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File: eded2bfda1cb2d8⋯.jpg (18.5 KB, 302x378, 151:189, 1111.jpg)

709104  No.16862341[Last 50 Posts]

And no surprise, it is total shit. Enjoy the endless shills and fanboy faggots for the next few weeks.

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f2da85  No.16862356

>FF7 Remake

>it is total shit

We already know that and speaking of shit this is a terrible thread.

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f0779c  No.16862359

At least tell us why it's shit you double nigger

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e0309f  No.16862366

I've only played a few minutes so far but man classic mode is shit. It doesn't feel like a classic turn based JRPG at all. Classic mode is just "let the game play its self" mode. I ended up switching to normal after the first two fights. Really disappointing. I feel like I'm stuck with this arpg combat if I really want to enjoy the game. At least it's not FFXV arpg shit. It feels more like Crisis Core. I'll post something more detailed once I've finished the demo unless something pisses me off before then.

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336c95  No.16862370

File: 2fbb0970775a947⋯.jpg (87.69 KB, 300x400, 3:4, Asian Happy Meal.jpg)


Where are the fucking pictures and webms you fucking faggot?

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e0309f  No.16862373

Ok, forget what I said about posting longer and more detailed stuff after I finish. I feel more like pausing and posting my thoughts as they come to me. I hope no one minds the spamming or blog posting.

Jessie is super hot. My middle school crush on her feels much more justified now. Biggs looks like a badass. They did a great job on his design. Wedge looks kind of weird like he doesn't fit in with the more realistic design of the other characters and the world. Pressing triangle to talk to people and open boxes is weird. I don't know why they went with that instead of X. I feel dirty saying this but I like the combat so far. It's not what I wanted and still not what I would prefer but it's not bad. That's probably because I was a HUGE fan of Crisis Core.

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e0309f  No.16862380

They made some odd choices with this intro. For some reason you start with Fire instead of Lightning as your first materia. Seems like a random choice. Going with lightning would have been better for nostalgia purposes. Holding square lets you do a heavy attack that hits multiple enemies and sends them flying. That's nice for bigger fights. Guard dogs have way more hitpoints and seem way more powerful than the random security grunts which is another odd choice.

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11f007  No.16862383


If you're going to blogpost, fine, but >>16862370 has a point, if Jessie is hot then show us.

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6a5a13  No.16862385


Save Jessie Option When?

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e0309f  No.16862391


Sorry I'm not a console gamer. I have no idea how to take screenshots or videos. Jessie doesn't look any different in the demo than she does in all the other videos and screenshots they've shown of her except that her skin might be lighter than in some of the earlier shown stuff.

I finished the demo. It was pretty short. It ends right after you blow up the mako reactor. I'm not big on the story changes. I don't see why they were showing the shinra president so early and I don't like that they changed it to where shinra caused the huge explosion instead of AVALANCHE causing it.

The combat is fucky. It's not horrible but feels a little clunky. It's not as good as Crisis Core but feels a little more tactical. I think I'll probably end up buying the remake when it comes out but it's still not what I wanted. 6.5/10 from what I played. Maybe a 7.

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8e1c42  No.16862400


>it's a shit game that I don't like, but I'll buy it anyway

Thanks for being part of the cancer that ruined video games

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e0309f  No.16862403


I never said it was a shit game. You're too used to journalists giving mediocre games 8s and 9s. A 6.5 is above average

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26d37d  No.16862404


What is "average"? There's endless seas of complete and utter garbage, the "average" in videogames is a steaming heap of shit.

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545a99  No.16862405


>Sorry I'm not a console gamer. I have no idea how to take screenshots or videos.

It's a literal button on the PS4 controller, called the Share button. Very cancerous though, and in some cases the developers block it being used.

That said does the gameplay feel better than Kingdom Hearts at least?

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e0309f  No.16862406


An average would be a 5. A game I don't love or hate. A 6.5 is a game that I enjoyed slightly. It wasn't what I wanted and it's not GOTY material but it was fun.


If you guys tell me what you want to see I'll play through again and take videos and screenshots. Do you just tap the share button for a screenshot? I assume you hold it down to start a video and hold it again to stop it? I'm a PC gamer. Totally clueless on this shit. I was only able to play this because my roommate leaves his extra ps4 in my bedroom for when he wants to challenge me to some Samurai Shodown.

I've never really played Kingdom Hearts so I can't comment on that. I can only compare it to Crisis Core. CC felt slower and closer to being turn based to this. In the FFVII Remake it's much faster and fluid. I feel like I never really know when to block or dodge though whereas in Crisis Core I could take things down without taking many hits. It's also kind of gay fighting a giant boss because you have to be right up in their face where you can't see much yet they expect you to use visual cues to learn the attack pattern. I had to heal a ton to get through the scorpion robot.

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545a99  No.16862408


>Do you just tap the share button for a screenshot? I assume you hold it down to start a video and hold it again to stop it?

Exactly that, I'm most curious what combat customization you've got, like a menu where you can pick attack skills/materia.

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88d7c5  No.16862411


Do they still have the synchronized button pressing minigame to open a door?

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e0309f  No.16862415


Got you. Videos coming soon.


Nope, that's out. The rooms you did that in aren't even in the game.

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e0309f  No.16862428

File: 2ac4fa9e5056930⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE D….png)

File: ccd802102c1b846⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE D….png)

File: 29ac78a3b009286⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE D….png)

File: 11fb3516c7c6ee0⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE D….png)

File: 688ea426018444e⋯.png (2.05 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE D….png)

Here's a couple of screenshots of Jessie looking hot, Biggs looking like a badass manly man, and Wedge being a weird looking fatty. Jessie thinks I'm hot. That's nice. She's a lot more flirty and open about her Cloud crush in the remake

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e0309f  No.16862429

File: d22b80472420c31⋯.mp4 (7.31 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE D….mp4)

Here's a quick video of the very first fight

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6e207e  No.16862431


>they changed it to where shinra caused the huge explosion instead of AVALANCHE causing it

Why were you even at the reactor then?

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e0309f  No.16862434


AVALANCHE plants the bomb and blows up the reactor. After they leave Shrina uses a bunch of remote turrets to cause a much larger explosion

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e0309f  No.16862435

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here you can see one of the melee abilities being used. You start with two. One is for damage dealing and the other is for staggering enemies so you can deal a bunch of damage while they are stunned. You have to fill your ATB gauge before you can do anything other than block, attack, or dodge. You can't even use items without a bar of ATB.

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545a99  No.16862438


Wedge looks like he makes call out posts on Twitter and acts like he feels bad about it.

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e0309f  No.16862440

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This video has a tiny bit more combat. You can see me use the fire materia here

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e0309f  No.16862442

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here's the last video I took. You can see a bit more combat and I go through the menus at the end. There's no equipment menu but I assume that's just because it's early in the game. There are two combat modes for Cloud. In the first one you move and attack much faster. In the second mode you are extremely slow but deal more damage. You can't block or dodge in the second mode and if you try it can't you back into the main combat style.

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545a99  No.16862448


Neat, looks like the Lighting Returns stagger system is back.

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15cc75  No.16862503


I always liked Jessie. She looks super cute there. Started playing the original again the other day and I forgot how good the start of the game is, especially with Jessie flirting and rubbing soot off Cloud's face and stuff.

Not as good as Tifa, but definitely better than Aeris. Aeris is worst girl in the game if you ask me. Even Elena and Scarlet are better.

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791bbb  No.16862536

File: a9a9732b5a34252⋯.png (87.9 KB, 430x241, 430:241, 95c.png)




Looks like shit and the music is fucking trash

Might as well play some Musou or a hack & slash at this point

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e0309f  No.16862546


It's the same music as the original game…

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32b9aa  No.16862562


I think the thing it’s going to hinge on is going to be if the combat will have depth. They’ve gone the route of making it an ARPG, which I personally don’t mind, but if you’re going to do the same 5 hit combo throughout the game it’ll get boring quick. KH2-3 had a lot of ways to modify the combat, and endless to say the Tales series can almost feel like fighting games with their combos.

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32b9aa  No.16862565


>because you have to be right up in their face where you can't see much

That’s the one major thing I thought they’d learn from FFXV. Fighting giant enemies was miserable because the camera wouldn’t properly adjust to their scale so often times there was no way of properly seeing their animations up close to know when to dodge,attack, guard, etc.

Guess I’ll give the demo a download too. I love basically the whole team on it, but it sounds and looks pretty rough for what is supposed to be Square’s triumphant return.

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e163b6  No.16862584

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Well, the characters look like humans now instead of some kind of geometrical amalgamations. I never even knew that one of them was a woman or the other one was a fatass.





The combat looks and seems to play like a worse kingdom hearts.

The timeslow when changing attacks really hurts the flow of combat.

The bosses seem to be more like pure damage sponges which take fucking AGES to kill this time around compared to the original.

Here is the first hour and gameplay of the original and compare it the the new version coming out soon, the remake has nothing but pointless filler content to appease easily impressed normalfags and to drag the game out unnecessarily.

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32b9aa  No.16862621


It’s still downloading for me. I’ve played all the KH games on Critical (or proud for the games that don’t have it) and I play my action vidya on the hardest difficulty so I should be able to give a good rundown on the pros and cons of the gameplay. The long boss fights and close camera to the giant bosses sounds like they’ve already missed some of the lessons they should have learned from XV, but we’ll see.

Right now I’m definitely not looking forward to a playthrough of the demo though. It looks monotonous and easy.

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791bbb  No.16862627

File: 48749c7b7a2cf38⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, Monobeno Smug.jpg)

>Owning a PS4

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e0f01b  No.16862674

>can't play as Red XIII

what the fuck?

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5254d5  No.16862679


>It feels more like Crisis Core

Crisis Core gameplay was the worst part of Crisis Core.


Wedge looks like he'd be offended if you refer to him as "him".

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32b9aa  No.16862685

File: bb0b8766c7aa25c⋯.jpeg (145.64 KB, 1080x608, 135:76, 2C99E0F0-18BA-4BD2-93E5-D….jpeg)


>clunky, over animated movement (think XV but not quite as bad)

>using a variation of the auto attack system from XV(certain enemies will cause your character to auto jump or attack half the map away from them)

>like XV most enemies don’t really respond to your attacks until they are staggered

>quite a few attacks are undodgable and have no tells, best to guard than to try to dodge, though sometimes you can’t do either and your characters don’t really react to the smaller attacks so it’s often hard to tell when you’ve taken damage

>like XV your basic attacks do very damage, and your heavy attacks don’t feel like they make much of a difference

>like others have said, get ready for some PADDED boss fights

>I had little issues with the first boss fight aside from not being able to see some of his attacks with Cloud due to the camera being pulled to close, some of his attacks have tells, some don’t, some seem like they have a tell but if you are attacking the moment it starts up you’ll have no time to guard or dodge out of it so it might as well not have a tell at all

>game does that awful thing where sometimes you’ll stagger a boss and be ready to deal big damage, but you’ve hit a certain damage threshold so the boss will break away from the stagger with you doing no damage at all while a cutscene plays and the boss positions itself for another attack with a completely rejuvenated stagger meter

About the only nice thing I can think to say about the game is that the limit breaks look and feel as cool as they should be, but that’s really it. In a LOT of ways it feels like a more realized version of XV, but XV wasn’t really a good game to begin with so a lot of the things that made XV terrible have carried over. It doesn’t want to commit to an action game or an RPG so in the end I felt unfulfilled in both regards. It feels shallow for an ARPG, light attacks can be cancelled into a dodge after they hit, but often times it doesn’t matter as the dodge is pretty worthless and most of the attacks just auto lock on and damage you. As an RPG it’s, I don’t even know if shallow is the right word as it doesn’t feel like an RPG at all.

It’s hard to even give the game a 5/10 as I didn’t really enjoy any second I played of it, and I don’t exactly know how the full game would fix many of the issues I have with it.

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904e59  No.16862703


sounds like they loaded the midi files onto a korg kronos and called it a day.

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8b3811  No.16862715


You never played the original.

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e0309f  No.16862723


Yes I did. About 20 times. On an actual psx, on emulators, and multiple iterations of the PC version with and without mods. Go troll on cuckchan faggot

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b0adbb  No.16862742

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"Mako Reactor" sounds great, but i'd rather have a Mako Reactor themed Those Who Fight remix than some battle themed Mako Reactor.

"Those Who Fight" sounds awesome

"Those Who Fight Further" sounds like dogshit kill yourself holy shit what a burning trashpile of jew cum

"Hurry" spends way too much time not being the music and being some random garbage and way too little being the original music

It's ok to try to make new songs, like the Mako Reactor(Fighting), but they should instead make remixes of Those Who Fight for each zone instead of making battle remixes of the zone music

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b0adbb  No.16862746

>Forgot to remove the link after embedding

Someone kill me

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a94332  No.16862752


Isn't this stagger-heavy shit held over from whichever XIII spinoff? I thought the guy in charge of the combat was one of the Dissidia guys.

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32b9aa  No.16862757


It is but you could also do something similar in XV.

> I thought the guy in charge of the combat was one of the Dissidia guys

He was the lead combat director of KH2 and Dissidia 012 which makes this all the more disappointing.

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708498  No.16862804


To me it sounds like they were stuck in two minds about not wanting to alienate the original fanbase but making it an ARPG. Sounds like they should have gone full action or just stuck with atb.

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6110e1  No.16862816

File: b7a3d6ef55d4729⋯.jpg (187.08 KB, 418x628, 209:314, b7a3d6ef55d47292688c5713b3….jpg)


No, you haven't.

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32b9aa  No.16862832


You definitely have to favor one side or the other, and much like XV this game tried to play it down the middle leaving the action gameplay pointless and the RPG mechanics shallow.

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b0adbb  No.16862853

>Have to take the elevator like a chump rather than just jumping into the catwalk, even though cloud is clearly able to considering the cutscenes

>Can't set bomb to 10 minutes (only 20 or 30)

>Timer don't start until you finish off the boss

>Fights take place on overly cluttered places, ground details, useless boxes and etc should fade out and become transparent during combat

I guess it's OK

But I bet the combat will be trivialized since I watched some brainlet playing the demo, the faggot took almost 20 minutes to kill the scorpion and forgot the block button after the 3rd fight. The combat is too much for the normies, even though it looks just fine

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9c14ef  No.16862884


Action RPG

>Quick attacks that deal number based damage

>Movement is quick

>Generally you set up your skills ahead of time and assign them to shortcut buttons, so combat prep is a balance that focuses around a smaller skillset and choosing the right abilities and building around them is important in harder games in the genre

>If it has a party, it's usually controlled by AI and you might be able to switch between them

>If you're bored of the main character, the other party members usually have diverse styles to choose from and play as, and you can set them as your party leader if you want to start off with them

RPG, Turn-Based

>Combat is, of course, turn by turn, with little direct control

>The appeal being that you build up a list of skills and build your party's synergy, and the rush comes from figuring out how to break the game, with a good RPG planting traps in the systems within it to subvert a player later on

>The biggest challenges usually end up being against extremely powerful bosses statwise and adopting different strategies to adapt to their power level

>Even better RPGs use status effects to seal off some of your strategies and some of the good ones allow you to use them, even on bosses, to do the same


>Slow, floaty, extremely boring and unresponsive combat

>You could only play as the main character when the game came out, who only had teleportation as a gimmick

>Magic was destroyed into a potion crafting system where they're just glorified grenades on a huge cooldown for the sake of spectacle

>You could only play your character one way

>When they finally added the ability to play as other party members in a patch, as DLC, you have to awkwardly switch into them when combat starts instead of having one you liked playing as as a default

>They're also extremely awkward to use

>The attack animations are overly long so you're literally hitting regular enemies two seconds after you press a button

>Everything has a huge fucking delay

>Fucking everything

>Nothing really reacts to any of your attacks

>The story's fucked up and is one giant glorified car trip where you aren't even in control half the time because of the car, which is on rails

FFXV was pure trash.


>Can't set bomb to 10 minutes (only 20 or 30)

Considering how radically they changed the gameplay, I think that's actually a reasonable change. There's more content to the reactor, endless banter between Barret and Cloud and they're clearly stretching the game out to make the Midgar Episode 1 feel like an actual full game. There's more padding at least.

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0e84d3  No.16862897

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This feels like an MMO with a FF7 skin. Though, I haven't played this in a while, I think even FFXII had a better sense of combining the MMO aesthetic to a single-player game. A lot of the time when camera switching to a different character, they don't automatically face the enemy that the previous character was fighting. It also acts up if the enemy is flying above you and you are near a wall. Looks like a lot of heavy foreshadowing by trying to combine all the FF7 spin-off games lore for the remake which could make it very bloated.

Found this one of the many FF7 shill videos out now. In this dreamcast guy video, there is a point where you can have a stream of one enemy having multiple dodge messages popping out just from missing an attack. Seems like an obvious oversight since that should only be reserved for the number spam that attacks deal. It's around the 3:02-3:05 & 7:50-7:53 in the video against the Shock Trooper. It looks so ridiculous that I couldn't believe they left it in there.

Guard Scorpion fight doesn't seem long if you know what your doing. Looks like the average from watching other people fight it is 6~10 minutes from start of battle to end, including the cutscenes. 6 or lower if you know what your doing, dodge attacks and don't pause the game to select an attack. I was guessing a hard 4 min for a first boss battle as the limit prior to the demo and it's close if you take out the cutscenes. Still long, especially when you've got a tutorial pop up telling you about unblockable attacks that bind so you're force to switch characters, forced to build up and the exponential time growth that the next few bosses could be.

It looks to be the George Lucas redone OT movies. Updated visuals with unnecessary changes and added scenes that really don't add to the story. Heavy foreshadowing with a possibility of gameplay padding fights. I'm sure the diehard FF7 stans will like this but I'm not feeling it at all. I'll probably wait for when the game is cheaper since this is just part 1 of FF7 or I'll wait when all the parts are out so I'll get the full experience without waiting years for a complete resolution.

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b0adbb  No.16862920

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Considering how radically they changed the gameplay, I think that's actually a reasonable change. There's more content to the reactor, endless banter between Barret and Cloud and they're clearly stretching the game out to make the Midgar Episode 1 feel like an actual full game. There's more padding at least

Scorpion bullied in 3:20

The escape sequence afterwards is (performed by a brainlet that took 20:00 to kill the scorpion) 8:40 (from the cutscene where the timer starts to the cutscene where the timer ends in video time, this means counting all cutscenes and menu usage)

There is enough time to squeeze a 10 minute, counting the boss kill, if you are actually good at videogames.

Just give the option and put a skull on it or something, there is no reason not to. All it takes is coding a extra option for the timer and making it start before the fight and not stop during cutscenes, etc. Wouldn't take anyone more than 2 days at most, even if it have to go through QA department afterwards

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adad0e  No.16862929


Are you surprised? Do you know who's directing it and how bad his reputation is?

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fd2b11  No.16862931


Enemies do have "tells", text appears under their health bar indicating what attack they're about to do. It doesn't tell you when they're about to attack but it's something I guess, doesn't help that enemies will attack from off-screen.

Combat overall feels like a shittier version of Kingdom Hearts' combat and I wish the dodge button actually let you dodge attacks since what's the point of a dodge function if you still take damage from an attack that didn't even physically hit your character model.

Also why does your AI companion take damage from the laser grids, why am I being punished for the AI's incompetence.

It's a neat detail though that Jessie has different dialogue depending on whether you got hit by one of the laser grids.

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fd2b11  No.16862937



I want cuckchan to leave.

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b0adbb  No.16862942


>Enemies do have "tells", text appears under their health bar indicating what attack they're about to do. It doesn't tell you when they're about to attack but it's something I guess, doesn't help that enemies will attack from off-screen.

The very fact that you can block to reduce damage if you happen to see an attack coming is already a plus, the dodge works, but don't have invulnerable frames it seems

>I wish the dodge button actually let you dodge attacks since what's the point of a dodge function if you still take damage from an attack that didn't even physically hit your character model.

Didn't see that happen, every time the brainlet I watched playing got hit after a dodge, was because he dodged into the attack

>It's a neat detail though that Jessie has different dialogue depending on whether you got hit by one of the laser grids.

Except that she will tell you to pay attention and call you a dummy and instantly tell you did great if you fail at the very last one

>Also why does your AI companion take damage from the laser grids

I'd rather have them go through the laser for free than that shit, hot damn what a shitshow

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6110e1  No.16862954


I hope the game's box needs to be unzipped to open.

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9c14ef  No.16862959


No, the zipper has to be directly on the unnecessary belt that's randomly hanging off the game box, because Nomura finally snapped and crossed his two fetishes over.

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6110e1  No.16862977

File: 4333748a24dff52⋯.jpg (131.38 KB, 353x400, 353:400, kymfilename.jpg)


If you have a belt hanging off the box, then the box won't be flat.

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32b9aa  No.16862989


Yeah, I was trying to watch the animations on enemies more so than read the text, but even then the guard seemed to be the best way to deal with attacks as the roll never seemed to get away from gun fire or laser shots.

I’m going to give the demo one more try to see for sure I’m not missing anything, but at the moment it feels like the only difficulty in the game is deciding how fast you want to beat the enemies/bosses. You can almost get away with just tapping square and abusing the healing (another hold over from XV).

It’s a shame the demo didn’t have a hard mode, though I wonder if, like XV, it won’t have one at all.

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ee9507  No.16863003


Inside the box is a picture of Gackt dressed as trap Cloud in a provocative pose.

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09afbb  No.16863059


>Enjoy the endless shills and fanboy faggots for the next few weeks.

It's too much of that already today. People all over the internet are hyped as if Sqeenix had given them both XTC pills and money.

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578669  No.16863129


Fucking completely retarded. That doesn't even make sense. Avalanche were supposed to be hardcore Eco-terrorists.Backpeddling on that cheapens the game as a whole and makes me not even want to fuck with the remake reboot.

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578669  No.16863145


That's not fucking ATB. Stupid to even call it that. ATB was a mode that gave you less time to think because enemies turn bars were always filling up. This is a fucking travesty. It's basically a renamed version of the 'command' bar from FFVX, and they made it so you can't spam items.

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578669  No.16863158


You never needed to actually dodge in FFXV because you could endlessly spam items.

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ef6e64  No.16863193

File: 5d1d8a4b158c998⋯.mp4 (10.65 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Magic Hour.mp4)

I'll wait till 2025(+) for the final game to come out then pirate it. No WAY I'm paying Squeenix more money for FF7 especially a downgraded version!

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578669  No.16863207



>He thinks this isn't gonna bomb hard like FFXV


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d79c3a  No.16863218


The biggest mistake is thinking anything related to Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts will be good. I'm surprised they haven't fucked up Dragon Quest, yet.

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284f1b  No.16863227

File: 47bf2e4bfc1bc69⋯.jpg (578.8 KB, 2600x2800, 13:14, EQ5SM8AXsAARnTU.jpg)

Only thing I'm interested in is the Jessie model

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dd3d50  No.16863233


Why the fuck does wedge look like a fag?

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e4a542  No.16863241


>implying wedge was ever not a fag

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9c14ef  No.16863257

File: f1f7f0009934b60⋯.jpg (110.8 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, shinra.jpg)

>Cloud and Barret plant the bomb

>It goes off and just wrecks the reactor controls

>Prez Shinra goes "fuck it" and destroys his own reactor, making two sectors of Midgar lose power

I have a feeling they did this to foreshadow him dropping a block of the city just to take down Avalanche, because he clearly did that so he'd have an excuse to go after them by making their reactor blowup effect tons of people, so he can go after them militarily with no resistance from the populace. Unless the writers are retarded, of course. They're going to need to expand on how the fuck Midgar's politics work if it's a corparate run city, I think that in a somewhat realistic setting where the CEO doesn't actually have all the power since it's all still committee and stock-holder shit, it's actually something retarded that lines up with the hair-brained plans of actual real world corparations, and the idea of escalating a conflict artificially (Funding ISIS type shit) in order to grab more power by declaring military governance.

It's a bit weird without further story context, though.

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dd3d50  No.16863258


It's been a while since I've played the FF7 on the PS1 I remember him as being a fat nerdy techno-nerd who works with a terroist basketball America and a Nordic emo.

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9c14ef  No.16863265

File: 1d968fd1418284b⋯.jpg (18.97 KB, 220x306, 110:153, Cato.jpg)


High neoteny for the final fantasy models + fat guy body equals gay.

Cloud looks like he takes it up the ass but we're all so jaded to this shit that it's become normal to pass over that.

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dd3d50  No.16863273

File: ee6135cf691a880⋯.jpg (38.77 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote-furthermore-i-think-….jpg)

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f96f73  No.16863278


>have "muh realistic graphics"

>have far more stupid and unrealistic writing and motivations for villains

I sure love modern gaming.

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d83417  No.16863283


Do they even have the same audio staff as the original? If you ask me, ideally it's best to have the original composer arrange their own work, but it's not like Square cared to do that in an especially good capacity for nuSecret of Mana.

>making battle remixes of the zone music

Maybe a holdover from when they had Cyberconnect2 working on the game? .hack//IMOQ did that, and it's a series CC2's known for. Granted, it's possible to do a good job with locational battle themes (.hack//IMOQ and Muramasa, for example), but it takes having the transitions be seamless, and a remake of an existing game with an established soundtrack really isn't the place to start.

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a8322c  No.16863286

File: e8c854444f8a72c⋯.jpg (131.7 KB, 1221x1060, 1221:1060, D96tgGkXYAA-rRc.jpg)

File: 38a6ec1aa77add4⋯.jpg (61.97 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

We all know it's not worth buying because it's censored trash. Characters aren't allowed to be determined by the artist anymore; they must be sterilized and then shaped to represent as many people as possible so they can 'widen the net' and get more demographics other than white men to buy their games.

Here we have DoA's Momiji with a Tifa costume. Notice that everyone sees Tifa as without the undershirt and thigh-highs. There was never any confusion if she had an undershirt on or not in the original game (this is a common argument used by apologists). Next to that is the censored Tifa in the remake (excuse the fucking quality). I'll throw in what she looked like in the uncensored original for kicks.

If you give money to Sony for this shit then pack up and leave faggot, we've been sick of your shit for years. This is why we should have another crash. Money ruins everything it touches. Now, not only does it lock you out of content, but it bastardizes and censors the things that added entertainment to our games.

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a80a4e  No.16863287

File: 05d57f5ef8fec63⋯.jpg (200.05 KB, 523x800, 523:800, ff7_jessie.jpg)


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b0adbb  No.16863294




>I don't see why they were showing the shinra president so early and I don't like that they changed it to where shinra caused the huge explosion instead of AVALANCHE causing it

It's to make them super duper evil because this time they frame the reactor bombing on you :^)

Maybe he is made of RACISMOS and he hates the brown people in the slums because he is TRUMP so he makes a false flag to then blow up the plate but he didn't even need the excuse since he blamed the plate blowing on them too???

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a4db7e  No.16863295


>Barret and AVALANCE in the remake apparently only want to cripple Shinra instead of obliterating it at almost any cost.

>When in PS1 FF7 it's eventually shown that Shinra is so bad, it has no problems wiping entire villages off the map at the suspicion of rebellion, among many other war crimes.

>Barret's village becoming a victim to this is what gives him his unrelenting hatred of Shinra, eventually leading to the creation of AVALANCHE and the Midgar Reactor 1 bombing.

The more this remake goes on, the more Square is going to have to rewrite gobs of character development to keep any amount of logical cohesion. The story will either end up making no sense, or not have much to do with the original FF7 plot outside of the core plot points at best.

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17c527  No.16863296


It doesn't even make any sense, because AVALANCHE doesn't react as if the explosion was any different than what they expected. They wanted a big explosion, and they got it. But now I'm supposed to believe that they didn't intend for any explosion at all?

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01cce9  No.16863299


More like

>AVALANCHE wanted a huge explosion

>Shinra wanted a huge explosion so they had an excuse to drop the plate

>AVALANCHE can't do anything right and flubs the whole damn thing, Shinra makes up for it

So instead of AVALANCHE being competent ecoterrorists they're incompetent ecoterrorists.

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a8322c  No.16863302

File: 34081ce3a8aed2d⋯.jpg (2.14 MB, 1920x2160, 8:9, doa Tifa costumes.jpg)

File: 9846b36131749d0⋯.png (469.24 KB, 837x594, 31:22, ClipboardImage.png)


Wrong image. That one is from Dissidia, which is what she officially looks like before the cuckening.

The demo is actually way low on viewers numbers on Twitch all day (marketing uses this site like a gauge for how well a game will do). Expect to see some paid shills boosting it up to the…and there it is as I was writing. All it took was one channel to get it into the top 10 and who knows how many tens of thousands of dollars.

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284f1b  No.16863304

File: 55982cd2c1b6548⋯.jpg (295.07 KB, 2160x2880, 3:4, EPXzCfKWAAELShE.jpg)


I was going to correct you. Still, that's not Momiji, it's some of the uninteresting doa girls.

The Dissidia team got Tifa super right

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a94332  No.16863306


Hell, I can't even remember if AVALANCHE was going for eco-terrorism to destroy Shinra at all costs, or just regular old terrorism to save the planet and just didn't realize that destroying the reactor would have environmental consequences too. Fucking Square will probably try to tell us that whatever happens in the remake was what was actually happening in the original game, only they didn't have the resources back then to properly show it.

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17c527  No.16863312


>or just regular old terrorism to save the planet and just didn't realize that destroying the reactor would have environmental consequences too.

I think that one, along with the plus that it would hurt Shinra.

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a4db7e  No.16863315


>eco-terrorism to destroy Shinra at all costs, or just regular old terrorism to save the planet

First one, then the other. I don't remember which air ship scene, but there is one air ship scene where Barret admits it was only about revenge at first and saving the planet was just an excuse, but now he wants to save the planet for Marlene.

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d83417  No.16863317


>Implying the western branch won't also use the prior translation quality as an excuse for "here's what was really being said" rewrites (assuming such changes aren't also in the Japanese script, Square being a "globally minded" company).

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17c527  No.16863319


Oh, that's right, for what Shinra did at Corel. That makes more sense.

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a94332  No.16863325


By the end, yeah, he at least was all in on saving the planet. I don't remember what the other members of the group actually wanted, except that I guess Cloud was just along either for money or to hurt Shinra. Probably each member of AVALANCHE had a slightly different rationale. Hurting Shinra was definitely there for all of them, I just don't remember if they were too stupid to realize the consequences of destroying the reactor or if they didn't care. I don't remember if it was addressed.

Either way, given that they are a bunch of young guerillas and therefore probably fuckups I could've believed that they would've built a dud bomb. But that's not how it was in the original game, so fuck Square either way.

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ef8189  No.16863333


Calling it now: They're rewriting the story to tie in FF7's canon with the spinoffs. We can tell because the cutscene with President Shinra's first appearance has Heidegger referencing the first AVALANCHE group from the spin offs.

>But that's not how it was in the original game, so fuck Square either way.

Yes. And we're going to get a whole lot more of that.

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75a030  No.16863351

File: 04ad1949ecdffd3⋯.png (320.5 KB, 640x350, 64:35, 1576806930592.png)

Why is every normalnigger so obsessed with this boring game? Did it really warrant a remake? Maybe a retranslation (which was already done), but not a remake.

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f72a59  No.16863354


Probably nostalgiafags.

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17c527  No.16863356


Squeenix is out of money, so what better way than to sell FF7 in multiple parts plus DLC?

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75a030  No.16863361


What is even keeping them afloat? FFXIV?

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e163b6  No.16863362


1. Nostalgia? Normalfags love their nostalgia and they would put that game on the same pedestal of OOT.

2. No, unless if they want money that is, and of course companies want money.


Definitely nostalgiafags.

And low IQ normalfags who always get swept up in the hype because group think I guess.

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8ba163  No.16863363


>He was the lead combat director of KH2 and Dissidia 012 which makes this all the more disappointing

How the fuck did the guy behind KH2's combat manage to fuck up this? Did he blow all of his talent on KH2 or something? Or is it the more logical explanation of no one man is behind the entire success of something in spite of what the credits may state or the media may portray.

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75a030  No.16863365


Are you implying KH2's combat is good?

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f29109  No.16863367


Are you implying KH2 is good?

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a4db7e  No.16863378

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Friendly reminder that Seiken Densetsu 3's remake comes out in the same month about two weeks later, so April isn't all bad. I haven't heard any complaints so far about it outside of no multiplayer. Maybe the PC version can scrounge something together with multiplayer eventually. My only concern is the FF7 remake overshadowing SD3's remake to the point of FF7 hurting the potential for more Mana games. But we'll have to see when both of these games release.

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e5b84c  No.16863386


>no multiplayer

I couldn't help but get hyped for this remake against all my reason, and when I heard it wouldn't even have LOCAL multiplayer I just realized for the 50th time how we can't have nice things. What's the fucking point.

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a4db7e  No.16863388


I'm sorry to hear that, anon.

I don't have any friends, so I can't feel the same way about getting or not getting the game.

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32b9aa  No.16863389


I have a feeling this was more Square’s involvement. FFXV, for how much everyone hates it (including the nips) was a pretty big financial success. There are to many similarities with XV to overlook it.

I bet Square basically doubled down on XV’s middle of the road approach and now everyone working on it are just trying to make it feel okay. Really, it feels like a bargain bin movie game now though.

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e5b84c  No.16863391


I'll stick to playing the original with the Sin of mana hack with friends, I guess it's way better than vanilla tbh. I'll keep tabs on the remake's launch and if someone manages to mod multiplayer into it, can't be THAT fucking hard can it?

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8ba163  No.16863394


>have far more stupid and unrealistic writing and motivations for villains

False flag attacks/allowing enemy action to justify martial law/a power grab are a real thing.

Off the top of my head I can only recall Norodom Sihanouk, unfortunately.

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ef6e64  No.16863398

File: 5d26211fc0f245a⋯.png (770.5 KB, 768x668, 192:167, wowowowowoww.png)



I always forget about that one! It really SUCKS there's no multiplayer but my only friend is a turbo casual so he probably wouldn't want to play it anyways

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8ba163  No.16863401



KH2 combat was great, the only shortcomings was that it didn't explain any of the mechanics and could still be beaten by any retard who mashed X and Triangle, and that they didn't initially provide any reason to learn to figure out the mechanics, but this was fixed with KH2FM's additional content.

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d83417  No.16863425


>Why is every normalnigger so obsessed with this boring game?

Because they'd been told to, that it's been one of the forefront (read: most entry level) of JRPGs and that if there's one they absolutely have to play, FFVII is obligatory? And of course, when it comes to modern newfags, and normalfag "sensibilities", the graphics are apt to be a turn off in terms of being told to play the original. Which is a pretty big sign as to who Square's decided to focus on for intended audience (as I wager older fans don't much mind how the original handles).

Really, I think that if there was a time to have remade VII, it should have been sixth gen. Better balance of input to output quality (assuming Square didn't just break their budget), none of this "ethics committee" shit, and assuming it to have been done prior to XII, no real time focus either, at least as it's being done now.


Didn't they censor the mention of one character having dirty magazines under his bed to "skeletons in the closet" or something? I seem to recall that being brought up months ago.

>My only concern is the FF7 remake overshadowing SD3's remake to the point of FF7 hurting the potential for more Mana games.

Wouldn't be the first time Square picked a shitty release frame to fuck over another game. Hell, they've even done to themselves before by my estimate (depending on how long one's apt to consider a "recovery" from dropping $60 on a game).

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32b9aa  No.16863449

File: df3c1c6c937c416⋯.jpeg (144.15 KB, 600x850, 12:17, CDEA77F4-5D73-4AB3-A2EA-C….jpeg)


Yeah, I might get this. There’s also the Fairy Tail game that will scratch my RPG itch. That world has been perfect for a vidya adaption for years, so it’ll be nice to get one made by gust no less.

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000000  No.16863499


>I think I'll probably end up buying the remake when it comes out but it's still not what I wanted

>Don't ask questions

>Just consume product then get excited for the next products

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7fbebd  No.16863509


Only the Dissidia 012 team. Tifa is nerfed hard in the new Dissidia even if she's super cute.

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f2da85  No.16863510

File: 4189efe083a5b48⋯.png (183.17 KB, 398x550, 199:275, 1530170302.png)


>I think I'll probably end up buying the remake when it comes out but it's still not what I wanted.

Why? There's other games that will be coming out around that time. Just buy a different game that doesn't suck.

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32b9aa  No.16863512


I’m pretty sure anyone who bitches about KH2 never beat it on critical… but then, KH2FM didn’t actually come to the US till the HD port on ps3, so that’s a long time to have a game that really didn’t make you play it even on Proud.

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75a030  No.16863521


Increasing damage and lowering the player's health is the shittiest and most lazy way to increase difficulty.

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32b9aa  No.16863523

File: 3e7583c056863b8⋯.jpeg (103.6 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 7A5DB0E0-3590-452B-93E7-B….jpeg)


>didn’t beat it confirmed

The whole thing is rebalanced, plus you are given more advanced abilities early on. You should go back and play it on critical you nigger, you are denying yourself one of the best boss fights in vidya. The only other boss that gave me as much of a challenge was Wily from MM7.

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b8a1bf  No.16863525

I tried this out after work today and I'm genuinely shocked at how bad the combat is. I was expecting it to be bad, but I wasn't expecting it to be this bad. It feels floaty, weightless, unsatisfying, and pointless. I've also heard that they've pretty vastly changed the story for no real reason other than to make sure that Sephiroth gets as much screen time as possible, but I can't prove that. It's been in dev hell so long that I wasn't expecting it to be any good at all, but this is genuinely bad.

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32b9aa  No.16863529


I love how sometimes Barret will comment on how monotonous shit is, like the devs knew they had fucked up.

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75a030  No.16863685


Who are you quoting

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e0309f  No.16863736


Day one purchase for me. It was the only game in the series that I liked and I can't wait to play it without all the bugs and an official translation. Lack of multiplayer is horse shit though

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433dc5  No.16863738

File: 4ae13a55a943934⋯.png (215.22 KB, 1066x1088, 533:544, 7458.png)


Does THIS offend you?

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d83417  No.16863748


Surely there are better games to spend your money on than dropping $60 for each installment at launch. If you have to get it, wait until the entire episodic turd is out, buy them preowned, and don't give Square-Enix money. If it's anything like other non-SNES Final Fantasy titles, chances are they'll reach a point of being pretty damn cheap within a year or two.

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c21169  No.16863749


It's pretty funny how this game, made by the same company, is going to be so much better.

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e0309f  No.16863761


The only two games coming out in the next few months that I'm at all interested in are this and the censored western release of P5R. H1 of 2020 isn't a good year for my tastes sadly. If there were better games that I wanted to play I wouldn't give this a second look.

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15cc75  No.16863762


Trials will succeed because it doesn't have Nomura as director.

FFVIIR started with its hands tied behind its back with a zippered belt.

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d83417  No.16863766


>Implying you're out of backlog.

Nigger, you seem to just be looking for an excuse to blow money. Go get some cheap preowned shit you haven't played already if you have absolutely have to spend, rather than directly support cancer.

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e0309f  No.16863789


I don't have a backlog. I've been playing old shit like System Shock just to fill time. I've been a NEET since October and I have way more time than vidya can fill.

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279246  No.16863798

I was mildly curious to play this because I was interested to see FF go full action RPG, but if the combat's that bad, then shit. You'd think the runaway success of Nier would have given them a few pointers.

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d83417  No.16863800


>Implying that's an excuse

I've been a NEET since like 2014 and still have plenty of older games backlogged that I can play and experience for the first time.

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4059e9  No.16863810


I've been keeping a close eye on this one, and I have a few relatively minor issues with it that I've seen offhandedly:

>The lack of multiplayer that you mentioned

This one definitely stings a fair bit, even though I can kinda understand why, given the game's camera.

>The UI

It feels a bit busy. Probably something I'd get used to just fine, but something about it just feels a bit off to me.

>The English voice acting

It's very hit-and-miss. Duran/Angela/Hawkeye/Riesz are passable-to-pretty good, but Kevin/Charlotte are pretty iffy. Given the increased amount of dialog in the game (See also: the interparty chatter at the start of the Full Metal Hugger fight), it could get grating. If there's a way to disable or otherwise change the voice acting with in-game options, this is less of an issue.

>The graphics

I wouldn't exactly consider them an issue, as they're perfectly passable. Admittedly just feels like a bit of a step down, given that the original had some of the highest-quality graphics on the SNES. But I'm not a graphics whore, so again, this isn't really a big deal.

Beyond that, I've liked what I've seen. The combat system looks like it does the original justice, and they actually bothered to put treasures in the overworld, which is something the original lacked. Also, the combat system definitely looks like it did the original justice. Hopefully they make the menu system less clunky and fix the bugs that were in the original game. I'll definitely be looking forward to reviews for this one.

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32b9aa  No.16863870


It’s not bad, it’s just mediocre. It’s like a more functional, involved version of XV’s combat, but if the demo is anything to go off it REALLY lacks the depth you would want from an action game.

It’s one of those games where you might get a few neat moments from a fight, but it’ll leave you unsatisfied after every one.

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f5099d  No.16863952


The remake is supposed to have both English and Japanese voice options so that's one less thing to worry about.

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da504c  No.16863955

File: a08863e546097e8⋯.jpg (13.43 KB, 387x309, 129:103, a08863e546097e8128a953b214….jpg)


Oh god it plays like a bad Kingdom Hearts

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70d17d  No.16863969


>Implying KH isn't trash levels of A-RPG

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da504c  No.16863973


That depends which one you're referring to, some are hot ass.

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e4a542  No.16863986

They needed tension between the characters, so have cloud and barret at each other's throats non-stop. Barret is black, so have him voice acted not so much as a black guy as some kind of dragon.

Still, I liked it more than I disliked it. Cloud is cool, the arrangements are amazing, the setting looks great, Jessie is cute albeit cloyingly so, because square can't write anything without taking it too far but god damn. Is there no one in japan who can string some dialogue together without it sounding absolutely retarded? Can't say I'm thrilled by the prospect of 100+ hours of these absurd, vaguely human-like interactions.

It's not my imagination, is it? Original barret was a gruff cunt, but mostly because he's serious about his eco-terrorism. nu-barret is a screaming lunatic with very little to motivate the things he says and does, other than that maybe he has somehow hired a guy who he viscerally hates to do a job. And the mission doesn't seem to matter as much to him as his desire to sabotage the mission with his chimpout antics.

Is stupidity on this scale even atypical of jrpgs now?

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e5b84c  No.16864002


>I have way more time than vidya can fill.

No you fucking don't. There's more vidya in the universe than stars in the desert

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e0309f  No.16864018


If you don't have particular tastes then sure. I think most games are shit because I'm picky

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44e80a  No.16864038

While everything is mostly as shit as I expected, there are two elements that catch me off guard from the footage I've seen:

>The constant dialogue

Do I really need Cloud to constantly keep commenting on the battle, especially when he says fucking nothing worthwhile? Some guard will yell GET HIM and Cloud will smugly retort "don't think so" as if that's the coolest fucking line ever uttered. There's tons of examples like this of Cloud pretending to be some cool fucking edgelord and it's pathetic. Probably the only game that did this right is Xenoblade, as the lines were actually funny and charming, so they didn't get too annoying.

>The particle effects

Why the fuck does slashing a dog or soldier with a sword have to shower the screen with a trillion fucking particles? I get it, you can do that now. But why would you do that? Shit's more distracting than Tetris Effect.

And while expected, Barret's niggerisms are fucking insufferable.

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ef6e64  No.16864070

File: e98bfcac6c6830b⋯.jpg (118.72 KB, 853x480, 853:480, woowowww.jpg)


>There's tons of examples like this of Cloud pretending to be some cool fucking edgelord and it's pathetic


So it's 100% in character? You can't just have silent battles in this day and age. They've have to say SOMETHING and that's exactly the way Cloud would act at that point

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44e80a  No.16864084


>So it's 100% in character? that's exactly the way Cloud would act at that point

He wasn't nearly as edgy in the original. Further still, he can act edgy and still be funny. "Get help" got a slight chuckle out of me, mostly due to how unexpected it was, but "edgy" doesn't have to mean "generically edgy". You can go over the top with it and have him be silly with his edgelordness, or just write some better dialogue than generic empty lines said for the purpose of saying something.

>You can't just have silent battles in this day and age. They've have to say SOMETHING

Why the fuck not? Because "it's a remake and they have to throw shit in there to justify it being remade"? Fuck off, it makes the game actively worse, so why do it? Give him something worthwhile to fucking say if you're going to make the player hear those shit lines thousands of times in the damn game. Something memorable, quotable. Anything better than this garbage.

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ef6e64  No.16864095

File: 16c971635123374⋯.png (404.93 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1568622706019.png)


>Why the fuck not?

Cause it's the current year you IDIOT! All the small children want and expect constant talking in their video games and that ship sailed long ago and there's nothing anyone can do about it so don't whine to me about it

>You can go over the top with it and have him be silly with his edgelordness change his character

Cloud is straightforwardly edgy and he's not a joke character. He has his silly moments, but they're never related to the serious plot moments or battles. When it's all business he's 100% emodark until he recovers from vegetable-state. Stop CRY about some battle lines, especially since they'll almost certainly change over the game(s)

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44e80a  No.16864099


>Cause it's the current year you IDIOT! All the small children want and expect constant talking in their video games and that ship sailed long ago and there's nothing anyone can do about it so don't whine to me about it

There are games that do fine without it. There are games like Xenoblade which do what this game does but actually put thought into their writing and make some memorable fucking combat lines instead of generic forgettable garbage that wouldn't be out of place coming out from a Ubisoft protagonist.

>so don't whine to me about it

Fuck off, Squeenix employee. You're the one who jumped in to defend this garbage.

>change his character

So when they made Barret a stereotypical nigger that's okay but changing your husbando is unacceptable? They ALREADY changed him anyway for this remake, he's Cloud in name alone compared to the original. Might as well change him in a different direction.

>Stop CRY about some battle lines, especially since they'll almost certainly change over the game(s)

How about you "stop CRY" about someone not liking your game?

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e5b84c  No.16864124


>Wasting these dubs responding to obvious bait

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d74d99  No.16864129


Is there an actual decent PC port of 7? I remember years ago playing the original port and it was kind of a hackjob to get through it. I don't entirely care since I'm content with just tossing it in mednafen with the Playstation version.

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17c527  No.16864153


If you replace the music with the actual, good music the port is fine, along with Aali's driver. I haven't played it in years, so I bet the method to do it nowadays is both different and a lot easier. Look up FF7 Aali and you'll probably end up in the right place.

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d74d99  No.16864165


Thanks dood, I'll look into it later. I managed to get the PC port of Breath of Fire 4 working recently just out of curiosity if it would still run. I think I just used dgVoodoo.

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e0309f  No.16864170


The steam version works fine and can be modded to a far better graphical level than the game has any right to be. There's also a nice retranslation mod that every fan should play at least once

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d74d99  No.16864180


Also noted, good times. I'll definitely look into the retranslation, sounds like a good way to get a replay out of it.

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e5b84c  No.16864181


Is there any way to play the steam version in japanese?

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000000  No.16864234


>there's nothing anyone can do about it so don't whine to me about it

>implying that constant boycotts and piracy won't work

>being this much of shill

There is a reason why companies keep losing money. If "the ship has sailed", we will sink it.

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e0309f  No.16864235


No but if you have a Japanese IP address you can buy a PC version in Japanese from the JP Square store

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ef6e64  No.16864239

File: da8366a4f92b9b3⋯.gif (1.25 MB, 720x405, 16:9, da8366a4f92b9b33fcea4eb82f….gif)


Good luck, MORON! I'm sure that Squeenix will really feel the hole in their pocket from your 20 people consumer revolt

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01a40b  No.16864245


Is Wedge the first "Nomuraized" fat Final Fantasy character? He doesn't seem like a character they would need to try and make attractive

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e5b84c  No.16864252


That's interesting, but sounds like a hassle so I guess I'll just replay the ps1 jap version. I wonder how much of the script the translation fucked up, it was notoriously bad even for the time's standards

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a94332  No.16864357


>Why the fuck does slashing a dog or soldier with a sword have to shower the screen with a trillion fucking particles?

Goofy inappropriate visual effects for weapon strikes have been around and steadily escalating since the original FFVII, anon. Stabbing someone with a spear in FFIX would produce this weird expanding and contracting ball with particles circulating around it. I don't think it's rational to expect Square to back down on them now, even if they look terrible. At best, they might be toned down. As for the alternative of blood, if they showed frank blood people might, later in the game, wonder why it takes more than one gigantic bisecting strike to kill a fancy late-game dog when early-game dogs took one. Having some bullshit particle effect somehow makes that weird conceit more acceptable.

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d83417  No.16864410


There was a fan retranslation patch for the PC port, which has since been backported to the PS1 original. Though if you know moon, I wager it's unnecessary.

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4998f1  No.16864514


This. At this point I'm glad most new games are shit so I have time for older games I've missed out on. It was really the worst decision ever to stop playing video games for the first half of the 2010's. Naturally, I couldn't care less about FF7R. Gonna get Trials of Mana though, somehow this one can get me hyped.

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4998f1  No.16864518


Well the consumer revolt needs to lead to a good cracked, virus free, easy to get, easy to get to run version of the game. Sure, people are going to eat up whatever Sqeenix shits down their throat. But getting something for free? Hell, people love that. They could play their shit remake and still make Square lose money.

I could imagine it to be hard to pull off though - what's the current state of modern Playstation piracy and emulation?

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e0309f  No.16864519


Not good. Only works with extremely old firmware that you can't downgrade to. I'm sure this remake will come to PC eventually though as it was originally announced for PC but then they silently removed PC from all media about it. Probably due to under the table soyny bux

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4998f1  No.16864521


Yeah, if I remember correctly it's supposed to be one year PS exclusive.

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d83417  No.16864549


Locked to 5.07 or below, and is a jailbreak and homebrew enabler but not actual CFW last I checked, which was a few days back. OFW spoofing recently got an upgrade though to cover games up through 7.02 (which I doubt nuFFVII falls under). Supposedly someone's got an exploit they know works for 5.50, but seem content to sandbag it for the time being.

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5710fb  No.16864626

File: ac15f9b930592cb⋯.jpg (12.98 KB, 360x311, 360:311, mmmmmm.jpg)


>I hate this company and this game that they shat out, it's not worth anything!

>I'm also desperate to play that game and spend many hours with it, please gib me a free copy!

>PC is a great platform, please port your game to it so I can play it without paying for it!

>Why are so few games getting quality PC ports?

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a813c5  No.16864659

Isn't there anything that /v/ likes unanimously?

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e39786  No.16864663

File: a63c6bc7db23f00⋯.webm (1.2 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, skele gun.webm)


>Isn't there anything that /v/ likes unanimously?

The original Doom games and their many WADs.

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bc91d4  No.16864680


>One is for damage dealing and the other is for staggering enemies so you can deal a bunch of damage while they are stunned.

Is this fucking FFXIII all over again? Do chip damage unless you fight the enemies the way we want you to?

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0d0d00  No.16864682

I played it and you know what's funny? THis could have honestly been good if they didn't have FFXIII's fucking stagger system. Why would anyone think bringing back that abomination was a good idea?

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bc91d4  No.16864691


Is there a translation of that going yet?


So it's XV-2, Electric Boogaloo.

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545a99  No.16864694


Final Fantasy just wants to be Persona/SMT's weakness system really bad.

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bc91d4  No.16864700


It offends me. I dropped coded immediately because the fucking controls were trash.

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dc76ab  No.16864702

File: 34bf8002822c6b0⋯.png (745.83 KB, 788x872, 197:218, 1575662157719.png)


What? Doom games have aged like milk and are boring pieces of shit. What doom did, Duke and Marathon did 10x better

Not to mention Duke' Build engine was massively more advanced with real time level editting. Trust me, the only reason why 4um refugees like doom on here is because it's old and has tons of le funni redditior memes surrounding it. They should really go back there.

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bc91d4  No.16864706


>XV was a pretty big financial success.

Sure it was. Reminder that the game not only blew massive amounts of cash on benig in development hell for ages, but they did retarded shit like buying a custom car, funding an overpriced clothing brand, funding an anime, and funding a high quality CGI movie. The game was so disliked, that even after they tried to milk it to dig it out of the red with DLC galore, they ended up cancelling a bunch of planned DLCs because because no one fucking wanted the ones they had released. When was the last time a major developer outright cancelled DLC for their flagship title? It was a huge financial flop. So much so that now Squeenix is bringing out their trump card of remaking FF7. It's been said for decades that when they finally decide to remake 7, they'll be in dire financial straits. FFIV MMO money can't keep eating the losses created by terrible shit like the XIII trilogy and XV forever.

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bc91d4  No.16864709




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bc91d4  No.16864712


>You can't even use items without a bar of ATB.

I don't recall you being able to just spam potions in FF7 either. Using items consumes a turn. That's why the W-item materia is valuable.

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dc76ab  No.16864717




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97c685  No.16864724


shut up!!

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bc91d4  No.16864727


>There's tons of examples like this of Cloud pretending to be some cool fucking edgelord and it's pathetic.

So just like OG Cloud? It ought to be an option to reduce pointless dialogue frequency in all these shitty nu-games, but normalfags seem to have trouble maintaining an attention span if the characters aren't always pointlessly gabbing. I wouldn't much mind this shit if it wasn't so god damned frequent.

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8284a3  No.16864729


>do i fit in yet reddit

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ee9507  No.16864730





Shitting on Hotwheels

Note that none of these are specific games.

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000000  No.16864770


Said by every single company that went broke. They have no control and no power at all.


Not desperate to play. It is simply a matter of companies are mere slaves and have no saying on anything. If they try to stop us from pirating, we will always find a way to pirate their products anyway.

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453450  No.16864776

File: 828fa0c50421599⋯.gif (82.74 KB, 109x140, 109:140, dancingbaby1.gif)


He's right though, only millennial memers think Doom is the best. The build engine games surpassed it in every single way, Blood, Duke Nukem 3D and even Shadow Warrior are all far superior.

Although, Doom isn't a bad game and it being a meme game has led to a more active modding and mapping scene, which has kept the game alive longer. So that meme status sure does count for something, but even with that in mind the build games still blow it out of the water.


Why do we allow torpedo retards? You can safely ignore anything they have to say because they're either feds, trying to force niggerpills or are absolute morons who post garbage. I've never seen a torpedo post anything even remotely worthwhile.

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adad0e  No.16864791


The trouble with the fan patch is they made Cait Sith talk like groundskeeper willy from the simpsons (or a square enix """localized""" dragon quest character).

All his dialogue is barely legible.

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23d6a9  No.16864795

File: 6916bd5f211a0e1⋯.png (124.22 KB, 680x680, 1:1, timetonitpick.png)


I hate lolis so you can scratch that off the list

Why would everyone on /v/ universally like a game, anyway? There are plenty of games we consider good even if any individual anon doesn't particularly care for or enjoy it. 4X players wouldn't like good FPS games, for instance.


>millennial memers

>meme game

>meme status

Does your lexicon consist of more than reddit terminology? None of what you said proved a damn thing one way or the other.

>complaining about torpedos

>nigger pot is angry about porch monkey kettle

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d83417  No.16864809


>The trouble with the fan patch is they made Cait Sith talk like groundskeeper willy from the simpsons (or a square enix """localized""" dragon quest character).

For what fucking reason?

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a94332  No.16864817


To be consistent with Dirge of Cerberus, maybe? I dunno.

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e39786  No.16864821


Cait Sith talks like that because he's supposed to be based on Celtic folklore, and so was given a celtic accent. Welsh would have been more appropriate, but whatever. The terms "Cait Sith" mean "cat fairy" (and is actually pronounced cat shee).

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a02ec0  No.16864822


Always weird when they add accents like that, it can lead to bullshit like the Dragon Quest super-thick accents. For some reason French guys have to talk like one of the Three Musketeers and English guys have to talk like they're next in line for the crown.

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d83417  No.16864832


I guess, but shouldn't legibility come first and foremost? Better to leave that sort of thing to audio while the text is normal (or as normal as it can read), but Final Fantasy VII doesn't have that benefit, and fandubbing would likely be really awkward.

Does Cait Sith even have some sort of accent in the Japanese script to begin with?

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1831ab  No.16864836


If the fan patch he speaks of is the Beacause patch, then no, because the author ignored the FF7 sequels/prequels/etc when translating.

>The canon of Final Fantasy VII (prequels-sequels and so on) is a hugely insulting mish-mash of retcons and ideas aimed at appeasing fanboys and the easily pleased. A number of totally unworkable and stupid plot threads have been introduced to the series, which had absolutely no business being there and cannot work within the confines of the original story. The original story was a mostly well-written, self contained piece of work. The FF7 "canon" consists of characters who have been revived from the dead (Rufus, Hojo, Sephiroth) and other characters who have been plonked into the original story out of nowhere (for example: Genesis). Citing "canon" isn't a good argument. Personally, the only thing I find more disappointing than FF7 canon is Star Wars canon. Both suffer with the same problem: money making at the expense of art and intelligence—the mutilation of the original work, because that's easier than writing logical, thought-provoking dialogue. We've treated the relocalization of Final Fantasy VII as a separate piece of work.


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a94332  No.16864862


He's also a robot cat presumably voiced by a guy with no accent, unless they gave Reeve the accent, too. While it's slightly cute to think of terrified manchild Reeve doing an accent that doesn't exist in FF7 because there are no Celts, it's simply a bad decision unless it was in or implied in the original script. If it were subtle or one-off, somehow, it might be dismissed as just a smug reference to the character's name's origin, but it sounds like it's more than that. I'm fine with the original translation.


Sheer pretentiousness on their part. If that group didn't want to pay attention to the rest of the FF7 stuff, they have a perfectly good reason: all the other games came after FF7 itself and it's not their job to fit them into the context of the game.

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2c0bf3  No.16864887

File: 1e7af0992e58e9f⋯.jpg (55.97 KB, 439x818, 439:818, you_dare_to_challenge_a_go….jpg)


Winnie the Pooh's Home Run Derby. Unironically.

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e0309f  No.16864891


In the original Japanese script Reeve does speak with an accent when acting as Cait Sith

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459d81  No.16864899


>>hurrrr anyone I don't like is reddit

Usually redditors complain about that observation

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b51554  No.16864903


>Usually redditors complain about that observation

That's exactly what a redditor would say if he was trying to fit in.

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786f5f  No.16864906

File: e600138ca818ed4⋯.png (259.74 KB, 379x300, 379:300, cloud look.png)

Tried to use a potion outside of battle to cure Cloud. No go.

Tried to use Barret's Cure materia outside of battle. No go.

Why is this?

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d363d5  No.16864907


They put in a lot of work to make the casting/item use animations so of course they want you to be in battle to see them.

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e163b6  No.16864912

File: 8eedbf4c78d9816⋯.png (1016.24 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, FFXV.png)


Browsing /v/?

Theres no way a /v/ user would hate this board, in that case, why would they even be here?


>Shitting on Hotwheels

I agree with that one.


Did you use the pause menu?

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459d81  No.16864913


>n-no you

Whatever you say, redditor


Nothing anon, unless you exclude outliers. But unanimously means "with the agreement of all people involved." which includes the outliers.

You could probably find a few things we unanimously hate though

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5a9598  No.16864914


Why make an action game when you have to pause every single second. This was the huge problem I had with FFXII and also why I will not try any RTwP games.

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b51554  No.16864915

File: 64743d0595dbbd6⋯.jpg (26.57 KB, 288x288, 1:1, asuka gun.jpg)


Just proved my point, refugee.

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75a030  No.16864917


Back to cuckchan faggot



Nigger are you serious? Every loli thread devolves into the same old tired arguments.

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e163b6  No.16864925

File: b31275c53fd0d3c⋯.jpg (351.6 KB, 661x1000, 661:1000, c7028a554484d20d45cd50d20a….jpg)

File: ae8fb5c6a2afe57⋯.png (816.27 KB, 800x1122, 400:561, 10f22eea1995bff62deb4327b8….png)

File: 1e1044b7a65bd6e⋯.jpg (306.15 KB, 1235x1500, 247:300, 1e1044b7a65bd6ebb53855c0c9….jpg)

File: a2b16be1c07f195⋯.png (181.63 KB, 600x800, 3:4, a2b16be1c07f195f75af517ccf….png)


No, like using the pause menu screen outside of battles, like in the original ps1 version.

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453450  No.16864926

File: 05a6c6663ec9f08⋯.png (53.78 KB, 849x872, 849:872, 1432173150357.png)


>Back to cuckchan faggot

No retort, eh? Seriously, why would you even want to pirate trash games? Either a game is good and worth your time and then the devs probably deserve some money for making a good game that appeals to you. Or the devs are shit and produce garbage, then why would you waste your time with it? Pirating a game doesn't make anyone lose any money, studies have found that it increases profits by making people more aware of the thing being pirated.

There are legit reasons to pirate a game, to check it out for yourself since trailers and demos hardly can be trusted, or if the game comes with a DRM that fucks you in the ass. But basically the game is either worthwhile and deserves a purchase, or it is trash and you shouldn't even spend your time on it. If you don't pay money for good games then you can just admit to being a cheapskate and that's it. But don't do any of this goofy fighting the man nonsense. Do you also download jewish nigger porn to put them out of business? What kind of bullshit is that?

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e163b6  No.16864928

File: e868e1316f7ad84⋯.jpg (98.3 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, __sayaka_saru_getchu_drawn….jpg)

File: 13ccda08ce86f11⋯.png (22.44 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1446006285247.png)

File: c68e446559c8dfa⋯.jpg (273.9 KB, 628x1000, 157:250, tingly.jpg)


Nigger they are just drawings.

Your kind of mentality can only come from either goons, homosexuals, normalfags, boomers or women.

Either way you don't belong here.

Lolis is a symbol of freedom thats not allowed seemingly anywhere else on the internet and you will never take one of the few things that we have away from us.

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75a030  No.16864935


It's not about your flimsy shitty argument that's easily destroyed by considering that there's rarely a way to give money directly to a dev and that you have to go through intermediaries like (((steam))) or (((GOG))), it's about you posting a wojak you cock loving nigger.

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e163b6  No.16864939


A few years ago posters like you never even existed, your "NO U, NO THEM" form of argument doesn't even work since normalfags dont go here, homosexuals are GAY, goons are actual pedophiles, and boombers stick to their Qshit.

Where the fuck did you come from and why are you even here shitting up this board now?

Everyone used to be cool with weebshit, lolis and the works.

And you're the one to talk about degeneracy when you are on one of the most degenerate sites on the internet, go to fucking church and start a family instead of wasting your time here.

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75a030  No.16864943


>posting a random retards twitter post as evidence

If "anime traps" are what's normalizing trannies then explain why these same normalfags are constantly trying to censor japanese media because they find it objectionable.

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453450  No.16864947

File: a20939f79cea12c⋯.jpg (44.05 KB, 529x502, 529:502, 1488302735416.jpg)


Oh, so you won't give your money to devs because they agreed to sell their game on a platform in exchange for a percentage of their profits going to said platform? Instead not giving the devs a single cent because they don't self-publish, host the game files and deal with all the payment bullshit themselves? Wew, that's so enlightened, big brained stuff right there. Like, that means you must never buy games and justify it through these mental acrobatics to make it out that you're some kind of moral revolutionary.

Come on, anon, just admit you're a cheap fuck and that there's nothing more to it. At least be honest if nothing else. That even if some poor fuck of a dev went through not just the effort to develop a quality game worth playing, but also set up all the dumb bullshit you say you require of them, that even then you'd just grab a torrent of his game and then laugh at the dumb bastard for trying to appeal to you in any shape or form.

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75a030  No.16864954


Why even argue with you if you're not gonna read my posts properly?

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bc91d4  No.16864956

File: cb4b52b05490f52⋯.jpg (83.69 KB, 450x700, 9:14, Loli Tifa 00.jpg)


Next you'll say jacking off to fictional faggotry isn't gay.

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4998f1  No.16864959



I think you were actually replying to me. And implying I want to play the remake doesn't make it true. I'd rather replay the original, the FF games I like better than 7 like 6 or 9 or Trials of Mana. I was thinking it more from the point of view of making it available for all the faggots who actually wanna play it to piss off Square. If someone managed to do that relatively close to the release that, that would ridicule Square and Sony, and could very well decrease the sales. But sadly that doesn't seem to be possible with the current state of PS4 piracy. I hate those new consoles where everything is connected to the internet, DRM'd and hypervised. Not just from the pirating point of view, something being hackable is an appeal on it's own.

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08cd85  No.16864962


Was wondering when shitposts like this would show up. We already have half life was never good along side others. Next up will be Deus Ex, watch.

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453450  No.16864963

File: 2a91488fb01150b⋯.jpg (8.31 KB, 251x205, 251:205, 2a91488fb01150bf048716905e….jpg)


Piracy. Doesn't. Hurt. Sales.

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e5b84c  No.16864967


This. If anything it's free advertising. Game data can be reproduced infinitely, you know.

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f72a59  No.16864968

File: e9ac918bc18c6fa⋯.jpg (79.94 KB, 800x450, 16:9, not this shit again.jpg)


>Next you'll say jacking off to fictional faggotry isn't gay.

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4998f1  No.16864973


Depends. If you rip a CD of some underground band and upload it to youtube, sure, that doesn't hurt sales and even works as advertising for that band. But a product like Final Fantasy 7? Everybody fucking knows that game already.

Also the timing matters. If a game gets cracked by the time it's 10 dollars, no one's gonna care. But in the release week? That would hurt both sales and the reputation of everyone involved.

Also, do you have any stats on how many released copies of games are being used anyway? Sure, there are reviews and stuff like that, but can you really reliably judge if any game flopped because of disinterest or losing sales to piracy? And then again when you combine those two factors that surely won't help.

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e163b6  No.16864979


If bronies and furries can do it, you probably can too.

When it comes to women don't be afraid to compromise and of them having flaws either, nobody is perfect, if you put effort into her, things will most likely get better.

Its probably too late for me unfortunately.

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baf354  No.16864980

I liked it.

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b8a1bf  No.16864981


No, you're not listening. Do some research and you'll find that some think tank in the UK conducted a study, and found that piracy absolutely does not hurt sales and in fact often helps them. This study was also conveniently buried by the very firm that contracted the think tank to conduct it, because the "piracy=theft" meme is genuinely profitable to the people acting the victim and selling things. The only industry affected negatively by piracy is Pedowood and I think we can all agree that the faster that collapses the better.

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0f73b4  No.16864987

I don't really understand any of these complaints over Tifa. She's still hot as hell and her chest is at least a D cup.

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4998f1  No.16864996


I didn't find the British one, but one conducted by the EU, still it sounds a lot like it could be the one you're referring to. In that amount of time I was only skimming through it I'm not going to read 300 pages just to argue with some nigger on /v/ but it doesn't seem to make a statement as clear as saying that piracy doesn't affect sales at all except one industry. It also basically says that it depends. The point they're making is that willingness to pay is more important than market price. Also when I think about game sales in a way that does only count the early sales it becomes a lot more similar to the classic box office business.


What I really want is Aerith with Tifa's boobs

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75a030  No.16864998


Why do you care so much then?

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e163b6  No.16865002


If you compare Tifas tits to her waist you would see that they are wider than them, which would immediately tell you that her tits are still pretty damn big.

I get why some people would want her tits to be fucking colossal for prosperity's sake but her boobs being down a cup size and the fact that shes wearing thigh high socks or pantyhose isn't the end of the world.

I know we all love milkers but I know for a fact that NOBODY would like Tifa with those plastic surgery tier titties in >>16863286

with the remakes modernized graphics.

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a94332  No.16865004


When you take a blatant fanservice character and deflate her prominent character trait in a remake, people are going to be unhappy. Even if in some other timeline Square said they did it for the sake of realism (as opposed to pandering), and if everyone believed they did it for the sake of realism, people would still be mad because it's fantasy and gamers like boobs. After all, someone designed her like that in the first place

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e5b84c  No.16865013



Piracy is only a "problem" to developers that don't want to move to a new business model. Technology marches on and old market practices will become obsolete. They'll need to charge for something other than the game itself eventually.

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904e59  No.16865047


The build engine was outdated and ran like shit on computers at the time.

doom was released December 10, 1993.

quake came out June 22, 1996.

duke game out January 29th, 1996.

I absolutely love duke3d, and while the engine was written by a child prodigy it was still considered dated when it was released.

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0f73b4  No.16865074

File: c2f24a867a1bc49⋯.jpg (31.96 KB, 390x272, 195:136, tifa.jpg)

File: 0ddc5bc4e7328ca⋯.jpg (82.04 KB, 900x563, 900:563, ffvii.jpg)

File: 5cc070e88025d17⋯.jpg (55.29 KB, 1020x1020, 1:1, remake.jpg)

File: bd228e74ea2cd90⋯.jpg (88.85 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, remake2.jpg)


Keep in mind that these photos are what you reference. They're transitioning from human-esque figurines to realism so you'd have to make some concessions for the sake of proportionality, and remake Tifa is very proportional.

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b4275f  No.16865081

File: d85857edbba708f⋯.png (254.76 KB, 383x386, 383:386, ClipboardImage.png)


>you have to make concessions, goy

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edd4ff  No.16865082


Yeah we all ready kinda guessed it looks like it plays identical to Kingdom Hearts. Its already in the trash before its out.

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f29109  No.16865100

File: 79c8d97a9724bb5⋯.png (55.57 KB, 356x353, 356:353, 1437288033293.png)


>real women can't have big boobs

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831eb7  No.16865127

File: 3f4e748b11e40cc⋯.jpg (147.1 KB, 920x1040, 23:26, advent-children-outfit-htt….jpg)


>They're transitioning from human-esque figurines to realism

They already did over a decade ago.

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4b19ab  No.16865130

File: 8ca7e078331d141⋯.jpeg (561.28 KB, 573x700, 573:700, 31297d157e83782d15d310adc….jpeg)


>big tits are unrealistic


Reminder that the dissidia devs kept her huge tits and even made a paizuri joke, when she first joins your party in 012 she comes equipped with an accessory called a "pearl necklace".

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bc91d4  No.16865134

File: 6e6a4f36b098d57⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 65.77 KB, 720x900, 4:5, loli Yuffie 00.jpg)


You only hate that argument because it's irrefutable.


This only applies to games without a fuckhuge marketing budget.


It was an EU study. It found that the only thing negatively effected by piracy was blockbuster movies. The study was forcibly made public by someone inquiring about some retard involved in it citing the one single part of the study that said "piracy bad". I'd argue the negative effect applies to games too, but only to massive shitpiles with no online only features and way too much money dumped into advertising.

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bc91d4  No.16865143


>but her boobs being down a cup size and the fact that shes wearing thigh high socks or pantyhose isn't the end of the world.

Take your censorship apoligism elsewhere, fag.


While Tifa's tits varied in size in the original game, and thus this Tifa is arguably faithful as far tit size goes, her tits were going to bigger and just as faithful before the censors stepped in. There was an interview, I think with Nomura maybe, where he revealed that the Sqeenix "ethics department" requested Tifa's chest be "tightened up". While this may or may not have been before the first actual model for Tifa was made, I think it was a change requested by the censors ethics committee after the modellers and artists had already made a model for Tifa. Her tits need to be fairly big to keep those straps pushed to the side. With the current model those straps look like they should be sliding around to the front whenever she twists her torso. Making her boobs slightly larger, or the straps slightly shorter, would easily remedy this. But they didn't take that into account. They were told to shrink her boobs, so they did.

The job of the "ethics" department is to look over a game and tell the devs to censor shit so they can get the targeted age ratings from the various ratings boards. But what if there's nothing in the game that might effect the target ratings? You don't want to be accused of not do your job, do you? So they go and point to retarded inane shit without any consistency and tell the devs to "fix" it. This is why Tifa's tits are smaller than they ought to be. This is why Rinoa's modest cleavage was covered up in the FFVIII remaster. Pointless censorship done at the development level. And then on top of that, you have the "localization" teams censoring shit too, in addition to just being generally unprofessional and rewriting dialogue for no reason other than to stroke their ego.

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5a9598  No.16865241


>this Tifa is arguably faithful as far tit size goes,

Can't say its faithful if it is smaller than her originals with a sports bra on.

>her tits were going to bigger and just as faithful before the censors stepped in

I would like to get more info on which dev said that.

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f2da85  No.16865246


>Some guard will yell GET HIM and Cloud will smugly retort "don't think so" as if that's the coolest fucking line ever uttered.

So Cloud has finally become Sonic the Hedgehog.

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75a030  No.16865258


>Why the fuck does slashing a dog or soldier with a sword have to shower the screen with a trillion fucking particles? I get it, you can do that now. But why would you do that? Shit's more distracting than Tetris Effect.

Doesn't help that it probably makes the PS4's shitty processor hit maximum capacity constantly while serving no purpose.

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bc91d4  No.16865334


>I would like to get more info on which dev said that.

Nomura himself.


>We wanted Tifa to have abs, so she now has more of an athletic body type. The ethics department at Square Enix also said we had to tighten her chest so it doesn’t look unnatural during all the intense fighting. Because of that we added black underwear and tank top.

It's the direct implication of the statement "The ethics department at Square Enix also said we had to tighten her chest", that her chest was made smaller and less bouncy. And just for clarification, it is not the job of the ethics department to require changes to make things look "natural".


>“In the Square Enix Japan studios, the Ethics Department is actually a group within the company that evaluates game content to make sure it is aligned with the anticipated age ratings standards across the globe (CERO, ESRB, PEGI, etc). In this case, we want a new generation of gamers to experience Final Fantasy VII Remake and are working very closely with the company’s internal experts to make sure all of the game’s content is appropriate.”

It's their job to act as censors and force the devs to alter "objectionable" content. The statement by Nomura that the change was requested to make things look "natural" is him sugarcoating the censorship. Especially since things still look unnatural due a combination of the smaller breasts, vigorous movement, and the straps as I previously mentioned.

>Can't say its faithful if it is smaller than her originals with a sports bra on.

The issue, and the "gotcha" used by censorship apologists, is that the size of Tifa's tits varied greatly between her in game models. So then even if her tits are as big as the biggest model, as long as they're somewhere between the biggest and smallest, they're arguably faithful to the original models. But thinking about it again, I agree. This Tifa's tits are unfaithful, as the base standard ought to be the concept art, which clearly had bigger tits.

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bc91d4  No.16865507


>Scorpion bullied in 3:20

That's irrelevant. The timer doesn't start until after the boss in the original game anyways.


>So then even if her tits are as big as the biggest model


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284f1b  No.16865632

File: b069cb89e12893b⋯.jpg (299.85 KB, 1372x1508, 343:377, ok.jpg)


>paizuri joke

fukken nice

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534fd6  No.16865645

>tfw your main problem with a game is slightly smaller boobs


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e4a542  No.16865653


Yeah, we should be fine with malevolent shitlibs controlling not only our lives, but also the wrongheaded, backward, unprogressive cultures of other countries— because the white man's burden never ends!

We're just exporting the Ministry of Ethics internationally, it's fine. Nothing ever goes wrong with such civilizing efforts.

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284f1b  No.16865663


What about my main problem with the game being that it's a part of a trend of cultural strip mining operations where classic games are being exploited to milk money out of a dying and corrupt industry to go into the pockets of people who had nothing to do with the original creations, and original designs are being subjected to the dictates of ethics committees whose purpose is to twist those designs to fit modern regressive radical left wing ideology

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bc91d4  No.16865668

Just finished playing the demo. Better than FFXV, but that's not saying much.

Story changes.

>Opening doesn't linger on outer space with weird noises forshadowing the source of the ultimate threat in the game

>Undertones of Sephiroth's theme are mixed into the opening for no reason

>Cloud has two extra headaches during the bombing mission for no reason

>The original headache just before placing the bomb doesn't make everything go red, doesn't include any dialogue, and makes cloud hallucinate a black feather

>Avalanche characters are more fleshed out

>But banter between Avalanche members is kind of awkward

>Jessie a cute and wants Cloud's buster sword badly.

>Barret is constantly at Cloud's throat, much more so than in the original

>Bomb can only be set to 20 or 30 minutes, not the original ten

>Even though if you don't waste time fucking about and even counting cutscenes, for which the timer stops, you can easily escape in under ten minutes with time to spare

>The bomb is weak as shit and doesn't even damage the outer plating of the reactor core

>President Shinra orders the reactor to be destroyed and Heidegger does this by pressing a touch screen button on a fucking smart phone

>When FF7 had radios at best, Advent Children had cellphones at best, and smartphones weren't even a fucking concept when the game was originally made


>Better than XV, but that's not saying much

>There's a stagger system, but it's fine for regular enemies

>For bosses it's shit where you do chip damage forever until your finally allowed to do real damage

>A boss can stagger just before a certain HP threshold causing the phase to change and them to get their stagger bar reset to zero

>Camera does not zoom out for large enemies like bosses or for far away enemies

>You can attack outside of battle to destroy breakables, but it takes far too long to put your weapon away

>You can only select up to four L1 shortcut commands for items, spells, and abilities during battle and otherwise must always stop the flow of battle to use those not set to a shortcut

>You aren't allowed to use healing items from the pause menu and must always use them from the battle command menu outside of battle

>You always have to watch the item use animation for this and get kicked out of the menu when doing so, always having to navigate the menu again for every. single. use.

>Dodging is shit and useless, either get out of the way by moving normally or block if it's a faster attack

>You're punished for the AI's incompetence, like Barret walking straight through the damaging laser section



>Biting bait that weak

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fd2b11  No.16865679

File: e9d0e0395da2fcd⋯.jpg (16.34 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Try Harder Faggot.jpg)


>niggerpilling for corporations

Working hard for that shekel.


Pic related.

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96b62e  No.16865688

File: dc5d8690263ffbb⋯.mp4 (7.69 MB, 720x900, 4:5, physics during boxing.mp4)


Thanks anon.

Needed the reminder about bait.


Just because I saved it for the realism part of a sperg rant, here is what nature looks like during close combat.

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e39786  No.16865695

File: 12c888b4bae4612⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 36.96 KB, 474x266, 237:133, square.jpg)

I don't know about you anons but I'm excited for the long-awaited remake of a classic Square game that launches in April.

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48e6f0  No.16865697


It's okay, anon. You'll just have to buy part 2 :^)

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48e6f0  No.16865699


I'm just thanking God that they didn't butcher the soundtrack, and that Angela is still wearing a high leg cut leotard.

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e39786  No.16865702


I guess the Ethics Department was too busy fixing FFVII and, like the rest of SE, mostly ignored Trials of Mana.

Thank heavens for small favours.

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534fd6  No.16865710

>Everything I dont like is bait

>Somehow a minimal desing choice that actually makes sense correlates to muh western left

boring and stupid

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708498  No.16865717


That's because squenix are retarded and only care about their main line franchises even though they're sitting on so many cult classics that would easily turn a profit for very little effort. But of course they won't make potentially hudnreds of millions so they're somehow not worth it.

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bc91d4  No.16865730


>Final Fantasy VII Director: “We Might Do Another Final Fantasy VII Remake!”

>Final Fantasy VII is a game which, if it just stayed as the original, would just be remembered as something from the past and people wouldn’t be as engaged with it. I think in order to be something that continues to be loved and followed by future generations we have to keep updating it as we’re doing now. And in 10 years time, 20 years time, it may need to be done again! So even if this is the only thing that I do in the rest of my career, I won’t be disappointed.

>Part of the new experience, and part of having Final Fantasy VII once again reach for an even broader audience, came in the radical modernisation of its combat system. And as much as RPG fans still love a great turn-based battle system, it was never really on the cards for Remake. Kitase explains that it’s to do with “the changing tastes of the fanbase of the Final Fantasy franchise as a whole. We’ve got lots of younger gamers now and they like that very instinctive action-game style of control.” There is a whole new generation who has likely never played Final Fantasy VII, and the focus on refining the heavy action is to cater to that new, younger audience who “are familiar with that and expect that.”





























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fd2b11  No.16865742


>they're sitting on so many cult classics that would easily turn a profit for very little effort. But of course they won't make potentially hundreds of millions so they're somehow not worth it

That's literally every AAA publisher.

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633219  No.16865754


Cloud is an effeminate faggot who carries a giant sword to compensate for his estrogen infused face and torso that looks like it belongs to a flat-cheated dyke.

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f90df0  No.16865764

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000000  No.16865836


>devs probably deserve some money for making a good game

They don't. They will become greedy and ruin future games.

>Pirating a game doesn't make anyone lose any money

Then there is no problem in pirating every game and never buying them.

>studies have found that it increases profits by making people more aware of the thing being pirated

Tell that to all the companies in the world who are always sperging against piracy and implementing anti-piracy (that is, anti-consumer) practices in all of their games. If piracy is so harmless, there is no reason to try to stop us from pirating all games.

>the game is either worthwhile and deserves a purchase

No game deserves a purchase. Devs and companies will turn against their consumers at the first opportunity.

>If you don't pay money for good games then you can just admit to being a cheapskate

And there is nothing wrong with that. In fact, it is even beneficial for us to convince the majority of normalfags to do the same. companies are enemies of their consumers.

>But don't do any of this goofy fighting the man nonsense

Then why are you mad?

>What kind of bullshit is that?

It is us doing whatever we want because we can. Companies have no saying on anything. We do.


Giving money to companies devs was always a mistake. There is nothing that you can do about us pirating everything.

Why are you so mad, if piracy is as harmless as you say it is? Can't handle millions of people harmlessly pirating everything forever?




Then why are you mad? We will keep pirating everything anyway. It is harmless, after all.


Only child rapists, women and faggots hate lolis. You can't refute this truth.



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5a9598  No.16865844


thanks for the direct quote and research but that has nothing directly saying that they were going to make tifa's chest bigger until ethics committee came in. I'm still going to have the pessimistic view that Nomura was going to cuck out and have her breast shrink because it's the popular trend to have women with no features like luna lunafreya.


How much will that stagger system be necessary though for tougher enemies in the future. That sounds like XIII spam to stagger mode all over again.

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d83417  No.16865848


They couldn't even be fucked to rerelease SaGa Frontier 1 and 2 or Brave Fencer Musashi on the PS3/PSP/Vita PSN here, while Japan actually did get those. Granted, maybe the latter has some sort of licensing issue on the English voices that might have prevented such, but otherwise I'd have thought it to be easy money for them, whether they sold well or not in their original run.

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a94332  No.16865857


See, I always thought people hated the gameplay in FFXIII. I didn't think the game's defenders would even defend that. Was I just totally wrong?

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75a030  No.16865872


Does this dumb cunt have like 4 brain cells? Why not just make something original that appeals to the "newer generations"?

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e39786  No.16865892


I actually enjoyed the combat of XIII. I liked setting up team compositions and switching them on the fly depending on the current phase of battle. Using Commando and two Ravagers to quickly break the stagger bar after using the Commando as a Sentinel to draw aggro while the Synergist buffs the party and the Saboteur debuffs the enemy, then switching to Sentinel/Medic/Medic when in dire straits to get your HP back up. It actually felt more like being a party leader issuing orders instead of controlling each character individually.

Granted its not my favourite combat system ever, but I found some pleasure in it.

What killed the game for me is the fucking plot and the corridors that lasted twenty fucking hours before getting to some decent world map side quest action, and then having that section last fuck-all before going back on the rails for the finale.

But regarding FFVIIR, my friend seemed to sum it up well, saying that they seem to be using a FFXIII style system in order to justify that clusterfuck that almost killed the franchise.


>Does this dumb cunt have like 4 brain cells? Why not just make something original that appeals to the "newer generations"?

Because brand recognition is what sells, and SE has fucked the "Final Fantasy" brand into the mud. The only thing they can sell now are the specific games in the franchise that are fondly remembered, such as VII.

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f90df0  No.16865910

Yeah I'm sick of consumerist Jewtube shills who suck up to any bad game and have absolutely no real critical thinking skills.


I never liked atb, just make it normal turn based.


Difficulty is irrelevant, the combat is just way too floaty in general.

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75a030  No.16865911

File: 6a08aa8f82c9fe2⋯.jpg (821.47 KB, 2000x1444, 500:361, ae20e8016fe11bb08998b8aab6….jpg)


This is what squarefags get for rejecting Unlimited SaGa.

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7fbebd  No.16865925



reminder that Advent Children's tifa breasts are bigger then remake's


Good write up

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d83417  No.16865928


Didn't Unlimited SaGa do better in Japan on account of a better manual that actually explained shit, which Square-Enix' western branch was too lazy and cheap to bring over intact? Certainly killed the series here until recently, but it kept trucking in Japan stuff like the DS remakes of SaGa 2 and 3.

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75a030  No.16865938


Yes, but we both know how little square cares about it's native audience in the grand scheme of things.

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d83417  No.16865999


You'd think how much the otaku flipped out there over censorship to Star Ocean 5 being done even for their version so as to not offend western "sensibilities" would have opened their eyes, but instead they seem content to write it off as a general flop and continue to be be "globally minded".

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708498  No.16866024


it's confirmation bias I'm pretty sure. They still somehow sell millions of copies of final fantasy whenever it comes out and probably the same for dragon quest so the idiot ceo's see "flops" like this and think that audiences just want the same boring shit they keep pumping out.

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75a030  No.16866051

>>16865999 (checked)

I mean nobody's really weeping for SO5 regardless but I get your point.

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a4db7e  No.16866117


Heidegger also briefly mentions the AVALANCHE group from the spinoffs while talking to the President. I’d wager much of the extended story that justifies a whole game of only Midgar will be from tying in the spinoffs to the core game, mostly as DLC.


Seeing the corporate version of “Who cares? Consume product! Then get hype to consume more product!” is surreal.

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a94332  No.16866136


I just noticed the black feathers thing. That wasn't in FFVII at all, right, so that means they're going to roll in Crisis Core? Think we'll have to see Genesis get shoehorned into the original FFVII plot somehow? There are a ton of scenes that I can't help but wonder as to how they'll change. What will Cloud's Zack flashbacks look like? The slapfight on the cannon. Will Tifa just coldcock Scarlett this time, or will that whole sequence just be cut? Square's basically got a license to print money with this one, so they can drop whatever scene they want and just ignore the complaints or add them back in DLC.

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bc91d4  No.16866196

File: f12f95ade4f9e5e⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 442.27 KB, 482x719, 482:719, loli aerith.png)


>Only child rapists, women and faggots hate lolis. You can't refute this truth.

Why would I try to? I never implied otherwise.


The problem with 13 wasn't just the system itself, but the enemies it gave you. For the vast majority of the game there was one "right" way to fight every enemy and everything else was totally ineffective. This issue is further reinforced by locking level/skill progression to story progression so you can't try a wider variety of tactics.


>but instead they seem content to write it off as a general flop

That's because it was. I played it. Even if they didn't censor shit, that game was utter and complete ass. Lots of people don't like the degradation and removal of systems that came with the shift from 2D to 3D with Star Oceans 3 and 4. But those games are still fairly decent, if not up to par with their predecessors. Mediocre at the very worst. Star Ocean V was such a colossal clusterfuck it's almost indescribable. Like they tried to make a AA game on a half-A budget. Extremely short, extremely small, poor characters, poor plot, plotholes, bad gameplay, terrible grindy postgame, et cetera et cetera. The cenorship was the dingleberry on top the festering shitpile of a game that should have never seen the light of day.

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459d81  No.16866200


>Only child rapists, women and faggots hate lolis

and heterosexual men

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75a030  No.16866217


Isn't that everybody

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bc91d4  No.16866238


He said faggots, not gays, so lesbians love loli.

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75a030  No.16866247

File: 18975a45697def3⋯.png (29.42 KB, 467x400, 467:400, 18975a45697def36491e810c70….png)


Y'know, if lesbians only like women then why do they use dildos and date bulldykes?

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bc91d4  No.16866252


>If straight men only like girls, why do so many fetishize tomboys?

Who knows?

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75a030  No.16866255


Are you implying every straight guy likes tomboys

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02bb60  No.16866372


>>Somehow a minimal desing choice that actually makes sense correlates to muh western left

And who came up with that? The ethics department, so it indeed does.

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d7554d  No.16866499

File: 5e2e0358e83c89b⋯.jpeg (73.49 KB, 540x576, 15:16, 9C26A855-97B7-4E96-A3B9-B….jpeg)


>was all excited to get my RPG fix from this

>look it up

>got pushed back until the end of June

Damnit. At least it sounds like it’s mostly just optimization and making some parts of the graphics more appealing so I doubt it will get delayed again, not to mention the games already been rated by the esrb. I just hope this covid shit doesn’t cause any more issues with the game releasing.

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e0309f  No.16866593

Forget what I said before about buying it. This article pissed me off. Fuck you square


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708498  No.16866603


Are you really surprised at how arrogantly out of touch Squenix are at this point though?

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e0309f  No.16866616

Is there anyone here who knows moonspeak and can tell us what the Japanese think of this remake? I'm curious how much they hate it.

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32b9aa  No.16866628


We’ll have to wait for the Amazon reviews probably. Sometimes the nips are super based and won’t let brand name sway them, other times not so much.

For instance, FFXV is mostly sitting at a 2 and a half star rating with mostly negative reviews. They also did the same for the Fist of the Northstar game where the Yakuza developers just plastered it over one of their newer Yakuza games.

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4998f1  No.16866641


At least they admit that.

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1831ab  No.16866664


I don't care if it's OAG, archive everything, nigger.

>tries archiving

>doesn't work

Well fuck.

Funfact: Our TORschizo huenigger friend Luciano is a frequent poster at OAG, with over 700+ posts. That's why i don't think he is really a glownigger, but a huefag with delusions of being white. Someone archived his Disqus account but i couldn't find the link.

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000000  No.16866672


>ever considering giving money to the games industry for even a second

>being this much of a deluded Stockholm afflicted battered wife for corporations

Pirate everything or don't play anything at all. Giving money to anyone in the games industry is giving money to your enemies.

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046f28  No.16866680



>We’ll have to wait for the Amazon reviews probably

Can't people who understand nip, simply lurk on 2ch to see how people are reacting? Though I imagine there will be a problem with "reporting" it since you basically have to trust an annonymous source that what he is translating is accurate.

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e0309f  No.16866758


I tried poking around there with google translate but didn't see any threads about the remake. I saw a lot of funny shit though. One guy was impressed that gaijin were making shit like corona-chan. Another guy was posting about how he hates Korea but loves spicy noodles. Good shit.

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7fbebd  No.16867149


Even OAG thinks Luciano is a glownigger. Said so himself that he's a fedposter in a comment section of one of his articles.

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96b62e  No.16867967

File: 772beef62ef4681⋯.jpg (583.87 KB, 1588x2160, 397:540, 2b3d9a6e672b13c3bf951a03a2….jpg)

File: ecb7b3c156a69e4⋯.png (201.13 KB, 704x396, 16:9, older then new audience.png)

>rewatch Last Order and Advent Children to forget english dub from demo

<realize the gap between those and FFVII is twice as long the gap between those and now

<FFX is older then some university students

<FFVII is roughly the same age as Cid

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96b62e  No.16867972


Can't add or subtract. Fuck. Cid is older.

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284f1b  No.16867977

File: 53f633b01c0b05e⋯.mp4 (10.43 MB, 672x480, 7:5, final night.mp4)


From now on "Final Fantasy VII" will refer to the remake. The original will be forgotten and this soulless, creatively bankrupt money milking scheme will take its place in the minds of future generations.

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e163b6  No.16867981

Should I emulate and play FF Crisis Core?

Is the game fun and worth it to you guys?

I just want to know your opinions about the game.

I'm still gonna take your opinions with a huge grain of salt though

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bc91d4  No.16867995

Since they're not only making retarded story changes for no good reason like Shinra blowing the reactor, but also rewriting the story all over the place to make every single spinoff canon, just how fucked will the new story be? Has any done a full and concise breakdown of all the plotholes, inconsistencies, and out of character behavior across the entirety of the FF7 spinoff world?


I played it on PSP, 100%ed it. Then years later played it again on an emulator, even when things got really grindy and I began cheating just to stop the slog, it wasn't fun. Very weak action combat in tiny arenas. Zack has little customizibility. Extremely grindy and padded to hell. Vast majority of the game is copy pasted rooms and corridors in different arrangements, or the same the arrangements but starting in different places. Pallete swapping out the ass. If you're going to play it, only play the main story. You may as well cheat too, just to speed things up.

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f72a59  No.16868045

File: 7588b5a8f1c7373⋯.jpg (194.72 KB, 1280x1189, 1280:1189, 0ee4c491-e214-4af5-937f-5a….jpg)


>You only hate that argument because it's irrefutable.

I can say the similar thing by calling you a pedo for someone who complained about lolis and later on posting lolis.


I don't know why Japanese companies are no longer catering to their target audience anymore.


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72410a  No.16868077


I think it's has to do with Japan taking in western influences of gaming due to console gaming and triple AAA games declining within Japan. The Japs are having more interests in Mobile gatcha games or anything that can be on a portable device nowadays, so my guess why Japanese devs stop catering to target audiences is due to the lack of audiences to cater to in the first place. But again I could be wrong so don't take my word for it I'm just making an educated guess based on certain events in the Japanese gaming industry.

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d83417  No.16868098


>I don't know why Japanese companies are no longer catering to their target audience anymore.

Square in particular has a similar "worldwide" status as Nintendo does, and thus acts to try to appease the western market even during development. But the way it's been worded in >>16865730 sounds more like they're ignoring the general demographic that liked them in their classic era in favor of a newfag generation, rather than specifically being a regional thing. Though, I suppose the "ethics department" falls into the latter anyhow, as far as trying to avoid making western journos screech

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bc91d4  No.16868109

File: f500fd46dbe97a8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 99.57 KB, 512x800, 16:25, loli Yuffie 01.jpg)


>for someone who complained about lolis

I did not.

>and later on posting lolis.

My very first post discussing lolis contained a loli, in order to avoid the misconception that my stance was anti-loli. And none of that whatsoever is a refutation of the argument. I've yet to see anyone successfully do so, ever. I'm very flexible on this subject and when someone does, I'll change my mind.

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904e59  No.16868376

File: 33bac72b311aa8e⋯.jpg (8.91 KB, 198x255, 66:85, download.jpg)

File: 81529e97aacab88⋯.jpg (887.88 KB, 1017x1477, 1017:1477, Party_Artwork.jpg)

the series is primarily for fujoshi that suffer from female intelligence, and men suffering from feminization and social isolation.

If you don't squee like a 14 year old mall-goth with a hot-topic choker and MCR hoody when you see Cloud's soft skin, lips and girly face then you aren't the intended audience.

square realized that the majority of the active (paying) Final Fantasy fanbase never made it past midgar but are fans of the lore due to the casual spin-off crap they pumped out years ago.

I might play it in 10 years from now when I find a hacked PS4 in a dumpster.

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a4b08a  No.16868423

File: 8899f1b5b354e00⋯.jpg (22.6 KB, 640x559, 640:559, 1465946061459.jpg)

>niggerpill being this obvious in his IP hopping

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f2da85  No.16868425

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


From the first few bars of this song I expected Star Stealing Girl.

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f2da85  No.16868435

File: 70b3f701e2c1a70⋯.png (218.56 KB, 640x737, 640:737, 1559538339.png)





I think at this point it's best to consider Final Fantasy as a zinc anode. It attracts the worst from the people making it and from the people buying it and thereby diverts the corrosion away from other, better series such as Dragon Quest, or the Mana games, or the Chrono games and maybe even Crystal Chronicles too.

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17c527  No.16868444

File: 6a74aef66ae8a9b⋯.jpg (256.33 KB, 1440x816, 30:17, screen00012.jpg)

File: ccc6752c5ee431a⋯.jpg (123.92 KB, 1440x816, 30:17, screen00040.jpg)

File: 6d4c4a012219a53⋯.jpg (218.57 KB, 1440x816, 30:17, screen00059.jpg)


If you hug the walls in Crisis Core, you will avoid all random encounters. I discovered that on my only playthrough. I hated that game, for all the reasons you said and more. If I couldn't avoid encounters I wouldn't have finished it. I forget how I did it now but since I avoided so many fights I was severely underleved and was getting insanely one shot, but I still managed to kill things. I think dodging in the game gives you i-frames, but I forget.

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78cf17  No.16868446

Where the fuck is my remastered Dirge of Cerberus? I want to live on the edge already.


Evie's cute.

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545a99  No.16868458


It feels the same as FF7R does. Kingdom Hearts, but you're bolted to the ground. I don't entirely like how either game feels.

Speaking of, for all the dick sucking KH fags give KH2, it doesn't hold a candle to DMC and Sengoku Basara. Do they just not play those games and have a casual lens on action games because of it?

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6e207e  No.16868485


DMC's all hard and stuff while Sengoku Basara is pretty niche (and a musou while it's at it, which KH really only emulates in one battle)

Kingdom Hearts brings the character action gameplay style without being particularly difficult (at least until you try to fight Sephiroth or the fucking clock tower phantom) and never demands system mastery (though there is a reasonably decent skill ceiling)

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78cf17  No.16868486


Basara is too obscure considering it's mostly jap only and DMC's icky because it's not ezmode like GoW.

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e163b6  No.16868511


>character action

Leave and never come back you fucking redditor.

Either that or remove your fucking fingers so you can never type out that godawful phrase ever again.

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bc91d4  No.16868559


>If you hug the walls in Crisis Core, you will avoid all random encounters.

No, only most. There's plenty of areas where they're unavoidable and even doing this, which I always do, the game is extremely tedious.


Character action.

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78cf17  No.16868634


Individual excitement.

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44c58a  No.16868734

The combat just doesn't work with me. The camera is so zoomed in that I can barely tell what is happening most of the time. I think they should have focused on full action or stuck with turn based, this odd mash up of the two isn't very fun to me. You still have to go into menus all the time in combat anyway. Something like FF13-3 would have been better, maybe find a way to make that work with multiple party members. Also,

>getting close to the reactor core

>game wants you to go down a ladder

>see a walkway leading somewhere else

>try to go down other path

>game puts a fucking warning sign over Cloud

>if you keep walking the game actually takes control from you and turns you around

>can't even deviate five feet from the intended path

I know it's just a demo but that was really excessive. Overall I got the impression they were just trying way too hard to make everything flashy and dramatic like some holywood action movie. I'd rather just replay the original.

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23efa8  No.16868791


beefy rig





african american

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b8a1bf  No.16868794

File: f8e3d03648cb925⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 90.25 KB, 765x772, 765:772, beefy_rig.jpg)

File: 6a21bcf65af9e07⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 109.97 KB, 398x508, 199:254, beefy_rig_2.jpg)

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ae630c  No.16869016


how is taking turns any good. Neither games have strategy or resource management. All you need to do is Spam the attack button lvl up your characters to win. FF has always been trash. It is the Star Wars of vidya.

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32b9aa  No.16869077


Have you played it on critical? What KH2:FM does really well is giving you simple yet responsive tools to deal with interesting bosses, but if you don’t play it on critical you’ll never have to actually use any of those tools or even learn the boss fights. The boss fights are fun for the same reason old school bosses are fun. They challenge you and you have to learn their moves and patterns to properly deal with them or you’ll be killed in two or three hits.

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a733f1  No.16869370

File: f452352136dee9d⋯.jpg (8.98 KB, 255x253, 255:253, 1412429190942.jpg)

Would it better if it was more like Dragon Quest 11?

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2c0bf3  No.16869573

File: 02c8e35cc67901a⋯.jpg (77.75 KB, 899x573, 899:573, D29egqgX0AAXJpX.jpg)

File: 4bafe218caa2877⋯.jpg (181.41 KB, 436x772, 109:193, zeldaart.jpg)

File: d8633a2c31962ef⋯.jpg (202.04 KB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, 123dfgrrg.jpg)


>FF has always been trash. It is the Star Wars of vidya

It must have really sucked for you growing up as a millennial. The only thing my nieces have watched of the original Star Wars trilogy were the Family Guy parody movies and the most-popular/newer Final Fantasy games are also the worst.


It would be be better if it was more like Final Fantasy.

Something that continually makes me despair is that all game devs have to do remake a classic game WELL, is to just make it look like the original game's fucking concept-art on modern hardware, now that it's possible, rather than a modern (shitty) game wearing the classic game's theme as a skin like some kind of Ed Gein abomination. Fan and inde games as homages to classic games end up looking and playing better than these garbage remakes.

I dread the idea of a modern Final Fantasy VI or Chrono Trigger remake like this one, because Square-Enix would just get everything that made those games great wrong.

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5826a9  No.16869576


KH2 is probably the only good action RPG to hold the action part, but learning it never felt good because even when you put in the effort to do all the tech and utilise everything because it feels like it was only balanced around that retard mashing X.

Like stitch just pretty much giving you infinite MP so you can keep doing reflect on each hit and ending combos with lightning to bait revenge attack, or revenge attacks in general only serving to punish someone overextending who doesn't even know that was a thing or for someone who knows it just to bully the boss, even lingering will is susceptible to this due to it and that's pretty sad.

Compare it to something like DMC where all of the stupid shit only exists on you the players input skill it feels more engaging then I know doing this limit will give me low revenge value count so I can combo into it with Horizontal slashes between the limits hits to keep the boss in hitstun and I can deal almost all his health in one combo.

The RPG still clearly impairs the action part here, if it didn't it wouldn't need damage reverse scaling to make level 1 runs work.

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32b9aa  No.16869636


>You still have to go into menus all the time in combat anyway. Something like FF13-3 would have been better, maybe find a way to make that work with multiple party members

You can customize shortcuts so you don’t have to fumble through menus, and you can issue your commands well enough to party members, the problem is that nothing the game does is done particularly well.

It all works, but it’s one of those games that just makes you want to play games that do what it’s trying to do better. There’s nothing deep or interesting about the combat, and just about any of the “Tales of” games do what it’s trying to without having to wait for 2 bars to fill up to issue commands. Like you were saying, I think Square really is trying to deliver movie games with the FF series now. FFXV felt like their answer to games like Uncharted or TloU, and this feels the same with slightly more competent gameplay.

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7fbebd  No.16869684


>The camera is so zoomed in that I can barely tell what is happening most of the time.

You can zoom it out more in the options I think.

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088f56  No.16869705

File: 0e1cab444607aad⋯.jpg (77.29 KB, 635x636, 635:636, 1576532621886.jpg)


Deus Ex.

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088f56  No.16869707


>Browsing /v/?

>Theres no way a /v/ user would hate this board, in that case, why would they even be here?

They could hate it, but still hate it the least out of every other alternative.

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d83417  No.16869708


>I dread the idea of a modern Final Fantasy VI or Chrono Trigger remake like this one, because Square-Enix would just get everything that made those games great wrong.

Apparently the director's also saying he wants to remake Final Fantasy V and do something with Parasite Eve as well.



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459d81  No.16869770


This image shows up everywhere

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e163b6  No.16869803

File: d0d0df42e4a192e⋯.png (75.8 KB, 208x202, 104:101, 1310301073589.png)


I don't like Deus Ex.

088f56 BTFO

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545a99  No.16870017


That's the plan after I finish KH1 on Proud, but certainly not feeling it compared to the other action games I mentioned.

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a94332  No.16870360


Did they wrangle the PE rights back from the Japanese novelist guy, or are they going to do some 4th Birthday thing because 3rd Birthday just worked out so well?

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d83417  No.16870372


I really don't know. Could just be wishful thinking on his end, or maybe they'll have the gall to make another unauthorized sequel. I'd certainly think a follow up to 3rd birthday wouldn't go over well with Parasite Eve fans to any degree, and I don't expect modern Square to actually make a case of drastic improvement if they did. Either way, I don't know why the fuck he's expressing so much interest in other projects when they still haven't finished shitting out the first log on the plate.

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e39786  No.16870374


here's hoping someone at Square committed sudoku and fell on their sword over ruining PE and have given complete creative narrative control to the guy for #4 if he pretty please also lets them butcher games #1 and #2 with a re-release

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32b9aa  No.16870508

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Meanwhile, one of Square’s B, C, or D teams delivers a much better looking RPG in a different remake. What timeline even is this?

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e5b84c  No.16870534


Game looks great but the english dub is cringe as always

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32b9aa  No.16870547


I just can’t get over how a team probably made up of literal who’s managed to make a more faithful and enjoyable remake than all of Square’s main players.

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a94332  No.16870554


The Square A-team isn't concerned with faithful remakes. Didn't they pretty much come out and say that they're remaking FF7 for new audiences? Besides, the second-stringers might actually be gamers who played and enjoyed the original and knew what made it fun. Also, I would guess that they don't have big-name assholes with signature bad ideas or visions to push, and don't have to worry about splitting their time with some other top-tier boondoggle. Then again, I have no idea how the vidya industry actually works.

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e5b84c  No.16870556


Maybe because it was obscure enough for the executives to not meddle with and fuck everything up?

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32b9aa  No.16870557


Same, I guess we can both just be glad that the Trials remake looks as good as it does.

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e5b84c  No.16870560



Don't forget they still fucked up by not adding multiplayer. I even considered buying it, but guess I'll pirate and see if they add it later.

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708498  No.16870571


Let's wait and see first. It might very well be fucked so lets wait till it's out.

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5d3e12  No.16870611


>Didn't they censor the mention of one character having dirty magazines under his bed to "skeletons in the closet" or something? I seem to recall that being brought up months ago.

its in the 2D switch version, but i highly doubt SE will fix it for this version

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7fbebd  No.16870650


Please no Parasite Eve. I can't take any more of these modern "make everything super gritty and realistic" remakes.

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a4db7e  No.16870708

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I did some digging around, and I think SE will censor at least the US release. I found a blog with a story posted four months ago about sexy alternate class change costumes for Lise and Angela. The comments section pointed out the Japanese version already censors one of Angela's special attacks, "Pink Typhoon", which has Angela shaking her butt in the SNES version before performing the attack. But there is no butt shake in the remake - See posted video between 11:30 - 11:40. I'll post a SNES video for comparison next, then the class change costumes.

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a4db7e  No.16870711

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


SNES version for censorship comparison. See 0:16 - 0:21.

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a4db7e  No.16870717

File: 26ced3140360dd0⋯.jpg (251.71 KB, 833x1599, 833:1599, 49076906723_edfd9613d3_h.jpg)

File: 1ecaee412bb6efd⋯.jpg (285.1 KB, 1108x1600, 277:400, 49077436201_99300339a7_h.jpg)

File: 2efeb6e82aa5879⋯.png (423.35 KB, 650x914, 325:457, 2efeb6e82aa587977d46a67fb3….png)


And lastly, the sexy class change costumes. The sixth ones are the ones that SE might censor. And concept art from the SNES version to show sexy class costumes were already around way back then.

I hate to say this, I really do, but Trials of Mana has gone from Day One Buy to Pirate it First until I find out how much of the game SE censors.

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363ce4  No.16870736

File: 3dc7309acbbacbb⋯.png (2.89 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1ca6959887290a4e9ac3eebae2….png)




>No multiplayer

Denuvo being the biggest one. At least I can mod out the censorship depending on how it's done. I'll be patiently waiting for the Fitgirl repack then.

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1ba42a  No.16870762



I hate that interview too but fucking archive that shit.


Tifa's seiyuu in Last Order was so fucking bad. If there is a saving grace in the Remake is that it will have Japanese voices as an option and I think Tifa's seiyuu has improved since then.

Lately, the only thing I find myself liking from SE is that they get their hands in their pockets for their Japanese voices. Type-0 being the best one in that regard.

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e39786  No.16870766

File: fb8f961a0d7519d⋯.jpg (37.24 KB, 528x480, 11:10, skele_sadder.jpg)


You're breaking my balls anon.

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ff9a4a  No.16870767


It's not like original was all that great or anything.

At least no more rpgmaker combat.

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5d3e12  No.16870790


>The comments section pointed out the Japanese version already censors one of Angela's special attacks, "Pink Typhoon

i said this would happen half an year ago and i got a bunch of faggots saying it woudnt happening and i was being paranoid

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a4db7e  No.16870857


I am sorry, anon. I still have some hype left. But with SE's track record, I am open to the chance of more censorship in the US version with Lise's and Angela's Dark/Dark job classes at the least. Trials of Mana is also getting a PC release, so maybe the way to go could be a pirated Japanese PC version with a text translation patch, or something. We'll just have to see.

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78cf17  No.16870859


I haven't played SD3, how does the class system work exactly? Instead characters of switching weapons you switch classes?

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a4db7e  No.16870866


Every character has their own weapon type that doesn't change. There are two class changes in the game for every character. Once at level 18, and again at level 38 if you have a special item. You can class change at any of the game's mana stones. When class changing, you have the option of going for a Light job class or Dark job class for each eligible character. Light job classes are for healing/buffs. Dark job classes are for damage/debuffs. When going for the second job class, hybrid Dark/Light or Light/Dark classes are allowed. Or you can go full Light/Light or Dark/Dark on a character for maximum healing or damage. There are no respecs either.

Problem is, the base game of Seiken Densetsu 3 is pretty buggy when it comes to character development. So much so that the customization isn't as expansive as it seems, because from the bugs every character has one clear best build, sometimes two, that will always outperform every other build. However, there's a balance patch for an emulated PC version called "Sin of Mana" that fixes all of these bugs and greatly expands the viability of party builds that are far less useful in the base game.

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b365b4  No.16870879


Because she's one of the few people who isn't a seiyu, she's an actual actress. Tifa's voice has always been her natural voice so when she tried to do a girly and young voice, of course it fell through. She's one of the very few people Nomura handpicked because he had a good idea of how they should sound.

Fun Fact : Cloud's VA aduitioned for the role and got the role because he's a massive otaku for FF7, just like how Koyasu constantly auditions for Gundam shows, in hope he gets in.


>maybe the way to go could be a pirated Japanese PC version with a text translation patch, or something.


It is the way to go anon. If you catch even a whiff of censorshit, do it and don't look back because you know Steam or whatever other online platform will try to region lock your account to buy your native version instead of the one you want.

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bc91d4  No.16871028

File: 095ed3be22e8791⋯.png (495 B, 34x34, 1:1, paper_mario_thinking.png)

>All these anons who were willing to buy Trials of Mana before they found out it might be censored

>Despite it coming from Squeenix, who is butchering and DLCing out the ass FF7

Where do anons draw the line on supporting companies/games? I know many practice their principles on a game by game basis rather than a company by company basis out the belief that if you support a company's good games and shun their bad ones, then the company will learn. But do any of you who were willing to buy Trials of Mana really think Squeenix has room for redemption? Or that the sales of Trials would be cared about by execs comparably to FF7 in any way other than "Are we going to make another one and will we give it the DLC cancer too, since it's profitable?" I know seeing what Tecmo has done to Dead or Alive 6, especially with the recent "$1 to change hair colors every time" microtransaction, that I'm strongly dissauded from purchasing Nioh 2.

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1ba42a  No.16871220


One would expect at least some coaching regarding Tifa's seiyuu on how to sound younger. Hopefully they improve on that if this episodic bullshittery manages to even reach the flashbacks.

If there is a good thing from all this is that Takahiro Sakurai is living the dream as a fanboy. The man worked hard for it.

>SE will likely remove the bra-stealing tidbit from it

>SE will likely remove Cloud constantly telling Vincent to shut up

As much as I like the seiyuu cast for VII I will watch cutscenes on jewtube or wait for pc release and eventual Denuvo break. I believe the more hyped a game is the more people will work on getting Denuvo off from it.

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96b62e  No.16871287

File: 968bb3f3b47c33c⋯.jpg (155.22 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, latest_version.jpg)


Decided to replay classic due to everything in this thread.

>even reach the flashbacks.

There's the promise flashback in Midgar.

The detailed past, including the money shot with Sephiroth surrounded by flames doesn't happen til after you leave. Which is weird because they keep on putting it into the promotional material. So it might be something they move around into the Midgar section to help pad it out. Seeing as they need all their tricks to make it feel like it is worth the money, and not a rip off.

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96b62e  No.16871354

File: 14df20c21e9926b⋯.jpeg (56.08 KB, 680x383, 680:383, marketing_apology.jpeg)


Better or worse, its a zero sum game for my money. And when I compare new releases to others, it becomes a case of what is delivering the best single player game for a single buy in. And if I judge on a studio by studio basis, it has gotten to the point, in the zero sum game, some studios have absolutely gone off the deep end. Majority of those western studios, delivering consistently shit games, or so badly written agitprop. Just that acceptable options are few and far between it seems.

The Team Ninja, DOA/Nioh situation is exceptional and can't fault anyone for sitting some time out on them. DOA has been known for some time to bleed whales dry. And even then, the hair transactions was such a new level of fuckery, where they actually issued an apology over it. And part of the reason why it blew up, was because Nioh 2 had its trial/demo going on, with one of the best character creators out there at least in its genre, don't know how it compares to modern MMOs. It showed explicitly that Team Ninja has all the tools needed to get waifu options out there.

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e5b84c  No.16871486


>it has Denuvo

Are you shitting me anon

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bc91d4  No.16871527


>It showed explicitly that Team Ninja has all the tools needed to get waifu options out there.

This was never a matter of having tools. They charged a dollar for every hair color change. They could have charged a dollar for each character to unlock hair color changing, or a dollar for hair color changing to be permanently unlocked, or a dollar for each of the the near unlimited colors you can pick, but allow you to keep colors already purchased. There are a wide array of ways they could have been even slightly less cancerous while still milking whales, but they went full maximum jew.

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1ba42a  No.16871571

File: 6208e0e9c859c6d⋯.png (839.51 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20200306_172046.png)


A while back I was talking in a stream chat about the demo, and one of the streamers pointed out that, the Remake diminishing the impact of AVALANCHE's bomb was likely to reduce Barret's agency and AVALANCHE as a whole as morally-grey heroes. You can't have the heroes kill (relatively innocent) people and still be heroes, particularly when one of them is black.

I have to wonder if listening to Maaya Sakamoto and Takahiro Sakurai as Aerith and Cloud is worth this story fuckery, anymore.


>Not expecting everything to have Denuvo these days

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e5b84c  No.16871601


I mean, I was already gonna pirate it when I heard there was no multiplayer, but that's the icing on the shit cake. I hope we will have access to the jap version at least

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bc91d4  No.16871676


>You can't have the heroes kill (relatively innocent) people

A lot of people seem to think since it was a reactor that just ignorant Shinra staff died, people who are just doing their jobs, but work for the bad guys. The reactor blowing scattered fallout across two sectors. When you're on your way to the train the rest of Avalanche is on, the whole place is a mess and there's chaos everywhere. The explosion could have easily killed Aerith. No doubt, tons of innocent people died, but Barret didn't care as long as Marlene wasn't in the area. There's also the implication of failing hospitals that may not have had backup generators that even the original devs likely didn't consider.

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ae1684  No.16871746


I judge on a game-by-game basis. I expect a good game that’s worth my time and possibly money, and that’s it. I have no hopes of any sort of greater redemption in a trash company that occasionally accidentally makes a good game. You’re thinking about this too hard, anon.

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a4db7e  No.16872045

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New Trials of Mana game play. Has lots and lots of talking from an interview. First half is about character customization. Second half is a run through the Water Mana Beast's dungeon + boss fight. The boss fight is very fast, but I know Trials of Mana has difficulty levels and it looks like this video is on one of the easier ones.

I did more digging into censorship, but I'm getting mixed signals. For example, the official Twitter page for the English release, Mana Series/Mana Game, has a November 26, 2019 video of Charlotte's intro that censors Deathjester slapping Charlotte. But then it has a February 19 clip from this year of Charlotte's level one tech, where she gives herself a spanking before attacking the enemy.

In another case, I heard about a Japanese blog that may have found censorship in the PS4 vs. Switch versions with one of Rise's job classes that has a loincloth as a part of the costume. In the Switch version, the loincloth flaps around and exposes Lise's panties. But the PS4 version doesn't have cloth physics and covers up Lise's panties. However, the PS4's hardware not having the power to render those cloth physics is just as likely, and it might not really be censorship, because the Switch version has cloth physics. This is the blog in question:


I'm still cautiously optimistic. I will keep tabs on more news that will hopefully give more concrete info on what the US version may or may not censor. But either way piracy is always the go-to option.

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bc91d4  No.16872212


>You’re thinking about this too hard, anon.

<Just like, turn your brain off and support cancerous companies because they make a single non-shit game while pushing cancerous microstransactions, DLC, censorship, and left wing politics everywhere else


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32b9aa  No.16872376


It’s crazy how much better this looks than FF7R when they are essentially both trying to do the same thing… I may bite the bullet and just go ahead and pick up a switch copy. It’s one of those games that, if it’s as good as it looks, I could see getting scalped to hell.

Plus, it seems like any more switch games only get one physical run then instantly get rare.

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2fc334  No.16872595

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


not to mention the music that plays is directly evocative of guilt (conflicting with cloud's "w/e just wanna get paid" demeanor).

The tension in the theme is contrasted with "flower girl's" theme symbolizing the innocence of your victims.

I'm curious if the MBV Loveless or "Sister Ray" reference still exists, those damn nips sure had good taste.

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fe0a05  No.16872700

File: 49fa64e6eaf4611⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1045x1280, 209:256, dengekips_10_cs1w1_1045x12….jpg)


>I'd forgotten what it's like to play a JRPG that is nothing but hallways and combat.

(was ff7 (classic) the last "real" JRPG?)

Last time I had that good "JRPG feel" was was the the last few years of the OG PlayStation era. its always seemed like the RPG side of the Japanese game industry has been chasing FF7 since it came out in 1997 and nothing has ever really been close to dethroning it as the pinnacle of the genre. (I also feel like FPS games have had the same problem since 2007 when OG Modern Warfare hit). everything ps2 and up has felt/played mediocre at best.

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e5b84c  No.16872729


The real question is, will the PC version be censored or not?

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02bb60  No.16880581

Trials seems to have the option to use Japanese dubs and stay more or less true to the original. That's good news, I didn't reeally expect either.

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e5b84c  No.16880840


Nowadays dual audio is the very least I'm expecting from anything to be considered decent. Good news nonetheless

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bc91d4  No.16882706

File: 75b7940d54e6c01⋯.png (159.83 KB, 585x300, 39:20, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 45fec39c59ce712⋯.png (244.24 KB, 680x322, 340:161, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a6f07b365f3759a⋯.png (265.64 KB, 656x539, 656:539, ClipboardImage.png)

FF7R clearly censored again.

>Tifa's dress now has an ugly ass grey bra

>Wasn't there previously

>Clearly would not effect age ratings, as it doesn't cover much more skin

>Will likely be claimed to reduce jiggle if any official statement is made at all

>Doesn't go with a backless dress

>Doesn't compliment the colors of the dress

>Appears to be a lazily done texture change that is part of Tifa's skin.

That last bit strongly implies, once again, that this change was requested after the developers had finished making this model for Tifa, and was likely done by the ethics department as well.



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7fbebd  No.16883553


ancient news anon.

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