V4tr7

>A series of unverified images were released on 4chan that detailed AI controlled marketing and monetization practices achieved through "legal" surveillance methods: >>>/gamergatehq/331502

>NISA porting Ys 8 to Nintendo Switch: https://hooktube.com/watch?v=a_u7g5BlfiY&feature=youtu.be&t=328

>MTG pedo controversy has started blowing the lid off of the sex offenders in similar fandoms: https://archive.is/QMEAF

>EA shit the bed with lootboxes in Star Wars Battlefront II and are taking major heat: https://archive.fo/wBFd8

>Tencent promoting socialism: http://archive.is/0Zpbu

>Thread Repository:



>Summaries of #GamerGate:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;

https://archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

>Reminders (important, READ THESE!):

•Use https://archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;

•Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

•Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;

•Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

>Background and Evidence for #GamerGate (read and spread these):

•The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.is/nv1Fb

•#GamerGate Wiki: http://gamergatewiki.net/

•History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/

•View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

>How Can I Help?

•All Operations: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations


•Operation Disrespectful Nod: https://v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers)


>Update: A representative for Vox Media has stated that they will update their public disclosures across all their websites

•Operation Baby Seal: https://v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines)


•Operation Vulcan: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating)

•Operation UV: https://archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker)

•An Anon's Guide to Twitter: https://v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics)

> Lists:

•GamerGate Wiki Support List: https://v.gd/0fOHO3

•GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: https://v.gd/n6GPPt

•GamerGate Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb

>Key GamerGate Hubs:


>Full OP Text:

Current: http://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP

Old: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/README.md

>Want to Help Contribute to GitGud?


cd0261 No.14278706

bd9f94 No.14278707


a01de5 No.14278708

File: 1f9990c1d028e22⋯.jpg (82.46 KB, 1279x717, 1279:717, Bread4.JPG)

Archive of previous bread


859f94 No.14278711

File: 429fba0b4a4e41a⋯.mp4 (13.81 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Enrichment for days _fc397….mp4)

3ec909 No.14278712

File: 26a92ff28bbbf81⋯.jpg (106.6 KB, 740x1045, 148:209, 26a92ff28bbbf8189d0190e64f….jpg)

File: 10c49a0768f3c38⋯.jpg (111.73 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, 10c49a0768f3c38a500d4a4b7c….jpg)

File: 916ba97c830e9fb⋯.png (223.71 KB, 599x435, 599:435, 686bbf336fc401acb5435abe34….png)

File: d72ad4b22d5bb0f⋯.jpg (314.58 KB, 1700x2338, 850:1169, 9068be33f6ac8001226c99a810….jpg)


cd0261 No.14278713

File: b399d3937a01a6d⋯.jpg (139.26 KB, 622x700, 311:350, 1e5df74bae3391b7df4fc03ed0….jpg)

Please contribute to the wiki! Archive the Archives!




Please contribute to the wiki! Archive the Archives!

e1d440 No.14278714


That not even remotely effective as anti immigration propaganda. Who's the fucking retard that thought that was a good idea?

1dee7f No.14278721

File: d592156089739f2⋯.png (432.65 KB, 1462x557, 1462:557, THIS IS WHY YOU ARCHIVE OR….png)



8b3697 No.14278723


Thats because its a pro refugee commercial that someone tried to make into an anti immigration one. The original was shit and so is this one

ba5af3 No.14278733

File: b55c60187514146⋯.mp4 (7.4 MB, 640x360, 16:9, before posting online.mp4)

000000 No.14278736

>click link about MTG pedo controversy because I'm expecting yet more feminist bitching about guys' natural attraction to teenagers

>find stuff about somebody fucking four-year-olds

God dammit.

aa52d8 No.14278739

File: b06a9494aa59db2⋯.png (600.71 KB, 1829x550, 1829:550, I_want_to_kill_myself.PNG)

File: fd4aaec69b5a72b⋯.png (178.04 KB, 2391x795, 797:265, Archiving 101, your tools.png)

File: ec9a742e6596ee3⋯.gif (1.34 MB, 540x462, 90:77, ARCHIVING INTENSIFIES.gif)


I was going to post that too.

Also, does anyone know of any other sites that good for watching anime? 9anime isn't functioning at the moment with adblock on and Kissanime crashes my browser on every other page. And, I cannot use pantsu because the torrent doesn't want to load.

1dee7f No.14278743


Ah, so they let Gawker employees be judges.

cd0261 No.14278745

File: 592e69b71646921⋯.jpg (121.72 KB, 720x500, 36:25, 8ddb9bf3f16ef2db5a5c0b3039….jpg)



51ab92 No.14278761


Just buy a crunchyroll subscription.

aa52d8 No.14278763

File: 63551933d6172bf⋯.webm (305.78 KB, 1368x1066, 684:533, Enjoy Death.webm)

ba5af3 No.14278768

File: 5e94c20bbe698a3⋯.png (140.09 KB, 372x257, 372:257, -..png)


>find stuff about somebody fucking four-year-olds

e1d440 No.14278769

File: f5d21c523c92d53⋯.png (93.83 KB, 629x1173, 37:69, 9a2c5422c75b29e88ce4cf509f….png)

7acc5b No.14278775


Who's the retard who added the text ? Way to ruin the fucking effect of the video. Regardless of what it implied just outright writing shit that's happening right in front of you in the fucking first place makes the whole thing sound like you're a braindead cunt for adding it.

859f94 No.14278779


I just find this stuff. I don't make it.

51ab92 No.14278786

>Metokur is dying

>John McCain killed the wall and kept DACA

Shitty day so far.

7acc5b No.14278787


I didn't imply it was literally you, just saying. If you want to convey a specific meaning, sentiment or purpose in an efficient way, outright writing it on the fucking picture is the blandest, stupidest and most worthless way of doing it.

e1d440 No.14278789


Well delete it because its shit and doesn't deserve to exist.

1dee7f No.14278796

File: abe825fc5ab8b5c⋯.gif (2.53 MB, 540x303, 180:101, ANGERY.gif)


>>John McCain killed the wall and kept DACA


859f94 No.14278807


You're right. It is heavy handed with the words over it. Too strong. Subtly conveying a message works a lot better.


I'll live with the consequences.

3ec909 No.14278829

File: 8eca4b99bb6ffff⋯.gif (348.32 KB, 680x553, 680:553, d12cb67b7080b38bcd97d1721f….gif)


He's satanically kept alive like Soros. These guys should have been dead a long while ago.

51ab92 No.14278841

8b3697 No.14278848

File: cbd1ee2cec0ef4b⋯.gif (2.53 MB, 1005x742, 1005:742, Lainaru.gif)


Masterani.me is okay

1dee7f No.14278852

File: 4079e52d00dbe3f⋯.jpg (36.32 KB, 300x444, 25:37, simmering with rage.jpg)


>he's still pulling the "B-BUT I'M A WAR HERO, YOU CAN'T CRITICIZE ME" shit

e282f6 No.14278858


>John McCain killed the wall and kept DACA

Explain, it was a both or neither deal lat I recalled.

aa52d8 No.14278862

File: 8fc94e3ef11a578⋯.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 4.7 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Key The Metal Idol Textles….mp4)


<Doesn't have the series I just started watching

3ec909 No.14278867

File: c3a04247f70feb3⋯.gif (2.71 MB, 460x400, 23:20, b00.gif)



I hope another memo about him being a treasonous song bird releases.

f60fb3 No.14278875

File: ba23993d5f680d3⋯.gif (101.86 KB, 758x696, 379:348, SUPERIOR.gif)

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

1dee7f No.14278876


He's the one that pushed the piss dossier so hard to begin with.

e282f6 No.14278879


I hope he is forced a psych eval to determine wether or not he should be forced to retire.

b9426b No.14278882

File: 398d25f69d32b1a⋯.png (345.3 KB, 593x444, 593:444, yoooo.png)

What did mombot mean by this?

3ec909 No.14278889


>Asian cosplays a Trap

Nothing, I guess she was just impressed.

859f94 No.14278891


We know her type now.

d3e74f No.14278892

File: 1415bbb212c3b05⋯.png (542.88 KB, 528x591, 176:197, 1506762313013.png)

e282f6 No.14278893


I think thats a guy, looking at the collar bone.

607e63 No.14278897

File: 0f099738da0f467⋯.png (12.36 KB, 419x172, 419:172, clip.PNG)



Fuck Korea, they're all literal fags.

ba5af3 No.14278898

File: 86e4b19f419b2bf⋯.png (341.56 KB, 800x1036, 200:259, rage like fire.png)

042d73 No.14278900

File: 2c541abdac901f8⋯.png (121.91 KB, 1021x815, 1021:815, 2c541abdac901f8c4d435162db….png)



Think she was just impressed, but also how such a fit man can pass so much better as a woman than all the retarded trannies on twitter/in gaming that claim to 'be the industry'.

51ab92 No.14278901


He had a "Miraculous recovery" just enough to push for a brand new bill which has nothing for a wall or denying chain migration. With McCains sway in the GOP and Dem Votes, there ill be enough votes to push this through.

8ee259 No.14278905

File: e4d862144d48914⋯.jpg (88.1 KB, 500x738, 250:369, 25003588996902238410302.jpg)

Subnautica devs turbo cucked out, not only did they apologize to SJWs and promise to change the main character to female, but they also fired the sound designer.


21443a No.14278906

File: 576ad7ec958c093⋯.png (498.13 KB, 650x614, 325:307, reminder that japanese gam….png)

e282f6 No.14278915


Cant trump veto the bill?

d3e74f No.14278916

File: 26b9c216a74ea92⋯.jpg (57.69 KB, 680x618, 340:309, 1505595978534.jpg)


>they also fired the sound designer

But why?

51ab92 No.14278918


Government shutdown.

46777a No.14278919

File: fdeaf0193db128a⋯.png (684.53 KB, 1450x1510, 145:151, fdeaf0193db128a42cb8859982….png)

File: 8b49ce5a9891daf⋯.png (6.76 MB, 1024x9310, 512:4655, Lewd Cow Trainer CYOA.png)

File: 72b1f4d4e6ecd58⋯.jpg (63.22 KB, 540x720, 3:4, 1439987639758-1.jpg)


Cowgirls are precious things

cd0261 No.14278923

File: 3e1199be839a5c0⋯.jpg (40.72 KB, 960x540, 16:9, ast.jpg)


>No archive

>Not even a link

f70703 No.14278927

File: 46e383215974a60⋯.jpg (287.76 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, america.jpg)


No, you know as well as I that the media does not reflect the population, especially places like S.Korea. For us the only real contact between other countries is not the people themselves but the media they put out in each country. As such consider all information coming from any news source to be propaganda from certain groups. Don't be reactionary and think.

The only thing that defines a "trend" these days is incessant repeating and parroting of topics by the media itself, not the people.

5aa4f2 No.14278929


>Jim is dying

What's this then

8ee259 No.14278930


The sound designer is the one who made those 'problematic' tweets mocking feminists.

aa52d8 No.14278932


Any and all bills have to be signed off by the president. However, Congress can go around him by having a two-thirds majority vote (IIRC).

51ab92 No.14278935

File: 90fd75dd42da82f⋯.png (39.34 KB, 487x773, 487:773, RIP.png)


Patreon announcement

7b5235 No.14278937


He's sick and might shut down the operation because of poor health.

a01de5 No.14278940


It's worth to also point out that when they say things like "men" or "people", it could be everything from 10 to a 1000.

f60fb3 No.14278941

File: 4ed9eb5fecaefa4⋯.png (821.18 KB, 1017x742, 1017:742, 012_edited.png)


She was polish and super red pilled, retweeted things that were haram.

5aa4f2 No.14278948



Or just go away for a while again and come under a new name like a million times before, while getting that Patreon money from idiots

c4e8bf No.14278951


>Do me a favor and slap the devs for me

>no, they r good people. just very ideologically different from me.

>After apparently being fucking fired for wrongthink

She's a better person than I am.

3ec909 No.14278953


It is a guy.


Funny that a dude that doesn't ruin his body with hormones and mutilation looks more like a girl. Then again, he's a young Japanese dude and you should be aware about young Asians beingGET IN THE DRESS, GOOK ANON!

e282f6 No.14278958


I thought that already stopped or are dems threatening again, knowing damn well that a gov shutdown only really affects their pet niggers.


And thats what they are hoping for I imagine.


I pray it tanks.

465829 No.14278960


>Misuzu is stuck in No Progress: the manga

What a cruel world we live in.

026f9e No.14278963

File: 90ff5b7c9108348⋯.png (6.15 MB, 1024x9310, 512:4655, CowGirl.png)


I see you censored some of the terrible options to choose from.

e282f6 No.14278965


And for fuck skakes /pol/, you shoud be on this shit, 0 threads.

1dee7f No.14278967


You know, with all the "where have all the jobs for millennials" articles that have floated around for the past decade, never once have I ever seen anyone suggest "maybe it's because easily-triggered snowflakes made it impossible for anyone to actually hold one down."

fb0eb0 No.14278969


She should take advantage of the pussy pass and sue them to death.

Or at least spin the story as "these sexists devs" and fill the main media with such claims.

602506 No.14278971

File: 841a1bf69b7cfb6⋯.jpg (79.84 KB, 336x450, 56:75, IMG_0550.JPG)


>key the metal idol

Enjoy the ride and the music anon.

be0e51 No.14278973

Watch out for GamerGate

The public enemy of the world #1

It is the main hashtag responsible for…


☑ Making an ugly ass sweater

☑ Made Logan Paul level up

☑ Gave the Alt-Right an Asian fetish

☑ A precursor to the Alt-Right movement

☑ Trained a sealion to attack hipsters in San Francisco

☑ Defeated magical pedos in card games

☑ Helped a Korean improve his English Grammar

☑ Made Cathy Newman lose the lobster debate against Jordon Peterson

✓ Destroyed 4chan image posting

☑ May have exercised[sic] the evil from NeoGaf

☑ Bought Mombot™ merch

607e63 No.14278975


Well the only gook that comes here is 100% homosexual and is constantly trawling for anal bullying.

465829 No.14278986


It's a guy anon.

ffb4fe No.14278989


Well, they can now officially go fuck themselves.

b53065 No.14278994

File: b676934c0d2ad81⋯.webm (234.54 KB, 1012x1080, 253:270, [angry_oni_noises].webm)


I'm actually, geniunly, 100% jaleous of this dude. Fucking hell. I need to become more bara to make up for this. Started working out last week finally, time to make up for all those lost chances!

fb0eb0 No.14278996


Oops, true, my bad.

Even then, isn't firing someone due to their ideologies illegal? He should stir shit.

be0e51 No.14279001


>Even then, isn't firing someone due to their ideologies illegal?

As far as I know it's not.

f70703 No.14279004

File: 84d3b4877b7ead4⋯.gif (662.11 KB, 499x328, 499:328, BlackAgumon.gif)


No, you're just a bunch of verbal rapists anon.

You can't fuck a gook in the ass and come out not gay.

1dee7f No.14279007


If I wasn't going to buy the game because one of the devs decided to be a complete douchebag due to people wanting bugfixes instead of cosmetic bullshit, then I'm definitely not going to buy it now. Screw 'em, there are a lot more sandbox survival games out there.

aa52d8 No.14279020


>You can't fuck a gook in the ass and come out not gay.

You can if you're a woman with a strap-on (Or a futa).

3ec909 No.14279021

File: 497989b2a3b4fe6⋯.jpg (198.54 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, tw566465qgf.jpg)

File: 242f74de5c9a7f6⋯.jpg (95.03 KB, 640x377, 640:377, waria-cantik waria tercant….jpg)

File: f0cb035b1043afe⋯.jpg (226.81 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)



ab0a25 No.14279028

Fuck #GamerGate! Companies should be allowed to censor their games, and you're a virgin loser for wanting to fap to women in video games!

21443a No.14279031

File: fe065f71fd04575⋯.jpg (9.74 KB, 200x303, 200:303, cole phelps lie.jpg)



3ec909 No.14279032


To hell with Western Industry. Too many virtue signalling faggots. Slav games are fun, but the only problem with Japanese games is the SJW gatekeepers localizing them. Import and learn Japanese.

f70703 No.14279033

File: 52501e929568a96⋯.jpg (176.11 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, feel good drink.jpg)


hi gook

ba5af3 No.14279038

File: 753d25c5ff7d946⋯.png (518.07 KB, 1984x1632, 62:51, gookanon angery.png)

aa52d8 No.14279042

File: 45bed382806d5dd⋯.png (250 KB, 936x594, 52:33, Gook comes out of the clos….png)

File: f9ee5421144ce5d⋯.png (422.67 KB, 1761x707, 1761:707, gookanon's_trap_folder.png)


>Companies should be allowed to censor their games…

They can go right ahead, and they won't see a dime from me.

>…and you're a virgin loser for wanting to fap to women in video games!




3dbc35 No.14279043

File: 3f6df0f89f7a08a⋯.jpg (93.6 KB, 595x841, 595:841, the life of a trap.jpg)


I never thought I would use this image in an image board.

e282f6 No.14279048


>learn japanese

Only if you plan on getting a localization job or can hack games and fanpatch them. Otherwise your running away from the problem in the lofty belief that the problems are not gonna find their way to you regardless.

be0e51 No.14279053


It has been used every fucking thread. Where have you been?

d9e8ac No.14279054

File: 73e9f9983a45437⋯.webm (5.61 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Salaryman Action.webm)

File: 9c0aa1eaadc3f64⋯.webm (4.93 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Salaryman with Safety Con….webm)


You think you could take on a salaryman?

3ec909 No.14279056

File: b1f64e1fcbcb0e7⋯.gif (983.11 KB, 500x375, 4:3, Nakuru Akizuki.gif)

File: d3d605ce6a66987⋯.jpg (525.61 KB, 917x1200, 917:1200, Nakuru Akizuki.jpg)

You know the world is all kinds of fucked up when Korean men are more naturally pretty than their women.


It's pretty much why traps are portrayed as young boys in a lot of anime and manga. Nakuru is best trap. Shame there's barely much of her.

e282f6 No.14279062



I thought it was an it.

3ec909 No.14279065


I don't even know what she is.

b53065 No.14279066

File: 87fbad2783ef1d5⋯.webm (9.16 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, traps_are_gay.webm)

File: a15083c3fcb5940⋯.mp4 (884.25 KB, 480x480, 1:1, AJ Styles answers the ques….mp4)


8ee259 No.14279067


I remember you posting reaction pics from lewd mangos and teasing anons about how they're turning you into a homo slut. Then you put on the dress and begged anons to gay marry you with the excuse of helping you get out of the country, but for some reason you insisted on being a bottom.

I'm pretty sure that's how it went.

3ec909 No.14279069

File: 3595e7acf1be7ef⋯.jpg (104 KB, 300x450, 2:3, 2e6dc8d0-9c4a-4c5e-99a3-93….jpg)

Then again, same could be said for Neferpitou. Nobody knows what that cat's sex is.

3ec909 No.14279074


Felix is worst trap tbh.

aa52d8 No.14279077

File: 5d8f098b2afe428⋯.png (252.51 KB, 809x890, 809:890, animu_purity.PNG)


>Shame there's barely much of her.

Isn't that a good thing?

21443a No.14279081

File: ee8ec45268e3b47⋯.jpg (13.93 KB, 326x319, 326:319, Dekomori_2.jpg)

File: ddf3ba65d469d51⋯.jpg (495.26 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, tdSZBcpN5dBp63634945254816….jpg)


He.. just downloaded those douins for collecting purpose, no homo. And the first cap is just joke.


I confirm that's true. I can't fucking tell who's girl or boy from streets. And for TV… Look for my second attached picture, it's photo of latest trending boy idol in Korea. I just can't fucking tell who's girl or boy.


>I remember you posting reaction pics from lewd mangos and teasing anons about how they're turning you into a homo slut

>but for some reason you insisted on being a bottom



e282f6 No.14279082


Considering its a mutant ant, probably a male to be honest, I find that mangakas works are meh

7acc5b No.14279084


We have the best artists

fe6c64 No.14279088

File: 742146ee3263d8a⋯.jpg (65.46 KB, 600x760, 15:19, emily-aurelia-tracer-bikin….jpg)

File: e6e6f3301593270⋯.jpg (61.09 KB, 600x862, 300:431, emily-aurelia-tracer-bikin….jpg)

File: 69e8ae1a6d744c3⋯.jpg (73.11 KB, 700x1002, 350:501, emily-aurelia-tracer-bikin….jpg)

Stop being gay

aa52d8 No.14279089

File: 21c1778251c4bd2⋯.png (159.5 KB, 614x474, 307:237, GG and Gookanon.png)

3ec909 No.14279092


I hear that sexual dimorphism is much weaker in East Asians than it is on Whites. Also, they have a pedomorphic skeletal structure.

569a9b No.14279093


>I just can't fucking tell who's girl or boy.

Nigga they all dudes. Git fucking gud.

I swear, for all that time you autists spend looking at crossdressers you think you'd get better at picking them out.



d9e8ac No.14279094


>those arms


c4e8bf No.14279096





>N. America





>Free will

>With you

>Milkmaid dress


>Large dose

>Horns (Med.)/Weight Gain (Small/Med)


>By hand



Dammit why must CYOAs be in this of all threads

465829 No.14279097


>they have a pedomorphic skeletal structure.

Their bones are pedos?

f0111c No.14279101


I don't follow Jim too closely, so does anyone know what his health issue is? Only thing I know is that he has had it for a while.

a37656 No.14279104

File: 80bdd21e42b2461⋯.jpg (44.7 KB, 960x758, 480:379, 1376144896357.jpg)


Holy shit some of those comments.

Those people need to jump off a bridge.

ba8afd No.14279105


Those pictures are fake and gay. You can't fool me, nigger.

21443a No.14279112

File: ace4b42c744702e⋯.png (174.17 KB, 609x530, 609:530, Limmy doesn't understand i….png)


Why… why did they upset about Subnautica in the first place? The game is literally 100% apolitical. Or SJWs just found and picked their newest trending bully target?

fe6c64 No.14279115


Hes got a bad case of yellow fever

042d73 No.14279127

File: 09bd076605dc848⋯.jpg (28.83 KB, 720x763, 720:763, 09bd076605dc848c80f5d2bdda….jpg)


Because 'Everything is political', if you say something is not political that just means it's twice as political.

c4d4ef No.14279129


childlike born structure

ped like pediatrician

ba5af3 No.14279130


They are doing it for a power play to show they still have power.

7f7889 No.14279131

File: 0af53b3e69f7613⋯.jpg (58.49 KB, 480x640, 3:4, IMG_3253.JPG)


God fucking damnit. I could stand the no-guns, and even the ugly MC because you don't see him and they didn't make a big fuss about it, but this is too far. Fuck them so hard.

e282f6 No.14279133


Beat me to it.

fdaa72 No.14279142

File: 9511a9c02d761e6⋯.jpg (1.4 MB, 3072x2052, 256:171, even without the ebin gaym….jpg)


You have a point.

Everyone I know who have hiring responsibilities have said they put resumes with birth dates later than 1985 at the bottom of the pile, because all the snowflake time bombs with zero work ethic have poisoned the well.

7f7889 No.14279143


Suck my dick nigger.

fb0eb0 No.14279147


>(5) posts trying to derail or le ebin troll

cuckchan get out

1dee7f No.14279153


Meanwhile, I keep getting passed up for 40+ year old dickheads that won't even be there for longer than a month.

37b415 No.14279161


This doesn't make sense at all.

ba5af3 No.14279163

File: 41689732e1982b6⋯.png (342.35 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Yuuna_-_01.png)


This explains a lot.


>This resume

Holy shit did someone legit think this was a smart move?

7f7889 No.14279164

File: fbfb844e6a9c2f4⋯.jpg (42.34 KB, 256x256, 1:1, IMG_3652.JPG)


>shit on the devs

>subnautica shill

You're trying far too hard.

1dee7f No.14279167


Because 76% of people polled wanted bugfixes instead of cosmetic shit. That's literally the only reason.

026f9e No.14279170

File: f2fd0c32155f2ec⋯.jpg (67 KB, 714x1000, 357:500, touch the cow.jpg)


That reminds me that I want to do mine:




>North America






>with you

>milkmaid dress

>cowboy hat

>small dose

>horns/cow ears/bull cock/weight gain


>by hand



d756e8 No.14279173

File: 1d42049f7eb96d4⋯.jpg (195.36 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Naru 01.jpg)

#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news

Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence.

Useful Links:




> Make backups of your favorite doujins in case of Fakku DMCA purge

> ShindoL has a message to the English community.

- https://tweetsave.com/shindo_l/status/936655595767078912

- https://tweetsave.com/magicalfuntime/status/946901533584646145

> Falcom is going full NISA

- https://archive.is/fi9q4

Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add incoming Japanese games)

> Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/154755 )

> Fakku is localizing games/VNs now to the Localization Watch.

- http://operationrainfall.com/2017/12/23/fakku-now-selling-hentai-games/


> Bandai-Namco: Girls und Panzer Dream Tank Match (Winter.17, JP release w. eng sub), Ni no Kuni 2 (Jan.19.18, Dev'd with western market in mind), Little Witch Academia (JP:Nov.30.17,West:2018), SAO: Fatal Bullet (March, 2018)

> SquareEnix: Secret of Mana Remake (Feb.15.18)

> Nintendo: Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Out)

> Bullet Girls Phantasia (2018)

> Granblue Fantasy Project Re:link (2018)


pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.



They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.

Fakku 0001-1000: https://files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent

Fakku 1001-1100: https://files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent

Fakku 1101-1200: https://files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent

Fakku 1201-1300: https://files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent

Fakku 1301-1400: https://files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.txt

Fakku 1401-1500: https://files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt

Fakku 1501-1600: https://files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt

Fakku 1601-1700: https://files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt

Fakku 1701-1800: https://files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt

Fakku 1801-1900: https://files.catbox.moe/m37bm7.txt

Fakku 1901-2000: https://files.catbox.moe/z9nmm6.txt

Fakku 2001-2100: https://files.catbox.moe/arpo7h.txt

Fakku 2101-2200: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2369399

Fakku 2201-2300: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2377551

Info & feedback welcome

c4e8bf No.14279175


I wouldn't be surprised if this was commonplace.

>TFW willing to work for well below my market value, without taking vacations, yet still can't land shit

569a9b No.14279179


Is pantsu usable yet?

ba5af3 No.14279181

File: 4f0bea11cfbd87f⋯.jpg (110.06 KB, 420x420, 1:1, JUSTin Castro my shit up f….jpg)


Let me guess Canada?

1dee7f No.14279182


>tfw no one believes you when you say that the media and hipsters have poisoned the well to this point

c4e8bf No.14279183


US, but a blue state, AKA might as well be Canada

ba5af3 No.14279186


Let me guess California?

29f270 No.14279188


>change the main character to female


c4e8bf No.14279196


Jew York.

7f7889 No.14279201


Go beat up mark please.

e5e4ea No.14279202


There was an archive talking about it in the previous thread. Asking whether or not they should improve the core game or make a female character is probably what put a target on their back. (The poll they did even had the former choice winning)

ba5af3 No.14279223


God help you.


You are fucked these days if you want a job

>Boomers won't retire

>Gen X made retard policies for the work place

>Other Millennials are such incompetent morons that most employers rightfully don't want to higher younger people

>Millennials who actually want to work to be productive members of society are fucked because of the above or schools not training them for shit and etc

cd0261 No.14279228

Small news; Let's see:

PUBG has banned like a million people in January and are going to get an anticheat.

Not giving an archive since I just read over the headline and there are more than a dozen articles out there.

Siliconera https://archive.is/hWIEs

CyberConnect2 President Hiroshi Matsuyama Talks About Their New Strategy, And Upcoming Project Tidbits

GamesN https://archive.is/l7mHe

Someone bought a CS:GO skin for more than $61,000

Niche https://archive.is/gkmX9

Live-Action Sleeping Dogs Movie Officially in Production and Filming

GamesN https://archive.is/4ymMa

(((UNICEF))) appeal for PC gamers to donate their GPU power to charity cryptocurrency mining

aa52d8 No.14279235

File: 5265c52aabe31c4⋯.gif (445.08 KB, 278x212, 139:106, 3803508-asian but why.gif)


>Live-Action Sleeping Dogs Movie Officially in Production and Filming

1dee7f No.14279238


>(((UNICEF))) appeal for PC gamers to donate their GPU power to charity cryptocurrency mining

People need to fuck off with the cryptocurrency shit already.

859f94 No.14279243



It's probably gonna be based off the nigger sequel too.

607e63 No.14279244


China bucks

c4d4ef No.14279245


My laptop burned out and I was finally going to build a pc and now it's too expensive because of them

e282f6 No.14279248


>Millennials who actually want to work to be productive members of society are fucked because of the above or schools not training them for shit and etc

Can corraberate, and not hearing back/being turned down for quota hires really hurts ones morale.

fdaa72 No.14279249

File: 609ee608f6301f4⋯.jpg (19.13 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 609ee608f6301f4587afe4f2b2….jpg)


>american director instead of a hong-konger

9414d0 No.14279270

File: 96f3ae0d553cb14⋯.jpg (1.9 MB, 1600x6000, 4:15, EverdayAngelDemon.jpg)

so the dow apparently droped 1000+ points today for some reason.


why is that resume longer than a page.


c4d4ef No.14279280



>Try 1500+

Thanks Blumpf

9414d0 No.14279287

File: e8bfec2d5ad2e54⋯.png (398.9 KB, 500x1050, 10:21, 65409426_p2.png)


where are you getting that because everywhere I am looking it is 1,175

f5bf1d No.14279288


>so the dow apparently droped 1000+ points today for some reason.

(((Who knows?)))

e282f6 No.14279289


Its jews.

146981 No.14279290


no first for benis, therefore sage

ba5af3 No.14279293


Your confusing Sleeping Dogs with watch Dogs anon.


The job market is fucked.

cd0261 No.14279296

File: 5aa125149b39c33⋯.png (115.63 KB, 404x404, 1:1, hmkana.png)



Sorry, what is that?

e282f6 No.14279298


To anons, I suggest reading up on self sufficient stuff and defensive training, armed and unarmed, shit may actually be hitting the fan.

f4eb12 No.14279299

File: c3af5217c8a2372⋯.png (145.87 KB, 321x321, 1:1, The_Shoah.png)

File: 68e11cfd7eba2ca⋯.png (414.98 KB, 636x693, 212:231, 1401168037368.png)


>And the stock market just crashed.

63ae1e No.14279301


DOW Jones. It's a stock. Google it to find its importance.

1596e8 No.14279306


Underage please go. Look up the Dow jones industrial average.

859f94 No.14279307


That's even worse. Sleeping Dogs is actually a competent game. But it's basically already a movie. There's no need to recreate it.

aa52d8 No.14279312

>And the stock market just crashed.




>Why the Stock Market Is Crashing Now, and What You Should Do About It



1a4550 No.14279315



With what job?

cd0261 No.14279318



Ah, I was looking up DOW alone so it didn't clarify it well.

It's a stock market index.

ba5af3 No.14279322


What is going on?


Sleeping Dogs was a good game.

aa52d8 No.14279325


>>Why the Stock Market Is Crashing Now, and What You Should Do About It



>Yes. It’s not just the threat of rising inflation that investors fear. Wall Street is also worried about what the Federal Reserve might do in response.

>On paper, Wall Street should be rejoicing right now — not racing to cash out as investors have been doing lately.

>Investors, after all, recently got the corporate and income tax cuts they’ve been clamoring for. The economy is accelerating for real, with U.S. gross domestic product now expanding at a annual pace of more than 3% (after inflation) for three straight quarters.

>And for the first time in a long while, it appears that worker wages are finally beginning to lift, with average hourly earnings rising to $26.74 in January — a 2.9% increase over the past year.

>This represents the fastest rate of wage growth in nearly nine years, since the end of the Great Recession. And it effectively marks the end of the global economy’s war against deflation, which had been the biggest economic threat since the financial crisis began more than a decade ago.

>In theory, these are all bullish developments. Yet stocks are going in the opposite direction.

>That’s largely because the natural outgrowth of an expanding economy and rising wages is inflation, which hasn’t been a real threat to the economy in nearly three decades.

>Investors now believe it is.


>“The catalyst isn’t fear of a growth slowdown; it is fear of too much growth and surging bond yields,” says Jeffrey Kleintop, chief global investment strategist for Charles Schwab. “An overheating global economy could mean a more rapid shift by central banks to rein in stimulus” — typically by raising interest rates rapidly.

>And rapid rate hikes in an overheating economy is “often a precursor to a recession and a bear market,” he notes.

Is there anything else we have to go on?

7049b8 No.14279329

>Week prior; Experts say the Dow is gonna drop then level out


Nothing is gonna fucking happen you idiots.

e282f6 No.14279330


I am speaking if its a full crash, which may very well give /pol/ its dotr.

d6fe45 No.14279332


So that explains why all the career center people at my university are very insistent in telling us that we should not be creative when writing a CV.

I never thought anyone would be stupid enough to write a fucking novella on one of those things.

df874d No.14279336

File: 389b12da0b6caa8⋯.webm (1.07 MB, 854x480, 427:240, bean to cup you fuck up.webm)


>one of the things I seriously thought buying out since it seemed to be more than decent survival game

>now have to re-think where I put my money since devs are so touchy cucks

It's been over decade that I have kept my promise to not buy anything from devs or publishers that had shitty practices or treated their employees like shit, see EA as an example. So far, any company that has been on my shitlist has never received any cent from me, and if I did get it, it was either free giveaway or gift.

Looks like I finally need to make new vow about devs who won't stand their ground, then decides to do full 180 and chicken out just because some people with sand in their cunts and look like they've been hit by train car full of hair dye goes on autistic screeching and ruin games for everyone.

And the funny thing? I tended to thought that games should be held for what and how good they are, but the thing is, it doesn't matter if the devs are so fucking shit with PR and decides to give customer a kick to the balls. You fuck up, you can fuck off to showers from my part.

e5e4ea No.14279338



Found it if you're too lazy to do it yourself: https://archive.is/wlqlJ

The kicker is that Queenie is a burnout after Trump won.

ba5af3 No.14279344

File: 391d9211a897a6e⋯.png (146.93 KB, 246x471, 82:157, Confused teach.png)


> Queenie is a burnout after Trump won.

Wasn't she that fat Mexican? Why burnout over trump when he isn't related to GG?

607e63 No.14279349


US needs more of those illegal immigrants to push those evil wages down.

f4a236 No.14279355


>“The catalyst isn’t fear of a growth slowdown; it is fear of too much growth and surging bond yields,” says Jeffrey Kleintop, chief global investment strategist for Charles Schwab. “An overheating global economy could mean a more rapid shift by central banks to rein in stimulus” — typically by raising interest rates rapidly.

>raising interest rates rapidly is bad

>being incentivized to save money is bad

>especially when the market has been oversaturated by excessively stupid low interest rates for the past 11 years

Yeah, nah, that's leftists panicking about shit they know nothing about.


bbd600 No.14279372

File: a8916d035caab45⋯.jpg (341.95 KB, 1094x1094, 1:1, a8916d035caab45f67bf2c7805….jpg)



I heard that name before. Didn't we have some thot with a large cleavage supporting us back in 2014-2015?

63ae1e No.14279373


>Queenie is a burnout after Trump won.

A burnout as in a bernout or what? Bernout would be too good.

c4e8bf No.14279376


That's the first thing that popped into my mind.

3f81e1 No.14279387

File: 4e62fbeba5200fd⋯.jpg (43.21 KB, 500x384, 125:96, 4e62fbeba5200fd7ddbb275a67….jpg)




The very same. She went full burnout because of most people that were still active in the tag at the time expressing neutral to pro-Trump opinions, most of that being due to him being entertaining and a political outsider more than anything else.

ba5af3 No.14279406


Anyone who was Mexican or central American had collective sperg over him but the South Americans I noticed were pretty cool with him.

3f81e1 No.14279411

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Also the Queenie situation kinda reminds of when David Draiman of Disturbed pretended to be supporting of GG, only to drop it when he tried to turn the consumer revolt into his personal army against anti-semitism and failing horribly after people started asking just what in the fuck does this have to do with video games.

Now that I think about it, just about EVERY burnout tried to turn GG into their personal army. Jim, Ayy-team, Bladee, Triangles, GGR, Kacho aka Tim Alliase or whatver and so on.

ba5af3 No.14279421


Many E-Celebs who were left or right wing tried to make GG into a personal army back then.

c4e8bf No.14279435


Even a number of non-ecelebs burnt out because GG didn't conform to their specific brand of political view.

aa52d8 No.14279436


How many dicks do I have to suck to make GG do shit for me and become my personal army?

Anyways, why were these people surprised when you guys told them to "Fuck off" with that attitude?

f8d144 No.14279443

File: ba7902e9a1e1525⋯.png (342.13 KB, 1446x755, 1446:755, 19a1632e15ea428b222908f372….png)

File: 36a615113d112cf⋯.png (286.62 KB, 737x725, 737:725, 7041e8ad5da6beb3f9b483f530….png)

File: 1236d4afa157967⋯.jpg (127.44 KB, 1080x1253, 1080:1253, 12faf0743c428c5c5b687a1936….jpg)


These haram tweets were caught by ResetEra, who then organized to get the this guy fired.

The devs cucked out in just a few hours.

f8d144 No.14279444


And here's the ResetEra thread.


3f81e1 No.14279446

File: bd66f502143df5d⋯.png (2.13 MB, 600x929, 600:929, bd66f502143df5dc0b522434f7….png)


I remember there was this one guy in the threads that was trying to turn them into a crusade on all things yuri and lesbian, cause he got cucked by a dyke.

51ab92 No.14279447


It seems to happen quite a bit. I don't expect other people ITT to have my opinions, it's when they go "Gamergate should hate Trump" or some shit is when my buttons are pushed.

51ab92 No.14279451



Fuck ResetEra. How are they doing by the way, are their numbers thinning?

ba5af3 No.14279452

File: 41e83beae1fec4b⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1962x2565, 218:285, Anon Keeps Trying to Raise….png)



That place needs to drown in shitpost again.



51ab92 No.14279463


This gives me memories when I cucked a girl who didn't know I was gay. Still feel bad about it.

ba5af3 No.14279472


He also ran to /pol/ to gather them to raid this thread but the cross posters and regular /pol/acks mocked him.

bbd600 No.14279474

File: 47e73ec09311302⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 498.17 KB, 519x512, 519:512, French soldier gasping for….png)


All the dicks.While wearing a French maid dress.

f8d144 No.14279477

File: 148d6668c54ad28⋯.png (129.91 KB, 659x379, 659:379, Subnautica General Gamepla….png)

Devs are locking threads about Resetera.

3f81e1 No.14279478


The very same.

ba5af3 No.14279482

File: 3bff3d0487f34d4⋯.jpg (17.89 KB, 296x314, 148:157, Pure coincidence.jpg)

351441 No.14279512

File: 6d0a5e4c3df37e8⋯.jpg (156.01 KB, 617x601, 617:601, ns2pushinganagendabullshit.jpg)


I have been desperately trying to get you guys to understand that the devs have been cucked since day 1 but none of you listened, mocked my posts and bought subnautica anyway. The fact that they operate out of California should have been a red flag. Even if the devs are cucks and made a previous game that is apolitical it WILL bleed into their work eventually. Do not support games made by koolaid drinking fuckups, just pirate them if you absolutely have to play it.

6821cd No.14279530


Thankfully I only had it on my steam account and not installed. Time for a refund.

51ab92 No.14279546


I didn't buy it, have a fear of this sort of shit. Decided today to try and face my fear but was stopped once I heard the news

2a15b1 No.14279569

File: 9bbbd24648f2b77⋯.jpg (217.13 KB, 960x1033, 960:1033, captain.jpg)


so devs respect my intelligence instead of trying to sell their product with sex?

Thanks devs.

I like titties but when games claim it as a feature it makes me think the game is low effort trash designed to sell units to neckbeards instead of creating an engaging gameplay experience.

fb0eb0 No.14279587


no faggot, that's called virtue signalling

making a blog post attention whoring just to get sjw points instead of just putting those armor designs and shutting up

e1d440 No.14279593


The article is attention whoring, the NS devs aren't. Their game has an aesthetic, and giant titties flipping out of skimpy armor in a hard sci-fi setting would be retarded.

351441 No.14279618

File: 80468d449736af9⋯.jpg (32.13 KB, 672x512, 21:16, 80468d449736af9ce980ce5969….jpg)


>The article is attention whoring, the NS devs aren't

It's not a game journo article, it's from the devs official website:


c63681 No.14279620

File: aa739743e74ce7b⋯.jpg (7.22 KB, 288x293, 288:293, aa739743e74ce7b380e81ff92c….jpg)



>Virtue signaling is totally ok

>Adding a female model without virtue signaling like most decent devs is impossible


cd0261 No.14279651

File: 7639bc120606e96⋯.png (165.1 KB, 650x672, 325:336, 1.PNG)

File: 4f20beeefa317c7⋯.png (593.55 KB, 680x510, 4:3, 2.png)


Desctructoid: (Update) Why does Australia hate boobs so much?

(About a PQube game being denied)


Forbes: Microsoft Buying EA For Xbox Wouldn't Make Any Sense


PCgamer: Square Enix CEO commits to single-player, says 'games as a service' doesn't mean loot boxes


PCgamer weekender 2018

Some 2 day expo-ish event with a number of sponsors (pic)

Maybe worth keeping an eye on or a bit of digging, stuff like this is for them to get dev connections for example




Pcgamer: Windows 10 update includes a Spectre fix that plays nice with AMD systems


Kotaku: After Gaming For 20 Hours, Man Could Not Walk


(Chinese guy apparently)

CriticalHitgaming: Games as a service doesn’t have to mean loot boxes says Square Enix boss


Gamebiz: Jobs lost as Nexon America restructures,

But publisher insists there's no significant impact to overall workforce, layoffs unrelated to struggling Lawbreakers


100% Orange Juice Plushies! Crowdfunded on kickstarter

(looks a bit meh, hope they fix it up a bit)


Destructoid: Capcom confirms layoffs at its Dead Rising studio


Kotaku: Source: Capcom Lays Off Staff, Cuts Scope On Next Dead Rising


50c187 No.14279657


Has there been any western hard scifi games with female characters wearing little/skimpy armor? The blonde chick in Gears of War 3 doesn't have any pauldrons like the guys but that's it?

It sounds like they're complaining about something that isn't that common, if at all. Especially these days.

I don't play much western stuff though.

e5e4ea No.14279663


I didn't buy it, who or how many of us exactly did you think did?

8bf6fc No.14279694

File: 53560b82031fd28⋯.jpg (27.42 KB, 496x540, 124:135, Todd Howard Buy My Game.jpg)

Good morning, fags.

Did you buy Skyrim for iOS yet?! If you haven't, you should do it now!

df874d No.14279706


You should put archive link onto that pic, never seen this one.


And archive here.




The first two paragraphs in that blog were pretty fine, but the two paragraphs of tripe? M8 I like the chicks when then setting works but being so virtuous about it makes me sick.

And really, the whole gun shebang in Subnautica was horrid, but thats their shitty opinion, so long the game works, fine. But firing the sound designer for his(her?) opinion? That's my last straw, and made my decision about them.

This industry needs some fucking backbone, and every day there seems to be less and less. I wish there would be just more people who just goes on their own way, do what they do regardless of backlash and only making fixes or some adjustments and optimizing without touching the designs of character, unless it breaks game some way.


I was considering after this month but since I monitor this thread, I can at least avoid these pricks in future.

407206 No.14279711

File: f2026aae722b4ba⋯.jpg (88.44 KB, 607x608, 607:608, Queeny.jpg)

File: 8abc6335c8ea86f⋯.jpeg (41.06 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Asuka hairclip.jpeg)



This girl. She was part of NYS and the "harassment patrol" thing IIRC.

We talked on Twitter a few times back then and she was really nice.

2f2c7a No.14279724


>And, I cannot use pantsu because the torrent doesn't want to load.

git gud

8bf6fc No.14279726

File: be1827efc7f895d⋯.jpg (124.65 KB, 1053x788, 1053:788, Retard 2199.jpg)


Here's the screencapped version with archived link.

2f2c7a No.14279749

File: 46a2e0acb2f37fe⋯.jpg (232.11 KB, 640x737, 640:737, 1429991366796.jpg)


wait, they fired a FEMALE sound designer?

50c187 No.14279750


And then he goes and fires the female sound designer. The hypocrisy is never ending.

c4d4ef No.14279759


No apparently it's a guy named Simon, and he just has a female avatar on twitter

8bf6fc No.14279760

File: 3e4e3bc4d2e1860⋯.png (397.92 KB, 1149x714, 383:238, Smug 29.png)


Post YFW feminists and SJWs are doing the very exact things they're accusing you, me and everyone else's of: Forcing women out of gaming.

ba5af3 No.14279774

File: 46e45d71c8e5347⋯.jpg (107.29 KB, 723x1024, 723:1024, Holly summers.jpg)

f5c140 No.14279783





I think that those are two different people.

cd0261 No.14279805




Dammit faggots, the designer is a guy. Stop getting it wrong when it's already been pointed out not just in this thread but the previous one.

f5c140 No.14279808


This one was part of NYS


And this is the retarded sjw from the archive >>14279338


2f2c7a No.14279814

File: c4e4dc5fdb6d492⋯.jpg (225.35 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1435132041282.jpg)


>third pic

0838f7 No.14279827

File: 552922af388d9f2⋯.jpg (40.82 KB, 220x320, 11:16, sort of want.jpg)


If only she wasn't so ugly.

21443a No.14279856

File: 57b690464a7b355⋯.jpg (43.05 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote-truth-is-treason-in-….jpg)

File: e1454d3f0c3aa14⋯.jpg (49.62 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote-during-times-of-univ….jpg)

File: fc22f5467635b98⋯.jpg (54.85 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote-the-further-a-societ….jpg)

File: 46b424e0098c952⋯.jpg (112.29 KB, 640x360, 16:9, very little rage.jpg)

File: 176cdc402b29a76⋯.gif (3.65 MB, 400x225, 16:9, a guy gets upset for a ver….gif)


>looking at those tweets

>nothing but truth

>but the reality itself is so twisted, the truth sounds like threat to them

>fire a person for openly saying the truth

>while those devs from EA tweeting "We need to genocide White race" for daily basis



"Whatever ideas are the most suppressed are most likely to be the closest to the truth."

-Jay Weidner

fe6c64 No.14279864

File: 12e058bfc19f1b4⋯.mp4 (359.76 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Dats Rasist.mp4)


>slider that makes the character darker and less sexy

2f2c7a No.14279869


>I see you censored some of the terrible options to choose from.






>bull cock








>terrible options

he didnt get them all.

4c0fcb No.14279890

File: fff606e0472caf3⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.38 MB, 2097x3336, 699:1112, 56f48fa6a8c84d536fdd9f1020….jpg)

Thanks for drawing this, Eltonel

407206 No.14279898


I wish I had more shekels. I would drown all of you in Eltonel Viv and Asuka porn.

4c0fcb No.14279905


>Not Vivian and Gilda

21443a No.14279926

File: ba01532eea92332⋯.jpg (33.54 KB, 640x684, 160:171, apocalyptic boner.jpg)


>not /v/ and Erin romance and Erin becomes Vivian's stepmother

51ab92 No.14279928


What do you want, anon? Maybe I'll give Eltonel an email and see if he's willing to draw it, on me, if my paycheck this month isn't too bad.

34a64d No.14279944

File: 532e4090bfbe644⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.18 MB, 2508x3541, 2508:3541, shower1.jpg)

File: 93187955c1c0ae0⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 203.57 KB, 1149x1009, 1149:1009, shower2.jpg)


That's the stuff.

407206 No.14279949


Viv and Asuka Sohry doing a yuri scene, wearing dog collars and their trademark hair accessories.

000000 No.14279959


>"Whatever ideas are the most suppressed are most likely to be the closest to the truth."

Ain't that the goddamn truth.

51ab92 No.14279999


Any other details, such as backgrounds, breast sizes, etc? Any reference pics to get an idea of how he would do it?

088ffc No.14280016

File: ad4364c612a7bf4⋯.png (196.39 KB, 1643x816, 1643:816, reseterasubnautica.PNG)

0838f7 No.14280026

File: 2c6086b453301dd⋯.png (380.95 KB, 475x677, 475:677, is this nigga serious.png)


Holy shit it's literally leftist /v/

c63681 No.14280033


>Dog collars

>Not a choker

Fucking shit taste to the max

f60fb3 No.14280035

File: f715944f1e1df3f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 797.68 KB, 1280x1872, 80:117, 17.jpg)

File: f688977b74a649c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 901.22 KB, 1280x1867, 1280:1867, 22.jpg)

File: 1d0f4c4cff0cfc1⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 752.8 KB, 1280x1868, 320:467, 23.jpg)

>>14279999 (checked)

I want to see Vivian tie up Asuka and torture her with a magic wand into orgasm after orgasm, until she's screaming and sweaty, and it's clear she isn't enjoying it.

088ffc No.14280048

File: 9d029f79a335dff⋯.png (156.41 KB, 1607x724, 1607:724, reseterasubnautica2.PNG)

ba5af3 No.14280056

File: 3c6d3f37a889578⋯.png (230.29 KB, 501x427, 501:427, kill yourself sprem waste.png)

c4d4ef No.14280065


I mean what did he say that was so racist? That important millions of migrants from third world countries is a bad thing?

77a627 No.14280067


AIDS I think. At least it was something autoimmune.

0838f7 No.14280068

50c187 No.14280082


I hate these faggots, but in this current year+3, nobody should be using any social media account connected to their real identity to say anything these faggots can get you on.

We live in such awful broken times.

51ab92 No.14280089


recently leaked proposal authored by a senior National Security Council official hopes to create a nationalized 5G network where anonymity would be banned and the government would have an easier time going after those who “sow division” or pirate copyrighted material

8bf6fc No.14280097

File: 01eb2c74e224f49⋯.jpg (131.05 KB, 1072x872, 134:109, Retard 2200.jpg)

1dee7f No.14280099

File: c89a42bf5fbfd61⋯.gif (924.36 KB, 245x245, 1:1, 1511390334736.gif)



>you people are literally being used as a personal army for political gatekeeping


1dee7f No.14280107


Oh, so now they're making sure he doesn't get another job in the industry again.


0838f7 No.14280113

File: c01d4ad63e008b4⋯.jpg (125.61 KB, 590x604, 295:302, YOU DAMN PIG BITCH.jpg)


I just wanted a fun scuba game god damnit. Why did drama have to erupt over this? Why couldn't it be another low effort pixelshit walking sim so I could not give a fuck about it?

088ffc No.14280120

File: 4dc5b1dc74d08af⋯.png (162.98 KB, 1620x799, 1620:799, doxsquad.PNG)


"Dox squad? What dox squad? Why Mr. President, whatever do you mean?"


1dee7f No.14280126

File: 475627bc8e8c9a4⋯.mp4 (1.35 MB, 480x480, 1:1, fucked.mp4)


>Google's behind the push for nationalized 5G

>because they want to push their Google+ botnet bullshit

bb3cda No.14280148



it's doxing you fucking invalids

088ffc No.14280158

File: 0198991a7fc225f⋯.png (77.93 KB, 1147x472, 1147:472, kotaku.PNG)

>>14280113 Well, at least the SubNautica devs are getting headpats from Kotaku over it!

That's gotta be worth something, right?


1dee7f No.14280163



Remember when Chelsea and the CON squad used these tactics to "debunk" the "conspiracy theories?"

1c54a3 No.14280191

File: 2690b83d18e793b⋯.jpg (305.12 KB, 753x707, 753:707, 07c2c9231d1c2db9156295b763….jpg)


I'm gonna end up killing one of these fucks one day if this keeps up.

088ffc No.14280192

File: 6107ca797f53d4b⋯.png (129.82 KB, 1131x811, 1131:811, cowardlycharlie.PNG)



Game director Charlie Cleveland confirmed that Chylinski is no longer with developer Unknown Worlds, telling Kotaku, “Over the weekend we discovered that one of our team members had made many hateful statements online that are against our company values. After discussing the matter with him, we decided to stop working with him immediately.”

c4d4ef No.14280195


Renanon pls

1dee7f No.14280207


Yep, they're complicit in the blacklisting.

0838f7 No.14280208


I keep reading renanon as renamon and it gets very confusing.

e1d440 No.14280209


>"hateful" statements.

They were at worst politically incorrect.

bb3cda No.14280212


I'm guessing Kotaku didn't give Chylinski the same courtesy to ask for a statement from him.

1dee7f No.14280219


Of course they wouldn't, why would they? It's not like they claim to be journalists or anything.

61c8e1 No.14280226

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


>5G IoT: Internet of Tumors & Tyranny

>Nationalize the communications industry? Control communication content? Implement “Smart City control of people? Implement soft kill depopulation? All of this and more as M.I.C. pushes 5G for “national security”.

2b3b13 No.14280236


This image is at least seven years old. She's probably started a good career by now.

607e63 No.14280249


More like cucknautica amirite.

cb938a No.14280252

File: 8c1315e1f39029a⋯.png (71.62 KB, 200x200, 1:1, viv10.png)



Is link in the OP supposed to go somewhere:


in redtext?

[Current Tasks #1]

088ffc No.14280273

File: 12ab6874ea40c54⋯.png (90.64 KB, 1409x456, 1409:456, scum.PNG)


Or, perhaps subnauticucks… so many possibilities….

bb3cda No.14280275


Torrent that shit nigga. Fuck them.

1dee7f No.14280284


<Don't let the door hit you on the way out

Actually, due to Commiefornia law, that door can swing back and hit the Subnautica devs since admittance that they fired someone for political opinions is grounds for a lawsuit. I think a certain corporation is being sued for that actually… What was its name? I think it started with a G.

51ab92 No.14280290




I'm serious by the way. But I need details like that for the email.

607e63 No.14280295

Any faggot that actually paid money for cucknauticucks should give me a (You) here so we can spit on you.

e1d440 No.14280296


You can only be sued for having right winged opinions because being rightwinged is racist, and you can be fired for racism. : ^)

0838f7 No.14280301

File: f3612188fa7da20⋯.png (285.84 KB, 523x485, 523:485, 1455227429726.png)


it's too late for that

51ab92 No.14280303


I didn't but i like being bullied.

b8f2c3 No.14280304



Wasn't the person fired a girl? Also

>Act like you did not start massive shit to get someone fired and lose his livelihood.

>Actively slandering one of your employees which is grounds for a lawsuit.

>Terminating employees over a minor disagreement in politics.

And resetera still likes to say they have the moral highground when they actively target people to dox and get people fired.

1dee7f No.14280309


>Wasn't the person fired a girl?

Nah, he just has a girl as his profile picture, probably his girlfriend or something. Of course, we all know attractive ladies trigger purple-hairs super hard, so that's probably a major contributor towards them calling for him being blacklisted.

f4eb12 No.14280310


>explained that he wouldn't be adding guns to the game as a statement against gun violence

This should have been taken as a warning. These people always virtue signal. They cant help it.

a05e5e No.14280329


Honestly, I sometimes think it's only way to throw them out from this industry or everywhere else.


That's rather old news.

They were thinking about that for almost 2-3 years already.


I wish that devs would finally learn to ignore these fucks until they find another thing to be offended about.

09b7a5 No.14280341

>game is optimized as poorly as a PC port of a Japanese game

>hangs unresponsively for 2+ minutes just for pressing the button to load your save

>requires another 3-5 minutes after that to actually load the save

>pop in so bad that my sub got caught inside a part of wrecked starship because it didn't load in time

>leviathan once carefully deposited my sub inside a solid cliff so that I couldn't get back inside it

>red flags abound about devs being cucks (the no guns bullshit), but ignore it as they kept their politics out of the game

>now this shit

I've noticed a near 100% correlation between devs being leftist cucks and not having a scap of talent. Subnautica being a buggy mess of a game makes perfect sense now.

b983a9 No.14280352

File: 365df603ea70049⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.32 MB, 850x1202, 425:601, ClipboardImage.png)





>North America, Europe or Australia. Doesn't matter




>cheerful or loving


>with you

>milkmaid or nude

>cowbell collar

>small or large dose

>horns/cow ears/cow tail. I'd do furbait if it could just be hooves and not the face


>if small dose, by hand. If large dose, by machine



cowgirls are for loving

b8f2c3 No.14280354



It is even worse when you see how hard these SJWeebs and SJW furries are going after people who even give words of encouragement or condolences. You see them laughing and talking about how they are next. You even see others say how they deserved to be killed for having minor differences in opinions, and burnouts are sperging out again to defend the honor of resetera trannies who did this.

8d43ab No.14280357

File: 6775f76f85963c9⋯.jpg (18.77 KB, 500x360, 25:18, mfw (2).jpg)


>someone unironically thinks writing a C.V. is like writing "i'm a gamer girl" in your guild application. Holy shit.

0838f7 No.14280366

File: 9e5ff79552fb33a⋯.png (92.6 KB, 329x449, 329:449, disgusted chibi german.png)


>wanting hooves

At least your taste in clothing is alright.

ba5af3 No.14280368

File: 502f4e62276f63d⋯.webm (8.26 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, lifeofbrian.webm)


This is why I didn't feel sorry when we raided ResetERA.

0838f7 No.14280374

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Still mad that the audio wasn't embed related.

53af83 No.14280375




>vivian and gilda


unless gilda getting bullied

88e2fe No.14280383

File: 10a4acf1449f1a9⋯.png (200.59 KB, 1027x820, 1027:820, iqlounge.png)


I'm no El but I can definitely draw Gilda getting bullied if that's more your speed by many dicks in not many holes

cd0261 No.14280393


The OP is very outdated.

2c0ed7 No.14280403

File: 98e77617cdd7f5a⋯.jpg (28.42 KB, 540x290, 54:29, C7DrepeWwAEEeSy.jpg)


but then i'll just draw more gildas and bolster the gildafag economy.

c4d4ef No.14280410


Please do kind drawfag, I think we would all appreciate it

892e11 No.14280420


>cutting tendons

what the fuck man

569a9b No.14280425


It's fucking bizarre is what it is. For some fucking reason they think that anyone who isn't a card carrying member of the LGBTQQIP2SAA community is LITERALLY KILLING PEOPLE OF COLOR RIGHT NOW.

I mean, I lived in a blue state during the Obama years. I'm no stranger to having to hide my power level in public, but this shit is just scary to me. I've lived my whole life firmly believing that having shitty opinions did not mean you deserve to starve, but as it turns out the rest of the world thinks otherwise.

3ec909 No.14280430

File: 7021287a6e8eb34⋯.png (285.83 KB, 500x571, 500:571, 15bf12ee877624070dded76caf….png)


Rather hooves than feet. Feet are disgusting.

892e11 No.14280447

File: 11e2439cd2c0d7d⋯.png (495.56 KB, 1181x1206, 1181:1206, 61f4e7f1478c46376feec43c12….png)


oh, forgot to post mine








>Rebellious + Bratty


>With you


>All natural

>By hand


>Praise + Affection + Outings

I'd like it to be something like Teaching Feeling but without the girl going absolutely batshit

1dee7f No.14280449


>I'm no stranger to having to hide my power level in public, but this shit is just scary to me.

The result of a combination of Trump Derangement Syndrome and having a completely insular community, I suppose.

bb3cda No.14280453

File: 1497903fc0e17b5⋯.png (39.38 KB, 636x420, 53:35, 8-4.png)

File: fe14dc3d0922d95⋯.png (105.01 KB, 307x513, 307:513, 84.png)

8-4 proving to be cancerous again.

bb3cda No.14280455

ba5af3 No.14280465

File: 4cf60f2779273cb⋯.jpg (264.78 KB, 992x1409, 992:1409, Beyond_Mad Helck.JPG)



The day of the rope can't come sooner.

8bf6fc No.14280469


Put it in one nifty screencap together with the archived link.

3ec909 No.14280475

File: 9fdf205eeff1990⋯.png (267.58 KB, 512x512, 1:1, photo.png)

File: 9550e9abb91a906⋯.png (522.07 KB, 780x1103, 780:1103, Hoshikawa.Mafuyu.full.2233….png)



The harder they virtue signal, the more likely they are a pedophile or rapist. Dig some dirt on him.

b983a9 No.14280477

File: daddf0d588ec3fb⋯.png (2.05 MB, 1200x1739, 1200:1739, ClipboardImage.png)


Hooves can be cute and give it that monstergirl vibe

026f9e No.14280479

File: c94407a930e7479⋯.png (111.86 KB, 296x712, 37:89, SaHa_Chichikage_Hanjouki_1….png)

3ec909 No.14280480


Better than disgusting feet, to be honest.

09b7a5 No.14280486

File: 292baaa479e84a1⋯.jpg (80.01 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, [Ohys-Raws] Isekai wa Smar….jpg)


>Is being completely divorced from reality a conservative view?


cd0261 No.14280487


What conspiracy from which "white nat" site?

0838f7 No.14280490



hooves are fucking gross.

cbb91b No.14280492


Should i feel lucky i have it?

3ec909 No.14280499


Human feet are worse.

ba5af3 No.14280506

File: f6b3a4f223bb185⋯.png (48.07 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, v-angry.png)

This is why so many millennials and Gen Z are becoming super right wing or dead centre, no one can tolerate the left in any from anymore, the shit that faggot from 8-4kids is a prime example.

82f6ee No.14280512

File: 9226d86cdc0ca37⋯.png (33.77 KB, 636x420, 53:35, Crazy conspiracy theories ….png)

b983a9 No.14280518


>not helping a cowgirl overcome the shy self-consciousness of her hooves

3ec909 No.14280521


Don't sully the name of 4kids. Unlike 8-4, 4kids shit localization wasn't politicized.

8bf6fc No.14280524


Thanks anon!

0838f7 No.14280538


At least they are made of flesh.


No, I wouldn't, cause then she'd still have fucking gross hooves.

82f6ee No.14280547

File: 4ef5c94671102ab⋯.mp4 (4.63 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Special- Joe Hawley (ft. I….mp4)


You're welcome.

d756e8 No.14280550

File: 521d5210ac09edc⋯.png (271.56 KB, 480x361, 480:361, Sae.png)

What's the board the hunger games that promote boards happens, I need to see something?

607e63 No.14280551

Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? "No," says the man in a dress from ResetEra,"not If he is a shitlord. And since you can't prove a negative, everyone is."

bbfe6c No.14280564


You retards realize you can stream 4k, which is better than any horsemanure you morons are eating atm right?

3ec909 No.14280565


Human feet look like deformed hands, get nasty fungus in those gross nails and they smell. Marina from Mischief Makers had the right idea.

c4d4ef No.14280577


/sudo/ is where the hunger games take place

0838f7 No.14280586


And hoofs are like giant ingrown toenails. They are gross as hell.

d756e8 No.14280588

51ab92 No.14280606


Petition to get him re-hired. Pissed off about this? Sign if you wish, or don't. But SJWs will continue this if no one does anything about it when they succeed.

3ec909 No.14280613


What about no feet like Gardevoir? That's the best.

e1d440 No.14280617

File: c9950958832940e⋯.webm (190.55 KB, 852x480, 71:40, kinky.webm)

fe6c64 No.14280655

File: bbcec755499172b⋯.jpg (35.38 KB, 968x476, 242:119, 3captmizv4d5savz5ejypo6ed5….jpg)


What did he say?

aa52d8 No.14280674

File: c99251a18c925c9⋯.jpg (116.93 KB, 640x895, 128:179, 10294_front.jpg)

File: de8271668775add⋯.jpg (89.77 KB, 640x904, 80:113, 203283_front.jpg)

File: 3655dabdfd21c34⋯.jpg (54.52 KB, 800x798, 400:399, 79845-messiah-windows-othe….jpg)

File: 7780252f1fabe5a⋯.jpg (17.61 KB, 347x500, 347:500, 16818_front.jpg)

File: d0a63bb18b73090⋯.jpg (35.91 KB, 421x600, 421:600, 79990_front.jpg)


>Has there been any western hard scifi games with female characters wearing little/skimpy armor?

Oni? Remember Me? Best I can think of. OH! There was also Messiah.


>where anonymity would be banned and the government would have an easier time going after those who “sow division” or pirate copyrighted material

Wouldn't the first part violate a few laws? Also, isn't there a "legal grey area" when it comes to pirating content on the internet, and the ways it can be done?


>I just wanted a fun scuba game god damnit.

<Get a Wii and/or a PS2, or emulate both of them (And their sequels)

Also, there's the scuba mini-game on Wii Fit U.


>I keep reading renanon as renamon and it gets very confusing.

I keep reading it as "Reanon".


It's been a few weeks since we changed it. Though, that /n/ thread that the OP links to was deleted the day after adding it.


>Unlike 8-4, 4kids shit localization wasn't politicized.

Eh…it was, just in a different sense. What made 4Kids' localization politicized was believing that, for lack of a better way of saying it, people are too stupid to be able to understand/respect/"be entertained by" foreign media and concepts from a completely different culture (So, they altered it to fit what the typical American may find passable). To summarize it, 4Kids was more worried about marketability. These assholes, however, see the need to "fix" anything and everything that doesn't fit 100% alongside their views, and they'll do their damnedest to make sure that happens. IOW, they're more worried about pushing propaganda.


Streaming isn't as good as having the thing on disc or a drive. From what I know, when they stream stuff, they cap the bitrate to whatever their servers are configured for. Sure, you may be viewing the video in 4K, but what's the actual bitrate of the video you're watching compared to what you can pick up at the store?

e1d440 No.14280677


Probably the most actually offensive one was, "There should be a 'diversity" slider where the character get progressively darker, more feminine, and less attractive"

3ec909 No.14280685

File: a09732fb1878ca0⋯.jpg (30.82 KB, 357x303, 119:101, e2h4Gq1qhsw7ho100.jpg)

File: b05a6a6dd4c9a2f⋯.jpg (43.65 KB, 800x558, 400:279, e07.jpg)

File: 0b3db6c4cdd8679⋯.png (122.88 KB, 471x577, 471:577, 1494642593311.png)

File: 80c193a103a54d5⋯.jpg (110.05 KB, 678x960, 113:160, nAoHgvq.jpg)

File: 38b2f8c5d2b2d6d⋯.jpg (379.44 KB, 1200x850, 24:17, 38b.jpg)


Nothing is safe in the Western industry.

088ffc No.14280702

File: 8874637340ba562⋯.png (59.9 KB, 744x552, 31:23, girlsgirlsgirls.PNG)

e1d440 No.14280714


That's lame but I'm also not gonna shit on them for having a dissenting opinion since they know how to make a good game

607e63 No.14280718

Anyone know if it's true that F1 replaced grid girls with grid kids?

88e2fe No.14280729

File: 08a9eb8f26eae6a⋯.png (550.17 KB, 990x1958, 45:89, vita switch.png)

Imagine being so bored you draw shit comics with console-tans instead of porn with them.

I think I've reached that point.

c4d4ef No.14280738


You can only masturbate to so much anon, there's nothing wrong with enjoying things outside of porn

aa52d8 No.14280740

File: d95560ab88692cf⋯.jpg (96.18 KB, 680x712, 85:89, Switch-tan (1).jpg)

File: e648042264e508e⋯.jpg (126.05 KB, 680x960, 17:24, Switch-tan (2).jpg)


That's Switch-tan? I thought this was Switch-tan?

0838f7 No.14280742

File: 1ceb816aae5734c⋯.png (95.33 KB, 713x553, 713:553, b4f8aa45235a20cc24ce4fd18f….png)



both of you are wrong.

88e2fe No.14280746

File: cc02127faa3ed51⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 320.79 KB, 1178x1212, 589:606, switch doom.png)


Fair point.


I've been using this design for myself ever since the console got showcased for the first time. At least i'm not a furry faggot like some other people.

aa52d8 No.14280748

File: 9b38960bf3ce406⋯.jpg (627.26 KB, 1000x6242, 500:3121, 865a26de34722a7fdee9ddf3fc….jpg)

0838f7 No.14280755


I like it.

da47ed No.14280787

File: aac79f2dceab994⋯.jpg (217.05 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 734709935_preview_20160605….jpg)

>"Subnautica Dev Fired over, "hateful," Statements." via Kotaku


These people don't know hate from discourse.

ba5af3 No.14280834

File: b3c136574c688fa⋯.png (144.64 KB, 540x474, 90:79, hangingpaulamane.png)

Did this artist make anymore of these?

b0e7e8 No.14280840

File: 614511878994c99⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Celeste[1].png)

File: 92f85cebc353b41⋯.jpg (62.81 KB, 600x338, 300:169, Celeste-PS4-Ann[1].jpg)

File: 7fd5f4e4abcf7e4⋯.jpg (154.71 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DVUZG-WVAAA9Wgx[1].jpg)

File: c49a59220fb8115⋯.jpg (516.54 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 00[1].jpg)

How can they lie with this cover art compared to the designs in the game?

8b3697 No.14280841


If you disagree with them on anything remotely political its hate, not discourse. Its a pretty simple distinction.

0838f7 No.14280867

File: 6ce87fbcbff8d78⋯.jpg (185.43 KB, 800x1119, 800:1119, 253219-pac-man-nes-front-c….jpg)

File: f36f0aa747decf0⋯.png (14.02 KB, 217x232, 217:232, Pac-Man_sprite.png)


The same way pac man does?

e1d440 No.14280875

File: d010c9927d4189d⋯.webm (641.18 KB, 852x480, 71:40, I uh what.webm)


Because it's fucking cover art

046b65 No.14280901

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Memeteor anon was right

Just Summon it…

b0e7e8 No.14280904

File: c797bedf907eac3⋯.jpg (66.59 KB, 616x353, 616:353, 3f2f967fd80a006e59a23c5b5c….jpg)

File: 3724969fd479c34⋯.png (748 B, 78x80, 39:40, Terra_Branford_menu[1].png)

ec0d39 No.14280908


☑ Was caught with weapons of mass destruction by Batwu but framed a GamerGazi mod for the crime


80c7d2 No.14280929



Join a Union. I worked from out of state in NY and all I can say is your Unions are fucking cancer and most of your tradesmen are dog shit and don't know their ass from they asshole. And they don't work for less than $30 while doing subpar work.

51ab92 No.14280938


Of all the reasons to bash something. Anon, be reasonable, because way too many other games do this too.

34a64d No.14280967

File: 7ebc6d390180162⋯.jpg (1.87 MB, 3227x2141, 3227:2141, ico.jpg)


I thought that was a Vivian edit in the thumbnail.

Anyway here's some truthful box art for you.

e1d440 No.14280971


>Anon, be reasonable

Where the fuck do you think you are

cd0261 No.14280985


We're not on tumblr. If we're not reasonable, then what?

9e566d No.14281000


e1d440 No.14281003


>He thinks people here are naturally more reasonable than tumblrinas

That's not how people work

51ab92 No.14281030


Surprisingly, Tumblr has people willing to call them out for their shit. Really, the only place I can say has a community 100% unreasonable is ResetERA because they ban you if you are.

097cbb No.14281037

File: 4d11731f6c54435⋯.png (113.57 KB, 300x584, 75:146, Queeny.png)



>posting random retweets that have nothing to do with anything but shitposting

>that isn't even funny or interesting

>that contributed to a thread derail

Consider suicide.


This shit is really starting to get bad. The people who cuck are worse then the outrage peddlers at this point.

Also that is a man, not a woman.










That's a completely different Queenie and not the same one. Get your twitter retards right.

Here is the real Queeny: twitter.com/QueenyMartha

It is still true that she sperged out because of Trump, but as far as I know she's not a "queer"






If there's one consolation, this puts ResetEra one step closer to their bubble bursting, with more folks now aware how shit they are. I see Resetera shitting even in normalfag places and youtube comments.

51ab92 No.14281047


I am proud to be a part of that webm 5 times

ba5af3 No.14281051

File: ced721a8dbda7ed⋯.png (114.29 KB, 224x216, 28:27, Mcfucking kill yourself.png)


>I see Resetera shitting even in normalfag places and youtube comments.

I want the users of that shithole to an hero.


You did us well.

597abe No.14281068


Steam review bombs and steam forum deletion spree beginning, wew

597abe No.14281086


Isn't this why NO LEADERS!

51ab92 No.14281098


I am so glad we stuck with that. Imagine how bad it would have been if Mundane Matt or TB were leaders.

8b3697 No.14281101

File: beb8ccd73ade1e3⋯.gif (295.43 KB, 700x704, 175:176, 1506197002-1.gif)


Sorry its too late, I'm already the leader of GamerGate.

7227f2 No.14281112


I'm still confused about how he expected to turn a bunch of people from a notoriously racist imageboard into Israel shills. I'll never forgive the jews for taking that piece of my penis. How am I supposed to get a fat japanese mommy gf when I've got no foreskin?

9414d0 No.14281118

File: 58c3e3d703dc20d⋯.jpg (225.83 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, a83abdc15f38a9732f5f52db2f….jpg)


it was also that any leader would have probably had a bunch of dirt dug up or created to discredit gg as a whole

Basically it is far easier to attack a person than a group.

bbfe6c No.14281133

File: 697a9ee53da7f85⋯.mp4 (386.13 KB, 178x320, 89:160, nut.mp4)


I'm leader now, and I have a button that WORKS!

e1d440 No.14281135

File: 94653ee7ac6c4e4⋯.webm (7.46 MB, 852x480, 71:40, Free Speech.webm)

I didn't remember this speech about Freedom of Speech at all from my first time watching through this show.

09b7a5 No.14281136


>Basically it is far easier to attack a person than a group.

>random asshole does something bad

>media: Look at what the goobergobblers did now!

>obvious SJW with even more obvious ties to a college, BLM, or other SJW organization does something bad

>media: this random person who had no affiliation with any left leaning organization did X.

I don't know. They seem to have figured out how to attack groups just fine.

b983a9 No.14281147


B-but sargon said GG failed because it had no leaders. Coincidentally when trying to prop himself up as the leader of the liberalists

7227f2 No.14281149

File: 4d617bf62c1e78b⋯.jpg (10.15 KB, 218x225, 218:225, m1WBrwUFseP0AengSQ-ecuA.jpg)


I have a button too, but mine is bigger and red.

82f6ee No.14281162

File: 6a30ab0e4626dc3⋯.mp4 (1.2 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, GG Button is GG.mp4)

File: 4598b5bb0ad73c0⋯.png (65.56 KB, 598x622, 299:311, Hypocrisy.png)


I'm the leader of GG and I have the button to prove it.


I almost forgot that was a thing.

7227f2 No.14281177


>button doesn't harass women

fake leader detected

bbfe6c No.14281183

File: 2db6ff0caad9d92⋯.jpg (79.76 KB, 498x497, 498:497, SEMEN_STOP_Monorino_PINKER….jpg)


Who do you think the button was screaming at?

7227f2 No.14281191

File: d57a5caeb0bf31b⋯.jpg (33.27 KB, 471x229, 471:229, 005~01.jpg)


it was just congratulating a strong beautiful woman (who don't need no man) on a game well-played.

51ab92 No.14281262


What does the button do, turn you into Allison Rapp?

7227f2 No.14281281

File: aea7b0bd245c26a⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1000x1023, 1000:1023, ecd4dd0ce19e4064092d16c412….png)


It just says 'that was easy'. Sometimes if I don't want to do something I say "Boy I sure don't want to do [thing]" and then I push the button and pretend it did the thing for me and then I get drunk

f60fb3 No.14281288


>he doesn't have a nut button

>he still nuts manually

51ab92 No.14281292


>It just says 'that was easy'

Oh so It just describes her.

7227f2 No.14281310


Yes. If I had the money I would hire her. She may be annoying and crazy but I'd hit it like the fist of an angry god

51ab92 No.14281322


Why would you do this to yourself? I have the money but no social skills so I don't know where to look for a Hooker

7227f2 No.14281333


I want to hatefuck her until real life turns into a hentai and she becomes addicted to that right-wing cock. It would start off as hatefucking but by the end it would just be passionate, consensual lovemaking.

aa52d8 No.14281339


I don't know. The way it was presented with the whole ordeal going on, it felt like the guy was just trying to find any excuse to get "his story", and that he didn't really "get it" until he saw Fraiser killed on film.

c83f53 No.14281351

File: 1b8cc30eac4d8f6⋯.jpg (102.43 KB, 698x658, 349:329, kill me.jpg)

I bought Subnautica for my nephew last christmas

7227f2 No.14281354


what is this from anyway? I'm going to bed soon and want to wrtie it down afirst.

51ab92 No.14281356


Don't feel bad, you couldn't have known. Besides, if stales stagnate after the fact, it sends a stronger message.

e1d440 No.14281357


>He doesn't know its from Stargate SG1

I've been gone too long

21443a No.14281360

File: 132b8899492c275⋯.png (431.51 KB, 735x859, 735:859, 0 DAYS INTENSIFIES.png)


It's been zero days since pro-GG gaymur bought a game from SJW devs

34a64d No.14281362


That's really a shame. Look at what happens when you don't obsessively screen people's political views before you choose to give them money.

7227f2 No.14281363


not gonna lie my tv only got two channels in as a kid and one of them was in french. the other one was pbs

9414d0 No.14281366

File: 9049b65d6a71a81⋯.jpg (897.83 KB, 1240x1754, 620:877, 63542913_p0.jpg)


yeah, they still attack groups but it is easier to attack something concrete than something abstract.


when did sargon say gg failed?


>putting your dick in crazy

she would probably later claim you raped her or something


Ok mate she is not even that attractive. Honestly, this I can fuck her to be good is just as stupid as the teen girl who says she can fix the bad boy.

e1d440 No.14281372

File: 82f2f957eb31f0e⋯.webm (1.42 MB, 852x480, 71:40, Hes a weapons officer he ….webm)


I've been posting Stargate webms for around two months.

7227f2 No.14281374


I just want some cute crazy girl pussy mordimort is fine too though

7227f2 No.14281380


I don't look at a lot of webms. It really didn't look like something from a sci-fi show though and I'm still not convinced I'm not being rused

e1d440 No.14281406

File: 3b52c7a2657855b⋯.webm (677.26 KB, 852x480, 71:40, Jackson will die when he ….webm)


What do you mean "ruse"? What's the ruse?

7227f2 No.14281410


i don't know i just find it hard to believe that it's from stargate i guess it doesn't look like a scifi show from that clip

dd6f8e No.14281413


In Stargate SG1 it takes place in the current day which at the time was the 90s and early 2000s but they find a ring in a pyramid that allows access to a network of stagates throughout the galaxy so until they start approriating and reverse engineering alien technology in te later seasons the tech level is largely appropriate for the time period. Also the teams are based out of cheyanne mountain

e1d440 No.14281422

File: 689bda5175716a5⋯.webm (5.38 MB, 852x480, 71:40, F-Zero SG.webm)

File: 056a84ae07d3eae⋯.webm (3.79 MB, 852x480, 71:40, Preflight check.webm)

File: abd24dfbd9d0873⋯.webm (3.65 MB, 850x480, 85:48, Greandes.webm)

File: 7e55e46937b33d4⋯.webm (453.8 KB, 850x480, 85:48, More Successful Conversat….webm)

0004c2 No.14281457

File: 4aa02feb5d4b51e⋯.png (669.68 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, scaryviviananame.png)

File: b8d6bfd6bd2000e⋯.png (71.92 KB, 440x386, 220:193, scaryvivian.png)


yeah, here the other two.

b983a9 No.14281504


>when did sargon say gg failed?

In the stream between him and Jim just after sargon made the liberalists

b817aa No.14281528


>Jim will die before totalcancer

51ab92 No.14281541

File: d3901d276e681c7⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 81.05 KB, 640x393, 640:393, RIP.jpeg)


This guy will die before either of them

ab0840 No.14281563

File: 74ad15b575c6382⋯.jpeg (896.76 KB, 950x870, 95:87, B2E3F119-19EA-4BA4-ABE6-7….jpeg)


>Buying unfinished games

And now that it’s finally finished, the devs cuck out, because despite being game devs that create huge, poorly rendered sea monsters for shekels, they have less metaphorical Hit Points than a 50’s housewife.

ba5af3 No.14281580

File: 0ec6ba45717b696⋯.jpg (77.36 KB, 1200x672, 25:14, DVHnXfFVwAAAxx5.jpg)


>they have less metaphorical Hit Points than a 50’s housewife.

Jesus Reanon.

f4a236 No.14281585


>less metaphorical HP than a '50s housewife

At least the '50s housewife knew how to get shit together, organized and well under budget.

Fucking modern women and AAA game companies can't even do that.

ab0840 No.14281602


I’m a lot like Austin Powers or Chris Brown when it comes to abuse jabs. I don’t stop swinging

ab0840 No.14281625


Queeny has some great tits bit yhe Trump curse struck her hard. She’s giving up on YouTube since they changed their monetization policy and her channel is more lifeless than Jonestown

e0d5ec No.14281630

One of my friends from work wamted to say hi guys

aa52d8 No.14281653


>At least the '50s housewife knew how to get shit together, organized and well under budget.

That's because the husband's salary provided enough money for them to sit at home comfortably while raising the kids. And, if they wanted more money to spend (For themselves, or their husband), they knew they had to work for it (Which my grandmother did).

bbd600 No.14281656

File: a69bbca663d97a5⋯.jpg (21.02 KB, 491x750, 491:750, 2B DLC costume leak.jpg)


Oh so it's a different queenie. Carry on, then.


Fucking hell mate.

dd6f8e No.14281663

File: 2a4a3ca1fad9907⋯.gif (887.96 KB, 270x360, 3:4, 1515529625.gif)


How does your friend from work know about us? Are you a snitch? I don't abide by no snitches

be0e51 No.14281679


Sounds like crohn's honestly.

f4a236 No.14281731


Only because NOW decided it was a brilliant idea to shill women in the workplace so hard that the supply of workers outpaced the demand.

Remove the supply, the demand will force the prices to go up.

f60fb3 No.14281738

File: d5e693acb48cdf0⋯.png (433.89 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 949634942526353413_CiBMQ4H….png)


>IA's literally dying of butthurt

How poetic.

ba5af3 No.14281751



Common Crohn’s disease symptoms include:

>Frequent, recurring diarrhea

>Rectal bleeding

>Unexplained weight loss


>Abdominal pain and cramping

>Fatigue and a feeling of low energy

>Reduced appetite

ab0840 No.14281845


So it’s an ass period

974faa No.14281965


Now if only McCain could have kicked it prior to his bullshit.

ec0d39 No.14282074

File: a19962077bf6580⋯.jpg (37.66 KB, 720x291, 240:97, trump-laughing.jpg)


>low energy

d2d178 No.14282078


it's more like slow self destructing colon disease

9fcd1f No.14282135

Wew, I actually considered buying Subnautica last week, but decided not to.

Dodged a fucking bullet there.


>No info given other than "I am really sick"

>Must be Crohns

How did you come to that conclusion?

Also isn't Crohns hereditary, something you have from birth, not something you can just get randomly?

The way it seems is that his sickness is just within the last few years, not his whole life.

407206 No.14282286

File: 0708516469562a6⋯.png (825 B, 126x135, 14:15, Pow_blocks.png)


How about Viv and Asuka both nude, with collars on their necks. The collars are connected by a very short chain, and their hands are chained behind their backs with leather bdsm cuffs. They both have small nipple rings sets, partly visible, and are facing each other, clearly making out in an awkward "blushing and uncomfortable but still kinda getting into it" way. Asuka's A10 hair clips and Viv's infinity ribbon are both plainly visible on their heads. Viv on the left of the pic, Asuka on the right, and the shot is from Viv's right side with the two centered in the image.

407206 No.14282354

File: 204fc6ae254e3a8⋯.png (43.4 KB, 598x264, 299:132, Leaders.png)


From http://www.gamergatewiki.org/index.php?title=Infographics

Do you anons remember how hard they pushed us to "change the hashtag" (so we can accuse you of trying to dodge your ebil harassing reputation) and "appoint a leader" (that we can tear down and utterly destroy to discredit you)?

One thing I find myself wondering when I think back is, how much of the smear campaign against us was really just cynical lies to cover their asses, versus how many of the journos legitimately believed that we were an army of "harassers" out to destroy Zoe "if it has a dick, I have a place it can stick" Quinn. It makes the most sense to assume the former, because journos are shitbags and we know firsthand that it was all bullshit. But then you have the GJP email leaks where fags like Kuchera "felt so bad" for Literally Who they wanted to send her gift baskets.

Where do you think they mostly fell between bullshitting for their reputations and drinking Zoe's kool-aid?

f60fb3 No.14282529

File: 7268deb1cb3c9e1⋯.png (682.19 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, alone neet ara.png)

a46db7 No.14282691

So the feminazi ally betacucks are trying to make "Soyboy" redundant while not being mad.

e5e4ea No.14282699


Depends on how much marxist kool-aid they drank and if they're card carrying leftists that are seriously invested in it. I recall her knowing better than to get into a debate so as not to ruin the illusion to everyone else and Flynt trying to come up with a bullshit excuse on the spot during the Pakman interview with a classic "I just fucked up" look. Besides maybe a few that bothered to confirn the authenticity of the CON Leaks, the lack of notable turncoats like Ian and Laci suggest that they seriously view themselves and each others as victims on some level. Anita I think at one point knew it was all bullshit but the best way to market and sell yourself is believing your own lies. Tyler Malka appears to be another example of just going along with it to cover their own ass, so I assume people like him or have skeletons in their closet that may very well be used to blackmail them are the ones who don't buy it completely but do so anyway to get the heat of them. Though even then, it shows the type of person you really are if you break under pressure-Liz Finnegan had to go quiet after being viciously targeted and throughly doxed but didn't go full retard and neither did Vavra after the media hounds were after him.

1a4baa No.14282771

File: 643f1eee2efb952⋯.jpg (72.58 KB, 641x641, 1:1, 1513797215.jpg)


There should be an entry about board wars and hacking shenanigans too, plenty of people have no idea on what gg went through on 8chan.


<I'm sick gib money T-T

e5e4ea No.14282794


I concur


"Holy shit!"

a46db7 No.14282795

From /pol/ Newsweek is fucked. http://archive.is/ZJRvw

1a4baa No.14282810

File: bb0e16f842746f8⋯.jpg (39.76 KB, 320x359, 320:359, 1478905225733.jpg)


BUZZFEED, NO! You were supposed to punch up, not down! Don't you realize this means another win for Drumpf??

9e566d No.14282888

File: c65d960fbd1f5ab⋯.png (62.47 KB, 394x825, 394:825, c65d960fbd1f5ab3eb1a915e51….png)

a01de5 No.14282917


This is getting ridiculous.

c1e567 No.14283033

File: 7da417ac08be2ad⋯.jpg (56.02 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 208390.jpg)


cd0261 No.14283038

File: f4f641af4b4cfcc⋯.jpg (82.81 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, f4f641af4b4cfcc6dbf6c92631….jpg)


We're going in for the deep sleep.

d06ec4 No.14283043


>someone saved and reposted the comic I wrote

That's a weird feeling

72dbe6 No.14283063

File: 9725c576c1e6836⋯.png (337.02 KB, 1410x1389, 470:463, jim ded.png)



Crohn is an autoimmune disease that attacks your own gastrointestinal tract

rip jim, died of butthurt

f60fb3 No.14283108

File: 0de4e71bdca53b6⋯.png (953.7 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, crying doll.png)

Is this how GamerGate ends?

8ee259 No.14283121

File: 4a70c982b2fb0d9⋯.jpg (11.57 KB, 184x240, 23:30, 246492268830965950015779.jpg)


>tfw pirate

I'm still mad about the cuck out, but knowing I didn't help fund this bullshit does give me some consolation.

e1d440 No.14283123


I would never have cared about this if the guys in charge said, "Could you scrub your online presence of saying you work for us," or "Not post 'political' shit," but they fired him. The devs can have fucking commie views if they want as long as they're making good video games. But they fucking fired him in an instant.

097cbb No.14283145

File: 40d29c7769a5923⋯.png (550.39 KB, 744x1052, 186:263, 64829881_p0.png)

We keep switching back and forth between very active threads and extremely dead threads.


wtf I love buzzfeed now

aa52d8 No.14283147

So, this is what I woke up to this morning:

>Poland's president signs controversial Holocaust bill into law



a46db7 No.14283179


/pol/land confirmed, Israel, Germany, Russia and Soros BTFO

859f94 No.14283215


Could it be because of school or the fact everyone's trying to find jobs?

ba5af3 No.14283372


Fucking nigger.

f4a236 No.14283414


Wizard here. Attempting to shed the NEET life and become a viable member of the community.

and get some supplies prepared because this entire shitshow just proved that there's a storm brewing, we've only seen the opening act and I am woefully unprepared

ff6b4a No.14283467

File: 5b67727e1a2993e⋯.webm (10.34 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Driv3rGate almost forgott….webm)


e282f6 No.14283478


I love how isreal is quaking in their boots over this, yet can do little to nothing without raising global tensions, even with america as a proxy army.

e1d440 No.14283487


>Limiting free speech

>People are happy about this

What the fuck happened here

fe6c64 No.14283521

File: fbf32ecdede5532⋯.png (81.45 KB, 502x410, 251:205, 1465948617355.png)


Oy vey.Both my grandparents weren't turned into lamps and sent on the Holocoaster just so you could say things I don't like.

e282f6 No.14283523


>Rules of radicals: Hold your enemy to their rules while not following them yourself

Jews tasting their on hypocrisy is bitter, and I dont fault poland from protecting from jewish slander.

cd0261 No.14283548

File: 3a5f25c80315012⋯.png (427.73 KB, 989x1018, 989:1018, 7098174a27e193ba2d0efe2951….png)


Weren't you aware? This is /pol/-lite, hate the kikes.

But yes, it is a concern depending on how it is interpreted. It may be struck down by their Constitutional Tribunal if they believe it affects free speech. Israel is likely upset because they are making it law to guilt-trip Poland with Auschwitz having been located on their land; something the Polish govt says they had nothing to do with.

cd0261 No.14283551



>they are making it law to guilt-trip Poland

Making it illegal, I mean.

dd6f8e No.14283561


You can hate jews but still be worried about free speech being taken away, I'm not aware of what Poland's current laws regarding the freedom of expression but every single step any country takes in the direction of limiting freedom of speech os a worrying one no matter who it it benefits or hurts.

a01de5 No.14283589


From what I understand, it's a legislation that forbids someone to imply that Poland was behind the holohoax camps.

I'm probably thinking semantics here, but is that limiting free speech? To what pretty much boils down to libel.

a414d3 No.14283621

Newsweek is kill.


cd0261 No.14283622


>still be worried about free speech being taken away

I wasn't disagreeing on that, for clarification. That first line was joking for the most part.

e1d440 No.14283644


It bans every implying there were "Polish" death camps, except the law has an exception in it for academic settings because there were actually Polish death camp.

>I'm probably thinking semantics here, but is that limiting free speech? To what pretty much boils down to libel.

Lets say it together class





974faa No.14283660


>death camps

Anyway, the Holohaux was basically a giant libel campaign against political opponents. So while I am glad to see a more staunch stance against it, I am not happy about how they went about it.

607e63 No.14283680


Poland is not United States, Poland does not have free speech.

e1d440 No.14283688


>Poland does not have free speech.

Is that supposed to mean that it shouldn't? So it SHOULD be legal for the government to van you for not liking muslims in Britain? It's all ok because morals don't work the moment you cross outside of the US?

607e63 No.14283737


It is governments job to make laws. If the country's constitution doesn't protect speech the government can then make laws that limit it.

Acting like this one law will make or break a country's freedom of speech is disingenuous and gay.

ab0840 No.14283744

File: f0033c750e2ae91⋯.jpeg (216.94 KB, 832x1200, 52:75, D703550C-1C7C-416B-A686-2….jpeg)

>Just had another Destruction of Language thread

>Everyone was putting forth examples of language subversion and limitation

>Poland does it


I mean, it’s kikes, so it’s not like I feel bad. It just sucks on principle. No one’s been guilty of this much gagging since /leftypol/‘s BO

ff6b4a No.14283748


So, as always, the U.S. is the only country with the almost guaranteed protection of one's "Freedom of speech"?

a01de5 No.14283762


Then no country has free speech, because there are laws in every nation that criminalizes certain types of speech.

51ab92 No.14283783

File: ab03e962dd8cba8⋯.jpg (171.8 KB, 1125x1551, 375:517, sterling.jpg)

ba5af3 No.14283793


Didn't /leftypol/'s BO suck off /tv/'s BO?

3dbc35 No.14283795


I wish they could experience being fired for being filthy communists and cry about persecution.

ff6b4a No.14283810


Why should we care what idiots like Cuckling and Blob have to say? They're not important.

dd6f8e No.14283824


I agree completely, only faggots celebrate the even more restriction of speech

8dac9c No.14283835

File: cdc67d3b377e6e1⋯.png (30.71 KB, 191x196, 191:196, time for death.png)


you know I would feel way worse about wanting to line up these cunts in front of a wall and do a tiananmen square if I didnt know that the word for people you cannot talk to and cannot reason with is "enemy"

3dbc35 No.14283862

I wonder why youtube is demonitizing Pewdiepie videos so much. Is the company actually trying to chase him out or what?

1dee7f No.14283865

File: 8c4683ba0ea55cc⋯.png (39.39 KB, 208x262, 104:131, 1513248135993.png)


But when it's one of Jimmy's buttbuddies that gets blacklisted, then it's a major fucking crime.


bd39be No.14283882

File: d397faa8eabf49a⋯.png (266.2 KB, 979x1706, 979:1706, Sega of japan is retarded.png)


How accurate do you think this is because it would explain allot.

1dee7f No.14283883


It's going to get to the point where someone's going to kick someone's face in at a convention, they're outright demanding it with their smug condescension, at this point.

669609 No.14283889


>vector fonts in a pixel art game



"Leaders" was always a red herring. Gamergate and e-celebs had a relationship where both benefited each other. E-celebs got some juicy material that got them lots of fame, views, and subs, and gamergate got people would could spread their message beyond the containment centers the SJWs were trying to set up by banning us from all sorts of sites.

At some point, either e-celeb egos got too big, or SJWs tried to push gamergate as having leaders so they'd have something to use Alinsky tactics on (ridicule, harass, degrade) to get control over gamergate (realistically probably both, SJW-types pushing e-celebs to try and be leaders in some cases).

I think that's why we've seen so many people turn so anti-gg. They were probably plants from the start, working to encourage gg people to try and be leaders, so the SJWs had something to attack and diffuse gamergate with.

You can see we're not attracting e-celebs like we used to, gamergate is mostly into quarantine zones (/v/ thread and KiA), and gamergate isn't as strong as it once was. None of this is coincidence. There has been serious effort to contain and control gamergate from the start. I'm not saying gamergate is dead, but it's like a raging hellfire that has been put under control. And that's something that could be fixed, it really just needs a semi-successful e-celeb to find the right gaming controversy and get people going.

bd9f94 No.14283908


It makes sense if Sega of Japan is still asshurt over Sega of America.

ba5af3 No.14283922


You should make a thread on this.

ff6b4a No.14283938


It does and it doesn't. Given the headstrong ideal of "Japanese pride" (Which exists in every Asian country, last I knew), I wouldn't put it past them. However, they already experienced the fruits of their jealousy with the disaster that the Saturn was, and were more humbled for when they began developing the Dreamcast (Granted, for all the good it did them).


Here you go: >>14283936

1dee7f No.14283976


Would certainly explain why they let Sega of Europe fuck them over when it comes to PC ports.

bbd600 No.14283988

File: 114fc00ff1e130e⋯.jpeg (340.45 KB, 601x900, 601:900, IMG20100315.jpeg)


I'm pretty sure they're waiting for this, just to scream even more and make us lose credibility. They're already trying by harassing themselves.

e3e322 No.14283992


Your speech is not limited. You can say that poland was responsible for death camps all you want. It is just that you will go to jail for it. Similar to yelling "fire" in a crowded movie theater.

669609 No.14283998


That's nice logic anon.

<your speech is not limited

<you can tell Kim Jong Un he is a fat sack of shit

<you'll only be executed for it

<it's just like yelling "fire" in a crowded movie theater!

<North Korea is a great place with freedom of speech!

c1e567 No.14284001


>your mouth isn't glued shut so you have free speech

bbd600 No.14284002

File: 65608acb80012bf⋯.png (537.26 KB, 653x551, 653:551, Autism inducing orgasm.PNG)


>your speech is not limited

>jail for saying something

ff6b4a No.14284005

File: 97b33c20c2a2ec6⋯.png (2.78 KB, 250x230, 25:23, switchdog_you.png)

File: e6da18c5d60a228⋯.png (186.5 KB, 500x610, 50:61, put the (You) in the bag.png)

File: c527fa5a9937a23⋯.png (313.83 KB, 1629x1200, 543:400, anon_bench_You.png)

File: 851fe29cd1d1312⋯.png (390.09 KB, 1226x940, 613:470, you slut.png)

File: ba42aaf56a83467⋯.png (171.8 KB, 1209x1106, 1209:1106, (you)s.png)

c1e567 No.14284009

File: ad512dcf7c3ff0e⋯.mp4 (245.81 KB, 854x480, 427:240, (you)(you)(you)(you)(you)(….mp4)

1dee7f No.14284029

File: 4a32b6eb6d05dee⋯.jpg (250.02 KB, 1044x774, 58:43, 1395527343208.jpg)


>one of the replies is "big talk from someone who used to regularly call women 'feminazi cunts'"

974faa No.14284039


And they always tried to break containment, because someone wrong thinking is too much for them to bear without attacking it. GG has also been going on for years now. For internet controversies, that is insane, but also means that you aren't going to see a lot of eyes on it. It is no longer fresh because game journos and game companies being corrupt has been aired out, so to speak. It is no longer news to a lot of naive idiots, so most of the people trying to bring attention to it are people who stand to lose from the corruption being brought to light and remembered by the public. Which is why you get idiots trying to game drop and frame GG as a harassment thing even after the mountain of evidence that pointed to people calling them corrupt as right, and the harassment claim being false. As for others, you have people who have been here long enough that they became desensitized to everything that the corrupt fuckers are doing, so it becomes just another Tuesday instead of ground breaking shit.

The last thing I'd like to mention is that we are also seeing things that /pol/ has been screaming about for years start to emerge into the public eye. The corruption that Assange/Wikileaks mentioned early in GG is surfacing and between it and the distraction attempts, the public eye is getting drawn towards that sort of thing more. That isn't to say that anything going on with games related stuff should be ignored; just that we are going to see less people try to jump on the train to report on this kind of thing when you have topics like Google doing the same shit and worse than Subnautica's devs. Related to this, we are seeing people fall into what amounts to battle lines because they are choosing politics over principles, so some people who had an issue with all this early on in GG, choose to ignore it now when it comes out on a bigger scale because it was "their side" doing it.

bbd600 No.14284044

File: 85c9a888fb445fc⋯.jpg (66.28 KB, 512x512, 1:1, smug ara.jpg)


He did? Ironic when you think about it.

1dee7f No.14284071

File: b6a14069127a1a4⋯.jpg (187.38 KB, 627x900, 209:300, Moviebob.jpg)


It's just another example of their "standards for thee, not for me" bullshit. Fatfuck Sterling and MovieBlob don't need to be held accountable for past statements, but this guy making an attack helicopter joke two years ago? Time to make sure that he doesn't work in "my" industry ever again!

ba5af3 No.14284078


GG and /pol/ also had a huge influence on 8chan's board culture as a whole despite how others hate to admit.

c1e567 No.14284097


archiving being a quite prominent one

bd39be No.14284101


>should make a thread on this



I thought that would happen. Now isn't a good time since there is a shit storm happening because Puyo Puyo Tetris is coming to steam, but it has Denuvo.

1dee7f No.14284109

File: 8c1178da9e8d0e8⋯.png (188.02 KB, 474x318, 79:53, 1503195822096.png)


>Puyo Puyo Tetris is coming to steam, but it has Denuvo

Why do you need Denuvo for FUCKING TETRIS?

ba5af3 No.14284114


This and most anons here are wise to the old tactics goons or other sjws used to pull.

bd9f94 No.14284118


Same reason why it had the same draconian rules when it came to streaming that Persona 5 had, I guess.

c1e567 No.14284124


It has been scientifically proven that sega hates money.

51ab92 No.14284132



What counts as a horrible fetish?

ff6b4a No.14284133

File: 7b2f7f23d838f31⋯.gif (2.08 KB, 197x132, 197:132, tetris.gif)

File: ad9dd544d6bf296⋯.gif (241.03 KB, 784x643, 784:643, 1452387636156.gif)

File: 1ac32710aab25a7⋯.gif (249.57 KB, 480x270, 16:9, 1460312555228.gif)

File: e2f33ffe26d6dd7⋯.gif (141.86 KB, 270x270, 1:1, laughingmadman.gif)


>Why do you need Denuvo for FUCKING TETRIS?

<Adding DRM to a game that could even be ported to a potato if someone really wanted to

It's sounds so ridiculous that you cannot make it up.

ba5af3 No.14284137

File: dc28418f586f79b⋯.png (182.54 KB, 368x453, 368:453, what thats.PNG)



>DRM in Tetris

b9426b No.14284138

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Reminder that Jimbo endorses doxing

c1e567 No.14284144


Puyopuyo Tetris was originally on fucking 3ds. Denuvo is probably bigger than the actual game files.

1dee7f No.14284146


It's Sega of Europe that handles PC ports, they get off on being absolute scumbags to the consumer base.

51ab92 No.14284156

Looks like there's a spike in negative reviews on steam.

35911b No.14284158

File: 46e6db7a5ff4c96⋯.png (148.52 KB, 219x266, 219:266, jim_sterling_aristrocrat.PNG)

File: bf77dd4e9ab3abb⋯.jpg (111.96 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, jim_sterling_bun_frosting.jpg)

File: 239ed6d5fb5f7ef⋯.png (390.62 KB, 542x674, 271:337, jim_sterling_can't wake up….png)

ff6b4a No.14284159


Anyone have the "sad kazoo" video for the Sonic Mania reviews?

c1e567 No.14284162

File: c458867cf3c47e7⋯.gif (193.57 KB, 200x202, 100:101, c458867cf3c47e73886bd4aa48….gif)



bbd600 No.14284173

File: 064eed507c1d24d⋯.jpg (84.29 KB, 640x640, 1:1, shitposing loser.jpg)


Spoiler this, some anon's kids might be browsing these threads.

fe6c64 No.14284178

File: 48bceac083a9c40⋯.png (130.73 KB, 540x166, 270:83, 8f095e7caf3b03a99ac095606c….png)


Why did he put icing on his glasses?

026f9e No.14284184


Denuvo, I guess.

ff6b4a No.14284189

File: 4737c695b879405⋯.jpg (14.02 KB, 320x266, 160:133, 3001916121a0a340aa74452275….jpg)


Anon, leave before you lose your innocence.

51ab92 No.14284193


The cake had alot of icing on it

e1d440 No.14284194

File: 0869fb0c82269d8⋯.webm (2.59 MB, 852x480, 71:40, Whacko.webm)

026f9e No.14284201

File: e5c5e0547c1a613⋯.webm (4.12 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Sound of Sonic.webm)


I couldn't find it, but I did find another version with Sound of Silence.

62b5f6 No.14284244

File: e9999951f3eca08⋯.webm (11.07 MB, 1218x822, 203:137, sanic mania denuvo.webm)

51ab92 No.14284346


The music in this webm made me sad.

e282f6 No.14284355


So you are saying libel against a whole entire nation should be legal? That a law that makes jews who pushed for the holohoax denial laws trip up on their own hypocrisy is bad? And that its fine to be kind to the people stabbing you in the face to death just so you can hold the higher moral ground? Lets face it, this makes a great talking point for the fags who say "freeze peach" unironically as this harms their own claims to limit speech, and can be used po put them on the defensive, which is not their stong suit.

e1d440 No.14284365


> Lets face it, this makes a great talking point for the fags who say "freeze peach" unironically as this harms their own claims to limit speech, and can be used po put them on the defensive, which is not their stong suit.

No you fucking faggot, it's still a loss because free speech has been limited. Unlike you fucking faggots, I actually believe in that shit when I say I don't want it being limited. So I'm not going to fucking celebrate speech limitations just because a group of anons are saying it's going to make the jews really mad.

952ab3 No.14284424


>So you are saying libel against a whole entire nation should be legal?


>That a law that makes jews who pushed for the holohoax denial laws trip up on their own hypocrisy is bad?

How is it hypocritical? It's the same thing has "Holocaust denial", except you cannot talk about Poland's involvement with anything concerning the actions of Germany.

>And that its fine to be kind to the people stabbing you in the face to death just so you can hold the higher moral ground?

Nice red herring, jackass.

>Lets face it, this makes a great talking point for the fags who say "freeze peach" unironically as this harms their own claims to limit speech, and can be used po put them on the defensive, which is not their stong suit.

How does this put anyone on the defensive? The people for free speech (As in actually for it, not saying it as a meme) will appose this as much as they appose the laws jailing people for "Holocaust denial".

50c187 No.14284425


>no Mania 2

God damn it Sega.

dd6f8e No.14284509

File: 123aefb43caec13⋯.jpg (37.36 KB, 693x537, 231:179, 1513625755.jpg)


I really hate how faggots here who have no morals wil go on as if they give a shit about free speech when their side gets censored but suddenly when its the other side they celebrate as if it doesn't just push the needle towards the side of total censorship of everyone. Fuck it makes me mad

9e4d31 No.14284511


Come to think of it, I don't remember seeing Polish people being associated with death camps (with the exception they are located in Poland), only Germans. Seems kinda counterproductive to me, but then again, don't know how the rest of the world depicts Poles.

Only thing what I can get from this is just some jewish butthurt, nothing more.

a01de5 No.14284553


When they talk about the camps they usually say "the polish death camps".

Implying that the camps is the fault of the polish.

1dee7f No.14284559


>I don't remember seeing Polish people being associated with death camps

It's something that started very recently.

3dbc35 No.14284567

So, any leaf here? are you happy you are part of peoplekind?

Just mocking your shitty country and your faggot communist prime minister.

0c6587 No.14284609

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Some context would help here.

dd6f8e No.14284624

File: 113d0d576bd74cf⋯.png (2 MB, 1201x884, 1201:884, 113d0d576bd74cfb1ee6da0988….png)


Trudeau is such a fucking faggot that it makes me want to go day of the rake on myself constantly. He doesn't even fucking understand that the Man in mankind is from the root "HuMAN" and the male sex is comes from the same word but are not the same. I honestly hope Andrew Scheer wins the next election because at this point I'd rather the Cons sell the country to china and tear apart the environment than to tolerate that faggot representing canada anymore

plus andrew scheer is my MP and it would be neato

607e63 No.14284625


I'm very happy leafs aren't considered a part of mankind anymore.

Not a leaf tho.

ba5af3 No.14284637



You mean Castro.

ff6b4a No.14284638

File: dc583d299582783⋯.mp4 (7.54 MB, 508x360, 127:90, To Be Or Not To Be (1983) ….mp4)


>It's something that started very recently.

Wait, seriously? Can you provide some examples of this? Also, how long until they say that Poland was part of the Axis?

374a47 No.14284652

File: d75eb22c444de2d⋯.jpg (9.95 KB, 354x352, 177:176, 1514856969.jpg)

Why can't you fags just take glee on the fact Poland is making merchants butthurt instead of dwelling on the free speech absolutism perspective? Yes, unlimited free speech is great but I think the only place where you can actually have it is in America since it's written on the constitution and there's no way to easily bypass it. Nowhere else in the world you have this so no point in arguing autistically and expose fracture points for some cunt to exploit and dilute these threads

e1d440 No.14284660


>Why can't you fags just take glee on the fact Poland is making merchants butthurt instead of dwelling on the free speech absolutism perspective?

Why don't you get the fuck out?

1dee7f No.14284669


>how long until they say that Poland was part of the Axis?

This was covered a few threads back, if I remember right. They're now trying to say that Poland actively cooperated with the Nazis. I'm guessing them telling Germany "we'll accept refugees when you pay us reparations for your WWII occupation of our territory" struck a certain nerve.

dd6f8e No.14284682

File: 9161a1f23a4833d⋯.jpg (77.65 KB, 677x382, 677:382, Police.jpg)




Its called having fucking morals. When something violates those morals it upsets you

b9426b No.14284694

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anyone here watch this live? Legit jizzed in my pants

ba5af3 No.14284702


Is that the rocket everyone is talking about?

dd6f8e No.14284708


Fuck it makes me mad because Poland got fucked just as hard as the jews claim to. My parents fled Poland in the 80s to escape socialism but my I get stories about how my family got fucked by the axis

607e63 No.14284720


>my family got fucked

They deserved it for being stinky poles

dd6f8e No.14284724

cd0261 No.14284741

File: 1490e4f2224c742⋯.jpg (305.13 KB, 1291x1223, 1291:1223, 723bd8155117ceb70d7cf99cf0….jpg)


>I can't be consistent with my values

Eat shit faggot.

America isn't even free speech absolutist. There are obvious exceptions like slander, libel, gag orders and other stuff.

ff6b4a No.14284748

File: c61b65785785ce8⋯.png (54.76 KB, 625x313, 625:313, ClipboardImage.png)


>This was covered a few threads back, if I remember right.

I don't remember us talking about it, you probably saw it on /pol/. Anyways, I found an article bringing up some of what you mentioned:



>There is an extent to which Poland doth protest too much. “Though the camps were a Nazi enterprise, anti-Semitism was rife in Poland before the war, some of it government-sponsored,” noted an editorial in The Washington Post. “Though many Poles fought the Nazi occupation and tried to save Jews, some also helped round them up, stole their property and participated in massacres. In addition to outlawing the term 'death camps,' the legislation criminalizes any suggestion that 'the Polish nation' or 'Polish state' was 'responsible or complicit' in Nazi crimes.”


>But there's also a darker, modern edge. The Polish government, urged on by illiberal demagogue Jaroslaw Kaczynski, has emboldened the country's far right and heightened a climate of xenophobia in which Muslims and immigrants have been viciously demonized. Last year, the European Jewish Congress warned of a rise in anti-Semitism and the proliferation of “fascist slogans” in Poland.

>“The new law is less a needed defense of Polish honor than it is a dog whistle to the most extreme elements of Mr. Kaczynski’s base,” noted The Post's editorial. “Rather than suppress discussion of Poland’s role in the Holocaust, it is likely to stimulate more of it. And the cause of free speech might just inspire a few more uses of 'Polish death camps,' accurate or not.”

<First pic




I'm Polish on my grandfather's side.

1dee7f No.14284757


>that tweet

I love how they just want everyone to conveniently forget that Poland was essentially a playground for the Nazi party after it got annexed.

cd0261 No.14284776


This is pretty much the Streisand effect.

dd6f8e No.14284794

File: 4cde37415c6fb51⋯.jpg (647.3 KB, 2560x1600, 8:5, 1415572535025.jpg)


I hate these people so much. Why has everything I've read today served to make me rage


The Polish people were the biggest victims of the nazis (((they))) don't want anyone to realize that do (((they))) are trying to reframe the Poles as the real aggressors

dd6f8e No.14284806



I mean so


607e63 No.14284812

File: fdfb718c52118ec⋯.png (16.41 KB, 593x160, 593:160, ClipboardImage.png)


Fucking gooks


My commiserations

dd6f8e No.14284821


Is that literally the Megalians?

374a47 No.14284879

File: 0ad63d1b66e0092⋯.jpg (18.34 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 16588541168.jpg)


>Its called having fucking morals. When something violates those morals it upsets you

I'm not saying you can't be upset, I'm saying

- It's in Poland

- Only America has protections for actual free speech, so no point in arguing like autists if Poland should or shouldn't restrict it (to me it should NEVER be restricted).

- screaming at each other over something you can't change (you as in this thread) is pointless

- Not videogames


>I can't be consistent with my values

I never said that you dumb nigger, is the arguing over "absolute free speech" and Poland having the right to pass the law" that anons were getting into that I oppose

d3afbd No.14284885

File: 30059e4fd45b351⋯.png (198.26 KB, 1026x776, 513:388, GameFAQs_-_Video_Game_Chea….png)

Off topic, but GameFAQs decided it's userbase just wasn't as awful as it needed to be, and decided to rejoin with GameSpot to rectify that.

1dee7f No.14284908


It was already bad enough that you could get better video game help/discussion on fucking Pornhub.

fe6c64 No.14284912

File: 99faf80b3860141⋯.mp4 (659.38 KB, 854x480, 427:240, AIIIIDS.mp4)


>gameFAQs is still alive and not dead


f60fb3 No.14284919

File: 119e046987717c1⋯.jpg (44.75 KB, 640x598, 320:299, U5iOTTT_d.jpg)


>Adding DRM to a game that could even be ported to a potato if someone really wanted to

You have no idea how right you were.

The first screenshot in your post is a homebrew port of Tetris to the Dreamcast's VMU.

The processor in the VMU is, no joke, codenamed the POTATO.

dd6f8e No.14284929


I'm a leaf and I don't actually have freedom of speech either but you're conflating the concept of freedom of speech with the first amendment. Celebrating the loss of freedom of speech anywhere in the world is sickening. Just because you're unable to affect the law either way doesn't mean you can't lament the loss. If you believe in freedom of speech as well then you shouldn't be celebrating the loss of it because it affects someone you don't like. Also how much of anything in this thread is strictly videogames? Fuck off trying to shit down the conversation because you don't actually give a shit about freedom of speech

2f2c7a No.14284963




e1d440 No.14284982


Apparently it's pretty easy to install your won shit on the Switch. People have been playing BotW with modded character models and shit.

bd39be No.14285036



Sorry your wrong. Switch has a port of NuDoom it's 30fps and has slowdown at parts but it's there.

As for modded BotW that's on the WiiU emulator.

9e4d31 No.14285058

File: a4f9985430f33b5⋯.jpg (7.43 KB, 300x168, 25:14, 1433359128260.jpg)


Actually, that anon has some point, but it works only in certain condition when free speech is not needed or it could be more damaging to nation. Wartime being that condition.

Think about it; your country is being invaded or about to be overrun by your enemy. Government is forcing a draft to get more people to defend, with or without force. Are you going to complain to some newspaper, tv or internet, do you duty or flee ensure your survival? In moral sense, free speech is universally good value. But fat good does morals do to your survival when you're about to get your brain blown out by someone who doesn't like you or they're instructed to mow down their enemy. You either must do your duty and defend or succumb.

Of course, there is lot more in this kind of hypothetical situation, and that was just what I could write quickly, so the opinion is shit like what was the status of the nation before the war, politics, the potential aftermath and something what I could shit out of my mind, but that would lead to derailment and arguing.

3ec909 No.14285060

File: fc38d4f54531d7f⋯.jpg (82.44 KB, 420x550, 42:55, Sexy Gundam.jpg)





Blob and Cuckling are very pathetic. As the saying goes "The harder they virtue signal, the more they have something to hide."

e1d440 No.14285130


Having a law on the books to permanently ban a specific syntax of words comes no where close to any of the extenuating circumstances though.

2f2c7a No.14285181

File: ac5bac0b1d7874d⋯.jpg (126.89 KB, 640x650, 64:65, 1419545335861.jpg)



ff6b4a No.14285188


I mostly use the site to look up game box art in case Mobygames doesn't have the cover.

3ec909 No.14285197

Are otokonokos gay?

859f94 No.14285213

c4d4ef No.14285214

d0f6a4 No.14285223

e1d440 No.14285226

File: 607ccaaca230f6d⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 6.31 MB, 852x480, 71:40, Big Damn Heroes.webm)

Have a cool moment from SG1. Season 7 Finale spoilers if you care.

026f9e No.14285253


I don't know.

dd6f8e No.14285293


This isn't fucking wartime though, this is a peacetime banning of wrongthink. I don't think (((they))) should try to blame the Poles for the holohoax either. In fact if you look at my other posts you'll see me raging about it. But its still a peacetime banning of wrongthink. Its still the banning of ideas and saying "well in wartime you don't want subversion" is just muddying the argument, even in wartime I'd still be wary of that. Though I agree it is more understandable, but as I said it isn't wartime and this is just another encroachment on the freedom of expression because of an event that happened 75 years ago. Soon every single person involved will be dead and th world will still be stuck with these laws because the holocaust is the worst thing ever and you can never ever forget goy

f5bf1d No.14285302


Can you repeat that question?

cd0261 No.14285357

File: eb58e122ab15bc1⋯.png (29.68 KB, 385x428, 385:428, eb58e122ab15bc1d9b35520881….png)

607e63 No.14285369


Very. The only thing that's more gay are the peoplekind who keep asking.

3ec909 No.14285445

File: c3c2157bfef7a9d⋯.jpg (222.99 KB, 1280x2005, 256:401, cieltrapfy2.jpg)

File: 0179ff0d1bc9952⋯.jpg (90.68 KB, 633x1024, 633:1024, black-butler-black-butler-….jpg)

File: c9865d3ea880b56⋯.jpeg (1.16 MB, 2952x4300, 738:1075, 00666797b0b9be03ba87b7463….jpeg)


Felix is worst trap.

cd0261 No.14285461

File: 2411e978105c455⋯.jpg (476.97 KB, 982x1147, 982:1147, 64707561_p0.jpg)


I haven't watched ReZero beyond the first season so I wouldn't know for sure; but he is.

ba5af3 No.14285472

File: 246bf23e3d47f19⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 79.73 KB, 1200x609, 400:203, Czo-DcLUUAA9WPq.jpg)

File: 6c9f06c90fbf945⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 104.33 KB, 855x1200, 57:80, Czo-CUfUUAIy77w.jpg)

File: e49726630db6b52⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 231.53 KB, 1433x2048, 1433:2048, Czo-dkCVEAEnCGk.jpg)


I think the LNs are decent. I do enjoy the character designs

e7d308 No.14285510


And then you'll get faggots defending it going

>implying horseshoe theory is real

607e63 No.14285531




Fuck off faggots. Especially that LN reading mental manlet.

To the >>>/gaschamber/ the lot of you.

cc301f No.14285545


They were bought by GaySpot years ago, they just noticed it was idiotic to not show it in the URL and decided to do the change now. Also, less bandwidth, but who cares because forums and low weight pages.

dd6f8e No.14285571

File: 7275d7abb4d5448⋯.png (128.49 KB, 529x768, 529:768, 4c8622eef5205ba1beca55cd88….png)


Looks like we got a felix fan, sorry fag he's the worst trap

cd0261 No.14285584

File: 8d5bfd85f977c29⋯.jpg (134.17 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 66870862_p0.jpg)


It's marche.

I realized it's hard for me to identify him since I subconsciously ignore him so well.

I need to crop out more trap images too.

ba5af3 No.14285605


Why is he butthurt over Canadians?

08d38f No.14285639


>Everyone I dont like is marche


cd0261 No.14285670

File: f89002cda7137ff⋯.png (35.24 KB, 369x133, 369:133, 6981f7d7ce974dba142f70391e….png)


Thanks for outing yourself, filtered.

3ec909 No.14285682


Just ones that aren't Felix because he's shit. Bridget is better and is vidya.

952ab3 No.14285684



How did you become a "shitposting master" Marche?

8dac9c No.14285687

File: fec0243d5ed50bc⋯.jpg (275.49 KB, 542x615, 542:615, lets not.jpg)



you know what you did marche

0ee89a No.14285714

File: 735e9b5fd489554⋯.jpg (2.01 MB, 2100x1534, 1050:767, phalanx - banjo man cover.jpg)


>How can they lie with this cover art

62b5f6 No.14285720

File: 3fd7a89ab71f95d⋯.png (336.21 KB, 798x448, 57:32, 0f1b6cd3aa846fe2af1603973e….png)


aa52d8 No.14285722





Why a company hasn't capitalized on that concept for a game is beyond me.

859f94 No.14285729



82f6ee No.14285736


It doesn't take place in space, and there's only a few rednecks. We need Rednecks in Space.

b983a9 No.14285738


starcraft to a lesser extent, too

8bf6fc No.14285747

File: a7005284c2b9b8a⋯.jpg (228.11 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, Rockman.jpg)

Good morning.

2f2c7a No.14285748

File: df35845ea29113b⋯.jpg (26.66 KB, 398x361, 398:361, 1444764776748.jpg)


>mfw SG1 got canceled because FUCK YOU

a414d3 No.14285756

File: 22accff9b604a55⋯.mp4 (2.21 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 22accff9b604a55d0f5fdcbf3a….mp4)

Soygon's gone off the deep-end.

4c0826 No.14285761


It wasn't going to last after they wrote off O'Neal and Carter.

2f2c7a No.14285772


>after they wrote off O'Neal and Carter.

I liked atlantis

what happened to carter? i dont remember her leaving the show, ONeal i get it, he was getting fucking old.

607e63 No.14285773



You trap fags are the new furries.

4c0826 No.14285781


I'm not even talking Atlantis, I'm talking SG1. O'Neal and Carter got written out to be replaced by FARSCAPE.

3dbc35 No.14285786


He is not wrong.

fe6c64 No.14285794

File: 0d78078fc9ee80f⋯.jpg (44.66 KB, 409x409, 1:1, 1422040216274.jpg)


tbf the (((Alt Right))) constantly chimp out and act like niggers

cd0261 No.14285807

Germany may ban loot boxes

pcgamer https://archive.is/hSf1Z

German Youth Protection Commission investigates loot boxes

gamebiz (cant archive) https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2018-02-06-german-youth-protection-commission-investigates-loot-boxes

How to buy a graphics card without getting ripped off

pcgamer https://archive.is/gX4OV

Manga publisher VIZ Media announces indie program and first original game

pcgamer https://archive.is/iUU2G

Viz Media turns games publisher with three-game indie partnership

gamebiz (cant archive) https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2018-02-06-viz-media-turns-games-publisher-with-three-game-indie-partnership

Viz Media enters games publishing with an anime-inspired debut

polygon https://archive.is/A5m6s

Quantic Dream: allegations of unhealthy studio culture are a "smear"

eurogamer https://archive.is/C55Og

NieR: Automata, MMOs, Smartphone Games Helped Square Enix Profit On A Year Of Net Sales Decline

Siliconera https://archive.is/iCbYk

Gamestop names new ceo

gamebiz (cant archive) https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2018-02-06-gamestop-names-new-ceo

New Jersey is now imposing its own net neutrality rules on ISPs

pcgamer https://archive.is/XseF6

The Xbox One has a serious exclusive games problem

polygon https://archive.is/bDmDl

Breath of the Wild’s fantastic life lessons for kids

polygon https://archive.is/JJogm

Heroes of the Storm’s voice chat would hurt minority communities

polygon https://archive.is/RicDi

a414d3 No.14285812

File: 94971009515a4fc⋯.png (367.07 KB, 604x717, 604:717, f19524106004172097d7f6ea38….png)



True, but I'm finding it funny he's becoming a lolcow.

b983a9 No.14285824


All the times that sargon would invite some sjw onto a livestream and they would bitch about swastikas in the chat and trolls throwing insults. Every time he would tell them to just ignore chat as they just like to shitpost.

Now suddenly her can't stand the shitposting and starts shouting about it. What's the alinsky thing sargon always refers to? Those who try to assert authority can't stand ridicule, as they can't control it.

2f2c7a No.14285825


>(cant archive)

got your back, fam, you should open them in a proxy and then archive the page.




8bf6fc No.14285830

File: 884c3fca4c5af01⋯.jpg (202.51 KB, 637x442, 49:34, One Order of Crazy.jpg)


Sargon really lost his marbles after Richard Spencer wrecked him a new one, it seems.

82f6ee No.14285836

File: b9720333d7de880⋯.png (268 KB, 798x1360, 399:680, fa_shantae_020618_by_paulg….png)



Going through freezepage.com also works.

>German Youth Protection Commission investigates loot boxes


>Gamestop names new ceo


d0f6a4 No.14285837

File: 10d0794c89c39e0⋯.jpg (76.73 KB, 632x762, 316:381, gashi good.jpg)

ba5af3 No.14285839


>The Xbox One has a serious exclusive games problem

It's called no one wants to own a system that tried to fuck them! Even normalfags told Xbone to fuck off.


>Richard Spencer wrecked him a new one

It was more retards vs retards.

a414d3 No.14285854


I wouldn't say Spencer wrecked him, moreso that Sargon made a fucking idiot of himself and sperged out from the beginning.

8bf6fc No.14285863

File: 26703d6ae401177⋯.jpg (133.49 KB, 1077x983, 1077:983, Feminism 91.jpg)

572fc2 No.14285870

File: 607e86fdaae2dc3⋯.png (18.91 KB, 505x340, 101:68, ClipboardImage.png)

e7d308 No.14285872

File: 8ee86c4fbd45673⋯.jpg (4.05 MB, 3769x3187, 3769:3187, MTX Informer 0.jpg)

File: 64b7f844cf0f37e⋯.jpg (3.65 MB, 4109x2825, 4109:2825, MTX Informer 1.jpg)

File: ef3bf44256a1cc0⋯.jpg (2.01 MB, 1981x2709, 283:387, MTX Informer 2.jpg)

File: 5d8c0de79d94532⋯.jpg (2.89 MB, 1976x4456, 247:557, Outrageous.jpg)


>NieR: Automata

Reminder that GayInformer tried to smear Near: A Tomato as having achievement microtransactions by misusing the word microtransaction. Not only that, but it was an "outrageous" microtransaction.

d0f6a4 No.14285874

File: 1bfc096535befc9⋯.webm (981.03 KB, 853x480, 853:480, archiving is hard.webm)


>screencap only

08d38f No.14285881

File: 4b0564fe2dc2a15⋯.png (12.58 KB, 655x215, 131:43, _v_-_GamerGate_ _NotYourSh….png)

8bf6fc No.14285891


I'm blocked by Laurie Penny, what can I do?!

d0f6a4 No.14285896


Go in a private browser and find the tweet from there.

aa52d8 No.14285899

File: 35aecd203f2cec9⋯.png (106.35 KB, 924x537, 308:179, EWW the XB1.png)


>Manga publisher VIZ Media announces indie program and first original game

>pcgamer https://archive.is/iUU2G

>Viz Media turns games publisher with three-game indie partnership

>gamebiz (cant archive) https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2018-02-06-viz-media-turns-games-publisher-with-three-game-indie-partnership

>Viz Media enters games publishing with an anime-inspired debut

>polygon https://archive.is/A5m6s

How good of a publisher is Viz Media?

>The Xbox One has a serious exclusive games problem

>polygon https://archive.is/bDmDl

<How much of the article does this picture sum up?


>It's called no one wants to own a system that tried to fuck them, at the time!

Fixed. Those Google and Amazon boxes are exactly what Microsoft was selling with XB1 launch, yet it was receiving praise.

d816fb No.14285921


The Google and Amazon boxes aren't being used for games, though. Also, Android doesn't have any physical games.

21aa3b No.14285943

602506 No.14285961


>VIZ Media gets into game publishing and indie gaming

>First debut game looks like something out of tumblr

Can't really tell if this is a good thing or a horrible thing.

1dee7f No.14285980


And it was clearly a response to dilute the microtransaction blowback from Battlefront 2.

2f2c7a No.14285986


>ooks like something out of tumblr

>beach ready bodies


but yeah, it looks like shit.

693880 No.14286022

Anyone have the "right-wing conservative" OC with lieberman and kohl trying to censor vidya?

693880 No.14286031




He's a fag but it'd be a shame if he died.

607e63 No.14286057


My bet is Multiple sclerosis

aa52d8 No.14286065

File: 234c1ba770e7c0a⋯.jpg (513.53 KB, 1539x1025, 1539:1025, (((who))) started attack o….jpg)

de0e8e No.14286101

Sage for off-topic but

I found out a girl I was interested in is halfway to SJW. She's got a tumbler, and use rape culture and #metoo unironically. I'm kinda sad about it since she was trying to get back to being friends with me after rejecting me, but I wanted a relationship. Funny thing is, I probably could have gotten it if I had actually gone for sex with her, since she was talking about it a lot with me and invited me to sleep over to housesit. I feel like an idiot.

669609 No.14286110


Those types of women are the ones that like to entrap men with babies and then have complete control over you

8c19f8 No.14286132


Note that those hearings were orchestrated by Nintendo of America in response to Sega becoming an actual threat in the US and Canada.


Blog it. https://wordpress.com/start/about

097cbb No.14286146


>why have consistent principles

Don't get me wrong, i'm all for a laugh of them getting a taste of their own medicine, but at the end of the day it's still shit.


A shame, gamespot is far more SJW then gamefaqs, even if both are cancer.


Sargon has always been terrible public debating. I don't know why he keeps trying. he just keeps feeding them more ammo.


What would being blocked matter? If you're blocked you wouldn't be able to see the tweet to begin with. If you can see the tweet you can archive it, just open it in a private/incognito browser or just log out.




>"I feel like an idiot."

How? You didn't stick your dick in crazy, you won out at the end.

e7d308 No.14286174

d756e8 No.14286180

File: e380b397cec467b⋯.jpg (11.61 KB, 244x255, 244:255, Tired of you shit.jpg)



Latest Colombian News

>You will have to answer for the information you post on social networks.

translated with the Google translate stuff, so it's possible it's not accurate

e1d440 No.14286191

File: 774dc3e431d7aa1⋯.webm (6.46 MB, 852x480, 71:40, Jackson Test Results.webm)


Carter never got written off, she only didn't appear in later episodes of Atlantis because he show had ended and she went on to do other things. O'neill was a loss, sure, but the main issue with the seasons he was gone wasn't him missing, but rather that the Ori were a shitty and unfun villain.

aa52d8 No.14286202

File: 95c3295180cbe92⋯.jpg (193.34 KB, 794x946, 397:473, Judgement Day - 1.jpg)

File: c1c942f4028f0cc⋯.jpg (197.21 KB, 792x943, 792:943, Judgement Day - 2.jpg)

File: 98f27b5bdc1bf9c⋯.png (961.21 KB, 793x943, 793:943, Judgement Day - 3.png)

File: 1182fb53f202a1e⋯.jpg (203.39 KB, 784x943, 784:943, Judgement Day - 4.jpg)


>Note that those hearings were orchestrated by Nintendo of America in response to Sega becoming an actual threat in the US and Canada.

No, the hearings we organized by Leiberman himself. Nintendo had nothing to do with bring the case to Congress. However, that doesn't mean that they didn't take advantage of the case any way they could.


Could someone properly translate this, please?

d756e8 No.14286252

File: f965697f3c63de8⋯.jpg (249.52 KB, 1016x720, 127:90, Rules.jpg)


I'll give you shortie about that article

>Comunication networks and Journalist, along with normal users of social networks must answer for whatever they publish in social networks, those who commit a crime in networks must assume their responsibilities.

>All this due to a Female lawyer who was victim of Slander by a liberal politician accusing her of being part of an outroar that is happening in my country, so the constitutional court made this decision.

>You will have to assume responsability for whatever you write in social network, be Slander in direct or indirect ways and could be taken to court for this.

>Experts add that this could increase the amount of fake accounts so you can slander freely of those consequenses.

In my opinion this changes nothing, specially in a country like mine.

e1d440 No.14286444

File: 1c2c11b8ecdb6e5⋯.webm (819.84 KB, 852x480, 71:40, If you want to be holiert….webm)

It used to be a lot more comfy posting in the middle of the night.

ec0d39 No.14286482

File: fdb0f8af1fda089⋯.jpg (243.7 KB, 903x987, 43:47, fdb0f8af1fda089cc05bf943c9….jpg)


blame cuckchanner phonecancer (and/or goons)

8bf6fc No.14286516

File: 4cd36cb83fec573⋯.jpg (91.93 KB, 705x467, 705:467, Smashing.jpg)

So, how ready are you to expose GDC next month?

e1d440 No.14286527

File: 53ff8d1f70849ac⋯.webm (2.36 MB, 852x480, 71:40, Fine women that put out l….webm)


>Tweet "niggers" at them

>Every person at the conference goes apeshit

>Reap twitter salt as they all expose how terrible they are

So our status quo, basically.

82f6ee No.14286551


>status quo

I do believe you mean modus operandi.

8bf6fc No.14286574

File: b2fb5491c6dcbe5⋯.jpg (102.93 KB, 626x530, 313:265, Comic Retard 57.jpg)

c4d4ef No.14286595


I don't understand

607e63 No.14286627


So Sean Hannity is some irl conservative media person and Peraxxus is some dc bad guy, right?

ec0d39 No.14286629


badwrongthinker is bad

(DC is cucking as bad as Marvel)

what's terrible is that it's Bats speaking out of character and not, say, Green Arrow which would make sense

1dee7f No.14286637


Yeah, I could see Ollie saying it.

c4d4ef No.14286638



Oh I forgot who sean hannity was, I was thinking he was some character or something

407206 No.14286643


Sean Hannity was the guy who broke #PizzaGate and got mobbed nearly to death by SJWs for it.

e1d440 No.14286671


I didn't take any offense at first because I thought Jessica was saying it, and it would have been perfectly fine.

34a64d No.14286717


I like her lantern eye tattoo thing.

2fac7b No.14286865


I like her design. Would commission rule34 / 10

097cbb No.14286956

Steam Has Failed at Curation and Moderation


>It’s that last line that sticks out to me. It’s probably meant to refer to viruses or, more specifically, dangerous content that could harm a user’s computer, and not the content contained within the game ideologically, but it makes me wonder what Valve would consider “over the line” when it comes to inappropriate content for the platform. In the past, games have been pulled from Steam for sexual content, but rarely anything other than that.

>American popular values often place sex as more offensive than violence or hate speech. It’s not that hard to look at the history of the MPAA rating system for films and not see a bias similar to that which Steam has on its marketplace—unsurprisingly, the moderation culture of Steam mimics the culture that it was developed in.

>Last week I wrote about the ways that Blizzard is failing its professional community by not making clear its standards for how professional esports players should behave. Valve does have a public post detailing the Rules and Guidelines for community on Steam, available here, but, as others have noted, this appears to have done little to curb the rash of hate group activity on the platform.

>A grand problem with Steam lies precisely in the fact that it is massively profitable and therefore implicitly justifies any abhorrent activity on the platform. I have no doubt in my mind that to Valve, the profit gained by Steam as a platform signals on some level that the platform itself is stable and not in need of further moderation. Thus, we get further handing-off of reporting and curation duties (formerly costly, in-house structures that required additional staff) to the community, because to Valve the system is exceeding expectations in income to the company.

>Here’s the thing: If Steam wants to be a fully laissez-faire, unregulated market, then it’s failing at that—the sale mechanisms and fee structures for new developers mean that it’s already gatekeeping the market entrance of smaller developers. If Steam is trying to be a regulated, more family-friendly market (in whatever way that is defined), it’s also failing at that—due to the preponderance of hate activity easily found on the platform. And, of course, if it’s trying to do both of these things—which to most understandings it is—it is failing at that.

They really want Steam under their control. They won't stop focusing on how much "hate" the platform has.

4c0fcb No.14286970

File: 8be10ab54ceaf39⋯.jpg (152.72 KB, 999x1250, 999:1250, akko-p.jpg)

ec0d39 No.14286979

File: e46742136d31c43⋯.jpg (200.75 KB, 1061x766, 1061:766, gamercomicgate.jpg)

Oh look, by (((pure coincidence))) there's a buzzfeed article coming out attacking comicsgate:


ec0d39 No.14286985

e1d440 No.14287005

File: ec5e8520c76647a⋯.jpg (142.86 KB, 564x710, 282:355, Go Away.jpg)

>The /animu/ BO started anchoring threads that have any sort of /pol/ discussion in them, even if they're still talking about anime

Nothing good can exist in this world.

a46db7 No.14287046


>A nigger, a feminist, a soyboy, and an army of libtards attack a industry veteran for wrongthink


4d5c0e No.14287071

File: aaaf9e82b9023ea⋯.jpg (93.11 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, coolspinner.jpg)


gawsh dangit,

- tbh

ec0d39 No.14287085


it's small, but there's >>>/ninjatiddies/

4d5c0e No.14287094

File: 08352ae7cbb943b⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1200x896, 75:56, slavshinji.png)


nice tbh

aa52d8 No.14287115


It's one of the mods, the new BO isn't involved with it. He said that he'd level the board's moderation to the mods, and then he'd take of the "global moderation" and the mods if they step out of line. All we can do now is see if they guy will act on it, or if he'll roll over and turn the board into /a/ 2.0.

aa52d8 No.14287118

File: 6211e2e2e916ec6⋯.webm (250.56 KB, 640x360, 16:9, reee.webm)


<All those fucking typos

51ab92 No.14287123

File: 7868ab37d50ecef⋯.png (48.76 KB, 665x361, 35:19, agender.png)

Real or fake?

4c0fcb No.14287174


You know that Twitter has a search feature, right?

4cad2c No.14287187


>going agender

Obviously his wife doesn't want to touch him and his doll has been worn out and Peter can't afford spare parts. Going agender means he'll sleep with anyone for affection, if that tweet is true.

d3afbd No.14287205

File: 9721ac90ae9d93b⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 5.94 MB, 596x336, 149:84, Arrow in The Knee Skyrim ….webm)


Explains how he was able to get along with his dutch wife. Neither of them are real people. He did actually say that, though.


f5bf1d No.14287358

File: 14a923bca49aa98⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 202.36 KB, 869x1252, 869:1252, SPOOKY IMAGE DO NOT OPEN.jpg)

ded thred

a6731e No.14287391

File: dcda6b39c605be9⋯.jpg (66.97 KB, 600x750, 4:5, 779acd57fd3ceed09ff49c0104….jpg)

File: 2fedf9ec894e9d8⋯.jpg (477.38 KB, 800x808, 100:101, 1459637887669.jpg)

File: 270812c26f23edc⋯.jpg (28.39 KB, 622x196, 311:98, 1460254870012.jpg)

File: bfa46ded9bf8c37⋯.png (58.47 KB, 622x519, 622:519, 1460353319392.png)

File: c78e4aaa06fea77⋯.png (56.54 KB, 640x430, 64:43, hk7icCu.png)

>Read Jim Sterlimg's tweets on Subnautica firing

>nothing but bumpat replies

>No mentions of his article on Alison Rapp firing


Sometimes I wish I *did* have a personal army.

>Before the termination, Rapp was quietly moved away from public promotion of games, her bosses deciding she “wasn’t a good representative of the company.” Rather than stand by their employee, the suits of Nintendo decided instead to validate the pearl-clutching around her and treat her as a liability.

>Given Nintendo’s history, it’s not a surprising move. It’s fucking dismal, but it’s not surprising. The company’s long been known to pull tightly on the leashes of its employees, to control what they say in public. Someone as outspoken and individual as Alison, despite being pretty damn good at her job, was probably never going to be able to last there.

>Despite what you think of Alison, that should be considered bullshit.

a6731e No.14287402

File: 5e1f1cd010810fd⋯.jpg (106.25 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 27hv0qL.jpg)

File: da3adaebb25b34d⋯.jpg (53.96 KB, 800x536, 100:67, 1450780240546-1.jpg)

File: ceb74b48a72679e⋯.jpg (88.89 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1450780240546-4.jpg)

File: 4d3a5d07b4481d6⋯.jpg (27.25 KB, 663x360, 221:120, VwmS3iQ.jpg)


>So what does make a “good representative of the company”? As near as I can tell, Nintendo would be happiest with mindless humanoid flesh poured into Mario T-shirts and decorated with rows of grinning white teeth.

>It’s not like Rapp or Pranger leaked secret NX information, punched a nun, or denied the Holocaust. They didn’t mouth off to their bosses, bring a monkey to the office, or refuse on principle to flush the communal toilet. They spoke. They had private lives. They existed in ways Nintendo decided it didn’t like. They were not faceless, sinless, or quiet.

e5e4ea No.14287415


Huh. Should have taken a more thorough look at that twitter. What a coincidence, but it's still unfortunate what happened. Close to getting my computer back so I can navigate the web more fluidly. Still, the cost of invading twiiter and other social media platforms has had done a number on anons by bringing out their inner faggots more often. I can only imagine that besides things like "QAnon" and the associated storm boards how many newcomers have found the site through those means.

Saw denial at /sudo/ going on and on about how 8chan's no longer relevant to the news and it's taken a drop in users while ignoring the newfound 8chan capability added to clover so even if cuckchan is credited with (cancerous) memes and OC, we still have them noticeably running foul here. Even if anons like to drop "reddit" and "goon" at the drop of a hat, they're trying to play it off as if people still don't have a hateboner for this site.

fe6c64 No.14287418

File: fbd4cea8f56b3fc⋯.webm (926.06 KB, 320x240, 4:3, Peter Coffin.webm)


>tfw when you aren't Peter Coffin


>men who like kids

e-everyone likes kids right. She doesn't mean paedos or anything creepy

87a05f No.14287421

File: 9de3a13a0cbb33e⋯.jpg (139.02 KB, 1791x809, 1791:809, animu.jpg)


I did my part.

e5e4ea No.14287436


"It's okay when we do it!" levels of self awareness absence is to be expected of them.


I get that boards have their own subject matter that they'd rather be a part of rather than endless derails over politically charged shitflinging, but unless the new BO/staff intentionally wanted to sabotage the board they should have known better than to clamp down on /pol/ material on this site of all places. There has to be a balance and a lack of egotistical/spergy board staff which makes for a bad feedback loop when there are those who still have an axe to grind as mentioned previously are looking for any wedges and pressure points that they can find to break the boards on this site apart..

02fbfb No.14287448

File: c6bfb5ef8724812⋯.webm (941.75 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, watson.webm)

What did "Worst Emma" mean by this?

fe6c64 No.14287464

File: 338cc4f39a894bf⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1856x1651, 1856:1651, 1446149811155.png)


Her eyes in the last frame are spooky as frick

0f7039 No.14287472


I think Emma is one of those naive, well-meaning but ultimately mistaken women and feminists we keep seeing. She's in it because she genuinely thinks she can be helpful, she can push for progress and all, but she completely ignores, forgets or confuses the entire system surrounding her purpose and goals.

To be fair I'm biased because she's still one of the most gorgeous women out there I would be willing to not purchase a sexbot for

87a05f No.14287474


Doing my fair bit of funposting there I did notice a trend of posts arguing in bad faith happening after some decent discussion but it didn't seem to bother anyone else.

Things were going pretty well until that darn mod showed up. The Cel animation versus Digital animation was pretty comfy.

4cad2c No.14287480

File: 7ec25b8200e72b7⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1369x999, 37:27, EWfeminismnotevenonce.png)



>Feminism needs more white knights.

8dac9c No.14287483

691ce6 No.14287510


I agree with your assumption, if she was a true believer her appearance would resemble a sjw. Dyed hair, a septum piercing and problem frame glasses. She wouldn't look like this >>14287480

I hope she doesn't transform her looks

581aa6 No.14287518


She seems like a collected and self-respectful girl so I doubt she'd end up so ugly and self-hating she's try to look as repulsive as possible. One of the most obvious symptoms of twitter activism is a sense of detestation over anything beautiful (since sexual to them), and thus an attempt, at all costs, to be as hideous as possible, to ensure they're never desirable to anyone, including themselves.

Emma Watson seems to be fine with her own beauty, so she's very unlikely to grow into a rainbow whale.

e5e4ea No.14287519




That sounded nice. Well, up until the "posts arguing in bad faith" part, of course.

Also, I noticed /anita/ and /int/ in the top board bar. Along with the latest "goon saloon" site being posted a few times on /sudo/ something's up. /tv/ and /leftpol/ are most likely still the biggest hotbeds of cancer on this site with their ilk. Probably shitting across other boards as we speak like /co/. /b/ seems to be boiling over Dysnomia shenanigans.

87a05f No.14287545


I recall a large scale war happening in EVE Online not too long ago.

e5e4ea No.14287593


That's true. From the looks of things, >>>/int/ looks closer to its original incarnation rather than a goon outpost, but I'll keep on the look out. See you later, I'm getting some extra sleep. A new thread should be made soon.

5992f1 No.14287595

File: e01fdc930f261ee⋯.jpg (78.32 KB, 580x435, 4:3, JFK Army March.jpg)

Good morning!

5992f1 No.14287617

File: 7c514bac2ba9458⋯.jpg (155.67 KB, 1080x902, 540:451, Methods to Censorship.jpg)

50c187 No.14287638


>To be fair I'm biased because she's still one of the most gorgeous women out there

I don't get why people say Emma Watson, Keira Knightly, or Daisy Ridley, new chick playing Lara Croft in the new Tomb Raider, are beautiful.

Hollywood has been promoting women with flat-as-a-board bodies of 13 year old boys, and their faces aren't much better. Watson's face resembles Richard Dawkins if he were a young woman.

I swear Hollywood is doing it intentionally.

87a05f No.14287653

File: 042e9f4804d0296⋯.jpg (129.6 KB, 1789x656, 1789:656, kirino.jpg)


Bad time to fall asleep friend, shit just got real.

e7d308 No.14287660

Is it over yet?

50c187 No.14287676


<That's right Racists, you're the foreigners! Black people were the first Britons!

I need to get out of here. My country has been utterly taken from me. They're erasing my history and culture, and if we complain we're called bigots and arrested. It is hell. Beware, America, England will be your fate too.

5992f1 No.14287718


>Mary Beard been cited

That's the one who says that blacks were the REAL natives of Europe. Did I mention she's a feminist?!

5bca3e No.14287728


Move to Canada ! :^j


>not being into DFC

Truly a man of poor and lazy taste. Enjoy shagging ladies with droopy tits soon.

3dbc35 No.14287736


How verificable is that study? Are they trying to rob us our neanderthal heritage now we feel proud of it after they demonized it with their nigger talk?

50c187 No.14287754


I want to move to America if Trump can sort shit out. Otherwise, I don't know, maybe Siberia.


I doubt it's verifiable at all, but we'll never be able to get our hands on it.

In 1998 they made a face sculpt of that skeleton with white skin, but oh what's this? (((New evidence))) has come to light to make him black as coal.

They have indeed come to rob us. Of everything.

3dbc35 No.14287765


I've been thinking about making a neanderthal story about surviving and fighting homo sapien niggers. We need to own the neanderthal thing after black people kept saying we were some sort of mutants created by their double dicked pumpkin head god.

2d9ecf No.14287838

e7d308 No.14287850



>Applying to 3DPD

Hello, police?

ba5af3 No.14287884


I went on and I think it's (119) due to the not an argument spew.

72dbe6 No.14287896

File: e33af961cbd68a6⋯.png (471.96 KB, 1612x1684, 403:421, viv ok sign.png)


They're going to destroy everything they touch. When's Artgate?

ba5af3 No.14287902


>The Cel animation versus Digital animation was pretty comfy.

That was a genuinely good thread.

87a05f No.14287904


The Molymeme argument is a pretty big meme but that would be a neato twist if it was (119).

87a05f No.14287910


It was. I was the first reply and was genuinely impressed by Kabaneri, shit taste aside.

aa52d8 No.14287911

File: 0d3ec5ed37bf35b⋯.webm (5.54 MB, 640x360, 16:9, AWAKEN THE BAKERS.webm)

I'll bake.

I'm thinking of adding the /animu/ drama to the OP as something to be on watch about (With a link to the meta thread). Should I do that, or leave it alone?

Also, is there anything else that needs to be changed, removed, or added?

3dbc35 No.14287919

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

So, german NGOs are starting to get redpilled about the disease they created and are planning to go to Poland.

Source: A gypsie.

87a05f No.14287930


>Should I do that, or leave it alone?

I'd say leave it alone for now since it's really only up to the BO to make a call at this point.

87a05f No.14287942


>things go bad

>germany invades poland

Like pottery.

ba5af3 No.14287945


Nah leave that shit out and keep it GG/TD related cause it's not really related.

e7d308 No.14287948


>Should I do that, or leave it alone?

"Don't poke it if you don't know what it is." The cross board shit is a mess and it's best to not have "official" involvement in it plastered at the top of the thread.

aa52d8 No.14287952




Alright then, it was left alone.

New Bread!

New Bread!

New Bread!




fe6c64 No.14288099

File: fa844bb3ad9ed06⋯.jpg (97.34 KB, 230x500, 23:50, 1434483237415.jpg)




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