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/doomer/ - Doomers Club

Most precious years of our lives are gone and now we clinch to alcoholism

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game devving

File: 7a7b2af9bfc7420⋯.jpg (53.72 KB,640x640,1:1,5821e72747eb51e1f6c10f5162….jpg)

 No.26879 [View All]

1 year already :(

I hope you've found the peace you were looking for sweet princess

18 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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rather fap to line trap tbh

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The other thing about the shotgun thing

Imagine blowing your head away with a shotgun when a Beretta or Glock would have done the job too. And it would have been easier to carry a Beretta. But this girl chose the most grotesque way to off herself.

I think this is a sign for massive self hatred that she might have felt.

So much that she wanted her entire face to be blown apart.

And what you write about the forum postings is true. She did it really smartly and thought the entire story until the end.

But what shocked me was the fact that she went through with her plan as if it was nothing.

She boarded the plane from sunny Florida into the cool Colorado. Remember that Denver is at the foot of the rocky mountains and in April there is still snow on the mountains. Sol even sais something like this to the Uber driver:

>I want to see the snow

And then when you look at the video footages from Denver airport that was released.

She arrived in black jeans, black tshirt, boots and one of those college jacket/shirt thingies. No winter coat

Then she just walks into the gun store, buys the hardware, gets a driver and lets him driver her up the mountain.

Now imagine the temperatures on that mountain. I doubt it was more than 15 degrees celsius in the afternoon

In the night it would probably be freezing. The FBI operatives found her just 1 mile off the campground in the woods.

Imagine that state of mind, when you travel by plane and car for half a day up a mountain and you know the nights are freezing and you did not bring a winter coat with you. Let alone camping equipment to survive the night.

She was 100% sure and had no fear and no regrets. This is what is most disturbing for me in that story.

Fully knowing you are going to die and then lying everyone in the face with your fake smile as if it was a camping trip.

I just hope she did not suffer in the cold there.

As a Floridian she was not used to those temperatures

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All of this and her determination. When you look at the airport videos, she looks cold, empty, and determined, certain of what she has to do. At no point does she appear afraid.

Like a hitman. Exactly like a hitman. Except her target was herself.

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I just researched the details and currently the temperatures on Echo Lake Lodge is between 1 degree celsius and 15 degrees celsius depending on daytime.

She was there 2 weeks earlier and I doubt it would have been warmer or that there was less snow 2 weeks earlier in the year.

More and more I think she chose that place intentionally so she cannot escape even if she botched anything or chickened out.

I doubt she would have survived the first night with the clothes she had on her.

I remember when they have shown the footage after finding her, the FBI agents and medics were marching on snow in winter coats.

It is 3300 meters over sea level (10'000 ft) there. The snow does not melt completely before may. I think even Yellowstone park is lower in altitude.

Just south of that Echo lake campground there is the highest road of America, leading up to the 4000m over sea level Mt. Evans.

This road is closed from like october to may. Very interesting, you can find youtube videos of people travelling there. Even in summer it is cold as fuck there.

I really envy you americans. You are a country of superlatives. You have the best country on this planet. So much different landscapes and climates.

You are free to travel there wherever you want without passport or bureaucracy bullshit and stay however long you want to. You can freely buy guns too and ammo.

You can choose the perfect spot to die, be it rocky mountain, endless forests, tropical florida / hawaii or the nevada desert. Or even the ice deserts of Alaska.

Best country to die, best country to live a vagabond life too. Just follow the sun and move with the changing seasons to warmer regions.

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some dude made a 40 min. long videos with pictures full of her


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File: 1499770d59d2075⋯.jpg (274.73 KB,900x1202,450:601,1.jpg)

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I am saddened whenever I read stuff like this

but you are not the only one anon. There is millions of souls on this piece of dust who feel similar and see no point in anything anymore


Recently I watched a doc movie about the yellowstone national park in amerikanskyland.

It was about bears and elks and what not. Even wolves, cats, foxes. Otters. They have everything there. Bisons, very majestic animals.

The key takeaway was that those animals spend the entire winter struggling to survive. Then they spend the spring/summer fucking like rabbits and eating lots of stuff so they can survive the winter.

What is the point of life? Half of all bear cubs don't survive their 2nd winter.

Bears eat entire summer so they don't die in the winter. Then next winter they are back at square 1.

Bisons who cannot survive in the winter. They drop dead from exhaust and wolves only leave bones of them left.

What is the point of this all? Why does life exist at all?

And today was a special day on 3sat. It was railway special day. There was a doc movie about travelling through USA by railway.

I gotta say as a train autist, you americans have great trains. AMtrak travelling looks comfy as fuck.

They shown a musicians duo travel from NY to Atlanta by train. The compartements are comfy and you get food and beverages.

NY -> Washington > Atlanta > New Orleans -> Memphis -> Chicago > Dodge City > Albuquerque > Grand Canyon → Los Angeles

And what shocked me was how friendly the personnel was. They always ask people if they are fine, if they need help / are thirsty.

And they help you exit the train to not fall down. Man this must be the best job on earth. You drive in train 5 days through the entire country then you get to enjoy 5 days at home again. Like a mini vacation every days. I envy you americans so much.

They shown an Elvis enthusiast who was travelling from new orleans to memphis. His home looks like an Elvis museum, his workplace is an Elvis Presley themed BBQ restaurant. He was so happy and completely in his element. When I see people like him, so happy, I cannot help but feel bliss and warmth from deep inside my heart.

New Orleans looked like a really interesting city. All those woodden houses from the French quarters with their pubs and musicians. It looked to mesmerizing.

Then there was a man and his wife who were farmers from Georgia. They got off in Atlanta. They have a giantic farm. Then there was a Cowboy who travelled from Chicago back home to Dodge City or how that was called. He had a big ranch with lots of animals. He even rents out airBNB like lodges to city boys who want to be cowboy for a week or 2. They shown a cattle auctionning market too. Then there was a few people who looked like Amish but it was something else. The guy said their church did not allow them to use airplanes, so they travelled by train to New Orleans to help another guy repair his house. The man was carpenter and his wife would cook for the men who worked there. Stories like these are always best.

Then there was a Native American artist town in New Mexico. They had all types of handicrafts, paintings, hand made stuff, really beautiful what they do.

It is really sad how the Native americans are loosing the connection with their old traditions and cultures. One woman for example said she does not know the folk dances, only crafting jewellery and pendants.

The Grand Canyon is phenomenal. You can ride a mule with a tour guide. Not to mention all the other beautiful places America has to offer:

Florida, Hawaii, Alaska, The Great Lakes, Yellowstone National Park, that place where they etched the faces of presidents into the stone, the rocky mountains

You Americans can really be happy that you live in the US.

EU is a gay continent full of gay laws and for every single shit you need a govt permit to do. You cannot even travel anywhere for long because countries are tiny and you can not stay longer then 3 months as tourist anywhere. You Americans can just pack your RV and travel from one end of the US to the other. No passports, no visas no borders.

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That's not mine. This is Sol's. Written like in November 2018.

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>What is the point of this all? Why does life exist at all?

“Each new generation asks – What is the meaning of life? A more fertile way of putting the question would be – Why does man need a meaning to life?”

“Man is a tragic animal. Not because of his smallness, but because he is too well endowed. Man has longings and spiritual demands that reality cannot fulfil. We have expectations of a just and moral world. Man requires meaning in a meaningless world.”

— Peter Wessel Zapffe

If the other animals had also been cursed with our self-awareness and longing for meaning, we would see a sharp rise in suicides in the animal kingdom.

Some people find comfort in religion or try to fill their time with distractions, including alcohol, drugs, &c., to keep themselves from thinking about these things.


I can picture Linetrap being a bit of a doomer actually.

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> Peter Wessel Zapffe

Didn't read this name in a long time. Good man.

>If the other animals had also been cursed with our self-awareness and longing for meaning, we would see a sharp rise in suicides in the animal kingdom.

Do you know about any data of animal suicide? I only know this Werner Herzog clip about the 'deranged' penguin. But yeah, "Woe is me" means nothing if your survival instincts kick in. Even in humans suicide rates plummet when people face collective hardship. Konrad Lorenz (which I would highly recommend reading) wrote about young people fed up with life who had a failed suicide attempt and either disfigurement or other physical disablement. According to him they where happier later and didn't attempt suicide again. At least that's what I remember and I'm too lazy to look it up.

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>kad si sismis i nesposoban da skuzis …

ne bi trebo visiti po medjumrezi cjelu noc jbg


my problem is not killing time. I can do lots of shit that I like if it is just to kill time. My problem is the following:

>if I am gonna die one day anyways

>and if anything I do is pointless

>then why artificially stretch this time out?

>what speaks against ending it right now or in 1 year / 2 years?

I used the examples from animal life because there I see it especially being pointless.

Being a bear, spending your entire summer just to survive the winter and next spring your are back at square 1

for what? just to keep your species from dying out

which is irrelevant anyways because if you died out then another species would fill the vaccuum in the food chain


yeah that is it, being tired of life

nothing to live for, nothing to do, nowhere to go

the boomers at least had to build the world economy and technological revolution

for us there is nothing to build because everything has been built already and nobody needs us for anything else then consuming the crap they produce so they can post good revenue figures at the next CEO meeting

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Imas pravo, ali noci su predivne. It's the simple things in life.


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Holy shit why did I never see this?! A beautiful soul behind a beautiful face indeed…So much thing I've missed.

Sauce pls

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Are you sure anon? Once you go down the rabbit hole there is no backing out. This case will fuck you up.

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You don't get it. Her case already fucked me up 1 year ago. I went into depression after I read her journal. But I've never seen the photos in this video >>27090 or this page >>27051 which means more stuff about her has been unearthed that I'm not aware of.

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File: 95657dc8153e030⋯.webm (6.82 MB,720x406,360:203,Encounters_at_the_End_of_….webm)


Been meaning to read Zapffe’s works for a while now. Not sure if they’ve been reprinted since their original publication, and I do want to read them in their original language. First heard of him, and Emil Cioran, when I started reading The Conspiracy against the Human Race by Thomas Ligotti.

H. P. Lovecraft voiced similar ideas in Nietzscheism and Realism in The Rainbow, Vol. I, No. 1 (October 1921):

“It must be remembered that there is no real reason to expect anything in particular from mankind; good and evil are local expedients – or their lack – and not in any sense cosmic truths or laws. We call a thing “good” because it promotes certain petty human conditions that we happen to like – whereas it is just as sensible to assume that all humanity is a noxious pest and should be eradicated like rats or gnats for the good of the planet or of the universe. There are no absolute values in the whole blind tragedy of mechanistic nature – nothing is good or bad except as judged from an absurdly limited point of view. The only cosmic reality is mindless, undeviating fate – automatic, unmoral, uncalculating inevitability. As human beings, our only sensible scale of values is one based on lessening the agony of existence.”

“It is good to be a cynic – it is better to be a contented cat – and it is best not to exist at all. Universal suicide is the most logical thing in the world – we reject it only because of our primitive cowardice and childish fear of the dark. If we were sensible we would seek death – the same blissful blank which we enjoyed before we existed.”

>Do you know about any data of animal suicide? I only know this Werner Herzog clip about the 'deranged' penguin.

I’ve seen that documentary too – Encounters at the End of the World (2007). It was up on YT not too long ago. I would have assumed the penguins, and other animals, “commit” suicide because they realise the rest of the pack will stand a better chance of survival without them.

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Oh shit, sorry anon. I haven't slept in 30 hours so I misread. You have missed so much, indeed. Someone hacked her stuff and now possesses all her pics which includes 1k+ pics. But don't worry, I saved nearly 500 myself, so if you are interested I can post some, even though it's already on various internet pages. Some personal stuff has been leaked, which will definitely make you more depressed.

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File: 2447c288f761f1d⋯.mp4 (12.48 MB,480x360,4:3,Stalker_Call_of_Prypiat_So….mp4)

Oh anons

please not

it always hurts to see her images

why is it always the good ones that have to die young?

meanwhile subhumans like me become 90+ years old

My theory is that the people who die young or suicide come to heaven

like in dragonball. They keep their bodies how they were at death and this is a priviledge only good people get. And subhumans like me, george soros and bill aids come to purgatory as cripples and then go str8 to Louis Cyber to the very warm parts of the underworld

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File: 160d7c2172cbb11⋯.jpg (60.27 KB,638x480,319:240,KingKaiNV.jpg)


you think she's training with King Kai right now?

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she and those 2 emo boy school shooters she liked

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It saddens me that she was and still is depicted as this potential mass murderer when the reality is very different. If the autopsy results are true, I hope she never read about herself online after the FBI manhunt started. Just image feeling painfully lonely, isolating yourself physically and then knowing that for sure the whole world hates you. I always get quite emotional while reading her stuff because we're the same age with a similar viewpoint and interests. Kinda hard not to relate and see myself in her to some degree. Does anybody know if any of her social media is still up?

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Yes. She killed herself on the 15th probably at 4.44 pm since she was obsessed with those numbers. Her instagram got deleted, one is private and some other accounts are up. You know, her high school days were literally "everyday is the same" 24/7 listening to music at school and home. Nothing else. In the end she was too pure for this world, she even died a virgin.

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>>27092 >>27096 Samefag here. Proxy doesn't work anymore for some reason. Yes please, share what you know. Especially anything she wrote…


>I hope she never read about herself online after the FBI manhunt started.

Don't worry. She killed herself 1 day before the FBI started to search for her.

At one point in her journal she tries to imagine how people will react to her death which I guess is a process every suicidal people undergo. I don't think she even imagined the manhunt.

It angers me that people will only remember her as a failed mass shooter (most of the rags who pushed the "infatuated with Columbine" narrative never corrected their story after the autopsy) on the other hand we wouldn't have heard of her without this…

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File: 55e76b3e9d9a6f0⋯.jpg (269.3 KB,350x1920,35:192,37cd29ef3a908b436526fe3851….jpg)

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Thank you anon. Again you can feel her despair gradiallu building up as she types, the numerous typing mistakes shows she was very worked up with typing this. She doesn't have glasses on these photos so I suppose she was about 16 or 17 when she wrote this which makes it even sadden, even though we already knew from her journal that she was making plans for years.

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File: 5acd6f08e467f93⋯.jpg (194.6 KB,750x1334,375:667,2019_01_12_18_54_27.jpg)

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File: 5fa5f31a61d8dc0⋯.jpg (113.92 KB,750x937,750:937,2019_03_26_18_45_22.jpg)

Florida schizo reporting in. I have several of Sol's DropBox pics because I was invited into the private Discord with the guy who hacked her accounts. They all turned on me when they found out I was talking to Anna (Sol's BFF) and shared Sol's Dropbox with her own best friend. I had not even named any names at that point I just wanted Anna to have the DropBox and Anna posted it on her IG which the Discord group stalks so they flipped out.

I have actually spoken to Anna about a few things and seen Sol's notes about witchcraft and shit. Few people know this but she was actually conducting seances with Eric and that might have been the main reason she was so in love because she actually felt like she was in a relationship. Her interests in the occult are hinted at in her website under the links section. She was actually practicing and you can see in some pictures where she has a candle set up with tarot cards in bg. I'll post from my laptop when I get chance.

Most people think she was just some stupid cringe retard but that's not true at all Sol was into Yeats and Camus before she blew her head off and she wasn't a bad artist at all.



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File: 5b5a43a88d258aa⋯.gif (560.43 KB,498x359,498:359,tenor.gif)


>hd pic

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oh shit so you are abyss. lmao I saw that shitshow that happened in March. That second pic looks like a Type O cover.

Did Anna say anything else? Would you say she went full schizo and offed herself because of her love for Eric or because she just wanted to die and used Columbine as a coping mechanism?

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File: 9cbb540f58673cd⋯.jpg (164.22 KB,750x1334,375:667,2019_03_26_12_10_58.jpg)

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File: 6a2b9d9d5851eaa⋯.png (87.66 KB,240x237,80:79,solsmile.png)


This was the link to her DropBox where most of the photos come from. It doesn't work anymore because the hacker burned it but I still have about 200 photos. Most of them have circulated on the web already. There was nearly 2 GB.

lts probably for the best because there were several lewds and a nude and it was basically a bunch of CP drama that I did not want in my life. Well the nude was taken like one week before she turned 18 but I take no chances. One of the tcc Discord girls threatened me with legal action too. What basically happened is I was accused of distributing CP and then I laughed and called them all out for hacking and sharing it in the first place so there was a stalemate and no one got in trouble.

But Sol Pais shows favor over the cult of Esoteric Ryderism.

I will post more photos and some links to Sol's playlists for those who have not visited her Spotify and soundcloud which are still up.

If you have not seen her lastfm yet it is here.


The last song scrobbled is at 2:30 PM but it is possible she was alive as late as 9PM on Monday the 15th as I have seen a note on her phone with a timestamp around 9, the last note she ever wrote which reads…

"God please let me off somewhere"

The original hacker also claimed in the reddit group that she was still alive early Tuesday morning. My guess is that she wanted to off herself at 4:44 PM but couldn't bring herself to do it and just gave up finally in the AM hours.

Shortly before she died she visited the Spanish Monastery in Miami. St. Bernard de Clairvaux Church. There were pictures of it and a screencap of directions to get there from her house. There are several cemeteries in that area and I wonder if she was buried there or if she was cremated.

If she had she lived she might have become a tradCath goth girl. Mein gott. </3

Miami is only a few hours from my house so if I ever visit I will see about going to the church and look around the local cemetery for a grave but I really do believe she was cremated.

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yes i am abyss.

I spoke to Anna for a few days. I am certain that I was intended to speak to her.

It was the weekend she went from a private Instagram to a public Instagram. Then there was another factor, a girl who spoke to me at first about the metaphysical Sol, I don't know who she is… she messaged me on Reddit and suggested I speak to Anna… then after she was gone.

I told Anna everything. Like literally everything about my schizo obsession and dreams and Anna just listened. She didn't judge or insult me at all. The only thing she said about it was that I'm going down the same downward spiral. Anna did say that Sol is definitely out there sending people signs and she is a very powerful spirit.

But we only talked to each other a few times. I'm going to keep most of what was said in confidence, but rest assured they were both into witch shit and obviously Sol took it a little further than Anna expected. Anna did not know about Sol's plan at all. Like people she was close to knew Sol was trying to summon him and did everything she could to manifest some semblance of a relationship with Eric but no one knew how bad it was or how to intervene.

I know some of the people on this board are actual witches so it may not be far fetched to them. I have a really weird feeling that Sol is out there and communicating with people. But I'm not even a really good witch… I'm actually retarded.

BTW she liked Type O. They have 175 listens on her lastfm.



>What basically happened is I was accused of distributing CP

For clarity, this was the accusation thrown at me for sharing the DropBox with Anna. I did not share it with anyone else. Anna was mad because of the nude and called out the whole group for having it. I intended to save Sol's camera uploads for Anna but I really didn't know what was best and deleted the whole thing. Someone somewhere still has it. I'm sure its somewhere. I actually have no real issues with Luka. We never had any arguments. It was just the girls who turned on me the moment I spoke to Anna.

and I know the identity of the girl who is admin of the discord group, her profession, i have pictures of her and screencaps of everything… so the whole shitstorm basically just ended in a stalemate.

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File: 880e3911fe3705c⋯.jpg (57.62 KB,325x502,325:502,2019_04_05_10_26_25.jpg)

Sol's bowl and pics of Layne Staley saved just before her death.

I joke that Sol may have actually dumped Eric and ran off with Layne. Almost all of the pictures I have seen of her in the final months she is wearing that same AIC shirt. I have seen a note in the discord group that she wasn't planning on wearing that shirt but something else but if you've seen the photos and video of her in Denver airport you know she went to her death in the AIC shirt so I wonder what made her change her mind. In the DropBox itself it was kind of interesting… there are a fuck ton of E&D photos and then suddenly they just stop and she has Alice In Chains photos.

But there are other reasons besides Eric she killed herself. She had a ton of different philosophies on this. I'll post more later because right now I feel like I'm just spamming and writing a novel.

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Holy shit thank you for the update. I doubt she was buried since her face was completely blown up by shotty. I thought the witchcraft thing on her site was just for shit and giggles. Is this a thing among zoomer girls?

I've been wanting to read Camus for a while as well. I have Mythe de Sisyphe taking dust on my shelf for more than a year but procrastination sucks.

tfw no suicidal witch gf

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Weird how one can miss someone they've never met. Just learned of them after they've already left.

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Literally who?

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File: ddacc9146724c50⋯.jpg (217.06 KB,710x877,710:877,2019_02_02_01_45_14.jpg)

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Yeah I wasn't sure how seriously she took it as well from the website you can't tell but once you see some of the other dirt and read her autowriting exercises and conversations with witches it's pretty certain that she was doing this shit maybe daily on her own which might attribute to the stories she would often start talking to herself and staring off like in some 1000 yard stare trance. I deleted most of the witch shit like a retard because I didn't think it was necessary to keep but more and more people are actually interested in that side of her story than I thought.

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File: d37062916b41862⋯.jpg (1.16 MB,3264x2448,4:3,Photo_Jan_27_5_13_59_PM.jpg)

File: b7554d09ae0b15f⋯.jpg (142.44 KB,750x911,750:911,2019_01_22_06_59_44.jpg)

File: fbd376aaac12123⋯.jpg (168.96 KB,750x1334,375:667,solinchains.jpg)

One of the more intriguing things about this whole story is that all of this was happening in one of the wealthiest and affluent communities of America. The median income in Surfside is much higher than the average and you can tell just by looking at pictures of it that the whole area is one big enclave for rich people and whoever works the bars/restaurants along the coast. Then in the background you have Miami which is a cesspool and she was traveling in and out of there for work and other things which I really don't know too much about but the misconception that she was not able to get a boyfriend has already been proven wrong. Who the guys were is a mystery but conversations scraped from Instagram and through people she knew show that she was in at least one for several months back in early 2018 which might have been the guy she was seen laying down with in one of the Dropbox photos. I removed that one almost immediately because it's basically that kind of lewd that verges on porn, so with that being said, Sol Pais was having some fun.

Sol Pais was definitely not some stupid slut, so she must have been truly fucked up and consumed by whatever metaphysical curse she conjured and a general state of depression, if she was living what appeared to be a normal upper middle class life in Miami-Dade right up until the last minute. You can see in several photos that even in the two years preceding her death, that the girl was going out doing things, pretending to be one of them. It's almost like some fever dream where an Argentinian grunge mystic escapes post-capitalist decline and rejects the bitter ugliest of materialism in the purest pagan way. Her sacrifice has made her one of our tragic queens.

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File: ad9954f2f6e13ae⋯.jpg (347.9 KB,1920x2716,480:679,joanna_lubanska_praise_the….jpg)


Some girl who got hunted by police because everyone thought she'll gonna shoot up a school when really just wanted to kill herself.

she became this board's figurehead for obvious reasons

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File: a13774840ec016f⋯.png (1.57 MB,750x1334,375:667,isthisjudgement.png)

File: 2f3bdbaff7637c0⋯.jpg (137.72 KB,931x648,931:648,Photo_Dec_04_7_28_55_PM.jpg)


>she became this board's figurehead for obvious reasons

Yes, perhaps my mission all along was to bring the full story of Esoteric Sol home to /doomer/. I could kill myself proudly knowing that I have done all I could. It was here that I found out about her in the first place, and immediately knew that she would have some sort of part to play in our story well beyond April 2019. There is some power in simping for goddesses after all.

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fuckk this attention whore cunt

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Rest in piece sol.

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SIMPing over random whores on the internet is is just inflating their bloated ego.

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I just love simping.

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Not every anon is a stormfag, buddy.

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Then why do you correlate one idea to the ideas of stormfags? Stormfags believe that we should take women back, not abandon them.

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File: 78d104ecfbe4b4a⋯.jpg (47.69 KB,540x800,27:40,fecfa25738c6bffeb0af895c5d….jpg)



This entire board is a Winona Ryder jihadist movement. You should shut up.

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Who is Eric? Like Eric from columbine?

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They all are Stormfags or some deriative. Problem is, most of them are only just LARPing as an excuse to justify their own failure in life. They don't really hate (insert group here), it's just a scapegoat tactic.

The least you can do is acknowledge that instead of pretending anons are just some persecuted minority DUH NORMIEZ don't understand.

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