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3b2d4d  No.16765757



>The FBI has released the gamergate files


>Hiro's lawsuit against Jim is still ongoing


>8chan namedropped in the shows "Evil" and "Elementary"

>Due to DDOS protection using archive.is on vch directly isn't working right now, but you can use archive.org and then feed the archive.org link into archive.is

>8chan coming back as "8kun"



>Cripple emailing people about 2ch in relation to 8chan


>Gamergate is now 5 years old

>Farmers Insurance Group pulled a seven-figure advertising deal with G/O Media this week amid increasingly public turmoil between the digital-media company’s management and editorial staff: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/deadspin-reporter-fired-after-private-equity-owners-ask-newsroom-stick-sports http://archive.md/U9byA

>Alex Jones suing The Young Turks and Brianna Wu for libel


>Zoe Quinn's accusations against Alec Holowka are inconsistent with her tweets at the time:



>The Post Millenial is hit by a DDOS after the above article:


>Night in the Woods developer Alec Holowka commits suicide after Zoe Quinn accuses him of sexual/physical/emotional abuse>Former Wikipedia co-founder, Larry Sanger, launches

>Former Wikipedia co-founder, Larry Sanger, launches"Encyclopsphere" Project-A decentralized network for information online


>NicheGamer's sister site for anime has launched: https://nicchiban.nichegamer.com/


>Blizzard suspends Hearthstone player and confiscate his winnings for supporting Hong Kong protestors in post-tournament interview, fire both casters for letting him do it


>Japanese version of Tokyo Mirage Sessions Encore is also censored, Nintendo apologizes and offers preorder refunds for not communicating this properly




•Include the company's stock code in your tweets about their poor choices/boycotting them.

•Also focus on information that highlights the companies as poor investments to shareholders such as lost profits, scandals, etc.

•Current targets: Sony Corp. ($SNE); Google ($GOOG, $GOOGL);



Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF

Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE

Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids


-Confirms censorship was deliberate https://archive.fo/XgAgP

-No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case https://archive.fo/37DhK

-Marvelous partner starts petition against policy https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo

•Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed.

•Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well.

>>>/gamergatehq/330858 >>>/gamergatehq/331149 >>>/gamergatehq/331150



Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources:





A. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate

B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices >>>/gamergatehq/328644

C. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. >>>/gamergatehq/332324

D. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. >>>/gamergatehq/332315


>Summaries of #GamerGate:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds

https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address

>Background and Evidence for #GamerGate:

•The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb

•#GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page

•History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/

•View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!


•GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v. gd/vzRsRb

•Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v. gd/LNJbat

>Thread Repository:



>Full OP Text:

•Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP

>How Can I Help?


•All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations

•OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v. gd/Kbzw0L

•An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v. gd/nwrbYF

>Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki?


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6a5bf5  No.16765762

File: 708e932b187aad1⋯.png (187.95 KB, 500x515, 100:103, BENIS XDDDDD.png)

You jumped the gun.

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ae6c52  No.16765768

Previous thread is still active: >>16760297

Previous thread is still active: >>16760297

Previous thread is still active: >>16760297

Previous thread is still active: >>16760297

Previous thread is still active: >>16760297

Fuck you, Mark, and you flood filter.

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7cc21c  No.16766698

Are we home, like really home?

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559231  No.16766728


Kill yourself OP.

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02da18  No.16766752

File: 2bf3b6a5097c4d2⋯.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 401.05 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, D3D4UWqXgAENbGf.mp4)


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3b2d4d  No.16766889

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6c1a9d  No.16766969

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Previous thread hasn't reached page 10 or 700 post.

In the meantime.

>right now 81 Likes and 7095 Dislikes

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6a5bf5  No.16767287

Watch out for GamerGate

The public enemy of the world #1

It is the main hashtag responsible for…

☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution

☑ Weaponized Gondolas

☑ Hacking German politicians and media

☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford

☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu

☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage

☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally

☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE

☑ Guilty of face crimes

☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit

☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime

☑ Taught the Alt-Right

✅Then harassed said Alt-Right

☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN#

☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth

☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it

☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III

☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra

☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA

☑ Orchestrated the incel misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman

☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day"

☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon

☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of incels

☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken"

☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior"

☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean

☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists

☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded)

☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed"

☑ Remains undefeated for all time

☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos

☑ Joined forces with Amazon

☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera

☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump

☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War

☑ Government-sponsored shitposting

☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage

☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke

☑ Destroyer of Worlds

☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them)

☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly)

☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide

☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety

☑ An aberrant, creeping horror

☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial

☑ Five years of ruining everything

☑ Came to the classroom

☑ Trained Google whistleblowers

☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics

☑ Blew up the Internet

☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy

☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along

☑ Stochastic Terrorism

☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS

☑ Helped Mark win the lottery

☑ Gave the money back

☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE

☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/

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b7e26e  No.16767294

Hey guys, I've been in a coma for the past 5 years, did Gamergate win yet?

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3eae75  No.16767303


Pyrrhic victory, but let's keep going.

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aacfa9  No.16767304

File: d58a94354a1a3d1⋯.mp4 (1.47 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, KFC's BBQ Bacon Stacker .mp4)

Now we can use this new bread.


Have an MP4 in case KFC deletes the video from backlash.

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3df5a2  No.16767311

File: 36fe9ae8945d4a8⋯.png (274.58 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Wow that literally is that stonetoss comic, but applied to chicken.

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3df5a2  No.16767317


Oh someone thought the same thing last thread, I guess I should have looked at it before posting


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6a5bf5  No.16767321

File: 7bf7fcdf09927c0⋯.png (87.91 KB, 545x612, 545:612, baph was popular.PNG)

File: 6d1500107ffd93b⋯.png (125.73 KB, 549x585, 61:65, pizzas.PNG)

File: af6dc7988a0b4a6⋯.png (56.37 KB, 535x164, 535:164, the tism.PNG)

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077a6c  No.16767330

Remember, if 8chan goes down Mark plans to bring back up vch.moe, that's the primary bunker

If both are down gather at the smuglo.li 8kun thread where we can discuss where to go:


If you currently can't post on 8kun due to technical problems that might also be a good place to ask for advice.

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384141  No.16767331



For the youtube video: Comments are currently disabled and the ratio of likes to dislikes is currently 154 to 12k. Ouch,

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077a6c  No.16767332

Archive of previous bread:


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aacfa9  No.16767338

File: f523907241c471f⋯.webm (5.79 MB, 960x540, 16:9, the end is nigh.webm)


>12k dislikes

It was 8k just like 2 hours ago. My goodness.

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cbeebd  No.16767339

File: eb71fdbd9955b70⋯.png (647.49 KB, 921x929, 921:929, 98ACFABE-C500-4199-9B75-24….png)




This shit, right here, is proof that there is a God, and he wants us to suffer for misusing our meming powers!

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559231  No.16767345

File: 67253d413dd6a1a⋯.jpg (60.32 KB, 646x800, 323:400, 9f95f954b7a61951804bd528fb….jpg)


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384141  No.16767347


>This shit, right here, is proof that there is a God, and he wants us to suffer for misusing our meming powers!

That or perhaps memes are our way of prophecy. A warning of the future that normalfags don;t heed until too late.

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aacfa9  No.16767350


Perhaps God's will is for us to fight against such evils.

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665d32  No.16767359

File: b4fa752ee357f2e⋯.webm (11.09 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, b4fa752ee357f2e36148e34df….webm)


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384141  No.16767366


I just noticed that invidio.us fives an accurate count. 160 for, 12119 against. I would love to have seen comments.

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6a5bf5  No.16767371

File: 2436182259645c4⋯.webm (342.66 KB, 853x480, 853:480, MEME_MAGIC.webm)


With meme magic; you may be confusing prophesy for black magic.

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b107e0  No.16767374

File: f01d896120bccc8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 653.17 KB, 1038x1250, 519:625, halloween_succubus_by_carm….jpg)


The only thing I ever memed with niggers was about having a wonderful family with black women.

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f5c871  No.16767379

File: 426ab6582af57e7⋯.jpg (978.45 KB, 1666x2500, 833:1250, 220.jpg)

Does GamerGate like Phil Collins?

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6a5bf5  No.16767383

File: e5af42e32e0c87f⋯.jpg (162.66 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, narwhal.jpg)


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d21495  No.16767409

File: 456ad20d059ff34⋯.gif (1.14 MB, 600x600, 1:1, Ad campaign.gif)




Or the fact that memes are based on actual reality. Which people assume is just an abstract kind of joke separate from reality and then later find out was actually not a joke at all.

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384141  No.16767419



Update 167 for, 12612 against.

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559231  No.16767432


Are you going to add the KFC ad?

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aacfa9  No.16767435


If you think about it, this is tragic. The UK is deprived of guns to protect themselves. People have to use narwhal tusks & fire extinguishers to fight threats.

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b107e0  No.16767442

File: 52064c3c8123af2⋯.jpg (27.22 KB, 283x356, 283:356, 1467693225733.jpg)


how long until they chicken out and disable the ratings?

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d21495  No.16767456


No because it is not in Sweden, while the .gif consists exclusively from Swedish ads (except maybe the Tinder one). Also I didn't make it.

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384141  No.16767470

File: a6d89b11c984d3a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 17.71 KB, 410x410, 1:1, bjc.jpg)


Probably Fryday

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384141  No.16767476


172 for, 13334 against.

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6a5bf5  No.16767498

File: 80a58707118b7f8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 37.9 KB, 244x200, 61:50, Fuck you Carlos.jpg)

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6a5bf5  No.16767520


>A social worker took to Facebook and Twitter to share that she was fired from her job at Roanoke City Social Services in Virginia and escorted from the building by three police officers—not because she came to work with a gun, but because her employer learned that she had a concealed handgun license.

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aacfa9  No.16767548

File: 13f07643f85fad1⋯.jpg (26.68 KB, 634x545, 634:545, EKnsLvuWwAElqvr.jpg orig.jpg)

This is supposedly the judge who released that islamic terrorist that did the london bridge attack.

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655870  No.16767555

File: 84374a4ae23843d⋯.png (259.35 KB, 605x542, 605:542, war thunder blacked cap.png)

File: 6a5334870311311⋯.mp4 (3.69 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, War Thunder - Ready to get….mp4)

Does anybody have the infographic on post formatting? Specifically I can't remember how to post as board owner because I'm retarded. It's tough to find through web searches now thanks to all the hitpieces on 8chan.

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d21495  No.16767561

File: f7abe358b298f0f⋯.png (149.28 KB, 407x387, 407:387, Disgusting.png)


He probably didn't want to throw someone in jail that he knew wasn't in the contract

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55a607  No.16767576

oh god it's december! it's december again!

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6a5bf5  No.16767589


Isn't it just "##BoardOwner" if it doesn't work, mistype, or you're not logged in, the name field will be green and if it does, it'll be red.

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7378fd  No.16767599


when will the comiket poster post this year comiket thread?

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6a5bf5  No.16767600

>>16767555 (forgot to check those digits)

8diamonds? I'm still waiting for my shitty little board to be transitioned.

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655870  No.16767603


No, /thedickshow/.


That might be it. I tried ##Board Owner and that didn't work.

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3df5a2  No.16767610


Are you the guy who got the shirt from Dick and then madolf used it as evidence that he rewarded people for making rape lists?

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3df5a2  No.16767613

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655870  No.16767618


No. Somebody took the board from them, and nobody was using it so I started posting porn there to move between devices. Then the new owner deleted all my shit, disabled posting, and banned me so when he didn't log in for two weeks I took it over.


Nothing there

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12a928  No.16767639


194 for, 15173 against.

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3df5a2  No.16767664

File: 0e52864bb84337b⋯.png (26.47 KB, 773x232, 773:232, ClipboardImage.png)


I see, I used a board for that as well for a long time, it's just funny that you used /thedickshow/ for that

>Nothing there

It's in there

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655870  No.16767668

File: 3aaf7b6e3aa91d8⋯.png (15.29 KB, 726x147, 242:49, Untitled.png)


I just picked it because it was dead and I had it favourited. After that debacle I made my own just for that.

>It's in there

This is what I'm getting. If I erase index.html from the URL it puts it back in there, too.

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3df5a2  No.16767672


Oh I see, yeah you're right I didn't include the .html in my link that's why it didn't work, this should work


If you look at the top bar it's the little question mark

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ff510e  No.16767674

File: d1aba7a979c7026⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1427x987, 1427:987, wew.png)

Glad to be back

There might be an actual civil war in Virginia next year.

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aacfa9  No.16767675




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3df5a2  No.16767679


I would also like to know more

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ff510e  No.16767682

File: 4b2b338de5f1b22⋯.jpg (92.41 KB, 564x846, 2:3, 4b2b338de5f1b22cc81aaffe56….jpg)


Dems won the House and Senate due to apathetic voters and a horribly ran GOP and immediately proposed some of the most egregious and tyrannical gun laws in the entire country, with literal gun confiscation being proposed.



Recently went to a local gunshow and it was fucking PACKED OUT, I've never seen it so busy. Even liberals here like their guns, yet now they're about to also get rammed. 22 out of 92 counties have become "2nd amendment sanctuaries" and even more are about to become them. If they actually go through with it, 1776 will commence again in Virginia.

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3eae75  No.16767685

File: f24c1e47f52f941⋯.mp4 (356.11 KB, 480x360, 4:3, LET IT BEGIN.mp4)

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aacfa9  No.16767689

File: e2be703f17f525d⋯.mp4 (4.31 MB, 476x268, 119:67, bang bang shooting henshin.mp4)


This Christmas will be very interesting.

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6a5bf5  No.16767693



>People's Republic of Virginia

I found this little charming story today: >>16767520

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9f28bd  No.16767698

File: 2b8fa9d080a1b5a⋯.gif (947.01 KB, 350x525, 2:3, Dancing tezeri pyrope by f….gif)


Not only could this spark a minor civil war but the guy who proposed this could get in trouble with the supreme court considering how unconstitutional the law happens to be.

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a75349  No.16767701

File: 1df9020cd1ba99b⋯.png (19.94 KB, 777x187, 777:187, Capture2.PNG)


You gotta love how as soon as dems get control, they instantly jump on the gun grabbing.


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aacfa9  No.16767707

File: a43e2652d503ff5⋯.png (338.32 KB, 640x948, 160:237, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b5e58cde6a15742⋯.mp4 (1.62 MB, 480x480, 1:1, DY3isfGw1RFXa09j.mp4)

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9f28bd  No.16767720

File: f8ef52e4e43fe51⋯.png (167.06 KB, 460x269, 460:269, ss_what.png)


Germany doesn't even have free speech laws so what's there to lose to begin with. Unless they think they can dictate how the world should act than it's clear that WW2 wasn't enough to quell Nazism from Germany and they just adopt a new name with slightly different but ultimately similar tactics. Guess it really is true that Europe's like an old man try to innovate but ultimately does the same thing again.

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6a5bf5  No.16767728

File: 5391e4bed862180⋯.png (478.35 KB, 933x692, 933:692, Gerin Zabi - Hitler's Foll….png)


It's become trite to compare everything to "muh nazis" all the damm time, but the EU is unironically becoming the 4th Reich and Merkel legit looks, sounds, and even gesticulates like tranny-hitler in that vid.

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7cc21c  No.16767729


Why this Stasi gets voted as their Chancellor? I guess the krauts are that masochistic, isn't it?

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ff510e  No.16767730

File: 0fe6cd18bc1fd53⋯.png (440.58 KB, 595x892, 595:892, rea2.png)


I genuinely want them to go through with it and not back down, I really, really, really want this to happen. It's gonna be a bloodbath and it would be glorious.

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9f97c9  No.16767732


(((Oy Vey)))

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59cc72  No.16767741

File: 2a109adb6880f16⋯.jpg (182.64 KB, 1575x1302, 75:62, adolf-hitler-smiling-in-co….jpg)


Just like good old times, eh?

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6b7e8f  No.16767743

File: 137dd0a66fabb3f⋯.jpg (100.27 KB, 634x391, 634:391, merkel.jpg)



>literal communist does communist things

>blame most anti-communist regime on the face of the planet

Are you guys cuckchan crossposters? The bunker wasn't this stupid.

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02da18  No.16767749

File: 370f946008280b1⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 1378x2039, 1378:2039, 370f946008280b17cb62bc4f98….jpg)


I posted at the start of this thread. It's not like Mark allows me to have my own thread anymore.

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9f97c9  No.16767750


Nice to know that US civil war will finally start.


>Merkel legit looks, sounds, and even gesticulates like tranny-hitler

There was theory that Merkel is either his female clone or one his daughters.

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8109bf  No.16767752


We don't vote for the chancellor you retarded amiricunt

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9f28bd  No.16767754


Because national socialism wasn't real socialism, right?

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ef4e77  No.16767756

File: 5a0f0cddb431fb0⋯.jpg (138 KB, 960x720, 4:3, vlcsnap-2019-06-26-00h30m3….jpg)

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7cc21c  No.16767759


So that's why she keeps the seat then. You dumb krauts are really something else.

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ae6c52  No.16767762


>one his daughters

I thought Hitler's GF an heroed with him in the bunker.

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6b7e8f  No.16767763

File: 5e9ad9a775c70e0⋯.png (266.27 KB, 1487x664, 1487:664, National_Socialism.png)

File: 2c7f5fad51adbf8⋯.jpg (149.87 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, socialism hitler.jpg)


>be next door to /pol/ forever

>can't into osmosis for the most very basic bitch shit

Why are you in a thread about getting lied about by the press and then furthering lies by the same press?

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7cc21c  No.16767764

By the way, do you folks have the image of dispelling the myth that it's the "religious right" that led to the formation of the ESRB during the US senate inquiry about video game violence in 1993 to 1994?

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ae6c52  No.16767767

File: 234c1ba770e7c0a⋯.jpeg (513.53 KB, 1539x1025, 1539:1025, 6159955B-FF78-42DE-91F8-B….jpeg)


>National Socialism ISN'T Socialism

<Proceeds to post pics detailing how National Socialism IS Socialism


<Here you go

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7cc21c  No.16767773


Thanks anon, I'm still amazed that many of the people still believe that it's the "religious right" that led to the formation of the ESRB in the USA, almost 3 decades after. It's insanity.

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6b7e8f  No.16767776


Who are you quoting?

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1bfaa1  No.16767777


JFK files released today.

Really interesting.

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6a5bf5  No.16767780



>National Socialism somehow isn't Socialism

>because that one Socialist regime's nationalism makes it magically not-so

>also Comrade Stalin and Chairman Mao respective Russian and Chinese Nationalism doesn't count, because because

Your pot-sci professor lied to you.

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d21495  No.16767783

File: edd851d033421f0⋯.png (729.99 KB, 523x704, 523:704, Dabstika.png)


>sanctuary cities are "just common sense"

>sanctuary counties are mischief by people with a political agenda



Also the criticisms they give of Russia that it suppresses free speech with the blanket term of "disturbance of the peace" (referring the law in Russia about "gay propaganda") apply to Germany as well. It is not actually illegal to hold the opinion or to express the opinion that the Holocaust never happened, but it is illegal to cause a disturbance of the peace with that. And disturbance of the peace in this case is really anyone that complains about it, which you can most certainly bet will have people giving complaints. Even if it is simply on a recording from years ago which someone had to actively look for to find.



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6b7e8f  No.16767785


>defines Socialism as only Marxist Judeo-Bolshevist Communism while confusing me for someone dumb enough to attend a modern college

What are you misunderstanding specifcally, if you can even explain it?

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6a5bf5  No.16767786



Educate yourself.

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6b7e8f  No.16767790

File: 3362e405763cfbd⋯.png (160.07 KB, 512x490, 256:245, 27ea640ca2e6814ab24377ad4a….png)


>Educate yourself.

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ee4daf  No.16767791


There's retards going around saying "See, we don't need guns to fight baddies!" because of it. It's infuriating.

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7cc21c  No.16767795


I wonder who made this caricature and does he made more?

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d21495  No.16767797

File: 5aa5e5b0b13fdaf⋯.png (348.24 KB, 1057x857, 1057:857, Microwave the potato.png)


It's shilling from the left, Anon. The people that told you that it's right-wing Christian nutjobs are either the media, the left or other people that were convinced by the left. Doesn't matter if it's factually incorrect, what matters is that this is a topic people care about and that there is a target that needs to be attacked. A decent example of this would be climate activists saying literally anything is the oil lobby, absolutely anything. They don't need any proof or to understand the topic at hand, they will try to worm the term "oil lobby" in there somewhere and if they can't figure out a way then they will just make shit up. Had one fag try to proclaim that Patrick Moore (former president of Greenpeace Canada) is backed by oil tycoons because he argued in favour of nuclear power.

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6b7e8f  No.16767803

File: 51bccf7d2fc038f⋯.jpg (111.76 KB, 480x640, 3:4, 1430388254860-2.jpg)


I don't know, it's decades old and it's one among thousands.

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168c13  No.16767809


Climate activists are unironically funded by oil tycoons.

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6a5bf5  No.16767814

File: ff61cc8875cdd7f⋯.png (189.76 KB, 256x512, 1:2, Okuu.png)


>I spent 4+ years in adult day-care (college) which means I'm "educated"

looks the same to me as:

>I have the bible memorized back-to-front which means I'm "educated"


I'm conflicted by the Left's hatred of nuclear power, because I unironically love nuclear weapons and I want to see them used again, but I hate nuclear power because it only looks cheap as most of the actual costs are hidden with smoke-and-mirrors Unlike a coal-powered power-plant which can just be bulldozed when it reaches the end-of-useful-life; nuclear power plants have to be carefully dismantled and both the spent fuel and irradiated components have to be either recycled or interred for thousands of years. Which is both dangerous and expensive. The Left is ironically-correct to oppose nuclear power, but for the completely wrong reason.

Thorium reactors are cool tech, though.

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ee4daf  No.16767822


Those retards have been getting real vocal here recently. Especially organizations that are politically alligned with them. They're going so far as to complain about burning wood in hearths because "muh people with asthma ;-; stop being selfish and do as I say".

Every day I hate these limp-wristed molly-coddling cry bullies more and more.

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559231  No.16767827

File: a06c99c324908e9⋯.jpg (14.7 KB, 320x288, 10:9, a06c99c324908e9ce8f4aab07c….jpg)


I should be shocked and angry but I'm just tired.

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aacfa9  No.16767830


Problem is, despite whether it's useless or not, a lot of people looking to hire will expect a college degree on some level. Unless you're in a trade or business you start yourself. College is shit but seen as needed in the modern world by employers.

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6b7e8f  No.16767833

File: b15521090f9e33f⋯.png (344.08 KB, 512x399, 512:399, lol.png)


It's especially obvious in the context of video games, as developing in the golden age involved no formal education. Imagine paying to be visited by these idiots.

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59cc72  No.16767834


GTFO if you STILL don't know how greentext works

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6b7e8f  No.16767836


Where did I say what he quoted? Fuck you niggers are dumb.

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559231  No.16767839


>the guy who proposed this could get in trouble with the supreme court considering how unconstitutional the law happens to be.

Isn't that something that can be said of most new gun laws?

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ee4daf  No.16767840


Not a /jp/ visitor, I take it.

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59cc72  No.16767841


Go back to cuckchan. You do not belong here.

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d21495  No.16767843

File: 4b3f8fe95c9a377⋯.jpg (118.5 KB, 960x960, 1:1, Climate change activists.jpg)


Nuclear reactors are fairly well known in costs, it is simply that there is a fuckhuge investment upfront. So if there are unexpected complications such as the economy experiencing sudden difficulties or some politician finding a way to shut everything down in right in the most inconvenient time, you are in something like 30 million dollar debt with no way to repay it. If you were retarded enough to not take out any money and simply pay that 30 million from your pocket, you now need to take out loans decommission and demolish everything. So you're taking out loans as punishment for paying with your own money. But if everything runs smoothly, you still have something like 20 years before the plant repays itself and you are no longer paying interest. Which is in far too long-term for any company to want to do. And on power plants causing disease, there was one case where a power plant was shut down after people noticed a sharp increase in cases of pneumonia. But after the power plant was shut down and all the material was removed from the area, the rates of pneumonia didn't go down. They stayed at that same level, meaning that people went into a hysterical frenzy and blamed the first thing that came to mind, which was the newly built power plant even though it wasn't the actual cause of the increase.

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6a5bf5  No.16767844


I honestly can't tell if you're being ironic or not. Borderlands 3 is trash and is a good example of a bad example of mis-educated idiots making a genuinely bad videogame.

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59cc72  No.16767850


How long have you played it?

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6b7e8f  No.16767851


I was agreeing with you, I thought calling them idiots and pointing out the best games were made in garages by autists was rather blunt.

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6a5bf5  No.16767857


Nothing you said actually contradicted: "when the nuclear power plant reaches it's useful-end-of-life you have dismantle it which is an expensive and dangerous process"

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d21495  No.16767875


After it has repaid itself, it will still continue to generate power and wealth. The waste is in far lower quantities than people think but the quantity that exists is to be put deep into the ground (for the sake of costs, let's say a mineshaft). Although people may paint the image that you are poisoning the water supply by doing this, it should be noted that underground is also where the material came from and that the deeper you go into the earth, the higher the temperatures and radiation levels. Some of the matter may have a half-life of millions of years but the overall level of radiation from waste goes back to the initial level of radiation in about 1000-2000 years which is perfectly managable. And that is just for uranium-based, since thorium waste has an even shorter storage duration.

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3a28f6  No.16767878

File: 76060457db477ad⋯.jpg (26.02 KB, 156x467, 156:467, sadhit.jpg)


Wish that irrelevant old cunt would fuck off into the sunset and stop playing to her crowd of retarded seals.



Germany literally cannot stop fucking up, they try hard but there's no heart to everything they do, so what they churn out is always robotic, monolithic and soulless even when it's befagged and played off as egalitarianism.

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6a5bf5  No.16767879


>we can just bury it in the ground, that's cheap

Bullshit. It's always the same smoke and mirrors in hiding the real costs with nuclear.

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aacfa9  No.16767880

File: 7c0301e7dfe7ee7⋯.png (21.52 KB, 1178x185, 1178:185, ClipboardImage.png)

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9f97c9  No.16767886


Do you have any better ideas?

Just don't say fucking solar, because I will lose my shit.

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6b7e8f  No.16767889

File: 53f3eb3e1600e3c⋯.png (65.33 KB, 805x431, 805:431, abe.png)



They're aiming for Abe?

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e32019  No.16767890

File: 0d84762fc754dc2⋯.jpg (58.76 KB, 740x491, 740:491, al534523.jpg)


Buy nuclear power from Russia and let them worry about decommissioning.

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3a28f6  No.16767891


Of the 'Fag Energy' pantheon geothermal is the best option given its abundance, though the tech needs expanding and cheapening.

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0ef230  No.16767893


I rather pay a premium and have an aircraft carrier power shit then let whatever abomination that is come and cause non-nuclear related waste or issues.

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ee4daf  No.16767897


Because you should definitely trust the Russians to take proper safety measures or become dependent on them.

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aacfa9  No.16767898


Yes actually. Kim insulted Abe particularly.

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3a28f6  No.16767899

Stick a giant dynamo on the equator, wipe out a load of shitty people slow the planet down about 3 days a year and power your shit with that.

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e32019  No.16767900


Given the choice between slavs, chinks, kikes, and niggers, my money's on slavs.

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6b7e8f  No.16767901

File: 1c4955db67b83ea⋯.webm (4.4 MB, 398x224, 199:112, north korean reaction to ….webm)


Best Korea, fuck yeah

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ee4daf  No.16767902


My money would be on "DO IT YOUR-FUCKING-SELF". Outsourcing is always the shittiest option.

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559231  No.16767903


Are the subtitles entirely accurate?

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6a5bf5  No.16767904


I already said it:

>thorium reactors are cool tech

Small-scale thorium reactors have all the benefits of nuclear (decades-long and stable energy-production, which is relatively safe unless the containment is breached, as well as, it's impossible to achieve critical-mass with them) in one neat, easy-to-inter-or-recycle, package.

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ae6c52  No.16767906

File: ec5c9c8c27435fb⋯.png (354.28 KB, 2392x1273, 2392:1273, Muh nuclear fuel cycle.png)

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ee4daf  No.16767908


You can (not) learn German.

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e32019  No.16767911

File: be2c841707d2ea6⋯.gif (622.88 KB, 360x263, 360:263, ...and whirled blindly pas….gif)


You can't do it yourself, because Green New Deal.

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ee4daf  No.16767912


Sucks to be an american I guess.

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9f97c9  No.16767915


No one is retarded enough to think that's a good idea.

I hope so, at least.


I can agree with that, but it rather will stay limited to volcanic regions.



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559231  No.16767916


Isn't Thor power just meme technology like CRISPR curing damn near everything?

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8cbec1  No.16767920


>near everything

if it is genetic related it can cure it, but for now it can't cure shit since there isn't already a method to inoculate it in a body with more cells than a tadpole

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559231  No.16767922


But what what's left after using Plutonium?

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6a5bf5  No.16767926


It half-lifes down to other elements.

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283bf9  No.16767931


The hilaroous thing is the investigation implys either zoe or anita or flint though to be honest the democrats are probably investigating flint so he wont be able to destroy their little wankfest are under criminal investigation too, if not more than one of them.

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655870  No.16767935


That reminds me, rackets was saying the other day that someone "tangentially related" to his show was allegedly being investigated in relation to the GG stuff but he never said who. Was pretty smug about it so I'm guessing not somebody he likes.

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283bf9  No.16767938


Bl3 looks like its more generic and with poor writing like the other games, calling it bad would be a diservice, Id call it mediocre and forgettable, which should sting harder.

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04f0a4  No.16767939


Why do you think nearly all germans speak at least one other language with high competency? 2 reasons: german entertainment is beyond garbage and the word Lügenpresse being a common loan word in foreign languages should also be pretty telling. And then there's the fact that "german" is a foreign language to many "germans"

Learning german is a complete waste of time unless you have a fetish for regulation texts. We're certainly the world leaders in regulating everything to death at least twice over.


They are accurate, just a little compressed in a few places without changing the meaning.

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559231  No.16767940

File: 51626fb0c13d18d⋯.png (101.32 KB, 277x371, 277:371, Windows loli.png)


>Learning german is a complete waste of time unless you have a fetish for regulation texts.

What if I want to play a certain game in it's native language?

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283bf9  No.16767943


I forget who rackets is. But if the statement that came out after the interview dates of the thing are anything to go by, and that this [REDACTED] shit is anything go by as well, the fbi reports amout to "we wasted time on this stupid shit but at least we got paid for it. All of you go home". Since it was mid 2016 if I recall when the fbi said gamergate was harmless.

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655870  No.16767944


Nick Rekieta. If I remember right he was saying they allegedly threatened ZQ.

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283bf9  No.16767946


Ah ok, so many names and avoiding using the threads to keep from rage and I tend to forget people.

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04f0a4  No.16767948


Almost all german entertainment products are made either directly for our state media öffentlich-rechtlicher Rundfunk or reliant on funds that have similar regulations. Furthermore, most entertainment products that avoid this system are made in english and the "native" german version is just the first localization. Games like UAB are a so vanishingly small minority among our recent cultural output it's not even funny anymore.

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559231  No.16767955


>Learning german is a complete waste of time unless you have a fetish for regulation texts.

What if I want to play a certain game in it's native language?


>Games like UAB are a so vanishingly small minority among our recent cultural output it's not even funny anymore.

I never followed krautchan. Did Germany just shut it down one day for no-no words or is it still around?

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59cc72  No.16767958

File: 2cac91407973b68⋯.jpg (41.05 KB, 416x512, 13:16, 25164dd0d433f304181f94b6bd….jpg)


>Learning german is a complete waste of time

Is learning the language of the apotheotic Fuhrer a waste of time?

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8cbec1  No.16767963

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6b7e8f  No.16767966

File: 8f878c4b9801744⋯.webm (8.42 MB, 600x480, 5:4, 'Peaceful nations'.webm)


Why say 'our' when you're occupied by the burgerjew?

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559231  No.16767968


>Duplicated my ealier post's text

Fucking codechunky. The quick reply box is still inconsistently clearing after posting.

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ae6c52  No.16767974

File: 63f154ecfd3f23d⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1788x2313, 596:771, 63f154ecfd3f23dff86489b4a9….png)

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ae6c52  No.16767975

File: 534eb3e0ce17a49⋯.jpg (92.54 KB, 472x715, 472:715, 534eb3e0ce17a4967bfb36450c….jpg)


Internet and browsers

>Beaker: https://beakerbrowser.com/

>GNU IceCat: https://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/

>Handshake: https://handshake.org/

>I2P: https://geti2p.net/

>InterPlanetary Wayback: https://github.com/oduwsdl/ipwb

>Iridium Browser (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/iridium.html ): https://iridiumbrowser.de/

>MaidSafe: https://maidsafe.net

>Mysterium Network: https://mysterium.network/

>Namecoin: https://namecoin.org/

>Onename: http://www.onename.com/

>Pale Moon (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/palemoon.html ): http://www.palemoon.org/

>Tor: https://www.torproject.org/

>Ungoogled-Chromium: https://ungoogled-software.github.io/ungoogled-chromium-binaries/

>ZeroNet: https://zeronet.io/


>DLsite: https://www.dlsite.com/eng/

>DMM Games: https://games.dmm.com/

>Fruitbat Factory: https://sites.fastspring.com/fruitbatfactory/product/buy

>Game Jolt: https://gamejolt.com/

>NekoNyan: https://nekonyansoft.com/shop

>OpenBazaar: https://openbazaar.org/

>Playism: http://playism-games.com/

>Top Hat Store: https://shop.tophat.studio

News and topic aggregation

>Voat: https://voat.co/

Search engines

>YaCy: https://yacy.net/

>Yandex: https://yandex.com/

Social media

>baraag.net: https://baraag.net/

>Fediverse: https://fediverse.party/

>Pawoo: https://pawoo.net/

>Steemit: https://steemit.com/

>Twister: http://twister.net.co/


>Smashcast.tv: https://www.smashcast.tv/

Video and audio platforms

>BitTube: https://bit.tube/dashboard

>D.tube: https://d.tube/

>Ferment: https://github.com/fermentation/ferment

>Mediachain: http://www.mediachain.io/

>MediaGoblin: https://mediagoblin.org/

>VidLii: https://www.vidlii.com/

Video downloaders and converters

>AudioToWebm: >>>/mage/158 ( https://tsun.itch.io/audiotowebm )

>boram: https://github.com/Kagami/boram

>ffmpeg: https://ffmpeg.org/download.html

>WebMConverter: https://gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter

>webm.py: https://github.com/Kagami/webm.py

>wybm: https://github.com/Kagami/wybm

>youtube-dl (Also download ffmpeg for best compatability): https://youtube-dl.org/


>Amateur Game Development General: >>>/agdg/

>Magic Wormhole: https://github.com/warner/magic-wormhole

>New PRoject 2: https://newproject2.com

>OpenTimestamps: https://opentimestamps.org/

Suggestions are always welcome!

Fuck this new flood detector.

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04f0a4  No.16767977


No idea, wasn't into imageboards before gg blew up and this hellhole here became the last bastion of free speech. For a long time you could post as anon on 3dcenter.orgs forum, that's where I used to embrace my autism. Damn shame how that place shriveled down once the namefags took over.


In the same way that learning latin is a waste of time, yes. It's an effectively dead language.


Ask gook when he drops by again, he knows TF.

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6b7e8f  No.16767983

File: cceba31a07c56ec⋯.jpg (2.59 MB, 3840x2160, 16:9, 1526802599659.jpg)


>ask gookanon


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59cc72  No.16767989


>In the same way that learning latin is a waste of time, yes. It's an effectively dead language.

Sorry. Jews can only be allowed here if they're site moderators.

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4ef4cd  No.16767991

File: 74c04698a0938f8⋯.png (1.15 MB, 2048x992, 64:31, video games and violins.png)

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12a928  No.16767992


Hydrogen production on a massive scale. Either by a specialized species of mold or electrolysis.

255 for, 19142 against.

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6b7e8f  No.16767994


>literally every post is <80 IQ bait and disruption

>doesn't even spam the thread

Take lessons from the brit/pol/ Botspeak schizo, or just shut up and go away.

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6b7e8f  No.16767995



That's the new t-line filter, I see.

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ae6c52  No.16768000

File: 80ea923a92ca465⋯.png (82.9 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)



>It's an effectively dead language.

Isn't even Portuguese used on a more global scale than German?

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a0bfc8  No.16768002

File: 7c9f77b7f964ffd⋯.png (82.72 KB, 790x773, 790:773, 1446282723060-11.png)

>tfw in my last year of uni and haven't had time to play vidya in months

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55a607  No.16768005


stop going to uni so you have time for video games.

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a0bfc8  No.16768006


No, I have to become a full-time wageslave. This is my life now.

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ae6c52  No.16768009


>I have to become a full-time wageslave.

<Dropped out of college after a semester

<Became a leech for three years

<Then got a job for $120 a week

<Now making over $500 a week less than two years later

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559231  No.16768011


><Became a leech for three years

><Then got a job for $120 a week

Sounds like some bullshit.

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a0bfc8  No.16768012


But I thought Americans were all poor and oppressed? Did someone lie to me?

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559231  No.16768018


Only the non-white slaveclass, bigot.

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ae6c52  No.16768027


Haunted houses are always looking for actors.


>But I thought Americans were all poor and oppressed?

Anon, it's not a lot once you start whittling down all the expenses on groceries, hygiene, utilities, property, insurance, etc. But, then again, this is STARTING wage, not a living wage (Which a lot of people don't understand).

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2f5151  No.16768029


put all the fat people into fitness camps and make all the exercise machines electromagnets

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c3398d  No.16768062


><Then got a job for $120 a week

>Sounds like some bullshit.

That's less than 20 hours on minimum wage anon I can believe it. Guy probably only works weekends or something.

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b31544  No.16768065


Like Communism, What would you do when you run out of fat people?

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c3398d  No.16768073


Yeah but you don't wanna be the name on the bill when you cause /k/ to go and take over entire parts of the country.

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628ef2  No.16768104

File: 2bf7044a4b0af2c⋯.jpg (37.06 KB, 600x480, 5:4, 8f878c4b9801744a4c4bcfa667….jpg)

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a75349  No.16768116

File: 4ac657476bf17a0⋯.png (21.96 KB, 1378x180, 689:90, Capture2.PNG)


>green new deal

Got me curious enough to check on how that was going/if people were still laughing at them for it. Then I saw this bit.

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6b7e8f  No.16768131

File: 527e649f6051408⋯.png (72.25 KB, 208x152, 26:19, shamus-cooke.png)


Yes, invite the globohomo in, goy. Think of the planet's children, or something.


It actually took me a bit to find that webm, because it was later renamed and circulated as "Liberty The Ass.webm" and I didn't remember that I saved it before that started going round

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aacfa9  No.16768139

File: 46d788736d1ce2b⋯.jpg (327.71 KB, 1880x1576, 235:197, EKo4n7TUcAADEr7.jpg orig.jpg)

Goodnight brothers. It's great to be back.

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2f5151  No.16768145


Unlike communism, people will always have food so people will always be fat. If i had to have a fallback demographic, it'd be prisoners and the homeless.

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c77d5f  No.16768148

is 8kun getting ddos'd?

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b7b596  No.16768210


Learning Latin is not a waste of time if you are extremely interested in reading actual Medieval Western European texts, most of which are in Latin. It's a language you learn because you are interested in history, not for a practical use. College becoming a knee-capped trade school was one of the dumbest things ever (so was having everyone go to college).

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10676c  No.16768282




>New Project 2 opened up registration to everyone

<also broke the link to the fee explanation

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655870  No.16768356

File: 35a845e54e8b989⋯.png (171.8 KB, 926x654, 463:327, 1.png)

File: 7cb03bea7143aea⋯.png (42.47 KB, 642x622, 321:311, 2.png)

File: 33ace0ea986d735⋯.png (39.18 KB, 666x560, 333:280, 3.png)

File: eeacc8d7136d261⋯.png (16.59 KB, 636x286, 318:143, 4.png)


Not on-topic but we're slow right now and I found it interesting to share. 2002 article about Martian Successor Nadesico, from the LA Times. Short but kind of interesting, given that a lot of articles about anime nowadays are bitching about problematic content.

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d21495  No.16768361


Having to guard it that long is the cost that you accept by not simply going with gas. People want consistent production of energy (ie. a couple million people being able to turn the kettle on in the morning all at the same time without having to be rationed) and they want it to be without the use of hydrocarbons, so these are the consequences you have to deal with. People are perfectly fine with dealing with the costs of rare earth metals being that they are so fucking horrendous to the environment that everyone has China produce it instead. Hell, they buy a new iphone twelve months and then throw their old one in the trash (or possibly also buy themselves a shiny brand new graphics card), but don't you dare go nuclear, it needs to be clean™.


Geothermal is abundant where it is close enough to the surface and where it doesn't have a multitude of other factors that could fuck it over. Which makes it difficult to find areas where a plant could be built due to the fact that you have to dig fairly deep into the ground. And digging into the ground is not going to become very cheap. Especially not with Musk's meme drilling company where he pretends he has made digging cheaper simply because he is making smaller tunnels, as if noone has ever thought of making smaller tunnels ever in the history of humanity.

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ac11b1  No.16768371

File: ab2f6a993fa98bd⋯.png (339.9 KB, 616x645, 616:645, Wikipedia.png)


While kind of silly to draw this comparison, I'm glad some haven't forgotten how shitty Wikipedia was during GamerGate's hayday.


what I'm curious about is what has changed to re-release it? Is there additional info? Does a anon have a comprehensive list? Understandable if it's not worth it due to all the pages.

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a5d3cc  No.16768404

File: f56a86e5ae65a2d⋯.png (98.78 KB, 568x612, 142:153, abald.png)


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c77d5f  No.16768424


Oy™ Vey™.

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c2e1ce  No.16768428

press F for my ps2 that stopped reading discs

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c77d5f  No.16768450

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559231  No.16768459

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02da18  No.16768474

File: e2ac6dbf3b0f19f⋯.png (261.83 KB, 800x600, 4:3, tewi_rabbitrabbit2.png)

Hope you remembered!


>Lasted ~19 years

What a trooper.

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f438a5  No.16768475


Fat or skinny? If it was skinny you're lucky it lasted this long.

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ae6c52  No.16768486


Why is it that the only series that can even compliment are complete fucking trash: >>>/animu/28773

>> >/animu/28791

>> >/animu/28801

>> >/animu/28809

>> >/animu/28831

>> >/animu/28840

>> >/animu/28847

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559231  No.16768488


<>> >/animu/28791

<>> >/animu/28801

<>> >/animu/28809

<>> >/animu/28831

<>> >/animu/28840

<>> >/animu/28847


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ae6c52  No.16768506


>Having to guard it that long is the cost that you accept by not simply going with gas.

Anon, another reason WHY to go onto to nuclear (And/or explore alternative methods of fuel) is so that we are not held hostage by other countries if there is a fuel shortage in our own. And, this is something that the DoD has known and been working on for the past decade.

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7a4ebb  No.16768540


How much do you know about component level electronics repair?

There are PS2 service manuals for most hardware revisions, some official, some made by autists or small repair shops.

Should be an easy fix unless something seriously blew out on the thing.

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c3398d  No.16768551


>The green new deal is just a capitalist attempt to co-opt socialism

Wow what the fuck do the commies actually want if sending us back to the fucking medieval times isn't enough for them?

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b31309  No.16768553


Ooga booga fuck capitalism?

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c3398d  No.16768555


I mean I guess. It just blows my fucking mind that rebuilding every fucking building in the country to their "standards" and removing all electricity from the country isn't enough for them.

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b31309  No.16768566


For some people it's never enough.

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668e21  No.16768569


Eh, yes and no. Portuguese, huehue portuguese and african portuguese sound similar but have a lot of different expressions and word meanings. Its like calling dutch swamp german.

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cb2569  No.16768579



I'd like to remind anons of the NPC / soul meme. These "people" lack empathy and emotional thought. They want to be kings, and see themselves as the inner party when big brother takes over, but the truth is theyre just useful idiots who would be gulag'd first

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04f0a4  No.16768619


That is a solid reason to learn latin or german, but it's a lot of effort to gain a deeper access to a body of works unlikely to ever expand in the future. Just be aware that both are dead languages.

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a0bfc8  No.16768637


>German is a dead language

>a language that has over a hundred million native speakers is dead

okay retard

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bef573  No.16768640


Let me list off the all the languages that are "more valuable" than German if you want to play the numbers game: https://infogalactic.com/info/List_of_languages_by_total_number_of_speakers











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866735  No.16768642


It will be dead soon, give it a generation or two.

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f79efc  No.16768645

File: d6ed165e97813c1⋯.png (477.26 KB, 1979x765, 1979:765, Guess he isn't the future ….png)


They dont understand that keeping it alive is important too

Also have something funny

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bef573  No.16768646



Wait, excuse me one moment, that's just going by the metric that something called "Ethnologue" established. Here are all the other languages that are used more than German (Aside from those previously mentioned):





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866735  No.16768648

File: fc14a1d07211779⋯.png (77.18 KB, 408x258, 68:43, 1471950680878.png)


Also, the faggot who got stabbed to death by an earlier released from prison muslim wrote a paper about releasing minorities from prison

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ad51e4  No.16768656



>77 million - first language

>204 million - second language

How the hell did that happen?

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08b3d5  No.16768659


Natural selection at worl

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04f0a4  No.16768685


As far as cultural output is considered, it is dead. Well, not if you're /leftypol/ and enjoy fully sanitized state media, plenty of new "diversity is our strength" material available each year. But legitimately worthy works of art with german as its native language? Latin probably has a higher output. But go on, list 5 new works of art that are 1. legitimately good, 2. not produced in english with german only as the first localization and 3. made in the current decade.

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ae6c52  No.16768698


Wasn't there that German film about Hitler waking up 70 years later?

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7b94c3  No.16768702

File: 96821ed9ab9fc75⋯.jpg (58.06 KB, 720x688, 45:43, 1535914308.jpg)

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f79efc  No.16768703


So just give up a piece of culture

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a0bfc8  No.16768706


Can you name 5 works of art made in English that are legitimately good and that were created during the current decade?

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7b94c3  No.16768708


didny worl?

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ae6c52  No.16768712


>5 works of art made in English

You do realize that doesn't exclude works made with English as it's primary language while being developed in a non-English country, or being translated into English, right?

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7b94c3  No.16768715

File: c855f6d512c209d⋯.jpg (441.09 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 1449382574643-1.jpg)


>But go on, list 5 new works of art that are 1. legitimately good, 2. not produced in english with german only as the first localization and 3. made in the current decade.

Well I can name one off the top of my head.

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fb6bc2  No.16768716


Yes, it's called Er ist wieder da, and all the Germans enjoyed Hitler.

On another note:

>Decide to look at /rand21/

>CP galore

Not using that ever again.

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a0bfc8  No.16768718


Okay Mr. Intellectual.

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7b94c3  No.16768722


Did you report it?

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a0bfc8  No.16768728

File: 30d075053a799df⋯.png (104.14 KB, 1158x1020, 193:170, 1454239587377-03.png)


>Merritt, who graduated in 2017 with a master's degree in criminology from the University of Cambridge, previously studied law at Manchester University. He wrote his dissertation on the overrepresentation of young men in the British prison system who are black, Asian, and from ethnic minorities. He was described by his father as someone who always "took the side of the underdog".


Call me edgy, but I fully understand now why the Westboro Baptist Church showed up at the funerals of American soldiers. Some people don't learn from their mistakes, and therefore deserve to be tormented until they do. Especially when it comes to "diversity"-related incidents.

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cb2569  No.16768731


>black people are overrepresented in prison

How? They perform 70% of the violent crime they can fill 70% of the prison, what a moron

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7b94c3  No.16768732



I wish they would stop this mendacious shit.

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8a8928  No.16768734

File: 4e336221344955e⋯.jpg (19.98 KB, 540x413, 540:413, 05bf5.jpg)


lmfao is this that kid that defended the invaders and then got culturally enriched just a day later? What a lad.

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04f0a4  No.16768735


Nope. I advise against effort put into a deeper access to a culture without researching first what that culture contains. In the case of german that's a rich history, but a present full of concentrated shit and no reason to expect a better future.


Yes, but you'd just call them shit. Plot twist: Quite a few german productions among them, but that's the point. If it has potential, it's not made in german.

On second thought, it's been a globally lousy decade as most examples that come to mind are older. How depressing.

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ae6c52  No.16768740

File: 0841fc85c83d0ae⋯.jpeg (832.3 KB, 1650x1275, 22:17, 347F0E8D-9B6F-4D41-AD50-8….jpeg)


Because "Muh poor niggers and racism".

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f79efc  No.16768744


So just let an aspect of culture die. Just give up.

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04f0a4  No.16768767


Since you obviously can't differentiate between seeing a situation as it is and how it should be, let's make a deal:

You make a nice Ren costume and save vidya by beheading Todd and Uncle Pete on Bethesdas E3 stage, then I become the second Führer and save german culture. You first.

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f79efc  No.16768775


Why not just bend over for whatever mongrel claims your ass? Fucking defeatist

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559231  No.16768777


Why are you lying?

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04f0a4  No.16768778


Hope (you)'re better at sewing than arguing, that Ren costume will look like it's from a dollar store otherwise. Have a nice day.

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f79efc  No.16768786


People like you are why the west is like this now

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3c89d0  No.16768810


>Texas State District Judge John P. Chupp revealed his final judgment on the matter earlier this week, and ruled that Mignogna must pay $223,042.42 USD in attorney's fees to the defendants. He's also been ordered to pay $15,000 USD in sanctions, for a total amount of $238,042.42 USD. Chupp also ruled that Mignogna will have to pay an additional $587,500 USD in contingent fees should he choose to appeal

I wonder how much Sony paid for this ruling

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aacfa9  No.16768812


That's very upsetting. Fuck Funimation.

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559231  No.16768829


>an additional $587,500 USD in contingent fees should he choose to appeal

That fag really doesn't want Vic to appeal because he knows his ruling was bullshit and if the appeal goes through he'll lose all credibility. Vic is appealing anyways, right?

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ef714d  No.16768838


well, that's literally more than twice the original amount for fuck all reason it seems

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3c89d0  No.16768844

It's a standard stunt corporations pull to ensure they win cases, make it impossible financially to fight them in court.

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ae6c52  No.16768848


>make it impossible financially to fight them in court

Isn't the little kink in that plan is when states, like Alaska and Texas, have "English rule"?

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8370a7  No.16768850

How long until otaku twitter leaves the platform due to how sjws are starting to attack fan artist and cosplayers.

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866735  No.16768855

File: d4971af940235ce⋯.jpg (16.51 KB, 326x260, 163:130, 327625386539872536738532.jpg)

>Part of our core mission is to celebrate the diversity of the anime community and to share our love for this genre

It´s like the jew cries out as he strikes you except it´s subversives preaching tolerance and understanding while they undermine you

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ed46e1  No.16768859


how long until Japanese twitter leaves?

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1a4fbb  No.16768867


Now the judge will be shot at. What a fucking incompetent piece of shit.

I also hope everyone that ever meets the shit Funimation VAs never get any jobs at cons and if they do, people don't go get autographs from them.

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ff510e  No.16768872


Vic's already appealing.

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4e43b0  No.16768896

File: ac46c69c3f291da⋯.png (398.26 KB, 900x500, 9:5, AIPortraitFaceSoul.png)



What the actual fuck.


Yeah we can hope anyway, this is absurd, those bastards at funi deserve to watch their entire operation go up in flames for what theyve done to Vic, and this judges credibility along with it.

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ae6c52  No.16768912


>and this judges credibility along with it.

That right, won't the judge be losing his job if this is appealed?

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7a4ebb  No.16768942

File: 294def4a722c719⋯.jpg (16.84 KB, 481x439, 481:439, 294def4a722c719c1373d4c4d8….jpg)







The interesting thing about the fee and sanction ruling, Chupp only handed out $5000 in sanctions for each defendant except for MoRon who got $2500 each, when each were asking for at least $200000.

Also Chupp capped everyone's fees at $50000 each, most likely because of Marchi's lawyer only asking for $48000.

MoRon's lawyer is extra butthurt and asked for "Request for Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law" with the fees. MoRon spent over $260000 in lawyer fees and seems like the idiots thought the judge would rubber stamp any fees and sanctions.

If the judge did rubber stamp all the defendants requests for fees and sanctions, the judgement would have easily been over 2 million.

It is bullshit the judge is setting extra fees on appeals, but in Texas you don't have to bond any of that to appeal, I believe just filing costs.

Vic doesn't have to pay shit during the appeals process.

Also, even if Vic exhausts every appeal option, Texas is one of the worsts states to try and collect judgements in and the defendants could spend decades trying to get just a single shekel out of Vic.

I hope those faggots enjoyed paying hundreds of thousands in legal fees, they should have settled when they had the chance.


He is an elected judge.

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7b338e  No.16768966


In other words, the judge rolled over and gave them the ruling they wanted, BUT he didn't issue a bill that would have run Vic out room and household?

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559231  No.16768984


I don't know legalese. What does this mean?

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559231  No.16768986


>except it´s subversives preaching tolerance and understanding while they undermine you

So it's "the Jew cries out as he strikes you."?

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866735  No.16768991

File: 609364d16b2b65f⋯.webm (592.45 KB, 350x300, 7:6, Old jewish trick.webm)


Yea I guess, im too sleepy to be posting. Goodnight

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559231  No.16768992


To me it looks like he "compromised" by giving them the win, but not giving them literally everything they asked for no matter how ludicrous.

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051578  No.16768996


>Isn't Thor power just meme technology

No. Obviously it gets some attention from the IFLS soyboy crowd but it is an entirely viable technology. We've had the tech to build them since the fucking 60s but because LFTR reactors are basically useless for producing weapons-grade radioactive material they were shelved by the military industrial complex in favor of LWRs that produce horrifying amounts of equally horrifying waste. Thorium reactors are extremely safe, scalable, efficient, cheap to operate and produce much less and much safer waste than current reactor designs. Seriously, I really can't over-emphasize how much better LFTRs are on waste; for every pound of fuel expended you end up with almost exactly one pound of waste (waaaay more efficient than LWRs) and of that waste 83% is safe in in minutes, hours, days, weeks or months and the other 17% is less radioactive than raw uranium in 300 years (instead of 24,000 years for LWR waste) plus storage for the hot stuff is basically just "put it in a lead box out of the way" instead of "bury it in of a mountain in the middle of the desert and then seal it in concrete"

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d21495  No.16769045


It means the loser pays for the winner's legal costs, while American rule is that everyone pays for themselves.

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051578  No.16769049


>while American rule is that everyone pays for themselves.

Unless the judge says otherwise, which happens a lot.

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74c655  No.16769131


I think it's due to the migrant workers (Viet, phi, Thai, Rohingya, African, Maldivian) who works there. hence the high number of Second language speakers

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ff510e  No.16769141


Think the Judge just wanted to get it done with as fast as possible.

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59cc72  No.16769192

File: 3dc0f26740566b9⋯.jpg (281.24 KB, 2050x1212, 1025:606, nintchdbpict000312780938.jpg)



>kikeposting this hard

You deserve gas, moshe.

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7cc21c  No.16769206

File: 5fb93b262300db4⋯.png (340.93 KB, 600x713, 600:713, Jeanne D'Arc Scared.png)

A super typhoon is about to head in our direction, fellas.

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aacfa9  No.16769212

File: 64293e3f767216f⋯.webm (3.23 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, jin rain fight.webm)


Hope you're prepared.

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559231  No.16769214

File: cdca32bf008546b⋯.jpeg (156.99 KB, 701x1200, 701:1200, GooberGrape.jpeg)

>No context

Looks like benis.

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ff510e  No.16769216

File: aef3a8d4ac7958f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 390.33 KB, 1280x1781, 1280:1781, 009.jpg)

File: 305482539d9a7b9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 308.76 KB, 1280x1781, 1280:1781, 010.jpg)

File: 2ec7aaddd1517b8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 372.7 KB, 1280x1781, 1280:1781, 011.jpg)

File: ba5a497fea4e739⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 335.2 KB, 1280x1781, 1280:1781, 012.jpg)

File: 6590f02dc54db71⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 333.48 KB, 1280x1781, 1280:1781, 013.jpg)

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8cbec1  No.16769221


a what?

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559231  No.16769222

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559231  No.16769228

File: ce4ce4237e39d4c⋯.jpg (134.43 KB, 439x439, 1:1, 0.jpg)


>Girl Benis

<male:males only

What did he mean by this?

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7cc21c  No.16769230



A super typhoon is about to hit Flipland and it's heading towards our direction. It's expected to hit either tonight or tomorrow morning. Wish us luck, fellas.

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c77d5f  No.16769231


>Wish us luck, fellas.


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6a5bf5  No.16769233

File: e3f8081017de026⋯.webm (11.3 MB, 318x240, 53:40, konya wa hurricane.webm)


Are you talking a hurricane, a cyclone, a typhoon, or a Eurofighter 2000?

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556d20  No.16769249


Can't a chunk of them just be voted out again in 2020?

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3b2d4d  No.16769256


good luck

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59cc72  No.16769259


No. It seems to be correct. I see only males in that comic.

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8cbec1  No.16769271


oh an irl typhoon

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aacfa9  No.16769272

File: 30025274514bae6⋯.jpg (278.71 KB, 1057x1500, 1057:1500, 7.png.jpg)

File: dd26a21301b5716⋯.png (240.04 KB, 547x447, 547:447, traps aren't gay.png)

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ff510e  No.16769293


Not in Virginia, we do it at a different time.

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d21495  No.16769295

File: 1c70035ba98e298⋯.jpg (717.01 KB, 3064x1711, 3064:1711, Latina congresswomen.jpg)


Not sure how super tofu is supposed to be any different from regular tofu

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4dfb09  No.16769298

File: 694403f39ea6c36⋯.jpg (13.62 KB, 600x373, 600:373, let go.jpg)



I'm never doing that shitty challenge ever again

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ff510e  No.16769305

File: aab65cc3efb10c5⋯.jpg (82.11 KB, 400x410, 40:41, aab65cc3efb10c52e861c16854….jpg)


I lasted 4 days and decided it was pointless.

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8cbec1  No.16769308


I had wet dreams instead of physical stimulation

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d21495  No.16769310

File: 8da29f54bfec878⋯.png (280.8 KB, 1000x818, 500:409, Cumday.png)


>he can't even manage a single week

That just means you have no actual willpower of your own, not that it is pointless.

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7cc21c  No.16769312

File: a7abb76a98d772b⋯.gif (2.32 MB, 320x240, 4:3, DX Kiss My Ass.gif)


>Practicing No Nut November

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8cbec1  No.16769314


damn, Turkey as a day entirely dedicated to cum

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4dfb09  No.16769324

File: 6929b9b0bfb6414⋯.gif (487.58 KB, 238x200, 119:100, Let it go _a0e6d0caea11c91….gif)


I knew it was pointless from the start but I just wanted to know what would happen to my body when it was on nofap.

I didnt feel any different other than my dick getting a burning feeling and pressure building up in my chest every now and then.

Females were just as attracted to me as they always were but due to my autism I cant even look at them properly without being strange.

I believe that I may be starting to get bald because I'm loosing hair in some places I had it before.

Also you're a pathetic fucking troglodyte.


I had one of those too but I nutted just a little in my underwear.


That month is nothing but a meme.

Humans need to nut to fucntion properly in life, its human nature.

We used to have brothels and everyone used to have a lover but unfortunately, things just arent the same anymore.

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6b6c07  No.16769341


>I had wet dreams

That is the reason I never bothered with No Nut November. Ruined underwear and bedsheets aren't worth it.

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59cc72  No.16769345


Yeah. Real ubermesnch never fap no matter what month or whatever.

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d21495  No.16769350

File: a5487b6843537ef⋯.jpg (31.22 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, coom inside ocular sphere.jpg)


You're probably going to be jerking off for the other eleven months in the year anyway. Also females are supposed to seem more attractive to you, not you seeming more attractive to them: you don't have a number floating above your head indicating how long ago you last jerked off.

>We used to have brothels and everyone used to have a lover

If all you constantly jerk off to porn, you are probably not going to have the motivation to change that as indicated by

>things just arent the same anymore

The frustration is exactly what drives you to do something about it.

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a98bc5  No.16769358

File: ebfc4ad6e0ee825⋯.png (111.56 KB, 500x586, 250:293, ebfc4ad6e0ee82558f3a114f9e….png)


Haven't voluntarily nutted since late September and it wasn't until this mouth that I end up having 8 fucking nocturnal emissions in a row. Just couldn't keep my dick under control, guess all the pent frustration finally got to me.

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7b94c3  No.16769361

File: b7670763c8618c6⋯.jpg (177.68 KB, 777x464, 777:464, costanza shocked.jpg)






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6b6c07  No.16769366


Tell us your secret!

I've found that sleeping on my left side keeps me from having wet dreams. Sleeping on the left side is said to increase the chances of having nightmares, but it is worth it.

Not watching any or very little porn or lewd stuff might also help.

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807962  No.16769375

File: b4a4a9e683203d9⋯.jpg (80.15 KB, 422x600, 211:300, 1484011645949.jpg)


It never happens. The last wet dream I had I ended up nutting while driving a monster truck through the last level of Halo CE. My dream self tried to stop it and find a fucking garbage can to nut into because subconciously I realized it was going to mean wetting the bed.

Whoever says you're not supposed to masturbate clearly changes his sheets more often than I do although there is some merit to the idea that you can channel that frustration into productive enterprise

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7b94c3  No.16769376


>Tell us your secret!

I'm just not very prone to having them. I never even had a single one during adolescence. I was in my mid 20s before I had my first one.

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4dfb09  No.16769377

File: 2e6088b66789cf0⋯.jpg (115.43 KB, 1079x1076, 1079:1076, hi cumming.jpg)


>Also females are supposed to seem more attractive to you

Girls are always attractive whether or not I watch porn, how can it be otherwise? What are you? Gay?

Watching porn doesnt make me not want to bang females but the exact opposite. I think to myself "God damn that sex postion is fucking hot, I wish I can do that to my classmate or coworker!" whenever I watch porn.

>If all you constantly jerk off to porn, you are probably not going to have the motivation to change that as indicated by

I'm single and I'm always ready to mingle. But im an autistic sperg, normalfags can detect the autism (not like as if thats hard to do) and ignore me 85% of the time automatically.

>The frustration is exactly what drives you to do something about it.

Eh. I don't get frustrated for some reason.

I wish that I can get frustrated and get a GF like that, but women are usually a pain to deal with and are kinda retarded by default in some kind of way.


Just dont cum lol

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5f0d12  No.16769380


You will get ara ara dreams in this month.

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7b94c3  No.16769385


Aras do nothing for me.

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077a6c  No.16769386


Good luck anon, stay safe. Make a post after you make it through it.

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6b6c07  No.16769389


>My dream self tried to stop it and find a fucking garbage can to nut into because subconciously I realized it was going to mean wetting the bed.

I know that feel all too well. Trying to free myself from some dream succubus can be pure anguish - some part of you know the sitch you are in, and what the result will be.

Last time it happened I had changed my bed earlier that very day


OK, whatever the male equivalent is then.

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7b94c3  No.16769393

File: c2ec9567e52d8fa⋯.webm (2.91 MB, 640x360, 16:9, A Funny.webm)


>OK, whatever the male equivalent is then.

You're funny.

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5f0d12  No.16769394



So bara? That's even more gay than traps.

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559231  No.16769395


>It seems to be correct. I see only males in that comic.

>Girl Benis

Did you entirely miss why I was confused?

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6b6c07  No.16769400


Thank you! I'll be here all week folks!


Nothing gay 'bout traps tho

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4dfb09  No.16769403


Bro what if the trap has a bigger dick then yours and decides to make you HIS bitch and fuck you in the ass with his PENIS instead?

Is that still gay?

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f73c7d  No.16769404

File: f72a078d3962f55⋯.png (644.15 KB, 893x682, 893:682, GOD DAMNIT beer.PNG)


I'm glad I decided to stop following this as I figured this wasn't going to end well, but I still hope that Funi and those cunts they call VAs get some kind of retribution in the end, especially Sabat.

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df7eb2  No.16769405

File: 960728d34e93ee5⋯.jpeg (60.89 KB, 541x960, 541:960, chicken strips (1).jpeg)

File: ab02ec40f396de8⋯.jpeg (61.97 KB, 541x960, 541:960, chicken strips (2).jpeg)


Wouldn't the male equivalent be a 45+ year old grizzled guy with touch o' gray down the sides?

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cb2569  No.16769409


One small attention to detail that i like is that when the sign flips to 39s, there are 39 seconds left of the video. This implies the viewer "kills themselves"

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6b6c07  No.16769412


Yes, in that case it would be gay. Also if balls are touching.

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4dfb09  No.16769416


Also remember to say "no homo" anon!

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655870  No.16769417

File: 19705b92b7afb95⋯.jpg (19.18 KB, 409x406, 409:406, i hate this.jpg)


>Google the name

>it's real but the cause of death was suicide

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668e21  No.16769419

File: f0bf42e8c05ae46⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 320x362, 160:181, f0bf42e8c05ae462a9b63169cd….gif)




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6b6c07  No.16769423


Yes! Thanks for the heads up. That's a handy 'get out of jail for free card' if balls, heaven forbid, do end up touching by mistake.

It still counts if only one part says it, right?

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c77d5f  No.16769424




That's a lie. They're covering up the fact that she managed to die of salmonella poisoning.

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5f0d12  No.16769425


I guess.

I don't get it.

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668e21  No.16769426


>a day later

I think it happened in the same afternoon.

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559231  No.16769431

File: 2227a14d20907b3⋯.png (100.56 KB, 296x316, 74:79, Proto-Chio.png)


>I had wet dreams instead of physical stimulation


>That is the reason I never bothered with No Nut November. Ruined underwear and bedsheets aren't worth it.


>I had one of those too but I nutted just a little in my underwear.

<Jizzing in your sleep

Are you all still teenagers or something?

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6b6c07  No.16769433

File: 3282e6e5f18d6e9⋯.png (213.6 KB, 1024x1113, 1024:1113, Wizard.png)


>Are you all still teenagers or something?

I wish. Just turned 30

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4dfb09  No.16769439


Yeah bro, only one of you got to say it, but make sure you dont fuck up and forget then say it like an hour later out of nowhere, by then you will already might as well be a faggot.


I'm 21 and my benis has never been inside a bagina before.

My body and hormones are just at its physical prime right now I guess, I still even get acne and boners from being around my crushes.

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df7eb2  No.16769440


>having healthy test levels is bad

What's next, you going to gloat about your baby bottom smooth skin?

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ff510e  No.16769443


We're all secretly chads here, overflowing with testosterone.

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8cbec1  No.16769448


I'll be 30 in january

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559231  No.16769449

File: 10fb0ba578eb042⋯.png (98.52 KB, 299x380, 299:380, 300.png)



Weird. I don't masturbate, and I stopped jizzing my pants about once a month in my late teens. Now the intervals are very long and I don't really keep track of them.

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6b6c07  No.16769452


Sounds like someone might be slipping some estrogen into your food, champ. You can still get it up, right?

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8cbec1  No.16769454


maybe you should get your prostate checked out

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559231  No.16769456

File: 7e40f6c2a37e4b4⋯.png (47.48 KB, 143x284, 143:284, 125.png)


Of course.

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559231  No.16769457

File: 959ac7013aa2cb8⋯.png (101.04 KB, 343x274, 343:274, 232.png)


Correlation does not equal causation.

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594b9c  No.16769459


I'll happily check your prostate for you, anon

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8cbec1  No.16769460


aren't you afraid of prostate cancer?

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6b6c07  No.16769461

File: e66e755e5c79acc⋯.png (233.31 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Angry_Karl.png)


Check your prostate!

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655870  No.16769463


Fucking prostate cancer, man. Doctor was convinced I had it a while back and I had to go in for tests. Great time to have a scare when my kids are less than a year old.

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559231  No.16769464

File: 84bb31e65a76dfd⋯.png (215.47 KB, 548x417, 548:417, 355 shit game.png)


Not really no. I don't think it's even that common.

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8cbec1  No.16769552


it's more common in old people I think

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077a6c  No.16769560


Looking it up about 1 in 9 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in his lifetime. Typically older people.

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559231  No.16769565

File: 0cb511d6fb9c05b⋯.png (161.03 KB, 405x501, 135:167, 212.5.png)



Well there's your correlation then. Old people tend to masturbate less, but the prostate cancer likely has more to do with their age than their wanking habits.

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000000  No.16769572


>my kids

Man I knew this shithole was going to be pozzed but I honestly didn't think it would be this bad.

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5f0d12  No.16769574


Ok torpedo.

He didn't said my wife's sons at very least.

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4dfb09  No.16769575


Not everyone on the planet is an autistic virgin anon holy shit.

Being this close minded must be a symptom of low functioning autism.

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559231  No.16769576

File: f7cef82f7b4dc72⋯.png (102.27 KB, 261x358, 261:358, 10.png)

>Responding to bait

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000000  No.16769584



Fuck off and die normalnigger.

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283ed2  No.16769594


lol not his fault you can't get pussy fag

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de2f3a  No.16769602

File: 8bb7d0f7519842b⋯.jpg (36.53 KB, 390x384, 65:64, 8bb7d0f7519842b03d5001664c….jpg)


quit avatar fagging

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940352  No.16769617


The case isn't over yet, just the lawyers-getting-their-shekels phase. We still have yet to see about the appeals.

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8cd2eb  No.16769622

File: b06f271de7ae662⋯.mp4 (4.26 MB, 240x160, 3:2, b06f271de7ae6626982afcb6bc….mp4)


>going anywhere but r9k and expecting normalfags to not be around

Anon you know better.

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d89dbf  No.16769629



>it's charging headlong towards the path that it believes in!

A penis is a satnav?

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000000  No.16769631


It's not about expecting people to be normalfags or "robots". It's about expecting people not to namedrop their girlfriends/wives or children like some kind of retarded boomer writing a facebook blog post. This is standard etiquette on imageboards that aren't fucking cuckchan and has been forever. This nigger is seriously unrionically writing about his prostate exams and his children. And you fucks said the Q boomer shit wouldn't leak out into /v/.

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8cbec1  No.16769632

guess Aaron found the site

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077a6c  No.16769633


I haven't read any studies about prostate cancer and masturbation so I don't know how good they are but I'm pretty sure they would control for age if nothing else, it's the most easy and obvious thing to control for.

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8cd2eb  No.16769643

File: 2aee42375992f5a⋯.webm (1.1 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1574397159139.webm)



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6a5bf5  No.16769648

File: 619b9163db6230c⋯.png (402.85 KB, 1072x475, 1072:475, Galko is a little interest….png)


Through dick, unity.

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59cc72  No.16769654


That's why gay dudes are soooo functional, right?

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de2f3a  No.16769660



don't disagree with the sentiment, but don't talk like a fag.

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a2e2e6  No.16769662


this aint wizardchan tornigger

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59cc72  No.16769664


Sorry about insulting your homosexuality. I'll try to be more tolerant next time.

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6b5f8d  No.16769665

File: 5073c1fbcf87f6d⋯.gif (909.64 KB, 260x146, 130:73, angry joe walkin.gif)


close mind

open anus

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de2f3a  No.16769667


learn to read nigger.

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59cc72  No.16769668

File: 99a642c6eff77a5⋯.jpg (601.16 KB, 1667x2500, 1667:2500, lampblak-moonman-3-comic-c….jpg)



>chad gets babies

>limp-wristed faggot does not

Natural selection in action.

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8cd2eb  No.16769675

File: 68b40fce4f51b51⋯.png (383.82 KB, 512x780, 128:195, fat-ugly-bastard-5c9f2e32d….png)


>not impregnating chads wife behind his back so he ends up raising your beta kids

Take the ugly bastard pill.

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283bf9  No.16769684



So what I am getting from this is he really does not want vic to appeal, which would only happen if cuppa chump did something that would harm his career like say, taking money from say a defendant or even having connections to the defendant. He really does not want that appeal.

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000000  No.16769710

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e174b3  No.16769716




update: 558 for, 34339 against.

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8cbec1  No.16769723


then why did you drop yours Aaron?unless you bought that script from a guy called Aaron

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7f8a92  No.16769725

Welp, looks like our home has now been rebuilt

Now to count the days until another "El Paso" incident…

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7f8a92  No.16769728

File: e21b5c7ccdecb40⋯.png (30.59 KB, 377x279, 377:279, ClipboardImage.png)


Speaking of shady stuff, looks like Leonardo DiCaprio might get tried for providing funding for the amazon fires sometime back.


Just for reference, here's a list of extradition cases that the US and Brazil agreed upon.


There's also this bit from the fediverse from when I was shooting the breeze there.

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7f8a92  No.16769732


For another thing to add about FFmpeg, there's Media-Autobuild_suite if you feel like letting a batch file automate the process of getting the source, msys2 and making ffmpeg.

the source takes 13gb in total, provided you're making one for both processor instructions.


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de2f3a  No.16769742

File: 9bc510132e419c0⋯.jpg (15.21 KB, 184x184, 1:1, proud small peepee.jpg)


not every autistic Torpedo is Aaron. Especially when they aren't spamming the thread.

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559231  No.16769754

File: 8f0f06aae9d3f29⋯.png (79.39 KB, 219x328, 219:328, 25 !!.png)


>Posting different anime girls


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559231  No.16769765

File: cc9f9580e11bc01⋯.png (146.32 KB, 341x458, 341:458, Marcille1.png)


Sure, but "not masturbating = cancer" has become a meme one beneficial to the (((porn industry))) I might add, so who knows if the idea spread was cherrypicked or not? Just like that "study" that said women make 70% of what men make, where the actual study did control for shit, but those citing the study and spreading "muh muh-sore-giney in the workplace!" cherrypicked the uncontrolled numbers that didn't account for simple shit like having different jobs.

I'm not checking my prostate.

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7f8a92  No.16769769


>Sure, but "not masturbating = cancer" has become a meme one beneficial to the (((porn industry))) I might add

Thinking about it, this same thing is playing out in advertising.

In California (That includes the LA desert and Jefferson), there are a lot of anti-smoking adverts, but counteractively there's recently a bunch of adverts against vaping, despite there being less damage in smoking water compared to tar.

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de2f3a  No.16769771

File: 4f95fde3e783766⋯.png (110.65 KB, 772x687, 772:687, f755eec0d48cf3fa0d0db3b807….png)


nigger when you continuously posts several images of the same couple of girls from the same manga in one thread to the point where it is a noticeable posting quirk, that would be considered avatarfagging. Just because you are cycling among several girls don't make it not avatarfagging.

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559231  No.16769773

File: 3e88788808ff756⋯.png (630.58 KB, 1081x1080, 1081:1080, 3e88788808ff75664c16c29d01….png)


>Posting characters from the same manga is now avatarfagging

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559231  No.16769775

File: c353385855147ab⋯.png (10.34 KB, 214x303, 214:303, inquisitive_frog (1).png)


I'm not implying there's necessarily foul play, it could also easily be true or be a totally organic meme that's factually incorrect. But the porn industry isn't above this shit. Have you seen them lately, and some media outlets as well, pushing that NNN and masturbation abstinence in general is anti-semitic? Really activates one's pistachios.

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3df5a2  No.16769776

File: dc85f6d9d4ee497⋯.gif (2.43 MB, 532x560, 19:20, 1511834181.gif)


Posting chio-chan images only is borderline avatar fagging.

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559231  No.16769780

File: f1322ec70647137⋯.png (220.28 KB, 463x380, 463:380, Autistic Smug Casca.png)


>Posting chio-chan images only is borderline avatar fagging.

But Proto-Chio.png isn't from Chio's manga, it's from Perfectly Perpendicular. :^)

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655870  No.16769871

File: f6facf4a4aeb1d9⋯.png (158.39 KB, 672x808, 84:101, confused harpy.png)


>Q boomer

I'm 29 and have been posting in these threads since before we got kicked off halfchan.

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a8dd18  No.16769911

File: 8ff28e8dbe7882a⋯.png (57.72 KB, 452x286, 226:143, Mild Disappointment.png)

Honest questions anons, do guys get tired or exhausted by the amount of porn on the internet? I don't mean like quit fapping for good but sometimes do you ever feel like the internet for you guys overtime went from porn nirvana to porn hell with the sheer amount of lewds made punish your dick yearning to be found and fapped to? I'm being genuine here because I sometimes feel like that. How do you manage if so?

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b7b596  No.16769914


>How do you manage if so?

I didn't think I'd ever be worthy of anyone, so having a "waifu" helped curb that desire.

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5f44b4  No.16769919


>porn hell with the sheer amount of lewds made punish your dick yearning to be found and fapped to

You don't have to jerk off to something just because it exists. Don't be a retard.

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9c0ad0  No.16769922


I periodically get really tired of porn. So the prospect of swearing off porn for a month doesn't strike me as such a weird thing to do.

But see, this is the nuance that gets lost in this debate: Its No Fap November not No Porn November. When I have one of my porn-less moments I still get plenty of wet daydreams and such.

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225890  No.16769932

File: 19d027d7d3b331f⋯.png (273.58 KB, 951x318, 317:106, make me.png)

File: 3eb8d3097602064⋯.png (346.02 KB, 728x936, 7:9, 696.png)

File: ded066f2dc0a5b7⋯.png (459.69 KB, 434x827, 434:827, pounded.png)


>How do you manage

I'm about 500 pages behind on sad panda and will never fap to it all in a month. I first started by going through 4-5* with english filters and then just resorted to going thought my favorite artist's backlog. In January I'll go to page 1 and try to keep up to the 2020 releases and avoid censored material like the plague.

Now that we're back online I get to crop more screencaps

I need a good recommendation for a soldering iron station. My oven's control board broke down and I've spent more in parts than what the oven cost

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ac11b1  No.16769937

File: 8265d1ff6883652⋯.png (82.17 KB, 592x728, 74:91, Rami.png)


Will Rami always forever be an idiot? Also Daniel Ahmad being an idiot too.

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a8dd18  No.16769942


I don't fap to everything, there are plenty good artist from both east and west but it feels overwhelming to fap to all of them.

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5f44b4  No.16769947

An unknown error occured when posting!

Thank you vanwatech you truly are my greatest ally.


>it feels overwhelming to fap to all of them.

So don't fap to all of them. Problem solved.

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9c0ad0  No.16769956


Rami isn't stupid. He's a grifter.

I used to follow all the indie hipster game sites back in the day so I witnessed his transformation:

Started out as part of the Gamedev duo Vlambeer and actually did some gamedev though his primary responsibility was to be the "face" of the company and handle the business side leaving JW to spit out game prototypes at a breakneck speed.

Eventually had his "press moment" speaking out against Chinese knockoffs of new indie games. Started getting speaking gigs at various gamedev conventions and such. Realized that this was more fun, less work and probably more lucrative than being an indie gamedev.

Fell into Zoe Quinn's circle and discovered the joys of SocJus. Now he realized he could guilt trip people into giving him speaking gigs by merely using his minority status. Hasn't looked back since.

Of course he has to raise a stink on Twitter every so often or people might begin to forget who he is.

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d3e14e  No.16769963

File: 1d40952b626cdec⋯.jpg (240.78 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, Birdy.full.1082560.jpg)


Still hate the name, but its good to be back.

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000000  No.16769967


You need to lurk more. IIRC there were already at least two fathers in these threads before 8chan went down. Let's not forget /v/'s Father of the Year either.

Don't be envious, not everyone can be chad alpha males, such as myself.

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000000  No.16769968

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3df5a2  No.16769975


People have always done that, you're just sperging out over nothing

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000000  No.16769982


>cuckchan niggers have always acted like cuckchan niggers


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000000  No.16769984

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


See >>16769975


>when my kids are less than a year old

Twinsanon's kids are already nearly a year old. Holy fuck does time go by. Speaking of twins..

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6303fb  No.16770006


>Rami isn't stupid. He's a grifter.

No one lies and spins with such confidence as Rami on twitter. You can easily refute his claims but he would not be interested in that. He seeks out to indoctrinate more than be an indoctrinated member of the social justice into power/riches bridge. He is not a good person and he knows it. Bottom of humanity right there.

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6a5bf5  No.16770089

File: ed447e59b37f789⋯.jpg (124.3 KB, 1199x848, 1199:848, DNjpYh0VAAA8INE.jpg)


>do guys get tired or exhausted by the amount of porn on the internet?


However, I do get tired of sifting though th many, many, haystacks of other people's weird fetishes to find the needle of the good vanilla stuff that I like. As I've gotten older, my tastes have gotten simpler yet more refined. I just stop fapping to bad porn like it's some kind of godammed competition.

Find what you like; then find more of it. Also, traps do not exist and No-Fap is a shitty tranny-forced meme.

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f46455  No.16770111

File: ad2f09bb34ff3b7⋯.png (56.67 KB, 240x255, 16:17, 177811900298352733729569.png)

Using a browser is too awkward on mobile, does anyone know of an android app that works with 8kun? The old Overchan fork on F-droid doesn't seem to be working anymore.

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7f8a92  No.16770115


Vanwatech DDoS mitigation must be doing that.

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5f44b4  No.16770126

File: 29f58b7148db9cb⋯.png (56.33 KB, 300x250, 6:5, I_have_no_sympathy_for_the….png)


>on mobile

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7a4ebb  No.16770166

File: d47af69630a9346⋯.jpg (20.63 KB, 213x255, 71:85, open wide onii~chan.jpg)



Anon, I hope you're not browsing outside the house at least.

Brave mobile browser werks fine for me when I'm in the bathroom.

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826007  No.16770236



Some people have jobs, you know.

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559231  No.16770237

File: f354c3e190aa1e8⋯.jpg (17.86 KB, 449x350, 449:350, promotions1.jpg)


>Browsing 8ch at work

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aacfa9  No.16770238


Those people should be doing their jobs instead of fucking around on a taiwanese bakery forum.

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70b00c  No.16770284


>Using a browser is too awkward on mobile



Brave is compromised. Use Icecat if on Android, the Yandex browser if on iOS.


Anon, majority of my job is sitting around all day, waiting for the next person to call up the phone and scream about how they screwed up their system and it's our fault.

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559231  No.16770288

>An unknown error occured when posting!

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16b190  No.16770294

More anons are staying on the bunkers. Looks like another userbase fracturing.

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bb0a6c  No.16770296

File: 20cd695ef9e5f2b⋯.png (589.46 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 1574306762032-1.png)


Most are holding out until 8kun is truly stable. Its been pretty good so far but there are some things that need fixing. Just go around smaller boards and help them with posting.

Plus there's this blackpill fag going around to each bunker spamming how people shouldn't go back.

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1563bc  No.16770311


I hope this place is stable enough for them to come back. I did get discouraged at seeing anons on the /animu/ bunkers wanting to make the bunker a permanent home.

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559231  No.16770312

File: 1f173da014bc775⋯.jpg (63.18 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1f173da014bc775653a4bd695e….jpg)


It's plenty stable now, the issue is it's not fully functional. Spoiler thumbnails are missing, so spoiled images look just like 404ed images; there's on and off minor errors when posting, such as "your post took too long" happening instantly, your post going through, and not erasing your text and images from the reply box; VanwaTech verification seems to be required at inconsistent intervals, so randomly a thread will stop updating and you get ">An unknown error occured when posting!" until you either reload the page or load an image in a new tab to redo the DDoS verification; and finally and most importantly there's still weeks to go until board migration is finished and everyone can use their boards again.

>Plus there's this blackpill fag going around to each bunker spamming how people shouldn't go back.

Worse than even the blackbill niggers, there's fags going around trying to get anons to return to the incomplete site, driving them away because they're misled to think that their boards aren't coming back and the site will continue to have these malfunctions forever.

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6157ae  No.16770313

File: 238ddcd939eb7ee⋯.jpg (74.47 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Linus Death Tips.jpg)


Isn't that the Commie Paps' art? That shit blackpills me more than anything.

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a931aa  No.16770314


Yeah it's not 100%, but it's basically what we had during vch.

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6a5e07  No.16770317

I've seen some anons at the drawthread not entirely happy with the mascot choices back at vch and are suggesting new pitches.

I remembered when the snakehead OL won in the poll back on vch, but I guess they felt choosing was either too rushed or that the girl didn't have to be a snake of any kind since some aren't happy with the selection given.

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559231  No.16770319


Here's the thing though, other boards than /v/ and /tv/ had bunkers. vch shutting down because /v/ is back is no reason to go around telling everyone to come back yet. Wait until migration is over or only tell bunkers whose baords have already been migrated.

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bb0a6c  No.16770323


Similar but not the same guy. I think

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954ece  No.16770329


A lot of the old people don't even know this place exists. I happened to randomly find it posted on halfchan. Which is utter shit, I'm so glad this place is back. A random that is more than porn and we get actual gamergate threads. I still wouldn't know it exists unless I just happened on that thread. 8kun has already been through like 5 domains trying to get back online.

Even though it's back, it's essentially been erased from the internet. Can't find it on search, can't find it on old domains. Even if you search on twitter you can't find it easily. Plenty of posts pointing you to the wrong place.

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cc1134  No.16770330


>I remembered when the snakehead OL won in the poll back on vch

Mark was very salty about it. He underestimated /v/'s love for aras and thick thighs.

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cc1134  No.16770332

Also, is Ron still migrating boards?

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559231  No.16770335


> I happened to randomly find it posted on halfchan.


Yes. Phase one migration of boards requested by their BOs who retained their shared secrets has been extended by a week, a few days ago. Phase 2 migration hasn't even begun.

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cc1134  No.16770350


Phase 1 must not be done yet since I don't see /loli/, /delicious/ or /trapshota/ anywhere.

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876aa6  No.16770352

File: fd030fc00ae62b6⋯.jpg (57.49 KB, 810x450, 9:5, 2019-11-25-polish-young-ma….jpg)

File: cc39ea9c8cd6070⋯.png (482.53 KB, 645x710, 129:142, WURST_645_710.png)

Do you remember that Polish kid standing in front of the gay parade in Poland? Well, the faggots are still harassing him and want his parents to be turned to the courts, possibly trying to separate them as punishment. Or it's the usual, bitching to his parents until his parents fill shut him up.

For such thing called "Monitoring Center for Racist and Xenophobic Behavior" existing in Warsaw, reeks of money laundry from foreign countries.

>#106 in queue

That's something.


>But politically correct forces are going after the teen for his actions defending the Faith. In a YouTube video published on Nov. 22 (now deleted), Baryła announced that the Monitoring Center on Racist and Xenophobic Behavior in Warsaw has doubled down on pushing for a court-assigned officer to monitor his behavior.

>He explained that the Center has "appealed against the court's decision to discontinue the case for granting me a probation officer."

>First, the police refused to initiate proceedings, because they decided that they did not see signs of a criminal act. The district prosecutor's office refused to initiate proceedings for the same reason. However, the judgment is not final, due to the fact that the decision was appealed by the Monitoring Center for Racist and Xenophobic Behavior.

>"My alleged interests will be represented by a probation officer," he explained, "so I have reason to believe that it will be more of a case of accusation against my parents than a defense of anything."

Oh, and the faggot concert in Vienna CATHEDRAL. They even called this one to perform also.

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cc1134  No.16770355


I wonder if normalfags will grow to hate LGBT by the day?

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876aa6  No.16770360


Maybe, but you need to make sure that they are informed how their taxes are being used to fund these faggot organizations that indoctrinate kids and bully people into submission.

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d125a2  No.16770365


Looks like Zoe Quinn was involved in Project Chanology, and back in her SA days, she was very liberal with some naughty words, such as "nigger" and "faggot". Really interesting stuff!

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876aa6  No.16770369

File: 827433b508b7066⋯.jpg (63.06 KB, 626x586, 313:293, CFMKaeVUsAIls9e.jpg)


>oh, you guys. I was just being edgy

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d125a2  No.16770371

File: 18db7f190277dff⋯.png (73.94 KB, 886x452, 443:226, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 46c19ca843a2b35⋯.png (184.57 KB, 1159x366, 19:6, ClipboardImage.png)


pretty edgy!

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d125a2  No.16770376




here is the source thread if you want:


proof this is zoe quinn is in the twitter thread I linked

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d21495  No.16770388

File: e8d79415dc77ccb⋯.png (330.82 KB, 450x627, 150:209, Computer user.png)


>second image

Looks like a mod for Mount and Blade, with flags in the background and king fag in the foreground.

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23d283  No.16770431

File: f32c5348e44a6e2⋯.jpg (150.36 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 1574746398075.jpg)


We'll get there. Some are probably waiting until their boards get migrated.

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aacfa9  No.16770438

File: 5d7447eedd85e44⋯.png (646.33 KB, 636x718, 318:359, ClipboardImage.png)

Death toll put at 20 for Mexico cartel attack near US border


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954ece  No.16770441


You guys laugh at me for saying I came from halfchan, and I know if I try and tell you how long I've been here you'll never believe me, but no one can find this place. It's going to take time for people to find the new domain.

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23d283  No.16770442

File: 50ccbc8c5c37825⋯.gif (642.27 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1574352687901.gif)




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ad5c40  No.16770445

File: f02f5108edeb2f5⋯.png (25.12 KB, 633x574, 633:574, 47A0A047-774C-4016-AC16-C4….png)

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6a5bf5  No.16770467

File: 5d83edebd88e3e0⋯.gif (4.19 MB, 839x470, 839:470, suprise hug rape.gif)




The thing with WhyWeProtest, was that is was a goon-run bunker that never really got off the ground, as the main Web2.0 forum was Enturbulation.org which started out as anon-run, but was Embraced/Extended/Extinguished by SA goons like Chelsea Van Valkenburg (Zoe Quinn). there's a lot of Deep-Lore with the parallels between what both Chanology did in 2008 and GamerGate did in 2014, with both getting kicked off of 4um by luggage lad, being a homeless diaspora which moved from bunker to bunker, before settling in new homes on Enterbulation.org and 8chan respectively, but differ on dealing with goon EEE infiltration and subversion attempts, as some of us did learn from Chanology's failures to prevent a repeat with GG.

Or to put it differently: WhyWeProtest was the "Chanology revolt" analog to "Gamergate-revolt" and was is what Endchan or Spacechan is to 8chan.kun, which are HUGE red flags for EEE goon faggotry.

tl;dr: Zoe is a lazy hipster goon who was trend-chasing "Anonymous"-tagalong because of her sister, which is not great surprise.

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2ccde8  No.16770561


This is what they get for trying to center the whole world around themselves.

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d21495  No.16770587

File: 4ab845dd73c9d53⋯.png (1.03 MB, 956x768, 239:192, Sociologist.png)


You shouldn't always assume the best, since it can mean a multitude of things

>immigrants that don't like tranny shit outpacing the inhabitant population that still very much like tranny shit

>researchers cherrypicking data to create a false sense of urgency

>journalist taking fairly minor statistical changes and blowing them out of proportion

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4a4f90  No.16770627

File: a1e378f4546f9e7⋯.jpg (321.59 KB, 2171x1191, 2171:1191, Pray for him.jpg)


They just released the Olympics Japan 2020 mascot videos.

Like Zabivaka of Russia's olympics, he too shall face horrible furry porn, and the design isn't helping due to how cute it is.

It will be like the Rape of Nanking but on the internet and on twitter mostly.

Pray for Miraitowa. Pray for his soul. Like Japan after the chaos of the Olympics, he will face hard times. Let him be relatively unmolested.

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d21495  No.16770658

File: 5eaf12f38edf953⋯.png (299.17 KB, 680x808, 85:101, Hypocrite.png)


>It will be like the Rape of Nanking

So it's will have never happened?

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aacfa9  No.16770684


He's been revealed for months now.

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559231  No.16770745

Site's fucking unusable again. Getting two vanwatech reverification "unknown errors" in under 20 minutes and now I'm getting instant "took to long to post" errors that don't actually go through. Maybe this will go through.

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559231  No.16770749

File: 353702f77e8c07a⋯.jpg (69.46 KB, 640x780, 32:39, perturbed sponge.jpg)


Now I can't post in just a single thread, despite being able to post in other threads, reloading the page, and removing "?VanwaNet-DDoS-Verification-Attempt=1" from the url. I can barely fucking thrink straight right now through my flaring allergies and this shit's pissing me off.

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2ccde8  No.16770751



Posting works fine for me but the board list is buggy. It has the lazy loading button to load more boards, but it never shows more than the ones it initially loads with. effectively this hides all the boards with 0 posts.

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aacfa9  No.16770752


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077a6c  No.16770758

File: b5b61722460086c⋯.pdf (568.84 KB, potts2019.pdf)

Someone did a shitty study on KIA.

Boycotting the Knowledge Makers: How Reddit Demonstrates the Rise of Media Blacklists and Source Rejection in Online Communities


Full PDF attached, or you can use this link:


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8cbec1  No.16770821


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f69b53  No.16770838

Works for me.

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f69b53  No.16770845


Nah, everything's fine.

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f69b53  No.16770847


Either the cripple is trying to ddos 8kun again or cm broke something while to fix something else.

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6a5bf5  No.16770901

File: 0d9badcaa57bf50⋯.jpg (23.98 KB, 500x355, 100:71, why-not-both-mexican-girl-….jpg)

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559231  No.16770904

File: 8a86d7d473803e4⋯.jpg (65.32 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Huh 43.jpg)

Can anyone else post in the LOL thread?

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077a6c  No.16770918

I keep having the page silently stop updating, probably because the VanwaTech verification expired. However I don't remember it expiring so often before. Remember to refresh the page if it has been too long without a reply. This should be fixed, since it probably kills activity when people think there are no posts to respond to. If nothing else the autopudate countdown and maybe favicon should show it needs to be refreshed. I'm also having pages refresh on their own when I click to quick-reply - is this a workaround for people getting errors when they try to post due to expired verification?


Works for me:


Did you refresh the page before trying to post?

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8cbec1  No.16770924


it seems to imitate the cloudfare one but arbitrarily sometime it updates sometimes not

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4c0f66  No.16771065


>but no one can find this place.

4um or not, this is an important point that everyone seems to keep trying to ignore. People who didn't know about any of the bunkers and who don't use twitter have no way to know that the site is back up but has moved.

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8cbec1  No.16771073


I think there are either too many people flocking or the site is getting heavy ddos

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8cbec1  No.16771113


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f69b53  No.16771129


Slow bread today

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aeded4  No.16771149


Something is probably going on. The server was throwing errors at me earlier, and it's asking me to always verify with vanwanet, which is causing havok with the site where it doesn't expect it to have to verify again like with loading images inline or refreshing threads.

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ae6c52  No.16771157

File: 6edd4eb73721cf5⋯.png (65.55 KB, 359x270, 359:270, 87448BF1-AA70-481D-8488-A5….png)

It's that time of the year again…

>Time to make a wishlist to give to the family

>Don't want any games because I have more than enough to play and want to reduce my backlog

>Don't want any books or comics because I have more than enough to read at the moment

>Don't want any music because I have several thousand songs that I need to go through and see if I actually like them

>Don't want any toys, models, or figures because I actually want to play with them, and I don't have the time to do that

>Don't want any movies, shows, or series because barely have the time to watch those already

>Don't want a new computer because my current stuff works fine and I want to build my own

>Don't want one of those toy arcade cabinets because I want to build a real one

>Only thing I really want is to quit my job and have complete free time to do whatever I want

>Can't do that because I haven't built up the funds and assets yet to be able to pay the "fees required" to just live life

What's this feeling called?

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aacfa9  No.16771167


Sounds like adulthood.

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f69b53  No.16771181


Do you have no script on or something.

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10676c  No.16771216


>throw away your pride

>shop at thrift stores/goodwill/craigslist/free stuff newsletters

>find a local food bank, buy generic food instead of name brand (unless the generic has soy); never get fast food

>cancel all services except electricity, gas, water and internet and pirate everything

>get a free government spyware phone if you must, but pull the battery out when you're not using it

>look into solar panels: they're still made with hilariously harmful chemicals, but they're getting better about that, and more efficient too (3 or 4 square meters can negate your bill entirely if you live alone)

>do not give to charity, nonprofits or e-beggars, because you are the less fortunate

I've been trying to build a custom computer for over a year. Doing these things let me actually purchase more than the first component.

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78bb64  No.16771224

File: cdd8dbc47358439⋯.png (206.21 KB, 400x357, 400:357, 1570371288853.png)

Yes vanwatech's ddos mitigation is severely fucking things up.

I've spent almost an hour stepping through how their fucking javascript works to see how they're generating the verification cookie, and it is fucking ridiculous you have no idea.

Even when I get done stepping through this I don't know that I'll even want to try recreating the functionality in my program or if that would even work. IT'S 365 LINES OF CODE, PROBABLY ALL OF IT IS USED, I'M GOING BLIND.

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f69b53  No.16771235



Don't lose your mind Anon.

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4c0f66  No.16771237

File: e5d4214e6de93f6⋯.mp4 (1.77 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Christmas_Remove_Kebab.mp4)


>get asked what I want

>don't want anything

>still have to think of something to ask for anyway

>ask family members what they want

>nobody wants anything

>still have to buy gifts for all of them anyway











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f69b53  No.16771242


Just give them cards with gift coupons to dennys.

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4c0f66  No.16771247




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f69b53  No.16771251


But it is being thoughtful, you're expressing your thoughts how cynical Christmas has become.

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4c0f66  No.16771256


>how cynical Christmas has become.

Everybody knows it, but we're all still expected to play along. Getting someone a gift card shows that you didn't even try, and getting a shitty no-effort gift makes you officially "that guy", even when everyone in the room wishes they could stop playing along with the charade too. Fuck, I hate Christmas.

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6a5bf5  No.16771273

File: 9b09ff4e2df60fc⋯.jpg (147.78 KB, 450x902, 225:451, dragon dildos.jpg)



Give the heartfelt and thoughtful gift of bad dragon dildos

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6a5bf5  No.16771277

File: 37510d00d36bd26⋯.webm (14.07 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Dildo's Are Expensive - A….webm)

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0883b1  No.16771291

File: dfde3d07ce5774b⋯.png (241.39 KB, 580x1040, 29:52, ClipboardImage.png)

>Random furry artist on Twitter draws a pro-tranny image and gets attacked over it for "reinforcing gender roles"



Nothing really newsworthy, but it's important to sit back and take a break once in a while, have a laugh and look at everything in context

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0883b1  No.16771293




Bad Dragon is a shitty company. Varka had initial funding from a pornographer that has ties to a horse brothel and zoophilia rings.

TwinTailCreations (while still degenerate) is less cancerous

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5dbb0c  No.16771310


>need to make a wishlist

>don't want anything

Here, I'll start one for you:

>1. I want to feel happy.

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6303fb  No.16771311


>What's this feeling called?

Running out of time.

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caf7c7  No.16771314


If the DDoS tech here is as much of a shitshow as you claim it is, I wanna hear more about it. Do tell us what wonders/horrors your digging has done, Anon.

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c4bd77  No.16771345


Excuse me guys, are the other boards still getting migrated or what? I submitted like a ton of them grouped by what the other anons told me to Mark, but he never told me if he'd look into it.

Mark, could you just give me a yes/no answer? Did you look into them?


I recall having sent them on the volafile too.

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ac11b1  No.16771352

File: 73317a8c30a8195⋯.jpg (1.49 MB, 2000x2536, 250:317, 1022660_splashbrush_league….jpg)

Riot Settles Lawsuit, Will Pay Every Female Employee Since 2014 With $10 Million Dollar Fund


Riot deserves this due to their virtue signaling and hiring sjws, though it's probably chump change due to all the Tencent money anyway

>Said one current employee, “It’s great that Riot has decided to compensate women for the abuse they suffered here, but their rhetoric about ‘healing and moving on’ leaves something to be desired.” She continued, “It’s difficult to heal and move on when we are faced with the reality that at the end of the day, Riot prefers to pay the women still here for the trouble of continuing to work with alleged abusers.”

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4bb978  No.16771353

File: 78083ffa7c763f7⋯.png (118.47 KB, 764x718, 382:359, upbeat strange funkish for….png)




I'm a little glad I have super limited family. Or I thought I did but a certain estranged relative and their family members are insisting on us coming out for Christmas this year. I don't mind the buying part but there's never anything I want.

>make enough money to support a family of at least 4 in a nice home

>live in a cheap apartment, pirate what entertainment I want, super thrifty about stuff I do buy

>most games I'm interested in playing are 15+ years old

If I really wanted something I'd just buy or pirate it myself.

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aeded4  No.16771360


I am quite sure you're doing it wrong. Unless the scripts changed from the last time I looked at them you should be able to encapsulate the functionality with like <10 lines of code assuming you use an AES library.

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062cf9  No.16771378

File: 1ea9c76497a92b5⋯.jpg (22.18 KB, 437x431, 437:431, 46309364769587589454865685.jpg)


You absolute fucking nigger you should take a second to realize you have a family that at least gives some shits, a family at all and you get to make a fucking wishlist. You better be underage

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372c1e  No.16771386


At least it's easy with my mom. A box of shotacon doujins given under the table and she's happy.

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23d194  No.16771397

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

remember what you're fighting for!

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23d194  No.16771423


Heavy metals and salts.

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ae6c52  No.16771425



But, I'm just a month away from turning 24.

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ae6c52  No.16771429


Can't because all the Denny's in town closed when the owner was arrested for tax evasion.

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a295d1  No.16771436

File: 54971ea1318812e⋯.jpg (126.64 KB, 674x1200, 337:600, EKuQV3VUYAA4AXt.jpg)


>☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE

I missed this, can somebody update me please?


>Pyrrhic victory, but let's keep going.

Would agree on that.

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077a6c  No.16771441

File: 79c8bc382c6dcdb⋯.jpg (108.86 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Evil 8chan.jpg)

File: 59e47befd6c5973⋯.webm (3.12 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 8chan Evil clip.webm)


Law & Order, a minor mention in the incel episode of Elementary a year ago as part of a list of websites including LinkedIn, and then most recently in the CBS show Evil. Image and webm related.

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78bb64  No.16771459


I haven't yet looked at importing an AES library for the task so I was painstakingly stepping through the script function by function to see what actually was being done with the variables passed to it.


I still don't even know how it ends up generating a unique cookie because the variables passed to the decryption algorithm are static as far as I can tell.

It uses a fuckton of of arrays, slices and dices the numbers, performs multiple iterations of bitwise operations like XOR and zero fill left shift, signed right shift using values like 0x100, 0x80, 0x1b, it expands the key, rounds the key, shifts rows, mixes columns, there's a function that returns value that tells it how many rounds to run (which is either 10, 12, or 14) and practically everything loops 4, 8 or 16 times, often there are 4 iteration loops in a 4 iteration loop

until eventually it returns a variable 'bytesOut' which is converted to hexadecimal anyway using ternary operators in a 'for loop'.

Ternary operators alone get me confused, but the other part is what leads to insanity, so I'm going to try porting the whole aes script over to my program and see what happens, it's just too fucking tedious to manually refresh the catalog or home page every 30/15/2 minutes.

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d6c882  No.16771511

File: 8b9a2a5308de0a6⋯.jpg (41.11 KB, 480x653, 480:653, 2a15060c51a19e0bd3bf4d83ff….jpg)

>as I predicted all the lefties voted in favor for a women quota of 30% in top positions

>the socialists who were needed for a majority asked that not only top positions, but "women everywhere" receive "equal opportunity".

>the Social-Economical Counsel wants "an equal spread of man and women and a likewise equal representation of people of non-western migration background in the business-top to be the new normal".

I wish all this cancer would have an immediate reaction and collapse on itself, but I only foresee a slow death.

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077a6c  No.16771598

Are people having problems posting or are we just slow?

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98ccc9  No.16771617


DDoS protections seems to be kicking in every few minutes.

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559231  No.16771619

File: 114a7ee6a425d88⋯.gif (2.43 MB, 266x240, 133:120, anime.gif)


>>Don't want any toys, models, or figures because I actually want to play with them

What are you, eight? You gonna run around your room making explosion noises with your mouth as you make a Gundam toy and an anime girl figure fight eachother?

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7a4ebb  No.16771631


I wonder if Burch had anything to do with the abuse?

The only way he got laid after the divorce was promising women a job that never existed.

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4698ed  No.16771632

File: 8eebbefc43a77da⋯.png (145.14 KB, 769x488, 769:488, BF9C0735-DCAC-4F5E-99A0-4A….png)


When you put it like that, yeah, it sounds childish.

But, I don't care. Who honestly gives a damn? That's the kind of fun I want to have every now and then?

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d6c882  No.16771639


No problems posting, but shit's loading slower for me.

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670a4e  No.16771683


Why are you still here then?

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3b2d4d  No.16771687


This site wasn't exactly advertised very well. Especially with the retarded URL, I'm hoping we'll get a nice boost from Odin and both the 8ch.net and the 8kun.net URL's coming back.

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559231  No.16771695



>Didn't get to see webm before it was beleted

What was it?

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aacfa9  No.16771702


Imagine being this boring.

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4e43b0  No.16771756

File: 552446e1dba585a⋯.png (251.34 KB, 1708x936, 427:234, gundola2.png)


I might be wrong but if thats 10 mill split up over the some 1000 women equally that will only come to 10k each. Now, that's a lot of money but that's barely a years salary for most of them Id wager, feels like chump change to 10cent. Still its 10 mill they probably didnt want to spend that way, so I hope it sticks in their craw. Besides its funny seeing this happen to Riot, all their posturing about Toxicity, you know they invited and cultivated the socjus cancer in their company so this is what they deserve.

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559231  No.16771791


>You must be fun at parties


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3899c9  No.16771794

File: e53f5614b6c5bc7⋯.webm (129.9 KB, 591x496, 591:496, Womp-wompTech.webm)


It was terrible,the equivalent of posting an image of a baby ,a bannable offence in this brave new world.He dared to mock c0ckmonkey's coding skills and made a shitty webm about it.

What's next on the b& list of non kosher things Mark?Lolis?Hitler?Making fun of the holohoax?Making fun of how much of a shit board owner you are?

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077a6c  No.16771875

File: a8ebac741d67fea⋯.jpg (36.92 KB, 620x347, 620:347, richard-lewis-about-that-e….jpg)

Richard Lewis wrote 3 articles elaborating on on that Esports Awards acceptance speech that he gave condemning mainstream game journalism, with a long list of their previous bad behavior. The others might have been posted already but the 3rd one just came out.







I don't have the webm of the speech itself saved but here's a link:


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aeded4  No.16771967

File: 7fb347cd3c101a9⋯.png (25.88 KB, 615x224, 615:224, die.png)

How has no one posted this yet

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de6797  No.16771969


Nobody seen that yet.

I still hope that yellow jew will still get minced by yakuza.

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aacfa9  No.16771976


What did Hiroyuki do? Is cuckchan gonna get axed too?

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aeded4  No.16771984


I'm sure others can give you more precision but I believe he was suing the Watkins for the control of 2ch.

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de6797  No.16771985


>What did Hiroyuki do?

Tried to get his lotioned hands on 2ch again.

>Is cuckchan gonna get axed too?

Thankfully not. Its implosion would painful for almost everyone.

There are enough of resident retards to annoy me already.

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c7fff4  No.16771986


Wonderful! And bonegoblin has lost his game too, as 8chan is back and getting a llittle bit better every day.

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000000  No.16771991

Hey, did the clearnet site die for everyone else too? Suddenly I can't access it anymore. It also seems the redirect bug to index.php has not been fixed on tor.

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077a6c  No.16771997


Around 15 minutes ago it wouldn't reload for me, but when I tried a minute later it loaded alright but a bit slower than normal.

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5dbb0c  No.16772024

File: 58ff841d969d38c⋯.gif (5.89 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Bv.gif)


>part 4 coming soon

tl;dr GamerGate was right.

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0f7c7e  No.16772026

When will the site be fixed so I don't have to manually refresh the page to keep on getting thread updates?

How long does it take before it stops updating?

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b1ee27  No.16772032

File: 75f74298c83c41e⋯.png (10.69 KB, 526x116, 263:58, Screenshot_2019-12-03 Ron ….png)


Im here, clearnet is getting ddosed mostly because Hiro lost his appeal against Jim so the cripple is attacking 8kun.

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24f422  No.16772035

I wonder if we'll ever recover our user numbers. I'm feeling pretty bad seeing our current state.


A little bit, but it works again.


I saw that, but I don't know what the appeal or the entire case is about. What was the beef between Hiroshima and Jim?

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3df5a2  No.16772042


>it works again.

That's a massive overstatement.

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7a4ebb  No.16772044

File: 2ca1f033e85b447⋯.jpg (271.22 KB, 1033x2778, 1033:2778, decision2756.jpg)




Here is the copy Ron linked to.

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a75349  No.16772049


>it works

I still keep getting posting errors all the fucking time.

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de2f3a  No.16772056

File: 96a7b8a8320f3b2⋯.jpg (29.32 KB, 607x567, 607:567, d2d1b709a09eaf1c908df8366a….jpg)


So what are the bets he's going to denounce gamergate, especially if brought up in relation to his opinions?

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24f422  No.16772058

File: c6d464e3ace707a⋯.jpg (279.48 KB, 900x1273, 900:1273, 1565744643343-0.jpg)


What issues are you having? Posts go through without issue for me, I can post images. Shit's just not as fast as I would want it to be.

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077a6c  No.16772068

With /sudo/ not up it seems like there should be a thread or something to report techinical issues to Ron besides tweeting at him. Someone should make sure they know about the VanwaTech verification expiring constantly and causing problems with autoupdate or sometimes posting. Is it happening because we're under heavier DDOS or for some other reason?

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aeded4  No.16772069


Ron just tweeted about it, apparently the site is actually under heavy attack.

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b3708b  No.16772072

File: dab24c213832ca7⋯.png (19.19 KB, 601x196, 601:196, ClipboardImage.png)

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6a5bf5  No.16772074

File: 2572a80b54d71e8⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, I_had_fun_once_and_it_was_….png)


pic related


Isn't there a Louis C Carroll quote about how people who try to "act so very, very, grown up" are really immature and insecure people?


Are you being retarded on purpose or are you merely pretending?

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78bb64  No.16772076


This is one of the things I hate is not knowing where to report an issue. I could send Ron a tweet but have no guarantee he even sees it.


inb4 it's something retarded like vanwatech DDoSing themselves with all the verification requests.

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c3d14d  No.16772077

File: d876284dbbf7e5d⋯.png (61.25 KB, 620x223, 620:223, ClipboardImage.png)


Different Lewis, same subject.

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000000  No.16772080

I can't resolve the hostname anymore, what the hell happened.

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b3708b  No.16772083

File: 94bb65b3df76fdc⋯.png (18 KB, 585x182, 45:14, ClipboardImage.png)

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000000  No.16772087


But that wouldn' t make the domain automatically unresolvable, just unreachable.

Also yeah, I saw that post. Damn, that looks huge, (((someone))) must be really butthurt.

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6a5bf5  No.16772091


Yeah, that. Thank you.

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3df5a2  No.16772102


I'm having trouble posting as well as loading images and threads in general

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aeded4  No.16772125


>suddenly the domains are back and poniting at new addresses

Nice, that was fast.

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6a5bf5  No.16772126

Hoes trannies mad. Did someone tell them they would become a "Real Girl™" if they shut down the ebil nahtzi 8kun?

We're going to have to treat Fredrick n' Friends' near-constant DDoSing as weather; just something to be endured until the trannybux funding the botnets run out.

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aeded4  No.16772129

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jim is doing an AMA right now. Might be a good idea to ask him about >>16771967 or anything else.


Yes, that would be much welcomed. Not just to report things but to help each other out. I also don't want to keep spamming these topics here since it's not precisely completely on topic.

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6a5bf5  No.16772137



Jim is such a character. His Youtube stuff is mostly random boomer shitposting which reminds me of old wacky local cable-access shows.

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7a4ebb  No.16772141

Things seems to be loading okay for now.


My money is on FurryFred and his legally retarded boomer sidekick NEETGuy.

Nishimura having the original win of his lawsuit thrown out is a massive blow, now soygoblin can't use that to attack Jimbo and scare away anons from 8kunny.

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5dbb0c  No.16772143


It will be at the very end of his tirade.

>although we may agree on some points, I still cannot condone any of the violence, harassment and misogyny perpetrated by gamergaters in the past and it's there we'll have to agree to disagree

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8cbec1  No.16772152

back or read only mode?

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ac1b5c  No.16772159


Back, but N'wahTech gets set off every 30 seconds or so, so good luck posting.

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8cbec1  No.16772208


do you think he set up a patreon just for it?

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78bb64  No.16772227

File: 5782a44f28a3d93⋯.jpg (145.83 KB, 738x654, 123:109, autistic_child_reads_non-f….jpg)


Has anyone here actually looked at the fucking replies to Ron's tweets?

Fuck me sideways, someone replied to his one tweet and the social media guy for vanwatech: "you are smart, please find her" and links a report about a missing toddler. The fuck does this person expect is gonna happen? Do they think Ron is gonna put on his Rorschach costume to track down one of the missing kids out of hundreds that go missing every week?

I swear social media attracts these incompetents like flies to shit.

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559231  No.16772228

I haven't been able to post on any board for three hours.


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aacfa9  No.16772240


The issue was a botnet attack.

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559231  No.16772242


Other people were posting.

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ae6c52  No.16772255


They think 8kun is like those reality shows like To Catch a Predator and Live P.D..

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94bbce  No.16772271


>don't want to keep spamming these topics here since it's not precisely completely on topic.

>resident GG thread


are you a journo?

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559231  No.16772282

File: d253abcd6bd568a⋯.jpg (88.68 KB, 900x692, 225:173, DEZ_wvzUwAA1KTq.jpg_orig(@….jpg)




<Underlining their bias against the personality, Cecilia D’Anastasio rushed out an article in August 2018 that falsely accused Lengyel of having used homophobic slurs on stream, an incident that applied to another Dallas Fuel player. Despite this being easily checked with a quick Google search, the article was published with the false claim, prompting Lengyel to call out the publication on Twitter. This led to the editor of Kotaku Stephen Totilo publicly apologizing and saying it shouldn’t have happened. As demonstrated across these three articles, such errors would continue to occur under his watch.

>During the awards show Lewis said Cecilia D’Anastasio deserved his award as much as him

>Despite her working at Kotaku, a senior editor no less, and him calling out Kotaku in the very same speech

>Now, in one of his opinion articles where he outlines the corrupt, incompetent, and malicious gaymes journos in regards to their coverage of esports, he's naming and shaming her

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559231  No.16772313


>Notice no one is asking for an archive

>Assume it could easily be benis

>It's real


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559231  No.16772319


He's focusing primarily on gay journos bad reporting on esports matters, his field of expertise, so he can easily avoid picking a side by not bringing it up and ignoring questions about it, since it's not esports.


You could try the meta thread. A post was deleted on it, so Mark is checking it from time to time. Since he's in contact with Ron, he can pass along bug reports or direct numbersape to the thread, just like they were doing on the bunker.

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ac1b5c  No.16772330


That entire generation must've been lobotomised at birth or something. There's no other explanation for the way they are. It's just bizarre.

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000000  No.16772340


>American Mcgee's sister still hasn't been found

This world is cruel.

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23d194  No.16772348


Too cruel, too cold.

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2f5151  No.16772359


she eloped with jimmy hoffa and had a wedding at al capone's vault

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6a5bf5  No.16772370

File: 50d7fc1a9f4fdfa⋯.png (283.32 KB, 771x959, 771:959, red head anon running from….png)


In 46 years, after the reports are declassified, we'll find out she was snatched by glowniggers for nefarious glownigger purposes.

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ac11b1  No.16772394

File: 599ac6f66b4f6c8⋯.png (55.86 KB, 605x634, 605:634, Infinity Ward.png)


Whenever n doubt, cry death threats without ever providing evidence of said credible death threats.

But regardless, what is it about nu-Modern Warfare that is getting everyone upset?


Cecilia D’Anastasio is one of Kotaku's worst modern bloggers, worse then Patricia or Nathan ever were, so good on him for calling her out.

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07a338  No.16772441


Yeah,the bots

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2f5151  No.16772444



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a5d3cc  No.16772469

File: 84c7605347d4556⋯.png (8.4 KB, 403x214, 403:214, uab.png)

is it my imagination or is this the only place you can talk about a certain game?

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10676c  No.16772472


Yes, this is the only place you can talk about Prey, King's Field or DROD.

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f5489f  No.16772476


Prey was great. it's a shame about the music licensing thing making it hard to find anymore, but the part the jukebox played in the game would be hard to separate.

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46a0a0  No.16772503

File: b082d0c7ee7e171⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 1000x6727, 1000:6727, unteralterback sources.jpg)


Everyone in UAB is based on a german.

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40f7d3  No.16772514

File: e9d0a26255fed3f⋯.jpg (18.71 KB, 420x410, 42:41, 1574238822732.jpg)


>Illegal to even possess a firearm under 21, making shooting with your children in rural areas illegal

>Not just magazines over 10 rounds, but guns able to accept magazines over 10 rounds are banned

>That includes handguns and tube fed rifles (such as a .22)

>Banned if it can accept a suppressor, compensator, or flash suppressor

>None of it is grandfathered, you have to turn them in otherwise you're a felon

I'll see you guys in hell or in the pen. Nobody is going to comply, even those who might support gun control are baffled.

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559231  No.16772518

File: ece6435904cda82⋯.jpg (64.63 KB, 800x800, 1:1, nani.jpg)


>so good on him for calling her out.

But at the same fucknig time he said she deserved to be on the nominee list and deserved his award as much as him. Unless there just so happens to be two Cecelia D'Anastasios in gay journolism, Lewis's actions are absolutely baffling.

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559231  No.16772521


This image always bothers me, not because "muh real children represented by evil cartoons", but because all of those comparisons are on point except the twins. The twins comparison is a giant fucking stretch visually.

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c3398d  No.16772522


Anon they aren't going to actually do anything the police know full well that /k/ommandos would be hanging them from lampposts if they ever tried that shit.

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de2f3a  No.16772523

File: 6bc16a04bc76b7a⋯.gif (426.09 KB, 372x260, 93:65, ௵.gif)


This is the first time I've ever seen someone actually source the "this lolishit is totally based off 3dpd" claim on something. Nice to know they didn't base it off real Cheese pizza at least, but it still kinda puts me off personally.

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1089da  No.16772524


If you motherfuckers are going to cuck out on this when push comes to shove, I swear to god.

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ec9a6b  No.16772525


The time to start using those fucking guns was several decades ago.

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aacfa9  No.16772526

File: 7e91081b47bedf7⋯.png (517.09 KB, 1000x1413, 1000:1413, give-a-hoot-1.png)

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559231  No.16772530


The femdom loli there, Laura Bellanaova, was based on a "child model", Laura B., and she was likely sexually abused. Just to put you off more. However, there's different kinds of "based on 3DPD". Most heavily conflate basing the designs of characters off of 3DPD with tracing off of 3DPD/making realistic looking characters. UAB is obviously the former.

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ed7624  No.16772548

File: e17125eb6d5ed06⋯.png (2.11 KB, 256x256, 1:1, Retro-Mushroom-1UP-3-icon.png)

You faggots are still here? Why don't you go get a life?

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7221bb  No.16772549

File: beb07ffce022b1f⋯.jpeg (480.94 KB, 800x1065, 160:213, 8F2673DD-62AD-417F-BF5C-4….jpeg)

>Dear world leaders,


<Signed, President Donald Trump


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7c6107  No.16772563

Anyone else having post errors?

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aacfa9  No.16772565


A few, yes.

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46a0a0  No.16772566


Bonegoblin is emptying his pockets again and vanwatech is shitter than usual.

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5ade90  No.16772591

Is Bitchute kosher? Should I donate?

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78bb64  No.16772609


>Trump slammed…

I hate that fucking buzzword, this isn't football god damn it they need to stop using that for describing as little as disagreement.

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aacfa9  No.16772622



>relating to football

>not basketball

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5c3080  No.16772642


>Is Bitchute kosher?


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5c3080  No.16772643



Excuse me, I mean the site IS pozzed.

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8370a7  No.16772651

File: cc233b8b95bb040⋯.jpg (990.8 KB, 1284x1448, 321:362, VFrewgvbqwbr.jpg)

Did anyone hear about the tranny bullshit that was pushed in Hoshiai no Sora? Granted it is an original anime and a drama the apparently focuses on real life drama but I can't help but feel like faggoty is being pushed hard there all of a sudden. Whats surprising is that shit like kikeflix isn't behind this one. it Is it because fags and westaboos over there are trying to take advantage of the fact that the Olympics will put Japan on a worldwide theater?


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559231  No.16772655


English laws apply to them, so they're fucked from the getgo.

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559231  No.16772676

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6a5bf5  No.16772687

File: 2ecc5a859c563bd⋯.png (587.15 KB, 1136x1050, 568:525, tranny.png)


Okama (faggots) and transvestites have been a staple of anime/manga since the beginning, although usually as joke or background characters. The best example I can think of is: Bobby, Macross Quarter's helmsmanfag and chief makeup artist who was an interesting character, beyond being a fag version of "the Claudia" of the bridge-bunnies, who had a crush on "the Roy", from Macross Fronter.

However, starting with the antagonist of Gatachaman Crowds and possibly Hato-kun the trap from Genshiken Second Season, I've noticed the advent of what I call the "soulful-tranny"-trope, as well as, the "tranny-oneechan"-trope. Both which are the equivalent to the Western, Leftist, IDPol and much-hated by me noble-savage or magical-negro tropes, where being what they are (a tranny) gives the character special wisdom and understanding (because being a tranny "is hard" somehow) rather than wisdom from who they are.

This may be Western Leftist Identity Politics leaking into Japan via twitter, but it only seems to affect anime/manga artists who want to make anime/manga for Western Audiences and thus, tend to not be very good, such as the aforementioned Gatchaman Crowds.

The real problem here is people on (Japanese) twitter thinking twitter is real life. It isn't.

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8370a7  No.16772688


I am aware of okamas and shit the only reason, I am bringing this up is because they used lgbt lingo in the episode along with the fag reading a lgbt book.

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3f9c7f  No.16772691


>Jim is such a character. His Youtube stuff is mostly random boomer shitposting which reminds me of old wacky local cable-access shows.

This. And I didn't even notice problems with 8kun, it got slower here and there but overall worked fine, I didn't even believe it was being attacked until Jim confirmed it.

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aacfa9  No.16772694

File: 139e9b4ce449680⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 774.24 KB, 2885x3508, 2885:3508, EKb2oc2XUAMgrwc.jpg orig.jpg)


Traps are great. Trannies in anime & manga should stay as joke characters. The more LGBT bullshit in manga within recent years does have me worried that more of Japan is trying to push western trends like trannies. It's one thing if it's just cute gay couples. But it's another to promote a mental illness as positive.

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9ca4f2  No.16772830

File: c0e35153c078cc6⋯.jpeg (113.58 KB, 850x850, 1:1, 4BB04309-59AC-4328-9756-E….jpeg)

Anyone have any of those /fit/ desktop/2-3 minute exercise infographs?

I'm asking because I want to do more than just sit on my ass all day at work? And, I'm driving myself crazy with how I'm not "allowed" to do anything else aside from play with MSPaint and reading official company documents about our rules and guidelines. I was thinking of taking a couple of those infographs, printing them, and taping them to the putside of the window that I sit at (To get around the "no paper allowed" rule).

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a9a878  No.16772835

File: 9b5888cfd961def⋯.jpg (82.74 KB, 1000x918, 500:459, EKOlCpAXYAEV6i0.jpg)

So with vch up for now, where do guys plan to post. 8kun in the morning + afternoon when its nice and smooth and maybe vch at night (when the cripple is awake). All in burger time of course.

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559231  No.16772851

File: 5bbd00aa20bde56⋯.png (834.39 KB, 1775x1125, 71:45, 050 GAY.png)


>traps are great

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aacfa9  No.16772855

File: 45ff89620512f59⋯.jpeg (121.05 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, d4baf8f58d055e3e8bca6792b….jpeg)

File: 4ed79f9b8346257⋯.jpeg (128.24 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, 0820b684a4e3aabb8ca54afda….jpeg)


No going back now.

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6a5bf5  No.16772873


I'll post on both, but focus more on posting here when it's usable and post in the bunker when the DDoS weather is bad. If the main site is knocked out; the bunkers will be the next target for the tranny-funded botnets.

This is a battle of autism and wills.

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a295d1  No.16772898

File: 5a9b53a61b2ffaa⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 64.92 KB, 481x680, 481:680, EK-pZHSX0AAyTWp.jpg)

File: 19f69558246c864⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 62.55 KB, 481x680, 481:680, EK-paY2WoAEQltt.jpg)

File: 86d5b77da40d527⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 63.28 KB, 481x680, 481:680, EK-pbsHXUAIMOTS.jpg)

File: 6f1c560270ee5c0⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 62.1 KB, 481x680, 481:680, EK-pdODWkAEKJEN.jpg)

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077a6c  No.16772904

Are there some people who can't post on 8kun at all or is just having to refresh from VanwaTech expiring constantly due to the DDOS? Is there any way to make it work better with VanwaTech even under heavy DDOS conditions? I guess I'm keeping both threads open for now:


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aacfa9  No.16772914


Pretty much constantly refreshing if the page doesn't reload automatically before. Kind of annoying but it comes with the territory right now.

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4e43b0  No.16772980

File: 0ae58d88681168e⋯.jpg (74.92 KB, 482x866, 241:433, 0ae58d88681168e4e169593ef1….jpg)


>The drawfags are comin back too

Man I missed this tread, its good to have you guys back.

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559231  No.16772988


>>The drawfags are comin back too

>While the site is barely usable and Mark brought back the bunkers

Boggles the mind.

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2e5756  No.16773050


How is it possible to be this fragile? Trannies really are broken people.

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aacfa9  No.16773116

Seems like things are stable again.

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6a5bf5  No.16773140

File: b0c000109e40a6f⋯.jpg (123.51 KB, 869x1115, 869:1115, god cleans trannys.jpg)

The shit I have to put up with. When the time comes; I will clean all the trannies. Day of the mop when?

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000000  No.16773149

Testing without JS.

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000000  No.16773152

Trying without JS.

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000000  No.16773153

Trying without JS.


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000000  No.16773154

Trying without JS.


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000000  No.16773155

It worked. And all those attempts went through despite telling me they didn't. Didn't mean to accidentally spam.

Thanks for the spoonfeeding anon. It sucks that I'm relegated to posting through Tor and being a second-class poster now; I'm going to miss imageposting, but it's something at least.

A tiny bit of good news today.

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6a5bf5  No.16773165

File: aa765a8efba41e9⋯.png (353.53 KB, 1220x1360, 61:68, anons_encounters_with_the_….png)


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077a6c  No.16773194

File: 9ffc6bab75ab497⋯.jpg (23.04 KB, 600x329, 600:329, fifa Marco Basten censors….jpg)

Dutch Football Legend Marco van Basten Removed from FIFA 20 Over Off-Camera “Sieg Heil” Joke



>Late last month, during an interview between Dutch Fox Sports presenter Hans Kraay and Heracles Almelo manager Frank Wormuth following a match between the team and AFC Ajax, van Basten, unaware that his microphone was recording, mocked Kraay’s poor grasp of the German language by saying “Not too pretty, sieg heil, pfannkuchen [pancake].”, according to TalkSport.

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077a6c  No.16773248

It seems like more people are preferring to post in the vch thread right now:


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aacfa9  No.16773277

File: 445980e8f6ea9a5⋯.jpg (3.27 MB, 4863x2736, 1621:912, EK2npijXYAARkDt.jpg orig.jpg)

File: b723cbfbca14e9f⋯.jpg (284.37 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, EK-iqbEWsAAxoGq.jpg orig.jpg)

Comic book movies are getting lazier with their costumes. This is supposed to be Taskmaster & Cheetah.

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559231  No.16773280


I'm a dirty crossposter posting on both.

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133164  No.16773298


Still waiting for the rest of the website to migrate

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33cc57  No.16773316


You can't sell an actual skeleton in china, it's banned.

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aacfa9  No.16773318


Fuck these communist puppets.

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6a5bf5  No.16773340


Don't fuck dirty commies; you'll get a disease.

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aacfa9  No.16773341


Don't you get smart with me.

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559231  No.16773345

File: fdccbb5ee604efa⋯.jpg (73.67 KB, 579x1163, 579:1163, loli_lara_croft.jpg)


No, he said puppets. Like, a little anime puppet of Alunya, but instead of a hole for your hand, there's an onahole for your dick.

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6a5bf5  No.16773464


Shall I post the pic of that poor Sonic plushie?

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aacfa9  No.16773470


Please no.

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c7fff4  No.16773492


Why is Sonic such a gateway drug to furryism?

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6a5bf5  No.16773497

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Unrelated, but in vic-adjacent news: Rooster Teeth Australia is kill.

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6ce005  No.16773506


Would you fuck a puppet?

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559231  No.16773531


Touhou Puppet Play was fun.

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559231  No.16773585

File: bfacebabce73202⋯.png (5.47 KB, 572x100, 143:25, Jewish Faggotry.png)

Well this is certainly interesting.

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6a5bf5  No.16773630

File: 55f450048fe810e⋯.jpg (18.67 KB, 321x189, 107:63, [boner_sounds].jpg)


[trannyfarms erection noises]

Someone make this into a banner.

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1b2b2c  No.16773742

File: 6ac991c4240c037⋯.png (120.77 KB, 472x931, 472:931, E94AD2F4-732F-41DC-A0BA-B4….png)

There was a shooting in Wisconsin: archive.ph/4kJsO

There was a shooting in Pearl Harbor: archive.ph/XL2ki

And, NOW, there's a shooting in a Florida naval base: archive.ph/310os

What the Hell is going on?

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559231  No.16773750


The Dems REALLY want to introduce gun control legislation a-la Virginia.

I'm having deja vu.

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aacfa9  No.16773804


Just like how the impeachment bullshit is a last ditch effort to prevent Trump's re-election, all these shootings are an effort to impose more gun control laws.

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6a5bf5  No.16773860

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

In more vic-adjacent news: Armsgril Marzgurl just got yeeted off of twitter.

I have never seen "victory" be so utterly disastrous to the supposed "victors". In case you're wondering; the case IS being appealed, but because of the way the Texas appeals court work, we won't see any new updates about it for at least six months.

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d3e14e  No.16773869


Took a little while to get to it, it but Ron came through for us.

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6a5bf5  No.16774121

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jim being Jim.

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aacfa9  No.16774129

File: 1f2fa2cc3944670⋯.jpg (652.42 KB, 1917x1832, 1917:1832, EK6qCPLWsAAiho2.jpg orig.jpg)

The shooting today is all for democrats to push for conflict with Saudi Arabia.

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6a5bf5  No.16774136


The jews Saudis did 9/11 and the 10/1 Las Vegas Shooting

I'm unironically fine with nuking Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

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ae6c52  No.16774138

File: a04e61ef7e9153c⋯.webm (1.09 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, All the stages of confusi….webm)


Wait, WHY?!? I thought we were suppose to be making piece with the sandniggers?

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aacfa9  No.16774139


Both of those was the glowniggers.

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6a5bf5  No.16774142


Yes. Glowniggers AND Saudis.

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aacfa9  No.16774147


War economy? Hillary was ready to go to war against Russia for no reason. They're bloodthirsty. Could be wartime creates destabilized societies. People go missing all the time. Especially children. So it means more sex trafficking.


But if it was the Saudis then the media would proudly blame it on them instead of Osama or some white guy.

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ae6c52  No.16774149

File: 38a15d90d9be4ad⋯.png (96.44 KB, 600x455, 120:91, Realization.png)


>War economy?

>People go missing all the time. Especially children. So it means more sex trafficking.



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6a5bf5  No.16774153


The Saudis (and Qataris) partially own much of the MSM and are majority-shareholders of social-media companies such as Twitter and Facebook. Why the hell would you think the MSM would bite that hand that feeds them?

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aacfa9  No.16774164

File: 46923ceb5e28dce⋯.png (50.35 KB, 558x840, 93:140, 46923ceb5e28dceb0753bc62b4….png)


Truly gets the noggin joggin.


Then why would they pin this shooting on a Saudi man instead of a puppet? Has Saudi Arabia outlived it's usefulness to (((them)))?

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6a5bf5  No.16774200


You don't know about the Saudi coup attempt.

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d33373  No.16774202



Suadi Arabia was always a powder-keg waiting to go off.

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184c25  No.16774213


Maybe they want a bargaining tool to lower the price on oil?

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aacfa9  No.16774217



I'd figure the democrats would look for an excuse to fight China over Saudi Arabia.


That's a good possibility.

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0ef230  No.16774239


>lower the price on oil?

Why would they want it lower?

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0ef230  No.16774240


>lower the price on oil?

Why would they want it lower

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184c25  No.16774282


Not the saudis, the US.

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ae6c52  No.16774441




I'm curious as well, since the U.S. is actually the world's largest oil producer: http://archive.ph/pRkNZ

We consume almost 90% of that oil: http://archive.ph/G6v9G

That oil independence has actually resulted in a drop of oil prices: http://archive.ph/atnkc

And, we export the rest, which makes America the 8th largest oil exporter in the world: http://archive.ph/aaEfQ

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ae6c52  No.16774470

File: 912a751cad1048c⋯.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 12.13 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, videoplayback.mp4)

Well, the journalists finally got their game where there's no killing and they get to actually help people. Think they'll play it?

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aacfa9  No.16774475


But do we get to play Jesus traveling to hell to overcome Satan before rising again on earth then into Heaven?

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ff510e  No.16774505

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gab recently banned porn (both 2D and 3DPD), claiming it's not free expression. So much for a supposed "free-speech" website.

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0ef230  No.16774518


Tp play devil's advocate I kinda understand where they're getting from, porn really is just useless when it comes to discussion and any place that allows both typically gets swamped by porn's endless spam accounts and mass saturation.

Just the way they're going on about handling the ban and stance is poor.

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aacfa9  No.16774531


You can't build your platform on the promise of free speech then start censoring or banning stuff you don't like if it doesn't violate any laws. It's making them just as bad as the platforms they want to compete with.

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5fe8df  No.16774542


But does that really extend to adult content? Traditionally it has always been in its own confined spaces and I can understand when it's declared inappropriate on a Twitter clone. Porn isn't really censored much in general, half of the internet is porn, there is absolutely no hardship in finding sites that allow or even encourage it.

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ae6c52  No.16774546

File: 79afe9423001e6c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 306.81 KB, 1280x1920, 2:3, q8ffBuxQlYOHrvPniLgCbmKK4L….jpg)


My first "foray" into porn was search up Pikmin pictures (On the school computers) on ask.com and being taken to some page with "sexual harassment" screenshot taken Melee and photos of naked women posing with their privates covered by game controllers. Didn't really explore much further until I just blatantly decided to search "naked women" after watching the original Terminator one night.

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aacfa9  No.16774548


Again, the site promised free speech. Pornography is a form of free speech, as long as it's not illegal, especially if it's art. An artist shouldn't be censored just because what they create is pornographic in nature. If Gab was built upon just being a free speech platform for politics but no NSFW subjects allowed from the get go then people wouldn't have this problem. But censoring stuff for no reason later just because it makes you feel icky is as bad as SJWs wanting the world to change for their own feelings.

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0ef230  No.16774558

File: ddddc1c5700a5b3⋯.png (57.73 KB, 500x428, 125:107, 12fsdf.png)

Being split between two gg threads is really harming the usual speed of the bread, people need to focus on one for the sake of post integrity.

I'm posting this in both threads

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ff510e  No.16774563


Yea, but if you're gonna tout yourself as a "free-speech" alternative, then you can't start censoring shit you don't like. I already disliked him since he banned lolicon.

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ff510e  No.16774567


Also Art is considered free-expression but pornographic art or nude drawings of 2D girlies isn't?

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559231  No.16774580


But then you have to draw the line between porn and art, which can be really iffy.

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559231  No.16774583


Then you section off a portion of the site for adult content, but still allow it.

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559231  No.16774584


Not happening until the bunker closes. Site doesn't work for everyone. I got unknown error just trying to post this, and I keep getting "your post looks automated" on the bunker.

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077a6c  No.16774591


I would suggest focusing on vch until the issues

are sufficiently resolved (e.g. autoupdate isn't getting broken by the VanwaTech verification constantly), but the 8kun thread seems to be getting a bit more activity so I'm not sure. If the 8kun thread hits 700 before the problems are fixed we could consider not making a new one and just having a "NEW THREAD" post pointing at the vch thread. However some activity comes from people just browsing the board, so we might lose out on activity from them regardless.

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6a5bf5  No.16774658

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I've put up with a lot; /gghq/ from 2015 to (pre-election) 2016 was far slower than how the thread is right now. I'm willing to be patient as the site gets hardened to be as non-Cloudflare-DDoS-resistant as possible. I'll post both here (when 8kun is working) and in the bunker (when there's a DDoS storm) while that happens. I'll deal.

This is a war which I don't intend to lose.

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41e9eb  No.16774723


At this point 8kun works really well for me besides occasionally reloading the page to get a new vanwa verification. It seems to be side-wide, so you can just open the 8kun.top homepage in a new windows and then hit update normally in already opened threads.

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6a5bf5  No.16774735

File: 9a69d9c32805ef0⋯.png (7.77 KB, 254x90, 127:45, csF jew catchpa.png)


I just clone the tab, wait for the verification check to do it's thing, when the page starts to load I close the cloned tab, then carry on.

I also have the catchpa-verification page on my speed-dial so I don't have to deal with catchpa time-out errors.

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559231  No.16774737


>cloning the whole tab

>For a 600+ reply thread

Just open image in new tab to reverify.

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6a5bf5  No.16774753


I don't let the page load once the verification check is done, but I'll try it that way.

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cb17f9  No.16774772


Do it, faggot.

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6a5bf5  No.16774775


Nigga I just ate. No.

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aacfa9  No.16774783

File: 347d97bf38b3bf5⋯.png (72.43 KB, 636x658, 318:329, ClipboardImage.png)

So when's Twitter gonna be taken down for hosting a shooter's manifesto?


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6a5bf5  No.16774791


This is going to be memory-holed fast.

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6a5bf5  No.16774792

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Gainax President ARRESTED, Alleged He Took Girls Home calling it "Womens Dormitory" & "Trained" Them

Sounds like a load of hoseshit, as the "victim" ended up living with the accused after the "assault" took place.

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0ef230  No.16774795


> the "victim" ended up living with the accused after the "assault" took place.

That's actually pretty common in the Japanese va industry.

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559231  No.16774800


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6a5bf5  No.16774804


I know. That's the plot of many a doujinshi, but the flip side of that, is there's a lot shakedowns-via-Tokyo-Metro-PD done by women on innocent men because the crime-rate is so low in Japan that the police literally have nothing better to do than adjudicate he-said-she-said bullshit. It's actually worse there than in the West, because once you are arrested in Japan, you are DONE.

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aacfa9  No.16774805


It's not that the crime rate is low. It's that criminals are better at hiding in the shadows & many police reports aren't made public.

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559231  No.16774806


>once you are arrested in Japan, you are DONE.

I can understand this. Even if nothing comes of it, that's missing a ton of fucking work and will likely effect your hirability after your current job either fires you or sends you to do the shittiest work possibly as punishment for missing so much work.

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559231  No.16774808


>It's not that Japan's general ethno-nationalism results in a safer society with lower crime, the crime is just hidden better!

Even if it's true that the Japs are better at hiding their shit and the police keep a higher percantage of reports non-public, I'd bet my ass the japs still have a much lower crime rate than most other places.

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6a5bf5  No.16774810


Uh, crimes that are never reported (Like drug possession or prostitution where the "victim" is also the "perpetrator" aren't reported, because who would report on themselves?) do not affect the crime rate.

That's not how statistics work.

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aacfa9  No.16774811


They're a tiny island nation with declining population, nearly endless work culture, & even a dwindling Yakuza. Course their crime rate is low compared to any land locked nation.

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cb17f9  No.16774846


You can eat again later if you throw up. >>16773464 DO IT

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6a5bf5  No.16774878


After trying both methods, the clone-tab way is slower, but far less prone to timing-out than the open-image-in-new-tab way, which I believe may be due to the image-server being hammered more harshly from the DDoS. However, the difference may be bowser-specific, so your mileage may vary.



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6a5bf5  No.16774942

File: 04e185dfaae17e7⋯.jpg (32.49 KB, 356x440, 89:110, Panda - bowser porn time.jpg)




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41e9eb  No.16775055


Not soon enough. It's best to shut down twitter for good, such a toxic site that encourages immature soy kids to indulge more and more in their exaggerated feelings of self importance cannot be tolerated.

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ae6c52  No.16775067

File: a649fd8d4893c4b⋯.png (462.6 KB, 624x474, 104:79, Technology doomed earth.png)

Why is it a lot of older animes are so damn bleak and depressing?

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190255  No.16775088





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190255  No.16775107


>Then why would they pin this shooting on a Saudi man instead of a puppet? Has Saudi Arabia outlived it's usefulness to (((them)))?

Dunno. Maybe seeing and using people's lives as tools is a Democrat thing.

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aacfa9  No.16775132


Post WW2 then post economic bubble generations.

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316084  No.16775296


hes fucking that former LoL tranny he "saved"

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ae6c52  No.16775302

File: 2a34ac4e4b3460b⋯.png (314.99 KB, 640x480, 4:3, It never ends.png)

Now they're coming after porn!

>Exclusive: U.S. Representatives Call On Barr to Prosecute Obscene Pornography


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559231  No.16775313

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aacfa9  No.16775349

File: faf63f0125f5814⋯.jpg (795.81 KB, 2000x2677, 2000:2677, ee2f7ed7ea85dab67587ff7c51….jpg)


I'm sick of e-thots & whores but porn still shouldn't be banned for existing. They'll start with hentai first for sure too. We must secure a future for our anime titties.

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41e9eb  No.16775373


Reminder to download fucking everything.

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7a4ebb  No.16775384

File: 6b167dc547a2155⋯.png (54.81 KB, 790x643, 790:643, 1565430353740.png)


>possible Trump win and reversal of 2018

>cuckservatives get a whiff of power

>instead of focusing on China, immigration, prosecuting companies that knowingly hire illegals or Silicon Valley

>they go after porn


I am so fucking mad right now.

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ae6c52  No.16775401

File: e68715e9655319f⋯.jpg (144.74 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Time to purge the normalfa….jpg)


Honestly, supporters and participants in both parties need to be shot if we want this shit to go away. It's not one side versus the other, BOTH of them need to be purged. Only wish more people realized this like. Just last week, my dad was complaining about how things will finally start turning around once we get the Dems out of office, and I agreed that it was a start but it won't be finished until we get those corrupt Republicans out of office as well.

He did not take kindly to that and kept trying to correct what I just said.

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f8237e  No.16775410


Speaking of, is sadpanda dead for anyone else? I haven't been able to get on it for a week now. All I get is a blank page.

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559231  No.16775416


Works on my machine™.

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6a5bf5  No.16775431

File: 04ed0bcac116622⋯.jpg (48.18 KB, 600x848, 75:106, Fun_is_Sexist.jpg)


Both Leftists and Cuckservitives (What exactly have you "conserved" Mr Conservative?) are "No Fun!" moral authoritarians and should be regarded as the enemy.

It's become trite to call anyone on the Right "Rightwing SJWs" because of overuse and misuse of the term when butthurt Leftists end up having to follow the same rules as everyone else on platforms they don't control, like here, they spazmatically call anyone enforcing the rules a "Rightwing SJW". See also: "Rulecucks", but in the case of Cuckservitives, it's actually true, as you can just do a word-replace for "degeneracy" with "sexism" in their denouncement and justification for censoring porn and they sound just like Leftist SJWs. The devolution of Western society into the Neo-Wiemar Republic, with stripper 9yearold boys and drag-queen storytime, were allowed to happen under YOUR useless "watch" while you're busy bitching about loli, Mr Cuckservitive.

Moral Authoritarians, on both the Left and the Right, just can't keep their fucking politics in their pants. They utterly disgust me.


I keep going and all I see is a sad panda.

In the bunker GG thread last week, there was an anon who was asking for help with a script archiving Sad Panda pages, but I don't know what happened with that.

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077a6c  No.16775459


>In the bunker GG thread last week, there was an anon who was asking for help with a script archiving Sad Panda pages, but I don't know what happened with that.

If we're thinking of the same anon that script was for a different website that he didn't reveal. I believe scripts for archiving Sad Panda are widely available from the scare when people thought it would be deleted a while back.

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7a4ebb  No.16775497

File: 57096ad0dcb7e28⋯.mp4 (8.02 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Raising Taxes on Poor Peop….mp4)


Moral authoritarians on both sides brought us:

>alcohol prohibition

>created and funded organized crime so bad it took decades and decades to recover from

>war on drugs

>spawned massive and brutal south and central american cartels we are still dealing with today, fucking over our border security and smuggling people into the country

I can't wait to see what "war on porn" will fucking do to the US, maybe it will finally just end us all.

Also they brought us sin taxes, because "fuck you we are your betters but are too cowardly to outright ban it."

Vid related

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aacfa9  No.16775499


Banning porn would probably increase the crime rate for starters. People need porn for release. Much like video games. Just different sorts of releases. Banning porn would also destroy porn sites as we know em. Making it easier to hide the real illegal depraved shit from the public eye to prevent uproars. But those in power of course will go on like nothing's changed.

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7a4ebb  No.16775562

File: 83ad8ee65241fd3⋯.png (57.78 KB, 619x675, 619:675, torbatard2.png)

File: cec1d1e0fac36f9⋯.png (84.18 KB, 623x691, 623:691, torbatard3.png)


But "muh magical parenting tablet needs to do my parental job for me!"

How is this any different from leftists demanding the state raise their own children for them when it came to violence/misogyny in vidya or other media?

Retards like Torba and other cuckservatives don't realize they are building the gallows and tying the noose for themselves.

The moment they start enforcing obscenity again, leftist will attempt to redefine obscenity to include hate speech, which they have already done in many other western countries.

They are literally the same standard:


>"I know it when I see it"

>if enough people agree, then its obscene

>hate speech

>"I know it when I see it"

>if enough people agree, then its hateful

And for the idiots you anons might talk to who say it doesn't or never will happen, look at NZ.

They have been using their obscenity laws to prosecute anyone who shares the Christchurch mosque shootings or manifesto or even anyone who says something positive about Brenton Tarrant.

Pretty sure someone got 10 fucking years for sharing the video down there.

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aacfa9  No.16775565

File: cb99a94fa222981⋯.jpg (91.55 KB, 1065x614, 1065:614, ELKCDARUcAEskem.jpg orig.jpg)


It's all hypocrisy on Gab's part. Being just as bad as the people they claim to be against.

After 8chan got taken down, I'm not surprised by anything else coming to fruition. A porn ban sounds incredibly likely. But it'd go about as well as prohibition. Likely making all the problems perceived now become worse in every way. It's a mad mad world we live in. The lunatics run the asylum.

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41e9eb  No.16775627


Protestantism was a mistake. As far as I know you don't even have legal prostitution in the US. Living like this would be pretty unimaginable to me.

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559231  No.16775636


>Protestantism was a mistake.

Better pay your indulgences.

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077a6c  No.16775639

File: 95afa14795fbec3⋯.jpg (888.8 KB, 2295x2970, 17:22, Red Dupe.jpg)


And they always hate being compared to their mirror-images on the other side. Pic related was published in Tales From the Crypt in 1954 mocking censorious conservative moralists by comparing them to communists. Of course, that time the moral authoritarians won and the 'voluntary' self-censorship of the comics code crippled the entire medium in the west.

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7a4ebb  No.16775656

File: 874d568a1a0c1f3⋯.png (218.85 KB, 382x439, 382:439, sad_clownpiece.png)


Its no surprise theocrats and socialists are so similar, they operate on utopian ideologies and oppressing the masses is a small price to pay on the road to their utopia.

Socialism and all its flavors can be boiled down to the the worship of men enlightened by their intelligence instead of some deity, who can create utopia on earth if everyone just their commandments ideology.

And I include NatSocs into that.

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ae6c52  No.16775667

File: e1fadf0262c820a⋯.png (54.27 KB, 212x301, 212:301, ClipboardImage.png)


>Socialism and all its flavors can be boiled down to the the worship of men enlightened by their intelligence instead of some deity, who can create utopia on earth if everyone just their ideology.

>And I include NatSocs into that.

Why do you think I keep quoting Vilfredo Pareto: http://archive.ph/LuOpX

<The socialists of our own day have clearly perceived that the revolution at the end of the eighteenth century led merely to the bourgeoisie’s taking the place of the old elite. They exaggerate a good deal the burden of oppression imposed by the new masters, but they do sincerely believe that a new elite of politicians will stand by their promises better than those which have come and gone up to the present day. All revolutionaries proclaim, in turn, that previous revolutions have ultimately ended up by deceiving the people; it is their revolution alone which is the true revolution. “All previous historical movements” declared the Communist Manifesto of 1848, “were movements of minorities or in the interest of minorities. The proletarian movement is the self-conscious, independent movement of the immense majority, in the interest of the immense majority.” Unfortunately this true revolution, which is to bring men an unmixed happiness, is only a deceptive mirage that never becomes a reality. It is akin to the golden age of the millenarians: forever awaited, it is forever lost in the mists of the future, forever eluding its devotees just when they think they have it.

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aacfa9  No.16775724

File: 4c6f45843dd5027⋯.jpg (1.64 MB, 1442x2560, 721:1280, 1571618189255.jpg)

Is it time for a new bread?

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559231  No.16775737


Four more posts.

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6120ac  No.16775738

File: 116d3d9df5c1678⋯.jpg (45.17 KB, 700x925, 28:37, horrors better left unseen.jpg)



This means no matter what we do we're always gonna be stuck with these busybody ass hats who want to dictate society to its grave and pretend they've done nothing wrong even when caught red handed. I want this madness to stop but it looks like even when I'm long dead I'll never find peace. All because of a bunch of retards larping as preachers for cancerous neoreligions.

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048f31  No.16775739


Not yet. 3 - 4 posts to go.

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559231  No.16775744

File: 860ab37c4905bc5⋯.png (284.73 KB, 1741x540, 1741:540, ClipboardImage.png)


It will always be this way. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

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aacfa9  No.16775762





The fight never ends. There's always evil controlling people out there on every side we must endure.

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559231  No.16775775


Or you can just stop making threads and post on the GG bunker thread until Mark shuts it down again.

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7a4ebb  No.16775793


From what I recall, inspiration from Pareto partly helped form the idea in Hitler and more specifically Mussolini that the Communist utopia was ultimately delusional and the transitional period of Socialist dictatorship was the true desirable outcome of Socialism.

<"Everything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state"

And I think Pareto initially even welcomed Mussolini's view of Socialism before he died.


History always repeats itself anon, while they may claim to have different inspirations or ideologies for their censorship, every fucking age has these fucking people who know better than the plebs and will enforce it by the sword.

Even if it takes rivers of blood, no price is too great for their utopian delusion.


Everything seems to be working well enough to use full time.

Hopefully it isn't just the DDoS being inactive.

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aacfa9  No.16775801


Everything seems to be working now. We should all be posting here for the time being. We shouldn't be divided.

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559231  No.16775817



>everythings working now

Up through yesteryday I was still getting the occasional unknown error. Up through today and until the last couple hours or so every single post would "take too long" but still go through.

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559231  No.16775822


Oh, and randomly images stop loading on the page until I open a new page to reverify. This is still happening.

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7a4ebb  No.16775832

File: a66db164deebc4b⋯.png (506.16 KB, 540x625, 108:125, bredzuna.png)


From the bunker:

>when you refresh the page to get the verification cookie it doesn't always update the cookie for both the media domain and the sys domain, so thumbnails, images, webms everything stored on media.8kun.top ends up not loading

Just refresh to fix for now.

Also we should have a new bread.

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aacfa9  No.16775842


We need a baker. At the very least to know if there's anything to change.

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ae6c52  No.16775861

File: 67ecc00397df3fe⋯.png (385.79 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Trying to think.png)


There was a lot of stuff going down, we really need to update the OP after 6 months…

Why not leaving the "Ongoing Discussion", "Current Tasks", and "Ongoing "Tasks" sections as "[Pending}". At the moment I don't know what our current goals are, aside from saving as much hentai and ecchi as possible because of: >>16775302

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aacfa9  No.16775868


Archiving hentai should be the top task right now, I agree. Save everything you can. Make sure to save everything physical too. It'll all be valuable in the coming months.

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ae6c52  No.16775869

File: 1da4fb0fc4de65b⋯.png (625.75 KB, 633x480, 211:160, This is serious.png)


I'll be baking the next bread with all three sections listed as [PENDING}.

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7a4ebb  No.16775873


>It'll all be valuable in the coming months

I doubt the cuckservatives will get enough power to go full chink on porn.

They'll probably pull more of that bullshit like that one group of evangelicals did to steam, adopting intersectional talking points to push for "deplatforming" more lewd materials.

Literally tying the noose for themselves by using those arguments without even realizing it.

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ae6c52  No.16775884

Next bread:


Next bread:


Next bread:


Next bread:


Next bread:


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ac11b1  No.16776018


Sorry I ignored that part. Yeah that's stupid. Maybe he's just trying to be nice and doesn't want to burn too many bridges, since as I said she's absolutely one of the worst on that site at the moment.


People need to understand that Japan isn't immune to this. Didn't they recently elect a major LGBT faggot? Doesn't most of the population support gay marriage? The pozz has been there for a long time but ti will take time to slowly manifest.

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