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File: 4b1e093343be8b0⋯.jpg (68.54 KB, 640x1018, 320:509, The 3rd Birthday.jpg)

fb643a No.14106639

Anyone familiar with this game?

I have been playing in since yesterday and find it interesting, it's a fun little shooter, with a cutie waif protagonist, destructible clothing, weapon customising and a curious ability system.

Unfotunately it was made for the psp and it's controls GREATLY suffer as a result. It's also obnoxiously hard in places and for stupid reasons, like how lock on and dodging work, every boss and miniboss has instant death attacks and enemies barely if at all telegraph their attacks.

Also why does it have Parasite Eve characters in it? The don't behave anything like they did in previous games and the setting is entirely removed it's really odd given they didn't have the title for selling on the brand.

4c06f6 No.14106666

The 3rd Birthday is meant to be a third Parasite Eve game except Square fucked up and didn't hold on to the rights, hence this title instead.

Hope you enjoy that story OP, especially the plot twist at the end.

c8451e No.14106695

File: 5de00d3a81a67e6⋯.png (144.18 KB, 475x475, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

af7d42 No.14106699

File: 66036fbcd90b324⋯.jpg (23.85 KB, 400x400, 1:1, kaboomhauer.jpg)

it's honestly the worst game i've ever played. nothing fucking makes sense, the story is complete nonsense and the entire thing is just disappointment. it's actually and genuinely the only video game i have ever just thrown away. also sick double spacing OP

c8451e No.14106707

File: b8bdb1b8f48280c⋯.png (319.45 KB, 1022x1386, 73:99, dub_dub_danielle.png)


Double spacing is literally a shill meme and pointing it out is a bannable offense under rule 8. :^)

7c0b1e No.14106710


>3rd birthday


>why does it have Parasite Eve characters in it?

Why is OP such a retarded faggot?

c8451e No.14106712


>Why is OP such a retarded faggot?

The Gr8 Deb8.

af7d42 No.14106721


6/10, needs work

14db8d No.14106730

File: 1d2155d23556f67⋯.jpg (59.81 KB, 436x600, 109:150, cat.jpg)


Nice quads for a nice anon

af0f02 No.14106764


got any more?

c8451e No.14106831

File: bff7c7d76908a1d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 663.78 KB, 720x720, 1:1, bff7c7d76908a1d6ac7b490646….png)

359487 No.14106955


I hope OP likes Kingdom Hearts because the writing is that bad.

9af60c No.14106965

File: eed73a5752babfa⋯.png (44.55 KB, 235x489, 235:489, Get out before I break you….png)


>with a cutie waif protagonist

>Toriyama's bastardized, mopey version of Aya Brea

359487 No.14106979


b-b-b-b-b-but she is more relatable now anon!!

743c49 No.14107150


Shut the fuck up.

Stupid redditfag.

Also, sage.

7c0b1e No.14107167

File: 2f9a98e6d6743be⋯.jpg (17.32 KB, 251x251, 1:1, 1401134302006.jpg)

c8451e No.14109739




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