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/doomer/ - Doomers Club

Most precious years of our lives are gone and now we clinch to alcoholism

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Anons, do you believe that some people are meant to be alone, forever?

I contemplate this as I am turning thirty soon and still have no serious relationships under my belt. The longest I have dated someone is roughly a year, and even then, it was on and off.

I see all these people around me in their early twenties getting marred - and I am happy for them - but it seems like most of these people resign to a life that they don't necessarily want.

I don't want to be like them. I wanna enjoy my life, even if that means being selfish. I don't wanna suffer in silence like it seems most men do. Fuck that.

Open discussion on your guys thoughts

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Be the moth, and not the flame.

This is how you attract someone who loves you authentically:

People only want truth, do not lie or manipulate.

Your selfish intentions can be felt by people whether or not you're aware of it.

If your current life doesn't enable you to be honest you have to change your life.

Stop 'looking' for a woman, they don't want to be pursued.

Work to improve skills in your life that make you an asset to them.

If three things in your life are all the same (actions, words, and beliefs) your honesty will attract the right person who loves who YOU are.

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>I don't wanna suffer in silence like it seems most men do.

Most men don't, actually. You would know that if you didn't cling to your elitist bullshit about "muh normies" and actually got to know people as people, not as whatever scapegoat you need for some such personal problems.

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Alot of this "doomer" culture is just sexual/romantic deprivation.

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Well I am not sure where you are financially, but after I broke up with my ex it seemed like overseas is where it is at. I am not quite 30 yet but I only seem to get along with foreign women so I need to be true to my nature and go for it. I have been out of a relationship for 2 months and nothing worked. I switch my location to an exotic local and have been doing a lot better. I plan to grind a few more years and dip out of the States. That is my take as I never was good with relationships Stateside.

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Well I am not sure where you are financially, but after I broke up with my ex it seemed like overseas is where it is at. I am not quite 30 yet but I only seem to get along with foreign women so I need to be true to my nature and go for it. I have been out of a relationship for 2 months and nothing worked. I switch my location to an exotic local and have been doing a lot better. I plan to grind a few more years and dip out of the States. That is my take as I never was good with relationships Stateside.

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I know the feeling bro. I kinda bs'ed my way into 3 relationships with 2 people but the one cheated and the other I try and get back with seems to be "busy". And I make matters worse the one that cheated already found someone. I work my ass off in my 20's just for this? Bros it is just not fair, even though I have approached 48 women in 3 months since the break up(plus online) it all just seems like BS. I do well for myself but I guess that is not good enough. At least I have an African chick I am talking to but she might be a scammer. Idk anymore.

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pro tip for you fags

normalfags are not happier then you are

they just have more intense distractions and cannot afford to overthink or think at all

in movies after wedding is the happy end but in real life this marks the beginning of problems in magnitudes you have never imagined in your wildest dreams.

>but it seems like most of these people resign to a life that they don't necessarily want

when you ask educated intelligent people if they would have children again they overwhelmingly answer


once you become parent say goodbye to your peace forever

for the first 2 years you can be happy if you manage to get a few hours of sleep per night

people think lets have babies it will be like a fairy tale and then wake up in reality

when you are married and have 2 or 3 childrens to feed you cannot afford to go on the internet and cry about your 1st world problems. you are constantly in need of money because your wife is nagging all the time x must be done and y must be bought and so on and the children want new plastic crap to play with and you also have to put money away for little timmies college fund unless you want little timmy to be trapped in a shit job until he dies of course

so after a long day of hustle they come home and just want to sit down into their sofas and pop a beer or 2 and go to bed.


>everyone's life is shit to some degree

>humans can never be truly happy because desires are infinite

existence is a nigger

winona is a jewess

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You'd be surprised. Alot of married folk have more time to whine about small shit nowadays. And the generation of adults born after 1965 are abysmally bad at parenting let alone relationships.

People whom choose procreate don't deserve sympathy because they thought family is like a sports trophy to show off to the world.

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>adults born after 1965

Where are you getting these statistics? I know plenty of Boomers who failed at relationships. Maybe things have gotten worse since the 60s but it started with the 60s libtardation.

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Perhaps, but it doesn't change the fact that postboomer adulthood is abysmal.

Mille ials have even managed to outboomer the boomers which is astonishing but not really, when you look at who raised them.

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You would be a lot happier if the Boomers hadn't given up on the nuclear family model from the 50s. Whatever grudge you have against Millennials is mostly not our fault. If you want to be better than Millennials then prove, go out there a be the best Zoomer you can be. Learn from us and don't make the same mistakes we did. Bring Germany I mean America back to its former glory.

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The nuclear family model is unstable. Would you should want is the extended family model.

Also, millennials blame zoomers for things that have happened in the Mille ails Era or before.

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America hasn't former glory except through exploitation of natives and poor white immigrants.

It was a brutal farce of FREEDUMB AND DA-MOCK-RACY.

If you believe in the Aryan/Hyberborean utopia shit pls ki day join your spiritual father Hitler.

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>Extended family model

So are you not American? We have been calling it the nuclear family or whatever in America.


>except through exploitation

That's a very cynical view and kinda racist. I don't agree with what happened to Natives and Africans by the colonialists but those races weren't perfect either. Natives fought one another, as did the Africans. It's not as simple as blaming white America. American history may be flawed but the founding principles and many of the innovations that have come from America are arguably good.


What's wrong with freedom? Too much freedom can be a bad thing as it can lead to hedonism but wanting to be free of dictatorship is not a bad thing.

>Aryan utopia

What's wrong with that? Do you not like white people? I support white people because they are a minority. There are more blacks and Asians than there are blonde haired children. The people who want white genocide are racist.

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Forsake this intent inside you. Spit upon it, for you are not really wanting a relationship just to take the pain away. Reject the world actively.

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>Anglo-American Aryanism at its finest

You guys claim to be persscuted but you guys whine about "muh kikes, niggers, wetbacks stealing muh jobs and women".

Most self proclaimed white folks turn out to be mixed. And even if they were ourebred, alot of you white ethnonationalists are underachievers whom feel etitled to being worshipped.

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>That's a very cynical view and kinda racist. I don't agree with what happened to Natives and Africans by the colonialists but those races weren't perfect either. Natives fought one another, as did the Africans. It's not as simple as blaming white America. American history may be flawed but the founding principles and many of the innovations that have come from America are arguably good.

Americas founding principles were that poor whites werent seen as human.

also, The Founding Fathers looked down on Germans, Irish, Italians, and Scottish as savages only slightly better than Native Americans.

White colonists actively bulldizes natuve American civilization to "manifest destiny."

Im tired of white colonist sympathisers like you.

You jiustify imposing your bastardised Anglo cultural institutiins upon everyone but complain about "muh Jews" trying to do the same.

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>kikes niggers and wetbacks

All we can do is complain, the other alternative is war. Are you proposing violence? What do you want people to do? You are either racist towards whites or a self-hating white person. Imagine building an empire and letting people who hate you turn that empire into shit. Would you be okay with that? If you don't complain or don't fight, then you stay silent, and silence is just another form of violence. It is buck breaking.


>Americas founding principles

I was speaking of basic freedoms and civil liberties. I didn't say the founding fathers were perfect, and I literally said American history was flawed.

>white colonist sympathizers like you

People like you would throw the baby out with the bathwater. America had great ideas once, but you're unlikely willing to concede that because it was made for white people. You are either not white or self-hating, having been convinced by some communist manifesto that America has no merit.

>complain about "muh Jews"

Let me guess, you don't care about "muh Palestinians" do you? I don't co-sign any genocide. Maybe you're willing to against people you don't like, but I'm not like that. I just don't want to be a 3rd class citizen in a nation my ancestors built for their future descendants. The situation is Israel is much different and goes back thousands of years, with alleged war crimes on both sides according to history. Now if you were a Doomer, and I don't know why you're here otherwise, then you'd see it all as pointless anyway. So there's no point in debating the ethics of the Mid East conflict.

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this all sounds like pure copium

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