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[ /agdg/ | Vidya Porn | Hentai Games | Retro Vidya | Contact ]

File: 420f640401e1ca7⋯.png (340.81 KB, 831x451, 831:451, angry gamer.png)

d1fc5e No.14057036

The World Health Organization is addressing the over-indulgence of playing video games by adding "Gaming Disorder" to the official list of mental disorders in 2018.

Its symptoms include the inability to control when and how to play video games. Those in the community say playing video games for extended periods of time can be terrible for personal health.

"People will stay on them instead of being active with family and friends. Instead, they'll be alone at home on those games and stay on them for hours at end and that can be very unhealthy," says Matthew Anderson.

A red flag is when someone chooses games over other interests in life and continues playing despite negative consequences. The decision does not mean that playing games in itself are a problem, but the key factor is timing and overindulging. Some people say calling it a disorder isn’t the right way to approach it.

"I think it can be an addiction especially with online currency these days and the game length behind it, but I don't think it's a disease," says Evan, who is an avid gamer.

Many say they can see why it's listed because they know it can lead to many health problems for gamers.

"You know you start not to be active. Your immune system starts going down, you get diabetes, your blood pressure problems just from not sitting and not doing nothing for a long time. You obviously get overweight."

Experts say it should all be seen in the context of where, why and how much someone plays. Adding gaming disorder to the list of mental disorders means that it will be recognized by doctors and insurance companies.


94cd4a No.14057050

Does this mean we can collect autismbux?

ee200b No.14057061

File: 85e25923e63fb39⋯.jpg (229.14 KB, 800x512, 25:16, Niggo.jpg)

Maybe cause our lives suck

2a618c No.14057071

>Its symptoms include the inability to control when and how to play video games

>and how

So, does that mean my fascination with using polearms will let me claim on the autismbux now? I'm okay with this.

d1fc5e No.14057073


Not really. Autismbux are for permanent conditions that impair one's ability to hold a job. This "disorder" is something that can be mitigated, more like a drug addiction.

94cd4a No.14057079


Well that's just fucking great

psychologists need to be gassed

Thankfully nobody with a brain will give a shit about what (((psychologists))) think in the age of transgenderism being encouraged

39b611 No.14057085


Already saw a thread here about this a week or two back. You're late on the draw.

bee328 No.14057093

File: 837ffee3a974cce⋯.png (159.62 KB, 1100x1100, 1:1, 1463608141970-3.png)

>Its symptoms include the inability to control when and how to play video games. Those in the community say playing video games for extended periods of time can be terrible for personal health.

Fuck man I need to get my fix of ==VIDEO GAMES==



d1fc5e No.14057094


>Thankfully nobody with a brain will give a shit about what (((psychologists))) think in the age of transgenderism being encouraged

Incidentally, the WHO will be removing transgenderism from the list of mental disorders.

Play video games more than 8 hours a week, you may be mentally ill. Wanna chop off your cock? A healthy form of self-expression.

f3cfe8 No.14057103

File: e488e4745c81f25⋯.png (18.14 KB, 850x69, 850:69, ClipboardImage.png)


Not being a normalfag is a mental illness? What a shocking new development.

d1fc5e No.14057104


The earliest article about it DuckDuckGo is showing is from the 22nd. New York Times, CNN, USAToday have articles published on the 26th or 27th. I saw it on the local news yesterday, which is why I just posted it.

d1fc5e No.14057106

d1fc5e No.14057115


At this point, I think more normalcucks are addicted to video games than people like us. Hence, why DLC and microtransactions have become a cash cow.

c573fe No.14057121


>tendency towards a solitary lifestyle

Well that pretty much includes 80% of the population then.

1b547f No.14057129

File: 1f92caace248cf0⋯.jpg (67.76 KB, 654x232, 327:116, schizo.JPG)

File: 9e1c03b864631a6⋯.jpg (48.37 KB, 599x372, 599:372, Really.JPG)


Well fuck.

2a618c No.14057133


No shock, there's so much easy money to be made from using surgical options on people that the medical industry wouldn't let it be treated the same way as pretty much every other mental condition.

dfb109 No.14057144

File: 96396201e8166a6⋯.png (113.83 KB, 576x566, 288:283, 96396201e8166a62ed104c43a7….png)

>oh no, those idiots aren't working wages and buying microtransactions, they're staying home and becoming NEETs to spite us

>oh no, those gamers aren't working wages and getting medicated, they're staying home and becoming NEETs to spite us

>oh no, the men aren't working wages and paying alimony, they're staying home and becoming NEETs to spite us

>oy vey the goyim aren't working wages and paying taxes, they're staying home and becoming NEETs to spite us

>oh no, my son isn't working a wage and funding my retirement, he's staying home and becoming a NEET to spite me

As usual, they want to separate and punish us for our audacity to not be slaves and instead do the noble thing of stay… home and play… vidya. All I wanted was to play video games!

Seriously though, why a separate disorder? You can be addicted to literally anything, including things considered to be positive like chasing health fads, or being pious. Addictions are considered a disease by every single other health organization yet now its a personality disorder? Now it can be linked to more dangerous mental disorders like Schizoprenia?

The question is, just what medication are they gonna try to dish up for people afflicted with "Gaming Disorder". And is it gonna be one of the disorders they'll try to say disqualifies you from gun ownership?

Stay home and play video games instead of being forced into "alpha male" activities like finding a roastie to pump and dump and get stuck with her nigger babies? You have a mental condition now. None of that "6 hours a day is to much" crap, just, "if you prioritize gaming over anything else its unhealthy."

By that metric watching sports or movies or television is unhealthy! I know a guy that is so into guns and hunting that he has forsaken all women because every woman he meets does not approve of how much money he spends on his hobby. Is he going to have "Hunting Disorder" next. How about we get a "Football Disorder" or a "Corporate Movie Disorder"

748966 No.14057152

File: e5a586f8a0b7e49⋯.png (2.14 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, old man reading a book.png)


The World Health Organization is addressing the over-indulgence of reading books by adding "Bookworm Disorder" to the official list of mental disorders in 2018.

Its symptoms include the inability to control when and how to read books. Those in the community say reading books for extended periods of time can be terrible for personal health.

"People will read books instead of being active with family and friends. Instead, they'll be alone at home with those books and stay reading them for hours at end and that can be very unhealthy," says Matthew Anderson.

A red flag is when someone chooses books over other interests in life and continues reading despite negative consequences. The decision does not mean that reading books in itself are a problem, but the key factor is timing and overindulging. Some people say calling it a disorder isn’t the right way to approach it.

"I think it can be an addiction especially with digital reading these days and the book length behind it, but I don't think it's a disease," says Evan, who is an avid book reader.

Many say they can see why it's listed because they know it can lead to many health problems for book readers.

"You know you start not to be active. Your immune system starts going down, you get diabetes, your blood pressure problems just from not sitting and not doing nothing for a long time. You obviously get overweight."

Experts say it should all be seen in the context of where, why and how much someone reads. Adding bookworm disorder to the list of mental disorders means that it will be recognized by doctors and insurance companies.

d03a4d No.14057155

No big deal.

Keep playing.

Keep pirating.

Keep harassing leftists.

China and Korea are lobying for this for their lack of control over the market.

Always check for Chinese or Korean companies in games, and boycott them.

Alert other Gamers and normafags even to avoid Chinese and Korean games.

c61cea No.14057182


How do you know this is not American/Canadian AAA companies?

838b0f No.14057185


>Escapism is flourishing because real life is incredibly shit and games are starting to stimulate actual gambling addictions via microtransactions.

<Nope, we won't look into the underlying causes of what is fueling this escapism, and consider adjusting educational and cultural values to favor virtues that make social life more bearable.

<Nope, we won't look into the gambling like nature certain gimmicks in gaming are encouraging, and consider re-evaluating game designs to avert such addictions while still making games profitable

<Let's just slap on a label of mental disorder and make a lot of money selling needless therapies, drugs and lectures that fail to address the cause and only the symptoms.

<There, now we don't have to really change anything and pretend that we are.

It's rather ridiculous when you think about it. It's nothing more than weaponizing psychology so they can continue their current propaganda models.

dcf303 No.14057197


What annoys me is that I was friends with a zerg fur that loved shota snuff, but the breaking point for him was telling him that trannies are mentally ill and refusing to recognize the WHO as an authority, he called me a shitty person and aggressively blocked me on every site he could

>he's from AZ is pozzed /k/ and is in developmental psychology which means he gets to be near kids to some degree

e75ef7 No.14057214

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Coming soon

e75ef7 No.14057220

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

67ecb4 No.14057230


Are they so butthurt that the gaming community hate's their groupthink that they'll try to convince everyone that they've got a collective "disorder"?

Wow. Way to ostracise more people away from your agenda.

91cd2e No.14057237


>gamers can start pulling the ableism card when SJWs start shit now

Should be interesting.

67ecb4 No.14057241

File: 3d314269a63c08b⋯.gif (156.15 KB, 536x440, 67:55, 1513183690722.gif)


>"People will stay on them instead of being active with family and friends. Instead, they'll be alone at home on those games and stay on them for hours at end and that can be very unhealthy,"

That's not a fucking disorder.

That's just a bad habit.

For fuck sake are people becoming dumber.

000000 No.14057242

They're right you know. If you play too much modern vidya you'll become pozzed numale. There is a reason it has only shown up recently as classified as such now. The cure is to play old and classic games to preserve the sharp and unpozz mind.

325c9e No.14057255


Eh, the rules to not have gamer disorder are quite simple:

1. find yourself good games that are satisfying to play even for 30 minutes

2. play no more than 2 hours per day

3. get fit, exercise at least 1 hour a day

4. jog outside

5. find yourself a second hobby outside of video games, like reading

6. learn where people with traditional views go

7. find yourself a traditional loyal wife and make lots of children

8. rise those children into right wing death squad

9. kill all jews and non-whites in your country, starting from the rich ones

10. heil hitler

7ee9d5 No.14057258

File: 5385dda1ae3c7e4⋯.jpg (121.92 KB, 1024x1015, 1024:1015, fat roach.jpg)

>cut your dick off an pretend to be a woman

<nothing wrong with that, if you have a problem with it you're a bigot who's going to jail for hate speech

>play videogames so you can escape from the shit reality with live in for a bit


gettin real tired of this shit

de3643 No.14057259

File: d877ed0aad0a7bf⋯.jpg (32.53 KB, 640x480, 4:3, wakarimasenlol.jpg)


Welcome to the club, anon-kun. Long as you avoid crossing that line you'll be fine, and you don't really hanker for relationships like most people do. I kinda like it and don't want it treated, but apparently THAT is a common symptom too. So…

9ad377 No.14057263


Hah jokes on them I don't even play vidya I just stare at my collection all day

0ee2f8 No.14057264


Well at least we know a disorder that /v/ doesn't have

67ecb4 No.14057267


It's not a disorder at all, it's a symptom.

Symptom of what you say?

Apathy with this bullshit world that never fucking understood shit or ostracises those with the bullshit term of "disorder".

Can we start burning down this society yet?

94cd4a No.14057268


>play no more than 2 hours a day

Ah another person who hates fun I see

b7eccc No.14057269

File: a233284c1f38db4⋯.jpg (77.3 KB, 343x467, 343:467, stalin.jpg)


Reminder that in soviet union anyone distrusting and not believing in perfection of soviet system was deemed a schizo and mentally ill (well, aside from people who did more than this and got into gulag/shot up the wall). Psychology is a good propaganda tool.

In soviet union times were simpler - don't like Marx - you're a schizophrenic and danger to society.

67ecb4 No.14057270


It's like they're deliberately trying to piss off gamers. Like they want gamers to react negatively and stir shit.

67ecb4 No.14057274


Just goes to show who the real loonies are.

ec572d No.14057276


>implying going vegetable mode and playing vidya for 18 hours only getting up to piss is fun

Just because it's what you do habitually and it distracts you from real life doesn't mean it's fun.

67ecb4 No.14057281


>20 hrs a day

Ok maybe then it's becoming a bit of an issue.

I don't even.

b02cfd No.14057286


We just gotta convince some idiot liberals that "gaming disorder" is genetic and not a life choice, then we're rolling in the dole.

67ecb4 No.14057288


>hey let's fix their gaming addiction

>let's make them play physical gaming!

The only difference established is that it's physical.

Wow. It's like video games are similar to everyday life but with better entertainment value!

67ecb4 No.14057295


It's almost like they're trying to scare and gamify video gamers into actually contributing to society with this new "disorder".

I bet the psychiatry industry is laughing, this is filling their pockets.

b02cfd No.14057300


Joke's on them, I'm not contributing shit to (((society))).

7131bd No.14057302


>It's almost like they're trying to scare and gamify video gamers into actually contributing to society with this new "disorder".


The only people who will care about this are normalfags, everyone else will keep on doing the same shit.

000000 No.14057306

>thread about gay politics and video games

>hot pockets deletes post that offend his homosexual sensibilities

YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT goldenrod!!!

6584b6 No.14057322

File: a6b6e29c146a0f9⋯.jpg (56.35 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, a6b6e29c146a0f97038e4693f5….jpg)


Drew, Lou, and Stu, to name a few

8a3b39 No.14057326

File: 7d7d08281045565⋯.jpg (66.64 KB, 1024x536, 128:67, 7194de91014168f61b683bfbfc….jpg)

>being a gamer is a disorder

>homosexuality isnt

67ecb4 No.14057347


>The only people who will care about this are normalfags

I agree. That's why I'm saying that this is fucking dumb.

64621d No.14057354

Can't wait for the new wave of (((pharmaceuticals))) that control vidya disorder to hit the shelves .

960d72 No.14057359

File: c39b1f789ab8802⋯.png (69.9 KB, 243x200, 243:200, 1371711111710.png)

>sitting around all day (After work or not) watching NFL

>perfectly acceptable

>spending the same amount of time playing video games


7b8061 No.14057360


But anon, nigger handegg is a totally acceptable passtime.

You're not one of those gamer freaks, are you?

960d72 No.14057363


Yeah, and I fap to loli, but I'm not brown skinned and raping actual children. Clearly I need to be hung too.

678895 No.14057405

Keep in mind these are the same people who say that being exclusivly attracted to the same sex is perfectly healthy and normal.

03a690 No.14057418

File: 787c47f3323374e⋯.jpg (42.45 KB, 402x548, 201:274, nigga are you for real.jpg)

5b2724 No.14057420

>"If i put 'world' in the name of my many tax-exempt organization the stupid goyim will think that they're like totally officially legit n shit"

t. David Rockefeller

c71fc9 No.14057422

>playing a lot of games is a mental disorder

No wonder the WHO is rapidly losing respect. Nobody I know trusts them anymore after they appointed a genocidal dictator as a health ambassador literally weeks before he was overthrown in a coup d'état.

67ecb4 No.14057448


>I waste my time watching the cricket and playing video games

A-am I disorderly?

67ecb4 No.14057450


Is this bait?

99d500 No.14057462


Why would it be bait? You gay son? You hate when people tell you that you have a mental illness?

de3643 No.14057485


Schizoid and schizophrenic aren't the same thing, but they're related and one can turn into the other.

67ecb4 No.14057493


I misread the post.

864f25 No.14057497


I always thought Schizoid was just slang for Schizophrenia but no according to Wikipedia it's basically just autism.

cf3869 No.14057500


Well saying only "video games" is wrong, as this is just another addiction in the end. But I can't be the only one to fuck up his life due to internet and games here, right?

The problem with video games and other shit is how it can affect you when you're young. Being addicted at 10 is worse than being addicted when you have already got a job, I wish I had spent some of that time on other skills that wouldn't be so useless.

I spent years playing the same games and didn't even get good, just another average guy. Now I don't even play those games and even those shitty skills I got are useless. I can't even say I had fun as I wanted to be good but never did. If it was gonna be like this, I wish at least I hadn't sacrificed my school grades.

baea3c No.14057502

File: 650650516032a5f⋯.png (606.07 KB, 2539x529, 2539:529, Custodian_Guardian_Spear.png)


There's a more sensible way to design that you know.

678895 No.14057516


No it's not. It's just extreme introversion

baea3c No.14057537


We're the beautiful ones anon.

864f25 No.14057538


So yeah autism, all the popular hallmarks of insulting or calling someone an autist fits the Schizoid description to a T. Which also fits calling people permavirgins and all the implications behind it. It's a political mental disorder.

9ca250 No.14057539

File: d2403f15027fe96⋯.mp4 (521.85 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Ace Ventura cheeky laugh.mp4)


>Its symptoms include the inability to control when and how to play video games.

Oh, so it only applies to women and game journalists.

cf3869 No.14057561


What are you even saying? There's Autism and there's "autism". Insult version fits Shizoid better than actual Autism sometimes, but the actual Autism disorder has nothing to do with Shizoid.

5b38dc No.14057566


don't worry, anon. the market will solve everything.

c284b8 No.14057588

Psychology was a Jewish scheme to learn people's most private secrets so they could later use it against them. This is why so many definitions for illnesses are subjective and have massive overlap where no 2 shrinks will agree on where one starts and the other ends.

You can tell there was no intellectual honesty when homosexuality was removed not because it isn't an illness but because the gay lobby became so powerful it was less hassle to just remove it than deal with the lynch mobs and legal fees.

Gaming has been added because it gives shitty parents and greeding in laws a way to abuse their family members who want nothing to do with them. They will use it to claim their nephew is an addict so they should get all the inheritance or as an excuse to send their kids away to behavioural boot camps because after 15 years of working 9-7 and then putting the kid to bed the kid prefers the company of his online friends to his own family who all but abandoned him.

fd9d79 No.14057596


What about people who don't have an issue with contributing to society, but still play a ton of video games because they've always been the quiet, self-keeping type, and solitary pursuits best suit their temperment?

a4b221 No.14057597

>vidya can give you diabetes

>vidya makes you overweight

I've been playing vidya for over 20 years and I still got no gains.

What is the point of this? To delegitimize a "nazi gamer" demographic and stop us from voting or something?

>nigga has to come out in the rain to talk about this


c8383c No.14057601


Dubs confirm the final solution to the (((gaming))) problem.

c284b8 No.14057602


These people are white knighting women so they're unacceptable.

5d3397 No.14057604

File: 739c189e764705f⋯.jpg (24.16 KB, 293x268, 293:268, 1466711299579.jpg)


>perfectly acceptable

Where do you guys get your social standards? It's really not normal or acceptable to watch TV to the point you're unable to take care of your responsibilities. Like christ it's one of the biggest reasons normalfags break up.This isnt talking about the dude who plays 4 hours a day even really, but the people who are legitimately addicted like those crazy chinks in net cafes who die because they forget they still have to eat and drink or those whales who spend thousands of dollars on microtransactions for some freemium game.

I'm amazed people are actually trying to contest that gaming can't be an addiction here.

864f25 No.14057605


>but the actual Autism disorder has nothing to do with Shizoid.

Since the great big book that Psychology hinges on for all their pseudoscience has expanded Autism beyond the point of simply being a development disorder, twice already, yes it pretty much is the same thing now.

c8383c No.14057606


Well that turned out really well for them last time, didn't it?

They keep pushing way past the point they should have stopped. I am really looking foreward to see what it going to happen to (((them))) this time.

Last time they attacked vidyagames it ended up with Trump in the White House

a4b221 No.14057608

File: bc80591a2791bdd⋯.png (831.83 KB, 1282x720, 641:360, target is gay.png)


I'll admit that I only get that because of Down The Rabbit Hole video

fd9d79 No.14057612


Whelp, looks like I found the answer.


Considering the things I've learned about history and poltics that I don't think I would ever know if I was a normalfag and spent time being one, this "disorder" comes off as a way to spook people away from doing actual research into how the world works.

9fb9d1 No.14057622

There's literally one thing wrong with being gay.

Dry dating pool because gays are a minority and 99% of them are massive faggot sluts that need to be hung. One day I will snap and shoot up a pride parade.

c8383c No.14057647


Dubs demand a livestream

915d8e No.14057699

File: 4972c39e88ad8ce⋯.jpg (87.48 KB, 592x644, 148:161, 1502242780889.jpg)


Anything becomes an issue if it becomes an addiction, and that includes playing videogames. People are acting like the whitecoats are going to burst in through the door and kidnap them for playing videogames when this is something you're going to have to see a shrink to be with diagnosed with, meaning you can play as many videogames as you want without being accosted for it. You're not going to get beaten behind a shed by the JIDF even if you get the diagnosis, you fucking spastics.

Sure, I don't have any doubt this was pushed by people with anti-gaming politicians (whether politicians or parents complaining about kids being on their phones all day), but it wouldn't surprise me they diagnosed gaming addiction sooner than they diagnosed alcoholism because alcoholism (while disturbingly prominent) is incredibly hushush in modern society whereas gaming isn't. There's not a single doubt in my mind however that this isn't going to be instated to get at some spergs on a taiwanese basket-weaving forum but only exists to 'soothe' parents who worry their kids play 'too much' videogames for their liking.

As I saw someone point out, it would've been smarter to just add addictions as a whole as a disorder rather than just picking out the one.

a41ad9 No.14057726

File: fdb0f8af1fda089⋯.jpg (243.7 KB, 903x987, 43:47, fdb0f8af1fda089cc05bf943c9….jpg)


>because alcoholism (while disturbingly prominent) is incredibly hushush in modern society


915d8e No.14057740


I brought alcoholism up more as an example, I should've emphasized it. My point was that addictions to alcoholism (or say, food) are hushush in the sense that we don't talk about them because they're so taboo (and so wouldn't be publicly instated like videogame addiction is) whereas talking about how kids are addicted to videogames or watching TV is not. Kids playing too many videogames is something moral busybodies have complained about for a while now.

5d3397 No.14057784


> it would've been smarter to just add addictions as a whole as a disorder rather than just picking out the one.

I mostly agree with this, but the way they manifest is usually different so I feel at least noting that is worthwhile. For instance people are probably going to be a lot more open about a gaming addiction than say, sex addiction since even when in moderation only one of them is appropriate to talk about in public.

a41ad9 No.14057785

File: ddd2f413b0d74e4⋯.jpg (159.4 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, ddd2f413b0d74e4a0aa1a42690….jpg)


Its not because its fucking taboo, its because its just a very baseline household issue and there has already been made shit to combat it + its mainly a lowlife issue. Thats why people don't mention it.

>talking about alcoholism is taboo

First time I've ever heard of this.

ea041e No.14057797

File: 5aba4e6c7843f22⋯.jpg (35.97 KB, 279x475, 279:475, RabidPitbullWithAids.jpg)

>Game players don't consider their hobby a mental disorder

>Get classified as a disorder anyhow

>Trannies reject that their condition is a mental disorder

>Pressure shrinks to declassify transgender as a mental condition

>Evil Goobergaters get to claim disability because their NEET hobby - which is now a mental condition - has made them unemployable and states find it cheaper to just pay them a wage for being crazy than trying to retrain them.

>Trannies lose their health insurance covering their transition, because it's no longer a mental condition and therefore sex change operations are considered a cosmetic surgery rather than a medical operation.

I like where this could be going.

cf1645 No.14057822


Psychology is quack science. Something like 80 to 90% of psychology studies can't be recreated, there is no scientific method applied to any of it and anyone that claims otherwise is full of shit.

>Gaming has been added because it gives shitty parents and greeding in laws a way to abuse their family members who want nothing to do with them.

It's just a further attack of the Jewish left on one of the last bastions of enjoyment white, straight men get to have. They've ruined everything else for us, and now they're after games. They tried to destroy them by shaming developers into pozzing their products, they tried to destroy them by attempting to make Japan bend the knee, and when none of that worked they go through the UN to classify it as a disorder (and the people who get to say you're mentally ill are people that practice the Jewish invention - psychology) so they can take games away any time they want, and can shame developers that don't bow down this way too.

Fucking kikes.

2b111b No.14057824

Reminder that homosexuality was removed from the list of mental illness…because apparently fags are saner than gamers.

915d8e No.14057832

File: 938d1890d999fb9⋯.png (28.59 KB, 256x256, 1:1, 938d1890d999fb9f0b0c6a66fb….png)


>First time I've ever heard of this.

It might be because of where I live, but specifically alcoholism is recognized as being a problem, but people actually talking about being alcoholics is incredibly taboo (because it's 'unprofessional' and 'wrong' to admit you have a problem just like everybody else, people are ashamed about it but don't want it to slip out).


>For instance people are probably going to be a lot more open about a gaming addiction than say, sex addiction

There's also this. I've met sex addicts before and compared to people who are borderline obsessive about videogames they've almost always been incredibly ashamed about it because it takes such a toll on them mentally (several of them admitted to having issues connecting emotionally to the people they slept with, even if they really wanted to). Nobody's going to feel bad about playing videogames.

ea041e No.14057840

File: 4fb51d368723a0f⋯.png (153.53 KB, 512x384, 4:3, Vlcsnap-2010-03-20-23h47m2….png)


The thing is, you have to actually demonstrate whether or not it's the video game that's addictive, or whether it's being used as a crutch to ease some other issue.

I have no idea what the possible fucking mechanism could even be for trying to classify and diagnose gaming - itself - as an addiction. It's just window-dressing on a larger problem that's going diagnosed because people are too lazy to dig a bit deeper and their precious psychology is mostly horseshit.

a41ad9 No.14057841

File: 4fb1b8c9d03e6aa⋯.jpg (32.08 KB, 288x325, 288:325, 4fb1b8c9d03e6aa0910d8f12b7….jpg)


>They tried to destroy them by shaming developers into pozzing their products,

> and when none of that worked

>they tried to destroy them by attempting to make Japan bend the knee

Just wait 2 to 3 more years, mate.

3dc45a No.14057851


>transgenderism being encouraged

i legit think that thing being pushed on is nothing more than people asking for more trap nudes or someone with a genderbending fetish. and the only way to get that is by nuturing them at an early age, once they're 18 years old they'll give out their nudes and then take their new nudes and jack pop

a41ad9 No.14057857


So you are just talking about low grade alcoholism aka "I drink everyday and when frustrated". That shit is perfectly livable with. You haven't seen alcoholism until the person isn't fucking able to fucking walk 3/4 of the day.


Wanna hear a fun story?

cf1645 No.14057858


Lootboxes for one, so basically gambling. Also, individuals that generally have poor impulse control. I'm pretty certain any gaming "addict" likely suffers from other forms of genuine addiction, and has for a long time. Also, autism. Shit like Minecraft seems to be a magnet for autistic untermensch that use it as a crutch to escape the shitty life their genetics have doomed them to.


Japan is getting more independent from American control and rearming. I don't imagine the UN trying to impose their will during a period of rising nationalistic sentiment is going to go down well. Hell, China, and more importantly, the Chinese government, view Western leftist ideology as cultural poison and actively use their own agencies to fight its spread in China. Clearly people outside the West are aware of the problem and taking steps to stop the spread of Cultural Marxism.

a41ad9 No.14057870

File: 103d3f2c4e0c966⋯.jpg (70.84 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 103d3f2c4e0c966073977b112e….jpg)


>Japan is getting more independent from American control and rearming. I don't imagine the UN trying to impose their will during a period of rising nationalistic sentiment is going to go down well.

I though its the exact opposite with the younger nips being more lib oriented.

afe5f3 No.14057872


>Wanna hear a fun story?


2b111b No.14057873


I like the artwork there….let me find its source first before I ask for it.

f6bdf9 No.14057875


I do, slavanon

5d3397 No.14057885

File: ee2df1a0b16b657⋯.gif (935.56 KB, 146x146, 1:1, 1506366503612.gif)


>I have no idea what the possible fucking mechanism could even be for trying to classify and diagnose gaming - itself - as an addiction.

>A red flag is when someone chooses games over other interests in life and continues playing despite negative consequences. The decision does not mean that playing games in itself are a problem, but the key factor is timing and overindulging.

Seems kind of straight forward to me. A dude who watches NFL to the point it has negative consequences that he ignores just so he can get another hour in is probably addicted. Same shit with games.It's not like it's a new topic, it's usually lumped in with gambling addiction as an issue of impulse control.

It's actually a lot more well defined than you're giving it credit for, a paragraph or two off of some local news article is not going to go into a lot of detail.

ea041e No.14057889


>Lootboxes for one

But Lootboxes aren't videogames. They are a mechanic that is grafted into videogames designed specifically to replicate and produce the same results as traditional gambling methods.

>Also, individuals that generally have poor impulse control.

Then just make that the disorder. Why attach it to videogames, as if it's the videogame's fault?

>Also, autism.

Totally different diagnosis, totally different condition, which at best - videogames may act as a compounding factor.. but the core of WHY videogames act as a compounding factor is still left blank. The mechanism is still left unaddressed.

5d3397 No.14057895


>Then just make that the disorder. Why attach it to videogames, as if it's the videogame's fault?

Because it's the vehicle through which it's applied.


>Formal ICDs include pathological gambling (PG), kleptomania, trichotillomania (TTM), intermittent explosive disorder (IED), and pyromania; these disorders are characterized by difficulties in resisting urges to engage in behaviors that are excessive and/or ultimately harmful to oneself or others.

ea041e No.14057899


>a paragraph or two off of some local news article is not going to go into a lot of detail.

The vast majority of medical and scientific reporting is complete horseshit. A correlated with B under C conditions given X, Y, and Z co-factors present is typically reported as "HOLY FUCK A CAUSES B - TUNE IN NEXT TO SEE HOW IT CAN KILL YOU AND YOUR FAMILY!".

f47852 No.14057902

File: 932bb0a030dbd43⋯.jpg (94.82 KB, 470x490, 47:49, oh shit niggerlicious.jpg)

>A red flag is when someone chooses games over other interests in life and continues playing despite negative consequences.

<A red flag is when someone chooses television over other interests in life and continues watching despite negative consequences

<A red flag is when someone chooses knitting over other interests in life and continues knitting despite negative consequences

<A red flag is when someone chooses hiking over other interests in life and continues wandering around despite negative consequences

<A red flag is when someone chooses books over other interests in life and continues reading despite negative consequences

a41ad9 No.14057913

File: f3075a99b88ce7e⋯.mp4 (4.86 MB, 640x360, 16:9, slavic xmen.mp4)



A friend of my brothers told them of a alcoholic in his district of the city who would fall flat on his face and try to walk thus scraping is face. When the friend called the ambulance and it arrived they said "Not this guy again" and gave the guy some of the medical alcohol for him to drink. The guy perked up like completely normal person and was on his merry way. The medics told the friend to stop calling them for that guy because he was gonna end up drinking all of their medical alcohol.

a41ad9 No.14057930


But anon, aside from TV the rest are productive.

5d3397 No.14057935


Sometimes people are addicted to video games due to poor impulse control to the point they have literally died. The fact an addict does not consider it an addiction does not matter. It's going to be considered an impulse control disorder as a result of all this. This is not an action against gamergate or any of the other retarded shit people have claimed so far.

I cannot break it down any further.

f47852 No.14057952


But they can still have negative consequences, same as vidya. Reading and knitting can damage your eyesight, and you can get murdered by cars, niggers, skinwalkers, or your own fuckassery while hiking.

The article somehow makes it seem like having one preferred interest is a bad thing.

a41ad9 No.14057972



>while hiking


Sorry, forgot we are talking about america.

94b3be No.14057973

File: 2f4e14f7f599eba⋯.jpg (27.99 KB, 613x533, 613:533, 9f9.jpg)


playing video games is a disorder

>but having a dick and calling it a pussy isn't

> take dick up the ass isn't

> eating carpet isn't

> thinking that you are a different race because you say so isn't

>marrying objects isn't

> saying that you are not a sex isn't

5d3397 No.14057974


And they're actually discussing introducing exercise addiction to the DSM too.

And yes, having one interest that takes up all of your day every day is a bad thing. Doesn't matter what it is.

330912 No.14058011

>wanting an escape from our current hellish world is a mental disorder

>but having an actual hormone imbalance that gives you crazy delusions leading to self harm and sometimes suicide isn't

Of courshe!

b684a8 No.14058013

File: f98b62ea5d7b5ff⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 255.43 KB, 724x844, 181:211, 1412624324.jpg)

excessive shitposting is a mental disorder. but excessive shilling is not

t. WHO pro

6d2b2a No.14058115


>I know that feeling

I at elast try to play the mfor some 30-60 minutes to decide if they're worth it or not.

89493a No.14058129

File: 785ec5cde1442a7⋯.jpg (55.23 KB, 500x356, 125:89, 785ec5cde1442a70f5373d9660….jpg)


It's amazing how many times a day I'm forced to say "I only wanted to play video games". I just want to be left alone, to live my bloody life, why is such a concept so unacceptable to these people?

Cause they can't profit off of me then.

2c83b4 No.14058131

I mean, I can stop playing vidya whenever the fuck I want, it's just that there isn't anything more fun or enjoyable to do with my time.

4a1ed1 No.14058142



if they gave fuck about "addiction" aspect they'd go after TV first, but the older generation already has families so they work just fine, kikes need to ensure further generations will be exacly the same for the good of (((economy)))

89493a No.14058150


This. I was institutionalized when I was younger, three times. Every single shrink declared that I had different disorders, and right now, I officially have 8 contradictory ones.

a41ad9 No.14058155

File: 2a97cd8cee62064⋯.png (91.7 KB, 237x287, 237:287, 2a97cd8cee620642231e5a3f33….png)


>Not having a family and children

Good goyim, free yourself from this terrible terrible burden.

>inb4 get called a "breeder" confirming you are a homo furfag

>inb4 get banned again for stating it

4a1ed1 No.14058159


Let me clarify, if you plan on having family it's all good as long as you avoid kikes and their practices, just young families are easiest target for jews to get a grasp on. Lone men have nothing to lose

89493a No.14058168


>have wife

>have kids

>wife decides for any reason to leave you, which is statistically more likely to happen than her staying with you

>pay alimony for life + child support

>if you miss a payment, they throw you in jail

It's impossible to have a family with the system as it is. You want white people to have families and kids? Either remove no-fault divorce, or just remove the kikes outright, to unfuck women.

7615e6 No.14058173

File: e3b581e7d26179d⋯.jpg (36.67 KB, 521x509, 521:509, christchan.jpg)


>why is such a concept so unacceptable to these people?

They think you're either gonna grow up or be forced into "growing up", see the mess you made and either live a miserable life or kill yourself. They are not necessarily wrong.


Prenup contract culture should be more of a thing.

cf1645 No.14058178


>Prenup contract culture should be more of a thing.

Prenups get routinely dismissed in court.

89493a No.14058186


Prenups often get thrown out, sometimes for legitimately retarded reasons like "it's unfair for the woman" and "she and her kids are used to the lifestyle so you can't take that away from her"

abe1d7 No.14058191

File: 884f3d139e8b499⋯.png (141.28 KB, 352x288, 11:9, 1405445110342.png)


>it's different because it's in a videogame

That's not a very good excuse to make it any different.

And also videgames have presented gambling as merely a minigame. And those where changed later because of fears of gambling. But NOW it's totes ok and somehow isn't defined as gambling. I can't help but feel this divide only allows for incredibly uneven distribution of laws in the west vs japan which easily identifies gamblng as gambling reguardless of "how it's presented".

778618 No.14058192


Good, maybe we can now treat lootboxes as a form of gambling addiction.

b4b577 No.14058200

Is being gay acknowledged as a mental disorder by the WHO? If not then at least we're not gay.

7615e6 No.14058206

File: 5977802529e5bec⋯.png (90.53 KB, 1627x407, 1627:407, ClipboardImage.png)


Just how routinely though and how many times is it due to actually retarded contracts.

432029 No.14058209

File: 324870fbcb81d90⋯.png (1.45 MB, 703x1080, 703:1080, herc.png)


>finding a roastie to pump and dump and get stuck with her nigger babies

>alpha male activities

an alpha male activity would be to have a charem of them AND their daughters at the disposal of your erection and never having to take any responsibility for it

89493a No.14058210

File: 49eebf7575f2982⋯.png (185.9 KB, 371x361, 371:361, 49eebf7575f2982b99206d2fff….png)


>at least we're not gay.

look around, mate.

b4b577 No.14058211


All I see is an empty room.

432029 No.14058214

File: 42242e2c54f69be⋯.jpg (107.97 KB, 448x847, 64:121, 422.jpg)


this isn't 4chan

89493a No.14058216

File: 096559e552590e6⋯.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 201.63 KB, 540x360, 3:2, Slappy Squirrel - Now That….mp4)


>this isn't 4chan

cce94b No.14058219


So when are they going to finally homosexuality to the list of mental disorders?

Or Communism.

89493a No.14058222


It was there for a while, and then they removed it, just like trannyism.

77e933 No.14058235

Mental health is becoming a big issue as of late. It may be how they try their next grab for the guns, when everyone is deemed unstable, insane etc. then you can't own your guns. This could also be another way to try and clean up gaming so they can take it for Commie Core purposes or whatever they will rename it when they inevitably push for it again.

f390a7 No.14058245

WHO should add Paranoia about Nonexistant Power Hierarchies into their lists

b4b577 No.14058248


(((WHO))) indeed.

7a9e4c No.14058303


People are stupid, anon. This isn't anything new,.

0aa37b No.14058305

So are normalfags going to leave gaming before they get classified having a mental disorder? Because this is a step in the right direction.

abe409 No.14058309

File: fa6dd4164559523⋯.jpg (102.3 KB, 831x583, 831:583, chk_jschl.jpg)


That list reads like one of those list of "conditions and procedures" for applying for a gun license in a eurocuck country or Japan. Totally ridiculous and meant to discourage the vast majority of people into submission.

<Sure you can have a prenup, goy. Just make sure you follow all of these semi-arbitrary but perfectly (((reasonable))) guidelines.

Fucking unbelievable and disgusting. The condition that "both parties must have a separate attorney" alone will discourage the vast majority of poorfags from even considering it, and you know that even if you are a good goy and follow all of the (((rules))) the judge can still just say fuck you it's invalid.

That said, I'd be interested if any anon in the know had some hard stats regarding the treatment of prenups.

abe409 No.14058369


>brain damaging entertainment

They out themselves so easily, don't they folks?

7523af No.14058395

File: 87c1387e5442334⋯.jpg (44.33 KB, 599x804, 599:804, 87c1387e54423348c22d17e182….jpg)

You know I do believe in the need of psychiatry and psychology because there are problems with people that often destroy their lives and the lives of other, but it really seems to me that the term "mental disorder" has become a term for "personality trait we don't like", when there are actual mental disorders like transexualism being let off the list.

89493a No.14058396

File: 6763c4509be472c⋯.jpg (67.31 KB, 1000x900, 10:9, 6763c4509be472c62981ac2995….jpg)


>things that are okay to obsess over

<niggers running in a field chasing a ball

<popcorn action movie no. 654

<(((diverse))) tv show where whites are all the villains no. 725

<books (but not anything actually well written, no, just Harry Potter)

<tabloid gossip

<politics, but not actual policies, just two hands and two scoops

<rumor mill gossip with your "friends"

<taking hundreds of pictures of yourself for the internet and calling yourself ugly to seek validation of cucks

<caring about an arbitrary number of "friends" on kikebook, none of which are actually friends but rather people you sort of know

>things that are not okay to even play casually as a hobby

<video games

f5179f No.14058397



That "conscionable" line is literally just a way to guarantee gold diggers get away with it. Someone with no money marries money and it's only fair they don't get shit when they divorce, but obviously that's too "lopsided" so she gets half even though she never earned a penny.

cf1645 No.14058458


>prenup is only valid when "fair" and when she gets half of your shit

Yeah, might as well not bother with one.

938e6e No.14058462

File: 1e1acd93c92032c⋯.png (72.64 KB, 259x377, 259:377, 1e1acd93c92032c65fe1adc311….png)



cf1645 No.14058471


Japan doesn't have any ferals among the population so it's not like they need the guns for self defense.

>The condition that "both parties must have a separate attorney" alone will discourage the vast majority of poorfags from even considering it

Why would you even consider it? The rules basically say that any prenup where she doesn't get half your shit will get thrown out in court. Why waste the money? Might as well just kill the bitch if she wants to divorce you and bury her in the backyard. You're more likely to get out of jail earlier for good conduct with your finances intact if they discover the body and can convict you than you are to ever get free of her claws in your wallet as she sucks you dry while she whores around.


Mental illnesses do exists, but psychologists have no fucking clue how to treat them. They are not doctors and their field is not a science. When a doctor encounters an illness he knows what to do and what medicines to prescribe, a psychologist will basically do the modern equivalent of a rain dance and invoke the Jewish deity known as Freud, blame it on the patriarchy and feed you with a bunch of pills that will fuck you up worse than the disorder ever could.

85839f No.14058472


das rite!

024eef No.14058480


>People will stay on them instead of being active with family and friends. Instead, they'll be alone at home on those games and stay on them for hours at end and that can be very unhealthy

Those niggers don't know my family. Playing warband for 18 hours straight is much healthier.

aef146 No.14058488


>everyone who plays video games is overweight

Only the casuals are fatasses. The autists who are truly addicted to the point they are trying to make it out to be are always scrawny, pale twigs because they're too busy playing vidya to eat. Only casuals take food breaks.

a17815 No.14058489


I say we let crazies do whatever they want as long as it doesn't affect someone else negatively. Depressed and want to kill yourself? Here's a rental gun and one bullet, try not to fuck up. Tranny wants to mutilate their body? Let them, if their dick is ruined they won't be able to reproduce and the world will be better off. Maybe if they do all the crazy shit they want to do, it'll eventually get bred out. Instead we have an entire industry built around fighting nature and keeping these people alive, intact, and fucking. Just polluting the gene pool.

cf1645 No.14058494

File: 86e6c8934b625ce⋯.webm (4.67 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 86e6c8934b625ced696c61197….webm)


>they'll be alone at home

Yeah, why would anyone not wish to partake in the multicultural utopia and enjoy the enrichment our African and Middle Eastern brethren are there to bestow upon us?

cccc54 No.14058497


>Instead we have an entire industry built around fighting nature and keeping these people alive, intact, and fucking.

>an entire industry

This here is why. People make good money "treating" the mentally ill without ever healing or really helping them. They're just another industrial resource to be exploited for profits.

cccc54 No.14058503



goon spotted

d792d3 No.14058506


literally worse than a zombie apocalypse

024eef No.14058508


Did mark the plebbitor finally remove the filter?

Testing: Normie.

be29aa No.14058516


a17815 No.14058519


Common Core and whatever Europe's socialist version is has ruined schools. Boomers have ruined the next generation of parents. Kikes have taken literature, movies, and TV in its entirety. Video games are the last thing on this planet that will teach a child critical thinking and problem solving in their formative years. If you grow up gaming, you grow up questioning things and using logic, and you won't be a good goy. That's why >>14058350 and his ilk are trying to destroy it. That's why walking sims are pushed, why loot box gambling is trying to replace EARNING rewards, why freemium click-and-wait games with zero substance have advertisements on TV. The dumber the populace is, the easier we can be milked by our kike overlords. Video games are the last thing standing in their way, and being eroded quickly.

c48905 No.14058525

guess im filing for disability

>Sorry I cant come in to work due to my disability

>What? Did you get diagnosed with a disease or something? Are you ok?

>Yea I will be but Ill need to beat kirby's air ride before I can function outside. Thank you for your understanding, boss

d32aa7 No.14058618




Is this some sort of reverse psychology to make us argue, because it sure seems like it. Literally nobody gives a shit about using one or the other word and here you have to come and be massive faggots.

5b507f No.14058619


Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

370fae No.14058639

File: 9f765c85388cbe7⋯.jpg (281.21 KB, 1200x1520, 15:19, 1403311010958.jpg)


>Literally nobody gives a shit about using one or the other word

Kill yourself, normalfag.

d76adc No.14058647


>By that metric watching sports or movies or television is unhealthy!

Bad goyim alert!

watching sports, and buying merchandise of (((your team))) is very good, especially when you could've been engaging in any sport activity with your buddies instead, but choose to passively rot in front of a tv.

Movies are good, all the critics say so! and not supporting jewish-owned media conglomerates is very antisemitic, might lead to another entry in the Holocauster™ cinematic universe


Reading books may instill seditious thoughts like cherishing of one's ancestry, history and family, make a man angry about politics, and if he doesn't get enough estrogen and fluoride in the water he might even kill politicians



Soviet union discovered, as the only nation in the world "symptomless schizophrenia" which landed you a permanent stay in a soviet asylum


>Japan doesn't have any ferals among the population so it's not like they need the guns for self defense.

Why did they need guns before american occupation and everyone was encouraged to be armed from Meiji onwards?

Why are you shilling for laws commie-sympathizing US government drafted?

957704 No.14058654


>posting a pedo soyboy who watches cuckime

kys normie scum

4bef65 No.14058655

a17815 No.14058660



I never thought "normie" was a redditard exclusive word until it got filtered, and I still don't believe it is. It only became exclusive to other sites because you were literally incapable of posting it here. It wasn't created from the omission of the word "fag," it was just the natural evolution of language because "normie" has less syllables and sounded similar to the accompanying RRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

0aa37b No.14058667


And the only people I've seen that used that term were always redditards and tumblrites. I'd suggest you back to either of them, normalfag.

4bef65 No.14058674

File: 75438e4e2b75317⋯.webm (367 KB, 854x480, 427:240, normies.webm)


'Normie' as a word has been around for some time anyway.

It just makes you sound pretty retarded, is all.

a5e0b1 No.14058677


It helps that Fallout 1 used the word normie. Which helped popularize it among the normies.

370fae No.14058678

File: 04df7f25b9b412f⋯.png (82.47 KB, 422x493, 422:493, 04df7f25b9b412fe32fba09164….png)


You're fucking retarded, spewing shit, and are incredibly new. Only normalfags use normies because they have no understanding of imageboard culture of adding 'fag' to the end of a word to signify a group. They also consider it "offensive" to actual faggots, so they purposefully dropped it and tried to force this usage with the normies reeeeee shit.

Using normies in place of normalfag is an obvious tell of newfaggots and/or normalfags.

d32aa7 No.14058683








Way to derail a thread, retards. It's extremely obvious what you are trying to do.

d76adc No.14058688


>normalfag cattle

>playing fallout 1

The fallout series started at 3, just like final fantasy started at 7

4bef65 No.14058694

File: 04854aa208f3805⋯.png (696.46 KB, 914x680, 457:340, this bait isnt working.png)


A little too dry for my taste, flagged friend.

d76adc No.14058717


i should've posted the normalfag screecap with the exact same thing said unironically, but alas i've lost it.

a5e0b1 No.14058722


It's now popular for normies to like Fallout 1 ever since Paid mods and Fallout 4. Bethesda just fucked up that hard.

d76adc No.14058725

File: 1d3a080d9fad37d⋯.png (581.86 KB, 2330x822, 1165:411, Disenfranchisement.png)


Fallout 3 and 4 made me fucking hate fallout altogether, retroactively.

9cac52 No.14058739


>spurts, popcorn action, diverse cast, garbage writing, derivative recycled crap

compared to vidya right?

>tabloid gossip, politics but no substance, gossip and shilling

compared to gaming "content"?

>seek validation, caring about arbitrary numbers none of which matter, artificial friends

muh cheevos, muh steam, muh MMO


I actually do believe you learned your critical thinking skills from vidya.

d1ff19 No.14058752

So most of us will be officially mentally challenged people. Great. Just shoot me already.

>A red flag is when someone chooses games over other interests in life and continues playing despite negative consequences.

But what if have no other interests in life?

I can't into society. I prefer one man hobbies but games take the first spot. It's not different from being obsessed with other activities. Obsessions are already a mental disorder aren't they? There was no need for all of this

d260c8 No.14058757


>man decides he's a woman, put's a dress on and demands everyone else pretend he's got a vagina

WHO: Seems fine, you should support him

>man decides to play video games



9d4509 No.14058761


World Health Organization, the WHO. They are litterally a SJW organisation even the usual Journalist are calling them out insane and corrupt for years for doing nothing at all.

a4b221 No.14058825

File: 1c973648ba155a0⋯.mp4 (961.2 KB, 480x480, 1:1, /v/ right now.mp4)


>vidya is a lifestyle choice

it's a hobby, you inconceivably humongous faggot

863830 No.14058890


I agree, there is a problem with video game addiction. I also agree to think it's foolish to believe the "treatment" of this diagnosis has interest in only treatment, and not a secondary agenda of political propaganda and/or prescription drug pushing. This is psychology and big pharma we're talking about, after all.

Though it is still a big problem that does need treatment, at the moment the medicine appears to be at least as deadly as the disease.

c48905 No.14058906


Its a shit argument. This is exactly like being fat. There is almost no excuse worthy of letting you off the hook. Fat people exist because they dont want to put the work in to lose it. Some have more issues with weight than others. That means some have to work harder than others. That is life. Video games are now used more as an escape than anything now. Im guilty of it too like the rest of you guys. The problem is that the real world has been so shitty that we turn to digital media to alleviate this. This is why gamergate did so much damage. You got a bunch of people who had nothing else to turn to mad and focused on a task/target. These same people are usually focused on a game for 8-10 hours a day. Perhaps if the world wasnt so god damn shitty people would spend less time using it as an escape and more as just a thing to play for an hour or two and then wonder what the fuck was outside, just like when we were kids.

8b60fa No.14058939

>Those in the community say

>Many say

>Experts say

The author of this article is exceedingly lazy. He attributes all this bullshit to no one and doesn't even provide a link to a WHO source or press release or anything.

>Adding gaming disorder to the list of mental disorders means that it will be recognized by doctors and insurance companies.

Nice, disability soon. Oy vey, I'm having withdrawals, doctor please prescribe me some games for insurance to buy me.

b143d6 No.14058967


Joke's on them. I can jam on games for hours in my freetime with no interest in building deep personal relationships 'n' such and still pass for a normal in the outside world. Every once in a while I can even get a little compliment from the normals. I'm no casual. Nobody suspects me of being a bad goy. Feels good, man.

09aac3 No.14058989


Where is solution, anon

0f022a No.14059040

File: f162a8eff22a4a7⋯.png (219.77 KB, 598x564, 299:282, f162a8eff22a4a7229b4345063….png)


>random hobby is now a disorder

By this logic I suppose bookworms and workaholics also have disorders.

Liking anything at all is now a disorder.

799a37 No.14059044


That sounds pretty muzzie tier lad.

2f1487 No.14059055


>Get disability gibs for gaming

54b9ed No.14059058

thank god give me my pills so i can finally start having fun again

9cac52 No.14059064


It's as much a hobby as masturbating.


Gamers and fat fucks have a lot more in common than you think.

8b60fa No.14059065

File: 8f432047e516444⋯.png (24.25 KB, 821x236, 821:236, 2017-12-28-101509_821x236_….png)

File: 57bfe29c011eab0⋯.png (31.25 KB, 816x274, 408:137, 2017-12-28-101518_816x274_….png)

I didn't see it in the thread yet, so here are the excerpts from the ICD-11 draft which is explicitly says is not final which are relevant to video games.


7615e6 No.14059069

File: 3b2cadb97428c94⋯.png (1.4 MB, 625x797, 625:797, Capture.PNG)


Bookworms are sick degenerates, they disgust me.

All this time wasted on paper when they could be spreading their semen all around. At least most of them are white. It comforts me, knowing that those sick white dudes are removing themselves from the genepool.

442d8e No.14059081

I am unable to form "deep, lasting relationships", therefore I play videogames. NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND

4f7c3c No.14059112


Good. If it progresses then you might start to see your waifu on a day-to-day basis.

a41ad9 No.14059168

File: 4fbdf6926639f5c⋯.gif (964.57 KB, 500x391, 500:391, 4fbdf6926639f5ca78bfc5a6f7….gif)


Would /pol/ be more doable if they removed Imkikey and the kebab or is the damage already done?

11366f No.14059182

File: bb884d786928d5e⋯.png (56.48 KB, 501x747, 167:249, 1466974879089.png)


Yes we know you hate imkikefy but did you consider posting a page of spam on every board is just you autistic screeching?

5f4a5f No.14059207

the only people this could apply to would be the "has so much fun with a game he dies in his chair"-gooks & chinks. I really wish I could have as much fun as them, I did as a kid but now it's all mediocrity all of the time

d76adc No.14059214


I think it could be salvaged.

7b802c No.14059220


No, this is fucking great!

Vidya going back to a niche.

ca261e No.14059248


/pol/ would be made great again if:

1) r/the_donald refugees were banned en masse so that political discourse wouldn't go 4D Chess any time Trump sucks Israeli cock, whether it's to pay homage to his masters or to play them like a fiddle

2) the administrator got removed as his choices in both addressing the community as well as choosing the most relevant news of the day weren't both retarded

3) /leftypol/ was forcibly removed from the website

a41ad9 No.14059306


/leftypol/ is an actual walking corpse with nobody browsing and only staying afloat because piggy forgot to disable the bots

b6c81d No.14059312



>scope LOS obscured by the blade

Retarded to the max, tbh.

f24f6b No.14059325

File: 611d5583e1e5c0e⋯.jpg (118.16 KB, 640x718, 320:359, 611d5583e1e5c0e7a8728f921a….jpg)



Ah, hello me from 2010. Don't worry, this shit that you read on wikipedia is no diagnosis at all, just a bunch of traits you feel present in you, but that are gathered together by some extraverted normie kikiatrist. In reality all this means is that you are able to actually tap into the vast inner potential of imagination within you, something that the majority of people cannot ever even comprehend existing in themselves.

Let Carl Jung be your guide down this rabbit hole and do not fear of being perceived as odd or insane. So long as you keep your personal hygiene to a good level, the majority of the world gives exactly zero fucks about your inner inadequacies or inability to fully connect with their charade world of smoke, mirrors and masks. The simple truth is that this world is insane - why, since you're here, I'm sure you're quite aware of the degree of this insanity by now. So at the absolute worst case, you are just another madman among madmen, your only crime to the rest of the patients of the global insane asylum being your desire to be insane away from them.

If you are ever in doubt about the truth of what I say, remember that our current experts in psychology are fully convinced that it is absolutely okay for a man to think he is a woman (which in truth is little more than an unfortunate mistake of the man thinking he is his own Anima, that his Anima is his true self and he must become it, when in truth it is merely his feminine half of his soul, his self) and mutilate himself into something inbetween the two and the off themselves once they realize they were fed a lie. So long as they pay all those expensive procedures and medication, who gives a fuck, right? If such people have a right to exist and prosper (talking about the kikiatrists that allow this to happen in the first place, the rotten souls who profit from this), so do you.

87effa No.14059328


>Japan doesn't have any ferals among the population so it's not like they need the guns for self defense.

That is horseshit, the US constantly sends ferals in Japan under the guise of military occupation. Communist no-gun laws need to be eradicated worldwide and gun ownership should be mandatory. It's not only for self defense, a well armed populace is one of the best ways to insure that kikes and their puppets are kept in check so that society doesn't go full USSR. Sadly, burgers forgot that part of the second amendment.

8b60fa No.14059335

File: 78b00c4b7cda519⋯.webm (463.88 KB, 688x480, 43:30, piece of shit.webm)

87effa No.14059345


All the current /pol/ mods enabling reddit's retardation should be publicly hanged before the board can start to recover. I swear it's a den of glow in the dark niggers running the show at this point. It's the online equivalent of the fed infiltration of a white supremacist organization, where all members were cops spying on eachother.

000000 No.14059352

Everything would be a lot better if people had started questioning academia much, much, much sooner. Of course if you question anything they say, no matter how obviously lacking in evidence it is, you're "anti-science." I'm not against the disciplines of psychology or psychiatry as a whole, but it's clear that the American psych community is ruled by politics and big pharma money. Basically any study that's only ever been done in America or its buttbuddies should be thrown out. Problem is, to get people questioning academia they had to question the media first. If anyone knows a way that could have happened, you should mention it so I can take it into account when I finish my time machine.

8fc18c No.14059353

The year is 2018

Gamers are now mentally ill along with being misogynistic

Trannies are perfectly normal and are no longer considered mentally ill

87effa No.14059357


Left is right and down is up, welcome to Jewish Communist ruled asinine dystopia that is the west post-9/11.

ca45e0 No.14059381



>ruling anything

gr8 joke, /leftycuck/

now go back to your bot infested shithole

0784e9 No.14059403

File: de3005706bf6cc4⋯.webm (593.96 KB, 640x360, 16:9, save mee.webm)

I feel that this will backfire when it hits the mainstream. Speedrunners spend ample time prioritizing gaming and in turn can do shit like take part in AGDQ and raise money for charity. You have to have some real damn gumption to call those people mentally ill. Calling excessive gaming a disorder could effectively shut down the realm of E-Sports too, cause no one would want to play with that stigma floating around.

df945d No.14059437

File: 509b73ef9d4fe2f⋯.png (522.62 KB, 742x469, 106:67, 001.PNG)


>shuts down e-sports due to stigma

>the cancer that has become agdq is dealt a massive blow

this all sounds like a win to me

519d47 No.14059440


Good point, but frankly they should both be considered mentally ill. I mean just look at speedrunners: funnily enough there's a massive overlap between them and trannies.

8b60fa No.14059447



>not mentally ill


You have a lot to learn.

a7ad80 No.14059451

File: d8f03d12eaef13b⋯.png (153.36 KB, 480x360, 4:3, .png)

>More introverted behavior is a disorder bullshit

What are these quack's credentials.

And let me guess, there's no mention of the real mental disorder that needs to be shielded, those whales that get all their shit milked out of them by microtransaction bullshit made for gambling junkies.

cf1645 No.14059478


Maybe it will make games uncool again and we can have our quaint hobby back.

024eef No.14059561


>gaming deemed an addiction

>e-sports illegalized for promoting an addiction

>anti-gaming ads with studies showing it causes erectile dysfunction

>most of the cancer killing this hobby disappears like a puff of smoke

yes please

000000 No.14059775


>What are these quack's credentials.

Degrees from the most famous, highly regarded universities in America. Just goes to show what academia is really worth.



These are amazing and there needs to be a thread on /k/ devoted entirely to their design and construction. I adore polearms and guns and this hits all the right buttons. I think I might have to jerk off now.

ea041e No.14060153

File: 4d23fc791882476⋯.jpg (258.71 KB, 1024x635, 1024:635, 34488v.jpg)

File: 063c8c3f980e7eb⋯.jpg (214.09 KB, 514x800, 257:400, digitalImage.jpg)

File: c4383458c7b343c⋯.jpg (6.28 KB, 306x165, 102:55, images.jpg)


>Fat people exist because they dont want to put the work in to lose it.

This is bullshit right here. There is ZERO work involved in losing weight. In fact, they would have to do even LESS work than they already do, because it really all comes down to just not eating so fucking much and not eating shit food. Less time spent shopping, less time cooking, less time chewing. Just stop fucking eating so goddamned much.

The problem with fat people, is that food can release dopamine - which causes some people to abuse it as they would a drug, and the consequences of it's abuse become a reinforcing agent. You start to get fat and you feel bad about yourself, so you combat that depression by eating - which just makes you fatter - in a vicious cycle. It's like if a heroin addict used heroin in order to make them forget that they're addicted to heroin.

And the shitter is - at least with drugs, you can (like a pussy) just abstain altogether. You drop your druggie friends, never learn proper self restraint, and just memory hole the entire experience. You can't do that with food. You have to eat, and everybody around you eats (generally, overeats and eats shit food too). You're forced to hang around with other food abusers, and to continue engaging in the activity you abused.

There is no choice. You HAVE to learn self-control and restraint… which is something that most people just cannot do.

But no… strictly speaking, losing weight requires no work. You can chain someone to a wall in your basement and just not feed them anything more than the absolute bare minimum to sustain life - and they will lose weight despite not being able to move.

Exercise is vital for health and wellness, not for weight loss.

35613f No.14060189


So this is how the Commies win. Not with guns, but with welfare.

d76adc No.14060194

File: 6b54534ffb7ad8a⋯.jpg (96.62 KB, 600x419, 600:419, Saul-Alinsky-How-To-Create….jpg)


Not exactly groundbreaking discovery.

35613f No.14060206


That ends in warfare though.

89493a No.14060211


Where's the warfare in Europe, then?

d76adc No.14060234


it's in the demographics.

They don't need guns, they just need to come in, claim gibs and import their families.

35613f No.14060260


Nowhere, because that's not how it will be. The average person cares only about comfort, very few care about gluttonous indulgence and excessive wealth. Modern mixed-economies provide that comfort more than any other form of economy. If there is to be a war, it will be a war to return to the status quo.

64621d No.14060269


In those instances it's not tv or gaming that are the problem. It's something else underlying that is wrong.

6895f0 No.14060321


No it just means any laws that protect the people from the mentally ill will now apply to you and you will have rights stripped from you. Owning a gun for example. Good thing they are fixing NCIC so they can keep better track of you mentally ill gamers

bfd3db No.14060681

So will this cause governments to legally regulate video games?

145202 No.14060722

File: f3e58458f0467a5⋯.jpg (70.42 KB, 458x573, 458:573, f3e58458f0467a55050e0f630b….jpg)


>control when or how to play games

>control how to play games

<how to play games

Are they trying to tell me how to enjoy my games now?

bde7f9 No.14060753

If they characterize their political opposition as an illness, or pathology, they don't have to defend their beliefs and can focus on attacking yours.

16c370 No.14060772


>possible attachments.png

70b9b4 No.14060776

File: 8a1d6c2e99ee581⋯.jpg (23.03 KB, 477x349, 477:349, 192f25bd3db70a163074006a5b….jpg)

What are YOU going to do when they hospitalize you for being "addicted to games". I bet you played 6 hours on Christmas you fucking loony. I bet you didn't even buy a lootbox.

Normalfag slaughter when, /v/?

a7ad80 No.14060781


>Most famous highly regarded universities in america

>Contest something that has been officially declared not a disorder by everyone under the sun for the past ~40 years

Fucking universities.

520bde No.14060842

> Tranny activists want to add gaming to mental disorders

The ride keeps on going

59afc9 No.14060884

File: d22552491b03e9e⋯.jpg (17.65 KB, 245x255, 49:51, merchant_prohibited.jpg)


Your ilk aren't allowed here. Reported.

ef6cab No.14060904

>Work in pharmaceuticals

>Have extensive mechanical knowledge

>Teaching myself programming

>Not /fit/, but not out of shape

>Co-worker asks what I do in my free time

>Say I just sit down and play some video games

>Co-worker starts shaking

>Runs to tell the manager the news

>Suddenly men in white show up

>Throw me into the back of a padded truck

>Declared legally insane by a panel of psychiatrists

>Fired from my job

>Guns taken away

>Can't get another job in any related field

>On every no fly & watch list

>But hey at least I have gibs..in only one to five years for my case to go through

Fucking Gamestop

995add No.14061286

File: 203f72ceacb6845⋯.webm (592.26 KB, 360x360, 1:1, Nico Nico Ni.webm)

>Playing 8 hours a week is an addiction

551b18 No.14061325

File: 7faa3d9e7f779f9⋯.png (48.33 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 250px-497Serperior[2].png)


Kill all "gamers"

LONG LIVE "Person Enjoying Disconnected or Online Player-based Holistic Interactive Leisure Experiences"

It spells PEDOPHILE haha get it?

94b3be No.14061355

File: e3ae80ea7fede35⋯.mp4 (888.47 KB, 480x360, 4:3, e3ae80ea7fede3586c9242fee5….mp4)

>gaming is a disorder

>congress passes a law stating that anyone with a "disorder" can not own a gun

> your doctor asks if you play video games

> you keep getting your permit request for a gun rejected and you don't understand why

266ec7 No.14061361


a08550 No.14061488

File: e8b8c6107f1c874⋯.png (130.61 KB, 384x313, 384:313, shrugging olddude.png)



Is anyone even surprised at this point? Just about every alphabet group out there is zionist garbage ruining the western world.

(((FDA))), (((ADL))), (((NBC))), (((BBC))), (((CNN))), (((FBI))), (((CIA))), (((NSA))), (((etc.)))

2043f3 No.14061515

>>14061488 (checked)

don't forget how even the (((alphabet))) is also zionist garbage

dcf303 No.14061527



>Google renamed itself Alphabet too

024eef No.14061553


Reminds me of my parents

>Get out of the computer and come spend time with your family anon!

>Watch some jewish sitcom while my parents drunkenly scream at each other

>I was using the computer to study while the internet connection was unusable for anything other than the pre-bloat web because I was downloading 2000s hentai

72e741 No.14061565


I would name it: SMASHING AUTISM

ff7d2f No.14061593

File: 3ec2a8697822904⋯.jpg (65.09 KB, 378x405, 14:15, Narik.jpg)

They need to fuck off.

This is serious.

Don't let them do this. If they can call gaming a disorder, they can call anything a disorder.

a9ffb1 No.14061602

File: 94da1d3ec941ed7⋯.jpg (18.51 KB, 623x473, 623:473, 1303489256322.jpg)


>alphabet is building block of western language

>language is by and large controlled by definitions via dictionaries

>(((they))) control what is defined as what

>foundation of most of our language is therefore manipulated from the ground up

This isn't just regular redpilling. This is

advanced redpilling.

024eef No.14061606


If talking when nobody is around is a mental disorder, you're late to the party.

ff7d2f No.14061632


Don't talk me you fucking faggot. Find somebody else to quip off of. Something needs to be done about this. They can't be allowed to do this. This has greater consequences like other anons are pointing out, and all you retards can do is ironically shitpost and make excuses for this somehow "keeping normies out of the hobby"

It's gonna fuck everyone and you don't seem to give a shit. All of your posts in this thread are garbage.


024eef No.14061665


I will, but not because you told me to.

98faee No.14061701


wrong, because during short periods of energy abstinence, the human body burns primarily free fatty acids from body fat stores, along with small amounts of muscle tissue to provide required glucose for the brain. After prolonged periods of starvation the body has depleted its body fat and begins to burn primarily lean tissue and muscle as a fuel source. So starving yourself would lead to lose of muscle and muscle mass influences metabolism. The best way to lose best way to lose weight is at least a half hour to and hour of cardio per day, at least three days per week of wight training and counting calories. At rest a 20-30 year old man burn approximately 2,400-2,600Cals. Reduce your intake significantly and increased cardio should lead to weight lost.

t. lost ≈ ±70 lbs in the last 8 mounts

551b18 No.14061737


>tfw edge myself for half an hour to an hour each day

>have been a skinny faggot my entire life who can't even lift 60 pounds

So what you're saying is, nofap?

ff7d2f No.14061749

This is about not being able to own a gun you sons of bitches.

8e759c No.14061755

File: 99b90fa9c303aa8⋯.png (327.23 KB, 557x385, 557:385, Hamadaape.png)


>I thought its the exact opposite with the younger nips being more lib oriented.

I thought it's more of Tokyo solely being close to Commiefornia honeypot 2.0, and Okinawa being the libshit hellhole.

ea041e No.14061852


No, YOU are wrong.

Cutting calories alone is enough to lose weight. The is NO need for exercise if weight-loss is your goal.

I'm not talking about what the most optimal methods of losing weight, and I am not putting any consideration towards health (either long-term or short-term). Weight management is *entirely* down to Calories In-Calories Out. It is the primary driver of weight loss and weight gain.

Shit, it's probably best to just disconnect calorie totals from exercise altogether since most people have even more trouble figuring out how many calories are burned with exercise/maintinence than they do in counting calories in what they consume. So you have faggots trying to "treat" themselves because they think they have more wiggleroom in their calorie budgets than they actually do just because they broke a sweat.

t. lost 130lbs in just over 12 months 2 years ago and have had no trouble keeping it off since.

98faee No.14061926

File: 2000e352c42e878⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 330.55 KB, 506x607, 506:607, 5e402b01db8cb59f7f52b60c5a….png)

File: ebda97bad8c2c87⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 437.04 KB, 900x714, 150:119, 2b2.png)


>I was so fat that I had to lose 130lbs and I still am memorably obese

if you want to keep the weight off then exercise is essential. Otherwise you merely destroy your muscle and metabolism. Their is a reason why crash diets have been nicknamed "yo-yo" dieting abuse after the deprivation often the person ends up gaining back twice as much weight thanks to fucking up their metabolism and never learning how to count their calories.

>Weight management is *entirely* down to Calories In-Calories Out.

You are being fucking autistic about this but yes calories is absolutely important, you want to burn more then you consume. But without exercise you are only hurting yourself and its garbage advice. While not particularly /fit/ comparatively to any ideal beauty, I've been relatively healthy most my life. I had only recently let myself go after a Spinal cord Injury. Losing weight and keeping it off is not "easy" if you want to do it optimally for a HEALTHY long term result, especially in the United States where all the cheap food is loaded with government subsidized corn sugar. However, I will agree maintain a weight is very easy once you hit your goal but that depends on your diet. So for you keeping off the weight, that is a matter of you having a lifestyle change in diet. Good for you. Still stop giving people shit advice.


I think that is a reddit meme, never was that disciplined. Can't stay away form those Shantae & Nier threads but I'm sure porn is not very healthy.

dcf303 No.14061960


How bad is sodium? I know that some sports drinks have salts and electrolytes to help fatigue, since exerting muscles consumes sodium via neurons firing or some shit like that. But I don't sweat very much, despite having an active work week, so I don't know if I'm eating too much sodium or not. I think my daily intake is at like 135%-160% according to the nutrition shit on my food

ea041e No.14061991


>Their is a reason why crash diets have been nicknamed "yo-yo" dieting abuse after the deprivation often the person ends up gaining back twice as much weight thanks to fucking up their metabolism and never learning how to count their calories.

>counting calories

Neither crash diets or proper exercise routines are generally effective, and nothing is more demotivating to a fatty than thinking they can run their calories off - burning next to zilch for all their work - and then having routine fluctuations of weight due to water retention and bowel contents mask/reduce any progress (since measuring loss by body fat % is beyond most people) - I'd say that this meme of exercising to lose weight and "burn the fat" is just as damaging - if not moreso - than yo-yo diets… because it instills this concept that they've dug themselves too far into obesity than they can reasonably exercise their way out of. Worse, these shitheads will go out and spend tons of cash on gym memberships, exercise equipment, and workout clothes - only to abandon it in a few weeks because it's hard and they can't keep a routine since… surprise! Fat fucks have little to no self-control! Who could've seen that coming.

Disconnect the two.

Exercise for health.

Diet for Weight Loss.

The two compliment each other, but exercise is not strictly necessary to weight loss. And I never advocated that anybody actually go on a starvation diet - that's fucking stupid and self-destructive, but the fact remains that it does work - because if you control the calorie intake, you control your weight. Period.

70f16b No.14062009

Just starve yourself for a month except you can eat one nice meal each Saturday. There you go, have fun losing weight the easy way.

c5c121 No.14062092

File: fe7bb1081f5174d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 332.18 KB, 421x529, 421:529, natural black aristocrat p….png)


>You are now entering Silent Hill

350a31 No.14062155


>playing video games is considered a serious mental disorder

>wanting to hack your own dick off is not




1341cf No.14062158

File: 4921c76b68adb42⋯.jpg (145.58 KB, 1300x724, 325:181, eliminate.jpg)


Speak for yourself faggot.

6feb9e No.14063042


We know a fuck ton is bad but the jury is still out on how much is too little; Intake of ≥3g/day is bad but if you're a snowflake <2.3g/day could be bad.


730be7 No.14063080


Global report. How the fuck are you not banned already.

730be7 No.14063081


>no one gives a shit about outing PAID SHILLS

And reported.

730be7 No.14063082


Kill paid shills like you, yeah.

48ba0b No.14063091

Good. All that's is officially classifying weebs as retarded and unfit for civilized society.

321f99 No.14063095


Is it bad to wish all those niggers to be run over?

2482be No.14063106


>goon calling other people goons


Normie is the original term, retard. Goons like you added the fag, like they always do.

ae4a78 No.14063113


Drink bleach, /leftypoo/




0c1d50 No.14063141

870931 No.14063148

File: 8fc73a425ab8bdb⋯.png (185.79 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 8fc73a425ab8bdb6e3b421325e….png)




cbbd0c No.14063196


So new language when?

b5829e No.14063276


This is very true. Jung is the only psychologist actually worth something, and only then it's mostly due to his dabbling in mysticism and alchemy. (((Psychology))) has never been a legitimate science, and you should take diagnoses with a grain of salt.

f3cfe8 No.14063324


Purse owner faggot detected.

261fbb No.14063355


Just abstain from it for a while and when you come back vidya will be fun again.

d03a4d No.14063359


(((Psychology))) is shit tier subversion, you jew cock-sucker.

730be7 No.14063400


Psychology was legitimate science before the jewish takeover of the field. It was corrupted in the first half of the 20th century and ceased to be science completely, in all forms, when the APA voted (for the first time on anything in history, and against all scientific evidence) to remove faggotry from the DSM.

d8d562 No.14063455


No, it's the usually the first step to realizing that these things do not deserve help from anybody.

be29aa No.14063555


>where no 2 shrinks will agree on where one starts and the other ends.

Modern medicine in general, pretty much. Can't get a straight answer out of a non-psych doctor either.

748966 No.14063828

File: e6c0280a705a4cf⋯.webm (2.96 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Josef Fares - How Do You ….webm)

Listen to the wise shit from FUCK OSCARS guy.

024eef No.14063938


best of all if he truck of peace'd them he would probably get a life in jail sentence.

78cb54 No.14064727


Omar "Gay Bar? Allahu Akbar!" Mateen would be proud of you, anon. May God rest his soul

c03ebe No.14067385


>There's also this. I've met sex addicts before and compared to people who are borderline obsessive about videogames they've almost always been incredibly ashamed about it because it takes such a toll on them mentally (several of them admitted to having issues connecting emotionally to the people they slept with, even if they really wanted to).

It seems to me that people in general are just really uncomfortable acknowledging any kind of problem related to sex, whether it's addiction, dysfunction, or whatever else. Sex is kind of placed on the same level as having bowel movements - everyone knows it happens, but no one wants to discuss it going wrong.


>The thing is, you have to actually demonstrate whether or not it's the video game that's addictive, or whether it's being used as a crutch to ease some other issue.

I don't think even that would help in this case, because what happens when they find that the real problem is that men are turning away from a society that shits on them? The elites don't want to acknowledge that, because they want men to be obedient worker drones.

658fe5 No.14069637


>The two compliment each other, but exercise is not strictly necessary to weight loss.

After you reach a certain age with a certain weight your body will deliberately keep itself within that weight range as much as possible, you need to compensate the loss of fat with muscle otherwise your body is just going to drive you to get fat again. Another thing is the feeling of starvation after you lose a certain amount of weight without eating, that requires willpower to resist that a mere diet is not capable of accomplishing alone.

b7298e No.14069734

Bullshit reasoning.

If I chose to play a ton of games instead of trying to approach people in real life, it just means that games are more approachable in general than people in real life. Most people are complete assholes, why would I want to associate myself with those assholes? Online if I don't like some people I can just decide to not play with them or talk to them. In real life things aren't that simple, wish they were though. Online I can still call a nigger a nigger as well without an army of SJWs or fellow niggers wanting to lynch me irl.

Also the people whining about obesity caused by gaming, I'm sure I'm way more fit than those people. Obesity is caused by eating too much, not gaming too much. If you're going into that direction you can say that working is causing obesity since there is a lot of work that is just sitting behind a desk, and not all that active.

98faee No.14069763

File: 53dea454a74abab⋯.webm (254.48 KB, 320x240, 4:3, FUCKING NORMALFAGS GET TH….webm)

File: 10a7ac3e42b9994⋯.webm (4.25 MB, 1056x588, 88:49, markREEEEEE.webm)






how does this shit thread still exist?

4a4608 No.14073442

Idiocracy is a documentary.

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