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/v/ - Video Games

Vidya Gaems
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[ /agdg/ | Vidya Porn | Hentai Games | Retro Vidya | Contact ]

File: 66ea9033b4cd5b0⋯.png (210.74 KB, 600x2400, 1:4, 79bc1af887eb2d04e054fc5034….png)

File: 8ccd909a9c1c851⋯.png (160.23 KB, 780x768, 65:64, c9b942f3a5096b2e5bc3f72154….png)

File: 8fc8d3513c11415⋯.png (103.26 KB, 597x528, 199:176, 6e19578a6c5bef8bb231e69bbc….png)

127bbd  No.16760297



>OHCHR updated their page to note the comments they received about how their definition of CP would end up criminalizing fiction

https://archive.fo/pu3y7 (Official responses: anonfile.com/F0O8J6d8nc/Japan_docx | /E9P1J6d2ne/JSSCC_docx | /z7p9S2t2na/USA_pdf | /1fp0S8t7n3/Austria_docx)

>Nick Rekieta started a GoFundMe for Vic Mignogna's legal fees, which has since passed its initial $100K goal and its second $200K goal

http://archive.is/OyZSy | https://archive.fo/g2FkV


Sony censorship master list: https://www.oneangrygamer.net/sony-ps4-censorship-policy-censored-games/

Steam censorship master list: https://www.oneangrygamer.net/steam-waifu-holocaust-2-0-banned-game-list/

>YouTube will begin a giant purge of its site to remove videos supporting white supremacy, conspiracy theories and Nazis


>Quinnspiracy: The Incestuous Nature of Modern Game Journalism

https://nichegamer.com/2019/07/14/quinnspiracy-the-incestuous-nature-of-modern-game-journalism/ || https://archive.fo/Dp2Y5

<Tweet from the author, Sophia Narwitz: "Just got an email from a very well known and prominent figure warning me to change my ways or else. It appears this week’s editorial did get some people antsy."




•Include the company's stock code in your tweets about their poor choices/boycotting them.

•Also focus on information that highlights the companies as poor investments to shareholders such as lost profits, scandals, etc.

•Current targets: Sony Corp. ($SNE); Google ($GOOG, $GOOGL);



Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF

Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE

Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids


-Confirms censorship was deliberate https://archive.fo/XgAgP

-No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case https://archive.fo/37DhK

-Marvelous partner starts petition against policy https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo

•Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed.

•Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well.

>>>/gamergatehq/330858 >>>/gamergatehq/331149 >>>/gamergatehq/331150


A. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate

B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices >>>/gamergatehq/328644

C. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. >>>/gamergatehq/332324

D. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. >>>/gamergatehq/332315

Reminders (important, READ THESE!):

•Use https://archive.fo to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later

•Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags

•Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

•Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm



>Summaries of #GamerGate:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds

https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address

>Background and Evidence for #GamerGate:

•The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb

•#GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page

•History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/

•View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!


•GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v. gd/vzRsRb

•Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v. gd/LNJbat

>Thread Repository:



>Full OP Text:

•Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP

>How Can I Help?


•All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations

•OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v. gd/Kbzw0L

•An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v. gd/nwrbYF

>Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki?


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618ea5  No.16760304


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a0543b  No.16760311

Memeteor anon and Reanon didnt do enough

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618ea5  No.16760312


Oh thank god. The captcha was fucking up every time I tried to post. Thought I wouldn't even be allowed to post during this shitstorm.

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c9bdb2  No.16760330


fuck I hope this site doesnt die

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897a98  No.16760331

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e05eac  No.16760344

File: 6e5c8ff96f3716a⋯.webm (1.88 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Rage.webm)


Fucking traitor. I hope he falls out of his chair and breaks his glass neck.

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618ea5  No.16760349



We should start shitposting in the sadpanda comment sections. No one will expect it.


>Will Jim choose to possibly sacrifice his moneymaker?

Fuck off, brennan you crippled jew. I can't believe he turned into such a spiteful wanker. Hope that reserves him a little seat in heaven when his body craps out under him.

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195882  No.16760353

I just wanted to play videogames

>yfw you could go to 4cuck /vg/ RIGHT NOW and there's probably a Katawa Shojo general still up

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62afcb  No.16760354

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

TorrentialDownpour and Nip news

Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence.

Useful Links:





> Make backups of your favorite doujins and Hentai (Fakku "Saved" HentaiHaven) in case of Fakku DMCA purge

> Keep an Eye on Localizations here


> My Anime List just purged 10+ years of fan made subs, we need to start archiving those as well.

- https://archive.fo/xUozD

Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add incoming Japanese games)

> Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/318654 )

> Death Mask, Stardust Galaxy Warriors: Stellar Climax

> Granblue Fantasy Project Re:link (2019)

> Fire Emblem Three house (July 2019), Ghost Parade (2019)

> Fugue on the Battlefield, Tokyo Ogre Gate, and Cecile.

> Cold steel III (Fall 2019)

> Shin Sakura Taisen (Winter 2020)


Pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.



They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.


Info & feedback welcome

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5e5523  No.16760364


there is no way in hell I'm going back to cuckchan

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e0d36a  No.16760371

Pray for a miracle, my dudes. Save all the porn while you can.

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7db092  No.16760385

Thank fuck /pol/ saved the white race by getting our vidya board sent to the shadow realm by association. :^)

But nothing will happen really, if Jim manages to find another anti-ddos service, of which there are plenty

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e872ff  No.16760390


Traitors don't go to Heaven. In fact, if you think that The Divine Comedy's vision of Hell is the true one then traitors go to the lowest Circle of Hell where Lucifer is.

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b00741  No.16760411

Watch out for GamerGate

The public enemy of the world #1

It is the main hashtag responsible for…

☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution

☑ Weaponized Gondolas

☑ Hacking German politicians and media

☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford

☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu

☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage

☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally

☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE

☑ Guilty of face crimes

☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit

☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime

☑ Taught the Alt-Right

✅Then harassed said Alt-Right

☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN#

☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth

☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it

☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III

☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra

☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA

☑ Orchestrated the incel misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman

☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day"

☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon

☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of incels

☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken"

☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior"

☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean

☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists

☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded)

☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed"

☑ Remains undefeated for all time

☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos

☑ Joined forces with Amazon

☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera

☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump

☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War

☑ Government-sponsored shitposting

☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage

☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke

☑ Destroyer of Worlds

☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them)

☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly)

☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide

☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety

☑ An aberrant, creeping horror

☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial

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948951  No.16760421

File: 818b1fc416bbd95⋯.mp4 (11.53 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Sankarea Ending HD.mp4)

Find another DDoS protection service you faggots. Don't you dare niggerpill out of this fight. Codemonkey needs to get on this immediately so we don't get knocked off the net by a gaggle of babby's first DDoS commie edgelords

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e394a7  No.16760433

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d3b8f6  No.16760439


Good tidings for us after all.

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b2e23f  No.16760444

What a day, gonna be interesting on what move will the 8chan administration by Jim the humble pig merchant and Codemonkey will decide after migrating to a new serivce, because /pol/ doesn't have their backs.

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a9e4c6  No.16760446

>Cloudflare might get 8chan out

>Fredrick cucked out.

>Feds and journos are onto this website.

>The shooter was revealed to be an ANTIFA member

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c25237  No.16760449

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

it's been real, brothers.

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7db092  No.16760456

Oh, welp, there we go.

Prep for some downtime or slowness, but we'll be fine, brudders, as long as we're together.


Don't doubleposti pls

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e394a7  No.16760457


PURGE /leftpol/ !

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e872ff  No.16760461


It's not convenient to their narrative.

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d20e03  No.16760462


Also Trump might speak on gun control tomorrow.

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47b0ba  No.16760472


>The shooter was revealed to be an ANTIFA member

That was the Dayton shooter, the El Paso one who posted the manifesto on /pol/ wasn't antifa

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c25237  No.16760477


He better not cuck out.

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9165f5  No.16760480

Tried to pass bunk links to most boards, thread creation fucked. Had to resort to posting imgur links.


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7ce272  No.16760492

It's time.


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62afcb  No.16760497

Wow… it took 5 years to take us down

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0274a7  No.16760499


>my dudes

You could have chosen to post anything in these moments, and you chose to post fucking nigger leddit memes. Fuck you and all the cancer that made this site that bit worse to post on.

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2e2c3f  No.16760525




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197126  No.16760527


He will but it wont be a full gun grab, still too early. A full gun grab would end in bloodshed and either chinamerica orthe tree of liberty to be very fat.

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e0d36a  No.16760529


Would you prefer lads?

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7ce272  No.16760535

What if Hotwheels died and someone took his twitter?

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0274a7  No.16760537


Frankly, yes.

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c80999  No.16760538


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0eb6f9  No.16760539




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c25237  No.16760542


No one does full gun grabs. Freedom is taken gradually.

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197126  No.16760546


Adl being a part of shit is never a surprise, its one of the main propaganda arms of the power hungry, nerotic kikes and their "friends". Mark you are but a hungry kike.

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197126  No.16760552


Exactly. Plus they used if I recalled, banned guns which means they got them through less than legal means.

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197126  No.16760558



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0274a7  No.16760564

 .',. ...  .                       .,;;c:,',;....c.;llllllllllllllllllolllllcc:
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a9e4c6  No.16760570

I pray that nothing terrible will happen to this site, God damn it.


I noticed that the MSM will try to spin this shit as always.


He better not fuck up.


>That was the Dayton shooter, the El Paso one who posted the manifesto on /pol/ wasn't antifa

Well shit, any leads on the other 3?

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2e2c3f  No.16760573


Also kiwifarms

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c4db47  No.16760575

To think, GamerGate instilled so much fear into the powers that be that they have to kill innocent people for an excuse to exercise the power to shut it down.

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c80999  No.16760577


Oh right, maybe if i use code it'll work

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c25237  No.16760578


That matters as much as the Dayton shooter was a lefty. They will lie and twist any tragedy to push their agenda. The liberals in the US are so brainwashed and self confident that they have no idea the future horrors they are supporting. All they care about is being called "left", even if that means supporting people who loathe liberal values. They hate "the right" more than they love their own principles and country.

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47b0ba  No.16760580


Other 3? As far as I'm aware there were 3 total, the el paso manifesto one, the dayton antifa one and a nigger driveby in the middle of the night in chicago

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e394a7  No.16760581


If they want to push websites being responsible for the user's content, then we strike back against Facebook, Google, Twitter.

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47b0ba  No.16760585


If you notice their wording they said that 8chan didn't do "enough" so the excuse that all those do "enough" to be exempt

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7ce272  No.16760586


Is that suppose to be a laughing jew?

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9165f5  No.16760594


No, that one piece reaction pic.

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64d6e0  No.16760595

Archive of previous, possibly penultimate bread


Posting still isn't as bad as when Josh was at the helm

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c2ebca  No.16760599


>we strike back against Facebook, Google, Twitter.

You should start shitposting on there.

Then again, Birdsite and Koobface are desperate, so one shouldn't give them the time of day.

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c25237  No.16760601


>didn't do "enough"

That's the same excuse Reddit used against the_donald despite there being ample evidence to the contrary.

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c80999  No.16760602



Enel doing the ultrashock face. http://anime.en.utf8art.com/arc/onepiece_48.html

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0274a7  No.16760604


And it won't work because "one rule for me and one for you" is standard for kikes. If Israel having received no sanctions, no lessening of the US's support to it, or otherwise anything a white country would receive for its treatment of arabs isn't enough for you to see that, I don't know what is.

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7db092  No.16760606


Best we can hope for is nothing changes, worst possibility is Trump actually doing something.

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127bbd  No.16760613

Note that the termination is midnight PDT, so 4 hours from now.

Hopefully there isn't any trouble in transferring to a new mitigation service.

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e394a7  No.16760619


Then let me clarify, we don't follow their rules. Adopt a siege mentality, look for any weaknesses, then exploit them when any opportunity arises, such as Tulsi's lawsuit against Google, etc…

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d2ecde  No.16760622

Its bizarre thinking taking down this side, or others like it, will stop shootings. At least most of the left probably believe that.


That was a main argument for the NZ shooter being on Facebook, which was ignored.

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7db092  No.16760630

Fuck, guess they should also ban meeting outside like a proper communist country. Ain't no better way to organize a…uh…Capitalist Insurrection than in person, right? :^)

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b2e23f  No.16760632


One is a Philippine Picture Show, the other side has Government connections and lobbyists, guess who has more protection.

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0274a7  No.16760637


They don't follow their rules either if it doesn't suit them. Supreme Court Judges outright countermand Trump, overreaching their authority massively, and nobody makes half as much of a fuss as the American left would have under Obama.

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195882  No.16760649


/pol/ went to shit pretty much as soon as he got elected, so I can't tell.

Is Trump actually a good person for us? I feel like the trumpwall.jpg spammers are shills trying to turn anons against him. But like I said, I'm not even fucking American so I can't tell the minutiae of his policies

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e394a7  No.16760653


We won't be the ones who kill Google, twitter, etc… But we can cut them a little bit here and there, until something really takes them out. I suggest we magnify any voices that call for breaking tech giant monopolies, and any scrutiny in their blatant attempts at meddling with the coming election so actual action against them is taken by those with power.

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c25237  No.16760655


These people want to destroy any platform they don't have power over. The left wants to have a monopoly on information flow to spread propaganda to get support for a powerful, collectivist government. These people see China as something to strive toward due to how the political class cannot be dislodged and can be hypocritical. The extreme left just want to be in power. They never gave a shit about "the people".

Liberals are just retarded enough to believe banning the town square and tools will solve deep seated issues. This is due in part to them thinking they are morally superior so any issues due to their policies are impossible to them.

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9165f5  No.16760659


>Is Trump actually a good person for us?

He's an 80s business man in the 21st century. Compared to what the left has become Trump is a breath of fresh air. (・へ・)

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0274a7  No.16760663


Trump's a typical cuckservative. He's done a lot that was good for the country, but nothing to stop the causes. (ie, kikes) I'm worried that he'll lull a lot of Americans into a false sense of security and give them even more reason not to use the guns they hold so highly.

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c80999  No.16760666


For /v/? Probably neutral; he's not super hard against games like Libbie Gore was, and thus far he hasn't shit on japan. Hell, i'd consider shitting on china to be a net game for vidya overall but it's not like he completely shut them down. Trump is probably torture for /leftypol/ though and /pol/ has soured on him in the years since the actual election, possibly because the turkroach got ousted.

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c25237  No.16760669


He is the best bet we have. the establishment fucking hates him. This has never happened in our lifetimes and the one man who came close had his family threatened so he dropped out of the race.

All the people who keep saying to not vote Trump and instead vote democrat are either acceleration retards, lefties trying to subvert, nihilist trolls, or glow-in-the-darks. The self described white nationalists are so retarded that they think voting for the most insane democrat will accelerate the collapse of society and somehow… somehow all of those guy will survive and cleanse the US of the people they hate.

The blackpill is no different from leftypol/chapo/breadtube nihlism.

If you think Trump is a "cuckservative", you're a retard and probably a nihlist on the left or right. They're both the same these days. If anyone does even cursory research about trump, his policies 20 years ago, or even now, they will find out he is an 80's or 90's democrat.

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0eb6f9  No.16760674


He's done a bit, and I think he's done some good, but that said, he's still playing by Zog's rules most of them time. The wall is stop and go, but he's been playing hardball with china, so, honestly, I like 75% of what he's done, but the 25% I don't like is the fact that he's not as bad as the left make him out to be;

On the topic of immigration, my expectations were already pretty low prior to the election, mainly because there is only so much you can do through executive order, especially wading their half of obongo's Court picks.

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195882  No.16760676




My opinion is that a lot of the stuff he's done to push things to the right (exile illegals, move manufacturing to US, etc) is misused by corrupt people or cockblocked by Democrats. We still don't have the wall up yet, but it's still supposed to be coming, right? Oh well. At the very least, I'm hoping he'll get another term just for the salt factor.

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0274a7  No.16760680


I'm hoping we get the most Democratic candidate there could be, in an election so obviously rigged you could see it from a mile away. Maybe then we'll get RWDS and the DOTR.

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c5cf85  No.16760684

Where the fuck is Mark? An issue this big could use a sticky.

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c25237  No.16760687


Hes busy sending butthole pics to hotwheels.

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0eb6f9  No.16760689


Honestly, I still have no Idea who the DNC is going to pick, I have a feeling that even with all these AWFUL AWFUL WHITE NATIONALIST SHOOTINGS, they're still going to bite into each other the next time they debate.

Biden is honestly starting to lose his nerve, it's almost as if he's realizing all these idiots his ilk propped up are 100% serious about the shit they say.

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195882  No.16760690

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0274a7  No.16760692



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c25237  No.16760697


They're desperately trying to cling to the black vote while ditching them for the hispanic vote.

Bring a vanilla democrat from 15 years ago into the present and watch them recoil in horror. Then watch that same person support one of the candidates given 15 years of TV and Twitter.

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b00741  No.16760702

/v/ Politics & News

Old-/pol/ never went away; it just moved here.

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85e936  No.16760715

My sister just asked if she could sit on me, watdo?

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195882  No.16760717


Disregard women, acquire VIDEOGAMES

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b00741  No.16760718

How many of you fags are posting but stuck at 100% because the imageserver is getting hammered?

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0274a7  No.16760720


Where else would we go after the Kampfy situation? I know I only got into shitposting about vidya here after I realised that my time on /pol/ could only get worse.

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2e2c3f  No.16760726


He's taking pics of his ass so we can send them as gifts for gamergate's 5th year

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6aadc7  No.16760727


It's already been taken off according to CodeMonkey.

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195882  No.16760728


>Site stability went up

OH ITS JUST LIKE THE OLD DAYS, when Bui was spamming shit and bringing the site down every 4 minutes

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d2ecde  No.16760731

File: bfda02fa9814739⋯.webm (7.77 MB, 640x360, 16:9, bfda02fa9814739aaa1739dd0….webm)


Lets try a webm

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64d6e0  No.16760732

Images won't post, but the cripple is pearl clutching harder than ever before.


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d1ff6c  No.16760734


Huh, the webm appears to work

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c25237  No.16760735


Works. Hail the angel of death.

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f7b64c  No.16760736


If you don't play by Zog's rules you get fucking Kennedy'd. No amount of popular support will stop a rifle bullet from a tall window. Trump knows the score.

Codemonkey seems to be hard on getting us to a different DDoS protection service. Meanwhile the darknet bunker is fully armed and operational. This time isn't like 4chan, where we risk being caught totally unprepared and uncoordinated and have to wander the wilds.


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0274a7  No.16760738


The front page still says "embrace infamy". Is this funny to you Ron? http://archive.is/QBcn4 Are the constant shootings funny? Why can't you and your dad at least act like you care so that @CloudFlare isn't forced to deplatform you, at great pains to themselves?

>at great pains to themselves


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15f2a9  No.16760739

I feel like we need to update our mascot with a punished version of red anon.

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0274a7  No.16760741


We already had Punished /v/. I guess we could make an old version of him like old Big Boss, if worst came to worst.

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b2e23f  No.16760745


Man, the fallout really forced Hotwheels to digivolve into a spiteful crippled goblin, instead of you know, just move the fuck on and ignore the noise, but he's using every media spotlight on him to lash back.

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144200  No.16760746

I had a feeling August was going to be a time of great change. I didn't think it would be this soon, and I had hoped for better things.

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a90585  No.16760748


All the faggots that laughed at .gif to .webm converts because

>muh soundless


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a9e4c6  No.16760749



With the music "Nuclear" by Mike Oldfield.

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f7b64c  No.16760750


I'm conflicted. I've been a diehard supporter of his since 2014, even when I didn't like what he was saying. Now I'm of the mind to recognize the Based Hotwheels who saved us, and the current vindictive little moralfag prick as two different people entirely.

Hotwheels lived long enough to see himself become the villain. Its fucking tragic.

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64d6e0  No.16760751


He's going to call into the Dick show to do just that, as a matter of fact.

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b00741  No.16760752

File: 269bbc2a09cd914⋯.mp4 (652.16 KB, 854x480, 427:240, 8chan - Welcom to the Dark….mp4)

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d20e03  No.16760753


It is for me.

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a90585  No.16760756

File: dd5345ac83e79fb⋯.mp4 (2.38 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, enhance.mp4)

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d1ff6c  No.16760757

File: d519963dbd72c8d⋯.webm (9.88 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Uncommon_Time_-_Teagan_Go….webm)



It's that time again in the middle of Summer.

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47b0ba  No.16760758


>He's going to call into the Dick show to do just that, as a matter of fact.

At this point I think I hate Josh less, hearing cripplekike would be insufferable after this

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b00741  No.16760760

File: 4dad12bb43bb78e⋯.webm (1.02 MB, 720x360, 2:1, Hacking the Darknet - 8ch….webm)

WEMBs and MP4s load just fine; it's just images that are fucking up.

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15f2a9  No.16760765

How much would disabling files and temporarily becoming a textboard go in keeping the servers functional? We could reduce max file size to 8kb again. That was fun.


Hotwheels is weird now. He apparently got married and is a born-again Christian.

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3ffe78  No.16760767



Expect the DDoS to happen moments after the termination.


>Not jewcy


Fuck. I just want to post lolified 2B.

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195882  No.16760768


Either this thread or the end times thread, someone was saying he was like that on wizchan too? I wouldn't know

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a90585  No.16760771

File: b4fdbd5abd532f0⋯.swf (1.23 MB, mosquito_season_by_vanripp….swf)


Let's try pdfs and swfs.

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cb7b90  No.16760775



To what end?

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195882  No.16760777


Hopefully not to have kids.

Didn't that faggot say his disease was awful and he was a proponent for eugenics? Breeding would go against what he said 5, 6 years ago

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a90585  No.16760779

File: a5afb5f69a0322d⋯.pdf (6.85 MB, Devil_May_Cry_by_Shin-Ya_G….pdf)

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0eb6f9  No.16760780

File: b47d2377bbad932⋯.webm (465.7 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, magazine-of-hate.webm)


I don't quite understand why him being born again compels him to bend over for Journalists, I mean surely, this place is the purest display of freewill, there's nothing inherently evil about it. Like, even as a person with a theological bent, I don't get it. There's nothing to apologize for.

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7ce272  No.16760784


Wife wants that govt $.

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6cd42a  No.16760787


He doesn't like eugenics anymore since he's Christian.

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784bb3  No.16760791


Assuming it's hereditary.

The guy had a crappy life and is trying to restart it in his own ways. I doubt he had much of a life so being a born again christian might be the best thing for him. Who cares if he sees this site as a past mistake? Let the man be, he's trying to have a lifestyle that doesn't make him kill himself.

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47b0ba  No.16760794


There's not a lot of love your neighbor that goes on here to be fair, and a lot of degeneracy but obviously he isn't disavowing the site because of degeneracy

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15f2a9  No.16760795


He completely renounced that and is looking into having children before he dies.

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195882  No.16760801


That makes sense. He's half the height so he gets to live two lives

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a90585  No.16760804

File: e7ec876e72c1b6c⋯.png (793.21 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, freya archive.png)

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eb3059  No.16760806


>He apparently got married

good lord just imagine being married to that whiny sack of shit

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a89f4d  No.16760819

File: 8e88d74e5bf4f09⋯.png (355.12 KB, 871x955, 871:955, happy teagan.png)

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d1ff6c  No.16760820


It worked?

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d3b8f6  No.16760821

Hotwheels settling here in the Philippines really made him a leftist.

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a90585  No.16760823

File: e6355c069413886⋯.png (644.48 KB, 1060x1496, 265:374, danielle archive punish.png)

Maybe it's just the JS image uploading that's the problem.

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cb7b90  No.16760825


Nice trips, and I sure hope not as well. But why else? To be with your "Soul Mate?" Everyone with half a brain knows that's bullshit.


Nothing wrong with being an actual bible-following christian, but most churches these days are just leftism's bitch. Perhaps he fell for the word-twisting of "Turn the other cheek" and the like.

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d1ff6c  No.16760827


Didn't Duterte cuck out too, recently?

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3f9156  No.16760831


>80s or 90s democrat

Well that's the problem now isn't it, the policies that we've had for decades has led to the eventual collapse of the nation.

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d3b8f6  No.16760835


Yup. And I told you people before, the Philippines is ripe for a Cultural Revolution. Look at what happened to Hotwheels.

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9165f5  No.16760837

Great I just noticed if captcha isnt fixed we cant post anymore.


He's been very resilient so far ,besides the bumplock shit but he was stuck between a rock and a hard place.


He just won a court case for the wall. Currently 2.5 billion ready, he just needs to monkey wrench the rest

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a90585  No.16760840

File: 7ecbfdaf0d1f77e⋯.png (375.41 KB, 701x1232, 701:1232, gilda archive.png)



Never mind. That went through fine.

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9165f5  No.16760841

File: 2557b00eee3c511⋯.png (61.72 KB, 1007x822, 1007:822, 1430367355457-0.png)



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5a5a71  No.16760842

>comments on GASGASGAS reopened precisely today

Obvious aras on the prowl are hilariously obvious. If you want another way to tell fbi-chan how much you'd like to impregnate her, there's your chance.

Thanks for the laughs at such a tense time, dear feds, they were sorely needed.

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0274a7  No.16760844


It says in the bible to not oppose evil, to love your enemis and do good to those who mistreat you. It's not all misinterpretations that cause the slave morality.

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0eb6f9  No.16760846

File: 6f930384de8ca19⋯.mp4 (6.35 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Kiryu-Chan.mp4)


>Not a lot of love your neighbor

I would argue that's debatable, I've seen amazing moments of sincerity and participated in some honestly great heart to hearts, I feel like a lot of folks here care a great deal about one another. The chans in general, they were always this way, everything was raw an unfiltered on 4chan up until Moot decide to sell out like a fucking faggot to the worse types of people and now on 8chan, it allows both the worse and best of people to come out, there's a level of camaraderie I don't feel anywhere else, and met some life long real life friends through imageboards.

That's why all of this sucks so much, You destroy Freedom of speech and you destroy the ability for meaningful connections to be made.

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b8d0ed  No.16760850


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f09f74  No.16760853


Cripplekike will burn in Hell. What the fuck did any of us do to deserve his betrayal?

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195882  No.16760855


I've heard all Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism) are inherently cucked. At the very least, the Jews are so salty about Christ it makes them the most sympathetic religion of the three.

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c25237  No.16760857


You can have both. Does he know that?

Its like shutting down the asylum because "the crazies cause too much trouble".

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3ffe78  No.16760858

File: bbf8b8f3026ae2e⋯.jpg (507.5 KB, 800x1131, 800:1131, loli 2b.jpg)

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c489ee  No.16760860

File: 628557bf5fe3ea6⋯.gif (1.07 MB, 680x382, 340:191, SAD.gif)


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e8e6cd  No.16760862

File: 0160dda7579b79c⋯.webm (15.89 MB, 960x540, 16:9, Christchurch_attack__The_….webm)

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c5cf85  No.16760865

File: 80ddcf5ee351a25⋯.webm (449.67 KB, 320x240, 4:3, go fuck yourself.webm)



Oh fuck off asshole. You can "restart your life" without becoming a total hypocrite and pulling a 180 on all of your previously held convictions.

This isn't the first fucking time he's done this either you dense asshole. He was admin of wizchan, the only rule was to be a male virgin.

He went out and bought a prostitute (who turned around and trashed his room, broke his pc and pissed on his bed after an argument they had, fucking karma) had to be forced out of his admin spot and went on to mock and deride wizchan.

Now he's here doing the exact same thing. Betraying his principals, throwing us under the bus. You're asking us to "let the man be"' lmao implying that thing is a man while he's on twitter and kiwifarms telling everyone we should be shut down? Go screw.

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e05eac  No.16760871

File: 541fe9e472dc233⋯.gif (968.02 KB, 322x640, 161:320, TioStroke.gif)

Images back?

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0274a7  No.16760872


It's like any division in Jewry: two sides go to war and try to get the local goy on their side, all the kikes who survive write it up as ANUDDA SHOAH. The Passover ritual involves consuming dumplings transubstantiated for the ears of a Jew that wanted to accept the Greek language laws.

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44dcbb  No.16760876

i hope everyone who visits this fucking turd of a site ends up shoving glass into their fucking eyes

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e8e6cd  No.16760879


Hopefully this time his chair has an argument with a flight of steps and gravity.

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3f9156  No.16760880


He said on a stream a while back that they were going to use in vitro fertilization and genetic screening of the embryos to have kids so he could be sure the child wouldn't inherit the condition, so he's not really against eugenics.

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0eb6f9  No.16760881


Start with yourself you fucking queer.

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784bb3  No.16760882


What good fruit comes from that anger though? Everyone's broken, anon. Christianity saves lives.

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195882  No.16760883


How the fuck was I defending him? I was making a short joke

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47b0ba  No.16760884


I feel that way too but you see a lot more unbridled anger than that and like I said, I'd argue that isn't very christian

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b2e23f  No.16760890


So you smell like a turd and you're typing this with glass bulging out of your eyes Cuckman?

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86f3b8  No.16760891

Is regular posting back?

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e0d36a  No.16760893



Lies, stories, historical killings usually done by the jews, historical battles, & being salty Christ wasn't a warrior god wiping out the goyim.


Pushover sand savage & his wife invent a religion based on barbarism. Saying it's all okay because God totally said so.


Just telling you to be a good person that's understand to others, charitable to others, believing that Jesus was truly the son of God & that he died for your sins so you may live forever.

Seems like a pretty easy choice of religions to me.

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e05eac  No.16760897

File: 2b12bd5316870a2⋯.png (491.82 KB, 960x544, 30:17, AdachiDumbestShit.png)

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3bfd9c  No.16760901


>Christianity saves lives.

Shut the fuck up, christcuck.

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d20e03  No.16760902

File: fdfbe3e923101bc⋯.png (302.6 KB, 700x700, 1:1, frens.png)


That's not very nice anon.

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195882  No.16760903


I'd tend to agree with you but >>16760901 is just vitriolic

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941718  No.16760904

File: d21d3120aa64a4d⋯.png (18.81 KB, 594x273, 198:91, ClipboardImage.png)

I thought we were friends, Hot Wheels.

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040a9e  No.16760906

File: 42b1104c857e14e⋯.jpeg (101.06 KB, 866x1225, 866:1225, Asuka traditional fan 1.jpeg)

What a mess.

Anyway, should I become the next mombot? I think this would be a good opportunity to spread word about the site.

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80e3f8  No.16760907


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0eb6f9  No.16760915


I will take any bait as long as this site is still up, I need as much as I can, and I will give as many (yous) as required, might be a long time before we get a chance to do it all again.

Smoke em if you got em.

Edit - Images aren't working again for me.


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3e6252  No.16760919


>forced to deplatform you, at great pains to themselves

The communist weeps as he beats you.

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9165f5  No.16760921


>Smoke em if you got em.

Okay. (^.^)y-.o○(-.-)y-°°°

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f7b64c  No.16760925

File: 99900bf7a439b78⋯.jpg (17.74 KB, 500x333, 500:333, Heero.jpg)


You'll never defeat us, son.

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b6c145  No.16760928



Fuck, I wish I saved that image with the quote that went something like-

"It is sinful not to be angry when the time for anger has come as lacking anger shows acceptance with the injustices occurring."

Anyone claiming to be a Christian and not being fucking angry about the evils in the word is either willfully ignorant or sinfully complacent.

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b00741  No.16760930


He posts birdy now, you fake.

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b40a41  No.16760931

File: 3a1effc10f9fbdd⋯.gif (345.53 KB, 352x240, 22:15, lieslies.gif)

Everyone save offline copies of these pages.

The list of Gamers Are Dead articles and the infographic. This proves the media collusion that is Gamergate.

https://archive.is/zn5QS https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Gamers_are_Dead

The Microsoft page. EVERYTHING TIES BACK TO MICROSOFT. They were allowed to get away with racketeering, harassment, and DDOS to cover up a business scandal because they were too big to jail. The Microsoft corporation was actually doing all of the shit that we were accused of, and they threw their weight around to force news sites to be quiet about it.

https://archive.is/KNfw1 https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Microsoft

As did SONY, who had a board member on the board of the New York Times whose sister was friends with Anita Sarkeesian's writer. Save the Data and Society infographics if you have not already.


The BOHLE COMPANY planted the New York Times article that set the narrative. Look who they chose for the photograph. Who is the Bohle Company? Microsoft's PR.

https://archive.is/xkTz9 http://www.bohle.com/uncategorized/the-new-york-times-nick-wingfield-speaks-with-kate-edwards-of-the-igda-about-gamergate/

and WIKIPEDIA is run by friends of Zack Exley, the leader of the "Justice Democrats" who are *Islamists*. They only call themselves socialists. Look over those Data and Society infographics again and there are several Wikimedia Foundation board members. Save the affiliations list on our Wikipedia page. Someone make an infographic out of it.

https://archive.is/DQ7kq https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Wikipedia#Affiliations

https://archive.is/hc5jL https://pulpitandpen.org/2019/07/29/bombshell-justice-democrats-founder-is-the-organizer-of-evangelical-social-justice-movement/

Save these offline. Print them out and hand them to your friends. Leave them in break rooms. Get the word out that way.

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3ffe78  No.16760933

File: 6c7f529879f4052⋯.png (416.6 KB, 600x604, 150:151, 6c7f529879f40527b9ac493eba….png)


You just visited this site, genius.

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d3b8f6  No.16760935

File: ef9c3cd12dc5ca8⋯.jpg (102.07 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, Cassandra Alexandra 5.jpg)

Now that images are back, I can now post this.

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eb3059  No.16760936


holy shit he sounds like a angry EX

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f09f74  No.16760941

Cripplekike is a piece of shit.

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e8e6cd  No.16760943

File: d156f5bd344eba8⋯.jpg (247.45 KB, 681x1210, 681:1210, for rifle grenades.jpg)


Nothing wrong with a bit of shitposting.

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195882  No.16760945




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d2ecde  No.16760949

File: 1bed2cc583def9d⋯.webm (3.49 MB, 720x576, 5:4, everything.webm)

This is my last post. Perhaps by chance, we'll get to shitpost together tomorrow.

Good night Anon.

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d3b8f6  No.16760952


We're not going quietly into the night without a fight.

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47b0ba  No.16760956


What evils do you think you are justifiably angry at specifically?

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9165f5  No.16760970

Images are going in and out.

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3e6252  No.16760976


Like normal.

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f09f74  No.16760977


Not until we kill the cripple. The cripple must die.

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c25237  No.16760978


Too bad. All entertainment must become propaganda or be destroyed.


Where's the christian compassion? The christian empathy? His behaviour is not christian.


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59837a  No.16760979

Getting sick and tired of all these fucking mass shootings

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59837a  No.16760986

The fuck happened to Hotwheels?

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c25237  No.16760988


Well we need to address societal issues instead of taking people's freedoms away when one person abuses them.

Empathize with the shooter. Understand his motivations and the events preceding it from the beginning. Only with understanding with people see problems and solutions .

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e61a0a  No.16760989

I'm not going down until Kikewheels get's his well deserved ass whooping for betraying us and bending the knee to the media.

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f09f74  No.16760990


>He said on a stream a while back that they were going to use in vitro fertilization and genetic screening of the embryos to have kids so he could be sure the child wouldn't inherit the condition, so he's not really against eugenics.

Abominable. Cripples should become monks, Not mix races.

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f463b9  No.16760993


>birthing a half-flip half-gnome mongrel


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9165f5  No.16760994


>His behaviour is not christian.

He also committed treachery, he's doomed for the 9th circle of hell.

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9165f5  No.16760996

File: ba44dab9106dd67⋯.jpg (182.6 KB, 981x825, 327:275, inferno_canto_32_verses_20….jpg)


>His behaviour is not christian.

He also committed treachery, he's doomed for the 9th circle of hell.

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2e2c3f  No.16760997

File: 2ffc35479bcdfe3⋯.jpg (74.34 KB, 680x524, 170:131, why did you forced us to k….jpg)

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a90585  No.16760999

File: 4430e4dbbac2960⋯.jpg (72.77 KB, 563x291, 563:291, paps moment of clarity arc….jpg)

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c25237  No.16761001

This will keep getting worse until either all media is destroyed or the populace gets sick of it. There will be no peace if there's no table to for all sides to sit at.

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c5cf85  No.16761002


If the shitskins go back to their countries they will stop and the media stops shitting on white males they will stop.


Selling the site to Jim left him bitter and frustrated. He became a Christcuck, renounced all the views and principals he held while admin of 8chan and is now doing his best to have us shut down in order to get back at Jim. He cares not for the anons he left behind.

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e0d36a  No.16761003



The circles of hell come from Dante's Inferno. An italian poets fanfiction about all the people he doesn't like suffering in hell. In other words, not canon.

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195882  No.16761006

Hey wait. How many furry sites are hosted by Cloudflare?


Bad Dragon?

Inkbunny (hosted on BD's servers)

e621? Toypics? FList? All BD owned

What a massive wad of hypocrites. So very many furries are open pedophiles, as well as zoophiles and rapists.

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e05eac  No.16761007


Fucking paps.

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c25237  No.16761011


Then follow good content creators that don't virtue signal, you idpol retard. jesus christ these people make the intolerant baptist sects look good.

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9165f5  No.16761012




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d1ff6c  No.16761013

File: 4ef9d0d32df68ff⋯.webm (8.31 MB, 640x360, 16:9, hotwheels MAGA!.webm)

File: c3c49fb43c6793e⋯.jpg (40.09 KB, 1129x360, 1129:360, KluwekickedHotwheelsoffofp….jpg)

File: 58a37d40d5be648⋯.png (41.5 KB, 1200x814, 600:407, CONthinksHotwheelsisanazi.png)

File: d6f44ab1252d2bd⋯.png (25.72 KB, 512x148, 128:37, LynxchaniscooltHotwheels.png)



>All those Qboomers

Is that the reason why Jim hasn't given up? Like, he uses it as some sort of private club for other people like him as far as those boards are concerned? Speaking of which, does anyone have that image of that Q being sent to HW? What a change he's gone since webm related. I get that Mark wasn't pleased about Tarrant either, but he really should have known better than to act the way he is now to journalists and their crowd. Never forget who was responsible for deplatforming him.

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3ffe78  No.16761015

File: d8d45bc3683604c⋯.png (26.65 KB, 398x400, 199:200, I rike.png)


No, only shitposting.

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f069ee  No.16761016

File: 1bd5e208bd699f5⋯.jpg (537.18 KB, 1920x1108, 480:277, Asuka Autumn.jpg)


Allah is not the God of Abraham and Isaac, he's some shit arab moon god. That's why the symbol for Islam is a fucking crescent moon. But just like Constantinople and the mantle of Rome, a muslim has never seen anything nice he wouldn't rather claim was his.

Also, when you keep in mind what >>16760893 wrote, the jews making a cornerstone out of thoroughly rejecting Christ's ministry is pretty far from sympathetic.


Someone should poke Nick Rekeita, too, fellow Leader. He might have an interesting take on it, since it's pretty likely Cloudflare's bold strategy here is a direct result of the legal assfucking they took for deplatforming the Daily Stormer.

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e40af1  No.16761018


None of its canon because the only good part of Christianity is Jesus and Paul.

The rest of it is literal judaism and yaweh is demon.

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c25237  No.16761019


>What a massive wad of hypocrites.

You just described the left

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c5cf85  No.16761024


Godspeed anon. If you get a plan and want help, I'd be down for that.

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9165f5  No.16761026


Dont forget the soy too.

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59837a  No.16761028


Jim was always a sketchy faggot, but I never thought I'd see the day when Hotwheels turned into a Moot-tier abomination.

I'm struggling to process this, I wish I could believe this wasn't real, like someone took over his account or something.

Fucking hell. This has been a really fucking shitty year so far.

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c80999  No.16761029


Funny story: last time i made a post with a picture in the quick reply, it froze at 100%, i scrolled to the top and made a post without the pic, and the first one eventually went through. Let's see if it happens again.

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1d2bc8  No.16761031

>site dies midnight pacific time with an unknown amount of downtime

>I get to be here when it happens

Well, I love you faggots even though I know what your reaction is and Godspeed you magnificent bastards.

See you on the other side, hopefully.

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e40af1  No.16761032



Actually lemme rephrase that. Dante's Inferno is actually one of the best Christian writings because it barely has to do with Christianity, and has tons of Hellenistic and Latin references and motifs. It's rather un-judaic, and that's why it's superior to literally the entirety of the Old Testament.

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9165f5  No.16761033


People mostly like Inferno and some parts of Purgatory. Besides that not much else

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7b8c86  No.16761038


>This has been a really fucking shitty year so far.

Shit's just gonna keep getting worse until the people finally break. I think that time is coming sooner i really hoped it would too, this shutting down the internet stuff is getting so bad even normalfags are angry.

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a90585  No.16761045

File: 9d34efe2e33b18f⋯.png (170.43 KB, 1700x474, 850:237, journalism dead of alive 6….png)


Could the Q people be a good source of ad money? I can imagine many don't have an adblocker. Or that they would whitelist the site.

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47b0ba  No.16761047


I read it when I was a kid and the Inferno and Purgatory really are the best parts, the heaven part really drags on

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64d6e0  No.16761049

File: 0b04e410764af12⋯.png (52.68 KB, 630x624, 105:104, 【魚拓】Fredrick_Brennan_on_Tw….png)

File: 8e100e8ba034dfa⋯.png (201.89 KB, 932x540, 233:135, Cyrus_Farivar_(@cfarivar)_….png)

NBC'S dragging their dicks into this as well, since making cloudflare cuck out didn't work like they planned.


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86f3b8  No.16761056

I need help with installing Zeronet.

I downloaded the application, ran it, and now I'm receiving nothing but errors about "Tracker connection error detected" and Content.Jsondownload failed".

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d1ff6c  No.16761057


Yeah that just might be it, on the other hand, doesn't the site operate at a loss overall? Perhaps it's them nonetheless that keep things from being a total money sink.

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9165f5  No.16761059


Just gotta vote Republican for 2020, just like that Russian scientist said about brainwashing.

>It takes 3 years to brainwash a society

>It takes 5 years to reverse it and another 5 years to reprogram it correctly.

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b2e23f  No.16761061


What's fucking new? they've been doing that shit for years since 2016, they're really gambling whatever fucking credibility and power they have left playing Blogger-Activists.

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9165f5  No.16761062


I do like his representation of god as a book.

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47b0ba  No.16761065


Yeah there's interesting concepts in that part, it's just that it's a really dry read

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127bbd  No.16761066


Cloudflare literally protects ISIS sites, malware exploit kits, sites selling stolen credit cards, spammers, and DDOS-for-hire services. Probably because none of the people and organizations putting pressure on them (e.g. media outlets like the NYT, Silicon Valley people, and organizations like the ADL) give a shit a ISIS, but they really hate us.


>(two of ISIS’ three forums in 2015 were guarded by Cloudflare)

In 2015 after the Paris terror attacks that killed 130 people and Anonymous going after them for the ISIS sites, they made statements like these:


>Prince said that he recognized that tempers were high in the wake of Friday's Paris atrocity, but explained that we'd been here before and it's important that Europeans learn from America's mistakes.

>"My European friends were very quick to criticize the US post-9/11 because of the Patriot Act," he explained. "There were plenty of people who said that you can't trust any US tech firm because of it. I have a feeling now that Europe will have its own reactionary reaction, and then EU companies won't be trusted."

https://web.archive.org/web/20190414112335/https://www.please use archive.fo/technology/2015/nov/19/cloudflare-accused-by-anonymous-helping-isis

>Prince wrote: “A website is speech. It is not a bomb. There is no imminent danger it creates and no provider has an affirmative obligation to monitor and make determinations about the theoretically harmful nature of speech a site may contain …

>“If we were to receive a valid court order that compelled us to not provide service to a customer then we would comply with that court order. We have never received a request to terminate the site in question from any law enforcement authority, let alone a valid order from a court.”

Interesting that they now pick and choose what to protect and still choose to protect DDOS-for-hire websites that drum up business for their DDOS-mitigation services. Here's a discussion on Hacker News with some links about the sites devoted to illegal internet activity that they protect:


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f7b64c  No.16761069


What operating system?

Did you configure your router properly?

Do you have a firewall that is blocking the relevant ports (Windows firewall)?

Make sure you're installing it as administrator.

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2e2c3f  No.16761072


>ex-ars technica

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7a2bca  No.16761076


What was >>330874?

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9f5229  No.16761079

File: 5477e149640c1d3⋯.png (246.2 KB, 636x900, 53:75, IMG_20190219_111104.jpg.png)

scoured the entirety of our /d/'s muscle girl thread in case it doesn't survive the night.

also captcha is fucky, I've been at it about half an hour

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be2c60  No.16761083

File: f60d88aba3e55d2⋯.jpg (137.42 KB, 442x460, 221:230, 980d02f0c2e941778e580841b5….jpg)


>What evils do you think you are justifiably angry at specifically?

You can start with the 8-year-old boys pumped full of mind-altering drugs and synthetic hormones, shoved into hooker boots and blue lipstick, compelled to dance for a crowd of hooting, leering adult men throwing dollar bills, twerking and pretending to snort Ketamine on 60-foot-tall billboards in Times Square, and all of this being held up and celebrated by every media outlet on Earth as some kind of stunning and brave expression of "queerness" and "pride," and being excoriated and condemned as a small-minded, bigoted dinosaur if you dare to question any of it.

Then work outward from there.

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64d6e0  No.16761084

File: bfec9f8ff0d6eee⋯.png (44.14 KB, 611x386, 611:386, 【魚拓】Cyrus_Farivar_on_Twitt….png)

File: 8601af1721df2f0⋯.png (32.38 KB, 628x365, 628:365, 【魚拓】Cyrus_Farivar_on_Twitt….png)


Good to know where the next point of fracture is, and this faggot is extremely excited to get that "killed 8ch" bullet point on his resume



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7b8c86  No.16761090


I don't see any reason not to. Either Trump does whatever the fuck he wants with his second term as he no longer has to worry about reelection, or Trump continues to do nothing while mass media flips its shit and pushes more normalfags over our way. It's pretty much win win and it only takes like 20 minutes to do anyways. I'm not expecting much from him but i don't have anything to lose either. Whoever gets in after Trump will likely try to punish America for electing him and will set this shit off.

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f7b64c  No.16761093


Also they have a subreddit at r/zeronet. Seems to be their default customer service contact.

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784bb3  No.16761101


There's always federated Gab, though non anonymous.

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9165f5  No.16761102


Hopefully the Demo party is dead, in multiple pieces or having finally come to their senses.

Or a third party comes in and fucks their demographics

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be2c60  No.16761104


Wowee another goony beardman from Ars Technica, wonder how many kids he's diddled.

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86f3b8  No.16761106


Never mind.

Got it to work. Just had to CCleaner clear out everything and my registry.

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b00741  No.16761108

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0eb6f9  No.16761109



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fd85ad  No.16761112


Gab are anti-loli and thus anti-free speech no matter what they say.

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e05eac  No.16761115


Goddamn journos really are rats.

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c5cf85  No.16761117

File: b7def4ea587c3f1⋯.webm (4.25 MB, 320x240, 4:3, control what people think.webm)


>but I never thought I'd see the day when Hotwheels turned into a Moot-tier abomination.

That's the second time I've seen this comparison, it doesn't work.

Imagine if moot sold 4chan, left, then popped back up a few years later to peddle his ass to journalists and trash 4chan as harshly as possible while lobbying for it to be taken down.

Then cripplekike would be like moot.

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784bb3  No.16761119


But they can't choose the content anymore, right?

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e0d36a  No.16761122


It's heavily judaistic. Satan is a 6 winged corruption of the Seraphim from Isaiah.

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e05eac  No.16761128


Moot turned on his userbase and sold his site to a data-thieving nip, though. The only thing more positive on Moot's side is that at least when he left he left and that was the end of it. Don't get me wrong, I'm disgusted with Hotwheels too, but let's not pretend Moot's betrayal was any less disastrous. Hell, if not for what he did most of us probably wouldn't have even come here.

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941718  No.16761133

File: 08660cc36eb2215⋯.png (2.82 KB, 144x144, 1:1, portrait.png)

It was cool skating with you guys.

stay crotey totey.

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0eb6f9  No.16761139

File: fb37f173a6f79e8⋯.webm (4.22 MB, 400x300, 4:3, pumped_up_kicks.webm)



Moot is far worse for an entirely different reason though, his thirst for Silicon Valley was the entire catalyst for the first exodus and the shifting for 4chan culture as a whole, He quite literally sold everyone out, rubbing shoulders with Gawker and the inner-circle of East-coast tech, had his mods who were already faggots to be fair clamp down hard on anybody talking shit about his new friends.

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9f5229  No.16761141

File: be04e3cd6c3ba9a⋯.png (114.87 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


heretical but REALLY damn cool

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9165f5  No.16761145



>who were already faggots to be fair

At least he managed to shut the fuck up.

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aefdfd  No.16761149


what're you all afraid of? when we got kicked from services in the past we just made our own.

lets see get /tech/ involved and build out own could-service.

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480b6a  No.16761151

Man, fucking /pol/. Ruining everything.

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0ce527  No.16761155


Is there a "Communist Party" in the US that could drag votes away from the Dems?

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0eb6f9  No.16761156


I don't think of any choice of his own, he was given google+ when he skipped over to google, and proved to everybody he was a one trick pony. it's still nice that he's not poking his head up though, I do agree

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452b9c  No.16761157

File: aed6c5a806de837⋯.png (475.02 KB, 540x538, 270:269, Short W Bush.png)

Wouldn't shutting down this place simply harden the hearts of people here, radicalizing them even more? I would think these people would be smart enough to keep a containment site or something for the "Alt-Right" (whatever that means now), since putting them into the general, leftist-filled internet would just cause more rage and hatred.

I mean, I'm a Neoliberal Jew but I don't feel threatened by imageboards (seeing Pol makes me realize how safe Israel is). I remember in the mid 2000s alot of Anti-Semitic sites existed but they did nothing to steer the cultural zeitgeist or presidential election.

Why is it now that the Mainstream media is flipping out on "Fringe" Websites and trying to close them all down? Don't they know it would only make things worse?

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4d0029  No.16761164


That's not how it works, you have to actually have the infrastructure and hardware. It's literally impossible to do what cloudflare does without deducted servers all over the place.

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88bae2  No.16761166

Where else can I post about my big tiddy vita games when this place goes down!

Not really worried about 8 going down, but its a possibility if not likely hood that there will be disruptions and more attempt to shut this place down. /sudo/ is full of poasts asking for pol and b2 to be shut down

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7a2bca  No.16761167


It distracts from Epstein, they'll take anything at this point.

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aefdfd  No.16761168


that would be the democratic party, anon.

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1de5f1  No.16761169



Can't wait for this to leave the news cycle, Trump will probably take the bulk of the aggro when he speaks as they care more about attacking trump then us.


If he didn't post on /pol/ he would have posted here. Reminder there where shooters who posted on various boards on cuckchan.

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ddd5ac  No.16761171

Top 10 vidya betrayals.

Jesus fuck. I am livid.

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9165f5  No.16761173



Sleep tight, we're going to need them for tomorrow.

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d1ff6c  No.16761176




So when the ESA dox happened and people suggested that they fuck with the ones who were on that list, how many would be out to get him after seeing this?

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7b8c86  No.16761178


More likely we will see a split as white male leftists realize the Democratic party no longer accepts them. Hell i don't think there are even any white males in the running this year. Cuckservatives aren't much better though, so the Democratic party dying would effect less than you'd hope.

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9293d1  No.16761183


Well Mr. Kikebergsteinowitz, the internet wasn't as big as it was now. Once the iPhone got released and the internet became incredibly accessible, there was an actual risk of Normalfag Joe and his family to be exposed to wrongthink ideas than only any who had the money to buy a computer (who were mostly looked down on as nerds).

The fact that a majority of the Shabbos Goyim are millenials who have been raised by the internet and have no marketable skills and practically live and die on social media, and you have sensitive snowflakes already chomping at the bit to get rid of meanie NATZEES and feel good about it.

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a90585  No.16761186

File: bb07b2bf7e08c22⋯.png (1021.6 KB, 1177x1920, 1177:1920, drawfag dganon texas chan ….png)




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452b9c  No.16761187

File: 5de56679e4c39a5⋯.png (334.73 KB, 938x540, 469:270, Shootings as a cover.png)


Now that you mention it, I did see this in facebook. July 9th was the date of the posting.

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c25237  No.16761193



If I host zeronet on my gigabit server, will that help the bunker site moreso than a home connection?


Yes. Same with taking away guns and other weapons. They are authoritarians who dehumanize their fellow Americans because the left is a religion. None of this will get better until that stops.

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452b9c  No.16761195


I remember some people posting that 2007 was the year it all went downhill. The original Iphone was released in 2007. Theory actually checks out.

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aefdfd  No.16761196


yes, i know. and?

this isn't a short-term plan im proposing but it's obvious that we need to keep developing replacements for the services of our political opponents if we're to maintain our own communication, much less damage them by providing a competitor like we did by supporting completing vidya news sites.

this' isn't just a move we should make for self-preservation, if anything the past has shown that our opposition will make mistakes that threaten their customer support, by having a competitive alternative ready we'll turn those mistakes into fatal ones by feeding a trend.

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b2e23f  No.16761199



It distracts on a lot of issues because they do not have the power on this fucking website, remember Reddit's co-founder who was found "hanged by himself" because the FBI fucked with his life beyond ruin? fucking redditors already forgot and just went to being fucking drones and cattle by the new management, those journoshits and their sugar daddies and mommies really want to shut us down for any perceive power that they think or imagine we have as free for all speech image board.

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aefdfd  No.16761201


>customer support

meant trust, i just got woken up.

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e040c8  No.16761202

File: e3d6bb8746d5a8b⋯.jpg (24.26 KB, 415x423, 415:423, fuck nice things.jpg)

Finally got past the fucking captcha.

I basically never post in these gaymergate threads but this was the first one I saw on /v/ talking about this shit. It's been fun faggots, as shit as this board can get I keep coming back. Whatever happens I know we'll come back, there are so many vidya gaymes I haven't talked about with you retards yet.


This, fucking this. the tinfoil part of my brain says we're going to see more and more shootings until epstein shit is relegated to nothing more than easily-missed thumbnails on any mainstream news site


Guess a lot of people seem to be thinking this. That does give me some hope

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354aa6  No.16761206

File: 906931d62968a41⋯.jpg (28.09 KB, 480x473, 480:473, 1378146927093.jpg)

Well in case shit goes south, it was fun while it lasted guys. See you on the next website.

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53cea9  No.16761207

File: 04e567ad32a583f⋯.png (103.65 KB, 500x324, 125:81, Vita_betrayed.png)


First, I felt bad for the guy, now I say fuck him. Let me post, goddamnit.

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9293d1  No.16761210

So for reminder's sake, we start by bunkering on Onion then go to Zero if that gets censored too?

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d3b8f6  No.16761211


Codemonkey is transferring 8ch to a new service as we speak. Never lose hope.

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a0543b  No.16761217


Do you think it will be a russian service ?

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ae2911  No.16761220


I can see the headlines already.

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e8e6cd  No.16761222


Maybe nippon considering we're attached to a jap board.

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0d2166  No.16761226

File: 5fbb63af2079699⋯.jpg (14.77 KB, 288x432, 2:3, 1446681461439.jpg)

What a desperate series of events. They never dared even try this before. They know what the cost of shutting an anon site is down, they risk a huge awakening of the people, akin to a Gamergate 2.0.

All for who? Epstein and a couple of fucked up celebs? The manager of their child sex rings and sex clubs? Is that really a priority in such a time? Are they so thirsty for such horrible things? This is ridiculous.

No way to run any sort of business, no way to gain much of anything. They had to have known the absolute risk they did when they started that dumbass pedophilia sex club with Epstein at the helm.

This is why you have standards, for fuck's sake. You can't take over the world if you make a bunch of degenerate shit to play bread and circus with the dumbass rich folk. All this fuss for just to end in another Fall of Rome, how pathetic.

I can't believe that the deep state is literally the Walmart of deep states. Run by incompetent, overly sheltered, milquetoast tyrants. It's just so anti-climactic.

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d3b8f6  No.16761227


If that's the case, what are the CF equivalents in Sushiland?

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e040c8  No.16761229


Yeah this place isn't dying off this easily. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think codemonkey really cares about this place, I just worry that soon Jim will get sick of taking the losses


Felt the same way, until he started constantly whining about how he can't seem to move past creating the place while simultaneously chomping at the bit to talk to the fucking media about it and how bad it is. If I had to guess he couldn't care less about these faggoty "manifestos" being posted here he just wants to fuck the place up to spite the new owner. He's become unbelievably petty.

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3ffe78  No.16761230

File: 763f990dd9ff347⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 4.19 MB, 2508x3541, 2508:3541, Eltonel is a fag.jpg)


I love you too, full homo.

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15f2a9  No.16761234

File: 1988f6d308ae959⋯.png (10.77 KB, 153x128, 153:128, v.png)

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eea93b  No.16761239

love is love full homo bb





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6aadc7  No.16761243

I'm honestly amazed the site is still functioning, CodeMonkey didn't just fix things all those years ago he made it significantly more resilient.

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9ae09c  No.16761245

File: 0de27c9cf19ab38⋯.jpg (69.12 KB, 960x544, 30:17, ausfag salutes.jpg)

It's been a pleasure, gents. If 8chan's still here when I wake up, and there's no evidence it moved to Shekelsteinberg's DDoS protection service, paid for with the data of users, I'll make a celebration out of it. If not, I'll see you on endchan, spacechan, or whatever splinter site we end up collecting on next.

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a90585  No.16761247

File: 743edb4d7715c4d⋯.jpg (205.67 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, sentiment.jpg)

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4884b0  No.16761249

Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my chinese image hosting sites… And my /b/tards… even my /pol/… The boards I've lost… the YLYL threads I've lost… won't stop hurting… It's like they're all still there. You feel it, too, don't you? I'm gonna make them give back our dubs!

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ef5f4e  No.16761250


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0d2166  No.16761252

File: 5743ea9eb52ff3d⋯.jpg (60 KB, 583x358, 583:358, 5743ea9eb52ff3d7a7d4db2ae4….jpg)


/b/ was gay as fuck will not be missed

f you stupid dumb assholes

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534086  No.16761253

File: 7f27393fbba8b0f⋯.png (37.71 KB, 588x354, 98:59, snacks.png)


>whining about how he can't seem to move past creating the place while simultaneously chomping at the bit to talk to the fucking media about it and how bad it is

He reminds me a lot of people like Snacks and Xenon, who want to have oldfag cred and woke cred at the same time so they talk constantly about how they've outgrown those edgy nazi imageboards, etc.

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80e3f8  No.16761257

i hope i die before 8chan does.

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c5cf85  No.16761258



>they risk a huge awakening of the people, akin to a Gamergate 2.0.

Maybe if they had gone after 4chan. 8chan is much, much smaller. They'll sweep it under the rug just like Daily Stormer.

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d1ff6c  No.16761259


Those sites are for fags. Try sushigirl or meguca at least. There's also the bunkers.

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0d2166  No.16761260

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



nice taste

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9165f5  No.16761261

File: cc0592f80cb9e81⋯.jpg (1.07 KB, 100x100, 1:1, 1461774740266.jpg)


>sushigirl or meguca

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7a2bca  No.16761262


Even the deep state gets clogged with stupid relatives and overzealous true believers. Over time, they suffer the same problems all organizations do- the leadership positions get filled with people who want power for its own sake instead of people who actually know how to use power effectively. If it isn't destroyed from the outside, it rots from the inside.

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c25237  No.16761264


>all those sjws went through an edgy channer phase, too

whats his point? not all of them did and some were on something awful. in the end they moved to large social media sites and never grew up.

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ddd5ac  No.16761267


8chan is banned in Russia, so no.

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80e3f8  No.16761268


his sophomoric point is that being a 'edgy chanboi' is childish whereas being an Edge-like Tumblr Lady (Male) is adultish.

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15f2a9  No.16761270

I have to say, I didn't think that 8chan would actually get this infamous to the point where we might actually get shut down from DDoSing. We really are 2extreme.

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e2b9bd  No.16761272

File: b636b562d4826f8⋯.png (83.05 KB, 342x245, 342:245, weary.png)

The sheer number of newfags and normalfag speak in the Cloudflare thread was honestly more upsetting than the Cloudflare issue itself. And the captcha wouldn't load for over an hour.


There would be, but it'd be populated entirely by redditors pretending to be anons.

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d1ff6c  No.16761274

File: 8ad355c38d6939a⋯.png (84.78 KB, 1094x198, 547:99, endchan dies with nanochan.png)

File: d1c70f7686023b7⋯.png (17.47 KB, 1797x596, 1797:596, endchan crash.png)

File: 22dcebf89e5a17c⋯.png (4.71 KB, 754x166, 377:83, endchanisoperatedbythreefa….png)

File: 080f85304fb9077⋯.png (819.7 KB, 2008x2019, 2008:2019, fuck off endchan shills.png)


Final or lynxchan then?

Endchan is trianglefag burnout and Drybones territory. That one is simply out of the question. John Smith I believe had one around Airplay whose name escapes me at the moment.

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e8e6cd  No.16761275

File: 1782faf34370d34⋯.jpg (16.43 KB, 236x354, 2:3, 1782faf34370d34f5ebcb5f1ff….jpg)


That is Ron's business, not mine to look into.


Imagine the flood of those Q folk across the net and in real life. That itself is an interesting thought.

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1de5f1  No.16761277


The bulk of it is probably cuckchan crossposters and /leftypol/ going by the "have sex" spam.

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0d2166  No.16761278

File: c92bd3ebd4fe439⋯.jpg (31.66 KB, 497x603, 497:603, c283cf1fb70a4db4e9780a7d8f….jpg)


nah boi. There's a shitload of people of unknown status here. Despite the stigma on crossposting, there is literally everyone here, in varied positions in both site presence and real life job presence. This is a dumb fucking thing to take down, it doesn't take much then a reasonable, truthful and educated stance and we found that here by frankly speaking with one another. There is no such thing as a victory against an unknown opponent.


Why does real life have to have these kind of villains instead of some anime shit like we deserve? It's just so tiresome.

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a89f4d  No.16761280

File: 271204f3dd85038⋯.webm (7.73 MB, 720x480, 3:2, 8ch Advert.webm)

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073077  No.16761284

File: 047f29a96d4e081⋯.png (377.73 KB, 630x545, 126:109, One piece reference.png)




Isn't exclamations of one's own maturity as a term of approval a common sign of immaturity? They could've just said we were cynical, insensitive, and overall incapable of holding a serious conversation for too long but this is what they resort to. It's like they have little legit reason to hate us beside not being like these narcissistic fuck wits.

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8a985f  No.16761289


I hope Hotwheels dies before 8chan does.

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e040c8  No.16761290



I go into a fucking irrational autistic rage whenever I see somebody use this retarded word.



I remember checking that out a while back after the NZ meme shooter. It seems really comfy but I'd hate for them to have to deal with a huge influx. Such is life, though, we're like a cancer.


It gives me an odd comfort that even though I don't know where I'd go after this, I'm sure as shit not going back there.


Do Q boomers even use this place? They just see references to it on facebook, Although I would find it funny if our main advocates are a bunch of doddering old fucks marching on Washington.

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80e3f8  No.16761294


arguably, he was never really alive.

you can't really call that 'living'

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ddd5ac  No.16761297


Yes? >>>/qresearch/

It's one of the largest boards on the website.

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c25237  No.16761300


>Isn't exclamations of one's own maturity as a term of approval a common sign of immaturity?

yes. These people always project. They hate us because they cannot understand or control us. These people lack empathy and would be the same people on SA doxing others but instead are on twitter harassing people. Look at their lives and you'll be hard pressed to find one with a wife and kids and adult hobbies. There's a difference between being childlike and childish and that is lost on them.

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e8e6cd  No.16761301


They got a board somewhere the last I checked.

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18c4b8  No.16761303

File: 6041a247c730718⋯.png (866.06 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>Gamergate 2.0

About that

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dfd418  No.16761305

File: 4392cc087a81536⋯.png (106.06 KB, 300x300, 1:1, CDI_WIL_CULUSE.png)

I have Zeronet installed and open in a tab, and I have no idea how to use it. I tried the address in the first image and it says no-one else is tied to it. Is that not an up to date one or am I retarded?

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e040c8  No.16761312



Yeah, yeah I knew that, but I find it hard to believe that the same people you see elsewhere on the normalniggernet are capable of figuring out how to follow a thread on an imageboard.

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7b8c86  No.16761313


Glowniggers 100% blame us for getting Trump elected. Regardless of how fucking stupid it is they now see us as a major threat.

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3bf914  No.16761314

In case i never see you fuckers again it's been a wild fucking 5 years. Never give up never surrender I lurked most of those years did not post much but I'll never forget you shitheads. Also FUCK YOU FIRE TIRES!!!

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f65a8e  No.16761315


The first time I tried it, it failed because I mistyped. Check again. Would it be prudent to post the updated image here?

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0d2166  No.16761317

File: 16d578269f18e57⋯.jpg (16.93 KB, 255x255, 1:1, show chaos jevil.jpg)


>Do Q boomers even use this place?

Between everyone, everyone else goes everywhere.

While people may stick to about 5 sites at most, that's enough for there to be degrees of separation that leaves no-one completely un-connected.

Youtube speaks to Twitter speaks to Reddit speaks to 4chan speaks to 8chan speaks to Youtube and so on.

There's a lot of people to complete the loop, of varied background and opinions.

There are people on here that actually like Undertale. I want you to know this. Remember this. Even those that are shunned here are here. Even our "enemies" are here.

Do you get it? the answer is yes.

That also goes for everyone else.

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f7b64c  No.16761322


That can be dangerous. As a normal user you can pick and choose what you see and save to your computer. The only reason to do it on a big server would be to gulp down all the content and store it so everything is always available. That sounds great, but your server would have no way to screening for CP and you'd be putting yourself at risk. If a user browsing sees CP, they can just click the Mute Post button and its gone from their computer forever.

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872f22  No.16761323




He was always a redditor who wanted his own reddit. That's all 8ch was to him. Free speech only existed to increase traffic. He out right said he didn't like free speech. Unfortunately, I don't have the screenshot anymore.

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86f3b8  No.16761324

File: 3274c5031091010⋯.png (86.33 KB, 269x474, 269:474, Is this Hell.png)

Just remembered that I can now post this.


Always preferred Garak over Ducat.


Anon, find another job. Call centers are always looking and you could easily make 2 grand there, meanwhile deliver trucks and sales reps make 3 grand right out of the door.


Head dose that, and he's lost the midterms. Doesn't make a damn bit of difference what else he has done Also…

>Broken archive


Wow, we're going to need that bunker, and watch as the internet burns itself down. Hard to believe that if Gamergate never kicked off, NONE of this would have ever happened. Seriously, just because a bunch of idiots said "No", multi-billion dollar companies and several governments are not doing everything in their power to stop a "revolution" from taking place when all ANYONE ever wanted to do was just play video games in peace.


Wait, when is the site shutting down?


So, Japan is going to start WW3 one they lose a place to express their autism.


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981131  No.16761325



>trying the /pol/ meme

wew, how many migration hops have these discord buffalo queers made? 9 times?

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0d2166  No.16761326

File: 8a5457f53f329c5⋯.jpg (107 KB, 1280x718, 640:359, 8a5457f53f329c5ee4f7f0fc90….jpg)


After all this, I don't find this surreal. But 5 years ago, I would. I just want

to play


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86f3b8  No.16761328


>Broken links

Fuck me.

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f7b64c  No.16761329

File: d487be7fffaccb4⋯.png (259.25 KB, 600x2400, 1:4, 08chan Briefing.png)


This is the correct image with the current address. Remember, its case sensitive.

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4a307c  No.16761330

File: 26f61ad4e699d49⋯.png (68.97 KB, 598x643, 598:643, Butthurt Hotwheels.png)


Reminder that while 8ch was originally declining and threads were getting frozen and couldn't even make it to 400 posts, let alone 700 he was hiding away in his IRC channels with burnouts who hated the site. In the end his ideals were fake.


>l33t guy

>cringetard incel

A shame that these threads are going to be devoid of vidya news due to the 8ch troubles.

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e040c8  No.16761331

File: df7be27fa48d64f⋯.png (532.52 KB, 1176x1080, 49:45, 1367108161.png)

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dfd418  No.16761333


I fat-fingered numbers disregard, my first braincell found the second sexorized a synapse

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be2c60  No.16761335

File: d7bc8768aafacf6⋯.jpg (33.82 KB, 720x540, 4:3, lookin cool.jpg)



A surefire sign of immaturity is an obsession with appearing "grown-up." See that C.S. Lewis quote about reading fairy tales in public. Or put another way, real gangsta-ass niggas don't flex nuts, cause real gangsta-ass niggas know they got 'em.

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9165f5  No.16761340

File: f23c76023f4f170⋯.png (94.79 KB, 1294x612, 647:306, Screenshot_2019-08-05 Draw….png)

I still find it amusing paps is so insufferable he still comes here.

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8a985f  No.16761343


Why do people on Twitter think what they say matters? At least I never get sanctimonious when I post, for fuck's sake.

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b2e23f  No.16761344


Has to do something between starving and begging for money.

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e8e6cd  No.16761348


These are people who'd get giddy at putting up a flyer on a wall or writing on a public chalkboard.

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d08db3  No.16761349


He got really mad when anons said he'd make money if he actually worked hard to provide art commissions.

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b2e23f  No.16761350


Dopamine rush when the likes and retweets go up, hence Virtue Signalling like some fucking faggot.

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c25237  No.16761352


>Why do people on Twitter think what they say matters?

Self importance from years of getting participation trophies and never being told no and indoctrination by professors.

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504d8f  No.16761353


He was fake as fuck but i believed him, he at least kept the site up during GG, i really got dissapoint when he jumped ship, but still had some respect for him, until today.

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dd7a8f  No.16761357

Seriously I was always wondering why Cloudflare was still protecting the evil hatechan. I thought they would have cut the service way earlier to virtue signal.

Anyway this is a good thing, Cloudflare was cucked.

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0f9a63  No.16761364

File: 83bfd539e690f38⋯.jpg (149.93 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, mama mia.jpg)

This is just getting tiring. All these retards lashing out with no purpose save for perhaps a brief vainglorious moment of infamy. It's pure delusional narcissism , and the leftist media eats it up.




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ae2911  No.16761365

File: f4c856cbacaa5ea⋯.jpg (163.36 KB, 573x960, 191:320, __hong_meiling_touhou_draw….jpg)


I'll keep that in mind.


They were just looking for an excuse really.

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3d1d0a  No.16761373

File: 60859715d7931be⋯.webm (7.2 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Dr. Ron Paul - The Happen….webm)

Is it happening?

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dd7a8f  No.16761374


If that the shooter even visited 8chan and they not just invented this excuse because they know the journos would never defend us anyways.

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9165f5  No.16761378


You're kinda late.

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18c4b8  No.16761380

File: b4ebd17733fa4d4⋯.png (20.7 KB, 331x72, 331:72, ClipboardImage.png)

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d3b8f6  No.16761382


>journos would never defend us anyways

They're not journalists. They're Marxist propagandists.

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e05eac  No.16761385


We've actually gone down in alert level since it seems likely Code Monkey will find an alternative.

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f7b64c  No.16761388

Before we hit Zero Hour I just want it to be said. It has been an honor fighting alongside you all, and I hope to see you on the other side. Or on 08chan, whichever the case may be.

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d3b8f6  No.16761395


Algorithm Ape is transferring 8ch as we speak.

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86f3b8  No.16761398

File: d0ebab43bca2020⋯.png (52.54 KB, 223x261, 223:261, Negative Komi.png)

Everyone ready to see the site go under in an hour and 25 minutes?!

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0d2166  No.16761400

File: 47e695e5eed5988⋯.jpg (36.66 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, it's not unlike.jpg)


We're all wired together, Lainanon.

We are social creatures. We always will be. We always will strive to be social, to unite, to bicker and to create better ways to do both.

You may notice in the future, or even now, that what you're thinking is exactly the same as your close fellows, and the ideas you have are repeated and thought by those you are connected to?

How many times have you had a craving for some type of food, only for a family member to reveal that it's exactly what they wanted? How many times have your thoughts intersected with another in the pursuit of love?

Are you making yourself to be like others? Are you worried what others think? It is your being. All beings are social.

You have met the person who has met everyone else by proxy. You are that person. Each idea is crafted, shared, and passed along. The collective decides what is acceptable and what is passed on.

There are viruses to this grand computer, who deign to try to move the system in the ways they wish, but the truth is that in the grand machine, no part is greater then the sum of a greater amount of parts.

There has never been a shaper of humanity. It has shaped itself. A series of cells moving along the veins of roads these platelets created for easy travel, delivering the lifeblood of food to the centers of life, the organs of the world.

But who is this mass of cells?

We evolved into multicellular organisms for the purpose of being the individual psyche this is a copypasta you faggots cells of the greater organism of humanity, and the primordial soul of some greater being.

Perhaps this, is God.

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be2c60  No.16761401


The leftist media and their breathless, sensationalist, wall-to-wall coverage is the entire reason "mass shooters" exist. In their minds, the boost in ratings outweighs the cost to society. It's no coincidence that they've only grown more breathless and sensationalist as the rise of new media and a literally-dying target audience eats away at their profits.

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3ffe78  No.16761405


Is she nopan?

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ddd5ac  No.16761411


This is just fucking pathetic.

He's pandering to a crowd that hates him and is just using him to achieve their purposes.

He's turning against the only people who've defended him through thick and thin.

No one likes a traitor, no one.

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47b0ba  No.16761414

File: 9a69fc0b30bf652⋯.gif (1.58 MB, 520x213, 520:213, 1532301451.gif)

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9293d1  No.16761421


I'm still not sure if we're going to bunker first on TOR or if we're skipping directly to 08.

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d08db3  No.16761422

File: f39b8cc1b26ebe7⋯.jpeg (59.41 KB, 500x500, 1:1, beyond-mad-57b1f75c80f38.jpeg)


I'm in such a state of rage at his betrayal that I can't believe this is real.

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0d2166  No.16761429


Or he's being forced. We know how desperate these people are. Either way, it's irrelevant. The idea has escape the creator. What he says has no bearing on the future. A site is just a place to converse, there are plenty of those made every day.

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dd7a8f  No.16761435

I still find it funny how much those verified twitter faggots care about us, a site with a few hundred shitposters. Listening to them you would think we would be hundred of thousands highly trained terrorists ready to enact our evil plans at any second. No wonder those people have chronic depressions.

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d20e03  No.16761436

File: e3759d23d994c98⋯.png (29.38 KB, 507x480, 169:160, Im_with_you.png)


I am glad you guys are here with me. Here at the end of all things~

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c2ebca  No.16761437

Before we hit zero hour, I'd like to say that fighting with you has been a honour.

See all of you in the fediverse (if you're there that is).


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b2e23f  No.16761440

File: e862d86fe75b712⋯.mp4 (452.53 KB, 640x360, 16:9, GET MAD.mp4)

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d08db3  No.16761441

File: 3a119a55f5d7a6f⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1446x2500, 723:1250, its a myth bro.png)

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f7b64c  No.16761442

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Music for the occasion (skip ahead a little).

This is from election night. It gives me a similar vibe as right now.

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a89f4d  No.16761445



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3db436  No.16761446


>Listening to them you would think we would be hundred of thousands highly trained terrorists ready to enact our evil plans at any second

Wait, you mean we aren't?

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e8e6cd  No.16761449

File: 869f96fede9c1a5⋯.jpg (19.51 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 869f96fede9c1a55e3259e8753….jpg)


Ron has it under control. We're fine.

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7b8c86  No.16761452

File: 6e876840877246d⋯.jpg (638.13 KB, 729x972, 3:4, 2b42022e342dacbaf8feded005….jpg)


Fuck that faggot so hard goddamn.


>The idea has escape the creator.

Funny how moot and hotwheels both wanted to make reddit and got damn near the opposite.

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8c84ae  No.16761454


Same. Now i wish him a painful death.

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86f3b8  No.16761455


Define "under control", last I heard, the reason we were on Cloudflare is because they were so tolerant.

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c2ebca  No.16761457


>Funny how moot and hotwheels both wanted to make reddit and got damn near the opposite.

You also want to know something else that's funny? Reddit went to shit soon after Aaron Swartz died.

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d3b8f6  No.16761461

File: 15e0de3e90284c3⋯.jpg (143.99 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, Crying 2.jpg)

Folks, I'm really sorry that Hotwheels's decision to settle here in the Philippines transformed him into a leftist-leaning scum. I should've done my part and became more connected to him since we exchange DMs on Twitter. I could've done something to save him from the monster he have become. I really apologize for not doing my part.

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73ceb0  No.16761464

It's over gamergays


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a90585  No.16761468

File: 39f3a84cc36494b⋯.mp4 (5.19 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, eyes are full of hate.mp4)

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3db436  No.16761469


Should've kept him away from all those ladyboys.

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e8e6cd  No.16761471

File: e4e42db359b70e0⋯.png (23.72 KB, 617x257, 617:257, ron.png)


We're moving to another service, to which I don't know. I have a feeling you don't remember the great outage in the early days.

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88bae2  No.16761473


rumor has its the same provider who does it for stormfront

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0eb6f9  No.16761474

File: 4ea7d619003819a⋯.mp4 (7.19 MB, 720x720, 1:1, Corgigetsviolentlycrushed.mp4)

Maybe the TRUE treasure was the porn we downloaded along the way

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ddd5ac  No.16761475


See? That's what an admin should do, no drama.

The very opposite of that goblin nigger.

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18c4b8  No.16761476

File: 814fa140946ed75⋯.png (653.1 KB, 720x450, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)


As a fuck-up of nature he'll probably get it.


It's all right, Filipino ladyboys would turn anyon-



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c2ebca  No.16761477


Just get onto a Pleroma node. Shitposter Club's pretty reliable.



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d20e03  No.16761478


>were so tolerant

"Were" being the operative term. It's only a matter of time before they destroy their business now by cutting service to more and more sites that they deem problematic just off the cuff.

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46b804  No.16761485

File: f6779d2cfa86d65⋯.png (278.63 KB, 628x480, 157:120, vlcsnap-2019-02-23-23h05m3….png)

I'm pretty sure the worst isn't going to happen yet, but goddamn if I'm not feeling anxious about the possibility.

If somehow it does happen soon, it's been an honor you glorious fags. BMN won't stop; so for those that enjoy the show weekly, it'll still be there for ya.

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c2ebca  No.16761486


>It's only a matter of time before they destroy their business now by cutting service to more and more sites that they deem problematic just off the cuff.

And it's only a matter of time before copyright trolls and Hollywood come knocking. Remember what happened after "The Daily Stormer" lost their protections…

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be2c60  No.16761487



Maybe I'm just a weepy faggot but I genuinely feel hurt by Hotwheels turning his back on us.

Remember when he did that Huffpo interview where he told Brianna Wu to fuck off? Those were the days.

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ddd5ac  No.16761491


Now he capitulates to the tranny in the most treacherous of manners. Unforgivable.

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7ce272  No.16761492



Please tell me it's a joke filename

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a89f4d  No.16761493


Maybe you are, but I feel the same regardless.

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e8e6cd  No.16761497


Who knows.


Seems to be a decent guy given his stances.


They're alive again.

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19ec5b  No.16761498

File: 709d58236dc562b⋯.png (5.58 MB, 2304x1728, 4:3, 709d58236dc562b99afeea0ec7….png)

Bad times fren ahead.

Maybe no site. Maybe no board.

We may go way but we are two of soul.

We will return.

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0ce527  No.16761500

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The deep state, Bushes and Clintons are worried. If the shit hits the fan for them, they will hire a revolutionary mob and mercenaries to keep their secrets hidden.







See np4. What are our plans? Will we start hijacking hashtags with Epstein articles? If so we need a collection to spread.

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951aea  No.16761504

File: a218eb299f90e2e⋯.png (219.94 KB, 495x395, 99:79, scared.PNG)

>Sadpanda gets shut down due to new laws

>Its back up a week later

>8chan is about to shut down because the media says it's evil

>Gets moved to a new service last minute

Something big is about to happen isn't it. This is way too convenient,

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a90585  No.16761506

File: 50ca4580cc30760⋯.mp4 (4.11 MB, 900x506, 450:253, no cri only doggo.mp4)



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7b8c86  No.16761512


Something big already happened with Epstein. He's basically the smoking gun for the whole (((pedo cult))) that's been ruining the western world.

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c5cf85  No.16761513

File: 89b0b4b92185ad6⋯.jpg (35.19 KB, 500x358, 250:179, 89b0b4b92185ad62f569719a2b….jpg)


I'd been warning people since 2014 not to trust cripplekike. He did to wizchan exactly what he did with us.

>betray core tenets of site you're in charge of

>abandon it

>shit talk them to the new crowd you are trying to seduce

Back in 2015 I called cripplekike out on this on /meta/, which he used to frequently post on. He said "lol those virgins are still salty?"

No one cared, everyone shrugged it off. Now look at things.

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e8e6cd  No.16761515


Just cloudflare cucked out. Nothing big.

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e0d36a  No.16761518

File: 21f83250ffb2dc8⋯.webm (3.88 MB, 512x288, 16:9, hyper muteki true ending ….webm)


The fire rises.

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c2ebca  No.16761519


>They're alive again.

I know that, but the protections for "The Daily Stormer" being removed was the catalyst for copyright lawyers to sick themselves on Cloudflare for not doing anything about "Pirate Sites".

Trump really needs to abolish copyright, as it's only used for censorship and market fracturing now.

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73c7a0  No.16761524



You were the greatest faggots to watch shit movies with, but Vaughnsoft was the greatest faggot of them all.

>t. animushill

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8c84ae  No.16761526

File: 01e3b8a32028e44⋯.png (553.48 KB, 1020x1020, 1:1, anime_ancap.png)


The civil war is underway anon. Happenings will occur more and more. Its going to get bigger until the country is a warzone. Then we win.

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15f2a9  No.16761527


As for plans, I think we should just try to embarrass Hotwheels as much as possible just out of pure spite for him. Not that Jim and Ron are much better since they got us into this mess.

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68f84b  No.16761528


The turn around is very disappointing, I can't yet blame the all soy diet or his wanting to appear favorable to the twitter trolls who live online and think they are something of note. Something is amiss. He would be the first person who I know of to reverse positions on free speech and completely misrepresent how anonymity works and easy it is to implement shill tactics– he knows all this. Maybe he is doing a gay op, who knows?

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c5cf85  No.16761529

File: 0ff39cdc20e779c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 112.22 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 1423900530208.jpg)

Welp its just about time to be DDoS'd into oblivion.

Good luck lads, see you soon hopefully.

And don't forget, this little nigger is not your friend.

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86f3b8  No.16761535


Still another hour to go.

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c5cf85  No.16761537


>they got us into this mess.

No they fucking didn't.

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be2c60  No.16761544



This is what we need to make the normies understand. If they think this will stop with 8chan, they're fooling themselves. If they can do this to us, they can do it to anybody.

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9293d1  No.16761547


War happening by itself won't be a victory. It'll just be the final showdown; either ZOG physically removes their dissidents and enforce total control, or /pol/ successfully has their Race War and we might start getting good games (and a good society) again.

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15f2a9  No.16761549


We’re not getting shut down. We’re only going to deal with a lot of DDoS attacks and THEN get shut down when Ron can’t find anyone only for Notch to buy us up because he can.

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144200  No.16761551


So, at this point they might be digging a deeper hole in the hopes that they might dig through the core.


There are plenty of examples of that besides that. TAS Batman did some serious stories without compromising the designs it did compromise on murder, but it was a kids show


Yeah, good luck getting people to understand.

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e8e6cd  No.16761556


This place has weathered far worse storms, I remember the nasty DDoS back when things ramped up years back.

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8c84ae  No.16761557


The left doesn't stand a chance against us. We have vastly more firearms and training. They can't even handle being called the "wrong pronouns. They cannot win this war.

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e0d36a  No.16761562


They're more willing to attack innocents just for being in their way. Brutally. Look at the bikelock incident, cement milkshakes, & numerous people attacked during Antifa riots.

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d20e03  No.16761564

File: 39198f89dee2033⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 893.72 KB, 1198x751, 1198:751, 1363196 - Emily Gossamer L….png)



Honestly I think that something World War-ish will happen first. Eventually the neocons will get their wish on an Iran war and then Russia + China will rush to their defense. It may not be full on WWIII, maybe something more like WWII.5 but it'll wreck global trade and stock markets. After that is when I think the civil war will kick off.

Pic not related.

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86f3b8  No.16761565

File: 534eb3e0ce17a49⋯.jpg (92.54 KB, 472x715, 472:715, 534eb3e0ce17a4967bfb36450c….jpg)

Software and sites to give attention to!

Operating systems

>AROS: http://aros.sourceforge.net/

>BSD (Net: https://www.netbsd.org/ Open: https://www.openbsd.org/ DragonFly: https://www.dragonflybsd.org/ )


>BigchainDB: https://www.bigchaindb.com/

>Gun: https://gun.eco/

>Hydrus: >>>/hydrus/

Email hosting

>Create your own: https://archive.fo/okVq4

>Cock.li: https://cock.li/


>Infogalactic: https://infogalactic.com/info/Main_Page

File sharing and storage

>anonfile: https://anonfile.com/

>BitTorrent: https://infogalactic.com/info/BitTorrent

>CacheP2P: https://github.com/guerrerocarlos/CacheP2P

>Catbox: https://catbox.moe/

>Cryptosphere: https://cryptosphere.io/

>Dat Project: https://datproject.org/

>Filecoin: https://filecoin.io/

>Holochain: https://github.com/holochain/holochain-proto

>Instant.io: https://instant.io/

>IPFS: https://ipfs.io/

>Kek.gg https://kek.gg/

>Onion Share: https://onionshare.org/

>ORC: https://orcproject.github.io/

>Peergos: https://peergos.org/

>Perkeep: https://perkeep.org/

>Rotonde: https://wiki.xxiivv.com/#rotonde

>Sia: https://sia.tech/

>Storj: https://storj.io/

>Swarm: https://github.com/ethersphere/swarm

>Tahoe-LAFS: https://www.tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs

>Uguu: https://uguu.se/

>WebTorrent: https://webtorrent.io/

>Other sites: https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Pomf.se/Clones

Galleries and image hosting

>ArtStation (SFW only): https://www.artstation.com/

>Wysp: https://www.wysp.ws/

Internet and browsers

>Beaker: https://beakerbrowser.com/

>GNU IceCat: https://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/

>Handshake: https://handshake.org/

>I2P: https://geti2p.net/

>InterPlanetary Wayback: https://github.com/oduwsdl/ipwb

>Iridium Browser (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/iridium.html ): https://iridiumbrowser.de/

>MaidSafe: https://maidsafe.net

>Mysterium Network: https://mysterium.network/

>Namecoin: https://namecoin.org/

>Onename: http://www.onename.com/

>Pale Moon (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/palemoon.html ): http://www.palemoon.org/

>Tor: https://www.torproject.org/

>Ungoogled-Chromium: https://ungoogled-software.github.io/ungoogled-chromium-binaries/

>ZeroNet: https://zeronet.io/

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e8e6cd  No.16761566


Go read up on the Spanish Civil War. The reds will kill themselves at a rate faster than I could do onto them.

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b2e23f  No.16761567

Reading Ron's twitter thread with Qboomers praising him and telling everyone but them are "horrible" is amusing at best, they are insufferable.

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86f3b8  No.16761568



>DLsite: https://www.dlsite.com/eng/

>DMM Games: https://games.dmm.com/

>Fruitbat Factory: https://sites.fastspring.com/fruitbatfactory/product/buy

>Game Jolt: https://gamejolt.com/

>MangaGamer: https://www.mangagamer.com

>NekoNyan: https://nekonyansoft.com/shop

>OpenBazaar: https://openbazaar.org/

>Playism: http://playism-games.com/

>Top Hat Store: https://shop.tophat.studio

News and topic aggregation

>Voat: https://voat.co/

Search engines

>Qwant: https://www.qwant.com/

>YaCy: https://yacy.net/

Social media

>baraag.net: https://baraag.net/

>Fediverse: https://fediverse.party/

>Pawoo: https://pawoo.net/

>Steemit: https://steemit.com/

>Twister: http://twister.net.co/


>Smashcast.tv: https://www.smashcast.tv/

Video and audio platforms

>BitTube: https://bit.tube/dashboard

>D.tube: https://d.tube/

>Ferment: https://github.com/fermentation/ferment

>Mediachain: http://www.mediachain.io/

>MediaGoblin: https://mediagoblin.org/

>VidLii: https://www.vidlii.com/

Video downloaders and converters

>AudioToWebm: >>>/mage/158 ( https://tsun.itch.io/audiotowebm )

>boram: https://github.com/Kagami/boram

>ffmpeg: https://ffmpeg.org/download.html

>WebMConverter: https://gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter

>webm.py: https://github.com/Kagami/webm.py

>wybm: https://github.com/Kagami/wybm

>youtube-dl (Also download ffmpeg for best compatability): https://youtube-dl.org/


>Amateur Game Development General: >>>/agdg/

>Magic Wormhole: https://github.com/warner/magic-wormhole

>New PRoject 2: https://newproject2.com

>OpenTimestamps: https://opentimestamps.org/

Suggestions are always welcome!

Boards to give attention

>>>/animu/ Anime & Otaku Culture

>>>/fairy/ - The Fairy Realm

>>>/o/ Auto

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53cea9  No.16761571

File: c20818deafb22a9⋯.png (460.56 KB, 674x666, 337:333, c20818deafb22a9f3ebfe395ee….png)

I love you guys. You're the only true friends I have.

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7ce272  No.16761573

File: 2c0197a0dadff9b⋯.jpg (552.48 KB, 860x2019, 860:2019, 2c0197a0dadff9b73322e22450….jpg)

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68f84b  No.16761574


Ron could literally ask for help paying the bills and the boomers would give it willingly and thankfully.

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a90585  No.16761576

File: 8fafe90d6e9b340⋯.png (59.64 KB, 573x508, 573:508, drawfag gilda love doodle_….png)

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c489ee  No.16761580


We have god and anime in our side.

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e05eac  No.16761584


Honestly, Cloudfare has been showing signs of weakness for a while now. We probably should have moved long before this. Probably the second they kicked off the Daily Stormer. That was the day they decided to sell their principles for ideology.

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15f2a9  No.16761585


They needed to deal with /pol/ a long time ago. Their autism is way out of hand. I don’t like it much either, but it should’ve been obvious that another mass shooting would put us over the edge. Now, we’re no longer the fringe and alternative, we’re the source and will be openly talked about on the news and probably on Capitol Hill as a prime example of why tech needs regulation.

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44c5fa  No.16761591

So, are we actually getting fucked over?

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3ffe78  No.16761593

File: 0ebc4865509578f⋯.jpg (197.02 KB, 1000x707, 1000:707, 3d276c06cb87f6a711b4e7aaa4….jpg)


You too faggot.

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b2e23f  No.16761595


They're insufferable faggots, but still, also interesting to see Freeze Peach law twitter faggot Cuckhat chime in and virtue signal like a fucking faggot, still sad reality that /pol/ is acting more like /b/ in this regard.


Unless Ron or Jim brings another Turkroach to control the retards who made /pol/ into a /b/larp, it's not gonna happen.


Stay tuned for the whole week, and you'll see.

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0d2166  No.16761596


Probably nothing so dramatic. Expect a bit of lag for 3 days at the most. There's other services.

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68f84b  No.16761599


You realize of course it takes about 10 hambeasts larping as nazis to drive away the reasonable, right? Image board weakness will always be its mods and admin, the users could be anyone pretending to be anything of any background or ideology.

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0d2166  No.16761605


Exactly, so that's why you laugh and bully RP idiots.

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8c84ae  No.16761610


The amount of them able and willing to do so is a small percentage. They few that do are also cowards they never go anywhere they could get their shit pushed in. You don't see that in open carry or CCW states.


War is in the air. I agree.

>After that is when I think the civil war will kick off.

I think it can go either way.

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73c7a0  No.16761611


>We have god and anime in our side.

You're not kidding about the God part. I wonder if Hotwheels knows that.

>matthew 10:33-41

>matthew 23

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d20e03  No.16761613


>Unless Ron or Jim brings another Turkroach to control the retards who made /pol/ into a /b/larp, it's not gonna happen.

So you're saying that the buffalo queers need fore more years? Would be pretty funny.


Is it true that it's not gay if it's a cat?

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9293d1  No.16761614


Laughing at them doesn't delete their spam though. That's the problem.

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c5cf85  No.16761618

File: 7699ed2563c6b62⋯.jpg (44.78 KB, 640x480, 4:3, eddy.jpg)





What are you even talking about? What exactly do you think needed to be done to /pol/ in order to stop this kid from shooting up a wal-mart?

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f463b9  No.16761623


They're astroturfing skinwalkers, ignore them.

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1d2bc8  No.16761625


Ignoring wholesale that the faggot's word choice in his shitty "manifesto" screamed leftist nigger pretending to be someone he isn't.

Also conveniently as always, the faggot had a "therapist" but nobody ever talks to them either.

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7c9600  No.16761630

I hope this place wont die this easily. It's been fun shitposting here

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0d2166  No.16761632

File: 0c408be681ae5c5⋯.jpg (11.21 KB, 248x270, 124:135, 0c408be681ae5c5ca73d0b5401….jpg)


Nothing. You can't do anything to prevent shit like this at fucking all. People who kill others are fully responsible for their own actions. If you want to blame someone, blame the fucking parents and genetics.

video game cause violence, anon

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68f84b  No.16761633


>What are you even talking about? What exactly do you think needed to be done to /pol/ in order to stop this kid from shooting up a wal-mart?

Nothing. I was pointing out the futility of saying a board believe this or that as a group when it can be manufactured to look like anything.

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44c5fa  No.16761635


Ok, I'm not going to blackpill yet, but I'm actually nervious now.

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144200  No.16761636




Oh, that shit again. Everyone knew it was going to happen, but did nothing, or the people that did things got ignored.

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3ffe78  No.16761637

File: 6d06c367eda633d⋯.jpg (386.5 KB, 831x1246, 831:1246, rebuttal.jpg)


>Is it true that it's not gay if it's a cat?


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b6942e  No.16761641

>another shooting

>normalfags come out of the woodwork to whine about le /pol/ boogeyman and how Jimbo and Chodemonkey should shut it down and put a stop to all the racist hatred


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7c9600  No.16761642

File: 1d86b4ff1850a44⋯.jpg (79.58 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault[1].jpg)



You will be

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7c9600  No.16761649



Tone down with the faggotry, will ya?

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b2e23f  No.16761650


I didn't like what happened to /pol/ after that stunt Moot did that resulted into an exodus of retards spreading their cancer to 8chan /pol/ and it's funny that the Turkroach's heavy handed moderation that resulted into daily spam and faggot in /pol/, kept the retards away, now after he got ousted and every accelarationist faggot got free right to do whatever they want, and current /pol/ would rather burn the entire site to the ground than change.


I'm sure you'll give find examples of why /pol/ in it's current form isn't fucking cancer.


Read my fucking posts carefully, there's nothing to do against /pol/ that would ran contrary to what Jim and Ron has said about this site, "Free Speech", and the only way to "fix" the amount of stormfags, larping cucks, shills, journoshits, and FBI faggots is to nuke and start over, it's not gonna fucking happen.

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0d2166  No.16761652

File: b3072011576b34d⋯.jpg (88.02 KB, 750x703, 750:703, 2987345123.jpg)


social media causes mass shootings like video games cause violence.

Ban everything and always panic immediately.

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9165f5  No.16761656

File: acc63cabace5bd9⋯.png (139.67 KB, 500x522, 250:261, hold-on-to-your-butts-9822….png)

File: 89d7ad71e0d69ca⋯.jpg (178.86 KB, 1080x760, 27:19, Screenshot_20190805-021900….jpg)

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be2c60  No.16761660


I think we're past the era of large-scale conventional wars with declared fronts and millions of people in uniform. More likely we will continue to see more undeclared, pseudo-legal "special police actions," "humanitarian interventions," etc., mostly urban and increasingly mechanized. Not sure which I'd prefer, tbh.


What a miserable existence you must lead. same

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b2e23f  No.16761666


Ban the media for making these shoot outs popular with their heavy-handed reporting while black on black violence with 50 dead in a single day in Chicago is just part and parcel in American life.

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7c9600  No.16761667


immigrants causes mass shootings. ban immigrants

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1d2bc8  No.16761668


What the fuck is bitmitigate?

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a89f4d  No.16761669

File: cb3d1884c48b26e⋯.gif (2.67 MB, 384x288, 4:3, oh fuck.gif)

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d20e03  No.16761670

File: db009ef082dd0dd⋯.png (245.82 KB, 960x782, 480:391, 1437110538343.png)


>What exactly do you think needed to be done to /pol/ in order to stop this kid from shooting up a wal-mart?

>in order to stop this kid from shooting up a wal-mart?

Nothing that could be done here would stop that. What could be done is Ron and Jim doing a little harder due dillagence so that I can't get pinned on us when some sperg decides to unleash the will of Allah/Odin/Karl Marx/Kek on a crowd of shoppers.

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c5cf85  No.16761671



>larping cucks

Ah, you're a tranny.

Shut the fuck up retard.

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be2c60  No.16761672




Cats have barbed penises.

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0d2166  No.16761673

File: b6671b06ac67890⋯.png (759.54 KB, 1280x1080, 32:27, sans mr bones jojo.png)


crises solved, now time to shitpost undertale.

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80e3f8  No.16761674


I guess we're going to find out.

Strap in, kids, we're heading into unknown waters!

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c2ebca  No.16761677


I don't think it was a good idea for Codemonkey to announce the new DDOS mitigator.

Now watch as NBC News and New York Slime defame it.

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e040c8  No.16761678


DDoS protection service like Cloudflare, if other anons are to be believed its what Daily Stormer uses but I'm too lazy to look it up

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a90585  No.16761680

File: 1720909af9da94b⋯.gif (1.93 MB, 540x310, 54:31, __akemi_homura_and_kaname_….gif)


Too late.

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3ffe78  No.16761681

File: f7e2612a33587f4⋯.jpg (57.47 KB, 626x765, 626:765, dragons_crown_sorceress_lo….jpg)


Then tell people to stop being gay.

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d3b8f6  No.16761684

File: 88a6c7461cc27ff⋯.png (22.87 KB, 456x443, 456:443, ClipboardImage.png)

What is Bitmigitate you ask?

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68f84b  No.16761686


I hope other sites leave cloudfare and move as well, now that they know they are cucked.

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9293d1  No.16761688

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0db9d3  No.16761689


It was removed almost as soon as it was posted, and the feds had the files with the guy's name on it for 2 hours before he did anything. 8chan is not to blame here

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47b0ba  No.16761690


Okay, this is epik

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d1ff6c  No.16761691


Oh right, I almost forgot about the draw thread even after someone asked about the drawfags and brought him up ITT.


Oh good that the archives are working again. They were being rather fucky today. So:


Got to love people kike this.

There's a tweet by OdilTime, who has worked on the imageboard archive sites and was affiliated with the AyyTeam/triangle/revoltfags on offering service to CodeMonkey, but the archive timed out again:



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b2e23f  No.16761696


>The amount of "You're a kike!" or "Kike shill!" isn't a problem, it's an improvement!

>The amount of retards who praise the accelarationist faggots who keep going for soft targets that would always result in a backlash is good!

>We're getting "people" visiting our board! redpill these not-journalists and FBI, and afterwards the board will go back to a slow start

You're a blind delusional faggot retard if you willingly covering your eyes that the nu/pol/ is still the same /pol/ that was with us during the exodus, keep defending those stormfags from the Daily Stormer who can't keep their spaghetti down and went to spread it on /pol/.

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7c9600  No.16761698


It's never too late to cease your faggotry


Gays aren't real

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3ffe78  No.16761701

File: 4e23940a28f66be⋯.jpg (95.99 KB, 1242x1223, 1242:1223, conflicted felix.jpg)


>Gays aren't real

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d20e03  No.16761702


>8chan is not to blame here

That's obvious. It's not the feds that's going after us though. It's deplatformers in the media and on shitter and corporate cowards buckling to them.

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f463b9  No.16761704


Sorry, I thought I was in the It's Over thread where there are a half dozen /leftypol/ faggots and /intl/niggers who smell blood and are trying the divide and conquer routine yet again. However, you're seemingly a useful idiot, so it's a happy accident.

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7c9600  No.16761706


>>The amount of "You're a kike!" or "Kike shill!" isn't a problem, it's an improvement!

I made a thread about Moscow protests. All hell broke lose. I regret everything.

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19ec5b  No.16761708

File: 2810753dbd42cac⋯.png (99.72 KB, 300x300, 1:1, c827fc593554b8f331bfd59614….png)






I never thought we'd get so much mileage out of pic related, hot damn

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c5cf85  No.16761710


What part of "Shut the fuck up retard" didn't you understand, retard?

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d20e03  No.16761711


Is this faggot cat even gay or is that just a meme?

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80e3f8  No.16761712


it's gotten to the point where all those buzzwords they put there translate in my mind as 'trustworthy'. they've pissed off the correct people

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9165f5  No.16761716


Odiitime is still kissing ass to the cripple right now.

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15f2a9  No.16761717


Develop a closer relationship with law enforcement to show anti-DDoS service providers that necessary steps are being made. Something like a flagging system for users who are inciting violence and posting threatening hate speech. I guess that’s what Sunshine sort of was, though that logged everyone.

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0d2166  No.16761719

File: 3d7f3ecd656830f⋯.jpg (39.59 KB, 750x599, 750:599, sans woah pal back it up.jpg)




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6b935c  No.16761720


You are retarded

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e337ce  No.16761721

File: d9395dad12dc935⋯.webm (278.66 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, hamham.webm)

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a90585  No.16761722

File: a6250f053369abc⋯.png (6.35 MB, 2948x1648, 737:412, __iksel_jahnn_rororina_fry….png)


too late

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d1ff6c  No.16761723

File: fd5e298cf11385b⋯.png (701.24 KB, 900x1800, 1:2, 2018-07-30_Todd_Howard_tru….png)

File: a1b0ed5cc6ec5e7⋯.png (909.87 KB, 2600x1200, 13:6, thepizzacommunityOL.png)

File: 6a5556d7ad64237⋯.png (271.22 KB, 1290x1395, 86:93, majin_mark.png)


The second time today reposted a drawfag's artpiece that I had requested. Just another reason why I enjoy staying here

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c5cf85  No.16761726


Great idea dipshit, now everyone who posts "Gas the kikes, race war now" gets a knock on their door.

How bout an idea that's not retarded?

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73c7a0  No.16761728


>jesus was a swordfag who got rekt by a spear

>disdain for hypocrites, even if they're your own family

>just do what is righteous and everything should be ok

>also, don't be a dumb preachy jew

>fuck the jews

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f463b9  No.16761729


>if we bend the knee some more they'll give us forgiveness cummies

Pfft haha

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d20e03  No.16761733


This doesn't completely answer my question.

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e8e6cd  No.16761736

File: 91a9e263a35027a⋯.png (18.27 KB, 1335x125, 267:25, uncen.png)


You should read into that Monster guy. I'm laughing.

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65a44b  No.16761744


Homura's has a greedy cunt.


<I'm a nark and proud.

Why come here of all places if you want to be marked and time stamped you faggot?

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b2e23f  No.16761748


And nu/pol/ is still good in your eyes? what fucking huff paint are you sniffing to see that there's still something redeemable in that place that already been "Divided and Conquered" with themselves? And "useful idiot"? at least you can't back anything up in that shithole that would rather let this site burn than change, keep defending those larpers with your fetal alcohol syndrome brain.


See no faggotry, hear no faggotry, and say no faggotry, right? keep ignoring and defending /b/larp /pol/, I'm sure they have a plan to stop being a bunch of chimps at each other's throats, maybe you can help them, seeing as you're doubling down defending a brand board with the people overseeing it are not the same people who made it great in the first place.


According to these anons, that isn't a problem when the retards running the asylum can't moderate themselves, but you're gonna get called a "Useful Idiot" or "Divide and Conquer shill" on a board that's already went to shit.

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a90585  No.16761750

File: af1eb696b1df210⋯.png (579.44 KB, 1388x1777, 1388:1777, salt evolution.png)

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3ffe78  No.16761751

File: ae34ed574676055⋯.jpg (111.21 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, cat_trap.jpg)


>doesn't completely answer my question.

Impossible. He either is gay or he isn't. There's no partial answer to that question.

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e040c8  No.16761754


What a guy. Not even being sarcastic here. I'm slightly more hopeful than I was a minute ago.

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c5cf85  No.16761755

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730111  No.16761757

File: 391fb006bdca0d9⋯.jpg (31.95 KB, 470x408, 235:204, D-Ezm2wWkAAeaM5.jpg)


in the event everything goes away.

youse guys is swell folks.

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1d2bc8  No.16761761


Praise fucking be. A good start. Let's see him keep it up.

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f463b9  No.16761765


>And nu/pol/ is still good in your eyes?

It is containment, and it is useful and entertaining to watch from the current incarnation of "/pol/". What magical, unprecedented solution do you have to offer instead, O wise one? You don't seem to be thinking very clearly.

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b2e23f  No.16761770


Never a bad idea to dig on them, better check what they've also been facing lately.


Yes, you like to suck their dick while they laugh at you for playing "kike virtual games" while larping with themselves.

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15f2a9  No.16761772


That’s the tamest shit I can think of. Banter would be excluded, just general threats of violence. Fortunately we’ve been bailed out this time, though.

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be2c60  No.16761777



I thought Soylicon Valley got rid of guys like this years ago. I hope he's got good lawyer(s).

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b2e23f  No.16761780


Anything else? because I've posted time and time again that by principal that /pol/ has to protected, but they themselves don't give a shit nor do they want to change, and pointing out that that board is different for 3 fucking years now, has you and your assblasted butt-buddy there chimping out on people who point it out, keep sucking their dicks, don't care because you're defending them harder than when they defend themselves.

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b00741  No.16761781


>I'm gay for Carl Benjamen

Yes. We know.

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d1ff6c  No.16761783

In regards to /pol/,/fascist/ seems to be getting a decent amount of activity for a board its size.


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e8e6cd  No.16761788


I always look into people. If I didn't my head would have some extra ventilation.


Based out of WA. Ain't no commifornian fag not to mention the guy spent some time in Nippon and Germany.

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c2ebca  No.16761790



Carl wanted Trump to talk about GamerGate because he knew that doing that would send liberals into having night terrors.

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0eb6f9  No.16761792

File: 71dd4e44e054f05⋯.jpg (128.59 KB, 573x768, 191:256, 83e43c926af80ee6bbf390c903….jpg)


Problem is, out of the 2 threats of credible violence that resulted in an actual shooting there's literally hundreds of other posts of someone flexing, or stirring the pot, on the one hand, it would be hilarious to watch how many actual feds trip the shit, but it'll still end up with some cocksucker getting a knock on the door for something that had no credibility to begin with.

I honestly think there's no good way to filter this shit; And besides, First shooting had the guy posting within minutes of open firing on the moonworshipers, and this sperg had his shit sent to news agencies prior to even posting here, and nothing was done due to the same suspicion that it was just a joke

I honestly don't know what people are expecting. Even the fucking feds fuck this shit up If Parkland wasn't a psyop, I mean

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1d2bc8  No.16761796


Parkland was 100% a fucking psyop. That entire damn city is the Jewish quarter of Florida and the source of most of the voting problems.

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f463b9  No.16761797


>Anything else?

Yes - /pol/ isn't one person. But if it were one person, it would have left years ago and made another /pol/, and another /pol/, and another. And the moderation would be compromised, or the invaders would flood in, or there would be a financial attack, and they would be left behind as the cycle continues. So the question is, why were you left behind, anon? :^)

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9165f5  No.16761800

File: d4a85f53baaeab6⋯.gif (630.42 KB, 360x240, 3:2, d4a.gif)

10 minutes left!

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268c99  No.16761803

>Texas and Dayton, Ohio this evening.

fucking Cloudflare liars

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b2e23f  No.16761807


Aside from hosting Daily Stormer, they've been getting shit-talked with hit pieces by kosher media faggots for years for not playing ball, and glad to see Ron happily shitposting while waiting, gotta love how infamous this website is than drug cartels, terrorists, and fucking terrorists that we got booted before they purged them.

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7993a6  No.16761808

Don't come to 4chan you faggots just end your life already

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7c9600  No.16761809


Or what?

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65a44b  No.16761812

File: b11c1c3531765ff⋯.png (484.64 KB, 566x800, 283:400, rotund.apple.pumpkin.eclai….png)

Any video games today?

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47b0ba  No.16761813


No one wants to go to your shitty 4um

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1d2bc8  No.16761814


>going to niggerchan ever

Here's your (You) now fuck off.

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f463b9  No.16761816


>come to

Don't you mean "come from", skinwalker?

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e0d36a  No.16761818


A new King of Fighters got announced.

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68f84b  No.16761819


>ha, don't come to our cuck party

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0eb6f9  No.16761820

File: c4d3a850a71fd07⋯.mp4 (399.35 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Can_toss.mp4)


Give me your address faggot.

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e8e6cd  No.16761823


The thing is the Nairaland forums are better than 4um and its literal niggers.


Its an impressive thing looking back, but you can't sit around and muse that all day. The road only goes one way, no need for a needless traffic accident.

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10f5da  No.16761827

File: 7412d1e2a604a78⋯.png (101.07 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, gonna carry that weight.png)

Farewell old friends. It's been fun being with you through the beginning of all this and I am sorry I faded away as I progressed through my life. I sincerely wish all of you can do the same and see the light at the end of the tunnel. To be free from staying up until 4am, wondering where it all went wong. Keep those grasses on, space cowboy.

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e05eac  No.16761828


Anon, we have a new host. It's fine.

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b2e23f  No.16761831

File: 99217f41b22125b⋯.jpg (475.31 KB, 900x2983, 900:2983, I JUST WANTED TO PLAY VIDE….jpg)


EVO news, some new games and a crossover.


Well, it's one way to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the shitstorm that shook the fucking foundations of the World.

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9165f5  No.16761832

File: e59a8bfd8e86792⋯.gif (1.78 MB, 435x250, 87:50, KeyForkedAdamsstaghornedbe….gif)



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d3b8f6  No.16761834

File: c951b6f8434dd23⋯.jpg (60.27 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, FBI 9.jpg)

FBI-kun, if you're here, you can still post with us.

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1d2bc8  No.16761835

Here comes the breach. See you on the other side.

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3ffe78  No.16761838

File: 0e43f2785b1dcfc⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 986.3 KB, 843x1080, 281:360, loli aqua.jpg)


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10f5da  No.16761839


Ah, well fuk. See you guys tomorrow than.

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3db436  No.16761840

I love you faggots.

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cb3b8b  No.16761855


This user has marked his post as visible only to owners of an 8chan Premium Pass.

If you wish to read this post, consider buying an 8chan Premium Pass by contacting premium@8ch.net or by buying ad space from https://8ch.net/ads.html

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764c29  No.16761858


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cb3b8b  No.16761859

I live

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764c29  No.16761863

Imageposting is still fucked though

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aadf2e  No.16761866


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764c29  No.16761867

File: 0c0eb3c5474fdd4⋯.mp4 (268.41 KB, 800x700, 8:7, EANMCcAWkAAVkCD (@RenardAn….mp4)

Here's to things working smoothly.

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764c29  No.16761869

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cb3b8b  No.16761872

File: 4115b1e71b4360f⋯.webm (391.48 KB, 360x360, 1:1, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA….webm)

>howitzer base is nuking pics

How long until the blue check-mark screeching brigade explodes on twitter now that we're back?

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764c29  No.16761875

File: c23defe579858fc⋯.mp4 (4.37 MB, 640x480, 4:3, takeshi_honda bishoujo_sen….mp4)


Well shit.


Give them an hour, it's not mooch off of café WiFi work time yet.

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cb3b8b  No.16761877

also, speaking of hotwheels


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aadf2e  No.16761878

Since we're back I guess it's time to ask about this


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764c29  No.16761879

>Trying to get property of non-object /8chan/howitzer-base/http/post.php:1266

The fuck??

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764c29  No.16761880

I live for journo salt

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764c29  No.16761881

Seems like we made it out ok I guess?

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cb3b8b  No.16761883


No one likes a traitor, Brennan.

Much less a petty one.

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ba3b10  No.16762080

File: b7ab596b98ad703⋯.png (665.43 KB, 471x720, 157:240, AmazonAss.png)

Are we back?

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ba3b10  No.16762156

Holding the 5th anniversary party on the other side of a black hole was an awesome idea.

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8417b3  No.16762171


Lets see if posting with Tor works.

Reminder if we don't stay up that the bunker is vch.moe

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ba3b10  No.16762211

File: ddad6eedbd5bba1⋯.gif (185.96 KB, 500x436, 125:109, trne.gif)

Are we back yet?

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8417b3  No.16762324

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8417b3  No.16762331


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9ca9a1  No.16762461

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9ca9a1  No.16762469

testing 'testing 'one' two three

Fuck funimation they will suffer a horrible fate in the same level as he who shall not be named

not that noseless fag mind you

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9ca9a1  No.16762501

Plz ban user 000000

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3acc15  No.16762686

If anyone checking the thread doesn't know, the /v/ bunker is vch.moe

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6ab19e  No.16762784


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b00741  No.16762834

8chan/kun is now considered a Threat to National Security by DHS. Welcome to the Brave New World.


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be2c60  No.16762966

Never give up. Never surrender.

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8417b3  No.16763072


Yeah, he sucks.

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0ad9e2  No.16763076

Is it wet yet?

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0ad9e2  No.16763280

File: 881b63a70708272⋯.jpg (186.88 KB, 1167x783, 389:261, V explains what is truly n….jpg)

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0ad9e2  No.16763294

File: cc6673a1db683f8⋯.webm (40.62 KB, 480x360, 4:3, what (1).webm)

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b00741  No.16763609

File: 9e2da9b6c7ba8c0⋯.jpg (35.04 KB, 205x256, 205:256, 1447984980483.jpg)


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f7cf2e  No.16763613

[https://archive.ph/ZB6D9] https://www.please use archive.fo/media/2019/nov/19/sweden-drops-julian-assange-investigation

>Swedish authorities have discontinued an investigation into a rape allegation against the WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, after a review of the evidence.

>“The preliminary investigation has now been discontinued, the motive for which is that the evidence has weakened considerably due to the long period of time that has elapsed since the events in question.”

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3aa5bb  No.16763654

Are we live?

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e0d36a  No.16763803


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906df6  No.16763876

File: f1a7a7ca8e3e792⋯.png (125.4 KB, 674x1206, 337:603, 88a9c1a4b994847f9cd73757fa….png)


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e0d36a  No.16763920


You passed.

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c28ab9  No.16763947

File: 40d0158435e96f4⋯.png (3.43 KB, 56x56, 1:1, Spr_2g_079.png)


Jesus fucking Christ you are so god damn slow.

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3ffe78  No.16763949



There's so little good art of the KH girls, and so little loli art. Lolified Aqua is like a rare gem.

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c28ab9  No.16763957

File: 013a07fe73bb0ef⋯.webm (13.99 MB, 427x240, 427:240, Slowpoke Song.webm)


Everyone already knew that you dumbass.

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3ffe78  No.16763959

File: e40d4011e18234a⋯.gif (870.47 KB, 811x541, 811:541, e40d4011e18234af72cab9100a….gif)


>Gifs now play in the file select/drop/paste box

But why?

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e0d36a  No.16764062

File: 528b5189ee96959⋯.gif (1.55 MB, 469x264, 469:264, say the change.gif)


Why not?

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579d7a  No.16764063

File: 0709a86eb5a7658⋯.png (192.88 KB, 1447x832, 1447:832, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7579413683d07e0⋯.png (427.79 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Virgin energy!.png)

File: 7a0a970924ba0c3⋯.png (2.74 MB, 1732x1032, 433:258, Whatever makes people happ….png)

<Saw this over on /mlpol/

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3ffe78  No.16764107

File: db9d68ae285db60⋯.png (2.75 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, It's time.png)

>Over 12 hours with no posts

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b00741  No.16764113


<88% of adults who play online multiplayer games in the US have had positive social experiences while playing games online.

>putting "gamergate was right" next to holohoax denial and antivax

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e0d36a  No.16764115


Gotta keep the gate open for the rush.

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3ffe78  No.16764122

File: 3fd189c65e6a4e9⋯.png (560.24 KB, 1816x2620, 454:655, Scripting Simian backpedal….png)

File: 24ba254fd8cebd5⋯.png (452.5 KB, 1264x1400, 158:175, RonQnA.png)


What rush? You expect anons to just pour back in rather than cautiously trickle into the site? After codechunky straight out liked to anons about site policy? And then revealed that he was lying, which somehow made it okay?

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579d7a  No.16764165

File: 72d52316fcc4794⋯.jpg (424.7 KB, 821x1200, 821:1200, EEriKujX4AA3bMN.jpg)

Can someone help me figure out WHICH of the releases is the uncensored version of Angel Cop?


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c98f56  No.16764243


>pic 1

They should include abolishing the copyright act and the dmca act just to fuck with the big corporations and their muh piracy crusade. Those sjweebs are really getting jittery on anime and vidya muh -ism censorship these days.

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3ffe78  No.16764283

File: 22814419174938d⋯.jpg (523.61 KB, 556x633, 556:633, cc25ddf71bd6d81a223893b8a1….jpg)

File: d043dc6e71a6c22⋯.jpg (91.24 KB, 515x884, 515:884, Spyro is a White Cis Gende….jpg)

File: 6bd4a88221a9b0a⋯.gif (354 KB, 1264x864, 79:54, Spyro_Reignited.gif)


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b00741  No.16764301



>rather than how Ron may have autism which may affect his ability to communicate effectively

Someone is lying here and I don't think it's Ron.

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3ffe78  No.16764306


>>rather than how Ron may have autism which may affect his ability to communicate effectively

<Copying Mark's excuses

I gave you both caps and archives, "he's just autistic" is absolutely the worst defense you can come up with.

>8kun goes up

>Public DOST rule was changed to ban all child images.

>Anons outraged at such draconianism

>Ron defends it explicitly

<Mark says he's probably just autistic and misunderstood anons' questions, despite anons and Ron both being very clear

>Ron returns, reveals the rule was internally the same

>This confirms he understood what anons said previously just fine, and was just going along with his new public policy before

>90% of anons think everything is hunky dory now

>Point out that this reveal means he was outright lying and creates a lack of transparency about site rules and their enforcement

<Anon says he's probably just autistic and miscommunicated, despite him being very clear

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3ffe78  No.16764307



Don't get me wrong. I still prefer this site to most other places. But I'm not going to pretend this didn't happen and is not an issue, and especially not because "he's probably autistic".

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52117e  No.16764477

File: 0a21626f04569af⋯.png (414.83 KB, 677x723, 677:723, 0a21626f04569afa8c86f225ff….png)

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64ff15  No.16764482

File: 4ce1e785e9e7886⋯.png (424.47 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Making me depressed.png)


What's wrong?

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52117e  No.16764485

File: 3011b9ebe5fa969⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 2.61 MB, 2508x4752, 19:36, 1 (2).png)

File: 7e383e136beaa91⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 2.5 MB, 2508x4752, 19:36, 1 (3).jpg)

File: 36cd4571abaa376⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.31 MB, 3541x2508, 3541:2508, 4S8.jpg)

File: 3e48ed90920070c⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 273.01 KB, 383x684, 383:684, 6e41cfaa18e183204838a1e456….png)

File: 6fe4dd731a5aa0e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 617.11 KB, 3984x3541, 3984:3541, 6fe4dd731a5aa0e1533629c87c….jpg)


Thread's dead.

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3d57b0  No.16764488

File: dcdb9a2cb5b5ac9⋯.jpg (2.27 MB, 3968x2532, 992:633, dcdb9a2cb5b5ac98aced1102d9….jpg)


Long live the thread.

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64ff15  No.16764490


Just fill up the current GG thread in the bunker, and then inform people to come back here.

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52117e  No.16764500

File: 1a2d4eef4055acf⋯.png (180.73 KB, 585x464, 585:464, 1a2d4eef4055acf23c957a1025….png)

File: 255603d6914885f⋯.png (321.29 KB, 811x960, 811:960, 1ab91b500afb8e488211a381c4….png)

File: 89f89eb56a12956⋯.jpg (37.85 KB, 385x385, 1:1, 1e82650490fa6aa01af63f6b8f….jpg)

File: 2bd7f36a595bf2c⋯.gif (896.17 KB, 700x600, 7:6, 2bd.gif)

File: bf3102f411cfdba⋯.gif (10.24 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 3a6f4e7dd277216cf24872b2f1….gif)


There are many the site may not yet be working for. Though many it is working for. Most won't come back until Mark shuts off the bunker.

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52117e  No.16764509

File: 4ad57012c1b583c⋯.jpg (627.91 KB, 1400x990, 140:99, 4ad57012c1b583c4243a83c53e….jpg)

File: 4f39c3583bcc90e⋯.gif (2.6 MB, 1100x1000, 11:10, 4f39c3583bcc90e772c0999651….gif)

File: 7b3a50497eddc18⋯.png (756.85 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 7b3a50497eddc188bea83d0a5e….png)

File: 14cd78d755dec9f⋯.jpg (37.48 KB, 599x429, 599:429, 14cd78d755dec9f16978ba3573….jpg)

File: 16d552ee5b87341⋯.jpg (184.12 KB, 1658x1080, 829:540, 16d552ee5b87341f22437f09f3….jpg)

I can't wait for all the wonderful gents in the 8kun update thread on the /v/ bunker to come pouring in.

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52117e  No.16764571

File: 5254f6acdd4c94d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 192.08 KB, 1280x1618, 640:809, 014.jpg)

File: fff606e0472caf3⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.38 MB, 2097x3336, 699:1112, 56f48fa6a8c84d536fdd9f1020….jpg)

File: 29f64360b30ee9d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.77 MB, 2504x3541, 2504:3541, 2018 erin.jpg)

File: 5394e345ebe27b3⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 784.48 KB, 1240x1754, 620:877, 7278df5a5b86189c47ba02f642….png)

File: 944726d7b6335dd⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 90.21 KB, 721x795, 721:795, 1411780957280.png)

I just wanted to play videogames.

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423742  No.16764693

File: a2787353d31d13e⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 7.34 MB, 2816x3560, 352:445, erin no vidya.png)

File: 0dfef3ff906a261⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 420.18 KB, 839x1191, 839:1191, erin no vidya.jpg)

File: d5be1a0c1ea8882⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 163.81 KB, 595x1417, 595:1417, erin no u.jpg)

File: e1171809948387a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 710.12 KB, 1191x1191, 1:1, erin lust.jpg)

File: 08d0ac3fb421404⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 922.88 KB, 1500x1538, 750:769, erin joke.jpg)


everything else is really lame

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feb39e  No.16764808

File: 601d59fafde9f73⋯.webm (3.82 MB, 700x392, 25:14, IOTBW - Hollaforums expos….webm)

When are these monsters going to be stopped?

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844afc  No.16764877

File: 071a96f7546a9ae⋯.png (109.64 KB, 680x510, 4:3, Anon-Kun, is this Bait.png)


>there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for what Ron said about how the rules ARE STILL THE SAME, but I won't listen to it

>because that explanation makes my niggerpilling narrative completely fall apart

Do I really have to pretend that you are in-any-way arguing in good faith and aren't just being a giant asshole? How tedious.

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52117e  No.16764896

File: 21e51fb67bc6f55⋯.png (642.21 KB, 656x532, 164:133, Mia.png)


>Do I really have to pretend that you are in-any-way arguing in good faith

<He says as he puts up a blatant strawman

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005c7a  No.16764972

File: 93deb22408a517a⋯.jpeg (141.44 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 41022992-5613-40FF-939E-7….jpeg)

To that faggot saying that this shit isn't working

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64ff15  No.16764973

File: 60141239f69aa5c⋯.webm (223.03 KB, 612x528, 51:44, Upyoursnigger.webm)

Look, I can post from desktop too!

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c51697  No.16764995

File: 30666a480e6605f⋯.png (198.64 KB, 285x541, 285:541, Asahi_Initial.png)

6 months later and you all still suck cocks.

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52117e  No.16765004

File: 461ba583482b8c0⋯.jpg (87.05 KB, 586x1000, 293:500, chubby_vivian.jpg)

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3a7027  No.16765010

File: 85c9a888fb445fc⋯.jpg (66.28 KB, 512x512, 1:1, smug ara.jpg)


Your husband can confirm.

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844afc  No.16765019

File: ad2431d9a31066d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 77.25 KB, 387x179, 387:179, smug-dolphin.png)


>I'm wrong, so I'll clam anon's putting up a strawman in-lieu of any actual counter-argument

>that always works

The fact that (you), and I, are even having this charming little discussion here on 8kun, means that you lost both the argument AND the war. The thing is, I'm technically not even having "an argument" with you; I'm making fun of you and shooting the wounded "for the lulz".

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d55116  No.16765022


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d110bb  No.16765027

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d55116  No.16765029

can we post without worry about ddos and other fuck ups finally?

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52117e  No.16765036

File: b86dd66ab3c2122⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 60.05 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, serveimage.jpg)


Now this is some high IQ posting. Tell me anon, if I was the blackpilling nigger you claim I am, failingly trying to drive people away from the site like you implied I was with "The fact that (you), and I, are even having this charming little discussion here on 8kun, means that you lost", then why did I say this? >>16764307

>I still prefer this site to most other places.

8ch is still my site of choice. But that doesn't mean I'm going to ignore what issues it does have and claim it's perfect. Ron lied with the new rule. He only revealed he was lying when put under pressure from anons, and presumably pressure from Mark too since he too was convinced the rule was BS after failing to defend Scripting Simian. This created two issues to replace the now resolved issue of the retarded rule. Firstly, Codechunky lied, and secondly there's now a lack of transparency about the site rules. The public rurus don't reflect the enforced rurus of the site. Ron did this in attempt to curb near DOST violating posts from pedos, but such a tactic only works for about five minutes until any one of the pedos sees children posted and realizes that not all images of real chilren are actually hard banned. Ideally, I'd want Code Monkey to apologize for being a lying faggot and fix the rule, but I'd settle for changing the rule back so that there's proper transparency about the rules and their enforcement.

<Inb4 ur an ID hopping faggot

IDs changed when the site went down for a bit, or maybe because of the salt rotation, not sure.


Some anons are still reporting minor issues, but it seems pretty safe from DDoS niggardry for now.

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52117e  No.16765039

File: 59e76d15272a3a4⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1189x894, 1189:894, How to purify sluts.png)


Also, that is a very nice dolphin.

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3d57b0  No.16765062


Don't be jealous just because your son calls me mommy too.

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844afc  No.16765102



>Also, I can just lie about what Ron said and you have to believe me


(You) are why the Left can't meme; Insufferable in victory and painfully delusional in defeat.

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99f3db  No.16765177

This thread was made almost 4 months ago. Let's make a new one ASAP.

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3d57b0  No.16765183


This one's not active enough again to warrant a new thread.

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3940b2  No.16765339

Can I post now?

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52117e  No.16765345


Just wait until it has enough posts like usual, fag.

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844afc  No.16765471

File: 7bf7fcdf09927c0⋯.png (87.91 KB, 545x612, 545:612, baph was popular.PNG)

File: 6d1500107ffd93b⋯.png (125.73 KB, 549x585, 61:65, pizzas.PNG)

File: af6dc7988a0b4a6⋯.png (56.37 KB, 535x164, 535:164, the tism.PNG)




Just wait until this one hits 700, like normal.


Crossposting from the other thread:



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847bfb  No.16765476


vch.moe is being redirected here in around 6 hours, we'll probably hit 700 and make a new thread after that.

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844afc  No.16765485

File: bf6a38155d2a6c7⋯.mp4 (7.52 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Super Metroid Symphony - 2….mp4)



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55dfa7  No.16765609

File: f3e53d32478317d⋯.jpg (1.14 MB, 4256x2521, 4256:2521, 154.jpg)

Does GamerGate like Phil Collins?

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137c25  No.16765702


That's not Phil Collins, dumbass.

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d46cd8  No.16765713


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000000  No.16765714

8chan is dead, long live 8chan.

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64ff15  No.16765765

File: 553266436afb376⋯.png (1.3 MB, 960x720, 4:3, Ayane-chan High Kick! 1 (v….png)

The last GG bread in the bunker:


That came to an awfully sudden conclusion.

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84a693  No.16765769


At least it was mentioned several days before that.

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7fdd32  No.16765774



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d46cd8  No.16765794


nah panic

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3d57b0  No.16765805

K-pop stars Jung Joon-young and Choi Jong-hoon sentenced for rape


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847bfb  No.16765888

File: 00360839e60f73d⋯.webm (15.99 MB, 720x600, 6:5, Windy_Vivian_(Half_Moon_R….webm)

We're back. It took me a little while to realize the bunker was frozen/redirecting. Remember to save anything you want from the bunker before it goes down entirely.

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64ff15  No.16765906

Archive of the bunker catalog:


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137c25  No.16765920


Imagine people tring to #metoo the music industry in the west.

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137c25  No.16765932

Thank you Mark and Acid for the bunkers.

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3d57b0  No.16765934


I remember when it was a big deal Chris Brown beat Rihanna.

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137c25  No.16765941


That was physical abuse in a relationship. Not rape by band members.

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3d57b0  No.16765948


I'm just using that as an example of a music artist doing harmful things to another person. Now years later both are doing music & somehow Chris still has a following.

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935e92  No.16766022

File: 785ec5cde1442a7⋯.jpg (55.23 KB, 500x356, 125:89, thekindoftiredsleepwontfix.jpg)

I think I'll miss markchan.

Holy stockholm syndrome cakeman!

Also, when will /strek/ be back?

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a07e46  No.16766056

File: 64ea8e67726fe80⋯.jpg (23.82 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 64ea8e67726fe803820c1de2d5….jpg)

>racket stream mentions that someone "tangentially related" to his show is being investigated by the FBI for allegedly threatening LW

Anybody know who it is?

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a07e46  No.16766072

Oh, and does anyone have that old post formatting guide? I can't remember how to post as board owner on my board and trying to search for this now just brings me a lot of articles about how we're the devil.

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3a7027  No.16766117


Is there anything worth saving in this fucking country, save for Gookanon?

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423742  No.16766124


minus8 and early 2000 MMOs

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844afc  No.16766131


Not sure, but I think it's Kiwifarms Josh.

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3b7925  No.16766151

File: a0c3ab2d6e954f1⋯.gif (1.23 MB, 513x705, 171:235, 1559363735737.gif)

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42e4f2  No.16766268

File: d170e0e508cb44d⋯.png (126.52 KB, 691x522, 691:522, Our_Ladys_Bishop_Eton_prom….png)

File: 904122dde8b303a⋯.png (202.15 KB, 564x427, 564:427, St_Edmund__St_Thomas__Wate….png)

UK Catholics are officially dead.

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42e4f2  No.16766278

File: 75d55181db140a8⋯.jpg (51.53 KB, 810x500, 81:50, schonborn_cathedral_1_810_….jpg)

File: bbb6bc79a689a00⋯.jpg (27.89 KB, 525x350, 3:2, 47421392_10161040292480114….jpg)

File: cc208bdf74ffcea⋯.jpg (21.69 KB, 645x355, 129:71, Schonborn_at_cathedral_eve….jpg)

More news about Catholics butchering Christianity.


>Vienna Cardinal Schönborn to host ‘blasphemous’ pro-LGBT benefit concert in Cathedral again

>Cardinal Schönborn, the Order of Malta, and Gery Keszler's LGBT Life Ball – who last year organized a charity event for HIV patients that drew much criticism – hosted the event. Part of the event was the performance in the cathedral of a play written by Hugo von Hoffmansthal, but in a “reloaded” way, with loud electronic and rock music. Philipp Hochmair – a well-known Austrian actor who already has played various roles on stage nude and who has also played homosexual roles in different pro-LGBT movies – was the main actor of that “Jedermann reloaded” performance, together with his band God's Electrohand (Elektrohand Gottes).

>The homosexual activist and co-sponsor of the November 30 event and last year’s featuring the drag queen claimed in September that Cardinal Schönborn blessed him and his homosexual partner at a private dinner. After the blessing, said Keszler, “his confidant had brought a bottle of champagne, and he loosened the cork, and after this blessing, this cork bursts into the air, comes thundering down, and breaks his plate – my most expensive Meissen plate!”

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137c25  No.16766362


>“his confidant had brought a bottle of champagne, and he loosened the cork, and after this blessing, this cork bursts into the air, comes thundering down, and breaks his plate – my most expensive Meissen plate!”

>Even God said, "Fuck your shit faggot."

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0b4f15  No.16766403

File: 25530f788c76349⋯.png (401.23 KB, 840x789, 280:263, Death Stranding.png)

8ch is back for now, so how about something on topic:

Geoff Keighley “appreciates the concern” regarding Death Stranding award nominations


We all know these shows are just rigged for marketing but I do find it weird how all of a sudden journos cared about this conflict of interest while ignoring the rest of the conflict of interests that were suspicious in the past. Geoff has connections to Kojima but he has connections to almost everyone there. Geoff is not judge, but the Famitsu guy who gave Death Stranding a 10/10 and appears in the game is a judge. So I'm conflicted. And as suspect as Death Stranding on there is Control also being on there I find far more suspect.

Frankly the game awards needs to be done away with all together. Are you guys ready for another cringey year?

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976cd8  No.16766439


>but I do find it weird how all of a sudden journos cared about this conflict of interest while ignoring the rest of the conflict of interests that were suspicious in the past

Because this time it's so blatant even normalfags can see it.

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76be09  No.16766466

File: c383c7c2e340c7e⋯.png (79.24 KB, 629x591, 629:591, paps hi.png)

okaeri minnasan konnichiwa

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76be09  No.16766479

File: 279e5ef9dfa113a⋯.png (189.08 KB, 1222x1154, 611:577, paps dab hammer n sickle.png)

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9d85b9  No.16766488

File: c3ccc452e77b6f0⋯.gif (1.09 MB, 200x270, 20:27, no.gif)

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adfced  No.16766492

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976cd8  No.16766507

File: ee4d19aebec1e66⋯.png (72.69 KB, 178x180, 89:90, sad ryona.png)

>never backed up the gif-autoplay custom JS because 8ch went down so suddenly

Does anyone have it?

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137c25  No.16766519



Dead And Buried?

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64ff15  No.16766664

File: dc4c4ff52d79aca⋯.png (395.76 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Scared Shout.png)

>Decide to visit the other boards

> >>>/pnd/ has fags who unironically support Communist Jews and admit to hiding out on Cuckchan

> >>>/rand21/ has fags complaining about gore and promotions of "alt imageboards"

>Somefag on >>>/animu/ is trying to goad users into staying on the bunker

Why do I feel scared?

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a8d850  No.16766676


>fags who unironically support Communist Jews and admit to hiding out on Cuckchan

Few lost retards from /leftypol/, perhaps?

>fags complaining about gore and promotions of "alt imageboards"

I don't expect even funny jokes from /b/ anymore. Besides, they were force fed bananas anyway.

>Somefag on >>>/animu/ is trying to goad users into staying on the bunker

It isn't only board where it happens.

>Why do I feel scared?

Because it will make these dramaqueens double down like always.

Also there is matter of soywheels question and majority of ctrl-chan federation.

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52117e  No.16766690

File: 497eeaf5f9ccf2a⋯.png (249.02 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 8chan user guide.png)

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50cbda  No.16766695


I miss fancytext.

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72d6a2  No.16766699

File: 4ea7ba20f599758⋯.jpg (94.8 KB, 854x480, 427:240, Taguchi and Rocky Romero H….jpg)

It feels so good to be back home again.

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50cbda  No.16766707

File: 3cc91ed9a0029ea⋯.png (844.08 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, brown_cuties.png)

>>16766699 (Checked)

It really does.

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3b3b6e  No.16766709


Does it not work anymore?



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72d6a2  No.16766710

File: 6906dee76e00210⋯.jpg (470.72 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, MJF Take a Sip.jpg)


Then I propose a toast.

For the return of our new home.

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52117e  No.16766715


Fuck. I meant to post the one with all the basic formatting replaced with joke formatting to fuck with newfags, not spoonfeed shit that's on the fucking FAQ. Now I can't find it.


>Proresufag is still here

Suddenly, going back to the webring doesn't seem so bad.

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72d6a2  No.16766718


You realize that there's 5 of us wrestling fans here, right?

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50cbda  No.16766720


It got removed years ago, after some shitters found a way to use it to make entire pages unreadable.


I'll drink to that.

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075294  No.16766732


How ominous.

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52117e  No.16766738


>More users equals lower quality

And the sky is blue. Honestly, you should just make your own website and have discussion with tulpas if you want high quality posting. Ban anyone that isn't you.

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847bfb  No.16766740

File: ca527a00dd1e97d⋯.jpg (49.85 KB, 768x614, 384:307, china censorship wechat.jpg)

File: 2bd75ceab4cd17b⋯.jpg (111 KB, 656x812, 164:203, china censorship dc.jpg)

WeChat is censoring US citizens outside of China when they talk about Hong Kong



Also DC, though I think this was mentioned last thread:

DC Comics deletes Batman poster after backlash from Chinese comments alleging Hong Kong support



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52117e  No.16766748

>WeChat is censoring US citizens outside of China

<Image shows a Chinese flag for the user being censored

Is this fake news? Like when Bernie Sanders supposedly did something right, claiming Netlfix was censoring Americans in America by removing an episode of a show critical of a Saudi prince, but then it turns out the episode was only removed in Saudi Arabia because it's illegal to say those things there, just like Netflix and many other streaming services have always done when bringing shows to countries that don't protect free speech.

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847bfb  No.16766764


Ok, looking into the links from that article it looks like it might be a matter of what phone number you use to register:


>Bin Xie, an information security analyst at Texas Children’s Hospital, wrote “The pro-China candidates totally lost” in a WeChat group before having his account shut down.

>The company emphasized that WeChat and Weixin are separate apps with separate rules. “If you register with a Chinese mobile number (+86), you will be using Weixin, the version for Chinese users. If you register by any other method you will be using WeChat, the version for international users. Weixin and WeChat use different servers, with data stored in different locations. WeChat’s servers are outside of China and not subject to Chinese law, while Weixin’s servers are in China and subject to Chinese law.”

>Still, it’s unclear which subjects of the recent censorship may have been using Weixin, or how they ended up subject to the more restrictive content rules without their knowledge.

The Verge says it's "unclear" but they're not exactly reliable and they don't say anything about verifying not all of the censored people had Chinese numbers, so maybe it's just a matter of the phone number.

Linked analysis from 2016 on how the system's censorship is divided:


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52117e  No.16766822


>I never said the Jews were working together to control the media, my previous statement about disproportionate representation of Jews in positions of power of the media was mere observation.


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0237a4  No.16766984

File: c6ef2218e7f503c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 75.42 KB, 640x1024, 5:8, PeaceMemeDress.jpg)


Its good to see you guys again

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847bfb  No.16767006


Nice to see you too. I'm curious, is there anyone here who didn't know about the vch.moe bunker? We should put it in the OP, since Mark said he would reactivate it if 8chan went down again.

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3a7027  No.16767046

File: 9cc68a16aec6328⋯.png (31.01 KB, 252x240, 21:20, 2019-11-25_17-10-06.121_to….png)


Geoff has been Kojima's little bitch for years he probably created Kojima's semen flavored Doritos. I'm not surprised at all that he would allow DS to be nominated at almost everything the whole show might also be "directed by Hideo Kojima".

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423742  No.16767054

File: 7690ebd06cae2aa⋯.jpg (888.84 KB, 2318x1240, 1159:620, drink the pain away.jpg)


To everything being shit forever!

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52117e  No.16767061


I don't get that image. Is it supposed to be a 2Bus or something?

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3d57b0  No.16767067

File: a19f55a320d76eb⋯.png (949.68 KB, 1250x1976, 625:988, a19.png)


To those who fell during the dark times.

I lost my dog on sunday to terminal illness forcing us to put him down.

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52117e  No.16767083


What the fuck?

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d440af  No.16767088


Yes. It's from the bunker draw thread, some guy wanted 2B in a bus because he saw a bus that was called "2B".

She also got places 2B.

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847bfb  No.16767090


You have my sympathies.

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a8d850  No.16767093


KFC went woke.

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3d57b0  No.16767095

File: 9a57c420a819043⋯.png (89.13 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, race-mixing-advertising-co….png)


KFC fucked their recipe. Now they're fucking their market.


Thank you. It means a lot.

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3a7027  No.16767111

File: 8058e7bc9207b56⋯.png (290.71 KB, 1500x1930, 150:193, 2B bus driver draw request.png)

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52117e  No.16767128

File: 372203ae970be6e⋯.png (68.21 KB, 512x544, 16:17, smug laughing 2b color.png)

File: a1acfe9d04e38eb⋯.png (86.84 KB, 400x431, 400:431, smug laughing 2b.png)

>>16767111 (Czech'd)

I love paintschainer.

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52117e  No.16767135


>KFC fucked their recipe.

Did they seriously fuck with the 11 herbs and spices?


Remember, this is after they funded an official visual novel.

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a8d850  No.16767142


So are they just shitposting or something?

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3d57b0  No.16767150


Yeah for a few years now their chicken has tasted terrible.

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52117e  No.16767152


I don't know. It could be pro racemixing/cuckoldry, it could be that "Did somebody say KFC?" was a "lol niggers like fried chicken" moment, it could be both.

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844afc  No.16767164

File: 1c84aca28f6b7ce⋯.png (66.79 KB, 673x505, 673:505, Rage 16.png)

While the main site was down, I spent a lot of time and energy looking for, then posting in the bunkers, actually playing vidiya, and just thinking. Now that we're back, what ever shall I do with all this newfound time and energy? Just waste it shitposting like normal, or instead, perhaps…


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52117e  No.16767171


On what? Society for having shit taste in games and rewarding anti-consumer practices?

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3d57b0  No.16767175



The only object of revenge is cripple kike. There's nothing we could do to him though. He's already made a fool of himself.

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844afc  No.16767244


>There's nothing we could do to him though.

Wanna bet? While I hated transtrenders before; I officially hate them more than furries and footfags combined.

Four more.

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3d57b0  No.16767252

File: 22e1e5f52837b35⋯.jpg (123.7 KB, 880x1038, 440:519, EEIHCcwU0AADTPg.jpg orig.jpg)


He's been living on borrowed time for years, made himself a vilified traitor in all our eyes, & is now a furry. There's nothing that can be done to embarrass him more so than what he's done himself.

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3a7027  No.16767256


>here's nothing that can be done to embarrass him more so than what he's done himself.

ERP on discord?

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3d57b0  No.16767263


Doubt he'd care. He's pretty sure of himself. I do remember someone leaked out his nudes. Don't know if anything came from that.

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844afc  No.16767284

File: e3362022277225d⋯.jpg (312.02 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Bread_Nezuko.jpg)


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52117e  No.16767290

File: 6e0d597e5fac5f3⋯.jpg (93.63 KB, 599x732, 599:732, 6e0d597e5fac5f371e6bb90c63….jpg)

>Two posts to go

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847bfb  No.16767295

New Bread

New Bread

New Bread

New Bread







New Bread

New Bread

New Bread

New Bread

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40fbd7  No.16775983

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40fbd7  No.16775984



communist gamergate

communist gamergate

communist gamergate

communist gamergate

communist gamergate

communist gamergate

communist gamergate

communist gamergate

communist gamergate

communist gamergate

communist gamergate

communist gamergate

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