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File: 321f44d153b0280⋯.png (402.56 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, JE_Worldgen_Screen_Seed_Sp….png)

cfdf1f  No.16914069[Last 50 Posts]

Terraria Journey's End finally has a release date.

May 16, 2020

Of course this site may or may not be around by then, depending on how things go.

But in the meantime…

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6d0845  No.16914080

pretty sure those niggers claimed a final update before, like a year or 2 ago.

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cfdf1f  No.16914081

File: ad4fce5693d5e64⋯.png (69.63 KB, 1197x605, 1197:605, furry_terraria.png)

Also the Terraria OC contest ends tonight. I hope we don't end up with three fucking fursuits as the winning entries.

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8920e1  No.16914086

What are the odds it'll be delayed like nearly every other time they announce a release date?

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cfdf1f  No.16914101

File: 4737f862424faa3⋯.png (6.94 KB, 146x138, 73:69, ETzdKK0XQAECCO4.png)

File: e3d0829c469aa70⋯.gif (5.86 MB, 344x354, 172:177, Scarab_Bomb.gif)

File: ab93ba4881cd02b⋯.jpg (101.14 KB, 1120x512, 35:16, East_Asian_furniture.jpg)

File: d88864cdee4ea86⋯.jpg (272.95 KB, 2048x1142, 1024:571, D3U3ov8WkAULwOz_jpg_large.jpg)

File: fc57d19b2c169c4⋯.gif (27.31 KB, 104x100, 26:25, goblinshark.gif)


Things changed. Otherworld fell apart and they needed something to keep them going.


A low but non zero chance. They come through pretty relaibly when they announce an actual release date rather than "by the end of 20XX".

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0074cb  No.16914116

File: 7ec1287080209b2⋯.jpg (23.79 KB, 199x276, 199:276, DdkiSG0V0AA1I1v.jpg)


>That spoiler

I still don't know where to go if this site actually does go belly up.

I don't like julays layout, cuckchan is cuckchan, discord is cancer and I really don't have to explain the rest of the internet.

8ch was one of a kind and I feel like I don't belong anywhere else, which also includes this place due to it lacking my old favorite board /b2/ which was pretty much the soul of the website.


Anon, it already got delayed. It was originally supposed to release last year.

I'm pretty damn happy were gonna get it despite my pic related.

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540b8d  No.16914162


>Of course this site may or may not be around by then, depending on how things go.

Why? The only one leaving is Mark.


When 8chan was down I hit mayor depression and all bunkers were fucking shit.

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3bc2f1  No.16914171


>The only one leaving is Mark.

Not sure if you're a bad actor or if you genuinely didn't hear about Jim saying fucking /v/, delete /v/, 8kun is not a free speech website and loli is pedo. Who wants to stay under the thumb of that senile cock sucker?

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540b8d  No.16914183

>tmodloader still doesn't officially support the GOG versions of the game


>Muh freedom of speech

>b-but loli is pedo

Which one is it, glow nigger. Jim deleting /v/ would be shooting himself in the foot. But even if it did, nothing of value would be lost. I don't care either way as long as the userbase remains. Then again, /v/ was already infected with the likes of faggots jerking over DMC5 and the Resident Evil remakes.

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074d4d  No.16914192


>didn't hear about Jim saying fucking /v/, delete /v/, 8kun is not a free speech website and loli is pedo

How does it change anything, honestly? A boomer said something to his boomer audience. How does it influence what you can post on this board? You can still spam porn with no consequences.

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3bc2f1  No.16914203


>A boomer said something to his boomer audience.

You seem to be willfully ignoring the fact that this boomer is the fucking admin of the site you dumb mother fucker.


>Which one is it, glow nigger.

What the fuck are you talking about schizoid?

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074d4d  No.16914204


Did he infringe on your freedoms anyhow so far, despite his obvious technical incompetence?

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cfdf1f  No.16914208

File: 0b3b3ef0ee15763⋯.mp4 (5.46 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Town_Night_Spoiler_720p_.mp4)


>The only one leaving is Mark.

Depends on whether Ron is honest abou migrating loli boards or whether Jim puts his foot into the site.

Also lets try not to turn this into yet another site drama thread.

I just want a comfy thread.

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540b8d  No.16914216

File: e4cc4da95b00955⋯.png (677.06 KB, 1906x1046, 953:523, ClipboardImage.png)

So tmodloader does support GOG, despite his main site saying it doesn't. Fucking incompetent fags can't change a single line of text.


>Muh boomer

Hey there, cuckchan.


>What the fuck are you talking about schizoid?

Gee, so you do not know that you are a glow nigger, glow nigger.


>Depends on whether Ron is honest abou migrating loli boards or whether Jim puts his foot into the site.

If you can already post loli, I seriously don't see why the loli boards wouldn't be migrated. I just think it's just about Ron/Jim being incompetent migrating the boards, and such taking longer than it needs to.

>Also lets try not to turn this into yet another site drama thread. I just want a comfy thread.

I agree. I already updated the mods and the mod loader. I hope this doesn't fuck my worlds.

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15aae2  No.16914241

File: 4a1e8d3ae3f688f⋯.jpg (25.54 KB, 540x275, 108:55, Apollo_Justice_case_3.jpg)



The man you are accusing of being a glownigger was paraphrasing what Jim said, as seen in >>16914171. Are you incapable of reading comprehension?

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bf123f  No.16914256


>journey mode

Is this their version of creative or some kind of custom map mode? I haven't heard anything about this.

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bf123f  No.16914265



Meant "peaceful".

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cfdf1f  No.16914267


Nobody knows. This is the first that anyon'e ever heard of it before.


That's the most common guess.

I'm still disappointed that there's no extra large world size option.

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2e6c9e  No.16914293

Let me guess, they're gonna add a million more furniture, costumes, paints, dyes, cosmetics and not rework progression which starts sucking dick halfway into the game?

Hardmode is fucking awful. You don't explore anything new and you don't find treasure by spelunking like early game, you just grind & farm mobs for the rest of the game.

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540b8d  No.16914297

File: 20d9fd53ed0a691⋯.png (299.42 KB, 1200x672, 25:14, Capture_2020_04_13_15_00_0….png)

File: 8f88b4c6ce553d4⋯.png (5.6 MB, 4095x2109, 1365:703, Capture_2020_04_13_15_00_0….png)

My worlds are alright, but now I remember my problem with mods, so much power creeping and feature creeping that it's very fucking overwhelming. However, mods like Boss Checklist don't only have a far better interface now than the last time I played, it has tons of information about how to spawn bosses, and it does have popular mod supports like the 4 ones I already have. I'll be playing for a while while I wait for Journey's End, to get myself familiar yet again with mods.


Well my bad.


The game engine struggles with large worlds already. I think think extra large worlds would be a good idea, it would be neat, though. I'd rather have all of this in Terraria 2, even if it's just the base game ported to a better engine. The game looks fine as it is.


It's honestly a mystery, anon. Nobody knows for sure what they are exactly adding except for a few teasers like the pogo stick and the completely fucking unnecessary wind effect.

As for progression, I know mid game is not as good as early around wall of flesh. But why does it suck?

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2e6c9e  No.16914300


>But why does it suck?

I just told you. There is no exploration or spelunking to be had and the only thing you do is farm mobs, invasions, fish and bosses. The sense of discovery goes out the window.

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3bc2f1  No.16914302


>Well my bad.

I want a God damn apology and make it good you fucking idiot.

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540b8d  No.16914304


True, but there are so much new biomes you can add to improve exploration, specially considering the size of the worlds. How would you fix it, anon, including how would you add new biomes?


No, fuck you.

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cfdf1f  No.16914318


I honestly don't know how they could fix it unless they add several Jungle Temple like dungeons to the world that can only be entered after hardmode. Also the Jungle Temple needs a fucking overhaul. It needs to be at least 5 times bigger and contain more than just 2 enemy types.

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3bc2f1  No.16914323


Not just an idiot but a proud idiot. Next time you're going to call someone a glow nigger, suck a dick instead.


>Did he infringe on your freedoms

<rand21 effectively removed because they had a joke CP thread where they posted cheese pizza

>/pol/ not allowed to return and instead replace with /pnd/ because he thinks /pol/ is bad for optics

>thinks loli is cp and vowed to not allow loli boards back on the site

It's easy to think nothing is going on when you aren't paying attention.

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2e6c9e  No.16914335



I would fix it by having an earthquake take place, at the player's discretion after informing them well about it, after WoF to turn the world into hardmode. The earthquake would wipe and re-generate the underground full of new treasure, minerals, structures, biomes and shit to explore.

>but what about underground structures I built?

I would make some sort of support column players can place around an area to prevent it from being re-generated.

Have to take some fun risks if you don't want a boring stagnant game progression.

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540b8d  No.16914365

File: 876266e2e9c9c32⋯.png (7.1 MB, 4095x4033, 4095:4033, Capture_2019_11_28_01_20_0….png)


I think that on top of expanding the jungle, I'd make it so fucking jungle blocks couldn't be taken over by crimson/corruption. In fact, the whole "crimson/corruption" consuming the whole world is both retarded and very heavily under used. It was obvious they wanted it to be a very important mechanic early on, but now that it was discarded it's just annoying.


Nothing to do with being proud, I just stand my word, couldn't give a shit about Jim or Ron seeing how they barely interact with boards, so things like massive censorship don't worry me, unlike fat kike's administration that already censored people easily.


I can think that already existing parts like the pyramids can be greatly expanded. Right now they are only early game oddities to find the double jump things, but I'd do it this way:

>Surface level, ie the top of the pyramid can be accessed early game

>Surface chamber has the usual chest with the usual items

>There's a locked door and special blocks beneath it

>Needs hard mode to unlock the rest of the pyramid

>Bottom of the pyramid has a mummy themed boss fight

The sky is also pretty empty. Sure, there are sky island, but nothing more. An sky dungeon would be neat as fuck as well.

There's also the right side of hell, where you can try to add some kind of mini dungeon or mini biome to explore. Add new dungeons to existing biomes like corruption/crimson areas, only for hardmode, again. Shit like that can easily work.


Sounds good, but consider doing something like that requires a loading time, and the world building takes a couple of minutes to generate all that when you create a new world, so having a mechanic like that would need you to either leave the world and reload or giving you a bit of a load time right after defeating WoF, or say, you need to talk to the guide before advancing to Hardmode, but in either case, you'd still need the loading. In concept sounds good, but think about the earthquake destroying some of the things you already had, plus the progress you had in the underground, making you go back to square one, sounds like shit now.

>Support column

Sounds kind of convoluted, anon. The risks you are willing to take sounds like shit and it essentially reboots your world for hardmode, so you may as well just have all that when starting a new world.

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cfdf1f  No.16914378


Red's been extremely resistant to adding anything that messes with the world post world generation. Remember people complained until he removed clowns blowing up blocks and corrupters being able to corrupt.

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0074cb  No.16914403


Anons were jerking over DMC5 because its a genuinely good current year +5 game.


Anon can you please let us talk about terraria in peace?

This is supposed to be a comfy thread.


>Fuck up your world that you worked potentially dozens of hours on just to get into hardmode

Anon you're both fucking nuts and retarded.

If I made a hellivator and other mineshafts that I always spend so long to make and had it simply destoyed in a heartbeat I would be so fucking pissed.

Not everyone here is a Buddhist monk like you.

>Have to take some fun risks if you don't want a boring stagnant game progression.

Thats where the new ores, mobs, bosses, items, acess to new areas, etc come into play.

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2e6c9e  No.16914416


Yeah it'd make the screen start shaking and kick you back to a loading screen to re-generate part of the world before putting you back in. It's a fresh start and you lose the caves you already mapped out, but that's the only way it can be fresh.

I see the potential in restricted areas that are only accessible during hardmode, like the temple. The issue with them is that Terraria is 2D, so multiples of those cutting through the terrain would block the player's underground exploration, unless they're very well-placed.

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3bc2f1  No.16914428


>I just stand my word,

Is that what you call throwing "glow nigger" and then backpedaling once someone was able to pierce your thick layer of stupidity?

>so things like massive censorship don't worry me,

It was already clear you're retarded but God damn, how do you remember to breath every day?


Blame the OP for including it as a topic and the anons in this thread who want to post uninformed opinions on it. I get where you're coming from though, feel free to filter me if that's what you want.

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2e6c9e  No.16914437


That's right boy, your shit's gonna get wrecked son.

Sure maybe there's a better idea for preventing player structures from being wiped, but the core principle is that the underworld gets renewed for a fresh exploration.

If we can't agree that Jesus Christ current hardmode is such a boring grindfest then it's not worth arguing these ideas.

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540b8d  No.16914454

File: fc3dfccd8ea75d9⋯.png (770.32 KB, 1184x1856, 37:58, Capture_2017_11_08_14_18_3….png)


I wouldn't blame him. As I said, corruption/crimson mechanic is just retarded and just hinders world building. I understand having the urgency to clean/stop crimson/corruption, but it's just retarded when it's out of the player control or at least there isn't an ideal way to deal with it. Hollow just make it worst, but it isn't as invasive as the previous, and even with things like that weapon that helps you clean corruption, whose ammunition is fucking expensive, corruption still fuck things up, like even if you cleanse corruption from areas surrounding the jungle, those blocks return to be normal grass blocks, not jungle blocks, forever ruining the jungle since you don't have a way to keep growing the jungle.


<genuinely good current year +5 game

>All women look like trannies

>Dante looks like he is addicted to meth

>Vergil looks plain awful

>V has no reason to exist

>Nero is Donte

>Ranking system now takes time in account in a fucking DMC game where you are supposed to juggle enemies

>Environments range from looking all the same, to looking like DmC's limbo, to just looking bad in comparison to previous entries

>Gameplay plays it so safe that it doesn't do anything new and all the good things are already present in previous DMC games either in base game or mods

It's a shit game and you should kill yourself.


Again sounds great in concept, the screen shaking and the game kicking you out to the main screen sounds fun and meta. But at the same time, that would make pre hardmode a waste of fucking time, so the new meta would be basically rushing WoF because nothing or most things you do pre hard mode would be pretty much meaningless, specially if underground.

>so multiples of those cutting through the terrain would block the player's underground exploration

It would just force you to circumvent them, just like the temple does.


Yeah, my bad about that, but I stand my original word: The only one leaving is Mark and that's the best things that could have happened to the board. I don't remember Jim nor Ron censoring anyone. Even Mark is still allowed to post here, try to defend himself, or whatever, which he probably already do. The least interaction from BO's and hot pockets in the board, the better, and that includes Jim and Ron. If you want heavy moderation, you are welcomed to fuck back off to cuckchan.


>If we can't agree that Jesus Christ current hardmode is such a boring grindfest then it's not worth arguing these ideas

Yes, but you are going to the other autistic end, actively fucking your world only because you are bored. You don't need a fucking fresh exploration, you just need mroe fucking places to explore AND a reason to explore. The desert biome with the caves is nice, but since the cave doesn't have any hardmode things to it, despite being added after hardmode, then it's fucking pointless. Make dessert caves interesting by including a hardmode only ore, for example.

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bf123f  No.16914465

File: 63e6f102a37db88⋯.png (517.92 KB, 733x1192, 733:1192, 1574872174046.png)


Add enemies that destroy blocks into a place that you want to revamp later. That prevents people from building there. After the revamp happens, introduce new blocks or other methods that prevent mobs from destroying blocks, thus making that place buildable.

Here's a completely random example:

Let's say the antlion biome has worms that dig through blocks and break them, so you can't really build anything there. Later in hardmode, the entire biome gets converted into an "ancient sand biome" that makes it much harder, generates new "rooms" around it for some more exploration potential, and puts a crystal into the center that spawns a boss. The boss drops crystals that allow you to create beacons that weaken/repel worms in a radius, thus allowing you to create areas where they can't break your builds. Or maybe the ancient sand allows you to create "ancient walls" that prevents them from digging through.

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540b8d  No.16914470

So, beside these mods >>16914216

What else would you fags recommend? I will try Recipe Browser. It is compatible with Magic Storage?


Now this is smart design.

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cfdf1f  No.16914483


>like even if you cleanse corruption from areas surrounding the jungle, those blocks return to be normal grass blocks, not jungle blocks, forever ruining the jungle since you don't have a way to keep growing the jungle.

People have begd for some change to the jungle for years now. Either to make the jungle resistant, or make corruption torn jungle into corrupt jungle instead of just plain corruption, or even just a jungle clentaminator solution. Maybe 1.4 will finally address the problem in some way.

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cfdf1f  No.16914490

File: a49681edb3c9809⋯.png (983.38 KB, 1936x1536, 121:96, 4d3eZPJ_by_Shadow_Mantis.png)

File: 3a1e82cf15d36a0⋯.png (199.59 KB, 1331x1270, 1331:1270, pyramidt_by_Percival.png)

File: d41082dffff81fc⋯.png (264.81 KB, 1517x716, 1517:716, the_great_pyramid_of_terra….png)

I really wish they would do something interesting with pyramids. I'd like them to turn them into a mini-dungeon of sorts.

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8920e1  No.16914493

So with this being the last update I hope they have plans for Terraria 2. Just hope they don't try and make it 3D or some stupid shit like that.

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209653  No.16914497

File: 73bcba9506b83f3⋯.png (3.08 MB, 860x860, 1:1, Mildly_Disappointed_Spirit.png)


But anon,that would require making a not really complex algorithm and effort to make modular rooms instead of just slapping another event or area on the general map.

This shit wouldn't be a problem if we could just get massive maps to encourage making many temporary bases, though this would necessate more teleportation items and more faster travel.


Don't worry anon,I'm sure they'll add much more coveted features like survival mechanics.

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a287d8  No.16914503

Does anybody remembers how to bypass anti-piracy check for tModLoader for most recent version?

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540b8d  No.16914511


It isn't needed anymore. Niggers finally learned.

>Just get the GOG version

>download tmodloader files,

>Extract them to a random folder, install the jar to the game director

>Copy and paste all other files to the game directory

>Launch the game

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a287d8  No.16914514



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0074cb  No.16914519

File: 92296c57dcc91e6⋯.jpg (6.45 KB, 255x248, 255:248, 92296c57dcc91e6b9e4e7eae9d….jpg)


Imagine me actually killing myself because of some random autist on an anonymous imageboard told me to because I liked a videogame that he didn't like.


Risk of Rain 2 ended up just fine but I agree.

Terraria's heart and soul first and foremost is in it being 2D.

If I wanted to play a 3d Terraria I would just wait for Hytale to come out and play that instead.

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540b8d  No.16914540


Yeah, kill yourself.

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ce672c  No.16914546

File: 1718c35ecabab63⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1440x1458, 80:81, WIavn4f.png)


Otherworld fell apart


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95fd7a  No.16914794

File: 89760a4af508abc⋯.png (321.1 KB, 681x681, 1:1, 1549933878.png)


That's what happens when you outsource development to a studio that mostly ports games to mobile.

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cfdf1f  No.16914797

File: 24753f07024d562⋯.jpg (97.14 KB, 1500x500, 3:1, 1500x500.jpg)

Things are 'bout to get comfy.

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0074cb  No.16914817

File: 83eb6960712643c⋯.png (82.58 KB, 255x255, 1:1, gin.png)


Holy shit Redigit really didnt have to go this far, the game was already perfect the way it was.

Just looking at the beauty of that screencap nearly brings a tear to my eye.

Its no wonder why Terraria is also the 13th most sold game in history, its spot there is 100% deserved.

Beautiful and genuinely fun games like this give me the will to live, nothing else in my life has been more fun, relaxing and enjoyable than playing vidya.

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a6f8dc  No.16914818


>Of course this site may or may not be around by then, depending on how things go.

This site will still be here.

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e6b248  No.16914820

File: 4a0bd4ae25a01cf⋯.jpg (129.06 KB, 474x526, 237:263, 4a0bd4ae25a01cfb169de73fc3….jpg)


>no golfing

I can't believe you niggers aren't fucking ready to play Terraria as it should be: your 2D golf autism dream.

I can't wait for golf courses that use wiring and other shit, or have you try to kill contained enemies/bosses using golf balls if they hit enemies.

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0074cb  No.16914825


Please don't abandon us and leave us in the dark again ron, thats all I ask from you.

And bring back some of the top 20 boards at least, they were the lifeblood of 8chan

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031c1b  No.16914832


Can I get 2k a month to post in your dad's shitty clickbait board no one cares about? You should be hiring after this.

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03e89f  No.16914848


Will all of that aesthetic stuff impact the performance? Because I already had some problems running the game in my toaster and I wouldn't like it to get even worse.

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8920e1  No.16914856

Goddamn someone should've submitted a corona-chan costume for the design contest.

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cfdf1f  No.16914870


Some of the things like swaying vines and leaves probably would but you should be able to disable them individually like you can with with smooth water and fancy lighting. The new sprites themselves shouldn't affect performance.


I think there's a few hours left before they close the submissions if you want to sprite one out or make a sketch.

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540b8d  No.16915310

File: 0527c4eb921a9b7⋯.png (599.38 KB, 1296x1184, 81:74, Capture_2020_04_14_02_36_3….png)

>Until 4 am building a fucking comie block

I love the mod's furniture, though.

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019e11  No.16915359

I remember Custapple drew a lot of porn of this game, his friends used to use 8chan and they'd post his stuff here.

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cfdf1f  No.16915362


>Custapple drew a lot of porn of this game

Like what?

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019e11  No.16915379

File: 82125f3cb511cad⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 116.83 KB, 785x679, 785:679, I_gave_you_a_fag_warning_d….jpg)


Like pic related.

Fag warning, by the way.

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cfdf1f  No.16915386


But Moonlord doesn't have a lower body until 1.4 drops.

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d19d17  No.16915388


Why is he crying?

He's not thicc enough

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019e11  No.16915404

File: e632ed10e943bf5⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 518.69 KB, 785x679, 785:679, bigger_butt.png)


Cust never gave his reasoning, I saw of his friends hypothesizing it was because KKK Moonman was never able to jerk himself off because of his eye hands.


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95fd7a  No.16915449

File: 800d76f132dfd5e⋯.png (4.16 KB, 374x51, 22:3, FUCK.png)


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0074cb  No.16915700

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here is some more news about the update.

Its not done but they are wrapping it up.

Also we are getting pet-able cats/dogs.

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101446  No.16915718

How to write in red text?

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8eceea  No.16915724


>Middle piece should be compatible with most dyes

>Legs should also work well with dyes

>Like the others, the head piece should work well with dyes

Why did he write it three times?

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8eceea  No.16915729


>How to write in red text?

You go back to 4chan or Reddit or whatever and stay there.

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019e11  No.16915732


The FAQ contains all formatting instructions.

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0074cb  No.16915744


Welcome newfriend!

Go to options on the top right then click on customize formatting, it will show you all of the formatting options.

As long as you don't act like a malicious low functioning autistic shitposter then I welcome you with open arms!


Anon we all came from somewhere.

It would be kinda depressing if our community just went and remained stagnant forever, especially if the new users some of you guys are trying to scare off turned out to be pretty cool dudes.

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733214  No.16915750




Just testing

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c9cbcb  No.16915813


Newfags should be able to figure this kind of shit out without asking in a random, unrelated thread. If they can't display that small amount of intellect, I highly doubt they will be beneficial to the community.

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bf123f  No.16915815

File: 5931353a831e8a9⋯.jpg (172.79 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 1586027051799_1.jpg)

Fuck I just realized it's currently April. I was completely in the mindset that the update is coming out in 2 days.

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c9cbcb  No.16915816



Oh, and outright spoonfeeding them like that isn't just being welcoming, it's encouraging them to continue being idiots. Teach them to fish instead of just handing the fish to them.

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cfdf1f  No.16915841

File: 0f7ac997f597266⋯.png (7.37 KB, 176x204, 44:51, how_bout_sum_golf_massa.png)



Yes, Terraria does have one of those now. See >>16914208

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540b8d  No.16915868


That IS a mods NPC, right? I don't remember niggers in Vanilla terraria, maybe the weapons dealer, but then again, it's a weapons dealer, of course it's a nigger.

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bf123f  No.16915874

File: 8e03e042d1ba7fa⋯.png (1.51 KB, 104x184, 13:23, Arms_Dealer.png)



This nigger has been in since the beginning.

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cfdf1f  No.16915880

File: f20a4afe06ca704⋯.gif (71.36 KB, 258x180, 43:30, pCH62gY.gif)

File: 0790aed94762d68⋯.gif (412.32 KB, 274x126, 137:63, bo520Hr.gif)


>Also we are getting pet-able cats/dogs.

Apparently they are going to be ambient spawning NPC cats and dogs too.


Don't worry I'm sure we'll all still be locked down in May and have plenty of gaming time.

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cfdf1f  No.16916320


>That IS a mods NPC, right?

No it's a new upcoming NPC in 1.4


>the only two blacks in terraria are a violent guy that sells back alley guns and a golf caddie

gg Red

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bcd079  No.16916334

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0074cb  No.16916457

File: 0522893973a4b91⋯.png (2.41 KB, 160x240, 2:3, GANGSTAR_costome.png)



Don't worry anons, thats the only help I'll give them.

They must ultimately learn to survive and thrive on their own.


How the hell did you even find that picture?



Also is that an Alucard costume?

>Don't worry I'm sure we'll all still be locked down in May and have plenty of gaming time.

If you guys want something similar in a way to Terraria with just the same amount of quality and fun to it try out stardew valley.

The dev broke off from chucklefuck so they won't even get any money from the game anymore.

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225b48  No.16916460


It looks like they are punching those animals.

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c9cbcb  No.16916471

File: 9b997f85913aa70⋯.png (12.35 KB, 600x600, 1:1, not_agreeable.png)



Come on dude you don't need to be making yourself look even worse here.

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0074cb  No.16916510

File: af9582ee5a6c558⋯.png (91.18 KB, 1324x699, 1324:699, _n_1.png)

File: 51a58fd8830cf2d⋯.png (2.3 KB, 192x192, 1:1, Delinquent_large.png)

File: 1f90aa4f7a8b303⋯.gif (26.06 KB, 105x140, 3:4, Lizard_Outfit.gif)


What the fuck.

To be fair I didn't realize the same guy would reply to me twice, I hardly pay attention to the post IDs and on further inspection its you again.

Lets just move on and talk about the vidya already.

Did you check out the vanity design submissions? I only went through 15 pages but those along with the gangstar outfit was my favorites, but I only think the lizard costume would be valid to put into the game.

I don't even know what the gorilla guy was smoking when it came to the rest of its body.

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cfdf1f  No.16916598

File: fe6ddc0b1d581f5⋯.png (2.6 KB, 152x248, 19:31, The_Crystalline_Amphibian.png)

File: 2bc5aa6ec5f8ca7⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1058x1227, 1058:1227, Fabled_Pixie_Set.png)

File: 2ee24cd5d262714⋯.png (138.15 KB, 1900x1700, 19:17, astronautuniformset.png)

File: 8100ebc6201c106⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1899x1232, 1899:1232, Witches_Void.png)

File: 0691f650531ea50⋯.png (65.29 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, download_2_.png)


There's a few there that I liked.

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cfdf1f  No.16916602

File: 36a39bad391c191⋯.png (10.27 KB, 240x336, 5:7, TerrariaRoboVanityB.png)

File: 07320cb13f67cec⋯.png (147.21 KB, 226x576, 113:288, Robo.png)

File: 4de77bdb7fe8029⋯.png (84.3 KB, 1099x707, 157:101, DesertDancer.png)

File: d74383243753a8f⋯.png (48.5 KB, 684x465, 228:155, 1584265420457.png)

File: 19509c38f9f6332⋯.png (18.49 KB, 402x564, 67:94, Terraria.png)

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cfdf1f  No.16916607

File: 5778ad1fec6e840⋯.png (151.65 KB, 619x514, 619:514, Francis_of_Assisi.PNG)

File: 00b900d2dd7e298⋯.png (7.76 KB, 482x603, 482:603, Screenshot_2020_04_12_at_1….png)

File: 059a453f91b8fdf⋯.gif (45.61 KB, 256x256, 1:1, TenguMan.gif)

File: 4bf2b7d5bc0996b⋯.png (340.81 KB, 912x606, 152:101, Terraria_Samurai_2.png)

File: 0a253be50d8e024⋯.png (12.47 KB, 526x592, 263:296, The_Totally_RAD_Vanity_Set.png)

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cfdf1f  No.16916614

File: 5533f71570e869c⋯.gif (5.35 KB, 40x56, 5:7, SWZK84y.gif)

File: 19634692600b144⋯.jpg (630.73 KB, 1536x2205, 512:735, IMG_0380.JPG)

File: 0dedde5d2f4ebcb⋯.gif (266.6 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, Flag_Animation.gif)

File: 381f7fab0bd2572⋯.gif (51.24 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Terraria_Vanity_Contest_En….gif)

File: 17c06a07136542f⋯.png (44.13 KB, 512x512, 1:1, AURA_E0_game.png)

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cfdf1f  No.16916625

File: 392faa43eb364a2⋯.jpg (1.94 MB, 1920x2449, 1920:2449, synthwave_concept.jpg)

File: 2b5b770789eab21⋯.gif (5.53 MB, 636x715, 636:715, sprite.gif)

File: 80699ae196b3508⋯.jpg (708.84 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Terraria_Shibaraku.jpg)

File: 5d84bb73fc4d163⋯.png (496.32 KB, 1800x1200, 3:2, Floret_Protector_blueprint.png)

File: e26b14e7f168a92⋯.jpg (172.48 KB, 1920x824, 240:103, Apollo_Vanity_Banner.jpg)

Reminder that after they filter the submissions down to the finalists we can actually vote on who gets to be the actual winners.

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c9cbcb  No.16916626


I don't want to look at the vanity submissions because I'm afraid I'll find one I really like and end up inevitably disappointed when it doesn't make it in.

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f4a096  No.16916683


Whats to stop you from modding it in yourself? I Mean, the sprite is just there.

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cfdf1f  No.16916761

One problem with the contest is that the devs never made it clear whether this was a win a chance to to get something into the game that you think is missing or whether it's simply a "your OC here" contest.

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d6cbb9  No.16916775


Would that really stop either group from submitting things regardless?

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019e11  No.16916797


For the love of god I hope that weird fursona isn't voted in

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cfdf1f  No.16916800


It might have focused things better for the people who put effort into their submissions. Then again they said avoid making submissions based on copyrighted characters and a full half of that thread is "Hello my name is pewdiepiefanxX567Xx and I am submitting character from my favorite game/anime/capeshit movie." Some people are just fucking stupid. Or they're just kids with poor comprehension.

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7d136c  No.16916843

File: 49544acfa9a09f7⋯.png (331.07 KB, 451x480, 451:480, Jason_is_in_disbelief.png)


>suited visually genderless character


Getting real fucking tired of even more female characters being added everywhere

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540b8d  No.16916924

I must admit, I'm very fucking surprised by the mods after playing them in depth, which I never managed to do before because the amount of new content was overwhelming and confused. After years and actual collaboration between the modders, everything feels far more cohesive, and you don't have to check wikis every minute to try to understand something.

So far, as big content mods go, I'd rank it Calamity > Thorum > Spirit


Calamity is just simply amazing, the amount of shit it adds is incredible, the new biomes are fucking breath taking, the abyss truly feels like something you should really be scared of, even though the gimmick of acid water is a bit annoying, the sulphurus sea feels like a natural replacement of the boring beach. And man, the QoL stuff is just fantastic, planetoids are need and really gives you a reason to explore the sky just entering hard mode, and the addition of "evil islands" that gives you resources contrary to the primary evil of your world, is a fantastic idea.


A nice compliment to Calamity by having the sea of the other end have an extra biome in the form of the Aquatic Depths, although instead of replacing the sea it somewhat expands it, which was very needed in vanilla Terraria. It also looks fairly cool.


Is the weakest because it's just there. Not bad at all and the spirit biome is pretty cool.

The only downside is that the weapon system becomes very confusing and crafting in general is a mess, but there the recipe browser mod that supports all the aforementioned mods, and there's also Magic Storage. I ALSO MUST ADMIT that I'm very surprised with Magic Storage. The progression of the size of the boxes is perfectly implemented, it isn't just some shitty mod that expands your storage limitation, it actually sticks to the natural progression of the game.

All in all, I'm very pleased with the mods, it's seriously a nice complete experience that actually adds depth to the base game, it compliments it and fills some of the flaws it had, like the lack of seriously different biomes, tons of new enemies even in existent biomes, etc.

Now I can't wait to see how Journey's End will break them.



>Not a feminine color

This is why we need fucking color codes and gender specific activities.

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95fd7a  No.16916927

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Spirit is currently undergoing an overhaul, unfortunately the old relic weapons are being made unobtainable by normal means due to not living up to Yuyu's standards, bits of his Critter Craze mod and the World Bits mod are being merged into it.

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cfdf1f  No.16916977




>>Not a feminine color

>This is why we need fucking color codes and gender specific activities.

Pink is a shade of red, the most warlike color, and is therefor quite masculine. It's also a royal color.

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4ae4c6  No.16916990


Great speech on why DMC5 sucks and your inability to git gud has nothing to do with it! Too bad that it's the best selling game in the series, and DMC6 will be everything you hate about 5 but better than ever.

Aside from making him take the L yet again, I assume I can still play with you guys on my Steam from the good days, before the above anon is so mad that he tries to use this against me copy, or did they introduce some gay shit to make only GOG players play with each other, and Steam players with Steam players? I'm guessing no, but just want to make sure in case someone hosts.

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95fd7a  No.16916993

File: c1376513d3c4027⋯.jpg (66.08 KB, 1380x771, 460:257, 1313540005205.jpg)


There is a connect via IP option for multiplayer and a connect via Steam option, so I doubt there will ever be some kind of bullshit of that sort. The only big limiting factor would be tmodloader's GOG version, which was dropped, and the most up-to-date version doesn't work with GOG unless you feel like hex editing. Don't ask me for the hex values, I don't remember them.

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540b8d  No.16917340

File: f9dde749ccce0fd⋯.png (103.04 KB, 1897x370, 1897:370, ClipboardImage.png)


>It's the best selling game so it's obviously the best!

You know what sold well? Star Citizen, anon. Selling well isn't a measure of quality, is a measure of how stupid a person can be. Successful, sure, but Mighty Number 9 was funded successfully too. But can't expect better from a faggot who uses steam. Fuck off and play with discord trannies since you are at it.


That's outdated info, anon.

You can install tmodloader like normal now since the .exe. doesn't ask you for the steam files anymore to run. The main site says it doesn't support GOG, but when you download you have install instruction, including GOG, and it isn't much different from just installing the steam version manually. No Hex data modification required anymore.

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74f9ab  No.16917358

File: 6de7fd3eb0fc076⋯.png (53.75 KB, 1297x847, 1297:847, Steel_OC_Donut.png)


Too late to submit, but here, my OC.

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0074cb  No.16917417

File: 9075f78e06359e3⋯.jpg (37.31 KB, 1199x702, 1199:702, EGSPcPsU0AE_8rN.jpg)


Anon if you really think that way then you have a weak as fuck mind.

I'm not betting on anything getting in because for the most part I know im gonna be disappointed no matter the outcome.

I wish some of the better costumes could be modded into the game though, a lot of them look fucking awesome much like that Floret Protector the anon above you posted.


>All women look like trannies

Lady is in her 40's shes already at the age where women go into menopause what did you expect, but with Trish and Nico you aren't wrong, they are just ugly though, they don't look like dudes

>Dante looks like he is addicted to meth

Dantes a 40+ year old man, hes almost a senior citizen, then he got fucking knoked into a ravine and put into a coma for a month, of course he would look like shit because of that.

Also an AI said that DMCV Dante is the most handsome vidya character so take that as you will

>Vergil looks plain awful

Same age as dante, also he just looks like and older version of his teenage self, seriously what the fuck do you expect a 40 something year old man to look like?

>V has no reason to exist

V is there to give Vergils humanity character development since it would be impossible to do so otherwise, V and Urizen revealed some important things about Vergil that he would have never have done otherwise due to Vergil being too fucking stubborn and obsessed with power.

>Nero is Donte

I see you never played or seen any footage of DmC or DMC4 in a while. Wait are you the autist who goes into every DMCV thread and compare Nero to Donte in every single one?

>Ranking system now takes time in account in a fucking DMC game where you are supposed to juggle enemies

Git gud and style on the enemies more so you get more points faster.

>Environments range from looking all the same, to looking like DmC's limbo, to just looking bad in comparison to previous entries

The previous games had samey environments too, but it doesn't really matter too much in this case. You're just being nit picky at this point.

>Gameplay plays it so safe that it doesn't do anything new and all the good things are already present in previous DMC games either in base game or mods

Nigger thats exactly what a sequel is supposed to do along with adding a new story, new content and mechanics here and there. What the fuck kind of game did you expect? Donkey Kong Country?

If you hate DMCV so much, how did you think about DMC4? Don't tell me the true reason you hate DMCV is because the girls don't make your peepee hard?

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cfdf1f  No.16917420

File: 013d57724453c9f⋯.png (295.57 KB, 1190x680, 7:4, moukou_vanity_set.png)

File: b63dc70c2246833⋯.png (10.07 KB, 208x144, 13:9, Capture_2020_03_17_22_45_1….png)


Well someone did make these suggestions.

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540b8d  No.16917429

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Since this is a terraria thread and not a DmC2 thread, I'm just going to tell you to kill yourself with your shit taste. But this is particularly very dumb

>Women are in their 40s so it's ok for them to look like trannies!

This is a combination of delusional graphic faggotry and thinking all women in their 40s look like trannies. Age doesn't justify any of the characters looking bad, when anime hijinks are a thing.

>It's not bad ranking design, you just need to git gud!

Yes, DMC was always about style and getting gud, but you can't do very stylish amazing stuff AND get a great rank because you were playing too much with your enemy. Your read that fucking right, a DMC game punish you for playing with your enemy. If you think that's acceptable you should kill youself right now.

>V is for character development and it was impossible otherwise

Yeah, he is a fucking plot device, that could be explored with pre existing characters. It's just shit writing and the fact that you claim it is "impossible" for it to be different shows you lack creativity and therefore are a shit writer yourself, or you are incapable to see the flaws in DMCV writing, which toss out of the windows a lot of characters in the first place.

>Nigger thats exactly what a sequel is supposed to do along with adding a new story, new content and mechanics here and there

One thing is expanding the gameplay by adding new mechanics but keeping the core gameplay intact. Another thing is just copy pasting old mechanics and doing absolutely nothing new with them. It's mediocre, and yet it's put as the best DMC game probably because the same faggots who praise it have never played old DMC games. The only one who had his gameplay expanded was Nero, and that's wasted how he is Donte, and speaking of which

>N-nero and Donte are not the same! You never played it!

Embed related. Now I can't just wait to retort and say "B-but it's just a line", because nothing that people say to put in evidence how bad your baby's first DMC next gen game is. I hope that with Mark gone faggots like you fuck off as well.



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0074cb  No.16917461



I'm gonna be honest with you guys.

They all look like shit.


>Since this is a terraria thread and not a DmC2 thread

You are the DmC2 autist! If we start up a Terraria 1.4 server would you be able to play with us just like how anons do every time a new Terraria update comes out?

>I hope that with Mark gone faggots like you fuck off as well.

Anon, I've been here since the first exodus and I'm here even when 8ch died and its retarded cousin 8kun took its place, do you really expect me to go?

Most anons here who like DMC also like DMCV, you are the minority and you really want most of the DMCfags on this board to fuck off as well? Damn anon I'm not your enemy, you don't have to make yourself get that mad. You are one sad and salty as fuck existence if you choose to stay that way though.


>youtube embed

I'm not clicking that.

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cfdf1f  No.16917474

File: e0ebf1524063111⋯.png (543 B, 42x58, 21:29, Lunatic_Cultist.png)

File: 957872292eae90f⋯.png (723 B, 36x48, 3:4, Crowno_s_set.png)

Why did so many make plague doctor suggestions when we already have two plague doctor style outfits? There were 61 separate plague doctor suggestions by my count.

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365ebc  No.16917489

File: c907be20c265229⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 276.56 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, c907be20c2652291433f24403e….jpg)


Yeah, I wonder why…

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0074cb  No.16917496

File: 419ab9c9f7af3ce⋯.png (27.93 KB, 674x674, 1:1, 1584147723374.png)

File: bf956a30788bd2d⋯.png (1.05 KB, 72x126, 4:7, Buff_Suit.png)

File: b64320d91086088⋯.png (5.85 KB, 384x672, 4:7, Terraria_Ricardos_HD.png)

File: bdba5c5cadae5d7⋯.png (69.28 KB, 516x320, 129:80, Trash_set.png)

File: b428ae3f5c4c531⋯.png (15.99 KB, 190x250, 19:25, Dino_Full.png)

Heres some more submissions that I liked.

How easy is it to mod vanity armor into the game?

I want to become ricardo, my Terraria experience would become incomplete if I am not playing as the avatar of sexiness.

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d51b0a  No.16917508


>DMC was always about style and getting gud, but you can't do very stylish amazing stuff AND get a great rank because you were playing too much with your enemy. Your read that fucking right, a DMC game punish you for playing with your enemy.

Haven't noticed that at all, maybe you're just shit at the game?

>Another thing is just copy pasting old mechanics and doing absolutely nothing new with them.

Except DMC5 did do new things. Unless you don't count new weapons. new enemies, as doing stuff new, by that logic dmc has being doing absolutely nothing new since dmc3. Plus it kind of does have new mechanics with the way devil breakers work and the sin devil trigger which you're supposed to use via SSSS but you probably didn't know that

> probably because the same faggots who praise it have never played old DMC games

Objectively false

>Nero and Donte are not the same

>it's just a line

Objectively correct

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540b8d  No.16917568

File: 5605f21641935ba⋯.png (26.61 KB, 501x54, 167:18, 1463375058355.png)

File: 4d5a42cfa35b7b6⋯.jpg (133.99 KB, 1284x796, 321:199, 1463305386552.jpg)

File: a1cdfd25345f8a9⋯.jpg (62.66 KB, 1050x493, 1050:493, 1463257590465.jpg)


>If we start up a Terraria 1.4 server would you be able to play with us just like how anons do every time a new Terraria update comes out?

I have with each new update and even in the painful wait of 1.4 with some of the servers either dying slowly or having an autist blow shit up until it is restored from a backup or just abandoned.

>Damn anon I'm not your enemy, you don't have to make yourself get that mad. You are one sad and salty as fuck existence if you choose to stay that way though.

I do whatever the fuck I want, faggot.


Eh, corona is as much of a meme as ebola. Sure, with the pandemic and all people will remind it more often as the 21st century pandemic. I would have loved an ebola themed costume suggestion, though, that would have been hilarious.


>Haven't noticed that

Maybe because you either haven't played it and only watch them on youtube or you are too bad playing them already. I go by the former considering your following statement. It isn't about being harder or easier, it's the fact that the game punish you for doing fun things, the fun things DMC is known for, making this new one a lesser entry on top of everything else.

>Weapons! Enemies!

Just barely reskins, in fact, that game relies very heavily on nostalgia.


<Source: My ass

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0074cb  No.16917586


Don't engage with the autist anon, hes been going at it for over a year now.

If the objective truth can't convince him then nothing will.

Its completely fine for people to hate a game for stupid reasons, no kind of media can please everyone, thats a fact.

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540b8d  No.16917594


If that makes you sleep at night. You'll still remain as a faggot with shit taste and THAT will not change. Keep praising crapcom and their upcoming shit games, RE faggots already got their retribution in the form of a remake as bad as the previous but somehow different and the announcement of the stupidest idea for a remake ever.

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95fd7a  No.16917595


The 64bit version still checks for Steam as of latest, so you may be fine with 32bit tmodloader but that really limits your mods.

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cfdf1f  No.16917614

File: aabd56e5f6fb67d⋯.gif (6 MB, 428x322, 214:161, Roasted_Bird.gif)

File: f364a9e1195576e⋯.mp4 (507.82 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Its_been_a_hard_days_night….mp4)

Well. At least people aren't arguing about Mark.

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28d662  No.16917617


Stop trying to debate the autist, the only effective method is to make fun of him until he has a tantrum. Observe;


Yes, I remember how Star Citizen was universally hailed as a great game and is being played to this day. I remember how Mighty No. 9 wasn't a grifter's attempt to cash in on Capcom's faggotry. It seems DMC5 lost again, how will I ever recover from being BTFO'd by a guy who I successfully predict the grasping at straws of?


>shittalking the Reisen sketch

I agree on Mokou, though. Then again, she may look better if she's not a nigger.

>If we start up a Terraria 1.4 server would you be able to play with us just like how anons do every time a new Terraria update comes out?

Count me in, by the way.

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540b8d  No.16917619

File: a88c671ab4d5e80⋯.png (78.24 KB, 122x442, 61:221, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8df249096eff0df⋯.png (26.55 KB, 633x369, 211:123, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0db3fd4acf017bc⋯.png (19.69 KB, 619x145, 619:145, ClipboardImage.png)


That's strange, anon. I recently reinstalled Terraria using GOG and it ran as normal, no need to change anything, and I've been posting the modded things ITT. All I had to do was install the .jar and then paste the zip files in the terraria folder. In fact, there isn't even a 32/64 versions of the mod, there's just a single version of it, which I assume is 64bits. Are you sure you still need to check files?


>Yes, I remember how Star Citizen was universally hailed as a great game and is being played to this day

It actually is. Want to know the worst part? It's still making money, so that obviously makes Star Citizen the greatest game of all time, right? There's people still willing to not only defending it but praise it and claim it is the best game of all time. Are you familiar with buyers remorse?

In either case, kill yourself.

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cfdf1f  No.16917637

I'm heavily looking forward to Master Mode.

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9df7cf  No.16917659


What's new in master mode?

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cfdf1f  No.16917698


It's a super expert mode. Enemies and bosses hit harder and they apparently have new attacks. Additionally every boss drops two new items a piece and those items aren't either accessories or weapons.

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95fd7a  No.16917706

File: 00f075919b57654⋯.jpg (110.12 KB, 480x330, 16:11, 63805a70e9c844b9b042cb64d8….jpg)


I had to reinstall the whole game recently because it would refuse to load the steam version due to "you must be logged in" even though I was, possibly an old dll interaction I guess.

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c9cbcb  No.16917718


Does rare item drop rate get bumped up like expert, too?

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540b8d  No.16917745


>More stats inflation

I don't know anon. The new patterns sounds nice, but I'd be sick of more stats, enemies are just fucking bullet sponges. One thing I liked from the mods is that some enemies actually have weak points or wait to deal more damage. For example, if you hit the thunderbird thing when it charges at you, it will be stunned for like a second and you can punish it, and in that time frame it will get more damage. That's the kind of mechanics I'd like, instead of a Serious Sam kind of deal of you running all over the place shooting and praying for the shots to land.


I'd recommend you to do a fresh installation, deleting the main terraria directory. The saves and screenshots are stored in My Games folder anyway, so there's no risk of you losing data by just removing the Terraria directory directly and then reinstall. I was worried about it too since last time I reinstalled it was a pain in the ass to have the hexed executable, in fact, I had a terraria thread archived just in case because of that, but this time took me less than a couple of minutes.

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cfdf1f  No.16917790


No clue.

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7d136c  No.16917843



>orange suit means female

>warrior in red means female

Go ahead and kill yourselves you stupid trash, don't forget to make your last donation to a female streamer first for empowerment.

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f16911  No.16918907

File: 9f8eab4f45c015c⋯.png (992.38 KB, 1611x946, 1611:946, t3_51rzei.png)


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c914c5  No.16919476


Announcement stream happening now.

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0074cb  No.16919495


Wew. They're talking about Terraria in smash.

I never even thought about that before, I would actually like that if that were to happen, the game definitely got more sales (30 million) than shovel knight or undertale who both made it in in some form. Also Ocram is not coming back.

I also love the twitch chat some of those posts are gold.

>can I sit on the cactus toilet


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0074cb  No.16919503


Dude just posted the voting link not even a minute ago.

Go vote for what you want fellas.

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019e11  No.16919505


>Sign in to continue

Guess I'm not voting

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0074cb  No.16919510


Its hardly worth voting for anyways, theres no buffbody or Ricardo vanity set in there at all.

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c914c5  No.16919512

File: 9637224bd2694fc⋯.png (8.1 KB, 373x198, 373:198, Journey_s_End_Vanity_Conte….png)

>Google voting

>Sign in to continue


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c914c5  No.16919529

File: bad3093ea2adbf9⋯.png (25.98 KB, 880x510, 88:51, The_Traveler.png)

File: 5082927ac493697⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1437x801, 479:267, Forest_Druid.png)

File: 1b4e96402aa891d⋯.png (3.49 MB, 2464x2930, 1232:1465, R_MK_entry.png)

File: 0f8d7d12c05a32e⋯.png (335.35 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, sodahunter_entry.png)

File: 9b392f14d565952⋯.png (373.86 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, bubblehead.png)

Well these are the finalists for those who haven't seen them.

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c914c5  No.16919531

File: 21f2de88ccaad78⋯.jpg (94.17 KB, 738x418, 369:209, Swamp_Horror.jpg)

File: 6513cf60be26c2d⋯.png (1.5 MB, 2000x1037, 2000:1037, Cyber_Angel.png)

File: 016b32bec3f0a0f⋯.png (465.19 KB, 1800x1200, 3:2, Floret_Protector.png)

File: cfd04d3f58608c5⋯.jpg (391 KB, 1981x1421, 283:203, Wyvern_Rider.jpg)

File: a79ab1b8240d14e⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1899x1232, 1899:1232, Witches_Void.png)

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6714cf  No.16919533

File: 38e435e809a094c⋯.png (246.75 KB, 516x501, 172:167, 0a1afe1ba54290e4a1f04189f4….png)


Number 3 makes my dick tingle.

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c914c5  No.16919534

File: ef6edf958519b61⋯.png (1.51 MB, 2753x2149, 2753:2149, Starlight_Dream.png)

File: 8f2fc44d7456f8a⋯.png (745.68 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, Magic_Grill_Megashark.png)

File: 2b414f9c23d3014⋯.png (2.49 KB, 356x120, 89:30, Mocrium.png)

File: 7af8bdf6ae1b4bb⋯.png (89.8 KB, 528x357, 176:119, Deep_Diver_s_Disguise_toge….png)

File: 3fdf3f0dd43c7bf⋯.gif (113.75 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Soul_of_the_forgotten_God_….gif)

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6910f2  No.16919540

File: 8036e6e23516377⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 7.76 MB, 2260x2250, 226:225, 02.png)

File: 8a218aa8db43b8a⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 4.15 MB, 1529x2090, 139:190, 03.png)

File: 4bb638e4e28f855⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.27 MB, 1448x2000, 181:250, 04.png)



That third image was made by a popular furry artist. Looks like >>16914081 called it.

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c914c5  No.16919542

File: 27082ec2380c2da⋯.gif (39.15 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Wandering_Ronin.gif)

File: 4414545c65a9b1d⋯.png (377.9 KB, 1052x705, 1052:705, DragonEmpress.png)

File: 40b1823b4945414⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1499x2035, 1499:2035, Vestment_of_the_Crystallin….png)

File: 20602d2a9598443⋯.png (105.8 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Bedtime_Outfit.png)

File: fe4a4b9e237d9d2⋯.gif (3.83 MB, 1250x834, 625:417, Timeless_Traveler.gif)

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c914c5  No.16919549

File: 38a91370ed3dbb8⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 2604x2456, 651:614, Slime_Queen.jpg)

File: 608f06d713f150e⋯.png (3.29 MB, 4200x3300, 14:11, TV_Head.png)

File: f8e3d7b4943e729⋯.jpg (83.51 KB, 816x612, 4:3, The_Bugman.jpg)

File: 33f8da400f957c5⋯.jpg (439.42 KB, 983x737, 983:737, Containment_Suit.jpg)

File: 45a5fbde90ee738⋯.png (9.45 MB, 3507x2480, 3507:2480, Mushroom_Alchemist.png)

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c914c5  No.16919551

File: ae50237628d1d1f⋯.jpg (16.8 KB, 320x375, 64:75, Promotion.jpg)


>made by a popular furry artist

wew lads

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bf123f  No.16919555


Bedtime outfit is probably my favorite, it suits Terraria's easy-going item design and could be mixed with other items pretty well.

The ronin hat might be ok, and the cape would be cool if it was very animated and floated in the wind.


>that TV suit guy

Wow I've only seen 800 million character designs exactly like this, incredibly original.

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c914c5  No.16919559


Another thing is the Plague bringer and Timeless Traveler are way too similar to each other. They should have gone with one or the other.

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019e11  No.16919561


Of course furry shit would have to get in.

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c914c5  No.16919577

File: a7d6deb77ab0a1c⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 3.26 MB, 1294x1392, 647:696, welcome_to_terraria.png)

File: 5e3295154a44e3b⋯.jpg (97.91 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 1521249865.jpg)


If only you knew how furry things really are…

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019e11  No.16919589

God, these costumes are mostly fucking garbage.

They're almost all literally just shitty OCs with the exception of the goldfish, flowerhead and anglerfish.

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c914c5  No.16919603


The Timeless Traveler is almost certainly going to win because there was a youtuber shilling that entry a few days ago.

As for the other 2 winners who knows. None of them really strike me as anything that I would wear if I was making a mew play through. There's several of the finalists that would have been better suited to be monsters or town NPCs rather than costumes.

I'm glad there's a samurai outfit on there outfit but the one they chose feels like the one of the weakest one of that particular submission, given that gi and the cobalt hat are already in the game and that dye exists.

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c530b1  No.16919614


My prediction on the 3 winners

One of the 3 or 4 animu ones (probably slime queen),

The flower head one muh environment or whatever (at least he made a nice presentation),

Ronin, Nothing Personal, Kid

Check out the ones that didn't get top 25 for a good laugh

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c530b1  No.16919618

File: 94f71f1708e6158⋯.png (436.73 KB, 700x1200, 7:12, Terraria_Vanity_Item_Conte….png)

File: 2c2a6f74f5d046a⋯.png (545.27 KB, 1000x975, 40:39, Terraria_Artwork.png)

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734049  No.16919663


>be t1ny

>sperg out in phinnish

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56dd57  No.16919717

File: 65a86b98d0d8c12⋯.png (178.75 KB, 423x413, 423:413, head.png)

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56dd57  No.16919718

File: 1a39f53f4405b14⋯.png (95.95 KB, 328x352, 41:44, torso.png)

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56dd57  No.16919720

File: f63cb7da3d146f4⋯.png (18.38 KB, 162x122, 81:61, leg1.png)

File: c7eaabd1b75365b⋯.png (13.77 KB, 136x123, 136:123, leg2.png)

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1cd4c6  No.16919727





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310168  No.16919738


That's some lame shit mostly, could see using the space fish, vaguely reminds me of Earthworm Jim.

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8e22fd  No.16919757

File: 8abf2024cf749b8⋯.png (91.51 KB, 225x224, 225:224, 8abf2024cf749b8e8befcd346d….png)

So whats the current kitchen sink mod of choice?

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fbadec  No.16919838


I think that weird tranny golditale thing will win OR the furry will win, one of the edgy ones (Soul of the forgotten, the satan-looking one, the ronin) will win, and one of the "wholesome" ones (Flower pot, fish head) will win. Anything that doesn't fall into that category is DOA.

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e6b248  No.16919891


I've heard Calamity is still the biggest, though I dunno if that comes with the usual price of faggotry. If there's no golfing mods though I will be slightly disappointed.

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c914c5  No.16919940


Well out of what we got my hopes for the winners are, in no particular order:

the Megashark girl and Wyvern - because they both actually fit in with the game as does the Slime Queen as long as they keep the added particle effects

the Void Witch - which works as sort of a corrupted wizard set

and the TV head - not because I give a damn about wearing it but because you could place it on mannequins or the upcoming hat rack and use it as TV sets or monitors in builds, especially if it's animated.

As far as the others:

Mushroom Alchemist - we already a mushroom cap vanity

Ronin - we can achieve this wit armor pieces that we already have combined with the right dye; It's not even a proper ronin hat

Plaguebearer and Timeless Traveler - both are way too similar to each other but also to Crowno's mask and the Lunatic mask to be worth including while at the same time not being a proper enough plague doctor set to please the ones who wanted that

Containment Suit - this knock off Darth Vader shit is the worst conceivable choice for a space suit like set

Cyber Angel - actually looks neat but doesn't fit the rest of the game at all; It loks like something out of a PSO or Neptunia demake

Swamp Horror - I really like this but as an enemy not as a vanity set, I would never wear it

All the rest - not interesting enough to comment on one way or the other

I think the really dropped the ball on this. I think the community voting is only going to make things worse too.

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000000  No.16919990


>another lamia-type tailpiece

unzips dick

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c914c5  No.16919998


Anon NO! You'll catch the furAIDS that way.

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540b8d  No.16920342


See >>16914216 minus tremor, that have been discontinued anyway, and >>16916924

I also added on top of those boss health bars mod, the recipe browse mod that allows you to know all the recipes on the game, all items in general, a bestiary and what monster drops what item, and "What Mod Is That" mod that allows you to know which mod added what item in the tooltip, which is incredibly convinient.

Those are all the mods I'm playing with right now and it feels like a completely different game, although a better one, it's very cohesive with just a couple of exceptions.

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019e11  No.16920500


It's literally a fursuit, these are all costumes your character wears.

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c914c5  No.16920662

File: 8bb715bef02535b⋯.png (1.27 KB, 136x192, 17:24, owo_what_s_this.png)


>It's literally a fursuit

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124d12  No.16930607


Pretty sure you have down syndrome. Retard.

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