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/doomer/ - Doomers Club

Most precious years of our lives are gone and now we clinch to alcoholism

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File: 5e6f2904130e04a⋯.jpg (557.15 KB,1638x2048,819:1024,236822686_1015962612452564….jpg)


Being a millennial is a mental disorder. Cis, trans, black, white, Christian, atheist, it don't matter. All this culture war shit came from millennials. I don't trust millennials. They're the ones shitting up the internet, calling everything problematic or degenerate, whining about Gen Z, scapegoating boomers. Hey, millennials! You will never own a home. You will never retire. You will never get married. You will never have kids. And we will be happy when you inevitably bite it by your own hand.

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at least we have our avocado toasts

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>Millennials are the biggest pussies ever

>They're weirdo hipsters whom play video games all day

-Gen X plaintiffs


>Zoomers are the biggest pussies ever

,>They're weirdo hipsters whom sit around playing video games all day

- Millennial plaintiffs

I honestly think that people intentionally ignore historical flaws. They subconsciously rewrite their cultural memory as to always feel stable with their present mood.

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>All this culture war shit

Boomers started this shit in the 60s with the hippie movement to rebel against their parent's generation.

>scapegoating boomers

Everything trickled down from the Boomer generation. It's historical fact.

>whining about Gen Z

I don't see Zoomers doing any better than Millennials or Boomers.

>You will never own a home

Yeah inflation was totally all Milliennials because that's how economies work.

>Will never get married

Because of the degenerates who don't uphold marriage traditions.

Who are you Anon? Are you a fed? Are you a troll? Are you a boy? Are you a girl?

If you're a boy then you're a simp. If you're a girl then I wanna see boob.

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See what OP means? You Millennials are still playing victim instead getting off your ass and taking responsibility. Yell wanna go full diva on zoomersfor ay small misdemeanor yet you always have excuses for your own.

>It's not my fault! I was a kid living in recession!

OK and? What about the Greatest Generation? Or the Lost Generation? They been in economic depression yet they didn't sit down and whine about their elders and juniors. They didnt try to play the middle child.

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>What about the Depression?

Americans hadn't hit the debt ceiling yet. We've been accumulating debt for the last century. Some things were just cheaper back then, like owning your own home and a plot of land.

>What about the Black Plague?

You know just because some people had it worse a long time ago doesn't mean things don't suck right now.

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You imageboard Millennials never cease to amaze me with your defensive mental gymnastics.

Maybe boomers were right to call you guys the "ME" generation.

>woe is me

>zoomers are "ruining" things for ME


You think the earth is gonna magically end just because you Millennials start dying?

You think you're Adam and Eve that got tricked by the old serpent.

You guys have a severe case of main character syndrome.

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>You think the earth will be gone

Okay what are Zoomers bringing to the table that is better than previous generations? List some things. Are you doing better in marriage, are you making more money than your ancestors? Are you curing diseases? I want to know what new innovations Gen Z is coming up with that makes the rest of us obsolete.

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Your generation hasn't brought much to the table and the world keeps turning.

Same for Gen X and boomers.

History is made up of faceless peasants whom break their backs for mere bread for millennia. This whole idea of history as "breakthroughs every thirty years" is a result of colonialism and reckless promotion of rags to riches philosophy.

Big things come in small packages. The amount t of resources needed to "change the world" every one-third a century is astronomical.

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You haven't answered the question. What are you if you're a Zoomer contributing to society? If you can't think of anything then that just proves Zoomers are as bad or worse than the previous generations.

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File: fc30ea05abcade1⋯.gif (952.64 KB,269x150,269:150,57AD567F_6FA2_4CBA_9C08_E3….gif)


>Okay what are Zoomers bringing to the table that is better than previous generations?

No one ever said that Zoomers were better. Absolutely no one. We're just saying previous generations are no better than zoomers. Simple as. We are all fucked, in our own way. The issue we have with millennials on imageboards and the like is that they think they're perfect, they're immune. What has YOUR generation done that's better than zoomers, exactly? And don't talk about how you "played outside" considering you ended up growing up to shit all over zoomers doing that 'cause they'd end up playing with icky niggers/foids/whites or whatever other scapegoat your (terminally online members of) your generation's come up with.

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File: e11eb5b411b9810⋯.gif (1.34 MB,498x364,249:182,stone_cold_steve_austin_ww….gif)


>If you can't think of anything then that just proves Zoomers are as bad or worse than the previous generations.

No one ever said any differently. No one. We simply said you millennials aren't any better. Think about it. Millennials love to boast that they grew up when gifrel was stunning McMahon, when Beavis and Butthead were on the air, when Howard Stern hadn't sold out, blah blah blah, and yet what did y'all end up doing? Suddenly, everyone's degenerate, problematic. Suddenly, white men and trannies are seen as the GREAT SATAN. Suddenly, zoomers became a popular punching bag, as if you guys didn't come up with 4chan, Reddit, Twitter AND Tumblr, all of which have been WAY more corrosive than TikTok could ever be. You "played outside" only to become the biggest Karens imaginable. Kids can't do shit now without y'all complaining. Millennials (terminally online ones, anyway) have yet to answer a simple question: what makes you better than zoomers? You are just as fucked in the head. You are just as lost and aimless. You're just as prone to embrace stupid shit, impotently coping. Look at you! You post on an obsolete medium called an "imageboard" and why? Because you're an NLOG. Not like those other guys. That's why it's so easy to mock you guys. Because you don't really care about being a doomer, fascist, SJW, whatever the fuck. It's all about not looking like THOSE guys. Stupid sexy normies with their careers and SOs and shit. You're so defensive that you actively encourage people to hate your guts so you won't feel bad when they do, hence why you call everyone niggers, normies, foids, moids, roasties, etc, etc. >>29872 is right. And sadly, you'll probably just resort to ad-hominem bullshit in your reply. But hey, don't take MY word for it. Just watch in the next few years as Gen Z takes more and more of your spotlight. Millennials will be sitting with boomers at the has-been generations' table. They told you you wouldn't know what it was, either. They told you.

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>You guys have a severe case of main character syndrome.

It's called Peter Pan syndrome. It makes so much sense, too. Maybe you could say it's a blend of both. You see it in boomers in Jack Scalfani and in millennials with Joshua Connor Moon. Entire swathes of people who think they're the protagonist in a cosmic battle of good vs evil, and only they can stop it….even as they're bedbound in a nursing home and Shaniqua's getting tired of helping 'em get up off it to piss in a bedpan. I personally can't wait till all these "SJWs" and "incels" and the like are Jack's age and up. They will be the punchlines in whatever future equivalents to shows like The Simpsons and King of the Hill will exist. Imagine a millennial Cotton Hill waddling around. I owned fiddy libs! I cancelled fiddy cishets! Practically writes itself.

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>No one said Zoomers were better.

The OP listed off some things that Millennials suck at. If Zoomers also suck at those things then why make it sound like it's only a Millennial issue? You could easily say the same thing or more about Zoomers. Imagine starting a thread about how Zoomers are terrible and then getting defensive like "oh I'm not saying Millennials are better".

>what has your generation done

>icky niggers/foids

Millennials have tried to push back against the PC BS that wants to police what we say online, but the Boomers and Gen Xers in power have been restricting free speech in the name of protecting Zoomers and the next generation of gender confused children. And the Zoomies would rather side with the Boomies than be allies with us to fight the woke nonsense.

>suddenly everyone's degenerate

Have you seen social media recently? It's the most degenerate it's ever been. Worse than the days of MySpace.

>as if you guys didn't come up with

Most of these sites were created by woke Boomers and Gen Xers obsessed with social justice.

>more corrosive than Tiktok

Tiktok is worsening mental health more than anything that came before it.


10 second clips of thirst traps dancing to some crap music is worse than quickly scrolling through someone's stupid tweets. I have some of the dumbest songs stuck in my head from being exposed to viral Tiktoks.


>biggest Karens

Why is it okay to label white people Karens but it's a hate crime to call someone a Nigerian? This is the double standard that the Zoomers have fallen for. All this white guilt that the Boomers and Gen X have been pushing since the 60s and raising their children to be SJWs.

>can't do shit now

Do shit like what? Sit on your smart device watching hentai all day? I didn't grow up with easy access to porn and I don't think Zoomers should be allowed to either. Grooming kids and putting them on puberty blockers so they grow up to be dickgirls wasn't a big thing back in my day.

>you are just as fucked in the head

Research has shown that mental illness has only increased and not remained the same. Each generation is becoming progressively more fucked than the last.

>you post on an obsolete medium

Do you think I want to be on a Doomer site and listen to someone a few years younger than me call me a loser? All the main platforms like Facebook and Twitter have been taken over by Marxists who will put you in time out if you say a wrongthink.

>not looking like THOSE guys

Instead of making unproductive threads about how Millennials are a waste of space, you could be complaining about the people in power who are largely not Millennials.

>call everyone mean names

I don't do this but I understand why people do, because they're frustrated about censorship. You see the Boomers fought the system or "the man" in the name of anti-authoritarianism, and then as they became powerful they became the system, and the baton has been passed to Millennials who were raised and indoctrinated into SJWism, and those who go against SJWism end up on the receiving end of cancel culture.

>Gen Z takes the spotlight

Yes they are taking that spotlight in the worst ways possibly, by coming out with new gender pronouns and inventing new sexual orientations.

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File: 0909acd10dcb517⋯.jpg (26.91 KB,400x400,1:1,RepentZoomer.jpg)

File: 8d746d2e190fd10⋯.jpg (25.22 KB,664x620,166:155,Boomers.jpg)

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>one day ALL us pussy ass millenials are going to snap and collectively murder all you faggots in one swift night.

You ain't gonna do shit and you know it, faggot.

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File: 8dc38618c209c1f⋯.jpg (58.01 KB,750x881,750:881,BoomervZoomer.jpg)


You aint gonna shit either Zoomer nigga.

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File: 4995783ebd992e2⋯.png (934.39 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Bright_Funky_Boxes_Sale_Re….png)


Calm down anon. Just throw some eggs at a Zoomer house or toilet paper in their trees.

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Sorry, but I'm not a zoomer just because you don't like what I have to say. Put down the emotional millennial manchild's guide to online debate and start adulting, son.

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>I'm not a zoomer

If you're not a Zoomer and not Millennial then you're an oldfag. Go post memes on Facebook about Trump.

>start adulting

That's what a Boomer what say. Go be an adult in the old folks home, grandpa.

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File: c67ec27e3de074b⋯.gif (9.3 KB,80x80,1:1,snicker.gif)


And what are you? Just another impotent faggot who posts on a dead imageboard. At least those folks in the homes actually did shit with their lives. Let me guess, though, you've totally lived a long, happy and accomplished life, but you're better than "normies" despite enjoying the same exact shit they do? But you know some "esoteric" shit or whatever and that's why you're "superior" to them? Go outside and touch grass. Big wild suburb you live in.

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File: ab664d5f20de00e⋯.jpg (38.57 KB,680x383,680:383,OldMan.jpg)


>At least those folks in the homes did shit

Oh they're shitting alright. Right in their Depends. Just like Joe Biden.

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File: 2c1dfe5cffd815d⋯.gif (830.52 KB,247x199,247:199,1Tpp.gif)


>Oh they're shitting alright. Right in their Depends. Just like Joe Biden.

And you're going to join them. And what will you have to show for it? Posting on imageboards whining about "normies" and willingly admitting you're jealous of and intimidated by literal kids? And at least they actually BECAME old before they got into the old man yells at clouds stage. You lot got there way too early. Because you're psychologically effeminate. This whole "not like the other girls" schtick is so lame, yet here you lot are. Like I said, it's time to get adulting, son. Better do it now and start living life. Once time's gone, it's gone. And don't give me the whole spiel about how you totally live an accomplished life. We both know that's a lie.

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>And you're going to join them.

Yeah we're all gonna get old one day kid, I'm not denying that. It's the fact you or whoever I was reply to thinks the achievements of Boomers matter any more than Millennials or yourself. That's the point that seems to fly over your head. Or do you actually believe that being a wage cuck is "doing shit with your life". Don't assume that working hard will automatically amount to great success, if that were true then the Chinese factory workers making cheap crap for American consumers would all be rich.

>jealous of kids

How did you extrapolate that? I'm not jealous of children making the same or worse mistakes as previous generations.

>you got there early

And Zoomers didn't? I see Zoomers claiming all the time on social media about "muh depression". Because all of society's problems, the fake news, the economy, and the chemicals in the water making the frogs gay. This is not something Millennials can claim ownership of.

>not like other girls

Aren't you making the same argument? By saying that you or someone else achieved something better than this generation of people you seem to dislike.

>accomplished life

What do you consider accomplished? If you mean traveling, buying a house, raising a family, yeah most of that requires more than a minimum wage job. And if you do manage to save up enough resources you'll have spent most of your life toiling away in a cubicle or taking orders at the drive thru. Unlike people who lived centuries ago who didn't have to do anything other than pick berries. Because we live in a debt based system whereas our ancestors did not. If you have any real life experience you'll know that many people live unhappy lives and it has nothing to do with accomplishments.

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>projection as usual.

You know this is what boomers thought of millennials for the past fifteen years.

Also, millennials are the ones getting offended over post-2012 pop culture shit.

They get pissy if you question their precious overrated 90s/00s childrens entertainment.

Theyre 35 with dead end jobs and kids are from previous gfs/bfs

They whine online about lack of pussy

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It took you 7 months to come up with that response or are you a newfag? I'll let you in on a little secret, this board has been dead for months.


An overused term to describe a thing you don't like. I enjoy some things from the Boomer generation, just not the degeneracy which has trickled down to modern day.

>90s/00s entertainment

Entertainment has gotten progressively worse. It's all become visuals without substance. People are putting less effort in quality control. Now if you're completely blackpilled nihilist doomer then you might think everything looks like a turd on a canvas. In which case there's no point in debating artistic merit.

>lack of pussy

Some of us don't care about getting laid as much as having an actual healthy relationship like our grandparents once had. Sex is only a part of it. It's not just the virgins complaining, but people who've had experience. People with high body counts are also complaining about how bad modern dating is.

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File: a9e02db45c1bade⋯.jpg (85.23 KB,640x628,160:157,wboBlXtl.jpg)


>better than this generation of people you seem to dislike.

Look, I could sit here and dissect all your paltry arguments and poke fun at how you insist I'm just some zoomer because that makes it easier for you to cope, but the truth is that that would be too easy. I don't even need to reply. I can just let your cope speak for itself. Millennials are losers, it is what it is. Every other generation, even your precious zoomers, are leaps and bounds ahead of you. You can't name five great millennial works of art, can you? No great cinema or literature or whatever. All you have is excuses: it's white people, it's women, it's Jews, it's boomers, it's trannies, it's everyone else but you, millennials, that are to blame. >>30167 was right, and I wish you millennials would just stop pretending and blow your brains out (preferably not after blowing out those of innocent people like you love to do so much - Robert Card was a millennial, y'know) or maybe you could stop buying into obvious shitposts designed to poke fun at how y'all fail at adulting and need a scapegoat to function. Pic related for some ideas.

>So you're an ironybro?

That's what's wrong with you. Y'all can't function when someone just tells you straight up to stop being faggots.

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>Y'all can't function

And you can't offer any useful advice. You have a personal hatred towards Millennials and want everyone to see them as you do. You might as well say Millennials are responsible for 9/11 because they didn't do anything to stop it. That's the extent of your complaints, that every generation "did something" even if it was crap, and Millennials did nothing. I would argue that the people who did crap and made the world a crappier place are worse than those who didn't contribute.

When it's explained why Boomers or Zoomers suck, you just deflect and say "no u suck more". That's the crux of your "shitposting". Apply some logic if you want a serious debate or go back under the troll bridge.

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File: 197c970c42f0b45⋯.jpg (280.05 KB,800x600,4:3,The_Internet_Before_Wingcu….jpg)


>That's the crux of your "shitposting". Apply some logic if you want a serious debate or go back under the troll bridge.

So you're saying I'm just trolling, yet you fall for it any way? Not exactly the flex you think it is. Look, millennial, I know you're used to having everyone coddle you because it's everyone else's fault but yourself, but I don't play like that. I'm just having a little fun. Y'all want to shit up the rest of the internet with your bullshit whining? We can do it back just as much. Y'all even cooked up some bullshit "dead internet theory" about "muh bots" because you refuse to deny your generation killed the greatest invention of all time (picrel) with your hangups. Eat shit, and remember, you will own nothing and never be happy.

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>Do shit like what? Sit on your smart device watching hentai all day? I didn't grow up with easy access to porn and I don't think Zoomers should be allowed to either. Grooming kids and putting them on puberty blockers so they grow up to be dickgirls wasn't a big thing back in my day.

Umm, you millennials kinda do that already. Waste away on hentai amd childrens entertainment fanfictions. At 35, this is what alot of ypu already do.

>Yes they are taking that spotlight in the worst ways possibly, by coming out with new gender pronouns and inventing new sexual orientations.

Again, millennials came up with that shit.

>Do you think I want to be on a Doomer site and listen to someone a few years younger than me call me a loser? All the main platforms like Facebook and Twitter have been taken over by Marxists who will put you in time out if you say a wrongthink.

You millennials whine about people older than you and call them losers and label them as Karens and such.

Also, "Marxism"?

Do you even know what maexism really is?

>Why is it okay to label white people Karens but it's a hate crime to call someone a Nigerian? This is the double standard that the Zoomers have fallen for. All this white guilt that the Boomers and Gen X have been pushing since the 60s and raising their children to be SJWs.

See what I mean? You blame zoomers and boomers for anything wrong. Also theres vudeos showing Karens of differing nationalities, not just whites. But again, your millennial reactionary ass is willfull ignorant of that.


You are going on defense mods when someone points out the flaws of Millennials.

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