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/doomer/ - Doomers Club

Most precious years of our lives are gone and now we clinch to alcoholism

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game devving

File: ab9e791d29d39be⋯.jpg (48.92 KB,640x1136,40:71,w72rbgaxfepy.jpg)

 No.26520 [Open thread]

Does anyone have success with Tinder or any other dating sites? If so share what works.

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Tinder was built for sex solicitation. Just a more glossier version of craigslist

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being an incel because you hate women is the only reason you should be an incel

if you cant be happy alone, you wont be happy with some used goods femoid

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As soon as I found out that there is such a wonderful service as https://www.teendatingsites.com.au/ , I immediately started using only those dating sites that are presented on this site. There they are tested, you can find out in advance about all the pros and cons. I think this is a great advantage.

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Are you an actual girl or a troon?

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Let's be honest and tell you about our adventures. A friend advised me to register on a dating site on the Internet https://www.matchtrace.com/kink-dating-sites/. Now I often hang out there and take pictures of the best girls for dates. Then we go with them to the cinema or to visit me so as not to waste time. I really like this site. I recommend to everyone

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File: 8d33b120dfc9515⋯.jpg (136.45 KB,1280x939,1280:939,Doomer_Dating.jpg)

 No.29081 [Open thread]

Where can you go to date a Doomer Girl? I have heard they exist but don't know where they lurk.

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File: 1ace9315a526f8b⋯.png (380.48 KB,500x554,250:277,c8674d22c5ccec89c9c6c47b8b….png)


You just like the *idea* of a doomer girl op.



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Good day. You want to find a girl for yourself, and just the thought of it starts to excite you? Then you should info what I did https://romancingcupid.com/milf-dating-sites.html. Because it is on it that you will find partners who are also not looking for a long-term relationship.

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Depends on what you mean, girls like pic related probably don't get out much.

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We met online, it was really fun :D I recommend that you check out this quickflirt review at https://seniordatingsitesfree.com/quickflirt-review/ if you want to learn more about the service we used. It is a really good and trusted one with great and real poeple. I am sure that you will love it, it is an amazing serivce! Good luck with it, hope I was helpful to you here :)

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best film

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File: 64ce8bc86c5ed56⋯.png (Spoiler Image,134.2 KB,720x405,16:9,IMG_20210319_152018.png)

File: 257d3b07dfa3e30⋯.png (634.12 KB,510x756,85:126,1604207871200.png)

 No.29485 [Open thread]

Brian High Warner drop

6-6-06 XXVth





>com/ (bitch no log ins)







Notes: Miami show, not Ft Lauderdale

Sauce: OG Traci (Rest In Piss D415y)

Video sauces missing the last 40min,


audio only

No official title

Flyer title wrong on purpose because Dada art

bitch went bacc2 blonde bKuhz DaDDy iz d34d to duh wurld

Sauce: Se7en Richards

Independent verification for Sauce









(See flyers section on)












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File: bdbd0f9fb3fd70f⋯.png (394.31 KB,720x1440,1:2,Screenshot_20210607_012950.png)


Reverse definitions only

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File: 8a069a91bcbc4d6⋯.png (426.82 KB,800x640,5:4,alakazam.png)

 No.29448 [Open thread]

Which one of you idiots let the roasties in to complain about dumb shit? You should have just banned their holes on sight and left them to rot on twitter.

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>The roasties to complain about dumb shit.

Says the millennialoid whose entire generational zeitgeist was spent whining about dumb shit like ethics in kids toys ("video games") journalism and IDpol cringe.


It's gonna be a female paramedic hauling your bloated carcass outta your momma's basement when you dilate with a shotgun, faggot.

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It's funny how "roasties complain about dumb shit?" but in typical millennialoid fashion, you fail to say WHY it's "dumb shit" and you even show off that typical millennialoid childishness by using a fucking POKEMON picture.

The jokes just write themselves. And y'all call yourself based race realists? Using gook shit?

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Imagine being this unironically angry about a website existing which effects your life in no way whatsoever.

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Imagine taking this shit so serious you get tribal over a fucking website, I don't care if it's Reddit or 8kun, it only just goes to show how much you need to cope, seethe, and dilate, preferably with a shotgun. Typical millennialoid faggot. If your generation KIS'd, we'd finally make progress after thirty years of stagnation lol

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File: df9fd2016cbc2bd⋯.png (163.13 KB,1010x682,505:341,america_map_sweden.png)

 No.29469 [Open thread]

Millennials whining about hate speech gets me every time. There are few people who harbor more hatred for fellow humans than they do does. The average CEO is one, but there aren't many, fortunately. Imagine if everyone was seething about other humans to the extent that these millennials do. The only difference between them is that the CEO would prefer it if other people simply did not exist, except for those of whom they approve of, who serve them in some capacity. And even most of them should not exist except as a cog in the increasingly automated machine, or a warm hole. Millennials, on the other hand, want a world full of millennials, where nobody can express an idea or thought that does not pass muster with millennials (lack of) moral judgment. Outliers like heterosexuals, women, white people, attractive people, people with money, people who don't have time for cartoons and anime…they are all simply assholes, end of discussion. A generation of broke, smelly, unhygienic, deadbeat, incompetent, ignorant, uneducated, dishonest, disingenuous, gullible, narrow-minded, wasteful, lazy, supercilious, socially awkward, autistic, mentally ill losers with unwiped asses think they are superior to nearly everyone on the planet; charming, to say the least.

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Another fun fact about you losers is the usual shit that crops up when discussing any sort of link between race and intelligence.

Funny part is that both left and right go just as nuts over this one. Leftos for all the usual reasons, but righto types are just as bad though because they selectively allow you to talk only about the poorer results of Africans but then they lose their minds the second you point out that East Asians beat Caucasians by just as big a margin. Doesn't serve their agenda to admit out loud that their "master" race is mediocre rather than absolute #1. Maybe your race isn't a sped race but congratulations on that shining C+.

Mother Nature is one brilliant troll at times.

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File: 59459fbd44a1b8f⋯.png (66.08 KB,690x387,230:129,05614C18_90E9_4B0E_BE67_9A….png)

 No.29338 [Open thread]

>muslim immigrant


>short (5’6´´ according to police reports)

>probably undiagnosed schizo

>balding at fucking 21

>looks 15 years older

>reportedly stupid and unathletic

No wonder he did what he did. He knew his life was going nowhere. He wanted to take his revenge but there is no one to take revenge against. He sucks because he is biologically inferior. His woes are no ones fault and everyone faults are the same time. It is not society that screwed him but Life itself… and that is why he targeted Life itself.

Absolutely ALL mass shooters have that profile: losers who know they are losers and cant support it

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Im 28 retard

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>Stick to pretending you're any better than normies; at least they own their homes.

Lol no they don't

t. working in a city, like most of my country's population.

We don't own our homes. We only pay for them.

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are you eating the bugs?

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>>We don't own our homes. We only pay for them.

>You mean your mama's bull pays for it, right? LOL. Keep coping, millennialoid. Maybe if reincarnation's real, you'll reincarnate as a neurotypical, civilized human being, not a genetic dead end loser.


>You'll be, 'cause all you "BUGS PODS BIGOT!!!!" tards will cave at the slightest social pressure. That's why you post on a dead site like 8kun with a literal CUCK AS FUCK disclaimer.

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>Imagine thinking you're so based for posting on such a pussy ass site. Millennials just keep on showing us why they're LOSERS.

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>you sound like a mad redditcuck, you should go back subhuman.

Imagine being this unironically angry about a website existing which effects your life in no way whatsoever.

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File: 59a0dfd90c4f025⋯.png (25.11 KB,640x640,1:1,Show_this_card_to_the_teac….png)

 No.29465 [Open thread]

Dems no leik ASD cuz dey tendie b mo righty wingy

Remember, most schoolteachers who accuse autistic schoolchildren of misbehaving at school are lying most of the time about the children’s behaviors. Autistic students tend to misbehave far less than average neurotypical (non-autistic) students. Neurodivergent (autistic) people are discriminated against using "detriment of the doubt" tactics and biases to scapegoat them for more than they are responsible for. They deserve more support from their parents and other legal guardians than they have in this past. If you are or someone you know is an autistic student who has been unfairly treated with this systemic discrimination seek assistance. Save this file. Print out this card. If you are autistic and in school getting in trouble when you don’t deserve it, then you should send this file to all the other autistic students you know. Show this card to the teacher or whoever is punishing you for something that isn’t your fault to remind them that they are wrong. Soon, most innocent autistic students across the country should be doing this.

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You're not autistic, you're just a dumb fuck millennial who can't cope with aging and his abject mediocrity. Besides, why do you care, anyway? Those autists will just grow up to be EVIL BLUEPILLED NORMIE ZOGBOTS or some shit and you'll be bashing the fuck out of them. Also, why are you writing your post as if schoolkids actually use imageboards at all, let alone 8kun?

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File: a1fc9e272b18738⋯.png (99.04 KB,1100x491,1100:491,anon_hates_tomboy_enthusia….png)

 No.29464 [Open thread]

The vast majority of people in the world have never heard of sites like Something Awful, Kiwi Farms, 4chan, etc. Of those few who have most would have heard of them in passing and never interacted with them. Of those even fewer who have actually interacted with them only a slight fraction would ever have any sort of entrepreneurial aspirations, let alone involving them. The end result is that only a handful (0.0000000001%) of people would ever bother trying to run these places, resulting in an extremely tiny pool and the inevitable musical chairs of ownership. And that's before the incestuous nature of niche cliques, especially ones online where groups can sequester themselves far more easily comes into play. Not to mention the potential stigma from running these edgy sites in an ever-more sanitized internet.

Yet anons still believe that they're a big deal. We memed a president into office! Normies are scared of us! Blah blah fucking blah.

Sorry to disappoint, but the truth is you've wasted your prime years for NOTHING.


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File: c9a22b8674122a3⋯.jpg (2.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,buffalo 66.jpg)

 No.566 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

post /doomer/ movies or just movies you wanna share

Buffalo 66

i saw this when it first came out and didnt like it then. recently i gave it another day in court and enjoyed it. his relationship with Ricci is obviously something that would only happen in film (i doubt kidnapping a ballerina would go so well IRL) but it would be cool. there are cringe moments, personally i dislike the myth of the dysfunctional American family because that's not too widespread of thing when i was growing up.

the best thing about the movie is the authenticity in acting, wardrobe, settings, music etc. its a very aesthetic film. also the ending was great and got a big reaction outta me.

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File: a2da64029423d4a⋯.jpg (181.52 KB,724x1024,181:256,melelalanchoholiliahaha.jpg)

just watched and remembered this thread

Melancholia (2011)

sage to avoid unwanted attention

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Not doomer, I just like old movies.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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File: 1e4a1f7fa78a367⋯.jpg (186.83 KB,776x1200,97:150,UpstrEamColour.jpg)

File: 9249fe36c4c27e0⋯.jpg (192.3 KB,1000x1500,2:3,LostRiver.jpg)

File: 9262cb342d6b84a⋯.jpg (182.7 KB,1142x1600,571:800,The Element of Crime poste….jpg)


Dog Soldiers is the perfect union of small unit combat (siege) film, deep inna woods, and the single best practical effects representation of werewolves to date.

*Lost River is Ryan Gosling's director debut; North-eastern Blue Velvet


>Rainy film-noir ambience

film-sepia – "My face or your face: what'city . . ."


>The Lobster

Very topical, humor in this read like a vicious satire of Wes Anderson




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File: 712514e3ed6c42f⋯.jpg (4.53 KB,329x153,329:153,download.jpg)

Unironically this shit .No matter what u do ,everything that was unique to u be it memories,genes,genetic information,etc. will all be erased and not survive and propagate .U'll never know why anything even existed or what was the root cause of existence and by extension suffering itself.

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File: 9f67b4b03670af7⋯.jpg (85.66 KB,1024x632,128:79,Complacency.jpg)

 No.24848 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Go to college, it will be the best time of your life, they said.

> Now I am brainwashed into voting for more government (because I need a job).

> Now my social skills have faded, because of STEM.

> Now my old friends think I'm dull because I always work.

> Now I have enough debt to have bought a house.

> Now companies hire student workers instead of graduates, to save money while they burn them out.

> Now my colleages are the most arrogant assholes you could imagine, and then some.

If the last 6 years of my life were supposed to be the best, then maybe I should go Kaczynski already, because it thorougly sucked, and it keeps getting worse.

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at least you don't have to pay for college

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I don't think leftism means welfare capitalism.

That's neoliberalism.

Again, if you were to read ACTUAL leftist literature, and not the shitty neon-haired bulldyke crap,you would know.

Again, communists would kill druggies, trannies, gays, sluts, etc.

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>Naivete. People without an identity tend to flounder. What's more is that robbing people of an identity creates a cultural vacuum, which tends to get filled by whoever has the most power. And beyond all the talk of "destroying hierarchies", YOU are seeking that power.

Yes and no. If anything, tribalism is the sole reason for human crises.

While identity is important, humans use cultural identity as a substitute for critical thinking.

Moral relativism ironically is most powerful in tribalism, because the way people view and treat each other is based solely on how "close" you are with them.

This is what breeds nepotism and whatnot.

And in tribalism, people are not hesitant about backstabbing each other,using the group as expendable slaves.


Glorification of suffering and tragedy is a sign of shallowness

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File: 016d65831ad1019⋯.jpg (82.88 KB,378x500,189:250,stalin.jpg)


>Again, communists would kill druggies, trannies, gays, sluts, etc.

>In 1933, the Soviet government under Stalin recriminalised sex between men. On 7 March 1934, Article 121 was added to the criminal code for the entire Soviet Union that expressly prohibited only male homosexuality, with up to five years of hard labour in prison. There were no criminal statutes regarding sex between women.

>The Soviet government refrained from publicizing the new law outside of the USSR, and there was little international response. In 1934, the British communist Harry Whyte wrote a long letter to Stalin condemning the law and its prejudicial motivations. He laid out a Marxist position against the oppression of homosexuals as a social minority and compared homophobia to racism, xenophobia and sexism. Stalin did not reply to the letter, but ordered it to be archived, and added a note describing Whyte as "An idiot and a degenerate."

>A few years later in 1936, Justice Commissar Nikolai Krylenko publicly stated that the anti-gay criminal law was correctly aimed at the decadent and effete old ruling classes, thus further linking homosexuality to a right-wing conspiracy, i.e. Tsarist aristocracy and German fascists.

>Whereas the Stalin government conflated homosexuality with pedophilia….

>The first Khrushchev-era sex education manual to mention homosexuality was The Youth Becomes a Man (1960) and described homosexuals as child molesters: "…homosexuals are aroused by and satisfy themselves with adolescents and youngsters, even though the latter have a normal interest towards girls. Homosexuals go all out to gain the affection of the youngsters' society; they buy sweets and cigarettes for youngsters, tickets to the cinema, give them money, help to do home assignments and generally pretend that they unselfishly love youngsters. However, after such preparation, they sooner or later proceed to act. Do not let them touch you! Do not be shy aPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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>Glorification of suffering and tragedy is a sign of shallowness

In a millennialoid's case, it's a sign of cognitive dissonance.

>My entire life is rooted in the exploitation of others on a level so incredible that every single dictator in human history could only DREAM of it.


>But it's not MY fault, dude! I didn't PERSONALLY exploit anybody! What do you mean I sound like a boomer? We're victims too!

Every single time, millennials will always put their ego first. They literally cannot do a single thing without doing so. They ran so hard from their boomer parents, they became them on crack and steroids, and it's gonna be hilarious when zoomers de-millennialize the West by 2028 and all millennials can do is cope and seethe as the remaining boomers laugh at them to the grave.

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File: bf20c22e12e5216⋯.jpg (250.29 KB,640x360,16:9,APP_Biden_Sad.jpg)

 No.29442 [Open thread]

That Biden and the Democrats stole 2020, democracy will be distroyed.

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Imagine thinking democracy ever existed in the first place in a country literally founded by butthurt rootless cosmopolitan merchants who didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes.

The state of the millennialoid. The absolute fucking state.

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He seems like a hypocrite and a dubious guy

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File: 4f6b2341ad91773⋯.jpg (41.77 KB,720x886,360:443,large (1).jpg)

 No.145 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

this board will remain like a true doomer - dead and empty inside

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It's trump, Biden and clinton's dual loyalties to Israel that have destroyed the USA from within.

Thanks primarily to infiltration by about 20 or so high profile (pushed by twitter) Qanon accounts who were all Israel 1st, USA 2nd.

Our little four man team was banned from twitter about 10 months ago too.

Take it personally, like your politicians did, and keep up the pretense on twitter, and see how fast you can annihilate your amazing country.

You are in this position, both individually and collectively, due to initially, your politicians and twitter, but by compounding the lie on twitter and not challenging it, it will be a one way ticket to hell for every human being on this planet.

Because one man chose to put his faith in the protection of a monopoly on twitter, biblical quotes and Jews more than a higher power.

The demented push by Americans and twitter to push a billionaire property developer as a prophet, within the confines of a Jewish safe (((space))).

327M thick as fuck Americans.

(Great awakening BTFO)

62M thick as fuck Brits

(Team Satan/totally oblivious to what is happening)

14,6M sneaky Jews

(Skull caps, wailing wall and jew card in the ass)

And 13 vile and irredeemable kikes

Put themselves above 7,7bn

(Bloodlines wiped off the planet)

Disdainful and disrespectful.

It’s because none of our leaders have ever had permission to kill, not In Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Since the 1st January 2017. 

And yes, it can only be demonstrated by actions, not buzzy 3 word slogans like ‘drain the swamp’ 

Many politicians and religious leaders in the folder already. 

Vile, deceitful politicians and celebrities. 

For the fake online twitter holy war between Hillary and Trump, that definitely wasn’t bread and circuses sponsored by Israel. 

And for the aberration of QAnon. 

Best thing ever, really. 

Thick cunts. 

Made me invisible. 

The demented push by Americans and twitter to push a billionaire property developer as a prophet. ‪

327 000 000 ‬thick as fuck Americans.

62 million thick as fuck Brits too.

And 14,6 gorillion sneaky Jews. 

And 13 vile irredeemable kikes 

Disdainful and disrespectful. 

It’s because none of our leaders have ever had permission to kill, not In the name of God Almighty or any religion. Ever. 

Despite what our politicians say. 

Always someone else’s fault, isn’t it? 


Illumination route(27 pages)

https://view.publitas.com/51899/497385/pPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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 No.29384 [Open thread]

ITT: A repository for /doomer/ related images. Keep in mind a few basic guidelines:

>Quality beats quantity every time.

>Monochrome preferred.

>PNG required.

(You) know what to do. Fuck this up & your mother dies in her sleep.

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File: 5e5928b386da1b5⋯.png (426.89 KB,884x566,442:283,AnHero_2_.png)

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 No.29156 [Open thread]

Some of you might be thinking:

>It’s difficult being in your 20s, why do you think it’s easier for women?

Oppression Olympics. An excuse for self-pity, projection and hatred of Other. Since they are male, they hate female. They are worthless narcissists who must loathe and blame others to justify their irrelevant existence. If they were black, they’d join the Black Panthers. If they were women, they’d become feminists. They want an excuse for being worthless and Othering is the Critical Theory toolbox for political activism. “It’s all Their fault! I’d be all kinds of successful if it weren’t for those meddling feminists!” Ignore the fact they do nothing to become successful (see Gotta love Millennials) and expect it to fall into their lap, the entitlement is typical of their age.

They will brainwash themselves into believing that women in this century don’t really suffer from anything, both dehumanizing us and idealizing onto a pedestal. Does the economy I live in magically stop sucking? Are immigrants magically not taking typically female jobs too, like nanny? Can women afford to marry/have kids, when traditionally, the bride’s family pays? Can women move out of their parent’s home where men cannot? Can women afford a car on top of the higher everyday expenses of being a woman e.g. when our clothes are more expensive?

It’s a non sequitur that “I have it hard, so women must have it easy.” There is no evidence for this. Find me something, prove me wrong, please. I’ve yet to find anything in years of looking. The SJWs are from rich families, insulated from consequence, male or female, they’ll be OK. Their class protects them, not their sex. The legal system has plenty of issues that screw over everyone at some point and they’ll never be resolved because history teaches this, it’s unreasonable to expect change without force, physical force. There is no male-specific argument where women are exempt from bad circumstance, it’s a fantasy of impotence. Circumcision used to be the one argument, but then female variants were imported so you no longer have that one either. Everything 21st century of male suffering has a female counterpart, yet these losers who have nothing better to do than kick women online will play crybully like the SJW they knock. “B-bPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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>The idea of youth being the eternal summer of life is a golden cage made by bitter nostalgic old men. It's because of this, subsequent generations of young people are miserable, being shackled by the hell that is compulsory schooling and pep talks from "concerned" elders. And they grow up into miserable stunted adults.

While this is true, and a very sad state of affairs, I can't help but laugh at how the anons prone to habitual anti-Semitism are literally bummed out that their lives didn't correspond to the plots of Jewish produced and directed romcoms.

>Wait, you mean to tell me I can't just luck into a girl beyond my league? She's not the sexual equivalent of the participation ribbons I grew up with? Dude, what?

These failed adults were coddled and pampered by deadbeat parents/educators so much, they lash out when it turns out no, you don't get pussy (or dick) just because you happen to be there. Everything in life is earned, not given. You're nice? Great, so is everyone fucking else. What sets you apart from the rest? What makes you OH SO SPECIAL? Incels and femcels alike cannot answer this question. They have only excuses to justify how BORING they are as people. And thankfully, most will commit suicide. Well, I hope, without shooting up anywhere for us normal, civilized people. Personally, I think parents of incels/femcels, if they do shoot up shit, should have their assets liquidated for the victims' families to share. You don't do your job, you don't deserve to share the benefits of those who did.

>They don't wanna go for anything that requires serious elbow grease. These girls are making webcams or tricking. If they work, it's mostly front counter jobs where they lounge about all day.

True, true, but not all women are like this. I've met plenty of girls and women alike who do put the work in, who do want to better themselves, who will look at shit like this and feel like puking. I predict a pretty hefty backlash in the next decade or so, bePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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I'm a woman and I FUCKING HATE MY VAGINA. it MAKES PASTE in my panties. I FUCKING HATE PASTE IN MY PANTIES. It keeps me up at night. I should sell my paste for money online. I wish I was a huge black dude with a foot long nigger dick, so fucking black I disappear when I close my eyes at night.

I fucking hate other women, most of them are weak minded fucking CUNTS who'll stab you in the back and run from danger while claiming that you have some sort of "female bond" I used to give people the benefit of the doubt. NO MORE. FUCK YOU CUNTS!!!!. I live in my NEET castle with my scroat and his CUNT ASS FUCKING MOTHER. always bitching at him, nothing's ever good enough for that fucking HARPY. I have to fucking pretend i'm on her side to manipulate the bitch and play good cop to his useless sack of shit. IT"S NOT ME!!!!!! I DEAL WITH MY PROBLEMS HEAD ON. I hate these cunt Olympics that REGULAR stupid women engage in. It's PAINFUL. I can't wait until I can BURN THE FUCKING BRIDGE AND SHIT ON THE FLOOR ON THE WAY OUT! All I have to do is outlive the cunt……


Women do NOT truly get along better than men… they just sneakily, cuntily HIDE it. That's FAR worse.

The only other woman that isn't a fucking cunt that I've personally met is my mother. <3

And they're too fucking scared. Oh noooooooo he's bigger than me, i can't hide his phenibut from him, he'll come in and hurt me! NO YOU FUCKING BITCH. He's too fucked up to stand and if he tries to get it I'll kick him in the nuts. He doesn't need anymore fucking phenibut right now.

OH NOOOO i'm a just a woman what can I do when some other chick is getting attacked. Just stand here? Im too AFRAID to fight back, learned fucking CHRONIC PATHETICISM.


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>These failed adults were coddled and pampered by deadbeat parents/educators so much, they lash out when it turns out no, you don't get pussy (or dick) just because you happen to be there. Everything in life is earned, not given.

You say stuff like this, but this isn't an incel board and never actually was. Like there were some here a long time ago & they weren't even in the majority, but most of the posts on this board right now are just you complaining about something which was never even prevalent here.

I don't know if there's anyone left here who has this problem. Like, honestly, I've never had to "earn" sex even - that seems a bit silly, there've been a good few instances when it just kind of fell on me or was taken from me because I happened to be walking on the wrong day or sleeping in the wrong room. If it weren't for a few people willing to accept no for an answer (though some seem bitter anyway) I'd literally be tripping over dick & ass & pussy every time I go out and not be able to get anything done. Like you go on these anti-incel tirades all the time, but I don't think you realize this board tended to be either bored of or somewhat disinterested in sex & misogyny and all that shit. We're more into drugs & nihilism & esotericism & NWOBHM. If we were mad at women we'd go to /madatwomen/ or wherever those people congregate.

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You're retarded

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>You're retarded

Typical millennialoid response. Is that what they told you before handing you a participation trophy?


Oh, please, spare me that nonsense. You and I both know what this board was built on: millennials whining that the real world didn't kiss their ass, whether that was that they couldn't get laid or not.

>anti-incel tirades

No, they're anti-MILLENNIAL tirades. Incels are just one of the many reasons why I hate your pathetic generation. If you actually read my posts, you'd remember that, but I suspect that it bothers you too much.

Millennials are born and bred losers. Is it any wonder boomers and zoomers can only unite when it comes to hating you?

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 No.26263 [Open thread]

Death To The World

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I missed this when you posted it.

I've been re-spiritualizing intuitively lately, and this is great.

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Hmmm. Nope. Christianity is alive and well. The problem is that Christianoty was always used as the white Zionism handbook.

I notice anytime when things go wrong, especially iwhite people are affected, they assume the apocalypse is happening.

But when other ethnic nationalities are affected, they shrug it off like it's a mere summer thunderstorm.

Christendom is low-key white men tryna copy off of their Jewish "enemies"

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>Christianity is alive and well.

In Africa, Latin America, and Korea, sure, but in the West? There's an old saying in the wrestling business about how wrestling is, in Japan, a religion, in Mexico a way of life, and in America, a joke. I see Christianity in the same way. The only real Christians in the West anymore are the Amish/Mennonites/Quakers. I also think Tolstoy pretty much dropped the mic with his book, The Kingdom of God is Within You; criminally underrated as far as I'm concerned. Of course, it'd probably be considered kryptonite among today's Christians/the /pol/tard larpers because he pulls no punches. If you haven't read it, do so. If nothing else, Tolstoy offers a breath of fresh air compared to the /pol/tard larpers and the hypocritical "liberal" Christians.

Pic related to show what I mean by Christianity being dead in the West.

>For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

>Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

>The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Do you think imageboardcels who pretend to be pious Christians volunteer to help the poor, many of whom are the very same people they blame for everything wrong?

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Real Christians are Muslims

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Christianity as we know was never alive in the first place, it's always been a false and broken religion with no true foundation, followed by hordes of total hypocrites. And no, I'm not a pagan or whatever.

And it isn't really alive in the third world too, by any standards. Especially catholicism. It's completely dead, 99% of "catholics" are non-practicing and the only who (pretend to) take it seriously are 15 yo reactionary larpers.

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