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Most precious years of our lives are gone and now we clinch to alcoholism

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 No.6188 [View All]

I know plenty of doomers here are alcoholics but I was wondering what sort of experience you boys had with drugs in the past? I'd love to hear your thoughts on weed, psychedelics, opiates, stimulants, hell even deliriants. What's your favorites? Positive experiences overall or has it reinforced your negative behavior?

For me I'm a weed, stimulants, and psychedelics guy

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I've participated in twenty or so ayahuasca ceremonies. I got a lot out of it the first couple of times, but I don't have much to say about the rest. Long term, it didn't help with my mental health issues. I had really bad feeling about the group anyway.


How did you kill a cactus in two weeks?

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2 good lsd experiences

1 good NBOMe experience

2 shitty NBOMe experiences

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I fell in love with booze and stayed away from most other things even when given the opportunity to do so. However I've still tried a few.

Weed - Makes me very paranoid and socially slow. This has always been a problem because the only time it's really been available is in social settings. I've enjoyed it on a few occasions. When I was drinking heavy and not eating started to take a toll on me i would smoke for an appetite. Had a girl try to tell me it made sex better so i tried that. Was so fucking high from 0 tolerance that sex just seemed like the weirdest, most silly thing imaginable and was rendered completely bonerless.

Amphetamines- Tried it with weed and had an excellent buzz. Walked around the local mall with a friend in true normie fashion before getting kicked out for messing up equipment on the kid's playground area. Good time but felt sick, had a terrible stomach ache and couldn't sleep for a few days afterwards.

Mushrooms- Tried in highschool and had a very positive trip. Skipped out with a friend and ate them before smoking a little weed. Only took 2 grams so i really just saw waves/patterns, but the mental high made me feel like everything made sense. We walked back out of his neighborhood- a pretty bad trailer park, and bumped into some guys we knew. They were surrounding a kid I had seen around school. The kid had the physical appearance of some kind of down syndrome. He looked like a creature from the hills have eyes but mentally he was your average normie. They had him all fucked up on something serious, he was so high he could barely stand. They were hitting him, pushing him around. They put him in front of me and told me to hit him. I refused and they all started to get defensive, feeling like assholes. One guy called me a pussy and i left before anything escalated. I spent the rest of the day walking through the woods feeling like a wise shaman druid before playing soccer with some elementary schoolers at the park. I felt great for weeks afterwards.>>9880

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For the past couple years I've used drugs pretty regularly. My favorites are oxy's and xanax, but I've also done MDMA, LSD, shrooms, Codeine, and Adderall. Now I just smoke/vape THC wax a lot and I'm prescribed Concerta and Ritalin.

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xanax, it is meh

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well it germinated nicely from seed

maybe 20 of them

then they turned brown and died

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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what does /doomer/ think of thread related?


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Honestly DMT and shrooms are overrated, LSD 25 and LSA have been far more powerful in my experience. The experience is beyond space travel or time travel, its like seeing the rules of reality being rewritten before you. New colors, new physics, new math, new landscapes, new plants, new feelings, new water. Everything is new and undiscovered. I generally use weed on a daily basis for stress and drink every other day (recovering alcoholic, I was tired of waking up sick every morning)

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Really? LSA?

I tried morning glory once and it just made me kinda nutty.

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Drink every once in a while, state ranges from tipsy to blown, but sometimes it makes me paranoid.

Quit weed in 2016, gave me my first major panic attack after a gravity bong sesh, never was the same after that. Tried it again recently, if I didn't find something to preoccupy my mind with I'd go full anxiety mode pretty fucking quick, quit it for good now fuck that goddamn plant.

Did acid for the first and only time in 2016 when I was still a DRUG EXPLORER LOLLOLOL, was a positive overall experience and I gained more maturity as a result, however I wouldn't do it again, wouldn't want to worsen my cardiac health, same with MDMA, although I did that one 3 times, and by the 3rd time it was losing it's magic, so I guess it was good I never took it again afterwards.

Tried benzos, fucking hate them, they may kill my underlying anxiety but they make me fucking stupid and zombielike so fuck that shit.

Been on opiates since November 2017, specifically heroin. It's fantastic for socializing in the heat of the moment, but I can't sleep on it, and every time I wake up the next morning, or, well, afternoon, and depersonalization kicks in and I start regretting everything I said, then the sickness hits later in the night and I feel like dying. I just lost access to a vehicle that could help me cop so right now I guess I'm forcing myself to quit.

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Are you actively seeking death anon?

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I've only done a few "soft" opioids like hydrocodone, along with weed once (felt nothing), and alcohol of course. Quit everything a long time ago though because I was hospitalized for a suicide attempt when I overdosed on codeine.

I'm interested in psychedelics despite all that. I'll probably try LSA in a little bit.

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>I'm interested in psychedelics

When people used magic mushrooms to treat depression and anxiety, the results of the study found that it was MORE effective when people sought religious and meaningful experiences than when people did it recreationally or to make themselves feel good.

I hope you find what you're looking for.

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I guess it depends on your dose. The nausea is killer but in very high doses it's very similar to LSD, even more so than test chemicals or shrooms


Try indica or even CBD supplements like hemp cigarettes, THC can agitate you a little whereas CBD is relaxing and has strong pain relief properties. I've only done 1 prescription worth of benzos and honestly if felt like a very small dose of alcohol.

As for MDMA/molly/etc, I was once at a bar with some coworkers and took some kind of powder out in their car that was supposed to be MDMA, but it made me kinda pissy and uppity so I think it might have actually been mephedrone [not the same thing as methadone] or something. Over all it was pretty boring. I haven't done opioids and don't plan to

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Yeah that's definitely great news to hear since a profound spiritual trip is exactly what I'm shooting for. I've heard LSA is hit-or-miss but it's not a huge deal - I'll move into mushrooms afterwards regardless of what LSA shows me. Thank you.


>The nausea is killer

I've heard lemon juice and a cold water extraction method eliminates the vertigo. Also, on an unrelated note, did you experience anything related to vascular problems? Based on my research LSA can apparently cause veins to shrink painfully in the leg in a nonthreatening benign way.

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Ive been using kratom daily for the past five years.

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what happened on weed?

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"molly," at least on a large portion of the east coast is pretty much just meth now

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so how about the indigenous out there getting nixed over gold mining?

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I have taken prescription stimulants and painkillers (Adderall, Biphentin & Morphine, fentanyl patches) and marijuana. I also did dxm syrup and it got me drunken.


Hah, the pharmajew got you too huh? they used to prescribe me Concerta as a child until they abruptly cut me off and I had to start buying from a friend.

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Psychedelics are great. Bring back shamanism.

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>bring back shamanism

This. Peyote, ayahuasca, kykeon, magic mushrooms etc. are the ticket to enlightenment.

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Unless you're a pharmacologist, I've probably taken every drug you've ever heard of, and then some. I would list them but it would probably take me several hours.

Drugs are fucking stupid and if you take them you're a degenerate. Yes, this includes psychedelics.

At this point I just smoke cigarettes.

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Fuck you. "I did drugs, enjoyed them, and they made me understand the world better, but if you even try them ever you're a degenerate!" - you

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I used to think that psychedelics where the ticket to enlightenment. It sure feels that way for the first few hundred or so trips. But when I finally got to the end of the crystalline cave, there was no more light. The joy and love that I had felt most of the way there–the beings I had met–they all fell silent. Looking back I could see that their colorful, pulsating, ephemeral bodies where nothing but fabric facades stretched over cold steel animatronics. I suppose they aren't called machine elves for nothing. The images in the cave walls where gone, the light at the end of the tunnel I had been swimming towards all this time was only the reflections of that which I was leaving behind. And when I looked at the perfectly smooth wall at the end, all I saw was my own image.


Learn from my mistakes, faggot. I never said I wasn't a degenerate.

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I never truly understood this. When you take drugs and it depends what drugs, you might think how you understand things better but only after I quit I started to doubt if it wasn't lie. Psychedelics were great because I was making music and I heard shit I never heard before but then again I got sad because I knew nobody else will truly hear and feel what I felt while recording. It's something beyond me, something I don't understand and probably will never understand, what is more real, if being sober or under influence. And maybe it isn't important, you know, maybe the "real" or "better understanding" isn't the goal, maybe you just love to have a good trip, maybe that's the "world" you feel better in and it doesn't matter if it feels like real world beyond reality. During that period of my life I definitely become more spiritual and more emotionally aware to a degree I didn't needed drugs anymore, because I got what I needed when I was sober. Something changed, life got too fast, I'm not making music for spirits anymore, I lost my child-like playfulness and my inner world, it all blended into reality and everything become possible but yet still impossible. I understand world less than I ever did but I guess that's the matter of age and not drug use.

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No offense - this is gay.

Nobody has to trip 100+ times. One good trip on shrooms is fine.

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Oh, and to add -

stop whiteknighting for Settlers.

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My personal rankings


2. Opiates

3. LSD

4. Ketamine

5. 2CB

6. Cocaine

7. Benzos

8. 2CB


9. Weed

I'm a fucking huge fan of opiates. I love 'em. They'd be number 1 but MDMA is too fun and is amazing for building/repairing relationships.

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Only legal shit. Other than the usual:

>creatine: despite all the mysticism surrounding MUH GAINZ! all it does for me is make my joints slightly less sore after working out, which is good enough for me to keep taking it

<from what I hear this is exactly what steroids do except much more pronounced (ie it doesn't GIVE you bigger muscles so much as it lets you work out a lot more often) sans nasty side effects

>l-theanine powder: extract of the green tea chemical which calms your shit. works enough to be somewhat noticeable, but much more than about 400mg made me very pissed almost immediately after ingesting

>maca root powder: more energy + aphrodisiac. it works, but not immediately: like an antidepressant you have to keep taking it for at least several weeks to a few months until one day you realize you've been beating off like you were 13 again when even wrinkly fat chick cleavage makes your dick drippy

>phenibut: barely-legal substance (like salvia was right before, well, it was declared illegal) which is supposed to be like a "social skills steroid" that one should take around six to four hours before a job interview or picking up hotties. did nothing for me but nearly make me vomit from the flavor (like ultra-concentrated piss), except at around 5g (the supposed "safe" limit) my upper arms were a tad tingly for ten minutes

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The first time I tried weed, I was 16. I was hanging out with this girl I wanted to have sex with, but I became so stoned that I lost my fucking mind and she kicked me out of the house after about an hour. Well I never had a chance to have sex with that girl again, because not long after that she became one of those high school lesbian types. I would say that was a gateway moment for me to enter doomerdom. She was the only girl I thought I might have been compatible with and she lived literally right up the street. So I spent the rest of high school miserable and unable to talk to girls.

My favorite drug was percs. I did a ton of that shit when I was 20. Spent an entire summer laid out in a dream like state watching Planet Earth and old movies.

I'll probably never go back to percs though because as I get older I find that my willpower breaks down easier. I don't want to become such a dirtbag that I'm fiending for heroin at 4 AM, which is where I expect percs will lead to. In my early 20s, I was strong, sexually active, and had an anything I set my mind to mentality. Now I'm just an incel cuck.

Still love weed but do it rarely since I no longer live in a recreational state and I haven't hung out with anyone in like 4 years.

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americunt. bit drunk, listening to music, don't have the atenntion span to read everyone's posts rn. sorry.


when I had it on hand, I smoked everyday. at one point I upgraded to a vape and did it at work nonstop as well. I since stopped since I had attempted to join a uniformed service (haha) and don't plan on starting again as it made me feel complacent and aimless. I'd rather suffer directed agony.

<Dextromethorphan (cough syrup)

interesting experience the first few times, but I'd consider it merely a gateway to more interesting drugs. it'll get your feet wet in the depths of your psyche while keeping you too disoriented to truly comprehend the gravity of what it is you're experiencing. more at 11….


this was the turning point. I felt like a human male for the first time in my life, primal, connected to nature, productive, caring. I cleaned my apt and did my very best to engage with my gf and pets that night. if my entire life could be feeling the way I did then, I'd have a chance.

over the next few months, I microdosed with the remaining tab or two I had left and my mental state degraded further and further. simple discomforts spiraled into complete breakdowns as I struggled to reconcile the programming instilled into me as a child with the new reality I was facing. I ended up throwing away the remaining 1/2 tab, but I still suffered the mental/emotional instability for the next 4-6 weeks. I'm a lot better now, but what has been seen within myself cannot be unseen. it's probably why I'm here now.

if you read all that, you've done more for me than anyone else in my life. thank you.

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I used to inhale computer air and get really fucked, now I just drink stolen alcohol.

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Besides alcohol I've only done DXM. I'm on DXM it now and honestly it's pretty fucking nice.

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i only like weed but im looking forward for a mushroom experience

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Used to smoke it all day erry day until I realized it basically makes you retarded, but you are too retarded to realize you are retarded so you just think being retarded is cool so you continue to willingly ingest what is essentially an atypical antipsychotic which are designed to make you a sedentary, docile retard.

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I enjoy a THC joint every few weeks or so, but most of the time I stick to CBD grass. other than that I've never been into drugs.

What pisses me off is the sheer ignorance about marihuana/cannabinoids of the stoner normalfag scum. it seems as if the louder they scream "legalize it", the less they've read about it.

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or those who use the medicinal properties when they don't have any health issues, at least be honest and say that you want to get stoned and play vidya

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who else /robotripping/ almost every day to forget about pain? i tihnk i already fried my brain and sometimes cant even remember what i did 1 hour ago or where am I but honestly, why should i care?

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Seconded. My time on weed is some of the most piss-wasted years of my existence; just a slow, odious descent into decay. The only purpose of it was to numb me after a shitty 9 to 5 job; but, if you need to destroy your own brain every day after work, that probably says more about your job than the drug itself.

I think weed is just a symptom of a sad life. At its core, it's just suicide for those who don't think they're suicidal.

That said, I really want to try mushrooms. None of that microdosing erry day BS, just looking for a transcendental experience with a couple of good friends (and probably my parents).

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Seconded. My time on weed is some of the most piss-wasted years of my existence; just a slow, odious descent into decay. The only purpose of it was to numb me after a shitty 9 to 5 job; but, if you need to destroy your own brain every day after work, that probably says more about your job than the drug itself.

I think weed is just a symptom of a sad life. At its core, it's just suicide for those who don't think they're suicidal.

That said, I really want to try mushrooms. None of that microdosing erry day BS, just looking for a transcendental experience with a couple of good friends (and probably my parents).

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A serious question, where do you guys buy drugs? Everyone keeps talking how easy it is to buy them but I have no idea how to do it. I don't know anyone who is taking drugs and i'm sure 90% of internet sites selling them are just honeypots.

and no, i'm not a cop

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Use the darknet, friend.

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I binge through my prescription Dexedrine (dexamphetamine) heavily like the reckless and impulsive idiot that I am when it comes to speed.

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i've been straight edge for 22 years until last summer when i finally started living alone. tried alcohol and got pretty hooked, whole summer and autumn i spent drunk like 5 days a week. mostly beers and later wine. then i tried lsd which in retrospective might have been stupid of me since it was my first drug. honestly hated it, "made me realize" although i subconsciously new it already that the world offers many nice things but i am just crippled and cannot enjoy them. after that i moved to RC benzos since alcohol had too many kcals for my liking, tried ket and PCP/PCE analogs, really loved it. also dabbled in ampetamines and cathinones, thought that shit might be good for school and waking up early but found out benzo + energy drink is way better combo since i can actaully participate in class without feeling anxious. but nothing really tops opioids for me. the pure bliss and feeling that everything is just the way it's supposed to be. got addicted and now it's the only thing i'm using, not even interested in trying anything else. also smoking cigarettes. tried weed and it was meh, always was anxious before smoking and it kinda ruined it all. also dislike how slowly times move on weed. main reason why i fell in love w benzos was how fast time moved, i really hated long days since i don't have anything to do and i just want my time to come to end 'quicker'

1. opioids

2. cigarettes

3. dissos

4. benzos

huge gap

5. stims and mdma

6. alcohol and weed

7. psychedelics

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