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/doomer/ - Doomers Club

Most precious years of our lives are gone and now we clinch to alcoholism

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game devving

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 No.12622 [View All]


Let's make a thread about video games with /doomer/ themes for example:






-Mental illness

-Drug use


-Fucked up kinks

-Inner conflicts

I'll start off with Drakengard Part Un:

>MC is a psychopath, devoid of any feelings except for anger and bloodlust

>Goddess is being hunted down by greedy humans

>Party member has his entire village destroyed and family murdered, just to be mocked by local fairies

>Goddess' childhood friend is deeply obsessed with her but completely ashamed to accept it, gets psychologically tortured by his inner self

>Federation's religious leader is a closeted pedophile

>Every warrior has to sacrifice something to astral demons in order to keep fighting for what they believe in (Be it your vision or ability to speak)

>Dragon wifey deeply hates humans and is forced to go along with MC's psycho party

>MC does not really care about his sister despite he desperately tries to convince himself that he does, he just sees her survival as a justification for his murderous fetishism

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I used to play minecraft (both singleplayer and multiplayer) when I was a child and I had a lot of fun with it. I still remember the first time a creeper approached me and I thought its some sad creature that I can "pet", only to be surprised when it blew me up. I also remember how I spent every night in a makeshift mudhut in the first week of playing as I was afraid I'll be killed by a swarm of zombies/skeletons. I'm not really nostalgic for my childhood but some parts of it were ok (mainly the parts when I played vidya). Definitely recommend it to those who never played on it.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Even though I like sandbox styled games, the longest I stayed with minecraft was for couple of weeks when we played with friends on private server. This game is so boring to me I couldn't do anything else interesting to do than build shed and catch fishes all day. What I appreciate is the soundtrack though, I wonder what they meant by this, giving kids such an unbearable dose of feels.

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I only play it every few weeks for a few hours and don't do much except mine a bit and build rather shitty shelter. I can only imagine what masterpieces 10me would have created.

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I guess I don't have enough autism or childlike ability to play around (which is actually big loss and negative thing). Even when friends built huge castles or small towns, that game always felt sort of empty and lifeless to me.

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>no Yume Nikki all this time


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Orwell and Defcon are new favorites of mine

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These types of games scream /doomer/ so id say it's the whole aspect of "people can be really shitty human beings sometimes and sometimes these people, including yourself can be in positions of power and Fuck over so many over a wrong decision

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This one too I haven't played The Black Watchmen but I heard it's good

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Holy Shiiet Niggas. Thanks for bringing this to my attention

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theres 2 different timelines. one where jacket kills biker and one where biker kills jacket. if jacket kills the biker then hm2 happens and if he doesn't then the biker part after hm1 happens.

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the soul blazer trilogy on the SNES (especially terranigma) might be your cup of tea.

Chakan for the genesis might be worth checking out too

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this game

I wanted to play it since I first saw it in my towns commercial store in year 2007.

The cover just looked so mysterious to me but I never bought it.

A few years later I remember and pirate it from intrawebs.

I started playing it but the physics felt shitty and I quit slowly after wards.

Seriously, compared to source engine this is crap. The enemies take way too many hits until they fall and I take either no damage when in body armor or I instantly die without armor.

And the controls feel slow. Until you change weapons half an eternity passes.

Now after coming from Düsseldorf full of energy, I finally found motivation to try it again.

And the game is fucking awesome when you look past the technical weaknesses.

>dat apocalyptic atmosphere, there is nothing and nobody for miles

>the weather is always ugly, even when it is sunny, it looks weird

>buildings are rotten ruins

>roads are dirt paths

>hustle every day to find supplies

>everyone wants to kill you

>do I engage in a shootout or just sneak past them to avoid losing supplies?

>do I knife an enemy to save ammo?

>the traders all rip you off

>animals want you to be their lunch

>ghosts and zombies every few miles

>weapons can be customized

but what really gets me mad is that there is no fast travel or deposit system for your items

the game just feels like one giantic desert of nothingness. And every now and then there is some base to raid for supplies and food

I am currently past the bunker where you deactivate the antenna.

It now tells me to go past pripyat into the sarcophagus.

Don't I need a special suit for that? the radiation will burn me completely

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forgot pic

Honestly, I think I like the game for the ressource management elements.

I also liked the Resident Evil games (the old ones) mostly because of the Scavenging and collecting of supplies and arms. Then for the Final boss you take your best guns and just go full jihad on him

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It's a great game innit?

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I absolutely hate the physics. It feels slow, unresponsive and the weapons have shit feedback. I don't feel them when I shoot.

But yeah, the atmosphere is wonderful. I wish someone would remake this in source engine.

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You can deposit items in containers. All blue chests should be safe. Call of Pripyat has a fast travel system where you can ask stalkers to lead you to places for a fee, and traveling between the different main areas is only done through fast travel. The first game has its own sort of fast travel though when you equip energy artifacts so that you can sprint forever or at least a very long time (if you aren't carrying too much).

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>deposit arms in containers

>move around map

>got past a meadow and then into a new town

<oh shit, now I would need the stuff I have in this container at the bar

<do I backtrack now or just let it there?

I think I will just sell everything I have. The 2 Sniper rifles, the RPG, the 2x RPG rounds, all the ammo, my improved AK and all the armors.

I already have the most important stuff with me and I doubt I would ever use that other stuff anyways. But I will keep the Hazmat suit. That one would probably be necessary in the sarcophagus

And that thing with the blue energy balls for endurance I found out already. You can harvest them at night easily at this old train station near the bar.

I also feel like I cannot come back to the Bar later on. I gave the Freedom Fraction the location of Duty soldiers and they went to exterminate them. When they find out I snitched them out, the Bar will be off limits for me.

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I played this recently. I spent 120 hours on my first playthrough of which a lot of it was spent doing fusion autism. I didn't really care about cute robot's story arc but the despair the party feels 3/4 into the game was a unique experience I haven't seen in other vidya I've played. The darkness is underscored by the first 3/4 of the game which by the November event you already feel nostalgia for. The social sim stuff's pretty gay though. Nocturne like >>20500 talks about seems like the next logical step in the PS2 library.

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Anyone ever play this?

>In this simulation it's all about global conflicts. Try to stay alive and play enemy countries against each other. Decide the right politics at the right time and your country will prevail.

>"The world descends into World War III. This is your time to lead the Illuminati lodge to world domination. Select a country and influence its politics. Make it the only survivor and your lodge will prevail!"

>Select one of more than 50 actual countries with different attributes like infrastructure, population, military force or stability and make it the dominant force in the world. Improve relations, blackmail other leaders, nuke enemy countries or try to fight terrorism.

>Five different scenarios:

-World War Zombie: Survive the war AND the zombies. Stop them from spreading or infect other countries to ensure their downfall!

-Kim Jong's Nuclear Mayhem: North Korea actually IS the superpower it always claimed. Find allies in the world and prepare for the ultimate battle!

-Conquer the World: Demonstrate your military superiority by conquering every country of the world. But beware - the enemy empire has plans of its own.

-My Own Country: Create your own country from scratch and show the World that you still dominate!

-The Almighty Sandbox: Play with unlimited resources and change your country while playing to experiment with the simulation.

Sounds pretty fucked up, huh?

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The mod Call Of Chernobyl is good

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It's too bad it seems to have been abandoned. Last commit was 8 months ago, development just stopped all of a sudden. 1.5 was going to have a lot of new stuff.

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Megaten and Persona games legit feel like brainwashing shit done on purpose to hook kids, they are really weird thematically and tonally and always pack so much simbolic and subliminal shit within the stories, they feel like they are meant for a 25 yr old edgelord and a 8 yr old pokemon fan at the same time. I´ve been replaying a bit of the ps2 games and i kinda feel like crazy old ladies talking about satanic brainwashing to make kids gay or something might have some truth to it, the gameplay is also adictive as shit and the games require inmersion. Nocturne always made me feel weird after playing for a while-

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>the gameplay is also adictive as shit and the games require inmersion.

true. I barely managed to finish most JRPGs I've played, but the persona games from 3 upwards I've played twice for multiple hundreds of hours each. Everything about them seems odd, but it works so well regardless.

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>game has pentagrams on it

>named Lucifers call in PAL region

>whoa this feels super weird

One could think it might be cursed with black magic an sheeeittt


P3 and P4, I started them some time ago and quit because of the graphics. It has this clay dolls look and I cannot stand it. Even in disney and pixar movies. I cannot watch this stuff. But I might try to play again in Nov. But P5 really got me hooked. For me it was the collecting aspects (armors, demons, weapons, etc) That kept me going.

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>One could think it might be cursed with black magic an sheeeittt

You obviously didn´t play shit or you would understand what i am refering when i mention the tone and mood of the game. No one is saying that shit about Doom.

>and quit because of the graphics.

yeah, i´d figured. And sure as shit never touched Nocturne.

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Cataclysm dark days has some great atmosphere.

>2 random escapees from a gene lab after the collapse

>My partner got spliced with wolf genes and I'm some sort of half-finished mermaid

>"wolfman" has asthma and needs an inhaler within the week, but besides that he's a killing machine

>Terrain is mostly wilderness with a single roadway connecting groups of 4-5 houses

>On the first day we find a few nice houses and a sporting goods store

>We clear the area of zombies, I'm pretty good at throwing rocks and the wolfman tears them to shreds

>Get some basic weapons, snacks and warm clothing

>Stay that night in a fancy mansion, board up the windows

>I'm woken up in the middle of the night by noise

>Zombies are knocking down our defenses, I spot a shocker in the distance getting closer

>Somehow wolfman slept through all the racket, we grab our loot and make an escape.

>After clearing the next hamlet we find keys in a working car. We spend the evening smashing appliances and siphoning fuel from every vehicle we find.

>Neither of us know how cars work, can hardly drive but its a hell of a lot better than walking

>at this point it's death road to canada, searching for a damn inhaler

>We're barreling down the highway when I spot zombies and hear gunfire

>A military or police roadblock with some automated turrets are fighting off a horde

>I slam the brakes

>Its not enough, we hit a crashed vehicle in front of the roadblock, wolfman is killed instantly

>In the next few seconds I'm torn apart by gunfire, surviving a total of 8 days.

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>completed stalker SoC a few days ago

>started Clear Sky

>came out 10 years ago

>shotguns are still weak

>enemies still take too much damage

>rifles have still shit feedback

>entire game is completely buggy

>random crashes, have to set sub perfect graphics settings

>even after that fix, sometimes it will hang itself up when I go to other part of map on borner point

>or it gets laggy and you need to reload save

>game itself is less atmospheric than SoC

>feels very rushed compared to SoC

>the artifact I wanted to get is nowhere to be found and apparently every spawn point will only give you 1 artifact. So if you did not get the one you wanted, tough luck

>the best rifle is only available once entire game

They did not even get to fix those fucking bugs in 10 years, no they also thought that getting rid of the best rifle in the previous game and making it artificially rare was a good idea. Who in their right mind makes decissions like that?

>hey guise, our fans liked the G36 very much so how about we make it super rare and only once available trough some annoying side quest that sometimes cannot even be triggered because the entire game is buggy and troll those faggets a little

well guess I will be using the SIG rifle instead…

Then the other thing. Who thought that making rifles jam every 2nd shot is good idea? Or what use is ricing your rifle? If you want a stealth rifle, you take a sniper with you. Nobody will put a scope and silencer on his AK to mimick a Dragunov. I still have some things I want to do but I hope CoP is better.

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I should have bought that game in 2007 already when I first saw it in our towns departement store.

SoC is very poor from a technical standpoint but atmosphere and story is best. You really feel like in a wasteland.

S:CS is very buggy and the atmosphere is nonexistent because everyone is friendly to you or maybe the novelty faded off for me

or maybe because upgraded weapons you can kill zombies easier I dunno. It just felt weaker in that perspective

CoP until now is definetly the best gameplay experience. Very refined game. They took all the best things and improved the things they botched with clear sky. Weapons feedback feels much better. Movements are much better. Sad thing is just some guns have less customization now and artifacts are not that powerful anymore. And very sad is that the atmosphere is not that gloomy anymore. In SoC wherever you come to, everyone wants to kill you. It added an extra layer of fear

By the way, I just wanted to ask. What ending did you people get in SoC?

If I did not watch spoilers and read walkthroughs, I would have definetly not gotten the real ending finding the hotel room in pripyat and gaining access to the control room of the wish granter instead I would have **directly gone to the wish granter. I was a greedy fuck in this game just like IRL and so I had already 100K+ in monies even before pripyat mission. So I would have gotten the "I want to be rich" ending, which is perfect reflection of how I am IRL as well. Funny how a vidyo goyme by some russkies and hohols can read you like a book. And that concept of the wish granter I found very interesting. That it grants your wish but in a twisted way that makes you lose anyways in the end.

But seriously, that would make a good death scene. To get killed from gold bricks that are hailing down on you. SImilarly pathetic like this midas guy who dies of starvation because everything he touches transforms into gold.

At the moment I am playing CoP and in the last few missions of the game. The travelling system is much better and you don't have to travel all over the map back and forth all the time. Missions are also fun. There was only 1 bug I spotted. A mission when you have to protect scientists from dangers. We spawn right into a war zone and bandits attack us. But otherwise very nice game. I just with the underground section from Jupiter to Pripyat was more scare and longer and harder. There should have been at least one bossfight there. One big monster to kill.

I am really glad I gave this game another chance after dropping it 2 years ago. It was lots of fun and I recommend it to everyone.

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i see panties

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>I play camper strike source for an hour or 2 and cannot see it again for the rest of the week

thats cause its a shit game lmao

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>cunter stryke

>shit game

at least it is still better than CSGO

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>trapped in weird places

>most of those are inhospitable, creepy or dark

>point + click style frustrating puzzles

>Lovecraft influence

>90% chance of dying by getting crushed or suffocating

sounds /doomer/ to me

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Don't worry anon. Not all of us autists can appreciate Minecraft. This is pretty sad when I find games without procedural generation get old since I know exactly what to expect.

I have a very specific form of OCD that makes me want to play individual versions and touch all the custom maps for them. Of course, this made me realize that files are pretty much incompatible between versions, and I can't really enjoy a mod made for a specific version I want to play. Minecraft (and Skyrim SE) just has this ability to crap out with each update. Oh, there are archivists out there, but they are literally just backing up the latest versions as the ones supporting older mods are mostly dead.

Then we got the whole issue with Story Mode. That is now dead. It is unable to be played if you haven't already. A piece of history, forever destroyed. Maybe piracy can get around this, I hope so.

There is also this issue where I just don't enjoy building things. It is a tedious thing to just design a giant castle that will likely be deleted in a few months after you get bored of the game again. You might suggest not building, but that is essentially the reason for resource gathering to begin with. Survival? That lasts a few minutes max, most time is spent just crafting shit. If you don't enjoy building, a lot just falls flat, and you end up wondering why you spent hours mining for diamonds so you can gather more diamond without much more of a point to the world.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I again have phase during which I can't stand playing games for even 1 minute. Not like I have something against wasting time and not like I don't waste most of my time, I'm just tired of sitting behind PC honestly. I sit here and I have sudden urge to do whatever else, even wash dishes or something. Just go out to garden, say good evening to my boomer neighbor I used to hate, he says hi back without any negative tone in his voice, pick up some apricots, wash them up, eat them, water the fucking grass, smell the hell out of it, bring the basket of apricots to my other neighbor because it's easier to pick them up from tree than to pick them up rotten from ground, have a brief chat cuz she is nice, get the fuck back, cook some rice, eat it while fucking sun sets down, appreciate the relative silence and great fucking smell of air, feel fresh and full of creative force yearning for getting out all that tar of negative shit accumulated in you through your life, forgiving those who fucked you up, forgiving yourself, moving forward in your pointless life leading nowhere, feeling free. No, I'm not bothered by Minecraft because I try to enjoy this life episode while it lasts.

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>Based zoomer

You already know

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good games

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Meant to say permadeath but you get my drift

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Hell yeah to Midnight Club. The first 2 anyways. Not really games that had hopeless environments and themes though, they were just good old fashioned hard.

Dante's Inferno is a decent underrated game if you can look past it being a GoW clone. Being trapped in Hell and all trying to save Beatrice is pretty great.

- Demon's Souls / Dark Souls

- Jersey Devil (PSX)

I'm not a fan of most modern or story driven games, the shit they've spewed out over the decade is just bad. RDR2 is the only exception.

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Not really. Biker shows up in hotline 2 as an easter egg at the courthouse and the bar with evan wright to give information on jacket. The fight scene at phone hom is ambigous. Jacket is in a coma reliving these memories, which means they might not be correct. Innaddition, the music never stops after biker is killed. However, biker was at a party which had drugs at it the night before, which indicates his recollection might not be correct

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Except as the next game shows, there is no hope. They were played by the patriots all along, even till the end. War rages on, and people find better ways to kill people each day. Society is radically changed from 2009 to 2018

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File: 2eaef9ec2b65c13⋯.jpg (42.32 KB,770x432,385:216,Risk of rain 2 scorched ac….jpg)

risk of rain 2 is pretty nice, good artstyle and gameplay

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jew simulator

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Have all the fun… but with your dick intact.

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Silent Hill 2 comes to mind.

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The Evil Within 1/2

Resident Evil 4

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Dark Souls 1/2/3


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Pathologic II and Darkwood. Both are fucking doom simulators.

Silent hill 2 would be the GOAT and Rule of Rose is good too, Shadow of the colossus is also legit gloomy.

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>no dead space

The series is pure doomerism, you play as a guy whose life was shit then gets thrown in the middle of the shit, doesnt even realizes he's going insane until its too late, gets experimented on, barely survives only to be dragged to another "adventure" in a literal hellhole and after all that work and sacrifice the world ends anyway, it was all for nothing

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I think the first one is really cool, i think after that it got too action centered, i think is a constant with horror games, they become less suspenful, then less horror, then just action games, like what happened with Resident evil and silent hill franchise.

I love the survival horror genre though




>rule of rose

All good stuff

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They did that shit because it sells more, the first game was afaik low budget, experimental, which is why it was so cool, viceral got to do what they wanted. Sure it was a lot like RE4 even the devs say it but it had enough new stuff the stand on its own, it wasn't a straight up clone and in some aspects like sound designs and puzzles I say its even better, still the scariest game I ever played. But the average normalfag gamer cant deal with shit like going back and forth through the same map solving puzzles, inventory management, being careful with ammo because its scarce, etc, it has to be linear as fuck and all shooty-shooty else their ADHD kicks in. The second game was a compromise of both things and it had good writing overall so it was still good but the 3rd one despite a good story with lots of potential got turned into a total action shooter where you got into shootouts with humans, weapons were the opposite of nerfed and you have shit like an auto dual plasma cutter which is playing on easy mode imho, and with the crafting you can make a full auto minigun with a fucking rocket launch. The only scares are the regenerating enemies and even those you get used to, is not like in the first game when you were always low on health and stasis so when the regenerator showed up you were literally running for your life. It had so much potential, the first half with the flotilla was awesome, the planet part was The Thing in the future, nuff said

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