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The Vidya
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File: 077c6d844d04bd0⋯.png (8.95 KB, 232x192, 29:24, LCkX4oRakRFThe5omQEzF9jPrQ….png)

fb53e0 No.14086284

684e3f No.14086305

b80b95 No.14086320

No, I just see a link to a random website and the picture you posted. What am I supposed to see here?

fb53e0 No.14086327


events scheduled

b86cb8 No.14086336

Sounds fucking epic, or in this case, "sugoi"! XDDD Beats trying to laugh at live viewings of anime through Reddit threads.

d1ae4f No.14086337

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

the only good thing about magfest seems to be the occasional live performance by original composers.

fe0178 No.14086354

video games?

b80b95 No.14086357


For what?

ad5223 No.14086359


<Anthony Burch

<Extra Credits

<Jon St Jon



fb53e0 No.14086373


Its supposed to be yes


Magfest nigga


yeeees you feel it too don't you?

b80b95 No.14086375


>Magfest nigga

Am I supposed to know what Magfest is?

ecbde8 No.14086380

Hopefully somebody tries to remove cumstains and accidentially gasses the Con instead.

fb53e0 No.14086382


Video game convention (Supposedly)

fb53e0 No.14086390


We can only hope

9967cf No.14086403

File: 38078106425f5fd⋯.jpg (85.24 KB, 300x334, 150:167, hungover_mallard.jpg)

>You guys see this bullshit?

I have to, now that you fucking posted it.

817018 No.14086441


> SilvaGunner

holy fuck yessssssss

b67807 No.14094033

File: 008dcf6ddd5f487⋯.jpg (13.53 KB, 350x350, 1:1, 008dcf6ddd5f4872e9e1e3a64a….jpg)


I only recognize two of those names, Burch and EC, and I only really know a out EC. I have not watched them in years, are they cucked now? Being out of the loop sucks.>>14086359

613120 No.14094057


nigga they've been cucked to shit since day fucking one.

e484c0 No.14094242

lol fagfest

a94052 No.14094452

File: 07f0bcec43bee4f⋯.png (148.63 KB, 635x457, 635:457, 07f0bcec43bee4f3b722aa9958….png)


How about you try googling it instead of complaining about not being spoonfed information?

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