A girl turns 18 and is sat down by both her parents
>We've always been up front with you that you were adopted. But now that you've grown its time to let you know the identities of your birth parents. Remember that we will always love and support you. But if you want to know the people that conceived you: it is your decision.
The names in the sealed file were that of my first girlfriend.
The other name is me.
(changed names: FirstGF-Sarah. the_adopted_girl-Nichole)
I got a cryptic email from Nichole but I knew instantly who she was; why she contacted me. I knew the name she was given at birth and really hadn't known many Nicholes since.
I instantly felt a sucking void in my chest. I responded immediately
>I know what this is about. I'm ready to speak with you.
<I don't know what you mean. I just need to know of any pertinent medical history. I don't need money from you or anything. I'm not looking for a relationship with you if that's not what you're looking for.
"a relationship with you if that's not what you're looking for." The sweet, searching girl. "a relationship" she actually brought it up from the the onset with the out-option for me of "if that's not what you're looking."
Texts were exchanged. I was blunt. She was clearly scared and we made arrangements to speak for the first time in 3 days.
I spent those 3 days as drunk and high as I could muster, but I made it to the planned phone call with a reasonable window to sober up. I made pleasantries as best I could, played coyly
>Forgive me, I don't know how to do this. What do I say, "Hi. My name is Anon. I understand I might be related to you?"
I wasn't going to say father, even with the qualifier of "biological" on it. Its not my word to say. There was some back and forth. The question of medical history was addressed. I have chronically healthy physically healthy family. But the conversation was clipped. It was awkward. I thought I could drive it charmingly but I was in shock and the girl that wrote such thorough and grammatically-correct texts/emails showed the timidnePost too long. Click here to view the full text.