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/v/ - Video Games

Vidya Gaems
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[ /agdg/ | Mecha | Comics and Cartoons | Anime | Hentai Games | Contact ]

File: f6c160af44e707a⋯.png (75.2 KB, 796x324, 199:81, loli_eagles.png)

File: f12f95ade4f9e5e⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 442.27 KB, 482x719, 482:719, loli_aerith.png)

File: aeb8ea5d7bdbc56⋯.png (5 MB, 2000x1455, 400:291, f0d2da62953f6403d09f1f0904….png)

File: f500fd46dbe97a8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 99.57 KB, 512x800, 16:25, loli_Yuffie_01.jpg)

File: 7146005e23177cd⋯.jpg (143.85 KB, 648x900, 18:25, 7f4e20ed629faa2df2f4853265….jpg)

44cc14  No.16908038[Last 50 Posts]


If 8kun is down or you can't post the bunker is vch.moe. If both go down gather at the smuglo.li 8kun thread


>An anon made /mg/ as a new monster girl board, check it out

>Persona 5 is censored, with both changes to the translation and some changes to the original Japanese



>EARN IT Bill would give government power to ban encryption and monitor all messages


>Marvel Comics Introduces New Non-Binary Superhero Character "Snowflake" (and partner "Safe Space") As Part Of New Warriors Line-Up.


>Love Live! Sunshine!! Mall Poster Removed Following Complaints of “Sexualizing Women"


>Nathan Grayson gave coverage to Game Loading: Rise of the Indies without disclosing he was filmed for it, though the footage wasn't used


>SJWs attack the fan-translator for Goemon 3 for translating "newhalf" as "tranny", may have driven him from doing any more fan translations:





Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources:







Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF

Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE

Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids


-Confirms censorship was deliberate https://archive.fo/XgAgP

-No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case https://archive.fo/37DhK

-Marvelous partner starts petition against policy https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo

•Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed.

•Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well.

>>>/gamergatehq/330858 >>>/gamergatehq/331149 >>>/gamergatehq/331150


A. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate

B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices >>>/gamergatehq/328644

C. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. >>>/gamergatehq/332324

D. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. >>>/gamergatehq/332315

Reminders (important, READ THESE!):

•Use https://archive.fo to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later

•Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags

•Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

•Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm



>Summaries of #GamerGate:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds

https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address

>Background and Evidence for #GamerGate:

•The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb

•#GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page

•History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/

•View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!


•GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v. gd/vzRsRb

•Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v. gd/LNJbat

>Thread Repository:



>Full OP Text:

•Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP

>How Can I Help?


•All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations

•OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v. gd/Kbzw0L

•An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v. gd/nwrbYF

>Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki?


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181732  No.16908045



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181732  No.16908046

also benis

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44cc14  No.16908048

File: c4a8181edd55a7a⋯.webm (443.19 KB, 420x240, 7:4, nngaaaa_loli_roar.webm)

Archive of previous bread:


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1a8734  No.16908049

File: 66b51a9385b242c⋯.jpg (581.29 KB, 1323x1225, 27:25, loli_df_twins.jpg)


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d8d274  No.16908050

File: 18a3423b426df34⋯.png (102.91 KB, 1786x314, 893:157, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c97598529ea5f7e⋯.png (4.92 KB, 913x77, 83:7, ClipboardImage.png)


Jim doesn't care about us. Ron isn't transparent with us. This site is catering only to technology ignorant cultist boomers. Fuck this site. Can't go back to cuckchan. 8kun is compromised. There is no home left.

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2d735f  No.16908052


But what kidn of benis?

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3f75b7  No.16908053


Yes it is. Reminder that including Manga, Doujinshi, Artist CG, Game CG*:

Netorare is tagged on

2.89499% of lolicon galleries

5.06023% of all galleries

9.14520% of cowtits galleries

This means the average is 1.75 times more likely to be ntr cucks than lolicons are, cowtits fags are 1.81 times as likely to be ntr cucks than the average, and cowtits fags are a staggering 3.16 times more likely to be ntr cucks than lolicons are. Nearly 1 in 10 big tiddy hentai on the panda is NTR.

* Netorare is insignificant in Image Sets

Netorare is EVIL and flat is JUSTICE.

Last updated May 27, 2019

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39de56  No.16908060

File: 0a6161d84752468⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 236.24 KB, 800x533, 800:533, benishail.png)

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44cc14  No.16908061

File: 3907850f8066833⋯.webm (1.91 MB, 580x300, 29:15, a_le_classic_jazzy_kind_o….webm)

So, what do we do now?

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e950f3  No.16908064


I can't stop staring at the russian loli's knees.

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2d735f  No.16908067


Shitpost and play VIDEOGAMES. Has that ever changed?

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491764  No.16908070

File: 00f075919b57654⋯.jpg (110.12 KB, 480x330, 16:11, 63805a70e9c844b9b042cb64d8….jpg)





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54007b  No.16908073

Watch out for GamerGate

The public enemy of the world #1

It is the main hashtag responsible for…

☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution

☑ Weaponized Gondolas

☑ Hacking German politicians and media

☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford

☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu

☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage

☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally

☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE

☑ Guilty of face crimes

☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit

☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime

☑ Taught the Alt-Right

✅Then harassed said Alt-Right

☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN#

☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth

☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it

☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III

☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra

☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA

☑ Orchestrated the incel misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman

☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day"

☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon

☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of incels

☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken"

☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior"

☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean

☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists

☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded)

☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed"

☑ Remains undefeated for all time

☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos

☑ Joined forces with Amazon

☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera

☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump

☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War

☑ Government-sponsored shitposting

☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage

☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke

☑ Destroyer of Worlds

☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them)

☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly)

☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide

☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety

☑ An aberrant, creeping horror

☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial

☑ Five years of ruining everything

☑ Came to the classroom

☑ Trained Google whistleblowers

☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics

☑ Blew up the Internet

☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy

☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along

☑ Stochastic Terrorism

☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS

☑ Helped Mark win the lottery

☑ Gave the money back

☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE

☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/

☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady

☑ It's #Gamergate Forever

☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams

☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate

☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test"

☑ Non-meat based cam girls

☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger

☑ Digisexuals

☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail

☑ Weaponizing decency

☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch

☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket

☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group

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9c455e  No.16908074


Anon, I'm pretty sure pixels do not possess a Z axis.

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181732  No.16908077


I'll make one, whatever it takes.

The main issue right now is not having enough shekels to pay a dev to work on the site or make new software

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54007b  No.16908078


Yes they do, but they're called voxels.

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181732  No.16908079


Also your image is cut off

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44cc14  No.16908080


What about bunking with the Prolikewoah dev?

Also, Acid, do you have an updated image on how to get on 08?

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9d2eba  No.16908081

File: de3bdb82045c528⋯.jpg (496.73 KB, 1149x659, 1149:659, de3.jpg)


Reminder that the sites of the webring told Mark to fuck off.

They see all of us here on 8kun the same way we see faggots from cuckchan. To them, 8kun is cuckchan 2.0.

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4ff1ab  No.16908082

File: c91c99235e938a3⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 177.56 KB, 811x608, 811:608, futanari_futa_solo_futa_c….jpeg)


loli benis

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9c455e  No.16908083


>apples can be orange, but they're called oranges

Do you have brain damage by any chance? Those are two different things.

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d8d274  No.16908084

File: 0cbdcafde72b01b⋯.png (101.33 KB, 1786x314, 893:157, ClipboardImage.png)




We've really become more divided than ever.

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fd7736  No.16908086

File: 2c89e497624bf81⋯.jpg (49.51 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Contemplating_Banette.jpg)

Q's still going on despite the fact that nothing's come from it? I don't see the point of appealing to them considering /v/ one of the most occupied and frequented boards. What's the point in getting rid of /v/?

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ff8f07  No.16908088


>What about bunking with the Prolikewoah dev?

Loleron may be more open. However the furfags on the /animu/ bunker have gotten elitist and hates not only Mark but everyone on /v/.

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95689f  No.16908089


But why? Why the salt?

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181732  No.16908091


>What about bunking with the Prolikewoah dev

Well there's two main issues with that

1. There's no board creation

2. He basically told me to ask Gahoole instead

I have respect for them though, but ultimately I'd like to make a seperate site that honors the legacy of 8chan rather than focusing on Julay or some other bunker.

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54007b  No.16908093


>a bunch of trannies think that

They're endchan2.0. Why would I give a fuck what they think?


>I don't know what you're talking about

>therefore you must be wrong


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ff8f07  No.16908094


What boards will you include?

If yonmake a site, younan eextend invitation to Loleron and a few other friendly BOs.

Also there's imageboard software from fatpeople that you can use since vichan is a fucking mess.

Thing is, more anons and BOs are hostile towards you than friendly.

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181732  No.16908100


I've already extended the invitation to other BO's and have some good choices for new ones. Also just because people think I'm a sperg doesn't mean they're necessarily hostile to me

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ff8f07  No.16908102

File: d8e5c96fdd0de5a⋯.png (96.54 KB, 500x389, 500:389, 72b82aee92b525e74ba816294d….png)


I hope you have more friends than enemies. I hope they will take up on your offer when you get the site running.

Just check the fatpeople software, I hear there's supposed to be a better software than vichan and lynx.

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de739d  No.16908105

File: 2800005783557b3⋯.jpg (104.87 KB, 576x797, 576:797, EHFXuwvX0AMB1Z0.jpg)

The mere fact that this whole shit show could have been prevented too is if Jim and Ron actually spoke with us instead of only the boomers.

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181732  No.16908107


got a link?

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b89b73  No.16908108



>Mark promises to actually make a new site that isn't gay.

Is this the redemption ark?

That being said, if you don't include /r9k/ at the beginning, I'm going to fucking gut you. After anon.cafe was killed there is no good replacement and 8kun dropped the fucking ball.

Use your Jewish powers to get money and make another site.

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4918b6  No.16908109


>To them, 8kun is cuckchan 2.0.

and how they come to that conclusion?

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ff8f07  No.16908111


If they fixed the site instead of keeping it down for months. If they haven't rebranded.



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b89b73  No.16908112


It's not like the bunkers are much better. Both of those sites are just incredibly bad replacements for 8chan that don't really have the same spirit.

It's weird to be hoping for Mark to actually bring that back.

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181732  No.16908116


I have no money, that's the issue. I know a guy who's good at programming and shit, but even then eventually we're going to need to make some sort of cash in order to fund development and to put food on the table. I'm gonna keep working on Jim's project and HOPE he lets me stay on his payroll, and prove to him that the direction he's going with on 8kun is self-destructive.

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73de8a  No.16908117

Mark, offer is still available >>16907358

2000$/month worth of bitcoins/monero, all yours, stripe, amazonpay, bitcoin payments, you name it.

t. transpary

Peace >>> salt

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181732  No.16908119


oh shit, does he have a test instance where I can keep up with development?

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181732  No.16908121


I already have a server. I can't afford to pay you right now either.

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d2db8b  No.16908122


>2k a month

Knowing nothing about hosting, isn't that a bit excessive considering the traffic we'd get? What was vch running on?

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ff8f07  No.16908123

File: b6e0157d1b9d2fb⋯.jpg (396.58 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, b6e.jpg)


Also when you use the fatchan code, get some /tech/ anons to see if they can improve upon it further.


Mark does care for the community. But fags in the webring focus more on his mistakes and that he's a Jew.

If Mark was a faceles BO hiding behind an alias, he wouldn't have been attacked as much. A face is a target.


So far this site uses it.


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b89b73  No.16908124


You think that you could set up some donation site or something? I'm sure that anons would be happy to donate to you if it meant keeping the site alive, they are happy to do so with bunkers so…

No 8chan pass bullshit though

Unless you're gonna whip out that whole Gondola plushie scheme :^)

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127265  No.16908126

Isn't there some sort of imageboard software that could let you distribute the media content like images, video, etc in a distributed manner instead of having to host it on a central server? I mean something that lets you host the website normally but that also lets you distribute the media through something like IPFS or torrent or whatever, since that seems to be the thing that consumes more bandwidth and is hellish slow here on 8kun. Any /tech/-anon here that knows of anything like that?

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3f75b7  No.16908128


Fuck off pedonigger.




Because the writing has been on the wall for ages now. The relaunch was tailed to the Qboomers, the site FAQ was sanitized, /pol/ was not allowed migration, loli/shota boards were not allowed migration/approval while boards requested for either were migrated and approved long after the requests for the loli/shota boards. I had been screaming this shit and more in more detail for ages, but gave up doing so shortly after the technical issues in January made posting at all a hassle. I only didn't leave because posters here were generally better than Julay /v/, and because all the other goobers stayed here.

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3995bc  No.16908130

File: 3d39d6c54227b61⋯.jpg (86.6 KB, 529x600, 529:600, GoMIllus_Shikieiki.jpg)


I wonder what will happen to this site when/if we leave?

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181732  No.16908131


>No 8chan pass bullshit though

Would you guys prefer subscribe star then?

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b89b73  No.16908132


You mean like Zeronet? I don't think that's a good idea since most anons will be paranoid about accidentally downloading child pornography on their computers by some faggot posting it or spamming it over the boards.

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16e241  No.16908135

File: bce6f67f0b9bfe8⋯.gif (68.58 KB, 156x267, 52:89, 1456557736752.gif)

>Whining about the webring starts

>Mark drops that Jim is a boomer that only wants 8kun for his Q overlord

>Whining at the webring starts becoming even more frequent

Its like watching a wounded animal, they struggle even harder to survive.

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54007b  No.16908136

This whole thing reeks of a tranny-instigated D&C OP.

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127265  No.16908140


Oh well fuck, didn't think about that.

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16e241  No.16908141


Sorry to say, the one with a testosterone deficiency is you.

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ff8f07  No.16908142

File: a37a06f3744dec7⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 141.59 KB, 838x993, 838:993, 1586039882871.jpg)

File: 57b8e738d684250⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 248.69 KB, 1280x1668, 320:417, 1586039940382.jpg)


Forking fatchan and having /tech/ turned add some quality of life features while improving infastracture is a good idea.


Even though disclaimer can be turned off, the fact that it exists rubbed many anons the wrong way.

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1a8734  No.16908144

File: 1175e821a0c7576⋯.png (258.57 KB, 896x640, 7:5, ddbim2c_07688285_6e17_4191….png)


Maybe other boards get noticeably less traffic, maybe business as usual. The important thing is >we get something that just works.

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9c455e  No.16908147


You're the retard who doesn't know what a voxel is. Go learn compsci or some shit kid, this website is 18+

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b89b73  No.16908148


Just make a donate button, tell us what the goal is to pay for the monthly expenses of a hosted server and let people donate to the site.

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73de8a  No.16908149



>The main issue right now is not having enough shekels to pay a dev to work on the site or make new software

How much do you make, lowering myself 1/6 my salary will only get you half my performance.

Considered asking a friend for a job?>>16908121


How much can you pay?


He's paying for more than hosting, but servicing combined goals:

Mark wants to implement a vpass like cuckchan has, ads, and whatever else.

I want to compete with infinity.moe and make something better.

At 2k/month, 30% of what make monthly, I can tell my boss another VIP client showed up, and he needs to lower my workload. And then it's gunho from there.

Regular SysAdmins make anywhere from 6-20k/month depending the clientele.

I deal in the 30k/month range because big pharma pays.

I'm really undervaluing my services for Good old Mark.


I'm making something even better.

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ff8f07  No.16908150


You forgot that Mark mentioned that Jim threatened to delete /v/.

Jim threw anons under the bus for his Q boomer audience. He even got rid of (((echos))).

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b144df  No.16908151


Wasn’t that the whole point of the 0net bunker? Turned out to be insecure as fuck and vch had to be created.

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4918b6  No.16908152


it seems so but the fact that no result in development was made and if there is in fact a wall between the userbase and the admins, that was one of the main reasons why we left halfchan, why jumping to an elitist and patronizing mod team for another?

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ff8f07  No.16908156


At least Mark, Loleron and and few BOs talk to their users.

Jim doesn't talk us at all.

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3f75b7  No.16908157


>I don't see the point of appealing to them considering /v/ one of the most occupied and frequented boards.

I'm fairly sure the total activity of the Q boards eclipses /v/ at this point. But the most important difference if they provide more money.

>What's the point in getting rid of /v/?

I never paid Jim much attention and I bet didn't care about this site until it was a boomer money farm. He simply said to get rid of /v/ off hand in response to hearing that anons of /v/ were complaining, I assume. Which I then bet Mark and/or codemonkey decided to take as a joke and not listen to this request. I'd bet he doesn't even know which boards are the top public boards.

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4918b6  No.16908160


where's the archive of Jim threatening Mark? because I haven't see it

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b144df  No.16908162


Does Jim still do that (((Goldwater))) news association with his flip boytoys that nobody watches? Somebody should blast him on there to forcefully grab his attention.

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ff8f07  No.16908163


Archive of Mark mentioning it last thread, near the ending of the fucking thread.

Pay attention.

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de739d  No.16908165

File: 03144cd7f59f10d⋯.jpg (63.6 KB, 571x659, 571:659, 0314554.jpg)


I don't know it'll be even more of corpse than it is now I guess.

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181732  No.16908166


>How much do you make

Right now? only 2k, Also I have to get my security guard licence and the job itself.

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c97f63  No.16908168


well, so, new home where?

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d2db8b  No.16908171


>Mark wants to implement a vpass like cuckchan has, ads, and whatever else.

He'd be better off with a simple donation pool. Trying to go for ads or some cuck pass is going to be dead in the water.

Hey Mark, if you're going to consider any option at all you'd do good to be fully transparent and listen to any alternative more competent anons may have for you well before you actually do anything. Just to save everyone a fuckton of frustration and bumbling around.

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181732  No.16908172


>I'm making something even better.

Oh? do tell. I have a feeling we've spoken before.

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ff8f07  No.16908173


Wait on Mark's call. Also wait as he check's out the fatchan software.

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181732  No.16908174


Of course, I'm all ears.

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d44137  No.16908176


Impossible. We allow gamergate threads here.

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fd7736  No.16908177

File: 32aeb9b1f656ab0⋯.png (516.35 KB, 726x536, 363:268, Chubby_Midget_Regrets_Ever….png)


So anons are doomed to be nomads on the internet, never to find a place just like what happened in the past? The internet is no longer a free place so what will be of us? I dodn't want to leave you guys.


And then what? If it becomes a boomer hive then what's left of this place? It seems like a something awful situation where the site becomes a money farm that's gonna dry up soon and the site becomes largely forgotten by the mainstream internet and becomes a ghost town of a website. I'm no psychic but I don't think appealing only to boomers is gonna be a viable long term investment, especially when they stop giving a shit. It's better to have a back up when you've found yourself a gold mine cause it could be fools gold or a shallow deposit.

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ff8f07  No.16908178


Passes are the worst. I don't mind ad banners, but he should go with a donation pool.

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181732  No.16908180


fatchan's software looks cool, I wanna check out the mod panel though.

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3f75b7  No.16908182


Honestly, as much as anons want an alternative, I doubt their ability to fund it. I'm broke. Even if they can, I doubt enough of them would trust you with their dosh. Jumping into the blind without first getting confirmed monthly donations seems like a recipe for disaster.

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73de8a  No.16908183


I'll wait then. I love to collaborate.

Once you get yourself a stable job, I'll reoffer.

Right now, concentrate on getting that license, and a security clearance.

Good Luck 👍


We have. What are your thoughts on it.

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181732  No.16908185


also tell applechan to send me your email

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c79aae  No.16908187

File: e34cb6a4fdc2f06⋯.jpg (85.37 KB, 490x386, 245:193, 1310804490300.jpg)

A solution is reopening vch.moe. That was actually working very well. How many shekles are required a month to host it? I'll pitch in.

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ff8f07  No.16908188


It's really stable unlike vichan. If you see something you aren't fond of, you can get a software simian to improve it.

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3f75b7  No.16908189


Started by Mark?

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5c6cb5  No.16908190

File: 2af2bb7c0a16139⋯.jpg (86.13 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, 460198a83c4cef81fde3a8f310….jpg)

Why contain it? Let lolis over into the threads and boards. Let the loli pile up in the 8kun. Post lolis and shotas on all boards across the 8kun intil Jim responds. In the end, he'll beg us to save him.

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147a87  No.16908191


He didn't say Jim threatened to delete /v/, he said that Jim said Mark should.



It's unclear what the context was. I don't think /v/ is at risk of being deleted. If we migrate it'll be for the sake of other issues.

The issues are boards not being migrated (especially boards like /loli/), board creation not being enabled, and some people having technical problems. I think people would be fairly happy with 8kun if only they fixed the first two and seemed to be at least making progress on the third.

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44cc14  No.16908192

==So, what do we do now?==>>16908190

> Let lolis over into the threads and boards

Someone is spamming the Q board right now.

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181732  No.16908193


We don't necessarily need to wait, I can get a donation pool going on. I just need to find a good service to do it and to confirm whom I'm speaking with and see an actual resume.

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73de8a  No.16908194


That's a nondisclosure, until I can trust David to maintain cock.li up for more than 99.99% uptime.

My current email is the .gov one, so I can't release it yet part of the collateral.

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44cc14  No.16908195

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ff8f07  No.16908197


Mark said Jim banned loli boards.

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4918b6  No.16908198


from what I saw he just said something about deleting /v/ no an actual threat of deleting it. what I saw though was a lot of faggots trying to push for julay and other endchans

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2a657b  No.16908199


>You forgot that Mark mentioned that Jim threatened to delete /v/.

Are anons illiterate? Jim told Mark to delete /v/ if he has a problem with how things are run. He didn't threaten shit, he was being flippant about the board's existance.

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000000  No.16908200


Hence why I've unhappily recommended Lynxchan in the first place. Stephen Lynx is at least poorly maintaining it. Unlike Vichan where Hotwheels has made updates to it private and paid for service. Both fatpeople's and mlpol's developing software are still rolling updates and would be poor choices right now if your objective is a semi-stable site. Choosing a blazing and constantly updating software still in beta would be a poor option.

You should really talk with Jews again if you have any hope that "Pigfood" Josh would make anything competently working. Infinity Next was a hot failure of his. 16chan was a hot failure of his. Kiwiwfarms has already had a data leak that we know of. I checked and the reason you think kiwifarms is even competently built is because the dumb faggot didn't even make it himself

>Forum software by XenForo® © 2010-2020 XenForo Ltd. | Style and add-ons by ThemeHouse | © 2020 Lolcow LLC.


If you want lyxnchan is work a bit better than get rid of the sidecatalog if you ever launch. The side catalog is what breaks the postlinks and backlinks for the javascript-disabling users torpedos being one part of that group. I've yet to see anyone on any lynxchan site ever lament to removal of the side catalog when it's taken out, and it provides a fundamental feature that fucking Stephen Lynx somehow fucked up.

This is why Lynxchan is the best option for the short-term. It's at least somewhat ok for full sites already and has a active maintainer. Your other options are ancient software, vichan, that's slowly rotting, or still-in-developing beta software. That's the shitty reality.

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181732  No.16908201


can't you use proton or tuta?

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d8d274  No.16908202



Theoretically we could just keep spamming loli on q boards & threads till they're scared off. Jim will have no choice but to make a statement.

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73de8a  No.16908204


My CV is only accessible on my I2P.

I don't hand PID unless I have collateral back.

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b144df  No.16908205

Get a bunker back up and running first. The matter of fixing/replacing the software can come later, you don’t have to figure it all out right this second. The important thing is to have a place to congregate and post the moment Ron comes to confirm his daddy hates free speech and wants /v/ deleted because they are a liability. Even if the place is initially held together with duct tape, anons can work together to find a solution after the migration.

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ff8f07  No.16908206


>Hence why I've unhappily recommended Lynxchan in the first place

He's already checked out the better fatchan software.

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c79aae  No.16908208


Loli is a literal beacon of status in any chan board. Where there are lolis there is freedom. We really should shitpost Jim till he responds.


Why not use a julay thread or another bunker thread to host it?

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5c6cb5  No.16908209

File: e43f22e1dac47f1⋯.png (251.3 KB, 917x1036, 131:148, 17_10_18_nonupdate_alt.png)

File: 652bd7b3f33d5af⋯.png (145.89 KB, 914x1168, 457:584, 18_11_06.png)

File: 1986534076f0ce4⋯.png (105.31 KB, 965x371, 965:371, 2019_02_19.png)

Reposting pasta to warn anons that the how dangerous 'Fiction=CP' logic is.

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73de8a  No.16908210


I can indeed, but I like the XMPP service that it comes with, that way I can do OMEMO.

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ff8f07  No.16908211


Julay hates Mark and /v/ here. It was mentioned earlier.

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1e6741  No.16908212


This might be a decent idea as well but we need to remember that the bunker also comes from Mark's pockets.

Can't we just transform the bunker into a site like 8chan slowly?

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181732  No.16908213


fatchan looks good, although there's no embed feature, which is something that needs to be added.

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4918b6  No.16908215


can you just wait for a second? I think you're getting duped

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ff8f07  No.16908216


QoL features like that can be addednin time. For now it's the best option.

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d003ce  No.16908218

File: 0fe9f08ce2c8909⋯.jpg (66.7 KB, 426x407, 426:407, 0fe9f08ce2c890923e4b30bc77….jpg)

File: aaeb9a7f561432a⋯.png (77.9 KB, 257x478, 257:478, Screenshot_2020_04_10_Step….png)



The problem with that, Stephen is butt buddies with the cripple and regularly talks to him on irc.

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d8d274  No.16908219


I know for certain there's loli threads on /a/. Maybe /mg/. Then /co/ allows loli threads but the BO prefers it stays in one thread at a time. Which some retard ruined by making it an official art only thread that's mostly just panties.

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d2db8b  No.16908220

File: 1468cbbc4b7e691⋯.jpg (16.68 KB, 200x200, 1:1, 4ed6c0d2e9a35e4ebe2b269b8c….jpg)


>Also I have to get my security guard licence and the job itself.

Mark Mann, Mall Cop.

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3f75b7  No.16908222


>I'm no psychic but I don't think appealing only to boomers is gonna be a viable long term investment, especially when they stop giving a shit. It's better to have a back up when you've found yourself a gold mine cause it could be fools gold or a shallow deposit.

From what I've heard, this site was never profitable. Jim's other businesses just ate the losses and I think 8chan was basically codemonkey's thing that Jim allowed him to have. Once the Qboomers came in force, ad profitability suddenly became a thing, and once the site got shut down "because of a problem board" Jim stepped in to rebrand it and ban problem boards that were cutting into his newfound moneyfarm. To him, it probably doesn't matter if the moneyfarm's freeloaders get the boot. The major public boards had no hand in the Q cult, and so their loss impacts ultimately nothing in terms of profit. If/when the Q cult dies down, Jim may either kill the site or just hand it back to Ron's near full control again.

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684905  No.16908225


Then add it, fatchan is the best software available and you can focus on getting a coder to add needed features as time goes on.

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d44137  No.16908226

I'll be airing out my grievance here due to /tech/ being nonexistent. What's going on with Firefox? Who thought it was a good idea to make the URL bar enlarge and drop down automatically upon selection?

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481d91  No.16908228

File: 2ff494d76bd1cf8⋯.jpg (72.6 KB, 452x680, 113:170, EUbdf7TU4AAlaOG.jpg)


>It's not like the bunkers are much better. Both of those sites are just incredibly bad replacements for 8chan

This is my issue that and both here and the bunkers don't even have a number of the regulars old 8ch had. The bunkers are full of bitter tards and here is a ghost town, unless something is done the last of old 4ch is forever dead or best case small rump states that have no real usersbases.

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ff8f07  No.16908229


/mg/ and /a/ do have loli threads along with /d/.

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bbe76e  No.16908230

File: 08d3bbe8b661174⋯.png (22.19 KB, 361x254, 361:254, 1467919267977.png)


>Mark confirms loli boards are banned

Oh good, I can finally give up on this site. I expected it to be the case months ago, but I thought I'd at least wait 8 fucking months now and see if anything would change.

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1e6741  No.16908231

File: f4f7a0a64c631db⋯.png (180.82 KB, 698x432, 349:216, 2ztn3hyhvoj21.png)


Well that's what happens when you try and control darker instincts of people instead of letting them use a safe outlet. The society tries to hide its true nature behind a facade of normalcy as it leaks out.

Jung warned us about this you fucks.

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ff8f07  No.16908232


We'll let you know when Mark makes a pro loli-site.

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147a87  No.16908233


I really doubt they're deleting /v/. We don't want to jump on something half-baked and split the userbase yet again, another split could kill /v/ for good. And if something happens vch.moe can already be brought back up quickly. We can wait until we have something decent ready and then make a clean break.

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73de8a  No.16908235


There's more to that story I've followed up:


Anyways Mark, I'll wait until you get employment.

Right now, this should be your #1 priority as the job market is dwindling.

It's why I'm not considering pooling funds. I don't want anons to be able to pay if they get suddenly laid off.

Secure a Job, I'll reoffer.

Thank you for hearing me out at the least.

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ff8f07  No.16908236


Splits happen when anons aren't informed.

You lose some but can keep most in the process if stickied and let everyone know the news.

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3f75b7  No.16908237


>We really should shitpost Jim till he responds.

Spamming loli on the q boards, which will immediately be drawn back to here, is likely to get Jim to forcefully order the deletion of this board.

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4a4cdd  No.16908238

File: 46fa01dc806cfe2⋯.png (7.03 MB, 2500x3333, 2500:3333, 21caeb7e3fe8838943dd780594….png)


>still on Jim's payroll

>actively sabotaging, and looking to poach donations from users

>can't put in money

>can't put in work

>can't even put in moral high ground by telling Jim to fuck off, and post proof

I am here to see what happens.

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4ba3f5  No.16908239

File: 935df398034e974⋯.jpg (61.97 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 2019_12_10_08_07_44.jpg)





Welp, time to bust out the good old loli folder.

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ff8f07  No.16908240


Maybe as last raid before we all leave.

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e9939f  No.16908241


So about a donation pool for hosting and potentially creating/improving some platform. How much money would people be willing to give. donation pools rely on having on trust and do we really have enough of that?

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1e6741  No.16908242


This, but let's wait until we actually have an alternative.

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3995bc  No.16908243

File: a58e38a4f950101⋯.png (10.04 KB, 779x793, 779:793, statue_of_loli.png)


So does /rule34/. The issue is that loli, and presumably shota or tot, focused boards are forbidden which means that A) Jim has been jerking our chain for 5 months and not being straight with us and B) those specific communities have no place to settle here.

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181732  No.16908244


Alright, I'll have my guy look into fatchan.

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3f75b7  No.16908246

File: 4b8ce869e5a58b8⋯.png (25.89 KB, 866x291, 866:291, ClipboardImage.png)


It is funny though

>Qtard making a post replying to thing in order to get the BO's attention to delete them

>Doesn't even know how to report



Yes, but no one yet has their shit fully together. Everyone is still debating alternatives.

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181732  No.16908247


Loli boards aren't being approved, loli itself is allowed on other boards.

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ff8f07  No.16908248

File: 86d4c823d4e44c5⋯.jpg (94.15 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 1574041246684.jpg)


Much appreciated and godspeed.

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54007b  No.16908249

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Incidentally, Jim is livestreaming. Go call him a fag.

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95689f  No.16908250

File: cce12425a60acc9⋯.jpg (67.67 KB, 750x897, 250:299, cce12425a60acc98d3e9b4a30c….jpg)


>that pic

What the actual fuck.

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d003ce  No.16908251

File: f35ec8e59bf8ac2⋯.png (186.19 KB, 511x2413, 511:2413, Screenshot_2020_04_10_Fred….png)

File: d91efcbf0af373a⋯.png (415.56 KB, 572x698, 286:349, Screenshot_2020_04_10_Step….png)

File: e029d6da31a016d⋯.png (28.97 KB, 572x369, 572:369, Screenshot_2020_04_10_Step….png)


Anyone that's friendly with the cripple shouldn't be trusted.


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d2db8b  No.16908253


We were warned when 8ch was going down and look what we're left with. Vch had a higher PPh than this place does right now. It's not so much being informed, but the constant site hopping and uncertainty is fatiguing. People stop caring and fall off the radar.


Currently we don't even know what the fuck is going on. I've said it in the other thread, but I advise every anon to try and contact Ron to get him over here and talk to us in a "no bullshit" manner. Anything drastic done before this happens I personally consider to be jumping the gun.

This place is still up, it's not being deleted as far as we know, so what we need right now is clarity instead of panicking and whispers of starting yet another site. And I don't think Mark has the head he needs on his shoulders to stay cool-headed so I'd rather not see him make any decisions before we hear from Ron (or he decides to just neglect our calls and ignore us).

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ea2b59  No.16908254

File: 935acac404d7716⋯.png (219.87 KB, 400x384, 25:24, 14bed81a07452a91947f5b227d….png)

I'm assuming Mark isn't gonna have a job in a little while.

I'll go where you fags go.


So wait, did Codemonkey/Jim tell you definitively that Loli board isn't allowed, or is it just silence while they ignore Loli boards?

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d8d274  No.16908255


>Doesn't even know how to report

Like I keep saying, QBoomers are inherently tech retarded. I don't know much either but I know how to do something as basic as use this site's features.

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3f75b7  No.16908256

File: 3217940c87b3f08⋯.png (172 KB, 800x518, 400:259, ClipboardImage.png)

It begins.


>the direction he's going with on 8kun is self-destructive.

But it likely isn't, to him, in any way that matters to him. >>16908222

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d93c65  No.16908258

File: b087c083c363c98⋯.png (180.65 KB, 710x900, 71:90, _hong_meiling_touhou_drawn….png)

Well, that was fun while it lasted: http://archive.vn/wip/Nx1e9

Had to stop because they limited how many threads could be created per hour.

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ff8f07  No.16908259


Reminder that boomers are still in power and they will try to get anime bannednif brought to attention.

Boomers for some reason refuse to retire.

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93cbff  No.16908260

File: 52e5ba4f0d745b7⋯.png (806.64 KB, 1000x1233, 1000:1233, maximo_keks.png)



>This one is actually not that bad.

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3995bc  No.16908261

File: 06360a25d2184dd⋯.jpg (80.17 KB, 336x339, 112:113, 134689379625.jpg)




What an retard.

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1e6741  No.16908262

File: 7ad64abd1f90153⋯.png (44.82 KB, 500x300, 5:3, i_have_an_unhealthy_intern….png)



Godspeed Mark, I never thought that you out of all people would have been our last hope.

Lets all have hope, imageboards are one of the last places that have any sparks of spirits of freedoms and fun in this god forsaken world.

There must be some point, even by a pure chance, where the shitty house of cards built through lies and moralfaggotry has to topple and give path to geniuent honesty, geniuent moral behaviour and truth.

We all have our flaws, most of us if not all are the outcasts of society to be even posting this, and often we do some really shitty things just for the sake of laughs. We act like fucking manchildren and keep throwing shit at each other. But in the end, this is one of very few places that has any sparks of self-awareness and sanity left. And because of that, I love you guys no homo.

We will yet get our home back.

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ff8f07  No.16908263


Cirno Pictures.

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3f75b7  No.16908264


That was my post.

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54007b  No.16908266

File: 9f634c87473ba48⋯.png (956.99 KB, 894x665, 894:665, 2020_in_SDM.png)

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046960  No.16908267

File: 1af2199c81186af⋯.jpeg (190.04 KB, 697x391, 41:23, C0483F9D_AEE2_45D9_AC19_0….jpeg)

God, these people are fucking intolerable. What kind of mental gymnasfics do you need to think that fucking free speech can only be political.


Just spam their general. They never leave it anyway.

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3f75b7  No.16908268


>Just spam their general.

Their generals fill up in minutes. They can't make a new one because of the thread creation limit. He effectively fucked with them. I'm surprised.

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4a4cdd  No.16908269

File: 3a969d2668404f8⋯.jpg (170.92 KB, 800x914, 400:457, 6c12a437d437775882cda59392….jpg)


Taking bets on Ron having a chat with dear old dad about traitors in their midst?

Or a bet that he won't make a statement until Mark is officially gone, but this will be what gets Codemonkey to be more active with anons?

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1e6741  No.16908270


What is even the point of politics if you cannot influence your life? The very act of using free speech is useless if you can only use it for political manner. By then what are you limited to? Arguing over fucking economics for the rest of your life?

Expressing yourself in silly ways is just as much as freedom of speech as politically. It's tyranny to say no to that.

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3995bc  No.16908271


>that pic

That is absolutely fucking Fudd tier logic.

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93cbff  No.16908272

File: 8b34f18376a3c0b⋯.jpg (58.14 KB, 500x500, 1:1, oh_shit_the_fire_rises.jpg)

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147a87  No.16908273


But the last screenshot is him insulting the cripple and his anti-8chan cursade.



Don't spam, it just provides a potential excuse to remove Mark and hand /v/ to someone else or whatever. Plus it would be nice if they actually listened to our concerns, and I don't think fostering hostility and causing problems with other boards will help with that.

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d003ce  No.16908274


He's still friendly with him, completely untrustworthy.

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046960  No.16908276

File: c90fa83ff2ef5c4⋯.jpeg (171.53 KB, 699x610, 699:610, 71291A30_9D57_4319_85EC_9….jpeg)


But anon, that was already tried. They don’t care.

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44cc14  No.16908277


>Don't spam

Too late, Jim, this is the future you chose.

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de739d  No.16908278

File: 727abcf1d63ab36⋯.gif (1023.97 KB, 500x354, 250:177, 727ab973b8.gif)


We either get what we want or die standing so be it. At least this time if we get removed from the the site will be because we stood up for something.

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181732  No.16908279


I'll have to apologize to the Q BO later

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ff8f07  No.16908280

File: 8a7ce3356562e77⋯.png (1 MB, 1240x1754, 620:877, 46619cdbe2c6f499cf584280d1….png)


When boomers were young they had a saying

>"Don't trust anyone over 30."

Now the boomer saying is

>"We know better than the young retards."

Boomers since childhood have been spoiled entitled faggots that think only their viewpoints matter and that puts them at odds against the generations before them and after them.

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c79aae  No.16908281


>it would be nice if they actually listened to our concerns

Yeah we've been saying that for almost a year.

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1e6741  No.16908282


>Don't spam, it just provides a potential excuse to remove Mark and hand /v/ to someone else or whatever.

Should I go to vch.moe if /v/ is suddenly gone by the time I wake up or somewhere else?

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d2db8b  No.16908283


But muh Qlarp and posting funny frog pictures saying I'm an "internet soldier" is the only speech that matters.

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ff8f07  No.16908284


Sorry you gotta deal with this. It's that everyone here feels frustrated and betrayed.

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c25770  No.16908285

File: b243af77896b7cc⋯.jpg (17.49 KB, 409x406, 409:406, 19705b92b7afb95424c5724a46….jpg)

what's mark's twatter? just asking in case jim decides to remove him.

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54007b  No.16908286

File: ee53601a8e224fb⋯.jpg (90.86 KB, 1040x614, 520:307, hands_statue.jpg)

>All this >we bullshit

Forging consensus is great.

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1e6741  No.16908287


Sorry you have to deal with this Mark, in the end you stayed on our side when everyone betrayed us.

It seems that you truly are our greatest ally

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ebc1b2  No.16908288

>never gone to Q before. Treat it the same as any other board that I have no interest in; just let them be as long as they don't raid us.

>Go there for the first time

>Given 25 pages before fall off.

>at least half of their threads are 0 replies

Fuck them. The site runs like shit and they get pampered

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1e6741  No.16908289


I tried to look for it but couldn't find it. Did Mark get suspended?

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3f75b7  No.16908290



And now they have three different #11207 generals.

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93cbff  No.16908291



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181732  No.16908293



I understand that. the /qresearch/ BO isn't a bad guy though. If Ron and co. try to make an effort to make the site good again and understand what direction we need to take things. Then I'll back off, but right now we need to apply pressure in order to get shit back into shape.



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c79aae  No.16908294


Wanna chime in with specific retrospection or are you gonna keep posting bullshit in third person?

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147a87  No.16908296


But we want a clean migration to an alternative site, not suddenly having to scramble and losing anons who don't know about it.

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88904a  No.16908297

File: 182f710ac6c7433⋯.png (248.86 KB, 1267x1000, 1267:1000, hibiki_sad.png)

I hope you can pull this off Mark, I too am pretty fed up with this bullshit, we keep begging and begging for some sort of comunication and all we get is a shit website that barely works. I hope you can get the cool BOs on your side, I really don't want to lose /a/nimu again.

Can't you make a temporary /tech/ and ask for help there? I have never worked in webdev before, but I would love to help if possible.


Do you got those lewd etna webms?

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1b3793  No.16908298

I posted some hentai on Q boards back in the 8ch days but it was too little and too lazily done to get any effect.

One thing to consider is, besides spamming the front page, leaving saged posts with loli on older threads.

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44cc14  No.16908299


>not suddenly having to scramble and losing anons who don't know about it.

Go to /mlpol/ to coordinate where to go next if we are shoahed: https://mlpol.net/1ntr/1722

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de739d  No.16908301


It's been a long time coming Anon the threads have not been this alive in ages. This site has been a graveyard for months I stayed in the hopes things would get better but they haven't so we appear to have all been waiting for some excuse to go mad this it.

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181732  No.16908302


I'm unsure if I can, but I'll sure as hell try.

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ff8f07  No.16908303

File: fa572c531b32b4d⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1147x1618, 1147:1618, Wakamono_no_Kuro_Mahou_Han….png)


I have nothing against the Q BO myself. But you can feel the disgust of anons when Jim threw everyone under the bus for Qfags.

Just stay put here until you get a site up and running with fatchan.

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4a4cdd  No.16908307

File: 93153bca73bcc6a⋯.jpg (497.76 KB, 788x1227, 788:1227, ab7c25cc18b7c9c349c77b9995….jpg)


No. Just searched for Etna on a different site, as she is top tier, demon girl, and vidya related.

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3f75b7  No.16908309

File: aba9b6dcfaedc5e⋯.png (393.26 KB, 1728x600, 72:25, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 64350fda0e29bf9⋯.jpg (7.27 KB, 230x219, 230:219, ahahaha.jpg)

They think it's the BO's fault.



>Do you got those lewd etna webms?

I do, but I can hardly fucking post.

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016101  No.16908311

File: 7cadf205a2c0716⋯.jpg (25.78 KB, 660x464, 165:116, SHINEEEE.jpg)





These fucking boomers are like poorly disguised skinwalkers I swear to God. I see words and sentences, but all I feel is disgust.

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3f75b7  No.16908312


Actually, it seems the other posters are shitting on this guy.

>I do, but I can hardly fucking post.

And to be specific, I can post at random intervals, but the webms are all larger files. They take too long to upload and my post will almost assuredly fail midway.

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bb0eda  No.16908314


I only recognize Etna in that pic. Am I normalfag tier?

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93cbff  No.16908315


Aren't those the terms used here, too.

I never used "baking" "bread" or "baker" when making new Gamergate threads here and on the bunker because they sounded gay as fuck.

I also hate benisposting, just to get that out there.

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841f57  No.16908317

File: 31284255ef04ddc⋯.mp4 (6.29 MB, 1200x904, 150:113, waiting_so_long.mp4)

I don't want to leave elsewhere yet, while Jim isn't really trustworthy and things could go to shit at a moment's notice,we shouldn't be hasty.A bunker should be made be made regardless, but another forced exodus to a nonfunctional site would be costly.

I sincerely hope this is just Mark sperging out again and board creation being only temporarily disabled for some maintenance. Bizarrely enough the site is working better for me now.

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016101  No.16908318


No, that's exactly what I mean. It's like they see someone else use the terms and syntax, and attempt to emulate it, but they fail somewhere. It's basically the text version of the uncanny valley effect. In trying to appear like the real thing, there's just something missing that makes it all that more unsettling.

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3f75b7  No.16908320


>Aren't those the terms used here, too.

That's his point. It feels surreal seeing a bunch of boomer Nostradamus cultists using the same relatively niche slang as oneself.


Oh hey. I made that mp4 with a page from Berserk years ago, and you still have the same filename as me. Neat.

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de739d  No.16908322

File: 7e5aa09a59a59f5⋯.jpg (104.45 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1159621325071_1_.jpg)


That's the other thing anons worked hard to get the the left to drop facebook frog only for these niggers to pick it up instead. They are a debasement to imageboards.

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147a87  No.16908325


Yeah. If we end up migrating then at least we can make sure the board software and everything is set up properly and it isn't half-baked, since for once we'd get to plan it instead of scrambling last-minute.

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3f75b7  No.16908326


>only temporarily disabled for some maintenance.

And just how fucking long has "temporarily for maintenance" reached at this point?


Just start associating it with loli and posting, not spamming, such images regularly on the Q general. They can use filters at least, so participate in discussion.

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36bcb2  No.16908329


nobody gives a shit about mark back on the webring boards if anything they are currently laughing at his attempts to damage control. its no necessarily hatred rather than amusement. Also believing that mods got angry because he got paid is fucking stupid, thats what cripplekike was pushing, nobody ultimateky cared. People left because jewpig was tailoring his dead on arrival q centric imageboard.

And thats projection on your end, you faggots keep shitting on other boards with non faceless mods with names. The reason why they have told mark to fuck off is because he never placates the anger on other mods in here on this board.

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36bcb2  No.16908330

File: 51302753774f32f⋯.jpg (63.76 KB, 700x628, 175:157, round_bird.jpg)


the only bitterness has come from /v/ users and /pol/, people have moved on from 8chan. If anything the best way to cure saltyness is to stop talking about it and go back to the way things were.

Ultimately what mark and the other boards have proven is that loyalty to anons is more pure and simple than having stupid site loyalties that are at the mercy of admins.

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4a4cdd  No.16908331

File: 1809d7ee1b630d9⋯.jpg (115.11 KB, 558x1080, 31:60, 20599aff5018fd9b4c63af2973….jpg)

File: 9fc8974248e061a⋯.jpg (203.74 KB, 802x1617, 802:1617, 284e46e7042ae6a82ce4448b56….jpg)

File: 56c133b1f409207⋯.jpg (2.78 MB, 2000x2837, 2000:2837, 03905d1c816a8b834ff9b50e76….jpg)


>I only recognize Etna in that pic. Am I normalfag tier?

Etna is the most famous one.

And the next girl is kind of missing some of her trademark design.

Others, personally wouldn't know myself.

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2a657b  No.16908332


Isn't saying don't trust anyone over 30 literally the same thing as complaining about boomers though? Its just more of the younger generations disliking the older generations.

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2d735f  No.16908334


you make it sound like mark did something that will get him in trouble

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54007b  No.16908335


>people have moved on from 8chan

Trannies aren't people, son.

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ff8f07  No.16908338


That's the irony. The boomers are bothered by the very same shit they've pulled when they were young.

They're self centered.

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36bcb2  No.16908339


yeah he did, he is currently trying to get another bunker up, this is going to piss off pigkike, the situation with animu and /a/ just show that the admins have a low tollerance for people with other bunkers


neither is being a user on a Q boomer centric website, with no loli, or /pol/. These are mitigations that render the site palpable to liberals trying to pick up screencaps for their blogsites.

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2d735f  No.16908340


Why do we need a bunker? I've been busy this week and haven't followed along. Is it from spite? I knoe know we got DDoSed the other day

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2a657b  No.16908341


And I'm sure our generation will do the same thing when we're retirement age, I feel like every generation goes through these phases. Look at gen x, they're almost no better at all than boomers.

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bb0eda  No.16908342


You still got deeper than I did, I take it the others are from some of the crossover games that Etna was included in from 3rd pic.

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44cc14  No.16908343


>Why do we need a bunker?

Read the thread.

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93cbff  No.16908345


Call me crazy or a shill, or something, but I think there have been hits in this site's population. You need look no further than /sp/, and that was back when firetires was in charge as pigfood's Infinity Next fucked his shit up. I also recall /v/ and /gamergatehq/ placing trust in the migration immediately while others such as the aforementioned sports board fucking hated it. Then we had imkamfy's reign of terror and other board owner spergouts like Kirino contributing to more pissed off users that left, and finally THE big shutdown via cloudflare after the mass shootings. If there somehow weren't any non trannies that were lost in the previous events, there were when that happened and the userbase splintered further as they either scrambled to bunkers, set up the webring, went to cuckchan as I had previously shown a couple threads or so back or were just left in the dark about everything.

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2a657b  No.16908346


The funny part is that I think a large percentage of qtards are GenX as well and not boomers. Which is what

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36bcb2  No.16908347


mark was talking about it on another thread, its ultimately up to him, but ron did joke about wanting to delete /v/ which is not something that anons should take lightly since he is old.



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d6b12a  No.16908348


Basically Mark is tired of Jim's bullshit and so are the rest of us.

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44cc14  No.16908349


>ron did joke about wanting to delete /v/

That was Jim.

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36bcb2  No.16908350


not ron, i meant to say jim, ron is a cool guy that needs to gain back some control from his semi serious shitposting dad.

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3995bc  No.16908351


Shit's right fecked laddie.

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ff8f07  No.16908352

File: f8cec3298234fb8⋯.jpeg (213.12 KB, 750x1087, 750:1087, Okay_Boomer.jpeg)


It's as old as time.


Oh yes, the Karen generation. Live, Laugh, Love and fucking healing crystals with essential oils.

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36bcb2  No.16908353


yeah my bad, Ron atleast is trying new things like his blockchain setup.

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841f57  No.16908354

File: 748259cf695620d⋯.png (234.3 KB, 691x576, 691:576, accepting_you_re_death.png)


I'm happy that relatively speaking old blood like you is still here and posting.


>And just how fucking long has "temporarily for maintenance" reached at this point?

Considering how long codenigger has been dragging his feet, 2 weeks minimum to 2 a month maximum.

The captcha being an eyesight test is a bigger obstacle than the technical issues that have individual pages take half a minute to load for me


People aren't loyal to sites,they're loyal to the posters in them.

I find the maid-bunker boring and /tg/ is too blackpilled for my tastes.

Julay/v/ doesn't fit my tastes and Julay/co/ is even slower than the /co/ here.Webring fags in general act like they're superior while having nothing to really be proud about besides not posting here based on poor evidence at best.


Inter-generation hatred is a constant throughout every chapter of mankind's history, prove me wrong.


Depending on Jim's dementia,he did or this is Mark making mountains out of mole-hills again.


They have low tolerance of people that break the rules repeatedly that have no intention of using their board in the nearby future. I find it suspicious that as soon as news like this hits and people mention the webring we get a fag that can't use caps correctly shows up to protect the honor of the webring.


It wasn't a joke you nigger,it was a statement made in the heat of the moment or him casually not caring.

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481d91  No.16908355

File: e7747f11d063dc6⋯.jpg (452.33 KB, 1000x896, 125:112, EUlwFDlU0AEBNNX.jpg)




>the only bitterness has come from /v/ users and /pol/

<All while being throwing a bitter fit here

Nice of you to prove my point.

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de739d  No.16908357

File: 27338a72a1e89a1⋯.jpg (9.53 KB, 180x157, 180:157, d9af9d8.jpg)




Thing's could get better if we can get Ron to fucking talk to us. But we should most likely prepare for the worst.

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3995bc  No.16908360

File: 117e92e004dc3b2⋯.jpg (45.64 KB, 604x457, 604:457, Vicar_Amelia.jpg)


Seek the old blood, but beware the frailty of newfags. Their wills are weak, minds young.

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2d735f  No.16908361



All i saw was the qnigger complaining about cirno somehow being cp, didnt know jim wanted to nuke /v/

>site isnt even fully functional

>for over 6 months

>userbase about to get fractured again

It's tiring, but at least bad karma catches up with shitty people

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181732  No.16908362


I have logs that I need to edit since it has personal information. I'd like to avoid posting them if possible, but Gahoole, Frank, the Q BO and loleron can back me up

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36bcb2  No.16908363

File: f90613e8e4c6aa4⋯.mp4 (1.03 MB, 854x480, 427:240, autism_center.mp4)


you have to realize, blackpill or not we have reached a metastasis, right now the objective is to survive until we get a rebirth. It will take time.

those old days are gone for now, you cant really blame people for feeling jaded, its like asking a bunch of rapefugees to smile when their city was bombed out. Thats a demand you are asking people that cant be currently fulfilled.

and you act as if there are no blackpills here or drama, /v/ has undergone decay too, it would be retarded to deny this at this stage.

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3f75b7  No.16908365


About the loli board ban. Is this just your interpretation of the fact that no loli/shota boards have been approved or migrated since site launch while many other boards with very late requests moved through smoothly? Something anons have been saying for months. Or was there an explicit statement to the effect of a board ban that you can quote or paraphrase?

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181732  No.16908366


I was arguing with a hardcore sperg who was twisting my words. Apologies for the misinformation.

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2a657b  No.16908367


>Oh yes, the Karen generation. Live, Laugh, Love and fucking healing crystals with essential oils.

Thinking about it that way it makes perfect sense that GenX is into Q shit, they clearly have no bullshit detector despite being the generation that originally prided itself on taking no bullshit.


>Inter-generation hatred is a constant throughout every chapter of mankind's history, prove me wrong

I don't think you're wrong though, that's what I was trying to get across, I don't think boomer's hypocrisy is anything special about them, I think its the same shit that every single generation will go through.

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93cbff  No.16908368


We're between a rock and a hard place. There is still their lack of communication and poor performance in regards to the other boards outside the Q-centric ones to take into account, and something else that ticked Mark off was that while loli posting is allowed, loli (and presumably shota) focused boards, will not. Unless they DO intend to restore as much of the site as they can and come clean about their attitudes and intentions, then the heat will be placed on Mark for yet again sperging out prematurely and making a mess of things for everyone involved.

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4a4cdd  No.16908369

File: 032b6eb772da259⋯.jpg (1.24 MB, 2000x2837, 2000:2837, 12f9d62b69f57abdc75541ed99….jpg)


Posted the pic. Have the benefit of seeing all the tags on the site I grabbed it from.

lilith aensland , shurelia , liliane vehlendorf , may (cross edge)

darkstalkers , atelier , ar tonelico , mana khemia , cross edge

Like I said, you should know Darkstalkers. But without the wings, and traditional costume, it is kind of forgivable.

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36bcb2  No.16908370


mark good luck man, its been a fucking wild one, hope you can figure out how to herd this group of cats.


keep telling yourself that.

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93cbff  No.16908372


It's not that he wanted to nuke /v/, just that he doesn't care if Mark deletes it.

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481d91  No.16908375

File: 9ed0a4800859a3d⋯.png (347.47 KB, 505x373, 505:373, oh_negros.PNG)


>keep telling yourself that.

You proved my point and a lot of bitterness is on the bunkers this is very evident.

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19d7c5  No.16908376

We can maybe move to 16ch,nl when it relaunches officially. It will relaunch on around April 20th as 9chan.

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c25770  No.16908377


> nobody ultimateky cared

I have seen otherwise. Anons generally didn't seethe without end about it. But I remember several negative reactions from several bunker boards, upon the revelation that Mark was being paid by jim.

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19d7c5  No.16908380

No more goddamn bunkers, we just need a new 8chan or 8chan like imageboard.

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54007b  No.16908381

File: c437020abb03c1c⋯.png (229.75 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, The_Art_of_Deception_p48.png)


>Why do we need a bunker?

Short answer: It's not needed. *Not yet, anyway.**

Longer answer: Jim needs to stop being a such a godammed boomer about his attitude on loli This is a Classic Alanskist Wedge-Issue which is being pushed to fracture the userbase by endchan2.0 trannies and his stupid boomer ass is falling for it. and Ron needs to stop being such a sperg and focus his hyper-autism on actually fixing the site instead of his someday-maybe Project Oden pipe-dreams.


>getting mad at being found out

This is why I do it. Because it's true.

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d003ce  No.16908382

File: 07c7920fc528932⋯.png (223.12 KB, 590x335, 118:67, 1338157759031.png)


>trusting pigfood

Because 16chan and Nextchan worked so well.

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e92d72  No.16908383


>the only bitterness has come from /v/ users and /pol/, people have moved on from 8chan

Odd, because it was very clear to myself that most of old pol users who were not the leftist larping as ultra right wing nazis moved to an unlisted board that is now the most popular board. I know they are there because I recognize their methods and anti shill know how– things boomers did not magically come to possess. Old /v/ is playing games because some decent games are happening and the industry has gone quiet in terms of outright buying the corrupt journalists narrative. Board and site stability plus a major happening usually tell the true story, DDOS attacks withstanding of course. Every lets pack up and go to this site ends up being either a honeypot or some retard GNAA wannabe. Anons always find each other because of shared posting preferences and what they don't put up with. I don't understand how D&C shills don't understand their impotence in trying, it is impossible to beat gamers. Gamers continually make fools out of them. Mark will always suffice until the day he gets vanned or coofed on, which I hope is never.

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000000  No.16908384


>trannyfarm's Infinity Next™ 2.0

I'm sensing lots of hand rubbing and a large nose.

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19d7c5  No.16908385


Nextchan wasn't run by Josh and 16chan was just a software demo.

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d003ce  No.16908386


Keep dreaming nigger.

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36bcb2  No.16908388


yeah but that was the initial response. Nowadays people do understand that jews doing it for free is a genetic impossibility. He asked to be paid and he got it. Nobody else on the website did so whats the point. Thats the true comedic point that other mods missed out on.

Also months have passed people on webrings are slowly either fizzling out or stopped having ex girlfriend syndrome with this website save for julay.

Julay is a website on the webring but not all of the webring is salty about mark, thats just some retarded overeaction that has turned into a bit of a meme here because of this websites pro pigkike echochamber.

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19d7c5  No.16908389

64ch.net also has a /v/ board and board creation.

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44cc14  No.16908390


Isn't that one of the pozzed sites?

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19d7c5  No.16908392


No schizo,

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36bcb2  No.16908393


mark already got coofed on and lived. I think that is a sign from god.

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3f75b7  No.16908394


>it is impossible to beat gamers

I was following until this bit, then all I could think of were the anti-gamer Joker memes.


You mean G*d.

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481d91  No.16908395


>This spacing

Jesus fuck and damage controlling for the bunkers.

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2d735f  No.16908396


You mean YHWH

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93cbff  No.16908397


Reminder, nu-listanon, things are catching on fire because of what Mark said about Jim without providing the logs for context. Something he similarly did when he was concerned with him datamining or ad fuckery a few months ago before he called it a false alarm. So do not jump the gun like he has; be careful with those accusations.

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d003ce  No.16908398


> fizzling out

That's the ultimate fate of the webring and similar imageboard collectives. They have no method to attract new users, their older users will eventually lose interest and ultimately someone has to pay for the server bill and the site isnt large enough to allow decent advertising.

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e92d72  No.16908399


always put a little bit of bait to infuriate

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19d7c5  No.16908400

Mark should only bother with a bunker if he doesn't just limit it to /v/ and allows board creation fully like 8chan had.

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19d7c5  No.16908401


No, Ron was a faggot who picked a fight with /b2/ for no reason.

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36bcb2  No.16908402


>kneejerk reaction.

>autistic sped anger

>muh spacing

Okay retard.


Not to mention cyber laws depending on where the server is hosted and how big a website gets there will always be some retard or outsider that causes trouble. There is always threats beyond just server cost.


Know anything about the rand board situation, i think it died of admin/board owner autism.

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c25770  No.16908403



That isn't Reddit spacing though. And the post isn't really a damage control for julay. Although I think he is for getting the recent bridge burning with smuglo.li, and last I checked both smug and Julay made up a significant portion of the webring.

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19d7c5  No.16908404


No, I'm talking about before 8chan went down. He basically threatened to delete /b2/ even though no global rules were being broken.

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36bcb2  No.16908409


I also just remembered about the /News/ board and /n/autism. The spat with /sp/ when hotdud fucked them over. What was the deal with /b2/?

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2a657b  No.16908411

/a/ doesn't look so stupid now only wanting to use 8kun as a bunker now

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3f75b7  No.16908412


>That isn't Reddit spacing though.

It is after the first paragraph.

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19d7c5  No.16908415


He sent a pretty threatening message to the /b2/ board owners account, accusing him of not deleting DOST violating content, which he was deleting, and of not deleting a thread in which an anon used a spam script to spam whatever board anybody requested which was not against global rules. He never deleted it, but he never brought it back after the site died either. He treated it pretty unfairly.

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93cbff  No.16908416



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36bcb2  No.16908417


/a/ was given to /animu/ because /a/ never bothered to clean up the board and left it to fill up with trash threads. /animu/ to this day still has a hard time getting their kemono threads back on 8kun.

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181732  No.16908418

If someone's bitching about this discord conversation im haviong


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c25770  No.16908419


That still isn't Reddit spacing.

Reddit spacing is when you put space in between every sentence like this.

This is because of leddits fucked formating.

Stop being a dumb nigger.

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181732  No.16908420



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2a657b  No.16908421


I know, but I'm just saying that their decision to say fuck this site and just stay on their bunker isn't that unreasonable considering all of this.

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19d7c5  No.16908422


Did you ever ask Ron why he didn't migrate /b2/? Also you should just make another infinitychan instead of a stupid bunker.

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8d364e  No.16908424

remember video games? i miss video games.

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481d91  No.16908425


It isn't but smug/a/ is still fucking retarded for a number of reasons.

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3f75b7  No.16908426


They did some shit I can blame them for. But I was always pointing out the lack of warning similar to imkikey's warning, and how the practice of handing a board to a favored party isn't a good thing. /a/ ought ot have gone to public claims first.



Got a clarification for >>16908365 ?

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b3842f  No.16908428

File: f04e3e42f719cc7⋯.jpg (53.87 KB, 541x380, 541:380, dont_need_eyes.jpg)


breddy good


i've never heard of those

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3f75b7  No.16908429


>It isn't but smug/a/ is still fucking retarded for a number of reasons.

The same one's as before they left.

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19d7c5  No.16908430


Nobody cares about those faggot, I'm just here to bitch about how /b2/ was never migrated.

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36bcb2  No.16908432


Kinda reminds me when coontown and fatpeople hate was ran out of 8chan, thats when hotdud turned against 8chan.

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06b49b  No.16908433


Except that when they did clear off all the spam threads, that technically broke a site rule, which was used as an excuse to remove control because /a/ wasn't forcing its users to go back to 8kun.

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c25770  No.16908434


>Overloading the cakekikes brain with big ideas

Come on nigger you know Mark isn't competent enough to get an 8chan alternative up in a reasonable amount of time.remember how fucked vch.moe was?

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ff8f07  No.16908436


>/animu/ to this day still has a hard time getting their kemono threads back on 8kun.

Because all the kemonofags are on the bunker and hate this site. So /animu/ is extremely split in two now.

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19d7c5  No.16908437


At least Mark has the passion to not let it die in a week like libreland/8chnl.

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3f75b7  No.16908438


The spam threads wouldn't have wiped their board if they hadn't lowered the limit to 2 pages.


I read the discord, you disingenuous faggot. Mark's clearly showing and ego, but that's all. Nothing as bad as that image implies.

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481d91  No.16908439


I just want a ch that's unified again and not in a Balkanisation.

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3995bc  No.16908440

Whatever happens if we end up on a new bunker then we need to if not be friendly with then at least make peace with the rest of the 8chan diaspora.

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19d7c5  No.16908441


That's why this bunker shit needs to stop.

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0b978b  No.16908442


If he uses Discord it's already too late.

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d003ce  No.16908443


There wont be anything as long as everyone is disenfranchised.

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2120f4  No.16908445


>yet another cherrypicked "screencap" of Mark looking worse than he is

Wow haven't seen one of these before

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ff8f07  No.16908446

File: e9f6013d85ff7d9⋯.png (736.29 KB, 1658x2348, 829:1174, Shijou_Saikyou_Orc_san_no_….png)


Unfortunately when a group remains divided long enough they form their own culture and identity.

/animu/ bunker and /a/nimu here are distinct groups now.

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55f73f  No.16908447


The post-8chan community is a fucking joke. The more we move, the worse it gets and the more people we lose. Each new day is the worst day we've ever experienced.

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ff8f07  No.16908448


Unfortunately this site is bleeding users as is, so the fracturing is happening regardless.

Mark's revelation about Jim has caused anons to be wary.

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8ac3d6  No.16908449

File: 3cf9c7ef676a23f⋯.jpg (513.68 KB, 1280x1829, 1280:1829, things_can_always_be_worse.jpg)


No one tell them about tanned Cirno

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93cbff  No.16908451

File: 4d86bd5721c2ba2⋯.webm (11.32 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, discord_Video_by_Asaratha….webm)



Although he's not Imkikey tier, yet. This incident should serve a s a reminder to hold peoples' feet to the fire if they fuck up, and Mark and his vols should not be exempt. I don't think those discords caps are that damning…besides the use of discord at all like a dumbass. What ought to be cause for concern though, is this:


Remember when he thought a bunch of the politically incorrect stuff posted here was a "LARP" shortly after the Tarrant shooting?

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19d7c5  No.16908452


Just move to endchan you morons, I'm pretty sure /v/ is claimable.

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55f73f  No.16908453


>You guys and mark spent the last 3 months painting every other imageboard as a glow nigger data mining operation

That's literally, word for word, what julay says about 8kun. You're retarded.

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481d91  No.16908454


Too many are in tribalism or totally blackpilled.


Yes and no since many like myself go on both It's


> You guys and mark spent the last 3 months painting every other imageboard as a glow nigger data mining operation that only exists to siphon users from 8kun

Retards here on and the bunkers both did this bullshit and what everyone fails to understand is that both here and the webbering aren't even a shadow of what the 8chan community was.


> endchan

No thanks.

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36bcb2  No.16908455


That is julay, they recently banned a ton of ISP's because someone called the anti vaxxer /k/ mod a fed kike.

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8d42af  No.16908456

File: b1063d4af73f64f⋯.jpg (167.74 KB, 540x703, 540:703, b1063d4af73f64fb993af83ed2….jpg)


We had the chance to drop 8kun as soon as Jim showed he was going to cuck out to the media, feds by rebranding entirely and adding the disclaimer. Unfortunately anons decided to stay in this shithole and are surprised Jim doesn't give a shit about his original userbase. I only hope now we can move with volume and commitment because otherwise there is no hope for the true lineage of imageboards.

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4e92ce  No.16908457


Are you kidding me, to anyone towards anyone, they're either a rulecuck, a tranny, an annoying shitposting faggot, a Redditor, etc. Just accept the fact that all the communities that were once together in 8chan fucking hate each other now, and focus on making your own community better before going around bothering anyone else.

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d003ce  No.16908458

File: 0547aeb93edd314⋯.png (260.02 KB, 491x491, 1:1, 0547aeb93edd314633611426ed….png)

File: faaa1a110e62816⋯.jpg (43.85 KB, 577x471, 577:471, 1452230603638.jpg)

File: 137023a5f047d33⋯.png (81.09 KB, 1189x222, 1189:222, 1452309311632_0.png)

File: 3f93886b605d7ee⋯.png (180.85 KB, 1351x661, 1351:661, 1452309311633_1.png)

File: e976650e1641ce5⋯.png (200.36 KB, 1351x661, 1351:661, 1452309311633_2.png)



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55f73f  No.16908459


Is there anything wrong with endchan? I barely remember that shit.

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d003ce  No.16908460


Goon territory.

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de739d  No.16908461

File: 58c9113ac6915f2⋯.jpg (51.77 KB, 509x612, 509:612, 58c94a8bf.jpg)



This honestly what I've seen everyone pointing at each other saying no u are the glow nigger.

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3995bc  No.16908462

File: 07c54a421e409ef⋯.jpeg (158.27 KB, 600x556, 150:139, Comfy_Squid.jpeg)


I feel now that 8kun coming back online was the worst outcome for us. Being on cakechan was comfy and being apart of the webring was comfy, even if we were the redheaded stepchild of the bunch.


>tor playing D&C again

Yeah that's par for the course.

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d003ce  No.16908463


Well technically anyone using Cloudflare glows the brightest.

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3f75b7  No.16908464

File: e715f4331354dab⋯.png (114.92 KB, 658x265, 658:265, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 41c9b39f2598fb9⋯.png (23.81 KB, 714x294, 17:7, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 18ed9e6d77fca6f⋯.png (23.98 KB, 562x237, 562:237, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 417fc1394548fdb⋯.png (21.6 KB, 862x194, 431:97, ClipboardImage.png)


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19d7c5  No.16908465


People complain about the software being outdated but that's about it. It's still better than OpenIB/infinity.

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d003ce  No.16908466


The webring was never going to be sustainable, its only a matter of time before the bills start piling up.

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4e92ce  No.16908467


The PPH is already abysmal compared to what we used to have back at 8chan.


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93cbff  No.16908468


And? Are Jim and Ron not suspicious themselves after what's been happening since the takedown months ago? On the other hand...


If you want to know why /v/'s been on edge about things like that, you have your answer here:


Endchan is absolutely not an option because of Drybones, who was friends with Niko, a previous GG board owner here who burned out and then proceeded to shun and destroy just about everything related to Gamergate that they could get their hands on along with his successor before Acid Man made /gamergatehq/ and wouldn't let them fuck with GG anymore, so the hostile /ggrevolt/ was made in response.

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36bcb2  No.16908470

File: 1ea44410594b73d⋯.jpg (22.84 KB, 493x411, 493:411, joker_dab.jpg)

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c25770  No.16908471


Nigger both 8kun and webring have painted the other as glownigger central. The only take away is that imageboards don't need government intervention to become full of retardes.

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000000  No.16908472



Considering julay is completely open source and 8kun is proprietary I'm not sure what your point is. There is literally no way of knowing what kind of scraping niggerscript 8kun is running. In fact oddly enough you can't even post on 8kun without disabling javascript. In contrast I can go look at lynxchan's source right now and verify every bit of niggerscript it runs, and it's even conveniently designed to actually work without running niggerscript at all. Funny how that works.

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de739d  No.16908473

File: 4dd08bacc70f8a2⋯.jpg (95.72 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 4e850b.jpg)


They truly are the dumbest fucking gorilla niggers.

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19d7c5  No.16908474


Then 64chan is the best option.

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225c81  No.16908475

File: 868808adc78d379⋯.gif (439.58 KB, 458x260, 229:130, 868808adc78d3794ae8b984a19….gif)



>the kike ain't that bad

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d8d274  No.16908476

File: 5f6819b0091fe6f⋯.jpg (190.87 KB, 1444x2048, 361:512, EVFfDMnUwAErOjj_jpg_orig.jpg)

File: 4427187045b54f3⋯.jpg (146.82 KB, 1444x2048, 361:512, EVFMRANUUAE2pp3_jpg_orig.jpg)

File: caccf4d7be14549⋯.jpg (145.31 KB, 1240x1754, 620:877, EQuar5_VAAA1SLX_jpg_orig.jpg)


Good to see it's working.

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d003ce  No.16908478

File: 4a16383413640b8⋯.jpg (31.69 KB, 523x521, 523:521, 4a16383413640b8286b039ab44….jpg)


> julay is completely open source

>bunking with /cow/

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841f57  No.16908480

File: 7e0821287536236⋯.jpg (31.75 KB, 746x754, 373:377, ok_retard.jpg)


Smug/a/,Smug/tg/ and Julay boards I've checked took that moment intensely negatively. To claim otherwise is bold-faced lie.


Unless they're all kiddie pool sized,board creation on a bunker is asking for overloading your servers.


Do they really need to?

Kemonofags are happy where they are and /animu/ isn't really starving for new users.

Pure-numbers-wise kemono was like a 1/4th rather than half I think. I never gave much of a shit about kemono faggotry so it's not a major loss to me.


Them thinking they're intelligent for it while having shit-tier discussions on FotM and seasonal anime and no real OC outside of board-assets.Can't use echoes there before they banish your post to the anti-semetic void.


Everyone in this seems autistic, doubly so for using Discord of all things. They should all be gassed.


The maids also turned off thread creation to supplant the spam, if I remember correctly.They essentially wiped,then castrated /a/ until they thought it was worth moving back in.


The way I see it it's a couple or 3 of elitist fags acting like they're hot shit posting on the webring rather than the main site, despite posting under more or less the same administration and population.


>for good reason

Like those fags have something something genuinely worth boasting about over this place.


The worst outcome would have been cuckchan crashing into the webring as soon after the site fell.

Board culture would have been completely overridden and they'd follow us everywhere while driving off old-blood.

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60bfe4  No.16908481


A place that bans loli is not worth posting at all. That's where I very clearly draw the line and if Jim and Ron decide to cross it then I'm done with 8kun, Mark alternative or not.


Individual messages with no context is on-par with what CNN/Huffpost/Dirty Rag considers their standards, so I don't trust those either.

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016101  No.16908482

File: 54d7d882c6fa3ea⋯.png (77.89 KB, 282x300, 47:50, huh2.png)


>regular porn is OK because it's known to summon Q

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8d364e  No.16908483


i'm starting to think the radiation from the hiroshima and nagasaki bombs just permeated the entire planet and gave all babies born for the next 20 years brain damage. boomers are a fucking embarrassment.

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19d7c5  No.16908484



Fuck off, we don't need another bunker, we need a new home.

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de739d  No.16908486



Plus these people where most likely rinos back in 2015.

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3f75b7  No.16908487

File: 19acbfe08458be8⋯.png (18.41 KB, 939x147, 313:49, ClipboardImage.png)


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d003ce  No.16908488


>Kemonofags are happy where they are and /animu/ isn't really starving for new users.

Thats what they all say until someone forgets to pay the server.

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181732  No.16908489


sorry, I was arguing with retards. but yeah, I've just seen that ron has been denying the requests.

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481d91  No.16908490


This is one of the most logical post I've seen this year.


>Them thinking they're intelligent for it while having shit-tier discussions on FotM and seasonal anime and no real OC outside of board-assets

/a/nimu actually has OC and a sense of humour.

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26b10b  No.16908491

File: a9e77e1dce04d2a⋯.gif (9.34 MB, 578x624, 289:312, Pathetic.gif)


>afraid of /cow/boys

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ebc1b2  No.16908492


They are so separated from the rest of the boards and board culture in general. Have they never heard of a raid?

>millions are seeing this

That's probably the most delusional part. Can they not read unique ID counts?

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de739d  No.16908493

File: d5ee0acf0893233⋯.gif (1.83 MB, 384x372, 32:31, d5ee0a8b4.gif)


All they had to do was listen. Dumbfucks.

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3995bc  No.16908494


This guy is my new favorite shota artist.

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016101  No.16908495


Jesus Christ, and all this is because of like three people posting loli. This shit should be incredibly easy to fuck up if Mark ever gets fired or /v/ gets deleted.

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c25770  No.16908497


Is this the part where you spam?

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54007b  No.16908499

File: 870ca9083f98817⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 182.33 KB, 350x394, 175:197, pedodan_hold_em_tighter_ol….png)


>goons spam loli

>same goons hop IP and complain about the loli they themselves spammed and lie about the "danger" of "drawn CP"

It's almost like I've seen this technique used before before.

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3995bc  No.16908500

File: a6e3e89f2a77335⋯.png (74.64 KB, 536x534, 268:267, benny.png)

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3f75b7  No.16908501


>three people posting loli.

I'm almost entirely sure it's a single fag on a VPN.

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181732  No.16908504

File: 0f300bdefe1ac1b⋯.jpg (32.03 KB, 529x529, 1:1, smugdemon.jpg)

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c25770  No.16908505



Did you niggers even read the thread?

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55f73f  No.16908506


Why would you need to false flag someone being retarded in a board where everyone is retarded?

oops posted this on their board, wew

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54007b  No.16908508


You're a conspiracy theorist :^)

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44cc14  No.16908510


Or Tor.

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93cbff  No.16908511

File: b1d7c06a709123b⋯.png (161.42 KB, 602x420, 43:30, Mark_retweets_Odiltime.png)

File: c0f154027055266⋯.png (29.38 KB, 592x798, 296:399, OdilTime_on_HW.png)


They don't seem too receptive to bunking with us, going by their threads on julay.


Alright, then do you know who runs that site? If it's anyone like Josh, Endchan's staff or anyone that has a vendetta against 8chan in the past, caution would have to be exercised.


Odiltime? Say, didn't you retweet him recently Mark?:

Care to explain?

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016101  No.16908512

Oh hey, Krakatoa fucking exploded. April off to a swood start.

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c0304e  No.16908513

File: a44679ea62df479⋯.jpg (10.04 KB, 193x261, 193:261, monsoon_memes.jpg)


>makes us look bad

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b3842f  No.16908514

File: f616b6ef9677821⋯.webm (4.53 MB, 1000x542, 500:271, v_at_lunchtime.webm)


I've only seen it on one board on julay(that Ive checked), but shit just gets derailed on them there board, you get people extoling their virtues. Most of the other boards are good though, vouching /liberty/ at least.

I'm not God, I don't know whats best, but everyone being split and antagonizing each other is not a good place to be in.

Some actual game translation news, Yumeutsutsu Re:Master is getting released stateside on all platforms of choice and PS4.

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3f75b7  No.16908515



I'd have more caps, but image loading is going in and out so often I can't easily find the porn and loli posts the qtards are reacting to. Can't really keep up with threads that fill in less than half an hour otherwise.


What are you talking about? One, maybe two fags in this thread decided to spam /qresearch/. How does that conflict with what I said?

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de739d  No.16908517

File: b6d0a3188b913dc⋯.jpg (130.78 KB, 1095x1200, 73:80, EMC_Z2rU8AA3_Ts.jpg)


So wait a sec have these shit heads never been raided before?

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3995bc  No.16908519

File: 73abf1fc3477d3a⋯.jpg (24.29 KB, 634x356, 317:178, 5611466_6337713_image_a_2_….jpg)


>Krakatoa fucking exploded

Q predicted this #1JIGGYWITHIT

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55f73f  No.16908521


This looks like the start of a beautiful new idea. Fucking with Jim where it hurts.

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c25770  No.16908523


Nigger that tweet went viral. Most twitterfags, let alone someone like maek, don't have the time or energy to pull off the autism necessary to vet who's tweeting that meme your rebloging. Even SJW's fuck up on occasion and reblog a bad goy if they have no obvious tells.

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c25770  No.16908524


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016101  No.16908525


Slow your roll for now. If Mark gets fucked, or if /v/ gets fucked, OR if these stupid fucking technical issues don't get fixed in any reasonable time, that's when going after the boomers becomes reasonable. We need to give Mark time to feast on enough cakes and play enough bing bing wahoos to get a bunker going.

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e92d72  No.16908526


Daily reminder you convinced zero and will always be a biological male.

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3f75b7  No.16908527


>oops posted this on their board, wew

I was trying to figure out who you were replying to on there.

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c25770  No.16908529


sorry, I thought you were echoing the view of the other nigger.

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1a8734  No.16908530


Wouldn't be surprised. Mayhaps we can convince them to fund some sort of "anti-raid fund" to get Ron working on the site full time. :^) For you QAnons somehow lurking, this is a joke.


Can confirm, given that Stonetoss Remember that Vivian James comic with the bullworm? gets retweeted every so often, much to a hardcore SJWs chagrin.

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c25770  No.16908531


fuck posted mid draft

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181732  No.16908532


correct, let's play it smart and perhaps let ron and jim try to answer for themselves. I'm hoping I can pressure them to do better rather than outright doing another exodus,.

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fd7736  No.16908533

File: 34d37aa7c005751⋯.jpg (194.25 KB, 639x477, 71:53, Extremely_Amused_Gypsy.jpg)


It's almost cute at how naive and stupid these motherfuckers are ignorant of imageboard culture.

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c25770  No.16908536


That was red panels not stonetoss.

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ff8f07  No.16908537

File: 34a27b041b094ee⋯.jpg (40.37 KB, 484x615, 484:615, flat_800x800_075_f.jpg)


Please pressure them. But continue on setting upna site as a contingency.

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5fa7a7  No.16908538


You must feed the pigs if you wish to seek audience with Mr. Watkins. You know what to do.

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3995bc  No.16908539

We should have a Krakatoa East of Java movie night. That is an excellent movie if you haven't seen it.

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181732  No.16908540


that's the plan

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54007b  No.16908542

File: c583b6bc8bec64f⋯.jpg (80.56 KB, 454x445, 454:445, look_at_the_happenings.jpg)




Also, Klyuchevskoy volcano, Popocatépetl, Krakatau, Shiveluch, Reventador, Sakurajima, Aso, and Sabancaya


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ff8f07  No.16908544


Has your guy looked into fatchan? Keep this thread updated with any new plans and developments.

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3995bc  No.16908545


>Also, Klyuchevskoy volcano, Popocatépetl, Krakatau, Shiveluch, Reventador, Sakurajima, Aso, and Sabancaya

Oh no.

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de739d  No.16908549

File: 3a4807a2317a85c⋯.jpg (118.8 KB, 950x1024, 475:512, EHFP81IU8AA3dPo.jpg)



Hey mark nothing has happened so far that can't be undone. We shouldn't be to badly fucked yet and if shit goes wrong that just show's how bad thing's really were.

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016101  No.16908550

File: 0aed5bbbcb8e79a⋯.jpg (18.91 KB, 481x498, 481:498, if_only_you_knew_how_bad_t….jpg)




Please don't blow up my waifu, Earth-chan.

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e92d72  No.16908551


Panic can be manufactured as well, if you look at this qanons posts for the day, there is nothing of note or significance except what was posted on twitter. Don't you remember when the shills tried acting like upset boomers about 3DPD? Wrong place to try herd tactics, if you are at this site, regardless of age, you likely can and will think for yourselves.

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d8d274  No.16908553


>all these volcanos

A-at least it isn't Yellowstone…

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5fa7a7  No.16908554

File: 3b8987fbadd3700⋯.jpg (1.18 MB, 2400x1800, 4:3, yellowstone_TA.jpg)


Caldera when? I'm tired of this gay ass hole.

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ff8f07  No.16908556


2020 is insane.

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3f75b7  No.16908557


Well, I was cherrypicking the most entertaining responses. There are also lots of response telling people to just filter and ignore the spam, and calling the redtexting faggot a faggot. There's one guy who's replying to every single porn post with pictures of Jesus.

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3995bc  No.16908559


Or Long Valley. You have no idea how much basalt floods scare me.

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1a8734  No.16908567

File: c22e76dc828bbd4⋯.png (174.02 KB, 423x718, 423:718, _.png)


You have a better memory than I do, well spotted. I swear they have very similar styles.


So what's the list of options? There's fatchan, and I swear there's some other architecture that I'm forgetting.

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3f75b7  No.16908570

File: 15c5cfe916a53d6⋯.jpg (87.92 KB, 655x902, 655:902, Mario_Noir.jpg)


>if you are at this site, regardless of age, you likely can and will think for yourselves.

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ff8f07  No.16908574


People on that board are extremely religious.

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147a87  No.16908582



They're the same person, Stonetoss is just the name of his newer comic.

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000000  No.16908583


designed to actually work without running niggerscript at all. Funny how that works.

I'd agree except for the fucking side catalog that break every reference link. That makes it the worst goddamn imageboard software to use without javascript. That single feature makes it the most hostile to nonJS users, funny how that works. Get rid of the side catalog, like any sane fucking site has, then yes, it's better than vanilla vichan/infinity/openIB by a long shot. Otherwise it's dogshot from the default release.

Vanilla Vichan >>>> Vanilla Lynxchan for non-javascript

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c25770  No.16908588


Fist i have heard of this. Guess that explains why they are so similar. Was this ever stated?

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000000  No.16908591


Lynxchan is absolute shit, but my point was that it isn't broken by design with malicious intent. It's just broken because it's hue monkey tranny code.

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4bfa8e  No.16908594


>he's friendly with cripple kike

>ribs him half to death

I don't get it

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ff8f07  No.16908595


Mark is already getting a guy to check fatchan software. I don't know why anons keep bringing up lynx.

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181732  No.16908598


he's been busy, I'll bother him again tomorrow or the day after

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ff8f07  No.16908599


Just keep everyone updated with your plans so nobody goes gung ho.

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0f9ed6  No.16908600

File: 523085d619471f0⋯.jpg (91.35 KB, 1024x1009, 1024:1009, 523085d619471f0242edf814eb….jpg)

>raiding boomers with loli for massive salt

Shit, I wish I thought of that myself. It's time they learned about delicious /cake/.

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44cc14  No.16908603


Looks like it's turning into a more general porn post raid.

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181732  No.16908605


of course

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07f462  No.16908612

The real question is what the fuck do we do next? I really don't think Jim is cares about anything outside of those qboomers, that's obvious. I've noticed that, unless the numbers weren't being counted right, the PPHs and Unique IPs for /v/ and /pnd/ started to dive about a month ago. What I don't understand is, with so many people now stuck at home, it should be increasing, but it is dipping. Are they really driving that many people away or is the code that fucked it isn't counted properly?

I know it's been asked to death, but why the fuck couldn't either Jim or Ron give us a little light of day. They left us in the dark for months, didn't mention or even ask about rebranding, and they haven't done shit for bringing back any boards or even allowing board creation. How do they mismanage migration this bad? A huge amount of communities have permanently left the website and have no plans on coming back, killing activity more. I don't blame them, with the site's niche communities being neglected for so long. If Jim doesn't care, he should come right out and say it, then give us about a week before he pulls the plug so we can go elsewhere.

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147a87  No.16908613


I don't know if he's ever explicitly said it, but they have the same art and political opinions and Stonetoss started 5 months after Red Panels stopped.

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1a8734  No.16908614

File: 2514bb7b43b5f15⋯.jpg (36.47 KB, 352x375, 352:375, Comfy_drills.jpg)


redpanels.com/ https://archive.fo/lGnND

>After 18 wonderful months as the creator of RedPanels, I am announcing my retirement. Knowing and interacting with you has made all the labor worthwhile. […]

>RedPanels has been the most fun project I have ever undertaken, though it is not the only one I plan to. Producing free comics for you has been immensely rewarding, but future endeavors require the funds that a proper career would provide. As such, I am focusing my time accordingly.[…]

>Thank you all. Love, Red

Doesn't rule out him being Stonetoss, but seconding >>16908588, I haven't seen anything concrete tying RP to ST.


Thanks, Mark. Here's hoping Jim and Ron give a detailed response on the site's status.

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000000  No.16908615


Tor can't post images. You'd need a VPN or some other proxy instead.

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4bfa8e  No.16908616

File: 75180bbe8d4aa23⋯.png (104.1 KB, 633x318, 211:106, 2020_04_10_21_35_23.png)


Marcos, what aboot vch.moe? Still got my bookmark for it

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54007b  No.16908617

File: af6937482af61ad⋯.jpg (135.22 KB, 866x1200, 433:600, _fujiwara_no_mokou_touhou_….jpg)



Good News! There were 2 Yellowstone earthquake swarms at the end of March: https://volcanoes.usgs.gov/volcanoes/yellowstone/status.html.


Mammoth Lake (Long Valley Supervolcano Caldera complex) had it's own earthquake swarm last September: https://mammothtimes.com/content/usgs-swarm-small-earthquakes-shake-area-near-mammoth-no-danger-time

2020 is going to be FUN.

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3f75b7  No.16908619


>If Jim doesn't care, he should come right out and say it

He essentially did that when he nonchalantly said he didn't care about /v/ and to delete it.

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d8d274  No.16908620

File: cb9b31de87bfb44⋯.jpg (178.91 KB, 992x992, 1:1, EBi51r2UIAEpM7w_jpg_orig.jpg)



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ff8f07  No.16908621


Much appreciated.


I guess it's a matter of time as this site keeps bleeding.

Mark needs to get Jim and Ron to talk or make the new site ASAP.

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4bfa8e  No.16908624

File: 27f9cf6fd78d6f5⋯.jpg (97.83 KB, 680x392, 85:49, yellowstone_usa_map_wyomin….jpg)


Will Idaho be spared? I went there for the eclipse and it was super comfy.

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841a23  No.16908626

File: 5991fce0da0b8ee⋯.gif (1.85 MB, 500x683, 500:683, RWDS.gif)

































no just shut the fuck up you dumb kike. you don't get to jew your way out of this one. you're a fucking kike. you act all cool to anons, like you have their best interests in mind but then you split the userbase by selling out to Jim for shekels and now you are going to split the userbase again. fuck you, you lied to everyone and ruined my life

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93cbff  No.16908627


How did he ruin your life, exactly?

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eaade9  No.16908629

File: 7b75a5c6d7146bf⋯.gif (4.48 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 1585850897019.gif)


>ruined my life

you had something going until that

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4902a3  No.16908630

File: 7e6e9ebd81e99fc⋯.webm (768.7 KB, 480x480, 1:1, cat_slide.webm)


The facts are important: the BO made and stickied a thread stating "let's all post CP", then posted like thirty spoilered pics, all of which were cats, then it got put into lockdown mode, never got unlocked, and the BO posted links to other sites and disabled posting. I'm also told that nowhere in the thread was anything illegal posted and that reports on the thread were dismissed, but i can't vouch for that first-hand.

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07f462  No.16908632


>He essentially did that when he nonchalantly said he didn't care about /v/ and to delete it.

I'd rather he fucking say it directly at this point. I think we all got tired of being left in the dark since September.


>I guess it's a matter of time as this site keeps bleeding.

The fact that it's bleeding at a time activity should be spiking is astounding. Truly, it is a testament of how bad of a job they are doing at managing the site.

>Mark needs to get Jim and Ron to talk or make the new site ASAP.

As someone who's been pissed at Mark's antics a shit load, I actually like the fact he's taking the initiative for once even after having the Wuhan Flu. I really believe that his conversation with them (if he even has one) won't be productive because they sure haven't been communicating with us for over half a year. I'm worried about an exodus killing us off completely though. Hell, sometimes I think Mark's incompetent moments are easy to laugh of at 8chan, but they could effectively kill a breakaway website.

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3f75b7  No.16908633

File: 9134ccd93e00834⋯.png (498.27 KB, 861x877, 861:877, 9134ccd93e00834c89eb163bd3….png)


>and ruined my life

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d8d274  No.16908634

File: 5b51c96618c2b14⋯.jpg (468.83 KB, 1076x1225, 1076:1225, EUdSrIMXQAQjQnd_jpg_orig.jpg)

Schizo's back I see. I hope this porn spam on the Q boards gets Jim's attention. If he pays any mind at all. I'm sure they're whining on twitter to him about it. We gotta drive em out. Not just with loli or futa. But traps & shota too. If they wanna take over this site then we gotta put em through the ring of fire.

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ebf5f5  No.16908635

so anyway I helped my little brother masturbate today to teach him the basics

im surprised how sticky early cum can be

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1a8734  No.16908637

File: dd89dfa398710e8⋯.png (315.91 KB, 800x800, 1:1, disgusted_polina.png)


Backpack cuckery, presumably.

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c25770  No.16908638


Can you be more obvious you nigger?

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a011b6  No.16908640

File: 21ab0e2effd5f8a⋯.jpg (7.7 KB, 259x194, 259:194, download_1_.jpg)


hm? nothing I said was a secret

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5fa7a7  No.16908641

File: 1dc3d39c64cc1b1⋯.gif (395.3 KB, 450x450, 1:1, 1dc3d39c64cc1b1ca21bbc6884….gif)


Yes, my dad brought that up last month when we were sharing happening news.


If a caldera really pops it could lead to nuclear winter type of global problems.

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54007b  No.16908643

File: 0054535f6638f3e⋯.gif (996.28 KB, 500x281, 500:281, PLEASE_NOTICE_ME_SEMPAI.gif)


>Mark ruined my life

Sempai will never notice you

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3f75b7  No.16908644


>Truly, it is a testament of how bad of a job they are doing at managing the site.

Not if their goal is simply keeping Qboard activity up.


Oh great, he jumps IPs every single post.

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4bfa8e  No.16908647


> no retiring to rural idaho after success in the big city

> have to deal with albedo effect fucking up the weather unlike made up global warming

I suppose I could always move to north dakota, it's already a winter wasteland most the year.

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2a657b  No.16908648

File: 26581b8b6295e7b⋯.png (635.75 KB, 1657x1080, 1657:1080, 1508575952_4.png)


>ruined my life

Did the kike eat all the cakes at your bakery and make you go bankrupt or something?

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a011b6  No.16908649


IPs? lol this isn't a minecraft server, you just type the website name..

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5fa7a7  No.16908650

File: 3a300dce2c8c4b9⋯.jpg (62.33 KB, 590x461, 590:461, ashy_ass_niggers.jpg)

The bright side is all that volcanic ash will be great for soil, when the sun rises again.

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07f462  No.16908652


>Not if their goal is simply keeping Qboard activity up.

What's the point if the rest of the website flounders? These people aren't money makers anymore, they just turned into money pits because of the pandemic. They aren't going to keep buying qshit forever, and I don't even know how much money they could bring in with ad revenue. With the main focus of the site being for these people that are about to drop like flies, they will probably chuck the website.

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d8d274  No.16908653


The ash & no sunlight will be bad enough. But the vampires now having free reign? That's the real horror.

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c25770  No.16908654


Buh bye

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5fa7a7  No.16908655


Write that Blade movie if you're so great.

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3f75b7  No.16908657


>What's the point if the rest of the website flounders?

The rest of the website was never really lucrative in the first place from what I've gathered.

>they will probably chuck the website.

That's my guess. Or Jim will hand the reins back over to Ron.

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4bfa8e  No.16908658

File: 45055847c22f63f⋯.gif (140.15 KB, 128x128, 1:1, glaceon_suck.gif)



>5 inch layer of ash everywhere



Q will follow the mobile model anon, it will keep losing and losing users but will succeed as long as it retains 'whales' that will purchase any bauble because of muh Q. Even with minimal numbers it can make profit.

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a011b6  No.16908659

File: f480983fbb5d9a4⋯.jpg (144.92 KB, 550x550, 1:1, villager.jpg)

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bbc7a7  No.16908660

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d8d274  No.16908661


I mean it's basically 30 Days of Night but on a much bigger scale.

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b3842f  No.16908662

File: fd4e8840920b804⋯.png (348.5 KB, 632x477, 632:477, arc.png)


i at least hope i can get a vampire to suck my dick

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07f462  No.16908663


>Q will follow the mobile model anon, it will keep losing and losing users but will succeed as long as it retains 'whales' that will purchase any bauble because of muh Q. Even with minimal numbers it can make profit.

I don't know, that just seems like bs to me. It won't last, that's for sure, especially since q arguably ran it's course years ago for most people that it appealed to.

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de739d  No.16908664

File: 79dee2075a2f104⋯.png (764.66 KB, 1200x1203, 400:401, e81726a.png)


So whats the cut off for getting instantly Hiroshima'd by this bitch?

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2a657b  No.16908665


>earth-chan wants you to burn coal

She's going to pay the toll.


Did someone seriously say that though?

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a22fcf  No.16908666

File: b77902ac8e565a6⋯.png (1.15 MB, 600x756, 50:63, ClipboardImage.png)



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4bfa8e  No.16908667

File: 5436a1aa982ae5a⋯.gif (492.99 KB, 440x330, 4:3, galo_2.gif)


- Vampires are very few

- Seem to be turning a leaf and try co-existanc

- Blade's old with touch o' gray

- Blade's conflicted! Good vamp gets janked by extremist cult wanting them ded!

- On research, turn out it's vampires that want to blow up yellowstone!

- Blade teams up with gov unit!

- Oh no! Doublecross! Gov unit is with the cult! They wanna kill vamps and humans because of muh overpopulation.

- At the last second, Blade saves the day, but partial explosion happens.

- Vamps and humans must come together to prevent weather from killing the planet (global warming nod, polls well with normies)

Boom, someone hire me!

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bbc7a7  No.16908668


Yeah, some kid typed that to a jewtuber.

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4bfa8e  No.16908669


Correct! Q peeps are the remainder aka retards aka milkable rubes.

Literally leaving money on the table if you don't scam those boomers.

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841a23  No.16908670

File: 6735c3c33322add⋯.jpg (84.55 KB, 828x828, 1:1, EUOAJ12WsAA_Qz8.jpg)

File: 351444e0713b9a8⋯.gif (1.61 MB, 540x304, 135:76, 351444e0713b9a8e3e9550fbb7….gif)







wew some of you ni/GG/ers are really fucking dumb only this anon got it >>16908660

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f977cd  No.16908671

Well, I'm done spamming for tonight.

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2a657b  No.16908672


Ah okay, no wonder I didn't recognize it, I figured it was shitposting but I still feel embarrassed I fell for a pasta

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ff8f07  No.16908673

If all the volcanos erupt and ash cover the Earth it would cause little ice age 2.0.

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93cbff  No.16908674


I don't really watch e-celebs, and that post sounded a lot like what a sperg angry at Mark would say. There's like, what, 18 threads made about him on /cow/ and a little spat in their /v/ meta thread.

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4bfa8e  No.16908677


Impossible anon, an ice age would be racist so it can't happen.

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3f75b7  No.16908678


I'm sorry I don't follow your favortie eceleb faggot for obscure twitter pasta.

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54007b  No.16908679

File: fcb51d201e1f570⋯.png (236.96 KB, 1187x806, 1187:806, Mark_ruined_my_life.png)


I capped it anyways.


>you idiots "fell" for something one of the horde of trannyfarms trannies obsessed with Mark's butthole would unironically say

Okay. This is why "Poe's Law" is a thing.

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d8d274  No.16908680


>If all the volcanos erupt and ash cover the Earth it would cause little ice age 2.0.

I wonder, could we de-evolve to survive in a new ice age or would the conveniences we've built up act as a way to keep us the same?

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ff8f07  No.16908683


De-evolving isn't a thing, only evolving. Everything on Earth will have to evolve to survive changes around them or face extinction.

Evolving doesn't always mean getting smarter.

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93cbff  No.16908684

File: 2688f873cadd9b1⋯.png (117.29 KB, 970x313, 970:313, ROBfag_liked_NTR.PNG)

File: 888ee7120c4cba6⋯.jpg (493.3 KB, 2178x707, 2178:707, ROBfagdefendingLABO.jpg)

File: 6443c7112ff93af⋯.jpg (362.85 KB, 2194x569, 2194:569, ROBfagdefendingLABO2.jpg)


Remember his meltdown when he was banned?

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5fa7a7  No.16908686


The initial kill zone is more or less within the central color rings of that map, pastably out to the dark purple, at least they will have a swift death but a shame it would take out some of the best nowheresville states.



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4bfa8e  No.16908687

File: f4cf2b81c19c294⋯.jpg (156.91 KB, 1046x677, 1046:677, The_Stone_Age.jpg)



Northern climates led to white people anon.

Literally would do the opposite, hence why an ice age would be racist. >>16908677

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de739d  No.16908693

File: 028e7a2e8a4d3d4⋯.jpg (59.91 KB, 403x345, 403:345, 0288b28.jpg)


So if you are in the orange and yellow range you are just gonna deal with a shit load of ash and the loss of the sun?

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e709b8  No.16908694


>millions are seeing this

What? Do Qtards think they have millions of unique visitors on their board?

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4bfa8e  No.16908696


No, the whole world will deal with the (partial) loss of the sun. Particulate matter in the sky will take years to fall off so it will partially block the sun's rays.

This means cooler weather and shittier crops.

If you're on the pink and purple circle you're just regular megafucked.

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de739d  No.16908700

File: d8411fd631a48ee⋯.png (295.48 KB, 714x508, 357:254, EHpAAr1UwAM25VA.png)


Neat at least i'm not megafucked then.

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b3842f  No.16908701

File: b5ad5e4cf3cf378⋯.jpg (113.42 KB, 430x642, 215:321, jackiechan.jpg)

I don't wanna ruin this fun, especially since i like the idea of arcuied sucking my cock, but Yellowstone has had eruptions in the geological recent past that were nothing burgers, just lavaflows or local area ash covers. The huge fuckoff eruptions happened about a million years apart, with the last one being being 600K years ago. Yellowstone is nowhere near ready enough to have another eruption at those levels. The most we'll get is some geysers popping up and magma flowing from the thing.

t. engineering student and amateur earthquakefag

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44cc14  No.16908707



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093eb1  No.16908709

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1a8734  No.16908710


What are the chances of The Big One hitting California within the next eight years?

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3e7ad9  No.16908712

File: c05c80dae07f0b7⋯.mp4 (10.26 MB, 426x240, 71:40, 240p_Tribute_to_our_King_Y….mp4)


Hopefully something happens before shit hits the fan. I don't think anyone wants to end up bunkering on FunnyJunk again like in 2014

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44cc14  No.16908717


Just in case the board is shoahed before things are ready (If it does indeed go that far) a "soft list" should be made ready of sites that Anons can fall back upon so that everyone can regroup and coordinate what's going on. I keep bringing up /mlpol/ as one such pace, but I doubt most Anons want to use it.

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b3842f  No.16908718

File: c82e8932bb4085e⋯.jpg (54.29 KB, 500x238, 250:119, okay_game_good_women.jpg)


If you want the truth about the "big one", it's physically impossible for it to be more than a 8.5 magnitude earthquake. Most building codes prepare for a quake the strength of that, but its likely to be a 7.8 or 8.0. That said, within 20 years has been the long standing estimate, it could happen next decade, next month, tommorow, even right now. The big problem is the aftermath, not only weeks of aftershocks but also fires, landslides, and the collapse of the LA metro region's infrastructure. Arizona's already prepared shelters for the evacuees from California when this eventually happens.

One of the USGS's scientists put it best, imagine the United States without Los Angeles.

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f12beb  No.16908722

File: 096bbf26c7a22fd⋯.jpeg (115.58 KB, 699x305, 699:305, CE810F88_F0EF_4397_86D0_9….jpeg)

My fellow satanist pedos, how many shekels have you revieved from the deep state today?

Schizophrenia is a hell of a disease.

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de739d  No.16908723

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4bfa8e  No.16908724

File: 12e67b75c1ac452⋯.jpg (20.87 KB, 330x323, 330:323, dagoth_ur.jpg)


Ah, to believe that a clear defeatable evil is what's wrong with the world and not the ennui of its people devoid of spirit and meaning.

What an intoxicating innocence.

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ff8f07  No.16908725

File: f26bba409412ec7⋯.png (248.75 KB, 700x850, 14:17, 87dbedc7c0806b11aa908c4cf5….png)


They really think that anons here are servants of the loli dark lord.

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de739d  No.16908726

File: 19ec630d3b51945⋯.png (192.14 KB, 357x615, 119:205, 6c0bd7bc4064.png)



Love how anything happens to them it's a massive plot or something crazy weirdos.

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3e7ad9  No.16908727

File: 6878b1ea94500cf⋯.gif (1.57 MB, 542x549, 542:549, 1569946259153_2.gif)


>Imagine the United States without Los Angeles

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61d836  No.16908728

File: c80e5f3679a8c3b⋯.png (988.97 KB, 1024x1286, 512:643, render_satania_3_by_damnit….png)

File: c8f0ce9cfc6ac77⋯.jpg (126.49 KB, 1029x1200, 343:400, nice_satania.jpg)

File: 855e50d98af026a⋯.png (249.47 KB, 900x813, 300:271, satania_sugoi_dekai.png)

File: 72b99052eeb18d6⋯.jpeg (242.63 KB, 673x716, 673:716, sataniawgun.jpeg)

File: 24b1e6162498faa⋯.png (668.47 KB, 700x1200, 7:12, born_to_die_world_is_a_sat….png)


>servants of the loli dark lord.

Do JKs count?

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02939e  No.16908729

Ok, I went to bed yesterday and everything was relatively calm. What the fuck happened now to have a new thread already over 400 posts?

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ff8f07  No.16908730


They look like lolis to normalfags. So yes.

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de739d  No.16908731

File: 3dadc711cfe5cb6⋯.png (1.1 MB, 892x896, 223:224, Prank_Call.png)


Read the thread and find out anon.

Fun Times ahead. Maybe

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93cbff  No.16908732


Long story short:

Jim told Mark that he doesn't care about whether /v/ stays up or not and that dedicated loli boards will not return, only loli posts. Mark revealed that soon after you went to bed and everyone went apeshit due to that along with their lack of communication and overall slow progress on fixing the site

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44cc14  No.16908734


I'm more impressed that they're completely dismissing themselves as, "We haven't done anything wrong at all." People like to blame the baizuo for the same exact thing, but this is a whole 'nother level of it.

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3e7ad9  No.16908735


Some shit. Either Jim' s a cunt or Mark is overreacting, Or both, it's hard to tell from the sidelines.

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61d836  No.16908737

File: ebecf66c20a236c⋯.png (786.96 KB, 1104x668, 276:167, It_s_Satania_.png)


Fuck yes.


No loli/shota boards allowed and Mark is in search of a new site, that's the short version.

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ff8f07  No.16908738


Fuck, I click spoilered.


Did it stop working?

Let me post.

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85e043  No.16908739


Mark said that Jim off-handedly told Ron to delete /v/ (doesn’t seem like this will actually happen as of yet but it was definitely brought up) and Mark also confirmed that Ron is intentionally not migrating the loli boards. Furthermore, boards relating to loli are now apparently banned. All for the sake of 8kuk’s new kosher platform to conform to Qtards.

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fc65bf  No.16908740


>imagine the United States without Los Angeles.

Too bad that's not San Francisco


Mark is freaking the fuck out, both here and on some faggy discord server. Says he's taking risks, 2014 /v/ was shit and making all sorts of claims, but won't produce any evidence while he panhandles for shekels.

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de739d  No.16908741

File: ed42e0fe17e8738⋯.jpg (194.94 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, EFphXUeWwAAfVq1.jpg)


Wow anon take it easy this isn't the Q-anon thread.

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ff8f07  No.16908742


I posted a lewd and spoiled it. Then it doesnt spoil.

I wonder if it's broken for webms or if it's just my end?

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02939e  No.16908744







And it looks like the people who were supposed to be our allies were the ones to give us the final backstab? Or Mark is feeling his jew blood awakenning and is preparing to do a Josh.

I hope this is just two kids sperging out that eventually will calm down just for the sake of everyone.

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85e043  No.16908746

Fellas, I think the website is broken.

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fc65bf  No.16908748


>And it looks like the people who were supposed to be our allies were the ones to give us the final backstab? Or Mark is feeling his jew blood awakenning and is preparing to do a Josh.

Eh. Thus far it looks to be a little of Column A, a little of Column B, since his ultimate worry is losing his job. I guess we'll see for sure if he ever bothers to do anything more than "TRUST ME GOYIM"

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ff8f07  No.16908749


Jim is Andrew Torba 2.0.

"Free Speech" until it offends their sensibilities.

If anons started a board for Satanism, Qtards will get Jim to ban it.

Imagine loli satanism.


Ask yourself this. Ron mirated /mg/ because an anon asked him to on an email according to that board's BO.

Meanwhile 4 loli boards: /l/, /loli/, /delicious/ and /lolicons/ respectively have been denied.

Once again I'm starting to get posting errors.

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02939e  No.16908750


Well, what feminist commies, sperging shitposters with a thirst for fame and bots couldn't do, 4 weeks of quarantine and a bunch of conspiracy theorist managed to do.


Fuck, this feels like the bush years once again.

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b99659  No.16908751

File: 9d1612835818129⋯.jpeg (47.08 KB, 492x491, 492:491, 9d1612835818129ad903884be….jpeg)


>The relaunch was tailed to the Qboomers

qboomers tolerate site being shit even less than we do, bonegoblin's antics didn't help

>/pol/ was not allowed migration

>loli/shota boards were not allowed

yes, allow the obvious shitposting honeypot and questionable content even in the best of cases back on a site that was just kicked off the internet and was actively chased by the cripplekike and his leaf fuckbuddy neetguy. what could possibly go wrong

>I had been screaming this shit and more in more detail for ages

so you've been retarded for ages? because none of this is anything new or outlandish reasons anyone with an ounce of common sense couldn't see from a mile away.

worse, bitching about it does the exact opposite when your best chance was that shit silently gets reinstated once things have died down, but keep reminding everyone who's just waiting for ammo to use against the site. way to go!

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de739d  No.16908752

File: f00a65a9576d833⋯.jpg (10.45 KB, 236x236, 1:1, EKdgzvUWsAILOGl.jpg)


I'm pretty sure Jim don't give a shit given he apparently also owns some Jap porn sites too or something. So no he probably is like no loli boards they upset my boomers.

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85e043  No.16908753


>muh quetionable content

>defending loli/shota boards not being migrated

Next time you speak remember to get Jim’s cock out of your mouth first.

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b8300c  No.16908755

File: e092a1c6ee05399⋯.jpg (659.1 KB, 1000x1400, 5:7, dc1wr89_0389de2b_667b_4947….jpg)


Many here remembered when /mg/ board owner said that he "emailed Ron" to migrate his board and that took probably a week and a half to migrate.

Meanwhile lolicons have been waiting for their boards for months despite the claims and emails that end up of deaf ears.

If none of the anons are willing to take Mark's word for it, then consider /mg/ being here from a migration as the smoking gun.

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8f1dd5  No.16908761


If content is going to be banned for being "questionable" rather than illegal, a site shouldn't bother trying to prop itself up as some free speech bastion, and I give less than two shits about giving "ammo" since it's no longer the site I wanted to defend.

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5fa7a7  No.16908762


>without Los Angeles

That just means to me more of them heading northwest and east. Maybe St. Helens or Rainer can blow around the same time to avoid northern migration.

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ff8f07  No.16908763


>this feels like the bush years once again

But the internet was fun in those years.

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ff8f07  No.16908766


For now everyone stays put until Mark pressures them or make a new site to migrate to. Let's not go all gung ho now.

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d4a4ce  No.16908767

File: 202f05976473397⋯.png (943.85 KB, 961x540, 961:540, Just_leave.png)

Don't wanna be a prick, but as I mentioned in the previous thread, NEVER take anything Mark states at face-value. He's not a retard or a cunt or whatever, but you can't count the number of times he's jumped the gun like a lunatic at something for it to turn out to be unimportant, completely different from what he imagined or outright false.

Stop expecting the worst because HE said it. I'm not saying the site doesn't need fixing, that there's no need for transparency; but Mark sure as hell (sorry man, but you know it's true) isn't the guy who'll lead those changes with his wild ideas.

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5fa7a7  No.16908768

File: 21189b9117bb570⋯.jpg (546.68 KB, 1140x1411, 1140:1411, go_bag_optimus_prime.jpg)

File: 7920b5641498a1e⋯.png (113.13 KB, 322x333, 322:333, u0WJ2Ctflg.png)


It came up in the Corona-chan thread that spoilers were only half-working right now.

>502 again suddenly

It's those goddamned loli devil cultists again.

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8ac3d6  No.16908769


>q really scared the fuck out of someone with his posts today

Validating their conspiratard delusions, and encouraging more entertaining spergouts encouraging more posting

Loli feedback loop

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b2747b  No.16908771


Loli boards not being here is already proof.

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3e7ad9  No.16908773


Pretty much this. This is a man who punched a lady in the face over a bagel. Though a backup just in case isn't the worst thing in the world to have in case bad things happen. Their own phone app not working with the site and the stability issues that have been plaguing it don't inspire confidence however

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b99659  No.16908774

File: 27dbb44fd40ea55⋯.jpg (10.26 KB, 308x300, 77:75, surebud.jpg)


>MUH loli when the site is literally under attack

>logical explanation is a defense

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de739d  No.16908778

File: b09e5dc47f2dea9⋯.png (1.98 MB, 2480x1754, 1240:877, b006d.png)


The cripple would attack no matter what we did. And pretty sure the feds have more important shit to do these days like trying to gather masks and not drown in their own blood from the plague. Also didn't we finally find a host that literally does not give a shit.

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02939e  No.16908780


I don't really care about lolis, but we don't want another Gab blowing up our faces like retards. Or you are for free speech or you are just another cuckservative from the Bush years screaming "Muh degeneracy".

Fuck, now that I'm writting this it looks like /pol/ won.

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02939e  No.16908782


Well, feds were already flooding the site before anything loli related.

I'm convinced most of you american posters are feds who just learned to enjoy the shitposting culture.

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481d91  No.16908787

File: dec2b2d4780ac47⋯.jpg (34.08 KB, 535x680, 107:136, EBmJZfTVUAEwsn3.jpg)



Mark is a sperg but has Jim or Ron really given a reason why we should doubt what Mark says fully? Like much of the shit Jim/Ron have done haven't done fuck all to help the site in the slightest doesn't help that for all of Mark's retardation he wouldn't risk his income if this was all nothing, either way things here aren't working out and the future is not pretty.


Going full Gab is the worst thing you can do as what so many cuckservatives fail to understand is they don't make up a majority of the right anymore, the modern right is full of anime loving gamers or irreligious people with views they'd deem both in line with some shit they believe or things they'd find bizarre, both the left and the right are extremely different then what they were 20 or 30 years ago.

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e2c77e  No.16908794

File: 6626eb094f6cfc4⋯.jpg (152.23 KB, 924x923, 924:923, Kotaku_1.jpg)

File: 555669bbff155d7⋯.jpg (41.26 KB, 625x512, 625:512, Kotaku_2.jpg)

>meta, the thread


Kotaku trended on Twitter because they complained Final Fanntasy 7 Remake's easy mode was too easy. Seems weird for a game journo to complain about a game or mode being too easy for them. Of course others will point out the hypocrisy since they always go on about "accessibility"

On that note, I really dislike Dualshocker's Ben Bayliss. You can criticize Kotaku being hypocrites without unironically using buzzwords like "Ableist". http://archive.is/8r3zG

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ff8f07  No.16908803


For now everyone stays put until Mark pressures them or make a new site to migrate to. Let's not go all gung ho now.>>16908787

>cuckservatives fail to understand is they don't make up a majority of the right anymore, the modern right is full of anime loving gamers or irreligious people with views they'd deem both in line with some shit they believe or things they'd find bizarre, both the left and the right are extremely different then what they were 20 or 30 years ago.

These are the people in office that refuse to retire and want to hold their positions of power until the day they die.



I'm getting fed up.

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e6ce53  No.16908813


>host that literally does not give a shit

They do give a shit. 8kun is blocked in Russia because Vanwanet "CDN" is using servers in Russia. If they host something that gets the Russian government coming after the hosting company 8kun will get kicked off and its the end of the road. Being blocked there is a first line of defence for the company because they can claim "well its not availabe in russia so we arent breaking russian law"

And if you think thats a strong defence, just look at the state of the site. Its completely gimped compared to when it was hosted in the US.

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dfa277  No.16908829


>check out the posted manga on mangadex

>pretty run of the mill ecchi harem but decent enough not to drop it


>fucking 2006 [gg] sub tier scanlation

>memes, memes everywhere

>fucking leftypol memes about MLK

>translator not translating some jokes and inserting cringe western memes instead

Ah, I almost forgot this feeling. How could you do this to me?

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0030fe  No.16908832


This is what 8chan was thrown under the bus for? These fucking awful, boomer faggot memes?

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1c1160  No.16908833



What is this faggotry that I am reading?

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61d836  No.16908838


Have you seen their generals? It looks like a fucking bot infested board, if not for their reactions and replies to other's posts I would be convinced it really was one.

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02939e  No.16908839

To be honest all of this probably is the quarantine's fault. Even NEETs need to get out to buy shit, and breathe some fresh air.

I just hope it ends soon and everyone calms down.

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dff64e  No.16908841

File: 11bb0139e7ebe1a⋯.gif (1.83 MB, 640x480, 4:3, call_the_cops_I_dont_give_….gif)

>globalism is dissembling

>every normalfag sees china for what it truly is

>all trust in official media is gone

>trump 2020

Did I not say 2020 will be the dawn of a new age, you of little faith.

We have called upon him and he has answered our calls.

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0030fe  No.16908842

File: d384e76a1984512⋯.jpg (101.6 KB, 960x720, 4:3, vlcsnap_2020_03_10_22h59m3….jpg)


Has anyone thought of showing them the wonders of loli?

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02939e  No.16908844

File: c4943f0a8b2edc1⋯.png (686.26 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, whatcouldhavebeen.png)


I just hope Renanon doesn't sacrifice the whole board for that.

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dff64e  No.16908847

File: ebf6e0e6723fd4e⋯.gif (2.75 MB, 499x378, 499:378, 710127.gif)


Never be inviting, never ever, that is what caused the scruffening back on /mlp/.

Ponychan fags everywhere, all of them abusing reporting.

A perfectly good containment board ruined, fractured and at war.

I still dream of the milk wars when im alone at night.


I just hope your double dubs haven't doomed us all. Remember his teachings, there is power in repeating numbers.

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61d836  No.16908848

File: a20d8f2d7e00801⋯.png (721.63 KB, 717x1000, 717:1000, 1556486895.png)


Some already did, the boomers just started calling them shills and swearing it was the deep state trying to silence them. One of them actually started posting 3DPD since Q likes that sort of stuff, it seems.

Fucking hell, the site's falling apart with all these errors.

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0030fe  No.16908850


Sounds like the need to take their medicine.

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a7d036  No.16908851

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I wouldn't be concerned considering the fact that he is simply an attention-whore

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5fa7a7  No.16908854

File: 118c286e5742ac6⋯.png (109.11 KB, 427x226, 427:226, ClipboardImage.png)


This is some hefty qoomer ogre shit.

>random dickgirls mixed in

What a giggle. They must have one hell of a BO considering that's all still laying around there.

status: 0



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e052ae  No.16908858

File: 1b2887dc05c8596⋯.jpg (60.38 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, 5e3d984958828835e1e4b3_139….jpg)


>of course

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f6890a  No.16908864

File: 26c1afe33198361⋯.jpg (75.35 KB, 324x600, 27:50, 26c1afe331983618b48960f984….jpg)


>Reminder that the sites of the webring told Mark to fuck off.

Maybe it's about time to ditch the dead weight?

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d4a4ce  No.16908867


Yeah, that's bullshit, but to be entirely fair, I wouldn't blame the owners of 8chan for being afraid of getting the place broken down all over again after all those accusations of being a hotspot of terrorists and child rapists. If it's merely temporary, that's fine, although a shame loli is love

Nonetheless, as mentioned, a loli board is forbidden, but posting loli anywhere (unless the BO demands otherwise) is perfectly allowed.


Transparency is always preferable, but as mentioned, they don't owe us anything, so our trust has to rely on, well… what we find worthy of it ourselves.

Patience is key. Also, there IS a board to contact them, isn't there ?

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7db4a9  No.16908868


wow, i actually FEEL stupider having browsed that thread.

thanks, anon.

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f6890a  No.16908873

File: 4ad5fe4e75dd6d6⋯.jpg (114.91 KB, 691x691, 1:1, 4ad5fe4e75dd6d6b2dc5c86620….jpg)

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e052ae  No.16908898

File: a66e70914ea8e7d⋯.jpg (118.41 KB, 684x800, 171:200, 4653.jpg)

You know what my favorite daydream is?

Being a multi-millionaire, and privately funding GG shit, like this place and viv drawfags.

All these digital media companies have been losing money ever since day 1, but only survive because of private investment. Rich millionaires pay the bills and keep it afloat despite losing millions every year because it helps push their message and young believers employed. They reward unemployable college grads with creative writing degrees with jobs at digital media companies where they can be Culture Critics and lose boatloads of cash every month, but the private investors keep it funded because they think enough news media companies pushing the same message will shape the world.

It's a daydream of mine to be able to fund people on my side the same way. The closest we ever came was that billionaire that was this close to signing a blank check to Milo, then died of a drug overdose 24hrs before he was supposed to sign. Funny, that.

But it's a nice daydream, and it helps me go to sleep faster. Being able to swoop in and give big fucking checks to all the people who fought the good fight all these years. It satisfies the sense of justice instilled in me from a childhood of video games. The idea that righteous struggle is eventually rewarded.

I'm guessing religious people have that same assuring delusion, that good people will be rewarded in heaven one day, and sinners punished eventually, out of sight. It helps one sleep at night.

Instead I have comforting dreams of giving big cash rewards to struggling GG suppoerters digging trenches every day for no reward and guaranteed blacklisting. It soothes my mind from the harsh reality that I have zero power or influence, and can't do sweet fuck all for anyone or anything.

I wish I was a famous actor, or 0.1% ultra-wealthy mogul, where being pro GG would make a difference. I guess fantasizing about the movie Being John Malkovich being real and taking over some powerful person's body and doing fun shit is all I have.

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d7234a  No.16908899

File: 808b99424906dbb⋯.mp4 (2.87 MB, 640x592, 40:37, MOST.mp4)


Well, 8chan was blocked in russia because they did ban lolishota at some point in the last 20 years(don't remember when), and someone reported them to the rozkomnadzor. So technically, if someone wanted to attack 8kun, all they'd have to do is link rozkomnadzor any thread containing pedoshit of any kind, drawn, written or 3dpd. I guess those who want to attack the site are either too dumb to realize that or they don't care about 8kun enough anymore, given that it's an empty shell of what 8chan used to be.

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b144df  No.16908908


My favorite daydream is being a multi-millionaire and living as a NEET for the rest of my life without ever working again. I could have anything money could buy and the 2D world would take care of all my emotional needs. The perfect life.

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0d8703  No.16908911

File: 10713581b493154⋯.webm (8.67 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Sam_Hyde_and_Charls_Carro….webm)


>I wish I was a famous actor, or 0.1% ultra-wealthy mogul

You worship the position they hold simply because you don't want to put in the effort to go from the bottom up. But they do in fact need to put in effort. What makes them powerful isn't the amount of money they have but rather the rate at which they make it. You turning a couple million dollars into nothing would mean that your influence is short-lived and doesn't even leave a single fucking dent.

>that I have zero power or influence

You do have power and influence. If you don't do anything then obviously you don't get anything done.

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5fa7a7  No.16908916

File: 823cdf4357c2a8e⋯.jpg (53.78 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, penny_y_el_increible_gadge….jpg)


There was also the pennyposting thing if I recall right about the time.

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4b9f8d  No.16908921


You know what I would do if I were a millionaire?

Buy a house, bring all of my shit there, start my own garden, take care of some animals, get a fellow recluse of a GF (and dump her if she gives me any shit) and shut myself off from the world.

I would start an alternate chan called ∞chan and have it be nearly just like 8chan but with more features, no jim, no ron and no mark.

It would belong to you guys.

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ea2b59  No.16908926

File: 05714104f8fcd78⋯.jpg (142.96 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 92ba9898669154c34195c6b89b….jpg)


My favorite lately is becoming the President and just shitposting on twitter/at dumbass politicians and glorified bloggers.

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b38571  No.16908934


That's a nice daydream. Now let me tell you mine: Affordable, safe modular seasteading. Not the bullshit hyperglobalist monstrosities usually associated with seasteading just to avoid some laws and taxes but a system that provides autonomous living space and all you need for a good life. A way to get away from all the BS, all the "we live in a society" shit. Fed up with the way shit works where you are? Gather what's needed to build a module and dock at our hub. We'll help you build it, help you to learn how to live on it and maintain it. Then, when you have all that's necessary, you can go and find a place on the wide ocean to make your own, dock with other modules that want to live the same way you want to live, undock if your opinions on the way that's right for you diverge. A permanent exodus option for everyone who's willing to put in the needed effort.

A little bit like a physical manifestation of the webring idea. Do shit how you want, associate with whom you want, avoid who and what you can't stand. No conflict and fighting necessary anymore except against those who try to deny us our freedom.

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d44137  No.16908937

>wake up

>+200 posts

What the fuck happened now?!

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841f57  No.16908938


Mark sperged out and is making a mountain out of a molehill again maybe.

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3f75b7  No.16908942


>Or Mark is feeling his jew blood awakenning and is preparing to do a Josh.

Mark currently has a stable income, which he claims is 2K a month. Right now he's risking that, and I doubt he'd be able to jew anons out of more than it very easily.

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3f75b7  No.16908945


>If none of the anons are willing to take Mark's word for it, then consider /mg/ being here from a migration as the smoking gun.

There were a variety of other boards than /mg/ that got a fairly swift migration/approval long after the first requests were made for loli boards.


> for all of Mark's retardation he wouldn't risk his income if this was all nothing

He did literally that just a few months ago when he mistakenly thought the /rand21/ BO was banned for shitting on site ads.

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44cc14  No.16908947

File: 48c0002272dc6a0⋯.mp4 (220.69 KB, 640x360, 16:9, GOOD_MORNING.mp4)

So, what is plan now that everyone has had a good night's rest?

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f6890a  No.16908950


Reminder he was planning to monetize gondolas before the backlash happened.

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3f75b7  No.16908953


>If it's merely temporary, that's fine

This is already a very long temporary. With no transparency and no stated return of these things in sight, it's practically permanent.


This was already posted last thread, sans the Ben Bayliss bit.


>there IS a board to contact them, isn't there ?

Wasn't that /sudo/? Isn't /sudo/ gone now?

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13adc1  No.16908955


outer haven?

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b38571  No.16908961


A loose federation of independent city states on the seas with as little as possible regulation on the federal level. So pretty much what 8chan at least claimed to be, back when board creation was open.

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3f75b7  No.16908974




I know, but that didn't risk his current income. This does.

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af2bc7  No.16908983

File: 1f32eaf231792bb⋯.jpg (97.54 KB, 544x626, 272:313, 1518295406941.jpg)


Who's going to be our Big Boss?

And who's gonna be XOF, the cripple?

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481d91  No.16909005


>Mark sperged out and is making a mountain out of a molehill again maybe.

Jim and Ron aren't really proving Mark wrong and that's an issue.

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0f9ed6  No.16909007


i nominate myself

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4918b6  No.16909081

can we wait until the global historic pandemic is over before jumping ship?

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4918b6  No.16909088


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95689f  No.16909096


Anon we may not have a choice depending on how the upper brass handles this. We ought to have a backup lined up should the situation deteriorate. Also nice dubs.


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95689f  No.16909098

Holy shit I've been trying to post a small text-only post five times already.

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4918b6  No.16909100




I heard you the first time

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02939e  No.16909101



Sorry Anon, we all died of Corona, but if it makes you feel better I agree with you.

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d2db8b  No.16909103

File: 18ef6bf91edcd7e⋯.jpg (55.16 KB, 900x810, 10:9, 18ef6bf91edcd7e04c8dfcacb2….jpg)




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9994d2  No.16909110


The place was never broken down, Jim shut it down of his own volition. Just as he went to that US gov hearing of his own volition.


>questionable content

>/pol/, which did literally nothing wrong

>loli/shota, which are art and are incapable of doing wrong

If you like censorship so much, why are you even here?

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d2db8b  No.16909113

Seems like it takes a whole five minutes to show new posts now too, no matter how many times it auto-refreshes.

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4918b6  No.16909119


is it probably a delay like halfchan posting? because that implies "instant" posting might not be feasible, causing posting problems and what not. maybe there's a delay in posting now?

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0f9ed6  No.16909122

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02939e  No.16909123


Do you check and uncheck the auto reload? Sometimes when there are no updates detected it takes five minutes or more.


>Just as he went to that US gov hearing of his own volition.

Talking about that, how did it went?

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3f75b7  No.16909125


>The place was never broken down, Jim shut it down of his own volition.

Yes, but it was about to go down anyways and he saw that coming. Shortly after he took it down, hosts and DDoS mitigation providers started cucking out.


Seems inconsistent for me. Probably the same thing that causes pages to fail loading at random is randomly stopping the thread updates. But that only affected a minority of users since January.

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02939e  No.16909129


Didn't Cloudflare or however was called the anti DDoS attack service removed it service to the page just BEFORE a massive DDoS attack finally killed the site? Then the site was taken down from its host.

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44cc14  No.16909150


>Talking about that, how did it went?

They carried more about the Rabbi that was shot in Pittsburgh than ALL the other shootings and their victims.

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02939e  No.16909158


So just a waste of time for everyone?

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02939e  No.16909179

Well, it looks like my government is preparing to expropiate property. For now it would be property owned by the banks, but you know what would that lead to.

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44cc14  No.16909186


What, source?

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de739d  No.16909190

File: df6a9bdfd080926⋯.jpg (132.39 KB, 1024x707, 1024:707, EKgZg0yW4AIRnBN.jpg)


Yeah if I remember right they were confused by how little money we make they thought we made Facebook level money plus had to mention the Russians too.

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5fa7a7  No.16909191


Correct, about the only other thing was them asking if he took money from Russia and what 8chan made a year, like they thought it was some massive faceberg tier social media empire..

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3c64ec  No.16909192

File: f2be1ee8b73efbf⋯.png (103.23 KB, 417x537, 139:179, ClipboardImage.png)

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02939e  No.16909194


If you are spanish, read the new BOE, if you are from another government, they published the resolution of some new legislation in the official page of the government. It has a lot of weird legislation language you wouldn't understand but basically it allows for "low income families" to have emergency houses or some shit.

Or we go full commie or we'll get civil war.

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0d8703  No.16909201


How much did Jim say the site earns?

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02939e  No.16909202



So they expected an evil version of a silicon valley fortune or some sort of villain bond just to find the equivalent to a digital hobo?

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54007b  No.16909203

File: c2a1e84218dcae1⋯.jpg (65.11 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 51fef673f3c5f890823927863d….jpg)



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02939e  No.16909205


Wouldn't the cripple be a board goblin?

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5fa7a7  No.16909211


He mentioned they were surprised when he told them 8chan grossed something only in the 10-20K burgerbucks range a year.

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02939e  No.16909219


Well, that's a decent wage.

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de739d  No.16909220

File: aa6f02fd4a37908⋯.png (184.58 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, EEuY_DUWwAA6YAn.png)


Pretty much they thought they were gonna get Nazi Bruce Wayne instead they got Weeb Rorschach.

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44cc14  No.16909222



But, that's illegal.

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02939e  No.16909226


This need some drawfagging.

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54007b  No.16909227

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

In a follow-up to last night's earthquake/volcano news: The Long Valley Supervolcano Caldera Complex had a 5.2 quake and earthquake swarm near Mono Lake a short while ago.

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02939e  No.16909231


We have a pseudo leftist government who allied with actual commies to get into the power, also did all it could to get as much power as it could in this time of crisis. Do you believe they care about legality?

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b144df  No.16909241

File: 224d43ef0d8a766⋯.jpeg (891.35 KB, 900x1261, 900:1261, 686EFCF3_A247_4176_ABE0_A….jpeg)

Just got up. Still no response from Ron on the loli board migration issue? His Twatter has been quiet.

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44cc14  No.16909244


>Do you believe they care about legality?

They should if they want to survive if it fails. That's the one problem these idiots have, they never think of a backup plan in case their almost revolution-like actions fail.

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181732  No.16909245


Keep nagging him I guess. Hopefully he'll respond sooner rather than later.

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54007b  No.16909259

File: e182ccd69e031f8⋯.mp4 (3.04 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Krakatoa_erupts_April_11th….mp4)

File: 963a508792c7e4e⋯.mp4 (7.12 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Krakatoa_Volcano_Eruption_….mp4)

Have some volcano porn. The original webcam doesn't have sound so don't @ me.

It's like we're living in a movie.

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d8d274  No.16909278

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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181732  No.16909280

File: 0e55ed4c0497e0f⋯.png (82.66 KB, 331x653, 331:653, proof.png)

here's a bit of an update, so basically my tech guy is busy IRL so the secondary site won't be up for a bit. in any case I wanted to provide some level of proof without blowing my load since I wish Jim well despite my anger about this whole situation, he's clearly got the wrong idea on what the site needs and how to make it great again. and is too focused on expecting local newspapers to paint 8chan in a positive light rather than creating a captchaless service, or flat out having a donation pool. I understand that money doesn't grow on trees and that this site costs money to run, but at the same time I feel that he's too stubborn in his line of thinking and that his close mindedness will end up killing the site.

In case it's not obvious, my profile picture is jannycat and Jim is the guy with the pen.

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13adc1  No.16909285


Coronavirus can affect anyone, but statistics are highlighting that some communities appear to be affected more than others.

In Chicago, the city reported that 70% of coronavirus victims were black, despite representing only a third of the population.

Similar reports have emerged from New York, Detroit and New Orleans.

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4918b6  No.16909287


are you sure it's really Jim and not a guy posing as him? if that isn't the case then yeesh

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181732  No.16909289


Well yeah, originally the coronavirus was a bioweapon designed to kill of black people. but then it leaked out and now everyone is trying to kill it.

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c25770  No.16909291

File: a24b816c6732f27⋯.jpg (14.58 KB, 313x313, 1:1, Cj4IlyYS_400x400.jpg)


could you have posted a picture not made for ants?


>are you sure it's really Jim and not a guy posing as him? if that isn't the case then yeesh

I doubt even Mark's so incompetent to fuck up something of this level.

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95689f  No.16909292


Mark, why was it necessary to blur out what you were/are supposed to be working on? Otherwise thanks for the enlightening dialogue.

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181732  No.16909293


Unless someone else got on Jim's account as is fucking with me, yeah, it's probably him. Regardless he won't do anything short term, however long term it's gonna be an issue and we need to be prepared .

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4918b6  No.16909294


also: he's paying you? to work on what? I kind of see that he said that because he thinks you're not working on the thing he said you should work on but he's being an ass about it

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d8d274  No.16909296


Well there we go. Jim's incredibly out of touch in his way of thinking. Imageboards are never going to be looked on well by the media. That's a good thing. We don't want normalfags here. Yet he seems so keen on running this site like a niche business catered to other boomers. It doesn't make sense. They were never the userbase. They'll never be the userbase.

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02939e  No.16909299


I can see two very desperate people in that conversation.

You two should calm down because maybe is the corona quarantine who is talking. Yet I agree no newspaper is going to talk well about us. Fuck, they don't talk well about cuckchan and it was tainted a long time ago.

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181732  No.16909302


I don't necessarily mind newfags as long as they assimilate

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44cc14  No.16909303


Perhaps he is thinking about turning it into a social media alternative.

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d7234a  No.16909304


>site costs money

How about offloading hosting to a custom P2P network for the board, like ehentai does? There's a reason why it is still around to this day.

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181732  No.16909305




Well it's a holiday and I just got out of quarantine. You may have a point, but at the same time the truth is that the website is constantly breaking and we need stability. Focusing on "the news" won't change jack shit.

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02939e  No.16909306


I guess so.

Talking about shitty social media. How is Minds?

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c25770  No.16909308

File: d5833fa0dd3523c⋯.png (106.47 KB, 400x428, 100:107, tch.png)


what a niggerfaggot. No local papers will support a webstie labled with RAYCIST and muh soggy knee. Even pandering to e-celeb faggots would have been a more intellgient buisnesss decision.

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4918b6  No.16909310


he also admins 2ch, he should know that imageboards aren't social media, unless he suffered a stroke/aneurysm or he's stressed because of the virus


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181732  No.16909311



He's not stupid, he's just trying to apply the 5channel model onto the site. And I keep trying to tell him it won't work

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eaade9  No.16909312


How the fuck can a captchaless service work without being spambombed to death?

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f6890a  No.16909313



Normalfag net is associating 8ch with child pornography. Thinking that any one of them is going to support it is beyond delusion.

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44cc14  No.16909314


>he's just trying to apply the 5channel model onto the site


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de739d  No.16909315

File: 12217836557f3ce⋯.png (160.46 KB, 842x712, 421:356, EEbWeFeU8AAkk4O.png)


Like the news even give's a shit anymore there's a fucking plague going on right now. The only people that still want to attack us are people that already hated us.

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181732  No.16909317


If someone uses a spambot then we pull a Bernie and basically cuck them out of the servcie.

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02939e  No.16909321


I might be right and I might be wrong, but a month imprisoned in your own home, even for NEETs like us, is pretty stressing.


Escuse my ignorance, but what the fuck is 5channel?

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d2db8b  No.16909322


Is that lightning coming from the eruption? That's awesome.


He's thinking that local flip news papers putting in a good word for us is what is important right now? Why would he need their favor anyway. It's not like that would somehow make this site more well received.

Also, I know you're doing your best, Mark, but you kinda suck at negotiating so maybe it's better you don't try too hard to poke Jim himself. When was this conversation?

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181732  No.16909324


fair enough, regardless I STILL want to start up a secondary site in case of collateral

>what the fuck is 5channel

the new name of 2channel

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181732  No.16909325


Last monday

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3f75b7  No.16909326


>They were never the userbase. They'll never be the userbase.

They have been ever since the Q cult made this site profitable. They outnumber regular users and they support ads.

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02939e  No.16909327


Maybe he wants to actually clean the site's reputation on that regard?

It should be nice to be a Board Owner, but I tried once the work of janitor and never wanted to try it again, I'm dangerously incompetent with programation and I'm easy to stress out or panic.

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3f75b7  No.16909328


For the qboomers, they've essentially become social media, while at the same time being their sekret club.

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d2db8b  No.16909331


Any luck with Ron yet?

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f6890a  No.16909332


He'd have to issue a global loli ban, and a good part of the users will be pissed then. That'd be a terrible decision, because the favor of normalmedia is not a given in this case, and even if - what do we, as an imageboard, gain from it?

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181732  No.16909333


in regards to what?

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3f75b7  No.16909336


I'd bet it's just Odin anyways. Mark's supposed to be helping test it.

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d2db8b  No.16909340


In regards to getting a hold of him, dude.

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181732  No.16909341


Ron can't change jack, I tried during the whole CSS ordeal.

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d7234a  No.16909347


Normalfag net is associating everything free speech with child porn. That's a given, so much so the media doesn't even need to actively slander sites like that. It's why they focus a lot more on things that are currently active in the zeitgeist, like hatespeech.

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02939e  No.16909348


I'm ignorant about the japanese net, but didn't the guy who made the site won his money out of scamming people and selling their meta data? or did something change since the last I've heard about it.

And well, if you two are in good terms I guess there is no harm in doing your own project? Just don't do a Josh.

Josh was the previous jew who was afraid of pigs, right? It's hard keeping track of so many characters.


Well, that's fair. Besides, even when we condemned stuff that was framed into us we still got the blame. Well, cuckchan got the blame, which was more hillarious.

I thought Ron knew what he was doing when he decided to stick with us. We are the ones in the right, yet that's worth shit when the whole world is corrupt.

But of course Reddit and Tumblr were once seen as edgy and then got filled with so many normalfags and leftists.Or whatever, I'm not really familiar with the history of those two sites.

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d2db8b  No.16909349


Do you have alzheimer or something? I've been asking you the last two days to get Ron here so that he can talk to us about the state of the site and what he is doing right now. I'm asking you if you've been able to contact him yet about that. Forget Jim being a faggot for a moment. If the site can stop being a giant shit and become stable for everyone I couldn't give a single shit about what news papers Jim wants to cozy up with in some stupid attempt to paint his site in a better light.

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61d836  No.16909351

File: 06975747e069be6⋯.png (4.01 MB, 2616x2651, 2616:2651, shark_loli.png)

Why are the QBoomers even tolerated, did no one think to drive them off in the first place?

I know for a fact a couple of anons loaded on hentai and a few proxys could nuke the entire board.

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b3842f  No.16909353

File: 17c1969aa4e511e⋯.png (15.62 KB, 504x313, 504:313, option.PNG)

File: 1dd1ca0a11cbcdf⋯.jpg (51.54 KB, 474x673, 474:673, remakewhen.jpg)

Just an FYI, you can disable the disclaimer, its an option here

also what the fuck is "pepe colored quotes"

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d8d274  No.16909354


Fuck you that's bullshit. Yes they're quick to throw their money but staying on one board with minor branches is not the main userbase. If money was an issue then Jim & Ron should be catering to the wide masses here rather than just the cultists.

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c25770  No.16909364

File: 5b11d78b0e2967d⋯.jpg (50.13 KB, 205x205, 1:1, what_s_the_matter.jpg)


>Why are the QBoomers even tolerated, did no one think to drive them off in the first place?

most people didn't care unless they wondered out of their containment board. Most anon's didn't even care if Jim paypiggied them, provided the rest of the site went on as usual.

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d2db8b  No.16909365

File: 317895c8e6a334f⋯.jpg (66.37 KB, 500x400, 5:4, 4bfee67d7b0c8983364bdff676….jpg)

Mark answer me you sperg.

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ff8f07  No.16909367

File: 141eab42f10a807⋯.jpg (276.18 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Harvest_Rotten_Vale.jpg)


Will the new site be called ourochan, infinichan or what?


>also what the fuck is "pepe colored quotes"

It's Q Boomer terminology for greentext.

They already took Pepe and made it their own. They use "baker" and " bread" without understanding its spurdo origins.

I would say "sew the next thread" instead of "bake the next bread" because Q Boomers made bread as phrase lame now.

I hope the sewer is ready.

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d7234a  No.16909372


He's got a point though. If you look up 8kun on any popular search engine or social media the amount of qboomer related posts drowns out anything else.

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c25770  No.16909373



>It's Q Boomer terminology for greentext.

You nigger's new? pepe colored quotes existed since before pepe got co-opted by normlfags, let alone Qucks. I pretty sure it became an optionshortly after gamergay moved in(like within the first year)

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44cc14  No.16909374


>They use "baker" and " bread" without understanding its spurdo origins.

I've been here for the past few years with you fags and I didn't know that was the source of it.

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de739d  No.16909375

File: 7c02c90c2f1ba32⋯.png (127.15 KB, 783x445, 783:445, c173.png)





They are abominations walking around in the stolen skin of anons like disgusting savages.

"How do you do fellow anon's"

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181732  No.16909377


Ron cares about /v/ and the site in general, but he's not the one paying the bills.

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c25770  No.16909379


I thought ron didn't even use his own damn site, why would he care?

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ff8f07  No.16909380


I know. Ron isshould actually a good guy and I see him as a fellow anon.

His father is difficult.


Ron actually does post here.

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d2db8b  No.16909381

File: 10573c8d17d1bc2⋯.jpg (33.92 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 10573c8d17d1bc28847382a0d7….jpg)


I'll greentext it again, because clearly something is wrong with you to give such a non-answer.

>Do you have alzheimer or something? I've been asking you the last two days to get Ron here so that he can talk to us about the state of the site and what he is doing right now. I'm asking you if you've been able to contact him yet about that. Forget Jim being a faggot for a moment. If the site can stop being a giant shit and become stable for everyone I couldn't give a single shit about what news papers Jim wants to cozy up with in some stupid attempt to paint his site in a better light.

My question was: Have you had any luck contacting Ron yet, so that he can make a thread here to talk about the state of the site and our concerns?

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481d91  No.16909382

File: ed029f10878ac2a⋯.jpg (49.35 KB, 454x619, 454:619, Rain_and_Domon_2.jpg)

For those who care /a/nimu and /m/ are still doing the G Gundam stream at 7:30pm EST https://cytu.be/r/JazzyNights

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54007b  No.16909385

File: 7d8718fd5372293⋯.jpg (87.21 KB, 640x480, 4:3, G_Gundam_is_just_fucking_s….jpg)

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ff8f07  No.16909386


>I've been here for the past few years with you fags and I didn't know that was the source of it.

It was around the same time as benis posting started in GG.

The first benis posts had spurdo, but over time benis posters stopped posting spurdos. Also you know the meme of how spurdo talks.

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de739d  No.16909388

File: 0d3ec5ed37bf35b⋯.webm (5.54 MB, 640x360, 16:9, awaken_my_bakers.webm)


I thought it was also related to this.

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481d91  No.16909389


Silly but so much fun.

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ff8f07  No.16909390


That came after.

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54007b  No.16909394

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That's a jojo meme originally.

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d2db8b  No.16909395

File: 62dbf112530a1a4⋯.png (78.78 KB, 170x260, 17:26, 1419893119186.png)

A simple yes or no would have sufficed, Mark. But now I'm doubting if you're even bothering at all. Why is it so hard for you to give clear answers to basic questions?

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481d91  No.16909397


Not like Ron has made an effort himself.

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d2db8b  No.16909401


Which is the entire point of why I think people should try and drag Ron in here to begin with. I'm sick of this radio silence and him dropping in every few months to leave after 5 basic bitch replies.

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95689f  No.16909402

File: 628e08c2ab9b093⋯.jpeg (181.7 KB, 1425x785, 285:157, 94a038f89eeab680435df26ce….jpeg)


Don't worry lad I'm sure he'll answer your question as soon as he answers that other one about what he's supposed to be working on.

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3f75b7  No.16909405


>but staying on one board with minor branches is not the main userbase

It is if they outnumber all the other boards combined. Unfortunately, the global statistics have been broken for months, but before they were, they showed hidden board activity eclipsed that of public boards.

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f6890a  No.16909407


>they showed hidden board activity eclipsed that of public boards.

What other boards are hidden except qresearch?

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db191a  No.16909412

File: 5ead72f0a2960f8⋯.png (160.92 KB, 842x712, 421:356, 1586639122.png)

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5fa7a7  No.16909413

File: ded87747c57876e⋯.jpg (60.86 KB, 359x352, 359:352, something_lewd.jpg)


>volcanic lightning

Very nice, meant to find footage yesterday.

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b144df  No.16909418

File: 3e49585971434de⋯.png (417.83 KB, 900x660, 15:11, 725E5F32_DAA1_40D4_B700_9C….png)


Wow, Jim is an ass. Who gives a shit about muh local news garbage? Nobody reads that and it won’t help the site image or whatever. He just needs to suck it up and realize that 8kuk will never be profitable as a business model. He gets plenty of money from all the nip websites he runs anyway.



Ron is still in charge of board migration though right? At least get a confirmation from him that loli boards are now banned and some reasoning straight from his mouth.


Until they started dictating site policy people didn’t really give a shit. They were just another cancerous byproduct of the election cycle. Now though, ever since the site went back online and got rebranded, they have become a major problem.

status: 0


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0d8703  No.16909419

File: 6e3e9e7aceb9d61⋯.jpg (36.1 KB, 720x682, 360:341, Coding_solutions.jpg)


Considering the fact that he is paying you to work on , you should probably be working on . It's kind of hard for anything you say to have legitimacy in his eyes if you are refusing to fulfil your obligations.

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ede182  No.16909420

File: c6bc6cdfe3d6b17⋯.jpg (79.66 KB, 500x748, 125:187, grape_rock.jpg)


You know what /v/ hasn't had in a long time?

Penguin cam


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1af390  No.16909431

File: fc00cb6f8c2b231⋯.png (2.36 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, I_ve_seen_some_shit.png)


>Please work on [REDACTED LOL]

Whatcha got to hide, cake kike?

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54007b  No.16909435

File: 386b54ed85bf372⋯.png (202.45 KB, 430x456, 215:228, viv_hates_the_gay_.png)


Who would answer a question asked like that?

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c25770  No.16909437



i'm assuming it is some project odin shit, and he's trying his best(which still isn't very good) to avoid getting shoahed.

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1af390  No.16909439

File: fd277f4235f7e02⋯.jpg (33.89 KB, 384x384, 1:1, fd277f4235f7e02ef8b03f6f60….jpg)


>Discord nigger anklebiter

Who you gonna orbit after jewcyboi ends up on the street with no board to mismanage?

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54007b  No.16909445

File: 888a124e4f803f1⋯.png (107.01 KB, 500x451, 500:451, vivian_shrug.png)



Okay, you're just another hysterical tranny. Boring.

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c25770  No.16909448


are you that one listnigger?

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ff8f07  No.16909450

File: c5567a1cb0d6bbf⋯.png (517.36 KB, 500x759, 500:759, b4c.png)

Mark, even though Ron is a good fella, as long as Jim is site owner the anons will always be thrown under the bus for his Q audience and good publicity.

I know you want to give Jim one final benefit of a doubt, but I don't think he'll listen. You might have an easier time getting Ron to help you make a new site than have Ron to convince his dad to stop this bullshit with 8kun.

It's all become so tiresome. What Jim is doing isn't different than what Moot did when he sold anons out when GG began.

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ea2b59  No.16909455


I'd imagine Jim doesn't want to risk having to speak to Congress again and wants to "clean up" the website.

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ff8f07  No.16909458

File: 8cf8f2716b09869⋯.png (235.06 KB, 680x484, 170:121, 7e9.png)


I don't blame Mark for trusting Jim until now because of all the good shit he's done for him.

However it's like a prince that has to make a decision to either overthrow his tyrannical father despite his father being very good to him or save the people that are suffering because he has a responsibility to care for them as their monarch.

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d8d274  No.16909460


Maybe he shouldn't paint a target on our backs by advertising so blatantly out in the open. Especially not by encouraging delusional boomers cultist beliefs. We could stay in the shadows as a boogeyman instead of being another failed branch off from cuckchan.

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db191a  No.16909463


I have a feeling that Jim would have shut us down permanently after the shooting if it hadn't been for his Q board.

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54007b  No.16909465

File: 6c387c15f77c468⋯.jpg (120.46 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, jojos_bizarre_adventure_12….jpg)


Oh? Did I hurt your feelings too, "ma'am"? I'm sorry.

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c25770  No.16909470


why are you such a nigger? I'm not even the usal guy who bitches about you, but even I can recognize your style now and autism now.

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181732  No.16909471


sorry, I was in the shower for an hour and a half. When I approached Ron he said that he was trying to balance "usability with liability" I'm not sure who he thinks he's liable too, but regardless it's probably the reason why we no longer have board creation or loli boards.

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481d91  No.16909473

File: 9adc9b4c7dc76fd⋯.jpg (29.72 KB, 460x346, 230:173, Arrows_of_lies.jpg)


>Mark showers

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2120f4  No.16909474

File: 3a96f15aa4462a1⋯.png (279.49 KB, 1375x1000, 11:8, angery_mark_vday_2018.png)


>in the shower for an hour and a half

I knew you were secretly the showershitter

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44cc14  No.16909475


>When I approached Ron

Get him to post here!

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481d91  No.16909477

File: 9e9283c384e9f2c⋯.jpg (4.66 MB, 4000x4000, 1:1, Huey_Poster_did_EVERYTHING….jpg)



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95689f  No.16909478


>An hour and a half shower

Talk about wasting water. Hopefully you had enough time to think about how to answer



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d2db8b  No.16909479


That is still not really answering my question. Have you asked him to come talk to us here on /v/?

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36bcb2  No.16909480


good job mark someone can just cuck you and take the board, now if they give jim a better offer.

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db191a  No.16909483


>why we no longer have board creation or loli boards.

So 8chankun is in the walking ghost phase then. So either we continue to die slowly or we move again.


No body gives a fuck about that shit.

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181732  No.16909489


Yes, but he's usually busy

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54007b  No.16909495

File: a8a4eb8a7690b2c⋯.png (118.22 KB, 664x645, 664:645, _distant_Jewish_laughter_.png)


>stop being mean to me

The truth is only cruel to those who live a lie.

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c25770  No.16909496


how can you be as delusional as an actual tranny?

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d2db8b  No.16909499

File: 69be0cffa7d9e9f⋯.jpg (23.2 KB, 355x369, 355:369, Come_on.jpg)


Busy with what? I understand the dude has a life, but it's been 5 fucking months and every time we've had to jump up and down to get even a sliver of communication. He can spare some fucking hours to come to his own website to talk about what is going on.

I don't know if you're just a limp dick or a retard who doesn't get the situation. You came out of nowhere talking about how you were planning on making a new website with blackjack and hookers because you were "fed up" with how things were going and because the current state of the site was "unacceptable", so I ask you to talk to Ron and bring him here so we can have some fucking clarity, as being a middleman between us and the admins is your literal job, and what you come back with (after I have to repeat the same basic fucking question 5 times before you actually give an answer) is "Yeah he's usually busy.".

I'm honestly upset at how bad you are at this, dude.

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36bcb2  No.16909504


he had enough time to livestream a fucking easter special.

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181732  No.16909516


No, you don't understand. I've asked him to come on before, many times. but he's always told me that he's usually too busy to come on and do a Q&A. I'll ask him again.

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181732  No.16909518


Ron did a livestream? that's news to me.

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36bcb2  No.16909519

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de739d  No.16909520


Are you sure you are not confusing Ron with Jim?

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36bcb2  No.16909522


not again, jim did have enough time for an ama, I think ron is way too busy with odin and his blockchain.

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d2db8b  No.16909524

File: b9fa27789def379⋯.jpg (299.21 KB, 2448x3264, 3:4, 1424115475986.jpg)


So the answer to my initial question is then

>No, I haven't asked Ron to come here yet since I started this talk of a new website


>I'll ask him again

Don't just ask him. Make it clear that people, including you, are about to leave the site because of all the issues it's having and that people want to talk to him because they don't want to be bullshitted anymore.

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181732  No.16909531


Alright, I'll invite him to the next gamergate thread

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d2db8b  No.16909534



Have him make his own thread so that people actually know that he is here, dude. There are anons who don't lurk these threads. Use your head.

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de739d  No.16909538

File: 5987320eb4679cf⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1568x696, 196:87, Vert_Too_much_H.png)


Finally hopefully some answers.

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36bcb2  No.16909539


pin the thread too.

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c25770  No.16909540


I second >>16909534 have him make his own thread.

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8f1dd5  No.16909541





Agreed. Something this important, where we could end up exodusing, requires its own thread (likely a sticky). Make sure you let anons know in the OP about the loli situation as well, so people who aren't already in the loop know why.

let me post

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181732  No.16909543


Alright then, I'll make a sticky and ask him for answers.

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54007b  No.16909544

File: 293ec017c2473c9⋯.png (131.37 KB, 500x522, 250:261, Big_Baker.png)



Why not? The next bread is going to needing to be baked in just a little while anyway.

Bread theme: "All future threads will be mask threads; forever and ever."

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c25770  No.16909547


shit with site wide reprecussioons should get it's own thread.

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8f1dd5  No.16909551


Not everybody uses or cares about GG threads. Visibility takes priority otherwise we risk losing anons in the shuffle.

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54007b  No.16909554

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44cc14  No.16909562


>ask him for answers.

This isn't a request, it's an order. Make that clear to him.

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de739d  No.16909569


And here it is fuckers.

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181732  No.16909571

it is done


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d2db8b  No.16909575


Alright, but I hope you aren't going to wait for Ron to randomly happen by this post now.

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5368ba  No.16909577


Not a bad post by any means.

Can't wait to see it fully ignored by the administration and just shitposted in by anons who have more grievances than actual braincells to express them without being obnoxious.

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d2db8b  No.16909579

Also, I wouldn't leave the sticky open to be shat up until Ron actually arrives, because who the fuck knows when that will be.

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0030fe  No.16909582

File: 72aa8b8a40c1afd⋯.jpg (128.69 KB, 960x720, 4:3, vlcsnap_2020_04_11_01h35m3….jpg)



I'm currently powering through After War Gundam X. Then 08th MS Team again, then Turn A for the first time.

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de739d  No.16909595


Already being filled with fags and anti-loli niggers that don't realize /v/ will be deleted.

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b38571  No.16909606


>already being filled with fags that try to get /v/ deleted


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5fa7a7  No.16909611

File: 222e727ef0c0295⋯.png (1.42 MB, 2331x2331, 1:1, page_09.png)


What a gay. A deplatforming would happen no matter for some barely tangible excuse and that mentality is just pushing more anons away.

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d2db8b  No.16909614

File: 12570d758df5626⋯.png (25.21 KB, 189x238, 27:34, CAN_T_WAKE_UP.png)


I don't know why Mark needs to be held by the hand every step of the way. This is honestly frustrating.

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000000  No.16909620


Loli is quarantined. Place is now essentially Cuckchan 2.0. 8kuk instead of 8kunt or 8kunny now, I suppose.

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181732  No.16909628

File: dd0b3e860dfeeb5⋯.png (1.38 MB, 3872x1900, 968:475, ClipboardImage_2_.png)


calm your shit nigger. It's an open letter. If it was locked then someone would just post in a different thread. Anyway you guys should bake a new bread.

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db191a  No.16909631

Will we have new bread? Will this be the last GG thread on h8kunt?

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de739d  No.16909636

File: 89abe4a9153f996⋯.webm (6.42 MB, 592x444, 4:3, Welcome_to_H8chan.webm)


Farewell to H8chan?

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8d364e  No.16909637


This is it, gamergate is finally over!



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181732  No.16909641


Not yet.

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d2db8b  No.16909646


Do you think even one step ahead? Right now you don't even know when Ron is even going to look at your message. You think he's going to read through a sea of meta shitposting when he hardly can be fucked to visit this site?

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181732  No.16909653

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54007b  No.16909655

File: 5d83edebd88e3e0⋯.gif (4.19 MB, 839x470, 839:470, suprise_hug_rape.gif)


>After War Gundam X.

Kind of a slog until they get into space. Suffers from low budget and creator-fatigue.

>Then 08th MS Team

One of my favorites along with Stardust Memory

>Turn A for the first time

A slog for a different reason than X, mostly because I hate pacifist Gundam pilots, also gets better when they get to space, but the the ending is really anticlimactic.


>blackpill TORpedo attempting to normalize that "cunny" no-shit pedophile dogwhistle again

Not great surprise.

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5368ba  No.16909658


The only relevant post is the OP at the top of the page, and I doubt Ron is so braindead that he starts reading threads from the bottom up.

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4b9f8d  No.16909674

File: 217edf3fecf12bb⋯.jpg (203.82 KB, 908x820, 227:205, heero_laugh.jpg)


I tried watching Gundam X a few days ago. I admit the opening prologue scene was so heavy it made me say "oh shit" out loud.

But the actual show for me was akin to the "villain of the week" kind of shit but the villain of the week was the protagonist doing pants on head retarded shit every single fucking episode. I fucking loathe stupid protagonists. I couldn't make it past episode 6 which was the powerplant episode where the fucking retard who was supposed to have shitloads of knowledge about the world he lives in all of a sudden forgot how dangerous powerplants can be and almost got himself blown the fuck up.

08th MS Team is great, I enjoyed it well enough.

I've been watching and enjoying Gundam Wing. I'm on episode 18 and I'm having a blast with the show.

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3e7ad9  No.16909739

File: dc37f4f8cd29d8f⋯.png (6.7 KB, 802x134, 401:67, _v_Open_Letter_to_the_Admi….png)




CoroMark just lost /v/


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23d024  No.16909847

File: 1fb5e8e9ca31327⋯.png (173.16 KB, 465x368, 465:368, F3.png)

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4e3711  No.16910106

File: 05c4b7be1e7a565⋯.gif (255.58 KB, 500x400, 5:4, 05c4b7be1e7a565a63c0a45b82….gif)

Is there some reason we cant just go back to vch? I thought mork was in control of that place.

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4902a3  No.16910384


He shut it down because he didn't want to pay for it; tvch is up, though.

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e92d72  No.16910430


I won't believe any of it until it happens.

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3f75b7  No.16910448


>I'm not even the usal guy who bitches about you

I am the usual guy who bitches about him. I think being in charge of the list has somehow given him some weird ego trip.

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02939e  No.16911071

It looks like Mark's complains had caused a ripe effect in many boards and some of them are already making bunkers too.

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44a2b6  No.16912289

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2abb3f  No.16912399

name the new site not8kun as a riff on not4chan


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147a87  No.16912435

Since a couple people didn't notice the link:

New Bread

New Bread

New Bread

New Bread







New Bread

New Bread

New Bread

New Bread

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052ed5  No.16912648

File: 14845c9f37204eb⋯.jpg (2.24 MB, 2012x2080, 503:520, Asuka_Birdy.jpg)


Its in the works now. I try to be hands off with 08 because its a completely different set of ethos than GGHQ was, but getting caught up on this current happening has me concerned.

I had a couple backburner projects related to it that may have to come back to the forefront. This is the worst possible time right now because my IRL is busy as fuck, too.


Fun fact: One of endchan's owners also admins the paheal rule34 site. I think they're in with the furfags, but its been a long time since I went digging there. But no, endchan is going to be hostile to everything #GG. Revolts BO MaleGoddess and their admins are very friendly.

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e62c7b  No.16913303


based patrician

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