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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7bc01a No.14303867

We got some new info on the upcoming Kingdom Hearts

>New song by Utada Hikaru

I personally don't like it as much as the other two, but here it is.

>New Trailer

Monsters Inc Confirmed. The leaker was correct.

Xehanort pulled a Naruto and resurrected all the previous villains

>Marluxia (COM)

>Nobodies confirmed back too

>Vanitas is back too (with unversed)

>The Dream monsters also back confirmed

>no atlantis level, Ariel confirmed as a summon

>Riku apparently has a nobody?

I guess they went all out for the finale of Sora's saga. I think it's climatic, but I hope it makes sense and it is not just happening because its cool and then they just try and tie it all up with some convoluted excuse.

7bc01a No.14303872

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

and the D23 Expo Trailer

3b7f68 No.14303899

>recycling villains

Not like anyone needed even more proof, but this right here is the final nail confirming Nomura has no fucking clue of what to do with his clusterfuck anymore

ae98e1 No.14303952

File: 0ef66f3310f3366⋯.png (191.25 KB, 428x458, 214:229, 0ef66f3310f3366caf120a7f82….png)


I like how the Marluxia segment is just a cleverly hidden way to explain who the fuck he is since no one played CoM

8a8484 No.14303954

I'm not feeling it

7bc01a No.14303975


Sanctuary was 100 times better

it had more umf into it

this is just utada getting some whore money to moan at the microphone some words.

It's also very sassy, which is counter-intuitive "oh if you think twice i dont want it i deserve better :^)" what the fuck does thta have to do with kingdom hearts?

Sanctuary and simple and clean were very emotional, like the whole trip. This is just meh.

78fde8 No.14303978

Will they add Zootopia DLC?

3572af No.14304000

>Monsters Inc world

>Nobody enemies back

>Vanitas back

>Dream Eaters back

>actually did finally make a successor to "Simple and Clean" and "Sanctuary"

>no episodic shit so people who want to never look back at squeenix after KH3 can finally get their conclusion before development and publishing gets really fucking shit

Better than I hoped. Just wish the song had a different pitch or whatever I'm thinking of to properly separate it from both. I'm disappointed coming from a name like "Don't Think Twice".

8a8484 No.14304004


Fuck that, when's Spiderman? and none of that miles morales shit. I want Peter Parker, and not teenage Parker either.

b0517b No.14304059

File: a0014fccdf4e992⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 233.86 KB, 709x514, 709:514, KH3 Secret Ending.jpg)


>people are now going to start trusting Resetera because the leak was not fake


>Vanitas is back

I always figured he'd be a part of the new OrgXIII alongside Riku-Ansem.

>Way to Dawn is broken

How can you break a keyblade? Also, I'm not a big fan of Riku's new design.

>Don't Think Twice

I'm not feeling it like I did for Simple & Clean and Sanctuary, curious what the opening version will sound like.

All we need now is a fucking release date, which they will probably reveal at E3.

9bbe67 No.14304061

File: 49da2c00715c1eb⋯.jpg (52.42 KB, 669x696, 223:232, 49da2c00715c1eb1d91e9d6538….jpg)


>people who want to never look back at squeenix after KH3 can finally get their conclusion

Can't wait for people jumping in after only playing 2 and freaking the hell out over the mess the plot has become.

b0517b No.14304122

File: d23118b555ec47e⋯.png (416.42 KB, 627x841, 627:841, DSP.png)


I can already see it:

>who the fuck is this blue-haired chick and why is she important


>Why is Xehanort back and old?

>Why are there thirteen of him now?

>Xion who? :^)

>Why is Axel here and why does he have a keyblade?

>Whose this Vanitas guy and why does he wear the mask?

>Wait, Riku's now considered a keyblade master?

>Xigbar's back too? And why are some people calling him Braig?

>Who the fuck is Terra and is there a white-haired version of him?


pic related, somebody who only played KH1&2

3572af No.14304132


Why do I love her smug.

b5621c No.14304149

File: e2c802b42614a0d⋯.jpg (8.63 KB, 252x255, 84:85, 1471371283388.jpg)


>somebody who only played KH1&2

9bbe67 No.14304179

File: a51b023b677000c⋯.jpg (90.13 KB, 499x525, 499:525, Really slices the noggin.jpg)


Don't forget, we have 2 Rikus as well anon, 3 if we count Replica from CoM.

ae98e1 No.14304183


>implying the Rikua here isn't repliku

e67c3c No.14304191

>Sora harnessing his dream powers and manifesting them in the real world

>Rapunzel and Flynn fighting alongside you

>Mike and Sully fighting alongside you

>Buzz and Woody fighting alongside you

I bet they really wish they could get Coco in there. The spirit animals and setting would fit right in.

914af0 No.14304196


>the mess the plot has become.

It was a stupid mess even back in the first game. It's just poorly written fanfiction. At this point the "plot" is just a bunch of retarded nonsense.

b0517b No.14304210

File: bb403a539267eb5⋯.webm (4.69 MB, 640x480, 4:3, average kingdom hearts th….webm)


That reminds me, who the hell is Riku talking about this "other me" who was never brought up before? Is he talking about the Riku who showed up inside Monstro in DDD, Riku-Replica, or somebody new?

e67c3c No.14304272

Also, this Don't Think Twice song will definitely get a remix for the opening. They always do.


I've seen a lot of comments on YouTube claiming it's Replica Riku he's talking about, but there doesn't appear to be any evidence. I thought it might be Ansem the Wise, but he's one of the cast that's permanently dead, right? Or was he still lingering in the realm of darkness with his faded memories?

If it's Replica Riku then that means he grew a heart and became a heartless upon death. Then that also means someone killed his heartless and nobody.

Marluxia is back but, I think he's actually human this time. Most of the Organisation got revived to human form from Sora and Riku wiping them out. I figured Isa wasn't ripped out of time, but instead possessed or aligned with Xehanort's true organisation.

Then again, if they really wanted to confused outsiders they could have the time displaced cast and the revived cast all running around doing shit.

Also, did anyone else notice that Sora's eyes were green when he spoke with Marluxia?

9bbe67 No.14304290

File: 898c21c29b53d00⋯.jpg (74.56 KB, 480x608, 15:19, 4eeb419cf4fa98234598702852….jpg)


There are 2 other Rikus, the Riku from castle oblivion who was defeated in CoM, but considering how pretty much everyone has a respawn button in this series I wouldn't be surprised if he shows up again, and the other one is Data Riku, the one that showed up in DDS and was created in coded. He's probably talking about Data Riku, everybody gets a heart, even 1's and 0's.


>I thought it might be Ansem the Wise, but he's one of the cast that's permanently dead, right?

Watch them bring back replica riku from CoM out of nowhere and fuse them with the remains of Ansem to create Riku-Ansem again.

7b003f No.14304371



>The leaker was right

That doesn't seem like the screenshots, though. Maybe they changed it seeing how it looked kinda halfassed.

91c211 No.14304399

File: 1ea0092bb723089⋯.png (212.43 KB, 500x333, 500:333, WQBK28d.png)

>KH3 is actually coming out

I can hardly even beleive it.

87f99e No.14304479

File: ece8b0da550dcd6⋯.jpg (33.42 KB, 517x514, 517:514, ece8b0da550dcd648e9b100f4b….jpg)


>the return of Vanitas

>he'll be a rival character you fight once at the beginning of the game, once at the middle, and a then before the final boss

>whose up for Birth By Sleep call backs of all things

While I welcome this, possibly because I'm just growing numb to the whole time travel nonesense, more so I just hope Vanitas isnt going to work like his Birth By Sleep fights. Those are the worst.

ae98e1 No.14304496

File: 11a061595c16841⋯.png (281.76 KB, 640x548, 160:137, 11a061595c1684124510caa59c….png)


>mfw III brings back BBS status effects to cheese through all Vanitas flights

36a819 No.14304522

File: b8e5002389ab78d⋯.png (247.45 KB, 576x639, 64:71, you what.png)

>people STILL play Kingdom Hearts

You'd think CoM and KH2 would've been an indicator of where this series was headed.

87f99e No.14304545


Okay that would be funny. Especially if it had the same progression. First he's weak to magnet so just spam that and use air combos to win. Second fight he's still weak to ignite. Third fight its actual fight. Granted the only reason those fights were bullshit is because he just wouldnt stop playing the "I dont feel like getting damaged" card too often. Something KH2 already had down pat with the revenge value system. Imagine if the invicible side step was a punishment for not getting him to his revenge value and the teleport behind you move was his forced retaliation. It'd be about as difficult as the Roxas fight, hell there are actually some simularities there, but it'd be fun. And not feel like an unusual difficulty spike due to bad design.

f43ab2 No.14304571

File: 9d0fad4fddc4782⋯.jpg (119.21 KB, 1000x766, 500:383, angry_french_elf_noises.jpg)


>I always figured he'd be a part of the new OrgXIII

I've been saying this since the Toy Story trailers. There's fucking unversed in the Toy Story trailers. Vanitas has been confirmed for ages.

b2346e No.14304582

Its gonna suck.

980351 No.14304584

what could this franchise have been without disney or squaresoft ever being involved?

ac27e3 No.14304585

File: 857eaa3d7957805⋯.png (64.79 KB, 262x309, 262:309, KH story.png)

>reusing formerly dead organization members

goddamn whats the fucking point we might as well be fighting team rocket at this point

also the combat looks so fucking flashy and scripted

I want fucking devil may cry-lite not jerking myself off while sora skates around swinging a skyscraper that shoots fireworks

9bbe67 No.14304587

File: d1f2a605836d160⋯.png (400.93 KB, 720x672, 15:14, d1f2a605836d160eb17e69d7ae….png)

The more I look at the gameplay the more I hate it.

Doesn't it seem incredibly floaty? It reminds me how Ventus handles in BBS, or Aqua in that terrible whirlwind form, but even more floaty.

f43ab2 No.14304591


>no episodic shit so people who want to never look back at squeenix after KH3 can finally get their conclusion before development and publishing gets really fucking shit

Aren't you forgetting that an objectively better version of the the game will be released in Japan 8 months to a year after the game comes out and not get an English release until 8 to 10 years after the game comes out?

1977da No.14304625


Who wants to take bets on how long it is before porn of monster Sora pops up?

f43ab2 No.14304632

File: a8eb48468c2bcca⋯.jpg (53.52 KB, 451x569, 451:569, 1448445754162-4.jpg)


>one of the cast that's permanently dead



>everybody gets a heart, even 1's and 0's.

But of course. There were two entire digital worlds in KH2.


>That doesn't seem like the screenshots, though.

There is one clip in the D23 trailer that has the same color pallete for Sora as the leaks. My guess is that with further focus on costumes and customization, you'll be able to pick the color pallete for that outfit.

f43ab2 No.14304636


>Who wants to take bets on how long it is before porn of monster Sora pops up?

Pretty sure it's existed since days after the leaks.

ac27e3 No.14304639


it seems exclusively there just to appease some niche fetish, its not like there isn't already a human there with boo

ae98e1 No.14304646

File: 6def6e2d8610e16⋯.png (924.35 KB, 1048x537, 1048:537, auto targeting platforming.png)

File: e6969b8feb7bc46⋯.jpg (60.68 KB, 722x349, 722:349, e6969b8feb7bc46cce152f0523….jpg)

>yfw they finally fixed the floaty as fuck platforming that plagues every single game

>yfw they destroyed the combat system to do it

This is a monkey paw of catastrophic proportions.

1977da No.14304648


You couldn't see his face in the leak though, this is full confirmation and design reveal, so if theres going to be a flood of art it will be now

50af90 No.14304672


>Expecting peoples to play the GBA game

The GBA game suck though and play nothing like KH1

36a819 No.14304676

File: 2073cabc1796d00⋯.png (132.75 KB, 643x476, 643:476, WHAT AM I READING.png)


What did he mean by this?

1977da No.14304687


I liked COM on GBA, but it didn't translate well to 3D with the remake, so I skipped that.

ae98e1 No.14304696


They remade it for PS2 though.


Go to 2:46 of >>14303872 the moving platforms flash when Sora gets close to them, it looks like there's a "reaction command"esque way to just force Sora to land on the platform as opposed to the floaty as fuck platforming of BBS or KH2.

36a819 No.14304702


Why do people play this fucking series, again?

Platforming is a lost art.

1977da No.14304707


Didn't KH2 have the same thing during certain battles? It's been a while but I distinctly remember doing that in a phase of the Xemnas fight

f43ab2 No.14304709


>it looks like there's a "reaction command"esque way to just force Sora to land on the platform

That's not platforming.

ae98e1 No.14304744


Because the combat depth in KHII (especially Final Mix) is fucking amazing with an interesting difficulty setting with Critical mode. Though it looks like the modus operandi of KHIII is give us a large quantity of battle options over a smaller range of quality one's back in KHII.


If you're talking about the one outside the Skyscraper with Sora solo there was a reaction command to trigger a cutscene to climb the tower but you had no control except when to press triangle for the next 5 seconds. If you're talking about the Final Xemnas fight you had the ability to dodge the thorns but that was just really frantic movement. If you're talking about climbing up to the giant flying robot-dragon-castle thing. You had a reaction command to jump on top of a building and then jump to the next building etc until you got up but that wasn't the same as this. The closest thing to platforming reaction commands in KHII were the tornadoes in Land of Dragons, there was also the one that forced you up the giant stone rhino-monkey thing in Pridelands but that wasn't really platforming as much as flinging Sora on top of the giants back.


Good because platforming in KH was a mistake.

b170f3 No.14304750

File: af213d377cffb7e⋯.gif (1.22 MB, 250x200, 5:4, af213d377cffb7ea307dda569f….gif)


I'm not gonna lie, the original KH commercials with Simple and Clean got me hyped as fuck as a kid, and I'd even say got me want to play it in the first place. This new song on the other hand was just so slow it's killed all enthusiasm I may have had.

The song just felt like it'd drag on for as long as this game has been in development.

36a819 No.14304762

File: 6f8ca0314100aa3⋯.jpg (100.59 KB, 600x600, 1:1, u must be the stupidest ni….jpg)



ae98e1 No.14304765

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Don't worry anon they'll fix it with a remix :^)

ae98e1 No.14304782

File: 862fc658557fac0⋯.png (46.71 KB, 769x733, 769:733, Give me a proper answer.png)

c7a148 No.14304801


One of me.

36a819 No.14304815


>Just replay this game again, it's not babby mode after the re-rerelease!

Sorry kid, I played KH2 on release and it was piss easy. Your revisionist bullshit isn't going to change the design decisions that reigned for the majority of the game's lifespan, and if you think I'm going to emulate Final Mix just to finally have fun with the combat, you're retarded.

ae98e1 No.14304847

File: ba5fa5ed2d49dca⋯.png (206.24 KB, 853x479, 853:479, I can not stop laughing.png)


>I refuse to have fun playing a good game

6bb3e1 No.14304875

Coming “””””””2018”””””””

ba26ce No.14304881


>Buzz and Woody have significant spoken dialogue, but Tim Allen will probably be gone since he was purged by a Disney network for wrongthink, and will probably be replaced by Patrick Warburton.

F. I like Patrick Warburton, but it won't be the same. Dan Castellaneta as Genie instead of Robin Williams has never felt right either.

>Sora does a Trinity thing with apparitions of himself

I didn't play DDD. How aware is he of the multiple hearts within him at this point?


>This new song

Listen closer. It's not a new song, it's a reprisal of Fantasia Alla Marcia, the credits theme from KH2. You're right that it's not appropriate for the hype a trailer should be generating.

1977da No.14304884


US release will be late 2019 or early 2020 at the earliest, I guarantee it

b2346e No.14304886


Gotta agree.

79c782 No.14304906


>inb4 they replace Hades' original actor, James Wood, with some other actor because he's a Republican

0082dc No.14304917


CoM was fun for the GBA. Fighting with cards was an interesting change of pace. At the time, it did seem really wierd though.

bc30fe No.14304945

So what's that voice that's in that dream/tutorial area with the stained glass floors? Are the remakes worth getting?

0c8968 No.14304960


For free? Yes.

ba26ce No.14304994


>So what's that voice that's in that dream/tutorial area with the stained glass floors?

That hasn't been answered yet. It's probably been retconned to Ventus, but Ventus hadn't been created when the first game was released, so it was probably originally going to be Micky, or was intentionally left as a mystery without an answer, since a sequel was uncertain.

91c211 No.14305009

File: 7fdc9a8363c3cfc⋯.png (1.23 MB, 792x800, 99:100, 1437436682010.png)


>tfw I have to wait even LONGER

kill me please

d82b73 No.14305077

>even sora is complaining that the orgy 13 shit is getting old

good shit

ba26ce No.14305089

File: 2fdbf04a4c93674⋯.gif (938.07 KB, 245x200, 49:40, Tumblr Filename.gif)


>I managed to misspell Mickey even though his theme song literally spells it out for you.

I did not get it memorized.

b0997d No.14305274


But Anon, the league of brooding bishie boys and their token fag hag are the only think that keeps girls playing these games. It’s like Naruto with the A Cat Suckie

89b1d9 No.14305407

>Monsters Inc. is in

Alright, cool, how about Atlantis next?

ae98e1 No.14305417


>didn't even finish reading OP

>didn't even finish watching the trailer to see that Ariel is a summon and most likely not going to have a world to go to

89b1d9 No.14305421


I mean Atlantis the movie, not the Little Mermaid Atlantis.

ae98e1 No.14305438

File: a6fb68c6e4399c0⋯.png (162.5 KB, 550x330, 5:3, men_of_culture.PNG)


I, completely forgot that existed, and fuck will that be confusing if they add it in.

>Ariel's Atlantis is completely distinct from Milo's Atlantis

89b1d9 No.14305456


Yeah, I'm not fooling myself. I just think it'd be a neat area to explore. Glad we're not getting Ariel's Atlantis this time, it wasn't all that great in KH1 or 2.

1d0892 No.14305467


or, you could read a synopsis of the plot

ae98e1 No.14305470

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>F. I like Patrick Warburton, but it won't be the same. Dan Castellaneta as Genie instead of Robin Williams has never felt right either.

Fuck, it hurts. I just hope it's nothing as awful as Jasmine was in KHII


b1e9ee No.14305488

File: 4671ae62b3bab19⋯.webm (7.4 MB, 540x360, 3:2, simple and clean gosalyn ….webm)





f653ff No.14305503

>coming 2018

We'll see about that.

cb6949 No.14305529

File: 4c21f9d753ef0ea⋯.png (10.91 KB, 173x168, 173:168, kekeke.png)

Delayed to 2020.

a142d6 No.14305530


>Listen closer. It's not a new song, it's a reprisal of Fantasia Alla Marcia, the credits theme from KH2. You're right that it's not appropriate for the hype a trailer should be generating.

I can't hear a reprise here at all. I also kind of like it but they took the most mellow bit of the song and played it for the majority of the trailer, then, when it got intense, stoped. Which is annoying as fuck.

5cd794 No.14305989

File: 0f6f44c2d562505⋯.gif (94.08 KB, 500x275, 20:11, 1405316011895.gif)


I really do like this new song. A lot. The more I listen to it the more I like it.

But I feel it lacked the hype and impact of the amazing Simple and Clean remake. Not only that it's incredibly unfitting. I feel like it spoils the potential tonal twist it probably is building up to. The Japanese version sounds a little better but the weird atonal mix with mellow dramatic music contrasted by bright, bubbly colors and bombastic combat

55d8fc No.14306020


ae98e1 No.14306021


The visuals clash for the trailer but there's no reason it will in the opening. Square is usually good about shit like that. And it's a nice song for Utada Hikaru it just doesn't fit the same nature as her two other one's she made for KH, it's more like it doesn't fit rather than isn't good. Of course maybe they'll remix it for the opening to be more intense.

e151bd No.14306161

File: 47ce82a801da807⋯.png (456.93 KB, 1600x1600, 1:1, yXEfyfS.png)


I was going to argue back KH2 FOREVER BEST ONE ecksdee, but when you really think about it, other than the gameplay, the first one was the best.

ba26ce No.14306234


My bad, it's opening hook is just used as a recurring motif.


>0:11-0:44 is Night of Fate, obviously. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsIXDJ3t1uo

>0:53-1:33 is Fantasia Alla Marcia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZGQfHjfars at 0:39-1:06

>2:12-2:24 sounds derivative of A Battle of Great Valor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5emSlt-4X9w at 0:38-1:05

>2:25-2:38 sounds derivative of Roxas's Theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9DDGibV9yU at 0:08-0:24

>3:04-3:30 is Fantasia Alla Marcia again.

ac27e3 No.14306238


>other than the gameplay

even then it barely falls behind

2 definitely has the better combat, but it needs to ditch the triangle and kind of started that overly flashy pseudo cutscene shit 3 is showing

everything after 2 though just does so much wrong

DDDs is okay, but that shitty deck shuffle spell system is godawful and i"m scared they just won't abandon it

I'd rather just have a more streamlined or even culled version of 1's spell system

ba26ce No.14306253

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


My mistake again, the song I keep thinking belongs to FAM is Sora's theme.

ae98e1 No.14306267


It's going to play like 2.8. 2.8 was literally a tech demo for this so the magic is going to be incredibly similar along with the pseudo-style system.

f6e9cd No.14306318


Ariel's world is Atlantica. It's okay I almost made that same mistake.

f43ab2 No.14306356


That's Atlantica you dumb nigger.

eb5d99 No.14306384


so much porn coming for that Sora.

91c211 No.14306449

File: 71c6ac643f75268⋯.png (56.73 KB, 305x297, 305:297, 1466258298680.png)




I hate the new song, the beat sounds all jumbled up and messy, its ear grating. Or is it just my computer doing that? I doubt it. The lyrics are kinda dumb and nonsensical too. I usually like KH hearts songs the first time I hear then because they are good but they really dropped the ball on this one.

49247c No.14306522



Also, never give money to anything related to current Disney.

ba26ce No.14306553


The Disney worth saving was gone before KH1 was even released.

01036d No.14306597

File: e12fabcf9486112⋯.jpg (260.38 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, firefox_2018-02-10_15-56-3….jpg)

File: f4c37cb7145eeb1⋯.png (118.92 KB, 250x195, 50:39, the fuck.png)


>are ya winnin' so-

611936 No.14306741

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



f43ab2 No.14306776

KH fags want to go back to "simpler times". KHII fags want gameplay, obviously the better choice. Why don't KH fags just headcanon away all the new games like anons do here all the time whenever a developer does something with a story that shits on previous entries in a series?

adfa79 No.14306778


>I've seen a lot of comments on YouTube claiming it's Replica Riku he's talking about, but there doesn't appear to be any evidence.

There was 3D where in monstro he encounters Repliku and it's what unlocks the CoM memoir, either that or it was his past self when Ansem was still in control.

e67c3c No.14306783


Kingdom Hearts really is the king of "Are ya winnin', son!?" moments. I don't think there's a single scene in the series that wouldn't make your parents question what went wrong with raising you.

f43ab2 No.14306794


>either that or it was his past self when Ansem was still in control

Never thought of that. That's a prime candidate for True™ Organization XIII and was one of the most fun fights in KH.

fb8ce3 No.14306856


Holy fuck does his Monster Inc. form looks disgusting.

55d8fc No.14306878

File: 4712e94f41a74a9⋯.jpg (53.83 KB, 545x545, 1:1, e12fabcf9486112f0c5a5b0a98….jpg)


what the fuck is this thing?

3b9419 No.14306886


>*notices darkness* oWo what's this?

f43ab2 No.14306903



>Monster Porn

They knew what they were doing.

ba3034 No.14306911

File: 7cfe271efd7f3ca⋯.png (9.16 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png)

I tried playing Kingdom Hearts recently and it plays like shit and feels boring and asinine as fuck. The wonky platforming and braindead combat are just the cherry on top of that stinking series, the writing is fucktarded and all the Disney characters act out of character or feel like robots that really don't have much of a saying in the story. I know that the game came out back in like 2002 but it controls worse than Tomb Raider 2 and there were smooth as butter action platformers released before it.

If you like this series kill yourself.

ba26ce No.14306977


>I don't think there's a single scene in the series that wouldn't make your parents question what went wrong with raising you.

Some of the boss fights, such as the nobody dragon in KHII's finale, would be considered cool by normalfag standards, even if none of the cutscenes would.

6169d1 No.14307020

Is Gaia down or something? Get this shit off of here.

1388cb No.14307046


>wanting furry Sora

No need to go deeper into this faggatory while giving more shekels, fuck this.

9362a6 No.14307053


Nigger is >>14306878 not furry already?

6c64ed No.14307065


It looks very furry to me.

e67c3c No.14307121


I suppose so, Sora and Riku's team-up aren't nearly as bad as the rest of the game.

ae98e1 No.14307172

File: f69598a2cf9f2de⋯.png (413.04 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Sora Lion.png)


>he thinks this is furry Sora

That boat set sail over a decade ago

337f1c No.14307355

If I only played the first 2 mainline games and ignored all the bullshit meme spinoff cashgrab titles how lost would I be in this clusterfuck of a story?

ae98e1 No.14307388

ba26ce No.14307416


Almost all of the spin-offs are relevant to the main plot. You'll need to play BBS at the very minimum.

ae98e1 No.14307426


Only spin offs that shouldn't be are the two shitty mobages, Re:coded and X. Everything else is pretty essential, especially CoM which no one played before KHII. Of course the way they're treating Marluxia I assume they're taking a "we'll dump a decades worth of plot elements in cutscenes" approach.

217726 No.14307438


I can already see the KH3 threads already with people who didn't play CoM, BBS, or DDD.

4963fc No.14307439

File: 1725e601e080554⋯.jpg (87 KB, 795x529, 795:529, 2b9a9365ebdb9965f766401dff….jpg)

Will there be a KH version of the KOTR summon? Is aqua still ==JUSTED==?

ae98e1 No.14307461


>What the fuck is an Unversed guys?

ba26ce No.14307477


>The game's going to treat every plot detail of every spin-off game as obvious, but nobody playing is going to know shit about who Marluxia is or the events of CoM.

>Neither will Sora.

Authentic amnesiac gameplay experience. New levels of immersion through convolution achieved. Bravo Nomura. Eat your fucking heart out, Kojima.

f43ab2 No.14307480


>3DPD woman reaction image

>Doesn't know how redtext works


ae98e1 No.14307510


Sora's only amnesiac about the events of CoM because of the whole "lol gotta rebuild Sora's memories from scratch" Namine fuck up. He should also be aware of the events of BBS from Mickey, though not 2.8 as Sora wasn't there for that cutscene :^)

e02d59 No.14307515



Maybe they should've put these "essential" games as a full numbered title, like they're supposed to be. Don't blame people for assuming they're unnecessary when it's Squeenix' marketing bullshit. I didn't even know CoM existed until after I played 2.

KH is still retarded even after you play it

ae98e1 No.14307535


They're essential if you want context but they'll have as much an effect on the plot as CoM did for KHII. Which is not really, the only things it did was justify why Sora's power level reset, and why Riku is wondering around.

f43ab2 No.14307537


>He should also be aware of the events of BBS from Mickey

When did Mickey ever say shit about the "original" trio to Sora other then referring to them in passing as old friends?

8cf5ab No.14307539

File: 0b93ebf6050074c⋯.png (1.29 MB, 2368x1440, 74:45, justice.png)


Pretty much. It was a simple story of a boy being separated from his friends and then trying to find them, but it worked on an emotional level and on a narrative one as well. I remember being so goddamn invested in getting Kairi back when I was a kid. The ending was really bittersweet, but it made the wait for the second one all the more worth it. Kingdom Hearts should have ended with the second game, with Sora either getting Riku back or losing Riku forever. And that should have been it for Kingdom Hearts.

ae98e1 No.14307549

File: dfe6c7797178a10⋯.gif (607.41 KB, 300x169, 300:169, [diabolical_laughter].gif)


>he doesn't know what was in the bottle at the end of KHII

0744e1 No.14307567

File: 13fa4adb214de05⋯.jpg (13.66 KB, 290x290, 1:1, good_big_agnry_faic.jpg)


Look, if I can't run at least 1.8x faster than any of the previous games and if they didn't also get new writers PLUS a better hotkey system for item/spells PLUS better companion AI/swapping PLUS better voice acting and 'conversation' animations, then I am not in the least bit interested. First one I tried was 2, it was awful and I will never sit through the story abridging that this company thinks is acceptable and allow it past the cutting floor.

f43ab2 No.14307570


What it revealed in Coded? Because I borrowed it from a friend ages ago and immediately dropped it because the controls were ass and never looked into it again beyond Xionfag's autistic summary because everyone said it had little relevance. I just remembered Sora and Riku were trained to wake Ventus in DDD but I don't think Sora was ever given much info on Ventus and only maybe Riku is told since he passed the test.

ae98e1 No.14307584


The entire point of KHII is to somehow revive all the other losers that got BTFO. It would be weird for Sora and Riku to be seeking Ventus, Aqua, and Terra without knowing what happened. The only thing that Mickey told Riku about that Sora missed was Aqua being stuck in the realm of Darkness still because Sora showed up late to the party.

ba26ce No.14307591


>Maybe they should've put these "essential" games as a full numbered title, like they're supposed to be.

When you're done playing the mobile games, don't forget to watch the Star Wars Holiday Special too. It's important character development for the Star Wars Trilogy.

>KH is still retarded even after you play it

We know.


Agreed. II managed to wrap up everything that needed to be wrapped up into a nice little bow. Everything beyond it, although I've mostly enjoyed it, just feels like a new story that we've been stuck in the first act of for several games in a row now.


The bottle should have been left as a permanent mystery "and then they had another adventure" device used to leave on a high note.

f43ab2 No.14307611


>It would be weird for Sora and Riku to be seeking Ventus, Aqua, and Terra without knowing what happened.

No it wouldn't. They'd know they're fellow keyblade wielders by seeing them use keyblades, and they'd then be told Xehanort fucked with them in the past and everyone becomes allies fighting toward a common goal. There's little reason Sora and/or Riku need the full story, and in all the games they quite often never get the full story. At best you'll get some scene with Aqua beginning to explain things to Sora at one point and Sora getting confused and saying the details don't matter, "a friend of Mickey and Riku is a friend of mine!"

48504d No.14311551


>The leaker was correct

There was a leak?

48504d No.14311585


BBS was pretty good.

e4ce2e No.14314944

File: e05bfd65e7b10ec⋯.jpg (486.08 KB, 465x1252, 465:1252, mine_is_bigger__spoilerrrr….jpg)

d7ed02 No.14315027

File: 4dd96fcbb119d8b⋯.png (445.6 KB, 1105x1602, 1105:1602, Good Morning Penis 22.png)

a810da No.14315292

File: 43b431ee6dbd13a⋯.jpg (707.45 KB, 1348x2325, 1348:2325, Bbscopertina.jpg)

>KH threads are always a circlejerking of 1>2 and 2>1 fags

>nobody actually discusses the best game released yet

9bbe67 No.14315311

File: 65384caab09b006⋯.png (821.04 KB, 1330x1080, 133:108, 65384caab09b006f213d03d877….png)


>best game

>that floaty as fuck combat system

>Command Styles


ae98e1 No.14315320

File: a81f084a038fdcf⋯.png (332.67 KB, 447x757, 447:757, 2a253317df39faa073e28a3b1d….png)


>the game that somehow forces you to replay it 3 times yet has no replay value


617c6e No.14315327


I wanna marry Jack Savage!

49a25f No.14315338

>that music

Managed to get through around 30 seconds of it and nah'd the fuck out of there. It just sounds completely random and has no rhythm to it. Besides, It's been over 10 fucking years with nothing but shitty handheld spinoffs that are apparently essential to the story, i just don't give a shit anymore.

617c6e No.14315341


furry bait owo

5cd794 No.14315484

File: 0c4cacae7b7e7d7⋯.jpg (111.89 KB, 530x507, 530:507, 0c4cacae7b7e7d7e8c421f744d….jpg)


The combat is fun. But it's absolutely fucking awful when it comes to endgame challenge. The system is just too unstable for properly fun fast combat.Command styles are forced as shit and ruin flow. It's got worse combo game than fucking Re:Coded.

71d3da No.14315486


You can hear the Costanza theme playing.

e67c3c No.14315544


As another anon said, Sora not understanding anything and not being told anything is really the best way to immerse the audience in the absolute clusterfuck of the plot.

366a6b No.14315593

File: e19d12b38148ec7⋯.jpg (291.81 KB, 750x1115, 150:223, 1403722628659.jpg)

ae98e1 No.14315617

File: e76d0b71a31ba89⋯.jpg (12.55 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Smug Natu.jpg)


>looks like Sora and Ventus depending on the situation

>made from Sora's memory

>that wouldn't involve Sor'as memories of fapping to Kairi pusspuss

>wouldn't have a penis to match

Suck on it Xionfag

366a6b No.14315620

File: c7c4ffa4f13d0ce⋯.mp4 (11.59 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sl….mp4)


The theme is a remix of Enter The Void/Unbreakable Chains

81be41 No.14315718

File: 488f0e6168aa833⋯.png (384.79 KB, 859x470, 859:470, JusticeIsServed.png)


I hope they do.

They need to cater to all the fetishes and fanbases to maximize sales

>Furries with zootopia

>normalfags with Star wars

>SJWs with Marvel

>bring all the fucking enemies for maximum nostalgia fanservice bucks "Oh i remember those guys! haha i like this game!"

>rikuxsora fanfic fuel for fujoshi bait

>probably some giant enemy moments for macro/vote fetishism

>throw some FF shit for edge teen emo appeal and FF fan bait

Perfect kosher recipe for profit.

49247c No.14316031


I know. But with KH 1, we did not saw the whole picture of how bad Disney had turn to. Now that we know, never support them ,no matter what they create.

b0517b No.14316741

File: 7946a8178a4b6c0⋯.jpg (475.55 KB, 1680x1680, 1:1, KingdomHeartsIII-Riku.jpg)

>Riku's new keyblade

I don't like the look of this thing, too bulky for me.

2c1f82 No.14316795


Anon my friend told me last night that the trailer was out and it really bothers me because he's not cool enough to play KH. Then he started talking to me about how he 'probably played it before I did' even though when I was nine I bought it a few days after it came out with my saved up allowance money.

He buzzkilled the feel of it because his vibe does not at all mesh with the vibe I get from KH and the feels I get from it. I hate him now. What should I do bro?

36a819 No.14316805


It's fucking Noctis.

b5621c No.14316851

File: 5537b0a25d157f4⋯.jpg (9.11 KB, 372x290, 186:145, 1464911225267.jpg)


>he's not cool enough to play KH

Excuse me, what do you think the audience of this series is

f43ab2 No.14316861


That's it. That's what's wrong with this design. Why the fuck would they shorten his hair after showing his growth over time by legnthening it? Why the fuck whould they make it point up when his style was that is was slick downward?

581951 No.14316867


why it look like he is made of plastic

b5621c No.14316882

File: 43a2164d265f59d⋯.png (450.46 KB, 562x718, 281:359, sai_2018-02-12_16-14-34.png)


2 seconds in mspaint

2c1f82 No.14316895


He's a fat failed normalfag. Fuck him. He's a piece of shit and ruins the soul and feeling of Kingdom Hearts by daring to play it. I hate him.

f43ab2 No.14316899


Better, but his clothes still look like shit.

b5621c No.14316910

File: 194008a8689419e⋯.jpeg (57.61 KB, 670x503, 670:503, 1b7d0545b04495428f1fdf3e3….jpeg)


I really wish they just kept the KH2 outfits for all the characters. They were perfect and never got enough love because of Nomura's autism of NEEDING KH1 Sora in every game after 2

ca93c9 No.14316937

File: cfa446f0f44ec4b⋯.jpg (15.53 KB, 588x612, 49:51, key.jpg)


That's just an actual fucking key.

21c854 No.14316944


Wait, what the fuck? Isn't that the keyblade you get after beating Sephiroth in 2?

f43ab2 No.14316950

File: 382298dfc7bab4f⋯.png (511.92 KB, 1191x670, 1191:670, ClipboardImage.png)


No. That one is the key to Cloud's motorcycle or some bullshit.

ac27e3 No.14316956

File: 4c8a57204c869c0⋯.jpg (12.96 KB, 312x312, 1:1, 4c8a57204c869c04f715cdff86….jpg)


did they just give Riku fucking Fenrir? the one keyblade that has a higher fucking attack stat than goddamn ultima?

holy fuck I'm getting tired of how much the devs love jerking riku off

f43ab2 No.14316959

b5621c No.14316964

File: 163346d9f26f313⋯.png (504.4 KB, 447x463, 447:463, 18293429031.png)


To be fair, Fenrir is countered with Negative Combo. The additional strength is basically meaningless anyway once you reach level 70+ due to battle level damage caps in everything but post game bosses, so Ultima still beats it out

and by the way, Ultima is a weird way to spell Decisive Pumpkin

2c1f82 No.14316976





Why is no one mentioning that the game clearly needs more sound effects for player feedback.

I need to FEEL like I'm beating the shit out of the enemies like in the first games

f43ab2 No.14316977


>Fenrir is countered with Negative Combo

Negative combo is a good thing because you use finishers earlier without hitting the revenge value.

b5621c No.14316985

File: 234c632b8f72332⋯.png (60.9 KB, 198x384, 33:64, vvBrr9h.png)


And you're right about that. You should really only have like one or two Combo Pluses on, but equipping a third to negate Negative Combo just wastes AP.

Unless you're on Crit, which you should be or you're a fucking casual, then AP doesn't matter whatsoever.

58a495 No.14316990


>wanting Riku to wear a faggy belly shirt

ae98e1 No.14316996

File: bf0c57b0c35fe11⋯.jpg (1006.05 KB, 1000x1294, 500:647, titties.jpg)


>Reverse image search only brings up a Korean page that 403s.

This smells like fake bullshit.

cb6949 No.14317001

File: 0471d42695954ae⋯.jpg (47.83 KB, 640x732, 160:183, Ayyyy.jpg)

File: cdaf94d8219df45⋯.jpg (82.99 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, key.jpg)



b5621c No.14317003


It's better than being a Noctis recolor

f43ab2 No.14317005



The highest strength keyblade 2 was a modern-ish key.

b5621c No.14317019


It's legit anon, just go to like KH13 and scroll down.

ec5c62 No.14317026


is that the key to noctis's car?

200cca No.14317386

File: 10543ba69bd9afc⋯.png (217.42 KB, 629x447, 629:447, 1404241850336.png)




>square somehow finds a way to make this shit even more gay

b61e99 No.14318350

File: 3b0baa38b789a05⋯.jpg (127.36 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, Fursona 4 Golden.jpg)


>what the fuck is a forteller

>what the fuck is a master of masters

I cant fuckig wait


Id also liketo piint out the guard portion of the Monsters INC. keyblade is just a reskin of fenrir as well, not that keyblade reskins are a new concept for this franchise

fb8ce3 No.14318377


God the more I look at this shit the worse it gets.

b61e99 No.14318397


not a fan of permanent :3 face, are you?

i's like one of the des played memedetale and decided HEY those monsters will fit in disney right?

b61e99 No.14318409


I know for a fact there was pron within 24 hours of the trailer dropping.

I have never scrolled so goddamned fast away

9362a6 No.14318410


It's KH, they know their audience. The amount of furfag dosh this is gonna net them is immense.

ae98e1 No.14318411


>Nightmare Before Christmas




>Let's make him look like an emofags wet dream

b61e99 No.14318417


to be fair, that's what most fans of NBF looked like prior to the game's release

ae98e1 No.14318422


And Monster's Inc had plenty of furry monsters. They used the slick/blobby design for Donald and Goofy.

fb8ce3 No.14318426


He looks like a fucking emo furfag that some tumblr furry made as his fucking fursona.

>No nose

>That tail

>That retarded face only a mother could love

Just why.

9362a6 No.14318434


>to be fair, that's what most fans of NBF looked like prior to the game's release

I hate how true this statement is.


You know exactly why.

b61e99 No.14318446


I think my favorite thing about Monsters is how unintentionally terrifying Goofy is from some angles.

d6dc41 No.14319209


>Fragmentary Passage on BBSFM

Truly the worst problem with FP is that it shows just how good BBS could have been on console

6bb5b3 No.14319219


This doesn't look like a Monsters Inc character AT ALL. What the fuck Nintendo er Squeenix?

f43ab2 No.14319299




It does, but it looks like one of the shitty background characters you're not supposed to get a good look at.

ae98e1 No.14319332

File: e0944d0add70e26⋯.jpg (430.95 KB, 800x595, 160:119, e0944d0add70e26d55740c3e6a….jpg)


It's perfectly acceptable as a Monster Inc character, what really makes it seem out of place is the clothes and the "hair" tentacle things. I understand Square probably didn't want a nude Sora, but considering I've already seen his nipples I see no point in him keeping the jacket.

4963fc No.14319385

File: c97f4b5ab44f320⋯.jpeg (138.63 KB, 800x1205, 160:241, 7D104B38-544C-495E-9460-2….jpeg)

File: 663a718a24c2a96⋯.png (238.28 KB, 650x335, 130:67, E5D0E5C4-5B12-4442-A08D-DA….png)

This game and FF7 REunion are almost complete. The reason these two games are still not out yet is because both of them will feature a uniquely animated version of the Knights of the Round summon. That’s also why FF7 Reunion will be on multiple discs.

f43ab2 No.14319397


Yeah, they should have given him pants instead, or both. Fuck the gay tail, fuck the :3 mouth, fuck the gay stripes. His mouth should have been normal but with sharp teeth.

7bf635 No.14320580


How about Zootopia next?

f43ab2 No.14320584


Read the thread.

ca7bc8 No.14320742

I was absolutely perplexed when I was 14 that anyone my age could play the childish, brainless, easy, embarrassing garbage that is KH.

At this point, there are no words.

b61e99 No.14320816

File: 5a0fc24568bd542⋯.jpg (59.27 KB, 492x756, 41:63, IMG_20180213_090030.jpg)

8c312b No.14320861

File: 375afeab8e915d7⋯.jpg (22.35 KB, 423x287, 423:287, you are motherfucker.jpg)

If there's no release date, there's no new info.

81be41 No.14321028

File: bd70fe4ab815c74⋯.jpg (87.75 KB, 378x485, 378:485, 3ee61edfab33ff77292bbe62ef….jpg)


Imagine tentacle monster Sora a la shuma gorath

could've been so much better

cdddba No.14321103


shouldn't Xion's be the same size as sora's, technically?

cdddba No.14321115

>John Goodman

>In a Kingdom hearts game

cdddba No.14321124


Teenagers are edgy idiots

when you're an adult, you can do whatever the fuck you want, even enjoy stupid crap

36a819 No.14321137


You're right, Kingdom Hearts is the apex of stupid crap.

924b67 No.14321142

Can anyone tell me why these fucking games take so long to develop? I haven't played a single one but feels like they're always in the pipeline for years and years and tons of "remix" versions sold repackaged with some extra shit.

4773c2 No.14321156


They usually go through multiple versions in development which take up time since they have to restart. That and Nomura may be on the spectrum since he's the one that directs, designs, and writes the story for these games.

cdddba No.14321167


Can't tell you about why 2 took a long time, but Nomura had said he wanted to finish FInal Fantasy Versus XIII before he would start work on Kingdom Hearts III.

We all know how THAT turned out

366a6b No.14321172


Ripped away from him and given to Old man hands Tabata?

ae98e1 No.14321609


These games don't take this long to develop. The gap between KHI and KHII was 3 years, the gap between KHII and KHIII has been 13(+) years.


How is 3 years a long time to make a video game sequel?

36a819 No.14321649


They have no idea what the fuck they're doing or where they're taking the series, so they're making things up as they go along.

f43ab2 No.14321977


And it makes for a retarded wild ride.

4be5ee No.14321978

>over 3 days and no webms

What happened /v/


>They have no idea what the fuck they're doing or where they're taking the series, so they're making things up as they go along.

So it's Japanese then

49436e No.14322010

File: b46c8be9b1294e7⋯.mp4 (13.62 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, KINGDOM HEARTS III Theme S….mp4)


Why would you want these as webms?

ae98e1 No.14322013


>wanting webms of trailers

Just use hooktube if you're gonna be this stupid.

b0997d No.14322121


People enjoy things, even if they are bad. Its called liking something ironically, which is how The Room got popular. Or a cult following, which explains things like Plan 9 from Outer Space or the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

>Inb4; using movies as an analogy to video games

Better than food.

91c211 No.14322226

File: dae4a33c08798a3⋯.jpg (52.78 KB, 750x692, 375:346, dae4a33c08798a365fcfe9297b….jpg)


I wouldnt, the song sounds like actual jumbled up shit.

>tfw listening to that song

819e0a No.14322237

File: 47e5e8425c24657⋯.jpg (42.38 KB, 616x385, 8:5, Guy-Manuel.jpg)



I didn't know Guy-Manuel was apart of Organization XIII

819e0a No.14322257

File: 6a6e0ddf142a519⋯.jpg (30.29 KB, 500x333, 500:333, 3ef.jpg)


He looks like a fucking Porg

49247c No.14322339

Shitty song and it has current Disney's input. Avoid it.



Release date AND gameplay trailer, or it is fucking nothing.

81be41 No.14322366

File: 00071499f8dc110⋯.png (43.83 KB, 245x212, 245:212, 1365264736734.png)


are you retarded?


Trailer which came out very same day thread was made.

81be41 No.14322381

File: 2343bc9cdd58e46⋯.png (369.03 KB, 933x975, 311:325, 2343bc9cdd58e4696d85979b2f….png)


oWo furry zora is going to make this series so many new autistic fans.

>oh baby baby baby

The word "baby" really homogenizes the value of the lyrics, turning the song into a generic beyoncee sassy one dimensional trash so niggers are able to like it.

81be41 No.14322480

Friendly reminder

every Master of Chi/x union represents one of the seven sins

The master of masters represents Pride. If you translate to latin (like all other master's names) His name is Superbia.

The Chest has on its top inscribed "Xsuper"

7 locks on the sides, 3 on the shorter ends

Remember that we need 14 hearts of darkness and 6 of light or some shit to unlock the Chi-Blade, which unlocks Kingdom hearts

The box most likely contained Superbia's heart, and Xehanort is either superbia who has been living by transferring his heart to different people or Xehanort being Superbia's nobody.

Xehanort stands for No heart, but also stands for "Another". Another was the password entered to access Ansem's files in the secret ending of DDD and Coded


Xehanort is Another Superbia. Ergo, his nobody.

You are led to believe Superbia is Xehanort, but on the contrary, Xehanort is his nobody who took his master plan, but for his own selfish reasons.

Hence he can use his keyblade, and is also obsessed with the same plan as Superbia, seeing what's beyond the keyblade war/be immortal. However Xehanort, unlike Superbia, cannot foresee the future. Hence it is nobody and not him.


Master of masters is called Superbia

The contents of the box are most likely Superbia's Heart. Xehanort is his nobody, while Superbia is ?????/or Xehanort himself

9c8d83 No.14322502

Do anons actually play this bland crap?

ae98e1 No.14322505

File: 41424d1ba0fdac4⋯.jpg (46.35 KB, 374x315, 374:315, kingdom_shig.jpg)


>implying Master of Master's isn't True Sora™

81be41 No.14322517

File: be4a45d7e4fc831⋯.png (146.45 KB, 391x462, 391:462, 0f7e8b8a0ce847d90ddcf5d5e6….png)


Well considering Nomura is pulling a Naruto and resurrecting every villain for his series climax

It is not out of the question he pulls a "Sora is the reincarnation of X all along!"

3b9419 No.14322519


"""anons""" (cuckchanners) do

58826c No.14322740

File: 8bb1dc9981c081e⋯.gif (1.78 MB, 300x199, 300:199, 1514415774144.gif)



I'm actually surprised so many people didn't play CoM, at least in a GBA emulator which is the best version for me , as it holds important plot points that shows in KH2.

BBS i can understand if you're a poorfag and you machine doesn't run a PSP emu (which was my case for a while), 358/2 is shit and only serves to show us best girl, and coded didn't really added much to the story.

That said, i don't think they'll infodump everything in a cutscene, but treat it like you should already know it, like it has always been ( >>14307477 )

4963fc No.14322796

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Any guesses on how long knights of the round is going to be in this game?

ae98e1 No.14322937


Even if you didn't have a GBA, the PS2 version of Chain of Memories lasted in stores forever because no one knew about them. I remember a local walmart having it stocked for 3 years because no one had touched them even though they needed a PS2 to play KHII

819e0a No.14322939

File: ce3ccaf3a3d2fce⋯.png (137.04 KB, 313x398, 313:398, boo.png)

Wouldn't it have made more sense to have Sora wearing an outfit like Boo did in the movie?

Why turn him into a furry?

9c8d83 No.14322981


You know why

ae98e1 No.14322986


The same reason he's a toy in Toy Story as opposed to a human.

a753b0 No.14323516


Cuz they know the target audience for this game is 1:1 overlap with the autism that consumes the furfags

f43ab2 No.14324462


>Remember that we need 14 hearts of darkness and 6 of light

13 and 7 you dumb nigger, because they're special numbers.

f43ab2 No.14324486

File: e6bd71f799b3532⋯.png (201.31 KB, 1348x615, 1348:615, KH predictions revised.png)

f43ab2 No.14324501

File: 343e349131f57bd⋯.png (209.34 KB, 575x784, 575:784, Nomura, Why (updated).png)

File: 91f54a893b5bc7a⋯.jpg (377.89 KB, 2048x1062, 1024:531, 91f54a893b5bc7a9755d9c3c54….jpg)

File: 7f768b7bb1d705d⋯.jpg (340.96 KB, 1600x831, 1600:831, 0e3918b30fcfeb597f8722f903….jpg)

File: 7ed9209e665b4da⋯.jpg (35.16 KB, 400x391, 400:391, 5370806 _ad0dd0167919f77a1….jpg)

File: 5bb1588d6c9ec6e⋯.jpg (61.17 KB, 550x309, 550:309, 1345911585476.jpg)

f43ab2 No.14324509

File: 4b160d29b402ec9⋯.jpg (476.78 KB, 1043x1043, 1:1, gud.jpg)

File: 3a1c21b925c82ce⋯.jpg (1.35 MB, 3840x8000, 12:25, KH9P.jpg)

File: fe079a7a7d7a9a9⋯.jpg (114.17 KB, 1385x1393, 1385:1393, My propane is my power.jpg)

49247c No.14324622

File: 635b6a994de2477⋯.jpg (107 KB, 736x460, 8:5, heh 04.jpg)


This anon described perfectly why any functional human being must never give a shit about any Kingdom Hearts after the first game.

366a6b No.14324678

File: a2df4265975a741⋯.png (5.12 MB, 5840x10000, 73:125, KHExplained2.8update-posta….png)


>Not the one with the prequel movie and ground zeroes

d0f81c No.14324899

A theme song that does not fit the game. Garbage.

ecaba5 No.14325118

File: a598f064667e50e⋯.jpg (60.39 KB, 640x608, 20:19, a598f064667e50e058dd8c8e77….jpg)


>Every keyblade had semi to entirely unique sound effects and particles effects for successful hits in KH2

>Sora's god tier kinaesthetics in KH2

d0f81c No.14327149

File: 055ae6e7f14d83e⋯.jpg (44.41 KB, 640x474, 320:237, wut.jpg)

This is who she married.

f06754 No.14327590

God the new Utada Hikaru song is just so mediocre. Its like she's either forgotten how to write songs after being on hiatus for so long or she's desperately trying to be experimental and she's utterly failing at it. Honestly she needs to be dropped from this.

aeb880 No.14327598


The beats in the background drive me insane, they match the japanese version more but they still make it sound shitty.

f06754 No.14327604


Fuck that, I'm still waiting for the Frozen level. Its seemingly already confirmed its going to be in the game, yet Square Enix is being really secretive about it

f06754 No.14327614

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There's just so much better J-Pop songs or singers they could have used here. Mondo Grosso and Hikari Mitsushima litreally made the best J-pop song in years

0b2d30 No.14327621


thats what you get when you involve yourself with niggers

7b1255 No.14327642

Loved 1 and 2, but I'm gonna have to skip 3. The story is fucking batshit now, maybe even a weapon to surpass Metal Gear. Plus I don't think I'll be able to get into the whole Disney power of friendship, hearts, darkness, etc shit anymore. Just a boring adult now, I guess.

f06754 No.14327656


I literally have no idea what's going on anymore. Nomura has created such a clusterfuck of a story

a2b3ad No.14327660


>That absolutely Judaic face

What a waste

aeb880 No.14327671


They probably brought her back since she's done the last two main games. I do hope whatever remixes they make for the game sound better.

ae98e1 No.14327682


I want to believe it was a marketing mistake rather then the song, with the one they used for the trailer being the slowed down chill credit version compared to the strong OP version, again, because some retard wanted to keep the opening version "secret" to build "hype". Sanctuary did the same thing, and the song would probably sound much better if it were just faster.



d0f81c No.14327734


The Jew can defeat the Samurai.

ae98e1 No.14327740

File: c611d522657ea54⋯.png (99.71 KB, 366x380, 183:190, What are you doing.png)




f43ab2 No.14327744


>Its seemingly already confirmed its going to be in the game,

By what?


>I don't think I'll be able to get into the whole Disney power of friendship, hearts, darkness, etc shit anymore

You got into that shit during 2, where the story was already a clusterfuck? At this point only tumblrtards are in it for "the power of friendship". Anyone sane that plays these plays them for nostalgia pandering, gameplay, and wanting to see just how retarded Nomura can make shit.

e6b59e No.14327753

75dc3d No.14328552

File: cc35e03f0a7ce15⋯.png (138.89 KB, 413x296, 413:296, xena.png)



f43ab2 No.14328625

File: ab8c8352bf43a49⋯.png (87.01 KB, 608x512, 19:16, Chio in color.png)


Wew laddy. A bump just for (You).

21c948 No.14328676


Why would you increase the likelyhood of the thread being bumped by making a scene then?

b6337e No.14328722


The latest thread is named kikedom cum because OP is some shrill tumblrina trying his hand at consensus cracking because Vavra isn't an SJW or some stupid shit.

0de456 No.14328731


KH is shit, but I'm going to bump this thread because you're a faggot.

21c948 No.14328741


>consensus cracking

To parrot /pol/ everytime it eats one of its young, there's not really a consensus here, just various levels of bullying. Could be said for the real world to though.

91c211 No.14328762

File: c7e17186eacb52a⋯.jpg (87.36 KB, 720x602, 360:301, 1436691448304.jpg)


Stay mad Kingdom Cuck fag.


If you think KH is shit then why are you even in this thread then?

ae98e1 No.14328820

File: 6b9d192f4f0b9f5⋯.jpg (109.51 KB, 736x981, 736:981, [non-euclidian laughter].jpg)

a5ba53 No.14328832


I'd fuck that

b0517b No.14329377

File: 203aea6d59b8474⋯.png (584.24 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 295725627bad28b20b4e4f74fe….png)

48504d No.14329626


>the song would probably sound much better if it were just faster.

No, the song has clearly been sped up. When she holds the E sounds for like 2 seconds in the trailer, from :47-:49 her voice oscillates like fucking crazy. Voice oscillations isn't a strange thing, its fucking hard to hold an exact note for a long fucking time, and more often then not if you listen closely to long held notes you will notice some oscillation. There is no fucking reason for anyone's voice to oscillate that much when holding a note for a mere 2 seconds.

Speeding up the song more would make it sound retarded, unless you like speedycake remixes in which case you are retarded.

ae98e1 No.14330047


>When she holds the E sounds for like 2 seconds in the trailer, from :47-:49 her voice oscillates like fucking crazy.

>it is impossible to use voice osculation stylistically for shorter notes

Do you even Vibrato nigger? It's completely possible to make your voice oscillate that much even in a short time frame with training.

>peeding up the song more would make it sound retarded

I guess the opening version of Sanctuary is retarded compared to the closing version then.

46aeca No.14330064


I want a lewd edit of this

ae98e1 No.14330387

File: de4047805a40d62⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 654.61 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Lewd edit.png)


I don't know why you would want this but okay.

9362a6 No.14330393

File: 76ae1cf51e08647⋯.gif (1.54 MB, 402x267, 134:89, laughing todd.gif)

f43ab2 No.14330396

File: 5ff6a774017aae0⋯.png (232.28 KB, 923x896, 923:896, 5ff6a774017aae0e079482fd6c….png)

ec05b6 No.14330586

So Treasure Planet is confirmed to be in right?

a5ba53 No.14330589


Who are you,what is your name,give me some way to contact you.

71bdea No.14330590


It's right after the Black Cauldron level

ae98e1 No.14330600


Is that before or after Atlantis?

ae98e1 No.14330605


My name is not important, what's important is what I sometimes draw in the drawthread.

Post last edited at

a5ba53 No.14330607


gimme something, a steam,or disagreement or whatever.

ae98e1 No.14330609

File: e98b0f81eb98510⋯.png (78.38 KB, 269x329, 269:329, e98b0f81eb98510f4f68b4c9c1….png)

71bdea No.14330621


Both. You go to Atlantis twice for twice the musical fun.


<Spoiler>Nice spoiler, nerd<\Spoiler>

91c211 No.14330623

File: c30fcd1e904f77d⋯.png (92.54 KB, 500x365, 100:73, Ceaseless Discharge.png)


Now draw some KH porn

ae98e1 No.14330629


>Atlantis will have musical levels in addition to Atlantica having musical levels with Ariel

I'm so excited.

a5ba53 No.14330632



unless you dont use any of the things i mentioned in which case i'll fuck off

91c211 No.14330646




Don't forget the uninevitable Frozen level you guys.

ae98e1 No.14330664


As I said, the drawthread is the only place you'll find me posting stuff. Go there and maybe myself or another anon might care enough to do requests.


ec05b6 No.14330666


The reason I ask is because I'm seeing it posted a lot, with people saying the guy who produced it produced a few other films in the game and said more of his films would be in, and that Treasure Planet was originally going to be in DDD, so it definitely on the table at some point.

ae98e1 No.14330673


Who can say for sure Satan? It hasn't been confirmed yet, hell, Frozen hasn't. But they would be god damn insane to ignore Frozen so who are we kidding. We could even have Elsa being corrupted by a Heartless or something like Beast in KHII

ae98e1 No.14330679


*corrupted into a heartless

fug I need sleep

a5ba53 No.14330688


Oh i wasn't asking for requests,i just wanted to get to know you and talk to you personally.

f43ab2 No.14330708


>You go to Atlantis twice for twice the musical fun.

That's Atlantica faggot.

ae98e1 No.14330711


Wrong post friend , don't worry I got the right one here >>14330621

49247c No.14330721


No. Just the whores, who aren't people.

The jew always fears and loses to the Samurai.

f43ab2 No.14330724



So you're saying it won't happen?


>Make post

>Replied to the wrong anon

>Delete it and try again

>Actually replied to the right anon the first time and then fucked it up the second time

I need to go to sleep soon.


><Spoiler>Nice spoiler, nerd<\Spoiler>

Please tell me you're merely pretending. Then again, you don't know the difference between Atlantis and Atlantica.

a5ba53 No.14330828

File: 6766ad2f28acbc2⋯.jpg (148.71 KB, 640x1080, 16:27, 13500107490288.jpg)

rip,i just wanted to befriend an artist anon

49247c No.14331009


So, not only her work is declining, but she is a race mixer, and chose a deformed kike above all things.

This explains her fall into a decadent state.

de5398 No.14333217



>mixing with a jew

suddenly I realize her father being overprotective makes a lot of sense.

Goddammit I hope she doesn't decline too badly

b61e99 No.14333284

File: 7c8b093e2cbba9c⋯.gif (5.19 MB, 380x266, 10:7, giphy-downsized-large.gif)

c3c897 No.14335041

File: 762c39e9053f9fb⋯.png (227.87 KB, 421x389, 421:389, 1486605872534.png)


>Disney/Square crossover series

>what if Disney and Square were never involved

48504d No.14335057


Wait, like if it was just the stuff that is exclusive to kingdom hearts like sora, the organization the heartless and nobodies? So just traverse town, hollow bastion, and that last part from the first game and heartless?

It would be a decent hack and slash but the world would be meh, and there wouldn't be the same magic system as that from final fantasy

1d0892 No.14335062


towards greatness? why did you name two of the 3 best games in the series while implying they weren't good?

KH2 has combat that rivals shit like Bayonetta and DMC in terms of demanding player skill, and CoM has a casual filter from the first fucking ten minutes onward.

48504d No.14335075


KH2 has the essayist combat of all fucking time. you can literally mash X and press triangle when it tells you to

1d0892 No.14335085


you literally can't because bosses and even normal enemies have more i-frames in you

like, the third enemy in the game is a fat guy you can't mash and win against

f2b055 No.14335087


>I played on Beginner so I think I can say that the game is easy

I weep for the people that have to deal with you on a daily basis.

1d0892 No.14335089


more i-frames than you**, rather

91c211 No.14335109

File: 05a920d63639b81⋯.png (108.31 KB, 400x390, 40:39, 05a920d63639b81ac608b6b0c2….png)


Anyone who has played KH2 on a dificulty lower than proud are pathetic wastes of oxygen and should be bullied relentlessly.

You seriously dont deserve human rights if you played on standard or beginner anon. kys.

fb8ce3 No.14335133


I found critical mode to be easy, I'm gonna try no xp + critical soon.

1d0892 No.14335137


Do one that's no advanced magic (summoning, magnet, reflect, gravity) and no using cure

48504d No.14335170



When was the last time you played it? I'm currently replaying in on proud and its easy as fuck. The only trouble I have had is on the FM bosses. I just entered the world that never was for point of reference, so far, with the exception of FM exclusive bosses,

>never needed to use dodge roll or guard unlike KH, nor have I had to learn about the enemies patterns so I can block them like in KH.

>never had to use the square combo abilities

>only used items early on in mulan world

>only use magic on trash mobs when I don't feel like spamming X

Its a n easy as fuck game, and with the exception of the two or three enemies that block attacks from the front, the rest can be melee mashed to death with ease.

1d0892 No.14335183


>ignore all flying enemies

>ignore all enemies with shields or frontal protection

>ignore enemies that actively try to stay away from you

>ignore all bosses, every single one

>not even into the real content

yeah you're right, it's easy

apparently so am i for getting baited so hard

48504d No.14335246


You are aware that if you press the x button while locked onto a flying enemies while on the ground, sora will fly towards it and attack it right?

Thats like 3 or 4 enemies tops

Only optional bosses

The world that never was is the last world in the game, bonus extra hard content does not count towards the overall difficulty of a game. They are optional and doing them you need to intentionally make the game harder for yourself. Its no different then doing something like limiting yourself to the starter equipment in KH1, its something that you have to go out of your way to make it harder then it would be otherwise.

f43ab2 No.14336971

The best intended way to play is Critical+No EXP, that's why No EXP is an ability at all.

>They are optional and doing them you need to intentionally make the game harder for yourself

>its something that you have to go out of your way to make it harder then it would be otherwise

<Critical+No EXP is optional, therefore the game is shit that contains no challenge because easy mode exists and you'd be going out of your way to intentionally make the game harder for yourself by not picking it

Wew laddy. Tell me when you record yourself beating the required Roxas fight on Critical+No EXP.

f43ab2 No.14336973

49247c No.14338262


Too late for that.

Any association with any deformed kike will ruin for anybody the ability to produce good works.

R.I.P Utada Hikaru.

f43ab2 No.14342938

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Thread is past the bump limit. Post pDARKNESS

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