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/doomer/ - Doomers Club

Most precious years of our lives are gone and now we clinch to alcoholism

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File: 9d65d3c2c935bd4⋯.png (179.16 KB,700x1280,35:64,icup7trophypic.png)

 No.29404 [Open thread]

Hey guys, /icup/ here with a question on how we're going to handle the next iteration of the Infinity Cup ( https://anon.cafe/icup/ ) We're trying to poll whether certain boards are interested in playing in the cup, or if there's some specific team that you'd like to see play. If you want to, please answer or add your own answer to the poll in https://poal.me/6x3j1u

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File: c2b387b1defa56f⋯.jpg (11.8 KB,500x500,1:1,man.jpg)

 No.29394 [Open thread]

I'll stop using and visiting this board, this site in general, which I didn't even use for anything other than /doomer/, and I don't even have the same amount of conversations weekly these days in here as I did a year ago.

Das it, bye.

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Alright. Seeya.

This is a pretty dull board.

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Good luck, anon. You would do well to stop visiting imageboards in general. Don't let the millennials ruin you like they have themselves.

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Can't say as I blame ya. I try to pop off a post or two to contribute to a revitalization but it seems like in the past few months doomer has been doomed so to speak.

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File: 9a397f26e0c6652⋯.jpeg (24.58 KB,628x314,2:1,bald.jpeg)

 No.29322 [Open thread]

How are we holding doomer bros?

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Life sucks and I can barely focus.

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File: 863356f88715a2e⋯.jpg (81.17 KB,960x960,1:1,42893252_297750087489911_3….jpg)

Doomer bros. Heh. Bros. Kinda sad how you lot still try to keep up this charade of pretending to be mentally ill for asspats online. Most precious years of our lives are gone and now we clinch to alcoholism, huh? Should've thought about that before ignoring all the timeless advice you were given. Waaaaaaaah, they were right about millennial fragility and entitlement, waaaaaaaah!

Pretty fucking sobering to remember what over a hundred million people died for from 1914 to 1945. Gavrilo Princip should've just shot his own sorry ass.

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>How are we holding doomer bros?

Things couldn't be worse. Which means life is about as good as can be expected.

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File: d3cb7bbafe46901⋯.jpg (35.67 KB,433x432,433:432,1554503694057.jpg)

 No.15705 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

I know the doomer basic stuff but whats some good other stuff. I like a lot of different types of music so just throw it at me lads.

Pic somewhat related.

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Ah, the anthem of the millenial generation.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Frankie Teardrop


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I remember finding this song while searching for spooky shit, I still respect the lyrics and ambient sound but the screams don't seem like a genuine way to convey fear anymore to me. Which is not to say they don't scare me shitless, I just feel like they scare me the same way any shitty movie with jumpscares can scare anyone, it's not actual effort, it's just surprise. Still a great song though.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Forget for a moment that it was standard for Suicide vocalist/multi-instrumentalist Alan Vega to exit the stage after a gig covered in blood. Most of it his own. Now recall the time while on tour in Brussels opening for headliner Elvis Costello when Suicide caused a full blown riot from which they & their crew had to flee or risk being torn to shreds by a caveman audience who couldn't fathom such a thing as a band performing without live drums, guitars, or any of the other typical 'rock group' accoutrement/bullshit that plebs like themselves were conditioned to normally seeing. Indeed, right until the end of their career, Suicide never let up. Ever. They were the real deal without which later groups from Soft Cell to Skinny Puppy to Crystal Castles would not even exist. Period.



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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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File: 9590aef15ee2bab⋯.jpg (5.74 KB,255x143,255:143,9dbcae7d38d766000b602b6ecd….jpg)

 No.21803 [Open thread]

Here's a shitpost depending how you look at it.

I'm currently in 9th grade. Pretty normal kid who is just getting by. But as a person I am getting shittier by the day. In 7th grade I was really smart, like top of the grade, partial nerd to, I had only 2 friends who most of the time hung out with other people. I had myself in a trance thinking I was the shit, silently thinking I was better than everyone else, like relationships are a waste of time, video games are useless etc…

But sometimes things happen. Maybe it was the people I had begun to hang out with more, maybe it was me finally snapping from endless hours of self tutoring and fucking Khan Academy, maybe it was my parents letting me only play 1 videogame for 4 YEARS (KSP). What happened though, has made me really consider what I am even doing with my life.

What really happened was I gave up, burnt out, and tired if chasing my dream of working at SpaceX. I just couldn't take it anymore, and had shown no sign of it before. I crahed, hard. Lost all my relations with my parents, we now get into very bad fights with the police getting involved in MULTIPLE occasions. I didn't blame them either, I don't respect them or care what they want.

Sounds like your average teenage faggotry, until it was so changing that almost nothing from my previous 'self' has been preserved. Only remaining things are the bitter memories of my past which ive desperately try to run from. When I first changed for a brief few months it was actually good for me, as I progressed I started to seem 'cooler' and the amount of friends I had increased by 5x that it had been, which I welcomed at first. But it went to far, me sharing edgy memes developed into a habbit of collecting the most fucked up shit in internet, death gore name it all I was on a mission to get it all.

People started to wonder what the fuck happened, why did a promising kid become such a waste, just bricking computers and framing people at school, and doing nothing but play videogames at home. I quit piano, Khan Academy, Tennis, and moved away from all of the things that had defined the person I was.

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>rural canada


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Lol at these gatekeepers.


Ummm… Isn't that what you failed adults on this board are doing? Using your personal life as the measuring stick of all humanity?

Most of you guys don't even have any dysfunctional family. You guys are just easily defeated by the indifference of adulthood

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>Most of you guys don't even have any dysfunctional family.

All of them come from bland, boring, milquetoast, Angloid (VPNs are the rightoid's version of white guilt) families who aren't really dysfunctional, they're just average. And the millennial mind can't comprehend average. That you're just like everyone else doesn't compute with them, so they play pretend: they become SJWs, they pretend they're "involuntarily" celibate, they scream and shout online about how they totally didn't ruin the internet, and that saying NIGGER was the height of comedy (that they were kids back then….makes you think, no?) and they gatekeep mundane life experiences like paying bills and wagecucking because they are desperate for any semblance of power and authority. It's the equivalent of a stoned hippie telling off his father who stormed the beaches of Normandy.

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>The fuck are you doing here? this is a board for people who failed, you havent even tried yet

No, this board is for people who never failed, because they never tried. You're only a "doomer" because your mad that your generational zeitgeist is over. Anyone who unironically calls themselves a doomer and thinks, by posting on this board, that they are one is a fraud.

The women who sell their kids to boomer sexpats are more doomer-like than you privileged millennialoids ever will be.

Sit down and shut up, cope, seethe, etc, etc.

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what the fuck happened to this board

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File: 380525895808b8c⋯.jpg (252.24 KB,1244x1057,1244:1057,1614767815829.jpg)

 No.29269 [Open thread]

You've often heard it said countless times before that tradcucks believe that shit like casual sex, birth control, etc are all modern inventions pioneered by nefarious elements to undermine men or whatever.

You'd be wrong. Everyone was fucking back then, where the fuck do you think syphilis came from?

Yes, as we all know people in ancient times were god fearing goody samaritans who only fucked for procreation purposes and never gave into degenerate impulses, at all. The Greeks, for example, never had a, honestly, fairly disturbing acceptance of pederasty that would make modern MAPs wet themselves in glee:

>The ancient Greeks considered homosexuality between males of all ages, not just

pederasty, quite differently than our modern concepts. A good example of adult male bonding is given in “the Sacred Band of Thebes,” CA 385 BCE. Here soldiers were intentionally recruited as 150 pairs of male lovers, the reason being that a soldier would fight for one he loves more strongly than for a citizen beside him.

>Greek legend however does preserve the origins of pederasty. The legend states the

Mycenaean king, Eurystheus (ca. 1250 BCE), who banished the sons of Heracles (Roman

Hurcules) from the Peloponnese. These sons roamed about the land, lingering in Doris in central

Greece. From their settlement there, they receive the tribal name Dorians.

>A peculiar practice spread by the Dorians through their conquest of the surrounding

territory was the tradition of having youths attach themselves to older warriors for social

initiation. The older warrior would then provide military training and practical instruction to his

protégé. Further, Aristotle records that the Dorians themselves believed their laws were

descended from the Minoan King Minos. Aristotle concludes that the Dorians on Crete

institutionalized pederasty to control their population.

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File: 34a2e4c49e1d506⋯.jpg (62.33 KB,1068x1280,267:320,genericname.jpg)


>The irony is? Most of these nostalgiatards don't even know nor care much about the hip stuff of their parents/grandparents' heyday.

And that's a very good point, but there's an excuse they have for this:


They always have a convenient excuse, wouldn't you agree? Anything to maintain the delusion that any moment now, the day of the rope will commence, and Der Yankee Fuhrer will accept them into the Volk, and they will never have the fact that they NEET'd it up on the backs of hard working white men hanging over them.

In the end, /doomer/ was just a poor man's r9k mixed with scraping the bottom of the /pol/ barrel, and /doomer/ was just an attempt to capture sympathy from the "too mature for /pol/" crowd of cornball rightoid jackass, like how people think drinking diet soda is healthier than regular soda. Imageboards themselves were never all that special to begin with, anyway. Contrary to popular opinion, there's nothing on imageboards you couldn't get elsewhere, and that's probably why /pol/ was a thing to begin with. Gotta market the medium somehow. Problem is, /pol/ KILLED the medium, and now no one takes it seriously unless it's to sperg out about how a bunch of NEETs are somehow going to destroy MUH POC or some shit. Sweetie, the only thing these NEETs will be destroying is their brain matter as it flies out of their skull when they hit fifty.

Pic related, because I think it really does apply here. How can you change the world if you don't change yourself first?

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Not always true. We incels are right-wing precisely because we know we are genetically inferior. We incels are the logical next step after the alt-right after illusions of grnetic superiority are shattered by reality. This is why incels produce so much mass killers: the sheer power of despair. When you have nothing you have nothing to lose.

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>never did anything with them because I knew it was wrong

nice spooks, nerd.

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>We incels

First of all, you are not incels. You are excuse makers. Scrounge up some fucking dosh, go find a hooker, fuck her, and shut the fuck up already. Same with femcels.

>precisely because we know we are genetically inferior.

We know too, because you never shut the fuck up about it. Why do you think we care? Take it up with your deadbeat parents.

>This is why incels produce so much mass killers: the sheer power of despair. When you have nothing you have nothing to lose.

Personally, I'm beginning to think that if your parents failed to raise you this badly, victims of your shootings should be able to sue them into oblivion. Maybe then they'll smarten up and either keep their legs shut or teach you cornball dorks that life's not as bad as you think it is because the local slut doesn't want to give you even a handy.

Same goes for femcels. Not volcels, though. We're fine. We're actually mature adults.

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But if he didn't embrace the spooks, how could he appear based and tradpilled to anons he will never ever meet in his life?!

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 No.26879 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

1 year already :(

I hope you've found the peace you were looking for sweet princess

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Then why do you correlate one idea to the ideas of stormfags? Stormfags believe that we should take women back, not abandon them.

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File: 78d104ecfbe4b4a⋯.jpg (47.69 KB,540x800,27:40,fecfa25738c6bffeb0af895c5d….jpg)



This entire board is a Winona Ryder jihadist movement. You should shut up.

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Who is Eric? Like Eric from columbine?

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They all are Stormfags or some deriative. Problem is, most of them are only just LARPing as an excuse to justify their own failure in life. They don't really hate (insert group here), it's just a scapegoat tactic.

The least you can do is acknowledge that instead of pretending anons are just some persecuted minority DUH NORMIEZ don't understand.

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File: a38758b1958ceca⋯.jpg (1.92 MB,2320x2824,290:353,1542369820752.jpg)

 No.1173 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

There's a thread for movies, so why not one for books?

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File: 3355198cabf1f6b⋯.webm (6.77 MB,782x710,391:355,Untitled.webm)

I want a good book on more urbanic drama, maybe something written on the 90's. No big aspirations, actions, or teachings, just some sad stuff from a more personal level. You know, the kind of pearl you find when looking through piles of used books in hidden stores

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This. "Survivor" is literally the last great work of fiction I read before social media (& the internet in general) numbed my will to such an extent that I can no longer bring myself to pick up a book. Even now, I have a copy of "Pygmy" sitting here (dragged it out for no other reason than I thought its subject matter timely, & therefore an appropriate catalyst to get back into reading) though even under the crushing drudgery of lockdown, I am barely inclined to so much as glance at its dusty front cover.

I honestly never thought a time would come when escaping into the pages of another world, or into someone else's fictional life as a means of escaping my own, would seem like a chore. Pathetic. Fuck this fucking world.

And what ever happened to Palahniuk anyway?

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File: 5d0c54c4b782960⋯.png (3.75 MB,1866x1420,933:710,904da888026f0bca2d9e689f9e….png)


>I honestly never thought a time would come when escaping into the pages of another world, or into someone else's fictional life as a means of escaping my own, would seem like a chore. Pathetic. Fuck this fucking world.

Of course it seems like a chore. There's only so much you can read of pre-millenial literature before you want something new, but the problem is that millenial authors are fucking abysmal. They are incapable of writing anything that isn't:




>What if we took something like Jane Eyre or Pride and Prejudice and put in ZOMBIES or VAMPIRES lol

>We're not jealous of zoomers. Honest. We're not. We don't resent them for doing what our generation failed to do, like have actual lives, creativity and actually protesting en masse on the streets instead of posting for updoots and (You's).

>Dude, boomers are such pussies. Like, why did they get shot standing up for what they believed in at Kent State when they could've just stayed home, saved lives, and sent a strongly worded letter to their congressperson like we do?


>How do you do, fellow memers?

>I have no historical perspective at all, so here's why 2020 is the WORST YEAR EVER OMG!

>What if we took generic YA novel #9419 and blackwashed it? Don't bother changing anything but the skin color of the MC? Genius! (Same applies for so called LGBT literature)

>GENDER WAR NOW! Nevermind that I am an unwashed, fat fuck who has too high standards because I refuse to believe I could be anything less than great.

Pic related on how millenialoids can actually write something half-decent.

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File: ebe6d2dac4777da⋯.jpg (68.44 KB,379x500,379:500,61drUbHB53L.jpg)


Remember pic related? The Soviet censors did not allow it to be published, but did Pasternak just give up and whine about being deplatformed like a little bitch?

>Pasternak sent several copies of the manuscript in Russian to friends in the West. In 1957, Italian publisher Giangiacomo Feltrinelli arranged for the novel to be smuggled out of the Soviet Union by Sergio D'Angelo. Upon handing his manuscript over, Pasternak quipped, "You are hereby invited to watch me face the firing squad."

Also, notice how he made a timeless piece of literature, not obnoxious cringy I WAS ONLY PRETENDING TO BE RETARDED LOL nonsense that will be mercifully buried and forgotten like the ET game for Atari.

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Those shotas are kawaii. If only I was in an alternate reality as a cute Negroid shota with a built bishonen boyfriend.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.6424 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

What do you miss, doomer? What do you wish you could experience again for the first time?

I miss my mother's breakfasts, we never had much growing up but she always managed to put something warm and tasty in front of us in the morning. I can't say I have had food that made me that kind of happy since.

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File: 555c6e0f0a0a0e9⋯.jpg (17.93 KB,554x554,1:1,1562953890938.jpg)



So what's doomer-related about shit like this? Mundane cuckime waifushit nonsense. Fictional stories as cringily written as Dumblr's. Such doom, much -er.

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Hey, I wrote that! I'm >>29232 too.

I knew I recognized your writing when I said you had been making comments like these at least months ago. What's so hard to believe, dude? I mean it's not the craziest story ever, incest is common all over the world (which I don't use to justify it when it comes to having kids, that's fucked up), even if not both parties are "in love", I was definitely infatuated with my cousin for a while. Right now, as I said at the end of that thread, I'm attempting to isolate myself like I used to before I got out of my comfort zone, I'm feeling better than before.

I don't care enough to read what you guys were fussing about, just felt like chiming in, I just can't believe it takes you this much to believe me, perhaps you haven't met enough strange people online? I've made other posts here, many dating to a year ago, I'm a weird person, a degenerate.

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File: 3a8113bf3d94deb⋯.jpg (51.33 KB,600x718,300:359,80850e5979395986e45678c324….jpg)


>What's so hard to believe, dude?

It's so hard to believe because I've seen it time and time again. Every fucking imageboard, no matter the chan. No matter the subject of the board. The same exact scenario. The same exact canned responses. The same exact posting of something that has nothing to do with the topic of the board. What does it have to do with being a doomer? We have millions of people in the West unable to make ends meet, to provide for their families, to do anything other than simply exist, and here you are, posting this shit, and then wondering why people give you a hard time over it?

>I'm a weird person, a degenerate

I have said it before and I'll say it again, but I have a feeling that thirty years from now the millennial generation is going to be renamed the suicide generation. The degenerate decisions they’re making now are going bite them very hard in the ass. They’re going to be lonely, sitting in a nursing home with no family and completely broke because they have no children to support them. And the zoomers? You know how every sitcom since forever had that senile WWII vet grandpa stock character? We'll be getting those just with neon hair and sagging, wrinkled tattooed skin, wildly going on tangents on how how they punched fitty Nayzees/soibois in their youth in zoomer media. I, for one, cannot wait. And I will tell the kids of those days about all the stupid things people of your generation did, and those idiots wont be around to say otherwise. What could they say? The track record would speak for itself in all the cringy, dated as fuck media the millenial products: nothing but cartoon frogs, waifu/capeshit fantasies, and sperging out over kids' toys like video games that no self-respecting person should even be playing to begin with, let alone get so invested in that an overblown, overrated "issue" like GamerGate can spur a glorified retard fit. And don't get me started on the pedophobic ComicsGaters, led by (as always) an out of touch boomer and its millenial sycophants.

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Yeah, if you are going to chime in with your millenial talk in each thread I don't see a reason to keep posting here, I was going to stop posting a few days ago but I thought I would try to get to tell you again that I'm indeed not one of your millenial caricatures when I saw you linking my thread.

I'm going to ignore the second paragraph entirely because is the same schizo ranting you do in each post. I don't disagree with gatekeeping in this community when it comes to certain things, some people here posting Discord links would be people I wouldn't welcome, people talking about how they want to dress like doomers just because is trendy would be people I wouldn't welcome, people that insert their politics in their posts instead of their personal problems would be people I wouldn't welcome. Do I really deserve to be picked apart? did I ever say my pain was equal to that of a war veteran, a single mother, a drug addict? no, I was talking about my thoughts, the thoughts of a young person that has isolated himself from human connections so much that he starts to attempt to project all sorts of feelings onto everyone who speaks to him even in a slightly nice way. But that wasn't even the reason your posts upset me, it's your lack of belief in the story and simple namecalling and millenial schizo ranting that truly disgusts me, even now you don't believe me, so I don't see the point in continuing talking to you, I just want you to know that not everybody that disagrees with your worldview of all pathetic faggots today being millennials, is indeed a millenial, I'm a zoomer, born in the 2000s, and I came out fucked up, deal with it, or call it a fantasy.

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For someone who claims to not be a millenial, you sure do know how to whine like them.

>Deal with it, or call it a fantasy.

That's what I'm doing, boyo. I'm calling it a fantasy.

>Do I really deserve to be picked apart? did I ever say my pain was equal to that of a war veteran, a single mother, a drug addict?

All I'm saying is that if it really meant that much to you, you would've posted it somewhere else, not on /doomer/ because there's nothing doomer-related about it. Just like all the other anons on here who post about "muh wimminz troublez" and expect asspats because to boast of one's inferiority complex and masochistic tendencies towards women is seen as based on imageboards. I'm an oldfag. I've seen tons of posts like yours. You have to at least admit that it doesn't sound any different than all the rest.

Also, what is a zoomer doing on an imageboard, anyway? You shouldn't be posting on one to begin with. Imageboards are meant for failed adult losers like millenials and based and truthpilled folks like me who fuck with them on the regular. You need to tell your story on a medium worthy of it. I would suggest abandoning imageboards entirely and opening up a blog or something.

But hey, if you want to go down that imageboard rabbit hole, go for it. Just know they'll likely be scrubbed off the internet by 2025-2030.

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File: 226afce6ec21c94⋯.png (733.97 KB,736x652,184:163,1586372034855.png)

 No.28105 [Open thread]

So I know that having a single parent is almost guaranteed to fuck up your life, but what if you happen to also live with your grandparents and your aunt? have there been any studies on other family dynamics where one of the parents is absent but the child might be surrounded by more people? I don't feel living with so many people did me any good either way, honestly, but I don't know if a dad would have changed my life.

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File: 8cd8dbddeed2873⋯.png (788.55 KB,653x1024,653:1024,circumcision_censored.png)


>The thing with modern psychology is that it's currently in a phase where everything is blamed on parents and the development during early stages of life.

To be fair, getting sexually tortured and molested with a knife immediately after birth can fuck you up.

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>To be fair, getting sexually tortured and molested with a knife immediately after birth can fuck you up.

I think it's funny how so many of you millenialoids will rehash this argument.

>I believe in dehumanizing women, in posting all sorts of misogynistic fantasies about how they're to blame for everything, but I get triggered when people act the same exact way about circumsizing male infants, etc.

Why can't you just admit you don't really give a shit about any of these "hot topic social issues" and admit you're just a failed adult who wasted all his time being a petty elitist? Normies won't hurt you, bro. Get over yourself.

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File: 9a91baff3f3182e⋯.jpg (450.77 KB,882x876,147:146,circumcision_NPC.jpg)



Projection much? You're literally doing the same thing you accuse me of doing, just with the genders flipped. You clearly don't give a shit about boys' genitals being mutilated, yet you chimp out over "misogynistic fantasies". Just admit you're a white knight trying to cope with having mutilated genitals.

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My genitals are intact, actually. I know you must've really spent what little brain cells you have trying to come up with some le based remark to come back at me with, but next time, try to find one that isn't ripped from the emotional millenial manchild's guide to discussion, okay? Look, it is what it is. I choose to oppose the multilation of both men and women. You choose to be a based and fagpilled dork who probably wasn't even circumcized and is just pretending to be so you can have yet another excuse for why things like cleaning your room and getting a job are too hard like they seem to be for the rest of Gen A.

Also, I didn't call you a misogynist. I said you were a hypocrite, because that's what you are. You're just like the pink pill harpies. Acting like children. MUH COOTIES!!!!!111111. If only they could've cut your vocal cords instead of your foreskin.

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File: 34a2e4c49e1d506⋯.jpg (62.33 KB,1068x1280,267:320,genericname.jpg)


>You clearly don't give a shit about boys' genitals being mutilated

Besides, why do you care anyway? They're all NORMIES, right? Funny how NORMIES are all NPC sheeple meant to be ridiculed and belittled at every opportunity until it serves your purposes, huh? That's why I called you a hypocrite. Oh, and misogynist fantasies is exactly what you anons spout, which is exactly why no one takes you seriously. You're just like the radfem banshees.

>MEN BAD! Hey, wait, why do people not take us seriously?

>WOMEN BAD! Hey, wait, why do people not take us seriously?

>Projection much?

Says the millenialoid accusing me of being pro-circumcision just because I called out the hypocrisy in most anons who talk about it.

>FOIDS BAD! Hey, wait, why aren't our problems being given any consideration?

Because no one wants to help a loser who can't help themselves from being one. It's like pic related. Improve yourself before you butt in on what REAL men are trying to handle.

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 No.979 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

that even pre-feminist times, women have always been pampered when it comes to dealing with mental illness or trauma, and things have gotten exponentially worse, all these years of "man up, suck it up bro" and whatnot on top of it have caused a sharp rise in suicides? I tend to think male suicide has been always higher than female suicide, even before feminism, and its just getting worse. men don't get the same treatment and help and have always been more successful since the dawn of time its just being rising hard the last several decades?

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File: 70358ae56a58f55⋯.jpg (253.89 KB,750x770,75:77,1611094765963.jpg)


My personal theory is this: put yourself in God’s shoes—one size fits all. Here’s all these primates, right? And you give ‘em opposable thumbs, a brain designed for engineering, and a great, big, beautiful planet to live on, and the first thing they do is to write universal rules that are designed to make them miserable. Then, they breed like flies. Then, they take a perfectly functioning golden goose and have Goldman-Sachs slice it open from asshole to breakfast, looking for all the golden eggs—then, they insist that all these things are necessary and that the problem is that they didn’t do any of them enough! And then they pray to You to come unscrew up everything, while they’re continuing their efforts to find new and better ways to screw up everything some more. Is it really any wonder that God hasn’t said anything to us in more than two thousand years? Would you? Hell no! Why, He’s probably off somewhere starting over with a species that doesn’t start out by throwing shit at each other, but wherever He is: we’re here.

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Typical millenialoid sperging.

>WOMEN BAD!!!!!!!!!111111

You do realize universal suffrage as a whole was a mistake, right? Unless you have served your country or are serving, you shouldn't have a right to vote if you ask me. What does some slack-jawed failed adult yokel like you know about how the country should be governed when all you are is a NEET leech or some other mediocre loser? Look at pic rel. Are you telling me all these failed adults should have a right to vote simply because they're rocking (small) penises? The only way to save a society is to make it so only members of the military can vote. If you won't die for your country, let alone fight for her, what right do you have to determine how she lives?

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File: c69186c81b0954e⋯.jpg (1.37 MB,1860x1880,93:94,female_soldiers.jpg)


Even if you made it so that only people who have served in the military can vote, the voting population would still be almost entirely male.

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And that's the point. To allow the real men to vote, to make the country great again, while you lot shut up and fap to cuckime waifus or whatever. And to let those women with more balls than you vote too.

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 No.29155 [Open thread]

Since the deletion of 8chan and the popularisation of wojak memes, and the whole breakout and appropriation of chan culture by Twitter and Reddit a lot of literal faggots have flooded this board who unironically take MGTOW and religion seriously and think this is some kind of cave to hide with their mainstream beliefs with, or that hurr durr wearing beanie listen to burzum is what the board was all about.

Grow the fuck up and stop getting your entire thought patterns from snake.oils wojak memes or kys

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What I said was this:

"Just because trying to preserve the purity of stale memes which broke out almost a decade ago is silly it doesn't mean you aren't also a retard."

I'm going after two different strains in this opening critique. I'm not saying you're a wojak purist, but rather that your not being a wojak purist doesn't render you any more enlightened or interesting.

But I guess you've answered the other questions I posed. I still don't understand you, really, but diff'rent strokes.

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File: d62bdfadd887bc8⋯.png (106.83 KB,800x900,8:9,flat_zoomer2.png)


I never claimed to be enlightened or interesting. I'm just some random person. I don't come here to build a fan club or anything like that. And really, I find it funny when so many anons will spend entire threads whining about muh foids, or muh Jews, or whatever other scapegoat they use to blame for why they failed to become a mature adult, a contributing member of society, but when I turn it back on them, when I tell them that millenials are a problem, that despite the boomers fucking everything up, that they have done their fair share of contributing to what they've done and aren't fully victims as popular millenial social critique would like to posit, suddenly I'm annoying. I'm this and I'm that. Maybe it's just that you can't handle it when the shoe's on the other foot?

As for wojak purism, my take is that wojak purists exist because they are desperate to keep up the veneer of superiority over so called normies. You consume the same anime normies do. You watch the same sports. You watch the same movies/TV shows. You read the same books. Yet on imageboards and elsewhere on the internet, I see it all the time.

>I'm better than normies because X, Y, Z.

When you're not better at all. They are. They're the ones living life, building relationships, looking at the media they dislike and trying to do better by writing books, creating games, etc. They don't just shitpost on imageboards all day. They don't say "man, this media sucks" and then don't try to do better and they don't tell you "I'd be deplatformed if I tried" when that's codeword for:

>I'd just do what the leftoids do and make everything extremely cringily political, but instead of blaming white men/Nazis, I'd blame women/niggers lol

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I honestly don't get how ppl think since wojaks have been appropriated by reddit and twitter that they've lost their mystique or pizzazz. They've always been shit man. Everyone uses them for clickbait rage memes. Just get off the internet if ur gonna whine about it.

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>Just get off the internet if ur gonna whine about it.

God, can you imagine how awesome the internet would be if we could get rid of all the millenials on it? Like, wow. We could actually use the internet for what it was intended for!

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File: b43f4c748256bea⋯.png (62.83 KB,800x900,8:9,flat_zoomer1.png)


>I honestly don't get how ppl think since wojaks

Because they're so desperate to appear above it all that even the most trivial shit triggers them en masse. It's I'M NOT LIKE THOSE OTHER GIRLS on fucking steroids. That's how they think, that's how they operate. A bunch of fucking pansies. The only generation that literally won trophies and awards for just showing up, yet has the gall to tell zoomers worried about the lockdowns that WE HAVE BEEN THROUGH A WAR OKAY!!!!! and, on this board, literally gatekeep depression and mental illness so damn much because if they admitted to themselves that zoomers can be depressed, mentally ill, etc, they'd have nothing else going for them. They literally use their problems in lieu of a personality. But then they'll bash women for being self-centered or blacks for being flashy or whatever lol.

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 No.28252 [Open thread]

Im pretty sure Im in love with my friend. We hardly talk anymore especially now with covid and everything but somehow shes all i think about. Ive expressed my feelings a few times but not as directly as i probably should so in her mind were just really good friends. I never like anyone and i doubt I'll feel this way toward anyone else. Shes the only person I've felt comfortable opening up too. The thought of going through that process again is a lot. Think im gonna have to accept the fact I'll be alone forever.

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Just a reminder, she doesn't like you back.

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>oy vey, stop pointing out the incoherency of what i TECHNICALLY merely implied

>further demonstrate his kikery with rhethorical shit



evangelicals are a kike fabrication, and a crappy one for them (as usual).

start with pointing out who is behind porn to an evangelical, then work from there.

also there is no real freemason shit in the US, it's merely codespeak to not name and blame the jew.

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Alt-right was a mistake.

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Exactly. Or theyre smug know-it-alls like >>28315

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The alt-right is basic bitch neocon shit at heart. Look past the cringy tryhard nonsense, and a lot of their points align with neocons. Just like Zion Don's platforms in 2016 and 2020. The fact that he pardoned a rapper who made a music video about strangling his supporters….yet he still has supporters online? Well, neither boomers nor diet boomers (millenials) were known to be smart.

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File: c099934292a259a⋯.png (753.6 KB,1490x1208,745:604,1521309757467.png)

 No.23474 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Do you think zoomers/teens can be doomers?

It seems to me that most of you don't (I remember that deleted thread about that underage guy who doesn't want to go to the ward) but I don't see why. I've met plenty of people with dommer-like mentalities online, whom I assumed were 20-something dudes because of that, but turned out to be teens. I knew several doomers when I was a teen, I had doomer tendencies myself. Also let's not forget Sun Goddess.

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Your entire post is just typical millenialoid cringe, honestly. All this whining about zoomers….when that gets old and you start simping for them like you do with the boomers, who will you start blaming all your problems on next? You've already done the Silents, Jews, blacks, women, Republicans, Democrats, Libs, Cons….imagine being so pathetically inept and creatively bankrupt a generation that you literally gatekeep depression because you have literally nothing else going for you.

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>muh women

I wish there were women here. Maybe you can try some that HRT the Zoomers are on and hit me up.

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See this >>28822 is what I meant with "Unless you had some really fucked up shit happen to you early in life you can't be a doomer before you're 20" in >>28821. You do qualify for doomer status zoomie, welcome to the club it fucking sucks

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depends which zoomers, some early zoomers from the late 90's are pretty cool..


here's my badass zoomer 2000's taste

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File: ba50dada323d693⋯.jpg (39.96 KB,720x677,720:677,vxcvasku4he61_1_.jpg)


>Maybe you can try some that HRT the Zoomers are on and hit me up.


How does it feel knowing even the most HRT ridden zoom zoom will have a more accomplished life than millenialoids like yourself?


>It's the Zoomies who are coming out of the closest as gay trans bicycles. That wasn't common in my age group.

No, it's the millenials who are. The zoomers, if anything, are following in your footsteps. What's common in your age group, as well, is being failures at adulting, having literally no cultural output outside total wingcuck cringe, gamerwords to "own" the libs, etc, etc.

>Anime wasn't popular either until after I was out of high school. It used to be cool but now it's all lolis and shit.

It's funny, isn't it?

>Women today are roastie sluts, but lolis are fine and dandy.

Cognitive dissonance is all millenials are good for. It's why so many of them embraced shit like Trumpism, SJWism, etc.

My problem with millenials, anon, is that they are neo-boomers. They took boomer puritanism, Gen X apathy, and downright batshit insanity and put it all together.


>if you're traditionally masculine, a quiet guy, an intellectual, or anything other than a CONSOOM hypebeast wigger or prettyboy fag/tranny, you may be ostracized by zoomer society and you definitely won't get any attention from zoomer-age foids who only want tiktok chad

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 No.28382 [Open thread]

Maybe I'm wrong to say it, but I'm becoming convinced that men are very sentimental beings. Even more so than women.

I don't mean sentimental as in emotionally reactive. I mean sentimental as in feeling and thinking too deeply about stuff. Aka "taking things too seriously".

For reals though, most of my conversations about what's wrong with the world, how it should be fixed/run, and who should love are mostly with men.

Relationship etiquette? What to look for in a mate? It's men that are mainly the counselors.

Older men especially have trademark quotes they always use when "proving a point."

Even when talking about fun and casual stuff, eventually it turns into politics and philosophy.

Every and any piece of pop culture always has to have "deeper meaning", even if only the reaction. Nothing is allowed to be "simply enjoyed." One's personal aesthetics suddenly becomes your "moral indicator" with men.

>if you like x you're gay/zoomer/nigger/boomer/kike

And they say women create the status quo. No,women are devout disciples of the status quo.

Women don't care if you're a robot. All they care about is if you stick out like a sore thumb.

Women may choose to not associate with robots, but they don't really hate them.

Men on the other hand, will love or hate someone or something enough to override "the system." They may then make a new status quo which turns out to be as shitty as the last one.

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Some of them do, some of them don't. Either way, if you admit you are powerless in a situation, you can ask for a power greater than yourself what the next right thing to do is. Usually it's something that makes you more useful to other people. That's the beginning of a spiritual transformation.

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Maybe the anons on this board should take their own advice more seriously instead of going midlife crisis mode.

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We men did this to ourselves. Women just go along with it. The only thing to do, which unfortunately most will never do, is stop taking ideas and self so seriously.

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I'm willing to bet neither of you can respond to any of the points raised in this thread. A pair of millenialoid faggots having to blame "muh wimminz" because they failed at the most mundane life skills. Generation Y? More like Generation A for Adulting.

>k-k-k-k-k-kill yourself femoid garbage

Cope and seethe, millenialoid.

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>Maybe the anons on this board should take their own advice more seriously instead of going midlife crisis mode.

No can do. That goes against millenialoid programming. They're the generation that literally got awards just for showing up. That's why they're so incapable of the most banal shit. They expect everyone to bend over backwards for them. They don't consider life to be worth living unless they get a participation ribbon equivalent just for showing up.

>I showed up at my wagecuck job! Give me a promotion!

>I showed up at this public building and held the door open for a woman! Suck my cock!

>I'm white! That means my ancestors would totally welcome me with open arms even if I have done nothing with my life and have degenerate habits!

And so it goes. Millenials are born and bred losers. I can't wait till zoomers and Alphas leave 'em in the dust. Even the new xennials, the Gen C kids (those born during the lockdowns) will.

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