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File: f3949e3217a04b4⋯.jpg (311.38 KB, 1500x1700, 15:17, 1211069125299.jpg)

8dff02 No.14403869

I'll number my threads as I goddamn please Edition.

Last thread (Still accessible but you can't bump it.): https://8ch.net/v/res/14298226.html

Welcome back to the HOTTEST secondary thread on the jay /v/ where we will discuss nothing to do with any of the video games ever. Post your favorite character, MMD video, doujin, Right♂ Version♂, meme compilation, or just about any other cancer you can dig up. It's all kosher certified goy!


TH16 Hidden Star in Four Seasons


TH15.5 Antimony of Common Flowers



Phantasmagoria of Flower View

Versus shooting game.

DL: https://public.wishful.cc/touhou_threads/TH09%20~%20Phantasmagoria%20of%20Flower%20View.7z

Hisoutensoku + Scarlet Weather Rhapsody

Fighting game.

DL: https://public.wishful.cc/touhou_threads/Touhou%2012.3%20Hisoutensoku%20v1.10a%20eng%20patch%20v1.1a%20%2B%2010.5%20Hisouten%20v1.06a%20eng%20patch%20v1.1a%20%2B%20Sokuroll%20v1.3.7z

Urban Legend in Limbo (JP v1.11, don't upgrade if you want to play online):

Aerial fighter.


Meddlesome Magician 2

Party game with races and fights.


Touhou Hack and Slash

Dungeon crawler with a leveling system.


Touhou Boushuen - Age of Ethanols (2.18 jp)

Simple Age of Empires clone. Suitable for those unfamiliar with RTS.


Touhou Puppet Dance Performance

Expansive Pokemon Clone. Netplay unlockable in postgame.


Check the Moriya Shrine for more games famalam.


#2hu8ch on irc.rizon.net - "Official" 8chan channel used for netplay of various secondary material. (Including the fighting games.)

#kusoplay on irc.rizon.net - Cuckchan channel, used by superplayers to post their high scores/strms. Not recommended.

#hisouten on irc.rizon.net - Channel dedicated exclusively to the fighting games, and tournaments for them. Elitist.



Secondary board.


Primary board.


Stay out of /jp/.

8dff02 No.14403876

File: cda644a5609ef07⋯.jpg (400.88 KB, 1080x1532, 270:383, this is canon.jpg)


After a long and grueling few days, the power struggle in the /jp/ cabal has been resolved. The old leader once again regained control, by bribing the members with positions in the upcoming /jp/ mansion located somewhere in Canada. Details regarding the construction and completion of THE monument to /jp/ culture are scarce, but insider sources say that the groundwork will be finished within 6 months. If he doesn't deliver, who knows how long he can control the rampant teenbro plague? This reporter thinks that the future of imageboard drama may be changed forever.

Surprising everyone, the soku tourney actually happened bringing in a record breaking 38 viewers. It was a retarded best of 3 double elimination bracket, but the only one who seemed to mind was the suicidal streamer, who had to endure 8 hours of niggers beating eachother off. In a massive upset that absolutely nobody saw coming, the dolltist took the grand championship and won a very large Alice fumo equipped with a fleshlight for his efforts. Why such a prize was granted for this event is anyone's guess, however I did manage to get a quote from the champion for this article. He simply said


While this reporter has not yet determined the meaning of this cryptic message, I think it has something to do with gay sex. Insider sources suggest that the next tournament will take place sometime next year, assuming the streamer hasn't killed himself due to his declining patreon contributions.

Word on the street is that Tenko finally got enough testosterone to handle streaming on /jp/'s 10th birthday party. It was so devoid of life that it even outdid Alice's latest birthday bash. After it ended he could be found crying in a corner of his mother's basement for hours with a gun in his mouth. Unfortunately for him, his only bullet was a dud. I can only feel pity for him. If anyone wants to call the suicide hotline cheer him up, swing by /jp/ the next time he streams.

I've just been informed that Antimony of Common Flowers has been ported to the Nintendo Switch, the official console of Mark™. It's almost as if the forces behind the cancer that is (((Steam))), the Undertale community, and Walfas comic producers combined to bring you an amplified autism experience. This tengu thinks that this does not bode well for our already reclining franchise. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOuEsoCRtxs

If anyone has a HOT LOAD TIP they want to share with their friendly local reporting agency, this tengu is MORE THAN WILLING to perform sexual favors in exchange for information. INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: Bondage parties, femdom, gokkun, urethral sounding, enema treatments, and anal sex. Find me on fetlife for more details.

This has been your friendly local reporting tengu, signing off.

b43ac5 No.14403901

File: d360b11422359d8⋯.png (136.44 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Get out.png)

2hu is a gay and not vidya games.

post your 1ccs

8dff02 No.14403905

File: f06d8a919d1f054⋯.png (14.63 KB, 416x1170, 16:45, 1cctemplate.png)

File: a56c79559ac80d8⋯.png (14.81 KB, 416x1170, 16:45, chart.png)

c4a71b No.14403971

File: d5f4520ee6db150⋯.mp4 (5.11 MB, 854x480, 427:240, genius.mp4)

d25d00 No.14404034

File: fafcb3663579543⋯.jpg (72.29 KB, 413x578, 413:578, アリス.jpg)


>swing by /jp/ the next time he streams

He should have given a longer notice.

a72fed No.14404100


I still doesn't have any and I really don't want to even bother anymore.

Even touhou fangames are kicking my ass.

Sengoku Gensokyo just after conquering village and labyrinth of touhou 2. I am stuck on Hina right now.

3b7404 No.14404264


>getting stuck on Hina

wew lad

She's weak to fire and spirit, so bring in Kaguya/Mokou, Chen and Keine for buffs. At this point you should have Nitori too, she's a solid nuker that can put a dent in her. Good luck fag.

92c5bf No.14404304

File: ae3f5db3286470c⋯.jpg (141.51 KB, 850x660, 85:66, Hina.jpg)


>getting stuck on Hina

>not getting stuck in Hina

>not having the orgasm of the life as she starts to spin with your dick still inside her.

a72fed No.14404475


I need to grind a little more.

I think I won't bother with level bonus rewards with bosses again.


No thanks.

I have enough misfortune as it is.

6a7a1c No.14404497

File: a046f77c03d87dd⋯.webm (364.66 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Clowning internalized.webm)

File: 9cc8f4f022c428a⋯.webm (356.89 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Clowning internalized-2.webm)

File: a824c3476b18128⋯.webm (570.95 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Clowning Minimalized.webm)

File: 0b5e4c849cddcbd⋯.webm (11 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, All hell breaks loose-【東方….webm)

Posting best clown.

499d42 No.14404517

File: 4c9cbb769677624⋯.png (11.77 KB, 416x1170, 16:45, you can see my enthusiasm ….png)

f3818c No.14404524

Are there any significant differences between Touhou fans and bronies other than the different mediums of each series? Genuine question as I'm not familiar with either series.

499d42 No.14404543


one wants to fuck girls, one wants to fuck horses

one stays in their basement, one makes fools of themselves in public

one is a collection of such high-quality posters that they can be found on every board, one is a collection of such destructive autism they got quarantined to their own board

aside from that not really

6a7a1c No.14404544

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


In what way? If you are asking if all fandoms are shit then yes, you will always get to super degenerate levels or high level of cringe at the end of the barrel.

c4a71b No.14404546

File: 67dc44077b1da47⋯.jpg (171.34 KB, 850x810, 85:81, 1374970271708.jpg)


Furfags are gay as fuck and actually have autism

6a7a1c No.14404766

File: 2d9575d887197d9⋯.webm (15.98 MB, 854x480, 427:240, sm32725727.webm)

6a7a1c No.14404794

File: cbc912201efe667⋯.webm (15.94 MB, 854x480, 427:240, sm32700351.webm)

248c8b No.14404814

File: 4826c8981af4646⋯.jpg (20.26 KB, 400x400, 1:1, cirno looking at a screen.jpg)


>I still doesn't have any

>I still doesn't

I've been coming closer and closer to 1cc'ing HSiFS on Normal, but I can't stay focused long enough on the final boss to actually do it, OR I do decently but don't have enough lives leftover from Stage 4 and 5 to keep up the pace, and the rest of my runs keep being complete trash because I keep fucking up in the first half. It's frustrating as hell, and I don't blame you for not wanting to do it, but if some no-name asshole like me can beat Battletoads in one credit, I have no doubt you and I can beat a Touhou game on one credit. It fucking sucks because I actually really like the final boss of HSiFS from a gameplay perspective, but I can't git gud enough to actually beat her on a 1cc.

3b7404 No.14404822


>grinding past whatever you can't handle

what an unapologetic homosexual

9ce7f6 No.14404868

So if I die I meet my waifu, right?

a72fed No.14404910


So what? As long it works.

Besides rewards for this aren't enough for me to care about this.


In my case I just can't be patient enough to sit through entire game. I get sick of it around stage 3/4.

90b5de No.14404917


Nope, she came to the physical world to find you and if you die you miss your only chance to meet her.

34be6c No.14404940


Yes, but when you meet her she's dating the man you could have become rather than the man you are.

6a7a1c No.14404954

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is still fairly new so I thought I should re-post it from last thread. Remember to hit cc for English subtitles for those not fluent in moon runes.

3208af No.14404973


Touhou fags are worse than bronies in my experience. At least bronies watch their show and are generally harmless retards where as most Touhou fags don't even play Touhou, plus they don't play many games in general and assume that Touhou is the best game ever. Not to mention most Touhou fags just like Touhou because they want an excuse to roleplay as little girls.

34be6c No.14405001


Those aren't touhoufags, those are secondaries. Secondaries are definitely worse than bronies.

9ce7f6 No.14405008



This isn't what I wanted to hear. But ok.

3b7404 No.14405012


While I agree with you on the count of secondaries being a fucking disease that will only get worse as ZUN will release more 2hu games on steam

>At least bronies watch their show and are generally harmless retards

you should lurk more before saying things like those

3208af No.14405086


They weren't secondaries, they always boasted about how they played Touhou, but they played no other shmup let alone other classic games. They were pretty obnoxious and legit autistic. But this is just in my experience.


I can't really think of anything bronies have done to fuck with people. The ones I've met are generally friendly albeit awkward at times. I don't ever want to spend time with them but they are tolerable.

34be6c No.14405101

File: b0d9e8e79633ded⋯.jpg (101.73 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, b0d9e8e79633dedafc7d897573….jpg)


>where as most Touhou fags don't even play Touhou,


> they always boasted about how they played Touhou

6a7a1c No.14405103


I've never even seen Touhou fags in public.Same can't be said at bronies.

>At least bronies watch their show and are generally harmless retards

You're joking right?

>plus they don't play many games

This is sadly true about a lot of video game fandoms, or any media that requires some degree of input aside from pressing play. I know a bunch of anime only fate/stay fans who have never played any of the games/VN. Despite good amount of "devotion" to it. Hell "reading the manga" is too much for several animoos just to make an example. Since Touhou is a video game series first and for most.

011f14 No.14405115

Tell me about the hus, why do they the huus?

3208af No.14405125


The key word being most.

And the ones that weren't secondaries were still terrible.

3b34a4 No.14405129

how is genso rondo bullet ballet? haven't played touhou in like 6 years

011f14 No.14405134



I meant tuus why do they huu. Pls no bully

34be6c No.14405145


Are you talking about a specific experience with a group, are you talking about a group as a whole, or are you gleefully switching between the two to complain as loudly as possible?

3208af No.14405152


In my experience with several different people who claim to be not secondaries.

248c8b No.14405154


>In my case I just can't be patient enough to sit through entire game

It's only 6 stages. Granted, the latter half gets real fuckin' rude to sit through, but a successful 1cc would take about 30-40 minutes, even with banter. Your best bet if you want to stop being a secondary is to tough it out like I'm doing.

6a7a1c No.14405164

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It was pretty fun and is probably the closest thing there will ever be to sequel to Psychic Force 2012.

3b7404 No.14405222


>claim to be not secondaries

There's your problem.

c4a71b No.14405244

Aww shit f3818c comes along and just d&cs the whole thread

630ca1 No.14405515


630ca1 No.14405899


no soku

15beeb No.14407405

File: f4a1412a28dbfba⋯.gif (1.67 MB, 746x746, 1:1, tewi.gif)

71c8ec No.14407759


It's tomorrow.


>Your best bet if you want to stop being a secondary is to tough it out like I'm doing.

I guess.

I will try doing this later today.

198c21 No.14407846


kill yourself

fe269f No.14407994

File: 162097b99f4865a⋯.jpg (315.52 KB, 850x1086, 425:543, 162097b99f4865af6aff94862b….jpg)


I already said I wouldn't post it here if Mark was gonna kill legitimate 2hu threads over it.

7b0961 No.14408020

File: e185cd478a09cd1⋯.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 7.01 MB, 200x360, 5:9, rabbit rabbit rabbit.mp4)

5cd4ca No.14408026

File: d18029d14243d45⋯.webm (12 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, sm30662824-1 touhou.webm)

Just 1cc'd EoSD with both variants of Reimu and Marisa. Once I can do this in a consistent manner I'll probably move on to the first game and then play them by release order. Still don't have a 2hu waifu though.

5cd4ca No.14408027

File: 9c409f1f0569a9f⋯.webm (12 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, sm30662824-2 touhou.webm)

3b7404 No.14408033


I messaged him about it earlier this month and he didn't have any clue about killing 2hu threads because of you. Gonna contact the cake kike today about it today just in case. Do try posting your Luck Drain Curse yet again in here this month.

1a1954 No.14408040

>Thread #3


8dff02 No.14408670

File: 90182742c3fc4f1⋯.jpg (247.02 KB, 807x560, 807:560, 1444336689834.jpg)



39d7ec No.14408742


Reminder >>>/fumo/ is for fumos and other plushies. Stop by if you have questions about buying your own fumo.

cd05c8 No.14408761


/fumo/ is pretty comfy.

39d7ec No.14408820


thats the point!

7b0961 No.14408830

File: 7ab499a617ae537⋯.jpg (27.43 KB, 314x437, 314:437, 1393568371022.jpg)


>Buy my 120$ plush doll, goyjin

c4a71b No.14408834


Why does the melon wear the horns?

7b0961 No.14408840


A lotta loyalty for a hired oni.

39d7ec No.14408851


>paying more than $70 for a plush

that better be a custom or a deka, otherwise you are wasting money.

cd05c8 No.14408878


Some older fumos like Remi' s original outfit fumo aren't being sold by normal retailers anymore last I checked, so sometimes you might not have any choice but to pay extra on an auction.

39d7ec No.14409146


Patience is key, someone on buyee may lower the price to a reasonable level and you'll get a chance to buy her.

ec959b No.14409177

File: 950ee9381d6d513⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 2.45 MB, 6010x6321, 6010:6321, 2hu biz card collection wi….png)

ec959b No.14409199

File: 9f43f17e01da5fb⋯.jpg (15.59 KB, 480x360, 4:3, chen on computer.jpg)


Woops, that is a pretty old version.

a1f27e No.14409282

File: 1741520da28eb44⋯.png (19.1 KB, 300x100, 3:1, banner.png)


I made a banner

631300 No.14409296

File: cd7550981b5a778⋯.png (9.17 KB, 1125x675, 5:3, BizCardWorkSpace.png)

File: cdadcb29d4959f7⋯.png (306.64 KB, 1802x1504, 901:752, ErinVariants.png)

File: 68d0acf219fe386⋯.png (522.6 KB, 1050x600, 7:4, yukabizfix.png)

2ac3cd No.14409319



That still reminds me who has done these.

It's kind of funny, when I think about it.

631300 No.14409339

File: 239a6ab1fe67961⋯.png (34.57 KB, 1050x600, 7:4, eirincard.png)

File: 6380e9c11969229⋯.png (192.6 KB, 1050x600, 7:4, TeiBiz.png)


I can't recall who started it, it was something about practicing design.

I still liked making and contributing some cards; the Yukari one came out really well.

The Tewi portrait here was from one of the doujins that were translated in the rabbit rabbit threads before they were banned.

ec959b No.14409341

File: 0cffbb03ba26161⋯.mp4 (7.22 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Cirno's Perfect Math Class.mp4)


I thought I had a more up to date collection version with the properly fixed up dimension done by anon(s) but apparrently I don't. And the USB stick I had the collections in got re-formatted.


Anyway, that Yukari card is pretty good.


I always had a soft spot for that one too.

cd05c8 No.14409359


The only good one that got translated, seeing as the other ones were cheating shit. I was the one who requested it, but that's besides the point.

6ee89f No.14409360


Yuuka should add a "Wrestling superstar" card

2ac3cd No.14409371


>I can't recall who started it, it was something about practicing design.

It was some anon in GG thread.

I don't think he is still posting there though.

ec959b No.14409401

File: e95505cd9a5daed⋯.png (1.39 MB, 3004x2708, 751:677, 2hubizcard collection up t….png)

File: 25b36189df57695⋯.png (122.2 KB, 960x740, 48:37, 2hubizcards origin history….png)


I really wish I had the most up to date collection before it got accidentally lost like tears in rain and so forth. I think this one is the most recent I have, and it's still considered an older and outdated version.


pic 2 related

6ab92b No.14410688


passed it along to the head rabbi

cb309a No.14410769

TNA-Anon here I really got into Yuuka and I don't even know where to begin with Touhou I tried playing the first one and it was like a weird Arkanoid game…help.

6a7a1c No.14410905

File: 8f02c48c1d8ffcb⋯.webm (10.38 MB, 852x480, 71:40, sm31577752.webm)


Thats only the first game, every other game is a shooter.

248c8b No.14410936


>I don't even know where to begin with Touhou

>I tried playing the first one and it was like a weird Arkanoid game

The shmup games start with Story of Eastern Wonderland, aka the second game. Canonically (only because the PC-98 games aren't canon), the games start with Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. However, I'd recommend starting with either that, Perfect Cherry Blossom or Mountain of Faith. Strictly speaking I don't dislike the idea of ZUN revisiting Highly Responsive to Prayers' style of gameplay.

631300 No.14410964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You played the very first one from the PC98.

You want the windows games, which starts from Embodiment of the Scarlet Devil (the sixth game).

EotSD doesn't show your hitbox when you focus (when you press shift to slow down for accurate control) but there's a mod for that. Some bullets have a bit of randomness if I'm not wrong, it can mess up certain strategies at times.

Imperishable Night, the 8th game, is the easiest.

Yuuka best toho shows up in Phantamasgoria of a Flower Viewing, the 9th game which is a vs. game. It's very different from the other games.

Mountain of Faith (10th) and up use a different engine.

5e2275 No.14411000


>not recommending 4 and 5, where Yuuka's a boss twice and playable

248c8b No.14411068


LLS is probably my favorite of the PC-98 games by virtue of it being the one I played the most (that and some of my favorite songs are from this game).

5cd4ca No.14411165



Was it ever completed? I must have left the thread or something because I just checked and I only have the translation just halfway through.

5cd4ca No.14411172

File: e86ffb7f6aa6c5c⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1280x1818, 640:909, Uwaki Shite Tewi-chan to S….png)


Picture didn't go through.

631300 No.14411274



That image you posted was was uploaded ages ago. It was the first one we translated in the Rabbit Rabbit threads: https://exhentai.org/g/992064/2e1440be1f/

The business card one was from the only other doujin we did: https://exhentai.org/g/1047862/636953bfe2/

The former has too many ellipses.

6a7a1c No.14411570

File: 911d3c97a86c20a⋯.webm (15.09 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 【東方MMD】進撃の射命丸.webm)

Suddenly footage of Ayayaya preforming a gang bang.

6a5f0b No.14411627

File: 617a96408d085cb⋯.jpg (118.4 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 1298642962187.jpg)

File: 80f465ecc64de85⋯.webm (10.09 MB, 600x587, 600:587, 禁じざるをえない遊戯.webm)



Too bad it's off by one.


ZUN does some hot FM Synth, but LLS also happens to be one of the best games to start with because it's mechanically simple and leans more towards random spray than patterns that are easily defeated by streaming or want some degree of foreknowledge. EoSD is the other good one.

50455b No.14412746

File: 73c13127cf197ee⋯.jpg (14.26 KB, 533x388, 533:388, 1458373959137.jpg)

Is it just me or is this new Touhou really poorly designed?

> Forward-facing options cover up bullets, making it impossible to dodge them

> Bullets blend into the background

> Leftover enemies will shoot bullets from the very bottom of the screen

These aren't issues I've had with any of the other games. Is it just me? Am I just rusty or something?

Butterfly is best girl but she's only like, a 3/5. ZUN's losing it.

07cd4f No.14416588

File: bdd762acb0e3e46⋯.jpg (668.07 KB, 1594x1455, 1594:1455, __cirno_tanned_cirno_and_w….jpg)


>Butterfly is best girl

u fookin wot m8

45d262 No.14417401


cirnos a nigger

631300 No.14417999

File: 621ecca43c12053⋯.jpg (32.59 KB, 397x351, 397:351, blackRabbit.jpg)

7b0961 No.14418021

File: 580ede8286eac49⋯.png (204.85 KB, 481x317, 481:317, 1506345660642.png)

Who has that Cirno nasheed webm?

5cd4ca No.14418199

File: d087aa9f42daf0e⋯.webm (3.97 MB, 720x480, 3:2, RemoveAwoo.webm)


Much appreciated anon. I don't know why but it didn't dawn on me that it could have been uploaded somewhere else. Unfortunately I can't/don't use exhentai since it serves its images through mixed content, but if it was already uploaded there I just have to be patient and wait for it to show up on another site.


These ones? Spent an hour combing though all my webms since I keep everything in one giant mega folder, it's what I deserve for never organizing or tagging properly.

8dff02 No.14419005

File: a9a2622c410ac1c⋯.png (436.71 KB, 640x480, 4:3, wew lads.png)

Are you good at danmaku games?

7b0961 No.14419027

File: 0daf8e9c59eabc2⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.01 MB, 1070x1440, 107:144, 126052264dc595489252d42577….png)

631300 No.14419030


>I can't/don't use exhentai since it serves its images through mixed content

You can turn that off in the settings, but it'll limit the amount of content you can see. It's been there for a year now, if it wasn't reuploaded elsewhere then it likely won't ever be. Someone reuploaded both on nhentai; curious.

7b0961 No.14419104


I would be if I didn't suffer so much whenever I lost.

630ca1 No.14421157


8dff02 No.14424967


every time you post this the thread fucking dies

45d262 No.14424991

File: 72b25d1c9ff5739⋯.jpg (85.81 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 1517937617187.jpg)


yeah goyim buy aocf on steam right now

5cd4ca No.14425045

File: 61c9fa03ecb9795⋯.webm (3.31 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1506274322131-0.webm)


I didn't know that, I'll have to check that out thanks for the heads up anon. It was on nhentai. I checked, but I was a moron and only thought to use the ntr tag to search for it, I have no idea why I didn't to use the artist's name/doujin's name or the cheating tag to look for it. I'm a retard.


This one?

5cd4ca No.14425055

File: e276f058cca06f9⋯.webm (2.9 MB, 540x720, 3:4, 1506275281609-0.webm)

5d8b57 No.14425135

soku, anyone?

7b0961 No.14425201

File: 720b2de8660fdfd⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 473.16 KB, 818x1200, 409:600, 6028c8749cc112023e94df3a39….png)

File: 084cf495b8aded9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 211.94 KB, 498x896, 249:448, 6282fbb18ab083e89c0ca01598….jpg)

File: 329310adedddf54⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 130.47 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, 6763aa47cdfb1fed911c55888b….jpg)

File: 7c165ed26039611⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 144.3 KB, 716x1000, 179:250, 7664cd1c1cf6f2a7aa34192bad….jpg)

File: 8e9cffb2dc1bf89⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 98.74 KB, 700x990, 70:99, 0272265ad0e01b3e1717751ede….jpg)



Both are good.

07dd8f No.14425228


Nothing wrong with giving ZUN and tasofro a bit of your autismbucks after pirating their games for years.

And they were okay with you pirating them too

fd29f0 No.14425437



Tertiaries pls go.

45d262 No.14425631


what about the gameplay ? Its garbage comparing to soku and with since 13.5 tasfraud is telling this time we get it :^)

807c36 No.14425808


MMD autism never disappoints

a7ebac No.14427386

File: d4acb3f24c3f130⋯.jpg (129.05 KB, 600x846, 100:141, KANGZ.jpg)


Trips of truth

a7ebac No.14427394


Wasn't double dealing character on Playism? If you wanna give ZUN beer money, give it to him through there.

8dff02 No.14427616

File: a5ac84ed98eb58d⋯.mp4 (9.74 MB, 640x360, 16:9, pcb.mp4)

6a5f0b No.14429327

File: 4d23c99e23a35a5⋯.gif (111.09 KB, 248x248, 1:1, 1326547400651.gif)


>scrolling past it looked like an impregnation picture

I'm officially a gutter brain.

6a7a1c No.14432678

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Truly a sight to behold.Nip autism is best.

6a7a1c No.14432680

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4f13a8 No.14442085

File: 3b8b54a2d4f0a2c⋯.jpg (1.45 MB, 2889x2436, 963:812, Bait.jpg)

File: 13521049fcae6ce⋯.png (263.86 KB, 550x564, 275:282, shion.png)

File: 0eb7442c130d764⋯.jpg (66.3 KB, 666x338, 333:169, something that never happe….jpg)


45d262 No.14442305


i dont think zun designs fightinghus

they just look out of place

like that new duo could be a jojo characters

8b60ca No.14442348

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fe269f No.14442379


>i dont think zun designs fightinghus

Why not? He designed Suika, Tenshi and Iku.

45d262 No.14442406


yeah but i think like from 13.5 onwards

kokoro aesthetics just hurt me

sumirenko might be aswell from daganronpa

f4ab85 No.14442441

I've been trying to 1CC TH 16, best results so far are with Marissa Summer, but stage 5 always wipes me the fuck out, that is one hell of a difficulty spike.

Also trying to beat Ten Desire and EOSD extra stages, former I can always make it to Flan, latter I just restart if I can't make it to mamizou without dying once. I've pretty much given on trying to beat Mystic Square and LLS extras

248c8b No.14442528


>but stage 5 always wipes me the fuck out, that is one hell of a difficulty spike

I actually prefer stage 5 of HSiFS over stage 4 design-wise because it's not all just complete chaos and does some more interesting patterns in comparison, but I lose so many lives from it and the boss, even if I survive and get to stage 6, that it cancels out. I keep dying on the final boss as Reimu-Spring.

ce2272 No.14442575


Stage 4 is pretty crazy with the bullshit that comes at you, especially with the fucking fairies that bounce off the bottom of the screen and shoot bullets at you. Big Hat at the end isn't that bad in comparison except for her one spell.

As far as the stage 5 boss goes I find that Green > Purple is the esaier way to go, because I hate those fucking stars. And last boss is just a fucking piece of shit to deal with from her last 3 spells onwards.

248c8b No.14442648


>And last boss is just a fucking piece of shit to deal with from her last 3 spells onwards.

In practice, the last spell card for Stage 6 is brutal. In concept, however, it's fucking brilliant. You have a core gameplay mechanic (the sub-seasons) which was introduced specifically for this game, you have six stages for the player to learn the ins and outs of this mechanic and how it affects their playstyle, and at the very end, it's taken away from them and used against them in one frustrating spellcard. I love it when games pull this shit, and it caught me off guard when it happened to me the first time beating HSiFS, even if it wasn't a 1cc. A damn shame that Okina is unmemorable otherwise.

ce2272 No.14442663


My only gripe with that last card is that it doesn't only drain your seasons BUT YOUR FUCKING NORMAL POWER TOO. That was over the fucking line

a6be2e No.14445008


He spread himself too thin. He is writing for, I think, two Touhou manga series, doing stuff for the games, and is a dad now at least I hope he has time for his kid and wife. His schedule must look like hell.

6a7a1c No.14445830

File: 64b922047e1eb0a⋯.webm (14 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 無意識妖怪、ちょっかいを出す-sm32821992.webm)

9ce7f6 No.14445873


I expected rape

45d262 No.14446841


i dont think zun takes touhou as a chore more like he does something between his drinking sessions

but still notice that earlier touhou games had like 3-4 years diffrence between them and now zun tries to do new game every year maybe he want to cash in now

6a7a1c No.14447348

File: 5a513edb12b0b93⋯.webm (15.86 MB, 860x480, 43:24, 【東方MMD】東方キャラでアクション小ネタ集-sm….webm)

d86348 No.14447445

Anybody have any of the old pictures posted on the battle station threads of Victorian era looking paintings of touhous? I'm trying to show em to a friend and cant find em for the life of me.

8dff02 No.14447491


fine_art_parody touhou

6a7a1c No.14448699

File: ad1ced3c89103c8⋯.webm (10.18 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, neverever-sm32682364.webm)

240dd1 No.14448977

File: 7fe0df2720cc2f8⋯.jpg (78.67 KB, 368x520, 46:65, mona aya.jpg)


>having friends

daefd2 No.14448978


this tbh

5d4557 No.14449132

File: 47bd5040f376891⋯.jpg (189.82 KB, 850x697, 50:41, Soldiers_Force_a_door.jpg)


I don't know about things posted in battlestation threads, but here is something that fits the description. It's based on a painting by Adriaen van de Velde. I know I have another with Chen and Ran but it must be backed up on a storage drive and I'm too lazy to look for it.

8dff02 No.14457064

File: 0acd61af14f0fc8⋯.jpg (30.39 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 9def8a4768294fc4cb8be38a34….jpg)


2f8761 No.14457181

File: 8caf9d850f8390a⋯.png (212.33 KB, 540x438, 90:73, 8caf9d850f8390a9caf8d9e359….png)


>do pretty well and get to the last boss

>try again but save up more bombs

>die with five bombs


>don't try again for a week

a8a0f0 No.14457904

File: fa98a233b174d71⋯.jpg (93.18 KB, 660x480, 11:8, fa98a233b174d7168fa84db8e1….jpg)


>about to die

>hit bomb button

>die anyways

that is the reason why I struggle to get through these games. I know how to deathbomb, but not when it matters.

c3ea78 No.14457929

>Thread #3

Stop this autistic /vg/ shit


8dff02 No.14466977

File: 9c6d3d074dfc471⋯.jpg (964.44 KB, 1080x1532, 270:383, this is also canon.jpg)


I've just received a tip informing me that the /jp/ mansion has been postponed indefinitely due to the lack of funding. Apparently the leader of the /jp/ teenbro cabal had such a bad credit score, he couldn't get a $50000 mortgage to afford the land. As this news echoes throughout the /jp/verse, the teenbros start to plot against eachother once again as a new cold war begins.

It has come to light that the leader of the netplay IRC has been deceiving the membership by not disclosing his ties to the dilating community. Yes you read that right, he is a tranny. What this shocking truth means for the group is anyone's guess, however I suspect everyone is feeling betrayed by this revelation. This is just like when /2hu/ was co-opted all over again.

A rogue keystone has just crashed into the local Touhou Brotherhood club. It comes with great sadnesss that I inform you that while trying to claw his way out of the wreckage, Aniki got hit by a blind paki driver. Unfortunately he did not survive the impact. The paki was deported but the damage had already been done. Tenko can currently be found in a back alley whoring himself out for donations so he can repair the building. This reporter can only wonder why there is so much overlap between the touhou and gay communities.

/a/ has once again invaded the ancient /jp/ homeworlds, and the /jp/ self defense force wants YOU to fight against the rulecucked hordes. Get the heck in to bestpost, make fun of nepfags everywhere, and above all else take it easy. This won't be an easy fight to win but while they have the numbers, we have the moral high ground.

If anyone has a HOT LOAD TIP they want to share with their friendly local rival reporting agency, this tengu is MORE THAN WILLING to perform sexual favors in exchange for information. INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: Handholding, headpatting, spooning, long walks on the beach, consensual sex in the missionary position with the lights turned off for the purposes of procreation. Find me on Christian Mingle for more details.

This has been your friendly local rival reporting tengu, signing off. Possibly forever.

a8ef78 No.14467000

File: 6a2c8f2b07e1e22⋯.jpeg (549.69 KB, 1560x2080, 3:4, touhou 10 stage 5 no deat….jpeg)


a7ebac No.14467743

File: f07bd153c7765db⋯.jpg (176.68 KB, 850x729, 850:729, The bedroom.jpg)


I got you, artist is amibazh.


How do you hard counter /a/utists?

390092 No.14467778

File: 0efed9f4a21405c⋯.jpg (141.21 KB, 850x850, 1:1, 0efed9f4a21405c48b72642c61….jpg)


Can we just gas the western fans and start over?

fe269f No.14468078


>INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: Handholding, headpatting, spooning, long walks on the beach, consensual sex in the missionary position with the lights turned off for the purposes of procreation.

Sounds like it's time for a marriage.

6a7a1c No.14468534

File: 5ddff0595f4e138⋯.webm (14.57 MB, 854x480, 427:240, 【東方MMD】 The REISEN -Vindi….webm)

722f16 No.14469530

File: b101d9fe77c86e9⋯.jpg (7.55 KB, 225x225, 1:1, b101d9fe77c86e97d56e12abd7….jpg)

>have to beat Byakuren with two lives and two bombs to unlock practice

9451e8 No.14469960

Dammit I can make it to Suwakos last three cards as Raymoo B but I always eat shit at Froggy braves the rain and her red frog card. Shes probably one of the easiest ex bosses but even then she is still a twat

6a7a1c No.14470086

File: 05fb59a2f4ab7b6⋯.webm (14.69 MB, 854x480, 427:240, 從幻想鄉開始的偶像生活.webm)

8dff02 No.14479157

File: 2a0c11062dd4552⋯.png (302.76 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, UxDxtnU.png)

6ceabb No.14479166

Anyone wanna play soku?

this post will surely send thread straight to page 13

8dff02 No.14479368


This is the equivalent of posting "let it die" except it actually works.

01b151 No.14483605


It is already page 9. Why did you do this?

2f8761 No.14484426

File: d77f623434ab843⋯.png (17.44 KB, 800x639, 800:639, 1cc_.png)

Serious question, how many actual primaries do we have here?

82360c No.14484620


Just few.

I don't count.

a6be2e No.14485366


I haven't been able to 1cc any of the games, and only beat the fighting games and PoFV. So I'd still consider myself a secondary.

2fd675 No.14485394


I, like some anons, am still practicing 1cc on normal for 6, 7, and 16. I usually get up to the final boss before dying.

Besides that, I've memorized most of the characters names, personalities, and designs thanks to doujins, so I consider myself a primary.

ab9865 No.14485647

File: 8df82f45475a64d⋯.jpg (213.19 KB, 1000x875, 8:7, image.jpg)


Primary here, I 1cc'd every main game, including the PC98 games and I also 1cc'd IN on lunatic.

2f8761 No.14486179

File: 3b5a5400f403543⋯.png (7.02 KB, 1139x122, 1139:122, disgusting.png)

Is he right?

9ce7f6 No.14486242

ab9865 No.14486480

File: 2ae690eca5cb568⋯.jpg (30.98 KB, 250x250, 1:1, image.jpg)


I'm fucking retarded, I meant to say that I 1cc'd every game on normal.

6ceabb No.14486715


54e4e8 No.14486831

8dff02 No.14488398





This is the definition of secondary.

9ce7f6 No.14489033

File: 781ba53cd5af8a1⋯.jpg (337.86 KB, 2046x1447, 2046:1447, __saigyouji_yuyuko_touhou_….jpg)

1b15fe No.14489197

File: 66d72cd4e717e90⋯.png (218.65 KB, 914x732, 457:366, 1365528625957.png)

I miss all the old /jp/ memes.

43a372 No.14489557

File: 1cb907d7f7d65aa⋯.png (182.09 KB, 369x261, 41:29, ClipboardImage.png)

>play Touhou 6

>difficult as fuck, can't even get to Remilia without continues

>notice that the movement seems to work differently at seemingly random times

>find out it's a fucking keyboard issue

>remap everything to please keyboard

>break my previous top record on first try afterwards

To think I would've probably already beaten this fucking game had I noticed sooner

42deb9 No.14496716

File: 83efff87f850f9c⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 2200x3600, 11:18, 99270692bae9cbe708d8195755….jpg)


I have like 10 lunatic 1ccs, a couple ultra lunatic 1ccs and a few lunatic 1ccs under special conditions

Do people still play/host Touhou fangames here?

6a7a1c No.14501943


We do but no one has suggested playing one for a while. There also hasn't been any new net game from Comiket for a while. At least I haven't seen any. Especially ones that work decently over seas.

a7ebac No.14504547

File: e03662a4af29043⋯.jpeg (92.52 KB, 786x460, 393:230, image.jpeg)


>move onto PoFV after 1ccing IN

>Finally face Yuuka

>She's piss easy

There's no way she's this bad. She's gotta be holding back or something, her clothes weren't even torn after the match.

240dd1 No.14504841

File: cd4349bf9d94406⋯.png (85.21 KB, 542x447, 542:447, 349aaa69a83e5e6c1fc89850bb….png)

File: f1981cf5159b0be⋯.png (221.08 KB, 1273x912, 67:48, c03315507052b6018bc784a989….png)

File: d9f6ad9081b8fd4⋯.png (263.51 KB, 800x800, 1:1, be6b7e649e9bb457b239405e40….png)

Posting this small handful of nazarins here in case the one anon that asked for them never got them.

17ea85 No.14505570

Been playing through Fantasy Maiden Wars 2, and I'm at my wits fucking end regarding a bug I ran into on chapter 33. At the end of the chapter Yukari won't spawn in after I defeat Yuyuko and I have no clue as to how to fix it. I've played through the fucking stage three times already and ran into he bug every time.

6ceabb No.14505646


Yukari spawns at a separate stage that's after the Yuyuko one. I've read somewhere that you need a certain amount of Battle Masteries to get that stage, so if the game ends after it - tough luck.

2fd675 No.14505917


get out of here, shitskin

f08635 No.14506687


It's a bug with the version in Moriya Shrine, here's a fixed version, just out your savedata folder in there.


17ea85 No.14509428


Thank you for this, It worked and now I can finally finish this fucking game.

6ceabb No.14510371


It's just bug fixes as far as I know. If you run into anything, then you can go for it. But for now you should be good.

17ea85 No.14510415


Thanks, but I managed to fix it myself by just downloading a clean rom and patching that up to 1.2.0.

Hopefully I won't have to bother you with my retarded ass again.

f7ab35 No.14510620


I have 1cc'd just about every 2hu from 6 onwards on normal. PCB is my one lunatic 1cc.

6ceabb No.14510845


I actually haven't even started with FMWI yet properly. Once you complete it, please post if it's good or not.

27cd21 No.14512310

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fuck yeah. New Burning Meiling.

8dff02 No.14516248

File: 83e368430d23913⋯.webm (7.8 MB, 1000x600, 5:3, Sorry_for_what.webm)

8dff02 No.14523887

File: b5e78c70e18ca99⋯.png (33.27 KB, 638x595, 638:595, b5e78c70e18ca9991e3a9c1e9d….png)

This thread is deader than my space station server.

cffa78 No.14529118

I'm about to buy Antimony like a fantastic goy, tell me if I'm doing a terrible mistake and buying a game with dead online or subhuman netcode

c4a71b No.14529144

File: 4b141495ec472d8⋯.png (537.19 KB, 810x630, 9:7, Capture.PNG)

What event makes it so I can pass these rocks

c4a71b No.14529156


Never mind

869086 No.14531335


I'm currently only about half way through, but I'll go ahead and give my thoughts on it so far.

I was never really a fan on the team-based game-play of the more recent SRW games, so having to deal with that here kind of sucks, especially since the Cost system makes it a pain in the ass to use all the characters I want. Good news is I haven't encountered any enemy teams, so there's that at least. Other than that it's the best one so far, although personally I think alot of the theme remixes are pretty weak compared to the last two games.

Chapter 44 made me tear up.

c9f28c No.14536280


424739 No.14536366

File: c36c70a510d1dbe⋯.jpg (411.49 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 2c5d21b2ef5be5de070e8c06bd….jpg)

Spring is here!

9ce7f6 No.14536806


>A turban wearing pink themed character


fe269f No.14536836

File: 9cc336b71260152⋯.png (144.92 KB, 702x397, 702:397, ん?.png)



9ce7f6 No.14537090


>Gets confused over a turban

>Posts some jihaadists wife in a veil

8dff02 No.14538099

File: 68f91a43c32da50⋯.jpg (191.9 KB, 1095x730, 3:2, 68f91a43c32da50892f690b53f….jpg)

6a7a1c No.14538506

File: dca6841a2327822⋯.png (404.84 KB, 624x824, 78:103, 02Ichirin1.png)

File: 3f61aba8eeda87f⋯.png (358.47 KB, 514x632, 257:316, Th155Ichirin.png)

File: 2d450be31634cb0⋯.png (1008.2 KB, 780x1092, 5:7, 02Ichirin3.png)

I can only think of one huhu that even has a turban, and I'm pretty sure she is as far away from slims as possible.

a7ebac No.14538863

File: a6e378e95b6dfd1⋯.jpeg (50.48 KB, 500x375, 4:3, image.jpeg)


You should just play Soku

6a7a1c No.14538987

File: 7c10bc07bb4910b⋯.webm (15.69 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Touhou - Youyou Kengeki M….webm)


The single player spell cards for each opponent is still fun.

8dff02 No.14539718

File: ad7483da90caeb9⋯.mp4 (15.05 MB, 480x360, 4:3, the soku community.mp4)

6b6ec6 No.14539919


That's just a hood.

43c405 No.14540035

is there a dl of the 2hu rpg game yet?

a7ebac No.14542677

File: 63d99e50d45bb88⋯.png (58.77 KB, 265x276, 265:276, The Duality of Man.png)

why the FUCK is lunatic EoSD so hard? I can barely get to Rumia.

8238ba No.14542799


Which one?


Because you suck.

I managed to get to Meiling on lunatic.

8cb0e7 No.14542832


>I can barely get to Rumia.

Holy fuck anon, at least try 1ccing shit on normal before you try Lunatic

631300 No.14543136


EoSD has a bit of RNG with some projectiles that can mess up runs.

4ee05d No.14547493

File: c1da045d135ea8b⋯.png (17.51 KB, 736x519, 736:519, kek.png)

Is everybody already over Shanghai.EXE? I've only got around to giving it a try now.

8dff02 No.14548154

File: 7b1a51881691e2c⋯.png (128.14 KB, 912x570, 8:5, 7b1a51881691e2c103e308c6c0….png)


In my experience it's more like

>get to remy



f08635 No.14550072


The one that's based off of Super Mario RPG? This is the only link I could find, password is "2hug"


ae45db No.14550288

File: 82211233aa763f1⋯.png (65.39 KB, 976x678, 488:339, SakuyaSP2.png)

File: 333db531e5dd3c4⋯.png (70.32 KB, 976x678, 488:339, fightingovershanghai.png)


I just finished it a couple of days ago. I've been messing around with library cleanup and haven been suffering trying to find the SP viruses and that wing style is not based on Aya. In other news, Shanghai a best.

5cd4ca No.14556934

File: 4e5c0baf2797dd7⋯.webm (12.49 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 12_MMD_Touhou_Subterranea….webm)

I've slowly been grinding out EoSD and I think I can safely 1cc it about 60% of the time now, it's still too close of a coin flip but learning how not to get tilted has been a huge improvement.

c4a71b No.14559224

File: 5c83401e860f779⋯.webm (11.95 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 地獄の苦輪(Overlord Remix).webm)

c4a71b No.14559235


I forgot to thank the anon that uploaded all the Shibuyan Record arranges for 2017 thanks.

6ade9a No.14562094


Thanks anon.

5cd8cf No.14569728


a1434e No.14569862

File: 468c5492b18c3a4⋯.mp4 (1.46 MB, 700x988, 175:247, nasheed_of_saint_cirno.mp4)

8dff02 No.14571348




6ade9a No.14571514


Oh wew.

631300 No.14571524




50f6df No.14571528

File: c7cc7ec4fb6d761⋯.jpg (28.8 KB, 480x340, 24:17, 130453874444.jpg)


That was unprecedented.

6ade9a No.14571661


OP's ID, I just checked. Was not expecting that but as long as we're all in one place I'm ok with it.

a1d755 No.14571747



6ade9a No.14572149


Most of /v/ doesn't even play it.

36ab68 No.14574680


a7ebac No.14576128

File: 528713e4df4cf54⋯.jpeg (61.04 KB, 640x629, 640:629, image.jpeg)

Alright I nutted up and got good at lunatic. I got to Meiling's stage before I game-over'd. I tried on hard and got to Patchy, should I just go with hard? Is anyone still around?

3e1754 No.14576953


If you 1cc normal, then do hard next.

If not, do normal first.

a7ebac No.14578223

File: b51076f38f4fbb6⋯.jpeg (73.59 KB, 528x492, 44:41, image.jpeg)


6ade9a No.14578850


Git gud.

c4a71b No.14581015

File: 8f687eac9233e7c⋯.webm (9.21 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 地獄の苦輪 Crystal Stone.webm)

a7ebac No.14581057

File: 5e93c0492754756⋯.png (484.46 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Barley.png)

6ade9a No.14582636

1c657c No.14588607


Wait what?

dcd6dc No.14588637


Threads got so slow recently, that they moved to /vg/.

6ade9a No.14592475

1912f2 No.14594494


Alright explain the .hack reference

I'm not gonna ask why the cannonball caused that because it was just a lead in to "the SDM explodes again" but what did the .hack music have to do with tetris?

6a7a1c No.14594605

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I think its just being used as generic sad theme.

1912f2 No.14594692

>Vocals in touhou music

Get out

6a7a1c No.14594831

File: 16925d5e0bfdf73⋯.webm (14.41 MB, 854x480, 427:240, 【東方ボイスドラマ】魔理沙と小鈴の秘密のレシピ☆【….webm)

a6be2e No.14595307

File: c0528ecf1a724c1⋯.webm (10.36 MB, 640x360, 16:9, videoplayback (5).webm)


Some are pretty good.

1912f2 No.14595649

File: 56761dc3fc35c46⋯.mp4 (7.94 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ANGRY_ABOUT_ELVES.mp4)


If that's your example of good, you wouldn't know good if it bit you in the ass. That track has a small bit of potential but the vocals are trash and the music, the glorious zun composition which is the whole draw of touhou music, is RELEGATED TO A BACKGROUND TRACK for some boring nip fanfiction vocals, which is downright insulting to the original track.

A good vocalist blends with the music, not overpowering it. But the whole track drops to background beats whenever this one starts singing. Do you not notice how the music gets better whenever the vocalist stops? That's the entire wrong tack to take especially when adding lyrics to something made as an instrument piece to begin with. Choir or acapella works much better with that type of piece.

a344c9 No.14595657



7bdd86 No.14595759


No, there are some vocal touhou songs that i like (usually eurobeat), but i like them despite the vocals, not because of them.

3cfad0 No.14596144

File: 2437ca4d6bbc3be⋯.png (6.26 KB, 617x128, 617:128, unrelated.png)

Can some autist better versed in Touhou than me explain why Gensokyo isn't fucking horrifying? These cannibal lolis make my dick fear for its life. Would I need to learn to learn Japan's many rules about youkai etiquette or just how to defend myself?

b74911 No.14596270


>Can some autist better versed in Touhou than me explain why Gensokyo isn't fucking horrifying?

They probably stopped caring about that.

>Would I need to learn to learn Japan's many rules about youkai etiquette or just how to defend myself?

Just learn Japanese and how to use spellcards well enough to get safely into village.

364f2a No.14596300

I like these threads but I'm not moving to /vg/ I'll stick here.

2dab7b No.14602691

Reminder that today is friday.

6a7a1c No.14605320

File: 19704f298d6e222⋯.webm (14.17 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 東方キャラでハタラコウ-sm32415307.webm)


indeed it is.

4d62f2 No.14605652


For fucks sake…


Also Sakuya best girl.

659d1a No.14605701


Right, but are you going to ban them if they include the shitty rabbit rabbit forced meme blogging? That was the question. You should tbh. Eradicate that attention whore.

Sakuya a shit!

6a7a1c No.14605830



Good taste.

364f2a No.14605841

So is this general going to be split like the Roman empire now where one thread stays here and the other /vg/?

a7ebac No.14605842


We're both dead until someone decides to host for Soku

fe269f No.14605857


There was a couple of 2hu threads that were deleted after I posted the rabbit rabbit thing in them, after you told me to take it there.

364f2a No.14605860

File: c3f52d921c7d663⋯.png (74.3 KB, 400x236, 100:59, sad suika.png)


I like these threads but I'm chill with /v/ but I wish the others leaving the best in whatever cause I had fun in these threads, please take care.

2dab7b No.14608153

notrad, if you're reading this please get in touch again. I miss you and I've been worried.

9727db No.14608612

File: c4347700f54cc47⋯.png (43.17 KB, 400x1234, 200:617, Summary.png)

I haven't played much recently. Getting a real job and stuff is really ruining my Touhou life.

9727db No.14608633

e73e15 No.14608658


>Let's not be stupid

>Can't use embeds



You're good.

Why you don't have any lunatic 1cc in PCB, when you have some 1cc in Phantasm though?

9727db No.14608688


Because there's a world of difference between an Extra mode where memory plays a lot and Lunatic where RNG is everywhere.

456d71 No.14608692



Let the retards go and screw themselves over in an /intl/ sponsored board.

e73e15 No.14608727


I see.

I have read phantasm mode description now.

cbfe50 No.14616953


>blaming it on RNG


7bdd86 No.14616969


>after I posted the rabbit rabbit thing in them

how about you don't post that, vermin?

54259f No.14617012

7bdd86 No.14617016


i said vermin, not /v/ermin

54259f No.14617127


My mistake.

6ade9a No.14620309


Isn't /animus/ meant to be better anyway?

7b69c2 No.14623369

File: d47559c80484ba5⋯.png (48.62 KB, 867x756, 289:252, TRASH FIRE.png)

Made this for someone else but I thought I would post it here for you chaps.

220c12 No.14624144


No, you meant /animu/.

/animus/ is just avatarfag paradise.

6ade9a No.14624302


Right. Maybe picking a name for the board that was so similar to /animus/ was a bad idea.

6a7a1c No.14624319

File: 647e73465aa0e3f⋯.webm (1.04 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Aya laughing.webm)


I keep reading anus.

e0688f No.14624964

File: 582690c5e7a7e2e⋯.png (41.56 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Okuu.png)


That's pretty good anon.

6013c8 No.14625045


Yes it was, but /anime/ was already taken.

6ade9a No.14625141


This I did not know.

0883b4 No.14625327

File: 431a026d01cd1fc⋯.gif (413.46 KB, 619x400, 619:400, 1447174347.59F259E6.gif)

Which 2hu game should i start with?

6013c8 No.14625344


Touhou 6 EoSD and then go up.

Touhou 1-5 are still canon, but you need to get PC-98 emulator to play these.

0883b4 No.14625488


which one is the most fun?

6013c8 No.14625522

File: 7f02ddd9ee0a2f6⋯.png (17.49 KB, 800x639, 800:639, 1cc.png)


I still didn't played them all, but I liked Touhou 8 most from total six I played.

Take this template too.

c12e57 No.14626470


podd/pofv with a buddy

the standard games are honestly not that good. you're better off playing a cave or psikyo shooter on mame instead

a7ebac No.14626581

File: 7fe0f1c4d83deb2⋯.png (32.07 KB, 514x352, 257:176, Boger Face.png)


>the standard games are honestly not that good

Your opinion is honestly wrong.

73ac22 No.14629849

File: f44bead5264914c⋯.jpg (190.63 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 悲しい妖精.jpg)

Does anybody here have experience with Labyrinth of Touhou 1 (東方の迷宮)? 2 came highly recommended so I thought I would play through 1 first. I had a lot of issues getting it working, and once I did I noticed that the game often registers an input multiple times; i.e., if you press "z" in a conversation you will often skip through a response or two, even when I try to release the button quickly. Same thing happens in menus with the directional keys, and I suspect it will only get more annoying in the dungeon. Is there a fix for this or should I give up and just play 2?

a9e619 No.14629882


I don't know.

It works fine on my computer. Win 7

Also Labyrinth of Touhou 1 isn't that good and you can just skip it.

73ac22 No.14630079

File: e01a38ba06bad53⋯.jpg (64.83 KB, 642x800, 321:400, Windows⑨.jpg)


I'm having a real hard time diagnosing the issue. It had this problem for me on Windows 10 when it would run (which was about 5% of the time since it usually crashed on startup), and it continued to have the problem when I ran it on a Windows XP virtual machine. Windows 7 compatibility mode wasn't any better. It persisted even when I tried using my controller with JoyToKey. The only remedy I found was to lower the processing power of the virtual machine to 50%, but it still registered multiple inputs occasionally and if I set it any lower the game actually started to lag. I wonder if there's a program somewhere that would make it so the key only counted as being pressed the first instant you pressed it and not thereafter even if it remained pressed.

a9e619 No.14630106


>Using Windows 10

Anon please.

That system is fucking trash for everything that isn't white collar work.

Even then it occasionally bricks itself and not mentioning forced telemetry.

Install Linux Mint if you liked Win 10 or install Win 7 to play games and any other linux system to use internet after Microshit will end Win 7 support.

73ac22 No.14630160

File: f8ef22a283e7508⋯.jpg (523.89 KB, 808x1000, 101:125, 生意気な妖精.jpg)

File: d93c31a9a4a26c1⋯.jpg (63.47 KB, 696x493, 24:17, 解決.JPG)


You're absolutely right, of course. I made the switch from 7 back when I was far more ignorant, and since then I've been too lazy to do anything about it. I did try Qubes once for a weekend but for a Linux noob like myself it was a rather nightmarish experience. My biggest issue was with Japanese input/IMEs not working properly or as I expected. Still, even just going back to 7 would undoubtedly be better.

On the plus side, I finally found a solution. I set up JoyToKey to register the input when the button is released. It feels like a tiny bit of constant input lag but at least I don't accidentally skip half of the dialogue! (For some reason the JoyToKey UI displays the press/release assignments in reverse of their actual assignment, second pic related)

cfdf99 No.14630320


Glad to hear that.

Good luck, that game is harder than LoT 2.

84f4aa No.14631241

File: 378766a86f493be⋯.jpg (53.03 KB, 488x367, 488:367, rms-inane2.jpg)



The Debian family is hot garbage.

Go with either Gentoo or Void.

caa394 No.14631324



No, thank you.


Will check it later.

84f4aa No.14632788


>No, thank you.

What's the matter, don't like compiling everything from source via the convenient ports tree?

2aebe6 No.14633007



Opinion discarded.

7b69c2 No.14633233


Void is the best distro in my opinion.

893780 No.14634885


I am not very patient.

6ade9a No.14638929


Then fuck off.

59b0a6 No.14641750

File: a1fc18d917c1cea⋯.png (54.48 KB, 1264x756, 316:189, soynix.png)

6ade9a No.14641881


Not an argument.

73ac22 No.14641997

File: 4071352a55a8560⋯.jpg (251.37 KB, 1441x1143, 1441:1143, TheFight.JPG)

File: 74eac331c631de4⋯.jpg (289.04 KB, 1441x1143, 1441:1143, TheTeam.JPG)



I'm on floor 9 now, trying to beat Suwako. One of the tougher fights so far. Patchouli is a power house; she does about 10k damage per spell and takes little to nothing from Suwako's magic attacks because of her insane spirit. My second heaviest hitter in that fight is Remilia who's doing about 5k per hit but is far more vulnerable despite having nearly 4x as much HPxx. I can't tell how close I'm getting but Suwako must have a ton of health. I'd estimate I've done upwards of 80k damage to her without winning. I might have to come back after exploring a bit more and dumping all my skill points into spirit.

d70a8f No.14642017


I hate windows and would love to see Micro$hit burn in hell, but dont act like Linux is an actual alternative unless working on your OS is more entertaining to you than actually doing something with your computer.


80ca8e No.14642203

File: d2bcfae3df418c6⋯.jpg (69.8 KB, 810x780, 27:26, 1359389799001.jpg)


I dual boot Lubuntu and Windows 7, the former jest werks, the latter constantly has problems. I guess I should tell my computer that it is wrong and that Linux is bad.

84f4aa No.14642542

File: 1731f707ca03fc8⋯.png (38.79 KB, 1000x893, 1000:893, laughing-moonman-and-kek.png)


>Windrone fell for the "soy boosts estrogen" meme

Why am I not surprised?

d1990d No.14642626



>unless working on your OS is more entertaining to you

<Disable Telemetry

<Disable Built-in Start Menu Ads

<Disable Automated App Demo Downloads

<Disable Contra

<Disable Tracked Ads

<Disable Automatic Updates

<Disable Location Tracking

<Disable Game bar

<Disable Wi-Fi "Pay to use this, goy" Service

<Disable Customer Experience

<Disable Windows Tips

<Disable Lock Screen

<Disable Peer to Peer distributing

<Worse Windows rot then 8.

<Forever a Beta Software

<Blocked updates for 8 and 7 for owners of >=Skylake or >= Ryzen processors, forcing them to update to this mess

<Problems Running Direct X 8.1 or older games.

<Problems even running Direct x 9 or 10 Games.

e3dd3c No.14643286



If you didn't know about that already you are either retarded or underaged.

5ebd38 No.14643301


Thats just half of it.

84f4aa No.14643358


No, retards and underageb& parrot the meme instead of knowing that phytoestrogens block real estrogen from entering hormonal receptor sites, therefore lowering your body's estrogen count because phytoestrogens otherwise have no effect on your system.

e3dd3c No.14644317


Keep telling yourself that you fucking retarded soyboy.

e3dd3c No.14644339


By the way, soybeans are filled with estrogen, it disrupts the thyroid and kills you metabolism, it's why they feed it by the truckload to pigs, since it fucking makes them fat. I bet you think flax seeds are actually healthy for you.

93b346 No.14646840

Good riddance to one of the worst threads on /v/.

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