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[ /agdg/ | Vidya Porn | Hentai Games | Retro Vidya | Contact ]

File: a3f1b11c6bae3da⋯.png (607.62 KB, 640x480, 4:3, What the Hell are you doin….png)

34735c  No.16775883



>Republicans want A.G. Barr to crack down on porn: http://archive.ph/lrvB9

<Save as much hentai and ecchi as you can






Reminders (important, READ THESE!):

•Use https://archive.fo to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later

•Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags

•Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

•Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm



>Summaries of #GamerGate:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds

https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address

>Background and Evidence for #GamerGate:

•The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb

•#GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page

•History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/

•View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!


•GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v. gd/vzRsRb

•Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v. gd/LNJbat

>Thread Repository:



>Full OP Text:

•Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP

>How Can I Help?


•All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations

•OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v. gd/Kbzw0L

•An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v. gd/nwrbYF

>Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki?


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34735c  No.16775889

File: 68af8edeb4ee369⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 39.98 KB, 226x225, 226:225, 8kunm.png)

Archive of last bread:


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3e597e  No.16775903

Best every new instance states

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0fa23d  No.16775904

File: b16ecb4971bf5e0⋯.jpg (210.52 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, 111152_v9_ba.jpg)

File: 423093ae7b712e0⋯.jpg (320.18 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, shutterstock_editorial_104….jpg)

Let's start this bread with depression. The puppeteer for Big Bird, Caroll Spinney, passed away today. If that was bad enough, René Auberjonois also passed. He played Odo on Deep Space 9.

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b791b5  No.16775908

File: cbfe3d6fd7dfc80⋯.jpg (42.76 KB, 370x272, 185:136, 28cc414becae2f1eecbf9b60b5….jpg)

I have yet to hear a coherent argument from a twatter cuckservative on how obscenity is any different from hate speech.

Or what the cutoff would be on a work that triggers an arousal response that would override the the value of political or other types of expression in it.

Or how does one even define what porn is when the arousal response itself is subjective.

These are the same problems hate speech has and they have arguments against banning that but cry muh womyns n chillins just like a leftist when porn comes up.

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15ab44  No.16775914

"Server took too long to submit your post"

This is getting old.

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ff8220  No.16775915


It's entertaining how similar the arguments are.

>"Hate speech isn't free speech!"

<"Porn isn't free speech!"

>"Social media should require ID because muh misogyny cyberbullying!"

<"Porn should require ID because muh misogyny protect the childrens!"

The porn industry's a real pile of shit but I don't see how banning porn or requiring ID to watch it will fix any of that. Fake IDs have always been a thing, there will be sites outside the US that just ignore the law, and kids will go to them instead. If you outlaw porn outright, then the conditions are gonna be even worse because it's now a black market enterprise.

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b740df  No.16775935


>how obscenity is any different from hate speech

Hate speech can be obscene, but not all obscenities are hate speech.

Jokes aside:

>man made porn to entertain himself

>god made man in his image

>god also made retards to entertain himself

>retardation is part of god's design

>scorn for retardation is an affront to the lord's greatness

Cuckservatives cannot argue against this.

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09eb76  No.16775938

>under 10 posts in 2 hours

This board split is brutal. I really hope things get better soon

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ff8220  No.16775942


Also I swear the lady on the left gets cucked all the time in porn. I have a video where Aika cucks her.

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09eb76  No.16775946



>2020: Youtube is moving to make content "kid friendly"

>2020: Twitter is making drawn porn containing semen unacceptable as a form of "graphic violence" (eg no more porn)

>Tech companies are moving their officers and managers to Israel and out of California

There's a lot of big moves by happening by big players

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697481  No.16775947

Watch out for GamerGate

The public enemy of the world #1

It is the main hashtag responsible for…

☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution

☑ Weaponized Gondolas

☑ Hacking German politicians and media

☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford

☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu

☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage

☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally

☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE

☑ Guilty of face crimes

☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit

☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime

☑ Taught the Alt-Right

✅Then harassed said Alt-Right

☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN#

☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth

☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it

☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III

☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra

☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA

☑ Orchestrated the incel misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman

☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day"

☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon

☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of incels

☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken"

☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior"

☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean

☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists

☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded)

☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed"

☑ Remains undefeated for all time

☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos

☑ Joined forces with Amazon

☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera

☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump

☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War

☑ Government-sponsored shitposting

☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage

☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke

☑ Destroyer of Worlds

☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them)

☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly)

☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide

☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety

☑ An aberrant, creeping horror

☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial

☑ Five years of ruining everything

☑ Came to the classroom

☑ Trained Google whistleblowers

☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics

☑ Blew up the Internet

☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy

☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along

☑ Stochastic Terrorism

☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS

☑ Helped Mark win the lottery

☑ Gave the money back

☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE

☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/

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ff8220  No.16775951


First I've heard of the semen thing. All I heard was that they were cracking down on lewd accounts that don't mark their account as containing sensitive content in the settings. Also want to add that I blame the move towards more kid friendly content on grown-ass men and women who consume ONLY kids' media like fucking Steven Universe because "oh it's so wholesome!!!" There's nothing wrong with liking stuff you're not in the target demo for but when that's all you consume it's kind of weird and of course companies are going to start targeting stuff at that group, because they can get the kids and the adults who still obsess over it

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09eb76  No.16775952


There were a lot of furry accounts freaking out about it last week before it got "debunked" (I think flagging as sensitive is okay, not sure).

Either way, it's a form of censorship and control

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0e1459  No.16775959

>Decade started with SJW shit in full force, wave of censorship and other things because muh feels

>Decade will end with boomers going after porn in full force under pretty much the same pretense

Glad to see nothing ever changes.

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6559e6  No.16775966

File: c2fd895d5fdcc7b⋯.jpg (191.98 KB, 898x444, 449:222, Screenshot_20191209-035850….jpg)

Does anyone have an archive of this or at least highlights?

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ab00cb  No.16775978

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is now our legacy, thanks fbi supported twitter

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ab00cb  No.16775980


ur mom leftist

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6f9ae5  No.16776022

File: 29bb8334a3a518e⋯.png (487.66 KB, 590x892, 295:446, White Voice Actors 1.png)

File: f0b06cd6ae56574⋯.png (292.46 KB, 1125x1498, 1125:1498, White Voice Actors 2.png)

File: a23bb483b605623⋯.png (221.43 KB, 615x720, 41:48, White Voice Actors 3.png)

Reposting some stuff I posted on the bunker:


All this butthurt over white voice actors. They caved too instead of ignoring.

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6f9ae5  No.16776023

File: 9dae610e896db1a⋯.png (67.45 KB, 661x655, 661:655, Cecilia D'Anastasio 1.png)

File: d923be94d69f043⋯.png (96.9 KB, 657x781, 657:781, Cecilia D'Anastasio 2.png)

File: 87b0b5a238585da⋯.png (94.89 KB, 660x883, 660:883, Cecilia D'Anastasio 3.png)

Reposting some stuff I posted on the bunker:



Cecilia D'Anastasio has left Kotaku. She wrote an entire article about it, screencaps related.

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222ab5  No.16776030

Current bunker thread, probably best to monitor both to stop the split from hurting activity too much:




Ongoing discussions was mostly already updated from the bunker you know, though some stuff like "Due to DDOS protection using archive.is on vch directly isn't working right now" obviously was outdated.

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3c1a7c  No.16776035


This has to be a fucking joke.

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edacb8  No.16776037



Its Chucklefish. What do you expect

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34735c  No.16776044

File: ae4eaa1b80ed319⋯.jpeg (113.33 KB, 960x831, 320:277, C70C581C-134F-44A2-9BF2-B….jpeg)

As of January 1, 2020, Twitter will ban “violent sexual conduct” and “gratuitous gore content.”


> Twitter considers “violent sexual conduct” to be any media that portrays violent actions alongside sexual interactions, “whether real or simulated” such as simulated lack of consent and sexualized violence. Adding to this, Twitter can remove any material “that depicts violent sexual conduct or gratuitous gore anywhere” and can also permanently ban accounts that are “dedicated to posting this type of content.”

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34735c  No.16776053

File: cd3de6f95be3036⋯.jpg (100 KB, 747x810, 83:90, DLyWTiiU8AATY3a.jpg)

<Anyone have any other /fit/ infographs on quick and easy workouts like this?

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922a64  No.16776054


There is one tiny silver lining to this: netorare is sexual violence, so they should at least be banning the worst fetish.

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e764ac  No.16776057

File: a5054280f3b4265⋯.pdf (131.05 KB, arms-of-steel-workout.pdf)

File: f66677b067a2000⋯.pdf (137.4 KB, core-builder-workout.pdf)


Darebee got lots of free workout infographs

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ab00cb  No.16776058

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e764ac  No.16776063


Please alert out drawfag

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a2d52d  No.16776084

File: 8c61f4027b50bd7⋯.png (404.94 KB, 807x807, 1:1, (You) (2).png)


not watching jewtube, tl;dr

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25ca4c  No.16776092

File: 572bf62cb0da1cb⋯.jpeg (152.1 KB, 810x1200, 27:40, D4NaVTxWkAAKD91.jpeg)

Remember to love your waifu!


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cebc58  No.16776122


>since as I said she's absolutely one of the worst on that site at the moment.

She left Kucktaco just recently. After Lewis's speech.


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2666b8  No.16776133

File: 8a2dd61f1178030⋯.gif (19.34 KB, 691x543, 691:543, questioning.gif)


But what if n is my waifu?

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57ee54  No.16776137


you faggots are still on this shit?

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7df535  No.16776139

File: 36afdb5145c7533⋯.jpeg (81.55 KB, 1200x569, 1200:569, 1_4JomFrSIYLoTs_8x4ZqGNA.jpeg)


Well then you have done what was asked of you

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91eee1  No.16776140

File: 27d45125df13fe6⋯.jpg (189.05 KB, 1079x593, 1079:593, flat lives matter.jpg)

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fb0cb2  No.16776146

File: 64073c69b95b746⋯.jpeg (190.01 KB, 848x1200, 53:75, 88CEF08E-6FFF-4059-98B0-C….jpeg)

File: d446dcd684a9895⋯.jpeg (193.05 KB, 848x1200, 53:75, AD83C979-4F0D-4694-AC3A-F….jpeg)

File: 5bc0236bb0a2bbf⋯.jpeg (208.95 KB, 848x1200, 53:75, 50399246-5DC2-4C5F-9950-6….jpeg)

>Happy romcom series suddenly becomes about calling out the chocolate Jews

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0cda68  No.16776148

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bb454b  No.16776151

Bunker thread sticky has been deleted,prepare for faggotry to flood over to the rest of the boards and fags claiming they are being censored.

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7edad5  No.16776152


What? Did Cakekang fucked up with cooking pasta again?

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1a54bc  No.16776159


Twitter should just ban everything and then close down.

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a244ae  No.16776160


8kun just needs to be a little bit faster. There's such a fine line between having enough people to make the userbase good and having the place fill up with retards.

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bb454b  No.16776161

File: ee010bba604e2f0⋯.jpg (182.17 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, pondering burd.jpg)


But what if the few people this place is filled up with are retards?

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a244ae  No.16776166


What if we are the retards?

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7df535  No.16776168

File: 019d4cf3ae15ae9⋯.mp4 (5.58 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Assange journalism.mp4)


Upon reaching a critical mass you end up throwing it into the same downward spiral you wanted to get rid of. If it is mildly unpleasant then you are already on the edge of the boundary. You can't simply say "well, the unpleasantness is finally gone, now we can just freeze everything in place just the way it is" and leave it at that. The unpleasantness is exactly what keeps the cancer away: if you remove the irritation then you will inevitably fall to it.

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948301  No.16776171


An unfunny shitpost.

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369104  No.16776187


While I know about the COPPA debacle, is there a source for the twitter and tech company claims?

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369104  No.16776195

File: bc2db3659b90ab4⋯.png (79.27 KB, 429x410, 429:410, 1441067435060.png)


If we did live in a colorblind society nobody would give a shit about the color of the voice actors.

These people don't want an egalitarian society because that means that they wouldn't have a topic to stand on a pedestal and bitch about.

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0fa23d  No.16776201


Twitter's gonna go full tumblr now I see.

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0fa23d  No.16776233

File: d974e7c03730a3b⋯.jpg (532.43 KB, 1821x2800, 1821:2800, clean.jpg)

Marvel Reveals First Transgender Superhero In 12 Year Old Mighty Rebekah


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33f600  No.16776234


They're not even trying to hide the fact that they are just propaganda to make kids faggots anymore are they?

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2cc256  No.16776237

>>16776233 (Checked)

How many of these can they make before they go bankrupt? Nobody fucking reads these.

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a244ae  No.16776239


some of them are "poc", they are using it as a chance to promote themselves. And it's sad

<hire me I'm black and you need more black people

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c4e0c8  No.16776243

File: f9418f29cd4133b⋯.jpeg (71.55 KB, 519x387, 173:129, 54C8E727-41EB-4954-99FF-0….jpeg)


>Marvel Reveals First Transgender Superhero

What about Xavin from The Runaways?

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93ba32  No.16776244

File: fe0f041f78bccb0⋯.png (129.87 KB, 678x299, 678:299, TAG.png)

File: 02c3b0b9383fb16⋯.png (343.75 KB, 525x661, 525:661, drag huffpost.png)


how progressive

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a244ae  No.16776246


>implying the SJWs that trans characters are meant to pander to have been interested in comics before 2007

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1a54bc  No.16776249

File: c361624f2d38ddc⋯.jpg (82.89 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 1464564425791.jpg)


So does >she still have a benis or is her mutant power the ability to switch sexes at will?

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a93f63  No.16776260


>so what's it's superpower?

<it's gay/trans

>what kind of person is it?

<it's gay/trans

>what does it do for fun?

<it's gay/trans

>… is there a crisis, any adversaries or challenges to overcome

<it's gay/trans


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7df535  No.16776261

File: 6ae8456cc0b64df⋯.webm (3.57 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Zundel prophecy.webm)


Went from "be the change you wish to see in the world" to "be you"


It will most likely just by a boy with gender dysphoria, who will not be in the slightest different from anyone except with a wig and dress. Which, despite the reality of things, will not touch upon the topic of pedophilia at pride events or estrogen. At best it will simply touch the topic of bullying but with a slant that paints trannies and fags as the underdog.

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09eb76  No.16776262


Actually, the proper term is changing XHEIR gender, not sex. Bigot!!

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1fb18c  No.16776271

I havent posted in a the gg thread in over 2 years am i still welcome?

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af91e0  No.16776282

File: b46943d48b32f16⋯.mp4 (2.9 MB, 640x360, 16:9, R0j3VX8HGG-xH0Gp.mp4)

I wondered why people were upset or hyped about the new "Miss Universe" winner.

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7df535  No.16776287

File: 9fdc67da22a7011⋯.webm (1.07 MB, 640x800, 4:5, Deactivating a fattie.webm)


>girls need to take up space

So that's why there are so many hamplanets

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0cda68  No.16776297

File: 8ff28e8dbe7882a⋯.png (57.72 KB, 452x286, 226:143, 8ff28e8dbe7882a4c5e57f6dfe….png)




Who's gonna make the trap porn?

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0fa23d  No.16776299


Traps aren't trannies. Trannies use HRT & surgery to "transition" to the opposite "gender". Traps are just boys who look like girls.

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a93f63  No.16776305

File: f94b32af791d292⋯.webm (6.02 MB, 1200x496, 75:31, Sicario - Interrogation s….webm)


>we are the most powerful beings ON the world

how long would a woman last in this situation?

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0cda68  No.16776312


Ok, so who's gonna make tranny shota porn?

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7df535  No.16776317

File: c9ff68a87f273d5⋯.webm (1.67 MB, 480x480, 1:1, Fag stairs.webm)


Traps generally also use HRT, the only difference is that they don't take that last step.

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0fa23d  No.16776329


If a trap takes HRT then they're just a tranny at that point.

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d6d97f  No.16776366


I'd rather take the big silly steps over the fag stairs.

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1a54bc  No.16776369


John Doe or Teku I'm guessing. Shad would but he trying to be a "good" boy wright now.

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b791b5  No.16776390

File: d56fc1592ee1fef⋯.png (288.27 KB, 810x1200, 27:40, youredumb.png)


>traps use HRT

What kind of weirdo tumblr-tier horseshit did you get that from?

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e913f7  No.16776393

File: a2dd66393beb4d3⋯.jpeg (113.91 KB, 839x1191, 839:1191, ECCAB1C3-D1E2-482E-A33A-1….jpeg)



Aren't there also a couple with office chair exercises and loli demonstrated exercises?

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000000  No.16776407


I think he's talking about 3D "traps" that takes hormones to give them more feminine bodies, but the drug regiment is not meant to transition them to the opposite sex nor is it to prepare them for SRS. I still agree on calling them trannies though.

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e913f7  No.16776411

Following the Pensacola Navy Base shooting having been deemed a terror attack, multiple journalists and media personalities have been suspended from Twitter for reporting details on shooter Mohammed Alshamrami.


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0fa23d  No.16776413


I'm not sure I understand. Why would people be suspended for that?

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a244ae  No.16776418


To stop islamophobia :^)

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a72c96  No.16776419


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0cda68  No.16776437

File: 4760a427017b678⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 431.72 KB, 1253x508, 1253:508, kk.png)

this is in the new COD

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948301  No.16776442

File: 9f295b5508ad36e⋯.jpg (132.23 KB, 600x1140, 10:19, ogre in progress.jpg)


when do we get an anime FPS?

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a74f98  No.16776443


wtf i love CoD now

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222ab5  No.16776444

File: 0b8c3be1671f705⋯.png (260.02 KB, 614x592, 307:296, M7MD_SHAMRANI.png)

File: 9b28fdf7841404f⋯.jpg (201.04 KB, 1200x1036, 300:259, ELGq4y5WkAEm0cq.jpg)

File: da5b37e6f663bda⋯.jpg (167.13 KB, 894x1200, 149:200, ELGq4y-XYAE1DTi.jpg)

File: c05ba7e12f58d17⋯.jpg (125.4 KB, 1200x1066, 600:533, ELGq4y6X0AIBAGK.jpg)


Because they either linked his twitter or posted screenshots of the tweet where he posted his manifesto (not even the whole thing but just what was visible from a screenshot of the whole tweet), in order to report on his motives. Because that's spreading a terrorist manifesto and they've decided that counts as advocating terrorism (a policy that seems to have started with Tarrant?). Apparently we're not supposed to discuss the motives of terrorists by referring to their own words anymore, tech companies like Twitter have unilaterally decided that information is too dangerous.

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222ab5  No.16776445


Forgot to link archive:


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0fa23d  No.16776449


Probably a case of them trying to save face by suspending the few to avoid having to shut down their entire platform for hosting terrorists.

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948301  No.16776450

File: 51f00e318977924⋯.jpg (25.44 KB, 400x563, 400:563, Special.jpg)


>"Leadership is something that has been lacking in young girls and women for a very long time, not because we don't want to, but because of what society has labeled them to be"

That speech is literally "we live in a society, gamers women rise up".

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a74f98  No.16776451


I've got a bit of a jungle fever but still, that's miss universe?

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7df535  No.16776452

File: dc879cb13d54a7e⋯.webm (2.7 MB, 640x360, 16:9, How old are you.webm)


For the same reason as always: protecting people's God-given rights, that is


I wouldn't buy into it. It is more likely that they are simply using it as an excuse.

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d6d97f  No.16776454



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8549fb  No.16776459




Everyday I lean more and more towards becoming a muslim.

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948301  No.16776460


"Muh realistic beauty standards".

For fuck's sake, can't be that hard to find a Sheva Alomar lookalike.

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a6aab4  No.16776461

File: 94cd9a86cc4cba1⋯.png (33.02 KB, 589x338, 589:338, Mindy Robinson tweets.png)

Someone needs to explain to Candace Owens 2.0 here that freedom and privacy go hand in hand. One can't exist without the other.

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a9b55c  No.16776462


Someone deport her to China

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d6d97f  No.16776466


>"Personal Accountability."

Funny that a woman is saying this.

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a93f63  No.16776467

File: 48ff0ba0cbad492⋯.webm (920.75 KB, 320x432, 20:27, confused yet aroused.webm)


I don't understand how her sock things work.

What I do understand is that I want to fuck Erin.

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000000  No.16776471


Stirrups and toeless_legwear.

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cebc58  No.16776472

File: 508eaf1ee0ecf58⋯.png (402.58 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


>There's nothing wrong with liking stuff you're not in the target demo for but when that's all you consume it's kind of weird

You mean like how there's a bunch of people who nigh exclusively watching wholesome CGDCT? Yeah, real problem, those fucking weeaboos. :^).


Why was it deleted? Couldn't he just unsticky it?


Here's what they tweeted for fags too lazy to click the archive.



The manifesto you just posted "announce[d] imminent lawless action that [was] ultimately consummated". This just happened the other day. Give it a couple months before posting such dangerous illegal speech.

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1a54bc  No.16776474


>I'm against censorship


Every fucking time.

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a3dd6a  No.16776477



those are trash, by the way

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222ab5  No.16776478


>Why was it deleted? Couldn't he just unsticky it?

Yeah, I don't understand why he deletes when he can unsticky and stop it being cyclical. He did the same thing a couple times on vch.


I know you're joking but you can't just put in a [was], there's a difference between a terrorist announcing something he's about to do and someone else posting about his motives after the fact.

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000000  No.16776479


I'm a footfag, so I like them.

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bb454b  No.16776480

File: c99725d4aa47dda⋯.jpg (78.09 KB, 680x1020, 2:3, Napolelol.jpg)


Maybe cakekike thought the bitching over there was eating up activity that could be better used to be spread across the board.Shame, because I had some plans of action for anons over there to help the place rebuild and drive off/educate the new-fag and cuckchan menace that is currently flooding the board.

It's weird to me how a lot of the older fags were suddenly gone when the bunker opened up again and fags using cuckchan lingo and spergs that weren't there before started showing up on both sites.

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66e9e1  No.16776481


Is that some fucking Joe Cartoon? That shit takes me back.

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869ab6  No.16776482


Why is gad shooting themselves in the foot like this? Seems like a retarded hill to die on.

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869ab6  No.16776484

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cebc58  No.16776497


>there's a difference between a terrorist announcing something he's about to do and someone else posting about his motives after the fact.

I forget. Did Tarrant even post his manifesto here, or was it elsewhere first and reposted here? I know the latter scenario applies to a couple of the later shootings that were blamed on 8ch just the same. Not sure what the difference is really between an "emergency" caused by a manifesto first posted here and blamed on the site, and an "emergency" caused by a manifesto first posted elsewhere and blamed on the site. Have any idea? Because the explanation on the FAQ is vague at best and thus includes both cases. And that's assuming that that part of the FAQ is telling the truth, and not a fake ruru meant to discourage manifesto posting but not actually ban it, like the fake ruru against any and all child images meant to discourage pedoposting. The latter doesn't work codechunky. The pedos hardly even look at the rules and I've already had to make multiple global DOST reports for shit on /rand21/. Change the rule to match it's enforcement or you're going to have a bunch of anons wondering about what other shit on the FAQ might be fake.

>I don't understand why he deletes when he can unsticky and stop it being cyclical. He did the same thing a couple times on vch.

It is a mystery.

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000000  No.16776506


He never really believed in freedom/anonymity/privacy in the first place.




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cebc58  No.16776510


50/50 chance Gab is run by genuine boomers and they are that retarded, or they're Jewish controlled opposition. Their domain is gab.ai and I recall someone pointing out at their inception that "gabbai" is Hebrew for someone who helps run a Synagogue


>Pointing out flaws in the site rules is bootlicking

I was just stating that I forgot the specifics of the shooting in the form a question. You don't have to spoonfeed me shit, since if you read my whole post you'd realize that regardless of those specifics the board freeze could potentially be applied anyways.

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222ab5  No.16776521


I believe in his case it was originally here, yeah.

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0cda68  No.16776533


The internet wasn't supposed to exist. The free communication of people, without government or corporate oversight, was never meant to happen.

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4a45bd  No.16776537


Dust II with cute girls would be all I would ever need.

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7df535  No.16776538

File: 1848a4af1dcc682⋯.jpg (136.99 KB, 727x849, 727:849, DvHtDS5UYAATyDK.jpg)

File: 13973d4fea856f6⋯.jpg (39.78 KB, 750x339, 250:113, DvHuBmeXQAAV_MW.jpg)

File: ddf135caa8ac4ed⋯.jpg (146.04 KB, 759x923, 759:923, DvHxl2OX4AEjqz_.jpg)

File: db19563d5d254f8⋯.jpg (242.27 KB, 1605x1080, 107:72, DvIGD9LUwAAmen7.jpg)

File: 76651b95847bfda⋯.jpg (342.03 KB, 1224x1080, 17:15, DvIJ7RfVAAE3xbc.jpg)


It is a mere cohencidence. Noone could have predicted that Patreon and Paypal would drop the site. Bankers are just like you and me, Anon.

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5d3628  No.16776540


This is why they hate crypto so much.

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35ef47  No.16776541


8chan didn't betray anyone though

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cebc58  No.16776546

File: 08c21545e377e4e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 197.71 KB, 1914x2149, 1914:2149, boiling_a_potato.jpg)


Cuckwheels did. 8kun is walking a fine line to me. Between the lack of info from Jimbo on whether /pol/ is coming back as a global board again, or will be put up for claim in migration phase 2, or not coming back at all and the ineffective fake "no child images" rule that doesn't actually deter pedoposting, I'm wary. I'll still waiting for migration to end before making any final judgements, but those things are redflags to me.

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0cda68  No.16776548

File: 76df11294353897⋯.jpg (72.1 KB, 595x335, 119:67, x4.jpg)


>a impossibly large amount of replies that're just "ok coomer"

We're reaching levels of boomer that shouldn't be possible.

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a244ae  No.16776549


Unpopular opinion in this thread and I'm not trying to defend gab, but I see why they don't want porn. If they allow porn at all they'll eventually get cp posted and it'll be used as an excuse to shut down the site. It's why 8kun has all these DOST rules and shit now.

You guys don't wanna hear it but gab banning porn is a victory for SJWs since they got a free speech place to ban content that isn't illegal.

SJWs have a good strategy with posting CP. They get the site in trouble if it's roughly in the rules, and they piss off users because they can call censorship if they ban porn.

It's no coincidence 8kun comes back and has stricter rules about porn and images and gab is doing the same thing again. At least when you say

>no photos of minors

>no porn

you're sending a signal that stuff isn't welcomed on the site. So when SJW keyboard warrior comes up and dives into their archive of CP to post on the site to try and get it shut down, the staff can say it was all against the rules to start with and was only up because it didn't get reported. Once you start enforcing and not depending on user reports the site owner is in shit.

It sucks and it's opening up a slippery slope but it's better than them shutting down entirely.


that rule is not fake, it's designed for legal protection. I assume gab's rule is the same. They won't start banning people for posting porn and deleting porn posts (unless they get reported), but if someone tries to get them in trouble for porn on the site they can go

>oh thank you for showing us this content that violates our rules we'll delete it right away!

instead of going

>naw fuck you we're keeping it up

<gets internet smear campaign

<gets dragged to court

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c58218  No.16776551

File: 4afa32e1bebc923⋯.png (22.64 KB, 712x502, 356:251, censorship again.png)


>Hotwheels selling the site to dataminers

>dataminers stripping boards away at will

>dataminers locking everything when a no-no event happens so that the boomer faggot doesn't get questioned

>cabal that keeps (any more) legacy boards from being overtaken


>smear campaigns

>a good reason to walk on eggshells

Pick one

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e14004  No.16776552


>ineffective fake "no child images" rule

That's just so they can ban those child model bikini pictures, I think it's worded too ambiguously but Ron said that like that nirvana album cover is fine so I'm guessing if you're not trying to push the line with it you'll be alright. Though I wish he would elaborate on it more.

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61a19a  No.16776554

File: 43cc625af06c2bc⋯.jpg (153.26 KB, 480x546, 80:91, 1428972622077.jpg)


There's a difference between "this is banned for legal reasons" and "this is banned because I don't like it." 8chan's content restrictions were very much in keeping with the letter of the law. If it was legal, you could post it. You could talk all the shit you wanted about whatever group of people, or about site administration, or whatever, and it didn't violate any global rules.

Gab, on the other hand, is not only going after porn (after previously banning loli, which really has turned into some sort of bizarre free-speech litmus test), but is crowing about it and outright virtue-signalling. Torba's making it very clear that porn is banned because it is a Bad Thing, not because it is an Illegal Thing, and the second that he unilaterally decides what's allowed and what not with nothing more to guide him than his own personal moral compass, he's no better than the Twitter woke police. What, exactly, is the draw to going to the smaller, less-stable version of Twitter if you're just as likely to be arbitrarily silenced because you posted something the people in charge found distasteful?

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cebc58  No.16776557

File: 24ba254fd8cebd5⋯.png (452.5 KB, 1264x1400, 158:175, RonQnA.png)


>that rule is not fake, it's designed for legal protection.

No, it's a fake rule. Ron stated so himself. It's to dissaude pedoposting.


>That's just so they can ban those child model bikini pictures

That was already banned under the previous rule.

>Ron said that like that nirvana album cover is fine

And he also said the Nirvana Album cover with a dick clearly shopped in was bannable. Both of these statements were before he revealed the rule was fake.

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bb454b  No.16776559


>cabal that keeps (any more) legacy boards from being overtaken

Post your fucking source,nigger.

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a244ae  No.16776561


It's not a good thing. It lets SJWs win really easily. And it's why they keep doing it. I don't have a better answer either. But I'm explaining what gab and 8kun are doing.

I'm sure the same faggots that come here and post suggestive images and try and get it shut down are the same faggots who sit in discord trying to get 15 year olds to transition and send them dirty pics.


Yeah, after that post I'm going with the retarded boomer idea for gab. 8kun even now is walking more toward censorship outside of the law but they're not gloating about it.


>No, it's a fake rule. Ron stated so himself. It's to dissaude pedoposting.

That's exactly what I meant if you read the rest of my post. It's a real rule but it's only there for legal reasons and they fuck themselves over legally if they start enforcing it themselves. So legally they're best to make this rule and wait for people to report it. And most of the people here won't report it.

Though I'm sure faggots will show up and start reporting it when they get the chance and then go

>hahah feeze peach lmoa *sips soylent*

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f567a1  No.16776562


Anon, the fags source probably begins and ends with "Jim is a Mason," which means fuck-all to me because I don't know a damn thing about the Freemason, Illuminati, etc.; and every demand asking for NON-BIASED sources to read ends with dead silence or some fag posting directly contradictory information.

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e14004  No.16776563


Oh weird, what a half assed thought. It seems like he didn't really clearly think the idea through when he did it and is now sticking to his guns for some weird reason.

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e14004  No.16776564


I can guarantee that the freemasons these days are just a boomer social club like a rotary club where members will do favors for each other based on being a club member because they can feel like they're a part of something.

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cebc58  No.16776565

File: 0c979b019546817⋯.jpg (498.52 KB, 1214x1720, 607:860, Erin pantyhose.jpg)

File: 6869c2f7252b677⋯.jpg (274.61 KB, 800x600, 4:3, erin play.jpg)

File: 4376e789dff887a⋯.jpg (168.91 KB, 1214x1720, 607:860, Erin story time.jpg)

File: 29a13c689cb3484⋯.jpg (4.5 MB, 2894x4093, 2894:4093, erin test.jpg)


>It's a real rule but it's only there for legal reasons

No, it's not. The previous rule already upheld the letter of the law in addition to banning near DOST violations to ease the work of global vols. Officially banning all child images does not grant the site any more legal protection than it already had, and evidently does not deter pedoposters since the rule is obviously not enforced and most likely not even viewed by pedoposters.

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cebc58  No.16776569


>SJWs have a good strategy with posting CP. They get the site in trouble if it's roughly in the rules, and they piss off users because they can call censorship if they ban porn.


>I'm sure the same faggots that come here and post suggestive images and try and get it shut down

You're referring to pedoposting that is merely suggestive? That's neither CP nor is it porn. Even if Gab bans porn, women in bikinis are still allowed, and those suggestive child images posted by pedos don't fall under a porn ban. You're entire "unpopular opinion" is based on flimsy reasoning.

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7df535  No.16776573

File: 3af63d3634c4f4c⋯.mp4 (13.55 MB, 480x268, 120:67, CNN.mp4)


For the lower levels that is, which exist for the sole purpose of being cash cows and filtering out the retards that join to infiltrate.

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a244ae  No.16776574


I don't know entirely. 8chan had to rebrand because it was associated so well with cp. shit that normal users here more than likely didn't even post.

But who really cares. I understand what they're trying to do, but the people in the media will just get on their secret mailing lists and organize a smear campaign against a place they don't like, whether it's for images of kids or it's something else. They'll find something to shit on 8kun for once this place pokes their nest again.

I think they are trying to mitigate a lot of bad press and try and stay out of legal trouble. But the media doesn't care, they'll just lie if they can't find anything. And gab is being retarded taunting their own userbase.

It's not a good thing at all, it's essentially putting these places on the defense. And once you give SJWs an inch they take miles.

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cebc58  No.16776578


>8chan had to rebrand because it was associated so well with cp.

<Site in the limelight because of mass shootings

<Jimbo called into Congress because of mass shootings

<New board freeze feature implemented in case an edgelord posts and then commits a mass shooting

<Cloudflare drops 8ch following mass shootings

<Site down for months

<Still blamed for mass some mass shootings that happened while it was down

<Site comes back rebranded as 8kun

>8chan had to rebrand because it was associated so well with cp.

Is this bait?

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6873c1  No.16776587


Of course it is, they rebranded for the exact reasons why they changed 2ch to 5ch.

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f567a1  No.16776590


>8chan had to rebrand because it was associated so well with cp.

No, it wasn't, you fucking idiot.

It was per the agreement with Kikewheels that, in exchange for relinquishing legal ownership of the site's code, Jim and Ron couldn't call the site anything that was a variation or direct relation to "8ch".

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6873c1  No.16776592

File: 974de81bedeb14e⋯.png (13.67 KB, 1499x172, 1499:172, Screenshot_2019-12-09 #Gam….png)


The cripple never signed anything

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51c8e1  No.16776601

File: e95584c1a1811cb⋯.jpg (52.14 KB, 536x790, 268:395, blame the rich jews in the….jpg)


You know what? At least he attacked a military instillation. That's punching up. A shame he didn't go after anyone in the actual government, but at least it wasn't random ass civilians. I also like how widespread censorship of the motive is a fairly evil act, too.

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000000  No.16776615


No, it is a fake rule. The internal policy for globals never changed, which meant if you reported a non-DOST image of a child, it would never get removed, because the global's own policy states that it is allowed. Your analogy does not hold up.

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000000  No.16776618


And the cripple never signed the agreement. That's what why the President of NTTech met with him for, but he didn't sign and posted the contract on this twitter.

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206619  No.16776626


To disassociate them from their previous incompetent owners?

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cf4ec7  No.16776643

Interesting to see that libertarians are going to war against conservatives to defend porn. Some self proclaimed lolbergs say they are tired of the authoritarianism from both the Right and the Left.

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61928b  No.16776644

I have to run a test real quick if this reply system works. I have had issues the last few days.

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61928b  No.16776648


The best arguments to make is how it is basically like a Male Feminist in their arguments against porn, or how left wingers argue for bans against guns. They are blaming the gun manufactures and the producers instead of the parents themselves. They do not realize porn bans is a slippery slope even if it is "not hentai" or "eroge" it definitely will be when the government takes over that for censorship. When has the government ever handled something and done a great job with it. Hardly ever that is why the constitution still exists to try to prevent Governments from being able to try to become moralists and arbiters for our freedoms.

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b791b5  No.16776651

File: e4ac572cdaaa38a⋯.jpg (54.58 KB, 1065x437, 1065:437, ELZAoRfX0AAH1V0.jpg)


Torbatard twatted out this in response to someone wanting to debate about porn.

There was also a tweet earlier with someone asking about written erotica, yep thats porn too and should be banned according to Torbatard.

He's fucking lost it, his twatter right now is repeatedly virtue signaling that he is a moral authoritarian.

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61928b  No.16776653


The main problem is these moralist right wing types are gynocentric and are no different than the Feminists themselves with arguments. They want to punish men for the things that females are doing. Feminists basically upped the age gap using Christianity from 16 to 18 years old when the reality is, it was by old roastie women that hated the fact they had to compete with the younger female. Feminists and Tradcons, they will always and forever use "my wahmen and children" as a shield to move forward with censorship even though divorce, female rights, the constant hatred against men is causing men to view porn, not the porn itself. They also say its mainly of the tribe even though anyone can create porn out of their own basement and porn is usually consensual unless you go to some shady part of town or office.

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cf4ec7  No.16776654

File: 8311671c799ec68⋯.jpg (164.68 KB, 1087x1200, 1087:1200, b124e85d858089e993730eb1d4….jpg)


>They do not realize porn bans is a slippery slope

>"slippery slope"

Actually the more correct term in this context would be "PURITY SPIRAL" which would be the opposite of a slippery slope.

A purity spiral is when one bans something out of moral sensibilities but then it rolls into banning more and more inoffensive content out of "moral obligation" because said content goes against their personal moral sensibilities. Essential a slope upward.

If they ban porn, what's next on their puritanical chopping block?

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cf4ec7  No.16776656


Every Twitter user supporting Torba and calling for porn bans have a Christian cross next to their profile names. I also notice that most Christian men don't go to churches because they are heavily femenized and pander to women as any masculinity within the church has been stripped down and reduced to a woman's social club lead by soyboy pastors and motivation speakers posing as church leaders after realizing it pays more than being used car salesman.

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0cda68  No.16776658

File: 162c85908dff5c4⋯.png (25.83 KB, 128x128, 1:1, 162c85908dff5c4ce9278cad7c….png)


>Criticize the government and state for enforcing unconstitutional gunlaws

>Also want the same government to ban porn and believe it won't go farther than that

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34735c  No.16776659




Another way to look at this:

Has anyone ever thought of the fact that the "leaders" and/or the biggest promoters of this shit are just people who do want to protect others, but are largely taken advantage of by those who see it as a means to get power? Was a stray thought that was passing through my head when watching Footloose, with how the preacher let the censorship in the town start originally because all he really wanted to do was protect his daughter and not lose her like he did his son.

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61928b  No.16776660


>Actually the more correct term in this context would be "PURITY SPIRAL"

Exactly you have a great point. This is a purity spiral and it will lead into a slippery slope then it will be too late to undue the changes which will take another 60 years. Just look at Gun Rights, it has taken such a long time to undue the damages of gun bans and to even have self defense laws in this country to protect against criminals that right now finally people are awakening to the fact that guns protect people from others not kill them.

Also Gab is a lolcow thanks to that. Even Kiwifarms, some libertarians(who usually are cucks on the issue) and some right wingers are laughing about it. Sure it took them time to wake up since the lollicon ban but they have to realize that if lollicon is on the chopping block their porn will be as well. Also if it ever does happen i will flee America.

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0cda68  No.16776662

File: 47db91db7f7ccc0⋯.gif (655.88 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 47db91db7f7ccc058c97588d88….gif)


Lolicon is the free-speech canary. You ban that, then it's only a matter of time before more censorship comes.


My man is spending more time on twitter sperging out than moderating his own website.

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011be3  No.16776663

File: 5dc7ad315c07b0d⋯.jpg (239.62 KB, 1362x2048, 681:1024, 864.jpg)

Does GamerGate like Phil Collins?

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34735c  No.16776664


Never heard any of the guy's songs.

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61928b  No.16776666

File: 285922bdf4f8183⋯.png (251.14 KB, 491x741, 491:741, 2435435434535.PNG)


>Has anyone ever thought of the fact that the "leaders" and/or the biggest promoters of this shit are just people who do want to protect others, but are largely taken advantage of by those who see it as a means to get power?

It could be the same thing as when they called everyone else who liked lollicons "pedos" when they were then outed as pedos themselves, or the republican evangelicals who thought Gay people should die but ended up being gay themselves. Like i said it never ends with these people its like they have more to hide and try to be authoritarians on the issue.


My point was that Governments hide behind this, they always say "it will not be around for 10 years its just a small issue" but they take year by year, law by law, inch by inch" especially on any issue they want control over. They said this about affirmative action, it would be 10 years but it has been around for 60.


>Lolicon is the free-speech canary. You ban that, then it's only a matter of time before more censorship comes.

It always is, its like some stress test and its funny to see the females call everyone pedos to try to shame us back on the plantation of relationships or men that want to tip their fedora to a woman that will never be with them.

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4a9e71  No.16776675

File: e1b01127a26f811⋯.gif (7.19 MB, 477x255, 159:85, impressive-very-nice.gif)

>>16776666 (checked)

>They said this about affirmative action, it would be 10 years but it has been around for 60.

America's Immigration Act was specifically not supposed to cause any kind of demographic shift. Half a century later and whites are well on their way to becoming a minority in a nation explicitly founded by whites for whites.

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cf4ec7  No.16776676


It's like White Western Women with man-jaws calling all men pedos for preferring cutesy feminine Japanese and Taiwanese women over them.

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cf4ec7  No.16776678

To all the religious authoritarianism on Twitter.


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0cda68  No.16776679


>those digits

Generally speaking I strongly disagree with anybody who actually trusts the government and want the government to nanny them.

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61928b  No.16776680

File: e9167ec23b0cefd⋯.png (159.3 KB, 1035x829, 1035:829, 222222.PNG)

File: 447c4d9abd8bdcc⋯.png (129.74 KB, 1046x620, 523:310, 23423423 NOT MY FAULT NOT ….PNG)

File: 947b3e58d4f95ad⋯.png (144.86 KB, 1162x635, 1162:635, Based.PNG)


Absolutely and the irony is Boomers fell for Egalitarian idealogy by Female Boomers and the Tribe as well. This is what caused the easiest subversion to give up our guard.


Funny you mention this i found an article or two by Amren(American Renaissance) a year back where some female posted an article about why White men are preferring Asian females over the white women(simple answer they are traditional and have the same values white men do). Some guy named Poupon Marx really took it hard at them i have a few screengrabs and some sources. But it was funny to read all the salt from the mad white women and them acting like victims all throughout.


Here is the article. Also i included some screencaps, one of them is from a similar article 7 years back. Its just funny to notice how Feminists are mostly white women, and usually white women are the ones against porn or Asian women, or anything men can enjoy. They even resorted to calling Lollicon pedo stuff or if you like Asian women you are a pedo as well lol. Its just funny they can not take responsibility for their actions. They need to be taken down a peg for enforcing their ideology on others.

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5d3628  No.16776684


>the republican evangelicals who thought Gay people should die but ended up being gay themselves

I'm not entirely convinced those guys weren't plants to begin with. There's barely any gay republicans now when it's accepted/tolerated by the party, were those the only ones in the closet?

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cf4ec7  No.16776687


>if you like Asian women you are a pedo as well lol.

They are saying this about White guys dating Latinas too.

Apparently white women in the West are becoming masculine and are physically taking on masculine traits like square jaws and large feet. Any woman with true femininity is being perceived as "childish" and any man that wants a true feminine females is a "pedo".

I've seen white dudes marry Cubans and Japs because they have feminine and attractive women, they don't choose them because they want to racemix. White women in the West or at least the younger generation have a chance to turn things around.

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61928b  No.16776688

File: 389a3c22516819f⋯.png (102.84 KB, 801x627, 267:209, Capture.PNG)


No i know what you mean not all of them were. But the most vocal types always seem to be the one to have something to hide. Especially the moralist of our society.


>They are saying this about White guys dating Latinas too.

I can believe you. White women are just getting so unbearable, Asian females hate them especially Chinese men and women dislike white women heavily. They call them "unditiful, lazy, fat, and crazy eyed". Its basically 85% of white women chasing 9's and 10's aka Chad's leaving the undesirable fat white women and feminists for white men.

>Apparently white women in the West are becoming masculine and are physically taking on masculine traits like square jaws and large feet.

Wait really? Do they get surgery like pic related? or are they starting to be born with that?

>Any woman with true femininity is being perceived as "childish" and any man that wants a true feminine females is a "pedo".

Asbolutely i am noticing this as well, its "empowering" if it good for women and bad for men. Obviously porn is bad for women so they want it gone.

>I've seen white dudes marry Cubans and Japs because they have feminine and attractive women, they don't choose them because they want to racemix. White women in the West or at least the younger generation have a chance to turn things around.

No doubt about it. None of us want to choose them, but it happens because white men want to have children and the non whites look up to white men as stable, normal and traditional. I am hoping to god younger generation girls can turn this around because it really has been bad with my own generation of millennial woman that are hitting their 30's and it does not seem to be changing much.

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8d36bf  No.16776689

File: e9d6cdbb8341a27⋯.png (1006.24 KB, 630x891, 70:99, Raven pic img.png)


One of the main reasons porn is so huge in the modern west is the discrimination against men in relationships, e.g. divorce laws and "metoo" witch hunts.

Speaking of witch hunts, the war on porn is as retarded as the war on violent video games. It's just an easy scapegoat to cover up the real problems.

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cf4ec7  No.16776691


>Do they get surgery like pic related? or are they starting to be born with that?

I have no clue as to what is making women to look more masculine and get these weird as faces and shit. Must be some similar kind of shenanigans that's been turning men into effeminate soyboys.

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697481  No.16776692

File: f49951198268453⋯.png (1.06 MB, 2452x1496, 613:374, The Coomer Meme.png)





Dumbass boomers got themselves suckered by a literal Discord tranny GayOP. Laugh at them.

Also, anyone using coomer/wojack-coomer meme unironically, should be assumed to be either a tranny, or an easily-manipulated idiot who listens to trannies LARPing as conservitives.


>not already having been shoah-ed off of twitter for wrongthink

>not working to get shoah-ed off Gab for "extreme loli"

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cf4ec7  No.16776693

File: 931defedc3e4fec⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 90.71 KB, 1086x1100, 543:550, bf7ec1827e248c6e6f9a796b67….jpg)


The best way to piss off the religious anti-porn busy bodies now is to post demon girl porn on their timelines. Make a hashtag out of it to further piss them off.

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697481  No.16776695


>post tranny porn to own the boomers

y tho?

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61928b  No.16776696


>Speaking of witch hunts, the war on porn is as retarded as the war on violent video games. It's just an easy scapegoat to cover up the real problems.

Its basically another thing to try to give into female demands and a red herring like you mentioned. Nobody asks what causes people to view porn or what causes someone to harm someone else. It usually is to play hot potato with the blame game or take away things men like.


Wait do you have pictures of this? because it seems so strange to me you mentioned they make muscular faces etc. I have seen it maybe once or twice where i have noticed females have become more like men. It makes it hard to approach them honestly.


>Another tranny raid

>Cant do any original memes just the a new variation of Wojak feels.

I am glad this site is against pepe and Wojak it is just stale as ever.

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d7f7f6  No.16776697

As long as it's 3D only I'm all okay with banning porn.

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cf4ec7  No.16776698


When the fuck did I mention tranny?

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cf4ec7  No.16776700


I said masculine, not muscular. Subtle on some, but the more outrageous feminist begins to look more like a man with tits. That thing that screamed "NOOOOOO!" Trump's inauguration made people wonder what the fuck it's supposed to be.

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61928b  No.16776702


Oh yes i was wondering what Gender that person was as well lol.

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cebc58  No.16776703



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697481  No.16776705


>tranny porn isn't tranny porn if that porn is that of a tranny demon

Oh? Am I supposed to pretend that 8chan/kun doesn't have a board dedicated to the demon /baphomet/ which has breasts like a woman and a cock and balls like a man? It's almost like there some sort of agenda here in-play to drive a wedge between the New right and Evangelical (cucked) Right, but we're too stupid to notice it.

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cebc58  No.16776707

File: 2f02e90c5227ec3⋯.png (308.17 KB, 1250x1100, 25:22, Baphomet proclomation.png)



>breasts like a woman and a cock and balls like a man?

Wrong on both counts. Baphomet is a loli.

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537b68  No.16776708


Take a gander at how white women looked in the 80s and how white women look now. Difference is night and day.


>All anime demon girls have dicks

Are you retarded or just baiting?

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697481  No.16776709


>I can just lie


I'm a master at baiting.

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2666b8  No.16776710


>everyone goes to every board and has the same beliefs

First day here?

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537b68  No.16776713


>I'm a master at baiting.

The masterbaiter.

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537b68  No.16776714

So, is GG going to save a collection of Devil Girl images?

Is there going to be a devil Vivian defending porn and scaring boomers?

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697481  No.16776716

File: 25e96fb770a6e5e⋯.gif (365.09 KB, 2000x1153, 2000:1153, damage_control.gif)

Unrelated, I need a version of this, but with a hysterical tranny with a brain-blown by HRT.

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f2057b  No.16776720


<porn will be b&

Why didn't I think of this. Only a porn b& will mobilize lazy motherfuckers. t. accelerationist

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8d36bf  No.16776721

File: cfaaa69cf8b4909⋯.jpg (737.02 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Louis CK cuck.jpg)


>Its basically another thing to try to give into female demands and a red herring like you mentioned. Nobody asks what causes people to view porn or what causes someone to harm someone else. It usually is to play hot potato with the blame game or take away things men like.

Pretty much, yeah. I would also like to add that I'm not blind to the obvious fact that there's a lot of jewish control and anti-white propaganda in porn, just like there is in video games and all media these days. That doesn't mean all media are bad. It just means they're in the wrong hands.

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f2057b  No.16776727


Everything posted here is censored by (((cloudflare))), and everything posted on 8kun is censored by (((vanwahtech))). If it's big enough stuff they'll stop it in transit and implant your device.

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cebc58  No.16776728


>Everything posted here is censored by (((cloudflare))), and everything posted on 8kun is censored by (((vanwahtech))).

Anon, did you think you're still in the bunker?

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537b68  No.16776729

File: d066b22080e4d48⋯.jpg (74.38 KB, 600x849, 200:283, ccbf026a62580604fe2d8ac008….jpg)

If the religious zealots managed to ban porn, what next would they try to ban?

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34735c  No.16776730

File: e0540143a84690c⋯.png (507.32 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, A2E1C6BB-59C4-4299-AD3F-88….png)


>there's a lot of jewish control and anti-white propaganda in porn, just like there is in video games and all media these days

Anon, hate to burst your bubble, but there's been an anti-white movement that's been fed across the Western world since the start of the 1900s. However, back when it started, a lot of it was more subtle with it mostly pushing the message about how "we're all human" and "just because they love differently, that doesn't mean that they're opinion isn't valid". Just read popular political/historical Western work that came out of non-struggling countries (Mainly England) during the 1920s/1930s.

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34735c  No.16776731


>…they live differently…

Damn it

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697481  No.16776732


Transgenderism? WTF!? I love cuckservitives now.

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c1612c  No.16776734

File: 938eecc246f297b⋯.png (146.42 KB, 568x1023, 568:1023, epic troll.png)

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b1a99f  No.16776739

File: 07192ae1220d574⋯.png (206.67 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ELJ9qMkU0AA89RV.png)


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34735c  No.16776742

File: ab606cb528a326a⋯.png (31.26 KB, 1832x163, 1832:163, 2B6151D9-6BFD-45D9-B2BE-7C….png)

Just pulled this from /mlpol/, what did Cuckchan do now?

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537b68  No.16776746


"Buy if you like porn you are demons!"

- t. Torba

Anyway, Torba is just quoting Bible verses on Twitter now. Any Christians here on GG?

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6873c1  No.16776747



What the hell happened?

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537b68  No.16776748



You can't just post without explaining shit.

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6873c1  No.16776751


Vanishing? WHERE HOW!

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34735c  No.16776760


If I'm a figment of your imagination, then I'm going to giving your nightmares for the rest of your life due to you making my imaginary life so shitty.

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34735c  No.16776761


If I'm a figment of your imagination, then I'm going to giving your nightmares for the rest of your life due to you making my imaginary life so shitty.

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6873c1  No.16776768


Wait who double posted?

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697481  No.16776769

File: 807426f2c16bf9e⋯.png (126.28 KB, 896x614, 448:307, polk converts to Islam and….png)


>not mad


The Cloppercaust is at hand.

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697481  No.16776776


The second part was meant for:


I blame codemonkey and mad trannies.

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2666b8  No.16776782

>shorthand sperg is a druggie who fried his brain

Now it all makes sense.

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ea1c37  No.16776787

>can't post loli on 4chan anymore

well fuck them

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c1612c  No.16776789

Just filter him.


Really? If that's true, that might finally kill that zombie of an imageboard.

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c1612c  No.16776794

File: f5c6587956d8391⋯.webm (7.75 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Weed la Weed.webm)


The stoner. Sorry that I didn't make it clear.

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2666b8  No.16776814

File: 9c04cfc66196de2⋯.webm (383.58 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, THAT_WAS_QUITE_GAY.webm)


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3d7f02  No.16776816


>Porn isn't free speech

Technically, it's freedom of expression.

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537b68  No.16776818


Wasn't if already banned there?

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537b68  No.16776820


The founding fathers were pot smokers that had wild parties at the Hellfire Club.

They were pretty degenerate themselves.

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2666b8  No.16776821

I wonder how the "porn isn't free speech" fags would react to somebody developing a method to encode images as a series of phonetic units and then reading pornographic images aloud in public places.

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bc5cf3  No.16776823


The appeal to some imagined ancestral state of purity is one of the greatest political lies to be found both among conservatives and among the Rosseauian left.

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537b68  No.16776824


Honestly this would have damaged them if that site was still just a small site with only weeb boards. Weebs are barely 1/16th of that site before the exodus and there are many SJWeebs on it. Looks like shit won't come of it.

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3e597e  No.16776826


It is and it is one of those things that has to be allowed to exist, albeit regulated, because if it isn't then government is overriding one's right to free expression and pursuit of happiness and it leads to a worse existence. That said, the agendas currently behind its production should be brought into the light, alongside the psychological effects of consumption. It is always a benefit to humanity when you know where and why those using to set up the destruction of family units and individuals with weak constitutions are currently programming.

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537b68  No.16776829


Benjamin would smoke weed while John Hancock and George Washington will chug beers talking about big fucking colonial tiddies and comparing the asses of British and Injun women. Painting them as saints that are against fun is all propaganda.

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697481  No.16776830

File: ba7cc87c721ee0b⋯.jpg (102.64 KB, 590x443, 590:443, 1436604309300.jpg)

So much organic and genuine posting tonight. It's heartening.

Cuckchan /b/ just banned porn "for the lols"

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697481  No.16776833

"lol" mean "laugh out loud" for our visiting cuckchan hobos, btw.

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15ab44  No.16776838

File: 65448a71a92b268⋯.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1000x1390, 100:139, 7828d632d328d3f49bb296123….jpeg)

I remember the early days of the Internet, after the first porn crackdown in about 1994.

>Every site was filled with ads and "click this five times" redirects

>Every site had credit card verification, an unknown number of which were scams

>Sites were well hidden and didn't appear on most search engines like Yahoo

>Free sites that weren't scams were rare and hard to find

>All the really good porn was on Limewire and you had to dodge a million virus bullets to get to it

This state of affairs is one of the reasons I found 4chan and started using it in the first place. Before imageboards there was freecartoonsex.com. I really don't want to go back to those days.

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2666b8  No.16776840

Why's everyone so obsessed with what 4um is doing?

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3e597e  No.16776846


>Why do you think they call it the "Passion of the Christ"?

Passion was more synonymous with suffering a thousand or more years ago.

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697481  No.16776848



>noticing things means you're mentally sick

Jew detected.

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2666b8  No.16776850


No-one said that, you tranny-obsessed dumbass.

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f3b63b  No.16776851


> Posting that pic again

Obvious falseflag, please kill yourself for believing it.

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6f9ae5  No.16776854


You're entire post id is sperging out. Making fun of cuckchan happens here every once in a while but there's nothing wrong in being suspicious of an uptick of cuckchan posting because it means an influx of crossposters.

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697481  No.16776864


>look at me DAMAGE CONTROL


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ff08fc  No.16776866

File: ea9ebb0fe12b5be⋯.png (61.51 KB, 1340x586, 670:293, ea9.png)


>both the Right and the Left.

Centrisim is truely based.

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f3b63b  No.16776867


There’s no way to convince retards like you that some random picture that might as well have been made by one guy in an hour is obviously fabricated. Why do you choose to believe such dumb things? Is it really that hard to believe there are people that think pornaddiction is bad? If anything, trannies are much more likely to be addicted to porn. Now jump of a building please.

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697481  No.16776870


>obviously fabricated

>I have no evidence of this tho

>just trust me bro


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f3b63b  No.16776872


> >just trust me bro

Lol, I hope you see the irony in this.

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5e1363  No.16776891


Okay. Are you willing to render women into second-class citizens who can't vote, then?

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f3b63b  No.16776892


If that would be possible without any effort, yes definitely, take all their right away. Actually, might as well take everybody’s rights away.

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5e1363  No.16776894


>Take all their rights away, along with everybody's rights away.

You don't need to go that far. Just remove the franchise from women. Balkanization of the USA is far more likely than this ever happening, though.

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e91ff0  No.16776895


Ignore reeline autist, he and niggerpill are one and the same and should be ignored.

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000000  No.16776896



So demonic oppai lolis are the trifecta of evil to them?

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a3dd6a  No.16776904

File: 2b78a7ebc661ed1⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 151.94 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 3965_80_inp_st01.png)

File: 829dd5af11086fa⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 202.74 KB, 600x800, 3:4, f6d8b22020208de599df671851….jpg)

File: ec4926b4cfd0e09⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 161.77 KB, 580x761, 580:761, 練習 64886237_p13.jpg)


>demonic oppai lolis


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222ab5  No.16776905

The Outline: ‘Ghostbusters’ is the future of the culture wars


>When I look back at the decade, I think of one event that polarized the country across extreme political lines, bringing massive cultural implications and a profound sense of loss for those who ended up on the wrong side: the 2016 all-women reboot of the classic ’80s comedy Ghostbusters. Ostensibly a modern vision of a beloved intellectual property (which is about the movie industry’s only idea these days), the reboot, directed by Paul Feig and starring Kristin Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, and Leslie Jones was instead pilloried by adult virgins who decried the film’s focus on women, opposed to a rough n’ tumble group of male slobs just trying to have a good time without making any statements about feminism, or white supremacy, or abortion, or whatever.

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000000  No.16776911


Yeah, this shit is evil. I can feel the urge to sin. Something must be done.

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61928b  No.16776913


Libertarians are usually the whole "leave me alone and let me do what i want" types. The mainstream versions are far removed from them much like the fake conservatives that want to preserve liberal values instead of actual conservatism.


I can explain this, i talked to a friend yesterday that still visits cuckchan. Apparently /b/ had a mod go rogue that banned porn for a few hours and it had old posting from back in the old days (No more porn, it has AIDS, look out pornposter), even oldschool memes and posts that represented 2009-2014 posts, sadly that mod was removed and it became bad again but i hear there is still fighting going on against porn threads. Then again users keep whining about the fact there should be a misc board that does not allow porn posting, but yet is too dumb to come over here and join the randumb board.


All i can think about in this decade was how bad everything became worse as it went on and that there is perhaps light at the end of the tunnel.

>2008-2012 i had so much hope for video games thanks to Mirrors Edge, Uncharted etc.

>2013-2015 started to notice the corruption of video games becoming more FPS, Journalists start getting a huge hard on to push politics into everything even if it's non political

>2015-2018 Video Games start becoming more Microtransaction based and Gacha becomes popular. Especially Scam Citizen that is only 13% done.

>2019 start to notice that there is less and less attention towards mainstream games and more towards indies and various other platforms. DOOM ends up saving the FPS genre and proving people still want single player experiences.

Japanese games are the only saving grace currently despite the hangups with Sony and certain things going on. Without them and some Indies i would have left video games a long while back.

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5e1363  No.16776915


>DOOM ends up saving the FPS genre and proving people still want single player experiences.

Maybe the latter but… I can't speak technically about nu-doom too much, all I know (and this is subjective) is that I was unable to finish it due to boredom. Meanwhile old doom, blood, dark forces ,etc, hold my attention longer.

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34735c  No.16776916



Back to Cuckchan with you.

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61928b  No.16776917


>Maybe the latter but… I can't speak technically about nu-doom too much, all I know (and this is subjective) is that I was unable to finish it due to boredom. Meanwhile old doom, blood, dark forces ,etc, hold my attention longer.

I think that its best to not compare the two. I do admit i like old Doom, and New Doom works really well it just takes awhile to get going. Maybe a few maps in is where it begins to start shoving hard bosses and enemies out the gate at you. I did like the music, and some of the creativity involved. Especially with the chainsaws and the puzzles.

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34735c  No.16776919


>Just remove the franchise from women.

Why not bring things back to where tax payers and property owners were the only ones who could vote? And, add-on those signed up for the draft and/ot were in the military. That removes a lot of the vote base who exist as leeches.


>I think that its best to not compare the two.

Why? It's not a spin-off. And, all indications point to nuDoom picking up the "story" after Doom 64. And, that's along with the fact that Doom 3 never received any sheltering, with it's reputation being raked through the mud because of it's Doom name despite it actually being a good game (Just not a good Doom game).

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f3b63b  No.16776920


>Why not bring things back to where tax payers and property owners were the only ones who could vote? And, add-on those signed up for the draft and/ot were in the military. That removes a lot of the vote base who exist as leeches.

Who do you think voted to give others voting rights?

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34735c  No.16776922


Oh, that's right, the white males in the government.

Never mind.

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61928b  No.16776933


Wait you mean The Chucklefish on the Stardew Valley controversy? I heard awhile back they were mad because the creator did not want to give them credit or whatever, but i have a feeling the real reason why is the fact they wanted to shove their politics down the guy's throat and he said no. Its becoming more obvious that Chucklefish is incompetent and only the soys like them.

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61928b  No.16776934


>Why? It's not a spin-off. And, all indications point to nuDoom picking up the "story" after Doom 64. And, that's along with the fact that Doom 3 never received any sheltering, with it's reputation being raked through the mud because of it's Doom name despite it actually being a good game (Just not a good Doom game).

The whole reason is because even if it is Doom and spans from Doom itself its a different generation working on it. Its not Carmack and Romero at the helm, but veteran ID people who directed the game with newer talent. It will never live up to the nostalgia and of the older games but for a new generation it definitely fulfills what it needs to be.

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61928b  No.16776935



The main issue was the fact that Boomers went along with the Tribe and the wahmen who cried sexism etc. Their parents knew better. But it is obvious that there needed to be passages of anti-subversion laws(that exist in Asia), and protectionist laws for the workers. If we had that in the West it would have been extremely difficult for Boomers to be so swayed easily and they would have a hard time trying to reverse laws that protected workers rights.

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fbc70b  No.16776943

File: feaa7a4db5fdb42⋯.png (209.31 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 7F6C0406-4674-47E5-9448-2E….png)

And, so it begins.

>Democrats unveil articles of impeachment alleging abuse of power, obstruction


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cebc58  No.16776944


It's been banned for a long time on all boards but /b/, the rule was just only lightly enforced. Seems like they're enforcing it now.

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0fa23d  No.16776945


This impeachment bullshit has been a big waste of time & money that just further pushes the working class middle american to wanna vote for Trump again next election.

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cebc58  No.16776946


Same as I react to that pedophile on /rand21/ who claims CP is free speech if he embeds his opinions or leaked government documents into the images. That's not how it fucking works fag.

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cebc58  No.16776951


>Why not bring things back to where tax payers and property owners

And what percentage of property in the US do you think is owned by Jews?

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b791b5  No.16776952


Impeachment pisses of the independents who voted for "moderate" Dems who promised not to focus on this shitshow at all, but they lied and voted more inquiries, investigations and now full impeachment.

Now its looking like a reversal from 2018 will happen in the house.

I really think that's why cuckservatives are pushing this porn ban right now, they sense not just a chance of winning but also majority control of all branches coming if they just ride Trump's coattails and want to start building momentum to pressure Trump into a full "war on porn."

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f2905d  No.16776963

File: c474553e16e14c2⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 9 KB, 300x199, 300:199, bjc1.jpg)


Considering Jews own the banks then the answer would be Jewst about all of them.

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a244ae  No.16776967


Impeachment is good. It's lead democrats to spend Trump's presidency doing absolutely nothing besides obstructing. And it shows how fucked they are in 2020. If they thought they could easily win, they would just obstruct Trump at every step of the way. Then in November, just go

>wow Trump didn't do anything he said he's a liar stay home Trump voters!

and win. But they know they can't do it. They know they are screwed in 2020 unless they can get Trump off the ballot. And that's what Impeachment is about.

Current state of democratic candidates is Hillary is in the lead and she's not even officially running.

It's also backfiring tremendously. You've got moderates who don't think Trump is evil incarnate wondering why democrats aren't doing more constructive things with their time. It's splitting the base between the more sane dems and the insane TDS/SJW/etc types.

Trump is enjoying this. And when 2020 comes, he can sit back and talk about how Dems did nothing but throw a hissy fit for four years and how they accomplished nothing. To some of them, Trump is the most evil president we've ever had. And they can't get rid of him after trying the entire time.

Trump won in 2016 because he got swing states. And impeachment is driving swing voters away in droves. Trump will win 2020 and the whole "fuck the electoral college popular vote!" meme by leftists will come stronger than it's ever been.

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0cda68  No.16776991

File: 822b0eebfe868a5⋯.png (85.84 KB, 326x333, 326:333, 1575673537718.png)

According to a Twitterfag, Gab posted "1000 times" on Twitter but not once on their own website.

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697481  No.16776992

File: 8b138f3084eea22⋯.jpg (334.78 KB, 664x877, 664:877, We're offended by your use….jpg)



You're using that word wrong. Additionally, you seem to be genuinely mad at the "bro" part, because you want me to call you "ma'am." lel

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cebc58  No.16777000

I've been unable to post on the bunker for a whole day because every single post I made "looked automated".

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948301  No.16777003

File: d8944b793173a89⋯.jpg (580.77 KB, 1455x1800, 97:120, phoenixwright-objection.jpg)

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b791b5  No.16777026

File: 9c3d65fcac5d778⋯.jpg (20.69 KB, 402x431, 402:431, 463139404c2bfba490f7475356….jpg)

An interesting part of Torba going full tard on porn has been the e-celebs who originally shilled for Gab turn on him and Torba responding mostly in 4um /pol/ memes.

There were a couple of e-celebs who reached the same conclusion as the bread that banning loli was just the beginning for the retard and made principled defense of it, who were ultimately blocked by Torbatard then.

Some other twatters pointed out that Torba going full sperg on porn might be a coverup of him originally filtering porn bot accounts on Gab that caught up many legitimate users and he doesn't want to admit any wrongdoing in that.

Another theory to explain the extreme personality shift is that Torba got a traumatic brain injury that led him into christcuckoldry.

I've noticed recently that faggots who go down the abrahamic road turn into extreme spergs, like bonegoblin and now Torbatard.

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1a54bc  No.16777030


>I really think that's why cuckservatives are pushing this porn ban right now

Isn't it just that one retard on his shitty twitter clone doing that though?

>They know they are screwed in 2020 unless they can get Trump off the ballot.

They'll be even more screwed if they DO manage to get him off the ballot they won't be able to because then their marxist horrorshow will be facing off against Mike Pence instead. Even though Pence is a neocon, on the surface he's much more demure and "presidential" than Trump and will look positively normal when compared to the likes of ex-vp Beggerlice, Colonel Sanders, Princess Tiger-lily, Kike Bloomberg, or Buttplug.

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0fa23d  No.16777031


What I find silly about born again Christians is that they get so defensive about things like porn but the basis of Christianity is that ALL sins are forgiven through Christ. All you have to do is just ask for forgiveness & it's done. If they honestly think porn is sinful then they should be pushing for simple forgiveness & for people to see what they're doing is sinful. Just outright trying to ban it isn't gonna do you any favors.

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f3b63b  No.16777032


Thanks for revealing you’re just a shitposting. The irony in the ‘just trust me dude’ statement was that you just believe some picture that very easily could have been faked, but that you’ll start to doubt me and ask me for evidence when telling you it might be fake. But judging from all your other posts, you are a shitposting and you should end your life.

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1a54bc  No.16777038


Meant to also quote >>16776967

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cebc58  No.16777041


>Isn't it just that one retard on his shitty twitter clone doing that though?

Haven't a bunch of conservative states declared porn "a public health crisis" and are pushing for enforcement of anitiquated and unconstitutional non-public obscenity laws?

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1a54bc  No.16777050


I haven't heard about it but if they do then it'll just end up either egg on their face when the Supreme Court rules against them or possibly worse with giving Democrats an opening for a comeback in 2022-2024. Then again American conservatives have always been about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

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02e818  No.16777056


Honestly, I thought they were fucking up on purpose.

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b791b5  No.16777057


>Isn't it just that one retard on his shitty twitter clone doing that though?

Its more than just Torbatard, several representatives wrote to Barr asking him to enforce obscenity law again. Also >>16777041

The reason why I keep comparing the "war on porn" to hate speech is because of how obscenity is enforced in most western countries, these tards are opening the door to hate speech.

The US is an outlier when it comes to obscenity, I think we're the only country in the world that has an extremely narrow definition of it, most other western countries have not only expanded their definition of obscenity but also included hate speech into it.

For example in the UK, Dankula was charged under their obscenity law by "transmitting gross offense" across the internet, that was expanded by the Labor government in the early 2000s.

The NZ guy who got 10 years for sharing the Christchurch shooting video was charged under their obscene film regulations that were created in the 60s and hate speech expansion that was added more recently, I think thats from the 90s.

In order for the Fed to prosecute "hardcore pornography" like Torbatard and other cuckservatives want, you would not only have to tear apart and expand the Miller test but also destroy many other rulings that have narrowed obscenity like Brown vs. Entertainment Merchants Association, that ruled violence and some sexual conduct in specifically vidya isn't obscenity.

Who will decide the expanded definition of obscenity? Because there are many, many progressives and commies drooling at the chance to throw hate speech, misogyny and whatever other horseshit into it.

Opening the door to that expanded definition will bite them and everyone else in the ass.

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33f600  No.16777060


>This impeachment bullshit has been a big waste of time & money that just further pushes the working class middle american to wanna vote for Trump again

It's even worse for them because they can't come up with even a fake crime to charge him with. They just got three jews to come up on national television to whine about how he named his son Baron and about how he's just the devil without actually saying what he has done wrong.

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0fa23d  No.16777062


Wasn't the only thing they had barely going was a narrative he made secret deals with the Ukraine or something?

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02e818  No.16777065


I thought that Biden(?) did these.

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33f600  No.16777066


He asked Ukraine to look into a company that was corrupt and that was it. The reason that they are so fucking obsessed with that though is because that company is the one that Biden's son got a do nothing get payed ten million dollars job at and then when the Ukrainian government tried to investigate it Biden told them to stop or the US wouldn't give them the weapons they needed to stop Russia from taking their clay back. So basically they are accusing Trump of doing what the previous administration did. Also Biden admitted to doing this on fucking TV for all to see.

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0fa23d  No.16777072


Typical. It's a whole lot of nothing along with blaming completely unrelated things onto Trump.

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4015a8  No.16777080


If they successfully end up making obscenity laws more strict, I expect those same laws to eventually be used to persecute Christians.

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1a54bc  No.16777081

File: 65739b46c52dd28⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1018x1440, 509:720, 75214932_p1.png)


The First Amendment gives extremely broad protections for speech and unlike, say the 2nd Amendment, the Supreme Court has not been scared to make rulings and has sided pretty consistently on the side of free speech over the decades regardless of the makeup of the Court or the current political fads of the country at large. If the, admittedly dumbass, Republicans go down this path then they'll kill all their momentum and they'll lose that particular fight regardless.

There's a ton of libertarians, constitutionalists, classical liberals, and assorted other Gadsen tier lads that are currently in extremely weak (I'm talking Van der Waals tier weak) coalition with Republicans because of how crazy that libs have gone over the past decade or so and if Republicans start engaging in nanny state bullshit of their own then that coalition will dissolve instantly and Republicans will immediately begin losinr elections.

I hope any Qfags reading this understand it and take it to heart and pass these sentiments up the boomer grapevine. If you fags start acting like common scolds again then all your hopes and dreams will evaporate.

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a5ad41  No.16777083

I think porn is degenerate, unhealthy for society-type degeneracy, but I hate how banning it is being used as a segway to attack free speech. Jews really hate the Bill of Rights don't they?

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33f600  No.16777084


At this rate both parties are going to go so full retard that a third party candidate might actually win.

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cebc58  No.16777085


I hear this every election.

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33f600  No.16777088


Well we haven't had full blown communism on one side and full blown puritanism on the other in an election yet so we might see some serious shit in the future.

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1a54bc  No.16777096

File: 827b68c33927c3c⋯.jpg (8.69 KB, 236x236, 1:1, 1499635117.jpg)


That's the hope.


It's a critical phase sort of thing. It's just like chemical solutions in which precipitation doesn't happen until a critical Ph or solubility level is reached; Sociology-political things work the same way. When a certain malice-retardation level is reached all those previous loyal constituents fall out of solution and begin to do their own thing. The election of Trump was a warning indicator, if only those in power were smart enough to understand it.

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a244ae  No.16777099


woah, it's like SJWs and liberals always project

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0cda68  No.16777100


Feel like most born-again christcucks go overboard in "repenting for past sins" instead of just admitting they fucked up.

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33f600  No.16777105


>if only those in power were smart enough to understand it.

It's funny that Trump getting elected should have woken them the fuck up when they can't even win an election they tried to rig. It's like having their plans fail only made them dumber and more panicky.

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a2d52d  No.16777109


>Just outright trying to ban it isn't gonna do you any favors.

especially since banning porn is likely to either

> be extremely ineffectual because of how wide spread it is and how isn't effective in authoritarian shitskin countries like iran.


> cause more strain on the prison system with prisons already being ovecrowded in relation to drug shit.

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697481  No.16777112


>I think

Stick your opinion up your front-hole.

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33f600  No.16777115


It's most likely either going to get thrown out on either violating the first amendment or get put into law and never enforced unless the government really doesn't like you like they do with most of these retard unenforceable laws they pass.

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1b14c3  No.16777120

File: 68d820fe8b62ccc⋯.png (179.76 KB, 587x591, 587:591, shadow heh.png)


>(I'm talking Van der Waals tier weak)

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a2d52d  No.16777122


Stop posting already anon and take a break. Your being o faggoty right now that if I didn't control f your ID I would have assumed you to be the tee line sperg.

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b791b5  No.16777133

>AFL-CIO backs Trump's North American trade pact


>AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka announced Tuesday that the powerful labor confederation will support President Trump’s new North American trade deal, paving the way for likely passage in the Democratic-controlled House.

Seems like Democrats are clinging on repealing and replacing NAFTA to somehow later take credit for it in the coming election when it was all Trump.

I haven't seen the text of the deal but one of the interesting things people on twatter are taking about so far is that the deal would severely restrict Chinese export laundering and has a strict requirement of 75% of all materials that go into manufactured goods must come from North America to get tariff exemptions.

Seems like its locking in US manufacturing to supply Mexico and Canada goods and fucking over the chink undercutting.

Pretty rare to see the largest union group in the US to endorse something a Republican wants.

Another sign of Trump having an advantage in the coming election.


Obscenity law historically and even now in most of the west is used to suppress dissent.

Sure a handful of degenerates get arrested but the majority are people who are politically opposed to the ruling politcal hegemon.

Fuck, one of the reasons why the US went down the path of narrowing obscenity was because of local and state governments going apeshit and arresting people under obscenity for obvious political speech, I think even Brandenburg v. Ohio or another high profile case was originally started with an obscenity charge until it was later modified in pretrial.

The twatter NEETSocs who are calling for the obscenity expansion don't seem to realize the narrowing has actually protected their political position post-WWII. Kind of funny.

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dc1999  No.16777144


I think Trump will win the popular vote as well this time, which will be funny since a lot of blue states voted that their electoral college votes will go to whoever gets the popular vote.

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7df535  No.16777145

File: 0493febaea7332e⋯.webm (5.35 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 4f43b7e58430393e13caecaa1….webm)

It's time to #CloseTheGate

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b791b5  No.16777148


Who the fuck are these soylents?

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948301  No.16777163

File: e0d84e6f39e15aa⋯.jpg (132.11 KB, 652x869, 652:869, jazz music stops.jpg)


Didn't the guy on the left get caught for a sex offense? I'm sure I saw an article on him.

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7df535  No.16777171

File: 792eba3bb967075⋯.png (279.45 KB, 411x467, 411:467, Tragedienne.png)


Aren't we all sex offenders in a way depending on how you look at it?

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1a54bc  No.16777179


What kind of sex offense? Like the "I pissed in an abandoned parking lot at 2:00 AM and a cop caught me" kind of "sex offense or the "was caught diddling toddlers" kind of sex offense? The distinction is important.

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cee640  No.16777181


not if ur a radfem

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122f1c  No.16777183

File: 758cf4755737404⋯.png (174.43 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 83B67588-DA4E-4732-BC7D-F8….png)

And, another shooting.


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948301  No.16777189


somewhere between "sexual misconduct in front of someone" and "blackmailing/tricking someone into sex/sending nudes".

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02e818  No.16777194


Looks like standard nigger moment.

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f2905d  No.16777197

File: 3006deabe32e3d0⋯.jpg (40.75 KB, 500x366, 250:183, patrickquestion.jpg)


5 questions:

Who are these faggots? Are they another troll (or idiotic) group like Deagle Nation?

Why should we care?

How old is this vid?

Didn't PlayAsia bring it to the US?

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a2d52d  No.16777201

File: 28a3fca01f9ea3d⋯.png (521.34 KB, 984x1064, 123:133, 28a3fca01f9ea3d6371e53d2cb….png)


I entirely forgot mega 64 was a thing(assuming that them I got them confused with soome other game comedy show). I take it their long past their prime and became unfunny prog shit now?


>deagle nation

Kek I forgot that was even a thing. What ever happened to that nigger. I remember him having MDE connections.

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a2d52d  No.16777202


*assuming that's them and I haven't gotten them confused with some other game comedy show

*whatever happened to that nigger?

apologies for the grammatical errors

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0fa23d  No.16777204


>another shooting

>in Jersey

This is news?

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f2905d  No.16777208


>What ever happened to that nigger

IIRC LWu trued to get a restraining order against Jace Connors only for Connors to reveal himsself as a fictional character created by a troll. He revealed that by saying Wu tried to subpoena someone that doesnt actually exist. That with the revelation that Wu didn't/doesn't have a license to drive or ride a motorbike meant that Wu lost a drag race to a fictional character by default.

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d6d97f  No.16777211


I have to admit, I chuckled at Social Studies Warriors.

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6c5d9d  No.16777220

File: 774c4b95283b1c6⋯.jpg (95.94 KB, 768x1080, 32:45, D-nlXv8X4AE-NM9.jpg)


When you lay on the trolling so thick it just becomes unfunny.

What's everyone playing these days? I just got to the last chapter of Waifublade Chronicles 2 and started on the Torna prequel. Planning to beat that and then go back and finish the main game with the whole story fresh in my mind. I know I'm late to the party, but *damn* this is some good vidya. I love everything about it other than Rex's "Vash the Stampede" complex about never killing anyone. That's a trope that always pisses me off. The rest is pure gold.

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02e818  No.16777233


Just got tired of binge playing Rimworld.

Now I think about starting new fortress in Dwarf Fortress(I will get FUN in few years though. It was quite a bit of time, when I was playing it last time) or to continue my Aurora playthrough.

Also I can use Git reasonably well now.

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b791b5  No.16777270


Looking at the updates, could be an ATF string gone wrong. Shocking because Feds like ATF usually just frames retards, teens and general losers to pad themselves for promotions.

The shooters were in a U-haul van that was full of explosives, undercover fed shot dead, ATF and FBI was immediately on scene and a massive firefight happened after the suspects fled inside a jewish bakery taking hostages, apparently the hostages are dead too with some saying on twatter the shooters executed them.

Putting money on a muslim terrorism sting blowing up.

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f2905d  No.16777279


>Putting money on a muslim terrorism sting blowing up.

And the "dead hostages" making a full recovery.

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a2d52d  No.16777283

File: d5741204b52c407⋯.png (177.54 KB, 410x523, 410:523, spectral huff.png)


>IIRC LWu trued to get a restraining order against Jace Connors only for Connors to reveal himsself as a fictional character created by a troll. He revealed that by saying Wu tried to subpoena someone that doesnt actually exist. That with the revelation that Wu didn't/doesn't have a license to drive or ride a motorbike meant that Wu lost a drag race to a fictional character by default.

that is pretty weak, not gonna lie. He should of at least made a tranny joke.

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5d7225  No.16777285


>What's everyone playing these days?

Primarily Half-Life (Dreamcast), Soul Blade (PS1), Viewpoint (PS1), and Cursed Mountain (Wii). And, about 7 other games that are on the backburner.

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dd25a1  No.16777294

File: eb3bae1f31d24ef⋯.png (413.01 KB, 540x726, 90:121, Raven black and white.png)


Anything is unhealthy in excess. That doesn't justify witch hunts against porn any more than video games, literature, etc.

Like I always say, moderation is a matter of personal responsibility.

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ec42a1  No.16777302


Yeah but more is inherently evil and anti human by default, so yeah that one can be banned.

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7df535  No.16777320

File: 317b73dd226cff7⋯.png (1.04 MB, 873x1323, 97:147, Alilath Seker.png)


It's easy to give speeches about how everything in excess is unhealthy and that they are possibly even healthy below that boundary. But realistically speaking, there are some things that are easier to fall into than others.

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0fa23d  No.16777322


Which is why it should be personal responsibility to moderate or avoid those things. The government shouldn't be a nanny state controlling every little thing we can or can't do.

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0cda68  No.16777323

File: 338f3993c8b2b66⋯.png (650.34 KB, 649x638, 59:58, 488be98eb47f43a77a355bdd00….png)


I'm gonna dip into the Atelier franchise and start from the beginning. Other than that, just Russian Star Citizen, Tarkov.

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7df535  No.16777337

File: 92acef74ff2b158⋯.jpg (97.97 KB, 790x960, 79:96, She chose poorly.jpg)


It's less about taking care of retards and more about ensuring the retards don't fuck shit up for everyone else. Although you can most certainly bet there are idiots that will do it to take care of the retarded.

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0fa23d  No.16777347


I feel we're talking about many different things here.

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697481  No.16777352


Contrarianism is literally the lowest form of trolling, and even then, you do it badly. Calling you a "troll" would be giving you too much credit; you're just an idiot.

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cebc58  No.16777353

File: b429d2f185a6b40⋯.png (529.36 KB, 560x873, 560:873, Confused slut.png)


>It's less about taking care of retards

>and more about taking care of retards

I'm not following.

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ff08fc  No.16777357


>It's less about taking care of retards

>and more about taking care of retards

>I'm not following

Probably because that's not what he said "more about ensuring the retards don't fuck shit up for everyone else". I don't understand how you couldn't understand this

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ff08fc  No.16777360


>Anything is unhealthy in excess

>Genital mutilation is not unhealthy in small doses

>bullet wounds are not unhealthy in small doses

>drinking lava is not unhealthy in small doses

You should make your statements more specific

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cebc58  No.16777361


Empty platitudes are not unhealthy in small doses.

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cebc58  No.16777362


>more about ensuring the retards don't fuck shit up for everyone else

That's called taking care of retards.

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0fa23d  No.16777364


Now you're just being a smartass.

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ff08fc  No.16777370


>Retard: I'm going to smear shit on the wall

>Security: No, stop

>You: Why are you taking care of him security? Let him smear shit on the wall

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697481  No.16777371

File: 6163cec2a4e1aaf⋯.png (278.19 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 2n1Tl.png)

I've only been warning you guys about the transgender menace for the last three years and you didn't listen! Now there's transtrenders here, in this very thread, being very, very, (pretend) concerned about your ejaculations! "Fapping to females is bad! Fapping to traps is normal and healthy! 0w0 (Notices your bulge) Let me help you…"


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1a54bc  No.16777374

File: 28a10e441dbea6d⋯.jpg (253.12 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, day_of_the_rope.jpg)


If you were to strawman any harder then we could all climb aboard you and travel to Fountainhead palace.

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02e818  No.16777375

Did anybody else noticed sudden rise of infighting between Niche and OAG on comment section?

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cebc58  No.16777377


I didn't say not to take care of retards. But it's still taking care of retards. Go ahead. Ban scat porn of retards smearing shit on the wall.

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cebc58  No.16777378


No. They've been calling eachother gay niggerfaggots for a while.

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0fa23d  No.16777379


No one mentioned traps till you just right now.

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cebc58  No.16777380


>taking the bait

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697481  No.16777381



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1a54bc  No.16777405


It was not by my hand that I am once again given flesh. I was called here by faggots who wish to pay me tribute.

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b791b5  No.16777411

File: ccdbf8ee6f2ecda⋯.jpg (36.88 KB, 727x480, 727:480, 1dc1621f9785f3afe3906e3150….jpg)


I don't know why you're expecting a bunch of christcucks to starting rounding up the few Jewish pornographers who run the failing studios and websites if obscenity law is expanded and it doesn't immediately blow up in your fucking face when a leftist adds hate speech to the new definition.

Porn has been shifting into the independent market for years, may of the old studios that made money a decade ago are going bankrupt and selling their IP for cheap.

A lot of shell companies operated by copyright trolls buy the IP up, set honeytraps on torrents and threaten lawsuits on tards with poor OPSEC, typically demanding a settlement of a few grand. That's the only way they make money off the old studio porn.

I believe one copyright troll went so far he was criminally indicted and got sent to prison for several years on top of massive fines.

Most of the money now is in porn requests, many performers who had contracts with studios abandoned them years ago.

People can request just about any scenario they want, some of the more elaborate request can net a couple grand but I've seen sub one hundred prices for simple scenarios.

Even shit like BLACKED is feeling their shekels slip away to the request market.


Are you autistic?

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02e818  No.16777412


Alright then.

It's silly, that there faggots out here which still fall for blatant basic D&C shit.

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cebc58  No.16777416

File: 558870c031aff1a⋯.png (946.04 KB, 870x1208, 435:604, ClipboardImage.png)


>Happy romcom series

>Country is a multicultural paradise

>Because succubi can have kids with any intelligent race

>Very same chapter

>Male teacher allowed in girls only elementary school because he identifies as a woman

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ff08fc  No.16777417


He said "anything"

>he was just being colloquial

doesn't matter faggot,

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34735c  No.16777419


>Country is a multicultural paradise

Not really. They do note that things have been becoming more uneasy in the country, but brush over it because the princess is an idealist.

>Because succubi can have kids with any intelligent race

>Very same chapter

>Male teacher allowed in girls only elementary school because he identifies as a woman

There's also the puppy trap several dozen chapters later.

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a2d52d  No.16777422


>Porn has been shifting into the independent market for years, may of the old studios that made money a decade ago are going bankrupt and selling their IP for cheap.

>A lot of shell companies operated by copyright trolls buy the IP up, set honeytraps on torrents and threaten lawsuits on tards with poor OPSEC, typically demanding a settlement of a few grand. That's the only way they make money off the old studio porn.

So e-whores killed the pornstar? I suppose that is better than the kike controlled big porno. Still, is that why shit like incest larps and sissy shit got an increase in porn? I know people with the more niche fetishes tend to be more autistic with acquiring more of it, like furries.

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222ab5  No.16777435

File: 48bf31279fd0453⋯.gif (875.38 KB, 300x300, 1:1, Heavy01.gif)

File: 33bf981d05c09be⋯.png (130.22 KB, 515x184, 515:184, Ns0QYQX.png)

Anyone remember the Mighty No 9 controversy in 2013 over the crazy SJW Dina who got hired as a community manager, pretty obviously due to cronyism? (She admitted her "friends/BF" worked there, but later claimed "BF" stood for best friend, not that that would be that much better even if it was true. She claimed to also be doing design work, specifically on robots, but they denied she was doing such work for MN9 so it's unclear what she was working on and whether she was exagerating her role.) She's apparently now involved with the accusations against Dangen and is accusing someone named Ben Judd of sexual harassment, who is supposedly friends with Inafune and seems to be the boyfriend who got her the job. Note she calls herself "Alex" now because she claims to be "non-binary", which makes things a bit confusing.

Twitter thread making accusations against him and mentioning he got her the job:


KIA thread pointing this out:


>Dangen Entertainment Warning


>Official Rebuttal to “DANGEN Entertainment Warning”


>Dangen Entertainment Warning #2


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a2d52d  No.16777443



>>I don't know why you're expecting a bunch of christcucks to starting rounding up the few Jewish pornographers who run the failing studios and websites if obscenity law is expanded and it doesn't immediately blow up in your fucking face when a leftist adds hate speech to the new definition.

>I don’t know why you think that’s a coherent sentence.

it's coherent enough for you to understand the other nigger know?

>Are you trying to get us to believe that jews DON’T control all of that, too?

Hence why my response was partially phrased as a question in the first sentence. I assumed "independant market" meant local e-whore making money off shit like fans only or whatever amateurs porn site they use. If i'm wrong than I'm wrong.

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a2d52d  No.16777444

File: 999e4ef77c4e924⋯.jpg (16.73 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 0d986cfb0cce735e94f3ad5fb4….jpg)




>masturbating to luigi (nintendo) that made me laugh

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0fa23d  No.16777451


What point you're trying to prove is lost completely from using reddit for any reliable information.

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a2d52d  No.16777453

File: df88cab325b196a⋯.png (33.15 KB, 607x465, 607:465, PipeJerkingToLuigi.png)


fucked up the grentext

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3aa5d9  No.16777454

File: 7662c88a9c4310e⋯.jpg (18.43 KB, 255x255, 1:1, holy shit anon.jpg)

lol this whole porn debate is hilarious, both sides have valid points, and both sides are acting like total spergs. Honestly I've just decided to kick back and watch the dumpster fire.

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3aa5d9  No.16777455

File: 43324338e795f67⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 4.48 KB, 140x140, 1:1, yDJfuk8.gif)


>demonic oppai lolis

wait, anon this is for you.

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1a54bc  No.16777456



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a2d52d  No.16777459


I think it's entirely reasonable to use reddit in this instance, as it's from an official pornhub PR account. Still, he picked a shitty picture to prove his point, as the picture doesn't consist of the PR person admitting to forcing incest shit. It's just of them damage controlling that they totally aren't, which doesn't provide sufficient proof as the PR person could easily just be a prog sperg that currently infests public relations positions, whom got overly offended about wrongthink. Which caused them to lace their damage control with buzzwords. Although, I believe anon picked the wrong picture, as there is an actual picture of a pornhub PR person saying on reddit how great incest porn is floating around. He probably just chose the image based on file name and didn't double check the contents.

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3aa5d9  No.16777460


you took the b8 anon

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a2d52d  No.16777462


I don't think it's bait, check his ID. He is currently at (17) and most of his posts in this bread don't look very baity. Not every anon who says faggoty shit is baiting, especially when their not (1) and done. You should know that plenty of anons don't have to pretend to be faggots to be one.

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000000  No.16777475

I think lot of confusion might also be caused by what people mean by "porn". I don't give one fucking shit about 3DPD and I can't remember when I even visited a non-hentai site, so as far as I'm concerned the 3D industry and whatever happens there is unimportant. I'll defend 2D porn, but I give no shits about whores and peddlers. And I know the this anti-porn movement will not only include 2D, explicit or otherwise merely lewd and suggestive, but target it first while the 3D traffickers will coincidentally be left unscathed.

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a2d52d  No.16777476

File: 6b04b045f0ffed1⋯.png (65.74 KB, 597x472, 597:472, Judd luigi.png)

File: 1d5d34af4adf1c4⋯.jpg (32.85 KB, 834x425, 834:425, spunking judd.jpg)

File: e25b1221d866b95⋯.jpg (7.82 KB, 210x240, 7:8, judd.jpg)

File: 909a503e76255da⋯.png (53.66 KB, 168x154, 12:11, 909a503e76255da70ad4b1ae65….png)




Holy shit, reading some more of this, this nigger was either seriously jerking it to the luigi death stare video, or he genuinely thought this was a good segway into sex talk.

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5dcfab  No.16777485


Or he was shitposting.

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1a54bc  No.16777487

File: 193a7977b42e29e⋯.jpg (696.94 KB, 868x1228, 217:307, 77675693_p0.jpg)


That is exactly how I feel as well. 100%.

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a2d52d  No.16777488


I don't know anon, he apparently had an obsession with showing his balls in public among other sexual escapades. I wouldn't put homolust for luigi past him. The bad news about all this shit is that it's be used for years to come against the japense indie scene. You can expect poz to creep in their.

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b791b5  No.16777489

File: 6aa583dfade7ded⋯.jpg (55.17 KB, 1294x478, 647:239, terry davis.jpg)


You are absolutely delusional if you think expanding obscenity won't fucking blow up in your face.

Like I said, the US is the outlier when it comes to obscenity law in the western world.

Every other western country that expanded the definition of obscenity had a leftist government come into power and include hate speech into it.

Unless you can get all the jews and commies in one swoop and make their political positions outright illegal, and I seriously fucking doubt that will happen if you rely on cuckservatives, you will end up in jail when leftists rebound and ultimately use your tactic against you.



If Torba or some of the cuckservative representatives have their way, drawing loli and even creating written erotica would be enough for jail time.

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1a54bc  No.16777493

File: 84a8010d3ab2562⋯.png (171.81 KB, 1235x650, 19:10, This city won't say where ….png)


>but target it first while the 3D traffickers will coincidentally be left unscathed.

Oh and I wanted to add that these "brave" conservative crusaders will, at the same while, do absolutely fuckall about actual little boys being turned into tranny catamites out of fear of being branded some kind of biggots. At the most a few of the most loose cannon of their numbers will mumble something semi-coherently about "muh restrooms muthafucka" while still not doing anything about the huge fucking Deinotherium in the room that is the core issue.

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000000  No.16777494


If it wasn't because of memetic influence and and cultural osmosis I wouldn't even know about any 3D porn sites anymore: pornhub and BLACKED.com are the only ones in memory and that's entirely because of jokes surrounding them.

And that artist is a strange case. I like loli too, but his lolis don't do much for me, while his non-loli stuff really appeals to me though.

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000000  No.16777496

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0fa23d  No.16777498

File: dec09c8d3faeb35⋯.jpg (243.44 KB, 1178x1510, 589:755, ELLl6bZVAAE88EL.jpg orig.jpg)


I hate whores & their peddlers as well. I just want my 2D protected. Which is the biggest target for any porn regulation. It's always the 2D that's eyed first for scrutiny over the 3D that's actually in the public eye.

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a2d52d  No.16777500


I think your replying to the wrong post.

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34735c  No.16777501

File: 8fc2dee57ba5feb⋯.png (2.67 MB, 1732x1032, 433:258, One fag to rule all.png)


>It's always the 2D that's eyed first for scrutiny over the 3D that's actually in the public eye.

That's because you can't blackmail people and spread STDs with drawings, Anon.

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0fa23d  No.16777504


STDs sure. Blackmail is definite though. You could dox the person just because you don't like what they drew. You wouldn't even need to dox them even. You can easily target a person with harassment.

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000000  No.16777505


Yes, I've been making tons of careless mistakes today.



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1a54bc  No.16777509

File: ac168c65b881517⋯.png (263.54 KB, 900x600, 3:2, yet another snek flag.png)


>If Torba or some of the cuckservative representatives have their way, drawing loli and even creating written erotica would be enough for jail time.

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cc2fa5  No.16777510


>And I know the this anti-porn movement will not only include 2D, explicit or otherwise merely lewd and suggestive, but target it first while the 3D traffickers will coincidentally be left unscathed.

The popular sentiment is about MindGeek sites and 3DPD shit in general. The legislation that will come as a response to it will target amateur producers, 2D, and free speech websites like 8chan that happen to have porn on them. This is always the pattern. Monopolies and oligopolies fucking love regulation because they get to write it and use it against their enemies.

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61928b  No.16777512


>This is always the pattern. Monopolies and oligopolies fucking love regulation because they get to write it and use it against their enemies.

Exactly. That is the main thing. They love dividing and conquering. They are not above using Jews, nice words and trying to make it seem innocent only to use innocuous language and add more to it later on. While it is true Jewish people do own huge amounts of porn and funnel it around they also mentioned in the past to being open to many types of fetishs and Hentai that is not owned by them They are pro porn in every sense because they make money off of advertising and data analytics.

Just because dumb people exist and Jews exist does not give anyone the right to do a blanket ban on the rest of everyone. There is retards that go to school and shoot up places there is dumb people that do all sorts of retarded things in our society like play video games and take no breaks then die. But a free society helps overall because only the strong survive and the weak die off.

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b9d412  No.16777513

>tfw Encyclopedia Dramatica’s 15 years old now.

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61928b  No.16777515


Crazy that its been around that long. I did not know about it until 2014 honestly.

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1a54bc  No.16777516


The one really good thing is that the 1st is pretty ironclad and Justices have always tended to rule in its favor regardless of their personal biases. So the anti porn crusade will find itself cut off at the knees in short order.

The problem is that the fallout from the attempt will likely end up bleeding conservatives of critically needed support or possibly in some cases even end up actively bolstering liberals. Cuckservitives are going to cuck themselves out of what might be their last chance to rally with this kind of dumb shit. Both this and the red flag laws bullshit that they support. And frankly if they are this stupid then maybe they don't deserve to be handed the reins of power anyway.

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fd8419  No.16777520



>going out on a typo

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0fa23d  No.16777527

File: 421bdefa51943ec⋯.jpg (920.98 KB, 1380x930, 46:31, ELerjNmWwAA0psZ.jpg orig.jpg)

Reminder that infamous twitch streamer, Alinity, has a very interesting relationship with her dog.

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697481  No.16777542


I'm not "arguing" with you. I'm making fun of your dumb ass.

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61928b  No.16777543


I hate to mention this. But as much as I dislike Trump on some issues I can trust him and the Federalist society far more than I can trust the cuckservatives. And cuckservatives do vote the judges in but are really weak by pandering to the media and damage controlling when they should not care.

I think after this election I may swing back to the left after the collapse in 2020 all things concerned. They may become a viable party again once they fall off their high horse.

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3e597e  No.16777585


Good luck on that, the whole point of everyone going after 3D now is because computer programs in the near future are going to eliminate 3D all together and you will not be able to tell the difference and everyone can make OC and customize to their fancy. There will be no more exploitation or addicts looking for a easy way to make money. This whole porn ruins real life experience or marriage is horseshit, it is a serial killer defence excuse toned down– the devil made me do it b.s. I am suspicious of everyone because it is clearly coordinated and than mean agenda and planning by people who have no business controlling others.

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c45a2d  No.16777594

File: 4882fb226898e90⋯.png (14.84 MB, 4000x2889, 4000:2889, sakimichan raven starfire.png)


>But realistically speaking, there are some things that are easier to fall into than others.

That's true. That's what makes personal responsibility all the more important.


I don't want (((them))) in the industry any more than you do. Literally anyone else can (and does) make better porn. This giant conflation you're making is exactly what makes it a witch hunt. Not all porn is (((Pornhub))), just like not all cartoons are (((Disney))).

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6f9ae5  No.16777602

File: 320370b3b45abb5⋯.png (359.05 KB, 721x865, 721:865, Ghostbusters.png)


>When I look back at the decade, I think of one event that polarized the country across extreme political lines, bringing massive cultural implications and a profound sense of loss for those who ended up on the wrong side: the 2016 all-women reboot of the classic ’80s comedy Ghostbusters. Ostensibly a modern vision of a beloved intellectual property (which is about the movie industry’s only idea these days), the reboot, directed by Paul Feig and starring Kristin Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, and Leslie Jones was instead pilloried by adult virgins who decried the film’s focus on women, opposed to a rough n’ tumble group of male slobs just trying to have a good time without making any statements about feminism, or white supremacy, or abortion, or whatever.

>The new Ghostbusters can’t pay homage to the original in a vacuum; thanks to the blowback against the 2016 reboot, all its creative choices seem like explicit political decisions. Sick of lady Ghostbusters? Well, here’s two white guys in lead roles. Sick of new stuff? Well, here’s a bunch of the old. Declaring that your movie will be a “love letter,” as Reitman did, suggests that the previous movie was made with no heart or respect. Saying that you intend to “hand the movie to the fans,” as Reitman also has, is pandering.

Wait, doesn't the new Ghostbusters star a teenage girl?

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c1acbb  No.16777616

File: 50ccbc8c5c37825⋯.gif (642.27 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1574352687901.gif)

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ce46b2  No.16777617


What about missing 18 counties?

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c1acbb  No.16777619


A handful are cucked, but the others are still voting. I'm heading to my city hall later today, so hopefully there's a crowd of people here. The gun show was fuckin' PACKED when I went.

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deb452  No.16777624


They could ban all porn and I'd still find ways to avoid dating a girl.

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ce46b2  No.16777626


Good luck.

Only counties with largest cities will probably cuck out on that.

So I assume it will be max ~7 without 2A Sanctuaries.

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c1acbb  No.16777630


Unfortunately I live in one of the Fove Cities, but I have hope.

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222ab5  No.16777635

>Valve Reportedly Delaying Steam Approval of Games Inspired by and Supportive of Hong Kong Protestors


Anita is fundraising for some "text-message-based" harassment hotline.


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34735c  No.16777637

File: f88a55dd38b328b⋯.mp4 (8.94 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Ghostbusters Afterlife tra….mp4)

File: 8f09846d7a7291a⋯.jpg (192.26 KB, 830x1109, 830:1109, eba094d11575cd321ea2ffb40c….jpg)

File: b7162ee6b43f86b⋯.jpg (146.39 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, DwZ6MUwWwAA9WDp.jpg large.jpg)

File: e1f85561d57610f⋯.jpg (177.51 KB, 800x1122, 400:561, 326068-ghostbusters-the-vi….jpg)


>Wait, doesn't the new Ghostbusters star a teenage girl?

No, it's about the literal sons of Egon following their father's legacy "30 years later". As to whether or not the cartoons and video game are still canon is up in the air.

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7df535  No.16777638

File: 70d142cffecdf3c⋯.png (91.57 KB, 628x738, 314:369, NewScientist journalist fa….png)


I wouldn't put it past her to try to take advantage of the bots that already exist to talk to depressed people. Considering her technical knowledge, it would probably be her simply having the text messages relayed an already existing bot (ie. finding one on the internet and copy-pasting into that) with her as a middleman. With a small amount of delay to ensure that it doesn't arouse suspicion.


>third file

For a moment there I thought that was a reboot to the Jackie Chan cartoon.

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34735c  No.16777639



Wait, the second child is a girl. My mistake.

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222ab5  No.16777651


I doubt she would need to bother. CON apparently got away with just giving people a few links to websites with generic "what to do if you're doxed" advice, reserving personalized attention for people they thought were famous enough to promote it. You don't need anything as sophisticated as a chatbot when no criticism will ever be published in mainstream media. It says "whether someone needs emotional support or referrals to other resources", I bet there are going to be a lot more "referrals". Alternatively they could get the same people who do stuff like moderate their Discord and Twitch chat to provide "emotional support" for free.

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bc5cf3  No.16777656


I still think there's a difference.

The leaks confirmed that CON was specifically an anti-GG op.

This in comparison is probably more a case of "I'm out of money and no one is giving me speaking gigs anymore.

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7df535  No.16777660

File: 6b0b3e3f5490fc0⋯.jpg (201.73 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, e3966c5b136cb0f9489a14abde….jpg)


Don't worry, Anon, simply having a bot copy-paste messages to give to a different bot isn't very sophisticated. The hardest part of the process is getting the computer read messages off the phone, which is no doubt in a couple thousand tutorials for programming on mobile devices on Youtube. But yeah, they will probably not even put in THAT much effort and will just keep the phone in their pocket and then copy-paste a pre-written message.

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0fa23d  No.16777734

File: 460aa27aaa03feb⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 2363x3150, 2363:3150, POY.main_.jpg)

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936ffb  No.16777736

File: bcd912b0e1ba5b4⋯.png (541.44 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c23d3e648752fab⋯.png (376.5 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a82d3b1370365a⋯.png (228.64 KB, 766x2052, 383:1026, ClipboardImage.png)

File: af795320dd74f9b⋯.png (317.78 KB, 824x912, 103:114, laughing ethics.png)

#NotYourShield is back, and now it's all about Israel. GG is now a full on Russian asset.:^)


Early archive: https://archive.md/VKlwp

More recent archive: https://archive.md/CtMJd



NYTimes article archive: https://archive.md/iNHjF

Kind of reminds me of David Draiman, even though I can't remember shit about what happened back then.

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7df535  No.16777739

File: 1d174c4462fe8bb⋯.jpg (468.55 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Greta Thunberg speech.jpg)


They didn't even bother to try to explain how she went from a supposed nobody to being famous. It's magic, don't look too deep into it. We believe in the Great (Wo)Man theory and that should be good enough for you too.

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948301  No.16777750

File: 0892b0e817a2b15⋯.jpg (27.28 KB, 412x232, 103:58, Max-Payne.jpg)


>You can be Time's person of the year by being a girl with Maxpaynitis and saying the same shit scientists have been saying for years at the UN

I've been in the wrong line of work all along.

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7df535  No.16777763

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Well the scientists didn't get people in as much of a feeding frenzy as she did so obviously she gets the reward.

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ce46b2  No.16777772

Memeteor will destroy California in 2020.

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ce46b2  No.16777773


>Way too early

Well shit.

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222ab5  No.16777783

File: e32e6b627f66660⋯.png (51.49 KB, 605x405, 121:81, apologize notyourshield.png)


>use a phrase as a hashtag

>"Senior QA Tester" at Bethesda warns you the same hashtag was used by wrongthinkers


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319d21  No.16777793

File: 5ce92a082144bdb⋯.jpg (48.35 KB, 640x552, 80:69, doctor judith curry.jpg)

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1a54bc  No.16777794


>They may become a viable party again once they fall off their high horse.

I think the only viable political parties are those that have fallen off their high horses. It seems that any time that a political party or ideology achieves dominance then they immediately become shitheads of the highest caliber. Hubris and all that I guess.

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ce46b2  No.16777795


Wasn't it reason why some of Founding Fathers wanted to forbid of existence of political parties in US?

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d58a65  No.16777805

How does Sarkeesian still keep grifting after all these years?

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ce46b2  No.16777812


Because it was only thing she was decent-ish at by her entire life?

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697481  No.16777815

File: 1ec357679ce4b4d⋯.png (906.3 KB, 658x835, 658:835, e4f1f163dbe2bca4.png)






Beats either working or sucking dick for a living.

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b791b5  No.16777819

File: e2cc90157a39fd1⋯.mp4 (2.99 MB, 640x352, 20:11, 1045956-1983b8f55682414455….mp4)




Well fug, I was wrong. Apparently the shooters were fucking Black Israelites and they did intentionally target jews.

Vid is security cam footage from down the street.

>Kosher Market Shooter Was Former Black Israelite Who ‘Targeted’ Store, Wrote Anti-Semitic Posts


>Local news station NBC 4 identified the suspects as David Anderson and Francine Graham, citing four law enforcement sources. Three sources said that Anderson was a former follower of the Hebrew Israelite movement. A note with religious writings was found in the U-Haul that the suspects allegedly drove to the supermarket.


I guess a Communications degree is actually useful for something, getting shekels out of gullible commietards and progressives.

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1a54bc  No.16777823



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0cda68  No.16777828

File: cec97d8383301b3⋯.jpg (37.57 KB, 500x385, 100:77, b4e37fa94fc392145c2397af93….jpg)


>That one nigger who didn't give a fuck and just stayed sitting

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cebc58  No.16777897

File: 1d9aeb0167808d6⋯.png (109.75 KB, 767x905, 767:905, No anon claims.png)

So, there goes everything on any boards not claimed by lazy BOs. There's 1300 people ahead me in the queue, so the achive will take awhile.



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222ab5  No.16777910


I don't remember what was supposed to happen in each phase, are you saying this means nobody will get to claim the content of boards without an active board owner? If so, can we get Mark to talk to them about it? I don't want any communities to be dissolved or collections of content lost based on whether the guy who happened to own the board claimed it.

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000000  No.16777914


Phase one was for BOs to recover their boards. Phase two was for any anon to recover boards. After phase two, everything would start from scratch.

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cebc58  No.16777915


I hope you feel smug about yourself, o' enlightened centrist.


Good game. I made a map for it a few years back. But it's since expanded, and branched into two different versions.


>They are pro porn in every sense because they make money off of advertising and data analytics.

An anon in this thread >>16777411 said that Jews are actually losing control of the porn market. Maybe (((Gabbai's))) actions have something to do with this trend?


>This whole porn ruins real life experience or marriage is horseshit, it is a serial killer defence excuse toned down– the devil made me do it b.s.

What? That's not even a proper analogy. The negative effect of serial killer is dead people, which is caused directly by killing. The negative effect of overconsumption of porn is indirectly the ruination of real life experience and marriage, as too much can effect one's ability to pair bond. That's not a reason to ban it though, of course.


Who got it?


>WE WUZ JEWS 'N SHIET commits a shooting against Jews

I find this comical.


>are you saying this means nobody will get to claim the content of boards without an active board owner?

Yes. Phase 1 is for BOs to claim boards for migration. Phase 2 is for anons to claim unclaimed boards for migration and become their BOs. Now Ron has extended phase 1 and just said "fuck phase 2, just remake the boards, lmao."

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697481  No.16777918


>I don't want

What is your proposal for a better solution, then?

I'm a BO with my shitty little board still in limbo because I didn't think to save the secret question, but that was my fault. There's 10,000 other shitty little boards like mine, such as /aaaa/ and /fghjk/, who's BOs have fucked off long ago, but there's no way to tell if that's the case or not, until their BO fail to log-in for two weeks after the transition.

I don't know what you seem to expect as all this Monday-Morning Quarterbacking is becoming grating while I'm patiently waiting.

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cebc58  No.16777921


>What is your proposal for a better solution, then?

There already was a better solution. Boards unclaimed by their BOs in phase 1 were to be claimable for migrations in phase 2 by anons wishing to save them by becoming a their BOs. Now Ron has scrapped that because "reasons".

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697481  No.16777931


The reason why that wouldn't have worked is because only a handful to BOs weren't like me and did think to save their noard's secret question, but because Ron has autism, he doesn't consider that people think like people I.E. be lazy fucks like I was and not like autists who are like him I have a friend who thinks in a similar way, which irritates the hell out of me, so that idea was scrapped.

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cebc58  No.16777932


>This reason it won't work is becaue Ron didn't consider people forgot their special secret

<Ignoring the fact that it was created in the first place for anons, not BOs who forgot, and that BOs who forgot, and happened to claim their board first in phase 2 would just be lucky

<Ignoring the fact that Ron came up with it in the first place

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697481  No.16777939


I still don't understand what you're arguing and why you're faggot-texing for no reason.

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cebc58  No.16777946


Codechunky was already going to implement a solution to abandoned 8ch boards. Saying he didn't think of the possibility they'd be abandoned because he stopped his plan to use said solution is invalidated by the fact he came up with the solution in the first place.

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697481  No.16777984


I don't disagree that Ron's idea is badly implemented, but what's the solution other than the one we have?

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222ab5  No.16777995


But the point is that it's better the board be claimed by the first person who asks than deleted entirely. Same way abandoned boards could be claimed before, just because the board owner is gone doesn't mean the content should be deleted and the community scattered.

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cebc58  No.16778003


>I don't disagree that Ron's idea is badly implemented, but what's the solution other than the one we have?

The one he was going to do before. How is this so hard to comprehend? Ron planned phase 1 and phase 2 migration. Ron dropped phase 2 migration without any clearly defined reason after extending phase 1. The solution is exactly what was planned in the first place.

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697481  No.16778014


>the solution that won't work is the best one

>How is this so hard to comprehend?

This is what I'm having trouble with.

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b25bc2  No.16778021

File: 8a33e8433a5de05⋯.png (24.51 KB, 590x294, 295:147, Twitter mud slinging.png)

File: 51cabdae820cc2f⋯.png (66.58 KB, 632x687, 632:687, Twitter Hashino hate.png)


The only positive contributions the left ever made:

1. Opposition to Netanyahu

2. Opposition to Hashino


I can't wait for the inevitable "video games harm the environment" propaganda. Well actually, it's already being used to push digital distribution. But it's about to get a whole lot worse.

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cebc58  No.16778034

File: fbe19839c408d6c⋯.jpg (28.32 KB, 500x500, 1:1, cc2168578d3a3edea6ef67bd7c….jpg)


>That solution won't work!


>Because Ron has autism and didn't think of it!

<But he did?

>Let's see you come up with a better solution

<The original solution

>But that one won't work!

I should really stop taking bait.

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4f0499  No.16778036


Didn't the porn companies say that being anti-porn is antisemitic during nonutnovember? If these people(?) can be shamed into silence which seems to be an effective tool against moralists, wouldn't that be a good thing?


Story behind pic?



>I wouldn't put it past her to try to take advantage of the bots that already exist to talk to depressed people. Considering her technical knowledge, it would probably be her simply having the text messages relayed an already existing bot (ie. finding one on the internet and copy-pasting into that) with her as a middleman. With a small amount of delay to ensure that it doesn't arouse suspicion.

It would also be cheaper for her in the long run so that the vast majority of the money donated can then go directly to her bank account.

On another note FUCK YOU CAPTCHA

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222ab5  No.16778038


Why would "if anyone wants to claim an abandoned board they can become the new board owner and it won't be deleted" not work? The whole point of that is you don't need to be the original board owner, so you don't need any shared secret.

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ce46b2  No.16778043


>Story behind pic?

Another dumb broad which got enriched by mudslimes, I guess.

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697481  No.16778048


>I don't have a counter-argument

<so I'll claim you're baiting me

Thank you for playing.

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cebc58  No.16778052


>Story behind pic?

I betting it's one of those women who went into muzzie land or some no-go zone in Europistan and got killed.

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955e8d  No.16778059

To the Anons that went on about how, "Having a job is like having a headpat," fuck each and every single one of you. There is nothing rewarding about wasting 8 hours every day doing whatever song and dance the management upstairs wants and complying with every single order because you are the only one in the entire building what actually has some Goddamned sense of responsibility. And, the remaining 3 hours that you have left in your day (Because you spend 8 sleeping, another 4 eating and grooming and packing/unpacking, then there's driving) didn't give you a moment of ease because you either whisk it away due to bodily functions you have no control over and/or spending time working on something else "more important" because (Unless you like being toyed with all your life) you don't want to spend the rest of your life in this position. And, the weekends don't help because you spend them working on projects that you couldn't do because you were too busy during the rest of the week. And, then there's all the personal care where you have to take time OFF FROM WORK, DURING WHICH YOU DO NOT GET PAID, just make sure you're "healthy". And, the only "remedy" it seems like people can offer is "just take (an hour) a day to yourself to do whatever you want," when that doesn't solve the underlying issue that you're losing your fucking mind watching everything in relation to work going on, and wondering why isn't anyone possibly making this better with stupid simple shit such as Why aren't you open on the weekends?"

And, applying for other places doesn't help because everyone is looking for people to hire, but no actually bothers responding.

And, then you have everyone around you having the gull to ask "So, what do you want for Christmas?" And, they're in no better position than you, but they're celebrating it the entire way.

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0fa23d  No.16778061

File: dcc43e9e7a4005c⋯.jpg (232.76 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, society.jpg)


Nice copypasta.

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5dcfab  No.16778062


I told my friends and family that I'm skipping Christmas this year. If they're dumb enough to buy me shit anyway I'm not going to feel bad about it.

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39d50d  No.16778063


Just buy some cheap cards from walmart or the dollar store and fill each with a starbucks giftcard.

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4f0499  No.16778088


You're a glass-half-empty type person, aren't you?

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5dcfab  No.16778090


How about I print out blank white cards and write "𝓕𝓾𝓬𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾 ∼♥" on the inside instead?

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4f0499  No.16778125


Don't forget to say "Merry Christmas" as well.

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581b08  No.16778152


They surely love to pander to the left

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6f9ae5  No.16778166


The entire point of Phase 2 was to preserve content on boards not claimed due to AWOL board owners because 8ch has had downtime for about 3-4 months and some most likely moved on.

So much surrounding 8kun is fucking retarded. Why do they keep going about things in the worst ways possible?

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e77952  No.16778182


>Story behind pic?

One of two modern liberal anti-racist Norwegian women that went hiking in morocco and got decapitated on camera.

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319d21  No.16778186


>something about gradually beginning to hate a certain group of people who speak in circles

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f6cee2  No.16778215


does she tho? hardly anyone watches her shit anymore and the closest you hear a desperate "hire me" tweets thinking people still give a fuck.

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868f3f  No.16778243


No, just snapped last night.

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b6bd4d  No.16778267

File: 4a54c19d5615cce⋯.png (46.42 KB, 627x478, 627:478, Capture.PNG)


Someone's losing it.

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b791b5  No.16778275

File: 9a20b72787ac409⋯.png (41.95 KB, 623x351, 623:351, torbatard4.png)


Whatever was left is already gone by now anon.

With the fucking logic in this pic, one could justify shredding the entire constitution because of muh womyns n chillins.

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28c280  No.16778289


Any proposal to ban something in order to protect muh wyminns an chilluns should be dismissed out of hand. It's always used as a way to avoid revealing that the only reason behind the ban is personal dislike of the thing they want to ban.

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aa65ad  No.16778313

File: d21ebbb7f26cc9c⋯.png (857.92 KB, 1171x897, 1171:897, C8B873A7-1E42-4775-946A-49….png)


Could someone quickly remind me of what the definition of Facism is? Because I think that is actually what Toby is advocating for, going by the definition that I know.

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ced177  No.16778326

So now that the republicans are having a anti porn crusade including gab, we could try to trick the people who hate them into supporting 2d, even including loli. Because of the orange man bad mentality it wouldn't be too hard.

Politics don't matter when you have to defend 2d.

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697481  No.16778344


It's not Republicans. it's Evangelical Never-Trumper RINO Cuckservitives who are the SJWs of the Right.

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b791b5  No.16778351


<"Everything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state"

While I'm not an expert, fascist believe preservation of the state is paramount and everything else is secondary. They don't believe in natural rights whatsoever like speech or property and all actions should serve state interests, they generally consider things like that privileges that can be revoked if your actions run counter to state interests.

Even religious institutions must conform to serving the state or be removed.

Torbatard strikes me more like a theocratic socialist. I can't think of the better term for it

Basically how some middle eastern states are currently run, sovereignty comes from divine right and the ultimate goal of the state is propagation of the religion.

Similarly to fascism, all other things are secondary and what isn't directly prescribed by religious text is a privilege that can be taken away, like property if it runs counter to the state/religious interests.

>Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

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3421d0  No.16778354


That makes antifa half facists then, only for the democrats though.

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34735c  No.16778363

File: 2bc9efded731824⋯.jpg (4.23 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, image.jpg)


So, having this image posted in my cubicle just got me fired from work.

People really are afraid drawings of females, and this is no more evident of than the fact that…

<I was reading this article several weeks ago, and it meets all the same requirements, except it's a photograph of a half-naked man, and several people even saw my reading.

And, I made them very aware of the fact that (When they were trying to say that the female is sexualized) it's the EXACT same thing (It's just the picture of the /fit/ girl is about bettering yourself, meanwhile the pictures of Corbett and Sullivan are in a news article), but they still tried to tell me that they're two different things. **I'd say the kicker to it all is that I've had that exercise picture posted for the past week, and they only go after me for it NOW.

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32fabb  No.16778364

File: 8b4c040d10c0974⋯.jpeg (16.32 KB, 637x358, 637:358, download.jpeg)


>81 counties label themselves officially as 2A Sanctuaries

>6 others but don't label themselves as "2A Sanctuaries", making a total of 86 out of 95 counties [ http://archive.md/CmxJU] [http://gunrightswatch.com/news/2019/11/24/virginia/virginia-has-become-an-overnight-tidal-wave-of-second-amendment-sanctuaries/ ]

>Attorney general says the "Law will be enforced" [ http://archive.md/FjNWh ]

> Gov. Ralph "Hanging coins all afternoon" Northam says that localities will "face consequences" if they don't enforce new gun laws [

http://archive.md/aDo4c ]

>Northam also said that the new laws that would essentially ban every magazine fed firearm "constitutional "

I think something might actually pop off.

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34735c  No.16778366

File: f778209992005d2⋯.jpeg (5.06 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 4F552C91-B492-4F6D-A29F-E….jpeg)


So, having this image posted in my cubicle just got me fired from work.

People really are afraid drawings of females, and this is no more evident of than the fact that…

<I was reading this article several weeks ago, and it meets all the same requirements, except it's a photograph of a half-naked man, and several people even saw my reading.

And, I made them very aware of the fact that (When they were trying to say that the female is sexualized) it's the EXACT same thing (It's just the picture of the /fit/ girl is about bettering yourself, meanwhile the pictures of Corbett and Sullivan are in a news article), but they still tried to tell me that they're two different things. I'd say the kicker to it all is that I've had that exercise picture posted for the past week, and they only go after me for it NOW (And, what probably damned my position was calling them out on that).

Oh well, hey, there are other jobs.

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32fabb  No.16778367


meant hang coons all afternoon

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cebc58  No.16778368


>having this image posted in my cubicle just got me fired from work.

Why would you ever associate yourself with anime outside of on the internet, let alone at your fucking job. You're practically asking to get fired for bullshit reasons. Just because normalfags are ruining anime doesn't mean they've accepted it.

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cebc58  No.16778371

File: c6385a6e9f3cac0⋯.webm (120.78 KB, 480x270, 16:9, Good Job.webm)

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34735c  No.16778372



Well, that's what I get for posting on my phone when Ron hasn't fixed shit yet.

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cebc58  No.16778373

File: 891e66649a0eec8⋯.png (331.19 KB, 754x744, 377:372, gay_type.png)


>Posting on your phone ever

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34735c  No.16778377


While you may be right, what part of my post actually indicated the fact that I actually cared about being fired (Aside from just laughing off how silly the entire thing is)? Besides, I was already outright despising my job, which is why I posted this last night: >>16778059 The only difference is that I went to bed downright infuriated last night, and woke up determined to seize the day.

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b791b5  No.16778383

File: 5a6eaae8ab3213d⋯.jpg (243.49 KB, 750x728, 375:364, 5a6eaae8ab3213d1f66344fb19….jpg)


>So, having this image posted in my cubicle just got me fired from work.

Why the fuck would you reveal your powerlevel like that anon?


There really isn't much of a difference between flavors of socialism. The real world outcomes are just about always the same.

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34735c  No.16778385


When you hear your co-workers swearing all the time and telling disgusting stories, and watching them breaking the rules even with management there, you reach a certain point where you just don't care.

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b791b5  No.16778391

File: 238a22e62247cab⋯.jpg (186.54 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ELlJtgmXkAA4x7i.jpg)

Just saw this on twatter.

Apparently Rackets is going to debate some conservative youtube sperg next week on "the limits of free speech," likely centered around porn in the gunt's shitstream.

Unlike other e-celebs, Rackets isn't a pushover and its his fucking job to make persuasive arguments. Also has a pretty good track record on blowing out tards he argues with.


Well they are normalfags anon, who are used to drawings being calarts-tier ugly.

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c0f38a  No.16778409


Oh, so about nick, vic got screwed? I'm pretty out of touch with that.

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34735c  No.16778422


Judge made a bullshit decision that upset everyone because (On Vic's side) he ignored evidence and (On Mon's side) issued fees that didn't result in Vic losing board and household. Last I knew, Vic's appealing it.

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cebc58  No.16778425


>what part of my post actually indicated the fact that I actually cared about being fired

The redtext. The fact you blogposted it here. This very post you just made where you go "I didn't really care though!".

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2bd96a  No.16778442

File: c2c6f84fc6e9473⋯.png (744.5 KB, 969x584, 969:584, TF2ScoutSoy.png)

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cebc58  No.16778445

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697481  No.16778467


So, the scout started working for Valve?

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040bb7  No.16778471

File: d0ebab43bca2020⋯.png (52.54 KB, 223x261, 223:261, D38C3F16-1213-41EC-9C48-7A….png)

File: d21135bd4d73fab⋯.png (29.5 KB, 223x261, 223:261, E28E0ADD-30B6-4798-8511-40….png)


<First pic is last night, second pic is this morning

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61928b  No.16778474


I would also say there are Christians that are purely believing in the Bible as well or larpers that do. The problem is not porn but public Degenerecy. There is a huge difference between the two and it's the same tired argument with 2D lollicon and a real child. We all know these people would rather try to divide for the purity spiral and go for mah children and mah wahman than to defend the rights of what people can enjoy. This does not benefit men only women.

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b740df  No.16778480

File: 27b41deb14c76ea⋯.jpeg (286.81 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, unsheathes_bat.jpeg)


The problem is clearly sinners casting stones.

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514816  No.16778490

>Conservatives win in U.K.

Is that a good thing?


The one thing I've always questioned about that tale is why there wasn't one asshole who decided to cast a stone anyway?

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cebc58  No.16778495


They have cuckservatives too. It just means the muzzie invasion is slowed somewhat but not stopped, most likely.

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0fa23d  No.16778496


The UK badly needs more right leaning people in power.

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b55929  No.16778498


People only vote conservative because all the alternatives are way, way, way worse.

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697481  No.16778499


My enemy has always been moral authoritarians. I'm not fighting SJWs for some useless do-nothing cuckservitive to swoop in during the power-vacuum and do the exact same censorship SJWs did for the exact same reason as SJWs (control) but with the excuse lie that "porn causes sin" instead of "porn causes sexism".

There was never any proof that porn causes sexism or rape and the bible never even mentions masturbation Onan was punished by YHWH in Genesis 38:9–10 for pulling out of his dead brother's wife, not masturbating, much less, porn. Anyone claiming authority to ban porn comes from the bible is lying.

Also, this whole thing reeks of some sort of Leftist tranny GayOp to separate the emergent New Right from the Cucked Right.

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514816  No.16778502


What about Brexit, will it happen now? **I want to see Ubisoft have egg on their face when Legion comes out and is immediately outdated and a period.

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697481  No.16778503

File: c33f8c57a07c286⋯.png (371.91 KB, 500x1214, 250:607, v-discussing-video-games-v….png)

Now that I think about it, Onan was punished for not wanting to NTR his brother.

God is a degenerate.

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0fa23d  No.16778508

File: 02e929a9745eb89⋯.png (485.68 KB, 978x550, 489:275, burn you piece of shit.png)


>book of genesis

>hebrew bible

>jewish version of god

Almost as worthless as islamic text.

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28c280  No.16778509

File: 74a2d95cb3d984b⋯.jpg (74.88 KB, 401x438, 401:438, 149.jpg)


Secession when?

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697481  No.16778510


>tips fedora

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697481  No.16778511




You're atheisting wrong.

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0fa23d  No.16778512


I identify as Christian. But the old testament is made up of JEWISH text from JEWISH stories & few historical battles. I don't follow the words of a religious sect that doesn't even acknowledge Jesus as the son of God.

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34735c  No.16778516


Judaism was made AFTER Christianity, dumbass. Now, if you mean "Jewish", as in a citizen of Judah, that is something completely different.

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28c280  No.16778517

File: 2a65c5f99c351fc⋯.png (592.9 KB, 1185x1029, 395:343, Absolutely Disgusting.png)


Jesus himself referenced the OT in his teachings. Gnostics go and stay go.

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0fa23d  No.16778519


You're the retard here. Judaism was founded over 3,500 years ago. Christianity came way after after the death of Jesus.


All he says is "I have not come to abolish the old laws but to fulfill them.". That could mean a number of things.

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c1612c  No.16778526


I'm not knowledgeable about the bible, but a quick look online says that he still had sex with his brother's wife; he just pulled out at the last second. He still NTR'd his brother.

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34735c  No.16778527


>Judaism was founded over 3,500 years ago.

Religion of the Hebrews =/ Religion of the (Current) Jews



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0fa23d  No.16778528


Still the same kind of scum regardless of your semantics.

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697481  No.16778534

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Christianity is a meme

Good thing I'm a Fundamentalist Brianist.

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0fa23d  No.16778535


I never said that.

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697481  No.16778536


You have a Communist's understanding of religion and are LARPing as a Christian badly. I'm much better at pretending to be a fake Christian.

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0fa23d  No.16778539


A Christian shouldn't follow the words of an entirely different faith that don't acknowledge the Christian savior.

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4a9e71  No.16778543

File: 655464f13f8fd15⋯.pdf (1.8 MB, The Curse of Canaan.pdf)


The Jews had blonde hair and blue eyes. The (((Pharisees))) who had Jesus tortured to death had to hire Judas Iscariot to point Jesus out to them because, being of a different race, (((they))) couldn't tell the Jews apart.

History is cyclical, and "How do you do, fellow whites?" is millennia old.

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0fa23d  No.16778547

File: 4667836135fc98c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 43.24 KB, 500x500, 1:1, tqQRQhM.jpg)


>the jews were aryans

>not black


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4f3ed1  No.16778548


>separate the emergent New Right from the Cucked Right.

Is it really a bad thing, regardless who is doing it?


>Caring about book, which had many revisions, including bad case of "We wuz Saints and shit" across 1000+ years.

There should be better way to handle this. That includes other religions too.

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697481  No.16778554


>Is it really a bad thing

Yes, not for me personally, as I'd dump the Cucked Right in the sea in an instant, but because there are a lot of normalfag genuine Conservatives (regular working folk) who aren't internet-savvy enough to know NeoCon/PaleoCon Cuckservitives are worthless mercenary pieces of shit and end up listening to Cuckservitives via legacy media.

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0fa23d  No.16778555


The problem is modern churches don't want to actually discuss & find the truth at the root of all the text. They just want to take everything at face value without questioning what really belongs in the faith & what was created for a different faith entirely. Evangelicals are what give Christians a bad wrap to many because everything must be literal to them. Including keeping jews in Israel because something something armageddon.

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697481  No.16778563


I should add: the problem with Cuckservatives (Moral Justice Warriors / MJWs?) , is that they're EXACTLY like SJWs, in that, they are power-seeking and try to find influential positions in the industry, media, and government SJWs prefer positions in education and corporate HR departments while MJWs prefer positions in glownigger law enforcement and the military which gives them undue influence outside how few of them actually exist.

Both are censor-happy, obnoxious, noisy minorities.

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34735c  No.16778564


>Evangelicals are what give Christians a bad wrap to many because everything must be literal to them. Including keeping jews in Israel because something something armageddon.

I have about two books left in the Old Testament, and things can be boiled down to three basic concepts (Going by what I read):

>1. The rise and fall of Israel and Judah: A History

>2. Try to look at things from God's perspective and morals, and here is the best it can be explained

>3. God made the Hebrews his messengers, and ended up regretting it every step of the way. Any hard times that come upon Israel are their own fault, but, that being said, that doesn't give everyone the right and justification to attack Hebrews just because they can. Any nation that attacks Israel and Judah for any other reason than self-defense will be brought to ruin. BUT', it's all go to work out in the end (After every single nation does some stupid things and brings themselves to ruin) where every nation will be glorified while following the honor of God (Not just the Hebrews).

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b791b5  No.16778589

File: f22fa71e97d8fc4⋯.png (605.64 KB, 623x689, 623:689, UKelection.png)

Apparently the UK election isn't going well for commies.

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4f3ed1  No.16778592



It does sounds bad.

Also CJW took off for these fags. Not Cuckservative, but Christian in first word though.


>Any nation that attacks Israel and Judah for any other reason than self-defense will be brought to ruin.

Honestly, after ridiculous amount of shit they got involved with self-defense was always valid cause. 360+ exiles in entire written history

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0fa23d  No.16778604


They were exiled for good reasons.

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697481  No.16778606


I have no problems with Christians who keep their politics in their pants; I just hate fun-hating assholes who act like the town elders from that old movie Footloose.

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4f3ed1  No.16778622

File: 611764acd04026e⋯.jpg (74.92 KB, 600x600, 1:1, no_fun_allowed.jpg)


Only to repeat their bullshit somewhere else.


Nobody likes >image related.

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34735c  No.16778632


Meanwhile, Christ hung out with the scum of society, and the Song of Solomon is about blatant sexual activities (With the more "devoted" people either try to play it off as a "metaphorically love for God" or just outright stating that even the Bible can be mistaken). Actually, jumping off of that, I've actually talked directly to some "devoted" Christians that unironically think that the Bible is mistaken in it's own passages. AS IN, they think that some verses from the Bible should be omitted just because.

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5dcfab  No.16778722


>mistaken in its own passages

You could make a pretty solid argument for that if alternative sources were found (whether they be differing accounts or stories from other cultures). The Council of Nicaea really did a number on the faith.

-t. filthy atheist

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484242  No.16778904


>some conservative youtube sperg

Whata's wrong with James?

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d6d97f  No.16779003


So if Jesus were around today he'd be a communist furry with aids?

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34735c  No.16779103


Going by the "society's" interpretation, yes. Going by how /pol/ talks about him, more like /v/ if he had excellent anger management. Can't confirm or deny either seeing as how I haven't started the NT.

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cebc58  No.16779105

The other GG thread is fucked.

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b791b5  No.16779318


The only video I watched from him was about the "porn ban" retards were spamming everywhere, featuring that shitty 4um coomer edit in the background and also cites horseshit research claiming porn makes you more leftist.

Media studies that operate under cultivation theory are a fucking joke, also most of these porn studies come from social psychology which is still under a replication crisis with 75% of repeated studies fail to get anywhere near the same result. Part of it seems to be researchers starting with the conclusion and weighting the results in favor.

And a number of the arguments he uses in the video are shit.

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98fe3e  No.16779333


Coomer became a thing because cumbrain another meme used by trannies got wordfiltered on cuckchan. Wouldn't be surpised if they both originated at the same place as these fags seem to like wasting time on forcing the meme trend on kym.

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484242  No.16779383


The guy is pretty much alright when it comes to politics if you see his other videos Anon. James actually nails on the head when it comes to diversity and multiculturalism being an huge pipe dream and his pretty redpilled when it comes to Jews. Even though he is one of those conservatives that complains about porn and wants it to be regulated. At least he is not a complete neo-con.

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63879b  No.16779518

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b791b5  No.16779520


What happened to the other GG bread?

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697481  No.16779558

File: e508366909605e1⋯.jpg (156.5 KB, 504x692, 126:173, jesustowhoresdpjth-14.jpg)



>if Jesus were around today

He's be posting here; bitching about posting errors while dunking on the Samaritans and Pharisees.




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cebc58  No.16779671



That's a small light in the overall shit. But it seems Mark is deleting some of the worst retardation. I think it was mostly an IP hopping nigger samefagging. One post about how anime is a Jewish psyop to create trannies got 5+ replies agreeing with and praising it.

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cdf8df  No.16780068

File: 64e560080287fb6⋯.png (182.99 KB, 1787x355, 1787:355, fucking_elf.PNG)


Did someone mention elves?

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34735c  No.16780150

File: b438c3e408c9a68⋯.png (15.81 KB, 321x381, 107:127, lewd3.png)

File: a5e68966cf0c03c⋯.png (12.01 KB, 297x373, 297:373, lewd1.png)

File: 574da2874eb682d⋯.png (23.79 KB, 361x613, 361:613, lewd2.png)

File: fe6dd9c46f4b8ea⋯.png (23.31 KB, 345x397, 345:397, huge knockers.png)

File: 51d537809a15822⋯.png (13.89 KB, 325x405, 65:81, phat ass.png)

The Game Awards in a nutshell:


>Sekiro blasting Kojimafag

>3 and 1/2 hours of hell just for 2 good things

At least there was that one ANon posting Twitch chat screencaps.

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697481  No.16780198

File: c77169636c98ca7⋯.png (526.75 KB, 1378x1189, 1378:1189, 1ba09bea898aa6fa.png)

File: b6fdccd26888859⋯.png (802.36 KB, 1121x1462, 1121:1462, d9f1385ba47d7415.png)

File: b6fdccd26888859⋯.png (802.36 KB, 1121x1462, 1121:1462, d9f1385ba47d7415.png)

The Bongstan election results are in. Have some Labor salt.

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bfdc6a  No.16780212


Could a twitterfag post #RightSideofHistory at the exit poll results. There is not enough salt being produced. The leftists are running behind on production.

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cebc58  No.16780214


>Democracy is gambling with human rights


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697481  No.16780216

File: e849033b14c9c93⋯.webm (2.74 MB, 640x360, 16:9, nooooo.webm)


Well, it's 3am there. When the morning comes, there will be a great whaling and gnashing of commie teeth.

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cebc58  No.16780221


>Caps include a bunch of tiny illegible shit

But why?

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697481  No.16780226


To irritate you.

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51c8e1  No.16780245

File: 78f39fc9018985c⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1316x1245, 1316:1245, 1576214545229-2.png)


you missed one from the bunker lad

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948301  No.16780269

File: 4ebd2e91beb3479⋯.jpg (222.33 KB, 732x887, 732:887, dispose of the NTR gamerga….jpg)


How long until Gamergate gets blamed for this, if it didn't happen yet? Also

>Arthur Chu

Haven't seen that name in a long time.

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697481  No.16780314

File: c1914d953f0eb8d⋯.webm (916.54 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Great supine protoplasmic….webm)


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6f9ae5  No.16780331

File: ca49b21ccd59c7c⋯.png (54.51 KB, 599x436, 599:436, Rami.png)


The guy who advocates censorship or easy modes/skipping gameplay made a large onoxious twitter chain lecturing others about passion.




offtopic spam

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222ab5  No.16780374

File: b38f3abe1c711ab⋯.png (547.52 KB, 864x1128, 36:47, disney frozen undisclosed ….png)

Disney paid Japanese artists to promote Frozen 2 and instructed them to not disclose they were being paid


>“The agency that hired us for this campaign requested that we not label our work as a promotion,” said an artist who publishes under the name Kosame Daizu in a tweet.

>The artist, who has more than 100,000 followers on Twitter, tweeted a cartoon last week in which he depicted some characters in “Frozen 2” and reviewed the movie favorably.

>On Wednesday, Disney issued a new statement acknowledging repeated cases in which artists were hired to promote Disney movies on social media without disclosure. Some of the artists who endorsed “Frozen 2” had earlier published cartoons on Twitter promoting Disney movies such as “Avengers: Endgame” and “Captain Marvel” without mentioning a connection to a company promotion.

>Disney said the “Frozen 2” case and similar examples were caused by failure to comply with internal marketing guidelines. It didn’t say who failed to comply or why.

This is apparently common in Japan, sounds like they need to crack down on it:

>Japan’s consumer laws bar false or misleading advertising, but an official at the country’s Consumer Affairs Agency said the agency hasn’t issued guidance on paid posts by influencers.

>Public-relations professionals in Tokyo said it was common in Japan for companies to pay influencers for social-media posts without disclosing the relationship.

>“The Japanese advertising industry is divided into two parts based on ethical standards,” said social-media marketing expert Motohiko Tokuriki. “I am aware there are many who habitually practice this kind of thing, knowing it might be inappropriate, but not illegal.”

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3421d0  No.16780377


Ok, so canada and sweden are tied for worst while bongs have inched ahead as being better by virtue of not giving the reigns to open commies. France, well, I am gonna wait to say whhere they are but unlike canada they do have people revolting against the globalists.


And thats why the commies feared an election.


You might have a lawsuit if you wish since that does not sound like a valid reason to be fired, depending on your country and area.

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08c7d0  No.16780388


>Yidney indirectly confirmed that they were using paid shills and the fact they weren't first doing that too. Like rumors about Kadokawa and boat sluts


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34735c  No.16780391


> You might have a lawsuit if you wish since that does not sound like a valid reason to be fired, depending on your country and area.

Not worth it. Hated the job, and have better things to spend money on. Besides, they only win if I manage to stay at the bottom level.

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0fa23d  No.16780507

File: 88457a4183f93eb⋯.png (13.73 KB, 650x162, 325:81, ClipboardImage.png)

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cebc58  No.16780520


So now lovecraft will have gay sex in it?

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08c7d0  No.16780544


Either that or some faggot getting NTR'd by eldritch horror.

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0fa23d  No.16780546


Alan Moore already did that.

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34735c  No.16780557


Why not show the REAL Lovecraft, since that's what it seems like a lot of biographical films are about these days?

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222ab5  No.16780586

File: 2540e4a18defc1b⋯.png (68.87 KB, 592x1129, 592:1129, prostasia hotlines art.png)

Private CP reporting hotlines are forwarding reports of non-CP content, such as drawings, to foreign governments.

>Internet reporting hotlines are censoring art



A guy who runs an internet host for an art blog in the UK was arresting for hosting panels from an award-winning comic book about child abuse, while the book itself is freely available for sale:

>In November 2019, the UK-based host of an art blog was arrested for hosting child pornography due to the blog’s inclusion of two panels of comic strips in a long and academic discussion about the line between legitimate art and child pornography. The panels in question were from a Ignatz Award-nominated semi-autobiographical comic Daddy’s Girl by Debbie Dreschler, and they depict her own experiences of incestual child sexual abuse. We have been unable to confirm whether the IWF was involved in the arrest of the man, who writes:

>Do I have the right to tell Debbie that her work is now child pornography? It probably took her 20 years to drum up the courage to put her feelings down on paper and now 20 years on with the book still freely available some IT technician has decided that he does not like a picture from that book.

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08c7d0  No.16780607


Some faggots really have grudge now.

That reminds me that another thread also was visited by one of these.

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697481  No.16780628

File: 9968054e41bf755⋯.jpg (124.58 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, aw148na47wk21.jpg)






I prefer Lovecraft in the original Japanese.


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0fa23d  No.16780632

File: 602c0c70d9a4bed⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 1810x2560, 181:256, A19kPemUQML.jpg)

File: 97fa1dbb8668aa7⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 1810x2560, 181:256, A1wX B1aUFL.jpg)

File: a6213a452dc89de⋯.jpg (1.56 MB, 1810x2560, 181:256, A17-f4cO4YL.jpg)

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697481  No.16780665


Cheeky bugger.

This DDoS is brought to you by: Nathaniel of Nanochan/Nanotech https://archive.md/ag3ac

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af70a3  No.16780679


>Nathaniel of Nanochan/Nanotech

That fag isn't able to somehow not do something stupid every two weeks, is he?

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697481  No.16780687

File: f60533a0a0820ec⋯.jpg (65.17 KB, 556x600, 139:150, This Isn't Even My Final F….jpg)


He's kinda the Final Form of the commie/tranny/furry trifecta of internet faggoty, so it's natural that's he's constantly drama-whoring for attention.

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0cda68  No.16780689

File: 1415c0f52ef17ac⋯.gif (723.37 KB, 450x360, 5:4, 42643263_1579428015492483_….gif)

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61928b  No.16780692



Oh yes that guy who made a huge deal about being married being a big time leftist, ended up being cucked by his wife and his wife who will divorce him soon is taking custody of the Twitch account. There is no future with these Feminists, Soyboys and these single mother wahmen. Time to take away their rights, give men more rights, eliminate divorce laws. Nothing good ever came from giving them anything except for Greed and being drunk off of power.

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0fa23d  No.16780695

File: 7afcbfda3665ddc⋯.jpg (119.09 KB, 1182x1206, 197:201, ELU4Wt9UUAAu8Bj.jpg orig.jpg)


>national guard

>vs all of virginia

>possibly many many other states as well

Christmas is going to be interesting.

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61928b  No.16780696

File: 9705b561844ef96⋯.png (352.37 KB, 802x951, 802:951, 78f39fc9018985c822e3a20644….png)

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61928b  No.16780701


I am hopeful honestly about the American election. Its going to end up being a bloodbath. The left is going to have the worst loss since Raegon Vs Mondale.

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697481  No.16780707

File: 7f7edde286062d6⋯.jpg (31.36 KB, 640x370, 64:37, MY SIDES are falling from ….jpg)


>Those responses.

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33f600  No.16780721


>national guard

>vs all of virginia

Anon the national guard most likely would be against the shit they want to pull. A more likely outcome would be

>All of Virginia, the national guard, and probably some /k/ommandos


>The democrats in the Virginian government

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34735c  No.16780734


So, Virginia is practically going to become white almost overnight?

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cebc58  No.16780742

File: 0965ad502e697db⋯.gif (530.52 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 206943135101072914029009.gif)


I'm super excited.

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28c280  No.16780773

File: 172280e3b5168bd⋯.mp4 (4.51 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Johnny Horton - The Battle….mp4)



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bfd12d  No.16780786

File: bb5cdcb2ee67b45⋯.png (374.58 KB, 647x773, 647:773, voiceofreason.png)


An actual voice of fucking reason on twatter. I'm impressed.

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222ab5  No.16780797

File: 63b088c07e4bd51⋯.png (295.67 KB, 507x582, 169:194, 0LiZVSf.png)

File: 16f33c235475ac9⋯.png (236.72 KB, 507x600, 169:200, n5jEdUW.png)

File: c1068efe893aea5⋯.png (309.21 KB, 502x568, 251:284, Rd8IoCP.png)


They definitely did the same thing for Avengers: Endgame and Captain Marvel, I found the 5ch threads that did some of the digging originally. Several of the Avengers: Endgame comics were tweeted out at the same minute, 21:00 on the dot. I think they're some sort of comic where you give your impressions on a piece of media in manga form, I don't know if there's a specific name for them.

Endgame tweets with the same time:




A couple relevant 5ch threads, I found those screencaps in the second one:





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61928b  No.16780799

File: 9837a65e43b75aa⋯.png (724.66 KB, 1260x937, 1260:937, LMAO.PNG)

>Looking around the sphere of commentators on porn ban

>Start noticing the moralist Christians are all in on banning porn.

<"oh no dont worry 2D porn wont be banned just the 3D kind"

<"Masterbation is bad bro believe in the bible!"

<"Here is the temporary effects of masturbation therefore you are addicted like you are with video games and hard drugs"

<"Mah Wahmen mah children"

>Only people defending us are the true Libertarians that understand this is the worst fucking hill to die on and it made the right unelectable for decades.

Here is some funny sources on Dailystormer doing a cuckout and trying to double down on daddy government to take care of their issues. Instead of trying to get rid of public degeneracy.



God these people are literally killing their own brand and audience all because of pornography instead of fighting public degeneracy. It makes me hope the left fucking collapses soon so they can become a viable party again. Also cuckchan from what i heard is being spammed with this Coomer shit blaming men instead of women.

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61928b  No.16780803


Its becoming a bit more obvious that there is some shilling involved. I expect Japan will take care of it and pass a law thanks to this news story and various examples of this happening. While over here we just need to keep pushing out the info that Disney and other corporations do this kind of thing.

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cebc58  No.16780819

File: 0f8e8f5d33b9f76⋯.jpg (200.66 KB, 583x1508, 583:1508, 0f8e8f5d33b9f76d28ded3e2bf….jpg)


Christ, that headline plus the coomer wojak makes it look likes it's going to be a fucking parody article, then it isn't. They have zero fucking self awareness.

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d12dc7  No.16780820

Assuming that the porn ban would just be a porn ban, I'd consider it a societal improvement

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cebc58  No.16780821


There goes /hgg/.

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0fa23d  No.16780822


>Assuming that the porn ban would just be a porn ban

As opposed to????

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46d526  No.16780823

is it partially fixed now?

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cebc58  No.16780827


Expansion of obscenity law that anyone with an agenda may sneak whatever they want into?

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0fa23d  No.16780837


So you don't want an expansion of a censorship law policy but want a porn ban? Do you not see the problem here?

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a2d52d  No.16780838


learn to read ID's nigger.

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1a54bc  No.16780840

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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34735c  No.16780844

File: 1eb9b27a57b1cfa⋯.png (19.93 KB, 679x203, 97:29, More porn, LESS rape.png)

File: 7679c9c87416a98⋯.png (32.08 KB, 806x420, 403:210, How the Web Prevents Rape.png)



>Dailystormer doing a cuckout and trying to double down on daddy government to take care of their issues

What did you guys honestly expect from a website that glorifies Socialism?


>I'd consider it a societal improvement

How? What is banning porn actually going to solve?

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61928b  No.16780852


It use to be a parody but I have noticed that just in the last 3 months they have been serious to the point of Bible worship and dumping Neo Nazism as time goes on, not saying whether it's good or bad but the change is obvious to the point of preachy. It's also ironic Despite the fact that in every era porn has existed. Even Nazi females were used in advertising as models. It's hypocritical overall and just goes into this weird mode of someone becoming a old man and losing touch with what is going on in the world.


Yes the site is fixed anyone can post on it now.


I wish that was the case but in the last 4 months they denounced it and have been moving away from it to the Bible. Either way moralism and purity spirals should be denounced at all costs.

Speaking of which did you guys hear about Russia making their own Wikipedia and Bitchute growing into a YouTube alternative?

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98fe3e  No.16780860


>Also cuckchan from what i heard is being spammed with this Coomer shit blaming men instead of women.

Because like I said in >>16779333 coomer was originally a tranny op in the form of cumbrain but it got wordfiltered due to how obviously forced it was. Coomer is just a way to avoid the wordfilter and "fit in better" with cuckchan's culture i.e wojak edits. Not surprising that this meme caught on with the nofap brigade, honestly I think going after porn will cost them most of the political support they gained over the years. Probably isn't a coincidence that this meme is being forced on cuckchan and right wing spaces at the same time cuckservatives are pushing for a porn ban which would obviously fail.

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61928b  No.16780865

File: 29895a083674aab⋯.png (94.62 KB, 804x950, 402:475, Capture222.PNG)


>coomer was originally a tranny op in the form of cumbrain but it got wordfiltered due to how obviously forced it was.

I am noticing that and the irony is the tradcuck right wing and the dumb bible thumpers are on board being fooled by this. They are taking the bait.

>Not surprising that this meme caught on with the nofap brigade, honestly I think going after porn will cost them most of the political support they gained over the years. Probably isn't a coincidence that this meme is being forced on cuckchan and right wing spaces at the same time cuckservatives are pushing for a porn ban which would obviously fail.

Oh believe me this is setting themselves up due to how roles will be reversed after 2020. Trannies should know they will still lose because the alternatives are far worse. But this is going to bite the right in the ass when they attach themselves to the bait. Its so obvious yet the right wing is so convinced about "Jews being 98% of the porn industry" and the whole bible moral faggotry is turning people off from watching them. I have to believe Trump and the right will win regardless but in the long haul they might get a big head and do the porn thing again and the left will restore itself under a new image after the collapse. Degeneracy will be back on the menu but not the diversity and inclusion stuff we have been forced onto since Gamergate began.

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6f9ae5  No.16780873

File: bcc9a7ad7681d39⋯.png (337.08 KB, 936x774, 52:43, Untitled Goose Game.png)


This didn't age well.

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61928b  No.16780973


>Insert politics into a movement to vote a certain way

>Be surprised when everyone votes the opposite way.

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697481  No.16781026

File: d2e257ffed96a6f⋯.png (2.9 MB, 2268x2412, 63:67, No fap leads to tragedy.png)


The do-nothing Cucked Right are really, really, happy that someone is (pretending) to agree with them in their titties-and-fun-hating bullshit after they've been locked in a cupboard for the last three years to whine about how Trump is a Jew That said, these are the same useless fucks that let Desmond is Amazing Molested and Drag Story Time happen under their "watch" so fuck them and their anti-porn crusade; not just on free-speech principals, but because anime tiddies are the LEAST important thing they should be fighting against. Unfortunately, the "people" agreeing with them are a bunch of Left-Wing accelerationist trannies running the gayest of GayOPs for their own degenerate catfishing purposes We've seen the end-result of "No Fap" in this very thread and it isn't pretty. Pic related.

The thing is, I can't shake the trannies are themselves being manipulated with the intent to weaken the Right by driving a wedge between the emerging New Right and the cucked Evangelical Right by glowniggers or whatever replaced Share Blue, as another layer of GayOP. If my hunch is correct, someone even deeper may be paying operatives to set this ball of autism and retardation into motion, but just how may layers of GayOP are actually at play here? Just how deep does this trannyfronthole go? Holy fuck, I'm tired, and I need to go to sleep.tired, and I need to go to sleep.**

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7ff7c8  No.16781035

File: 09ccf1350a94b45⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 20.25 KB, 306x230, 153:115, bjc2.jpg)


> that went hiking in morocco and got decapitated on camera.

Thanks for the heads-up.



Don't you mean Semitics?

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af70a3  No.16781076


>The more we find out about masturbation, the more we wonder if chronic masturbation is not in fact worse than heroin addiction.

[X] doubt

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0cda68  No.16781124

File: 66b12a2969f6ac8⋯.png (161.26 KB, 619x476, 619:476, 2f1432f7ea476fceaf71d87bf6….png)


What's wrong with pleasuring yourself if there's no undeniable negative side-effects?

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b791b5  No.16781127


Anglin is a fucking retard, he should know social psychology is literally full of fucking Marxists who constantly produce horseshit research.

And addiction without a chemical component can happen with just about anything if the person is in the wrong state of mind when the behaviors start.

There have been some pretty decent studies from behavioral psychology showing rats can actually resist addiction to opiates when they have an active and stimulating life but rats locked in a cage just by itself will suck down that opiate laced fluid all day.

Seriously think excessive porn consumption is a symptom, not the cause of low birth rates/marriages.

Have these tards tried dating in the past 5 years? Its a horrific wasteland of shit with the added chance of some emotionally stunted woman regretting a date and reporting it as rape.

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cebc58  No.16781149


>Degeneracy will be back on the menu but not the diversity and inclusion stuff

That's mighty optimistic of you.

>we have been forced onto since Gamergate began.

That shit was being forced since long before goobergabble.



>Telling people in other contries how to vote

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28c280  No.16781171


Actually adressing the root cause of society's problems is hard, though.

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33f600  No.16781174


It actually isn't it's just that if they solve the problems then they can't use them as an excuse to take away your freedom and rule over you.

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28c280  No.16781182


Good point. I'm not an evil conniving bastard so that didn't even occur to me that all of this is simply an attempted power grab.

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cebc58  No.16781190


>I'm not an evil conniving bastard so that didn't even occur to me

Are you implying 33f600 is an evil conniving bastard?

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51c8e1  No.16781206

File: 2bfb5ccc07aea31⋯.png (951.3 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, diogenes crank it.png)


Because the negative side effects are a constant sex fixation and also the fact that you aren't going out and getting a wife to make a proper nuclear family. That being said, a constant sex fixation is simply a factor of the male mentality and aids in making babies and women's right do more to hold back the nuclear family than all the cranking in the world.

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222ab5  No.16781254


I mostly agree with you but don't take the Rat Park study too far:


As he points out suceptibility to various forms of addiction are generally around 50% genetic, with cocaine having the highest heritability of those listed in this study at 72%:


This is a mixture of genetics affecting your reaction to the chemical itself and genetics influencing personality. (There's probably also indirect effects like genetics influencing intelligence and impulsivity which influence stuff like income and criminality and thus your future life situation.) Alcohol has killed enough people that every population with a long history of alcohol production evolved resistance to it. In East Asians this went as far as to outright break their ability to process it properly in a large portion of the population because the "alcohol flush reaction" discouraged alcoholism enough to be advantageous. The relevant genes date to neolithic times when rice domestication led to alcohol production:


Native Americans never evolved resistance to it and had huge problems with epidemics of alcoholism when it was introduced to them. Individual people with a history of alcoholism in their family are often advised to never try alchohol (and probably should avoid addictive substances in general). If we had developed cocaine 10,000 years ago the evolved resistance to that would probably be even stronger.

That said, porn is of course different from cocaine or even alcohol. For psychological addictions genetics is only playing a role in how it influences your personality and more indirect factors, there's more room for situation to play a role. Without a chemical dependency it's easier for a changing situation or an internal decision to break even an existing addiction. It also doesn't literally kill you the way substance addictions do. You can't protect people vulnerable to psychological addictions by banning everything they might get addicted to. People can get addicted to practically everything, including food. Given the opesity epidemic and the difficulty some people have losing weight, that seems like it might be a much more serious threat. For as overhyped as Rat Park tends to be, for psychological addictions trying to improve people's lives at least beats out the impossible and dangerous task of trying to control everyone's lives so much they never have the opportunity to get addicted.

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222ab5  No.16781260

File: f3360228b24296a⋯.png (135.38 KB, 732x935, 732:935, eurogamer new world proble….png)

Eurogamer: We talk to Amazon about its New World MMO and the problematic associations


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0b85a0  No.16781318


I wish devs would just tell these fags to fuck off. They clearly don't want to talk about the game as a game. They just want to espouse social justice marxist drivel, and the devs should tell them to stop wasting both their time.

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948301  No.16781339

File: 58cb11eeee6959b⋯.png (155.58 KB, 516x476, 129:119, okusan computer thing.png)


Videogame sites are just political propaganda with videogames at this point.

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cebc58  No.16781366

File: 338cc4f39a894bf⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1856x1651, 1856:1651, 338cc4f39a894bf0ad0f8c45a2….png)


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222ab5  No.16781368


Hello. Is activity down because people don't know what thread to post in? This one was getting more activity, then the other one was getting more activity until it hit bump limit, and now they're both pretty dead.

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0fa23d  No.16781371

File: d3996cb3eee7290⋯.png (904.89 KB, 1859x635, 1859:635, what're we gonna play.png)


Video games?

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0f64b3  No.16781383


Oh believe me I know it's Trannies it could not be anymore obvious. They like to go nofap and use chastity things on their dicks and like humiliation and they are behind the blacked op.

The problem is like I am telling you is some of the right believes this and took the bait and are being fooled by the ops of fake right Wingers. Just look at the Ralphretort the other day with TFM and how Rand and various others called him a "coomer" for saying sex toys help men and sex dolls are a positive overall. He even explained the birthrate is due to the cause of a lack of patriarchy etc and that this was an obvious OP by Feminists and Trannies. Of course they focused on Jews and believed in the purity spiral.


Of course he has not Sociology is based on Marxism and did not become a thing until the last decade when more courses offered this as an easy out for electives. I witnessed this growing in 2009 when Obama came in. They seem to use them for sources when it confirms their biases and not really have a 3rd party research to confirm the studies if they are true or not.

As for low birth rates I blame the culture and I think MGTOW as weird as it is can be correct about dating apps and a lack of holding females accountable while giving them everything. Females have way too much rights as it is and it lowers the birthrates. I am not saying to put them in cages or anything crazy like that but society was better when there was more men in the workforce less females and less migrants. Thanks to this culture men are retreating to porn. People Want to say video games and porn are the problem but never point to the CAUSE of these problems and why men are doing this. Wages are bad, white females have way more positions of power and money despite the fact it should go to minorities etc and the illegals flowing in causing less money to be given out to men. System is setup against them and they tried fighting but decided to walk away from it because feminists infiltrate and break it up from within. But nobody wants to address it they want the easy way out.

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cebc58  No.16781386

File: c69f7f7e2368a36⋯.png (111.71 KB, 512x512, 1:1, quicklibb.png)



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697481  No.16781387


>more activity

A lot of that activity in the bunker was from "raiding" from the same lonesome IP-hopping faggot and the lack of activity here was due to the Spacechan literal-tranny's DDoS on here and Julay.

I post in both threads, as they both seem to have two different flavors, with basically the same content due to differing levels of """"raiding"""" and 4um crossposter scum, like the /v/ GG thread vs /gghq/'s offtopic & bullshittery thread, circa 2015-17.

Look on the bright side: While I hate "Muh Secret Fort"-ism; the amount of annoyance from posting errors and the catchpa seems to be keeping >(1)-and-done faggotry down and increases overall post-quality, here.


I haven't watched that particular Guntreport .feat a beachball stream yet, but I intend to.

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1a54bc  No.16781392

File: 5cb32a94e908edf⋯.png (14.5 KB, 585x181, 585:181, Sheriff_promises_to_'deput….png)

File: e973d44d4664b01⋯.jpg (21.49 KB, 264x198, 4:3, 1442121247407-1.jpg)

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697481  No.16781399

File: 61b54aa173a52f9⋯.jpg (13.1 KB, 480x270, 16:9, no step on snek.jpg)

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34735c  No.16781400


Someone needs to make a Epep version of that image of the loli with the dynamite, and have this be the caption.

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697481  No.16781423

File: 60993cc2fc331a9⋯.jpg (70.81 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, loli gadsden flag.jpg)


An attempt was made.

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0f64b3  No.16781432


I would not say just that. But the right wants to court females to their side and are afraid to address the issue so they try to sell this "be Chad bro" "maintain frame" "it werks for me".

Then you have the left which unfortunately will never do anything unless they want to bleed voters despite their excellent lip service. They could try something like Equality acts and maybe pay 50k to the state and lawyer fees for the female, if the marriage fails through. And that would be less of a loss than losing the home and children.

Both parties are afraid of losing the female vote and do not use optics to try and at least create parity in some form.

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7ff7c8  No.16781436


Explain to a nonburger the significance, please?

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1a54bc  No.16781451

File: 09e572f1ca466e5⋯.jpg (44.42 KB, 480x434, 240:217, 1433337700748.jpg)


A sheriff has the power to deputize citizens into cops if he feels there is a need to keep the peace or to arrest a bunch of desperados, etc. Basically he saying that if the Governor goes full gun confiscation then he's prepared to build a force drawn directly from the common man to oppose them. And deputized cops have full legal authority too.

Basically this goes beyond a simple declaration of a "2nd Amendment sanctuary". This is all but a declaration of rebellion.

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697481  No.16781455

File: d4dec7be6b2bc31⋯.jpg (68.9 KB, 888x500, 222:125, loli gadsden flag 16-9.jpg)


I fucked up the aspect ratio and I should get my side-monitor color-calibrated.

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7ff7c8  No.16781458


Couldn't it mean that the sheriff would jave to deputize a lot of people if he is to be able to confiscate the extended magazines and guns?

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7ff7c8  No.16781460




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0c3f25  No.16781461


Just posted the picture on Pleroma.

Getting a bunch of reposts and favourites on it.

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cebc58  No.16781462

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28c280  No.16781463


If the sheriff is pro 2A, another civil war could be possible, if the sheriff is a lefty and recruits antifags, or something, there would need to be mass violent resistance among the populace for our civil war to occur. Either way, we're due for another. Dixie will rise again.

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0fa23d  No.16781464

File: c3331b8aff6b2e7⋯.png (76.97 KB, 1200x519, 400:173, ClipboardImage.png)

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34735c  No.16781465

File: 10806aca484dd93⋯.jpg (173.92 KB, 800x627, 800:627, 2490c1bfb4458ea6b7fde309d2….jpg)

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34735c  No.16781466

File: a3959754d6f9f49⋯.png (1008.15 KB, 1280x1365, 256:273, 7143ntEr1rspvx9o1_1280.png)


Internet and browsers

>Beaker: https://beakerbrowser.com/

>GNU IceCat: https://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/

>Handshake: https://handshake.org/

>I2P: https://geti2p.net/

>InterPlanetary Wayback: https://github.com/oduwsdl/ipwb

>Iridium Browser (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/iridium.html ): https://iridiumbrowser.de/

>MaidSafe: https://maidsafe.net

>Mysterium Network: https://mysterium.network/

>Namecoin: https://namecoin.org/

>Onename: http://www.onename.com/

>Pale Moon (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/palemoon.html ): http://www.palemoon.org/

>Tor: https://www.torproject.org/

>Ungoogled-Chromium: https://ungoogled-software.github.io/ungoogled-chromium-binaries/

>ZeroNet: https://zeronet.io/


>DLsite: https://www.dlsite.com/eng/

>DMM Games: https://games.dmm.com/

>Fruitbat Factory: https://sites.fastspring.com/fruitbatfactory/product/buy

>Game Jolt: https://gamejolt.com/

>NekoNyan: https://nekonyansoft.com/shop

>OpenBazaar: https://openbazaar.org/

>Playism: http://playism-games.com/

>Top Hat Store: https://shop.tophat.studio

News and topic aggregation

>Voat: https://voat.co/

Search engines

>YaCy: https://yacy.net/

>Yandex: https://yandex.com/

Social media

>baraag.net: https://baraag.net/

>Fediverse: https://fediverse.party/

>Pawoo: https://pawoo.net/

>Steemit: https://steemit.com/

>Twister: http://twister.net.co/


>Smashcast.tv: https://www.smashcast.tv/

Video and audio platforms

>BitTube: https://bit.tube/dashboard

>D.tube: https://d.tube/

>Ferment: https://github.com/fermentation/ferment

>Mediachain: http://www.mediachain.io/

>MediaGoblin: https://mediagoblin.org/

>VidLii: https://www.vidlii.com/

Video downloaders and converters

>AudioToWebm: >>>/mage/158 ( https://tsun.itch.io/audiotowebm )

>boram: https://github.com/Kagami/boram

>ffmpeg: https://ffmpeg.org/download.html

>WebMConverter: https://gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter

>webm.py: https://github.com/Kagami/webm.py

>wybm: https://github.com/Kagami/wybm

>youtube-dl (Also download ffmpeg for best compatability): https://youtube-dl.org/


>Amateur Game Development General: >>>/agdg/

>Magic Wormhole: https://github.com/warner/magic-wormhole

>New PRoject 2: https://newproject2.com

>OpenTimestamps: https://opentimestamps.org/

Suggestions are always welcome!

Boards to give attention

>>>/8cup/ 8chan Cup

>>>/comix/ Comics & Cartoons

>>>/loomis/ Art Gains

>>>/8diamonds/ 8chan Intelligence Agency

>>>/css/ cssGOD

>>>/m/ Mecha and Toku

>>>/agdg/ Amateur Game Development General

>>>/cutebois/ boipussy

>>>/min/ Minimalism

>>>/alcoholism/ DRINKS

>>>/delicious/ Cake

>>>/monarchy/ Past, Present, and Future

>>>/alice/ Alice

>>>/dir/ 8chan's Board Directory

>>>/mu/ Music

>>>/animu/ Anime & Otaku Culture

>>>/fairy/ - The Fairy Realm

>>>/o/ Auto

>>>/ara/ 2D MILFs & Mature Women

>>>/fast/ Sonic the Hedgehog

>>>/polarchive/ redpill depository

>>>/arch/ Architecture

>>>/fit/ Fitness, Health, Exercise, Dieting, etc

>>>/qq/ Personal Issues

>>>/art/ Art & Creative

>>>/fringe/ Fringe

>>>/rec/ Weeb Help & Recommendations

>>>/biz/ Business and Finance

>>>/fur/ Furry

>>>/scurv/ Vidya Piratin'

>>>/blog/ Your own personal blog

>>>/gamergatehq/ The GamerGate Headquarters

>>>/slow/ Slow Board

>>>/bmn/ Bad Movie Night

>>>/gondola/ Gondola

>>>/tikilounge/ BIG KAHUNA'S Tiki Lounge

>>>/bmw/ The Bureau of Memetic Warfare

>>>/improve/ Self Improvement

>>>/tg/ Traditional Games

>>>/brains/ Neurophilia

>>>/inflation/ Inflation Fetishes

>>>/toku/ Tokusatsu

>>>/caffe/ Lounge

>>>/japan/ JapanšChannel

>>>/tot/ toddlercon

>>>/campfire/ Turn out the lights

>>>/jp/ The Last Bastion of VIP

>>>/toy/ Toys

>>>/chaos/ Monster Alternative

>>>/kind/ Random Acts of Kindness

>>>/trapshota/ Trap Shota

>>>/ck/ Food & Cooking

>>>/late/ Late Nights

>>>/xen/ Xenos

>>>/clang/ Robo/Mech/Cyborg Porn

>>>/loli/ Lolis

>>>/wooo/ Pro Wrestling

>>>/bane/ Big Guys

>>>/onee/ Sisterly love

>>>/quests/ Quests & Forum Games

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34735c  No.16781468



Sorry about posting this really late.

Well, that answers the question of how many boards have yet to return. Should I remove them from the list, or leave them on until January passes?

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0fa23d  No.16781469


>all these boards gone

Least most were inactive.

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697481  No.16781472

File: 759ca30fb014038⋯.png (266.31 KB, 1204x804, 301:201, darkness - please tread on….png)

>Richmond be like


>extended magazines

That's a weird imaginary term for something that doesn't exist. The actual "standard" mag size for sporter/semi-auto ARs and AKs is either 25 or 30 rounds (There's bigger actual extended 50 round long mags, 100 & 200 round snail-drum mags, but they're big, heavy, unwieldy, and prone to jamming. They're kinda fun to fuck around with at the range, but only an idiot would use them in any kind of actual tactical situation.), but these rifles are usually sold in the USA with a 10-round short-mag (which usually get thrown in the gun box and forgotten) to get around certain state-specific regulations on gun sales. Everything regarding gun-control regulation centers around hyper-emotional loaded-language, which removes context, or outright lies about safety, and I'm sick of it.

A non-gun equivalent for non-burgers would be: Imagine if cars and trucks were being prohibited from being sold with gasoline tanks bigger than 10-liters "to fight climate change" for comparison: my family min-van has a 18gallon/70liter gas tank irregardless of that vehicle's fuel-efficiency or actual designed fuel-carrying capacity.

It's done just purely to annoy people and make things more inconvenient as a form of IRL concern-trolling.



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e39bd9  No.16781475


>City called Richmond

>Being surprised it's full of fags

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98fe3e  No.16781508

Dead on Arrival 6 censored an outfit http://archive.ph/Q94hQ.It was either done due to appease esport faggotry or sony forced them too not that it matters as people with a brain didn't buy due to the former producer cucking out.

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0c3f25  No.16781515


Sheriffs patrol rural areas and highways.

Do rural commies exist?

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6f9ae5  No.16781520

File: c26cfd655d67b75⋯.png (77.65 KB, 610x376, 305:188, New World Yikes 1.png)

File: 02b5c05e4b7e4c3⋯.png (377.84 KB, 611x858, 47:66, New World Yikes 2.png)




Is this going to be the media's new punching bag? Does the game even have ambiguous "natives"? I thought it was just zombies.

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0c3f25  No.16781523


>Is this going to be the media's new punching bag?

Signs are pointing to yes, mainly because the establishment secretly hates Amazon, or wants Bezos' money.

>Does the game even have ambiguous "natives"? I thought it was just zombies.

<If the game has natives, then it's racist for stereotyping them. It's also racist if they're left out. :^)

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7ff7c8  No.16781524

File: 19727ed16274fd2⋯.jpg (120.75 KB, 940x627, 940:627, redneckrevoltteam.jpg)


Redneck Revolt comes to mind.

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ff8220  No.16781569


>Does the game even have ambiguous "natives"? I thought it was just zombies.

Sorry Anon anything with exploring an uncharted land is a big yikes oof and ain't it because of colonialism or something dumb like that.

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7ff7c8  No.16781574

File: ea23b3aca511aa1⋯.png (14.9 KB, 1064x240, 133:30, yikes1.png)

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95e0cc  No.16781599


Are you referring to the Fiend Rachel outfit? Also, the archive link is formatted incorrectly.

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948301  No.16781617

File: 4814f47419f4670⋯.webm (272.04 KB, 480x360, 4:3, what the fuck.webm)


I don't know shit about guns, but something feels wrong in this image, and I'm not simply talking about the "bash the fash" attire.

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bac041  No.16781635

File: 48651f16ecd2c69⋯.png (739.99 KB, 743x639, 743:639, Lemons_ Gun-Totin' Left-Wi….png)


they got called out by some guy and ran away after 10 minutes. You see they guy in blue has an air soft gun. They're also the group that larping out in the woods by shooting paper plates and missing almost every shot

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2bd96a  No.16781715

File: c16e7929af58d0b⋯.jpg (42.58 KB, 625x574, 625:574, Top10ClownworldBattles.jpg)

File: bfe4a31eddcc64b⋯.jpg (123.47 KB, 812x531, 812:531, commisarcletusandjamal.jpg)

File: 522383cbba262ae⋯.png (130.98 KB, 500x549, 500:549, EatYourBootsYouGothSlut.png)



Gommies enjoy dressing up and playing pretend. Rich kids pretending to be the oppressed proletariat, men pretending to be women, and fat pussies pretending to be armed revolutionaries.

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98fe3e  No.16781748


Yes and sorry about the link http://archive.ph/Q94hQ

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948301  No.16781765


So that's why I was suspicious.

>They're also the group that larping out in the woods by shooting paper plates and missing almost every shot

I think I remember this. There was a video, yes? I forgot to save it.

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34735c  No.16781770


Wasn't there also that one Commie that was shaking the moment he picked up an airsoft gun?

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0fa23d  No.16781776

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Speaking of guns & communists.

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948301  No.16781778


I know his name, Jason Unruhe. He was doing this to prove that "Socialists are not weak men" or some shit. Too bad I also don't have the video.

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948301  No.16781781

File: 31d23df5143602a⋯.jpg (21.09 KB, 472x472, 1:1, If I get dubs, would you c….jpg)

Sage for double post



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81a8d8  No.16781783

File: 46ee9db8efc7096⋯.jpg (13.25 KB, 512x512, 1:1, aiportraits_1563533277.jpg)

File: 5cecd14be27ac79⋯.mp4 (3.06 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Konichiwa MissHannahMinx!.mp4)


Have this instead.

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948301  No.16781788


Who the fuck can be a Maoist, didn't his regime have a higher kill count than Stalin's?

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88b657  No.16781791


/leftypol/ had few of these, also China.

He currently holds title for highest score.

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81a8d8  No.16781792

File: 5e42d38bf801538⋯.mp4 (2.33 MB, 400x226, 200:113, Jason Unruhe Maoist Rebel ….mp4)

File: 20150b6ccc6e433⋯.webm (5.96 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Maoist Rebel News - Study….webm)


It's pretty simple if you don't read the manuscripts and never look into a single shred of history. Adding on to the Stalin kill count, China even practiced Lysenkoism until he was ghosted by Stalin and it fell out of practice. Alongside one guy getting a bug up his ass and demanding everyone completely unskilled in metallurgy melt down their crop tools and door hinges to make almost worthless, silicon and carbon rich pig iron the problems should be evident.

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88b657  No.16781801


>Not even mentioning Four Pests Campaign.

It probably killed most Chinks during Great Chink Famine and Mao's reign.

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81a8d8  No.16781803


I probably shouldn't have glossed over that. But killing every bird in sight during the Great Leap Forward is pretty well known, and removing every farm tool available to make the crop blights worse tends to get looked over. It's hard to imagine a worse scenario than what happened there. Cutting off supply lines and sending the military to exterminate the locals would very likely had a less grim outcome.

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697481  No.16781804


Also, they melted down everything metal, including the tools, into useless pig iron because Mao (and Communists in general) can't into how industry actually works.

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948301  No.16781807




I'm starting to think that communists learned how to rule a country and solve problems by playing Nationstates.

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878803  No.16781810


They probably are. I remember Extra "Running out of internet" Credits talking about how they gained real-world know-how from playing simulation games (Such as the fact that making a requirement that all cars go electric doesn't solve the "fossil fuel problem" as it's moving the work over to the power plants).

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81a8d8  No.16781816

File: e8b0dfab190851f⋯.webm (9.03 MB, 328x240, 41:30, Backyard Steel Furnaces D….webm)


They'd melt down their door handles and seasoned cooking woks in wood burning foundries built in their backyard. No wood gets hot enough to burn away the impurities that would be introduced. Some small settlements that did know how to cast steel did so, so steel production did increase, but it was at the cost of a bunch of villagers trying to impress the glorious leader.


Which video was that?

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948301  No.16781817

File: 244c911f8921b47⋯.webm (179.64 KB, 720x306, 40:17, ebin.webm)


Did Extra credits ever said something not retarded?

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81a8d8  No.16781819

File: 48d12e5d9879d8d⋯.webm (7.11 MB, 320x180, 16:9, extra credits spectrum cr….webm)

File: 3ad7a04c6d0269e⋯.png (13.3 KB, 618x92, 309:46, Spectrum_Crunch_-_The_Impl….png)


The answer is no.

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d6d97f  No.16781834

File: 68181c16dfe64c4⋯.jpg (76.31 KB, 337x225, 337:225, Yummy Semen.jpg)


Fuck the faggot ass nigger captcha.

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0fa23d  No.16781848

File: f4abaf143824d4b⋯.jpg (181.13 KB, 1236x1512, 103:126, ELiaatdXkAAR7Li.jpg orig.jpg)


Semen is good for a healthy complexion & youthful skin.

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5e5471  No.16781850


Are you telling us to eat our own cum?

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697481  No.16781851


The yumyum.


It's a /leftypol/ thing.

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0fa23d  No.16781852

File: f5dfd9e8f948b78⋯.png (2.08 MB, 4000x5200, 10:13, 2acb2993706b439021526cfce4….png)


I do sometimes.

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697481  No.16781857


First response was meant for: >>16781848

I blame spacechan.

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6c0789  No.16781858


That reminds me about tranny spammer its pozzed and gay shitscord channel around here.

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e49fbd  No.16781864

File: 8e59e0439c1114e⋯.png (14.87 KB, 321x377, 321:377, gape.png)


Where can I find the rest of the chat lewds like pic related?

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697481  No.16781865

File: 8a6bcfbfda6614f⋯.png (280.52 KB, 509x508, 509:508, aryan ass expert.png)




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0fa23d  No.16781869

File: 8eaffe396f2bb20⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 442.46 KB, 1300x1500, 13:15, 01fa7d5f65deac0934bc8fd3b3….png)

File: 8c6ba9c066f3986⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 480.79 KB, 1400x1900, 14:19, d4336f1490cc891ac6b568af95….png)


You're meh.

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cebc58  No.16781898

File: 93967186caa042f⋯.png (562.1 KB, 742x557, 742:557, Saya no Uta mental patient….png)


They recommended Saya no Uta.

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cebc58  No.16781901

File: 157bee01c038799⋯.jpg (130.67 KB, 720x960, 3:4, Clownpiece_panicking.jpg)


>Make a post

>It immediately goes through

>Timestamp is four minutes before I made the post

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6c0789  No.16781905

File: cfc8b58983d1bd8⋯.png (238.38 KB, 727x296, 727:296, 2hu games story template.png)

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cebc58  No.16781906

File: 2f2bbe39a750663⋯.png (208.22 KB, 713x496, 23:16, Screen_Shot_2018-01-26_at_….png)


>All new posts are timestamped between 3 and 4 minutes before they were made

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6c0789  No.16781909


In my case it's eight minutes.

Apparently, probably server clock got bricked.

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697481  No.16781913

File: d200b7b5ead84e6⋯.png (679.91 KB, 1381x2000, 1381:2000, Remillia's Problem - bombe….png)

File: 8ce8706b9c94a32⋯.png (581.62 KB, 1373x2000, 1373:2000, Remillia's Problem - bombe….png)

File: 0b93712bf16b748⋯.png (705.67 KB, 1387x2000, 1387:2000, Remillia's Problem - bombe….png)

File: 5a2c6c69becabc5⋯.png (670.33 KB, 1386x2001, 462:667, Remillia's Problem - bombe….png)

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6c0789  No.16781916


I love that fag comics. Majority of them involve explosions, which please my heart.

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44ee6a  No.16781962



For me it's been like that for a while. I'd also like to add that the captcha is making this site unusable. I'd post more if it wasn't for that.

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9ba28d  No.16781972


I want to hug Ms. Muslim and get her to crush me with her embiggened boobs.

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0fa23d  No.16781975

File: 3f35e50c9b43e00⋯.png (1.59 MB, 4206x2075, 4206:2075, 8f07026a7101356ea3f6f91c1b….png)

File: 3ad600ab1df5823⋯.png (729.24 KB, 700x647, 700:647, 16ec75103c18c0bdf737c32f03….png)

File: 2e750f4875d46c5⋯.png (338.04 KB, 794x767, 794:767, b2f8c7277a56806d31716e3862….png)

File: c11867dd5b0936d⋯.png (475.92 KB, 1000x1720, 25:43, dded1f02a3f5111a100d1333f1….png)


I'm more of an ass man but breasts are good too.

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9ba28d  No.16781979

File: b9cbd2070e55731⋯.jpg (228.93 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, vlcsnap-2019-12-15-20h33m0….jpg)


>I'm more of an ass man

She can do that to me as well.

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0fa23d  No.16781986

File: 8aa896406c1751a⋯.jpg (942.21 KB, 1490x1835, 298:367, 1575894 - Darren_Geers Kam….jpg)


Oh anon. You dog you.

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7ff7c8  No.16781993

File: 106ea9dfda0a0fe⋯.jpg (28.2 KB, 453x676, 453:676, josephstalin.jpg)


>You wouldn't say Joseph Stalin was weak, would you?

Yes. Pic related. Stalin was a chubby dictator who ate well while those around him starved.

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4a28cb  No.16781996

File: d9ff548a4919981⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 487.19 KB, 1000x1667, 1000:1667, 5e52cd7d844b6a40c2601659c9….jpg)

File: 9c81982bd0585fe⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.3 MB, 2797x3969, 2797:3969, 9d63152cc92ea48e408176a266….jpg)

File: 44a20e432cfa9a1⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 885.82 KB, 1490x1835, 298:367, 14f96f5c48150493e8de8b5fcb….jpg)

File: 0bd5df3ab119ba5⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.07 MB, 1200x1500, 4:5, 909801f4a297a5a6721fd988a4….png)

File: 70b0ccc8654cb29⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 386.84 KB, 1200x1500, 4:5, b05bbd0839c28d6b645a46d6fa….png)


i want to marry Ms. Marvel and start a family with her

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222ab5  No.16782005


Are you getting it more than once per day?

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9ba28d  No.16782011

File: a2637de6f8eb334⋯.jpg (213.53 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, vlcsnap-2019-12-15-21h31m4….jpg)



>Bang With Care

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948301  No.16782055

File: 293324d59e67956⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 64.07 KB, 640x906, 320:453, 293324d59e67956e168a76be06….jpg)


Do you have more of these BLEACHED edits?

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6f9ae5  No.16782062

File: 2b791459764a338⋯.png (194.55 KB, 590x540, 59:54, 1.png)

File: b4c35834fdb10de⋯.png (87.34 KB, 301x545, 301:545, 2.png)


pronoun journos/twitch faggots tried to bully Mark on twitter today

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1a54bc  No.16782063

File: 5b64dba09f5e041⋯.jpg (165.25 KB, 1200x1000, 6:5, headpat_mark.jpg)


Why are games journalists so antisemitic?

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0c3f25  No.16782103

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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18ea79  No.16782130


>U nazi

>No I'm Jewish

>Uuh, U suck

It's a comeback I'd expect from a kid in middle school.

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149f2e  No.16782158

File: 8ba61bbb7af2b54⋯.png (274.19 KB, 1198x667, 1198:667, sleepy plutia.png)

File: e3a867d15569883⋯.png (240.93 KB, 1200x240, 5:1, e892184389e690dbfd8d3540c5….png)

File: 38e216d68ddd7f6⋯.png (12.48 KB, 865x88, 865:88, Untitled.png)

So it's kinda late for the thread but I wanna talk about Nichegamer. Like many of you, it's probably a primary source of news. For me, I had no problem with the site until Sophie Narwitz, a former writer, accused Brandon of not paying his workers for the articles that were written for the site. Indeed, if you search up Narwitz's name, you can see her last article for the site is July of this year. Now in September, she tweeted that a jab at Brendon that she hadn't been paid again and neither were two other people who worked at the site at the time. She's been quiet again till this latest happening, which is Genmatsu accused Nichegamer of lifting sentences and whole articles from pages done on their site. There's accusations from Genmatsu here.






Thing is this isn't the first time, Genmatsu says this has been going on for at least a year and Sophie wants to say more on the subject but she can't for some reason, either because legal reasons or she might just be lying.

I know it's internet drama but Niche has prided itself on it's integrity, at least back in the past. The fact they've been radio silent while more accusations get built up against them in disconcerting. With a site like Kotaku, you know it's shit cause it's part of the clique, which Niche, if they're lifting sentences, paragraphs and whole articles/summarized press releases from smaller sites and not attributing, then they are no better than Kotaku.

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34735c  No.16782182


Why are all the archives of tweets Gematsu made, but none of their tweets actually point to their articles that Nichegamer supposedly copied?

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149f2e  No.16782190


Dunno, someone archived the tweets and Genmatsu didn't link back to their original article.

Also this is not the first time, they lifted straight from Genmatsu for an announcement release of Nights of Azure in early 2017.


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222ab5  No.16782206


In that case the only copied thing is the quoted press-release. That's why it says "You can find trailers and descriptions for each game below, via Koei Tecmo:" beforehand and the same text on Gematsu is in a block quote.


They just copy-pasted the press-release from Gematsu's website rather than an email and tripped their javascript thing, Gematsu's actual writing isn't copied. They even incorporated the trailers into the description which Gematsu didn't do. This could be indicative of bad habits of course but they didn't do anything wrong for that specific article.

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cebc58  No.16782222


Nichegamer has been caught copy pasting articles verbatim in the past. I recall, some mecha game article was clearly copied, as it contained the exact same error as an article from elsewhere. Initially, comments pointing out the error and the plagiarism were deleted and the error was fixed. Unfortunately, it was not archived in time. But, disqus doesn't actually delete comments, only hides them. If you went to the article and stopped the page from loading midway, you could see all the deleted comments. Also, I'm pretty sure the article was by Brandon.

Maybe they've improved, maybe they've gotten worse. Their articles at least aren't full of SJW and anti-"gamer" slants and I browse them with adblockers anyways.

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61928b  No.16782228


I agree i do follow them as well. It just is disappointing when you hear about those situations of plagiarism. Its usually due to a lack of effort and sourcing. Its not that they are anti-gamer like you mentioned. But a lack of responsibility does not help neither does the transparency. I get Brandon has a kid and is trying to make a name for himself, he is less spergy and far better for the cause than OAG. But he needs to do better otherwise he is going to go the way of GAB and Tekraptor.

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377419  No.16782230

File: 0acbb3ed6042f80⋯.png (995.4 KB, 720x480, 3:2, Are you for real.png)

It was a 'ghost writer'.


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e14004  No.16782232


Those guys really hate autistic people and jews, that's ableist and anti-semetic. Someone call the ADL

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444688  No.16782254

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I swear, the next edition better be "ghost edition"

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7ff7c8  No.16782257


>Someone call the ADL

And tell them to go fuck themselves?

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e14004  No.16782260


No, tell them that there's some horrible ableist antisemites committing hate crimes on twitter against a poor autistic jewish boy.

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0fa23d  No.16782266

I seems like I keep getting the 'this post took too long' error unless I'm directly replying to someone.

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819715  No.16782298


Narwitz is also a crazed tranny.

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819715  No.16782302


Elaborating: "She" also whined that it was somehow NG's fault the ESA leak happened, even though NG reported that leak to the ESA well before it was public.

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3421d0  No.16782306


Inb4 narwitz was the "ghostwriter"

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535a54  No.16782311


I would laugh my ass off, if that was the case.

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444688  No.16782317

I'll allow you guys to make a new thread now because of the gematsu/nichegamer shit. Please move to the new thread as soon as it's made. Locking this one now.

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