How about just STOP FUCKING irresponsibly and forcing others to PAY for murderous "solutions" through lawmaking?
Try some other activity rather than rubbing parts together, and bathing in stinking body fluids.
It IS a rather sorry attempt to feel temporary, useless stimulation.
Try to accomplish something
OTHER than fertilizing a seed that should have run down the inside of a thigh and been washed down a drain.
Karma doesn't care who she visits, its all just action.
Fighting to legalize the erasure of your stupid action, once it becomes a living replica of you, is ON YOU.
Yes, why not make laws to destroy your own species? Why not Fight for that right?
you stupid, stinking, wet, slimy half wits.
Why not Fight to wipe out your own because you're too stupid to avoid getting knocked up?
And then..
Yeah, how about make everyone who is NOT as stupid as you PAY for it?
It's your RIGHT, right???
If the ones who are intelligent enough to prevent getting knocked up disagree, scream in their face. They must be morally bankrupt to DISAGREE with the geniuses who vow to never stop fighting for the right to legalize destroying the human species..
Maybe you SHOULD pray, although, you're most likely one of the "A" words that legitimize your superiority over others, and prayer seems silly…but, maybe you should anyway.
Pray in your "next life" YOU will run down the inside of your mother's thigh, prior to fertilization. Pray the karmic debt, the disastrous fate you fought so hard to legalize, in this life might pass you by.
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