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/doomer/ - Doomers Club

Most precious years of our lives are gone and now we clinch to alcoholism

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game devving

File: f09168bc5bbb346⋯.jpeg (486.14 KB,1420x2207,1420:2207,60158EE0_E428_40F0_979A_F….jpeg)

 No.29780 [Open thread]

I’m not even going to lie to you guys, I don’t know if this is really the right place to post this as I have not been here since the site got hacked a couple years ago.

I hope you have enough respect for me to read my story before sounding off, but I don’t blame you if you don’t, I don’t either. Here’s the TLDR for you anyways

TLDR; how long and difficult is it to die from dehydration? I am willing to take diuretics as I have experience with them for competitive purposes.

Let me explain my dilemma;

I am in a position where I don’t really want to be alive anymore if you catch my drift. I am stuck in a position where I can’t really progress anymore, I am a wagie, I have no friends, my family abuses me because they are all fucking crazy assholes.

Simply put, I have learned to absolutely loathe life, it does not matter what it is that I do, I have many hobbies and I have done a lot of self improvement, but it isn’t enough. I’m done, I’ve been dealing with this shit for years and I can’t take it anymore.

Here’s the problem; I am not a selfish asshole (except for the thing that I want to do, hopefully with your assistance), I don’t want to go out in a way that causes trauma to anyone including my family, I don’t want to go out in a way that I will never be found because I don’t want to give my family hope that I will one day return. It needs to be something that nobody can feel bad about or blame themselves for, like an accident. Earlier I mentioned that I have done a lot of self improvement practices, here’s my plan:

I am a competitive bodybuilder, often times I find myself having to drop a lot of water weight to get “dry” if you catch my drift. I want to basically get too dry, as in dehydrate to death. What are my chances that I could pass away from this? I am willing to take diuretics, I can do a shit of cardio for extra sweat and exhaustion, will I actually die from this? Is there a chance that I could end up a vegetable? That would be hell, because my family is the type to not pull the plug in those circumstances. I want to go like this because it’ll look like an accident, and show I really applied myself,Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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When you cannot do what you want, you do what you can. Money is just paper and family is just another person, in the end life is about perspective and understanding others, which leads to understanding yourself and in this we find peace. Life is much better when you live alone or with loved ones. Find things that relax you, I enjoy laying in my hammock at the end of the day.

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If you are still alive, want to go on a road trip to the beach? You can escape the slavery of your stupid family and go make some friends :)

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cant wait to lose 50 Lbs

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File: 7732fa806c42156⋯.jpg (179.75 KB,640x640,1:1,ab67616d0000b273c885907f7d….jpg)

u r an idiot. Go take some prozac

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youre a big guy

four (you)s

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 No.29828 [Open thread]

Anyone know where I can find some Asians to cheat on my gf with? I love her and all but she doesn't always put out and I miss my ex's juicy Asian cunt and ass so bad sometimes

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Why does that girl have someone's arm in her mouth?

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bruh that aint no arm

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File: 34d855ea7e885a0⋯.jpg (38.89 KB,478x658,239:329,3A862347_B054_4E89_901E_15….jpg)

 No.29749 [Open thread]

for the people who want to die, have suicidal thoughts, lonely, depressed, mentally ill and doomers who see the world as meaningless. Join us


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This link has expired bro. Please update :3

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File: 35a6c7355332b6a⋯.jpg (28.72 KB,500x333,500:333,deleuze-sartre-foucault (1….jpg)

 No.18933 [Open thread]

What was the reason your last relationship ended?

I couldn't maintain the level of emotional intimacy they wanted. I got to a point where I really just didn't give a shit and wanted them to stop bugging me about their problems.

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Deeply entrenched pessimism, shitty guesswork, and a refusal to communicate.

She never said one nice thing about me, but was always eager to outline all the amazing things about her ex. Thus, I got it in my head that I wasn't her type and, therefore, she was with me for the sake of having *a* boyfriend, regardless of who it actually was.

So far, solid. The problem is that I discounted the possibilities that I may have badly misinterpreted something, or that her feelings could have deepened.

In the middle of a conversation about the relationship, I broke up with her because this visceral wave of pessimism came over me, convincing me it was pointless to stay.

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>To be fair I met her when she was living in her car, but she was 12 years younger than me tiny and cute.

This is why men always get fucked over. Because they fall for "youthful beauty/innocence".

Is it too much to pursue an older mature woman?

All you doomers whine about the abysmal state of women yet you keep going for the toxic ones.

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>All you doomers whine about the abysmal state of women yet you keep going for the toxic ones.

Because for all their talk about muh foids, it's basically them being the male version of the women who think they can fix the bad boys. Every time I see a "doomer" or some other "anti-mainstream" person talk about themselves, I see more and more that it's basically just the male equivalent to "I'm not like those OTHER girls" shit. Every single time, too. I mean, take the whole "normie" shit for example. You consoom the same product they do, but you think you're better than them because….?

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George Carlin was right: Women are crazy, men are stupid.

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Unfaithful. I tried to provide the moon to her but then pulled back when she acted all weird. That eventually lead to her cheating. Probably using me from the begining. Hopefully I can find love in a foreign land.

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 No.29740 [Open thread]

>be me

>live in US

>grew up poor using fists

>go to a party

>dunk tries to assault girl I know

>I beat him until blood everywhere

>get arrested

>attempted murder

>DA offers 25 years

>lawyer gets dropped to assault

>11 years handed out by judge

>In prison

>blood has become regular sport

>try to kill pedo

>go to Pelican Bay

>make friends with sociopaths

>fast forward

>get out to the place different

>pathetic people call themselves alpha

>see them as weak

>know for certain they would cry like bitch in prison

>want to leave this place now

>sick of fake people with punisher stickers

>mutts who think they are viking warrior

>people live in a fantasy world now

>hope war happens to go on spree

>I fucking hate this place

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who cares, just break a few jaws and live your life

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>try to kill a pedo

>kill a pedo

>take the victim for yourself

I see you pretend to be an absolute chad, but when in reality you are just a beta got away not being murdered by other socios.

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Maybe you need to go to Panama or something like Prison Break. Suffice to say I want to leave the West but everywhere seems cucked. Maybe Alaska or Wyoming would suffice idk.

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 No.29721 [Open thread]

Last relationship ended because I was cheating and pretending to be someone else. Now I'm alone and sit around chatting on porn sites and drinking. I'm a fucking mess.

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File: 57d5bbd9b1a6a36⋯.jpg (194.3 KB,722x886,361:443,FGq8cGiWYAIIUPE.jpg)




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you realize what a pile of shit you are, right. You never had a life, to begin with, being sus is absolutely ruining your life. Do yourself a favor, go get yourself a rope and hang yourself.

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And what are you going to do about it fag?

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File: 2274b29b34cfeb1⋯.png (454.97 KB,841x702,841:702,ClipboardImage.png)

 No.26097 [Open thread]

With the Colleges corrupting children's minds, its our time to keep Generation Zyklon from getting corrupted by false promises and overwhelming debt.

College in general is just paying large centralized banks your parents earned money for a slip of paper that will allegedly give you a job. Private FOR-PROFIT college institutions do this well, but I believe that High School AP Classrooms along with non-(((Middle Eastern Military Service))) is how to truly raise offspring.

On that note. Lets make up our own AP Classes.

>AP Pre-Military Physical Training

This class trains the youth for future combat-ready scenarios through intense daily workouts, compassionate Junior drill sergeants, and a state-of-the-art P.E. facility.

On the first day of class, you will be tasked with completing 100 pushups. If a student completes 100 pushups, then you will be given a free protein bar. The first week will be mostly running starting at 4 miles per day. On the second week, students will participate in a open firing range where they can begin to learn how to operate a fully loaded assault rifle. The third and fourth week will comprise of mostly physical training in the boot camp. As a warmup, students will have to complete 100 pushups, 250 curl ups, and 1/2 mile in 5 minutes or less.

One month in, the student will then receive their first combat scenario. The class will be divided into 15 students in a large battleground field. The students will be armed with BB assault rifles and fake knives that go off if used. The students will then proceed to use battle strategy learned in huddles to win the game of removing at least 5 from the opposing team.

The final exam will be a copy and paste of the US Navy Seals test. Students will swim 250 yards in 12 minutes or less, complete 25 pushups in 2 minutes, 25 situps in 2 minutes, and a ½ mile sprint in full military attire. Given that a student gets an A, they will be given a special recommendation to the local recruiting armies. However, the students will also be given a waiver that protects them from serving in (((Middle Eastern warfare))). Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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This is the problem right here. Society puts far too much positive investment onto the parents. Parents cannot be trusted to teach even the basics.

That's why most parents are helicopter parents.

They're afraid of hurting their self-image.

Parents should not be given full rights of the children.

It should be co-opted.

Exceptions are of parents are self-sustennance farmers or handy tradesmen.

There's a reason why we say "It takes a village to raise a child."

Parents alone, especially fathers, are shitty life teachers.

Parents would sooner do their kids on the schools and doctors.

Society should stop romanticising family life so much.

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you are right

children should exclusively be taught by SJeW teachers and government workers

Also trannie shows and drag should be mandatory courses too. Why else would the government spend a quarter million dollars in tax cattle money on something if it wasn't good for muh childruns

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You still think parents are the innocent ones here. They're not. All this indignation about SJW curriculum, conservatives don't actually care about tranny shit being taught in schools.

It's just that they wanna make noise.

Parents only care about their children's education because they think their kid will become an automatic white collar hero.

If we made schools into trade workshops, the indignation would be even worse.

Again, all this talk about big government taking away control from parents is just projection.

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>big government taking away control from parents is just projection.

it is a fact

the governments around the world are increasingly becoming more and more tyrannical and want to micro manage every single aspect of your life. now they want to bully hungary because they refused to join the 15% minimum corporate income tax racket that the west envisionned. imagine that. your own jurisdiction is a shitty wasteland and instead of improving you just bully other nations to be just as shitty as you are so nobody can escape the shittyness anymore. that is the defitiion of communism. commies hate competition because they are shit at business

governments incarcerate you with all possible retarded regulations and you pay horrendous ever growing taxes to fund your own incarceration while the rich fucks have their tax loops and tricks to avoid taxes entirely.

why not blow 300K USD on some drag show. the tax donkeys pay for that shit anyways.

>parents innocent

that is not what I think. I think 85% of humans on this planet are unfit for life let alone for being parents. My parents fall under that category too. They are like children themselves irresponsible with money, unable to plan ahead and could not teach their children a single useful thing for the real world.

this is why there should be something like a drivers liensense for being a parent. you want a baby? okay, prove you are not genetic trash and that you are capable of raising a functionning member of society. burden of proof is with you.

of course the alternative is to just castrate all humans forcibly and then let the government create new humans only with the help of eugenics breeding and genetic engineering. you could exaclty design the type of humans you want to have and there would not be losers and duds anymore as everyone would be of high quality and everyone would have a job assigned by gov and everyone would be happy.

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That's what I've been saying. I'm an advocate for mandatory hysterectomy and competency tests for parenting.

I also think compulsory schooling should only apply to primary school.

People whom wanna continue their schooling after primary school should do volunteer work or pay out of pocket.

Working age should be ten at minimum.

Genetic screening for developmental disorders will also be mandated.

People with dominant genes for developmental disorders will be banned from breeding.

They can adopt, though

Any medical facility caught using defective eggs and sperm will result in the workers being exiled from civilization.

They will be forced to live off the grid.

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 No.27184 [Open thread]

Let's face it anon, modern women just aren't worth it. Feminism and modernity have made relationships into nightmare for men, but we have a solution. Our multidisciplinary team of robowaifu technicians is working tirelessly to make robot wives into a reality. Join us in our charge to build and design the women of the future.

Join us at julay.world/robowaifu

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After the recent events in the webring we are now located at spqrchan.xyz/robowaifu

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The dev board is for a while now on: alogs.theguntretort.com/robowaifu/

There's another one on fatchan, which is more about culture and politics considering robowaifus, less about developing them.

Some progress happened in development and it looks good for the near future, next year will bring some breakthroughs.

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go back to reddit roastie

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>go back to Reddit!

>everyone I don't like is from Reddit!

Holy shit, and you rightoid dorks think you're any better than libtards?

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 No.29775 [Open thread]

3 years… I still can't believe it.

Sleep in peace, my queen.

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 No.29628 [Open thread]

We cannot guess fate for it's already for told – Anon

The white race is a doomed experiment destined to fail. Training dogs for close to four years and I've been through 1,000 clients, mostly white folk, and I've seen their deranged mindset in action from the jump. They're full blown stupid. My mother taught me training from a young age; I'm old enough to remember doctors telling her she suffers from mental retardation: now it's whatever the ivory tower now labels her condition. And these folks ARE retarded.

We treat dogs like handbags; an assailant of our own suffering. It's an addiction to acquire them like Pokemon cards and fuck their existence away. Rip their ability to breed and produce estrogen, testosterone; a perspective of a 'normal' life for any sentient being. Throw them in kennels, lock the door, let them eat cardboard, who cares if they bleed; it's the suffering they truly find addiction from. Then they bring them home and lock them away from the mental fortitudes of a pack; a bond, a lineage of family.

It blows my mind how far the evolutionary traits and bonds have shattered away from the genealogical beginnings of this relationship. Dog suffered just as human and found refuge within each others prowess. It wasn't a communication but rather a deep understanding of the ego and how much could be forged from the respect it demands. I'm angry, deeply angry, at how much this relationship is abused. Breed their purity and slaughter their infidelity; all while we continually forget how much Dog has suffered to just end up here: in a kennel, locked away from its freedom, and given shit to feed onto. We laugh at their mistakes, our mistakes, and abuse a power structure for the demise of our own constructions.

I won't ever forgive humanity for what has been done. I still have dreams where I see animals that I've never come into contact with. Animals who are abused in those parameters but yet I find confidence in their understanding to persist. Just as human, evil has equally persisted in this divide. It's a devastating archetype, to suggest, that this relationship is granted. We found pure happiness, an enforcement if you will, that could've granted a new insight into the life-bPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Yea, but the point of the channel was more or less what you talk about about the horror of canine domestication.

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Perhaps, but pests is a big strong a word, considering how humans are. Funny how you can say animals are pests, but some little unruly brats making a mess in a restaurant or grocery store are God's miracles.

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Except, they're not. Western society far more intolerant of children doing anything compared to dogs.

Hell, kids just having differing pop-cultural tastes makes people go postal.

Also, the channel is talking more about the dumbing down of canines by human neediness.

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>The white race is a doomed experiment destined to fail.

Not at all. It's actually succeeded beyond all expectations. It's just that boomers really did ruin everything, doing to Western civilization what not even Atilla and Genghis could do. And the millennials pissed away opportunity after opportunity to fix shit, leaving the burden on Gen Z, crippled by millennial social experiments like Tumblr, 4chan and performatively giving a shit about a literal Boomer Remover. Jewish people should be thanking boomers, because in a hundred years, boomers will be the new Jews. Jews are already on their way out via assimilation, anyway. Soon, boomers will be the world's favorite scapegoat. Can't wait for white supremacists and Hoteps to bond on the Day of the Pillow.

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I'm of the belief that animal neutering and caging should be illegal if not stigmatized.

The reason why dogs and cats are so erratic is because of human interference.

Dogs and cats used to be free range back when people were farmers. Either that or food or beasts of burden.

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 No.26653 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

As a doomer, what music do you listen too? I listen to lot of dark ambient from Cryo Chamber, lots of deathrock (especially Radio Werewolf) and a lot of old school Memphis rap. Tommy Wright III has shouted me out before. My music career is just taking off at age 27 and I'm not sure if I'll join the 27 club, but I don't really care.. Nothing will really make me happy. Music is the only way I can get thru the day & absolutely none of it is positive.

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Could use some old Tool


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No Stalaggh? Here ya go


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 No.29750 [Open thread]

Do you guys like it

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I'm an incel, I hate cucks, women are absolute cucksuckers and those that pretend to dominate are the worst scumbags in the world. fucking stupid meatbags humans

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 No.29491 [Open thread]

Do you also feel that insipid force seeping into every aspect of your lives and of those around you?

Where there was service and duty there's now obedience to cost and revenue. Reasons are given in financials, yet nobody asks who or what shapes these numbers.

The penultimate goal of life is determined by godly forces to be to increase profit, a number that is predetermined to serve the few. The cultural attempts at change are commoditized to the point of ephemeral entertainment. Criticism is overplayed and forgotten; those who control have the final say.

This is the true doomer future: Subordinate and adapt or be erased. Yet all viable activity is thrashing, inventing and reinventing pointless goods and services to uphold the illusion of progress to keep the kings in their throne.

Not all is bad, to soothe the populace, but the undercurrent prevails.

Coordinating all the drones that incorporate this into their identity until the powerful achieve long-lasting control. There's no goal to this race other than to perpetuate itself until the singularity (or collapse).

The masses are distracted and pit against each other, exploiting local optimums of the prisoner dilemma, never to see the entire picture.

The few who realize or fathom the extent of this are fringe forces fighting the unwinnable fight or off themselves knowing that there's no resolution in sight short off a widespread uprising, that they themselves cannot bring into being.

Or they linger and serve as symptomatic mishaps and unfits on boards such as this; despairing that humanity has all the tools at its disposal to end this everlasting uncertainty and misery for billions of people, but the narrative denies it.

Fuck, I had to let this out. Fuck this shit, let it burn.

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This is a fair summary.

Solving a lot of the real problems (which in many cases are macroeconomic decisions, which could be solved by making different ones) could be relatively easy, it's really sad to see people try to rip at eachother. Like lots of working people are absolute cucks in the sense that they will gladly support policies which fuck over other working people so long as they (wrongly) believe these policies won't also hurt them. People don't understand that progress is not linear - things don't just get better magically by allowing them to continue to play out. They frequently get worse.

Whether or not we "can" change the ultimate outcome is completely irrelevant - if we can't realistically change it, then why would anyone support the status quo either? Instead of thinking this through, the crabs just dream of how tasty they will be if all of them stay together in the bucket and how proud they are to be together on top of those crabs stuck so far down at the bottom.

And nevermind that people are just constantly being ripped off and justifying it. Or that regular people look at other people and somehow forget the profit motive - like I'm a stripper, a whore, and I regularly get people coming in apparently genuinely thinking I'm doing this shit for fun. And you can't really deny that - it would be breaking face. But it's bizarre that anyone would be so delusional, even if I'm an ok actor. I do what I do because my first 4 years being old enough to work were all during the recession and nobody in any other fields would ever call me back when I applied. The profit motive is always there, it colors about everything and yet people do not understand it - many are almost blind, and blind to see it getting worse.

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You are tight but you are wrong. The problem isnt capitalism because capitalism is just a symptom, the problem is power and the effects of that power over time. People are power sick and want nothing but that, and that is why people act as they are. They cling to life as they are dying. Past peoples have been through similair cycles as we and it wasnt capitalism, it was the setting of their sun, and ours is soon to set too. The old worlds get this way when they are dying, and that I think we can agree on, but capitalism is just an idea, not a circumstance or a condition and most certainly not the ultimate driving factor behind everything, the cause is far more ancient and simple. Power consumes everything, money is just a catalyst for power

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How are we working towards common wealth and yet don't realise we're acting against it?

How do we sink so deep into sociopathy? It seemed so far away as a child.

Why does the universe give us consciousness but forgets to equip us with wisdom?

I'm sick of this species

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Women love drama.

Men love conflict.

Simple as.

Humans thrive on antagonism, even using it as a virtue.

If I had a dollar for every armchair intellectual who said "Hard times makes strong men, good times make weak men" or some edgy inspiratioal quite, it would be enough to buy out the third world from poverty.

I'm sorry, but I have no respect nor patience for that line of thinking.

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 No.11912 [Open thread]

What do you do when you can't sleep?

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I do wim hof's meditation

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I sometimes suffer from insomnia. I have some work and home problems and it's hard to fall asleep with different thoughts in my mind. That's why I take pills to fall asleep. I buy meds from https://www.canadadrugsdirect.com/online-pharmacy and these is my rescue for the moment. However, I really want to find some natural solution as I'm scared of possible long-term side effects.

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sleep is a scam guys. Just musterbait and smoke some cigs, then try not to waste your fucking life by sleeping. gov says that w/o sleep, you will shorten your life but what's the point if you were wasting your time sleeping? don't sleep, just be woke all the time.

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>I'm a __

>shows authority

>undermines common-sense

>"trust the experts"

what are you trying to prove here, anon ?

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don't worry, life does not get better than this

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 No.29367 [Open thread]

2 years already! She would have been 20 by now!

The coroner’s report said that she an hero’d on April 15 of 2019 way before the search for her even started.

RIP Sun princess!

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Going to get fucked up @ 4:44pm to escape this reality. Never met her but I miss her so.

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Abyss got cucked by those tumblr girls real good lmao

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What is he doing now antagonizing the Department of Energy and aerospace weapons manufacturing plants? I bet he would write like an entire blogpost in response to you if he saw this.

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That's why you should always aspire to take others with you. They deserve to hurt as we hurt. They deserve to feel bad.

There is nothing else. Only Eternal Misery.

Ashes and Echoes

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One thing I don't know why

It doesn't even matter how hard you try

Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme

To explain in due time

All I know

Time is a valuable thing

Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings

Watch it count down to the end of the day

The clock ticks life away

It's so unreal

Didn't look out below

Watch the time go right out the window

Tryin' to hold on, did-didn't even know

I wasted it all just to watch you go

I kept everything inside and even though I tried

It all fell apart

What it meant to me will eventually

Be a memory of a time when I tried so hard

I tried so hard and got so far

But in the end it doesn't even matter

I had to fall to lose it all

But in the end it doesn't even matter

One thing, I don't know why

It doesn't even matter how hard you try

Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme

To remind myself how I tried so hard

In spite of the way you were mockin' me

Acting like I was part of your property

Remembering all the times you fought with me

I'm surprised it got so far

Things aren't the way they were before

You wouldn't even recognize me anymore

Not that you knew me back then

But it all comes back to me in the end

You kept everything inside and even though I tried

It all fell apart

What it meant to me will eventually

Be a memory of a time when I tried so hard

I tried so hard and got so far

But in tPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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