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/doomer/ - Doomers Club

Most precious years of our lives are gone and now we clinch to alcoholism

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game devving

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 No.26925 [Open thread]

is this quarantine affecting you on your self improvement? are you drinking more, watching dwarf hentai, and smoking mold from the walls around you? this considering there was self improvement to start off

i must had jerked off like four times today

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reduce stimulants in your diet maybe, i had problems with that but i realized eventually that it wasn`t a masturbation problem on itself but a sympton of a larger problem with anxiety, dealing with anxiety helps with the jerking off too, its usually when i am tweeking with streess that i end up compulsive shit to cope and get some quick releases

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>could you give me some titles to start with him?

Man and his symbols is the best entry level book for his work. If you like Jung and that type of subject matter i`d heavily recommend Joseph Campbell`s hero with a thousand faces too and maybe Passport to magonia and daimonic reality, those are really fun books, at least for me, i am very into folklore and unique interpretations of myth. Jung even has a really cool book about aliens with a cool take on that phenomenom.

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Stimulants like coffee? I'm powered on 3 strong cuppa joe every day

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I hit post too quickly, I just noticed my numbers going down as soon as the exams ended. I'm seriously considering dropiing out of my university, feels like I'm just being sold mist to and being trained to sell mist. Fucking horseshit why did I ever sign up for this shit degree.

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you guys ever do meth?

its really great but the FUCKING INVISIBLE BUGS are pissing me off its been like 3 days since i tweaked and i still feel them on me wtf do i do

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File: 2ad20d8f9288683⋯.jpg (1.72 MB,2020x1588,505:397,DVinfernoLuciferKingOfHell….jpg)

 No.8283 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

jesus christ why does this board have more normies than fucking 4/r9k?

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File: bd7bb67d5a5a5a6⋯.png (18.88 KB,1333x102,1333:102,le serious discussion abou….png)

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dont use the Lord's name in vain

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some boards are even more sensitive at moderating than even reddit. Specially 8chan boards

>I think X

>no, see, i think is actually Y


Then they complain reddit is a hugbox and echo chamber where only the same opinions come on top everytime.

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File: 08683b862561dbf⋯.png (3.93 MB,2559x1439,2559:1439,hippie.png)


don't know if i would call chans before that "good" . it at least did feel more spontaneous though, like it was bad but honest bad because it was just real people, most memes now are just botted and prefabritacted by partisans, they are just below the line ad campaigns. I think IB are pretty dead user wise too, even the popular ones are an illusion of activity to keep autists going in circles. For example i remember a post some artist saying he was hired by a single dude for 2000$ to make like a million different wojacks and pepes. So you see a bunch of those iterations and think maybe is real people adding to it but is might be just one massive fucking faggot spamming his 2 terabytes of soyjacks made by a pajeet.

In the case of my country local board saw the best quality in humor, discourse and most proactive userbase around 2012. after 2015 it became pepewojaktrump pol shitposting as everywhere else with topics that have anything to do with us and hamfisted replies copy pasted from burguers on pol.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sure, it was a tanglibe tipping point.

It reminds me a lot of this documentary. In how niche subcultures create spontaneously but then mainstream comes, subverts it, co opts it to its purpose (merchandise, propaganda) It injects it with new life, a bazillion newcomers but in the process it kills it permanently and after it can`t even go back to being the same niche as it was before the boom because it exhausted to the point of becoming a parody of itself. Here they even admit ad agencies actively look for this information, infiltrate and sell their findings and this is an old doc (from the time nu metal was gaining prominence and going through that exact cycle)

Now you can imagine with the internet of things is much worse, now even Wendys is saying sassy shit on twitter to other brands, the internet assimilated and swallowed everything but the internet in the process became something else and its culture is a parody of its former self, like kirby if kirby swallowed a huge pile of manure then became itself infused with shit for power.

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 No.27651 [Open thread]

how long do you think we have before U.S. collapse anons? I'm thinking about 10-15 years. Any and all theories and perspectives welcome. I love you

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>I just want a nice home in the suburbs with a wife and like 3 to 5 kids.

That's still an outlandish wish. It's within the realm of possibility, but it can hurt like a bitch far harder when it blows up in your face.

Don't worry about love. It's overrated and lethal. Having good friends is way better.

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friendship at a young age is based mostly on circumstances, friendship later is about mutual interests which is usually better than just dealing with the people you were stuck with from your school or neighborhood, but at some point i think even the normieshits stop making friends, people past 30 are just networking if even that.

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Most people stop making friends at 15-20. Contrary to popular belief, young people dont mesh and mingle with each other as easily as you think. Even in middle school, there's unspoken boundaries with who hangs out with whom. More teens are lonely than you think.

It's juat that cumpolsory schooling forces them to be smothered by each other's presence.

If school policies were tipped in favor of student autonomy, you'll see how teens really keep to their respective corners, just like in the adult world.

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2021, on the 20th anniversary of 9/11.

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Funny thing is when he was alive Eternal Commander Super Sayayin Hugo Chavez used to bring up that date constantly. During the early 2000s he kept saying that he would rule until 2021 or that socialism will last until 2021 then that 2021 was when the next phase of the "revolution" starts. So much that 2021 became a meme part of the chavismo brand.

FF and here we are at 2020 with those fags still governing and the world getting blackpilled. Maybe it wasn`t arbitrary and the eternal monkey knew something was up on 2021. Most likely he was just choosing a far off date to taunt and piss people off but it would be funny if something major happens that year.


US is already ruled by a jewish monarchy and jewish aristocracy. This is what peak performance looks like.

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File: 44a5587bbea5fb6⋯.png (502.96 KB,499x599,499:599,jesus fren.png)

 No.19574 [Open thread]

Y'all need Jesus, frens.

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Okay. But I get to go out in a blaze of glory.

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File: bff833ca8238e28⋯.jpg (99.99 KB,416x486,208:243,CrazyJesus.jpg)



"I get it Jesus: She sinned. She's a sinner. But c'mon, did you really have to yank down her panties to give her that spanking? That's kinda taking it a bit far, isn't it? Fuckin' perv. Dirtbag Jesus…"

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Am I "spiritually handicapped" so to say if looking at the supposed sigil didn't cause anything in me?

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Nah, that stuff depends on the configuration of your brain. My experience with it just scarred me.

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File: bcbc23e69cbf469⋯.webm (627.42 KB,640x640,1:1,broken_cat.webm)

 No.27396 [Open thread]

So when I was a kid we weren't well off, wasn't poor but I wasn't the kid who could get the latest shit, so instead I would look at magazines about new tech and games and imagine what it would like to finally have those things. Now many of that stuff is junk you can get for little money (well some of it, other is "RARE" so prices are still ridiculously high) meaning I can finally afford to own the stuff.

………….how can I describe the feeling when I finally did it?

<The massive amount of disappointment

Like when I was a kid I wanted a SegaCD but shit was expensive in my country. I thought the games were the shit, full motion video and CD sound. Then when emulators finally show up I get to play those games, and it sucked ass. Same when I wanted an Xbox to play Halo 2 which wasn't on PC: when it finally launches on windows it was complete shit, even for 2004 it is shit, it was boring and cumbersome to play. I had this idea of an epic game and it was such a letdown.

I now see guys my age and over with huge game collections that take most of their homes, the thing of my childhood dreams, and yet……..I don't care, I dont care to waste money on collecting this shit. Leaving aside I could play all of these games on an emulator I dont care to do even that, got full packs, hundreds of GB, downloaded and ready to play and I dont even bother to. Have a phone with a bt pad that would allow me to play PS2 games on the go, mindblowing shit just 10 years ago or so, and I don't do it.

Another thing I wanted was to own hifi stuff, specially iPods and Minidisc which were cool as fuck. Then I remember back then I barely even listened to music and I cringe at the stuff I used to listen back then, why I wanted that shit? because it looked cool? bragging rights? can't remember, depression is killing my memory. Now I could get every ipod ever made, used of course but still, and MD players are a bit overpriced but not much. And yet, should I? or finally having the thing will result in massive disappointment again? is better to have the memory of when I wanted these things instePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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File: 3db3d709c311961⋯.jpg (87.26 KB,680x510,4:3,1592554567614.jpg)


>Videogames were already going to shit, the sjw shit was actually


>The real sad shit? that it fucking worked, they keep doing this and not going bankrupt

Mainstream anglo media was sjw before

sjw even became the go to buzzword toconvey the the virtue signaling antics of corporations and post modern marketing. It really started happening when the whole "corporations are people" became widespread. If a fucking brand is a person then that brand would tryhard try to fit with whatever arbitrary moral standard of the day to be seen as a "good person" . But corporations are not actually people, a factory with a logo plastered on the front is not your buddy buddy, their campaigns always come off as fucking aliens missunderstanding basic humanity. And of course theres always fanatics and social rejects tagging along, they used to have to send phsysical letters to pontificate , now they have twiter.

If you are old enough you remember very well all the PSAs from the 90s about Aids, about drugs, about kids who had divorced parents, about accepting basketball americans too, and about working mommys and kids with 2 daddies, there was a speech like that in almost all media. Sonic the hedgehog cartoon had a PSA after every single episode, the Ninja turtles preaching about peer pressure and just say no was the sjw at the time , the only thing that changed are the topics because Shekelcorp would do market research and find out what spicy moral take is spicy among the teens right now and go with that. There was a lot of reasons a media product could get censored and a creator to be cancelled in the 80s and 90s, a million but standards used to be more inclined with the mainstream Neocon evangelical landscape of the day and now is tilting more to the opposite political spectrum. The sjw crowd is just a rebranding of the old neocon karens who wanted to censor everything perceived inmoral and too edgy, most of their arguments are the same.

Americans can`t help it either, theiPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Holy shit that pic, who the fuck cares? how does that crap take prevalence over the description of the actual movie? it should be at most an opt-in warning for dumb triggered cunts

Anyway, those PSAs of the 90s were really basic stuff because at the time you already had a generation or two of kids literally raised by TV so of course their piece of shit useless parents instead of doing their job demanded the TV raised them "properly" for them, but again it was really basic innocuous stuff. Now there arent even those shitty PSAs at the end, the entire media is the PSA and its so blatant and insistent that its borderline brainwashing. I remember 90s movies being way more offensive, by the early 00s specially after 9/11 burgers went all sensitive and shit, and the left began sucking islamic cock so of course you cant make jokes about backward retards anymore because thats what racist imperialists like bush do. So suddenly the burger right were a bunch of PTSD-riddled idiots and the left were becoming the prototype of the always offended, impotent rage retards they are today

Agree on the rest, worst part is that the burger cultural cancer is spreading as always, even to my fucking collapsing country, as if I didnt have enough shit on my plate now this

>Even more in my county, this is a kakistocracy after all.

Mine has been like that since 1946

>I think even normies with PC inclinations are getting fatigued of this shit

Nah they aren't, in fact this blm riots shit shows they are broken, the bend over backwards and just take it like wimps

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>worst part is that the burger cultural cancer is spreading as always, even to my fucking collapsing country, as if I didnt have enough shit on my plate now this

Don't get me wrong, i always liked americans, i grew up close to that country in every aspect and have family that lived there for a long time, i have always put my chips with America winning whatever they had troubles with. but that bad habit of america forcing its thumbs up everyone's ass is really getting cancerous. They already inherited that way of behaving with other countries from Britain and all their jewish subversives in their elites certainly don' t help

>cue in a million essays from burguer diplomats about why Japan needs mass inmigration and be more diverse or why Eastern Europe needs Gay Pride parades

It used to be a lot easier to stand by americans 50 years ago, they were the better alternative rather than having soviet guerrillas install dictatorships and burn your culture but now the pyromaniacs seem to be coming from the USA themselves. A lot of countries should rethink the degree of allegiance with anglos otherwise their sinking everyone with them while China and Rusia giddly watches in the distance.

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The rusos are full capitalist now, none of them want to go back to commieville, is just that they are authoritarian-capitalists, like peronists, which still sucks fucking ass. The chinos arent that far from that, still commie shit but as the party members get richer and richer thanks to capitalism the commie part is becoming a front, they are also authoritarian-capitalists and its more like "capitalism for me, not for thee" towards the common chinese who cant get into the party

But burgers now are going through a cultural revolution, they literally go for shit like "guilty until proven innocent, if we even bother to" and the shit happening in the media are literal struggle sessions, even the chinks are laughing at them

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russia is just what happens when a mob runs a state, their not even as rich as Spain. All flufff and though talk.

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File: 5af1d8d018166ed⋯.jpg (11.38 KB,279x181,279:181,nedlasting.jpg)

 No.12622 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]


Let's make a thread about video games with /doomer/ themes for example:






-Mental illness

-Drug use


-Fucked up kinks

-Inner conflicts

I'll start off with Drakengard Part Un:

>MC is a psychopath, devoid of any feelings except for anger and bloodlust

>Goddess is being hunted down by greedy humans

>Party member has his entire village destroyed and family murdered, just to be mocked by local fairies

>Goddess' childhood friend is deeply obsessed with her but completely ashamed to accept it, gets psychologically tortured by his inner self

>Federation's religious leader is a closeted pedophile

>Every warrior has to sacrifice something to astral demons in order to keep fighting for what they believe in (Be it your vision or ability to speak)

>Dragon wifey deeply hates humans and is forced to go along with MC's psycho party

>MC does not really care about his sister despite he desperately tries to convince himself that he does, he just sees her survival as a justification for his murderous fetishism

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Dark Souls 1/2/3


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Pathologic II and Darkwood. Both are fucking doom simulators.

Silent hill 2 would be the GOAT and Rule of Rose is good too, Shadow of the colossus is also legit gloomy.

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File: 74090e3c79c5ef6⋯.jpg (301.64 KB,1920x1200,8:5,9DMFgTr.jpg)


>no dead space

The series is pure doomerism, you play as a guy whose life was shit then gets thrown in the middle of the shit, doesnt even realizes he's going insane until its too late, gets experimented on, barely survives only to be dragged to another "adventure" in a literal hellhole and after all that work and sacrifice the world ends anyway, it was all for nothing

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I think the first one is really cool, i think after that it got too action centered, i think is a constant with horror games, they become less suspenful, then less horror, then just action games, like what happened with Resident evil and silent hill franchise.

I love the survival horror genre though




>rule of rose

All good stuff

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They did that shit because it sells more, the first game was afaik low budget, experimental, which is why it was so cool, viceral got to do what they wanted. Sure it was a lot like RE4 even the devs say it but it had enough new stuff the stand on its own, it wasn't a straight up clone and in some aspects like sound designs and puzzles I say its even better, still the scariest game I ever played. But the average normalfag gamer cant deal with shit like going back and forth through the same map solving puzzles, inventory management, being careful with ammo because its scarce, etc, it has to be linear as fuck and all shooty-shooty else their ADHD kicks in. The second game was a compromise of both things and it had good writing overall so it was still good but the 3rd one despite a good story with lots of potential got turned into a total action shooter where you got into shootouts with humans, weapons were the opposite of nerfed and you have shit like an auto dual plasma cutter which is playing on easy mode imho, and with the crafting you can make a full auto minigun with a fucking rocket launch. The only scares are the regenerating enemies and even those you get used to, is not like in the first game when you were always low on health and stasis so when the regenerator showed up you were literally running for your life. It had so much potential, the first half with the flotilla was awesome, the planet part was The Thing in the future, nuff said

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 No.27588 [Open thread]

I wanna start a cult, what should I do?

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But I have like, anti-charisma

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The easiest way is just to rebrand someone else's bs. You know how many second comings of Jesus christ there have been?

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Display some level of charisma then kill yourself but make it so that we all think you're cool.

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Then maybe joining a cult instead of starting one is a more realistic option for you.

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Hell no

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File: 0ab2e3f6130c91e⋯.gif (272.91 KB,500x370,50:37,Yearning.gif)

 No.26761 [Open thread]

Everything is broken and I can't get up. I'm trying to use my quarantine time for programming so that I can earn some money with my program and get out of this miserable life but it's like nothing ever works out. I try something and get 500 errors in return. I know that I can fix them, but it will take a long, long, long time and I just want to give up and sleep forever. Not kms, but just sleep. I am on day 100 nofap, but it didn't have any effect, except maybe a slight decrease in depression. That's because my depression isn't rooted in porn, it's because of my shit life situation and the fact that I don't earn money (still in school, but I feel that's just an excuse for being a NEET).

Nothing works and I'm a failure. The world is currently crashing in every possible and there is no hope - if we end the virus, we're going to have a financial crisis, if we climb out of that, we're going to have to fight an increasingly authoritarian big brother government, if we win against it, we have to combat the virtually endless brainwashing by the media, the shit they put in our food, 5G and vaccines, etc etc. It doesn't end, I just want this hellscape to end. Why did previous generations have it so easy, and why does this need to happen NOW? Can't the elites just wait a few generations and just let people live in peace. It's not like anyone would even try to get their wealth, so why do they have to ruin things?

On the other hand, if this is the start of the slow decline of humanity, I feel that's a good thing. All previous generations lived on propped-up wealth, a propped up economy, fake happiness and fake love. Just let it crash. I've also come to believe that computers are a poison for humanity. The more time we spend with them, the weaker we get. Programming is literally the most boring and shit job anyone can imagine. It's so pointless, it's like those people in Auschwitz that had to dig holes for no other reason than digging holes. That's what programming feels like. Meanwhile you can't talk with anyone about hobbies because you HAVE NONE and you can't talk with people about topics other than programming. Building proper programs literally takes years, let alone putting in all the effort for marketing, accounting and all the other crap if you want to earn money with your program.

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You. Hope. Too. Much. Hopium Smokers like yu disgust me. Nothing Good Has Ever Happened, EVER! All women are ruined. Everything in nature is ruined. There is NOTHING IN THIS COSMOS THAT IS NOT ALSO PUNISHMENT!

I'm right and you know it!

Ashes and Echoes

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Why would my caring or not caring have anything to do with the validity of what I'm saying? Who the fuck is afraid of being "called out" on an IB?

Are you retarded?


>parental licenses

In principle, yeah. In practice, you find that involving the government in anything is a monkey's paw. You ask for what amounts to a eugenics program, but justin trudeau or trump's son in law gets to implement it. Imagine how fast America could become Brazil!

I think eugenics would be beating around the bush, anyway. You point to black dysfunction without naming it directly, but if you name it directly and give it $5000 to go to africa and never come back, you find that a lot of overt criminality literally goes away overnight. This would be good for the remainder who would no longer learn from their bad example, but I think that aspect of weimerica is largely separate from the "fatherless men" problem. I assert this because Japan has almost no niggers, but many of the same problems.

What do we have in common with the Japanese? The non-stop dopamine drip of ubiquitous high-tech gizmos and social media.

It takes a village to raise a child, or, absent that, a man with a will of iron to fight the tide of dissolution and actually raise a functioning human— one not simply going with the flow of globohomo, nor a doomer. I don't think you solve that genetically; you solve it by making people in your immediate circle realize their instincts and ability to think have been thoroughly subverted.

And that, of course, is a tall order and getting taller.


Of course. Nobody anywhere is or has ever been happy to any degree. Everybody feels Just Like You. And you know I'm telling the truth because I SAID SO and I'm using Weird Capitalization to make my bald-faced retard statemenPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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I think eugenics would be beating around the bush, anyway. You point to black dysfunction without naming it directly, but if you name it directly and give it $5000 to go to africa and never come back, you find that a lot of overt criminality

I like how people blame niggers for everything that goes wrong. Yes sure biggers have their own problems but you cannot tell me that whites have have no hand their own problems. Even without niggers, allt whites are just nuggets with no pigmentation.

Whites will blame anything and everything for their own problems, Jews, homos, noggers, atheism, etc when the real problem is you overestimate yourselves.

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Life won't go like that.Everything probably be good after 1 year or so.

If you are still getting error after trying then try harder.

Because everytime you fail , you learn something.

Also stop being a neet.Save money , start going to the gym

Build muscles not for the look.Just for the mental health.

As i could see you already stopped watching porn that's great.

Don't get a gf yet too.If she breaks up with you ; you are gonna be depressed again

After doing all these and getting better at programing it will be the time to bang some chicks.

Also I'm Turkish so i have to say something sterotypical:

"Eat doner :-DD"

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People overestimate tech as the cause of social decline. But if I can be fair?

>nothing is genuine anymore

>nobody cares anymore

Please stop with the sentimental crap.

It never was. Anglo society was always lonely and masquerading. Always had been. Before iPhones, people wasted their minds on periodicals, finding about the Queen, some stuffy philosophical daily quote, etc.

Back in the "good ol days", people still ignored each other. They still atomized themselves into their own circles.

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 No.1436 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

we have one for books and movies

I'll start. can't get anymore bleak than this:

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Someone posted "Dreams" back in the day.

Not so wrong.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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 No.27540 [Open thread]

I'm not white. I'm rather young, 19, I don't drink, smoke or eat that much trash food, I avoid soft drinks, even coffee. I'm a skeleton, I don't have any muscle, though sweeping (and mopping sometimes, though I've stopped for a while since my incorrect method left me with wrist pain) a huge chunk of my house every morning keeps me relatively "fit". I still live with my family, I dislike most of their presence except for my mother, my grandmother was paralyzed from a stroke, the entire side of her body, the fact that I don't remember which side should tell you how much I care about her. I don't dislike her in a personal way, the entire family has grown to allow my grandfather to take care of her for almost everything, so I can just forget about her for most of the day, the stench from her room and the depressed look on her face only bother me when I go downstairs to take a sip of water. My grandfather and my aunt are assholes, that's all I say, they haven't wronged me in any way other than a verbal one (my aunt did slap me sometimes for things I wouldn't consider slap-able), but they are assholes, this is not a post for that.

I'm a school dropout, a virgin and I've only had a single girlfriend in my entire life, boo hoo. Sometimes I contemplate in contacting her again, I know her Instagram, she has a boyfriend now and some photos and comments I've seen in photos of her make me feel like she got pregnant. I masturbate almost daily, my streaks of no fap last around 3 days, or so did the last one I tried. I masturbate to lolis, incest, rape, NTR, not a big furry guy (not into costumes or anything to do with real life), but some art I jack off to would make some people think I'm one. Most of the time I imagine my friends from middle school, I picture them as the girls I masturbate to, doesn't matter if it's a real girl or a drawing, I have a specific girl to remember when I see a specific type of character (brown skinned character? my girlfriend, even though she wasn't that brown. Pale skinned character? another girl I had a crush on in highschool before I dropped out. Generic Middle Eastern character? almost every girl I went to school with, all brown people, as long as they are not outright African, can be used interchangeably in my mind to represent each other, like South Americans and Middle Easterners)

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yup, sounds more like porn addiction that anything else. i've seen some weird shit too but the regret is always real and its an opportunity for change. good luck anon

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The regret is the biggest problem, discipline fixes any addiction, I know.

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> discipline fixes any addiction

Not really, there are enough cases where it's brain chemistry above anything else. And that's *really* hard to change. Maybe your head is simply fucked my friend who imagines himself as a black man with a huge cock.

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A Mexican man does, or it's easier for me, at least. My cock is brown, so it was easy to picture myself as one of those black beasts deflowering fair maidens. My skin is white (from genetics and my lack of sun intake from staying indoors everyday, even before the pandemic), so it's easy to insert as a white guy.

As for being perhaps fucked up from birth, that I don't know. I was circumcised, which I've read conflicting accounts on having an effect on people, deep traumas are common to hear. I got into incest from kissing my cousin when I was really young. I don't want to spend any more time thinking about where I might of gotten all of my other kinks from, I don't know where the problem lies. I don't know if I want to keep telling you about me, guys, if your advice will help. I just wanted to share (this is not me shutting down the thread, the replies are welcome, I just don't know what to do)

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 No.26447 [Open thread]

Sometimes I walk at night in search of something. Still haven't found out what that is yet. Cheers me up to witness the happiness of others. I saw a bunch of high school age kids breaking into a pool at the park last night. Looked like fun. You can see some interesting things if you pay attention. Not what I'm looking for though, whatever that may be.

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Big, if true.

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Mind blown.

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Good evening Amerikanjin

I hereby admit that I am the culprit in doing this.

Over the past 15 months I have shitposted on this internet forum with various identities and under various flags.

But now I am returning to my old identity again and I become the swedish cuckime faggot again


Sven Johannson

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a quiet life

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 No.24246 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

How did humanity get reduced to this? A bunch of rootless drones nesting in concrete hives, wage cucking all day to buy overpriced electronics and coffee, and then spend their free time in echo chambers directing their frustrations about their lives onto boogiemen created by the media.

Society has no virtues anymore, and no identity.

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You should then go out and support the workers and fight for a revolution to overthrow capitalism. All your problems with society come from it and would be gone without it.

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The only thing antinatalism will accomplish is weeding antinatalists out of the gene pool. Normies are still going to breed.


> Benatar's policy prescription is untenable. Radical anti-natalism as a recipe for human extinction will fail because any predisposition to share that bias will be weeded out of the population. Radical anti-natalist ethics is self-defeating: there will always be selection pressure against its practitioners. Complications aside, any predisposition not to have children or to adopt is genetically maladaptive. On a personal level, the decision not to bring more suffering into the world and forgo having children is morally admirable. But voluntary childlessness or adoption is not a global solution to the problem of suffering.

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>The only thing antinatalism will accomplish is weeding antinatalists out of the gene pool. Normies are still going to breed.

Thanks dog extinction will come to the normies anyway. Most just know or acknowledge it yet.

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Quads checked, still I think I would do a better job running my country not because I'm a fucking genius, far from it, but because unlike the vast majority of politicians I'm not a fucking sociopath asshole that gets people killed to advance my career

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Chori we both live in a country where the last 70 years have been constant reruns of the same problems, the same bullshit crises, the same corruption, and yet people have this amnesia where they forget and keep voting the same fuckers into office, you think in a post-collapse world people wouldnt eventually become as retarded and illiterate as a medieval serf?

But I agree the "old days were better" line is bullshit, in fact I cant wait for VR to go matrix-like so I can fucking leave this world for a fake but better one, dont give a shit if I end up soaking in a capsule for the rest of my life

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 No.27469 [Open thread]

im getting tired of this whole entire shit. i might do it one day, but i feel that its too selfish. whats stopping you guys from doing it?

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Plath's suicide is one of the most based and brutal that I have ever read about. Honestly I don't think I have ever heard of anyone else who would deliberately subject themself to an oven.

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Because sometimes I am struck with moments of overwhelming joy that transcend the terrible desires of the will, because I know I once used to love life and maybe will again.

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Because I’m too much of a pussy to kms. Problem is, I’m also too much of a pussy to live. Free euthanasia pls.

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Giver-upper? nigger all those people you named anhero themselves


Is there a "rural" in israel?


>Since lesbian relationships were considered taboo in Japanese culture at the time

More like everywhere in the world back then

Also lol at shelters for women, as always men are disposable, even in the old times which both pol and feminists like to say were when men ruled

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>is there a "rural" in Israel

Yes, it’s called Palestine

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 No.27461 [Open thread]

How to cope break up? I’m different male compared to other people according to my friends. I’m more sensitive and emotional. There is not much people who look for real love, not having sex. I can’t think about sexual things, when i’m in love with someone. I know someone will show up and say “if you dont fuck your girlfriend, jamal will”. I know so i try to find someone like me. I found the best person for me two month ago. We broke up bc of distance. She lives in different city. She said i cant make it if we can meet up month to month. I just collapsed. I don’t know what to do. We didnt even meet but i feel like i see her everyday. I can’t focus on anymore. There is nothing much to do for me. I can explain the situation but there are so many people in this community who know me. If i say something more clear about me, they will know that’s me. So just wanna know what should i do. Should try to get her again or leave it to time. Maybe when time passes, she will understand. I fucking miss her. It has been 14 says but i cant still accept it. Wish she loved me enough to understand love is not about touching. It sounds like weak mf having bad days but i had fucking 5 gf but never felt like that. Fuck

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dude that kinda shit never happens here.turkish culture and society is mostly like balcan countries.

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pathetic low t cuckold, you are.

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honest question turklar, is the islamism that erdogan shills popular among the average turk or nah?

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just lift

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Things will become much more clearer for you once you realize that you are INFJ on that personality scale or whatever it is… By reading your post, I'd say you're definitely INFJ. I'm saying, you feeling so apart from everyone is because you technical are since INFJ is not common personality type (something like 1% of people have it). My advice to you is don't even try to do anything, like get her back and so on, because you will most definitely regret it later. I know how you feel and that you think you're justified in trying to do something, but whatever you do will most likely look weird or extremely creepy to normies and will get you in even more trouble. Trust me on this one, anon

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 No.27109 [Open thread]

What do some of you all do in an attempt to postpone kicking the chair from beneath? Favorite entertainment and such?

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Interesting but this thread is for comfy things that keep us motivated.

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i am content when i am driving my shitbox in the countryside


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>today I struggle to start anything and then after 2 hours max I feel like quitting again

Same here

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>How do normies do this?

<Finding your passion and vocation

<Doing what you love

>I lose interest in every single shit I begin

Plot twist: most people don't have a passion. They just have hobbies they play by ear. The problem is that society is obsessed with exceptionalism, the extraordinary, the record-breaking. I see it everywhere especially in the church. Adults waste their waking minds on self-help/motivational media. Like those playlists of personal profiles of white-collar giants, hoping it'll make them the next Jobs or Gates.

What people don't know is that history is made by the few, not by the masses.

But alas, they shove this "anybody can make it" into schools, patronizing and guilt-trippimg the youth into STEM, business, etc. or else they're "lazy, narcissistic, scaredy-shits. "

That's why the boomers say Gen Y is the bane of existence bc reality didn't mold us into these magical messiahs that was change the world after the techno-optimism of the 90s after 9/11 and recession.

And now, the millennials are taking it out on the zoomers.

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>n the past few weeks, I found a new hobby though

>watching documentary films about nature, animals, science all types of stuff

same. science got really interesting while i hardly consume any pop culture anymore.

Too bad this didn't come 10 years earlier so i still had a chance to choose a science career

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