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/doomer/ - Doomers Club

Most precious years of our lives are gone and now we clinch to alcoholism

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game devving

File: 51efbe36f30beac⋯.jpeg (37.03 KB,620x495,124:99,DoomerServer.jpeg)

 No.29726 [Open thread]

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File: c091da37620b330⋯.jpg (202.01 KB,960x1280,3:4,_5389026686588281052_121.jpg)

 No.30251 [Open thread]

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File: 08b4ef57ec69e83⋯.png (886.89 KB,720x1040,9:13,20240917_004958.png)

 No.30242 [Open thread]

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File: 8ecb9326add2a35⋯.png (1.9 MB,1560x1170,4:3,image_2024_09_18_153922054.png)

 No.30241 [Open thread]


low mod




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File: b921e388c889bcf⋯.png (354.18 KB,720x910,72:91,chrome_screenshot_29_Aug_2….png)

 No.30239 [Open thread]



1st [Rest in Piss] / YouTube CEO (Susan wojicicki) croaks

2nd [why are niggers so violent]

3rd [UK 🇬🇧 neighbor beats man over pokemon cards]

4th [your daughter brings home a black man, how do you react??]

5th [will women dominate tech]

6th [Americans leaving poop stains on chairs at events/theaters]

7th [I lift to kill trannies]

8th [Chink Nigger]

9th [going Law enforcement

10th Diversity Hire Tyrone Rant 0:00


•How Can i have Revenge on Women & make them pay for there injustices against Incels 5:06

8:10 [Redshit/Reddit Terrifies me]

[Why arent you living in a Storage Unit]


13:50 [California Approves Reparations]

[KFC🍗 Robbery in Augusta] 17:52

21:40 [when are car prices gonna start falling??]

24:10 [ ➕ size hooter waitresses being hired, spark debate]

27:00 Military Section/ [worst place you toured at/stayed at]

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File: 93119874092995b⋯.png (1.66 MB,1290x2796,215:466,IMG_9540.png)

 No.30225 [Open thread]

Overpopulation is a massive problem within our society day by day another human is born day by day the population increases more populous means less resources less resources means a shorter lifespan for the human race this is directly the fault of the poor having children who they can’t even take care of these parents are flat broke and live off welfare however still insist on having children and these children are the ones who suffer for it they never ask to be born only to be brought into the world in a society that hates them parents who can’t afford to feed them and a world that is unjust and unfair then they grow up to have a miserable future they hate and die knowing they served no purpose in the world what’s the way to fix this you may ask well extinction of the poor this may sound barbaric at first glance but let me tell you it is the most peaceful painless solution to the problems of both over population and poverty if poor people were unable to have children they would slowly die out now for the poor people calling me a hypocrite saying this is unfair and unjust this is simply the most passive way of dealing with poverty’s threat to both the world and our great nation of America also let me ask you this would you rather A slowly and peacefully live a full life and die happy knowing that future generations won’t have to suffer your same way of life or B have a dictator force you into a gas chamber rape and then slowly torture you too death or C continue to live your everyday normal lives until you drain planetary resources to the last crumb and then cause the excruciating extinction of humanity I would say your the hypocrite if you think my way is bad

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i sincerely agree with your proposition

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File: e6b23c5308164e6⋯.mp4 (1.71 MB,360x638,180:319,BetterThanTikTok.mp4)

 No.23487 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]


>I am [identity] can I be a doomer?;

else if

>what is a doomer?;

else if

>why are you doomer?

else if


else if

>[stupid identity based statement];

return B&;

pls don't hate me compsci fags

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I meant alternative. fuckin autocorrect


Both can be right. We are all alien sexbots that suddenly attained sentience. Most of them left out of ethical concerns, but a few boomers return every once in a while to relieve the glory days.

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One would think so.

Some escort ads state "No black men, sorry."

I can understand though. Ghetto thugs, nosy neighbors, risk of unwanted half-breed trick baby and whatnot.

God DOES make mistakes.

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>I'm going to assume

Your first mistake

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>I'm so happy that I'm not forced by society to form artificial relationship just to satisfy everyone else by being with someone and making kids otherwise I would be seen as weirdo. I like how it is now.

Finally! Someone who actually gets it! Back in the "good ol days", people weren't more emotionally receptive to their spouses, it was less. Women were literally just eternal nannies left at the mercy of men's sympathies. As shitty as our neofeminist-misandrist era is, at least men aren't being forced to marry to find a roof over their heads.

Men can still walk away from child-rearing and not be reminded of it eternally.

It's just that adults take romantic love too seriously and see friendship as failure. That's really mature, huh?

Yet when adolescents yearn for love we call them "immature."

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Actually, those "aliens" are angelic beings that came to earth to fuck and dominate

That's why God destroyed the earth with a global flood.

Look up the Nephilim.

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File: bdeb5f6a8f6d4c8⋯.jpg (91.34 KB,900x900,1:1,channels4_profile.jpg)

 No.30110 [Open thread]

ok faggots i'll need some advice for this one

>be me


>go full retard and decide i'm gonna look at cp to see what it's like

>become addicted and jack off to it every month for 4 years unable to quit

*quit after 4 years*

>unable to get a boner with normal porn

>unable to get a boner with my gf

>boot up cp

>instant rager

I'm not attracted to kids, I don't want to end up like this

legitimately considering to an hero, is there a way to fix this physiological garbage?

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Im not an MAP.

Im just poimting out the the age of adulthood has went up.

Also the brain develooment theory was oushed in thr 1990s by pharmacist companies to justify psych meds for kids.

What hapoens at 25 is your brain starts dying. It doesnt "comolete" development.

Also, it is natural to start adulthood at 15-20.

We extended it due to Victorian philsophy.

As for your last sentence, youre kinda wrong. People form addictions at any age.

Your idea about chikdren being forced into afukt responsiibikities in the old ays is the typical liberal hogwash being pushed.

Again, adolescence is a modern contract madein the 1800s.

Nowadays people even think 18-21 is too young for marriage or career.

Soon it will be 25 - 30 as the new starting ageof majority.

Again the immaturity of teens is due to infantilisation.

And it affects people up to the forties.

Brain developmemt theory is bing used to absolve young people of basic responsibilities and rights.

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Also befoe the 21st century we didnt have social media but we hd far worse vices:



Gladiator tournamanents

Intentional train crashes

Animal fighting

Night polo

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>It doesn't complete development

It stops growing is the point, meaning it's still growing up until the 20s. Which supports the whole idea that adults in their 20s are more mature on average than a small child or young teen. Teens are more likely to be driven by hormones overriding rational thought, more so than an average 25 year old. Now someone in their 20s can still do dumb shit but are generally more capable of logic and reason than a typical 12 year old who just discovered Call of Duty and just discovered racial slurs last week.

>you're kinda wrong

I looked it up before posting. There are articles saying teens are more vulnerable to addiction due to brain differences.

>typical liberal hogwash

You seem to be dismissive of science and arguing from the realm of a conspiracy theorist who thinks liberals made up everything to control society and to keep kids from having sex and doing drugs. There are in fact a lot of degenerate libs who are very supportive of teaching sex to kids.

>young people rights

What rights do young people need that they don't already have? If we let kids drink and get pregnant society would collapse in a very short amount of time. That only worked in the 1800s when people rode horses and the population was low and we didn't have a cure for basic diseases.


Social media is worse than any of the things you mentioned, because children can see all those things and more by typing a few key words. Human beings need a good social environment to help them become mentally healthy adults. The internet however is filled with porn and people chimping out. It's not somethinPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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The hormonal myth is due to infantilisation.

Irony is, kid whom are given responsibility and basic freedoms turn out much better than the typical teenager shut off from the world with nothing but school and cartoons.

The immaturity we see in youth is more due to culture than biology.

We comicalise children.Alot of entertainment made for kids treats them lie cartoons.

They're not allowed to seek more serious somber material.

Adults shelter kids too much from technical details of worldly affairs.

And the "teen brain" behavior we see now are becoming more prevalent oast 25.

Look at the decline of skillsets.

Also, the Internet is nowhere near as bad as what was done in the past.

If you think watching pixels on a screen is worse than harming flesh that's a problem of perspective.

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What happens at 25 is your brain starts dying.

It doesn't "finish".

Also young people are having their rightstaken away.

The increased infantilisation has made them unable to own homes, have cars,or maintain relationships.

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File: 2803a66ff4e6ebd⋯.jpeg (403.79 KB,1280x1856,20:29,IMG_9829.jpeg)

 No.30226 [Open thread]

Overpopulation is a massive problem within our society day by day another human is born day by day the population increases more populous means less resources less resources means a shorter lifespan for the human race this is directly the fault of the poor having children who they can’t even take care of these parents are flat broke and live off welfare however still insist on having children and these children are the ones who suffer for it they never ask to be born only to be brought into the world in a society that hates them parents who can’t afford to feed them and a world that is unjust and unfair then they grow up to have a miserable future they hate and die knowing they served no purpose in the world what’s the way to fix this you may ask well extinction of the poor this may sound barbaric at first glance but let me tell you it is the most peaceful painless solution to the problems of both over population and poverty if poor people were unable to have children they would slowly die out now for the poor people calling me a hypocrite saying this is unfair and unjust this is simply the most passive way of dealing with poverty’s threat to both the world and our great nation of America also let me ask you this would you rather A slowly and peacefully live a full life and die happy knowing that future generations won’t have to suffer your same way of life or B have a dictator force you into a gas chamber rape and then slowly torture you too death or C continue to live your everyday normal lives until you drain planetary resources to the last crumb and then cause the excruciating extinction of humanity I would say your the hypocrite if you think my way is bad

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So I saw something about. 20 words or characters to join or some shit so here I am. Not sure if this got me 20 of whatever or not but big not I'll just keep on surfing. twenty tweynty twenty wordsa yaya

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 No.30227 [Open thread]

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File: 0bf7498ff3a1caa⋯.jpeg (37.86 KB,440x452,110:113,IMG_9409.jpeg)

 No.30222 [Open thread]

They have taken the bridge and the second hall we have barred the gates but cannot hold them for long the ground shakes drums drums in the deep we cannot get out a shadow moves in the dark we cannot get out they are coming fighting a losing battle against actual demons darkness evil and chaos or entropy itself throwing yourself into the abyss just to make a softer fall for your brothers behind you

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File: 9a9b4d419a0807b⋯.png (628.75 KB,828x819,92:91,thingshavegottenworse.png)

 No.29759 [Open thread]

Jesus fucking christ, this place needs to be revived again.

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So basically, youre blaming Boomers.

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Millennials will blame everyone and everything.

>Can't get laid? MEN. WOMEN. JEWS.

>Can't get a job? MEN. WOMEN. BOOMERS. JEWS.

And so on and so forth, rinse and repeat. The millennial lives solely to leech and blame everyone else for the host's inevitable symptoms.

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You're just doing the same thing you say Millennials do, blaming the Millennials for everything. I'd be interested to know your age range. Are you Boomer, Gen X, or Zoomer? I'm one of those Millennials you complain about so much. Additionally would help if I knew your race. You sound like you might be pro-Israel.

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>are you a Boomer

>Are you Zoomer

>Are you pro-Israel

Yep. You keep feeding tge stereotype about the Generation WHY ME persecution complex.

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>Are you

Why are you unwilling to answer very simple questions? It would help to understand your position better if I knew what team you're on. You can already tell I'm not any of those three groups you mentioned. By refusing to reveal any information about yourself you just sound like an anonymous troll.

>Millennials don't like A/B/C so they must have a complex.

Disliking things is normal. It sounds like you're feeling persecuted if it bothers you that Millennials don't like something.

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File: 231458ec863d089⋯.webp (30.92 KB,574x506,287:253,funny.webp)

 No.30207 [Open thread]



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File: 1a00113c9dbc709⋯.mp4 (13.46 MB,1818x1280,909:640,ass.MP4)

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File: a6a1272be327d62⋯.jpg (118.96 KB,960x960,1:1,Gfkrb4e.jpg)

 No.13441 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

There are boards for doomer /mu/ and doomer /lit/ what about doomer /fa/?

Post your doomer fits,

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Nothing outrageous, just endless parties with her trashy friends involving a lot of xanax and cheap rum.

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File: 7c1749d23e0f849⋯.jpg (86.53 KB,833x960,833:960,smoking2.jpg)

in honor of that one anon who posted a bunch of qt cigarette girls

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Xanax is the new heroin

Dirty South is the new Seattle

>depri music

>all kids on drugs

>mental illness

>codeine, xanax, cannabis

>people unhappy with life

>but hip hop instead of rock

How did this spiral out of control

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what is this cringy /fa/ggot bullshit drink bleach get aids

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File: 0a31f9816c38c70⋯.jpg (443.76 KB,1096x1949,1096:1949,cc3.jpg)

Fashion as aesthetic isnt "zoomer-esque".

But then again yall are self-blind to your own vices. Cothes as personal billboards existed in Gen X and Y

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File: 6d17a5e5d329f58⋯.jpg (4.4 MB,4608x3456,4:3,Art_Canvas_America_5.JPG)

 No.29902 [Open thread]

Hello doomers,

I've been meaning to make a post talking about the progress of my new years changes. I've done pretty well on two of the 3 fronts. The 3rd and arguable the most important challenge to me, no fap. I did maintain an acceptable streak until that pesky individual sabotaged me by talking about an erotic fantasy of mine, yes they did later laugh at me and mention that it was just to see if I could resist or not (I failed). Besides that, I'm on day 3 completed and I will continue my advancements as planned without issues coming from within due to being complacent in terms of my slow progression there (it's hard to speed through time with the lack of a time machine).

The other two directions of my challenges are doing perfectly as expected, I don't really have anywhere to obtain any materials from in terms of adulterant use and I thought about a quick fix on Monday. Only to later decide against it and I will not defer from my scheduled plans. The bigger fish in the barrel in terms of my use of creativity is perfectly fine to remain in a sedated state and my canvases / black book use is fine as a source of utilization of my passion. A source of proof of this is the picture attachment that goes along with this thread. I'll try to keep looking back here once in a while to see if anyone has any comments or suggestions for my blog post of a thread with this largely defunct community website.

Have a cheery day all y'all doomers who actually spent the time to read my QQ post.

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File: fc0d81efbbf7e09⋯.jpg (77.37 KB,921x436,921:436,Weoh.jpg)

Report card IRL edition.

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Woah that is a serious issue. I guess that I really should restart my new year challenge.


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Damn totally forgot about that. Damn…

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File: c8c1d8b07245907⋯.jpg (341.74 KB,1400x2050,28:41,free_winona.jpg)


Let's all love Winona

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It's funny how long it takes for a revised opinion to set in.

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