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File: e45ab26dd5326eb⋯.jpg (56.11 KB, 1099x613, 1099:613, 1_-_sRzj4c1.jpg)

File: f790c4eb9baa85d⋯.jpg (54.36 KB, 1057x593, 1057:593, 2_-_EFj8pCB.jpg)

File: 131ea22fda06cfd⋯.jpg (48.64 KB, 1000x586, 500:293, 3_-_sTF7hVn.jpg)

File: c6e60185e158b37⋯.jpg (46.25 KB, 996x613, 996:613, 4_-_pXggxOI.jpg)

File: f18e85ccab1284d⋯.jpg (57.41 KB, 1073x587, 1073:587, 5_-_JFvWi8b.jpg)

2d23c8 No.14161865

Nothing is confirmed, however it's potentially interesting if true. More screencaps at >>>/gamergatehq/331502

Still unconfirmed. It was reported to be a dead man's switch going off.


Imgur gallery that was posted


archive of cuckchan thread

If you want to try and dig to see if its legit or fake, feel free to

There's a lot of sketchy thinks that would detract from potential legitimacy, but there are aspects to it that are legitimate such as linking to peer-reviewed scientific journals that aren't necessarily common knowledge for comparisons to their "research"

Mark admitted he fucked up and apologized in another thread

I swear he's too fat and ugly to be moe

414d4d No.14161880


Is there evidence?

04369d No.14161885


That this is a LOL thread? Probably these >>14161877 (checked) dubs.

414d4d No.14161888


No, that it's fake.

82eeff No.14161892


You have any evidence to back that up lucky sevens?

ce25dd No.14161896


2a3c6a No.14161905

File: b4323fb20f4405d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 291.93 KB, 562x428, 281:214, 1513882936214.png)

so is this fake or not? i had a giggle looking at the 3rd pic

b9049f No.14161914


apparently someone has claimed that evil marketers are using your wifi to generate a 3d map of your house and coerce you into making more in-game purchases. In other words, some cuckchan anon has gone off the deep end and is trying to make us believe him.

3f3a06 No.14161916


This isn't about ethics in games journalism, it's about marketers

8af09a No.14161920


4f25fe No.14161921

Have these been dubbed AIDs yet?

9db13b No.14161925

File: e7edb6fe3c6f005⋯.jpg (80.24 KB, 1026x603, 114:67, 54fa20625bb354e5d3a638793a….jpg)

File: 34777afcaf73701⋯.jpg (74.87 KB, 1058x584, 529:292, 9fc71c9210c36931e326a0bf2c….jpg)

File: cbb0e0c864fa4e9⋯.jpg (76.91 KB, 1057x593, 1057:593, f53921f56ba98e56bcf74a2f9a….jpg)

File: 466de96a794e7a1⋯.jpg (100.11 KB, 1044x591, 348:197, 678074c7265ff1f8a7784390de….jpg)


If there is, I didn't see any being posted. Just aspects to it that are unusual, like the formatting of the powerpoint

The scientific journals and research that it links to is legitimate, like the one it uses for this slide for example



Basically AI and audio manipulation of people to try and socially engineer people to sell and get hooked on microtransactions without realizing and turn them into literal sheep

Here's some of the more notable ones from it


That's not it at all faggot, that's just one way of them collecting their research for it

Don't be disingenuous

3a7cff No.14161930


was going to post the mentrual cycle one

it's messed up beyond belief, I wish this was just some bad LARP

4f25fe No.14161940

File: 848ef2ee8f0c371⋯.jpg (51.56 KB, 580x472, 145:118, sony patent.jpg)

Related kikery.

a7b99c No.14161943


Looks novel and plausibly horrible as amoral consumer manipulation goes. The sheer number of panickedly fake-smug (1)s immediately diluting the thread lends it plenty enough legitimacy to read in further.

b9049f No.14161948


>AI hasn't progressed to the point where it can do any of this even remotely reliably

>None of this information is accessible to marketing AI, Apple has already been tested in court, and they won't let the FBI at their phones

>No one would go through this much trouble to try and milk an extra dollar or two out of the average player, whales are and always will be the primary source of income for micro transactions

I believe that some company may have looked into using this stuff, but I highly doubt that any of it would be worth while to use, that is, if it even worked.

d0a644 No.14161951

File: 4d9e69a23c5688d⋯.png (17.17 KB, 270x360, 3:4, tumblr_g82lznb0.png)

It's fake. Delete your thread.

3f3a06 No.14161962

File: 42a4a03b199e8b1⋯.png (4.11 MB, 2000x1335, 400:267, ClipboardImage.png)


Here is the pudding. Show me the proof.

05c155 No.14161966


>investing money in AI for microtransactions

What a genius fucking idea, no wonder it was leaked on cuckchan

04369d No.14161969

File: 52399480f3d5d55⋯.webm (358.77 KB, 800x450, 16:9, KonoSuba - bully the blob.webm)

File: f9e12157b2a8ddf⋯.webm (9.44 MB, 852x480, 71:40, KonoSuba - RPS.webm)


>offering pudding to a slut

That's not how you do it anon, you're supposed to bully her.

b9049f No.14161970

File: c7a41e2f0c7873f⋯.jpg (60.8 KB, 400x300, 4:3, GM2ue.jpg)


>asking someone to prove a negative

9db13b No.14161971

File: d70ec95edc8e715⋯.jpg (41.64 KB, 1041x596, 1041:596, 942863f290890974072c9f204e….jpg)

File: f9418611d6bb3f3⋯.jpg (88.85 KB, 1034x588, 517:294, 22bc8af6fa4c146934b107e5b6….jpg)

File: 8e961e35de77d44⋯.jpg (64.26 KB, 1024x579, 1024:579, 5184aa568a3d5f7cee3c9fb118….jpg)

File: ff73b6e35d85bfb⋯.jpg (83.35 KB, 1010x569, 1010:569, b2a5da01a62b06f7a24010e0fe….jpg)


The main thing that's keeping us from determining whether it is or isn't is the identity of the poster or leaker and more importantly the name and identity of the company

Seriously though, there's a lot of spooky fucking slides in this thing

>since the AI reinforces spending habits, it can have a bit of a runaway effect on the user

>cameras in billboards with a partnered company

>actual research and theorems and all this other crazy shit that seems to be relevant to the work they're doing

The biggest clues to identifying who they are


>they have a reddit AI chatbot named "H.A.N.K.

>they developed their mobile software in Xamarin

>They're supposedly "not associated with Unara Online despite prevailing sentiment"


>tumblr filename

>they're resorting to google-image smugs in hopes that nobody questions them

58a32d No.14161976

File: 7a38601bc9134f0⋯.png (420.57 KB, 720x540, 4:3, It's a fake.png)

4f25fe No.14161977


The last picture there, rewarding someone with better than expected purchased loot right after being shown an ad, is definitely being done. Blizzard is matchmaking players who buy shit with worse players afterward to make them feel they play better.

9db13b No.14161980



This might narrow it down a lot

b9049f No.14161985


I believe that, but anyone who plays recent Blizzard games and pays money for them deserve to be manipulated anyways.

b9049f No.14161993


There's a simple solution to all of this


9db13b No.14161995

File: 762be56d2594574⋯.png (216.48 KB, 1106x901, 1106:901, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 80a3f782affc90b⋯.png (185.83 KB, 885x904, 885:904, ClipboardImage.png)

ebed57 No.14162005


>This isn't about ethics in games journalism

Neither is GG. I'm pointing it out because OP linked to the existing thread on the GG board. There's also the GG general which is a catch-all for this sort of wildly unconfirmed conspiracy theory posted on an anonymous imageboard with zero source or accountability.


You can't prove it isn't true, so it obviously is and video games are doomed forever. That's how it works, and if you say otherwise you're a shill/goon/etc.

54f9bc No.14162006

File: 5cc759d89f0afc0⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 4.64 MB, 5000x4225, 200:169, vivian.png)

Nice LOL thread

8c68f6 No.14162007


Judging by the first picture in the OP, the name of the company can't be more than a few letters long.

27b093 No.14162017

This shit thread has been deleted 2 times in the past day, stop spreading cuckchan LARP, faggot.

9db13b No.14162018

File: 3ee1b5a900b9b57⋯.jpg (88.55 KB, 1040x599, 1040:599, 26ea23bc877f7f865a024aa96d….jpg)

File: 1bf8ad0be6a9e3c⋯.jpg (78.87 KB, 1009x600, 1009:600, b147b24ca4b95c3c6209939a05….jpg)

File: a523af5c6d9a44b⋯.jpg (61.73 KB, 1029x585, 343:195, 8de62da513c69621a7a306b584….jpg)

File: 94e9bff62aca92d⋯.jpg (52.81 KB, 1026x584, 513:292, fac1b443515926321a8fc6931b….jpg)

>they reveal how they skirt around the law with this shit

>they track shit down to number of keypresses >>14162005

>switches ID

>p-please stick to your containment

>passive-aggressive equivalent of "inb4 I'm a shill/goon/etc."

How's about you hide this thread if it bothers you so much?

Its vidya related, feel free to kill yourself faggot


Typo, I meant "Udara online"

1d710b No.14162019

File: 9076ca35f639e5c⋯.jpg (61.65 KB, 600x600, 1:1, dd2d2e7f6959675c0ec52bffe4….jpg)

>all the shills ITT saying it's fake

all the confirmation I need it's real tbh, you're really bad at your jobs guys

I suppose this is the quality of shill you get when you do it for 5 cents an hour though

3af16f No.14162027

Seems fake. The way its written makes it seem like a big bad evil company this is way too surreal and evil to be real not only that but a lot of unnecessary words are used.

27b093 No.14162028


Jesus, with that retardation I could push any disinfo no matter how retarded it is and make some of you swallow it hook and sinker just by claiming it's fake and gay.

7f7039 No.14162036



Hi shills, how many rupees is Queen Shillary paying you?

58a32d No.14162040


But look at all the people saying the people saying it's fake are fake. By your logic that means they aren't shills after all.

9db13b No.14162041

File: 310cb511aafabb8⋯.pdf (990.57 KB, 140527databrokerreport[1].pdf)


hard to say but it being a "data broker" narrows it down somewhat I guess

here's a random FTC report on data brokers, they don't like them one bit


If its fake, then its unintentionally dropping some serious redpills for me about these slimy fuckers

How far would a larp go to reference court case precedences and data brokering for the legality of marketing manipulation through AI?

Apparently these fags have more information about you than google

27b093 No.14162044


Corporate talk isn't as overtly evil as what is written in these "leaks" they always use some kind of bable that they pass up to their kike lawyers so it clears them of potential lawsuits. There is no way this isn't a LARP.

58a32d No.14162053


>If its fake, then its unintentionally dropping some serious redpills for me about these slimy fuckers


I think getting people's attention to the slimy practices is exactly the reason someone might fake this sort of thing.

3af16f No.14162054


How the fuck am I shilling nigger? It just seems too surreal to be real but who knows it could be true it is a really fucked up read though.

0ac871 No.14162056

File: 6c6f7daf9d6c08d⋯.png (31.48 KB, 684x1500, 57:125, rmyt.png)


Now you know how /pol/ moderation works.

27b093 No.14162066


No shit, I burned up more IPs on my VPN than was necessary for repeatedly calling those faggots on their bullshit.

04a5aa No.14162072

This is bullshit designed to measure the spread of disinformation across the chans and map how it propagates. We already know that game companies do far worse stuff than this like with lootbox matchmaking skewing and the like. Their strategy obviously revolves around disguising their manipulation and its far more advanced than the clumsy bullshit showcased in this alleged leak.

32abf7 No.14162097

Don't they already do stuff like this? Barring the ads on screen (which some games do too)

44d5e3 No.14162099

File: a3cc05984e5dd5b⋯.jpg (1.47 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, mark_pengu.jpg)

I thought this was deleted by none other than mr. cake himself.

59737e No.14162101


>2nd pic

i just skimmed through this shit. absolutely bogus. who would believe this?

44d5e3 No.14162111

File: b59edc2d2ee73e8⋯.jpg (44.06 KB, 583x650, 583:650, Fuck_Outta_Here_2.jpg)



02ef11 No.14162113


finding the original source and distribution vector of the images could be a start.

It's rather thorough to be an outright hoax, and it's formatted in the same manner that corporate types like to think in.

a7b99c No.14162119


In an age of universal deceit where as you allege things are even worse than they already appear, why exactly would we abandon a potential stake we can hammer towards the heart of this matter with just as much effectiveness as if it were true? Why wouldn't it be utilized to the fullest? Why would one abandon motivation and 'evidence' in a convincing and shocking enough format thanks to a half-truthful nature, which does not go far enough in its condemning nature, when something suitably and fully damning is not available? Especially as an increasingly suspicious subset of the populace will latch onto any grievous allegation against a hated overlording group, be it government or corporate, and will double-down even further in suspicion once they've set down that road as soon as any media begins to decry it as fake?

18cae3 No.14162122

File: bc2683ab8b77841⋯.jpg (210.06 KB, 1024x949, 1024:949, 1024px-Smerinthus_ocellatu….jpg)

Beware the shills; their horrible secret is about to become public knowledge. It goes much deeper than just video games. k-Lo4%@MOROS

444c4f No.14162123



bd62f5 No.14162126

File: e7de317342fb0b4⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 1280x6478, 640:3239, Darpa and vidya gamergate.jpg)

54f9bc No.14162128


Rolling for flat

31aba4 No.14162130


gimme some good shit

bf8efd No.14162135

File: 231fc9ad7538e56⋯.jpg (57.49 KB, 773x960, 773:960, amazing cat detects gay pe….jpg)



>being this much of a larper

dbe0ff No.14162137

File: e14a6aa9d7a14c8⋯.png (680.38 KB, 697x697, 1:1, ccs_25.png)


This shit was obvious a while back except for the retarded lemmings that followed us here back at the end of 2014 that all use Steam and pretend they aren't being tracked and monetized like fucking retards. This is why I disable jewtube and hooktube embeds on this site.

781f14 No.14162142


I'm just here for the rolls

6cce7a No.14162144

Yeah I just read through it all and it's definitely fake, don't even bother with it. I'm gonna go to sleep now, getting pretty tired. It sure is late.

e14e25 No.14162145










e0330f No.14162149



44d5e3 No.14162150

File: d2274f2440bd0be⋯.mp4 (716.65 KB, 640x360, 16:9, is_he_fucking_retarded.mp4)

04a5aa No.14162152


I had actually considered that before I posted but I disagree. You run too much of a risk of the one behind the leak revealing their deception and using the fact that a few people fell for this to gaslight other investigative endeavors.

6e4f12 No.14162154

File: c9f3583102762ee⋯.jpg (15.49 KB, 255x236, 255:236, 1507375360064.jpg)




















Holy fuck they are out in full force today, signal boost this shit anons. The definitely want to keep this under wrap.

9351f7 No.14162155

File: 31e7934e058b64e⋯.png (15.78 KB, 361x268, 361:268, MR-BROWN-Logo@075x.png)


>Can't red text

Good going, retard

8d9530 No.14162168

947040 No.14162177



d8d073 No.14162184

Filter the shills and dig more. Spread it to all places.

Archive the thread and open new ones it this one gets deleted.

04a5aa No.14162187


That actually is the exact response they want from us. They knew from the outset that anyone questioning the legitimacy of the leak could be used to drive its propagation. Assuming you aren't in league with them, you're still playing directly into their hands.

321b78 No.14162188

File: 4d2c53caf5d55ff⋯.gif (529.14 KB, 420x396, 35:33, Moondoom.gif)


>peeh peeh the frog

>signal boost

get the fuck out of here

54f9bc No.14162189



>can't redtext

This what happens when you invite reddit rejects.

7b6ed4 No.14162190

File: 41c8440ac1fc6c2⋯.gif (27.31 KB, 205x39, 205:39, 41c8440ac1fc6c2d96b8eabf02….gif)


>he switched IDs again

836746 No.14162193


Google has been using wifi-based location for a number of services for a long time. They pioneered this with shit like that Ingress AR game a while back and they've been iterating on it ever since.

So, yes, in all likelihood Google has a map of your home (or at least a vague idea of what your home looks like, as well as a heatmap of where you spent the most time), and they've likely sold it to other companies and given it to the NSA.

44d5e3 No.14162208

File: 707d3e344a54003⋯.gif (382.78 KB, 500x332, 125:83, disappointedjasmine.gif)




I am go to laugh if it that Anthem game

b36802 No.14162239

Even if this is all true, there's a simple solution to this. Don't be a stupid nigger, don't buy microtransactions.

27b093 No.14162241


They use the exact same old arguments that Kushner-owned shills used on /pol/ during the elections. Right down to claiming that you're on Killary's payroll if you go against their narrative. Wouldn't surprise me if they are funded by the US govt to spread the disinfo.

9db13b No.14162248


Who is "them" faggot?

>anyone who questions the leak could drive its propagation

This makes absolutely no sense

Either way I'm fucking tired

Someone else do the digging



>can't redtext

>when a shill posts a "rollan" image and fucked up his redtext combined with his spam


More importantly


Have you forgotten where you are? Or are you a shill?

04a5aa No.14162263


>Who is "them" faggot?

"Them" is whoever originally created and seeded these images.

>This makes absolutely no sense

It is exactly what this poster >>14162154 is trying to do and what you're pretending to not understand.

a7b99c No.14162270


Any and all investigative attempts that are not being desperately ignored through information blackout or else halted by 'accidents' falling upon the investigators in the really serious cases are inevitably going to be gaslighted. 'lel conspiracy theorist, all this shit was/is fake!!!' is already in the repertoire. As a result of this kind of thing becoming increasingly known, this repertoire is also ineffectual or counterproductive outside the most doomed echochambers, or as it continually looks, walled gardens with bot enforced false consensus. Therefore, the only answer is either tireless pursuit of every angle until something or everything sticks, or for the exhausted pessimists, continued extolling of whatever information one had stopped on and held onto with confidence.

54f9bc No.14162276


When there's a (1) and done just trying to stir up drama, I'm going to call out on their shit. A group can't focus if everyone is running around like headless chickens spreading their focus on hearsay instead of tackling actual issues, Mr. Shill.

a5ee9a No.14162283

File: ea53a41eb4cdcce⋯.png (371.75 KB, 728x500, 182:125, literal consumer whore.png)

File: 0b3e3288074b137⋯.jpg (26.18 KB, 435x300, 29:20, Consumer Whore.jpg)

File: 13237d9ce2cea1e⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1597x767, 1597:767, valve_censoring_consumers.png)

File: 83575d61d35e4f8⋯.jpg (56.84 KB, 792x600, 33:25, how modern game industry s….jpg)


>social engineering to create the biggest paypigs, whales, consumer whores, whatever

The effects of this are pretty obvious. You see unpaid fanboys defending egregious kikery all the time and we already know plebbit is censored and manipulated like crazy.

836746 No.14162292


Did you not read all the posts?

The application of the technology is easy to avoid but only in the framework they're presenting it in. What happens when your OS starts using audio pulled from your mic to start mining data on you? It's going to pull voice samples to determine mental state, or background audio to figure out what you're watching on television. Then they'e going to sell that data to marketing companies so they know exactly when to market at you the hardest.

Or maybe it'll learn when you feel like being the most politically active, and what sort of content would most effectively distract you from that - then coincidentally you'll start seeing a lot more of that content on the websites you visit.

You gotta start reading between the lines. This is a small part of a global effort to turn you into a generic, unmotivated, faceless consumer that does nothing but work and buy. They want to know everything about you so that they can manipulate you. One of the posts mentions having an AI-controlled MMO avatar pretend to be a human to influence you into buying stuff - what makes you think that's going to stop with MMOs? Within your lifetime you will see imageboards die because of AI-controlled marketers. You will see banal services like Tinder and Facebook be inundated with bots that try to manipulate you into buying services.

This shit is a million times scarier than just "lol don't buy microtransactions". They want to control your life.

91716f No.14162306

File: 3acf34408a907f4⋯.jpg (97.62 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, Sucking.jpg)

>Banned for roll thread on cuckchan shit

Get cancer and die Mark, you've ruined this board and removed any confiness and auto moderation users had.

Nothing but cuckchan crossposters shitposting nowadays and you're ok with that considering you also crosspost.

9db13b No.14162309



>actual issues

>1 thread which will likely last a day, and take anons a few hours at most of their time to dig into and confirm whether its fake or not

>thread opens by starting out that its unconfirmed

>ignore the sheer level of autism that should have been required to create something like this if it were a LARP, like knowing fucking data brokering, laws concerning AI, peer-reviewed research about audio manipulation, and so on

This isn't fucking ordinary and is worth a thread.

if you don't think so, fucking hide the thread. You don't contribute a thing by posting like a shill. There are things in this powerpoint that are sketchy as fuck and paint it as being a possible, maybe even a likely fake, but until its confirmed to be, shut the fuck up

I sincerely doubt that you bitched this much during the NX threads on /v/

>Mr. Shill

wew, nice response. Guessing you can't read IDs.

Polite sage because this is off-topic.

480023 No.14162316

File: d089336301cf409⋯.jpg (56.3 KB, 803x474, 803:474, 03ae643235d79b3cec88ae42c5….jpg)


My thoughts as well. Too many shills bouncing out the floorboards trying to destroy the thread immediately.


The pictures themselves are real, we can verify with our eyes. You and detractors saying it's not true have no further proof than your opinion and a slew of (1)s backing you up, which is suspicious as fuck.


They're a mass amount of ones trying to consensus crack that this is all fake, when the only evidence at the moment are actual pictures of the slides and information based on evidence themselves. The shills and detractors offer no evidence by contrast. The fact the thread has gotten this much (1) attention, which is pretty rare for us nowadays leads me to think it's legit.

91716f No.14162317

File: e63c352cf3ae832⋯.jpg (8.09 KB, 224x225, 224:225, images (1) (0).jpg)


>you bitched this much during the NX threads on /v/

Lots of people did, especially when it was nothing but speculation

All of them got the banhammer.

91716f No.14162320


>Everyone who wants cuckchan clickbait off this board is a shill

Get out

9db13b No.14162325




>sperg out this much over a rightful ban

>continues to shitpost rampantly and contribute nothing overall

>wants more people to get banned for whatever he deems to be "cuckchan shit"

You amuse me

480023 No.14162331

File: 007d15f3883db1d⋯.webm (1.46 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 007d15f3883db1dada05f4f07….webm)

Can any anon tell the type of screen its being projected on?


This is the last response you'll get from me, shill. There is actual information in front of your face, and yet you have nothing to respond against it with, and yet are desperate to destroy a thread that wants to look into it to confirm if legit or not, a thread you could easily hide if you didn't like it.Go suck your bosses circumsized dick, goytoy.

2e41ea No.14162334

File: 0f1b420aaac44c5⋯.jpg (154.45 KB, 720x480, 3:2, pirating-funds-terrorism.jpg)


>Corporate talk isn't as overtly evil as what is written in these "leaks"

that's my biggest issue reading through this. corporate powerpoints always try to make everything sound good, they'll make up phrases if they need to just to avoid being so overtly scummy.

it also doesn't sound far fetched that a company would be implementing something like this for marketing.

a2b345 No.14162344

File: f9a0b2a18a5f43c⋯.png (275.37 KB, 649x653, 649:653, f9a0b2a18a5f43c5beb852a2df….png)


Rightful ban?

This shit is clickbait with no fucking source and Mark is allowing it.

Nothing rightful about rule 8 either, never was, it's nothing but a way of the shit vols doing whatever they want and deleting everything they dislike.

9db13b No.14162346


We're dealing with Data Brokerage companies, it seems like nothing is beneath them

This is one of those things that lacks a precedence, we know next to nothing about them and how they do business

More importantly the information in this powerpoint seems to be targeted towards users who already have information or knowledge about audio and AI manipulation

It even references the fact that AI manipulation is technically ahead of the law, what the fuck is that?

9db13b No.14162350


>no source

No fucking shit, its meant to be dug into and to be confirmed whether its fucking fake or not

its 50 fucking images, it'll take up a thread or two max if its fake, and if its real then we fucking uncovered something crazy

Stop either being retarded or keep acting like a shill and expecting your posts to not get deleted

a2b345 No.14162351

File: f86008ebf1751c0⋯.jpg (42.37 KB, 600x790, 60:79, f86008ebf1751c00054ce6656f….jpg)



a34df7 No.14162352


>alter a player's individual experience

So they could actually force half your shots to miss sometimes in order to encourage you to buy autoaim.

3f5459 No.14162353


Would anyone go through the trouble of faking all this for such an obscure subject?

04a5aa No.14162362


I suppose you're right on that front. At the end of the day anyone who buys into ultimately false information will be mocked and anyone who didn't believe it will just say "well we told you so" and vise versa. However, if they find a way to effectively signal boost this kind of shit to match legitimate information, the structure of imageboards is such that they could easily be flooded by disinfo that overwhelms mods and janitors rendering them useless. This, along with subversion on the part of the mods, is what killed halfchan.

99c189 No.14162366


a2b345 No.14162368

File: e026839a288c2a7⋯.png (28.07 KB, 713x576, 713:576, e026839a288c2a7486b93f1114….png)



>I dont know of any elaborate imageboard ruses with tons of efforts

I should have realized this board is nothing but newfaggots at this point.

Fuck this shit

480023 No.14162370


>Try to look into event

>Shills and (1)s immediately shit up thread


I dunno anon, maybe if we could actually look into it to verify if its real. Since the info is pretty fucking orwellian.


Aren't they starting this already with activions new thing?

591a3d No.14162371


You underestimate LARPers.

d3e9f2 No.14162374

File: 559f9ac42fff789⋯.gif (7.22 KB, 112x160, 7:10, m u n c h.gif)

Shit was proven fake this morning. Why are you posting again?

05c155 No.14162380


>look into it

>cuckchan leak

Yes, tell me about it, oh wise one destroyer of shills and counter of posts

1f0202 No.14162382


t. shill

a2b345 No.14162383

File: 4eeb829acdb3edf⋯.png (130.33 KB, 301x299, 301:299, 4eeb829acdb3edf9fe8f4d94b6….png)


>Shills trying to derails


0d80d3 No.14162391

9db13b No.14162393


You aren't very bright are you?

d69bb8 No.14162394


>signal boost

>norman the normalfrog

Just go back

05c155 No.14162397


No, i'm not, since i clearly can't see the verisimilitude behind the idea of an AI that identifies emotions in voices being used for videogames microtransactions

a2b345 No.14162398

File: 7c53495cf6e8ad9⋯.png (34.78 KB, 1022x514, 511:257, 7c53495cf6e8ad950b18813b9e….png)


Because Mark is an autistic retard that can't follow through his decisions, not even the actual good ones like deleting cuckchan leaks or anything cuckchan related like this thread.

a59c8f No.14162402


>it got deleted because it was fucking fake

You mean because Mark is a fat fuck who shills for the gaming industry, we know.

1fc2fa No.14162405

File: bef5d8893002b0e⋯.jpg (167.61 KB, 640x2721, 640:2721, 9adc25833afbde51a53a0cf13a….jpg)

File: 6d9bfd615a5ad75⋯.jpg (207.82 KB, 1024x1089, 1024:1089, ec7ec52acaf46dcbc231edd263….jpg)

>larping fat nerd tripfag on cuck/pol/ pretending to be a WH insider posts vague questions

>retards fall for it

>larping fat nerd on cuckchan posts pointlessly and heavily self-censored pics he could have easily made himself

>retards fall for it

One day I will successfully troll cuckchan and by extension normalfags and boomers by doing something like this. Pic related, what Qfaggotry brought us.

a2b345 No.14162406

File: 814e614d0301158⋯.jpg (63.62 KB, 323x559, 323:559, 814e614d0301158c2482bac8ff….jpg)




9db13b No.14162411


>pithy one-line shitpost

figured as much

05c155 No.14162416


>brief, forceful and meaningful in expression

Thanks anon :D

2e41ea No.14162418


>Can any anon tell the type of screen its being projected on?

it looks like it's an lcd screen based on the first picture in the thread, i have no idea what kind it would be and it's hard to get a sense of the size.

a2b345 No.14162420

File: 1ce9abecdae62f3⋯.png (1.61 MB, 3702x3756, 617:626, 1ce9abecdae62f36d57d181d1b….png)



Of fucking course, they poisoned the fucking NeoFag dying threads as well with their stale shit memes and retardation.

They completely ruined this /pol/ as well after Jewt nuked cuck/pol/ with censorship.

a2b345 No.14162422



Fuckoff, you're not welcome

a59c8f No.14162425


>They completely ruined this /pol/ as well after Jewt nuked cuck/pol/ with censorship.

8/pol/ died thanks to Acid Man's fake "GamerGate and you" post which inserted the term "D&C" into their nomenclature.

b1b9b8 No.14162429

File: 32ca9e70580f5bf⋯.gif (1.21 MB, 310x314, 155:157, HE sphere.gif)



1fc2fa No.14162434

1fc2fa No.14162437

File: 90357743696cf91⋯.jpg (43.33 KB, 425x390, 85:78, proofs.jpg)



27b093 No.14162438



a2b345 No.14162442

File: d46a42ac14eb8ef⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 900x1173, 300:391, d46a42ac14eb8ef47c67a242fb….jpg)


8/pol/ died after cuckchan flooded it in early 2015 after Jewt nuked their haven.

That's when all the shitposting and cancer started.

a2b345 No.14162445

6dd3f3 No.14162453

d4b09d No.14162462

If he people saying its fake demanding proof weren't shills trying to stifle discussion then they wouldn't be wasting their time posting. They would simply hide the thread after calling OP a faggot and the posters retards and be on their way.

Prove me wrong, shills.

a2b345 No.14162464

File: e16230f5035df0f⋯.jpg (100.73 KB, 1001x628, 1001:628, 45faf4663d332748aae0c00ecf….jpg)


Ask and yid shall receive

d3e9f2 No.14162466


This can't be real, it reads like a fucking parody.


It finally fell for me during the elections when everyone fell for cuckchan larps and started practicing esoterics unironically. They're also just don't wanna have fun anymore. Being funny is what made their memes work.

44d5e3 No.14162473

File: f0bc5eeeebc757a⋯.jpg (223.38 KB, 1024x887, 1024:887, SJW_in_disguise_(color) (1….JPG)



stfu cuckchan

ee1b89 No.14162474


If the reccomendation to hide the thread and go somewhere else worked then /v/ clones would be populated.

a2b345 No.14162479

File: 5867dc327d70386⋯.jpg (198.62 KB, 714x768, 119:128, 5867dc327d70386583fdb6d3dd….jpg)


>Hiding the thread will make the cancer festering this board go away

This isn't cuckchan or Tumblr, fuckoff you barely literate nigger

548860 No.14162483

Where's the proof that it's fake

cf6b1a No.14162485


Marketers continue to be one of the greatest cancers within the industry and journos continue to cover for them by being more overtly cancerous by staging big events where they talk about marxism and feminism in video games.

ee1b89 No.14162486


it came from cuckchan.

a2b345 No.14162488

File: eac0ae73481862e⋯.jpg (208.85 KB, 1268x656, 317:164, eac0ae73481862e15f6cb716d2….jpg)



d4b09d No.14162495


>Shitposting hard suprring other Anons to make even lower quality shitposts is what will save this board!

Spoken like a faggot shill out to ruin this board and stifle discussion.

dbe0ff No.14162502


Yeah, basically. Marketers murdered the net. I'd personally love to murder them all.

04a5aa No.14162503


>/pol/ boards are always in a death spiral

More like nothing escapes entropy. Not you or I, imageboards, political systems, or even fucking celestial bodies. Its inevitable that once the institutions we've been coasting on grind to a halt that we'll have to make new ones.

ee1b89 No.14162504


Maybe next time don't mention cuckchan if you don't want your shit thread to be derailed. You're talking to people who hate cuckchan.

d3e9f2 No.14162506

File: 04481f4a10e2e0e⋯.png (814.49 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Shitposting in Space.png)

Upon further inspection, I can't really say I don't believe that this shit happens. I find the wording of it to be way too honest for this to be real though, shit like this is always prettied up.

It's also a from cuckchan, and anything there should be disregarded immediately.

And what the fuck are we gonna "dig" for?


>4pol has been spiraling the most time

not that cuckchan isn't shit but


04a5aa No.14162507


meant for >>14162469

d4b09d No.14162508


>He thinks I'm the OP

>He doesn't know about ID's

You guys oust yourselves far too easily.

a2b345 No.14162514

File: ef5e82de18f6fca⋯.png (4.68 KB, 300x300, 1:1, ef5e82de18f6fca8a1258cd01f….png)


>Stiffling discussion

Cuckchan stifles quality

I'm merely posting what this threads deserves.

ee1b89 No.14162517


The OP's a (1) and done cuckchanner, I have no reason to believe you aren't him using a proxy.

80b7c5 No.14162558


so which of those guys are both data brokers and a limited liability corporation?

d8df04 No.14162603

these slides are hilarious but as much as i hate when people post

>take your meds

i think whoever made these slides really does need to

e0330f No.14162626

File: 610898b42400050⋯.jpg (70.05 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1465465465476.jpg)


>Still unconfirmed

Then post it when it's confirmed, dumbass. For all we know this might just be someone trying to ruse people.

80b7c5 No.14162627



2db16f No.14162636

File: 0461af79f5f9642⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 534.31 KB, 1200x720, 5:3, 5.webm)

80b7c5 No.14162645


yeah, but unlike you, i wasn't trying to slide the thread into oblivion, nor to shill

91716f No.14162662



2db16f No.14162672

File: a2b4daa17a55454⋯.jpg (64.9 KB, 627x421, 627:421, 8054d8b941368e67910bab1c2b….jpg)


yeah but unlike you i don't frequent >>>/cuckchan/ nor suck dick on a daily basis for that matter

e3ca09 No.14162673


Shit like this is why I've more or less abandoned the idea of helping consumers in the long run. They don't want to e helped and instead, want to be raped silly.

9db13b No.14162675


The whole point of posting this was to get people to dig and see if it was, and I don't really see the person who posted this posting in this thread at all so the "LARPing" option is unlikely


>(1) and done cuckchanner

He just copied the text from the hq thread which I made

f9e882 No.14162734


It's too surreal because you've been living under a rock.

3dd840 No.14162746


>signal boost this shit anons

Get the fuck back to tumblr, fatty.

301ba0 No.14162752

File: c44babb23c364ef⋯.gif (228.76 KB, 400x300, 4:3, ELBOT.gif)

AI thread?

f2584a No.14162765


This is faker than fake. You shouldn't even need to look past the second image to realize this, how gullible are you? This is just straight up a checklist of things that are known to trigger /v/, and it looks like someone just used their phone to take a picture of their monitor. If this was real, their usage of the term "bait-and-switch" alone is the equivalent to bending over, dropping your pants, and begging for a lawsuit to be shoved up your ass.

a62582 No.14162775

Maybe this is what videogames were made for after all, isn't it?

f2584a No.14162785


Oh, and the use of Clippy is such an obvious "haha, just a prank guys, I had you worried there didn't I?" message that I'm actually somewhat surprised how autistic you retards being.

0f5863 No.14162790

File: 0efcbe816a207f4⋯.jpg (20.79 KB, 480x360, 4:3, spiderbox.jpg)


>anyone who thinks my farfetched conspiracy theory is anything less than law is shilling and is JIDF, alert the president boys #hacktheplanet

holy shit

3f3a06 No.14162792

>Literally the first image

>December 5th, 2017

>NEXT VERSION: January 24th, 2017

3af16f No.14162814

So is this Bioware?

781f14 No.14162822


who fucking knows, OP thinks dropping a bunch of things_shitty_game_devs_already_do.jpg with no tie to who's doing it is helpful/useful/shocking

211eb7 No.14162835

File: 9ff36d8de47102c⋯.jpg (146.2 KB, 990x1146, 165:191, 4187ffdfe6b0c758d483159014….jpg)


Fuckoff shill, actually give proof this isn't real and actually contribute to the thread goyim.

Do I fit in yet?

27b093 No.14162836


Anyone who has been into those kind of corporate meetings know that they never ever lay out their horseshit that plainly. They always hide it behind some kind of jargon that the average dumbass wouldn't catch on. I can easily see those fuck do something that awful but they would never expose it that plainly to the average idiot who works under them.

321b78 No.14162838


       GUESS WHAT??




211eb7 No.14162841

9db13b No.14162907

File: bb823cf0651c120⋯.pdf (606.22 KB, TukaAlHanai_aaai-17[1].pdf)

PDF is legit. They're using studies from MIT

6ae284 No.14162916


Have you taken the brown pill yet, mateys?

211eb7 No.14162920


Reginald posting is a guilty pleasure of mine.

c79edb No.14162922

File: 4dcdce161dab567⋯.webm (4.12 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Only highly intellegent p….webm)


>lets find out what people do in video games to market to them


<staring at asses

<staring at tits

c79edb No.14162951

File: 03b9d922c5400ff⋯.png (533.4 KB, 2000x1690, 200:169, media.png)

c79edb No.14162964

File: 4155581c675d3f8⋯.webm (13.32 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 2017-11-03_00-52-56.webm)


but what was the source that it was fake?

I have no doubt they would try something like this look at dlc and paying for mods.

836746 No.14162968


it's a shill, anon. the thread is being raided by D&C shills trying to misdirect you. there is nothing to suggest this is fake.

27b093 No.14162986


Corporate kikes are never that direct when they push for horrible shit. They always mask it in some type of language the common man don't understand. That's how it was debunked.

6fd29a No.14162994

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


there's also nothing to suggest that it is real either


you're an idiot

c79edb No.14163007


why would they use cryptic language?

08677f No.14163012

>making another thread for this obviously bogus shit

27b093 No.14163016


IS the OP about a presentation to tribe? that Jewtube audio was about him speaking to the tribe in supposedly private.


Lawsuits and bad PR. Manipulating language is how kikes make their life while trying to shut down everyone else.

6fd29a No.14163025


it's a public voice meeting EA has every so often. again you are idiots

27b093 No.14163032


No it isn't read the goddamn description. It's a speech he gave out to stockholders, retard.

6fd29a No.14163040


a public speech to shareholders you fucking idiot, do you not remember the somewhat comfy thread long ago back on cuckchan where we listened to it?

6fd29a No.14163050

c79edb No.14163059

File: 1766f2d395210ec⋯.jpg (1.78 MB, 5000x5000, 1:1, 123.jpg)

27b093 No.14163062


My cuckchan days were spent as a /b/-tard then as a /pol/ack, I don't know what the thread you're referring to is

ee8733 No.14163071

File: 3e2875a4993bf43⋯.jpg (56.12 KB, 640x696, 80:87, 3e2875a4993bf43233d305272e….jpg)


I refuse to believe that redditshit is real. I absolutely refuse.

71e7aa No.14163072


where's the evidence that it's real

6fd29a No.14163083


can't find an archive of the thread but the video I linked was around the time of it

c79edb No.14163088

File: e645fa80150e215⋯.jpg (112.41 KB, 604x453, 4:3, Reddit islands.jpg)


Reddit wanted to make a micronation once.

45947e No.14163092

File: 2c5eb5d417f3315⋯.gif (84.02 KB, 253x230, 11:10, 1458268199051.gif)


>all those minorities

So what did the black Redditors just assume that white Redditors would just build the houses for them.

ac172a No.14163102

File: 69c55a27ae97fe3⋯.jpg (107.85 KB, 736x1052, 184:263, 5026d96798727f2e7efaf9089e….jpg)


>The detection path has been kept to see if our other AI systems can manipulate the player into not being depressed

Not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing

e74bdb No.14163115


>"the holy spirit cannon own copyright."

>AI management software deciding to kill is okay because it's a machine, and therefore not a crime.

>Just kidding

This was obviously made by an idiot. This will make confirming if it's real or not much harder. Poe's law and all.

6fd29a No.14163123


it seems like an unfinished draft

c79edb No.14163128

4chan has a crypto-coin sitting at 1 cent.


ac172a No.14163206


What if artificially driven happiness could give you the strength to fight in the real world? I just want someone to care enough about me to help me grow as a person I wish people cared enough about themselves to learn and grow more as people strong enough to talk about ideas with instead of drama or gossip

94161d No.14163212


>consensus crack

This is all I need to know you're a faggot who can't deal with disagreement. You're obviously accustomed to safe spaces, so go back to them.

909e62 No.14163214


It's a bad thing, because their "solution" to alleviating depression will be encouraging you to buy more shit so you get a quick fix. If anything they'll exploit depressive states into fueling addiction through conditioning, much like how you hook someone on drugs to keep control of them.

ac172a No.14163217

File: f338ce1cc559db1⋯.jpg (47.45 KB, 350x668, 175:334, Lucifer_Liege_Luc_Viatour.jpg)



Thanks co-intel pro. I'm going to go to sleep now, getting pretty tired. It sure is late.

dc6dae No.14163253

File: d87bab669dcde94⋯.jpg (92.4 KB, 846x900, 47:50, d87bab669dcde94ef5db28fdd7….jpg)


>have a look

>"if you look into schedule D we outlined…"

>scroll down

>all these blurry as fuck images

>all this conspiricy-tier fucking shit

wew. Thanks for spreading the /pol/ conspiracy theory bullshit here fellow redditor.

Here, have a bump. I got a good laugh out of this shit.

c79edb No.14163265

File: bce9ab030c81fcc⋯.jpg (6.96 KB, 247x150, 247:150, tetsuo.jpg)


the ultimate goal is to have everyone join the collective making you "happy" all the time in a transhumanist "utopia" in order to get you to buy more shit.

a57f84 No.14163268

File: ef174208c1d9698⋯.jpg (112.42 KB, 573x572, 573:572, 64321659.jpg)

This is some retarded bullshit alright.

>B-but they are pictures of some Powerpoint slideshow so it must be legit!

>muh ebil AI is gonna take over the world and control your mind with customized marketing!

c79edb No.14163275


your an idiot, there already trying to make dream Advertisement and personalized advertisement like in minority report.

a57f84 No.14163277


Oh I bet they are.

c79edb No.14163280


No that image perfectly summarizing you.

a fucking Retard.

c79edb No.14163283

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a57f84 No.14163286


Because I don't believe on this unsourced shit that OP is parroting?

dc6dae No.14163291

File: 5ae57be97b5124b⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 103.33 KB, 186x220, 93:110, SUPREME_LAUGH.png)

c79edb No.14163294


But where is the source that its fake?

You keep spouting its fake but dont provide any evidence that its fake.


i'm not promoting the platform, im showing the evidence. Its like some retard who's house is on fire and won't belive it until it's too late.

a57f84 No.14163297


Where is the source that it's real?

0423ee No.14163300


Some pictures of a power point anyone could've made, of course

9db13b No.14163301


Fag nobody cares if you think the thing is fake. Everyone with an ounce of skepticism should.

I still think the thing has a pretty good chance of being fake, but there is way too much sketchy shit here to be dismissed without confirming if its fake or if its real and the purpose of this thread should be to find that out

Or you can shitpost about a few retarded lines in the thing and ignore the disturbing amount of work, evidence and actual research and data that exists for this shit



said its likely an unfinished draft or something like that

dc6dae No.14163303

File: 04967249702f70f⋯.gif (1.85 MB, 384x372, 32:31, aqua laugh.gif)


It's retards like you who do not understand how presenting evidence works. You need something to support it that's been proven and is factual that directly relates to the subject at hand.

I can simply make some shitty document in latex in an hour detailing this whole great push into shitposting and how I can turn shitposters into weapons of mass destruction, throw a couple of names into it and base it on something that's currently happening. Take a few blurry screenshots, throw on some poorly edited black censorship to hide the (obviously fake) private details then go wild. You're a fucking retard if someone unironically used


in a serious business conference.

>i'm not promoting the platform, im showing the evidence.

Refer to my earlier point. And I only find using Ted x fucking hilarious because you can be any fucking faggot and host a talk there. How the fuck did you think SAM HYDE got up there.

53072f No.14163307


Thanks, I have been searching for this image.

bf11f7 No.14163308

Oh god, this shit again first thing in the morning.

c79edb No.14163313


Im not defending it, but people keep saying it was proven fake without evidence.


blurry pictures doesn't mean its fake.


Retard, how do you do that without digging into it.

I suppose you think Conspiracies just come out into the open all of a sudden and everyone finds out about it because there is so much evidence that its there.


its shitty dry humor, why wouldn't they use it. Ted isnt any better, they only let faggots talk and if you dont conform to their horeshit dribble you cant present anything there. there was a guy who made a ted video saying science is bullshit and has become a religion and they removed his video.

eb2856 No.14163316

Fake and gay.

Go back to reddit.


ac172a No.14163318

File: e4ffb192daa42ba⋯.jpg (7.94 MB, 8112x4184, 1014:523, 1448659244455.jpg)


You're just going to get bombarded with one liner responses that try to discredit you through no logic beyond the obvious, and especially no discussion. It's consensus cracking. Google cointel pro. They have a set of techniques they use on us.

The same shit happens on /pol/ on a daily basis.

I'm not really sure what to do about it. But we should be thinking of a way to create an new chan that cant be cracked by shills or overwhelming a.i.'s.

a57f84 No.14163323


I don't care if you or anyone cares about my opinion or not, this is a discussion board and I am merely sharing it like everyone else does.

44d5e3 No.14163324

File: 48d6efe56d6b423⋯.jpg (1.5 MB, 1880x2816, 235:352, 018.jpg)


what crawled up your ass? If you can't read then don't respond.

a57f84 No.14163328


I think that you are being a tad bit paranoid there. This site isn't the bastion of free speech that you believe, you are not some internet warrior and "they" be it whoever you want them to be are too busy getting that done to ever care about your shadow hunting and watered down discussion.

ac172a No.14163332

File: 09eeea47ed42c47⋯.jpg (96.57 KB, 700x985, 140:197, 3a9625b8b0ffd28a86949001db….jpg)


I think that you are being a tad bit new here. This site is the bastion of free speech that you don't believe it is, you are some internet faggot and "we" be it whoever you want them to be are getting stronger.


dc6dae No.14163335


>how do you do that without digging into it.

Well do you have a lead that can be directly tied to this little draft? Because from what I can tell, there's only "Databroker LLC" that may provide even a remote clue. Even then, that's a really fucking generic name if I've ever seen one. All we can do is roughly speculate and get fucking no where. It's best to assume it's fake and gay because it's the internet. Everyone can post shit anonymously.

>its shitty dry humor, why wouldn't they use it. Ted isnt any better, they only let faggots talk and if you dont conform to their horeshit dribble

Well if it is a rough draft then that might be slightly more forgivable. I just cannot imagine something like clippy being used in some proper document. As for Ted, it's a shitshow that has varying degrees of actually credible talkers.


>I'm not really sure what to do about it. But we should be thinking of a way to create an new chan that cant be cracked by shills or overwhelming a.i.'s.

Good fucking luck but your entire post is fucking classic /pol/ack horsecrap. After all, a broken clock is right twice a day.

Also, just want to point out. OP is a (1) and done kind of faggot. Just only merely pointing that out,.

a57f84 No.14163339


Oh yes, I bet that the website owned by Jim Watkins a literal freemason, is the latest bastion of free speech. How ya enjoyin' that watered down discussion courtesy of your god Imkampfy fufufufu~

ac172a No.14163344

File: c8a23fb509ce267⋯.jpg (121.12 KB, 640x960, 2:3, 9da629a7999cd784121b1561df….jpg)


Well it was anyway. Cant you let a guy hold on to the past?

Where should we go now?

a57f84 No.14163360


Some sort of decentralized social network.

480023 No.14163368

File: 000d3b550a80764⋯.gif (526.46 KB, 540x405, 4:3, 000d3b550a80764b2f5fd03763….gif)


How are anons supposed to investigate and find proof when you won't let them? You refuse to allow any discussion to occur until someone finds the goal of the topic of the discussion that this thread is about. The fact that you're trying to prevent any discussion from occurring to see if this is actually true or not and framing your argument in such a disingenuous way that it is somehow a bad thing that anons want to research and verify if this is legit or not is very telling of your motivations here. But undoubtedly you'll try and jew your way out of that as well, since you're not trying to contribute to the discussion here but prevent it.

bf11f7 No.14163381


That's cute and it'd be true if there was any semblance of "investigative discussion" to be had. This is the second 200+ thread on this that I know of and it's been nothing but a bunch of circlejerking to what is essentially a conspiracy theorist's wet dream interjected a few times to call sceptics shills.

480023 No.14163395

File: 68b0cb35fdf3785⋯.jpg (49.96 KB, 492x675, 164:225, 00f94a24cbdc468c40c585ecc0….jpg)

In fact, this entire thread has been forcefully devolved into shitposting and derailment to try and prevent anons from even checking to see if the information is legitimate or not. The fact so much effort is being put into preventing to investigate what is supposed to be "obviously fake". If it were fake, why would they care so much?


There has been nothing but derailment and attacks on any suggestion of researching it by you, a few others, and a slew of (1)s.

>Conspiracy theorist

>That's cute

Conspiracy theorist was started by the CIA to discredit investigations into the jfk assassination.


You don't even talk like an anon.

ebed57 No.14163397


Hey, fucking retard. If you want to waste your time on this stupid bullshit, feel free to use the dedicated thread linked in the OP. There's no reason for it to have a dedicated thread here. None.

909e62 No.14163404


>control your mind with customized marketing

Most ads you see on the internet are governed by algorithms to eventually achieve that purpose. Through they're more interested in analyzing and manipulating people into wanting and buying their products. It's quite a lucrative business to get into if you know how to construct AI solutions to handle big data.

But the general idea of social manipulation has already been experimented further with by Facebook. For instance they were caught manipulating feeds to see if they could shift the emotional state of users, by selective exposure to positive vs negative articles. The point is the technologies and means to do it autonomously already exist to reach towards that goal. This doesn't even begin to cover what intelligence agencies would use such things for.

However I think this particular "leak" reads like a poorly written draft proposal to sell existing concepts they mashed together into one solution to a business. It probably be more useful to look into the technologies and sources it mentions instead of focusing on the leak as a whole.

44d5e3 No.14163406

File: 3395ed85adfb139⋯.png (99.1 KB, 363x366, 121:122, jesus_christ_how_trollifyi….png)


Making an ass of yourself provide a counterpoint?

7cfaf4 No.14163408

File: ee272bf79017cf7⋯.jpg (43.73 KB, 301x470, 301:470, thoughtful-pirate-41345683.jpg)


I think the solution to all of the problems related to gaming a pretty clear

>never buy microtransaction

>never buy seasons pass

>never buy anything beyond the base game

>prefer piracy, used games or deep discount sales above all else

We know literally everything they do is focused on tricking people into buying bullshit, imagine if they spent that money, time and effort on making good games instead?

It'll never happen but either way, we should probably just quit buying things as much as possible.

b66110 No.14163411


If it is a leak why is it redacted.

eb2856 No.14163418


Facts are subjective.

a57f84 No.14163422

772246 No.14163423


only good post in this entire thread

dc6dae No.14163436

File: 83ba9d924e81932⋯.jpg (40.6 KB, 231x199, 231:199, ev018f.jpg)


What's preventing you from discussing it? Is me simply posting discrediting it preventing you from discussing it? Maybe if there was any credible evidence on show that actually furthered this investigation I wouldn't be laughing so hard at how retarded this all is.


>and a slew of (1)s.

Consider the following; OP is a (1) and done OP.

eb2856 No.14163437


Prove me wrong, christcuck.

ac172a No.14163444


Prove yourself objectively right, person who doesn't believe in objectivity.

bf11f7 No.14163467


>You don't even talk like an anon.

What, using the English language? Posts like these or constant "meme spacing" bullshit that is a result of the narrow input box 99% of the time make my blood boil so let me use some language that you can understand: Fuck off nigger and come back when you have some actual proof and not blurry camera pictures that have way too many red flags in them to be considered even remotely credible. You keep bitching about "investigating" these "leaks" and I say to you - what's there to investigate? Let's take a critical look.

>Apparently a whistle blower leak

>A whistle blower leak that has all important info blacked out and doesn't indict anyone

>Written in a completely unprofessional tone suggesting technology that isn't even remotely possible


Again, for the slow fucks - if you risked your career presumably to leak shit you're not supposed to, why the fuck would you black out any important information knowing full well that nothing could be verified by any means?

Fake and gay.

eb2856 No.14163475




The quality of shills is really going downhill since the election.

eb2856 No.14163482


>the kike calls you a shill while he shills you

c79edb No.14163486


I already have an idea for one, I want to create it using blockchain and p2p technology. the more people in a thread the better it will run.

480023 No.14163487


The fact that this thread was shitposted and derailed into oblivion by you and a good few dozen (1)s if not more is proof enough that was not possible. And you are either an idiot or being willfully obtuse to claim otherwise. Why don't you leave and let anons discuss it. Is this threads very existence so much of a threat to you?

bf11f7 No.14163491


I also just realized that these pictures were taken from either a piece of paper or a fucking computer screen not a projector. Nice "presentation leak", really.

eb2856 No.14163495


Yeah it's pretty obvious huh.

948bd4 No.14163500


>Is this threads very existence so much of a threat to you?

When the board is populated by people like "ActivisionAnon" it's very much a threat.

a57f84 No.14163504


What is there to discuss that hasn't been discussed already? Why don't you investigate and come back to share your results?

c79edb No.14163505


No, everything is truth until proven false.

Take your nonsensical brainless self elsewhere.

eb2856 No.14163510



I'm getting sick of the conspiracy theories on this board. It wasn't like this in 2008.

44d5e3 No.14163516

File: a3e9ddf2c6ba028⋯.jpeg (62.4 KB, 817x857, 817:857, laugh.jpeg)

File: fb15a166df43653⋯.gif (10.87 KB, 256x192, 4:3, Kristoph_Laugh.gif)

File: 32c5b8ac60f4be8⋯.gif (50.15 KB, 256x192, 4:3, (a)laugh.gif)

File: e2df9bc15ba4f07⋯.jpg (153.03 KB, 1679x903, 1679:903, God_Laugh.jpg)


c79edb No.14163519


that's the point, all shills will say its false until proven true. You cant prove it true until you actually investigate, but by investigating you are concluding it's true before coming to the conclusion that its false.

Everything is true until you can prove its false. that is Truth.

Everything is false until proven true. That is Lazy and a lie.

772246 No.14163520


There's nothing implausible about a leaker taking pictures of the presentation on the computer screen. In fact, it would be much stranger if they weren't; if the pictures were of a projector, that would imply the presenter and the audience just sat there and ignored the guy taking all the pictures of sensitive information.

c13780 No.14163521


Once you know what corruption looks like you'll be wary of early signs.

eb2856 No.14163530



Newfags pushing outlandish conspiracy theories that could never happen IRL, not now and not in 20 years, need to be called out and mocked relentlessly. Anons have to take a stand against this sort of nonsense.

44d5e3 No.14163535

File: 4426ff60960c749⋯.gif (383.88 KB, 960x720, 4:3, laughing_char.gif)

File: f2b430b2ab7aab7⋯.gif (226.32 KB, 160x177, 160:177, LaughingRenamon.gif)

File: cf8fa4cc46a4629⋯.png (717.46 KB, 1249x1064, 1249:1064, laughing_women.png)

File: 448bd0c4697f80f⋯.jpg (598.93 KB, 2304x1728, 4:3, laughing_space_cowboys.jpg)


>no argument

9351f7 No.14163536

File: 1387abe5d40c7c3⋯.webm (1.07 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Matthew Shepard Anti-Bull….webm)


Likewise, Fagioli.

bf11f7 No.14163537

>Be whistleblower

>Want to expose evil mind-control plan to the world

>Oh wait let me black out all the identifying information of the people who want to fucking mind-control gamers, wouldn't want them to get attacked or anything

>Another job well done, the world is safe again!

c79edb No.14163539


Using your brain to come to conclusions about truth is looked down by you isnt it.

Good goy, the government loves you.

Your credit score will go up if you were living in china.

dc6dae No.14163540

File: d28f454067055d1⋯.png (629.08 KB, 1207x801, 1207:801, how_pathetic...png)


>No, everything is truth until proven false.

You know why most court systems in the west have innocent until proven guilty, right? Wait, do we live in Phoenix Wright land suddenly? Is my dreams of becoming an Ace Attorney going to become true?

ac172a No.14163545


Why does it have to be classified as true or false if you don't know?

Why are people not okay with saying they don't fucking know if something is true or not?

Whats wrong with saying "We don't fucking know until we find out?"


Pretty sure this place didn't exist in 08, faggo.

772246 No.14163548


>outlandish conspiracy theories that could never happen IRL

I remember people saying the same thing about mass government surveillance . :^)

c79edb No.14163549


If you are innocent then why are you in a trial to prove that you are innocent.

eb2856 No.14163550


>he doesn't know when 8ch was first revealed

Another shill outs himself.

a57f84 No.14163551


Enjoy your delicious hamburger in this american restaurant.

eb2856 No.14163562


The only people who are so report happy are bootlicking goons. You sure you're in the right place?

c79edb No.14163563

File: 59b43609980826c⋯.jpg (17.45 KB, 500x336, 125:84, 59b43609980826c9bfa13751a4….jpg)


Go back to reddit, the report button isnt a downboat you fucking peice of shit.

9351f7 No.14163573

File: cccedc4f9f674e3⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 99.58 KB, 500x727, 500:727, commiefornia.png)


I don't know about that, anon.


That might just be the most retarded thing I've read today.

9351f7 No.14163579



Never mind, I admit to being a retard that can't read.

c79edb No.14163580


but you are claiming innocent until proven guilty, if you are innocent then why do you have to prove that you are innocent and not guilty?

the truth is you are guilty until proven innocent otherwise you wouldn't be pleading your innocence to a court.

eb2856 No.14163581

ITT: Shills get GOOFED

eb2856 No.14163594


Eat my ass, you'd love it. I would too

c79edb No.14163595

File: c6da0f891e0db91⋯.png (216.26 KB, 500x326, 250:163, c6da0f891e0db91f6c7c0403ee….png)


44d5e3 No.14163598

File: 7cf58408a100cf7⋯.jpg (34.74 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, laughing_Mantises.jpg)

File: d77d34d1bcd55ef⋯.gif (3.38 MB, 700x285, 140:57, laughing_mans.gif)

File: b8b85464585911c⋯.png (357.8 KB, 800x949, 800:949, laughing_aliens.png)

File: fab3ef1e5be8cb8⋯.jpg (87.85 KB, 272x272, 1:1, Laughing_German_Women.jpg)


No fucking mod will give a rat's ass about a spamming queer like you, here some more laughter reaction pictures.

772246 No.14163602


What does the setting of the original Phoenix Wright game have to do with Commiefornia?

eb2856 No.14163606


>the shill responds to shitposts because he gets paid by the post

c79edb No.14163608


but by asking you are trying to confirm if it is true. you are assuming its fact until you get evidence its fasle.

f19d63 No.14163619

File: 0eb4c074568afc6⋯.png (55.57 KB, 773x196, 773:196, Remember.png)

>All this shilling to prevent us from talking about it

44d5e3 No.14163620

File: 7401496b56d2f6a⋯.gif (970.79 KB, 500x250, 2:1, jojo_kars_evil_laugh.gif)

File: f7750c3cc567afa⋯.gif (653.83 KB, 596x316, 149:79, laughing_idols.gif)

File: bdbd4fed7d1bb64⋯.gif (999.98 KB, 500x525, 20:21, laughing_loli_vampire.gif)

File: e2f33ffe26d6dd7⋯.gif (141.86 KB, 270x270, 1:1, laughingmadman.gif)



and this is why you don't ditch school everybody.

bf11f7 No.14163621


Has any of you chromosome hoarders actually read any of these slides? Has anyone here actually ever been to any sort of business presentation, because the moron who made these "leaks" certainly hasn't. Let me actually try (yeah I know, it's hopeless) to educate you retards.

Take the intermission slide

>Continuing where we left off, in a Schedule "Z" portion. Next we'll show how once we have data about a person, we can construct a personality profile and begin to deploy social engineering toolkits based on decisions made by our AI

If we break this down we see several red flags:

>where we left off

Direct, too familiar

>we'll show

Direct speech, not used in professional presentations

>we can construct


>our AI

too personal

Does that language sound in any way, shape or form professional? This is obviously intended as a presentation for "serious" people, i.e. marketing, business, "the suits" for short. Let's try helping our aspiring mind-control master get his pitch right by re-writing that paragraph.

>The following segment continues to focus on Schedule "Z", specifically how the AI's decisions can drive the creation of a personality profile for the purpose of deploying social engineering toolkits.

This paragraph tells the same thing but it's




Far more likely to be something you find in "serious" presentations. There's your "investigative analysis", completely and conveniently ignoring the fact that, once again, the whistleblower REDACTED any indicting info from the slides. Can we now finally drop this stupid bullshit?

eb2856 No.14163623

File: 2cbb787c76f1891⋯.webm (1.6 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, internet arguments.webm)

eb2856 No.14163629

>the shills got banned


0e90cc No.14163631


You’re wrong. It’s real because no one has proven it false. You’re obviously just a shill.

7cfaf4 No.14163640


I've seen plenty of presentations with similar phrasing and content, maybe you've just seen stick-in-the-mud presentations.

Also, all of the technology and methods outlined are known to exist and definitively be real, just never outlined as being directed at gaming, or at least, not all at once, the entire thing is wholly plausible if not obviously already enacted and active for quite a long time in several games.

772246 No.14163642


Any unqualified retard can make presentations, anon – it's a job that falls to the low-tier people. I've had to sit through presentations with language much worse than that, even things like "your" instead of "you're".

eb2856 No.14163643






eb2856 No.14163649

File: 552fa1d432244df⋯.webm (7.91 MB, 854x480, 427:240, bird up.webm)

480023 No.14163654

File: 0ede3f8822e4809⋯.png (291.35 KB, 466x411, 466:411, 0ede3f8822e4809735c3701d8e….png)


This isn't an argument between true or not, it's an argument about how you and others did all in your power to prevent any type of discussion and research to SEE if it were true by anons. Anons weren't even given the chance to try and figure it out. This is more akin to a lawyer being attacked and prevented from even researching if the evidence he found was true or not.


Or JFK, or the government supporting terrorist cells. Conspiracy theory is nothing but a character attack on a skeptical person trying to find truth by evidence and to research accordingly. It's anons in this thread claiming no research or search for evidence or truth is necessary because "obviously it's fake, and you can't talk and research to see otherwise". It leads me to wonder where all these fucks are coming from.

eb2856 No.14163660


>meme spacing

And you call us the shills.

c79edb No.14163663


>anon provides some insightful speech


eb2856 No.14163666

bf11f7 No.14163667




You do know we have IDs, right?

eb2856 No.14163673


I'm a humble shitposter, just like you.

>>14163666 (checked) 卐

44d5e3 No.14163674

File: c032128de8a3dd5⋯.png (905.31 KB, 1058x705, 1058:705, ClipboardImage.png)


they are a bunch of young clowns who want to see the world burn, prone to self-destruction and wanton destruction. the motto is pic related

c13780 No.14163675



hat a way to blow up your cover faggot

0e90cc No.14163678


IDs are subjective.

948bd4 No.14163679


Pewter is too busy looking up uncensored porn in the bumplocked 4am thread to do his actual fucking job.

c79edb No.14163681


I've been in the thread for a while, that's how posting works anon.

731089 No.14163682

File: 21f0caed1653463⋯.png (10.65 KB, 413x437, 413:437, No, It's true.png)


It's funny because it's true

0f826e No.14163683

>corporate slides sounding deliberately spooky by using terms like "social engineering", "psychological manipulation" or "bait-and-switch".

This is some cospiratard imagining how corporate drones talk. If this shit was real it would be called something like "AI-assisted suggestion".

eb2856 No.14163690

File: 55c00021eca97b8⋯.jpg (174.5 KB, 363x500, 363:500, 1395845855724.jpg)

Goodnight everyone.

f940ac No.14163706

How the fuck is this thread still up you paranoid morons? It's not legit at all. Everyone who's saying it's not professional enough is spot on, this is like a Reddit atheist trying to write fake excerpts from holy books to scare people into rejecting their religion.

772246 No.14163711


You've overestimating what your average "professional" presentation looks like. See >>14163642 and >>14163640

0e90cc No.14163715


>How the fuck is this thread still up

Everything is true until proven false.

–t paid shills

c79edb No.14163732

File: bcd2328f4af8ea3⋯.png (342.93 KB, 800x949, 800:949, b8b85464585911c109b6399a13….png)

0ea1c3 No.14163754


0423ee No.14163761


Can you post the prove that this is legit?

0ea1c3 No.14163764


some anons said it was prove fake this morning, i would like to see this.

772246 No.14163765


There isn't any "prove" that this is fake, but there is indirect evidence.

Likewise, there isn't any "prove" that this is real, but it exists.

Stop being a sperg.

772246 No.14163772




0ea1c3 No.14163785


this is not a source, i have asked now 4 times, nice and friendly for some sort of link. All i got so far was jackshit and now you just give me some random comment saying

>If it is…

i'm not asking for theories, anons here caliming this was proven fake this morning, i would like to see that. Please give source!

772246 No.14163795


>can you post indirect evidence

>please give me source that this is fake

Nigger, try actually reading next time. I repeat: there isn't any proof that the leak is fake. You really need to stop being retarded and try to actually think before posting.

0c31af No.14163803

The placeholder good ads and placeholder bad ads pages are not taken of a screen. Instead, they are pictures taken of printed paper. This might indicate that the presentation this is being given to, the presenter is giving out these printed images to circle and/or mark them up for brainstorming.

'2d work for customer retention slide'

mentions VK. VK is a russian social media site which indicates it's being presented at a company working internationally our outside the US because VK has never sold their data to US based companies afaik.

The last line on the Clever Indicators slide seems suspicious. This line would never appear in a real presentation, thus giving rise to a theory that this is a draft for a presentation they will be giving in the future.

Judging by the aliasing and moire patterns in the screenshots, these pictures were taken of a 2013 era 1366x768 screen on a laptop. Additionally these images were taken in full screen and in a dimly lit room judging by how the bezel of the screen is illuminated.

***additional analysis of the pictures can be done, but my suspicion is that these pictures were taken on a thinkpad from that era, I have owned several laptops in my time and the textured plastic bezel looks most similar to the Thinkpad I owned back then.

On the clever indicators slide:

The middle square on the second line does not completely obscure the first letter of the blanked word. That letter in particular has a full-height bar on the far left. The only capital letters that can fit there are: B,D,E,F,H,K,L,M,N,P,R,T/

X purchased 1.6% of Y.

This could be investigated.

On three such slides, they give direct links to academic papers instead of using proper citation.

In 'Clever Indicators - Overall' slide in particular. This also arises suspicion that this not a final draft for something to be given at a presentation.

What is H.A.N.K.?

0ea1c3 No.14163811

File: 47086873cd23921⋯.png (49.18 KB, 996x805, 996:805, g.PNG)


you said

> there is indirect evidence.

and gave me a random comment


>If it is a leak why is it redacted.

based on "IF", actually nothing.

OK, get it, there is no evidence but also noindirect evidence in my opinion, if you think otherwhise, good for you. Your opinion is based on jackshit.

I was actually asking for the prove anons keep saying was posted this morning in the other thread but i get the feeling there is no prove at all.

this is now my 5th comment and all i got was a back and forth discussion ala' cointelpro, the fuck is going on here?

772246 No.14163849


The "leak" being redacted is the indirect evidence, numbnuts. It's not the post itself, it's the logic that the post reveals that you should pay attention to. The "if" was rhetorical: there is no question that the "leak" was redacted, you can see that for yourself.

>i get the feeling there is no "prove" at all.

I'm glad that you can at least get a "feeling" for something I told you directly twice now, even in spite of your apparent lack of any cognitive ability.

c79edb No.14163912



why didn't anyone notice this.

1c69c1 No.14163928



b6d018 No.14164032


chancoin is almost 16 cents. Also not the only 4chan coin there is.

Regardless of that though, stuff like this wouldn't really be surprising for an internal meeting or something. I work in industry and there is open talk about how to dump more waste into the river system or the air. Whether its cheaper to pay the environment fines this time, how long they have till they can do a major excursion without having the fines upped significantly, how to cheat the flue gas testing, shit like that. I imagine internal meetings at a data brokerage company would be at least this shady, or more so.

d8d073 No.14164658



Forget the shills and keep digging information on this.

AND if it turns out to be fake, maniplate information to spread it like it were true.

The goal is to ruin the corporations that alreeady manipulate games to lure normalfags.

ANYTHING goes, if it harms or destroys those corporations.

515c7d No.14164740


>but by investigating you are concluding it's true before coming to the conclusion that its false.

I don't think you know what the word investigation means.

515c7d No.14164748


>AND if it turns out to be fake, maniplate information to spread it like it were true.

Fuck off. The last thing this industry needs is more fake shit that will blow up in consumers faces. Find the truth if possible. If not then spread the information and keep an eye for any patterns that the images apply to. Either way if these pics become widely circulated enough then it will at the very least be more easy to keep vigilant on the effort to see any examples of these practices being employed.

80b7c5 No.14164848

gee, why is this thread all the way down to page 6?

is it because the shills are desperate to get rid of this thread?

a8072a No.14164855


It's because it hit the bumplimit, goon-kun.

b0168e No.14164918

File: 3f37aa5ee99a7d1⋯.jpg (176.24 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, ?????????.jpg)



this is bait right?


also, sageing a bumplimit thread? you are also a newfag.

a8072a No.14164933


>what are cookies

c79edb No.14168329


If you belive it's fake then why investigate in the first place. You know its fake so why even bother. your an idiot. The only reason you would Investigate is if you belive it could be true.

515c7d No.14168696


>If you belive it's fake then why investigate in the first place


There's the difference retard. To investigate is to gain facts. What you believe doesn't matter.

>The only reason you would Investigate is if you belive it could be true

Which it might be. You can't say for crtain it isn't can you?

a8072a No.14168709


You need to investigate to determine if something is fake in the first place.

38e4d2 No.14168737

File: 1e8e5d7352d4046⋯.jpg (69.17 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 3wniglI.jpg)

I heard that the person who released these censored the names and important information as a way to blackmail the company into not implementing this, but If that's true then this retard should have released the info in the first place. Nothing says protest like a good gaslighting from social media.

Looks like anthem in the slideshows about the examples off good/bad advertising. No surprises at all if it actually is them; but then what would be the point of covering up an already infamous publishers known for doing dirty shit?

673a26 No.14168876

File: 5cbd0f316a52954⋯.jpg (1.57 MB, 1980x2800, 99:140, 1483126458022.jpg)


If this was leaked to the public, it was leaked by them for a good reason.

1bbef1 No.14169009


Meh, video games are for escapist fags to hide from reality

515c7d No.14169014


So is 8chan. What's your point?

787a72 No.14169777

The implications of this extend far beyond video game kikery. Imagine a program that knows when you're sick of your political party and sends you a bit of the right pandering. Or a politician who uses this kind of analysis to know precisely how much shit her constituents will take before re-election starts to become less likely.

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