YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. c20e93 No.14018083
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0e0054 No.14018101
338609 No.14018103
3e52cf No.14018104
The only thing that should come before benis is archiving, you fags.
30b7f3 No.14018105
Remember to have a good Christmas.
b418e8 No.14018106
No first for benis, therefore sage.
076fae No.14018113
video games were a mistake
7abbaa No.14018114
Good morning, faggots.
Have you joined the Alpha Club?
341499 No.14018124
Does anybody know how xenoblade did?
dbd8ba No.14018140
Watch out for GamerGate
The public enemy of the world #1
It is the main hashtag responsible for…
☑ Forcing a historian to prioritize shitposts over reporting their dad's corpse
☑ Vandilizing private property with "Strategic Designation #2"
☑ Causing chaos in Hollywood with an acid rainstorm
☑ Ruined the very concept of anime for everyone
☑ Firing a promising staff member from Platinum Games
☑ Making Colin Moriarty say a misogynistic joke and firing him
☑ Giving a white Iranian a date with DMCAstiny
☑ Creating bait that surpassed Metal Benis
☑ Stole Bioware's checkbook
☑ Making YouTube proud to support the [ERROR: Login to view this content] community
☑ Became Linkedredchannitin
☑ Adorning unrelated posts with images of anime boobs
☑ Overwrote reality with a Tropico save-file
☑ Teaching the Russians how it's done
☑ Spent 4 days legally dead for tax reasons
☑ Manipulated reviews to make Yooka-Laylee look as 64-bit as possible
☑ Revealed international culinary secrets
☑ Convinced an anon into becoming a trap
☑ Funded by Russia to cause chaos in the USA
☑ Plotting to invade and take over the fashion world with a new puppet as mascot
☑ Successfully summoned the memeteor, then promptly dispelled it because it wasn't exciting enough
☑ Moved gaming acceptance back decades in the public consciousness
☑ Got seened in an Oakland drive-by
☑ Has trademarked "hikikomori ginger girls with names based on imageboards"
☑ Employed Russia's help in hacking the ESRB
☑ Bestowed upon a penguin a penguin-waifu
☑ Caught a glimpse of the evil that is the Korean Education system
☑ Likes their iced cream 'pure aryan'
☑ Hacked a character into ARMS, then leaked it
☑ Having a girl fetish
☑ Killed people at an Ariana Grande concert with a bomb
☑ Discriminating fantasy from reality
☑ Undoing all the hard work into promoting Far Cry 5
☑ Turned Ren Hoek into a terrorist
☑ Created Gamergate America
☑ Became starmen
☑ Brought misogyny into E3
☑ Turned Mario Mexican
☑ Prevented beloved VAs from reprising their popular roles
☑ Brought back unpopular video games like Metroid
☑ Blowing everything up
<☑ Exploring new frontiers
☑ Used their playbook to make CNN's blackmail look bad
☑ Ruining the careers of J2E translators by supporting TD
☑ Encouraging Japanese xenophobia
☑ Fanning the flames of distrust and hatred for a unified world government
☑ Wanted for high crimes on Gallifrey
☑ Fought in the fetish wars
☑ Made the kickstarter box set for Mighty No.9 "better than nothing"
☑ Tempted Eve and initiated the fall of humanity
☑ Got a two-decade old vaporware game finished and released through sheer buying potential
☑ Harassing Google employees in the name of diversity
☑ The sexist, racist anti-diversity Google Manifesto
☑ Weaponized penises
☑ Shot down a police helicopter over Charlotteville
☑ Was a Russian bot army test run.
☑ Forcing Angela Merkel to play racist games at GamesCom
☑ Overcriticizing Mass Effect: Andromeda
☑ Organised nazi yoga lessons
☑ Fetishized Skill
✅ Hacked Equifax database to doxx women on a *massive* scale
☑ Made a veteran games journalist look dumber than a pigeon
☑ Sexualized the Mombot
☑ Mourning a penguin
☑ Destroyed Neogaf
☑ Outed the Neogaf owner as a rapist
☑ Funding catgirl research
☑ Blocked the Chinese Overwatch team from entering America
☑ Partying with Captain Kirk
☑ Made Boogie break his fence under the weight of his own… hubris
☑ Provided gamers with a sense of pride and accomplishment by hurting EA's income
☑ Caused VICE and IGN's toxic sexual harassment culture
☑ The video game comic fanbase headquarters
☑ EXTREME mansplaining
☑ Making Xenoblade 2 a huge win for them
☑ Origin of Dungeons & Dragons: Satan's Game
☑ Ended Net Neutrality which ruined the internet FOREVER
☑ Being a criminal conspiracy
☑ Ruining Star Wars
☑ Used to justify the widespread, organized assault on women, people of colour and queer & trans folks.
☑ Testcase for Breitbart, Infowars, and the GRU
☑ Became serial killers
399b01 No.14018148
Shills walk among the Normalfags.
They give the normalfags opinions, which they can't form on their own.
Normalfags adopt any shit, that is often enough repeated to them.
Normalfags keep on copy paste their behavior.
This is the only reason why Shills keep continuing,
doing what they do.
Shills walk among the Normalfags,
and you actually know it
but you don't care enough!
>but you don't care enough!
Shills walk among the Normalfags,
and normalfags actually know it
but don't care enough!
>but don't care enough!
who cares
who cares
who cares
who cares
aaaaaaand did you knooooooooooow
where the "who cares" meme came from
Was made by shills!
so yoooooooooooooou
dont interupt them.
68d1e2 No.14018154
last comics for those who missed them
0cbcfc No.14018170
#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news
Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence.
Useful Links:
> Make backups of your favorite doujins in case of Fakku DMCA purge
> Mujaki no Rakuen ended because of potential restrictions against loli manga and Olympics.
> Fans successfully pressure Nintendo to add an optional 1.1GB "Japanese Voices" patch for Fire Emblem Warriors
> Xenoblade voice-over option confirmed as free DLC
> The Key to Home has been deleted from Steam
> ShindoL has a message to the English community.
Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add incoming Japanese games)
>Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/116640 )
>Bandai-Namco: Girls und Panzer Dream Tank Match (Winter.17, JP release w. eng sub), Ni no Kuni 2 (Jan.19.18, Dev'd with western market in mind), Little Witch Academia (JP:Nov.30.17,West:2018), SAO: Fatal Bullet (March, 2018)
>SquareEnix: Secret of Mana Remake (Feb.15.18)
>Nintendo: Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Out)
>Bullet Girls Phantasia (2018)
SPREAD THIS: is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.
They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.
Fakku 0001-1000:
Fakku 1001-1100:
Fakku 1101-1200:
Fakku 1201-1300:
Fakku 1301-1400:
Fakku 1401-1500:
Fakku 1501-1600:
Fakku 1601-1700:
Fakku 1701-1800:
Fakku 1801-1900:
Fakku 1901-2000:
Fakku 2001-2100:
Fakku 2101-2200:
Fakku 2201-2300:
Info & feedback welcome
06a4c7 No.14018172
Why does it hurt to have no friends?
30b7f3 No.14018176
We are social creatures by nature.
d93c3e No.14018181
Because blind people bump into things.
06a4c7 No.14018182
It's like… work is boring as hell, and then I come home, and I have nothing exciting to do. No tabletop games to experience with other people. I'm kinda burned out on video games, too.
7abbaa No.14018189
>4 sages in a row
ResetEra is here it seems.
30b7f3 No.14018203
Would you rather we bump while offtopic?
You need a new outlet. Maybe get some air and find a social gathering somewhere.
338609 No.14018206
3521a5 No.14018214
no first for benis, therefore sage
impostor detected
baaeff No.14018230
Don't forget to dig anons
>no first for benis, therefore sage
Would you fuck off with this stupid meme.
f4113c No.14018234
>PUBG: 10/10
3521a5 No.14018238
never will and you already know that
fe31c5 No.14018241
>Imperfectly perfect
That's… That's not how anything works.
baaeff No.14018245
What the fuck? I love this game and this is still absolutely retarded. Can these people not genuinely judge something based off it's faults and successes instead of how popular it is/want it to be?
7abbaa No.14018255
>No complaints on how the game doesn't feature "stronk, indepyndnt womyn of color who needs no man" or "lacking of diversity"
Something is really odd about this article.
072ded No.14018257
>>Imperfectly perfect
How odd that Polygon, the same rag that gave us that shitty nuDoom gameplay, ended up creating a concise example of doublethink.
baaeff No.14018273
>The review only mentions a single map
51a80e No.14018306
Holy shit, /pol/ is at an all-time low as far as poster quality goes.
baaeff No.14018308
That's like being surprised a retard keeps breathing each day he's alive.
8bbb35 No.14018312
>It’s been a few hours since Trump’s Tax bill passed Congress and companies are already announcing $1,000 bonuses and pay increases for all employees as a result.
>plus the American economy is growing at a great rate and tons of new jobs are been created.
Should I move to murrika?
e8f2d5 No.14018314
Nothing personal, but fuck off we're full.
5ef281 No.14018320
Fuck off, we're full.
baaeff No.14018321
>Should I move to murrika?
Depends on how brown you are
7e4eb4 No.14018322
>its a masterpiece
>its broken, but that doesn't matter
>comparing bugs to movie plotholes
I wonder how much they got paid to spew this drivel. They admit it's broken and full of bugs, yet give it a PERFECT score. A 9/10, although still way too generous, would have been more believable.
4c96db No.14018324
>Gaim opening
OP, you truly are the coolest.
8bbb35 No.14018326
No, you aren't
I'm Europ- I'm white.
953a32 No.14018331
I need to know if that furfag Brian did indeed an hero himself
2df018 No.14018332
>ATT, Wells Fargo, etc. announcing huge bonuses and minimum rage increases
>stocks and other shit are down
What did they mean by this?
51a80e No.14018342
I mean they literally have a thread using the term loli when talking about a real child. I would expect that from /b/ but not /pol/
6f76bd No.14018343
Moar dig. Ernest Wilson from the HASTAC digging thread
is linked to Omidyar Foundation through the Democracy Fund. Omidyar is on the board. Wilson on the advisory council.
is a member of the Global Network Initiative,
is on the editorial board of Demand Media (Cracked)
is a board member of the Pacific Council on International Policy. (listed on their 990 form)
The dude is fucking connected indeed.
7b13c5 No.14018354
0be549 No.14018355
Any decent /pol/ alternatives not full of retards, shills, etc. and not run by a turk?
5ef281 No.14018361
86cde1 No.14018369
How about here? Also, there is >>>/debate/ and where is the repository board is.
6ab1fd No.14018377
I've suspected as such since I've seen all the anti loli shit being posted everywhere, but this pretty much confirms to me that it was an active DC effort.
e8f2d5 No.14018385
5ef281 No.14018389
Lolis are a filter against normalfags.
0be549 No.14018390
Pic related
This is supposed to be about VIDEO GAMES, not just polidicks.
/debate/ seems decent.
474bf6 No.14018395
>but this pretty much confirms to me that it was an active DC effort.
Or possibly an active DFC effort.
30b7f3 No.14018399
Aren't these threads specifically the main hub for political talks, happenings, and kikery in the industries?
b418e8 No.14018412
Shut up Carlos
This thread is essentially /v/pol/, but there does need to be some link to videogames or else Mark will throw a fit.
341499 No.14018418
There has been a strong anti anime/loli push on /pol/ for the last year or so, a couple of months ago there where the take the lolipill shill threads.
51a80e No.14018430
I don't know where these 3DPD faggots are coming from but they definitely aren't from here, I can just tell by reading their posts, like a bodysnatcher there is something odd about them.
7b13c5 No.14018433
>Mark has the gall to ask the GAMERgate thread to be GAME related
truly his kikery has no bounds
baaeff No.14018440
I don't think he even bothers anymore.
b418e8 No.14018449
I'm with >>14018440. Mark doesn't regulate this thread much and I've never seen him or the mod team delete something they shouldn't itt. Not to say they aren't faggots, but they don't act like faggots here.
baaeff No.14018466
I had some of my posts deleted in this thread for avatarfagging, though they seem to have cut me some slack once I explained that I'm just trying get the webms I'm making out onto the board for usage.
Wouldn't be surprised, Quark showed up in season 1.
6f76bd No.14018468
A dig on the Brookings Institution and Qatar.
They link back to Twitter. Soliya is Solis. Same people.
86cde1 No.14018471
Yep, and he went full ""Destroy the multiculturalists".
341499 No.14018500
Its probably goons from cuckchan who are shilling both imageboards to muddy the waters of loli by continuing to conflate it with cp.
5ef281 No.14018517
Loli is banned on cuckchan, so no surprise. Also, cuckchan is botnet.
0362b9 No.14018528
We got a retard on the thread?
And why does he has a 0 ID?
e0e5cd No.14018532
0362b9 No.14018535
Not newfag.
Just not very clever.
001531 No.14018546
>someone makes a bot that fuck along with every word
>fuck jews?
>fuck gays?
>fuck Christians
>cool beans
>bot says fuck niggers today
>twitter suspends the bot
97b434 No.14018555
Hover over the ID.
0362b9 No.14018566
Now I can't because the posts were deleted.
afa525 No.14018581
it just says "I am a massive faggot and my posts will never have any value whatsoever", that's what you can expect when you see 000000 as an id
97b434 No.14018587
Now I feel even worse about wasting trips.
Anyway. TOR poster.
338609 No.14018588
It's a poster using TOR
4898ed No.14018594
44788d No.14018613
Why would you just spoonfeed the newfag?
0362b9 No.14018614
Ah, ok. I didn't remember the TOR thing.
Anyway, what >>14018546 said could be a good chance to at least make something laughable?
6f76bd No.14018622
Berkman's financiers include Interculture Foundation.
Interculture Foundation is run by Al-Husein N. Madhany, a member of CFR.
Al-Husein N. Madhany received "special thanks" from the Muslima project
The Muslima board of directors includes "honorary" member Jennifer Siebel Newsom.
We found Newsom getting $350k/yr from somewhere while digging corrupt media. We found they fund Wikipedia too.
It's the same network.
The McCormick Foundation is another of Berkman's financiers.
Pillars Fund of Chicago is run by Kashif Shaikh. The board includes Linda Sarsour.
Kashif Shaikh was formerly a program officer of McCormick Foundation.
Was Sarsour able to influence Berkman?
Pillars Fund grantees include Alex Kronemer's Unity Productions Foundation.
Kronemer also runs Muslims on Screen and Television (MOST).
MOST board members include Dalia Mogahed. Another Sarsour-alike.
MOST PR officer Camille Alick was co-chair of the Women's Initiative at the Pacific Council on International Policy.
Do you think she may have known Ernest Wilson? >>14018343
9e4290 No.14018623
>been telling everyone I could about that
>without fail, it makes them laugh their asses off
6f76bd No.14018629
Grab a shovel
and help dig
you lazy fucks
we found something
1f1a7e No.14018663
>Ernest Whatshisface
the guy who was part of that gaming club for developers which name escapes me?
7b13c5 No.14018690
It said "fuck negroes" a week ago and nothing happened
7b13c5 No.14018704
>How a PR Agency Stole Our Kickstarter Money
>How a Failed Kickstarter Campaign Told The World Half The Story and Painted Us As Crowdfunding Super-Villains. And, Yes… We’re Partially To Blame.
30b7f3 No.14018705
Who goes to the last thread and post here just to bitch?
1a1328 No.14018711
My fucking sides.
Nigger is the big no-no word, so much that it makes everyone forget negroes exist.
I'm guessing someone stumbled upon "fuck niggers" and reported it, so now it's permabanned because twitter is no fun allowed and doesn't understand bots exist. I got banned for a similar reason.
a40488 No.14018712
SJWs Complain That Far Cry 5 Isn’t Anti-Conservative, Anti-Christian Enough
>“The villain (Joseph Seed) is recognizably part of our political culture, albeit exaggerated.
He is a guns-and-Bible demagogue who cites scripture often, and speaks in apocalyptic terms. As I write this, the news headlines are full of Roy Moore’s refusal to concede his defeat in the recent Alabama election, warning that “immorality sweeps over the land.” Crucially, Moore exploits racism, as he appeals to followers on the Christian right.
>“The final game will certainly offer a narrative thread in which characters reveal their own anger, and why they were tempted (or not) to join the cult at the center of the game. But based on what I’ve seen and the conversations I’ve had with Ubisoft representatives, I don’t believe that Far Cry 5 will seriously address the issues that are core to the game’s visual and cultural language.”
>“According to Ubisoft, the player can judge the cult’s leader and his beliefs for themselves. On the face of it, this seems reasonable. Death cults do not spring from vacuums. There are always social and political reasons for them. But there’s an undeniably fascistic quality to Eden’s Gate, one which Ubisoft was unwilling to address during my interview.
>“[…] Ubisoft argues that Eden’s Gate is not a white supremacist group, and that the cult gathers adherents from all sectors of society. From playing the game, I can tell you that the bad guys are not all white. And yet, this feels like a useful way to exploit hate-politics without facing tricky ethical questions.”
>“So, with a few months to go before Far Cry 5 comes out, I’m concerned that it is using extremist politics as a marketing tool, rather than as an opportunity to address real issues. At a time when people are being marginalized, silenced, deported and killed as a result of nativist politics, this seems like a morally dubious exercise.”
>“People around the world are angry and frightened by the rise of nativism, and acts of violence and murder perpetrated by far right terrorists. It seems a shame to me that Ubisoft is ready and willing to create a cult that looks a lot like a bunch of modern-day American nazis, without the inconvenience of facing this political phenomenon head on.”
Colin Campbell of Polygon is such a worm, holy shit. He's basically butthurt that there won't be nearly as much regurgitated, tired, blatant propaganda in a mere video game as he wanted.
000000 No.14018719
How can I be retarded if I watch Rick and Morty everyday? My IQ is well above 150 at least.
I want to eat galko's shaggy butthair
5ef281 No.14018727
>Into galko even though she's hairy
a8b480 No.14018730
>minimum rage increases
249f59 No.14018744
>more money into the company's pockets
>they raise wages of the lowest paid because that doesn't really hurt their bottom line
>law increasing minimum wage
>company is making the same amount of money but they need to cut costs somehow
0be549 No.14018753
Remember the "ANIME IS ALL MARXIST TRASH" faggot shilling here? Probably a /weebleftypol/ shill posing as /pol/
Reddit This is an unfortunate side effect of the shit during the election.
I'm not a stormfag though, I'm a lolberg.
30b7f3 No.14018759
Good on Ubisoft for at least trying to hold back now after realizing the mistake of Wolfenstein 2. However I doubt this means the game will be completely free of bullshit. Never forget Watchdogs 2.
0b068e No.14018773
In the newest edition of "ways they've fucked up Fire Emblem Warriors":
>first DLC released a day early
>one of the new characters, which you're paying for, is a clone
>he shares his moveset with THREE OTHER CHARACTERS
>a few dedicated aspies (one of whom goes by fucking "Dragonage2ftw", so you know he has great taste) were ranting for months ahead of time that "they aren't charging for content already in the game just because he's already in the game as a boss! he's going to have a different moveset when they release him!"
>update forces some people to redownload all DLC for some reason, including the large Japanese voice pack
a8b480 No.14018777
The typo, faggot.
f4113c No.14018786
>opening a bank account for your client
Now that's fucking dumb.
249f59 No.14018812
Feel free to bully, but that is also true. Leftists will get pissed by the fact that this may have turned out to be a good thing.
0b068e No.14018823
>the only time a game journalist has a problem with microtransatctions is when it's just for ingame gold
This guy would probably flip a tit over the Smash clone I play, then. It has ingame gold.
>earned only from playing
>used to unlock 2 characters and a couple stages
>after that it's mostly used for the goofy fun mode where all the characters are super overpowered
>can also be used for money matches online
9e4290 No.14018827
>SJWs Complain That Far Cry 5 Isn’t Anti-Conservative, Anti-Christian Enough
Honestly, it's their own fault that they hyped themselves up that far.
>Colin Campbell
I swear, whenever it's Polygon, it's either him or Kuchera that tries to draw all these political parallels into places where they don't belong.
fa3e8d No.14018849
What smash clone do you play?
0b068e No.14018854
>How did you come to this conclusion?
By looking at the way they constantly defend actual microtransactions, combined with the picture you posted where they complain about using ingame money to buy something. It's not a tough leap to make.
Rivals of Aether
9e4290 No.14018862
<yeah, it's in-game currency that you earn entirely in-game that you buy it with, but it's technically a microtransaction
Game Informer, are you trying to steal the "most retarded take on microtransactions" trophy away from Rami "consoles are a microtransaction" Ismail?
66866b No.14018871
>End up seeing cutscenes for FEW out of boredom
>Get to Lyn, slow it down to see how prominent and funny she clips into the camera
>See the clipping, notice something off that makes me give it a double take
>Pause at the right moment. she's holding her sword be her fucking wrist
9e4290 No.14018878
>they also rated it higher on the "bullshit" level than Dungeon Keeper Mobile
0b068e No.14018898
I'm not talking about in the pictures. Just in general, these people seem to worship that sort of thing. I would guess most of that article is just them paying lip service, like "Oh yeah if I don't say this I'll look like I don't know what I'm talking about." Like putting Doom on a best FPS list. Most of them never played it but they would feel like it needs to be put there. So it's kind of funny to me that the only type of microtransaction they seem to actually have a problem with is when it's not actually a microtransaction.
There's a lot of that kind of thing. I'm also annoyed that they gave her such big tits. I like fat titties but Lyn doesn't have them. I got the game as a gift and I still feel kind of ripped off. The number of clones is ridiculous.
338609 No.14018925
Fucking amazing. If it was just a propaganda game
86cde1 No.14018928
>Like putting Doom on a best FPS list. Most of them never played it but they would feel like it needs to be put there.
Speaking of which, after actually getting the chance to play the original Doom, I realized that each level is designed like a Zelda dungeon. That being the case, why does everyone only focus on the shooting aspect when discussing Doom instead of the level design?
Reset the timer…
baaeff No.14018954
Why bother having a timer if I have to reset it so many times a day.
3377f4 No.14018963
8bbb35 No.14018979
3377f4 No.14018983
>Still using a clover in 2017
8bbb35 No.14018987
It's one of Vivian's designs, you can't blame people for still using it.
baaeff No.14018997
At least when other people asked if that was a Ferengi actor they were trying to see through 20 pounds of makeup. Yes it's Q, you fucking dunce.
833ff1 No.14018999
the author of the outrageous microtransactions
1ba7f4 No.14019015
>free beer while screwing over (((Spencer)))
Sounds good to me
530505 No.14019021
>Reset the timer
I could make an explosive pun that would blow you away
baaeff No.14019026
That's a pretty funny/fun way to protest.
fa3e8d No.14019027
Does Richard Spencer even say anything about racial supremacy or whatever? Also, this retarded virtue signaling shit is just gonna make them lose customers with their whole, "We believe in free speech, but hate speech and things that offend us should be banned."
86cde1 No.14019033
Doesn't the guy eventually "win" Sam over when he starts becoming incredibly autistic and builds a stargate in her basement?
0be549 No.14019035
To be fair, they're not saying it should be banned, just that they disagree with him.
baaeff No.14019049
Yes. He was awesome.
Fun fact, this episode is entirely nothing but in-jokes the producers make about their own show.They claim this is almost exactly what the show looks like before post processing.
bd8a94 No.14019065
BasedMama was in Kraut's sekrit discord.
0b068e No.14019072
context my dude
143d12 No.14019073
They are saying it should be banned, though, but they don't have the legal ability to do it.
>We unfortunately can't stop him from bringing his hate to Gainesville
>This is our town, this is our community. And this is how we're going to (((Shut. Him. Down.)))
Either way, that screencap is at least two months old.
7b13c5 No.14019086
>GG starts trending out of nowhere for who the hell knows what reason
>Threads start being flooded with shitpost and fud about 8chan, Jim, Mark, HW, etc
literally who
1fc641 No.14019092
>l love free speech except when it something I disagree with then it's hate speech
I get booty blasted at these hate speech faggots every time. Also Richard is a con man who do anything to make a quick buck. He cares more about money then the (((message))) he sprews out.
bd8a94 No.14019095
Wait I'm a fucking idiot, I confused her with Based Mom.
baaeff No.14019103
I assumed that it was her under a barely hidden monkier
7b13c5 No.14019104
>Wait I'm a fucking idiot, I confused her with Based Mom.
27338f No.14019120
we you are posting in gamergate tread so yeah you are retarded
7b13c5 No.14019129
the irony will hit you any moment now
fa3e8d No.14019139
I would bully you, but maybe you are just tired or having a bad day.
640af3 No.14019143
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>14019065
This was known a few days ago. James Allsup did a video on this (that I've heard a lot of other people referencing in streams so it's probably a good primer).
>literally who
Organiser of the kilroy event. The focus of James' video is how she's organising a free speech event that right wing youtubers are invited to, and required to sign NDAs and other documents that will have their full names and addresses on, while being in a discord dedicated to doxxing right wing youtubers. Many of the names on Kraut's hitlist were people going to kilroy.
adf2c0 No.14019146
So where are the gamergate arrests? We're supposedly the bad guys here.
341499 No.14019153
Speaking of fire emblem we missed another saltmine.
d187f2 No.14019162
>"Weather appropriate"
>Idiots think it snows everywhere for fucking christmas.
bd8a94 No.14019163
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Jim's on stream confronting Sargoy about Kraut's discord.
86cde1 No.14019166
>We're supposedly the bad guys here.
Because we're the ones in power. Under our rule, only those who are guilty cannot be arrested while those who are innocent are getting arrested because they know the "truth". Let us all put on pretty dresses just to show how powerful we really are.
7b13c5 No.14019168
Well, there's Ralp… no wait he was a revoltard and people hated him.
There was Seattle4…. hmm this one was the same thing.
What about that terrorist Goldbe… no he was actually a troll pretending on both sides…
For a worldwide cabal of terrorists we are doing a real shit job
3c8e1c No.14019169
>It's going to be 82F this year
We don't need a white christmas, but it would be nice if it was at least a little cool outside.
640af3 No.14019175
>weather appropriate
>skirt and stocking fabric over stomach
That would still be cold.
baaeff No.14019180
>Live in Georgia
>Get to drive up to NC for Christmas
Thank god.
4c5d29 No.14019185
The worst thing about it is that she wears that shit to get Robin's attention and is completely fine wearing it despite her personality changing to her "normal girl" act she had in Awakening and the cold itself.
Besides, the difference between this and her regular attire is the color and the lack of the see-through bodysuit. All the other characters use the Christmas costumes for their own reasons anyway: Lissa wears hers to look cuter than usual, Chrom wears his because Lissa forced him to and Robin does to use his tactical knowledge to create plans for effective present delivery.
The worst thing about it is that they do this over the fact that Christmas Tharja, along with the other three Christmas units are considered Armored units. Hell, they're all top tier armored units with Tharja being a monster out of the box if you wanna get into gameplay specifics.
341499 No.14019211
I heard they sperged out over summer female robin as well. Its kinda funny how IS continues to ignore them maybe thats why those fags posted a censored version of nowi's outfit to the artist awhile back.
fa3e8d No.14019240
How is everyone doing? I am building models. I even managed to get a pretty rare gunpla model for a good price. What is everyone doing to relax away from the sheer retardation that is journalists blaming GG for Star War's criticism and saying we were started by the alt-right.
baaeff No.14019249
So we're going through this carousel ride again? How many times this month alone is that?
249f59 No.14019253
Its been unusually cold here. Snow this time of year is pretty unusual, but we got it.
5ef281 No.14019262
Is Phantom Menace still the worst Star Wars film ever made? Because I are tons of Normalfags loving Last Jedi.
5ef281 No.14019265
68d1e2 No.14019279
I always considered Episode II to be the worst one.
>can barley remember anything
>remember being annoyed at the romance plot with Annie and Padme
I can't remember what else but of all the episodes, I remember really not enjoying the second one.
640af3 No.14019284
judging by the rotten tomatoes score, it seems that the last jedi is now the worst star wars movie.
Plus from what I saw, most considered episode 2 to be worse than 1, but redlettermedia's phatom menace video put it in people's mind that there was more at fault in phatom menace
30b7f3 No.14019293
The worst ever made? If you count the Christmas Special then that one's the worst. But I'd argue Last Jedi is probably the real worst of the mainline franchise. It completely drops the ball on everything Force Awakens set up, disrespects Luke's character, refuses to give any interesting reason/excuse as to why Rey is the way she is, forces in a romance because "remember Han and Leia", and does absolutely nothing with its villain. It was garbage and I've seen plenty of normalfags bash it.
44788d No.14019306
Yeah Phantom Menace at least had the podrace which as a kid was cool, Episode II is forgettable irredeemable shit in every way
86cde1 No.14019308
The second one is actually my favorite.
Speaking of which, is the Clone Wars film considered "mainline"? And, I'll have to see about rewatching it sometime because I can barely remember it.
baaeff No.14019313
My normalfag friend ranks the Last Jedi above Phantom Menace, but below everything else. A LOT of people don't like the new movie. Sure a lot of people due, but a lot of people will like fucking everything.
Episode had cool enough shit that people forgive it. The sheer audacity and spectacle of it was neat, and the awful aspects of the story (the romance and shit) was actually removed from the other half of the plot, unlike Phantom Menace, where the entire movie hinged on a child actors ability to not act like a fucking child actor.
I enjoy how this episode bring in the logical conclusion of finding the Jaffa training grounds
6c03f3 No.14019317
This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.
68d1e2 No.14019318
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>14019308
Clone Wars should have been the actual episode II, that and the animated short from back in the day
30b7f3 No.14019320
Well it is canon but I wouldn't call it mainline. Mainline would just be for the numbered movies.
bd8a94 No.14019324
No, Last Jedi is. The prequels at least has a (somewhat) consistent storyline, but the Last Jedi completely fucks over the third movie. Imagine if the Clone Wars ends with Anakin, Palpatine, and Grievous getting killed and there's still a third movie planned, how are you going to continue that? How are you going to continue the Last Jedi when the Resistance is one ship and the Empire owns everything?
5ef281 No.14019346
I personally consider Force Awakens and Last Jedi to be worst than all the prequels. I rather watch the prequels over and over again than deal with Disney Soy Wars.
86cde1 No.14019355
>How are you going to continue the Last Jedi when the Resistance is one ship and the Empire owns everything?
You have it where the Empire is in political struggle because no one likes the new guy and the Resistance is just one of the many factions seeking a power grab. Essentially, everyone tells him to piss off because he's a fucking retard, anyone and everyone is attempting to overthrow the NuEmpire so that they can be the "true successor" to Palpatine's reign, and you end the film with a galaxy divided, but at peace.
1a1328 No.14019370
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>14019342
Kek, embed related.
Remember when it was trending to 700k? Imagine the face of those retards who believed an algorithm can predict economic trends.
0e0054 No.14019375
Yeah, Episode II was probably the weakest of them all. All I realistically remember from it is Mace Windu's purple lightsaber and 'Across the Stars'. Episode I and III at least had cool duel music.
>is the Clone Wars film considered "mainline"?
Not really. It's a TV pilot that was given a theatrical release for whatever reason.
e0e5cd No.14019378
Well that slowed down considerably
833ff1 No.14019380
I actually thought phantom menace was ok. I think clone wars was actually considered the worst until the new trilogy.
My dad didn't like the force awakens but he absolutely hates the Last Jedi and I don't think I have met anyone who really likes it. then again I don't really talk to people so…
0e0054 No.14019384
Polite sage for self-replying, but I remembered one other thing from that movie.
>"I don't like sand"
>"It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere"
Fuck that movie in particular. Disney may have done a shitty job with the sequels, but a saint, Lucas is not.
5ef281 No.14019390
Lucas isn't a Saint, but he never fucked up this bad. Force Awakens itself is worst than the prequels, Last Jedi takes the cake.
e0e5cd No.14019393
>Yeah, I’m getting divorced
I don’t think he really understands why she’s leaving him
338609 No.14019400
I feel bad for Boogie, and I also don't because he's consistently been a faggot.
f2336c No.14019404
My one worry about this Gawker fundraiser is that there will be this sudden burst of donations right at the very end of the run with no way to tie that to the previous owners of Gawker. Even then, Thiel and Hulk could most likely buy them out when the time is right.
baaeff No.14019406
That's probably the most ridiculed line in the entire movie even by normalfags.
30b7f3 No.14019410
Every single one of his problems are his own fault. Don't pity the bastard.
833ff1 No.14019411
>Not really. It's a TV pilot that was given a theatrical release for whatever reason.
speaking of the series it is one of the few spin offs that actually remained cannon. I really liked it though probably because it was basically a sci-fi war show.
>look how triggered you are by my wife leaving me
I might have felt bad for him but now I see him as a male anita wannabe
338609 No.14019416
That's why I don't feel that bad. I'm like
>oh shit, divorce sucks
but also
>lmao it's fucking boogie
e2e251 No.14019421
i am from Peru, and i threw some litter near a trashbin yesterday, hope that helps
d0c1da No.14019428
I've seen more people say that clones is way worse than episode 1. What I've heard normalfags say is that episode 1 is decent but irrelevant in the grand story (because it is). I mean, at least phantom had the podracing. Clones only has that stupid fucking line about sand.
I used to like boogie. I thought he was just some incredibly unlucky guy, felt pity for him you know? Then I started realizing that he pretty much relied on everyone else feeling sorry for him. I mean fuck, the cunt is morbidly obese and has the fucking gall to bitch about healthcare? After getting his fucking stomach shrinked? Fuck off. Work on something you asshole.
7b13c5 No.14019440
Does the trash bin at least identifies itself as female? Otherwise you're not contributing to our cause you're just harming the environment
Boogie is a pity-whore. He feeds on people feeling bad about him and the attention he gets with a snap of his fat fingers
fa3e8d No.14019444
Clone wars felt like it relied to much on the action scenes, but all the actions scenes fell flat in terms of quality and choreography.
9b8dcd No.14019447
Boogie reminds me of a person who NEEDS pity just to feel good about himself. He reminds me of a friend who pulls this shit too.
a99472 No.14019450
I personaly rate attack of the clones lower but I would not argue too hard over which one is worse. But I would rate TLJ lower then both of them since you could salvage some decent stuff from both of them for the EU but I can't see you doing anything interesting with anything they introduced in The Last Jedi.
Nah it's a TV pilot that got a theatrical release for some insane reason. One of the worst things the entire show produced as well from what I have seen so far. The show as a whole a mix bag but episodes like Rookies makes it worth it in my opinion.
338609 No.14019464
How much of that is due to his mother's abuse of him?
3e52cf No.14019497
What is this embezzlement witchcraft? Average pledge of $60 for 1337 people?
Someone blew a ton of money on this to raise the average so much, and I have a feeling it was someone very close to "Gawker Foundation" I'd do the math but I'm playing games and just posting in between.
001531 No.14019499
No The last jedi is. At least the prequels brought us memes and good video games
7abbaa No.14019509
>People are getting hooked over Earth-chan
Why is this happening?
5ef281 No.14019512
We live in an era where people want to fuck planets.
1a1328 No.14019515
>people want to fuck
2acfaf No.14019519
I thought it was kind of cute until I noticed that it was almost all hippie recycling propaganda.
86cde1 No.14019522
>Average pledge of $60 for 1337 people?
baaeff No.14019537
Most of it I've seen is just making general space jokes and making fun of Flat-Earthers.
30b7f3 No.14019538
Cute things are cute. Plus hey maybe it'll get some hardcore autists recycling.
f2336c No.14019548
Look closely at >>14019342. Speaking of which, what website is that? I'd like to look at that myself and possibly archive it from time to time.
86cde1 No.14019549
>Plus hey maybe it'll get some hardcore autists recycling.
Speaking of which, you can recycle anything these days. Plastic, used motot oil, nuclear waste, where is all this environmental propaganda coming from where we're "killing the planet" when you can recycle just about everything?
68d1e2 No.14019556
the only people who don't recycle are shitskins, but it will never be acknowledged.
86cde1 No.14019558
I was actually referring to this part: 1337 people
It's a form of meme speech that died to many people's pleasure.
de85ea No.14019561
You know the phrase if man lacks a god he will create one? Well just replace "god" with "a woman who isn't shit."
fb20f3 No.14019572
Well, Pierre Omidyar is connected to GamerGate on the media side, a bit.
He hired Sam Biddle of Gawker and "bring back bullying" fame.
There were also articles that Omidyar was planning to help fund Gawker's appeals process, though I think that became moot when Univision bought them.
2f4b04 No.14019574
>Ernest Whatshisface
> the guy who was part of that gaming club for developers which name escapes me?
You're thinking of Ernest Adams of CGDA/IGDA.
f2336c No.14019579
Oh ok.
Personally I prefer 1337 speak to the emoticon spam and shitty "image compression" humor.
baaeff No.14019585
>Explaining what 1337 speak is
The fact that it's actually necessary makes it even more depressing
86cde1 No.14019593
How so? I thought people hated it.
baaeff No.14019612
The point is that l33t speak is actually so fucking old that it's perfectly reasonable anons can be 18 and not even know what it is. It's just fairly depressing.
076fae No.14019613
8afd42 No.14019616
Anything's better than 3DPD.
9fc3a1 No.14019617
The targets of this crowdfunding, retarded social media addicts leftards, are mostly without careers and broke if not of their patreon bux. Of course it won't get funded. This fit the pattern I have noticed since the start, lefties are mostly addicted to twitter and have no real jobs, living on hand-me downs and other. The only thing they have are those tweets which they think defines them, and once Twitter is gone, they won't even have that. In 5 to 20 years they won't be able to prove they fought the evil misogyterrorists of the hatechan or tweeted their shitty #resist hashtag.
5ef281 No.14019623
Wasn't mombot sexualized?
f2336c No.14019633
>In 5 to 20 years they won't be able to prove they fought the evil misogyterrorists of the hatechan or tweeted their shitty #resist hashtag.
All that will be left of twitter is archives of tweets detailing collusion and virtue signaling.
Speaking of 5-20 years, where do you think is going to be? I'm thinking some i2p archive with a hard to remember name.
9fc3a1 No.14019648
I wanted to write 5 to 10 but to 20 works too. On the Internet nothing really last forever, though as long as the guy is willing to maintain it, it will be accessible. Even their collusion and virtue signaling will be forgotten given enough time, but the thing is that they won't forget it themselves. Realizing you spent years writing retarded 140 characters every 5min and that all of it is gone or doesn't matter anymore is going to hit hard.
4648c6 No.14019668
in The Last Jedi it's:
(licks dirt) "Ugh, salt"
640af3 No.14019682
that line was necessary exposition so people didn't make too many comparisons to the hoth scene in empire.
>I-it's not a fight on a snow planet. See, it's salt. Totally different.
9fc3a1 No.14019692
The trenches were the fucking same, it was Hoth: Desert Edition.
e4f5dd No.14019709
>all that info about feh
>can't create a thread about fire emblem and FE Heroes without a cadre of tards chimping out about gacha
>4cuck has malware.
>/feg/ board is deader than dead.
10c9e5 No.14019714
>Wanting to talk about Fire emblem heroes that isnt about shitting on what a disaster of a game it is
fae006 No.14019719
Don't have anything to add other than plebbit fags getting angry at the possibility of Ivy from Soul Caliber getting censored in the upcoming game. Keep doing what you do, you magnificent bastards.
f2336c No.14019735
File: 59e0d152e92a660⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 481.42 KB, 3541x2508, 3541:2508, 4S8PUuc3PAUOG9auDR3ZtUc_RI….jpg)
>4 points (?)
That's nothing. How much of reddit knows of the SC series anyways? Still, with TD pushing against SJWs and Japanese devs doing whatever they please, I'm sure SC6 will come out okay.
001531 No.14019737
Fun fact, that whole scene was gonna have "sandspeeders" in the early versions of the script but got cut. The lego design team ended up releasing a set of it still because they get the scripts for the movies really fucking early so they can design sets for the movie.
c495de No.14019740
What was Omidyar's connection to Gawker? Was he a private investor?
Starting to wonder if maybe Thiel and this guy have been fighting for longer than since the death of Gawker.
a99472 No.14019741
Honestly I find Fates and Warriors to far bigger and more interesting disasters than Heroes. Unless i missed something Heroes is just your typical gacha shit game.
eb541f No.14019748
He knew, why didn't he tell us how to avoid it?
10c9e5 No.14019753
its all a fucking disaster
why would you support mobile shit
why would you want to discuss it
e6db9b No.14019758
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>14019735
>That's nothing. How much of reddit knows of the SC series anyways?
It's an old screenshot from earlier in the day. It's now filled with either neutral, or outright against the sjw censorship, with about like 3 or 4 soyboys trying to argue that "Ivy in SC4 was too sexy!" Lots of arguing, but the sane ones are getting more upboats fortunately.
I haven't been able to appreciate it, but I'm loving the counterculture. If only we had some right-wing rock songs to give us a voice. Kurt Cuckbain, for what it's worth gave fags and cucks a voice.
eb541f No.14019772
funny thing about these is that it's actually the teams with women on them that tend to design and implement sexy ass vidya or 2D women into their shit.
A lot of women get their start in the vidya or manga business by doing porn, hell even companies Square Enix has a past in porn they try to cover up. And they aren't forced into it or have to do it as a passage right to get into an industry, they choose it themselves.
Making porn games and porn manga is easy because there's so little standards surrounding them, no one expects great work from you, and all it is is experience in making your own system of work to build on in less lewd environs. People do choose that path at first and ply their trade on the bottom and work their way up.
It's why a lot of animators and artists act like perverts, art starts at the primal level and a good artists learns to use that emotion to produce greater work while learning control of himself or herself. Art is a primal medium that relies on feeling.
eead4c No.14019793
That's a big Vivian.
f2336c No.14019801
>It's an old screenshot from earlier in the day. It's now filled with either neutral, or outright against the sjw censorship, with about like 3 or 4 soyboys trying to argue that "Ivy in SC4 was too sexy!" Lots of arguing, but the sane ones are getting more upboats fortunately.
How can I see that for myself? I'd try to search through reddit, but I haven't the slightest clue nor am I so motivated to spend more than 5 minutes looking for it.
f1a847 No.14019827
Being gay is a bannable offense tbh
baaeff No.14019835
>Gay shit going on in a thread no about video games
Do you think this is out of the ordinary?
30b7f3 No.14019837
How gay we talking?
68d1e2 No.14019844
Kill all the gays and the faggots, they're part of the cancer killing video games.
c495de No.14019845
But anon, /v/ has always been pretty gay. :^)
f1a847 No.14019850
Maybe it's just you that's always been gay, ever think of that?
baaeff No.14019867
If you think /v/ isn't super gay you're delusional.
5ef281 No.14019868
>Joke about /v/ being the gay community
>Actual faggots come thinking they're in good company
f1a847 No.14019877
Maybe you're so gay that it makes you think everyone else is gay.
d496f6 No.14019919
> Magicgate – the Ugly Story of How Social Justice Warriors Ruined an Innocent Collectible Card Game
e4f5dd No.14019930
lo and behold, a chimpout.
9e4290 No.14019932
I've had multiple people involved in MtG tell me that Wizards has had that backlash coming for a long time.
af56b4 No.14019950
We should start working more to get people to sign the petition.
Though I kinda have a feeling that petitions are a meme now.
bd8a94 No.14019962
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. One of the fags involved in the kraut drama is playing a recording of Kraut and Sargon talking, turns out Sargon did know Kraut was doxxing people.
86cde1 No.14019970
I'll be the one to ask the stupid question. Wouldn't it be better to just drop MtG and pick up another game by a company who hasn't been pozzed?
338609 No.14019991
>Sargon did know Kraut was doxxing people.
af56b4 No.14019994
True. I was thinking just drop out, sign the petition, and don't look back until MtG stop shoving their heads up their asses. That way you hit them in their pockets, and let them know what they did bad.
bd8a94 No.14020008
Also, Sargon was on Andy's stream with JF and Jim and he told Jim and Andy that "he didn't know Kraut was doxxing."
6ab1fd No.14020016
What is this shit and why does it matter?
9b8dad No.14020023
bd8a94 No.14020029
Kraut had a secret discord dedicated to doxxing "alt-righters" and other people against him, Sargon claimed, on stream, he didn't know Kraut was doxxing. He lied.
076fae No.14020030
nothing and it doesn't.
22680a No.14020032
Sargon literally just released a vid on that an hour ago or so
000000 No.14020033
Hey all. Have you heard about /r/degoogle yet?
c495de No.14020037
Why does it matter if Sargon knew? Listening to the last ten minutes of that recording and other shit dug up from numerous people, Sargon told Kraut to stop and he didn't.
What do people expect, Sargon to fly to Austria and kick Kraut's ass?
cc92bd No.14020042
So if I'm getting this right
>Sargon was aware of Kraut's bullshit
>did not agree with it
>but did nothing and remained silent about it and even lied about his knowledge of it cause he didn't want anything to do with this
Welp, that's a mess. I understand why he did it, but his cowardice just cost him any credibility he had.
Youtuber drama. A german cunt known as Kraut and Tea went full spinosauruskin and started sperging against anyone remotely right wing. Sargon claimed he knew nothing about it, but turns out he lied.
bd7fb6 No.14020047
I think I just found some gamer social media site called anyone know if this thing has shady shit going on with it or in the past?
c99a10 No.14020048
>merry christmas
>form star of david
bd8a94 No.14020050
I don't really care if he did anything or not, but he stilled lied that he didn't knew, and people will make a shitfit and it'll be hilarious.
Yeah pretty much. I'm not really taking sides, I just find this whole thing fucking hilarious and seeing all these Skeptics™ eating eachother is a sight to behold.
22680a No.14020060
where did you fags get the info that sargon denied knowing about it? Im geniunely curious here
bd8a94 No.14020066
fa3ba5 No.14020068
03894d No.14020071
There's a problem with this. It isn't Wizards who takes the hit, but the local game stores selling their product. A game shop isn't going to start ordering less Magic unless that specific store gets a shitload of complaints, and the numbers aren't there for a boycott like that. So refusing to buy MtG in protest hurts the smaller, friendlier shops who depend on it. Not Wizards.
The best bet is to embarrass the shit out of WotC in Hasbro's eyes. Hasbro is kinda like The Mouse. You don't fuck around with The Mouse. If they start getting loud complaints, even from just a few hundred people, flooding their inboxes they're liable to sit down and have a talking to with their pet dog. I doubt Jeremy is going to get his shit back, but it could put the brakes on the thought-policing and make Wizards reel themselves back in.
6ab1fd No.14020077
pffft who the fuck cares, I don't see how this is relevant to anything. Fucking eceleb bs.
I'm with you on this one.
22680a No.14020108
okay now I watched that bit and Ive gotta ask
why you are spreading misinfo about sargoy denying knowledge of krauts shit when he flat out says he knew he was doing thangs and told him to stop
af56b4 No.14020112
Than we should start doing some campaign to flood hazbros emails about this.
c495de No.14020119
Sargon claimed he didn't know about the server and told that faggot to stop numerous time, listening to the autism and it seems to be correct, even that recording Zep is playing right now confirms it.
bd8a94 No.14020127
Sargon claims he didn't know about the doxxing server on Andy's stream, but obviously he did. Not saying he helped Kraut, because he didn't, but he lied about knowing Kraut's sekrit doxxing server.
2acfaf No.14020128
f*ck off tripf*g
fa3ba5 No.14020129
Okay taste.
b377a5 No.14020130
Gas yourself kike.
bd8a94 No.14020132
Post Jupiter porn.
70e0b1 No.14020133
Eh, fuck you too mark. I've actually stuck my dick in the earth.
212edd No.14020135
03894d No.14020138
So whats this I hear about a tripcode whitelist?
1a1328 No.14020140
And be round and big like earth itself?
9b8dad No.14020144
>Actually knowing Uru
a man of taste I see
10c9e5 No.14020146
hey mark you jew cunt
how about live by your own rules and not shit up and derail the thread
c495de No.14020157
I've heard nothing confirming that, the audio being played by Zeph right now seems to support what Sargon was saying he knew, he only talked about Kraut's cunt behavior and nothing of the server.
And its a moot point anyway even if he lied, he isn't responsible for anyone's behavior and went out of his way to tell Kraut he should stop digging up shit on people and just fucking debate them.
10c9e5 No.14020183
Peace attack in Melbourne
50% chance a meth head 50% chance a moosie
22680a No.14020186
Okay so him flat out stating that he knew kraut was gathering info, is really him lying about not knowing kraut was gathering info because he did not specifically state the method of gathering info, am I correctly interpreting that statement?
fa3ba5 No.14020191
>honesty and transparency are a moot point
>Sargon isn't responsible for Kraut's behavior
You come across as a fanboy. Show me in the thread where anyone said Sargon was responsible for Kraut's doxxing shenanigans.
bd8a94 No.14020203
>And its a moot point anyway even if he lied, he isn't responsible for anyone's behavior and went out of his way to tell Kraut he should stop digging up shit on people and just fucking debate them.
I never said he was responsible, I was pointing that out because he lied on AndyWarski's stream and I found that funny. I really don't care if Kraut was doxxing people and I don't give a shit if Sargon was implicated or not, I just find this whole Skeptic™ drama fucking hilarious.
d496f6 No.14020240
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>14020186
I just remembered that Jim got a bit too salty against drrandomcam that he went off against Jordan Peterson with the argument being that JP was being like EA selling microtransactions, got his fanboy sycophants make excuses that JP was wrong for no reason that having a Patreon that was larger than Jim while being a tenure professor and that he being a clinical psychologist is the same as some self-help guru, and then loudly proclaims "I know myself! Peterson shouldn't tell you jack shit and clean your room buckaroos!" then he went back to making more videos of broken and mentally ill autists.
fa3ba5 No.14020252
Jim's fanbase is actually cancer. Go to /cow/ if you want to take the piss out of them, there's a notably-sized group of worshippers there, its incredible.
I think he's okay. Has his problems, sperged out against GG because he was embarrassed about fingering his GF on a drunk stream in front of Sargon and KoP but he did and still does good work, but goddamn don't ever say anything bad about him or you'll be in for a lashing.
c495de No.14020264
Its a pretty insignificant lie to catch someone on and was more a comment on the stream shitposting I was reading.
And you'd have to be a fucking retard to expect honesty and transparency from anyone on jewtube.
Someone should post the Jim webm about scamming people and saying a sucker born every minute. :^)
d496f6 No.14020266
He fucks up from time to time, well a lot, yet all of his fanboys cover up for him by insulting you as an "autist deviant art furfag" or a "rick and morty reddittor" That twitter feud he has with drrandomcam has him looking like a fool, then he passive aggressively makes some videos that mock him and then pretend it never happened, seriously don't know why he was whinging at Peterson other than that $10 personality test, then he covers it up by calling all Peterson's supporters as idiots who need someone to clean their room while being as rabid as Rick and Morty fans. For Jim to actually say that Peterson attempting to help some fucked up grown men and women "Sort themselves out" as some scam, really hypocritical and stupid of him to say "You know yourself! you don't need him to say you need to better yourself!"
fa3ba5 No.14020277
I'm not sure if I remember seeing the same webM but I remember seeing another one where he was registering disgust with his own fanbase, might've been the same one. I can't find it anywhere anymore which is funny because the autistic archivists on youtube try their best to get everything.
2b4a1a No.14020294
>marche is this asshurt.
Jim and his fanbase lack so much self awareness that it's not even funny.
22680a No.14020300
Jim makes a living lavishing in the misery of clinical retards, and thats what hes good at, but I dont think his opinion on good living is worth a shit.
c495de No.14020301
Might have been the same one.
Had it but my harddrive died earlier this year.
52239c No.14020303
I can't understand how the fuck can anyone follow Jim after all the shit that he has done before.
fa3ba5 No.14020311
Besides his meltdown with GG (which is enough reason to not follow him tbh) and the more recent shit about him talking shit about Peterson, what else has he done?
Excluding patreon shit of course
6c03f3 No.14020315
He speaks really fast and he's convincing
fa3ba5 No.14020331
He doesn't speak fast at all. He speaks clearly and at an average pace.
Razorfist on the other hand…
d496f6 No.14020338
It isn't, they seem to have that contrarian troll mentality, and they always seem to be right of themselves because the fedoralords who don't know themselves and can't think like Jordan Peterson, yet they can't help to give Jim money to make videos and streams talking about internet and mentally ill people, I know it's for entertainment but be fucking self-aware. Jim is an entertainer while Peterson is helping those fucked up people who got abused, cheated, abandoned, brainwashed and ect. a little bit of self-awareness.
He is, in his own words an "Individualist who can think for himself" and goddamn Jim, don't make some retarded statements of "Hey people you know yourself! you are all functional human beings with a good and healthy ego and mindset!" because that is not what is going on, and he keeps referring to Peterson as some self-help Guru who scams people.
He rebranded himself, from InternetAristocrat to MisterMetokur. He's only good for entertainment in internet drama, and he's got a good ego to mock faggots like Destiny for defending the same redditor sjw scum that spread pictures of his small penis to the internet, but it doesn't mean he can do no wrong, like Sargon and the entire skeptard community. And he cornered the jewtube market for disseminating lolcows in video form while commentating his opinions that range from funny, insightful to pants-head retarded jealously from time to time.
52239c No.14020343
Acting like the superior man all the time but showing weakness when you say anything negative about him. He just wants an opportunity to get new relevance but he keeps failing at it. I'm just amazed about how retarded you need to be to follow him at all or worst give him money.
I guess that's a part of it, still I cant grasp what level of mentality you need to have to accept all of the bullshit that he spews out all the time and not question your own sanity.
c495de No.14020355
What is the context of that ban?
2b4a1a No.14020364
Great now were gonna get into a Marche/metafag debate that no one gives a shit about.
Acidman tends to be a know it all nothing 60% of the time but the other 40% he gives interesting info now and then.
c495de No.14020368
Well that's just silly reason for a ban then.
d496f6 No.14020378
A lot of people seem to support jewtubers who have "nice" accents like those brits, look at Totalbiscuit and Cuckold Sterling.
Did they put out the online article yet? Game Informer usually does that shit after their magazine publication. If not, gonna find a pdf copy of their turd rag and read more shit from there.
d496f6 No.14020385
Gonna wait till someone uploads that issue in pdf form online, it's how we confirmed how much shit game misinformer eats and how they still love Anita while their readers keep telling them to stop shilling for her.
0362b9 No.14020391
As far I've seen, the whole Kraut thing is him being a sperg and trying to do SJW tactics and everyone else telling him to stop being a faggot before it was too late.
Who the fuck is Red Pill Coach and why should anyone give a fuck about him?
6ab1fd No.14020393
Just watched sargon's video he put up recently. He seems like a little weasel fuck scam artist, but that is from sargon's point of view.
22680a No.14020394
agent provocateur
22680a No.14020395
was meant to reference >>14020393
d496f6 No.14020397
It's not just Kraut, but a lot of the skeptard community with leftist leanings and some bitch from Jew York Times were gathering information about their opponents more than debunking their arguments. Netsperg was in it, Thunderfoot and a whole army of jewtuber scientists and academics.
a40488 No.14020399
Trying to ruin someone's life? Wow, gaymergays really are a hate group.
c495de No.14020404
>Who the fuck is Red Pill Coach and why should anyone give a fuck about him?
Looks like a lolcow to me
Read the OP of that thread
Some on kiwifarms seem to agree, but then again that shithole is run by Josh.
0362b9 No.14020410
That sounds more like some infiltrated fucks or even /pol/tards going full /pol/. Or just an autist who wants 5 minutes of fame.
3de5e6 No.14020419
wait what? eternal fuckup josh?
d496f6 No.14020422
Sargon and everyone in that discord server fucked up, we got Aydin crying, BasedMama, CoachRedPill and ect saying they tried or lie, it's a clusterfuck of people I never even fucking heard. Skeptards' egos escalated this bullshit. Hilarious, sad, and disappointing.
No /pol/ there was leftypol jewtubers like Bat'ko there. Read they planned
c495de No.14020427
Yes, the former site goblin.
6ab1fd No.14020429
Haha, I wonder how he actually knows some of this shit, he seems too knowledgeable for just having a cursory read.
d05235 No.14020439
The dude goes to anonymous imageboards. I wouldn't be surprised if he showed up here from time to time.
d496f6 No.14020440
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>14020420
Best fucking captain, and fuck Picard and those jews from TNG who tried to solve the question of who was best Captain by killing Kirk and have Picard be the last man standing, same shit they did to Luke by making Rey be the last Jedi.
It's why people were wary of that Pigfood Josh, his only experience in coding is running a site that was the cwc forums to kiwifarms, why people called him the lolcow Josh.
001531 No.14020457
>people still talking about train simulator's dlc despite there being a legitimate reason for being the way it is
a40488 No.14020459
He goes to cuckchan and has admitted as such. You have to remember, halfchan is practically mainstream at this point regardless of it's reputation.
2a2688 No.14020478
>tons of Normalfags loving Last Jedi.
OH BOY I can't wait to see Alien 3!
After that epic struggle and triumph over all odds, I bet Ripley, Newt & Hicks lived happily ever after… or at least were treated with respect and reverence by whatever new cast appears in this new film!
0362b9 No.14020520
And two nice seasons of a cartoon series.
2a2688 No.14020524
Thanks to the anon who posted the Xmas Devfag game and art, but it seems to be the exact same as the original vivtest.swf file from years ago, but with a Xmas music track added.
Did Devfag do that, or did someone else edit the swf file?
d496f6 No.14020545
Sad to say, but he released a short Xmas level a long time ago. Haven't heard from him for some time, hope he's well.
86cde1 No.14020588
Speaking of which, when did "Aliens is a good film" become a meme? The people I talked to who originally saw both it and the first Alien film when they came out said that Aliens ruined the suspense and horror of the first film had.
10c9e5 No.14020591
f7b96f No.14020673
Why does this tweet piss me off so much? 'Don't work too hard teehee' says the millionaire with infinite money. Not all of us can afford to fucking take it easy like you can mate.
0362b9 No.14020695
You know, I saw Alien 1 and 3, but never saw the second part. Was it so bad?
0362b9 No.14020709
Did he had a stroke
86cde1 No.14020754
It wasn't bad, it was just that Aliens is a straight-up action film that tossed the idea of an "unkillable monster from space" out the window when you have hundreds of the bastards running around, marines able to mow them down, and the film ending with Ridley fighting the queen in a mech. It was entertaining, but Aliens is aimed towards a different crowd of people than those who actually saw (And, liked) the first Alien. If I may say, it can be traced to as the source of why all horror films are action flicks these days.
9be60d No.14020772
I'm pretty sure that's wrestling lingo. Work and shoot are both defined, he's just missing a few letters.
>Jabronie marks that don't know it's a work when you work a work, and work yourself into a shoot
He's saying he dislikes idiots who don't know what's scripted and fuck it up into an unscripted fight. It just sounds insane outside of known lingo.
f7b96f No.14020786
backchat me again and I'll slap you
dbd8ba No.14020793
>friend of mine IRL loves jims videos
>also likes JBP
>jims video comes out
>wtf i hate JBP now
Learn to think for yourself, goddamn.
d496f6 No.14020831
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>14020793
His argument against calling that $10 personality test and comparing Peterson to EA was fucking goddamn retarded, nor was calling him a self-help guru, the only argument I can agree was that Faith Goldy incident, watch it here.
8b7fb4 No.14020835
I can see why some people gather cult followers, but I can't really understand why he has em. He always came off to me as flakey and generally lacking any moral conviction. He makes some good points from time to time though.
8b7fb4 No.14020839
2b4a1a No.14020844
Again Jim's fans have zero self awareness.
10c9e5 No.14020855
IA here, holy shit
d496f6 No.14020866
067f73 No.14020947
Look what I found. An old article but some fag on twitter was tweeting it to al the usual suspects. Forgive me for mobile I'm on the bus right now
8b7fb4 No.14020969
It's funny they think that these gamer gurlz are somehow role models for girls, where the majority don't give a shit about the hobby, and in general are low level strippers / cam whores who barely play the games they're allegedly playing.
7abbaa No.14020982
>A terror attack happened in Melbourne, Australia, 2 "refugees" got caught
10c9e5 No.14021015
You are lying
Im not even defending this like val would but you have a constant habit of lying and over blowing shit
It was an afgani Australian citizen and not sure on the other but assume the same
Australia media is skeezy with this shit so dont expect full details but being a fucking dumbass and goimg HURDUR DEY WUZ RUGEES is fucking retard and makes you worse than val
0d054a No.14021026
0d054a No.14021027
10c9e5 No.14021035
>val literally jealous Australia got attacked and France didnt so he has nothing to defend
9be60d No.14021059
And nothing of value was lost. It's the California of Australia, filled with lefties and marxist universities. The immigrants all move there and immediately begin shitting up the place, and none of them move anywhere else. It's almost a self-solving problem, they go straight to the source of the thing that brings them here and fuck it up.
I think they just can't handle the heat of anywhere else here. At least the middle east is dry.
97694a No.14021076
Fuck off Jed. He knew even when the game got blacklisted by his journo friends and their campaign was a success to stop it being released in western countries, he still seeked it out to shit on it to virtual signal. You dont get to cry foul because we still remember it and show everyone how shittly you behaved.
0362b9 No.14021106
The more I look into the whole CoachRedPill more I find him just as a baiting piece of shit. I'm starting to believe Kraut did nothing wrong.
640af3 No.14021120
there's always one person on the winning side of an issue who is an absolute cunt and attention whore who struts around like they single handedly won it. That's coach redpill.
d187f2 No.14021124
>leaving cause nazis 1/1/18
If he really wanted to leave he'd do it now instead of waiting for the new year.
530505 No.14021147
I thought he dieded you frick
7abbaa No.14021176
These feminists really don't know how Streisand Effect works, don't they?
10c9e5 No.14021187
>le fuck you miku
Youre no better
0362b9 No.14021238
Question: Why are leftists so worried about biodiversity in ecosystems and fight hard against invasive especies yet they want a world where all humans are on some tone of shit brown?
Talking about ecologists worried now that wolvers are crossbreeding with abandoned dogs in the north of Spain.
076fae No.14021240
Rey is not a Jedi and never will be. Luke was The Last Jedi.
is gay.
0362b9 No.14021249
The new trilogy should never be considered canon.
10c9e5 No.14021255
Jesus fuck the monster hunter thread is awful
d187f2 No.14021287
It is pretty crazy. I'm just waiting for the beta this weekend to try it myself to make my own judgements. But there's a lot of shitflinging in that thread. Goddamn.
10c9e5 No.14021291
Cant even get a proper opinion why its shit like you expect from /v/ its all just meta meme reposting an idiots going on about discord
0362b9 No.14021301
What are they talking about?
I've been curious about the game, but I also didn't care enouth because it has DLC.
10c9e5 No.14021303
Its discordfags and consolewarfags all being brandloyalists and just calling each other names and reposting the same copy past every thread
d187f2 No.14021305
Apparently the DLC for new hunts/monsters will be free, while cosmetic DLC will be paid. That's all I know from what they said about the game so far.
In the thread it's mostly consolewars, discord and copy-pasting arguments/screencaps.
10c9e5 No.14021310
Yes dlc will befree like every other mh.
but they are selling cosmetics and its clear that its audience is the neogaf type with the vaati of monster hunter heading it
0362b9 No.14021311
Ah, I see.
WEll, I guess I'll wait a few weeks or even a few months before I decide to buy the game or not.
5b5e92 No.14021333
These people are social media addicts, they're not able to leave Twitter, they need it to fill the void of their useless existence. He'll be back in 2 weeks.
10c9e5 No.14021336
I wonder what will take long. Cobalt banning me for no reason or him cleaning up thr monster hunter thread 🤣👌
Yea I own a ps4 but not seen enough good about the game for me to be that excited. I fucking love. Monster hunter. Ive been playing since the freedom and its always been my staple for a good game. Sadly worlds just trying to be Destiny with monster hunter it seems
5b5e92 No.14021353
>People here use discuck
We have sunk lower again.
0b068e No.14021364
>gook moot turned halfchan into a nest of botnets and /g/ is pissed
press s to spit on grave
d187f2 No.14021382
I don't care about who the audience is, personally. I just want to know if it plays well for me to like it enough.
ae4930 No.14021389
Id say jim is worse than even the skeptic community. At least they can be funny.
Indeed, and they found a pathetic/stupid cash cow in beta gamers.
because they fear prison if they are not brainwashed, and are idiots who probably cheated for their positions if they cannot put the similarities together.
0b068e No.14021400
>At least they can be funny
What, like in an alternate universe where they aren't a bunch of fedora-tipping homos? Even the name they use drains any humour out of the room. "The skeptic community". Jesus christ. And what are they actually skeptical of? The bible. A book that most people agree probably shouldn't be taken literally to start with.
0d054a No.14021424
>a thot on twitter in France shared a pic about a baby growing inside a mother's womb during each month, and saying how it made her uneasy to think about abortion because of it
>not even "FUCK WHORES WHO ABORT" or whatever, just "dang, seeing it like that sure makes even two months-in abortions sound weird"
>that's it
>retards go mental at her for her
>she doesn't back down, refuses to delete or apologize, and calls out faggots for twisting her words
>they try to get her fired
>she's one of france's most famous radio's host, even owns part of the radio's shit
>she calls them out for this
>everyone supports her aside from the few cunts being mad at her
Seriously, I hope other countries have such instances where they feel reassured about their country/culture not being devoured by idiocy. Seeing even a dumb blonde on twitter refusing to back down feels good.
af56b4 No.14021460
> Because I are tons of Normalfags loving Last Jedi.
They are just in denial.
ae4930 No.14021561
Funny in their stupidity, jim cant even do that.
09790d No.14021568
>A "respectable" games journalist learns this only now
I expected these people to only play that kind of vidya along with Candy Crush and Gone Home, but they don't even play the Sims. Holy shit.
5b5e92 No.14021570
Streaming is not really a sustainable career. I really hope they have savings or money aside if they hit a rough patch. Also they could be saving for their retirement too, if they expect free money after the boomers dried the well they'll be in for a surprise.
ae4930 No.14021582
Even before then, women's bodies have a sense of irony, ones who use their beauty age faster stress plays a part of this and men aint paying for the gameplay.
0362b9 No.14021591
I don't know why, but everytime I see something in the news about some shitty campaing about violence against women I get upset. I guess nobody will talk about how many babies women kill after they give birth.
30b7f3 No.14021619
>more defects to south korea
That's pretty good.
>puerto rico swears revenge on trump
He already gave you fuckers aid. What more do you want? He can't rebuild your fucking houses.
d187f2 No.14021621
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Vavra's game looks pretty good.
5b5e92 No.14021627
When's the release date after all? It looks pretty good but the characters looks a little stiff but I can live with it, I played Elex and Two Worlds.
ae4930 No.14021633
Puerto ricans are retards, they got openly tricked by their own leader who prevented aid to be delivered to spite trump and yet they get upset at trump.
d0c1da No.14021660
What angers me more is that JBP has a lot of shit to criticize (mostly small shit he gets wrong, like the Norks being able to end the world), but he didn't address any of it. Instead he went his usual route of "gee aint this retard retarded? i mean image being this fucking retarded man".
whats the name of this anime? i need neet aras in my life
38010e No.14021670
>the bible shouldn't be taken literally
>most people
Wrong on both accounts
d496f6 No.14021678
February next year, Vavra has been telling people in twitter he's working hard with the team on the stiff animations and faces.
d496f6 No.14021731
Mister "Jim Yellowfever" Metokur there was doing his same old shtick, he was still pissed at the treatment of Faith Goldy, but then he just addressed dumb shit with that $10 personality test, he just tries to belittle and make his profession of being a clinical psychologist be the same as a self-help guru and also make it sound like Peterson is delegitimize, like wtf, that is the same argument that skeptards he mocks do, and he has the balls to tell people not to listen to Peterson because he's a scammer while mocking Peterson's mantra of improving yourself by telling everyone they should "Think for themselves" a few days later he's making videos making fun of internet lolcows who are fucked up, even /pol/ is accurate with their criticism with JBP, but goddamn that no self-awareness with Jim's edgy sycophants who refuse to look in the mirror that they sound like those Rick and Morty High IQ fans they keep mocking.
35afa6 No.14021772
530505 No.14021788
I Have no Mouth and I Must WooHoo
59d665 No.14021815
Looks fantastic, may have to upgrade though first before I ever get to play it.
Peterson is one of few academics publicly calling out the indoctrination of universities. Jim likes to shit on anything popular to maintain his outlier status. He will never admit fault and those types of people really don't like the self-awareness Peterson is selling. I know a few people who can't listen to him because they don't want to be reminded of the mountain of denial they are buried underneath. There is one legit criticism of JP to be had, that is the intellectual travels down the anti-nihilism path still end up being of the same value as any other as long as mortality is still a thing.
d496f6 No.14021831
That is one of the legit criticisms you can make, but Jim on the other hand had to level with his supposedly freethinking high IQ fanboys with his very accurate and legitimate concerns while still hiding his being salty by acting like an old school troll from SomethingAwful. This is why you don't worship E-celebs, we lost too many people to their retardation, like that anon who lost his job because he blindly followed that fucking retard Richard Spencer with Tiki Torch retardation while giving out his real life information to their fucking discord channel, talk about entrapment operation by a controlled opposition fucktard.
35afa6 No.14021845
>Jim likes to shit on anything popular to maintain his outlier status
Isn't that one of the reasons he stopped using the internet aristocrat name, because he "got to popular"?
59d665 No.14021861
Tiki torch shit is smoke and mirrors, I am surprised anyone fell for it from here, but maybe not considering all the larping going on. Like the outrage industry, there is money to be made for being the public face of white nationalism, another branch of identity politics with financial supporters and books and speaking tours and the like. There is PR and then there is PR traps people willingly walk into.
Yes, if Metokur becomes too popular he will kill that too, lest he becomes the thing he makes fun of. Gotta keep that edge so that he can never become that am radio host he should have been. Instead he will rot away and probably die of lung cancer pretending he did it his way all along.
2f4b04 No.14021884
> I drew this
86cde1 No.14021927
>I guess nobody will talk about how many babies women kill after they give birth.
Aren't post-op abortions illegal?
936b91 No.14021935
>people want to fuck planets
Nip masturbation methods always one step ahead of the curve.
86cde1 No.14021944
>Nip masturbation methods always one step ahead of the curve.
You sure about that?
0362b9 No.14021945
I mean post birth depressions.
They choke, drown or smash their babies because they feel sad.
c20e93 No.14022131
86cde1 No.14022156
>UN General Assembly votes 128-9 to reject US decision recognising Jerusalem as Israeli capital
No archive because it is just a headline, not an article.
0362b9 No.14022179
Another of my random questions about american culture. How did you turn one of the most violently followed sports in the world into some hobby for stupid middle aged women watching over their useless children?
For fuck's sake, parents here lynch refereers in school leagues and tournaments.
9ac7d6 No.14022186
>User was warned for this post: Your wife can register and post her own thoughts
bd8a94 No.14022187
Because our football makes middle aged women worry about their chillrin tackling each-other, so they send them to soccer thinking it's "safer".
1f1a7e No.14022203
>Johnathan Blow
>of all people
>lightly criticizes progressives
did I die and this is some sort of bizzarro after life?
0362b9 No.14022210
You might believe they dress like sissies, but football isn't a sport of the weak. It is worse because it is about hitting others while the referee isn't looking and about joining a cult aka a football club.
I could even search for football riots to show you what football is about.
bd8a94 No.14022219
Oh I know it's not safer, that's why I put it in quotation marks. It appears safer to the Soccer Mom, but it's not, in fact it might be even more dangerous.
530505 No.14022229
What are the UN going to do about it if Drumpf decides to go ahead and start Armageddon anyway.Get deebly concerned at him?
86cde1 No.14022230
>From what i understand (((collectors))) in europe in particular hire slavs and chinese immigrants to go to flea markets with a checklist of games they already own and pay them to destroy copies of things like Saturn and NES games because "it drives up the value of my investment".
>The buyfag is a noble soul scouring the deals for objects to save and enjoy while scalpers buy them up to gather dust with a now 3 digit price tag and (((collectors))) are the true villains who see them destroyed to make the number of physical copies in the world less intentionally.
>last year a guy revealed he had cases of unopened NES titles assumed to be in the single digits of surviving copies and would sell them all for a single dollar as long as you signed a contract and played them rather than resold them and (((collectors))) got caught trying to hire a hitman to kill him before the auctions ended, made accounts on social media pretending to be young kids with cancer wanting them and one john candy avatarfag even showed up here of all places saying we were "anti capitalist" for laughing at their investments falling in value.
30b7f3 No.14022245
I am frankly disgusted.
c20e93 No.14022262
>Hoai-Tran Bui / /Film - "Alt-Right Group Takes Credit for ‘The Last Jedi’ Rotten Tomatoes Backlash" (gamedrops)
a23e91 No.14022283
I thought ISIS did it.
fa3e8d No.14022286
I really do hate Gaijin Hunter. Especially with all of his calls to censor monster hunter and other games.
Scalpers and those collector types are some of the worst kind of people. I one time bought a fairly rare saturn game at a flea market and got yelled at for getting it for a decent price and not knowing what I truly had by someone who wanted it. He then tried to convince the owner about how much he fucked up.
Another community that is infested with scalpers and collectors in th gunpla community. They charge reidiculours prices for limited edition figures and try to pass off common figures that look similar to the limited edition ones as being the same. You can't get a Shin zaku anywhere without it being the same price as a shin zaku custom. You also have people who will buy multiples of the same model and not build them just to reduce the amount available to actually buy and build.
530505 No.14022296
It was the Kremlin.
35afa6 No.14022301
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>14022286
Have a video with situations where scalpers failed miserably.
5b5e92 No.14022304
Maybe… Just maybe the movie sucked. "Everything I hate is alt-right" worked beautifully for them before anyway.
16b93b No.14022309
Net-juu no Susume
>tfw Mombot will never crush your head between her fertile swinging hips
8bbb35 No.14022327
Remember the retarded liberal who appeared on TV claiming they won the Alabama elections because a huge chunk of voters came from all the USA just to vote?
>Alabama Secretary of State Launches Voter Fraud Investigation in Senate Special Election
>Decision came after an interview with a man who said “we came here all the way from different parts of the country as part of our fellowship, and all of us pitched in to vote.”
5ef281 No.14022333
What does this mean for Alabama?
338609 No.14022354
>we came here all the way from different parts of the country as part of our fellowship, and all of us pitched in to vote.
1f8ef1 No.14022361
Nah, someone is trying to take credit for botting reviews. But they talk in a rather false flag sorta way. "Men ruled society once, that's why we voted trump."
And the second article even mentions that MC/RT moderators think that people genuinely tend to get riled up to leave reviews, that might not have anything to do with politics or racism.
4c5d29 No.14022366
Another election at the very least.
fa3e8d No.14022382
That cheers me up a little, but that does not change my hatred for them. I have seen people and hobby shops charge 5 times the price by trying to argue that a common model was rare.
1f8ef1 No.14022386
Oh no, excuse me. The MC,RT mods think it's legit behavior and that the botter just wants attention.
The guy who said that it's not about politics was someone who made a petition to remove it from canon, who got death threats for making said petition.
305a11 No.14022392
I prefer when the woman is given an ilusion of being the dom before being properly crushed and dominated.
a23e91 No.14022399
The thing is those reviews don't mean dick. The only thing that matters is whether you actually paid to see the movie.
And if you did, then you're a hyper consumerist bitch and will be first against the wall.
5ef281 No.14022421
File: c977ba954a7b6e1⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 3.52 MB, 3721x4191, 3721:4191, c977ba954a7b6e1cd8e0046402….png)
File: aa03cdf732ceedc⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 615.85 KB, 747x1058, 747:1058, 2b05b566296dadb47abbed0587….png)
File: a43a4a9f27bd8d7⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 181.93 KB, 1266x1600, 633:800, a43a4a9f27bd8d7b4e632ecb8c….jpg)
0d054a No.14022430
Why is this animé so horridly bad and dumb ? I'm genuinely impressed by how bland each episode manages to get.
30b7f3 No.14022520
It's moebait among other things. Low effort stuff that otaku eat up.
0362b9 No.14022531
Is there any more post-meme art?
5b5e92 No.14022536
Yeah you're right, the jews don't care as long as they have their shekels.
0d054a No.14022548
I guess, but even in terms of moeshit there's not trying and then there's being tremendously lazy, uncaring and uninterested with your own fucking production. Blend S is insultingly indifferent to itself and consistently tries to avoid putting any effort at all. I'd know, I've watched every single episode
0035b1 No.14022550
I don't have images to show my disgust.
I hope these (((collectors))) get their skulls smashed with jackhammer.
What the idiot.
30b7f3 No.14022556
Honestly it only gets so much attention because of it's meme of the month fad and the trap providing artists with another variety of flavor of the month.
ae4930 No.14022598
I can garauntee that (((art dealers))) have done this shit with famous art for a long while now.
530505 No.14022642
Why does Femdom stuff always involve weird shit,I just want vanilla with a cute grill taking charge
246c6d No.14022658
Post you replied to got deleted. Source/link/archive? Could be useful as a redpill.
35afa6 No.14022677
The greentext is the entire post.
1f8ef1 No.14022695
5ef281 No.14022708
Femdom and Sadism go hand in hand. Sadism and Footfaggotry also go hand in hand. Footfaggotry is a subcategory of Femdom by proxy.
09790d No.14022744
>He likes traps for the benis, and not to acknowledge the amount of work put into it to even look passable as something that few people among the masters of disguise can actually do
That's just gay.
f502d4 No.14022782
The real question is whether or not you’d accept head from a trap that was 10/10 passable, even if it’s gay
8bbb35 No.14022808
I'd accept all kind of traps, even if they aren't passable.
0362b9 No.14022829
Probably, but I'm a sad lonely man.
0362b9 No.14022832
So… Another one bites the dust?
We need a /v/ sings just for this song.
246c6d No.14022843
Then it's not enough for redpilling. Without any kind of source it's at best speculation. Was hoping someone had a source because I was in a hurry to get some errands done. Guess I'll just have to search for it on my own time later then.
5ef432 No.14022846
Reminds me of SPJAirplay. I wonder if he sent those bomb threats. The world may never know.
Queen is my jam. Too bad I probably won't find the time to find a proper microphone to record myself with.
1f8ef1 No.14022851
Yes, but unfortunately 2D is unreachable so far.
0362b9 No.14022864
So… I noticed some nobodies trying to ride into the Sargon 'controversy'. Are there so many desperated drama queens needing bigger names to ride for subscrivers and views?
9e4290 No.14022938
>Thompson admitted to the threats, along with admitting to cyber-stalking and harassing his ex-girlfriend.
So much for "respecting women," huh?
fbb27c No.14022949
<Video related
What do you want to redpill people on, that collectors are nuts?
338609 No.14022982
ɹɪspek wæmɪn nɪgɚ
c495de No.14023035
Its almost as if feminism is used as a disguise by actual predatory men :^)
From what I've seen, the only person originally who called themselves a skeptic was thunderf00t and "the skeptic community" term was created by SJWs in an attempt to lump him with others he was friendly with, claiming that he approved of everything they did/said.
09790d No.14023043
>Jailed for threatening to Anita his Akbar
They are now being jailed for the domestic terrorism they accuse us of. Oh my fug.
0362b9 No.14023179
I hope that is true.
3e52cf No.14023215
Oh, it's true, they had to turn on DDOS protection. They are mad.
Too bad cloudflare has gotten a lot better at DDOS protection than it was when gamergate first broke out on 8chan.
baaeff No.14023260
So remember how Polygon gave PUBG a 10/10 now that it's released?
fbb27c No.14023279
What is Gwenpool?
b418e8 No.14023296
iirc something happens that gives Gwen Stacy Deadpool's powers. It's exactly as bad as it sounds.
30b7f3 No.14023345
Nah. It's Gwen from a universe that's basically our world who ends up the MU, gets into wacky situations, tries to live it up with the knowledge of how comics work, and breaks reality itself. It's okay. Still stupid it's, on the surface, an amalgamation of two characters when it could've been something unique.
a3fb78 No.14023354
Isn't Polygon in sort of Micro$shills payroll too for what I remember? PUBG was released to XBone.
3e52cf No.14023365
MS is doing a big promotion with XboneX right now, buy an XboneX get PUBG for free. What a coincidence!
0362b9 No.14023367
She isn't actually Gwen Stacy. Deadpool made a joke about how much of a nobody she is and how anyone who doesn't know her mistakes her from a Gwen Stacy from an alternative universe.
b30644 No.14023373
I don't know if it counts, but pubg's 1.0 build was on the test servers prior to launch.
Also Squad's V10 update is up for public testing and it is amazing. Really shaping up to be my favorite multiplayer shooter, just hope it actually leaves early access.
0d054a No.14023375
Hard to say. Years ago, polygon did get paid 750k to make a loving documentary about microsoft, and it's quite obvious they're basically their bitch. But there's nothing showing that they've been paid specifically for that PUBG review.
I mean, anyone with half a brain finds it obvious they're basically shilling for it, and of course it's quite likely they got paid, but there's no proof or even hint of it.
Nichegamer did squeal about it on twitter and I'll be honest Niche's social media guy is a bit of a loon sometimes, wish he'd try to be somewhat more professional
30b7f3 No.14023384
The whole concept is that she is AU Gwen. That's how she was even made in the first place. From Gwen variant covers that had her as different heroes.
0362b9 No.14023395
But she isn't. She was just an alternative cover that got her own series because people cosplayed as her, but she is not related to Gwen Stacy in any way.
30b7f3 No.14023400
She is. I keep telling you. She's an AU Gwen.
0362b9 No.14023436
I think she had another last name and everything, but I don't care enouth to search for proof to that, so I believe you.
dbd8ba No.14023439
If this was /vpol/ I'd be long gone. I have no love for either of the /pol/s.
c20e93 No.14023572
WHO officially on track to recognize video game addiction as a mental disorder - while apparently still sticking to an absurdly broad definition that covers e-sports and streamers
Kotaku makes a worst of 2017 in gaming list where they include a YouTube section in which they call out JonTron and also include a "men behave badly" section
30b7f3 No.14023574
American Eagle seems cool now.
0362b9 No.14023581
Having a hobby is a disease, yet chopping your cock is being progresive?
796ca0 No.14023587
I don't follow this e-celeb bullshit, what did this Jon guy do to deserve all this hate?
b12591 No.14023589
Holyshit, vidya is contagious?
0362b9 No.14023606
Of fucking course.
2acfaf No.14023612
He said that black people commit more crime in a 'debate' with Twitch streamer and manlet stripper, Destiny.
ae4930 No.14023613
It looks like a trinket a metal smith would give to his little girl.
e52e01 No.14023624
Her names Gwen Poole. I believe her backstory is that she's some cosplayer who happens to shares a first name with gwen stacy, and looks enough like her that she decided to do a mash up cosplay like pic related.
530505 No.14023643
It just looks like an old timey handcuff tbh
0362b9 No.14023646
I feel kinda sad for Mark Hamil and how they treated Luke. I can see him disappointed about how they treated the character that gave him fame and money.
I thought he even hated Luke because he couldn't get another mayor role after Starwars.
ae4930 No.14023668
Dont feel too bad for hamil, he buys the hard leftist agenda.
936b91 No.14023670
Hey, his joker is the best. I sort of want to see him shitting all over the movie like Harrison Ford did in interviews.
338609 No.14023676
inb4 radical alt-centrist
I'd wear one of those if I didn't already have other bracelets
t. huwyte man
0362b9 No.14023678
He did? time to search for some fun anger.
143d12 No.14023683
Looks like they actually pulled it. I hope the guy never lifts the hood on his car, the sheer amount of band clamps under there might trigger him to death.
52239c No.14023688
But this move by Disney, fucking over Luke in that way, is making people hate even more the last starwars movie, and giving people another major reason to criticise the movie. When one of the major actors actually dislikes openly the changes of his character, no one can defend their shitty movie anymore.
ae4930 No.14023704
No one cares what old white men think. Thats the logic of them.
1f8ef1 No.14023739
Does anyone know how the nips managed to hold back and bully tumblr when they tried to take over pixiv? I see a couple of DA tier artists there now.
3e52cf No.14023746
Between this and The Farce Awakens, I am starting to think Disney thinks they can get people to care about their characters by appealing to nostalgia and then shitting on it.
>oh you like Hans Solo?
>look at Hans Solo in the new movie!
>he comes back!
>oh haha he's dead now!
>can you believe it!?
52239c No.14023747
They are saying that even Jorge Lucas liked the movie and that's enough to justify saying that it was a good movie, but with this, that shitty reason can be nullified, or at least create on them some really heavy cognitive dissonance that will at some point make them snap.
86cde1 No.14023750
Here is the only other post of interest from the topic before it got deleted (Left my browser open on that page while I was out): >>14022343
>Its been a year but i think pat the nespunk had a video talking about it. Some dude from indiana on the Nintendo Age forums had remortgaged his house based on having 3 copies of some NES game about a little boy i want to say had Milo in the name but i'm not sure.
>Basically his wife found out he cost them their home for 3 NES games and he next day he found out there was now 20 other copies about to go on sale for a dollar. Long story short he opened a fucking craigslist add reasoning this was 'an attack on his castle and his bloodline' and he wanted the man 'removed from the mortal realm quietly and quickly, before his ebay auctions end'.
>Shock twist the internet isnt private and his ass went to jail.
>(((collectors))) man, not even once.
baaeff No.14023759
There was a thing a few months ago where they made up a bunch of Gwen Stacy alternates, and "Gwenpool" a Deadpool knockoff was rather popular one, so Marvel decided to make a comic about her, hired the same guy the wrote Dr.McNinja to do it, and instead made it about a Fangirl from the real world being transported into the Marvel universe whose name is "Gwen Poole"
0362b9 No.14023767
>by appealing to nostalgia and then shitting on it.
You mean like Ghostbusters but without crashing?
ae4930 No.14023768
Whites and males affirming their beliefs are good goyim, but the ones who do not are fucking whites/males. The only ultimate opinion is local minorities and women, and the new cast love it.
341499 No.14023784
I heard some artist moved of pivix and on to twitter? due to some bullshit going on with pivix but yeah I noticed that more tumblr tier art appearing on pivix. I wouldn't be surprised if they created an alternative that we didn't know about.
dbd8ba No.14023799
>inb4 radical alt-centrist
Does the radical mean I get a skateboard?
338609 No.14023812
>>14023799 (checked)
I wish
1f8ef1 No.14023831
Why are Americans do cancerous, why can't we openly bully artists?
e52e01 No.14023845
>Why are Americans do cancerous, why can't we openly bully artists?
We do, the bad news is all the bullies are SJW"s.
dbd8ba No.14023853
Didnt he already say publicly "I fundamentally disagree with everything about luke's character in the last jedi" ?
3e52cf No.14023922
Sort of, but I think what they're going for is
>wow the new characters are so cool
>oh man Solo died but it's time for the new generation that's cooler
>wow I can't believe they did that!
>I'm on the edge of my seat!!!
Japanese bullying and racism is on a whole different level than what you get in the West. I imagine they drove them off quite easily. It was probably a very good reality check to those SJWs about what racism actually is and that white privilege only extends in their sheltered existences.
48d2b7 No.14023927
>“As a woman writer, whose friends are primarily queer and/or PoC, I never stop being amazed how the Big Two companies don’t see us as worthy of being marketed to. Why do they keep doubling down on their shrinking legacy audience of 40-something white guys? More and more stunts to fight for Chad’s dollar.
>“At the same time they’re duking it out for Chad’s $1, they are walking by Tanesha’s $20 and Deshawn’s $20 JUST LYING THERE IN THE STREET. THIS PAINS ME, as a person who loves money. Seriously, fuck social justice, THERE IS MONEY. THAT IS BEING IGNORED. It causes me physical pain to watch.
>“Every bookstore publisher is starting up a graphic novels division. Image and Boom are thriving. And yet… white male superheroes are only allowed to be written by the same ten white men Chad likes”
I'm sure Tanesha and Deshawn can buy comics with EBT. As someone that goes to my local hoppy shop to talk shop with the owner, and the loyal customers. Most of your precious PoC's fucking hate SWJ comics, its like these people never talked to the normal crowed, and only listen to their close circle of faggots
fa3e8d No.14023955
Why do people get so angry about the most retarded of things. They could actually spend their time volunteering to help people, but they instead do this.
Weren't all those video game addiction clinics huge scams and the owners of them admitted as such? Didn't they say the issues lied with other areas rather than games? Why is everyone so asshurt about video games again with the same arguments that got proven wrong years ago.
fa3e8d No.14023977
They made Zeus and some of the other gods black in that show.
30b7f3 No.14023982
And this shocks absolutely no one.
86cde1 No.14023988
If they want a "historical" story to star black actors, why don't they just make a story set in the middle of Africa? I've always wondered why we don't see any films or shows centered on African myths and legends.
30b7f3 No.14023996
It's easier and more guaranteed to make money if it's taking something people are more familiar with.
338609 No.14024004
fa3e8d No.14024039
>People are now trying to talk shit about Catherine and the persona games not being socially aware due to the director stating he did not have many female firends growing up.
>People ignore that there was a huge stigma in Japanese culture about that.
>People ignore that he went to all men's schools for most of his life.
>People ignore that he hired a lot of female artists, writers, and developers to cover him.
I hate these disingenuous fucks who decide to now get mad about the same game that has already been released using dishonest tactics.
d187f2 No.14024068
People will be disingenuous on purpose.
They call Atlus anti-trans but Erica was one of the most non-token trans characters in video games.
They'll also call Atlus that for "handling Naoto Shirogane poorly", while knowing the story but paying attention only to their own headcannon.
The people higher up, not the tumblrfaggots, the people in the media like Laura Kate Dale or in localization, they don't want Atlus to make "good characters". They want to shame Atlus to the point where they make "their" kind of games and characters. And they'll still keep doing it if Atlus bows, which I assume they won't, considering the next big game the Persona team is handling is a medieval fantasy game, and it looks to be all about swords, sorcery, cute girls.
530505 No.14024073
T-Thank G-d for BBC diversity quotas I've always wanted to see one of the greatest stories ever written completely raped and ruined.
fa3e8d No.14024084
>Naoto Shirogane
You just reminded me about the retardation with her and Kanji where the voice actors talked about how they were LGBT. THe whole thing where their whole arcs were about avoiding stereotypes and them being complex characters got ignored to just make them gay based on stereotypes. I just remember it got so bad that some developers had to say that those ideas were false which made a lot of the voice actors sperg out.
e52e01 No.14024090
Funny vid but
>Horsefucker toy in the background.
341499 No.14024091
These are the same type of people who force their insecurities on characters like naoto, kanji and yusuke.
d187f2 No.14024106
There are still people who'll go around screaming that Naoto was trans and that Kanji and Yusuke are gay. Completely ignoring what the game was talking about. They'll always go headcanon first.
fa3e8d No.14024121
What pisses me off the most is that the stories and Social Links they are bitching about and blaming the director for are actually written by women. People still double down even when called out.
I just could not stand the sense of self-righteousness that Troy Baker had about it too. He sperged out at the creators for just saying that he got the character wrong and did not even get the point right. The point was the exact opposite of what they are saying. Troy Baker has always been a huge asshole though.
ae4930 No.14024156
>Why do people get so angry about the most retarded of things
In "paradise" people break shit to see what happens.
Thats why I like nip vas, there is a hint of nobless oblige.
8b7fb4 No.14024177
It's almost like the free market determined that indeed your demographic is not worthy to be marketed to, otherwise you'd still be writing your sjw trash.
As if I didn't need another reason to hate troy baker. It's almost like he didn't play the game and based his knowledge on reading some lines in a booth.
baaeff No.14024194
You could argue that Kanji might still actually be gay, but to play the entire game and have that be the important takeaway from his character mean you're at best, completely retarded.
d187f2 No.14024218
His sexuality is kind of a plaything when it comes to humorous situations, but the game establishes that he's insecure about his hobbies (arts/craft/sewing etc). He thinks those are feminine hobbies, and that people will think he's gay, hence him dying his hair and acting like a tough guy to cover it up.
People like to use the Shadows as an argument, but the shadows are partially their insecurities turned up to max, combined with the public perception of them.
9e4290 No.14024249
Because that would take actual research to pull off. That and it seems like an unspoken rule that black people shouldn't have any culture other than what whitey gives them.
0362b9 No.14024263
If they like diversity and shitsmearing so much, I guess they shouldn't complain we get some random black historical character and make him white like Martin Luther King or Alejandro Dumas.
fa3e8d No.14024274
Back when I played Persona 4 in my late teens, I still got the whole point about what the shadows were. They appear on a TV channel that is altered based on the perception of whoever watches it alongside insecurities people have. How does it take these faggots longer than a decade but still not understand it?
60fbdc No.14024302
While we're on the subject of retarded tranny headcanons, this is Mordred's profile in the NA version of FGO.
The original JP entry uses the second-person pronoun 'Kanojo' which roughly means 'she.'
The rest of the content has been translated extremely faithfully, with the translators going out of their way to bring over a webcomic so players would have full context for the Honnouji event.
With that in mind, does this seem like a forced rewrite or an honest mistake? I'm thinking it's the latter, because the profile entry that mentions gender and the story call Mordred a female.
I'll fully admit I mostly care because she's my waifu.
d187f2 No.14024309
The either never played it, or if they did, refuse what the game is telling them and prefer to go with their own headcanon.
For the supposedly "smarter" people, like the ones who blog on Kotaku instead of Tumblr, it's faux outrage to use as ammo in an effort to control the Japanese game industry.
341499 No.14024346
Maybe the translator misunderstood and thought that those lines pertained to arthur but then again arthur is a girl so who knows, How do they address her in London?
4c5d29 No.14024351
She doesn't really like being treated as a girl, though.
Jekyll calls her a girl and she gets mad, I believe.
60fbdc No.14024374
She doesn't like being treated like a man either, that's the point.
Jekyll says her and Mash being female is why they can understand Fran, which they kinda all get mad at. After that every other time someone refers to Mordred without her name they say 'she' and she doesn't give them shit over it.
0362b9 No.14024379
So, do you guys believe The Last Jedi will make everyone ignore the last movie of the trilogy and make it crash? Or even doing that to the spinoffs and prequels of every semi popular character.
e52e01 No.14024427
Wait, you didn't draw this
4c5d29 No.14024433
Oh, I kinda forgot about that detail. I do think that in Apocrypha she's just called by name so there's also that.
The translation does have some typos but it's nowhere near as bad as it was at launch so it can be boiled down to a simple typo. It doesn't help that her titles are Treacherous King/Knight and Son of King Arthur.
I don't have her so I can't really say. I do have her dad, though!
10c9e5 No.14024437
adf2c0 No.14024453
Does Persona 5 have this problem?
e52e01 No.14024454
prove it furfag.
341499 No.14024463
Yes, they think yusuke is gay.
e52e01 No.14024464
As far as I know, they were too bust bitching about the translation not going to there guys and it not being LGBTBBQTBHFAM enough
adf2c0 No.14024470
I thought he was autistic and kinda cute
10c9e5 No.14024471
yep, tumblr loves spreading this shit
a8b480 No.14024477
Yusuke had a little bit but it was relatively ignored in that way. Most of the bitching was about the localization being pozz free and the token gay characters being represented as both comic relief and predators.
60fbdc No.14024480
I have her at LV100 now thanks to the Grail from London. I sent in a comment about the profile, so we'll see what the response is.
I basically said that because the profile doesn't match itself or how she's referred to in story that it seems like an oversight, and to make it not seem like I'm overreacting I also mentioned a glitch I found where using her NP turns off sound until it ends.
I mean, there are people saying the game 'put them back in the closet' and other insipid nonsense I guess.
0b068e No.14024499
Hey is quick reply broken for anybody else right now?
4c5d29 No.14024500
Sounds like the reasonable thing to do.
530505 No.14024507
Works on my machine :)
86cde1 No.14024519
One of the things I can never get is why they love spreading shit like "If you liked X, then CONGRATULATIONS, you are Y."
<I.E. "If you like these paintings, CONGRATULATIONS, you are a Nazis sympathizer."
86cde1 No.14024521
Damn forgot to link the paintings.
10c9e5 No.14024525
becasue schooling has failed
10c9e5 No.14024529
I also dont mean entirely part on the schooling itself but the entire experience, where the fuck are the bullies? who is enabling these softboys
3e52cf No.14024539
SJWs are NPCs who only remember sound bytes and slogans. "If you like X, congratulations you're Y" is a super easy sound byte.
d187f2 No.14024551
Most of the bitching was about two flamboyantly gay characters who harass Ryuji.
People think Yusuke is gay but his sexuality is never focused upon. He's at least bi since he shows interest when Ann was wringing her yukata when it was wet, showing off her legs. He's also autistic as fuck.
Lala Escargot is a crossdresser/tranny (it's never really explained/focused on) who runs a tranny bar, which is a thing in Japan. She even jokes about crossdressing with the main character when he says he wants to work there and asks her if he needs to crossdress to do so.
9e4290 No.14024616
Talk about Pussy Pass, god damn.
44788d No.14024621
You're right, they need to be bullied early, and often
4648c6 No.14024737
Eric Garland should wear a garland made from a burning tire
530505 No.14024760
>where the fuck are the bullies?
>who is enabling these softboys
They are the bullies now because the Zero Tolerance policy protects them from having their shit kicked in.So they are free to talk shit and abuse other kids without any repercussions.
I saw it happening in my last years of school. Its weird seeing some faggy manlet fuck with kids way older and bigger than him because he knows they'll be suspended if they do anything about it.
a40488 No.14024763
>I just remember it got so bad that some developers had to say that those ideas were false which made a lot of the voice actors sperg out.
Have a source for this? Would love it for future reference
9e4290 No.14024790
I love how they're still clinging to "MUH RUSSIA" when that narrative is crumbling fast.
0be549 No.14024797
>being a newfag
The way shit's set up, the chief hotpockets aren't allowed to kick out any vols because then every vol would have to stand in line to Jim and his crew.
/pol/ has been a kikeground for over a year at this point
c20e93 No.14024798
a40488 No.14024813
just report and don't reply, I've seen this spammed on /pol/ as well
59d665 No.14024853
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>14024487
Is there more than one way to sabotage a kayak?
b12591 No.14024898
I thought kanojo was girlfriend?
c495de No.14024903
At first I was going to ask how the fuck did she get a slap on the wrist for murder but then I looked up the timeline.
Looks like the prosecution was scared to take it to trial and threw her a deal.
Her lawyers argued that her admissions to wanting him dead and sabotaging the kayak were made under duress and she was never mirandized with the first interview.
Still think using the fact she waited three fucking hours before calling 911 would have carried it.
30b7f3 No.14024922
Can't wait to play as a trans scottish Nazi cripple with autism.
b12591 No.14024933
That's sounds like an interesting game. Much more so than WE WUZ 2 is gonna be.
e0e5cd No.14025114
It’s used for both
c20e93 No.14025122
>Refinery29: "What It's Like To Be On A Competitive All-Female Gaming Team." Rehashes the SOGGY KNEES VIDYA narrative while gamedropping
>Nintendo Power Comes Back In Podcast Form
0e0054 No.14025148
To no one's surprise, Psychonauts 2 gets delayed before 2018 even hits.
b418e8 No.14025160
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>14025122
>What It's Like To Be On A Competitive All-Female Gaming Team
4648c6 No.14025165
d187f2 No.14025170
I hope it suffers in development hell for a decade and when it releases it's worse than mighty no. 9
Maybe then people will stop giving shitface money.
Fig is also his own thing, so maybe it's a money laundering scheme.
0d546b No.14025178
inb4 they start up another fig scam and shove a half completed Psychonauts 2 onto early access
c20e93 No.14025228
>Jon del Arroz - "A Joke, a Media Storm, and a Destroyed Life. Is 'Magic: The Gathering' the Next Gamergate?"
338609 No.14025230
doublefine means you pay twice
t. mr. shitface
143d12 No.14025245
>Half completed
One level is more likely, then it'll get moved into episodic, with each mind being a level, and starting at around ten dollars. Each episode taking roughly a year to release, and being of substantially worse quality than the last. The season pass will be $70, with 5 episodes released, costing consumers $20 more than if they had just waited.
Skill upgrades will be another package separate from the season pass, and will not transfer between episodes
7abbaa No.14025338
This is gonna be good.
baaeff No.14025382
How long until people realize what a fucking scam artist he is?
Each one of these is a real conversation that happened with the writers of SG1
128201 No.14025474
It's part of AMD's Gaming Evolved service, to compete/complement with twitch and steam. So if being a corporate site counts as shady shit, there you go.
What is KoP up to these days? He seemed to have dropped off the face of the earth post-2015.
We should get "Fuck off, Jed" trending as the new "Shut up, Wesley".
So when is Pigfood Josh going to sort out his life like he keeps saying he will and stop being the type of lolcow featured in kiwifarms?
Not your personal army, uncle.
Hasbro is not going to like this.
03894d No.14025531
>Hasbro is not going to like this.
That's the idea.
Some of us got in touch with Jeremy and put him up to the idea that embarrassing the shit out of Hasbro was gonna be the only way to get anything done. I didn't hear back after the initial talk the night he got banned, but he seems to be running with the idea.
03894d No.14025569
Don't mind me, just posting some quads.
0b068e No.14025583
Why are quick reply and some other features only broken in this thread
1f8ef1 No.14025594
It's a unicorn.
And I'm not referring to dots.
86cde1 No.14025596
The only site features that have ever been broken for me is the "Screencap" function (Has never worked once, so I always use the "PrtSc" key instead.
b12591 No.14025619
>Pointing the wrong way
>No where near the digits
baaeff No.14025621
At least fucking flip the image you lazy fuck
86cde1 No.14025623
>Pointing the wrong way
Not if you have the 2ch theme.
e750c1 No.14025625
>I hope the guy never lifts the hood on his car, the sheer amount of band clamps under there might trigger him to death.
30b7f3 No.14025627
Witcher 3 on PC is a whole other beast. Witcher 2 crashed on me but this one's running no problem. Even with lowering certain things like foliage it still looks great. Feels even better than on PS4. Almost makes me regret buying a copy for that in the first place. It's long gone now anyway.
0b068e No.14025635
a8b480 No.14025640
Im not completely sure whats going on in the pic but i think the car melted the ice in that pattern. Yes?
0b068e No.14025649
Fuck I didn't know my posts have been actually going through because whenever I try to reply to this thread it takes me to a 404 page. Other threads are working fine though.
10c9e5 No.14025666
0b068e No.14025685
are you codemonkey
because now it works fine for some reason and i didn't change anything
0b068e No.14025691
Fuck, maybe I'm hallucinating from the painkillers they gave me. I'm real confused now.
b461ed No.14025799
File: ba5d9a6ff461ea7⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 448.1 KB, 970x719, 970:719, ba5d9a6ff461ea714ecaf28d9c….png)
File: 02b22ab4c542f47⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 570.92 KB, 970x719, 970:719, 02b22ab4c542f47775c438f94b….png)
File: fe819bbf6a97552⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 521.95 KB, 970x719, 970:719, fe819bbf6a97552be6cb3f6dc0….png)
0b068e No.14025822
I'm not losing it, I'm just doped up because my jaw is infected
35afa6 No.14025855
>the car melted the ice in that pattern. Yes?
fa3ba5 No.14025973
This earth-chan meme is going to be cancer, I can just feel it.
It'll be a worse version of what happened with Wendy's, mark my words
86cde1 No.14025982
>This earth-chan meme is going to be cancer
Where is this popular? I haven't seen anything about it outside of this thread.
fa3ba5 No.14025987
I'm seeing loads of it pop up on twitter.
6c03f3 No.14026006
Memes seem to flare up and die out on twitter in a matter of weeks now, just like herpes. I'm equally impressed and disturbed by it. They'll move on before the meme goes stale.
baaeff No.14026007
It's spreading over normalfag shit. It's a joke to make fun of Flat Earthers, and anime personification of Earth yelling "I'm not flat!" Though people are starting to use it to spread messages about recycling and shit.
This episode aired the day after 9/11, and also included suicide bombers and dying to secure your place in heaven. The producers were really worried the show would get fucking cancelled because it it.
44788d No.14026025
Have you gotten to the episode where Daniel gets Ouchie'd yet?
0677e1 No.14026028
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>14024068
>They'll still keep doing it if Atlus bows, which I assume they won't.
Seeing how they react and how they tried to slander Vanillaware games which failed, I think Atlus knows better than bow to their demands.
>The VAs gave fodder to the retards.
One of the reasons why a majority of western VAs are shit. They can't keep mouth shut.
>When the Devs have to step in, they went berserk.
It's very annoying that they go against the creator's word, and that they can't separate their own disgusting fantasies from what's already stated in the game. Kanji just likes cute things and enjoys sewing while Naoto is just trying and failing to be a detective while working in a male-oriented environment.
>Troy Baker
>The same fucker alongside Mcglynn that shit on Guy Cihi
It's a good thing that VA strike didn't work out.
86cde1 No.14026034
>This episode aired the day after 9/11, and also included suicide bombers and dying to secure your place in heaven. The producers were really worried the show would get fucking cancelled because it it.
For some reason, speaking of that reminds me of the Farsape episode where Crichton finally returns home to the Earth, but everyone is still in "shock" over 9/11, and he's left a little distraught over just how minuscule Earth's problems in the grand design of things. Still need to see "Season 5: The Movie", though..
baaeff No.14026037
Which time?
He hasn't been written off yet.
10c9e5 No.14026121
its been cancer since the first bit of art was made
a23e91 No.14026144
>buy a literally Hitler wagon
>be surprised the car is raciss
C'mon it's the current year
4648c6 No.14026166
"The Last Jedi was shit" camp
- Angry Joe
- /tv/
- /v/
- actual star wars fans
- oldfags who watched the first trilogy
- Mark Hamill
"Last Jedi was great" camp
- Mike Matei
- James Rolfe
- Zack (Diversity & Comics)
- Vinny (Vinesauce)
- WildGoose
- Wookiepedia editors
- Clickbait journos
what a divisive movie
44788d No.14026172
a8b480 No.14026181
I thought vinny was neutral on it
1f8ef1 No.14026235
I haven't watched it, I'm not a star wars fan, and I don't really care. The reactions are interesting though.
44788d No.14026239
Shit I meant Hisashi Ouchi
10c9e5 No.14026338
there is quite a few lies there, he was in a medical induced coma pretty much the entire time and his leg was not amputated like that picture
other dumb rumors like him saying kill em and shit are also lies since again medical induced coma
249f59 No.14026365
They had a guy cosplaying as moonman. Their reaction to the kvetching over Dragon's Crown shows they know its better to ignore them or mock them for being free publicists.
a4dc90 No.14026473
>Not an actor
>Literally not an actor
>APPEARED in some web series and COLLEGEHUMOR videos
>"Hello, would you like a major role in STAR fucking WARS?"
Explain pls.
0362b9 No.14026479
Who? the chink?
She is there for the chinese market, let's no fool ourselves.
1f8ef1 No.14026511
This might be news to you, but you most "actors" can't act.
dbd8ba No.14026523
Is that why most ENG VA fuckign sucks?
10c9e5 No.14026537
no and yes, most eng VA suck because they put on fake forced anime voices that dont sound natural
dbd8ba No.14026545
I mostly notice that they hire 50 year old women to voice fuckin 12 year olds
44788d No.14026571
I didn't actually read through that link honestly, I just quickly skimmed the first few lines to make sure it was relevant and posted it
e977e3 No.14026592
Most VAs suck be cause they all failed TV and stage actors who either bumblefucked their way into becoming a VA via radio and TV ad voice over work or used networking to get VA gigs.
None of the "performance matters" losers in the NA VA "industry" would even be doing VA work if they could get better paying work. elsewhere.
10c9e5 No.14026598
>None of the "performance matters" losers in the NA VA "industry" would even be doing VA work if they could get better paying work. elsewhere.
not entirely true, its more females that have that problem
10c9e5 No.14026627
7abbaa No.14026633
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Good evening faggots, now for something different.
d187f2 No.14026706
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. So you know how Atlus is getting flak from the usuals about trans and LGBT?
I swear to god the new character in Catherine: Full Body is a trap
10c9e5 No.14026720
Yea I'm not gonna be shocked at all if it has a donger. Even erika is more female.
7abbaa No.14026802
Can't wait for Andrew Dobson to put Shigenori Soejima in place for his "animu" artstyle on Catherine!
d187f2 No.14026809
>Erica was treated badly
Fucking how? You only discover that she's trans through extensive dialogue bits and clues (she doesn't go "I'm Erica, I used to be a boy") and her friends are still friends with her despite her changing from Eric to Erica. Yeah, they rib on her from time to time but she takes it in stride and doesn't let anyone else keep her down.
10c9e5 No.14026819
They treat erika just like one of the guys, them being trans is just more bantz
0d054a No.14026845
>crossboard linking in the same board
You're not a smart one, are you ?
35afa6 No.14026873
>"I'm Erica, I used to be a boy"
This is how you treat a tranny well, according to these people.
2a125c No.14026887
Yeah for real, it was the tamest shit, the treat her like a good friend the whole time and the only reason you know shes trans is because they just warned the new guy because he rightfully deserves to know if he decides to fuck her
It makes me really angry that they are mad about it, I'm a tranny and even I think it was handled well, what do they want? A manly looking deep voiced fag who everyone falls over themselves to compliment and talk about how >she's brave? Erica seems like just a normal girl up until the end. What more could you possibly want?
10c9e5 No.14026892
Erika is kinda in the situation where its clear it was her place to say she was trans and not her friends
Actually makes her more believable since she really shoulda mentioned it sooner and thats why she was sheep
Its what makes her a more normal tranny and not a brick like LKD
790ffc No.14026895
It's simple. Being able to pass as a grill as a trap is bad because it makes non-passing trannies feel bad about themselves.
adf2c0 No.14026898
I refuse to transition because it seems awful, but if I did, I'd rather people I know treat me the same instead of some fragile flower who needs to be coddled all the time.
2a125c No.14026923
True, what she did was rape according to feminists, and that's bad because on cis men can rape therefore its a bad representation.
That's really the heart of the matter, I guess even if they don't look like women they have women's mentality of trying to destroy anything better than them
Yeah I wouldn't recommend it unless you'll kill yourself otherwise, but having people walk on eggshells around you is the worst. My older brother does it because he's a liberal now. as a side note he literally thinks that there should be $5000 fines for offending people and that free speech isn't important. He also hates Trump and loves Trudeau and I seriously can't stand being around him anymore because he can't just act like a normal person anymore, he's so concerned with offending me that its unbearable.
adf2c0 No.14026952
>Yeah I wouldn't recommend it unless you'll kill yourself otherwise
Just depressed, but the way I see it I doubt I'll pass anyway. Your brother sounds way too similar to my cousin who unironically says things like fat shaming and slut shaming, and thinks all women are feminists.
10c9e5 No.14026961
You won't pass, you will never pass.
Dress up as a girl and mastubate in a mirror all you like but you will always be a dooder
adf2c0 No.14026964
No shit, sherlock.
10c9e5 No.14026968
adf2c0 No.14026974
Jack off to Miranda all you want, she'll never be a human, furfag.
10c9e5 No.14026980
adf2c0 No.14026986
534757 No.14026988
how often does your cousin go to tumblr
adf2c0 No.14026994
Just reddit and facebook as far as I know.
534757 No.14027002
Even normie spaces are pozzed now, eh
7abbaa No.14027005
I will bake this time. Is there something I need to add for the next bread?
0362b9 No.14027007
10c9e5 No.14027013
534757 No.14027014
time to bake that breadddd
2a125c No.14027020
Yeah don't even try man, it won't solve you problems and its probably not the source of them anyway
I'm going to be there anyway and you can't stop me fag
7abbaa No.14027025
Here comes the new bread! We're all in this together!
a40488 No.14029694
I always use crossboard link when linking to a completely different thread so that people at first glance know immediately that I'm linking to a completely different thread and not that I'm linking to the a different post in the same thread. The differentiation is merely for convenience, especially those who skim threads.