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Vidya Gaems

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File: 9617f6528242ef4⋯.png (3.26 MB,1602x1203,534:401,rtgeorgiapatch.PNG)

f731bc No.16960185

Looking for players for some SOG Prairie Fire. Right now it's just me and 2 other dudes. Looking to run a 9 man spike team, and if we're lucky some heli crews too. We use localhosting currently, but we can go back to dedicated servers once we gain more traction.

Timezone is EST, and we are looking to get in game here in a couple minutes.

We don't use ranks, or other gay crap. Our mods list is minimal. Consider joining if you want to go around and blast gooks with a sawn off M79.



Teamspeak: Voice.Atlanta.Pingperfect.com:9990

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[ / / / / / / / / / / / / / ] [ dir / random / alleycat / cyber / doomer / hnt / india / lewd / tf / xivlgr ]