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/doomer/ - Doomers Club

Most precious years of our lives are gone and now we clinch to alcoholism

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game devving

File: ff722a4c82023a8⋯.webm (3.08 MB,640x360,16:9,Кот в кафе-76wTowMafrY(1).webm)

File: 562bfd243cb4361⋯.webm (8.67 MB,640x360,16:9,Три спушки-Ze6r0yx6mW4(2).webm)

File: 2508fa0e566b593⋯.webm (3.69 MB,640x360,16:9,Кот с блинами-BHakm25yMZo….webm)

 No.20302 [Open thread]

because why not

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Make Anti-Burgerism Cute Again!

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Broke: Wanting to learn German for NS-shit

Woke: Wanting to learn German for Goethe, Schiller and Kant

Bespoke: Wanting to learn German for all the cheesy NDW shit from the 80s

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WTF is that with the hanging bodies? cartel prep room?

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Its only depressing if you want to live within the jew system. If you decide the jew system is not for you, then its just a push in the right direction ;)

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Meta-woke: Learning new language only because it's matter of your style/image


I want to live in max-jew system, whatever that means. Only if antisemites will be finally out of the public spaces because constantly reading this shit on imageboards is like dealing with cases for psychiatrist. You pushed me so far I applaud sns and youtube for deplatforming you because I don't have to stumble upon your hot redpills everywhere now. Keep up the good work and maybe I will even start voting progressives.

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File: f225c47e76074d6⋯.jpg (12.17 KB,236x335,236:335,rare BO plz no save.jpg)

 No.23689 [Open thread]

aka the BO containment thread

this is a trigger-free multi-cultural safe space for jews, blacks and Lavians. police your language or you will be banned. r9k welcome.

(honestly i just want to see what you will write to appeal as always :-DD)
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is there a name for this fetish?

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File: 16570366fd22969⋯.jpg (36.84 KB,500x667,500:667,niggacouple.jpg)


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another word for a Uruguayan.

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Ooga booga whitey boi, i is gonna give ur cracka gf muh dik

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keep your fantasies to yourself. You'll never be black, just as surely as you will never be white.

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File: 8d1898480892768⋯.jpg (125.78 KB,960x950,96:95,1554651436564.jpg)

 No.14305 [Open thread]


Last thread reached bump limit and who wouldn't love goth girls.

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after listening to that and checking your trips I think that being tumor isn't such a bad thing all of a sudden.

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File: ac5fc70f248d7b6⋯.jpg (58.5 KB,900x900,1:1,ba52ce32d3e76fbe46929b0f91….jpg)

this 4 u bo-san

str8 from /freeb/ the new best /b/

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Thanks friend. World has too many colors, it's very refreshing to see such black color every time, especially in summer.

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File: 284d16150ca72ed⋯.png (191.84 KB,913x773,913:773,summercancer.png)



So I took a look on what's going on there and instantly this thread brought back some memories. At the same time it shows true state of imageboards, where people are so new they don't remember even this not-even-so-old meme. Thanks for making me 100% sure about this issue.

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>lena meyer landrut comment

dat was me lol

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File: 103bd650f64b089⋯.jpg (226.46 KB,1920x1080,16:9,thumb-1920-903561.jpg)

 No.6506 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

We have movie and music thread. Let's start with doomer games:

>Yume Nikki

>Talos Principle

>Dear Esther

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>Yume Nikki




>Deus Ex

>Metal Gear


>UnReal World

>Planescape Torment


>Shadow of the Colossus

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I've only played Yume Nikki and Minecraft, never played the latter one with friends or mods and the vanilla experience bores me after the first week (or day).

Yume Nikki was good, I played for 3 hours at late night and then uninstalled it as soon as I kind of ran out of places to discover.

From the list you gave, the one I'm the most interested to play next would be Shadow of The colossus.

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what a faggot

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>Silent Hill 2, 3

>Rayman 2

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File: 93e9d0cbef75e71⋯.jpg (230.6 KB,800x1025,32:41,Darkmatter.jpg)

My favorite doomer character in a video game is Magus from Chrono Trigger.

"If history is to change, let it change. If the world is to be destroyed, so be it. If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh."

"The past is dead, it was all just a dream."

"The black wind howls."

"Behold, everything is at the bottom of the sea."

"This world is populated by cretins."

>summons an apocalyptic space hedgehog with black magic - just to fight it

I saved a bunch of other cool quotes on my old computer, but the hard drive got fried, so you've been spared more of my autism.

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File: 4b2134b5c107cce⋯.jpg (20.2 KB,380x323,20:17,10942093.jpg)

 No.21297 [Open thread]

Why you guys so depressed? I don't get it. Just tell me your problems.

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>using Faustian as a positive adjective

Do you even know what that story is about?

>At least Muslims fight you head on


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I don't disagree that she was born in the wrong generation, but I think there are a lot more zoomers out there who would qualify to some, considerable extent.


Belgium should unironically be divided between the Dutch and French. It's a socially acceptable Manchukuo.

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File: 30ddf5223a955c5⋯.jpg (29.9 KB,400x400,1:1,niles.jpg)


I'm not the person you're replying to, but Faust actually ends on a strongly positive note. His soul is saved and hoisted into heaven.

Although to be clear, >>21314 is a massive try hard faggot.

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Depression doesn't need a reason.

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File: 6766e041afe610b⋯.jpg (3.17 MB,4000x2737,4000:2737,a391f68ab5a3ce6a6912870d05….jpg)


Aside from the edgyposting and shit flinging, I stand by most of my statements. I don't stand by the tone though, sorry for being rude.

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File: 46418149e9773a4⋯.png (517.71 KB,600x621,200:207,life is a beautiful flower.png)

 No.23077 [Open thread]

i dont think im going to make it

>get new job

>things go really well

>become student body president, lead school forum, grades improve drastically, literally euphoric hald the time

<job fucks me with new schedule that fucks me with 4 hours of sleep a night and essentially a full time job with school

<cling to it

<months drag on and every

<grades plummet

<lose presidency

<fail two classes

<barely any money because classes ate them all up

>about to kill myself

>see way out and begin plotting bloomer path to get me to a spot

>summer begins

<job exhausts the fuck out of me and i have no motivation

i only have hope and thats all i think now is the time to end it…

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I get to play video games and surf the internet for free, you work every day for the opportunity, and went into tens of thousands of dollars of debt for the chance to do so.

Smh wagecucks will never learn

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File: 708a66eae0dc06f⋯.png (207.48 KB,1600x900,16:9,doomer.png)

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File: 75340c03babb63b⋯.jpg (70.9 KB,689x706,689:706,BIBBUt6.jpg)


By being a NEET leech living off Good Boy Points to earn mommy's tendies.

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File: fda905dc073b125⋯.jpg (173.41 KB,471x622,471:622,FBI OPEN UP.jpg)


>isn't university pretty much just a debt trap over there?

If you don't know what you're doing, yes. Most burgerstanis don't know what we're doing.

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>don't know what they are doing

oh silly boy

college is for finding yourself :^)

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File: 167769c9ee0b1a6⋯.jpg (28.87 KB,480x480,1:1,56910288_2263906140595113_….jpg)

 No.21603 [Open thread]

I never tried making a post here before;

But allow me to explain: I have been suffering with suicidal thoughts for several days now

2 weeks tops, and I am about to fucking go through with it but before I do is there anyway

to block those thoughts out or at least ease the pain?

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Look into panentheism/cosmotheism. It's really what my entire worldview is centered around. I will try to give you my interpretation here in a greentext.

>everything all together as one all encompassing whole (including all possible universes etc.) is God

>God is a "gestalt" (a whole which is more than just the sum of its parts)

>God may or may not be conscious, basically there is no way for us to possibly comprehend whatever this unified one (or monad) really is or the nature of it and how it experiences itself

>you and everything around you are therefore part of this monad/God

>people/animals (rational actors basically, things that can make choices and interact with their environment) are also part of God and I think of them like cells in your body

>some cells are good and help the body function (like liver cells)

>some cells are cancerous and even though they are part of the body, do great damage to the body as a whole

>meaning of life is pretty simple, you are born, you build yourself, you put something into the world (work/family/whatever), you share your knowledge with those younger than you, then you die to make room for more people, it really is that simple

>good people also sometimes must fight the cancer killing the world, which is almost always other people

>who is good and who is bad is up to you, that is part of the "building yourself" component of the meaning of life

>suicide is only justified if you are rationally aware you are doing harm to the world around you

There's more to it, but that is the basic idea. Evolution and genetics play a huge role in it for me, but it makes the most sense IMO. I still want to kill myself, but I know it isn't justifiable and would only hurt the people who do care about me. It would make me more cancerous and therefore is unaccepPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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that doesn't sound healthy. that's just being reckless.

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quantum touch 2.0. seems a bit scammy but some of it works.

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did you know that UN peacekeepers raped African teenagers?

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Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma, watch this movie. Your Dannunzio is a rare fascist bastard

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File: dc1add2d1d601ae⋯.png (9.12 KB,266x619,266:619,doomer-chan.png)

 No.18384 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Hey /doomer/. The lads over at /v/ were bored, so they drew you up a potential mascot. What do you think? I'd say it beats getting represented by a Wojak derivative.

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>Witness for example all the /v/ arguments about what it means to play as a girl in a game.

You realize those threads are just excuses to shitpost recklessly, right?

wanting to play as a woman is still really gay

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>wanting to play as a woman is still really gay

This is exactly what I meant.

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I want the option of being able to play as a drag queen.

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Need For Speed has drag races, thank me later.

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The new Sims might be your thing. EA's got you covered.

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