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/doomer/ - Doomers Club

Most precious years of our lives are gone and now we clinch to alcoholism

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game devving

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 No.30191 [Open thread]

I’m done with life. Officially. This is all. No fancy suicide letter or anything.

You people all suck and so do normal people.

I never found help anywhere and when I thought I was happy and when I thought I could trust people they turn their back on me when I literally tell them I want to off myself not two days after I’m told I can rely on them when something’s not right.

Not a happening post. Just a permanent log off.

Fuck people.

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nigga why are you self-sabotaging your own plans? you know feds lurk on 8chan, right?

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 No.29794 [Open thread]

Being a millennial is a mental disorder. Cis, trans, black, white, Christian, atheist, it don't matter. All this culture war shit came from millennials. I don't trust millennials. They're the ones shitting up the internet, calling everything problematic or degenerate, whining about Gen Z, scapegoating boomers. Hey, millennials! You will never own a home. You will never retire. You will never get married. You will never have kids. And we will be happy when you inevitably bite it by your own hand.

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It took you 7 months to come up with that response or are you a newfag? I'll let you in on a little secret, this board has been dead for months.


An overused term to describe a thing you don't like. I enjoy some things from the Boomer generation, just not the degeneracy which has trickled down to modern day.

>90s/00s entertainment

Entertainment has gotten progressively worse. It's all become visuals without substance. People are putting less effort in quality control. Now if you're completely blackpilled nihilist doomer then you might think everything looks like a turd on a canvas. In which case there's no point in debating artistic merit.

>lack of pussy

Some of us don't care about getting laid as much as having an actual healthy relationship like our grandparents once had. Sex is only a part of it. It's not just the virgins complaining, but people who've had experience. People with high body counts are also complaining about how bad modern dating is.

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>better than this generation of people you seem to dislike.

Look, I could sit here and dissect all your paltry arguments and poke fun at how you insist I'm just some zoomer because that makes it easier for you to cope, but the truth is that that would be too easy. I don't even need to reply. I can just let your cope speak for itself. Millennials are losers, it is what it is. Every other generation, even your precious zoomers, are leaps and bounds ahead of you. You can't name five great millennial works of art, can you? No great cinema or literature or whatever. All you have is excuses: it's white people, it's women, it's Jews, it's boomers, it's trannies, it's everyone else but you, millennials, that are to blame. >>30167 was right, and I wish you millennials would just stop pretending and blow your brains out (preferably not after blowing out those of innocent people like you love to do so much - Robert Card was a millennial, y'know) or maybe you could stop buying into obvious shitposts designed to poke fun at how y'all fail at adulting and need a scapegoat to function. Pic related for some ideas.

>So you're an ironybro?

That's what's wrong with you. Y'all can't function when someone just tells you straight up to stop being faggots.

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>Y'all can't function

And you can't offer any useful advice. You have a personal hatred towards Millennials and want everyone to see them as you do. You might as well say Millennials are responsible for 9/11 because they didn't do anything to stop it. That's the extent of your complaints, that every generation "did something" even if it was crap, and Millennials did nothing. I would argue that the people who did crap and made the world a crappier place are worse than those who didn't contribute.

When it's explained why Boomers or Zoomers suck, you just deflect and say "no u suck more". That's the crux of your "shitposting". Apply some logic if you want a serious debate or go back under the troll bridge.

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>That's the crux of your "shitposting". Apply some logic if you want a serious debate or go back under the troll bridge.

So you're saying I'm just trolling, yet you fall for it any way? Not exactly the flex you think it is. Look, millennial, I know you're used to having everyone coddle you because it's everyone else's fault but yourself, but I don't play like that. I'm just having a little fun. Y'all want to shit up the rest of the internet with your bullshit whining? We can do it back just as much. Y'all even cooked up some bullshit "dead internet theory" about "muh bots" because you refuse to deny your generation killed the greatest invention of all time (picrel) with your hangups. Eat shit, and remember, you will own nothing and never be happy.

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>Do shit like what? Sit on your smart device watching hentai all day? I didn't grow up with easy access to porn and I don't think Zoomers should be allowed to either. Grooming kids and putting them on puberty blockers so they grow up to be dickgirls wasn't a big thing back in my day.

Umm, you millennials kinda do that already. Waste away on hentai amd childrens entertainment fanfictions. At 35, this is what alot of ypu already do.

>Yes they are taking that spotlight in the worst ways possibly, by coming out with new gender pronouns and inventing new sexual orientations.

Again, millennials came up with that shit.

>Do you think I want to be on a Doomer site and listen to someone a few years younger than me call me a loser? All the main platforms like Facebook and Twitter have been taken over by Marxists who will put you in time out if you say a wrongthink.

You millennials whine about people older than you and call them losers and label them as Karens and such.

Also, "Marxism"?

Do you even know what maexism really is?

>Why is it okay to label white people Karens but it's a hate crime to call someone a Nigerian? This is the double standard that the Zoomers have fallen for. All this white guilt that the Boomers and Gen X have been pushing since the 60s and raising their children to be SJWs.

See what I mean? You blame zoomers and boomers for anything wrong. Also theres vudeos showing Karens of differing nationalities, not just whites. But again, your millennial reactionary ass is willfull ignorant of that.


You are going on defense mods when someone points out the flaws of Millennials.Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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 No.30177 [Open thread]


Robby Berg

Who does the sweat of your brow belong to

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 No.29982 [Open thread]

>Most precious years of our lives are gone and now we clinch to alcoholism

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Neetcel win

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Yeah, that is cringe and picrel is a lot better. Work on it, BO.

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Having been on /doomer for five years, you all are not doomers.

You say life is meaningless and everything is a farce yet you all whine about misses opportunities for teenage sex and romance.

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 No.30164 [Open thread]

Here’s my short story. I think you all will appreciate it. Two requests: 1. Read the entire thing once you start 2. Read it in a country accent.

I realize many of the referenced names may distract you, but if you feel like it go back and listen to or watch them. I also feel like the first two paragraphs are the weakest and it’s good after that. I tried to keep it simple and thought of the people in my town who don’t read when writing it.

Dedicated to those who walk in the shadows, while dreaming of the light.


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 No.30159 [Open thread]

How James Bond Films Work:

James Bond 007, is an action figure.

He is not a spy.

Anything Bond does, in the films, games, comics, or novels, is not what a spy does.

Blofeld, thinks that's what a spy does.

Then, the villain, of your series, takes the Bond action figure, and puts it in the cat's mouth, the suitor for Blofeld, the politician, and Blofeld's head explodes.

Barry Nelson: Klansman.

Sean Connery: Vatican.

David Niven: Lutheran.

George Lazenby: Scientology.

Roger Moore: Greek Orthodoxy.

Dalton: Episcopalian.

Pierce Brosnan: Russian Orthodoxy.

Daniel Craig: Shi'ite Mosque.

Five Suicides:

Edwin Dale: Schools of North Boston are insured by tenure, the North End concept of a guaranteed job being impossible to leave, even if departed; double pay, therefore influence over curriculum of English Literature, nation-wide, through the Stockyard Steakhouse.

Timothy Dale: The Police Commission insures all unions of potential influence over police, therefore union dues are police billets so those attending provision of job, politic, or non-profit may participate in a trade for training; therefore, job references, may form a business, for later sales upon reputation, not actual worth of business, enriching the suburbs as a metrowest.

Alice Charlebois: The Lechmere's fraud hidden inside the Carolina Panthers expansion team, under the provision of the Visa and Rolling Stones magazine NFL investment in the Burlington Coat Factory; the Panthers and Patriots coats, Supa Dupa Fly the only two available, worldwide, all others held in a cash by the McCain political barony.

David Charlebois: Clockwork Pizza of Ashland SWAT, freedom from contract slavery, held in the internet and telephone communication network's delivery networks for food, items, Chinese income, auctions, rare goods, cabs, delivery, trucking, and groceries, the investment iPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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My mother raised me to be President, and a Rabbinical scholar named Rory molested me, by fuzzling my head, and scritching me behind the ear and neck.

I'm a homophobic transphobe, a spy assassin.

The Catholics, have always been my best friend.

Rory died, of my own act, not a snitch, but an immediate counter.

My mother let me know he was gay, upon suicide.

He'd coddled a child, any child, even his own.

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Here's the final record of acts.

E-mail name, password, and trojan shuffled.

For you.

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 No.30150 [Open thread]


An ancient ritual, wherein Imperials (such as Iberians, Romans, Hanjo, or East Chinese) would hunt those committing fraud of narcotics, the use of currency (coins, developed in the 25,000) to represent baby soothing and food/work related goods (ranging from sugar and bacon, to cannabis and alcohol), however requesting via prayer (being under hypnotized state, to request as if thinking as other receiving to self).

From 1971-1981, with a month on the tail, up to 19,000 witch burnings occurred per year, to place Indonesian trance specialists in sanskrit camps to cure them with Hindi tattoos, the second ritual, Abra-Brahma, the gift of children from infantry leaders to India, for more classes of Brahmin.

Since 1989, we've been dueling the Kosovar Independence Movement, an anti-drug movement out of East Turkey and Yugoslavia, with multiple purges of hypnotists and prayer leaders and genocides induced, with the final quarantine nets for deportments and contagion incinerations occurring.

The most famous was the crucifiction of Christ, betrayed by our own kin, the Jews; violent, considering Jews had the same muscular strength and reflexes, without the hectares per cropland water table and bedrock underearth sense, Gaia; the reason for our narcotics trade.

Hence, we've developed firearms from Christ's torture with metal phalanges in the rectum, the Parables, and whipped metal spikes across his back, Deutoronomy, along with drunk prize fighter bouts, Epistles, and the Temple on the Mount, chess gaming mechanics replayed in writer's theory to induce fugue states (homosexuality) in those having sexually traumatized others as children without discipline.

Plus, enslavement of Aborginal populaces as mercenaries for blood, such as Pole Trogolodytes, Chinese Paleoliith Cro Magnons, Ainu, Maori, Polynesians, Detch, Sidhe, Tuatha Aishans, Tatars, Mongols, and Mestizo.

The advantage to the strategy, is that it prevents parasites on living of locality, allowing children to be free as peasants, unless becoming richPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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The Diner's Association, the Morningstar Ottomans; the Freemasons of England, prison corrections czars.

They failed with women, then medicine, then espionage.

They want you to become that, in reverse, but for them; as lawyers.

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 No.30148 [Open thread]

Dice rollRolled 1 + 1 (1d1)

Join the Tom Pearl cult!

Tom Pearl is a human toilet who eats his shit and drinks his piss on the internet for people's enjoyment and we are his loyal fanbase!

We not only worship the human toilet, but also post high quality nsfw memes, thug hunters, and gay irony content! It's a place for shitposting with very non-strict rules, this server is a no-snowflake zone! Tom Pearl is life, Tom Pearl is love, Tom Pearl is forever! 💩💩💩


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 No.30145 [Open thread]

I The Messiah Buddha Willing To Meet US President Donald Trump To Solve World Problems

After my public invitation to Russia President Putin, I think it is fair to give the United States Of America a chance too for they also have a person that I want to meet: former President Donald Trump.

I do not hold any US visa and do not have access to United States land with my weak passport, it is extremely difficult to obtain US visa in short amount of time given my current personal situation.

So I can only meet Donald Trump in 3 scenarios:

– In a neutral nation where I can access to such Singapore, Taiwan, India, Nepal, Chile, Panama or

– In an international airport in United States where I can book transit ticket.

– With the help of US military so I can be escorted to meet in any US City or Location (by pass all kind of restrictions).

In all scenario I still need direct support from the USA’s team.

The topic is about economy, jobs, businesses but nothing else.

All I need is 1-2 hours to reveal, to explain my solution for world problems with Donald Trump.

I know it is extremely difficult to setup this kind of meeting but I still send this offer and invitation so I won’t regret later.

This offer deadline is before September 26th 2023.

If any of you can help me for this special meeting or want more discussion, feel free to contact me.

This is the best opportunity for the USA to save themselves !

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha

The Lord Of Lords

The King Of Kings

Source: www . ascension jPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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 No.30144 [Open thread]

Do you know where a drill instructor is from?

They take a successful army lieutenant, always army, and they financially ruin him, give him a cot and a dreidel and a foldout table for his lunch, and a camera cell to jack off in, for female Marines, sex offenders, to watch.

The spy, they put him in a highschool drama play of Shakespeare, get him to assassinate himself junior year, and have him create his own quandry, to kill it.

I'm the demise of Donald J. Trump, labor abolition.

Rice a Roni, the San Francisco treat.

Teachers run all of it.

Recruit a soldier, you get to be a teacher, a female pedophile.

Mine lisps like Patsy Collins, I framed it on LSD.

So Matt Lennox can't be a gay teacher, for killing Rich Coughlin.

She teaches Brazilian-Jews to lisp in English, and the retarded to suck cock.

Hard Candy has been printed, to kill the teacher that recruits the politician, the jumping kid.

With the bomb plans they have.

I turned Dr. Jeff Lange into Ed Gein, with "Chet", "Red Serpent", and "RedSerpent.EXE", the record of his rise to power taking over MUSH, Sony Pictures NSA.

I had Matt Lennox, use Bowfinger, on MUSH, so I'd suck his cock. Then I sent him to prison on Halloween, instead of sucking his cock.

I ran for class President to prove the system was rigged against pot users.


Won both, denied by Will Morgan's personal complaint the first time, under grounds of Cherokees being offended by Iroquois, the second time by withdrawal before speech, to Ben Sweeney, George Washington's unbroken line.

Cigarettes, pot, beer, liquor, and meat, are permanently distributed.

Out of Arab investitures.

Barack Obama's false black rights movement, claiming Islam, since the 1990s, is over.

Islam is their word for "queer".

You didn't practice Buddhism when you were 8-10 years old.

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 No.30142 [Open thread]

"Bane": 2018, freed from Texas psychiatric ward, to Dublin orphan export, female's orphan ward. Placed with gamers, "losers", in Russian federalist terms; Scarecrow modifier, with Mace Marine family, "Aishans", "black Irish".

"Man-Bat": 1939, deaf O'Neill; dodged Poraujmos, by faking Gypsy, went to Auschwitz instead of Buchenwald. Dr. Josef Mengele, never recovered; odd whistle developed, while in surgeries.

"Mad Monk": 1213, Estonian witch hunts. Cardinal, captured nine live boys, all on Cardinal's Orange, haze of Ash Wednesday orphans, to become gendarmes (military cops, equivalent to INTERPOL, Vidocqs). Alleged plague, revealed to be pregnancies, upon coroners examination; a "badfish", they called the revered children, "Institutionalists", in prisons. Future Catholics, Secret Order of Viscardi.

"Scarecrow": 1597, Sister Superior of Orthodoxies, deployed with "Apostles" team, from Connaught dominatrix guilds for spies, to Germany. Reformation, the slave labor of farmers for street walkers, sabotaged by guerilla warfare, "The Bloody Maries". Martin Luther, now has a speech impediment, his mother had a right to work; she spied for the other side. The son, a perfect tax collector insurance broker, a "mr. peanut".

"Mad Hatter": 801, the Bog Hen Wars. The Jews, Jewry, or German-Jews, Juden; based on the moral of the story, choosing to pay employees, if in fraud, instead of choosing to cheat employees, if in taxes collected. The master of modern games, sports, and golf; a consummate liar, the father of every chattel war known to exist since. Played perfect gin rummy, with a barch finger; specialist at the hook, as a weapon. Modified, for Luger

"Hugo Strange": 2004, Murder Falls. Semenally stolen from the nephew of Richard Milhouse Nixon, father tortured and castrated in a Pepsi factory. Contacted by operators chasing a White's Bet between Marvel NYPD and DC Comics IDF, for the sale of the loser, to Disney, out of FBI hands. Two characters were sketched, Harry Osborn, Sam Raimi, and Heath Ledger, Christopher Nolan, with the bet blown, by mobsters from Soviet intelligence, attempting to overthrow Putin, the Federalist, for "Pussy Riot", Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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"Simon Hurt": 2003 AD, Boston. Ku Klux Klan, by family; high IQ, through comics Maccabees, from a premature age. Deliberately forged his parents letter to MI-6 Surrey, with his writing on the back, poor, demanding a lawsuit, for being bitten into "Darth Vader", by a Scarecrow. The day of company channel, to London, over the bite, to the crutches man, the letter was being read. Both operatives, judged genius IQ, saved. Specialist in asylum housing, of Scythics and Lowlander Prussians.

"Kite Man": 1981, Los Angeles. An SDI computer tech was caught on his computer breaking bandwidths, to construct an ABM in space, to shoot down nukes. Accused of pederasty per patent, for breaking rules, he descended into the homeless population, after the snitch was killed as a Russian spy, through an ATM jam, of Kite Man's card, on cop review of labor housing; vacant, suspected killed. After playing the hedge market, for weeks, he turned himself into the NSA, in Washington DC, on an airplane stolen form the Bulgers Presidential staff, found lorrey bombed by "Whitey", falsely (actually a cake, with teargas inside). A Jew, or at least, half of One.

"Penguin": 2000 BC, Han Empire. A recruit of Dong Zhuo, a police merchant, Penguin went from town to town, killing cops, as "military officers", forming the army, out of police code, and his blood, as Chinese police; not soldiers, the homeless. Replaced Sanskrit, with Mandarin, his daughter's language, when writing the first diary; "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". Odd gene, where "gay", the consequence of "child molester", is flipped, as for also anyone trained, a "cadavar"; counter-intelligence, "The Mob"; his term, only. Hates flightless birds, except for his family.

"Riddler": 1850s, London. The manipulations of Margerat of Anjou, wearing thin on his family's foes, oolong extract, is his immunity, outing him as a traitor in league with France. His house leveled low, from the call of "no faire", by Lancaster, no carnival, after decades of war, he accepts the oath, enraged, plotting his revenge. In America, as a legend. He knows, comic books are Islam; stolen art, from dead spies. You can never remove the sigil, America; of the Cobra.

"Professor Pyg": 2010, NethePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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 No.30139 [Open thread]


SIS, Christopher Sin, wager type, failsafe; shylock, 'hoax', holmes, 'wool', MI-6, 'BDSM femdom homophobic', MI-5, 'triple set copy slide', Project, 'Pi, Jackal, Andromeda Strain'.

Failsafe, 'dark horse', psychiatric society. Protected asset, Chinese business practice, independent living for poor. Hoax, IDF psychiatric practice, hunt Bruce Wayne, "The Boston Strangler". Enemy: Donald J. Trump. Maneuver: inversion of own case study, Scarecrow of Romney Marsh.

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Fasting caused the Holocaust.

If you prohibited Ramadan rituals, you'd stop all genocide.

You have a few annoying people, and a shitload of victims.

The annoying people, are parasites, that leech off leadership.

Everyone else can't work.

The Muslim, the devout one, wants a leader, to be his or her mother.

It's selfish, expecting personal attention, of a man or woman in power.

They had marginalized fathers.

I saw a hooker, age 18, to avoid politics.

I'm a spy, not a politician.

I'm a failsafe operator, in case a plot emerges to defraud the common independence of personal choice.

I was activated, over Scientology and notary fraud being committed in response to Columbine.

My mother, and my aunt, did this too.

Alice, and Francis.

My mother penned the Crowley accords, for prison inmates, and Fran was Dr. Spock.

Alice prevented the homosexual freedom of military society.

Francis prevented German home rule of household.

My goal was carpentry housing to be folded.

USMC, The Watchtower, Home Depot, our three combat objectives.

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 No.30137 [Open thread]

Doomer's are doomed

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Coomers are coomed

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 No.30135 [Open thread]

Whitey (Yakuza): SDF in charge of arcades rackets, Boston. Beaten to death in prison, orders of George "B-Rock" Bulger.

OJ (DC Comics): Jesuit sports club assassin, Los Angeles. Death of Heath Ledger, at orders of Dave "Scarecrow" Charlebois, inspired to sell mob hits to Major League Baseball, Ryan "John Spartan" Taylor. Omaha Steaks.

Lee (Microsoft): Stan Lee, slain for stealing work; Jack Kirby, gay, framed for opium sales of guns, Keanu Reeves, "The Mufti". Jumped to death, Alan Laverdiere II assisting.

Depp (FBI): Suit of wife, to remarry him, German Deputy's suit; claiming Cherokee, actually Nipmuc, "Praying Indian"; mentally ill, regarded as witches, instead of LGBTQ community. Televised, for Red Power, FBI, Ghost Shadows. Taiwanese banks, FBI, John Phillips, Boston PD.

Osama (IRA): Deepwater Horizon disaster, staff on 2k5 MUSH, "Chuck Gotham"; assist given to Matthew Lennox, "terrorist stock market". Hired, Homeland Security.

Netanyahu (Likud): Batman, is the Jewish community. Believed to be comic series, all heroes, by Benjamin Netanyahu, Goyim. Failed.

Elizabeth II (MI-6): Sent own son, Charles, Crown Prince, to ECT, to write "Maxie Zeus"; Adolf Hitler, ideal history teacher. Sick.

Friedlander (Heaven's Gate): French ExSec, Vietnam War pacifists; factory and warehouse investment. Arabian Nights, Thieves Quarter, Cairo, past investment. Terrorist writer, Arab. I'm a terrorist too, Dr. Golden, but I'm Jewish. For Allie Gaetano.

Lucas (NKVD): Ellen Page, rescued from Hugh Jackman; Hard Candy printed, accusation to Bruce of sped, combined Muhammadan bloodline, refused, teacher killing ADHD, homophobe, put to death.

Lavey (CNI): Seven golf games beaten; Lennox, Morgan, Savell, McDade, Lamb, Haimes, Pride.

Lange (Shah): Placed as Ed Gein, for killing own wife, NSA, for IDF.

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Hire: Dennis O'Neill, editor, Marvel Comics.

Sarkesian (Napster): ECT of Jenna Williamson, to refuse her marriage intent to self.

Haimes (Jong-il): Draft to IDF/ExSec/INTERPOL, responsible for 9/11, approached systematically by Congress, President stripped of power by print of "Loose Change", through 9/11 Truth; formed by George W. Bush, Morningstar Lodge, Ottomans.

Long (Essex): Sales of Rohypnol, to Calvin Williams and Zach Klein, through Hampshire College.

Heard (Attleboro): Stalker on behalf of Hugh Jackman, of Ellen Page; Sheriff's Deputy, Los Angeles Police Department, Political Adjutant Services.

"Bailey" (INTERPOL): Hunting "Riker" for Chris Hansen; ID'd, led, caught, and captured by self, given to Sirhan Sirhan's grandson/grand daughter, samurai (hermaphrodite), for police scholarship; awakened, as precognitive cop, the Witchblade. Prophecy, is Islamic, through comic books.

Enfield (Detroit): Incarcerated, for mob hit, on Mike Charlebois; attempting to create Spider-Man, for Insane Clown Posse. Cried real sweet, for Mossad Detroit, before beaten to death in his cell. Given the character, "Master Herbert", on Family Guy; post-mortem.

Willie (Providence): Cop's bet, if the Charlebois family, was Lucky Charlie Luciano; crushed to death, in car compactor, by MI-6, as AA sponsor, both of them. CIA coin, in possession of Gwenn Pratt, "Nixon"; grand uncle, Tricky Dick. Send ET home, to California.

Moen (Germany): Some sort of assassin, with piss and hemoglobin, for bus drivers. Whitey Bulger, thought this could be useful. It is not.

Monaghan (Sweden): "The Tux", played by Daniel Craig; seeking a prison, run by George Jung, "Mike". "Mike", is Tiago Rodriguez, he fired Jared Fogel, for looking at Bill Ward, Chris of England, and Eric Stanton; heterosexual pornography, for women. Britain was ashamed.

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 No.30132 [Open thread]

Three Scottish vampires, one narc witch hunter.

Witch hunters kill gays, bisexuals, lesbians, queers, and transgenders; they're forms of socialized terrorism, prior regarded as "The Mafia", before "Covens", before "Witchcraft", and before, "Hebrew".

It's a White Protestant rank.

Catholics, call us spies.

I do induced suicide, through temporary convulsion into homosexuality, then out through a racial slur.

Homeland Security used me as a narc on ExSec art, Dr. Golden, real name, Isaiah Friedlander.

He wrote himself into Riddler, on Gotham, with his overcommand as Penguin, on Gotham, as the state police captain working for Israeli Defense Forces.

We had the Riddler plant, over and over, but he was the video game tech, trying to shut down Rockstar for being FBI.

Damn-Yankee — Today at 12:18 AM

I'm acting as a decoy lure for OP-INT, on psychiatric monitors, so Cyber Command can mobilize the National Guard against their quadrants.

They're acting through Congress.

GOP is against my unit.

Talk to them.

I've already informed to the departed's spouse.

My deed with IDF forces is closed.

Damn-Yankee — Today at 12:26 AM

She was my CO.

My MI-6 support op name is "Hunch".

SIS, Scarecrow, insured.

SIS is birth by demand of service.

You did something fucked up for Shylocks, the British spy masters, and you won beyond all words.

I threw Martin Luther, in the 1500s, into a wall, for being a slave trader.

Martin Luther was a tax auditor, a cop, as a salesman of town protection, a friar, that invented Protestantism.

Lutherans don't jack off, they don't have semen.

Their men don't have Buddhism.

That's how I rigged it, through my mother.

Connaught Dominatrix Guild, out of London, the MI-6 Regency.

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