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File: 96ffa5e8ff29cd9⋯.jpg (81.18 KB, 641x763, 641:763, Screen_Shot_2019-07-25_013.jpg)

File: 400ea30a7b40210⋯.pdf (6.7 MB, Free_to_Play_07242019.pdf)

File: 6fe999e9f0d2cd6⋯.jpg (269.12 KB, 773x829, 773:829, Screen_Shot_2019-07-25_006.jpg)

89a5e7  No.16724939

<88% of adults who play online multiplayer games in the US have had positive social experiences while playing games online.

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698612  No.16724948

So this is how they spin always online into being a bad thing without looking like hypocrites.

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63db4b  No.16724950

95% of /v/ is comprised of conspiracy theorists.

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568b94  No.16724951


>putting "gamergate was right" next to holohoax denial and antivax

this fucking timeline

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83c670  No.16724954

Reminder that "conspiracy theories" was a term coined by the CIA to discredit valid opposition

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73ca3e  No.16724955

>the truth about 9/11

Did they make a slip there?

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24c27b  No.16724956

File: 081260d7a684627⋯.jpg (35.45 KB, 1190x1503, 1190:1503, _5a19dd813307b4d7720d4887….jpg)


>gamergate was right is a conspiracy theory

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d26eb5  No.16724961


>I experienced a player say whites are superior to other races which made me feel disappointed.

>White, Jew, Heterosexual game player


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1d12d9  No.16724962

File: cb0b9ebf08c4600⋯.jpg (32.38 KB, 707x490, 101:70, cb0b9ebf08c4600cfb3a8394a5….jpg)

>That quote


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485a7c  No.16724967

Why, oh why couldn't they have pulled this shit in the early 00s when gamers were anti-censorship? Would have loved to see ADL get th3 kind of hate Jack Thompson got.

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ed7364  No.16724969

Uh huh, and 100% of Americans have been exposed to evidence-free conspiracy theories throughout their lifetimes. Weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, "Russian meddling" in the 2016 election, etc. This means absolutely nothing.

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5e6cfe  No.16724971

66% of gamers have played Deus Ex? Great, I thought the number was lower.

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83c670  No.16724973


It's not a conspiracy theory when it's the media narrative

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d43bbc  No.16724976

File: d07a780ea067aa8⋯.webm (78.05 KB, 480x480, 1:1, IA here.webm)


>gamergate was right

>conspiracy theory

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698612  No.16724981


On one hand it would've led to a massive crackdown and a forced entry of casualfaggots and shitskins the likes of which 2007 could only dream to have done, but on the other hand a CIA nigger might've assassinated fuckley for making fun of them so it's give or take really.

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bd4186  No.16724983

File: 558829daa9dc266⋯.jpg (87.55 KB, 701x728, 701:728, 1549331021.jpg)



They still can't fucking get over it, I love it.

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ed7364  No.16724984

Another great myth: the state of Israel is a human rights-respecting democracy and America's Greatest Ally, and the boycott, divest, and sanction movement is "anti-semitic". ADL is an Israel lobby and their word on anything means precisely jack and shit.

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698612  No.16724992


Another myth: people openly protesting Israel are a genuine movement and not plants to try and poison antiIsraeli sentiment by association. I say "I don't like Israel" on the internet and I get blacklisted from everywhere but some protestor or congressman can do it willynilly on the taxpayer's dime without repercussion? I don't buy it.

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e3847a  No.16724996


You know the annoying thing is there are entirely nationalistic reasons to have issues with Israel and unfortunately it will never be acknowledged because not only is Israel a nation it's also Jew Zealand.

And you can't even talk about it without both sides popping in to scream about the jews.

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24c27b  No.16724997


This was pretty much the beginning of the end for them.

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400bd3  No.16725007

File: dd8835bd8fc30c6⋯.png (80.7 KB, 273x253, 273:253, dd8835bd8fc30c6c0d00919a8f….png)


>Source: ADL

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b0c2f5  No.16725013

>gamergate being right is a conspiracy theory

They don't know how many people they redpill with such a claim. Many normalfags remember when it happened, and what happened. Seeing this filed under conspiracy theory will just make them wonder about whether the other theories might have merit

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21f38f  No.16725014


actually, it was the mossad-commie conspiracy within the cia.

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1f74c1  No.16725015

File: 07d3781180509b4⋯.jpg (172.17 KB, 610x456, 305:228, 445855.jpg)


>Conspiracy theories

>GamerGate being the same as ISIS

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21f38f  No.16725016


the issue is that the adl is directing its power against gaming.

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21f38f  No.16725019



un nig yourself

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698612  No.16725023


Read a god damn book you illiterate subhuman.

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7cf3e6  No.16725024

File: 39d91293040ad91⋯.webm (1.7 MB, 1280x1280, 1:1, laughing 4x4.webm)


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702387  No.16725028


Only 95%? Surely every real /v/core gamer knows about Great Tartaria and the Mud Flood.

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b8c461  No.16725030

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> "Gamergate was right" is a conspiracy theory

Just like Leo Frank's guilt was a conspiracy theory :^)

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ad7b97  No.16725033

File: d98e137d6ac423c⋯.png (457.54 KB, 1258x712, 629:356, screen-shot-2015-07-19-at-….png)


>still beating the dead horse GamerGate in current year +4

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0f80a6  No.16725034


>Gamergate was right

>akin to ISIS advocacy and holocaust denial

Anti Defamation League? More like Astoundingly Dumb Leftists, who gave their money to conduct this "study"?


Nah, it just means that they want Club Penguin-esque word filters and bans like Rainbow Six Siege. Heaven forbid if adults hear controversial topics in an M-rated game that they paid $60 for.

For people who ridicule abstinence education and DARE PSAs as being ineffective, they sure love to implement ineffective bullshit like this. No one is anti-Islam because they saw a cartoon meme on Facebook, they're anti-Islam of REAL EVENTS that highlight the inability to integrate in society. If your beliefs are being proven repeatedly in the outside, then there's reason to drop them at all.

For some reason, leftists are way too dumb to comprehend that fact. They think that people are "radicalized" by "russian disinformation" and "Youtube videos" instead of observation.

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d95b16  No.16725039


100%, Jews like Mark and Redditors don't count.

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3fcda3  No.16725040

File: 93c9d6905f41c34⋯.jpg (212.39 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, laughing stardust crusader….jpg)

>Gamergate up there with ISIS

They're never gonna let that one go

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698612  No.16725043


>For people who ridicule abstinence education and DARE PSAs as being ineffective

Yet another thing they got wrong. Both of those did exactly what they were intended to do.

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3fcda3  No.16725045


Also 23% is a pretty big number, I wonder if they're just lumping in people who say forbidden vocabulary like nigger.

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d43bbc  No.16725050

File: 5782efeca7097ad⋯.png (739.36 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, check this out.png)

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24c27b  No.16725051


Someday they might do the same thing for epstein and other kike rapists.

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ed7364  No.16725054


Israel is an ultra right-wing ethno-nationalist state and its lobbying arm in the US, the ADL, is not "leftist".

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d43bbc  No.16725055


Not all Jews

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e3847a  No.16725056


Conspiracy and theory were terms that existed long before the CIA you dipshit.

A conspiracy is a thing.

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d6ce44  No.16725060

File: 246a80fc7af06d3⋯.png (342.77 KB, 1385x922, 1385:922, ClipboardImage.png)


Yes, that's how the make up their stats, see how in almost each category they include minor stuff mixed with some dangerous sounding shit.

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d95b16  No.16725061

>vaccinations aren't real

And here we have it confirmed by the Jews themselves:

Vaccinations are pure poison, don't protect you from the illnesses as described and damage parts of your body and/or brain varying by vaccine.


No they totally didn't. Or are you one of those dirty conspiracy theorist nazis

who believe the Jew, who owned the building, detonated it on purpose after increasing the insurance to provoce war for a greater Israel?

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ed7364  No.16725064

File: 60534828ea729ee⋯.webm (3.44 MB, 640x480, 4:3, conspiracy.webm)

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698612  No.16725068


Hey trannypol.

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d43bbc  No.16725070

File: ae0757d17cebfdf⋯.jpg (196.56 KB, 1226x720, 613:360, i did it for free.jpg)



>he doesn't know

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53e7f3  No.16725074

File: 673e5946b153698⋯.jpg (53.71 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 1972 rothschild party.jpg)

is the next EA golf game gonna have golf rumors?

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568b94  No.16725076


noticing anon's OC unlike the rest of ungrateful shits here

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953a70  No.16725078

File: 0c6ec1dc33ac3fc⋯.jpg (92.6 KB, 750x632, 375:316, D9dvCrsUIAAxSzF.jpg)

File: 041ff143b03cbab⋯.png (478.35 KB, 1240x2400, 31:60, page-73 (1).png)

File: 1db87b2ff7debf5⋯.jpg (41.32 KB, 680x340, 2:1, 785.jpg)


Still trying.

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d6ce44  No.16725080

File: f3a4494e303a193⋯.png (206.5 KB, 907x1022, 907:1022, ClipboardImage.png)

>60 kikes, 60 kebabs, 60 niggers, 60 spics

>4 percent margin of error

I expected nothing less.

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21f38f  No.16725085


hmm? that’s not a relevant reply to me.

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81bc59  No.16725089


Friendly reminder that the ADL was founded to get jew off the hook, who raped a child to death.

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f5e730  No.16725090


>Some claim that extremists of various belief systems have been infiltrating online games in order to radicalize players to adopt their hateful ideology.

They still can't fathom the idea that it's been a part of gaming culture since the beginning and that they themselves are the infiltrators.

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e3847a  No.16725091


>A sample of 240

>It was probably those dumbass xenonationals that were born in america as anchor babies that make assholes of themselves with that latinx/latin@ retardation

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e3847a  No.16725094


Honestly I think it's more that they do it so often they can't perceive other people as not being engaged in it.

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b8c461  No.16725095


> latinx

Jesus H Christ could they try any harder to be tumblr incarnate

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698612  No.16725096


>They still can't fathom the idea

No, they know that clear as day which is why they get so assblasted when you bring it up.

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ed7364  No.16725099


>we oversampled

Can you imagine trying to publish in a peer-reviewed scientific journal openly admitting the deliberate, faulty sampling bias of your study?

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d6b7ad  No.16725100


They know very well they are the infiltrators. They just want idiots to let them in like they did with the school system, and other agencies.

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734b48  No.16725102

File: 4f83aa8bcce010f⋯.jpg (287.6 KB, 1200x856, 150:107, akko internet.jpg)

Imagine being some good boy normalnigger, constantly being told how awful this "gamer gate" is, and how they are terrorists on par with ISIS.

One day, curiosity gets the better of you, you gather all your courage, and venture beyond the known world.

After literal minutes of searching, you finally find it; a "Gamer Gate" thread, on /v/, on the notorious 8chan, known for its instant racial hatred.

And all you see if some 5-ish postser dumping porn and verbally circle jerking each other's cocks.

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53e7f3  No.16725103


did you really just IP hop to give yourself false praise?

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d6ce44  No.16725109


They know damn well that it doesn't matter one bit, it will still make the headlines and be referenced in articles and later studies as a +1.

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b8c461  No.16725112


The first thing they would find is (((wikipedia)))'s article and believe every lie cited directly from the usual suspects of polygon, kotaku, RPS, et al despite the fact that this is an obvious conflict

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d95b16  No.16725114


>racial hatred.

Wrong, it's known for child pornography!

Get your backstory right next time!

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734b48  No.16725118

File: d3a42620f3f7797⋯.webm (2.12 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, how to be cool.webm)


Not according to New Zealand.

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ed7364  No.16725124


Not so sure about that. I've had people say they went elsewhere to learn more about GG after attempting to read that cartoon-like bloated one-sided article.

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d95b16  No.16725127


Oh, I forgot about that one.

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38cbe8  No.16725130


This isn’t a fucking thread.


The issue is that you think this is something new and not what they’ve done literally for 15 years now.

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953a70  No.16725131

File: dfda3341469ece4⋯.webm (328.11 KB, 474x264, 79:44, Latrice Laugh.webm)

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3bb22c  No.16725132


>>putting "gamergate was right" next to holohoax denial and antivax


But Gamergate and vaccinations are real.

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0f80a6  No.16725143


Pretty funny that they try to grant complete plausible deniability to affluent pedophiles like Epstein and Leo Frank, but will assume the worst implications behind "dogwhistles" and symbols.

That's right. I notice that they're very hesitant to connect patterns (for their allies) when there's a plethora of testimonies and tangible evidence. Yet, they will instantly know that a person wants to genocide all minorities from flashing an OK symbol or smiling at a native american.


With regards to Israel outright gunning down Palestinians at the border, leftists suggest a diplomatic solution along with boycotts. With regards to the US temporarily detaining immigrants, leftists firebomb ICE facilities while doxing ICE employees. They did it at a time when Trump came into power, not during Obama's presidency when his administration founded and maintained it. Conditions were unchanged:

https://www.please use archive.is/us-news/2016/aug/18/us-border-patrol-facility-images-tucson-arizona

You see where I'm getting at? They're hesitant to act towards minority groups because they don't want to be painted as attacking the marginalized.

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d95b16  No.16725146

File: 641923d79c0c1c0⋯.png (287.92 KB, 1069x1084, 1069:1084, mark 9 11.png)

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1b3dce  No.16725147

File: 18d90daf899d903⋯.jpg (52.65 KB, 968x681, 968:681, New-Zealand-Prime-Minister….jpg)


Jesus how can a country be this cucked. They are afraid to show fucking letters on a screen.

Just nuke it from orbit, fill up the hole and start over.

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5423b4  No.16725148

File: 602a0a710d47863⋯.png (1.12 MB, 949x1853, 949:1853, deusexchoice.png)

What could this mean

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d95b16  No.16725150


They fear the redpill.

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568b94  No.16725155


nay my autistic friend :^)

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53e7f3  No.16725160

What would happen to a game that includes lots of real cult shit in it? would the kikes shut it down?

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e7776c  No.16725163

File: 49e74643ef707b4⋯.jpg (71.59 KB, 800x568, 100:71, 1538900138213-pol.jpg)


>not a single point towards predictive programming and the carbs question there

Fuggin Bleps

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001361  No.16725164

I'm surprised it's only 66% considering how much they've been screeching about their Russian conspiracy theories for the past 3 years.

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698612  No.16725165


Just make the bad guys blond and they won't care.

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53e7f3  No.16725172


But im talking about kike shit not the Nordics

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e3847a  No.16725180


Russia real though

Even though internally they just wanted to have the investigation to go on cost money and happen forever because muh impeach muh impeding investigation

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e51fce  No.16725189

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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53e7f3  No.16725196


and perfect dark already dunnit

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e7776c  No.16725204

File: 268d60a22f6f1a6⋯.gif (39.62 KB, 100x125, 4:5, 1564087416889-pol.gif)


To think I used to binge watch this shit and followed the staff on twitter

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b88b51  No.16725215

File: b5a8868762a4dad⋯.webm (977.48 KB, 640x360, 16:9, BURNINTHEFIRES.webm)


Why did you post this? I feel sickened that people who make this drab, boring trash are considered sucessful content creators while the good ones get disillusioned and give up.

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be4495  No.16725220

File: 544915c2c8462eb⋯.webm (7.15 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ADL on 8chan.webm)


<this place still has threads about GamerGate in current year +4

Chechz m8 goober

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0f80a6  No.16725231




I was one of those people, GG redpilled me. Not because of Zoe Quinn, but it demonstrated how a few people with the right connections could create a false consensus that other people would eat up without research.


Make them white ebul Christian males and they won't care one bit. It goes like this:

>Evangelical sex cults=good and presentable

>Pagan sex cults=good and presentable


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d6b7ad  No.16725239

File: 8cb8c9bc5d801a2⋯.jpg (96.03 KB, 300x223, 300:223, ISHYGDDT_DBZ.jpg)


>use to watch extra cancer

>followed them on twitter

This had better be bait anon.

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1073ee  No.16725253


Conspiracy didn't have a stigma attached to it until JFK.

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53e7f3  No.16725259


But the whole "evil christian cult" thing has been done to death. The whole point is to make a game about the kikes and their operations.

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e12f2c  No.16725261

File: e5d04af3579e139⋯.jpg (43.87 KB, 812x474, 406:237, cheesejew.JPG)

File: 00ffb8209741bd2⋯.png (407.05 KB, 615x468, 205:156, Australian_cheese.png)

Oy gevalt!

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e0ac47  No.16725272


Where the fuck do you live? Here in Texas we have the highest rate of teen pregnancy because teaching dumb kids to use contraception is wrong, and you can get all the drugs you want in Dallas and Austin. DARE and abstinence are a joke.

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e12f2c  No.16725274

File: b3827006b3cd8a1⋯.png (821.94 KB, 670x815, 134:163, new zealand powerful.png)

File: 679cd0ab97cc90d⋯.png (480.35 KB, 653x598, 653:598, new zealand call top praye….png)



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698612  No.16725275


Like I said. They did exactly what they were intended to do.

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e0ac47  No.16725279


Oh. My apologies for misinterpreting your post.

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d6b7ad  No.16725282

File: 155cfeb32f61b5d⋯.jpg (14.2 KB, 208x241, 208:241, that's_terror.jpg)


At least the traitors who went along with this will be the ones to suffer the most for it.

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e0ac47  No.16725304


They weren't very good in the past, but at least they were non-political. I watched them for a bit in college when I still wanted to be a game designer until I got sick of not seeing any videos that taught me anything new. They basically repeated word for word everything my professors taught.

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18e40b  No.16725312

I wonder what the percentage of gamers who know of the legend of mark

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18cfab  No.16725314


I didn't realize their stupidity until they made their Hatred video. You were much smarter than I.

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f3c0d1  No.16725316

>gamergate was right

Hold on a second. Right about what? Keeping women out of the industry is a necessity, or journos are fucking corrupt parasites? Did they just admit it was never about muh soggy knee?

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6e3290  No.16725329


Considering that's a bad goon joke saying how impotent gamers are?

I'd say no.

Then again gamers don't have weebs and fantasy nerds charging democrat party HQs with shitty stainless steel swords with supporting suppressive fire from the FPS addicts.

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bb9301  No.16725351

File: 3d342b5da6ad529⋯.jpg (256.61 KB, 1018x628, 509:314, James Watson.jpg)

File: f679d105a14d3eb⋯.mp4 (7.74 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Shah of Iran - Jewish Medi….mp4)

File: bdd88b6938af166⋯.jpg (1.81 MB, 4920x4161, 1640:1387, sexual immorality.jpg)


Very easily imaginable, as long as you purport to hold a view with which disagreement is not allowed. The vast majority of peer review is already a complete joke. The industry is dominated by journals operating in the most Jewish way imaginable. Look up 'pay to publish' for example. I also know an academic who received an e-mail from the journal she recently submitted to offering to attach her own photograph of herself to the paper's web entry for $1,400.

It's not much of a stretch really. It isn't hard to subvert the scientific method by pushing conclusions which are politically impossible to disagree with. Once you do this the methodology you use fades into irrelevance, since it's only the conclusion that matters an now how you reached it. Thus you turn the scientific method completely on its head and no one can do anything about it without committing career suicide

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d8edee  No.16725355


>the importance and benefits of ISIS


That's a jewish thing as ISIS is fully funded by and created by israel.

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e0ac47  No.16725356


I don't blame you if you never tried to get formal training in game design, it's probably interesting stuff to the enthusiastic player who doesn't want to design. I did actually watch the Hatred video just because I knew it would be terrible.


That graph is the most absurd and worthless thing I have ever seen. It is vague to the point of being meaningless. What qualifies as white supremacy? Does saying that Nazis didn't have lamps made of Jewish skin qualify as Holocaust denial? What about discussing "the importance and benefits of ISIS" from a realpolitik perspective?

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53e7f3  No.16725358

File: 4f8999a2478ad36⋯.gif (2.98 MB, 480x288, 5:3, Shiggy.gif)



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f3c0d1  No.16725366


Got my answer


>GamerGate arose in 2014, ostensibly over concerns about ethics in game journalism, and quickly coalesced into a group of self-identified members whose concerns expanded to include the rise of what they labeled “PC culture” and “social justice warriors.” The more vocal of the group typically harass people, more often women and minorities, who question some of the status quo of game content in the video game industry. GamerGate harassment is most often sparked by the expansion of gaming content, settings, and characters to include more women, minorities, and the examination of modern social issues.

So it's both...

That doesn't make things any clearer.


It's like it's done on purpose. Geez.

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d8edee  No.16725368


>implying it matters what jews are

They're leftist with regard to what leftist means.

No intelligent person puts a penny into the kike false dichotomy of left/right politics.

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bb9301  No.16725380

File: 2c56dfdcddf1e97⋯.png (53.84 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, anti-semitic-leftist-comic….png)

File: cb1c6ba75e99330⋯.png (69.81 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, anti-racist anti-semite.png)

File: 373f89c91d46bc6⋯.png (72.27 KB, 1500x500, 3:1, antifa-israel-comic.png)

File: 1b8f3d466bfd7f5⋯.png (34.99 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, one-race-the-human-race-co….png)

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e3847a  No.16725390


Let's be real faggot, they're talking about Adblock Fatt and Carl of Novotes, dumbass click grifters that contributed nothing but hilariously self immolating like 4 years later.

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e3847a  No.16725403


But when they refer to "gamergate" they're clearly referring to those two in particular, and with specifically those people they have a point, and their efaggotry completely imploded the point of it.

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ed7364  No.16725404


I publish in an scientific field; peer review could use some work taking the profit motive and exploitation of grad students out of publishing, but it's otherwise doing all right. Where peer review has become a complete joke and your claim hits home is in unempirical fields like economics and "humanities".

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25757a  No.16725412

Fuck the journalists mother was my first thought.

Fuck OPs sister was my second.

Stupid cunts like you ruin gaming.>>16724939

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ed7364  No.16725417


>They're leftist with regard to what leftist means.

So they oppose the prevailing economics system? Because that's the actual definition of a leftist in reference to the French revolution. I don't think I've ever heard ADL speak out against capitalism. Or are they just leftist in regard to what you think it means (identity politics I don't like)?

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24c27b  No.16725418


We didn't really give them an inch, some fags who wanted to prove they're not racists did.

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e3847a  No.16725428


Ok but you're misreading what I'm saying "Gamergate" as a boogeyman is specifically barely coherent click grifting faggots who launched a career out of it.

It has no real relation to the movement Other than sucking like 90% of the momentum out of it, distracting basically everyone involved into it, and temporarily disabling mockery of fedora faggots and giving a permanent excuse from accountability for them to wave at higher ups and advertisers.

Literally, if they never did anything other than talking about it to begin with, it wouldn't have gone to shit

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e3847a  No.16725445


Eat my shorts the decentralized effort to contact advertisers and catalog ethical violations and trust bullshit can be considered a movement.

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953a70  No.16725446

File: eddb1464cd894b1⋯.png (382.12 KB, 529x632, 529:632, 1564089616937.png)

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05cb05  No.16725454


>oy gevalt the goyim know

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bd4186  No.16725483


>Implying building swastikas in online games is anything new

Proof that these faggots have no idea what they're talking about.

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8f7b0a  No.16725496


>White, Jewish



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0f80a6  No.16725506


The grifters are a huge problem, a lot of them did a 180 to support socjus shit when the money started drying up.

Money and time was wasted on the wrong type of people.

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65026c  No.16725512


>but it's otherwise doing all right.

isn't P-hacking is still rampant?

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1fc7cf  No.16725532

File: 1a4d4d9fcb0416e⋯.png (21.75 KB, 800x600, 4:3, scientificmethod2.png)

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d8628b  No.16725534

Did they take the '420 blaze it ayy lmao aliens memes' seriously?

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2e6bef  No.16725539

File: b0b979e674304ed⋯.jpg (81.89 KB, 498x512, 249:256, dnd surprise.jpg)

>ordinary young men are familiar with amateur criminal investigations and amateur reporting by other ordinary men in countries where official criminal investigations (((conveniently))) go nowhere and (((official reporters))) say nothing

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24c27b  No.16725545


That explains why I've been seeing papers claiming that some people with XY chromosomes can be Women.

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0f80a6  No.16725548



To expand on this point, GG was about how journos had more power over paying consumers. Leftist journos don't their buy games like consumers do, yet they tell corporate entities not to listen to consumers while dictating the content that should be present in media. A handful of disonnected people with good connections have a bigger voice than the connected millions who lack them.

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698612  No.16725554


> yet they tell corporate entities not to listen to consumers while dictating the content that should be present in media

Other way around pal. The corporations own the journos.

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4643c2  No.16725557

Never forget the 264 billion.

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d8628b  No.16725559


Sadly no new good counter theories can get published because the peer reviewers don't fact check their shit or see if their theory can reasonably counter modern theories, so science has in some ways hit a stand still or is being miswritten by biased, lazy, and misleading moralistic bullshitters. Anything useful is either ignored or buried if it upsets the wrong group or goes against what is accepted has irrefutable, with many of the researchers disappearing.

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ed7364  No.16725562


In what field? There is an issue in pretty much every field where mathematicians/statisticians develop a piece of software for easy analysis and people without strong backgrounds go gangbusters with those tools and can be prone to using them without thinking when they're inappropriate. A lot of my work involves addressing this in my particular field of study.


In what context exactly? Androgen insensitivity syndrome is a thing you know. The definition of sex used by biologists is the presence of testicles or ovaries. We do not define it by genes or chromosome structure because of the massive differences in these among the animal kingdom.

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63d6f8  No.16725573

File: 8c52d35e717b99e⋯.webm (15.78 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Deus Ex Alex Jones Editio….webm)


Jonathan Greenblatt is a reptilian kike.

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0f80a6  No.16725581


Unfortunately true.

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53e7f3  No.16725584

File: a61105afa266e53⋯.webm (466.97 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Alex_Jones_admits_to_bein….webm)

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ceba76  No.16725597

File: 1df3c3b974cc230⋯.mp4 (7.64 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 28_Globalists_Later.mp4)

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ed7364  No.16725599

File: e08cda58bf11660⋯.jpg (13.29 KB, 300x424, 75:106, Alfred Wegener.jpg)

File: f29e0866725e496⋯.jpg (14.29 KB, 301x364, 43:52, Gregor Mendel.jpg)


I don't think anyone would claim the current scientific method is perfect. It does generally get to the bottom of things given enough time, even if that's not always in a discoverer's lifetime. The sources of corruption come largely from the interests of people who fund the research. I remember a story a couple years ago about a wealthy donator at some university's economics department actually having the power to get a professors denied tenure. Do that often enough and imagine how academia can become aligned with the interests of the wealthy.

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24c27b  No.16725601


>In what context exactly? Androgen insensitivity syndrome is a thing you know.

In the context of saying trannies are real Women, not in an actual genetic mess like that syndrome that gives you an extra chromosome of the other gender and you end up having large hips and small breasts as a man or hermaphrodites.

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ed7364  No.16725616


See my humanities comment. You won't find crap like that claimed in any reputable biology journal without massive pushback during the review process and (if it even gets published) angry peer letters to the editor.

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24c27b  No.16725625


If I remember correctly, it was a social science paper.

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63d6f8  No.16725629

File: a6ddfa83b295b71⋯.webm (13.15 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Alex Jones DOOM Trailer.webm)

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1bb46e  No.16725673


If gamers were too fat for motion controls why do you think they'll even stand up

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53e7f3  No.16725725



kike shit

>Claimed™ Reputable© Kosher journal and (((peer review)))

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0e6105  No.16725820

File: 1e57c0b5cf0f34c⋯.jpg (180.13 KB, 776x639, 776:639, Screen Shot 2019-07-25 008.jpg)

File: d01ded17f31706a⋯.jpg (196.77 KB, 1007x818, 1007:818, Screen Shot 2019-07-25 009.jpg)

File: 99d3fd1eeb54fb0⋯.jpg (158.88 KB, 794x619, 794:619, Screen Shot 2019-07-25 010.jpg)

File: 3f437720951e83c⋯.jpg (194.4 KB, 795x833, 795:833, Screen Shot 2019-07-25 011.jpg)

File: 488836df17c68cd⋯.jpg (204 KB, 786x825, 262:275, Screen Shot 2019-07-25 012.jpg)

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4a7a52  No.16725923

File: df5e342ff381aa7⋯.png (104.12 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 1468542430014.png)


>a majority of players support more ingame chat moderation

fuck the "gamers" at this point, fuck all forms of this bullshit being shoved down our throats at the behest of the weak, fuck the government and the ultra-beaked kikes at the ADL, fuck all of them. Games used to be a place where you could blow off some steam and not have to worry about the real world, people used to use voice chat even on consoleshit 24/7 in droves. now nobody says goddamn anything because your consoleshit is liable to be bricked for daring to say anything remotely impolite. We have thousands of redditors on crusades against "toxicity" I hate that goddamn word. Its "the human condition" but for equally pretentious obese LGBT slime attempting to fit in.

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83c670  No.16725930


What are some non-kiked proxy services?

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24c27b  No.16725941


I don't think a majority of player supports it, it's most likely just them lying.

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41c977  No.16725943


Hidemyna.me works for me, but I haven't dug far into it because I don't care enormously about what i send over their proxies.

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698612  No.16725967


>actually believing this Pravda tier investigation.

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21628d  No.16725987


>he doesn't know about the disappearance of Dovefield, WI

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2d3eb4  No.16725989



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21628d  No.16726008


I use to watch boggie2988 unironically so you're hardly the worst

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21628d  No.16726020


good, we're still a relatively sekrit club

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2d3eb4  No.16726021


>The definition of sex used by biologists is the presence of testicles or ovaries

It's actually more about the types of gametes but even then it's only useful for some things because you have whole phylums of monoic individuals and whatnot.

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b3352a  No.16726197


That's what he said, it was designed to discredit people who figured out their actual conspiring.

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d6fde7  No.16726221

File: 035cb9125f2c202⋯.jpg (26.59 KB, 406x345, 406:345, cigarettes.jpg)


>every single fucking quote has a miniature dating profile attached to it

Jesus Christ this is insufferable. I can't imagine publishing this and not thinking my whole life is a joke. Why not just go the whole nine yards and list their B-W-H as well?

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4a7a52  No.16726248


its my reaction to the insinuation, if a majority of players supported chat moderation then its time to bury the hobby for good, but we already have a large chunk of secondary niggers who eat up garbage shovelware dlc horseshit like candy, gladly enjoy the shit in the mouth that is "surprise mechanics/lootboxes" videogames as a hobby has flooded with lemmings worthy only of contempt

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953a70  No.16726273


Start using open source VoIPs apps.

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4a7a52  No.16726318


the damage to gaming has already been done and wont be repaired without an industry crash and world judaism culling back to pre-1990 levels. Until having your account banned and your "game software lease" revoked for calling someone "gay" is no longer looking to becoming an industry standard.

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fbcb4f  No.16726439


They engage in social engineering across several industries on an international scale and then shit the bed and call you a conspiracy theorist when you point out their own spokespeople and training manuals.

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fbcb4f  No.16726445


They have damaged most forms of media, not just videogames. This is an outright culture war and social engineering.

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b99cde  No.16727681


you better believe in Cold War.

you're in it.

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83c670  No.16727777

File: e6c0c2d365d36ef⋯.jpg (106.86 KB, 540x720, 3:4, the fuck this bitch just s….jpg)




>When you try to discuss it with a non imageboard user and they thing it's all coincidental / a conspiracy theory / you spend too much time online

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b4f11f  No.16727779



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cf26f6  No.16727783

>russian collusion gamergate

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5d0893  No.16727863

File: 2c72221ddd3c7ea⋯.png (11.13 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 1345451692809.png)



Is this even a conspiracy anymore? I thought it was proven that the Bush administration knew about the attack but did nothing about it.

>gaymergoys was right

About what? That certain journos and gamedevs fuck behind the scenes and are corrupt both morally and interest wise? Ok, I guess assfucking Zoe was an inside job.

>the importance and benefits of ISIS

lmao wat?

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ecb614  No.16727943

File: c130c4814a3e13e⋯.jpg (68.47 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, aiportraits_1563543833.jpg)


>About what?

That it did nothing wrong, according to the rest of the study - though it only says something they're bafflingly scared of people going 'hey, did you know game journalism sucks?', like it's not some larger unspoken understanding already.

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3513bb  No.16728053


>a conspiracy theory

Another social engineering triumph of the left. By labeling any controversial statement as a conspiracy theory, and then associating the phrase in the public consciousness with tinfoil wearing clowns that think they have been anally probed by little grey men they have created a potent POWERWORD to instantly shut down any serious discussion.

An alliance of corporate and government institutions is spying on everything people do online or communicate via their phone? A conspiracy theory. Jews consistently putting Jewish interests above those of host nations and using multiculturalism as a method to dilute ethnic homogeneity and ensure they are safe from reprisal? A conspiracy theory, now one that carries legal repercussions for voicing it. Stating that Saudi Arabia and Israel were complicit in 9/11 or that Syria and the Arab Spring in general were Western fabrications meant to further the interests of globalists, Israel, Saudi Arabia and sunnis? Conspiracy theory.


Questioning journalists is bad goy behavior. Social programming dictates that journalists are part of the #Resistance, fighting the Man by having shadowy meetings with government whistle-blowers and exposing racist Republicans and their plans to subjugate the whole word in the name of Christian white power.

It's not like journalists have always been paid shills that do, say and write what they are told by their masters, or that they work for massive corporations that belong to even bigger corporations that have a vested interest in pushing specific narratives. No sir.

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9d49ae  No.16728135


>I thought it was proven that the Bush administration knew about the attack but did nothing about it.

This is the first I've heard of this. Do you have a link?

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127700  No.16728530


Conspiracy was one of the main charges leveraged against the National Socialists in the Nürnberg kangaroo court. Not "conspiracy to do X" but just plain old "conspiracy".

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085aae  No.16728567


The Alllies weren't just the real conspirators, but conspiring was (and is) their entire way of life. They have to constantly distract from that fact somehow.

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d6fde7  No.16728635

File: aa39f876c8f1e69⋯.jpg (139.6 KB, 450x600, 3:4, Mark_Bros_.jpg)


>When you discuss the Holocaust with your dad and he says "I knew the figures in those museums we went to were exaggerated"

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12ccb6  No.16728661

File: cc19030a026b32a⋯.jpg (74.02 KB, 917x758, 917:758, cc19030a026b32a0058842bec8….jpg)

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74fc40  No.16728683

It's true, playing games taught me that ISIS exaggerated the truth about how racially superior gamergaters committed the 6 million fake 9/11 vaccines.

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46a77e  No.16728984

File: bcb52c423caa207⋯.jpg (104.64 KB, 900x599, 900:599, 67i85657.jpg)


>*Conspiracy terrorist


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53e7f3  No.16728988

File: b034a2afd848c01⋯.gif (3.69 MB, 300x144, 25:12, ISIS Falseflag.gif)

Nothing to see here goys.

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24331c  No.16729266



So a converted Jew, I assume?

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1d12d9  No.16729306



Can't spell conspiracy without piracy.

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55d8e7  No.16729330

File: 826b945f9b9656e⋯.jpg (214.48 KB, 800x1015, 160:203, 751_Deus_20Ex_20PS2_20Pack….jpg)

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698612  No.16729420


Or a skinwalker.

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53e7f3  No.16729427


Clearly a shapeshifter

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53e7f3  No.16729515



fuck off glownigger, who even types like that?

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43960b  No.16729524


>oy vey

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0779eb  No.16729559



He has been bleeding subscribers because of that.

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698612  No.16729579


They've been losing relevance since the "we're running out of internet" video and getting fired from like 2 or 3 different websites for not paying their artist.

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698612  No.16729590


Just fuck off back to trannypol you obvious plant.

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41c977  No.16729626


So why are they deliberately filming these videos instead of just throwing together some footage shot in the actual desert? It'd probably be cheaper, and it's not like ISIS have any motive for making sure the video's well produced, do they?

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1d12d9  No.16729662

File: 7ae345a9f875947⋯.png (192.94 KB, 501x421, 501:421, 7ae345a9f875947493b810f02d….png)


>implying ISIS doesn't have standards

Just being they are inbred desert savages doesn't mean they don't care about presentation.

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0779eb  No.16729690


>That image

After all these years we will be saved by Juggalos.

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41c977  No.16729704


>face recognition software fucks up when confused with different colours

Not surprising. Other anons have mentioned drawing third eyes on your face or anything else and seeing what it thinks of that.

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698612  No.16729713




It also doesn't work well with niggers or chinks. Almost like it's designed specifically to be used against one particular race or something.

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70a424  No.16729766



The Chink government has those algos, they profile people based on facial features now and assume they're criminals. It's very close to Minority Report level shit.

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41c977  No.16729905


Philip K. Dick was a fag, Minority Report style future prediction should not and could not ever be trusted, no matter whether it fucked up in the past or not. It's inherently unverifiable, if you have a criminal said to commit a crime, and you imprison them and prevent them committing said crime, you can't verify whether they were ever going to commit a crime or whether your future prediction was wrong, and you give government the power to falsify reports and lock anyone they like up on a whim.


No surprise there, though, that's likely just due to how hard it is to get an algorithm to recognise images. It likely is designed to specifically recognise white faces, but probably not due to malice since the country is mostly white and therefore recognising whites would be most effective. Or it could be a (((cohencidence))), I wouldn't rule it out, but at that point it doesn't really matter what the motives were.

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89a5e7  No.16729923


>Minority Report style future prediction should not and could not ever be trusted, no matter whether it fucked up in the past or not. It's inherently unverifiable, if you have a criminal said to commit a crime, and you imprison them and prevent them committing said crime, you can't verify whether they were ever going to commit a crime or whether your future prediction was wrong, and you give government the power to falsify reports and lock anyone they like up on a whim.

That's what the entire story was about, faggot.

Unless they severely changed everything going from text to film.

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ad125a  No.16729942

There is literally nothing wrong with believing in conspiracies.

only the media and their city dwelling lemming worshippers from reddit scoff at the idea that there is anything wrong with what we know and believe that everything is normal, material and the media tells the truth.

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cda7fc  No.16729968




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41c977  No.16730028


Did they change the edition I read? Because the edition I read was a short story without any strong points made, and especially not such a point as how easy it would be to frame someone under such a system.

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513ee5  No.16730030

File: 01fae88dc168053⋯.webm (1.34 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Alex_Jones_Got_Fingered.webm)

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53e7f3  No.16730037

File: f97267bbe6d3583⋯.jpg (21.62 KB, 471x467, 471:467, jinx think.jpg)

Any recent conspiracys to come out this year?

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70a424  No.16730151

File: dbb9dfcb853055c⋯.jpg (87.7 KB, 992x744, 4:3, jeffrey-epstein-rt-jef-190….jpg)


This one is literally on suicide watch because his bribe to the judge for bail fell through.

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1d12d9  No.16730188

File: 2c48c07725f589c⋯.gif (1.46 MB, 248x189, 248:189, chuckle.gif)


Prevented? They created this.

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49bc90  No.16730406


>Philip K. Dick was a fag,

I don't really understand the obsession about his writing. Back in the day it might've been something interesting, but nowadays it seems like dime-a-dozen science fiction. Besides, any of you noticed that he had the propensity of making male main characters complete cucks and brainless weaklings, while female characters are complete, unexcusable bitches?

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698612  No.16730437


His twin sister died when he was little and his parents, also most likely his teachers too indirectly, practically blamed it on him.

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861941  No.16730449


I want to have sexual relations with Jinx

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53e7f3  No.16730704

File: bd02a1e2a7cd357⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1870x1400, 187:140, jinx.png)

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e3f536  No.16730746

File: 111bac71d0322cf⋯.jpg (55.96 KB, 384x522, 64:87, instant racial hatred.jpg)

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1d12d9  No.16730803

File: e09bd9ba35f66f2⋯.jpg (70.19 KB, 752x1200, 47:75, dc.jpg)


very nice

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c124c4  No.16730834

File: 7e15bac0dd0be2f⋯.jpg (279.66 KB, 773x829, 773:829, 1564086131-3.jpg)

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5a7183  No.16731419

File: 38b58d900c26f5a⋯.jpg (48.38 KB, 419x768, 419:768, fellow white.jpg)

File: 29241e3617f6dfe⋯.jpg (137.9 KB, 690x1470, 23:49, fellow white people 2.jpg)

File: 94b12bce6c647f2⋯.jpg (280.74 KB, 974x928, 487:464, fellow white people.jpg)

File: f4b13b9ac942e31⋯.png (1.44 MB, 5052x2526, 2:1, Jews on twitter - fellow w….png)

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ff5b69  No.16731423

File: 581014c0565ed74⋯.png (298.97 KB, 500x375, 4:3, costanza.png)


>the importance and benefits of ISIS


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698612  No.16731426


They're trying to slip in some fake redpills along with the real ones. Classic tactic.

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39c12a  No.16731644


anon, the fat cunt that did "Fahrenheit 9/11" documentary showed it like two month after the fact. have you been in a rock? after 10y only the willful blind dont know it was either a inside job or a terrorism act not block to have a casus belli

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cb48d4  No.16731686

File: e5cc78cbcb48b2b⋯.png (375.94 KB, 490x490, 1:1, 1393950060531.png)


>Gamergate was right

Wasn't the entire GG shit just about exposing how fucked and corrupt the gaming journalist industry is? How everyone is in bed with eachother literally fucking eachother for good reviews and connections. That's a conspiracy now?

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53e7f3  No.16731759


>Wasn't the entire GG shit just about exposing how fucked and corrupt the gaming journalist industry is?

i never got GG, I thought everyone knew that all journalists were the kikest people ever and are never trustworthy

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d6fde7  No.16731859


It was a running joke since forever that magazine editors and IGN especially were paid off by big publishers to write reviews. That was tolerable because you could just ignore it and make fun of it. The problem came when it shifted from that to a political machine.

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698612  No.16731876


And people were never openly silenced for making fun of game journos being unskilled morons but (((for some odd reason))) pointing out their favoritism and collusion with a couple of developers and other people who just so happened to have ties to an institution that gets funding from DARPA warranted a Law and Order episode, a Stephen Colbert interview, and a congressional hearing.

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63d6f8  No.16732205

File: 062b972f09aa74c⋯.png (373.96 KB, 853x480, 853:480, GOODBYE JEWS.png)

Let it be known that they brought it all down upon themselves, again.

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63d6f8  No.16732210

File: 2c1c5b71c9e5a3d⋯.webm (2.51 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Goodbye Jews.webm)

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cb32c1  No.16732492

File: 87490cfbce0de3e⋯.webm (2.77 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Moonman - The JQ.webm)





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8f6783  No.16732500

Meanwhile everyone who watches CNN is exposed to conspiracies daily, but it’s those darn video gamers you gotta worry about!

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1d12d9  No.16732598


Yeah, like the peepee tapes.

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b8c461  No.16732750

File: 4d299b1a5342dbb⋯.jpeg (494.14 KB, 804x1072, 3:4, 4d2.jpeg)


> Haha you antisemitic nutcases think jews are trafficking and raping kids?? What a crazy conspiracy theory!

> Russia is totally meddling in our election, that's why Hillary didn't win!

What's funny is that Bill Clinton went to Epstein's Child Fucker Island multiple times and women came forward to accuse him of raping them when they were kids. Muh Shillary tho

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ff5b69  No.16732762


Gamergayte was just a bunch of people who never looked outside of video games noticing jewish influence.

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ca0247  No.16732765


Got Bombs over Detroit?

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88b500  No.16732770


this, anyone who cares enough to check is still a pre-programmed double nigger without an intelligent thought in his head, if that was not the case, the world wouldn't accept the six gorrilion so easily, either

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83c670  No.16732773


Actually, it's about ethics in gaming journalism


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88b500  No.16732795

File: db1bc6fed086b45⋯.png (31.59 KB, 800x600, 4:3, db1bc6fed086b455411b4dcb66….png)



>soy wojack

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9f4852  No.16732815

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Do you ever ask what it's for? Surveillance, the police, the ban-on-sight laws? Is that freedom?

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ef8b3e  No.16732820


You should see some of the weird shit in UK review mags back in the day, shit was practically just shameless.

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7a4b46  No.16732851

File: 22b195e1fcd811a⋯.jpg (59.05 KB, 666x305, 666:305, pictures of unrelated acad….jpg)


Therein lies the subterfuge of the Left.

You stumble upon some great hypocrisy nobody is willing to clarify, and instead you're silenced or harrassed for daring to question it. You wander the Internet, confused and lost, until you encounter someone from a metaphorical seedy back-alley who claims they can explain the questions you have; that some great unspoken force is behind it all.

The first thing they do is try to subvert your trust of any reliable sources. Mainstream media? No, they are ran by racists and conspirators. The police? No, they are in fact backed by the wealthy elite who systematically seek to enforce their backwards values. Scientific peer review? Don't trust it, the process is such a sham and practically controlled by Big Tech/Pharma/the military-industrial complex who selectively determine what gets published.

Once you break one's faith in what one can trust, you then proceed to give them The Truth, in the form of carefully edited infographics and bits of common wisdom on platforms of communication. Now that you know where to look for the good news, they'll also forward you to a place of similar-minded free-thinking individuals who have been through the same story, but in reality this is just an echo chamber. Here they'll tirelessly obsess over "trusted" (read: biased) news articles without even fulfilling the basic requirement for any person who considers himself a follower of the school of rational thought by crossreferencing said article with other sources with other kinds of biases, in order to come as close to the truth of the matter as possible.

In an ironic twist, their idea of the truth as is carefully dripfed to them from (((trusted))) news sources, infographics and hearsay from other people they trust is what pushes them in the same close-minded mindset whose disgust against it led them down to this path anyways. They'll try to convert anyone gullible, but call anyone who dares disagree a lackey of their boogeyman: a fascist, a porky, a nazi.

Just as they've been subverted into leftists, they'll feel the need to subvert others themselves, trying to plant the seed of doubt into the non-believer through false flagging or very badly disguised strawmen, in the hopes of trying to appeal to their sense of reason by pointing out the hypocrisy in what they used to believe and then providing their carefully curated narrative as an 'option', because their conviction will be stronger when they've questioned what's already being said and came to their conclusion on their own volition rather than by coercion.

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58970e  No.16732857

File: 7d0af808a86589a⋯.jpg (84.52 KB, 953x953, 1:1, deus ex.jpg)


Why would you post a shittier PS2 version of the cover?

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ef8b3e  No.16732866


Isn't that PS2 port actually pretty decent? I remember reading it at least had some updated graphics.

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58970e  No.16732870


I don't get why everybody hates the original's graphics so much, they do their job perfectly fine.

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ef8b3e  No.16732895


I don't have a problem with it, was just curious if it was a straight port without major consolification.

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88b500  No.16732904


funny that every single post with that wojack in particular is abhorrent, and the poster smells of cuckhannery, makes one ponder


>unironically defending wojack posting

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1073ee  No.16732927


If you haven't grown up when graphics rapidly improved every year, then Deus Ex is just going to look like the same kind of ugly as everything else past a certain period. The thing is, is that its not just the textures even the models is half baked; shapes warped to be kind of close to the models proportions and any weirdness from that is simply left as-is.


It had major overhauls to make it console friendly. First there is loading screens up the ass, areas had to be downsized by major chunks to fit the parts that could be loaded, menu items is handled the same way most console games handle it, you can't put in passwords to whole lot of stuff (I remember you not being able to do this) which locks you out of the Navarre bypass, and once you get to the church the remaining levels are changed a great deal.

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7a83f7  No.16732933


I hate this timeline. Why did people let themselves be subverted by the Jews, the Mudslimes, and the Commies? What happened to the sane honest people?

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ef8b3e  No.16732940


That's what I get for reading some random opinion online then. That sounds pretty trash.

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1073ee  No.16732946


Actually I forgot, its not the Church its Hong Kong, the map chunking makes the whole map split into very different looking components. The best thing that can be said about the PS2 version is its superior theme song which is an orchestral rendition.

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cbfac9  No.16732952

File: abc4393fef740c6⋯.jpg (568.78 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, MAH TWUCK.jpg)


>it's otherwise doing all right

<besides the profit motive and exploitation of grad students

Those are pretty fucking big reasons why it isn't doing alright. Academic publishing is completely corrupt to the core; just look at the majority of papers that are published today. They're complete shit that aren't worth reading because of this collective insanity to churn out as many papers as possible all so a researcher can be quantified by some metric. The publishers benefit whilst the universities/colleges/institutes don't give a shit and play along. It's all kiked and it all needs to burn the fuck down.

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cb32c1  No.16732974

File: 648b105b1f31712⋯.webm (2.35 MB, 360x320, 9:8, Moonman - B.O.D (Bombs Ov….webm)

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ac5d5f  No.16733173

File: 1be7d1dc69cd961⋯.mp4 (2.32 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, jon greenblat ADL 8chan.mp4)


Reminder that these kikes have known about 8chan for years.

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5aa312  No.16733288

Can someone explain to me what DiGRA has to do with gamergate?

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73a696  No.16733298

So what? Why is this a problem? I fucking hate these kikes.

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d6fde7  No.16733699


I miss when console ports had exclusive content on ports, like Duke Nukem 64. They censored the sexy bits but added other content to make up for it, and the new weapon sprites look great. I guess it's not feasible any more if you're going to spend Hollywood budgets on game production.

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08e758  No.16733714


You have to go back.

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698612  No.16733792


More like it isn't feasible because anyone in your company capable of making new content gets fired months before the original game even comes out.

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70ce3c  No.16733914

>gamers really are going to be the ones who rise up and defeat the jew

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70ce3c  No.16733916


the jew fears the gamer

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224624  No.16734008


In the OP's image they define "white identity/a home for the white race" as white supremacist ideology. I'm surprised more people aren't exposed to it, literally all it would take is someone saying "I'm white."

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767284  No.16734073


>jews support and perpetuate white supremacy

Really gets the noggin joggin'.

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c18345  No.16734185

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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874814  No.16734478


Mark, wtf?


DiGRA is a left activist company in disguise. Just look at their studies, they are blubbers with no statistics.


Because we gamers have more a lot in common with economists.

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2e8f59  No.16734578

File: 70f85a812310fa6⋯.png (15.92 KB, 1431x130, 1431:130, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ca26c43ddb8b245⋯.png (7.81 KB, 83x83, 1:1, le happy merchant.png)


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4a7a52  No.16735023


>Oh my g-d, did you know 66% of gamers have been harassed online, oy gevalt thats awful, 74% of the poor gamers. Why I remember just last week the nazis discriminated against 85% of all gamers.

>we need to talk about the discrimination facing 95% of our community oy vey.

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176278  No.16736564


They didn't invent it. They changed its meaning.

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3e0093  No.16736611


>with 65% experiencing severe harassment which may include


This is a perfect combination of intellectually dishonest people who use a vague study to make an article and the morons at the ADL who are upset gamers aren't worshiping the 6 million on the regular.

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0be0a4  No.16736706

File: 26ff6845061a405⋯.jpg (335.24 KB, 755x2048, 755:2048, high iq gamer.jpg)


>gamers were the real minority all along

Gangweed was right.

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6e8920  No.16736716


>words words words words

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687bc7  No.16736727

File: 0566a73d6c7be8c⋯.png (32.24 KB, 300x411, 100:137, attachment.png)

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adb281  No.16737071


Daily reminder that Thompson was just parroting congressman (((Kohl))) and was just a way for them to seize the power to (((regulate))) vidya.

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41fe7f  No.16737081

>white supremacy is conspiracy theory


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d55914  No.16737104


At this point, they might as well use the word "wrongthink" over "conspiracy theory".

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f92134  No.16737108


I used to follow every chuckle fuck who had a show on Escapists mag.

I stopped around maybe 2012

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62b0b8  No.16737712


Conspiracy theorist is just code for bad goy

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d6ce44  No.16738836


What they mean by that is the great replacement ain't real.

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148846  No.16738843

File: 1dcc9d8fe4e2189⋯.jpg (65.01 KB, 828x817, 828:817, 1dcc9d8fe4e2189435baff281f….jpg)


>What they mean by that is the great replacement ain't real.

<Whites are becoming a minority and that's a good thing!!

<If you believe in "great replacement" you're a bad racist!

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d6ce44  No.16738856


Yet at the same time they will tell you that the western world is causing global warming we should only eat soybeans and buy TESLA cars.

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983535  No.16738871

File: 0dc86b7a2220a9b⋯.jpg (15.57 KB, 300x112, 75:28, silver.jpg)

How are you this morning my fellow conspiracy theorists? What nonsense are we going to spin today, maybe something along the lines of "Video games don't need agendas"?

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1fc7cf  No.16738886



>doubting the media and peer review scientism

Surely you jest.

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148846  No.16738896


Leftists only approve of science that confirms their bias. So, the Bell Curve and related studies on intelligence are out, because some science is racist.

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e3847a  No.16738945


Well in the sense that it's specifically racialized it kinda is.

Of course a dumbass white nat can't put together why that's infinitely more nightmarish, because they're dumb niggers

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983535  No.16739014

On another note, could we start calling vidya related "conspiracy theories" "game theories"?

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f3d6f2  No.16739050

File: 1d56039f91e7931⋯.gif (565.05 KB, 367x265, 367:265, MUH DIKK.gif)




I would mega turbo rape Jynx until her knees give in and gaping pussy prolapses

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df5820  No.16739059

File: af590c6e65857fd⋯.png (477.67 KB, 1079x550, 1079:550, ClipboardImage.png)


It's not a conspiracy theory if it's true

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53e7f3  No.16739066

File: 29416153f00f9c3⋯.gif (1.31 MB, 300x312, 25:26, Sans.gif)

File: ac68b690c130b9c⋯.png (512.15 KB, 1024x761, 1024:761, sans.png)

File: 70644008c6a3581⋯.png (505.05 KB, 865x511, 865:511, Sans Nes.png)

File: 98a5339921dbd4f⋯.png (70.06 KB, 512x288, 16:9, Sans Ness.png)


Gaem Theoram?

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df5820  No.16739082


That was the worst thing I've watched in recent memory. This guy has such a narrow-minded and unsophisticated view on so many things that I'm not even sure where to start.

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6a49cb  No.16739144

Ross just opened the flood gate with his last video and as soon the extrem left was confronted with new user, shit broke and the true color hit the surface. wow.


One of you gaymergators called out the shit from a extrem lefties. Doesn't bite the bait and just moves on. Shit continues and He/she left the Board. But look what happens next.


>don't have time to read through this and see who said what. Just try to remain civil. My kneejerk response is I'm seeing a lot of borderline-sort-of breaking the rules of conduct, but not super overt, I think Blightmare summed it up well.

yeah right, ross is blue pilled as hell. They can call you a nazi and a asshole all day long and nothing happens.

>inb4 muh-eceleb

fuck this celeb, he is comped anyway.

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53e7f3  No.16739150


Ross is a faggot that is only popular because of freemans mind, everything else he did was dogshit and forgotten. his opinions suck too and he has no talent

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6a49cb  No.16739156

File: e94cb0e841553c4⋯.jpg (118.08 KB, 1110x699, 370:233, snapshot.JPG)


>forget image

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7c9298  No.16739180

File: cebdc6d271d1b7f⋯.webm (48.04 KB, 640x360, 16:9, do_you_have_a_single_fact….webm)

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53e7f3  No.16739192

File: 4d3cba87eb93d36⋯.jpg (41.02 KB, 800x450, 16:9, unsolicited_opinions_on_is….jpg)

What are some "conspiracy Theories" that you would put into a game/have as the main focus of a game?

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23478d  No.16739407



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3e9630  No.16739611

File: c92ebccd7abcf44⋯.jpg (275.16 KB, 1261x911, 1261:911, Biden fucks up exposing je….jpg)


How kikes brainwash normalfags through their media

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f51a8c  No.16739680


a medical company is deep in bed with government and on government orders produces and distributes drugs to the population to make the people stupid and sluggish.

A medical company develops, discovers or reintroduces a horrible biological weapon/virus only to have their duopoly "rival" provide the cure, both answer to the same (((puppet master)))

SSRI's are being added to tap water

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e3847a  No.16739689


isn't that the plot of dead rising?

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e3847a  No.16739692


Except bees instead of tap water

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698612  No.16739693


More 2 but yes.

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1bb46e  No.16739837


As a fake one, the Postal Office shit from Seinfeld - as in, they're a big front for some shady, mafia like shit

As a real one, the Hollow Earth

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38cbe8  No.16739855


The truth. Use it as the plot and backdrop. When jews scream about it, I’d just go “DUDE YOU’VE BEEN PLAYING TOO MANY VIDEO GAMES HA HA IT’S JUST A FAKE CONSPIRACY THEORY, RIGHT?”

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1bb46e  No.16739858

File: 1db408210d9d6fc⋯.jpg (71.33 KB, 407x767, 407:767, Fuckthelaw.jpg)


I always thought Ross was just some funny boomer who really likes games more than anything else. But I wonder if he'd like to preserve things like Ethnic Cleansing.



The thing is, everyone knew Journos and game publishers were cooperating in making sure the right games would get the right reviews. Problem is, when an actual affront to their power was made - that is, with gaymergoiym showing proof of collusion in the industry to normalfags - they shat a brick and started using every single weapon in their arsenal (remember, all of them published basically the same article on the same day that shit was going down, almost simultaneously in some cases, about gamers being a dead name), no one believed them so they switched to the harassment narrative, politicians and (((their handlers))) smelled gold coming from the smegma off of (((Chelsea Van Valkenburg)))'s rotten Jewish pussy and tried to appeal to the newly formed outrage-demographic, which worked a bit, didn't in other regards. Now they're fucking terrified of #Gamergate because while they can screech about it being against wymin in coding and all that shit, they know that deep down some people kicked the hornet's nest and left a huge gaping hole in it.

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38cbe8  No.16739861


Except the sound-stage person moves before the inset video person (who doesn’t move at all).

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6c82a6  No.16739892

Why is everyone scared of conspiracy theories?

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07b132  No.16739896


>coincidence theorist

nice, I'll use that

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07b132  No.16739902


they don't want the truth to bring down their veil

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1a3756  No.16740065


Pizzagate would work well as an ARG

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045377  No.16740100

>all this damage control and red herring

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f51a8c  No.16740101

File: f3111247e1bc97a⋯.jpg (577.3 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 20190103054300_1.jpg)


you've been beaten to the punch


Couriers and postal servicemen are in a mysterious conspiracy with an unknown agenda where they collect all the information from people using their services regardless if it's illegal drugs, love leters, vacation post cards, secret information, they copy or record the contents of everything, not hesitating to eliminate people suspecting them of something but also sometimes helping people out or keeping high-ranking people in line with blackmail on top of providing postal service.

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045377  No.16740271

File: 5c0d56f79022dfb⋯.jpg (27.51 KB, 221x194, 221:194, htnmmw.jpg)

File: 2cf86b1604c7f03⋯.png (12.81 KB, 968x405, 968:405, adl.png)


What I've learned is how you present yourself and what you say is just as important as what you are saying, in terms of credibility. Keep in mind the Insiders know this and use these factors to increase their perceived credibility as much as possible. Dont let it get you down anon, keep trying and approaching it with a good heart, keeping facts and figures in the center. Emotions will drown out the voice of reason every time. Hence, why many progressive "hit pieces" seek to drum up emotional fervor like pic related


Well written post. Im interested as to how you best go about educating your friends and family. After a lot of study, I have begun to be open with my friends about my beliefs and the discussions usually get side tracked into naturally divisive issues such as identity politics, leaving important issues (like national and personal sovereignty) on the wayside.


thats exactly what this is, intellectual dishonesty. They are leading perfectly well-meaning people astray.

I find the ADL and their warped statistics abhorrent. To counter the misinformation groups such as these are spreading, we must seek out and spread good information amongst ourselves. Merely complaining about the spread of misinformation will get us nowhere. Hence, why GamerGate was such an amazing success. I have found that the John Birch Society puts out plenty of great information in formats that are easy to learn from and to share with others.

Are there any other good sources of information with wich we can use to equip ourselves with?

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045377  No.16740332

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969e40  No.16740366


>What I've learned is how you present yourself and what you say is just as important as what you are saying, in terms of credibility.

This is extremely important—because if you're talking about the entirety of western life being a jewish puppetshow—no one's going to take you seriously if you're overweight and unkempt. You need to make an effort to keep in shape and dress well to make an impression on normalfags.

That being said, your chances of convincing a normalfag of anything are extremely slim. The way revolution works is that a minimum 10% of a population has to believe before it takes root. We're rapidly approaching that number, but just keep in mind that not even 10% of the population is even willing to ADMIT that Hitler might not have been Satan incarnate.

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205292  No.16740613



And prototype.

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802327  No.16740633


Skull and Bones child sex shit

Imagine, playing a game where you're a good goy zogbot thinking you're doing the right thing surpressing dangerous rightwingers until you happen on the elite pedo ring, or possibly even mudslime rapefugees, and decide to go postal and take down as many kikes as you can. It's almost definitely been done before in some way, but I would definitely make itas a game if I could easily make games. I swear I might /agdg/ one day but it's certainly not today

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969e40  No.16740640


Good news, fed! You won't have to imagine a game any longer! You and your entire family will be murdered in cold blood for your treasonous pro-jew behavior! Your daughter, your son, all raped and killed.

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21397d  No.16743267

File: 6499da28495390d⋯.jpeg (27.02 KB, 358x473, 358:473, d556f5bc97f4923280f5e3e1a….jpeg)


I could tell from the start what he actually was. Just from his voice.

Though the 2-bit cal-arts doodles would have given it away as well.

You need to re-tune your radar.

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698612  No.16744092


>being this desperate to respond to your own bait nobody fell for

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c22913  No.16744114

File: f291abc39445228⋯.jpg (41.06 KB, 533x718, 533:718, 1543365476587.jpg)



I agree.

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692562  No.16744692

File: 3ac102d79d1cbf2⋯.png (396.83 KB, 705x584, 705:584, Petrosyan_CS.png)


>221k+ dislikes vs 15k+ likes

>"You should recolor the teams so it's read vs blue"

>and here we go with the spanish civil war

>Shows how much EC know about history.

Looks like extra credits got a extra counter strike

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97c225  No.16744700

File: ee44b31055b16ad⋯.jpg (41.99 KB, 720x600, 6:5, 3c205fc65a5b6dd6a94b6bba0b….jpg)


So the nanotechnology arc during xenogears? It took me 15 years until I realized the way they spread them was just a form of chemtrails.

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4c5031  No.16744744


What twists my gut in knots is that Epstein and his cabal, unlike Leo, are likely to get off scot free. Please tell me this won't be true.

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698612  No.16744769


He's already been put on suicide watch so they're no doubt trying to body double him. Keep an eye out for unlisted flights to Israel.

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4c5031  No.16744795


>Keep an eye out for unlisted flights to Israel.

Well, where do I find those?

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163e81  No.16744809


literally Deus Ex

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698612  No.16744835


The sky, duh.

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9bd01c  No.16744862

File: 57681f04ce93328⋯.jpg (203.88 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ainsley.jpg)


>the importance and benefits of ISIS

>the holocaust was exaggerated

>gamergate was right

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4c5031  No.16744919


Is this a shitpost? Planes don't broadcast where they're going to in the sky.

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53e7f3  No.16744938


>Postal mafia


wew lad

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d8530f  No.16744959

File: f913a75df3d6550⋯.jpg (5.02 KB, 200x175, 8:7, stirnerrrrrrr.jpg)

>the guy complaining is white and jewish

>i'm white and jewish

<i'm the one making all the holohoax and shekel jokes

<my parents constantly joke about those as well

<grandpa still has a knife he stabbed some nazi officer with, still joins in on the jokes

That potz is a fucking poser, i tell you what.

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2a0d21  No.16763990


>White, Jewish game player

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08f0cd  No.16763993

File: 78e145fdf7751a8⋯.png (503.18 KB, 586x845, 586:845, ((())).png)

I just wanted to play videogames.

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3c3b22  No.16764006


<for civil society

hey! that's me! isn't it everyone who isn't military?

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3c3b22  No.16764008


<kikes destroyed democracy and that's a good thing

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403e36  No.16764050

File: 8a5069c1b0275d3⋯.png (26.24 KB, 834x214, 417:107, Screenshot_2019-11-23_17-5….png)


>this fucking timeline

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403e36  No.16764051

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900b8f  No.16764297

File: aee47b5cd00c251⋯.png (402.53 KB, 720x715, 144:143, The thread of prophecy is ….png)


>Operation Gladio (and Gladio B), where NATO did false-flags on its own member states by funding and arming groups with the intention that they attack civilians in NATO member states

>if the groups didn't use the weapons for this purpose, then NATO simply did the false-flag themselves and used the existance of weapons as proof that it was the groups

>Operation Mockingbird as a means of controlling the media to sing whatever tune the government wants them to, tieing into the imfamous quote about the CIA wanting to ensure that everything people believe is a lie

>Edward Snowden as a limited hangout by the CIA (in cooperation with the NSA) in order to bait leakers into revealing themselves before the information gets out

>JADE II AI as a means by which to predict defectors within the US military and weed them out before even they themselves realise they want to defect, including the generals, in order to be able to more effectively wage war against its own people (on top of predicting civil unrest in advance using existing data such as purchase patterns at supermarkets)

>Stasi in East Germany not only ruining people's public lives but also trying to break them mentally in their private life, along with the Soviet Union labelling perfectly healthy people as mentally ill in order to have the excuse to drug them to the point where they are completely unrecognisable when they get out

>Lyme disease as a biological weapon (specifically made to target brain function) originating on Plum Island in the US and that accidentally got released on themselves during its development, with parallels to the case of the UK government dropping anthrax on Scotland

>people being used as what is effectively an organ farm through orphanages, organ donor cards and exploitation of the poor in general (along with patients that doctors intentionally let die in order to sell their insides for a good price)

>the Eight Goddesses running a feminist cult in South Korea (not hyperbolic, an actual cult) out in the open with the goal of unifying both Koreas under Juche ideology, meaning that they want to join them together with North Korea controlling the South (bonus points for the Macron leaks revealing he was looking for royal bloodlines within NK tied in with the fact that his granny-ass wife is one of the Goddesses)

>although out in the open, it is a conspiracy in that boats tend to sometimes sink with 300 school-children dying in the process (with these being the children of dissidents, of course)

>the Sakharov proposal in the Soviet Union and Project Seal in the US, whereby a highly powerful nuke is detonated under the ocean to create an unnaturally huge tsunami that can flatten coastal areas as in the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami

>the Lost Cosmonauts

Oh right and also the Finders, which the US government claims were just a happy little accident.

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bd687b  No.16764313



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900b8f  No.16764315

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


May as well add a few more on top for fucking up my reply to >>16739192

>the creation of abiotic oil within the crust of the Earth from methane being generated in the core through interaction between cosmic radiation and the core

>thus experiencing massive pressures on the way to the surface enough to create it (ie. oil under the ground not necessarily coming from organic matter, which is pretty huge the more you think about it)

>Stephen Hawking having died within the 1960s/1970s and then replaced with someone else for the purpose of using his fame to further both career and political goals of whoever orchestrated the identity theft (after all, doctor said he had two years to live but Hawking lived for more than 50, which is justified with "it's a miracle")

>nuclear weapons not existing according to a Japanese author discussing the aftermath of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, since what better way to conquer your enemies than to paralyse your opposition in an eternal state of fear of a giant glowing ball of death (the claim is that the model of exponential decay is merely a model and that the cities used as proof of the existance of nukes were bombed with convenional weapons and not nukes)

>the US went into outer space but no humans landed on the moon, given the fact that NASA faked the footage as a result of political pressure from Congress to win the space race, with the hopes of landing on it at a later point (Russia less than two years ago threatened the US that they might make an official investigation to see if the US ever landed on it, along with China's CHANG'E rover's XRD analysis in conflict with NASA's claims about the mineral composition of the moon's surface)

>directed energy weapons (Israeli satellites) in orbit being used to threaten other countries into submission, specifically the US for which they may have already destroyed a city or two

>an attempt at turning scientific subjects into a pseudo-religion by the pushing of non-scientific concepts through the use fairly decent amounts of cash, which would force educational institutions to tow the party line if they want that money

Since I didn't mention it previously, the Finders are a group of kidnappers that steal people's children to be used as sex slaves for people in power. The US government claims it is a happy little accident because they admitted that these people exist and that they do in fact trade kiddies to be diddled (with mandatory brainwashing to go with it). But then they simply shut down all investigations into this group that they themselves admit kidnap children with the justification of "it's just an alternative lifestyle group, lmao". With the amount of pedos caught by the Trump administration, I am fairly sure that this is the group Trump has been targetting with this sudden purge.


You gotta be a bit more specific than that. This is a lot of information you are asking me to just dump.

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900b8f  No.16764329

File: 3e05e09d4777973⋯.pdf (6.63 MB, Death Object Exploding - N….pdf)

I will provide a few materials to start with each, I don't want to dig through fucking everything so I will just give the first thing I find. Whether that is enough for you or not, to me it doesn't matter.


NATO's Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe by Daniele Ganser

>Gladio B

https://www.globalresearch.ca/fbi-whistleblower-pentagon-cia-nato-and-mi6-were-masterminds-behind-911/5401046 (using Globalresearch because the original source is down and posting random blogs with the article copy-pasted is pointless)

>Operation Mockingbird is entry-level shit, just use Wikipedia, but for the CIA quote



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqGEz9IqOrE (there were also PDFs on Raytheon's website but I can only find the boring one about JADE I and not JADE II so you're just going to have to live with a YT link)

>Stasi and Soviet Union

I got this one from word-of-mouth from the people around me so I don't have any sources for this



>Eight Goddesses and boat sinking

You can ask the Gamergate general to post the screencaps on it. If it's labelled Majestic 8, that is simply because I thought it would be funny to name it that way.

>Sakharov proposal


>Lost Cosmonauts




>abiotic oil


>Stephen Hawking

Can't find it but /pol/ will have it

>nuclear weapons

PDF related




>directed energy weapons



Personal experience

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53e7f3  No.16764344

why has there been no other games like deus ex and its conspiracies? a new RPG FPS conspiracy game would be pretty cool

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7726c5  No.16764351


I can easily believe that everyone on this Earth believes in something that can be classified as a "conspiracy theory". Mind you that isn't particularly hard to find as there are always things governments/people don't want known and try to make others forget.

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5d8c6c  No.16764353

File: 24593416a5053fc⋯.jpg (130.26 KB, 1279x634, 1279:634, worst korea shaodw governm….jpg)

File: 4def34ba95c23dc⋯.png (3.29 MB, 1775x6949, 1775:6949, Worst Korea Gookanon.png)

File: 701331103adb862⋯.png (652.31 KB, 1033x1850, 1033:1850, the future worst korea cho….png)


The Three Goddesses one has already resulted in their cult being arrested in a raid so they're basically openly discussed public knowledge in korea now but they're still in power cause that shit runs deep.

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900b8f  No.16764355

File: b7518ad1028118d⋯.jpg (61.59 KB, 568x811, 568:811, thule group.jpg)


Probably not an RPG FPS but certainly about conspiracies.



There were supposed to be eight

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bd687b  No.16764360


I remember hearing about the Korea scandal so I know that one is true

all the other ones sound like max tinfoil to me though

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2954bb  No.16764367


and yet only 5% of gamers are exposed to cute gf's society

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0e5b6b  No.16764383



<Snowden was unplanned, still being exploited because you might as well make lemonade

<Lyme disease was not "made"; there are accounts of infection from hundreds of years ago (modifying it to be a weapon is plausible, but bioweapons aren't viable strategically because you can't control the spread very well)

<if nukes aren't real, then why would Sakharov/Project Seal exist? Also, worldwide quakes from Russian super-nuke testing

<Hawking is a red herring

<we did land on the moon; we left a custom radio reflector at the site that telescopes all over the world use for calibration to this day

<also, assuming the moon's surface has a uniform distribution of minerals is as silly as assuming Earth's surface does

Everything else is pretty legit.

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2d650f  No.16764398

Its true. I started playing Total war Rome II and now i hate jews and love Gustavo Barroso.

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7ce2df  No.16764446



>Nuclear weapons aren't real

<the project to use nuclear weapons to cause super tsunami's is

Pick one.

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788b6e  No.16764479

File: d40316389a78349⋯.png (2.21 MB, 662x5796, 331:2898, Rape orphanage Australia.png)

File: 7982fe205ce790b⋯.png (488.61 KB, 632x3281, 632:3281, Rape orphanage Haiti.png)

File: 1b38a3aeece41d9⋯.png (500.98 KB, 601x3026, 601:3026, Rape orphanage New Orleans.png)

File: 4ee429edd6a94a4⋯.png (3.41 MB, 2244x1700, 33:25, Orphanages.png)


>Snowden was unplanned, still being exploited because you might as well make lemonade

The CIA is very much qualified for these type of goose chases so them holding Snowden's hand along the way by relaying information such as police activity. It could very easily have been the CIA acting against the interests of the NSA, since they have access to whatever the NSA is up to.

>but bioweapons aren't viable strategically because you can't control the spread very well

Tell that to the people that create them. There are most definitely bioweapons labs right at this very moment like the one in Siberia (due to it being easy to contain when shit's fucking frozen in the middle of nowhere). Which people are perfectly fine with admitting that it exists because "Russia bad" but then as soon as something is mentioned on their own territory, all of a sudden things are much more nuanced and I shouldn't throw around such baseless claims. I should only throw them around when a journalist, politician or company says it is so.

>if nukes aren't real, then why would Sakharov/Project Seal exist? Also, worldwide quakes from Russian super-nuke testing

These are potential alternatives, which have their own implications about the underlying functioning of the world. Which is why I suggested both. You have to take into consideration that, although they are mutually exclusive, what was asked is not a consistent overarching theory but rather ideas for conspiracies in videogames. Those are all real theories and it is possible that (almost) every single one is true, but these things are hard to verify and simply copy-pasting old already verified ones is just lazy.

>we did land on the moon; we left a custom radio reflector at the site that telescopes all over the world use for calibration to this day

Humanity landed on the moon but humans themselves did not. The basis for the theories is that even going through the SAA would prove to be fatal. For robots it wouldn't but for humans it would.

>also, assuming the moon's surface has a uniform distribution of minerals is as silly as assuming Earth's surface does

Well, according to NASA's own statements, you expect to have a fairly uniform chemical composition on the moon's surface. Which they claim based on the samples that they have.


Yeah but it isn't any fun if you put in a completely fool-proof list of conspiracies. At that point it simply becomes preaching to the player what to believe. By throwing in a few that conflict with each other, you outright force the player make up their own mind (even if the vast majority are still consistent).

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e4744c  No.16764711


The Apollo mission bypassed the inner Van Allen belt (the nasty one) pretty much entirely, and you can survive inside it for weeks with only a few millimeters of shielding. Humans are just fine with basic precautions.

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788b6e  No.16764755

File: 841e1c60a5dde60⋯.png (886.09 KB, 801x2975, 801:2975, Levamisole cocaine.png)

File: 01dfb6b17ca0f1f⋯.png (1.47 MB, 2632x2948, 658:737, Do you like your dream.png)

File: 5d5fa878206431a⋯.jpg (604.84 KB, 1023x1595, 93:145, Should be noted that she w….jpg)

File: 68929b0809dd550⋯.png (3.61 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, Hologram survivors.png)

File: 0630d31f270b40a⋯.png (714.47 KB, 647x835, 647:835, What Patton found.png)


The point is that none of them went there and that the footage was faked. Which is on the basis that none of them would survive the trip even when going through the South Atlantic Anomaly (which is used to pass through without having to use metres thick lead shielding). That is the claim. And so using a statement that they can and did in fact pass through as evidence that they can and did in fact pass through is not exactly rigorous. But the moon aside, I was hoping someone might contribute a few more interesting conspiracy theories and not just talk about nukes and the moon.

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ebe106  No.16764773


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4363d0  No.16764812

I thank Deus Ex.

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5f7623  No.16765143

File: 07653fde3b2ebc6⋯.png (336.44 KB, 398x513, 398:513, nazi.PNG)

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0ba590  No.16765223


>2nd picture

That only seems to truly affect retards and children, in my experience.

Enjoying a movie doesn't seem to mean so much that you want to emulate it, it just means that you like it. Most people past the age of 12 can separate fiction from reality with relative ease.

>inb4 someone says I'm denying the idea that the OP in that picture is legitimate

CIA doing fucked up shit to try and control US citizens and silence dissent is nothing new and I can completely believe that they have been trying to push this, but comparing some fucking chimp trying to copy what it sees on a screen is different from a human with adequate rationalization skills watching a movie.

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ac57a5  No.16765230

File: 314ca4fb1c87719⋯.jpg (34.04 KB, 478x251, 478:251, half ogre island.jpg)

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62dcb3  No.16765245


Realistically it should only apply to people with <100 IQ (maybe <90), but that's still a lot of people.

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3a3f5e  No.16765268

File: 32a083a37e900e2⋯.jpg (153.54 KB, 720x850, 72:85, sick video game.jpg)

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f7aa0a  No.16765270

File: cd80671cf200ab5⋯.webm (2.52 MB, 628x332, 157:83, Mag.webm)

File: f868fdc756a6b5f⋯.webm (3.93 MB, 568x320, 71:40, AOC is a Sephardic Jew.webm)


>Enjoying a movie doesn't seem to mean so much that you want to emulate it, it just means that you like it. Most people past the age of 12 can separate fiction from reality with relative ease.

I would say that the drive for children to emulate is much higher but that the drive in adults is still of concern. For adults it is harder to turn them once their viewpoint is cemented but as long as it is in the phase that they are indifferent or oblivious, it affects them at a level they themselves may refuse to admit. And you have to take into account the social aspect, not only the individual aspect. The illusion of an all-against-one type of consensus is sufficient in many cases to program the behaviours of people to align in favour of the false consensus as a sort of survival mechanism. Not to accept the viewpoint itself necessarily, although gaslighting is a goal here, but to alter their behaviour in a particular manner. Predominantly to guide the pro-consensus side to the path they need to go and give a set of deeply-ingrained unspoken social rules to the neutral/pro-consensus individuals (things such as "I know it's true but you shouldn't say that" even when in a private conversation as if in fear of wrath from God himself, which is paranoia they often times still keep even after changing sides) but also to affect the anti-consensus ones in a way dependent on the particular goal. That may be to cause fear to speak out against what they perceive to be an overwhelming force, pigeonhole them into a false dichotomy or just poison the well.

>but comparing some fucking chimp trying to copy what it sees on a screen is different from a human with adequate rationalization skills watching a movie.

Not even kids copy 1:1 what they see on the screen, the point is that the influence is a constant stream and that through this continuous influence small pieces stick until they eventually reach a desired goal. That goal may be different for different target groups but that either way, you are being gradually and unnoticably changed. Someone that doesn't want to be subverted cannot be subverted, that is still true, but there are plenty of things where people are unaware of it (largely because they don't expect it to also apply there as well) and in those cases at least a certain fragment remains. So if you are pushed a particular viewpoint and people that hold the particular viewpoint are being lead towards a particular action, the only thing that distinguishes an adult imitating from a child imitating is that you have the illusion that you understand what you are doing while the child doesn't pretend to know.


I would say that it affects people with >100 IQ as well but to a lesser (although still very concerning) extent. It would still influence them because it involves targetting emotions. Which they do not lose upon reaching a certain cranial capacity, they still very much have emotions and their base instincts.

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52f6be  No.16765279


What about russiagate and the always present patriarchy conspiracy theory the media is always pushing? Most people are exposed to that yet they're not "researching" it.

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a7bcd1  No.16765284


Well they are massive hypocrites anon it's the same reason they could say that Venezuela was a communist paradise a few years back and then claim it's not real communism now.

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f6e86f  No.16765305


How do I get my hands on that amazing gem?

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52f6be  No.16765329


>how you present yourself is just as important as what you are saying

That might've had something to do with why the media panicked so much with Jordan Peterson since he always had a good way of presenting himself.

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80d174  No.16765492

File: 20c210267ed6908⋯.jpg (35.05 KB, 317x445, 317:445, 51OeUCRw7LL._SY445_.jpg)

So what shadowy cabal is responsible for exposing all of these innocent game players to crazy conspiracies? And what is their true aim? Who is involved and what do they stand to gain from all this?

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43ec8a  No.16767389

File: 0bb6205b8d1c1ee⋯.jpg (30.54 KB, 333x502, 333:502, Space Aliens.jpg)


Exposing things through fun media is standard as people wouldnt swallow the truth any other way. Try to explain some "conspiracy theory" to some person and all you'll get is that really long fight scene from they live, however if you tell it as a joke or in a movie or a game then thats when they want to see it and spread it around and think about it.

people would rather stay in their faux lives than learn about the truth, and thats terror

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2678fb  No.16768480


100IQ is literally average. If it's everyone with 100 or less that's 50% of the population.

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aeb07d  No.16768679


>Jews playing games with whites.

Well it's true, nuthing new under the sun.

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012e27  No.16780354

File: 3a018beba30df6f⋯.jpg (23.36 KB, 241x403, 241:403, 3a018beba30df6f7f689ca7bcd….jpg)


>Gamergate was right is a conspiracy theory

>Compared to holocaust denial and 9/11 theories

If they can say "white is black" about gamergate like this, it honestly just makes the other conspiracy theories look more credible.

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