I'm not white. I'm rather young, 19, I don't drink, smoke or eat that much trash food, I avoid soft drinks, even coffee. I'm a skeleton, I don't have any muscle, though sweeping (and mopping sometimes, though I've stopped for a while since my incorrect method left me with wrist pain) a huge chunk of my house every morning keeps me relatively "fit". I still live with my family, I dislike most of their presence except for my mother, my grandmother was paralyzed from a stroke, the entire side of her body, the fact that I don't remember which side should tell you how much I care about her. I don't dislike her in a personal way, the entire family has grown to allow my grandfather to take care of her for almost everything, so I can just forget about her for most of the day, the stench from her room and the depressed look on her face only bother me when I go downstairs to take a sip of water. My grandfather and my aunt are assholes, that's all I say, they haven't wronged me in any way other than a verbal one (my aunt did slap me sometimes for things I wouldn't consider slap-able), but they are assholes, this is not a post for that.
I'm a school dropout, a virgin and I've only had a single girlfriend in my entire life, boo hoo. Sometimes I contemplate in contacting her again, I know her Instagram, she has a boyfriend now and some photos and comments I've seen in photos of her make me feel like she got pregnant. I masturbate almost daily, my streaks of no fap last around 3 days, or so did the last one I tried. I masturbate to lolis, incest, rape, NTR, not a big furry guy (not into costumes or anything to do with real life), but some art I jack off to would make some people think I'm one. Most of the time I imagine my friends from middle school, I picture them as the girls I masturbate to, doesn't matter if it's a real girl or a drawing, I have a specific girl to remember when I see a specific type of character (brown skinned character? my girlfriend, even though she wasn't that brown. Pale skinned character? another girl I had a crush on in highschool before I dropped out. Generic Middle Eastern character? almost every girl I went to school with, all brown people, as long as they are not outright African, can be used interchangeably in my mind to represent each other, like South Americans and Middle Easterners)