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Most precious years of our lives are gone and now we clinch to alcoholism

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game devving

File: 891cfbb6ef8aa91⋯.jpg (137.6 KB,1200x628,300:157,rat_race.jpg)

 No.27158 [Open thread]

The negative effects of the world being populated more than ever have never been so glaringly obvious as today. Humans are more ubiquitous and replaceable than ever before, and an individual's needs, feelings and opinions have less weight than ever before - thus the value of an individual is at its historical nadir, and competition is at its historical zenith. People born and raised without a heavily competitive spirit are quickly marginalized and trampled over by those who were. Is it of any surprise to anyone that mental ilnesses like depression are reaching historical records worldwide? The increase in world pollution and destruction of nature correlates with population growth as well. Yet even in *chan communities, having kids and raising them is still seen as something sacred, an ultimate goal of life. Not having children and promoting the idea of not having them is seen as a cuck thing to do, as some sort of a failure of one's life's purpose. Yet in the same breath, we have few complaints about castrating captive animals, us already recognizing the profoundly negative consequences of letting them breed uncontrollably.

Does nobody pay attention to the writing on the wall anymore? I might be preaching to the choir here, but why are we clinging so tightly to this idea that humanity's ranks must exponentially grow at all costs? Have we completely lost any concept about setting some standards of individual wellbeing? Why aren't we doing anything about this? Dropping out from the rat race, whether by benign measures such as adopting an ascetic lifestyle, or by more extreme means such as suicide or murder-suicide, should be seen as the ultimate good and its proponents as the romantic heroes of our era. And yet even though your decision benefits them as well, rat racers will still call you a moron for doing it.

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File: 36e0a4486b26e08⋯.jpg (562.66 KB,1080x1065,72:71,1611739426900.jpg)


>People only have kids nowadays because they're bored.

I agreed with you up until this point. It's not out of boredom, it's just so they don't have to do their own chores around the house. Think about it - wouldn't you love to have someone around the house who can do everything for eighteen years? It reminds me of pic related. Parents aren't ashamed of their kids so much as they are of their own reflection (kids are the products of upbringing), but because they fear losing face over it, they will insist the kids are at fault, as if they woke up one morning and decided to be a loser. A kid is like a plant - feed it, nourish it, watch it grow. Otherwise, you get saddled with a reject who will eventually off itself or someone else, whether by shooting, driving drunk, whatever.

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File: 026700d90f728f6⋯.jpg (88.08 KB,1125x1105,225:221,My_Family_in_a_Nutshell.jpg)


>In fact, I think that most adults have children because they wanna manifest the perfect family they never had.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that was why I was born. Father was adopted, still doesn't know his parents (mother's name is on birth certificate, father's isn't), and is too lazy to care to find out more because he thinks I can do all the work for him and it'll be like a Lifetime movie or some shit. Mother hates her mother (to the point she demonized her mother my entire childhood/teen years, only to then sperg out when I point out this is why I never kept in touch with her; kinda hard to do so now considering my grandmother has crippling dementia and was sent to a home after violently attacking people) and only has a NEET sister (who lived with my grandmother till she was put in said home; from what I heard, there were bedbugs and mice everywhere) and brother (who doesn't keep in touch with any of 'em AFAIK) living his own life (to the point that I don't think he knew he even had a nephew 'cause I never once spoke to him or even met him, growing up, but from what I understand, he's the most stable of the bunch). Both of them never really liked each other but ended up having me anyway and kept me around just to use as a tool against the other, the classic "tell your MOTHER/FATHER to pass the salt" type shit. My parents never told me why they got married in the first place, let alone had me, but I'm willing to bet what you posted there is exactly why. Of course, we never had a perfect family: kinda hard to do so when Papa Anon blows your entire finances to the point he has to change his number every two weeks to avoid creditors calling (as far as I'm aware, they still are trying to get in touch with him), and Mama Anon doesn't keep herself in shape to the point she could only do the most menial of jobs. As soon as I moved out, I pretty much just no-contact'd them, and I'm pretty sure they've spent the time ever since blaming the other for it.

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Two cousins of mine (14 and 19 years old) are losing the years of their lives that are supposed to be mostly free of responsibilities (and if there's any they should be school and growing up as a person) by taking care of the third child their mother decided to have, she's growing like all little toddlers are these days, left alone with a phone or TV, can't blame them, poor girls have their own fucking problems. The family has made spanking or hitting a normal way of punishing her, unsurprisingly she hits back and when I went to their house once she kicked her dog and used a slur, she's barely four years old. Children are a nuisance you can choose to have, I'm all for that, but making people that barely know if they want children in the future is the most shittiest thing you can do. Their mother once literally said "you know, sometimes I think children are not worth it".

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File: 223afc782493581⋯.jpg (403.68 KB,1200x1200,1:1,1610224629609.jpg)


>Their mother once literally said "you know, sometimes I think children are not worth it".

Ha, my mother said that my whole fucking life. Sometimes, right even to my face. I suspect their mother is a lot like that, judging by your post. And of course, if those kids ever snapped, they'd be seen as the assholes. Like I said, you can literally do whatever you want to your kids, and you will get away with it every single time, 'cause nobody wants to do anything about it.

>The family has made spanking or hitting a normal way of punishing her, unsurprisingly she hits back and when I went to their house once she kicked her dog and used a slur, she's barely four years old.

You can mention this until you're blue in the face, but in the end, it will fall on deaf ears because parental infallibility is the world's biggest taboo. Remember Ellie Soutter?

It seems she had a history of mental health issues; the missed flight was just the spark to the fuse.

>He told BBC South East that his daughter had a history of mental health issues and struggled with the pressure of competing at an elite level.

>Her father Tony Soutter believes injuries and concussion could have affected the 18-year-old’s state of mind.

Apparently CTE is being blamed too.

>‘She had been airlifted off the mountain about five times, each time with a head injury,’ he told the Sunday Times.

>‘She didn’t recognise me for seven hours after the incident. She had nasty headaches and trouble sleeping.’

> He told the paper that after Ellie died, the University of Boston emailed asking for a biopsy of her brain. It prompted him to start researching Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE). which can cause depPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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File: 8d4994b559a83b7⋯.png (480.29 KB,773x534,773:534,Based_and_Tedpilled.png)


>Hot AF take: age, not class or race, will be the deciding factor of the twenty first century. Forget the Turner Diaries or the Communist Manifesto, Logan's Run is going to be what inspires the next revolution. The seeds are already being sown.

Consider pic related. Consider the shooting in Colorado - a young guy killed mostly elderly people. Consider how Cuomo et al were essentially trying to kill as many elderly people as possible. Is it really a stretch to even consider that this is what's going to happen?

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File: b4e369282b0a63e⋯.jpg (480.89 KB,800x801,800:801,1553179682755.jpg)

 No.17300 [Open thread]

>nice house somewhere in nature

>wife and kids

>land you can use for your purposes

>being autonomous

>one family or one man against all

>etc. etc. etc.

I've been thinking a lot recently. What if I don't want this crap? Some things have to be done, if you understand me, don't want to really talk about this here but what if:

<being this isolated man (when you think you resist by living on your own) or being a family man will make you weaker (see Varg) and hesitant to do what you feel should be done

<this life won't solve anything and you will be just doomed on your own

Do you know what I mean? Few of us have here some, let's say, plans for something in future in our life, and preparing for it.

Tl;dr I don't know anymore if I care about survival more than I care about doing what has to be done, I'm just a shit of dust in the universe and maybe being gone is something I desire more than being here but before every man is gone, he has to sort things right and do what is right thing to do.

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Also forgot to add: marriage and parenthood are participation trophies of adulthood.

The fact that human society glorifies a basic natural act and yet is hostile towards science and efficiency tells me that humans really aren't above the animals.

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File: 549ae1f52076995⋯.jpg (131.89 KB,801x900,89:100,bf253e096040b7aeb620ddfa3e….jpg)


>But older people, especially men, seem to have no shortage of ideas on how to fix the world and will not take no for an answer.

What's funny is that so many of them can't even do that right.

>Obama is gonna put all right wingers in the camps! Okay, what are you gonna do about it? Just wait until the trucks come for you? Yes!

They never came.

>Bush is gonna put all left wingers in the camps! Okay, what are you gonna do about it? Just wait until the trucks come for you? Yes!

They too never came.

>Trump is gonna put all minorities in the camps! Okay, what are you gonna do about it? Just wait until the trucks come for you? Yes!

Also never came.

>Biden is gonna put all right wingers in the camps! Okay, what are you gonna do about it? Just wait until the trucks come for you? Yes!

I think you see my point.

The problem is slacktivism, pure and simple. It's one thing to have ideas, another to actually have the drive to see them through. It's why I laugh when I hear people whining about deplatforming. The Soviets deplatformed tons of people, and yet they still went preaching what they saw as the truth - I remember one old man in particular who had spent most of his adult life in a gulag; he was sent to one in Stalin's time, but was so adamant about what he saw as the truth that those after Stalin kept him in one (he'd get released, he'd preach, they'd send him back), and IIRC he was finally let go for good when the USSR fell only to die a couple weeks later or something. Point is, though, there are tons of Soviet dissidents who stood up against a government that literally had no problem just flatout killing anyone who opposed it. Yet we have people whining about deplatforming?Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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File: 2f91e9786ffa841⋯.jpeg (425.26 KB,2600x1300,2:1,The_More_Things_Change.jpeg)


>But when said ideas backfire, instead of owning up, they blame the youth, accusing them sloth, cowardice, and hedonism.

Look no further than zoomerphobia. Every single time an anon is challenged on here, they ALWAYS fall back on zoomerphobia. You MUST be a zoomer if you don't agree with me! What do zoomers have to do with anything? They sound just like their fellow retards across the spectrum: everyone I don't like is a Nazi! They accuse the youth of the same sins they themselves do:

>Sloth? Look at how they boast that they're NEETs, etc.

>Cowardice? Day of the Rope! Wait, you're asking when it's actually gonna happen already? SHILL!

>Hedonism? ROASTIE SLUTS BAD! Yet all my pictures of anime girls are of them looking like roastie sluts!

On and on it goes.

>If they're not doing that, they're sitting on their asses "reliving" their golden years.

It's funny when they try to act like zoomers are somehow ruined by social media which their generation made popular.

>TIKTOK BAD! But MySpace, 4chan, Reddit, etc? That's fine and dandy. We millenials aren't completely social media zombies like ZOOMERS are!

>Kids don't go outside anymore due to social media! But watch as I don't go outside period myself because of it, and here's why when I do it, it's a GOOD thing!

Again, millenials project their own flaws onto zoomers, and millenials on Twitter point out how much zoomers are hating on them for it, and they still play the same trick anons do.

>Zoomers bad! Why do they hate us? I mean, sure, we shit on everything they do, we pretend we're better, but yet they hatePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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File: b9dc18016de3d49⋯.jpg (127.3 KB,913x1200,913:1200,DEyirvBUQAEJwDZ.jpg)


Whenever a millenial whines about TikTok, show them this picture. Boomers were right all along - millenials really do ruin everything.

>No great literature

>No great music

>No great movies

>No great vidya

>Internet went from information superhighway to the world's biggest brothel

>No great political ideas

>No great philosophy

>Blame everyone else because you're too lazy and struggle with "adulting" for why your life sucks.

>pretend that the most mundane shit is "red pilled" when it's just shit you ignored for years because it usually came attached with reminders of how much of a fuckup you are.

>Your entire cultural output is so dated that literally none of it will be cared about in 30+ years.

I'd hate zoomers too if all I had to show for my generational zeitgeist was sperging out over a fucking okay sign and muh ethics in video game tits.

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File: 380525895808b8c⋯.jpg (252.24 KB,1244x1057,1244:1057,1614767815829.jpg)


>The fact that human society glorifies a basic natural act and yet is hostile towards science and efficiency tells me that humans really aren't above the animals.

Well, judging by the amount of millenial rejects out there, we're gonna have quite the interesting time with an entire generation of men and women alike that can't get over themselves enough to get hitched and procreate in the first place. And as they reach boomer age…..oh, boy. How long till one of these genetic dead ends pulls a higher score than Paddock?

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File: 0c785d1c7be9f5b⋯.jpg (864.3 KB,1200x1666,600:833,1200px-Shadowman-3.jpg)

 No.19387 [Open thread]

Whats opinion to shadow people?

I have seen this guy 3 times now i always wake up and he stares at me.

Now i read a few other people calling them shadow people and apparently many people saw them.

Any explanation why many people seem to see the same in there sleep?

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Yeah please sounds interesting

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>call an exorcist

>ask him to cleanse the place of foul spirits

>he tells you to wait outside

>goes in, locks the door

>you're standing out on the lawn

>he says the house is now free of foul spirits

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Never seen them myself, while I must have smoked at least 1kg of weed in the past few years, did tons of other drugs, have mental disorders and can't watch horror movies because they freak me out, so I guess there's some sort of force field around me that repels them, or perhaps I'm just not of interest for them. People who are spiritually sensitive have told me as well that I'm closed off in that sense.

I know two people who do see them. One has sleep paralysis, she's the typical sort of odd girl that makes you ask what the hell happened in her childhood, the sort that likes slasher gore movies and music that sounds like a construction yard mixed with sounds of cats being strangled, while being extremely shy and sensitive, too meek and gentle to even sacrifice a fly to satan. Maybe that made her vulnerable to shadow people, maybe she made it all up to fit in with an edgy persona, as I can't see why someone plagued by demonic beings would hang posters with upside down crosses in her apartment. The other guy is more interesting, a normalfag by all means, otherwise more mentally resolute than I am, he has two specific entities that haunt him, one of them he calls "the man with the hat", a shadowy figure that appears in his house every night, standing in the doorway, looking at him for a moment, then walking towards him, disappearing when he puts the light on. The other is a less clear shape and acts more randomly, seemingly more aware of people, floating through the hallways, whispering at night. His brother has experienced things in that house as well, but nothing that comes close to being so lucid and specific.

One question I very rarely see discussed regarding shadow people and other entities is; what do they want? Do they just want to mess with people? Are they perhaps terribly bored, having nothing to do, no way to interact with anything, apart from scaring people?


>It's basically what the world looks like, but with most of the filters that tell you that such things must not exist and therefore they do not exist gone.

That's what I've been thinking as wPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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I really don't like them. I only saw them when I was a child once. The figure was slowly getting closer and closer to my bed inching himself towards me every time I look away. I decide to stare at the dark figure for as long as possible until it lunges towards me and I shit my pants.

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I learned how to beat the shadow people though. If you can't see them then they can't do anything to you since your eyes were the one that was hallucinating. All I did was cover my eyes with a blanket when sleeping.

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File: 9eaf46e06b1496a⋯.jpeg (101.99 KB,700x394,350:197,fetchimage.jpeg)

 No.28949 [Open thread]

What are some interesting/world changing things an anon can do before committing suicide?

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A site for men who need positive reinforcement?

Just look in the mirror and say "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!"

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Idealism is the root of all evils.

This eternal abysmal wanton to "change the world" is what's fueling the collapse.

When life doesn't go your way it's always because of "Jews/liberals/women/secularists/zoomers/boomers/etc."

No one bothers to think that maybe anthropocentrism is a shitty trait in the first fucking place.

I cannot wait for man to get the fuck over their own political autofellatios and go back to physical science.

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I know this will be a huge improbability so in that case, I hope human neutering/lower anthroponatalism will succeed.

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File: 6a01f0439baaa0a⋯.jpg (67.9 KB,933x993,311:331,EtKG8AmXEAEWfDR.jpg)


>I hope human neutering/lower anthroponatalism will succeed.

It's called World War III, and it will happen in your lifetime. Hope you enjoy the Amish and other like minded groups inheriting whatever's left of America, brother.

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Do something cool that or try cool stunts like dodging cars or fighting multiple people at once

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.25294 [Open thread]

>didnt get an emo gf

>didnt get to fool around with scene girls

>no raves near me to meet rave girls

>too broke att to move to a more fun place

<finally in the city, all these things are gone

<at 30 I'm too fucking old to get into any current scene

<and even then current scenes are shit

Oldfag doomers what you regret not doing?

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File: 5b6a732c9cf3101⋯.jpg (18.81 KB,408x721,408:721,m3pahvwra0m61.jpg)


I wouldn't say zoomerpilled. I'm Gen-X, actually. I call shit out as I see it. Boomers? There's a reason that they're called the "Me Generation", in that they were completely selfish. They wrecked shit because shit was in the way of what they wanted, without any thought or care for the future. That's something a lot of these people told me growing up, "You young kids think you're immortal, you think nothing's ever going to happen to you, just you wait, etc."

I now realize that they were speaking from experience. That doesn't change the fact that it was FUCKING ANNOYING.

Carlin said it best: "If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders." Lookit the last thirty or so years. Nowadays, we're left with their spawn, the millenials, what should be called the "'Look at Me' Generation", due to their disgusting self-worship. Everybody (at least in westernized countries, go figure) is being a complete jackass for no better reason than to bring attention to themselves. Millenials and Boomers are both sides of the same coin tbh. Both are entitled and think the world must go around their whims, and if not, then temper tantrums will solve the day!

I don't hate boomers, though. I mean, they'll all be dead soon I'm bored of hating them. They're too weak and feeble. You can kick out their walkers from under them and laugh at them as they flail around on the ground.

I'm hating millennials a lot more because when I'm one of those senile cocksuckers myself I will still have to deal with them. Unlike boomers, I won't get to see them all die and applaud every funeral.

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>Everybody (at least in westernized countries, go figure) is being a complete jackass for no better reason than to bring attention to themselves.

Nah. It's universal outside of the West.

But for the rest of your post is right.

Except for kicking out boomers' walkers. No need for that. They suffered enough from their own stupidity and are still killing themselves.

But like I say, adulthood is dead.

The last generation of mature adults was the Greatest Generation.

Everyone else after them are just post-pubescent brats.

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I'm a zoomer, 19 years old and I realize how much of an autist I am when I disagree with you guys's generalizations but then I remember I don't talk to people enough to know how true these labels are. I also don't live in the US so hearing entire generations of Americans tear each other apart it's so weird.

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Yes. It's more generalizing of young people bc young adults and children are the only groups that stereotyping and false assumptions about are accepted.

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>Nah. It's universal outside of the West.

Touche, anon.

>Except for kicking out boomers' walkers. No need for that. They suffered enough from their own stupidity and are still killing themselves.

That was more of a metaphor, not a call to violence or anything. I don't want anyone to die over this shit, this is just my own jaded resignation. I don't care as much about this shit outside prodding the slackjawed yokels like zoomerphobes, etc.

>But like I say, adulthood is dead. The last generation of mature adults was the Greatest Generation. Everyone else after them are just post-pubescent brats.

This, pretty much. I've been saying that for a long time. It's no wonder when I talk to GGs that they all tell me the same thing: y'all are fags, and your shit's all retarded.


I wouldn't worry too much, friend. Just work towards living as long and as happy a life as you can. Don't end up like millenial jackasses, wasting your life on irrelevant trivial shit. Instead, join us as we watch them all kill themselves when they reach boomer age for having wasted their prime years on "muh TERFs!!!!!" and cartoon frogs.


Read pic related. Written in the seventies, it covers exactly what you're talking about.

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 No.28915 [Open thread]

Only thing I can think of is having people stream anime/movies, but that would actually be nice. Thats how I get my social interaction now, I go on t*itch and watch shit.

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Back in the old days, you were a full-fledged tradesman at 14-16. You had yoir own house at 20, amd by thirty having serious bank. But thanks to the social-legal invention called "adolescence", we extended childhood by another ten years. "Muh brain development" confirmation bias (along with helicopter parenting) is being used to justify infantilizing young people even more.

Society is more jumpy than ever over kids making mistakes nowadays. The ADHD labelling began in the 1990s because parents and teachers started losing fortitude in childrearing.

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“They just whine about everything then indulge in it” you mean like you are doing right now by projecting schlomo? Millennials are in fact trash, eternal complaining is the source of all discovery in human history. Its actually you who cant grow up. You are begging for everyone to give up so you can cAtch up and backstab everyone. You are like the ADL, protecting swindlers from scrutiny. It you are going to make a blanket statement then you could at least have the decency to add some specifications so you arent just banging a wall, then again banging a wall is infinitely more useful than any of the objectively worthless trash in this universe only you work to maintain.

I used to try to hide my power level but I cant anymore, the majority of people , like you said, have the brain of a child and the more words used the more they malfunction, while the more information I encounter and the more shit I unearth by going (IF i find out some truth THEN search for the new truth because that truth is already outdated.), the higher my intelligence gets.

Ignorance is not bliss. Have fun being stuck in a cave where you will clearly be content because we werent cut from the same cloth, I am the source of all creation and since I am objective In my truth seeking I also must assume responsibility for all destruction. The necessity of leaving no stone unturned is the result of people taking the stance that they understand the sun cycles so they are now “The Ultimate”, and then every part of them which they attempted to abandon just became a seed of destruction that grew to become the poison infecting reality today.

Is it not essential to stop pointless suffering even if its happening in a different room? If you still choose ignorance at this point you unquestionably have no consciousness. A frog has more potential than an npc.

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>social-legal invention

Uh, it's called science. It wasn't as advanced back then. Stop trying to justify sex with children.


>millennials are trash

My age group isn't posting twerk videos to stripper music. That's Gen Z and their transkids. The slippery slope is real, and you should listen to your Millennial elders.

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Nope. You Millennials are going around posting booty vids and other lame memes.

But like that poster said " Millennials are a Frankenstein breed."

And, back then, adulthood started at 13.

We extended it to 20 for academia but no academia is failing us and we have new generations of adults who cannot even do basic adult tasks. People in their thirties and forties still living like bums and whatnot

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File: 257c4bf8893f4ae⋯.jpg (23.17 KB,480x360,4:3,terry.jpg)

 No.6413 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Terry Davis should be canonized the patron saint of Doomers.

* Too woke for own good

* Top tier memes

* Greatest accomplishment was universally mocked

* Night walks

* Died alone

All in favor say aye.

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>useless OS

At least he will be remembered for said OS. What will YOU be remembered for? At least he wasn't a millenial, 'cause then he'd have created nothing but his TOTALLY UNIQUE I SWEAR twist on something that boomers/Gen-X made before he got shat out of his deadbeat mother's hole.

>sinner that could not shut the fuck up about the CIA when they are extremophiles that would not take interest in some dweeb.

It's always funny when imageboarders project their own faults onto everyone else. Happens every time.

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Not a fan of this guy but that quote is pretty good

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File: 8f7b06ed666cc87⋯.jpg (941.89 KB,999x3158,999:3158,suicide_note_condensed.jpg)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here's another gem from Terry

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 No.21363 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Am ultra depressed and find a sad person board. Good.

ITT: Dream jobs that you will never have

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>>23185 I appreciate it bud. Sometimes I wonder if I’m evil because I’m certainly not good but if I could use my capability for violence to protect people maybe it wouldn’t be a bad thing. I honestly hope I can quit trucking this year or next and start a business. I know I won’t make any money but I’m not making money as a truck driver. If any of you have thought of trucking as a way to escape your problems. Don’t.

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Sorry to hear that, man. It's a poor consolation, but it's something outside of your control that determined the outcome.


That's fucked up. Was she okay though?


>If any of you have thought of trucking as a way to escape your problems. Don’t.

I was going to, but it really only took a couple of horror stories to deter me from going with it. The image of comfy trucking was quickly smashed.

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Yes, she was okay

there was no lasting issues or anything we are aware of

thank you

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Sounds very bloomer-ish and delusional

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I always wanted to be a radio show host. I'm not talkative enough for the job, but even if I couldn't get that, just working in radio somehow would be wonderful.

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 No.11263 [Open thread]

This is a story that originally started on /b/

Then I made some posting here >>10852 where I wrote about a few details

Here the original threads from /b/




There was also a 4th thread on /b/. However, them being faggots who cannot appreciate a good fairy tale and it got deleted.

Content of 4th thread was that Matsurika met my sister and they had a fun time at the lake.

They were both impressed by each other. My sister wanted to meet her after finding her instagram cool. I never use social media so I have no idea about that.

My sister recently told me confidentially that Matsurika is divorced and dating a guy she is not really into why do people even do this?.

End of February I sent Matsurika a good luck charm to make sure her stuff is never stolen again while she is travelling.

Now comes the unbelievable. My sister told me the day I sent her envelope was her birthday.

A few days passed and I thought the envelope did not arrive but then Matsurika texted she was very happy about it.

She told me she is keeping it in her purse all the time.

My sister and her seem to get along very well but my sister does not tell me what they do together nor what they talk about.

I do not want to know nor do I want her to be my CIA agent gathering intel and I explicitly told her I don't want her to make marketing for me or anything.

I also do not intend to be the obstacle between the love of 2 people nor my sister to manipulate things already told Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Oh right I forgot this bread completely

Late March I sent her a message. I thanked her for spending time with my sister on her bday because at that time I was travelling. It surely meant much to her.

She then sent me a few images she took. Flowers and cherry trees near where she lives. She really has a talent for phorography as well and she manages well to capture a mood, atmosphere or special color compositions.

Then I sent her some images of a magnolia tree that we have in my town. It is a very big one with gorgeous blossoms. Interestingly there is no scent to notice while Matsurika told me the scent of the trees in her street is very strong.

Anyways she wrote me that she will write again soon but there have been no new messages for 2 or 3 weeks. Last thing I heard was she went home to vitit her parents. I guess she was uber busy or something. She mentioned this last time.

>What are your feelings nowadays?

she is a genius and I would like to ask her some more stuff about freedom and us being similar, I cannot shake this out of my head and there are a few more paintings I need. I always thought it is best to ask her in person but now the time is running away and I will have to send her a text soon. Never make plans anons because plans never work out in the end. Better make everything freestyle.

>Have you gotten over her yet?

I never had big hopes for a love story here, I was just wondering what kept her interested. Maybe now she lost interest for good. Maybe because I was uber passive. Maybe she really was into me and then thought I am too much of a fag. Who knows.

On wednesday I meet my sister and I asked her to show me the lake. Apparently they hang out there often. I want to see where Matsurika gets her inspiration and I wonder if it is like the river promenade in my town.

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I thought I need to update here because I met my sister on thursday:

>brother, I miss you, let's meet

>meet at city in afternoon

>go for tea and cake

>we talk

>she has a guy interested in her, some computer science guy

>shows me matsurikas lake route

>very beautiful view, parks and there was even a magnolia tree (a little one)

>Matsurika has good taste, as expected

I asked her about chad and tyrone. Asked her what she browses, leddit, 4channel or youtube comments. She gives evasive answer like *everything but I never post comments*. I felt like she only knows the manosphere videos on youtube so there might be hope for her. I think she does not know my power level yet but there was an interesting convo:

>and anon when you interested in a girl, let us meet up so I can scan her

>like her intentions and stuff

<lol, I am expert in this

>oh really, how do you find out then?

<the most important indicator is when people are attracted to status symbols

>for example I wonder if she thought it was about matsurika

<some people I studied with together and yes, I thought about matsurika

The other interesting thing was, we talked about a friend of mine who does not contact me for 4 years then appears out of the blue in 2017 because he needs money:

>oh yes and that guy lol

<yeah, he wrote me again a few days ago

<I crossed him out of my life in 2017 already

<I don't need people like him, I am not a ressource to anyone

>heehee, you right

I feel like this frightened her a little because I felt like she wanted tPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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However, today I felt like vomiting again


>get message from sister

>hello anon what you up to?

<nothing, internet, business, you?

>oh nothing, I celebrate 420 day

<420? like blaze it 420 or adolf-day 420

>oh really hitlers bday

>no I mean blaze it

>I go to a friend's

>don't worry last time I smoked was in february

<that's what all addicts say

>and that stuff is expensive anyways

now I finally understand and everyting makes sense with the asking for monies

future drug failure in the making but talks about how her sister is not ladylike queens bogart dat blunt for sure kiddo

>just when you think your own sister is not like all the other thots

>you find out that she is on the very same trajectory to become just like all the other thrill seeking consumerist broke-ass retards

Oh and about Matsurika. I have no idea what she is doing now. We did not text anything anymore and I doubt I will see her again. But my sister mentioned her twice. They seem to hang out once a week together.

So naturally now I wonder if Matsurika is the genesis pothead in this story or that February is just a coincidence.

She did mention a pothead who was 1 year her junior but she did not seem nor smell like a smoker.

Or if it was her ex who got her interested in this stuff because he was some shady fellow with tattoos and dead end job.

Or probably her normie friends.

Whatever, my sister is grown up and I can't parent her.

If she wants to become a zero, so be it.

existence is a nigger Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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I know this started as Matsurikas thread but now I guess I will just use it as my blog

As far as Matsurika is concerned, I gave her the other 2 paintings to draw.

She agreed so I guess I can go to the wedding in July with a good present.

Now, Time for another blogpost

>My sister came to visit today

>baked me lemon cake

>bretty gud tbh

>we talked

she told me one particularily sad story

>a friend of hers (girl)

>known each other because she was in the friend group of her ex bf

>girl has bf

>they have been together for 10 years already

>he is unfaithful and whoring around with other girls

>she is loyal to him

>everyone in the friend group knows it

>except her once again, a classic one

>nobody wants to destroy her fantasy who needs enemies with "friends" like this

>december last year

>her bf quits the relationship

>on christmas eve

>over phone

>girl is 31

>her dream was to have family of her own

>she wasted 10 years on some fuckboy

>she is now back to square one

>4 months before breakup

>she checks their shared bank account statement

>400$ spent in Flagship store of Agent Provocateur women's underwear company

<what have you been buying there honey?

>It was for my friend

<when I buy a 5$ cuPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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This whole thread reads like some self-idealistic loverboy fantasy

But it goes to show men really are more sentimental than women.

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 No.17500 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

>your parents parenting Style?

>your situation today?

-Uninvolved master race

-barely functional HikkiNEET who struggles with everything

Back then I thought it was cool to have been allowed everything (My mother let me smoke at age 14) but these days, I could smack her face for being such a neglectful cunt.

My family knew all of this, yet nobody bothered to interfere.

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>your parents parenting Style?

Overly religious and authoritarian.

>your situation today?

Alright I think. I realized I could never grow to be an adult while being under their wings, so I would rather live by myself and my own rules, even if there's struggle. Trying to constantly fight my way out for freedom has made me somewhat averse to intimacy as well, I see it as a piece of my long fought liberty being halved away.

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>single mom

Stopped reading there.

You are unworthy of pity and deserve an agonizing death.

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100%. Adulthood still sucks but it's exponentially better than being a kid.

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Childhood as a social-personal stage is an exaggerated meme made by sentimental adults.

I mean 12-17yo kids are treated like theyre 3-7 yo since the mid-80s.

America and England are morbidly obsessed about young peoples personal lives to the point where they ignore the degeneracy of the adults

Teens jacking off/cracking dirty jokes = "omg society is ducked!"

Middle-aged/elderly men cheating on their wives with bookers = "meh, that's life."

But that's not all. Kids who are cynical or discrimivative of people of differ in castes are "assholes" yet adults who're like this are hailed for their flaws bc "being human doesn't mean being perfect."

TL;Dr, Kids are socially and legally harrassed for being themselves.

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kill yourself you attention vortexing femoid cunt

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 No.26099 [Open thread]

>In love with a depressed girl

>She doesn't know me

>Hardly see her since she doesn't have the motivation to leave the house

>Try to DM her on Instagram. She doesn't respond

>She's so fucking cute. It's like a whole new level of oneitis

What the fuck do I do? I honestly think I've moved past the point of it being just oneitis

I genuinely feel for her and want her to get better

Feel shitty because I don't know if the situation will ever get better. Am I selfish for wanting her to get better, so I can be with her?

I have no idea what to do, and i feel so much that it's almost agonizing

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All boards end up doing so in the end, if you really think about it. They either go full /pol/ or full /r9k/, no matter their original subject.

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>back in the day when I was on doomer

>Latvia would ban all threads from r9koomers

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>using normalfaggot sites such as instagram

Instincts say she's not depressed nor alone, she attracted over 9 thousand suitors and you were just one of them that she dind't choose. She pretended to be depressed for attention and got it. She's in chad's bed right now.

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>depressed girl

>on Instagram

>so fucking cute

Bro she's not depressive, she's pretending to be for attention. If she had real depression she couldnt even muster the strength to put on makeup and post for simps like you to send likes and shit.

I bet if you offer her money she will send you a token gesture confirming your existence, then ask for more every month

Its a LARP, stop falling for it

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this is called a parasocial relationship, u dont know her

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 No.28754 [Open thread]

>finally spoke to the qt girl at the gym

>sperged out completely

>i think she's creeped out by me now

>see other Chads talk to her with ease

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>I’ve been around long enough to recognise newfags and Redditors now, and you are not exactly being subtle about it.

"Newfags" have been around since 2007, faggot. Get over yourself. Imageboards don't have any mystique. Nobody cares like you think they do.

>This is what I am talking about. You would call anything to the right of Marxism “egdelord shit”, ’cause you have been led to think imageboards are just a bunch of angry, evil hwhite supremacist edgelords by your fellow Redditors.

I don't even use Retarddit, actually, nor am I a Marxist, but I know you crib from the "everyone I don't like is a Redditor/Marxist" playbook like the millenialoid you are. Also, I prefer to call you cuckime loving, hypocritical edgelords, personally. Always whining about how degenerate everyone else is when you do the exact same shit. I don't think you're a bunch of white supremacists, but you're a bunch of losers seething and coping either way. Millenialoids of either aisle seem to be pathetic wastes of egg and sperm. You're just as bad as Retarddit. Now keep on pretending you're part of some super sekrit kids klub so YOU can feel better about YOURSELF.

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Funny how being a "doomer" means essentially being a total cuckime stereotype. No different from the capeshit loving millenialoids.

>Everyone who criticizes imageboards thinks we're white supremacists!

No, we just think you talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded. Thank God that none of you are going to procreate. Last thing we need is for you parasites to waste taxpayer dollars just like your deadbeat parents did. Hopefully Beijing Joe will get rid of Section 230 so you can go jerk off to cuckime somewhere on an obscure Discord server. Fucking maggots.

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You think Gen LGBTZ is any better than those other Gens you complain about? Have you even been on Tiktok?

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>You think Gen LGBTZ

No, I don't, actually. I don't care about the generation your generation ruined with your endorsement of the autistic lockdowns and your use of woke/waifushit as a substitute for a personality, I think millenials like yourself and >>28854 are the worst. Boomers, for all their fuckery, at least took the time to give us some decent music and literature. All you millenialoids can do is whine that leftoid Reddit is inferior to rightoid Reddit like >>28854 does.

>cause you have been led to think imageboards are just a bunch of angry….

No one needs to be "led" to believe that they're full of morons angry that they're failures at life and actually get mad over "newfags" as if they didn't invite them in droves with all that Chanology/raid bullshit. Edgelords trying too hard to act like they're better than everyone else. You don't need to be a "newfag" to get this, just someone who's actually been around the block both on and offline and doesn't just hideout in a safe space like imageboarders do. I mean, look at this >>28841

>You would have a higher chance of having a intellectual, interesting conversation with someone who browses imageboards than not. With very few exceptions, like yourself, anons who browse this board are likely to be interesting individuals, probably with similar tastes and experiences, than some random guy or gal you encounter on the street/IRL in general.

Trying way too hard there, don't you think? Yeah, like a dead medium that consists of 4cucks, the remnants of 8kucks and a bunch of chans nobody's ever heard of and nobody fucking will populated by self-hating "normalfaggots" who desperately try to pretend that they're not at all like the Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Are you the same butthurt Zoomer who keeps shitting up this board with your REEEing about millennials? What did a Millennial do to you exactly that hurt you so bad?


What do you have against waifus? Are you gay my boy?

>decent music and literature

The media decides that, and it has decided that you cannot make anymore unless it adheres to SJW politics.

>all you millenialoids can do is whine

Funny how in all your sperging you never mention the far lefties who are pushing conservatives out of office and business. What is it you want "millenialoids" to do exactly? Overthrow the establishment for you because you don't want to get your hands dirty?

>muh women

Again you bring up women. It's women who control the birth rate and it's the media that manipulates women.

>millenials don't create

They're not encouraged to if it doesn't support the LGBTZ commuity.

>they just stagnate

I don't see Zoomer art being any better than previous generations. I have seen some pretty bad hentai on places like Twitter from young artists.


The media is literally run by them and those who are paid to protect their interests.

>okay millenial'ling you losers into oblivion

You think future generations wont do the same to LGBTZers? Every generation than doesn't get whaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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 No.7290 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

i kind of want a doomer bf. i like their aesthetic and their attitude. it's pretty hot.

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To add to this, I was raped violently by a Jewish man when I was 8 years old, and almost immediately afterwards I started fetishizing male on male sexual violence. I think crossing boundaries with people, especially children makes them more apt to cross them themselves as adults.

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Is this why the Zoomers on this board hate Millennials? It seems like each generation is getting progressively gayer.


We've all been proverbially raped by a Jew at some point in our lives.

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>all these replies

Gay males cannot be robots, they get sex even easier than females.

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Tbh r9k is newfag shit. Doomers were doomer before doomer was a thing and way before r9k was a thing.

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 No.19107 [Open thread]

Do any of you guys workout just to get the day to go by a bit faster? Whether or not it's the only time you leave the house, or you do it at home as long as you get a decent one in. I find it to one of the few things that still feels good to do when not drunk

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Pump the Faith and Muscles

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Not long ago one of my ribs was injured somehow it seemed. It has been a few weeks since I've properly done my sit-ups and leg-ups and shit. I plan to restart tonight.

My right foot seems to have sustained some sort of lasting injury from a time someone dosed me with meth and I over-exerted force on it in cardio. I wish to exercise more.

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“You get to meet dudes bro!”

Major fag spotted

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>Both Men and women will treat you with more respect if you look like you can smash their neck with a punch.

>>Fear is stronger than Love

True words. I am small and skinny, and (sandnigger) men disrespect me quite often. I wonder when I become jacked if it will change, despite my body not going to look different with clothes on. I read in The Book of Pook that men and women alike had huge respect after he got buff, and he was quite saddened how much they disliked his frail physique before he got all that mass. I mean, look at Foreign Legion soldiers, they are skinny but the ultimate killing machines.

You mean you do 200 pushups total a day or 800?

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File: 576e3bffcfdec29⋯.jpeg (45.8 KB,592x758,296:379,F2691890_C22D_4EC9_A37E_2….jpeg)

No my body is fucked and now i have zero friends because im “not putting an effort” when i was literally addicted to exercise

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 No.28582 [Open thread]

What does it mean when you think about suicide a lot but would never actually do it?

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File: 9ca98528d73456d⋯.jpg (87.25 KB,550x550,1:1,1_Lb_Chocolate_Assortment.jpg)


looking for easy way out? denied.

here, take a cookie..

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Actually life is just an experience then you die. The meaning of life is meaningless - it will be overrun by chinks anyway.

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i'm a slut looking for some attention

you nasty desperate incel fuck

you WILL exchange pics with me



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Exchanging pics over 8kun? How does that work?

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I don't know what it means. I'm alive for like 3 reasons. 1st Covid shut down the sporting goods store when I was gonna buy a shotty, 2nd I don't have a car and uber prolly won't let me bring my gun back so I have to find a closer store now that I realize that, 3rd my "friends" don't wonna drive me to get my gun. Bastards. Ought to take them with me soon as I have a free day to walk far.

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