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f49510  No.16899054[Last 50 Posts]


If 8kun is down or you can't post the bunker is vch.moe. If both go down gather at the smuglo.li 8kun thread


>Funimation Joins Japanese Anime Production Committee


>An anon made /mg/ as a new monster girl board, check it out


>Treehouse made two Animal Crossing characters gay, but only in the Western release


>Persona 5 is censored, with both changes to the translation and some changes to the original Japanese



>EARN IT Bill would give government power to ban encryption and monitor all messages


>Marvel Comics Introduces New Non-Binary Superhero Character "Snowflake" (and partner "Safe Space") As Part Of New Warriors Line-Up.


>Love Live! Sunshine!! Mall Poster Removed Following Complaints of “Sexualizing Women"


>Nathan Grayson gave coverage to Game Loading: Rise of the Indies without disclosing he was filmed for it, though the footage wasn't used


>SJWs attack the fan-translator for Goemon 3 for translating "newhalf" as "tranny", may have driven him from doing any more fan translations:





Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources:







Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF

Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE

Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids


-Confirms censorship was deliberate https://archive.fo/XgAgP

-No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case https://archive.fo/37DhK

-Marvelous partner starts petition against policy https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo

•Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed.

•Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well.

>>>/gamergatehq/330858 >>>/gamergatehq/331149 >>>/gamergatehq/331150


A. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate

B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices >>>/gamergatehq/328644

C. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. >>>/gamergatehq/332324

D. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. >>>/gamergatehq/332315

Reminders (important, READ THESE!):

•Use https://archive.fo to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later

•Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags

•Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

•Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm



>Summaries of #GamerGate:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds

https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address

>Background and Evidence for #GamerGate:

•The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb

•#GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page

•History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/

•View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!


•GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v. gd/vzRsRb

•Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v. gd/LNJbat

>Thread Repository:



>Full OP Text:

•Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP

>How Can I Help?


•All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations

•OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v. gd/Kbzw0L

•An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v. gd/nwrbYF

>Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki?


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77ca30  No.16899067

File: fd4f263c24cf006⋯.jpg (91.15 KB, 669x686, 669:686, _nanachi_and_regu_made_in_….jpg)


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d40eeb  No.16899071

File: e3560bdc369b906⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1000x1014, 500:507, Bread17.png)

Archive of previous bread


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d40eeb  No.16899077

Oh no https://archive.fo/xqtlT

>As if it were inspired by the previous mistakes committed by Funimation, Crunchyroll too has indirectly supported the concept of piracy after its Twitter account shared anime screenshots labeled with a watermark from a notable piracy site.

>While the tweet has since been expunged, Crunchyroll’s embarrassing gaffe was preserved by one deft observer, who revealed that the anime streaming platform shared screenshots of volleyball anime Haikyu!! that were laden with watermarks from a piracy site:

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540102  No.16899080

Watch out for GamerGate

The public enemy of the world #1

It is the main hashtag responsible for…

☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution

☑ Weaponized Gondolas

☑ Hacking German politicians and media

☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford

☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu

☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage

☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally

☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE

☑ Guilty of face crimes

☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit

☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime

☑ Taught the Alt-Right

✅Then harassed said Alt-Right

☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN#

☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth

☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it

☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III

☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra

☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA

☑ Orchestrated the incel misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman

☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day"

☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon

☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of incels

☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken"

☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior"

☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean

☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists

☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded)

☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed"

☑ Remains undefeated for all time

☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos

☑ Joined forces with Amazon

☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera

☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump

☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War

☑ Government-sponsored shitposting

☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage

☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke

☑ Destroyer of Worlds

☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them)

☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly)

☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide

☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety

☑ An aberrant, creeping horror

☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial

☑ Five years of ruining everything

☑ Came to the classroom

☑ Trained Google whistleblowers

☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics

☑ Blew up the Internet

☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy

☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along

☑ Stochastic Terrorism

☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS

☑ Helped Mark win the lottery

☑ Gave the money back

☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE

☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/

☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady

☑ It's #Gamergate Forever

☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams

☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate

☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test"

☑ Non-meat based cam girls

☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger

☑ Digisexuals

☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail

☑ Weaponizing decency

☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch

☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket

☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group

New one: http://archive.is/NRHDS

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f49510  No.16899089

File: 2259f8e163bdddd⋯.png (141.05 KB, 1167x782, 1167:782, d6d49b005a77538838f904caac….png)


That's it, I'm gonna drop a colony on Australia.

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4d45b8  No.16899092

File: d6a7d50de212778⋯.jpg (775.72 KB, 784x1000, 98:125, 80210993_p0.jpg)

>How much of P5 vanilla's localisation was pozzed but fixed before launch theory is actually true given the P5R P5 Crimson fuck you I'm still referring to it as that censorship?

>Do you think NiggerERA got people in the team in Atlus over the years in spiteful revenge for P5's surprisingly non pozzed localisation in 2017?

>Do you think Fire Emblem Three Houses not being pozzed was a direct result of Torrential Downpour?

>Do you think TD had a positive impact on localisation as a whole?

>Other games or not being as pozzed mean that TD's crusade on NOA/Treehouse was a success?

>Do you think the recent shit with BHA and Ishuzoku Reviewers will negatively impact Japanese anime or manga and Japanese games

>Do you think that Western animators going to Japan to work on anime will allow pozz to flow in

>Do you think westerners working in Jap game studios will or has allowed pozz to flow

>Do you think we should by Licensing since sjweebs or spergs will buy the right to something in English to gatekeep or deny shit out of spite

>Do you think (((Treehouse))) was actually told to shut it or did they take a new approach since pozzing Fates brought too much attention

>Do you think using the RetardERA leaks of localisation teams using the shithole to collude will cause the Japs to come down on them for gatekeeping and etc

>Localisation aside how compromised do you think Japanese to English translation in general is

>Do you think the SJWisation of fansubbers, scan and piracy sites of Japanese media will gatekeep obscure stuff from coming

>Do you think now that RetardERA has smelled blood in the water for it's latest victories that it will ramp out more campaigns to pozz shit in animu & mango or Japanese games?

>Do you think we all should autism and do post talking about good or bad dubs/localisation in no spergy but non twittertard pussy manner will help normalfags or at least people give a shit

>Should we be even more aggressive in contacting Jap devs in ways we didn't before

>Should we push to make Torrential Downpour an true legitimate sibling of Rainfall by being even more proactive in getting our points across to Jap devs

>How can we counter RetardERA currently in our post fourth crusade Byzantium state to really show them how TD or Anons in general can subvert their pozzing

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239800  No.16899093


how does he steer the bike?

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35f0a4  No.16899096


>not on the UN

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c46dbc  No.16899097


>just remembered P5R is out

How fucked is the localization?

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f4ddd5  No.16899099


according to all forms of tranny and retardera, "its not enough"

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8d9c74  No.16899101

File: ff49bf1fcb39287⋯.gif (202.81 KB, 544x632, 68:79, bikola.gif)

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fc36ea  No.16899102


I wouldn't mind wiping out New York.

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7ba2b0  No.16899104

File: f2bd49692eabc90⋯.jpg (57.83 KB, 375x309, 125:103, MOTHERED.jpg)


Some gay shit was altered to please the usual suspects, and the usual suspects are still angry.

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35f0a4  No.16899105


The Kung-Flu is doing that already. Just hope the rats don't become spreaders. Or else we really have a black plague on our hands.

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4d45b8  No.16899108

File: b99418f167ca0ae⋯.gif (1.97 MB, 390x212, 195:106, Big_Smoke_summons_his_Pers….gif)


What happened was they made the part arguably worse.

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239800  No.16899109

File: c857b743639de64⋯.jpg (52.5 KB, 600x350, 12:7, austin.jpg)


Stop it anon, you're making me excited.

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a95553  No.16899128

File: 9c183fd1a4c93ec⋯.jpg (138.54 KB, 592x798, 296:399, 6f68280298a40b9463acd99b04….jpg)

File: 019f7d867c1194a⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

A missed opportunity for Mask Edition. Next time, then.



Here it is in detail.


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f49510  No.16899133

File: 0ed48a1651ada3a⋯.png (200.33 KB, 444x416, 111:104, 0ed48a1651ada3aa55e7ae526c….png)


>How much of P5 vanilla's localisation was pozzed but fixed before launch theory is actually true given the P5R P5 Crimson fuck you I'm still referring to it as that censorship?

I thought it was outright confirmed that they fucked it up.

>Do you think NiggerERA got people in the team in Atlus over the years in spiteful revenge for P5's surprisingly non pozzed localisation in 2017?

In the western branch? Absolutely. The main issue right now is that there's a disconnect between companies and their fanbases. So when a community manager is part of a constant circlejerk with resetera, he's likely only going to forward information from people like Gaming Journo's and ResetERA. Obviously the market shows that there's a disconnect, and the Japanese can see that, which is why they cater more towards the Japanese market despite it being much lower in value.

>Do you think Fire Emblem Three Houses not being pozzed was a direct result of Torrential Downpour?

Yes, I think TD made people more aware the cancers of localization and that we're not quite away from 90's era censorship. However at the same time, I feel that we didn't go quite far enough with it. Especially when you have dumb decisions from companies like Sony and SEGA to outright change context for the sake of personal sensibilities. I think that these threads should be more active in spreading the word out, even if we need to get redditors involved like in the GamerGate days. We'd also need to keep reddit in check again like during the GamerGate days, but I think making clear that changing the script for the sake of western sensibilities is an outdated practice and shouldn't be accepted unless the game's target audience is clearly children, however unrelated political commentary such as jokes about Donald Trump or homosexual characters is unacceptable in any environment unless in the source material.

>Do you think TD had a positive impact on localisation as a whole?


>Other games or not being as pozzed mean that TD's crusade on NOA/Treehouse was a success?

I think it's mainly a long term battle with the gaming press and ResetERA. We're obviously on the winning side considering the market shifts in our favor, however these bastards are slimy and have had a few victories of their own. I'd say the most important thing is to vote with your wallet, and to spread information to the masses to let Japanese executives know that "This isn't okay".

>Do you think the recent shit with BHA and Ishuzoku Reviewers will negatively impact Japanese anime or manga and Japanese games

Nah, I think they're smart enough to ignore the bullshit and to focus on their general audience. The BHA situation was likely because Shueisha didn't want to take risks with the IP, and that the name wasn't a major change to the character itself.

>Do you think that Western animators going to Japan to work on anime will allow pozz to flow in

Depends on the studio, I think Japanese animators likely don't give a shit what some rainbow haired crazy white bitch says since they don't get paid enough to care about their bullshit. They create what they want to create, plus you have the fact that they're usually seen as "outcasts" anyway, so they likely won't give a shit about these degenerates

>Do you think westerners working in Jap game studios will or has allowed pozz to flow

I think it depends on the studio and the language barrier. Like I said earlier the language gap between Japanese companies and consumers is quite large. The most important things is showing that there's a disconnect between the gaming press/ResetERA and the marketplace. 300k RTs doesn't mean anything if the market is dying, just look at how Marvel Comics tried to bank on twitter and is now literally on death row.

>Do you think we should by Licensing since sjweebs or spergs will buy the right to something in English to gatekeep or deny shit out of spite

Absolutely, if you have the money then you should absolutely work on translating and producing the property. That's the NUMBER ONE thing you can do that'll curb the whole SJW shit.

>Do you think (((Treehouse))) was actually told to shut it or did they take a new approach since pozzing Fates brought too much attention

I think they were told to shut it, even with Animal Crossing they only got away with it since NCL was busy trying to get shit under control with this whole virus disaster. They're fully aware of the concerns with their localizations as seen with them giving refunds for Tokyo Mirage Sessions. The issue is that they want to appeal to young kids with some of their games, and therefore that requires content to be edited. However because of TD, Nintendo has become more active in the localization process. That said, I expect the whole homosexual partner stuff in animal crossing to either be a marketing stunt in order to cater to the fujoshi nutjobs, or a way to judge what they can and can't get away with.

>Do you think using the RetardERA leaks of localisation teams using the shithole to collude will cause the Japs to come down on them for gatekeeping and etc

I only think the Japs care when it eats into the revenue stream

>Localisation aside how compromised do you think Japanese to English translation in general is

I think a good portion of it is compromised due to most companies being in the San Francisco/Seattle area. However the market speaks for itself, and these people just need to be kept in check. If a meme or alteration is in the final game, that's the fault of the editor green lighting it. In a sense what we need is editors to keep creative writing to a minimum, and for these people to actually be professionals rather than have the sensibilities of a bunch of fansubbers

>Do you think the SJWisation of fansubbers, scan and piracy sites of Japanese media will gatekeep obscure stuff from coming

I think we should be creating our own fansubbing groups rather than relying on a discord cabal. How long have we been waiting on an English version of Fate CCC? Take that shit into your own hands.

>Do you think now that RetardERA has smelled blood in the water for it's latest victories that it will ramp out more campaigns to pozz shit in animu & mango or Japanese games?

Yes, but I also think it'll backfire on them.

>Do you think we all should autism and do post talking about good or bad dubs/localisation in no spergy but non twittertard pussy manner will help normalfags or at least people give a shit

==YES== Spreading information and having a constant information flow towards the market is one of the most important things one can do other than actually producing said content, and voting with your wallet

>Should we be even more aggressive in contacting Jap devs in ways we didn't before

Yes, but I don't think we'll see the actual results as the results themselves will likely be behind closed doors.

>Should we push to make Torrential Downpour an true legitimate sibling of Rainfall by being even more proactive in getting our points across to Jap devs


>How can we counter RetardERA currently in our post fourth crusade Byzantium state to really show them how TD or Anons in general can subvert their pozzing

It's a multi-person effort of working in the industry, making your own games, working in marketing for video game companies in order to get a high position in the companies themselves, vote with your wallet, translate content, and increase the information flow.

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f49510  No.16899135


Gondolas have limited telekinesis powers

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fc36ea  No.16899139


>That pic

Now I'm imagining a loli made of steel who hops down on top of her huge onii-chan's cock and manages to crush it because her steel-like body doesn't stretch, at all.

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a231ac  No.16899148

File: 8e025de79e68d47⋯.jpg (717.15 KB, 728x729, 728:729, df35db453ce32a57866578aebf….jpg)

>Bread baked by someone who didn't announce they were baking

>Ignored both suggestions by anons for the next thread theme

>Last thread hadn't even hit 700 yet

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7d9536  No.16899153

File: 4dced8b2e0904d9⋯.jpg (34.84 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 4dced8b2e0904d97a245384573….jpg)

Does anyone else hate niggers?

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f49510  No.16899162


I don't particularly care if someone is a nigger or not

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f49510  No.16899163


eat my bread sticks

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a231ac  No.16899170

File: 5d39b58b09a197c⋯.jpg (170.42 KB, 707x1000, 707:1000, Unmasked.jpg)



Very nice. Should add it to the inevitable Mask Edition, along with this, hopefully next thread.


I don't come into contact with them often, but I am not fond of most rap music.


No, ♂fuck♂ ♂(You)♂.

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35f0a4  No.16899177

File: 191c9c54e3e39c3⋯.png (394.27 KB, 1000x1978, 500:989, 62470268_p0.png)


Weren't they all porn related suggestions anyway? How original.

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540102  No.16899179

File: 8c68a1742924e66⋯.png (28.69 KB, 345x216, 115:72, Bread_crazy.png)

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5a3747  No.16899180

File: 6b49212762208e5⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 520.61 KB, 444x1092, 37:91, Benis.png)


No bunis for this is real benis.

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a231ac  No.16899185

File: d5c0337a5b7cf4b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 175.95 KB, 445x364, 445:364, The_mask_slipped.jpg)


Anyone have an archive of the tweet from before it was deleted?


No. One was Darwin Awards Edition. The other was porn related, but it was an original porn related suggestion, as flu masks are a very niche and currently topical fetish.

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f49510  No.16899188

File: ac2743c2742f415⋯.jpg (124.17 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 1455828700095_v.jpg)

>We can now individually spoil images

>parameter incomplete

>It doesn't actually work


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6ff3a2  No.16899189


Just refresh your browser.

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a231ac  No.16899193

File: 404b45285b556cf⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 240.12 KB, 945x1200, 63:80, 0e9734ee8d3b267310923b3bf0….png)


>>parameter incomplete

It works fine. Sounds like you spoilered an image then removed it from the post before posting resulting in the spoiler being remembered and attempting to apply itself to a non-existant image with gave an error. Testing now.

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a231ac  No.16899194


Nope, that wasn't it.

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64d4b9  No.16899218



It also doesn't seem to always spoiler correctly either. New feature is a bit glitchy.

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58ed2d  No.16899250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The time has come brothers.

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fc36ea  No.16899263

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

<Chinks found coronavirus present in a bat population. Chinks then brought corona-chan back to Wuhan BSL4 lab where they failed contain it properly, and then it got out back after a couple of Chink """scientists""" got splashed with bat urine and blood samples. The patient zero was very likely a researcher at Wuhan BSL4 lab who either died or got suicided by Winnie Pooh.

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d99d5f  No.16899264

File: 061d2b007d17ed3⋯.jpg (2.48 MB, 4000x4000, 1:1, space_marine_priorities.jpg)


And so have i.

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35f0a4  No.16899271


There's articles dating years & years back talking about China developing this virus. It's blatantly obvious it was made intentionally & released through sheer incompetence.

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84242b  No.16899276



I've heard that the virus spread by having lab experimental bats sold in the wet market by low level staff looking for some extra money.

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35f0a4  No.16899285


They've said anything from bats to snakes to pangolins. There's no consistency because it's a lie to push the blame elsewhere. They even blamed the US itself at one point.

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5a3747  No.16899288

File: a9bd4ce0a93b77f⋯.mp4 (6.98 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Chinese_scientists_says_CO….mp4)


The whistle blowers spilled the beans on this.


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c2dd41  No.16899294

File: 46a2c00285576ff⋯.png (336.64 KB, 720x943, 720:943, 20200402_180806.png)

File: 33c43a27f35a14d⋯.png (116.96 KB, 720x586, 360:293, 20200402_180650.png)

After helpibg /d/ make the CSS, I plan on making a Yotsuba Night CSS. But I'm too lazy to finish it.

It doesn't look that good anyway.

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637c5e  No.16899295


That's pure speculation though. The markets were already selling thousands of wild bats that could have had it.

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fc36ea  No.16899299

File: 5e1a6f7b6611b7c⋯.png (496.79 KB, 714x480, 119:80, _Relight_Kachou_Ouji_07_DV….png)


>After helpibg /d/ make the CSS

Oh, thank you for that.

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4d45b8  No.16899311

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Saging for E drama shit but leafyishere actually came out of hiding to say something about idubbz's simp saga. I know most of you won't care but Jesus the screeching 20s are a fucking time to be alive with this shit and the virus raping the world.


Good shit Anon.

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c2dd41  No.16899326

File: ebfcf1887b38642⋯.png (57.29 KB, 711x300, 237:100, 20200402_181950.png)


I hope you enjoyed archive CSS. I made it originally for anons that wanted to make an archiving board, but I didn't want it to go to waste.

Also made a mistake. You board list banner looks like this on mobile. You should delete the ".desktop-style" part from the div.boardlist sections.

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fc36ea  No.16899353


>You should delete the ".desktop-style" part from the div.boardlist sections.

That doesn't seem to fix it from what I tried.

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c2dd41  No.16899361

File: 2587b6d8a4dc619⋯.png (127.75 KB, 720x665, 144:133, 20200402_185601.png)


If you deleted .desktop-style just now, it would take a while for the change to show.

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c2dd41  No.16899363

Just be sure to keep the rest of the div.boardlist parts.

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fc36ea  No.16899367


I was trying it out by changing the personal CSS. Just make sure I'm deleting the right parts should I remove:

.desktop-style div.boardlist:nth-child(1) {
background-color: #6A836F;
.desktop-style div.boardlist {
background-color: #6A836F;


#boardlist li:nth-child(odd) { background:#D6F0DA !important; }
table#banners_list tbody tr:nth-of-type( odd ) {
background-color: #D6F0DA;


div.boardlist {
color: #252525;
div.boardlist a {
color: #DDDDDD;

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f49510  No.16899370


Pretty sure he got busy with work, I can ask if you really wanna know.

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c2dd41  No.16899372


You just delete the .desktop-style of the first one.

You should keep it as

div.boardlist:nth-child(1) {

background-color: #6A836F;


div.boardlist {

background-color: #6A836F;


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c2dd41  No.16899374

The rest is fine.

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5fe20c  No.16899375


Halfchan has a thread of him needing a roommate in LA. I bet the /pol/ anons who migrated there really want to get their hands around his midget neck.

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4d45b8  No.16899377


>Going back to cuckchan

Can both kill each other?

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cbee8d  No.16899379

>new minecraft snapshot

>added a zombified version of the new hoglin mob

>it's called a zoglin

>it attacks everything in sight

Based and redpilled, those swedes.

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fc36ea  No.16899380



It's applied, thanks.

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5b141c  No.16899386

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2d60c9  No.16899398

File: eb2dde5cd36b77e⋯.gif (2 MB, 500x467, 500:467, Beyond_Rage.gif)

I'm pissed and worried about Funimation being in anime production comittees in Japan now.

You'd think Toei being pissed at Funi will lead to Japan to slowly block and revoke Funi's liscenses, but instead of that they get a say in how an anime should be made.

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64d4b9  No.16899401


It's known that this virus and the original SARS have their origin in bats and that there was an intermediate species of some sort. That doesn't rule out that it was engineered afterward or at least weaponized.

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c46dbc  No.16899404


Crunchyroll and China been in these comittees for years, and all they have to show for it is shitty subs. Judging by Fire Force it's safe to say they don't have any real power over anime outside of advertisment shit. The west is still the smallest of the global markets with China on top so it wouldn't make any since to give them any power.

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631feb  No.16899408

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>idubbz's simp saga

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fc36ea  No.16899409


I think most of it is due to the "lack" of competition that actually opposes Funimation. Seriously, think about the fact that the late 90's, early 2000's had dozens of companies bringing over Japanese media, from Ubisoft and Atari with games to Del Ray and Dark Horse with manga to Disney and Fox with anime. Today, there's A dozen companies who even care to have anything to do with this.

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01c6f5  No.16899411

File: 51ed17f5a98f24a⋯.png (230.05 KB, 500x633, 500:633, ClipboardImage.png)


Honestly I just want these comittees to kick out all foreigners.


It's too expensive to just start up a company now. Hard to break into a market where Funimation will try to gobble up as many anime liscenses every season as humanly possible.

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35f0a4  No.16899413


Is there any proof beyond Funimation's own claims that they have any power in the actual anime industry?

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fc36ea  No.16899422


>That doesn't rule out that it was engineered afterward or at least weaponized.

If anything, going by the video linked earlier, it sounds more like the CCP is looking for the age-old elixir of immortality: >>16899263


>It's too expensive to just start up a company now.

That's debatable, but…

>Hard to break into a market where Funimation will try to gobble up as many anime liscenses every season as humanly possible.

Yeah, that's going to result in your business have the fight of your life, trying to compete against companies funded by China and Sony. It's not impossible, but it's a Hell of a fight (Which is going to require a lot of reserve money).


No "conclusive" proof as far as I know. It seems like Netflix and Crunchyroll have even more control than them. However, the company is owned by Sony, so

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01c6f5  No.16899426

File: b4c96ae5c3de351⋯.jpg (223.61 KB, 862x1920, 431:960, b4c96ae5c3de3515e558040e68….jpg)


>Yeah, that's going to result in your business have the fight of your life, trying to compete against companies funded by China and Sony. It's not impossible, but it's a Hell of a fight (Which is going to require a lot of reserve money).

How about trying to get Japanese companies to cut off middlemen and make branches for translations rather than relying on foreigners?

Remember Tokyo Pop? Remember when Kodansha said that they want to cut out the middleman (Tokyo Pop) and set up a translation branch that they can control?

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fc36ea  No.16899431


>How about trying to get Japanese companies to cut off middlemen and make branches for translations rather than relying on foreigners?

I think it may have to do with the "respect" aspect of Asian culture, basically, "Why assume what it is that a foreign market wants instead of asking those foreigners exactly what it is that they want?"

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01c6f5  No.16899434


They don't get that those Western companies don't speak for the rest of us. I hate how Funimation goes there and acts as the voice for the rest of us.

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c46dbc  No.16899435


I think that blog they did was a pluff piece for their subs to make it look like they are helping the industry as word of localizers being greedy assholes who pocket most of the money is getting around. People are saying that Funi has been apart of these commitees for years as well.

Searching the japanese web for interview about the roles of these foreigners play would probably answer your question, given what we know about western profits its best to assume that they are on the commitee just for western advertising, what merc they are bringing over and shit like that.


Kikeflix largely just buy licenses and slap "Netflix Original" on it to trick their shareholders and normalfags that they actually made the thing.


The problem with inhouses is they can be infected by the gaijin who live there. 8-4 works out of Japan and Cygame's inhouse seems just as cucked. The only way they can avoid it is if they had knowledge of western localization bullshit and structure the team in a way to counter it.

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c46dbc  No.16899442


News of crucnhyroll being on the commitee has been brought up in these threads years ago, what are you talking about?

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f4ddd5  No.16899445

File: 40d228672b73e73⋯.png (320.11 KB, 1063x1286, 1063:1286, nisacap2.png)


One of the problems with situations like 8-4, or NIggerSA is that, if you're a good translator, you may not stay in game translation for long and especially not forever. When you separate the wheat from the chaff, what you end up with at localization companies is just the people who aren't good enough and usually just there to shit things up. Pic related I believe also explains some more of this.

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01c6f5  No.16899446


>I remember a time when anons said "Anime and Japanese culture are untouchable!"

It was mostly /a/ that said that whenever fears of Westerners fucking with anime get brought up.

You know how /a/ had a reputation of being ostriches before they left for Smug.

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2d60c9  No.16899450


>if you're a good translator, you may not stay in game translation for long and especially not forever.

I'm still pissed that a good translator from XSeed that fought against censorship left because he thinks it's more fulfilling being an English Teacher in Japan or some shit.

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c46dbc  No.16899461


I think Tom left because he got tried of being the black sheep in the office, judging by how the fags left there are begging for fag marriages in games and how he kept saying that he was the only person there that was 100% anti censorship.

It sucks because Tom was really the only insider that would talk to us about shit thats going on in the industry. Rereading his last interview you can tell how defeated he feels and how he knew the #metoo shit was going to effect the industry.

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01c6f5  No.16899494


Would have been nice if he would have made an upstart company translating small Japanese games and build up a niche audience.

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4d45b8  No.16899496

File: 38135e15a474ee7⋯.jpg (302.55 KB, 1000x1414, 500:707, ETkZkIkUEAAWGkh.jpg)


Tom was kinda of a lefty but he was one of those types who cared more about doing the job right then his own personal feelings of the matter which was why I respected him.

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01c6f5  No.16899505

File: 4e36f98d56587ff⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 3.97 MB, 1169x1323, 167:189, ClipboardImage.png)


Allowing Austin and the major coastal cities hold all the rights to translating Japanese works is a disaster.

If there should be a new company free of their bullshit, it needs to be in Middle America.

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4d45b8  No.16899511

File: c9a9e5e17d2387b⋯.png (212.71 KB, 500x773, 500:773, autistic_screeching_of_nig….png)


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c46dbc  No.16899513


They still got triggered by the sexy girls in fire force and crunchyshit is on shield hero's committee.

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6ff3a2  No.16899517

File: f477681468d615c⋯.png (18.36 KB, 526x300, 263:150, Screenshot_2020_04_02_Twee….png)

File: 99e03da5162fc20⋯.png (13.28 KB, 470x221, 470:221, Screenshot_2020_04_02_Fred….png)


He's currently on a rant screaming how he hates America while basically being a refugee in California.


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5a3747  No.16899520

File: 1e9ac3a6db6f3f6⋯.mp4 (7.74 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Ken_Ashcorp_Komm_S_sser_To….mp4)




Does this mean we've reached a point that the things we tried fighting for were for naught? I refuse to consider that. The fact that their calm had been compromised, managed to continually fall, and even had suffered losses such as what happened with Ys VIII for example I doubt they can keep up with this. They're not that patient.

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01c6f5  No.16899522

File: c0a2f25925f8b52⋯.mp4 (1.93 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Robot_Girl.mp4)


Out of all the anons we lost, why is that faggot still even here?


Isn't he supposed to be extradited?

Someone should report him.

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5a3747  No.16899524


Why is bonegoblin not in jail yet? How did he get away?

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01c6f5  No.16899531

File: 82de6c87b878b49⋯.png (91.59 KB, 986x307, 986:307, Classic_Sonic_Quote_1.png)

File: 5f8bc0218cca742⋯.png (99.78 KB, 1126x364, 563:182, Classic_Sonic_Quote_2.png)


>Does this mean we've reached a point that the things we tried fighting for were for naught?

It means we haven't fought hard enough. You need to be clever an know how to take down and start campaigns.








You need to fight harder.

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4d45b8  No.16899532

File: a655bb34f45e2d9⋯.jpg (20.16 KB, 360x261, 40:29, mcfucking_killing.jpg)


Just fucking die!


Because Niggerpill kike won't live.

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4d45b8  No.16899537

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97749c  No.16899558

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I never fought for current anime, it's all been shit for quite some time with very few exceptions.

I'd rather support doujins and manga than TV anime cancer.

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535c1a  No.16899559

File: 14d822aaca3dab6⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.41 MB, 1000x1100, 10:11, 15283972_p0.jpg)


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6c2755  No.16899561

File: 5e07a34799eea47⋯.jpg (77.26 KB, 402x480, 67:80, stovepipe.jpg)


>complaining about the one document the federal government doesn't give a shit about

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fc36ea  No.16899566


Well, the funny thing about the U.S. Constitution is that there are several clauses in there that explicitly state that it is the job of any American citizen to take action against anything that the government does that is in violation of the constitution. So, not only does the Fed not give a shit about the document that gives them power, so does the populace.

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5a3747  No.16899567

File: 75aad32aa1d83a7⋯.jpg (22.25 KB, 414x435, 138:145, bitchandawhore.jpg)


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c81189  No.16899571


>pixiv filename


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64d4b9  No.16899572

File: c4fcaef81d66846⋯.jpg (39.11 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, you_ve_done_a_man_s_job_si….jpg)


>Because Niggerpill kike won't live.

Then again who does!

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540102  No.16899573

File: 6e45c3d8edd588c⋯.jpg (52.71 KB, 770x750, 77:75, enough_with_the_niggers.jpg)


>we can conclusively say that anime is dead to >us for good

Ironically correct if >we are the anime-and-fun-hating niggertrannygoons of (old)/a/utism. May (you) fuck off to your smug hugbox and never return.

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78c09a  No.16899577


That's no excuse. You have to fight for anime. Manga is next on the chopping block if anime fails.

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5fe20c  No.16899582


I'm curious. Could you name 10 objectively good anime series that came out since 2010 until now?

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a231ac  No.16899585


Only September is even slightly appealing.

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649803  No.16899588

File: 95f668c73114504⋯.png (396.68 KB, 521x1093, 521:1093, FtM_Tranny_chan.png)


Anime fell a while ago.

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35f0a4  No.16899591


Nigger the joke is that female hyenas have pseudo penises.

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a231ac  No.16899593


>Biting the bait of an IP hopping blackpill nigger

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4d45b8  No.16899596

File: d2e6843825c7eae⋯.png (221.64 KB, 500x504, 125:126, niggerpiII_kike.png)

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649803  No.16899597


It might be if her family didn't just let her do whatever the fuck she wants. Or the fact that she didn't learn she was female until her fucking high school years.

Raising people as the opposite sex leads to serious mental problems.

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a24ea4  No.16899598

Maybe slowpoking ctrl+f no results - this bread + before bread.

After Marvel's New Warriors with Spacesafe, Snowflake + Pieblazer - all DC had to do was not fuck it up and cash in by making something decent.


Batman is now Chinese, Alfred the butler is his gay uncle from Hong Kong and there's a love triangle with Joker and Catwoman.



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540102  No.16899605

File: 09cd2effbf58fdd⋯.gif (39.62 KB, 250x382, 125:191, ryupict1.gif)

File: c7874b295045f35⋯.gif (81.14 KB, 400x574, 200:287, ryu15.gif)


>tranny tomboy erasure

Newfaggots like (you) wouldn't know which character this hyena is an homage to. Although, Ryuunosuke is ironically trans, in that, her not >her warped gender-identity has been pushed on her by her CLEARLY MENTALLY ILL father, her whole life. Also, her fumbling attempts to learn how to girl are adorable.

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a231ac  No.16899612


>Ryuunosuke is ironically trans in that her warped gender-identity has been pushed on her by her CLEARLY MENTALLY ILL father

So just like most "trans" kids being diagnosed with gender dysphoria with questionable medical and psychological standards of diagnosis?

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35f0a4  No.16899613


Who cares? This is great. Both companies are sabotaging themselves in the absolute worst times. Even Disney is suffering hard. There's no untouchable company anymore. Celebrate the end of it all. Plus it's not like DC hasn't fucked up Batman a million times in the past.

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f49510  No.16899614

File: 75bdc43241d668d⋯.jpg (442.17 KB, 1053x929, 1053:929, 7c3c2447e53b9304994312fb68….jpg)

File: 3eb87ebb3e512bf⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 127.71 KB, 580x800, 29:40, 3eb87ebb3e512bfd87674fbe23….jpg)

do you like Cirno? I like Cirno, she's cute tbh fam.

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31c221  No.16899620


isn't that the one that's a baka?

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fc36ea  No.16899622

File: ef65f701a04785b⋯.webm (15.97 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, BATMETAL_RETURNS.webm)


I have to admit, I had a few ideas for a "new" kind of Batman comic. The first one is pretty much just focusing on Bruce Wayne actually managing Wayne Enterprises and trying to find a way to genuinely help the people of Gotham (Without any of the cape crusader antics), pretty much make it business politics comic. The second idea I had was Batman is actually the identity of a "mysterious" rock artist that Bruce moonlights as, with all the villains being rival bands.

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540102  No.16899626

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Her dad wanted a boy; reality be-dammed. Both are child abuse.

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a24ea4  No.16899643


>This is great.

Sure is.

Was just checking up on Comicsgate stuff - not paid much attention to it recently.

Apparently all the woke writers/artists are butthurt that fans [paying customers] are not supportive enough and were having a tantrum about it on SM. #pencilsdown


>still no /2hu/

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649803  No.16899644


I'm more partial to Ranma 1/2.

If only because I am the kind of newfag that doesn't know what the fuck Ryuunosuke is.

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f49510  No.16899647

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01c6f5  No.16899656


I legit enjoyed Shield Hero, Ishuzoku Reviewers and Garo Vanishing Lines.

You sound like early /a/ from the 00s that would shit on a majority of anime that came out around that time.

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552fee  No.16899661


No, her family kept pushing her, albeit subtly, to be more girly. She's literally too stupid to realize she's female.

Though she figures it out, she switches back and forth. That manga is going to be trash anyways, since it basically switches to being a yuri harem centered on the human girl instead.

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a231ac  No.16899663


>(1) evangelizing

Fuck off.

>Inb4 muh fedora

I'm agnostic.

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35f0a4  No.16899665


Evangelists support the jews. The last link is anti jew.

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8e9ef0  No.16899666

File: 41eca06b4431785⋯.jpg (45.68 KB, 474x618, 79:103, christ_who.jpg)


Buying her dresses after she was told she was female by Human-kun doesn't count and you know it.

>switches to being a yuri harem

Fucking gay.


Just ignore them then.

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552fee  No.16899673

File: e96696c780b28d6⋯.mp4 (456.73 KB, 640x352, 20:11, Father_Andersen_Hellsing_1….mp4)


>denying Christ


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a231ac  No.16899675

File: d7efcac0d0e7871⋯.png (277.7 KB, 510x510, 1:1, nonose.png)


>Just ignore them then.


Now I'm rethinking it. But you might be right. Awfully suspect that such derailment bait showed up shortly after blackpillfag got the boot.

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0d9182  No.16899686


If dubs kikewheels gets blessed

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4fa6c7  No.16899687


>It was mostly /a/ that said that whenever fears of Westerners fucking with anime get brought up.

Wish i still had my screencaps or wasn't lazy enough to find them, but no. There was a ton of that shit on /v/ during the XenobladeX saga. Lots of anons were acting exactly like that, it's just that attitude went away quick when shit like, iirc, Treehouse announced they were working with the japs to edit content BEFORE the game came out, and PS4 games being censored en mass for no good reason.


God i miss Forever Pandering.


He almost sounds like a /pol/ack until the third line. I still can't believe this little faggot goes from Eugenics advocate to hardcore commie on the run from a boomer and trying to somehow procreate another water ballon

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e1fa31  No.16899692


>Inb4 muh fedora

>I'm agnostic.

That's worse than a fedora.

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540102  No.16899694

File: a6ef97211cd25dd⋯.png (267.79 KB, 737x719, 737:719, Fat_laugh.png)

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112da0  No.16899728

File: 990fad5e81170d8⋯.png (2.59 MB, 1050x1815, 70:121, worthwhile_cartoons_of_201….png)

File: 4c02d54a61e0707⋯.png (50.51 KB, 1200x1248, 25:26, gkids.png)


I believe it's still much more than whatever cartoons made since 2010. Even less if they're meant for seinen adult audiences.

As an aside, how is GKIDS in terms of dubbing/translation/distribution work? There's not much info regarding them here; they have a great amount of foreign (and adult) cartoons as well, despite the name.

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35f0a4  No.16899732

File: f8999a40e02a29b⋯.jpg (293.84 KB, 1049x1500, 1049:1500, 81jYoH_lLyL_SL1500_.jpg)


Only thing I've seen from them is a Chinese film. Can't say how accurate the subs were but I didn't notice any grammatical mistakes or typos.

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a231ac  No.16899734

Codemonkey was active On the new /b/ nearly a month ago and he's a Misatofag.



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01c6f5  No.16899736


He's a true anon.

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01c6f5  No.16899758


I wonder if the anime boards have Buddhists and Shintoists?

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c38681  No.16899766


>false idol faggotry is better than being too cool for catholic school

That's wrong though.


I'm Taoist.

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40a129  No.16899774

File: 76bfb0b9416ecdc⋯.jpg (103.35 KB, 462x626, 231:313, BactrianZoroastrian.jpg)



Reminder that Jesus was a Zoroastrian, taught by the magi and preached worship of Ahuramazda, which is why he was against the false hoods of the jews.

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fc36ea  No.16899777



He was leaving the rabbis dumbfounded before he even hit puberty.

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35f0a4  No.16899783


What is this pagan nonsense?

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c38681  No.16899793


Explain why people pray to Saints then. Shouldn't they be praying to God if they want him to change his plan just for them?

Organized religion is bullshit in the first place, there isn't a spot where God is not.

You know that awful feeling you get when you do immoral shit? That's God telling you you're fucking up.Otherwise known as a conscience.

I don't think Jesus would've been very happy about the Indulgences thing either considering the whole money in the temple incident.

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53b60a  No.16899797

>traitorwheels getting a taste of his attention hunger fix, yet not enough to fill the stomach


It's an abstract kind of b8.

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552fee  No.16899802


Fred just used Christianity as a shield and an excuse to become an awful person who does shitty backhanded things. He's probably not religious at all.

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6c2755  No.16899803


Bread and Circuses and the militarization of our police pretty much screwed over any possibility of a government ousting happening on its own. In theory people could be motivated into doing it but in practice the government isn't stupid enough to let it happen.

I'm curious how things are gonna go when the economy crashes from everyone being stuck inside for several months.


It's not praying to them so much as asking them to pray for your, sort of like how people will ask for thoughts and prayers from friends and family. Forgive the boomer-tier analogy because I'm tired as shit but if you were trying to get a raise from your boss wouldn't you want a guy who he trusts telling him what a hard worker you are?

>I don't think Jesus would've been very happy about the Indulgences

If we're talking Catholicism there's a litany of complaints that each other sect could give you, and that's not even delving into the pedo shit.

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4d45b8  No.16899808

File: 6f3def3ebc7e889⋯.jpg (140.86 KB, 570x784, 285:392, Yankee_fuck_you.jpg)


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c46dbc  No.16899809



>FUNi is now free to veto anything that the SJWeeb cabal doesn't approve of.

They don't seem to have that level of power seeing how Fire force wasn't censored and it still triggered the cabal and crunchyshit was on sheild hero's board.

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540102  No.16899816

File: 1d7dc7b561a61bc⋯.png (49.75 KB, 629x754, 629:754, Roman_for_real.png)


>the catchpa is totally forcing me to IP-hop like a loser

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fc36ea  No.16899817

File: a6e9253c5a20b38⋯.jpeg (113.49 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 9F30848C_AA74_4069_AEFC_6….jpeg)

Before we go too far with the religious discussion…

Can it be saved until far layer in the bread?

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d4ed54  No.16899818

File: b89fb6020547617⋯.png (87.96 KB, 540x616, 135:154, Harada_1.png)

File: 55f2179bf0abb81⋯.png (63.55 KB, 537x530, 537:530, Harada_2.png)

File: 6f63dd93e98bc62⋯.png (46.27 KB, 549x421, 549:421, Harada_3.png)




So a new law was just passed in Japan and Harada was ranting about it.

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b3a591  No.16899819


Rather a Son of Light, an Jewish Essene religious group that despised what Judaism had evolved into, despite Isiah and other prophets warning them years earlier. John the Baptist probably an Essene as well. They likely took earlier prophets writings seriously and did not give one shit about sacrificing animals and buying your sin redemption from the corrupt temple priests. Zoroastrian was more Eastern and foreign but they all passed by one another in travels. Indian Buddhism would have had more influence in spiritualism in the area anyhow. Or maybe he is who the apostles said he was. Either way, he accomplished what he set out to do and that can not be denied. We no longer live in Barbarian times, at least those who listened his words and pondered his actions.


That is a law that is meant to be broken assuming it is not an April fools joke.

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3518cf  No.16899821


How would one even begin to enforce such stupid law? Either the bureaucrats are truly brain-dead or bored and they don't know what else to do other than to make bullshit legislation.

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fee279  No.16899824


no she is the 9

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fee279  No.16899825


well that is just stupid

how this would even work? if a kid plays for 1 hour and 1 second police will just burst they door open and arrest him?

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fc36ea  No.16899829


IIRC, back when we were research the extent of Japanese censorship according to the law a couple years ago, I did come across on document stating that computers offer a loophole that allows the Japanese government to get away with some blatant disregard for privacy and not having to abide by certain laws since those "only" apply to physical "goods".

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4e5d47  No.16899833


I thought the japs hated the gooks yet they seem to desperately want to emulate them.

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febbb4  No.16899837


no first for benis, therefore sage

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928985  No.16899840



There is already almost no privacy in Japan for internet browsing, downloading, or gaming online. You laugh, but yes, the police literally can come to your house and arrest you for pirating content in Japan because ISPs will give the government all your data without even being asked to if they see something fishy going on. That's why clients like PerfectDark and shit got popular over there compared to just uploading stuff to sites like Mega or whatever. Japs take certain laws (such as copyright law) VERY seriously, and if this law is taken even close to as seriously as that, it probably really will result in that kind of privacy reduction.

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fee279  No.16899851


what does that have to be with a kid playing video games for more than an hour?

just imagine if the whole kid population of a city does it so what? police will go knock door in door and arrrest all of them, can the jails even hold that amount? no matter how you look at it this law is just flawed in general

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c46dbc  No.16899858


> Netflix has already been doing that for some time and considering all the censorship in Dorahedoro it already shows.

Didn't netflix just license that?

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c46dbc  No.16899865


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0aa58d  No.16899867

File: 8ae9ec0133a9583⋯.jpg (34.06 KB, 400x300, 4:3, carl.jpg)

Do not give it any (You)s

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540102  No.16899870

File: 08b6ea6d86425af⋯.png (359.76 KB, 680x672, 85:84, real_wrestling.png)

You really should stop watching anime then; very concerned normal person.

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40a129  No.16899873

File: cd114698ca30828⋯.jpg (328.69 KB, 1500x1062, 250:177, hq_afolsto.jpg)

File: 60dd1810cd70736⋯.jpg (206.46 KB, 1444x2048, 361:512, 60dd1810cd7073600dccc101f5….jpg)

Sexual deviancy is the reason why anime is good in the first place though. Why do fashcucks always have to whine about

>muh values

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540102  No.16899874

File: 75fa03811339866⋯.jpg (121.29 KB, 400x370, 40:37, Ovens.jpg)



You legit want to be stomped on by Nazi traps so bad. Jews just are so weird.

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540102  No.16899879

File: c57085f47a97694⋯.mp4 (3.83 MB, 640x352, 20:11, Very_Interesting_Nazi_Lady….mp4)



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40a129  No.16899880

File: f5dfd9e8f948b78⋯.png (2.08 MB, 4000x5200, 10:13, f5dfd9e8f948b784d711ac6349….png)


>nazi traps

Now we're talking. Implicit culture got me good.

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fea43f  No.16899886

File: 3781a18955a35e0⋯.jpg (486.3 KB, 589x566, 589:566, 3781a18955a35e003b2d9b001e….jpg)

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fea43f  No.16899888


He probably thinks Japan's dismal birth rate is due to vidya

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7ba2b0  No.16899927


>I don't care to know. Hope it falls apart

How can he claim that the Federal Constitution is bad if he doesn't know how it works, and doesn't even care about knowing?

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5deec8  No.16899949


Not a Jesus freak but the bible says if you don't go to church to confess your sins, then you will burn in Hell for eternity. However if you do go to confession and pledge your soul to the Holy Trinity, you will go to Heaven. Even if you killed or raped people!

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e1fa31  No.16899969

>Pedo Derail.

>Smoking Man Derail.

>Religion Fags Derail.

What next?

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0c9117  No.16900000


i believe god knows what we want to do, but dosent have direct control over what we actually end up doing, due to free will.

to be honest i dont really believe god has any real PLAN for us, i just think he got bored one day and decided to create shit for shits and giggles, if anything gods plan is for us to make our own plan.

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3d005e  No.16900003

File: 13ef3114bebeb72⋯.png (532.33 KB, 750x648, 125:108, 9c48a4080dede9d1cc419d3656….png)



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a8aa6b  No.16900020

Did /x/ just jump to the top boards?

What's the occasion?

Site is breaking, at least on my end.

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f49510  No.16900022


It's breaking for me as well

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f49510  No.16900023


what a waste of a GET

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3d005e  No.16900025



I though "broken" is a default state of this site.

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f49510  No.16900026


Some faggots really want the GaymerGays to stop planning things. Really makes you think

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f49510  No.16900027


Works fine 95% of the time, however now there's the occasional Origin Server Offline Error

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a231ac  No.16900038



The pedo derail was by someone who already had something like 20 regular posts in the thread before it began. I think it was genuine spergery. These derails are by IP hopping (1)s and (2)s and anons biting bait.

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3d005e  No.16900054


Nah, it was a genuine discussion about religion before autistic mods went on a delet spree because of offtop in a designated offtop thread.

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4d45b8  No.16900055

File: 3bff3d0487f34d4⋯.jpg (17.89 KB, 296x314, 148:157, Pure_coincidence.jpg)


All when we start talking downpour or important shit.

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ac1296  No.16900057

File: 02817c824fd5ca3⋯.jpg (18.92 KB, 612x344, 153:86, ill_fukgn_do_it_agin.jpg)


I'm not turning off my VPN.

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a231ac  No.16900067


>Nah, it was a genuine discussion about religion

It started with proselytizing by a (1) linking videos to convert people, and in response to no one, followed by them clearly IP hopping and quite possibly playing both sides. It was absolutely not a natural deviation to the topic. Just because some anons bite the bait and genuinely discuss religion in reponse to it doesn't make it any less of an intentional derail.

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ee452c  No.16900070

File: ef4fa4944c36e84⋯.png (61.2 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, main_d7602296_4f19_468f_af….png)


Bob thinking all of that food is an "average" order and wouldn't fill him up.

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ca3ce8  No.16900102

File: 3e18a8ba1271504⋯.png (234.88 KB, 1231x490, 1231:490, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 824bad56f5d396f⋯.png (335.87 KB, 1213x506, 1213:506, ClipboardImage.png)


Speaking of CSS, I went with the Tomorrow theme for /m/ just now.

Tell me what you think.

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832d62  No.16900104

You deleted my posts with the blackpill fags…

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64d4b9  No.16900105



Shit's fucked brehs.

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3d2529  No.16900108



>Excessive food portion size.

>Bob thinks fast food has little density

>Bob thinks all those nuggets are a helping and not a meal in it own right

>Bob would easily eat it if he wanted to.

This is the reason you have weight issues and diabetes, Bob.

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c00f82  No.16900120



Now kill yourself.

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ac1296  No.16900127


The Great Tao is all.

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a231ac  No.16900150

File: d549c9ed0261398⋯.png (163.53 KB, 1282x768, 641:384, deplorable.png)


>Weren't they all porn related suggestions anyway?

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f4ddd5  No.16900153


What >>16899450 mentioned, but it's also the prospects the actual good translators have. I checked on glassdoor, the wages (not salaries) for translators were $14-15 an hour for Fatlus USA, and they're in the LA area too. If you know your shit, you're going to look for greener pastures like translating business, medical, and scientific documents.

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a58460  No.16900156

File: 48668299dc29792⋯.jpg (797.09 KB, 1156x1000, 289:250, EL_S2suUEAERacw.jpg)


I'd be able to take two of those burgers and the nuggets no fires or drinks and that would still maybe be pushing it. How is blob not dead yet?

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d6de50  No.16900157

File: 28907e8e7c5f4bc⋯.jpg (86.19 KB, 700x1051, 700:1051, cop1_1474442358.jpg)

Swole patrol reporting for duty!

Have you done your daily quota for push-ups today?

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fc36ea  No.16900177


What's in it for me?

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f83f0e  No.16900180


I could eat it, but probably be sick afterwards.

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d6de50  No.16900181


You don't get to die.

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7ba2b0  No.16900182


>I could easily

>An average person

So melanin-free Big Smokes are the norm now. Okay.

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cbee8d  No.16900184


Hey now, Big Smoke only had one large soda

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3d2944  No.16900241


he is not wrong. its bit bigger but nothing extra.

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a231ac  No.16900262


I could easily eat all of that food, but not the four drinks. Would just be a larger meal than usual.

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540102  No.16900270

File: 3c676c4304c8244⋯.jpg (85.43 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 5iCj4QmbsRs.jpg)

Before that IP-hopping lonesome faggot's "muh christcucks" derail, there was some interesting Torrential Downpour news, in that, Funimation somewhat over-stated in their blog that they are on the animation production committee for a certain anime production company in Japan.

To counter blackpill fag's disinformation, here's the facts: in this now currently ending season, Funi is on the production committee for three anime: Hatena Illusion, Id Invaded, and Plunderer Personally, the only one of the three I'm kinda interested in watching is Hatena Illusion becuse it looks cute, as Plunderer looks like a typical meh Seinen light-novel (change my mind), and ID Invaded look like fujou yaoibait.

What this actually means is that they're a sponsor like companies such as Glico or Sega, where they invest money in the production of anime and as a result, expect a cut of the money that is made from that anime. What this means is that since they are investors that they can exert a certain amount of creative-control with the production company for these anime. What this typically means in anime, is that companies like Glico will put product-placement for thing like Pocky and Pretz or Sega can show screen-shots of one of their games on shows that they are sponsoring. What this doesn't mean, is they can turn anime into High Guardian Spice or some other Western-"Inspired" garbage, because they are just one partner of several, who all want to make money back from their investment.

What is needed is: digging on the production company thet Funi is partnered with, the other partners working with this company, and future planned productions for this company.

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097e53  No.16900274


In 90 minutes, I could maybe do two burgers, a fry and one drink. Maybe a few chicken nuggets but I doubt it. Even then, it depends. I mean, I'm not "average-sized", I'm tiny and eat very little but still.

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fea43f  No.16900285


>How is blob not dead yet?

He hasn't contracted COVID yet (it's very unkind to obese people)

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1da9d2  No.16900293


ID:Invaded is at least top 5 of the season.

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4d45b8  No.16900295

File: 485bceaa463ff43⋯.png (14.23 KB, 194x214, 97:107, marcille_surprised.png)


Fuck me those uber kikes are really going at it fucking now!

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eaa803  No.16900297

File: 2f07f592a3211e4⋯.png (582.85 KB, 564x663, 188:221, thought_thinking.png)


>How much of P5 vanilla's localisation was pozzed but fixed before launch theory is actually true given the P5R P5 Crimson fuck you I'm still referring to it as that censorship?

Not really altered much. Aside from the gay thing which Atlus ironically enough only translates literal instead of understanding there is degrees of figurative meanings. Also Japanese version is not changed.

>>Do you think NiggerERA got people in the team in Atlus over the years in spiteful revenge for P5's surprisingly non pozzed localisation in 2017?

Yes. I believe its due to Resetara's connections and PR/Community Manager types seem to cater to Resetara and fearing them than the general fanbase as a whole.

>Do you think Fire Emblem Three Houses not being pozzed was a direct result of Torrential Downpour?

That and the fact that once people across Twitter, Reddit and various other small places had infographics and comparisons it made the casual audiences upset to where they posted on videos. Nintendo fans are highly autistic but hate censorship because they like to play the full game without much if any alteration.

>Do you think TD had a positive impact on localisation as a whole?


>Other games or not being as pozzed mean that TD's crusade on NOA/Treehouse was a success?

That and the fact the series under performed than usual. If PR people see these info-graphs of censorship and things going on and see the sells dwindling they know what is going on.

>Do you think the recent shit with BHA and Ishuzoku Reviewers will negatively impact Japanese anime or manga and Japanese games

Not at all. BHA is a rare case of Korea/China being upset about Nanking and Nazism(China hates Germany because Germany supplied guns to Japan and Japan killed the Chinese off and practically dominated them despite being outnumbered).

>Do you think that Western animators going to Japan to work on anime will allow pozz to flow in

No because unlike the West they have anti-subversion laws and various other things that make it very difficult to change the products there and the fact the fanbase is loud if you do anything about it. Which is why when Resetara's doxxing campaign came out a lot of famous Japanese types basically said they will not port anything Westward and thought of doxxing as wrong because of how private they are about their own personal lives vs the West that has to post their ideology on social media.

>Do you think westerners working in Jap game studios will or has allowed pozz to flow

No. Because Japanese audiences have higher standards than the West.

>Do you think we should by Licensing since sjweebs or spergs will buy the right to something in English to gatekeep or deny shit out of spite

Yes if you have a studio you should absolutely follow o-sullivans law and say there will be no censorship and if there is then to never purchase again to hurt those who wish to subvert.

>Do you think (((Treehouse))) was actually told to shut it or did they take a new approach since pozzing Fates brought too much attention

The low sells, the fact the censorship had much more attention the games played in a huge role. They were demoted afterall to just a PR role.

>Do you think using the RetardERA leaks of localisation teams using the shithole to collude will cause the Japs to come down on them for gatekeeping and etc

It will do both things. It will make absolutely certain Japanese companies will be careful with the licenses, and the mainstream general public will be careful to buy from those companies. Maybe new ones will pop up like another XSeed and PQCube.

>Localisation aside how compromised do you think Japanese to English translation in general is

For now i think its generally compromised but like always its going to be about money and sells, attention. If it gets negative attention, less money no way are those offices going to do what they have been able to get away with.

>Do you think the SJWisation of fansubbers, scan and piracy sites of Japanese media will gatekeep obscure stuff from coming

No. If anything piracy, scan translations are praised by manga artists indirectly. Watamote's artist praised the fact 4ch did send her stuff around and translated, because without that the word would have not traveled and there would not be any sells or notice of obscure gems. Sure they may lose money, but the attention is a bit worth it for the loss. It's funny how some believe piracy = lost money, lost sells when reality it is more sells, more attention and it travels to places that never would have heard of it otherwise.

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82fc73  No.16900298


>What this doesn't mean, is they can turn anime into High Guardian Spice or some other Western-"Inspired" garbage, because they are just one partner of several, who all want to make money back from their investment.

It certainly doesn't make it less likely.

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d6de50  No.16900299


Whenever eating, if the goal is to get the maximum capacity, you always start with solid food and go with liquids only after you have finished eating.

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eaa803  No.16900300

File: 39980b18d6edd24⋯.gif (1023.6 KB, 242x227, 242:227, 43543543.gif)



>Do you think now that RetardERA has smelled blood in the water for it's latest victories that it will ramp out more campaigns to pozz shit in animu & mango or Japanese games?

No it will collapse onto itself. You are seeing it with the latest election. Biden won out against Bernie Sanders where Bernie was not even viable also Bernie is the SJWmob aka the Resetara crowd and it proves people including the general public are becoming tired of it. We are going to see a purity spiral of the moderate left and centrist left begin attacking and mocking the extreme left then it will die out. A new type of moralism might emerge which i am going to guess porn from the right wing but before that ever happens we will begin to see an age of Sex and Violence be normalized for once than it being gatekeeped by extremist moralists.

>Do you think we all should autism and do post talking about good or bad dubs/localisation in no spergy but non twittertard pussy manner will help normalfags or at least people give a shit

Yes make simple infographics, also make fun of SJW types for being moralists. If you mock them and they get mad you will see the normalfags begin to sense blood in the water to attack them back. Otherwise normalfags will fear that they are doing wrong. Also it's best to make things simple and digestible in format.

>>Should we be even more aggressive in contacting Jap devs in ways we didn't before

No because Japanese devs care about Japan. The culture of Asians is that of nationalism. They care more about their own country and people their own culture than what is outside. Although they do at times care about the West,there is not much they can do other than to take away licenses and give them to someone else. For example if Funimation decided to ruin Senko San or something in translation we could contact the Japanese offices that own the license and have them take it away and give it to Sentai Filmworks who will not censor it and they make money not Funimation. Or NISA gets its licenses taken away and XSeed gets them instead. We got to make recommendations other than saying "they are ruining the translation"

>Should we push to make Torrential Downpour an true legitimate sibling of Rainfall by being even more proactive in getting our points across to Jap devs

No. Japanese devs will not censor in their country but will censor in the West due to being asked to do so. Its on the companies here to make demands not the Japanese themselves. Its best for us to make lists of things to purchase and support maybe companies and various other things that do not censor or have a good track record. Keeping grades of their work and making sure they stay on task for our cause is much better.

>How can we counter RetardERA currently in our post fourth crusade Byzantium state to really show them how TD or Anons in general can subvert their pozzing

1. Promote companies that do not censor and have a good track record of not doing these things.

2. Recommend Japanese companies to license their products to them.

3. Purchase from those companies, even limited editions to show we want more of their non censored stuff, keep good press on them. Because lets be honest Resetara does not purchase anything at all and its becoming obvious that in the industry that Resetara might be great on mob mentallity and spamming all at once but they are not a lot of users compared to the normalfag audiences and the hardcore ones.

4 Have bad press and bad things and evidence that is easy to understand to throw companies under the bus who have a bad history of being censorship happy and do pandering translations than the real intent. Also keep it funny and make it a mockery with drawings etc. Otherwise normalfags will tune out especially on Reddit and Twitter. If they turn over a new leaf we begin to then promote them in a positive light and put them on a tier list that is positive. Perception is everything as is money to these companies.

5. Begin organizing and getting our points that we are against censorship of artists original intent and we should allow freedom of thought and diversity of opinions than anything else.

6.If a Resetara style person calls you a bigot or any name in the book call them a cuck or a faggot. They usually become afraid after that because their shaming tactics no longer work.

7. If a Resetara style person argues use rationalistic arguments back.

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a231ac  No.16900302


>What this doesn't mean, is they can turn anime into High Guardian Spice or some other Western-"Inspired" garbage

Don't point out that shit hasn't reached unsalvageable levels of fuckery like that as if it's not a slippery slope. What it does mean is they can make "little" suggestions here and there to push censorship or insert pozz.

<Hey maybe this unimportant background chacarcter should be gay?

<Hey maybe you should ease up on the panty shots a little?

<Hey this line of dialogue is pretty problematic and should probably have a "minor" edit

>before that IP-hopping lonesome faggot's "muh christcucks" derail

It started with a pro-Christian (1) posting gospel and sermons, not a ">muh christcuck" fag. There wasn't even any ">muh christcuck" posting unless it was deleted before I saw it, as most of the derail seems to be (1)s, (2)s, and (3)s, arguing the specifics of Christianity not against Christianity. It was a clear attempt at religious derailling.

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ac1296  No.16900304

File: 74d0ab632fe5884⋯.png (412.5 KB, 419x566, 419:566, plebi_despicatui.png)


I already told you, you fucking nigger.

I'm not turning off my VPN just because "muh IP-hoppers".

But no I'm clearly such a (you) addled fucktard that I come up with three different writing styles just to shitpost.

I bit the bait catholicfag threw out because fuck you that's why.

I was also the one way earlier saying that Anime is already pozzed but fixable.

But obviously I'm just being a niggerpill faggot. Funimation having that much power can only be a good thing right?

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7ba2b0  No.16900311

File: 3894f9eb85973d4⋯.png (233.81 KB, 811x380, 811:380, older_women_fetish.PNG)


>If a Resetara style person


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a231ac  No.16900313


>>Do you think we all should autism and do post talking about good or bad dubs/localisation in no spergy but non twittertard pussy manner will help normalfags or at least people give a shit

You Might want to reword that one.

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fee279  No.16900315


> ID Invaded look like fujou yaoibait.

how did you even get to this conclusion?

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4fa6c7  No.16900316


I'm a fat fuck, and even i can't fathom doing more than, like, 20 nuggets and 2 sodas in 90 fucking minutes. Bob Chipman is just on a whole nother level.

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35f0a4  No.16900318


>Hatena Illusion

Pretty sure that's the one they hired a non-passing tranny to dub.

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4d45b8  No.16900319


I should

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eaa803  No.16900321


GKids also licensed Lupin the 3rd CGI version for theatres but sadly due to the virus they do not know when they will be able to show it. They are a good company from what i noticed. There has been a small push for more Anime in theatres and not just restricted to California and New York which is nice. Even Promare did a great job with 1-2 million in sells(Sub more than dub sells of course). I do think we will see that trend continue down the road.


Of course it's the Boomers there. Main issue with Boomers in Japan is much like the Boomers in the West. They can kind of go too far with things and are out of touch with the younger generations. Gen-X Japanese types are slowly getting into government which is mostly 40 years old and above(as they gatekeep the younger from joining or even participating due to how idealistic they can be and not understanding what is going on). It makes sense as Gen-X pioneered Manga and various other video games within Japan. It will be awhile but it will happen. As it will in the West.


My bad lol. I am too hyped up on the caffeine to type normally.


Jesus fuck that is enough to feed a family of 3. I wish people would stop eating the fast food shit and make their own food or even eat at healthier fast food places. Its funny to mention this but ever since this virus shit has hit my area i have been eating Beef Jerky sticks, Ramen, Oatmeal and i have lost a lot of weight i do not even eat much afterwards. I have to think its due to the fact fast food places have way too much sugar and salt, bad ingredients in the food.

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a231ac  No.16900322

File: d6d870246af570a⋯.png (92.83 KB, 1793x417, 1793:417, Tom_of_XSeed.png)


>Or NISA gets its licenses taken away and XSeed gets them instead.

Isn't XSeed fully pozzed now? It had Tom as it's last line of defense against most everyone else wanting to censor things, and now he's gone isn't he? And even he was in favor of self-censorship, since it would mean he wouldn't be censoring things and having that attached to his name.

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fee279  No.16900323


>to dub.

ah i see here is your problem

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eaa803  No.16900327


>Isn't XSeed fully pozzed now?

Granted Tom left as did that other lady. But is there any proof that XSeed has been declining at all? I mean if we could find out if they have been declining and there translations have been getting worse i would believe you.

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fee279  No.16900328


>Isn't XSeed fully pozzed now?

in theory but so far i didnt see they screwing up any game so, okayish for now

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35f0a4  No.16900330


Well yeah. This is about Funimation. Funimation does dubs.

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fee279  No.16900333


yes but whole discussion was that funi now was able to influence japanese studios not just the dub

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eaa803  No.16900336

Also i will say we should try to organize companies and help support ones who will license Japanese games and not censor them. If XSeed does turn out bad we should support PQCube and if its only PQCube it might be best to find people who will want to start their own publishing company and hire competent translators that have the same vision of anti-censorship as other companies do. The more companies we have that license anime, manga, LN, Mobilegames and yes even Video Games from Japan without censorship the more of a chance we can have what we want.


The best thing is to recommend other companies that will not censor. Vizmedia, Discotek, and even Sentai Filmworks has been solid as of late. Even Vizmedia has a corporate policy of not hiring people who make political posts or engage in drama. They may not be social media optics types but they do an honorable thing of doing their job. Options exist out there. We just got to keep trying to support companies who believe in the same thing we do, especially making purchases.

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35f0a4  No.16900337


Yes. But you're still missing the point of why I bring it up. It's to further add to the discussion with related information and tell the original anon how the one show Funi is involved with that he's interested in was fucked too.

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a231ac  No.16900341

File: 701720215475944⋯.png (350.95 KB, 720x643, 720:643, ket.png)


>In 90 minutes, I could maybe do two burgers, a fry and one drink.


>I'm a fat fuck, and even i can't fathom doing more than, like, 20 nuggets and 2 sodas in 90 fucking minutes.

Are you all women or something? The only people I've ever known to take that long eating food were women. It never takes me more than 20 minutes to eat a decent size meal. That's one episode of any given show I tend to watch while eating dinner and I tend to finish before the show is over. Occasionally I'll need a second episode for larger meals. I cannot imagine spending a whole fucking hour and a half eating unless I'm going out to dinner with someone and eating is constantly interrupted with conversation, I'm going to all-you-can-eat buffet, or it's a holiday meal like Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner.


>I mean if we could find out if they have been declining and there translations have been getting worse i would believe you.

Didn't Tom make multiple statements to the effect that he was the only guy stopping them from unnecessarily censoring things?

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fee279  No.16900342


only in DUB

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35f0a4  No.16900344


As far as WE KNOW!

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fee279  No.16900345


do you know if they made an okama dub hantena illusion in japan?

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35f0a4  No.16900348


I don't! But if Funimation really does have pull in Japan now, at least minor amounts, then it's possible there's censorship.

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097e53  No.16900350


I wouldn't spend 90 minutes eating, anon. It'd eat for 10-15, let my stomach rest for an hour and then eat the rest.

And I said, my stomach is tiny so I can't eat a lot as is. One large bite of a burger can be the difference between "I'm stuffed" and "I'm so full I'm going to fucking vomit" for me.

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a231ac  No.16900352


>And I said, my stomach is tiny

Ah, so you basically are a woman when it comes to eating.

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eaa803  No.16900353

File: 72e367034396b18⋯.png (572.64 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 544353435435.png)


>Didn't Tom make multiple statements to the effect that he was the only guy stopping them from unnecessarily censoring things?

I think so. But the main issue is if there is no evidence of censorship or a change in direction there is nothing we can say about the change in the company. If there is evidence, even in clothes, settings and various other things. I can agree and we would have to put them on our shit list, make infographics for everyone to see and promote PQCube and hope another company takes the place of XSeed or XSeed learns their lesson and stops doing that kind of thing. I am not disagreeing with you but its hard for me to know if they are doing this or not recently.

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a231ac  No.16900356


I think censorship of the clothes is unlikely, but they may have begun fucking around with dialogue in earnest since he left. Some moon-speaking anons would have to check their recent games for us to know one way or the other.

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4fa6c7  No.16900358


>Are you all women or something? The only people I've ever known to take that long eating food were women.

It only takes me about 5, 10 minutes to eat that, the point isn't about how long it takes to eat something. It's that bob probably has a second stomach, since his hunger is so fucking unchecked that he can eat like, 4 fucking meals in the span of 90 minutes and think that's normal.

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f4ddd5  No.16900359


I get fuckin starved whenever I see a nice big meal, and a hamburger these days is something I want a lot of. That said I exercsise so its definitely my metabolism.


the consolidation of production and distribution companies, and everything going to shit has happened to other industries

as i think we all know, there used to be shit tons of consoles on the market, many were sucessful in their own ways, not just sega and snk, but fuckin the 3do company and even

it's a combination of rising costs and those with money making the consolidation, because remember that crunchyroll and funimation are now both owned by one of the 7 big media companies

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eaa803  No.16900366


There is no pull in Japan. Not even Crunchyroll has pull. The only thing they can really do is fund it or not fund the license to air it on their streaming stuff or home distribution. This is true they can kind of censor or alter scenes slightly, or just write in things for their dubs. But that is kind of it. Funimation's only thing is they messed up on Ishozoku Reviewers on the license and decided to cancel it because they did not know what they were getting themselves into. Even in Japan there is some notes that on their TV it might have been too erotic for them. The main problem with Funimation i have noticed is they still think it's the 00's in terms of politics and still believe Moral Christians are overlooking their products etc so they kind of indirectly poke fun of capitalism and also they are afraid to show erotic stuff. Which in my opinion we may need another Publishing company that is not afraid to take those risks if Funimation and other companies will not do so. Who knows maybe another new Anime publishing company can rise and just do what other companies are afraid to do and they can make money for taking those risks and chances. Maybe they can pickup Ishuzoku Reviewers or some hentai stuff for distribution from MUK or Euphoria and bring it West for us to buy into.


>the consolidation of production and distribution companies, and everything going to shit has happened to other industries

This is kind of an issue. And the fact there is too much regulations and you need 5 lawyers to even start a business is difficult especially when you can be sued into the ground.

>as i think we all know, there used to be shit tons of consoles on the market, many were sucessful in their own ways, not just sega and snk, but fuckin the 3do company and even

Yes competition is great as is options. We need to get back to those times and make it easy for anyone to start their own company from the ground up than to be heavily dependant on big companies to do things for us or be at the mercy of them.

>it's a combination of rising costs and those with money making the consolidation, because remember that crunchyroll and funimation are now both owned by one of the 7 big media companies

Yes i agree. Funimation is owned by Sony which i halfway consider a victory because it's not owned by a bad company, but the American branches can be pozzed if they do not watch themselves or if they cater to China for more money and go into censorship territory in order to get more money. While Funimation might be bad Crunchyroll i think is far worse and has been centralizing everything they can to gatekeep things for themselves. They have purchased European branches that are usually non censorship orientated and have exclusive licenses including the now terrible MAL. And at the same time just doubling down on pretending to "care about the industry" despite purchasing more Korean and Chinese stuff and calling it anime. It's just kind of bad and we need more competition at this point otherwise these companies will use government to legislate out competition.

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4d45b8  No.16900367


> A new type of moralism might emerge

The Conservative right isn't really the body of the right anymore it's there but the right is more full of people like in this thread these days.

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fee279  No.16900369


fair enough.

is there a source material for hatena illusion?

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eaa803  No.16900370


>The Conservative right isn't really the body of the right anymore it's there but the right is more full of people like in this thread these days.

You are not wrong, people on the left have been moving right because of how bad things have been from the cannibalization and religious purity when it comes for censorship practices. Its kind of like that. I do hate e-celebs that have been pretending to be right wing but are obviously left wing and agree with them on most issues but do the "no u" thing. It gets annoying and its dishonest.


If they do i will have to hope for a new company to emerge and i have to hope PQCube stays alive then. Its kind of a mess sadly because we do not have many companies to support because the apparatus is against us.

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c46dbc  No.16900382




Xseed seems to be okay for the moment but the only thing I noticed some on the team are begging for gay marriage in games like rune factory..

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d6de50  No.16900389

File: 47c05927c1068ba⋯.jpg (254.06 KB, 1242x1215, 46:45, uma_delicia.jpg)


The quantity really isn't that much, in fact it leads me to believe the tweet may have been sponsored. It may be different in the US, where everything is filled to the brim with corn-syrup, but it really isn't that much and I'm not fat by any means. The amount of food picked was, I would say, intentionally chosen to ensure the most amount of replies. And that would require a large but still adequately realistic amount that a person could eat (apart from the four sodas) but that would require a bit of forcing themselves to reach.


The left have been tearing themselves apart towards both directions but they haven't been moving very much right, certainly not as much as some attention-whores on Youtube would like to believe. It should not be forgotten that, despite the media labels, Trump is still more left-leaning than most other conservatives. That is what won people over despite the trend of the Republican Party being eliminated through demographics. From the voting habits of hispanics, if the US had the same ethnic composition it does now and had the same voting patterns among ethnicities, the Republican Party would have lost every single presidential election from WW2 to now.

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a231ac  No.16900395


>the point isn't about how long it takes to eat something

>It's that bob probably has a second stomach

I wasn't denying that. I was reacting with half disbelief to multiple claims of taking womanly long times eating. Both you and tiny-stomach-anon specified taking 90 minutes to eat significantly smaller amounts of food than in that image.

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fee279  No.16900399


i still have to play the other corpse parties (blood drive and 2) games if they censored anything those games are a good starting point to look into it.

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ddc36f  No.16900400


>Anime is already pozzed but fixable

Which anime?

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35f0a4  No.16900416


This is not the place to ask & you forgot to spoil.

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21d732  No.16900427

File: f1b8005a5e3d002⋯.png (547.27 KB, 602x545, 602:545, america_chavez.PNG)

File: 6de62b8c4dca0f2⋯.jpg (126.61 KB, 768x576, 4:3, america_chavez_2.jpg)

File: 739237a17e944c8⋯.jpg (73.12 KB, 660x1020, 11:17, america_chavez_3.jpg)

>Yessenia Funes / Gizmodo - "I Wish Animal Crossing Treated Islands More Like Real Life"


>After New America Chavez Design Called “Oversexualized” Artists Put A Bunny Twist On The Marvel Comics’ Character



>Marvel Studios’ She-Hulk Writer Dana Schwartz Compares Men to Oscar The Grouch As She Continues Her Man-Hating Twitter Tirades


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a231ac  No.16900432


Does it really need spoilering if the thumbnail doesn't contain anything explicit.

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75a4f8  No.16900435


stop being autistic

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35f0a4  No.16900439


Yes, nigger. It's porn.


>Marvel Studios’ She-Hulk Writer Dana Schwartz Compares Men to Oscar The Grouch As She Continues Her Man-Hating Twitter Tirades

Comic industry is dying. Shops are dying. Disney is bleeding money. Better make sure we let this lady harass & demean people! That'll get the money train rolling in!

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6c2755  No.16900442


>but also because you are getting pleasure from touching a dick

Okay that's a new one

>how is possible that some random man is able to make something better than an studio with 10x the money

There's a large number of reasons but the most important one is that throwing infinite money at somebody won't always give you the best results.


If only most spic women actually looked like that.

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776085  No.16900457


>how difficult and how long is to create an animation like this?


I assume it would be 20 hours or more, but then my artistic skills end up on 2D pixelshit, so take it with mountain of salt.

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c81189  No.16900470


>Yidsney is bleeding money

What were their financials like before Coronachan came to visit? How much are they losing because of Disneyland being closed?

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35f0a4  No.16900480

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Well their primary source of income comes from the parks, cruises, & resorts. All of them being closed all over the world means they've had to take out loans for millions or billions. ClownFishTV on youtube has been covering how bad it's gotten for a while. Here's the latest video. Staff are getting laid off.

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c81189  No.16900491


Do you think Disney is considered too big to fail? Will they receive government bailouts? Surely, they'll exist 10 years from now. I've been considering companies to buy corporate bonds in

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35f0a4  No.16900495


They are not too big too fail. No business is right now.

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c81189  No.16900497


Too Big To Fail businesses are a fucking cancer. But if they're handing out money to people to stabilize shit, they're absolutely going to save a select few companies (especially big banks) if things go south.

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5b141c  No.16900527


Reception to Billy's article on Jill's original RE3 outfit is divided.

Half hate him, the others are going, "well, he's right".

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a95553  No.16900559

File: 5dcab7eb2c9ef07⋯.png (334.35 KB, 1448x2048, 181:256, Ultra_accurate_firearm_ren….png)


The general impression I hear from him is "he's right, but he's a sperg/an asshole". If only he took "don't just argue with the opposition, argue for the neutral's sake" to heart, bringing up facts, and maybe past reactions of people that tried to argue with him, if they happen to contradict their own current reactions (i.e., Steven Universe fans celebrating vidya censorship, then lamenting SU censorship when it gets "localized" when shown in some other country).

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5cce54  No.16900581


Careful son. That's proof of homosexuality if vagina isn't your favorite part of a girl.

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13cbab  No.16900587


They aren't telecoms or utilities, so they should get jack shit. Might get lucky and they can't afford another batch of lobbyists to extend copyrights yet again.

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c81189  No.16900593


>Disney wins by paying out ludicrous bribes

>Chink pandemic caused by gross negligence and fascist censorhappy government causes worldwide economic disaster on an unprecedented scale

>The company can't pay it's bills, much less bribe people for copyright extension

>Stuff gradually becomes more sane

Holy fuck, every angle I look at Corona, it's just a pure fucking reset button on this carcass of a society

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a231ac  No.16900612


Pretty sure they thought of a scencario where they can't extend copyright law anymore years ago. Didn't they get some law in place where if a character is "iconic" enough and synonymous with the company then it's copyright lasts forever? That is, I'm pretty sure they can keep Mickey Mouse for eternity and any other intellectual property their lawyers can argue.

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fc36ea  No.16900623

File: d8262d4ed1814e1⋯.mp4 (7.38 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, tlou.mp4)

So, Sony's cinematic masterpiece is getting leaked: >>16900580

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35f0a4  No.16900633


Eh. Not worth anything unless it's got story spoilers to fuck with the weirdos obsessed with it.

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82fc73  No.16900657


You're probably thinking of trademark, which is more about "tricking" people into thinking your product is associated with a company, for example, by using a logo which they have trademarked.

For example, Marvel has the trademark to the name "Captain Marvel," even though the copyright to the original character called Captain Marvel is owned by DC. Originally the trademark was owned by Fawcett Comics, but when DC sued them into bankruptcy, claiming that Captain Marvel was a copyright infringement of Superman, Fawcett stopped using the trademark, and after a certain amound of time of a trademark not being used, it lapses, and others can claim it. Eventually, Marvel claimed it. So since the '70s, when DC bought the rights to the original Captain Marvel franchise, every product about Captain Marvel was called "Shazam!," but the character was still called Captain Marvel in the actual works. They just couldn't advertise it using a phrase trademarked by Marvel. Meanwhile, Marvel had to invent a new character called Captain Marvel, and must publish a certain amount of products called Captain Marvel every year in order to keep the trademark. This is part of the reason they keep pushing their version of Captain Marvel even though nobody likes it. Of course, it doesn't explain why they make the modern Marvel Captain Marvel insufferable bigoted garbage. Marvel's original Captain Marvel was a different guy and the comics were actually good and very well liked.

Also in 2011 DC gave up calling their character Captain Marvel when they couldn't advertise his products as such, so they just changed his name to Shazam. Not because they were legally required to, but just because they figured it was less confusing. But then there are some stories where they flash back to before he was called Shazam (meaning before a reboot, but that's how confusing shit is) and they still call him Captain Marvel. So they can still use the name, just not in advertising, and that includes as the name of the product.

So Mickey Mouse would be a similar situation. In a few years, you can make Mickey Mouse products, but Disney will surely trademark the name indefinitely, so you won't be able to use the name on your products.

Also, Felix the Cat has been public domain for years and nobody gives a shit. Felix is better than Mickey anyway.

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97749c  No.16900677


Riveting gameplay

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13cbab  No.16900685


Its what happens when "fun" is banned in Neil's naughty doghouse

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4d45b8  No.16900700



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64d4b9  No.16900702

File: 6e4e20d2b43a0a6⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 26.42 KB, 640x579, 640:579, 1551776385_1.jpeg)


Maybe he lust likes loli vagina instead of an amorphous, Lovecraftian wad of luncheon meat.

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540102  No.16900706

File: f6647fc5483a5d3⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 105.63 KB, 655x1024, 655:1024, horse_pussy_fried.jpg)


>vagina luncheon meat

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928985  No.16900707

File: 0e4588e608383f3⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 827.81 KB, 1058x1500, 529:750, 001.jpg)


why is loli so superior to fermented puffs of putrid perennial pussy?

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9d1425  No.16900714

File: de42db5b3933862⋯.jpg (23.51 KB, 309x282, 103:94, 1522972960.jpg)


I don't know whether to be disgusted or impressed that something managed to top Mountain Oysters.

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a231ac  No.16900718

File: a0f953eede8f0c7⋯.png (274.41 KB, 437x520, 437:520, 1305581397929.png)



Oh hey, more 3DPD looking underage nudity in The Lesbians of Us.

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21d732  No.16900730

>Corona Beam of Death Godzilla Magic card to be altered due to coronavirus pandemic


<Magic: The Gathering Adds Autumn Burchett, Known for Defacing Cards With Anti-TERF Messages, To Official Lore in New Ikoria Set


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35f0a4  No.16900735


Neither of your archives work.

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cbee8d  No.16900737


Works on my machine

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13bb39  No.16900738

File: 71930c6b725f837⋯.png (460.37 KB, 775x666, 775:666, uee.PNG)


why do people waste their money buying shit like this?

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540102  No.16900739


They're both fine.

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35f0a4  No.16900740



I get a 403 error on both.

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fee279  No.16900742


it works here

what next?

klonoa encore gets canceled because klonoa in japaense is too close to corona?

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928985  No.16900749


Whenever I hear that title, I always think of the chicken cloaca and it both amuses and arouses me.

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8d9c74  No.16900772

File: 133ab46caa83c13⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 1500x2133, 500:711, words.jpg)

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801197  No.16900785

File: 0dfa72532b7e22e⋯.png (553.31 KB, 760x839, 760:839, 0dfa72532b7e22ec021ec9a756….png)


This makes sense. Most of the time, the economy is doing fine, food is on the table, and we're not actively in a hot war or otherwise struggling to survive. And as long as conditions are alright, polite society is willing to tolerate sjw nonsense for the sake of not rocking the boat. But as soon as shit hits the fan, survival instinct kicks in and people have a much lower tolerance for bullshit. That saying about strong men making good times and good times making weak men may be a cliche, but there's definitely an element of truth to it.

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2bc61f  No.16900787


What does copyright overextension have to do with SJWs? It's just regular old greed.

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a231ac  No.16900796

Does anyone have the scene from The Last of Us DLC with the underage sex to show AAA's double standards?

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801197  No.16900797

File: 3389933d0ee453e⋯.jpg (215.58 KB, 600x840, 5:7, 3389933d0ee453ebfd50e48bdf….jpg)


I latched onto the comments related to reset buttons and society starting to occasionally act sane, and focused on that more than copyright extension.

pls don't bully

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18c9db  No.16900807


i use Tomorrow site wide

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21d732  No.16900809

File: 3beced692e3fa0b⋯.png (403.86 KB, 611x532, 611:532, marvel_smoking.PNG)

File: 5e6b34c8294bff3⋯.jpg (85.32 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, EUuWU4kXQAMS6yP.jpg)

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fee279  No.16900836


what they gave him a lolipop instead?

its official the 90s censorship just came back

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506039  No.16900837


dark > tomorrow

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3518cf  No.16900842


It's [current year], they would rather replace the cigar with a nigger dick.

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a231ac  No.16900843

File: ce9583041df3faa⋯.jpg (210.11 KB, 900x1520, 45:76, templar.jpg)


Someone should draw parallels between the fallacious arguments of fictional smoking "normalizing and promoting smoking" and fictional sexiness "normalizing and promoting sexism".

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a231ac  No.16900844

File: 32c71027737c74d⋯.png (486.99 KB, 753x600, 251:200, 32c71027737c74d8d5cd5cea8a….png)

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fc36ea  No.16900851

File: fdcd68a172404f7⋯.mp4 (425.36 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, faggots.mp4)



>Not using superior 2chan theme

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506039  No.16900853


wouldn't fictional sexiness normalize and promote sexiness?

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fc36ea  No.16900862


Actually, going by the studies conducted, porn actually makes men less "sexist". In fact, IIRC, fictional media actually makes people more generally empathetic that "real" media.

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eb1886  No.16900864

File: 92789a31503572d⋯.jpg (127.67 KB, 470x647, 470:647, 1533076038.jpg)


>Not using the easy on the eyes sleek looking dark theme.

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8487ba  No.16900867

File: 6690575f2cb73b2⋯.png (42.42 KB, 682x432, 341:216, ClipboardImage.png)

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35f0a4  No.16900868


Honestly it should be the universal standard. Especially if you're looking at computer screens all day. Like me.

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8487ba  No.16900869


I'd use tomorrow if it didn't shrink thumbnails.

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a50e11  No.16900870


With the exception of the "Rarely assertive" line this pretty much describes post 2016 /pol/.

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097e53  No.16900871


Dark themes really piss me off. It strips every single site and piece of software of any individuality and makes them look indistinguishable from one another, using the same two shades of dark gray. It's mongrelizing away any individuality these sites and programs have in their layout and design. How fitting that they're literally "dark" themes. The Redditors and Discordcucks that make using dark themes some sort of status symbol don't exactly help either.

I see the appeal of it but god forbid, does it have to be the same two fucking shades of dark gray on every single theme? Give it a slight tint of red or blue or something for fuck's sake, set yourself apart somehow.

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540102  No.16900891


>I enjoy eyestrain

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308d6f  No.16900910

File: 1c8b1d853bb1b68⋯.png (400.47 KB, 600x582, 100:97, 5435435335435.png)


At some point its a choose your poison situation. I would rather deal with incompetent translation and dubs than i would like to see activism and replacing the original intent of a scene.


>Boring non-conversation stuff that nobody cares about and does not build character

>my le irony humor XD XD

>Mah Russians!!!

I thought Jews were supposed to be great writers not political hacks that insert their activism in writing and doubling down on it so nobody will buy it.

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d4ed54  No.16900960

File: 000f47cc42394e9⋯.png (322.47 KB, 605x645, 121:129, Polygon.png)




Author is Laura Kate Dale. I guess they work for Polygon now after bailing Kotaku UK?

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7d9536  No.16900988

Will I get trump bux if I'm 23 and never had a job?

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eb1886  No.16901010


Have you filed taxes in the last two years?

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17b664  No.16901030

File: b446efe661e5123⋯.png (697.88 KB, 1300x1848, 325:462, Jichou_shinai_Motoyuusha_n….png)

File: baa7c91c780fe4d⋯.png (705.69 KB, 1300x1848, 325:462, Jichou_shinai_Motoyuusha_n….png)

Reminder to stay safe and indoors in these trying times.

Remember to wash your hands and clean your waifu.

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01c6f5  No.16901034

File: 1faabba39491d5a⋯.jpg (361.77 KB, 749x685, 749:685, Aggressive_Handholding.jpg)


They are removing what made Wolverine "Wolverine".

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01c6f5  No.16901042

File: 06eda4785367e6e⋯.jpg (444.65 KB, 1600x1299, 1600:1299, May_I_Ask_For_One_Final_Th….jpg)


>Also in 2011 DC gave up calling their character Captain Marvel when they couldn't advertise his products as such

Why not just call him Captain Thunder?

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a56747  No.16901051

File: 03f7a873259669f⋯.png (195.25 KB, 321x497, 321:497, disney_fan_faggotry.png)


Logan's cigar chain smoking is as iconic as his wife beater and him saying "bub". You can not just delete it. Disney buying Marvel was a bad fucking thing.

With Disney every has to have a princess and be fucking PC.

I kid you not. Look at Captain Marvel she is a fucking Disney Princess. Look at Rey in Star Wars another Disney Princess.

Its all Disney knows how to do and its fucking 100% lame.

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01c6f5  No.16901054

File: 03985b04d3d9ca1⋯.jpg (44.1 KB, 685x685, 1:1, 508b63a849313af4f8610543a5….jpg)


Kuzco is the only good Disney Princess.

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11f026  No.16901075


I really like the female MC of that manga, but I can't tolerate actually reading it since all the male characters are whimpering simps compared to her and they're expected to be her romantic interests.

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98e2d3  No.16901078

lol mods deleted all my posts, thanks jerks


They're pushing streaming platforms like there's no tomorrow, but I don't see what the appeal of Disney+ is compared to Netflix or Prime Video. In the end, unless you like SPORTZ (which is a dying industry) or really really want previews on future Disney/Marvel/FOX productions, there's barely any reason to pick it up.


/ita/ here, food is only on the table NOW but expect to see famines pop up in South East Asia and Northern Europe since the populations can't sustain themselves without their breadbaskets.


You meant Kronk right

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98e2d3  No.16901080

So my posts won't get through, is this the new shadow banning method?

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98e2d3  No.16901082


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3d2944  No.16901090

File: 39eaca84e0ef5d1⋯.webm (1.41 MB, 853x480, 853:480, 39eaca84e0ef5d1e2bcdbe7e6….webm)

>no delicious easter food

>left with scraps i can buy for feast instead of home made delicious ham and such

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5f1f4a  No.16901101


Also be extremely wary and vigilant when it comes to deliveries of stuff. I bought some non-perishable food from amazon, and since it was delivered it feels like I'm on the verge of coughing and seem to have all the other minor symptoms.

If I die thanks to the chinks, I want you guys to know: I love you. I've been coming to these threads everyday since 2014, and I don't regret it.

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5a3747  No.16901102

File: 71069d96c5b2adf⋯.jpg (435.6 KB, 810x1258, 405:629, Moon_Groping_Star_by_ohiek….jpg)



Isn't star butterfly the only actual Disney princess? Baring Jasmine non of them are royalty.

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cbee8d  No.16901108


Princess Aurora (sleeping beauty), Ariel, Snow White, and those chicks from Frozen are all royalty, anon. Probably more that I can't think of off the top of my head.

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84242b  No.16901111

So, even in a pandemic quarantine there is barely any activity in the board?

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7ba2b0  No.16901112

File: 47e73ec09311302⋯.png (498.17 KB, 519x512, 519:512, French_soldier_gasping_for….png)


>I love you

Me too faggot.

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3d2944  No.16901119


just quarantine the food for 3 days its the maximum the virus can survive on materials. unless its frozen where it can survive for months

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540102  No.16901123

File: 71150a42048b50c⋯.jpg (650 KB, 1280x1897, 1280:1897, I_support_TRANSEXUALS.jpg)


>RIP /fur/

The trannies are all dead from plastic bag poisoning, thankfully and post-quality has gone up as a result.

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8d9c74  No.16901124


Apparently the virus doesn’t persist long on organic surfaces (food), but does on inorganic ones (packaging).

Open boxes outside with gloves, disinfect stuff you bring inside, let whatever you bought sit for a few days before using or at least reheat/microwave/broil delivery food for a min if you absolutely must risk eating it ASAP

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bcd714  No.16901128


Backlogs exist.

Also Bannerlord was released recently, so it probably doesn't help either.

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b839ed  No.16901139

File: 4569ded1ec4afe1⋯.png (82.13 KB, 256x190, 128:95, kot.png)

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4717d6  No.16901142

File: 3ebdc50d74ad1b3⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 2912x2128, 26:19, The_Snow_Queen_by_Elena_Ri….jpg)


Being an unruly sperg makes it hard to signal boost. Have to leave these threads occasionally to get things done, and it is easier to use any other source. For instance, it is a lot easier to just follow Grummz' example, and highlight some woman criticizing the fashion choice. https://archive.ph/V5SLf


It's Commiefornia approved, and adheres to the Church of Liberalism. Of course it gets approved. If Corona-chan wasn't a worldwide phenomenon, it would be easier to add this to the "West is racist against Eastern art" happenings.


If there's a Prince proper, they become Princesses through marriage. So yes, Cinderella is a Princess by the end of the tale. And yeah, first thought of Aurora, not-Snow Queen, Rapunzel, all being royalty by birth.

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35f0a4  No.16901148


They did for 3 alternate reality versions.

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d6de50  No.16901151

File: cec27a2019a4196⋯.webm (4.36 MB, 720x540, 4:3, I_think_my_stingray_has_a….webm)


Or they have bled to death trying to do the snip themselves




The problem with the vast majority of psychiatry and "philosophical" psychology diagnoses is that they are largely dependent on the observer.

>refuse to accept responsibility for dealing with their problems

This part is intended to explain people offloading their own flaws as being the fault of everyone else. But it is worded in such a manner that it puts a blanket over pretty much anyone. What is the cutoff by which one could distinguish a sane person from one with a victim complex? This isn't even something that could be quantified.

>never accept any degree of blame for their problems

This part is worded correctly but it will still be used by people for someone that accepts insufficient blame. Here it says that no degree is blame is accepted whatsoever and yet >>16900870 is more than happy to take it as meaning insufficient blame.

>always find reasons why suggested solutions will not work

Highly dependent on the competence and willingness of the suggester. If the suggester is refusing to compromise or if he suggests shit completely unrelated to the problem, then the blame is pushed onto the patient.

>carry grudges, never forgive and simply cannot "move on"

Plenty of stable people carry grudges so that part isn't really the determining criteria. Entire societies may do this such as with Koreans, who carry grudges against a person for the next three generations after your death. Never forgive and cannot "move on" are valid but they too are used to mean to hold grudges for longer than they would like, not the actual definition.

>believe everyone is "out to get them" and thus trust no one

They could have just written paranoia but really, yet again people tend to apply this very liberally.

>negative and pessimistic

This is valid

>often highly critical of others and rarely enjoy lasting friendships

If the people around you treat you like shit or just aren't the type of people you want to be hanging around (for example, if the city you live in is filled with junkies that would be willing to stab you in the back if it meant they could get some more), the blame is on you. I would understand it if they defined it as being that those with victim complexes themselves destroy their own friendships, but that is not what is described here. It only says highly critical and not having friends. You might think I'm nitpicking but these people have degrees in this type of shit, it shouldn't be this fucking easy to see these glaring flaws.

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637c5e  No.16901167

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


How long ago was this? On average it takes around 5 days to have symptoms and I think it should be at least a couple days at minimum, so if it was sooner afterward it should be unrelated. It's significantly harder to catch that way than direct exposure to people so hopefully you''re fine, tell us how you're doing in a few days.

To everyone, put non-perishable packages and groceries somewhere where nobody will touch it for at least 3 days and properly wash your hands after handling. For frozen food, other coronaviruses can survive in freezing conditions for years and they might even last longer than 3 days in the refrigerator too, plus touching other things that you might then touch. So for stuff that you plan to use soon and frozen food, you can remove outer packaging or disinfect the packaging. The attached Youtube video is a decent guide, and might also be helpful if you have to convince others. If you don't have disinfectant you can use diluted bleach solution:


>Prepare a bleach solution by mixing:

>5 tablespoons (1/3rd cup) bleach per gallon of water or

>4 teaspoons bleach per quart of water

Diluted bleach can decompose and stop being effective quickly, supposedly you should use it within 24 hours.

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d6de50  No.16901169

File: 16582aa5e7d1f1d⋯.mp4 (4.55 MB, 640x800, 4:5, Chinese_Spreading_Disease_….mp4)


To further elaborate: psychiatry has the issue that its goal is to look to people that aren't compatible with society and to facilitate their integration into it. There are plenty of psychopaths out there and no attention is heeded to them (beyond noting that they may potentially be a problem) because they have adequately integrated into it. But then you come across the issue that if the blame is not in the person while that person still remains incompatible, they have no clue what to do. Which is why the DSM is such an absolute fucking abomination and why diagnoses are classified by a vote rather than scientific inquiry. With immense margins in the definitions that would allow to classify these incompatible individuals. And as a remedy for this inconsistency, they pump the person with pills. This often alters their behaviour negatively but at the very least in some direction, as a result of which more types of pill are required to fine-tune it into the desired result. The pharmaceutical industry is satisfied with the money it gets and the psychiatrist is satisfied with the docile serf that has just been created. There absolutely are unstable individuals that get this treatment but that is to be expected with a brush so broad that anyone can be painted with it at will. If the society itself is barely functional, then ordinary people get fucked in the ass to get them to adhere to it. You see this all the time with children in schools being diagnosed with

ADHD when it is glaringly obvious that the school is simply unwilling to compromise on its study programme.

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afaeea  No.16901175


>carry grudges, never forgive and simply cannot "move on"

The alternative of never having any anger for slights is worse. I call it "being a doormat"

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637c5e  No.16901180


Which posts?

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18b648  No.16901187

File: e2245d1a708512d⋯.png (179.66 KB, 301x301, 1:1, admech_felinid_fed_spaghet….png)


according to this i have a victim complex towards my family because when they are around they can't help themselves to try and limit me, try and find problems in me or generally piss me off

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35f0a4  No.16901191


If they're not posts in this thread then why are you complaining about your posts getting deleted?

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c62932  No.16901194


ive been playing bannerlord

my disappointment is immeasurable. Not because its horrible its just feels like after all those years they made a charmless warband.

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4717d6  No.16901203


Reading your posts. Can only come to the following possible scenarios.

>(you) are niggerpill looking to stir up drama

>(you) unironically need to lurk more to see niggerpill in action

>or see that shit moderation is the norm, and one of the many reasons why everyone shits on Mark

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c62932  No.16901204


when something spends a decade to be created you would think at least something new was going to be added.

Hell the trailers and announcements outright mention added features. Then this game comes out and you find out they removed them. Feels super scummy

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21d732  No.16901223

File: a049e7519448697⋯.jpg (56.34 KB, 1018x567, 1018:567, ykV1L.jpg)

Chris Arrant / Newsarama - "MARVEL COMICS ‘Pausing’ Work & Release of ONE-THIRD Of Its May & June Titles"


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a231ac  No.16901229


>You can not just delete it. Disney buying Marvel was a bad fucking thing.

They've been erasing his cigar since before Disney.


>This is the closest thing to a meta thread on this board.

Nobody is stopping you from making a meta, even if Mark anchors it because "muh /sudo/". I made good pogress getting answers out of him in the last meta, and out of codechunky in the post redesign thread thread that quickly became a meta. The post redesign thread is still up and bumpable.

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4717d6  No.16901239


Assuming it is the same idiot. Samefagging in the Corona-chan thread.






Having a really hard time coming around to defend them.

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bcd714  No.16901265


I see.

I only checked some streams of it. I lack GB to actually pirate it.

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64d4b9  No.16901279


They should pause all of their titles forever.

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d6de50  No.16901305


What is charmless about it? Because charm is a pretty vague description

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01c6f5  No.16901310


/mg/ had a strong start but now it's gotten extremley slow.

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a231ac  No.16901322

File: deeb9de53aaeaa7⋯.jpg (242.37 KB, 1200x960, 5:4, 4aa0e45a351890d5acc064d771….jpg)

The loli is pedo goon seems to be active in the The Lesbians of Us thread. Or maybe it's a different goon. Who knows?

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c62932  No.16901324


If you've played warband then you've effectively played this game. For all intents and purposes it might as well be the same game. The only noticable difference this game has is Graphics and bugs up the wazoo. You can't go 30 minutes without noticing the game is far from complete either.

All the imagination you have can't stop

>placeholder this

>missing weapon text damage id

>generic story inserted here

and the occasional crash. Is there a good game here? probably but you're going to have to wait.


Stick to warband.until some anons tell you otherwise.

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64d4b9  No.16901330


And he's abusing tor now since he got banned.

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01c6f5  No.16901334


He's trying his damnest to make anons think that 2D and 3D are correlated.

Speaking of lolis, anons want their loli boards again. At least there's hentai boards that allow loli threads for the time being.

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a231ac  No.16901337


Based on the first torpost and the now deleted post agreeing with it, was using tor to samefag even before he got called out.

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dad4dd  No.16901349


>Look at Captain Marvel she is a fucking Disney Princess. Look at Rey in Star Wars another Disney Princess.

I would say that those characters are not Disney princesses but Female Power Fantasies. Where women do no wrong and men are retconned, belittled or are the bad guy.

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0c9117  No.16901363


what a faggot.

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727c73  No.16901372

File: 434ecf2992a2dd4⋯.jpg (450 KB, 1080x932, 270:233, 20200404_131240.jpg)

Little late but this popped into my YT feed.

Mr. "Meal for 4 is average for me" Bob states Joker fans are still angry over unfunny forgettable Weekend Update sketch from like 2 months ago pre-Oscars attacking a bunch of nominees for being about angry white men.

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84242b  No.16901377


What joke? Is SNL still going on even if it is not funny at all? Why the fuck do you care about what that whale says? he isn't fun even for eceleb mockery.

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3d2944  No.16901379


can you explain more?

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fc36ea  No.16901380


>Look up video: https://invidio.us/watch?v=FXPVfRUO5DU

>Scroll to the comments

<Literally no one is talking about this.

Hey, Blob, everyone thinks you're an idiot, go figure.

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727c73  No.16901382


More just how they never let go and seem to always prop up the dumbest shit as important. That and also deeming a couple of months still within the same year as "old" while also claiming people are still talking about said song bit when I had wholeheartedly forgotten the SNL bit myself until it was brought up. I'm guessing Bob had to talk about something this week while waiting for his Door Dash order to be backed up into the tube leading to his basement.

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84242b  No.16901388


I have no idea what are you talking about. I stopped watching Bob when he started to call other nerds toxic for criticising Anita, even if his most viewed video was his Transformers review, and disliked him more the more he was acting like a fucking automaton.Also after learning about him not going to his grandmother's funeral to play Mario.

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c62932  No.16901401

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3d2944  No.16901418

File: ca72f7f7bb8db9a⋯.jpg (36.37 KB, 725x437, 725:437, thicc.jpg)

hello fellow gamers, do you like memes?

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1c663a  No.16901428


Does it render Quake II RTX with less than 2 seconds per frame?

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84242b  No.16901438

So, did some usual leftist soy faggot streamer pushed some Magical Realm level of stuff into a streamed session? I would love to discuss it on /tg/, but it is dead.

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4d45b8  No.16901446


>/tg/, but it is dead.

Then actually go fucking post there and try to make it alive.

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fc36ea  No.16901452


The /tg/ BO is sitting on the board and trying to direct everyone to Julay.

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64d4b9  No.16901457



/tg/ is on smug though.

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fc36ea  No.16901465


Should have just said the webring and I would have been half right. I forgot which of the bunkers they are on.

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6b39f8  No.16901474


He's not preventing anyone from posting on the board. No rules are broken. Stop trying to start bullshit again.

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4d45b8  No.16901476


> webring

Honestly both here and there are just in Byzantine rump state mode, a massive stagnation.


So what is actually happening then?

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c5b538  No.16901477


it's just dead because it's dead. He took smugs side but he's not actively trying to discourage posting on 8kun, he just mentions that the bunker is more active.

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6b39f8  No.16901481


Nothing is happening. They have the bunker, which isn't forbidden under any of the rules.

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2d80be  No.16901486


Isn't Easter Sunday on the 12th?

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4d45b8  No.16901490


That's sounds reasonable to me.

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4af344  No.16901494


Yeah Comic industry is definitely over, even better is the direct market of comic shops is going to die off because of corona. So the hold the big 2 had on comics will finally weaken. Which hopefully leads to comics going back to the way they were precapeshit

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5f1f4a  No.16901504


>How long ago was this?

Tuesday; four days ago. Started getting weird throat feeling the day after. Then other minor/'sometimes' symptoms like diarrhea, a weird headache, a weird neck/back ache, fatigue, heaviness on the chest. Could be a number of other things, but what's more likely? I am beyond paranoid now. Every day they announce more deaths, and every day I hear ambulance sirens.

>>It's significantly harder to catch that way than direct exposure to people so hopefully you''re fine, tell us how you're doing in a few days.

I've read 5-11 days is the time frame for the big symptoms to show. If it gets worse, I'll try to report. I wore gloves when receiving the packages but didn't disinfect the packaging, and didn't throw it out immediately. The delivery guy got less than 6 feet too, he wasn't wearing gloves or a mask. I should have been more vigilant.

I thought I was being safer than going to the shops, but now I regret ordering from amazon at all.

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6b39f8  No.16901521


Unless you're 60+, you have nothing to worry about. Your symptoms might as well be caused psychologically, because of stress. Eat some garlic and drink warm milk, and turn off the news. Stop obsessing about this meme epidemic.

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35f0a4  No.16901523


>meme epidemic

Okay chink.

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097e53  No.16901527


Sure, you're fine if you're a healthy teenager. But how many anons here are actually healthy? I know I'm not. Worth part is, I have breathing issues as it is and that's one of the telltale symptoms of Corona, so I would never know if I actually had it.

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01c6f5  No.16901531


Pretty much like /monster/. You can post there however you like, but don't expect anyone to reply since they are on Smug.

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5c6a37  No.16901539


Technically 8kun is the bunker and Smug is their main site now. It's the concensus for the boards there except /a/ which is building a new bunker elsewhere in case smug goes down.

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efae81  No.16901541

File: eb8dd6abd19dc59⋯.png (2.24 MB, 2504x1202, 1252:601, Danielle_Dildo_face_mask.png)

An anon requested this a little while ago

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c62932  No.16901552



you're not fine, the majority of people in the hospital right now are young adults who didn't think they would be affected by it because they bought into the 60+. Dumbasses have clogged up the hospitals

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540102  No.16901554


That is a rule violation.

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01c6f5  No.16901555


You replied to the wrong anon.

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01c6f5  No.16901558


That doesn't matter, just leave them be.

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5c6a37  No.16901563


They didn't on the technicality of them not locking their boards or making it impossible to post there to direct to Smug Loli.

There us a difference to /monster/ and /tg/'s approach and what /a/ and /toy/ did.

So far it doesn't matter now.

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a231ac  No.16901569


Please let the next thread be mask themed.

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35f0a4  No.16901570

File: b363a47715853d1⋯.jpg (515.97 KB, 2880x1706, 1440:853, ETxSw6eUMAIyctN_jpg_orig.jpg)


You forced my hand.


It does matter. Rule violations like that are why /a/ is now owned by /animu/, /m/ has a new BO, & /toy/'s former BO lost his ownership. People who don't care about their main site boards should be revoked of their ownership completely.

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637c5e  No.16901581


>Tuesday; four days ago. Started getting weird throat feeling the day after. Then other minor/'sometimes' symptoms like diarrhea, a weird headache, a weird neck/back ache, fatigue, heaviness on the chest

1 day just seems too fast, even for a something minor like a throat feeling. That incubation time seems to be until there's any noticeable symptoms and there don't seem to be known cases below 2 days. Admittedly a throat feeling might not be noted, but if it moved that fast you'd think there would have been known cases of people coughing by then.


Keep in mind that because you're worried about it you'll notice any possible symptom more, and some of the symptoms you mention can be caused by stress. I actually had a period some weeks ago where I had a headache and had a bit of an urge to cough after an insignificant infection risk, but it turned out be nothing. Hopefully it turns out to be nothing with you too.

>I thought I was being safer than going to the shops, but now I regret ordering from amazon at all.

It's definitely safer than going in-person to where there are people around. Were you physically handling the packaging without washing your hands afterward? Gloves are fine but it's good to wash your hands anyway since you'll generally touch the gloves when you take them off. Also to be extra safe when you put the package on a surface to open choose a place you won't touch for 3 days (or the floor which you won't be touching with your hands). If it's not something you need immediately you can just stick it in some corner where you won't touch it, wash your hands afterward, and don't open it for at least 3 days until you need it. While being near a person is more dangerous the chance of infection from momentary proximity to a single person is pretty low.

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5f1f4a  No.16901582


I hope it's just stress. I hope.


I'm 32 but definitely not healthy. Plus, perfectly healthy teens with no underlying conditions have died from it too. And yet somehow a 102 year old survived it. It seems like russian roulette.


Even still people aren't staying in; going to parks and beaches, just because the weather is nicer. The strain on hospitals is not going to end soon.

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4d45b8  No.16901584

File: a72bb85696f16e8⋯.jpg (47.48 KB, 450x339, 150:113, Rain_Mikamura_Figure_Pic1_….jpg)

For those who care /a/nimu is still having it's /m/ stream of G Gundam at 7:30PM ESThttps://cytu.be/r/JazzyNights

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01c6f5  No.16901586

Remember to stay indoors and if you have to go out, practice social distancing.

Don't even greet someone with an elbow bump, Westerners should learn how to bow.


/mg/ already exists as a monster girl board now and the owner said that he will never want to claim it if its up for grabs because /mg/ is building its own identity on top of how he prefers the shorter two letter board name that gives it a faux-legacy board nomenclature.

They even have their own succubus board-tan.

Just leave /monster/ alone and not try to start shit with them. No need for drama.

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fc36ea  No.16901592

File: 6ae552c99f91d14⋯.jpeg (144.45 KB, 828x794, 414:397, E59D397D_1CC7_45CE_9D05_7….jpeg)


>Westerners should learn how to bow.

Never, we have our own form of respecting each other.

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5f1f4a  No.16901594


I'm hoping it's just stress and I'm overreacting.

I washed not only the gloves but then my hands as well.

I also live in apartments, it's like being surrounded by potential plague-bearers.

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35f0a4  No.16901596


This isn't drama. This is a violation. Doesn't matter if someone else is given control. Those who simply hold onto ownership but don't care about the board don't deserve to own it.

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c62932  No.16901599


my bad


people are saying its going to last till fall, im stuck with idiots who won't wear masks with numbers jumping by 3000 a day.

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6b39f8  No.16901601

File: a849aaba60163f0⋯.png (1.41 MB, 828x1164, 69:97, made_in_china.png)


I sometimes have breathing issues when I enter a dusty room. Your package was probably lying in a dusty warehouse, so that checks out. Sometimes my nose gets clogged when I'm lying down on my side. Sometimes I sneeze for apparently no reason. I'm as healthy as a human can be, probably, I can't remember when I had a cold or anything. So should I be worried about fucking corona because I have 'symptoms'?


Not everyone going to the hospital have corona. They're clogging up hospitals because of the 24/7 panic TV broadcasting. They get a fucking cold or an allergy and they run to ER. There's NO place where it's easier to catch corona than a hospital full of sick people.


Read the rules. Having a bunker is not forbidden. You break the rules if you make posting on the 8ch board impossible AND redirect everyone to the bunker. There are people posting on 8/tg/ (like yours truly), just there are few of them.

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01c6f5  No.16901605

File: df29e9092e4d86b⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


This actually made me chuckle. I'd love to see that get destigmatized and become a thing.

Both the Roman Salute and the Bow are better than the handshake, you don't know where that stranger's hands have been.

Also, when you are shaking hands with another man, you are technically holding his hand.

Handshakes are GAY.


I'm in my late 20s and have a mask. I remembered stocking up on cans of food and nonperishables.

It's the Generation Zeetards that think they're invincible.

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6b39f8  No.16901607


>Also, when you are shaking hands with another man, you are technically holding his hand.

So helping another man get up from the ground is gay too? Fuck outta here.

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097e53  No.16901613


I'm not package-anon, anon. And my breathing issues don't stem from anything predictable like that. They just come out of nowhere from me sitting in my room like I always do, with no predictability or consistency.

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4717d6  No.16901615

File: 97697aab3093937⋯.jpg (7.53 MB, 2837x3219, 2837:3219, corona_cocktail.jpg)


Sleep. Take whatever you feel will help fight off it.

If absolutely necessary, your local government should have a phone line to call if you absolutely think you should be tested.



>The Board Owner must not squat in a board for the purpose of redirecting users from 8kun to a different website. Please note: creating a bunker in case of primary-website malfunction / downtime is fine, provided all of the above are complied with.

8/tg/ is not redirecting to smug. Smug was last mentioned by Chrow on this site when significant technical issues were being had.

There are threads from years ago still up on /tg/. Main damage remains a spam attack, where majority of the board needed to be restored from archives, save a handful of threads. That singlehandedly killed longstanding discussions, like the map thread.

There is absolutely nothing stopping /tg/ being used. There has been no difference in how Chrow does business now then from before. The only difference now is faggots here on /v/ complaining that /tg/ is dead, without contributing to /tg/.

Some faggot streamer does some bullshit? That is barely news. But it could still have been posted in the /tg/ politics thread, or whichever game thread applicable.

Instead, it is stirring needless drama here.

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5c6a37  No.16901617


Honestly calling handshakes gay is a bit of a stretch, but it is unsanitary for sure.

Guy could have touched his dick in the restroom and forgot to wash his hands before he shook them.

Office Lady could have picked her nose before giving you a shake.

I can imagine the custom of handshakes would phase out after this epidemic.

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c62932  No.16901618


they've already canceled a huge portion of organ transplants. My phone went off yesterday asking all healthcare workers to volunteer to stem the tide.

Some salaries are jumping from 50 to 75 bucks and others by 200 dollars and thats not including overtime. We also allowed students to graduate early just to tackle this. Things are getting bad.

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308d6f  No.16901623


I have noticed that as well. It has become kind of a thing to try to cast off 2D as 3D.


The important thing is if you have acute chest pain. If it's not acute chest pain and you are not having breathing issues and having to breathe in more air you should be good until this virus is over and it should subside. But i would try to stay in if you are infected and not go out. Maybe call a physician just in case and tell them you may have it.


>Not everyone going to the hospital have corona. They're clogging up hospitals because of the 24/7 panic TV broadcasting. They get a fucking cold or an allergy and they run to ER. There's NO place where it's easier to catch corona than a hospital full of sick people.

I noticed a lot of tests went negative and the whole issue is that people run to a hospital than to stay at home and see if it gets worse. Contacting a hospital and having them meet you on the side is a better idea than to run in the waiting room and give it to more people.

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d6de50  No.16901624

Dildo masks are just fucking sad and seeing anons obsess over them moreso

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64d4b9  No.16901625

File: 3571bc3e090a1c8⋯.jpg (8.44 KB, 181x200, 181:200, genital.jpg)


So what you're saying is we should just start grabbing dicks hello?

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4d45b8  No.16901628


I'm in the view of just use the board and actually bring it to life.

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6b39f8  No.16901630


>The loli is pedo goon seems to be active in the The Lesbians of Us thread

That wasn't about lolis, but underage characters from a video game.

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0c9117  No.16901631

File: e4ee2aab4a49f30⋯.png (213.64 KB, 377x413, 377:413, just_kill_me_kupo.png)


god i wish i had somebody i could hold hands with.

fuck me im lonely

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fc36ea  No.16901639


How so? It alleviates the medical problem of having a tight jaw by having to constantly stretch your mouth.

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5a3747  No.16901642

File: 9876bf6063bc09f⋯.jpg (63.35 KB, 1080x1021, 1080:1021, Black_Tsuyu.jpg)


I couldn't find this in the draw thread, is it archived or something?

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84242b  No.16901646


I like Nigroppi

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64d4b9  No.16901647

File: 35ae4b678ba46f4⋯.png (43.21 KB, 500x283, 500:283, d14.png)


Not to mention that is questionable as to how long people are going to play nice with being cooped up at home and being allowed freedom of travel or assembly. Tensions are going to be rising as temperatures heat up.

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5c6a37  No.16901649

File: 8143536d89e354a⋯.gif (1.75 MB, 387x498, 129:166, Cute_Black_Chick_1_.gif)

File: 537ebc963979117⋯.gif (384.12 KB, 500x281, 500:281, Cute_Black_Chick_2_.gif)


I want to bleach that chocolate cutie.

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308d6f  No.16901652


You mean Indian not a black chick.

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c62932  No.16901653


divorce rates are up as predicted. I hope all those myriad of vaccines in the work actually work

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2485d8  No.16901654


that's from Michiko & Hatchin

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6b39f8  No.16901657

File: f3e05f7ba811604⋯.png (9.28 KB, 545x324, 545:324, 29_kqRUiwI.png)

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5c6a37  No.16901661

File: d3eba1429b8a979⋯.png (91 KB, 340x191, 340:191, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2ded13b6ca59504⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1312x1105, 1312:1105, ClipboardImage.png)


Michiko Milandro is a half breed Japanese-Nigger Brazillian.

>tfw no half Jap-Nigress Latina gf.

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64d4b9  No.16901662


And come without the Mark of the Gates.

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308d6f  No.16901666


It is weird to mention but there has been more medications that have been working and i think 10 vaccines that are being tested worldwide right now. We will have to wait 2-3 more months before seeing results and by that point we will start seeing manufacturing scaling up to it to be worldwide. Everyone says its a year but due to this pandemic being worldwide, it will be June or July most likely.


Take out the nigger part and you got yourself a deal lol.

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5a3747  No.16901668

File: 9e07326b622518f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 309.06 KB, 1044x1226, 522:613, Michiko_Malandro_by_anashe….jpg)

>>16901666 (nice)

Here's a futa Michiko.

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a231ac  No.16901691


>So helping another man get up from the ground is gay too?

You have him grab your arm, not your hand. Simple shit, faggo.


>You break the rules if you make posting on the 8ch board impossible AND redirect everyone to the bunker.

Which is stupid, because the former is already breaking the rules. Directing to bunkers is thus irrelevant.

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727c73  No.16901693


This is why you hold onto the wrist. Better support and all

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540102  No.16901700

File: d4dec7be6b2bc31⋯.jpg (68.9 KB, 888x500, 222:125, loli_gadsden_flag_16_9.jpg)

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c46dbc  No.16901701

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

FF7 reboot ending spoilers

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a231ac  No.16901710


They just couldn't keep it in their pants. They had to have a Sephiroth fight in the first part. And Normalfags will LOVE this.

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097e53  No.16901722


anon you didn't even watch two seconds of the video, did you?

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fc36ea  No.16901725

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a231ac  No.16901726


>anon you didn't even watch two seconds of the video, did you?

Did you? There's a Sephiroth fight cutscene at 3:00 and Sephiroth fight with gameplay at about 3:58.

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1da9d2  No.16901727

File: 72f76fc8986d565⋯.png (357.63 KB, 637x637, 1:1, nigward.png)


>Everybody thought it was FF7: Remake but in truth it was FF7: Rebuild.

I don't get it since I didn't play FF7. Maybe I should get around to it.

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fc36ea  No.16901735


Let me boil this down for you: Time travel "fixes" everything.

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000000  No.16901745


/delicious/, /tot/, and /loli/ still aren't migrated. And it's been two months now since /lolicons/ has been requested and it's still stuck on waiting for approval.

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d12f48  No.16901756

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Time travel "fixes" everything.

history abhors a paradox

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fc36ea  No.16901773

File: 6562962d9709ecc⋯.gif (961.42 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, f52573408.gif)


>Final Fantasy 7 Remake is shipping early, so Square Enix is asking fans not to spoil it



<A remake of a 23 year old game

Crash this plane with no survivors!

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1999c5  No.16901775

File: 45a41427336aac2⋯.jpg (40.5 KB, 480x270, 16:9, 45a41427336aac20034358b24f….jpg)


Someone also claimed /l/ for lolicon and requested for migration not so long ago.

So that's another loli board getting requested.

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5a3747  No.16901777

File: 408aa14043780ae⋯.png (536.5 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Somewhat_Perturbed_Lightni….png)


They had so much time and still fuck up remaking an old game that should've been their crown jewel. They had a good idea at what they were doing and still half ass'd it. I suppose that's to be expected considering Nomura directed the damn game along with FF 15.

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3d2944  No.16901797


it only lives on cardboard for 24h or so hours

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777262  No.16901864

File: 7b97e69de7c1230⋯.mp4 (7.36 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Melody_goat.mp4)

enjoy melody wholesomely giggling at goats

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62e97d  No.16901887


In ten years I'm going to open this old hard drive, and see "Melody laughing at goats.mp4" and wonder where the fuck I was and why I have this.

Thank you.

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234179  No.16901922


I wouldn't worry about that, anon.

We'll all be dead in 10 years.

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9cdefc  No.16901980

File: aae9c6d52e156b6⋯.gif (1.87 MB, 500x370, 50:37, everyone.gif)


>June 30, 2035

>Scavenging for fuel and water filters in the wastes. Found a computer. Might be able to save some of it. Paper's scarce, better to keep logs. Thermolectric plates should be able to run it

>July 15, 2035

Several sorties later, it's running. First note on this. Think the mountain of beer bottles saved the hard drive from frying in the flash. Spent hours going through what was there. Thousands of pictures of sarcastic cartoons, games never opened, thousands more drawings of girls with dicks, and one video of a grainy cartoon laughing at sheep. Wonder if we all deserved this, or the rest of us got caught in the crossfire just to be sure.

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21d732  No.16902000

File: 733136a3d0cfce5⋯.png (178.26 KB, 500x283, 500:283, 980x.png)

<Susannah Alexander / Digital Spy - "Birds of Prey director says people "jumped on certain angles" around the movie's box office"





>"I know that the studio had really high expectations for the movie — as we all did," she said. "There were also undo expectations on a female-led movie, and what I was most disappointed in was this idea that perhaps it proved that we weren't ready for this yet. That was an extra burden that, as a woman-of-colour director, I already had on me anyway.

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7ba2b0  No.16902070


She was okay until she decided to get FAKKUED.com.

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d4ed54  No.16902099

File: 2a6ccf21c7db47c⋯.png (48.71 KB, 954x559, 954:559, Rock_Paper_Shotgun.png)

File: 53dcea382d9cdf3⋯.png (83.81 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Rock_Paper_Shotgun_Nate_Cr….png)


>I do kind of want to flag the whole “violence against women” aspect of Nemesis, and of the game in general, as it’s hard to deny it’s a theme, or that it’s presented with at least a little relish. I realise it’s completely unreasonable to single out RE3 for this when, y’know, *gestures at the entire history of the horror genre*. And in fairness, you play as trigger-happy mercenary Carlos for a good portion of the game, so you get to see loads of lingering close ups of a man’s neck getting devoured like a late night burger, too.

>But… yeah. There were moments while playing when I just felt uncomfortable. Jill isn’t too obviously a vessel for anyone’s fetishes, but realistic as she is, she’s clearly designed to be sexy. And she spends an awful lot of time being hurled into things, slapped about, grunting in pain, being asphyxiated, and either struggling to force assailants off her, or being graphically murdered by them. There was one particularly rough bit where one of the previously mentioned spider monsters strangled her with tentacles, then rammed a bigger tentacle down her neck to pump her full of parasites. Watching back through my capture footage for screenshots, I could hear myself mutter “not cool, man” into my headset. And it doesn’t happen to Carlos.

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84242b  No.16902117


Even if you didn't post a picture I would imagine he looks like this.

You know, I thought Rock Paper Shotgun wasn't online anymore seeing how irrelevant it is.

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c6b4bc  No.16902118

File: b4f761dab5dd79c⋯.png (272.05 KB, 330x330, 1:1, caster_disgusted.png)


I'm not surprised that even after they get what they want, they still find some way to say "It's not enough." I can't keep count how many times this has happened now. Someone should make a compilation of "SJWs demand X gets censored/altered > company obeys > they proclaim that X is still bad." Spreading that shit could really help.

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84242b  No.16902120


Of course is not enouth, because they don't play games to begin with. They need a constant complain and a constant problem to be relevant.

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62e97d  No.16902135

File: a135ce7e3e758b7⋯.jpeg (433.34 KB, 2983x3461, 2983:3461, cloud_bee.jpeg)

The FF7 Remake is turning in more of a glorious clusterfuck than I could have possibly hoped for. I expected Aeris with a lisp, internal memes about This Guy Are Sick, censorship and (((current year))) content on the downlow. But what they actually made was a LIE.

They didn't remake FF7 at all. They created a FFXV/Kingdom Hearts hybrid game engine wearing the skin of FF7s story and mindfucking its plot and character development (the best parts of the original next to the Materia system and awesome minigames) into something that isn't FF7. They spent millions of dollars on a high-end gaiden game THAT IS RAPING THE ORIGINAL MEMORY THAT EVERYONE JUST WANTED TO RELIVE. It's The Last Jedi of Final Fantasy! The madmen are burning FF7 to the ground and the whole franchise with it so they can huff their own farts. I am in fucking awe.

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7ba2b0  No.16902136

File: 176cdc402b29a76⋯.gif (3.65 MB, 400x225, 16:9, a_guy_gets_upset_for_a_ver….gif)


Not only he still complains about a censored, more modestly clothed Jill, all of this just shows he's a porn-addicted degenerate with the looks to match. Those death and pain animations are not here to cater to some fetish, it's because it's a H.O.R.R.O.R game. Yet that made him uncomfortable (read: gave him a half-chub) so "it has to be a fetish" and the whole "Nemesis chases Jill" is because of "violence against women fetish" and not "because S.T.A.R.S". Creepy as fuck.


>Played with aim assist on


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63c2ac  No.16902145





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07e3f6  No.16902177


Didn't their numbers drop like crazy after Valve removed the news panel?

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5a3747  No.16902300

File: de821839a3e47ba⋯.png (178.49 KB, 371x386, 371:386, Cherubi_Excalibur_Face.png)


I can't tell if he's doing this in bad faith or he's that messed up in the head. I'd like to say both but it's hard to tell at this point with these people.

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c62932  No.16902315


when was this last i checked they were still there

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a231ac  No.16902329


>Those death and pain animations are not here to cater to some fetish

Quite arguably the tentacle throat fucking one he describes is. And lets not put it past devs who turn their game more realistic to put into violence and guro fetishes into their games. Remember nuTomb Raider?

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64d4b9  No.16902351


>Jill isn’t too obviously a vessel for anyone’s fetishes, but realistic as she is, she’s clearly designed to be sexy.


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7ba2b0  No.16902403


RE is RE, not Guro Hentai Simulator 2020. That journo implies it's some fucking "dare you enter my magical realm" shit when it isn't. A scene that involves something grossly phallic entering a hole doesn't have to cater to a specific fetish, especially when it's a gory death animation. As for Nutomb Raider, did they admit they made those death scenes with their left hand on their dick?

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fc36ea  No.16902411


>As for Nutomb Raider, did they admit they made those death scenes with their left hand on their dick?

No, but all the fags on gurochan swear up and down that the devs at Crystal Dynamics (At the time) put in far too much effort to make those fucking things. Remember that pre 2nd reboot Lara just ragdolled every time she died.

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35f0a4  No.16902432


>That was an extra burden that, as a woman-of-colour director, I already had on me anyway.

Ah yes the burden of being a poc women who gets to direct movie under a major Hollywood studio based on a comic company property older than herself.

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64d4b9  No.16902439


I hope this shit crashes and burns and costs Square a massive amount of money.

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1da9d2  No.16902447



>This is more than what I could've hoped for is for them to rape the story not with censorship, or "westernization", but Nomura's/Nojima's unfettered autism. Oh my lord, I cannot wait for the game to release worldwide and seeing the shitstorm, especially since now everybody's forced to sit and home to play this shit. You know how nips go absolutely apeshit over their vidya? Imagine that on a worldwide scale but with millennials who have a emotional attachment over FF7.

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fc36ea  No.16902472

File: bc3b4dc3b518884⋯.webm (1021.98 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, happening_taimu.webm)

Happening is over folks, move on with your lives: http://archive.vn/BD1MD

>New York has first daily drop in coronavirus deaths, Cuomo announces, as military heads to NYC

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8d9407  No.16902481




Square really fucked up on that fujobait game.

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d6de50  No.16902489

File: ad367b0cb0beccc⋯.jpg (25.87 KB, 720x545, 144:109, Solution_to_the_Wuhan_prob….jpg)


Also in relation to chink virus news

>US government promises to provide companies financial aid if they don't fire people within the next couple of months

>Cuomo says that they are going to do it and only think about the consequences later, what matters is keeping people from losing their jobs

>for a while noone can send applications and the process would go through the banks, nobody is notified of any time it may become available

>then the banks start processing the applications for companies

>but only ones the banking sector is in close ties with and companies that are indebted to the bank, companies not indebted are left out

>in effect, companies that are indebted to the bank are kept afloat so that they could keep paying interest and companies paying their employees straight out of pocket are pretty much left to go bankrupt

>and they are more likely to go bankrupt because they are complying with the government's demands to not fire employees

This is going to be very interesting if they let it continue the way it is going right now

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4ef463  No.16902490


So, Toei launched an official Youtube channel dedicated to Tokusatsu and old anime. It's subbed, too.

Finally Youtube has a proper use.

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a95553  No.16902493

File: 8f8968adadfdfa1⋯.png (220.69 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1c9b06042b898b2⋯.mp4 (774.94 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Another_Virtual_Nigga.mp4)


>Someone should make a compilation of "SJWs demand X gets censored/altered > company obeys > they proclaim that X is still bad." Spreading that shit could really help.

One Japanese person did make such a list, then a Brazilian translated it to English. Maybe translating more of the list itself would help a lot.

The list: twitter.com/sumomodane/status/1240990223665754113


Translation of tweet: twitter.com/seri3ma/status/1241335808843485187



>They didn't remake FF7 at all. They created a FFXV/Kingdom Hearts hybrid game engine wearing the skin of FF7s story and mindfucking its plot and character development into something that isn't FF7.

And the one job most suited to informing the public about such changes, the game journalist, is complaining about "minority/female representation" (in other words, "my buddies aren't censoring from the inside and that makes me sad" and "a million interlocking systems" (that almost everyone playing it had no issues managing). Here's hoping YTers don't fall into the same traps that journos have.

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a231ac  No.16902496


Oh boy. (((They))) somehow found a way to consolidate even more power under the banks.

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c62932  No.16902497


big doubt

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35f0a4  No.16902505


>it's subbed too

Wrong. Well not completely. Only the first two episodes of a show will be subbed.

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a231ac  No.16902542

File: 99bdc9b078578c1⋯.png (501.52 KB, 728x929, 728:929, _.png)

Kingdom Hearts 4 is looking interesting.


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2d80be  No.16902550



Is part 3 out yet?

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a231ac  No.16902562

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2d80be  No.16902571


Damn thing's fast approaching never ever status, monthly profiles be damned.

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3d2944  No.16902616

File: cc193d69752355f⋯.webm (2.77 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, jill_and_deimos.webm)


> spider monsters strangled her with tentacles, then rammed a bigger tentacle down her neck to pump her full of parasites.

thats straight up hentai stuff

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3cdfc2  No.16902663

File: a8426977dc341a5⋯.jpg (625.86 KB, 624x816, 13:17, 56ae4d840f8ec34cd86abd179c….jpg)


Ill grant him the tentacle one, saw that on stream the other night and that shit is right out of something you'd see on sadpanda. Everything else is projection Id wager, given what we've seen of these people.

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a231ac  No.16902666




It's pretty clearly sexual, regardless of what you think of the other things said by that retard journo.

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540102  No.16902667


Tyranid rape culture.

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5da2aa  No.16902672


They deserve it, and it should burn to the ground

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4d45b8  No.16902683

File: 859a0162e0ad169⋯.jpg (60.31 KB, 536x418, 268:209, NGH.jpg)


He was right on this one this is straight hentai shit.

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0c9117  No.16902688


honestly wish they'd put in MORE hentai death's.

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3d2944  No.16902695

File: d7217def889ee3e⋯.png (331.32 KB, 609x490, 87:70, deimos2.png)

File: 8fef980b1d7473c⋯.jpg (33.83 KB, 599x509, 599:509, Chad.jpg)

File: 33218ff66faf6b9⋯.jpg (112.69 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, resident_fourchins.jpg)


I wonder if the model girl knew what she signed up for.

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a95553  No.16902697


It is straight hentai shit, but it's in its own damn niche within a niche. The worst that happens is most get disgusted, some small amount get turned on, and everyone moves on with their lives, content to find something more to their tastes.

This whole convo is reminding me of that Bartok the Magnificent transformation sequence, Totally Spies, and how most fetishy material slips by the censors and most of the audience, like those nipples that got past censors in that Marvel cartoon referred to in the prior thread.


I would mind them myself if not for the fact that my family thinks I have some sort of "violence fetish" because I played Tekken, Mortal Kombat, and Doom; don't know if they'd say the same for films back in the 80s. Thank fuck for portables and living on my own, even with the rona weighing everything down.

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d6de50  No.16902703


>but it's in its own damn niche within a niche

Disturbing sexual themes are fairly common in horror. Alien was made with that idea in mind.

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0c9117  No.16902705


10 bucks says your parents are projecting and are violent themselves.

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d12f48  No.16902720

File: dbc0d02d4b6783d⋯.gif (822.37 KB, 600x366, 100:61, sophia.gif)


with SFM being a thing, any actress should be wary of lending their likeness to video games

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a95553  No.16902728


Not my parents, the rest of my family are the assholes I'm referring to. My father mostly kept to himself, save for the occasional advice, so I don't entirely know his deal, and my mother is a bit of a nervous wreck, so I doubt she could even stand Tom & Jerry. Here's hoping my nieces and nephews don't bother with their folks' opinions.

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d6de50  No.16902729

File: f0e7cdc0c1d71fa⋯.png (262.88 KB, 1002x2496, 167:416, True_Pundit_Jeffrey_Epstei….png)


I think it's more likely that you've simply been on the internet too long and are immediately concluding projection simply because that is what you are used to seeing discussed here.

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35f0a4  No.16902735


>girly vomits to feel better

>immediately goes after Chad


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a95553  No.16902736


To be fair, I did say "my family" without specifying that I was referring to nearly everyone save for my own parents, where "family" generally refers to immediate family (parents, siblings).

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5b0685  No.16902742

File: 6ec7f20de0de1e5⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 11.75 KB, 270x369, 30:41, Junkofurutaportrait.jpg)

A reminder that we exist to fight evil. Never forget the type of evil that walks amongst this Earth, as they take advantage of kindness.

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0c9117  No.16902743


fuck now im angry again.

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3d2944  No.16902752


I think its guy, Chad coworker who writes it.

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540102  No.16902753

File: 47fa902a167b9f6⋯.jpg (27.25 KB, 640x392, 80:49, you_must_secretly_want_to_….jpg)

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64d4b9  No.16902805

File: 50baf64da070a05⋯.jpg (58.42 KB, 1000x707, 1000:707, 5e8df1c7f32cb19f0441bc6078….jpg)

File: 0154a745a64c598⋯.jpg (97.48 KB, 848x1200, 53:75, spider_fuzzy_daughteru.jpg)

File: f11c7621d01df08⋯.jpg (119.37 KB, 480x480, 1:1, spoida_fuzzy_daughteru.jpg)

File: e67187f6c5b8e3b⋯.jpg (70.36 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, 1563230223_2.jpg)

File: f7be705d62736ac⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 331.01 KB, 936x635, 936:635, 1563640438_1.png)


You better believe I do!

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5e25a2  No.16902806

File: c9cad03856ed477⋯.jpg (164.24 KB, 659x890, 659:890, dolly.jpg)

Has there been some kind of response from mangagamer regarding their commie tranny staff and their loathing for the customers? I like that place, honestly, and supported them when the payment processors cut off their services, but it'd be sad if they don't distance themselves in some way from this shit.

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64d4b9  No.16902813

File: 1a325b3978caf7c⋯.jpg (390.69 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, RE_loli.jpg)


>inb4 someone swaps the Jill model for Sherry

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d6de50  No.16902818

File: 4dffe47ed1dc1a2⋯.png (295.54 KB, 1002x872, 501:436, Democrat_Republican_occupa….png)


Main issue would be the size of the model

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3d2944  No.16902827

File: 8000a78f6620a2d⋯.jpg (213.41 KB, 960x960, 1:1, IMG_2888.jpg)


>episcopal church

aaaah my eyes.

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64d4b9  No.16902838


Someone already did it with REmake I think.

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3cdfc2  No.16902849

File: 2a9061fface3547⋯.jpg (49.76 KB, 600x600, 1:1, LaughingProceedurally.jpg)

>Playing bonnerlord tutorial

>Have to rescue some doctor named Tocetos or something

>Rescue him after tracking down several bandit parties

>thanks me effusively for freeing him and says his wandering days are over, the bandits flogged him and pushed him to heatstroke, hell never stray more than 20 paces from a well for the rest of his life, yadda yadda

>Close dialog, take literally one step on the overworld

>Tocetos has been captured by bandits


Alright, off to a good start.

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73bb09  No.16902856


its good to see dana carvey is still getting work

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c9c33e  No.16902857


Kumoko best spider. Too bad she barely has any art at all, let alone hentai.

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4d45b8  No.16902876

File: 3029e40eddd4e49⋯.jpg (276.49 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, EOR0ChJUcAIbDbL.jpg)


This game is going to make many Anons very mad.

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13af72  No.16902924


Manga version is cuter.


It's also very clearly influenced by it being aimed at a wider audience as well as being console-ized.

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f3dfe8  No.16902926

File: a20a628f13af159⋯.jpg (59.34 KB, 720x400, 9:5, 1420948444666.jpg)


>as well as being console-ized

What makes you think that?

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5a7ed0  No.16902938


I mean I can see how its being aimed at a wider audience but its definitely the opposite of consolised. Theres a couple of features that are wierdly gated behind arbitrary restrictions for no reason but overall its a straight improvement to warband on the gameplay side (when it actually works).

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13af72  No.16902955


Rather than console-ized in the idea of the gameplay being dumbed down, I mean more like the UI and stuff being simplified to work on a controller. The trading screen for instance is basically just a wall of text that you scroll through and it feels less like shopping and more like a spread sheet.

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c9c33e  No.16903044

File: 139f39add07565e⋯.png (558.03 KB, 765x1090, 153:218, Kumoko_SSR.png)


>Manga version is cuter.


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21d732  No.16903052

File: 50dbf7b3829d5f0⋯.gif (2.6 MB, 254x261, 254:261, vince.gif)


<I do kind of want to flag the whole “violence against women” aspect of Nemesis, and of the game in general, as it’s hard to deny it’s a theme, or that it’s presented with at least a little relish.

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cbee8d  No.16903055

File: f1c956af14ef643⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1187x904, 1187:904, ClipboardImage.png)


>not posting cutest Kumo

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a231ac  No.16903056

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c9c33e  No.16903068


The fluffiest and one stage away from Arachne now.

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01c6f5  No.16903089

File: f3660df4e49ff8e⋯.jpg (320.28 KB, 1280x1808, 80:113, 2.jpg)

File: f46d8e0a544bf0c⋯.jpg (336.07 KB, 1280x1808, 80:113, 3.jpg)


Rabbits are better.

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5d7dd1  No.16903160

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Abandonware or pulled games threads was deleted because Scott pilgrim was being made fun of

Mark confirm Simp

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3e5ea8  No.16903161


>shitty, one-line thread was deleted because OP was a cuckchan rapefugee

Fag confirm Fag

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fc36ea  No.16903167

Why do Cuckchan crossposters never put any effort in disguising themselves?

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45f51f  No.16903174


>Video game related threads not allowed on /v/

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d4ed54  No.16903187

File: dea382be775a124⋯.png (77.11 KB, 601x645, 601:645, Outline.png)


More Media layoffs?

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35562a  No.16903224



They even fucking use the stupid "-oomer" terminology when referring to Zeetards.

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d6de50  No.16903268

File: dd45c9ab7e7e6af⋯.webm (3.33 MB, 406x720, 203:360, Dick_crowd.webm)


>layoffs in Outline

Well, at least the refusal to give the money to businesses has SOME upsides.

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d6de50  No.16903333

File: dbabed11e52ec29⋯.png (423.88 KB, 600x719, 600:719, openDemocracy_Nuclear_fami….png)


Belgium Destroyed Millions of Masks to Make Room For Refugees - Report

>The Belgian government may have destroyed millions of respiratory masks in order to make room for incoming refugees, according to reports.

>A massive stockpile of personal protective equipment (PPE) was hauled out of buildings so they could be repurposed for 'refugee resettlement,' a retired official has revealed.

>Maggie De Block, Belgium's Public Health Minister, has claimed the masks were disposed of because they were expired and in bad condition, SCEPTR reports.

>However, Marc Caekebeke, who once oversaw the reserve supplies of PPE, has challenged De Block's assertions, saying most of the masks were in working order despite being slightly past their technical expiration date.

>“It is true that they were expired,” Caekebeke told Het Nieuwsblad. “I believe the first masks destroyed in 2015 had an expiration date to 2010. The last pieces destroyed in 2018 were good until 2015, but I think the main reason was lack of space.”

>“In 2015, the government decided that the Red Cross would use some of the buildings to receive refugees. Room had to be made, for which I certainly do not want to throw stones at the aid organization or anyone else.”

>Caekebeke said an official overseeing the operation even signaled his doubt the masks needed to be destroyed, instead suggesting they be 'donated to Africa.'

>Experts have explained that expiration dates on masks generally apply to the rubber bands used to hold them in place, and not as much their efficacy in filtering germs.

>CSC-Public Services, a union representing government employees, has published an open letter blasting De Block, citing a national shortage of protective masks.

>“Your total and reckless lack of foresight, following the non-renewal of the strategic stockpile of FFP2 masks, really endangers fronBotspeak people as well as patients,” the union said.

If you thought lockdown meant that the flood would be halted or even slowed down, then think again. It takes absolute priority.

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84242b  No.16903337

So, I started to watch some videos of the new Resident Evil. So, swear words are maturity then?

Also, they make Jill ugly because of realism yet she can lift a fucking railgun two or three times her size? Fuck it.

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0c9117  No.16903343

File: 245ba7b654facae⋯.webm (236.29 KB, 640x360, 16:9, i_just_want_out.webm)

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84242b  No.16903354


I might be in denial or careless, but I'm loving seeing northen countries becoming into hellholes because of their own ineptitude. I shouldn't talk being in Spain, but still.

For fuck's sake, let me post.

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a231ac  No.16903370



Did something get hit by an obscure filter?

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d6de50  No.16903374


>So, swear words are maturity then?

Well I think Jill getting forcefully filled with seed would justify the mature rating


I don't think this is ineptitude but rather opportunistic malice. The fact that they weren't destroyed in the past when they could freely just order new ones for pennies back then, that leads me to believe she knew what she was doing and was simply using the expiration date as an excuse to free up space. She knew she couldn't get rid of the still unexpired ones so she saw this as a way to "cheat" this limitation. Women tend to grasp at any straw they can regardless of how insignificant if they want something gone, it is how they are used to arguing.


Apparently - line is censored

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fc36ea  No.16903377


>I don't think this is ineptitude but rather opportunistic malice. The fact that they weren't destroyed in the past when they could freely just order new ones for pennies back then, that leads me to believe she knew what she was doing and was simply using the expiration date as an excuse to free up space. She knew she couldn't get rid of the still unexpired ones so she saw this as a way to "cheat" this limitation. Women tend to grasp at any straw they can regardless of how insignificant if they want something gone, it is how they are used to arguing.

Basically like the excuse that the neighbor couldn't lend his lawnmower because his wife is cooking dinner.

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a231ac  No.16903380


>Apparently - line is censored

Ah. Because of Reeline nigger.



Even if they are telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the all the trashed masks having been expired the real issue is

>“Your total and reckless lack of foresight, following the non-renewal of the strategic stockpile of FFP2 masks


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4717d6  No.16903387


>I shouldn't talk being in Spain, but still.

Get that misery loves company. Or playing that there can be actual justice, or consequences.

But no, there is no joy found in seeing parts of either Spain or Belgium suffer, let alone my home country. Only empathy, and a sliver of hope that something can be rebuilt.

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84242b  No.16903391


I'm starting to understand why my country is full of independentists. Maybe our own region should go independent as we are the region with the less infected and the less deaths.


I just want nobody to forget who caused all of this. The reds.

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d6de50  No.16903398


>Basically like the excuse that the neighbor couldn't lend his lawnmower because his wife is cooking dinner.

Kind of. A better example would be that the neighbour can't lend his landmower because he has a sunburn. Which sounds kind of relevant, since the sun does feel a bit hot today, but is nonetheless inadequate, since he is not the one doing the mowing.


Well they most likely haven't even tested the refugees either.

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4d45b8  No.16903403

File: cc930c68e3cc358⋯.jpg (22.82 KB, 400x288, 25:18, sleep_won_t_fix_dark.jpg)


>Well they most likely haven't even tested the refugees either.

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4d45b8  No.16903444

File: dfc7568f92f932b⋯.jpg (102.25 KB, 632x798, 316:399, Fuck_western_Sjws.jpg)

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64d4b9  No.16903445


We need to abolish liberalism.

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d6de50  No.16903462

File: e58ba0d8f5a5914⋯.webm (3.94 MB, 852x480, 71:40, Reddit_faggotry.webm)


They would much rather abolish your freedoms instead.


Remember, replacing reflective glass is expensive. So is paying for security to guard the bank or office building to prevent hobos from moving in during the quarantine (during which there won't be any employees inside) while waiting for someone to replace them. Moreso when the person doesn't get caught because they paid someone to go and check where the cameras are to avoid being identified.

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bfe365  No.16903507

File: c560f1bfcb2ae49⋯.jpg (28.06 KB, 620x470, 62:47, 1356134671257.jpg)


>All of the fags and commies are sterilizing themselves

Well looks like they won't be having that "revolution" ever since they are all gonna die out in a generation.

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a231ac  No.16903529


That's why they propagandize.

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d6de50  No.16903538

File: a0980487318e98e⋯.png (781.08 KB, 1080x1100, 54:55, Cuckoldry.png)


Unlike faggotry and the phase college students are in their life, the sterilisation is permanent. So if they were to be turned back to normal, they would still remain a genetic dead-end. Which is the goal with it. Since otherwise they wouldn't be targetting kids with blackmail to get them to cut off their dick.

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fc36ea  No.16903564

Does anyone know of a good email client outside of Thunderbird?

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5a3747  No.16903575



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637c5e  No.16903584


He wants an email client, not an email server.

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84242b  No.16903623

So brits, how is your prime minister doing? how big of a chance that he just dies of some "healt condition" in the hospital to revert Brexit?

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c7fd6d  No.16903655


Honestly, if it's gotten this bad, dude's probably finished. Haven't heard of any other leaders being hospitalised.

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d6de50  No.16903661


Brexit isn't tied to any politician, where the speed of Brexit is dependent on their heartbeat and determined (and then transmitted to a satellite) by the nanomachines in their bloodstream. Would certainly be an interesting way of keeping the government in check.

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540102  No.16903672


I'm not sure what the fatality rate was, but something like 1/3 of Iran's government was infected at one point.



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2485d8  No.16903691

how's Mark?

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dad4dd  No.16903700

File: 99ee47b6afb048c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 40.28 KB, 413x550, 413:550, markymark.jpg)

File: e05237957d77603⋯.png (183.83 KB, 620x360, 31:18, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f7d12053c2ece6⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1024x683, 1024:683, ClipboardImage.png)

File: af10f4d744be695⋯.png (3.35 MB, 1200x1660, 60:83, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f05f3fc84aa523a⋯.png (1.02 MB, 935x887, 935:887, ClipboardImage.png)


Which one? I believe the last two are dead. If that helps.

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4d45b8  No.16903702

File: f6a73160df8e349⋯.webm (557.52 KB, 854x480, 427:240, Oh_Hi_Mark_.webm)

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540102  No.16903704


Missing and presumed fat.

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2485d8  No.16903708


the owner of this board

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1da9d2  No.16903709

File: e202e2429b73adf⋯.png (195.29 KB, 598x472, 299:236, ClipboardImage.png)

RIP Kikewheels


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637c5e  No.16903747


Well enough that he was shitposting on Twitter 5 hours ago. I assume if he was having symptoms he would have told us about it.

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dad4dd  No.16903754


That's incorrect but thanks for playing.


I am waiting to press "S".

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dad4dd  No.16903769


Where he is holed up probably hires illegal immigrants to do the cleaning because they don't charge as much.

Scoliosis is a bending of the spine. How can that affect his lung capacity?

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a95553  No.16903774


Simple, his fucked up back is pressing his mantits against his gut, thereby pressing on his lungs.

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703593  No.16903814

File: 3878e74960bf5e0⋯.png (603.69 KB, 880x1038, 440:519, Day_of_the_Stairs_I_have_t….png)


If it's his time, may he properly find God, repent his sins, and be shown the stairway to Heaven.

By a smug, giggling anime girl angel.


You create negative pressure in your lungs - breathe in - by using your muscles to pull your rib cage outward, forcing your lungs to expand. Your ribs are all connected to your spine, so if your spine is curved, your ribs may not be properly aligned to expand fully, preventing you from drawing a full breath.

Is physics.

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75a4f8  No.16903821

File: 9cdf1e01f366660⋯.png (524.81 KB, 699x827, 699:827, telescope_kun.png)


Is it finally happening?

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3d2944  No.16903833



>being fat is really dangerous with covid


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dad4dd  No.16903861


>Your ribs are all connected to your spine, so if your spine is curved, your ribs may not be properly aligned to expand fully, preventing you from drawing a full breath.

That makes some sense. I was hoping he would spend some time in a flip prison before dying.

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13af72  No.16903888


Day of the bat.

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21d732  No.16903947

File: 65e63f758eda912⋯.jpg (74.06 KB, 773x1000, 773:1000, avar_kriss.jpg)

File: 0e3eba18e7d347f⋯.jpg (70.86 KB, 773x1000, 773:1000, keeve_trennis.jpg)

File: c6648337670b208⋯.jpg (120.88 KB, 773x1000, 773:1000, loden_greatstorm.jpg)

File: 6b745b9dc40e8c6⋯.jpg (87.44 KB, 773x1000, 773:1000, stellan_gios.jpg)

File: cc32e2040fc4847⋯.jpg (77.04 KB, 773x1000, 773:1000, vern_rwoh.jpg)

>Ryan Pearson / Niche Gamer - "Report: Funimation Involvement in Anime Production Committees Sparks Outcry, Why Are They Not Trusted?"


>"An update from Diamond regarding payments to vendors & suppliers. Looks like we need to hunker down for 5 months till payments are received in full. Right. No word still on the cancellation or adjustment of prior or future purchase orders or a timetable on receiving new items."



<Star Wars Introduces Jedi Knight Avar Kriss As “Brightest, Most Noble Example of Jedi-Hood,” Forgets About Yoda


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64d4b9  No.16903998


He could have prevented all of this by just not being such a vengeful sperg. If he hadn't spent a year DDOSing 8chan he could have just hunkered down in flipland instead of having to go on the lamb in the USSA. Why did he make this choice with his life? Why was spiting a boomer pig farmer more important than living? Why?

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dad4dd  No.16904005


<Star Wars Introduces Jedi Knight Avar Kriss As “Brightest, Most Noble Example of Jedi-Hood,” Forgets About Yoda

Another female power fantasy from Yidsney. How unexpected and YAY!

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64d4b9  No.16904017


I would the green one.

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73bb09  No.16904025


well of course hes noble he looks like prince valiant

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64d4b9  No.16904033

File: 86ccc66347c764f⋯.jpg (148.89 KB, 733x590, 733:590, SHIEEEEEEEEET.jpg)

>this fucking hair style again

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35f0a4  No.16904042


That's a woman.

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73bb09  No.16904073

File: 918fa5851139e18⋯.jpg (175.25 KB, 1280x688, 80:43, sorry_its_the_hair.jpg)

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ca6b7f  No.16904078


I don't understand what's with the hook on that hairstyle, looks so fucking atrocious.

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a231ac  No.16904089


That's the point. It's ugly and unfeminine.

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703593  No.16904097


Similar to the mullet's "business up front, party in the back", the mental illness cut proudly displays "I don't take care of myself" with the greasy, unshorn locks of one half, and "I've got head lice and probably other parasites" with the other.

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73bb09  No.16904110

File: b9d94ac82427ee2⋯.jpg (84.9 KB, 385x512, 385:512, unnamed.jpg)


My first guess is it's because the vampire cunt from adventure time had that hair style, but thinking a little more it probably goes back a bit further than that.

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586f98  No.16904118

File: 729a5347cf4469c⋯.jpeg (250.42 KB, 1000x1412, 250:353, rea_sanka.jpeg)


All you have to do is make a wish, /v/

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35f0a4  No.16904119



It's rebellious.

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540102  No.16904139

File: 7b8df6f22ee91c9⋯.jpg (48.97 KB, 600x375, 8:5, 18legalmar.jpg)




It's an old cyberpunk thing going back to 1980's and Nuromancer. I've never found it attractive and it's become boring and trite from overuse even SJWs got a hold of it.

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dad4dd  No.16904184

File: 658ef0478058aee⋯.png (152.54 KB, 310x233, 310:233, ClipboardImage.png)


was it before pic?

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6c7973  No.16904193

File: 2337790e6836c99⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 2.07 MB, 992x1403, 992:1403, ClipboardImage.png)

Is this a good way to prank your waifu?

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a58460  No.16904199

File: 393917349f17f8a⋯.png (51.52 KB, 639x559, 639:559, 393917349f17f8aa8cfb9e1523….png)


He is finally getting what he deserves Reanon.

He even went to rat 8chan out to the chinks he really did become the lowest of the low.

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01c6f5  No.16904207


>He even went to rat 8chan out to the chinks he really did become the lowest of the low.

What good would that do?

This site is already banned in China. He seems to be grasping straws here.

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a58460  No.16904212

File: bef4ebd3ebc5abb⋯.jpg (40.62 KB, 800x450, 16:9, EEMPCjxWsAIBnE3.jpg)


Know shit of course he was this was from when he spent months bitching to anyone he could find to stop us from getting a new host.

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000000  No.16904290


That was when 8chan was being hosted by Alibaba, or routed by them I forget the exact details, and he was trying to get the site deplatformed. It's only been a few months and I barely remember a thing. What was the URL and hosting pregression? I remember 8kun.net > .tw > .us > .top. I may be getting .tw and .us mixed up and I'm sure I'm forgetting another host.

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fc36ea  No.16904292

File: dfe6c6071323dfa⋯.png (705.59 KB, 854x480, 427:240, dfe6c6071323dfade57cb08498….png)


>>Ryan Pearson / Niche Gamer - "Report: Funimation Involvement in Anime Production Committees Sparks Outcry, Why Are They Not Trusted?"


<Translators: Give us money first, THEN we'll change.

Yeah, no, FUCK OFF!

It's shit like this that makes me lose sympathy for companies when they're losing money.

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a231ac  No.16904293


>Know shit

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5da2aa  No.16904297

File: 8a13bc0e4eeafec⋯.png (816 KB, 660x1010, 66:101, SmugDragon.png)


He had the option of preventing all of this but he wanted to act as a fucking titanic faggot

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8d9c74  No.16904301



>every alphabet at once

>smug white chad who will probably be the evil betrayer

>rey is a yoda now

How long before artists fix these, make porn and mine salt?

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53b60a  No.16904310


I wonder if she still has the "please be patient I have the tism" cap she got in Andromeda.

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a58460  No.16904333

File: 4af6c8962fb9f63⋯.jpg (97.45 KB, 1033x862, 1033:862, ELZuayPW4AA_RrN.jpg)


Yeah fucking brain fart. Feel free to bully.

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d4ed54  No.16904373


It's hard to take serious any "diversity" demands when half the characters in anime are rainbow colored hair and most are alien-eyed despite being "Japanese". And even the characters based on stereotypes are much more fun then being mean-spirited.

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5b141c  No.16904377


Dubs confirm

Don't forget he said this:


And look what happened:http://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/252285033/#q252286510

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73bb09  No.16904390

File: 48de994d4402c8d⋯.webm (5.69 MB, 528x360, 22:15, WHATS_GOOD_NIGGUH.webm)


red skeleton reporting in

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7ba2b0  No.16904400


With those trips, I can only pat your head and tell you it's alright.

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62e97d  No.16904459

File: 9905d3fd3fa89a1⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1465x1902, 1465:1902, smug_illya_dark.png)


Fate. You don't open the doors he did without letting something back through to fuck you.

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d6de50  No.16904498

File: c7e9d93dff7d99f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 567.61 KB, 1125x742, 1125:742, Rotisserie_chicken.jpg)


I doubt that ceasing his faggotry would fix his spine. Not being obese would help though.

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19df2f  No.16904504

File: c54e3e0910f3ca3⋯.png (201.03 KB, 628x357, 628:357, ClipboardImage.png)

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5f5e4f  No.16904569

File: 99a5a1fee029dfd⋯.webm (1012.97 KB, 978x550, 489:275, 6_gamers.webm)

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a231ac  No.16904650

Heads up. Mark was active in a meta recently and dropped some info about Odin. Info I sort feel like codemonkey might not have wanted him dropping.


>Additionally Odin is just a glorified TOR2Web service, and is only a temporary solution despite what marketing had us believe. I was really fucking pissed about it too

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35f0a4  No.16904663

File: a4c3681e4ce2f11⋯.jpg (129.36 KB, 810x542, 405:271, EU9ctxvXsAABSHb_jpg_orig.jpg)


Who could've seen this coming?

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fc36ea  No.16904678

File: 060e7804f10497b⋯.webm (6.47 MB, 480x270, 16:9, piracy.webm)

>Order a conversion key from the fine folks over at Clickteam so that I can have a DRM free copy of my software

>Send an email with all the desired information to the requested email

>Wait a week

>No response back (Not even an automatic reply)

>See that card was charged the day after the purchase

>Try to log into account used to order

<Account doesn't exist

>Try to contact support

>All they have is a Discord and support ticket

>Make a dummy Discord account

<Hey, can I have the number to contact your office?

>No, you have to talk to use through Discord or our support team.


>Because that's the way things are. Now give us the information so that we can handle this.

<I sent you an email to X@X.com like you requested with all the desired info. Check the inbox and you should see it.

>You need to state the order number over Discord before we handle this.

<I don't trust Discord. I want to talk to a person live.

>We are a live person.

<Over the phone.

>We cannot do that.

Conversation goes around like this several times…

<I'm going to contact my bank and let them them to pull the fees.

>We're trying to help you.

<No, you're not, now allow me to talk to a live person.

>Removed from chat

Well, I can reasonably assume that all companies that use Discord are shit.

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a231ac  No.16904697


The writing's been on the wall for months as to the project not doing so well. Specifcally Codemonkey repeatedly claiming for months that Odin was just about finished. He said so both in threads and on twitter. I think one months old tweet even said he planned to launch Odin within a week.

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a231ac  No.16904708


Nevermind. I was thinking of Life is STUPID GUN 2.

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fc36ea  No.16904713


So, Odin was Infinity Next 3.0 (2.0 was 08).

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a231ac  No.16904716


>2.0 was 08

Doesn't count because 08 wasn't tied to this site's administration in any way. Or was it?

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fc36ea  No.16904724


No, it was a purely user effort headed by Acid.

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4d45b8  No.16904733



Who many really don't like much.

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d6de50  No.16904734

File: 8362cb559515286⋯.jpg (181.4 KB, 1280x891, 1280:891, 8362cb559515286d820fb97726….jpg)


>Well, I can reasonably assume that all companies that use Discord are shit.

People as well

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84242b  No.16904746


There's a reason why people don't use alternative technologies or services, because most of them are scams. Fuck, official or more well used services are scams too.

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5a3747  No.16904889

File: 9619ef84c2f01af⋯.jpg (161.08 KB, 1000x723, 1000:723, Kaz_Reacting.jpg)

Baker? Let us have the dildo gag thread, dammit!

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35f0a4  No.16904893

File: e459af97d82dd13⋯.jpg (289.82 KB, 1328x1565, 1328:1565, EU5RrUzUcAAzMns_jpg_orig.jpg)


I'll gag you, fucker!

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a231ac  No.16904896



I agree, and this image >>16899128 should be included too, but there's still nearly 100 posts to go, and posting is not exactly fast right now.

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4717d6  No.16904904


100 years too early.

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540102  No.16904915

File: b65e344e5aa357f⋯.jpg (20.35 KB, 411x293, 411:293, anon_hahahaha_no.jpg)


If anything it should be about HW catching the wuflu instead of you trying to normalize your dumb fetish.

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f83f0e  No.16904917

File: b2141940f82c1dd⋯.webm (7.66 MB, 772x728, 193:182, shes_gone_isnt_she_boss.webm)

My dogs dead now.

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4d45b8  No.16904919

File: 423a22ad17288ee⋯.gif (940.86 KB, 350x280, 5:4, Snake_heart_rips.gif)

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35f0a4  No.16904922


I'm sorry. I had to put my dog down last year in November. It doesn't get better. It's just easier to deal with the pain.

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f83f0e  No.16904928


i figured, it just sucks so badly. he always liked to laydown next to me while i played vidya.

im keeping his collar in my desk, so its like he can still watch me play vidya.

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d6de50  No.16904930


You already had one for your shit fetish

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97ff50  No.16904932


This. Justifying your inane fag fetish is the same degree of faggotry as the breads Gildafag baked.

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5e25a2  No.16904937

File: 5c7ea88f1c5392c⋯.jpg (292.87 KB, 1320x878, 660:439, sdhfyg.JPG)

What happened to the webring? Vch.moe's down.

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540102  No.16904955


The webring is dead. The webring doesn't need to be your audience anymore.

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a95553  No.16904958

File: 1cc7c57f0b14fd4⋯.jpg (186.98 KB, 1000x1187, 1000:1187, 2668b8f718c43b493be1618ae5….jpg)


Fuck it, baking in advance. Mask Edition coming in at 84 posts.

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eb1990  No.16904959

There is at least one advantage to face mask being normalized:

I don't have to shave every other day.

Also, I get the feeling that Trump is going to use Corona-chan as the reason why the U.S. will pull out of the U.N.: http://archive.vn/E6cBY

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5e25a2  No.16904963

File: c2270ef9d9afd9a⋯.jpg (121.57 KB, 542x337, 542:337, botan.jpg)


Only the /v/ bunker, it seems. Smug's still up.

What can be done about funinamtion sinking their cultural marxist claws into anime, bros and mates? Things look dire in nipland.

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5b141c  No.16904964


vch.moe has been down for a while now. It wasn't supposed to be permanent; that's why you see the 8chanmania nomination threads here, now.

The webring is up on tvch.moe, it seems.

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d6de50  No.16904974

File: 5c08a4f7720ea44⋯.jpg (36.56 KB, 400x543, 400:543, Hitler_had_to_shave_his_mo….jpg)


>I don't have to shave every other day.

Except that's fucking wrong, since facial hair interferes with getting a proper fit. If the facial hair is inside the mask, you can keep it. But if the facial hair either touches the edges or reaches outside, it has to go. Doesn't matter if it's physically impossible to fit inside the mask from the sheer volume of facial hair or if it's just a stubble, it has to go either way. In other words, you actually have shave MORE and not less because of face masks.

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5e25a2  No.16904986


>being worried about normieniggers think about your cool half-mask

I've been the only guy with a mask outside in my northern european city for weeks now. That reminds me: regarding masks, I told you guys to pick up some reusable ffp3 ones up from your local hardware store months ago. Did any of you niggers heed my good advice? Heard that the 10 bucks masks could be bought on ebay for ten times their usual price a few weeks later.

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0bd8be  No.16904989


Contact nonpozzed licensors and encourage them to go after new series more aggressively with the promise of purchases/subscriptions for doing a good job. Say upfront that you don't like the shit Funimation and Crunchyroll are trying to do, and want to see a return to form for the industry. Then actually make a purchase/get a subscription if they follow through.

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97ff50  No.16904992

Does anyone have the archive of the vice article saying that coronachan was a nothingburger?

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d6de50  No.16904998

File: 450dac1d434b29a⋯.png (345.98 KB, 593x835, 593:835, There_isn_t_going_to_be_an….png)

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97ff50  No.16905000

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637c5e  No.16905001


For N95 at least, I assume since surgical masks aren't airtight anyway it doesn't make much difference unless you're creating a significant gap. Conversely if you don't wear a N95 properly it's probably not much better than a surgical mask.


That's Vox not Vice, is that what you were looking for?

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5a3747  No.16905004

File: 0daf79a4b5af757⋯.mp4 (1.79 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, It_s_Mr_MVP_SIMP_.mp4)

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5e25a2  No.16905007


There are redpilled japanese people in the anime industry. Article related: https://animeright.news/ecchioujisama/exclusive-interview-with-netojuu-director-yaginuma-kazuyoshi/

No archive since animeright are /ourguys/.

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64d4b9  No.16905008


Just wear a full head mask instead.

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fc36ea  No.16905013


>facial hair interferes with getting a proper fit

Anon, do you think it really matters when you have people using party hats and trashbags as face masks? Unless you're seriously trying to be isolated. All this virus has done is give people another reason to be lazy.

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a231ac  No.16905015


When? Mask fetishism in these threads is a new thing to me.



Tons of fetish threads have been made before.

>it should be about HW catching the wuflu

Isn't that totally unconfirmed? In the very tweets he makes about his worries he says OI and that no one with OI has died yet.

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64d4b9  No.16905021

File: 50daa2d35b24015⋯.jpg (75.13 KB, 200x300, 2:3, Medico_peste.jpg)

Does anyone know how to construct a functionally correct plague doctor suit and mask? When the next inevitable pandemic rolls around I want to be a right proper hoonter.

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5a3747  No.16905022

File: cf520e0cef930eb⋯.jpg (205.06 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, Dildo_face_mask_1.jpg)

File: a7f00220aaaf41d⋯.jpg (329.4 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, Dildo_face_mask_2.jpg)

File: 8ebed514710c94a⋯.jpg (134.75 KB, 850x850, 1:1, Dildo_face_mask_3.jpg)



Repost for baker.

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b25deb  No.16905024

File: 0790d367c25471a⋯.jpeg (29.7 KB, 400x390, 40:39, 2e9cb0a5955951c902ce5afd9….jpeg)


>No archive since animeright are /ourguys/.

That does not absolve you from posting an archive, it just means you post the original link as well.

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d6de50  No.16905027


The protection is meant to protect you, not the clinically retarded. They can remove themselves from the gene pool all they want (whether by death or by having their balls permanently damaged), your own actions should be independent of the intelligence of those around you. Proper procedure includes you as well, not just everyone else around you.



Oh look, the exact same fucking image just traced and recoloured. Doesn't matter that it got lost to retards arguing over loli, you had your thread already.


Plague doctors didn't have functional suits at all. They still got bitten by infected fleas and rats, causing them to get sick. The mask simply contained herbs because people thought that smell played a large role in the infection. The protection was obviously greater than having nothing at all but it didn't do much beyond making the stench of rotting corpses slightly more bearable.

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4d45b8  No.16905028


Archive regardless

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f7d178  No.16905030

Yo baker, don't forget about this >>16901541

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a231ac  No.16905032



There's also the masked loli >>16899128 , and this >>16899180


Having issues?


>archival is just to deny clicks

Lurk moar, faggot.


>Oh look, the exact same fucking image just traced and recoloured.

I think he's just having issues posting.

>you had your thread already.

When? Give me the archive.

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ee1648  No.16905039

File: 7263b34bbb0f212⋯.jpg (31 KB, 512x342, 256:171, Asuka_Aethetic.jpg)




At least 08 works. Its still up, in fact and people post on it. Just everyone got scared off by paranoia over CP that turned out to be unfounded so the community is small and mostly centered on /pol/.

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97ff50  No.16905041


Yes. I have a shit memory.

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4d45b8  No.16905044


It's also run by a fucking idiot and has had noticeable issues hit it before.

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540102  No.16905045


>the community is small and mostly centered on /pol/.

Which is a counterpoint to /leftypol/ settling on julay which is turning into endchan2.0

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5a3747  No.16905047

File: 9f41351d08bf438⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 2.08 MB, 696x2000, 87:250, Eymbee_Face_Mask.png)

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4d45b8  No.16905048

File: 433e0ac590fbe0f⋯.png (149.62 KB, 733x289, 733:289, pol_stopped_being_funny.PNG)


I'd rather not have a community centred around either /pol/s since both are brain dead fucking retarded.

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9622ce  No.16905055


Less amount of retards is always good.

Now, if glowniggers would fuck off as well.

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35f0a4  No.16905058

File: bd7ebea46100f91⋯.jpg (329.53 KB, 2150x3035, 430:607, ERwRpK_X0AIOA8z_jpg_orig.jpg)

If you horny bastards want a specific bread so bad then you better prepare to bake yourselves. There's bigger things at play right now. Hotwheels has corona. Japan has now declared a state of emergency. The comic industry is actively dying bit by bit. Disney is drained of finances. Even Odin being a nothing burger is worth more of a thread topic than your dumb fetish.

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a231ac  No.16905066


>If you horny bastards want a specific bread so bad then you better prepare to bake yourselves.


>Hotwheels has corona.

Isn't that totally unconfirmed? In the very tweets he makes about his worries he says OI and that no one with OI has died yet.

>Even Odin being a nothing burger is worth more of a thread topic than your dumb fetish.

I think it might also be about the fact that the goon ruined the mask thread last time by baking when everyone was asleep. A mask thread by anons denies the pedogoon that victory.

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a95553  No.16905072

File: b428eb525dafaa2⋯.mp4 (272.59 KB, 480x360, 4:3, READ_NIGGA_READ.mp4)

File: f8b742836404a1e⋯.jpg (122.52 KB, 636x900, 53:75, 80275534_p0.jpg)

File: 7229b87c187b271⋯.png (1020.31 KB, 1280x1059, 1280:1059, Mask_by_Jujunaught.png)

File: e47bec73ffbc4c6⋯.png (633.77 KB, 1612x1374, 806:687, 80133650_p2.png)


>Hotwheels has corona

He had a fever that went away.


Have some more images for your troubles.

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53b60a  No.16905075


Traitorwheels doesn't have anything except a deep craving for attention, no matter if positive or negative. Oh noes temperature at the upper end of the perfectly normal range, the Reaper must be close! Fucking drama queen.

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a231ac  No.16905079

File: f354c3e190aa1e8⋯.jpg (17.86 KB, 449x350, 449:350, promotions1.jpg)

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fc36ea  No.16905118


Do you have an updated guide to actually get the site to fucking work?! Last time I logged on, it crashed my computer so I had to delete the entire folder.

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a231ac  No.16905128

File: 3a330b502b17f18⋯.png (516.02 KB, 1184x598, 592:299, Pacha05.png)



>Visible difference in the neck before and after

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64d4b9  No.16905267


Well fortunately we don't have to worry about flea bites with this one and you could probably nigger rig the beak to contain an N95 cartridge.

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b1e49b  No.16905322


He's pretty fat though which increases his risk if it is corona and not just a flu.

>he says OI and that no one with OI has died yet.

Sorry if I'm interpreting your meaning wrong and you do know, but OI is the medical term for his boneitis.

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62e97d  No.16905358


So tell us about all the deepweb imageboards you set up for 8chan anons. Which one worked out the best for you?

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73bb09  No.16905385


i totes made minus1chan but you probably never heard of it seeing as how underground it is

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49c8e2  No.16905399

File: c33807990a3007e⋯.jpg (45.4 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 1733576a861d1243ddc954831f….jpg)

Deadly mutations of COVID-19 found in Korea. Government trying to cover it up.

On last March 18th, a 17 years old high school student fell to the ground while doing over 8 hours of awaiting in the stockpile store line, then died within just 17 hours. His condition/symptoms were exactly Corona, but 12 exams of test kit all showed negative. Medical team panicked and went to ordinary pneumonia treatment, until just 30 minutes before he die, the 13th test showed positive for Corona. The doctors recorded his death was by Corona virus to his death report.

But then fucking government intervened, declared that he's not COVID-19 and the 13th test was an error due to 'pollute environment at the test facility', and incinerated his body without autopsy or further test. The government also shut down the facility that did the test for him and suspended almost everyone involved in it. Some of them became whistleblower and claiming the government hiding something more.

My political source told me that the COVID-19 is evolving and mutating into speed that the mankind never faced before and it's beyond your imagination, and the 17 years old student case was one of the mutated Corona virus, and the new mutated ones are cannot be detected through ordinary test kit and can kill healthy, young people like teens or 20~30s within a day. This already happening to the countries faced early Corona outbreak like Korea or China, and governments are busy hiding it. Source indicates at least 20 mutated Corona infecting worldwide right now, and most of them are invisible to standard COVID-19 test kits.

Also South Korean government planning to put mandatory, undetachable electronic GPS device or chips onto quarantined citizens' wrists. Bellow are the news articles.




Also China's infected and death rates are fake as fuck. My source indicated at least half a million infected in China so far, although it is true they are not in pandemic anymore.

Stay safe and watch out the governments who trying to push New World Order under this menace. Also traps are gay. If you think otherwise that means you're gay too.

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d4ed54  No.16905407


>Tons of fetish threads have been made before.

yeah, and they are generally shit and full of shitposting

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84242b  No.16905411


Couldn't it be that the guy just died because he waited 8 hours while being sick with corona? I don't really know how do you wait in your lines in Korea, but just saying.

And I know governments are using this to push for some dictatorship, I just don't know if they are doing it actually to make a NWO or just doing so to have their own dictatorship.

Get in the survival dress, gook.

You know we are joking, right?

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d6de50  No.16905413

File: 6c1583e50363de1⋯.webm (5.51 MB, 368x592, 23:37, Chechen_police_got_inspir….webm)


>I think he's just having issues posting.

That is not what I was referring to

>When? Give me the archive.

Didn't get archived because it was two different bakers making threads at the same time.

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49c8e2  No.16905417

File: 8c9e3188c5ba89b⋯.jpg (49.98 KB, 640x640, 1:1, S_E_R_A.JPG)


>Couldn't it be that the guy just died because he waited 8 hours while being sick with corona?

Nobody knows when he was infected, but it seems the incubation period of mutated Corona is extremely short and more deadiler than the usual ones that can be detected through test. It's more of Ebola than Corona, excluding symptoms.

>survival dress

My body is ready.

>You know we are joking, right?

>implying we aren't the Jokers of the internet

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97235c  No.16905425

File: 1b92624c305c6ab⋯.jpg (115.55 KB, 1024x1448, 128:181, 1569154185936_0.jpg)

He was going to die sooner or later.

And yet instead of livjng comfortably in the Philippenes, shitposting with thousands of strangers across the planet who cared about him and would have mourned and drawfagged copious tribute to him for years after he was gone… he threw it all away.

He's burned all bridges, betrayed his principles, pandered to places like VICE whom he begged for a job (which he never got), and will now spend his last days a criminal fugitive on the run in America, hated by everyone, with thousands of people across the planet collectively pissing on his grave when the news breaks.

Such a disasterous life choice. Betrayed everything he stood for, lost everything, and for what?


A bunch of strangers on the internet saying kind words and thinking fonsly of you doesn't count for squat… but when you're dying, it means A LOT. He had that. Strangers brought together across the globe saluting ansd praising him as a hero for years because he fought for free speech no matter what. And he betrayed it all, turned on everyone, condemned and vilified his entire community with unrestrained vitriol and hate, and ended up a begger usingm pity to get a writing job at Vice, and failing. Now he has nothing. And when he dies, people will cheer and piss on his grave.


He had nothing, but he had us.

Then he fled to our enemies, and cried "I'm one of you! Let me help you hunt them! I've thought of clever new ways to hurt them! Give me the gun, please! Let me prove myself to you! Look, there's one now!"

Now he's alone, on the run, with nothing.




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d6de50  No.16905439

File: 833e43c7be17525⋯.webm (4.85 MB, 640x428, 160:107, _.webm)


>Betrayed everything he stood for

Whenever he posted about principles such as free speech, it always came off as insincere. I didn't really have an explanation as to why so I chose to dismiss this. And now it is pretty clear, he only situationally expressed those views because his little pet project's success depended on it. Now that Jim has taken total ownership (with HW not even tangentially being invested anymore), the goblin no longer sees the need to try to hide his actual views. He wouldn't be betraying what he stood for if he didn't stand for it to begin with, he would only be betraying the site. It's easy to remain principled when there is very little on the line.

>He had nothing, but he had us.

Given the fact that he sold ownership, he didn't have us either. You are too concentrated on the war of ideals to realise that he had already lost before he ever turned. In losing the site he lost not ownership but also the ability to enact his own will on it, with it not being immediately clear because his control was only gradually fading away. HW was most likely convinced it was temporary and that he could get it back from Jim once everything settled down, he didn't expect that low point to plateau.

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73bb09  No.16905457


you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain

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15da5a  No.16905461


Not OP but I think even if he was lying about his views it was foolish to act in the manner he did.

At least to do so without expecting any sort of blowback. Besides his one man autism quest to find out who was hosting 8kun he was trying to interfere with Jim's personal business. Once you start showing up to citizenship hearings it becomes too much to ignore. He did everything in his power to interfere with jim's affairs and is dealing with those consequences. Jim shouldn't drop the lawsuit either, Hotwheels will go right back to 24/7 autism if he's allowed to go back to his home.

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84242b  No.16905495

I fear the entirety of my country's politician class and media is under the control of the chinese. They are starting the narrative of "Trump is attacking the WHO saying they are under control of the chinese".

I don't know you all, but I see Trump as the best president the world ever seen, but maybe I'm just famboying him because he causes so much salt.

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a231ac  No.16905498


>Didn't get archived because it was two different bakers making threads at the same time.

Then it wasn't a real bread, was it? You're talking about the pedogoon thread, aren't you? That doesn't count.

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d6de50  No.16905520


>pedogoon thread

Funny how that thread magically vanished from your memory when it seemed convenient.

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a231ac  No.16905530


>Funny how that thread magically vanished from your memory

I wasn't counting it because it wasn't a real GG thread.

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5a3747  No.16905534


He's referring to this thread. https://archive.vn/iQiVx

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a231ac  No.16905541


Yes, I understand now. But i fail to see how a goon making a thread that was deleted shortly after counts as anons "already having their thread".

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5a3747  No.16905553


I presume he wanted to derail the thread with arguments that lead to nowhere and thus put to halt general discussions.

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6d0d96  No.16905560


I don't get what exactly was anti-loli in this thread. The disgusting art attached to op?

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4d45b8  No.16905567


The baker who made it was sperging over how loli was legit pedoshit and Anons who said "So by your retard logic violent games make school shooters?" He did a fuck ton of mental gymnastics how it was really pedophilia, I don't even like the shit but his arguments were clearly in bad faith.

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5a3747  No.16905570


It was made by the goon who started a shitstorm in the last thread. They didn't want to repeat shit that happened in the last thread I take?

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4717d6  No.16905571

File: 479ad63ebc35efc⋯.mp4 (3.17 MB, 812x452, 203:113, WHO_Taiwan_China.mp4)


>Trump is attacking the WHO saying they are under control of the chinese

Problem is, that is objectively true, and has led to actual deaths.

Trump represents resentment against the global liberal elite. They don't need to be bought by China. They could be bought by folks like Soros. And any shitty ammunition against Trump will be used, no matter the truth.

However, China is an easy, obvious failing, with choice quotes from Japan and Taiwan, but WHO's failings go deeper. Read into "pandemic bonds" and how investors were supposed to be paid in June this year. https://archive.ph/QYORb

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c62932  No.16905576


seems about right majority in america in hospital are young adults

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fc36ea  No.16905583

File: 2b9ae2c07bd2bba⋯.jpg (155.14 KB, 646x600, 323:300, question.jpg)

So, does anyone have any suggestions for this before the next bread: >>16903564

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4717d6  No.16905606


Haven't used it, or even looked into it, but maybe Mutt?


God damn, this is throwing up errors for a simple text post.

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f83f0e  No.16905607

so apparently Bernie dropped out.


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f83f0e  No.16905609

so bernie dropped out.


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f83f0e  No.16905611



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84242b  No.16905614



Did he even had a chance?

Did any important world politician died yet of the Corona?

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a95553  No.16905631

File: 7daed5265988c31⋯.mp4 (432.08 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, _TOKYO2020_124727721330245….mp4)



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4ef463  No.16905634


More than the senile old fuck the Dems chose since last year.

Biden will be eaten alive..

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84242b  No.16905642


I want the corona to end already, I need to go to the bank.

Also I need to prepare for the october outbreak.


Don't know you all, but Trump doesn't look burnt out for being the president compared to previous presidents.

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fc36ea  No.16905649


>I need to go to the bank.

The drive-thrus are still open.

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a231ac  No.16905652


Can I do both?

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a95553  No.16905657

File: 8f00896ee8e2ddc⋯.jpg (2.52 MB, 2500x3450, 50:69, 29456334_p0.jpg)

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84242b  No.16905660


Yeah, but no stores are open. I need a prepaid card to buy through the internet.


Damn fucking shotas. When will the time come for Big Fat Nice Guys?

The ones who actually take showers.

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84242b  No.16905668

For fuck's sake, is it me or the site is taking a lifetime to load new posts?

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5a3747  No.16905669

File: bc10720bf96d574⋯.png (281.61 KB, 883x259, 883:259, Good_Job.png)


Hell yeah!

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a95553  No.16905672


It's not just you, my posts generally take 4 minutes to go through at the moment, along with a 502 error code when trying to post in the first place.

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84242b  No.16905674

So, before we reach the 700s. How dire do the middle east have it with the Coronita Beer? Could we hope for an actual purge thanks to it?

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1c663a  No.16905709


Yeah 8kun seems to have little server dropouts.

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6ff3a2  No.16905759

File: 02ea8b24d5eeae2⋯.png (136.94 KB, 572x822, 286:411, Screenshot_2020_04_08_Fred….png)

File: cdc585733a53c8a⋯.jpg (71.38 KB, 1080x815, 216:163, EVGsGkJUYAApoQX.jpg)


Could be the increase in traffic or another ddos attack from the cripple.

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9cdefc  No.16905767

File: 018d49d8f59880f⋯.mp4 (3.24 MB, 480x480, 1:1, 0f296aef6d8164e9ac631e9ce5….mp4)


Iran has 62,589 reported cases with 27,039 reported deaths. Iraq has 1202 with 69 deaths. That number is almost assuredly under what actually is going on

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3cdfc2  No.16905784

File: c0a6c632a8a0c9a⋯.jpg (38.64 KB, 374x347, 374:347, a5b887d8084366a7507370f5e6….jpg)


>8kun is organizing people to set 5g towers online


Wtf is all this 5g autism anyway? I keep hearing all sorts of retarded shit about it through the grapevine.

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a95553  No.16905792

File: 505c20cd5c5bec4⋯.jpg (1.83 MB, 1654x2339, 1654:2339, Erian.jpg)




















































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a231ac  No.16905794

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