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/tenda/ - Tenda Spencer

EurasianTiger mod of /r/hapas - cuckold and child porn spammer, artist


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File: 38f4bc9129dee93⋯.jpg (2.38 MB,2500x4504,625:1126,tenda_censored.jpg)

File: 50558c2270e8274⋯.jpg (989.6 KB,1756x1292,439:323,Tenda_Spencer_HighlyErotic….jpg)

File: 88d6884a84ce6fc⋯.jpg (502.66 KB,1043x832,1043:832,Marcia_Christoffsen.jpg)

File: 130840090bd2291⋯.png (103.41 KB,957x731,957:731,imagefap.png)

File: e53cfbc6bc3cb65⋯.png (164.75 KB,1121x819,1121:819,comicfury.png)

2c9cb6 No.3291 [Open thread]

A thread on the HighlyErotic / Marcia Christoffsen / feetonthighs topic so you don't have to go hunting around.

Look at these infographics for a summary of the evidence. You can also see a lot of his art in these two threads

Tenda Spencer comics >>10

Tenda Spencer art >>93

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e3d77b No.4124

The biggest tragedy of this is that he's a shitty artist after graduating from art school. Like come on. What have you learned there? What a waste of money.

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File: ccd5f8742480faa⋯.jpg (123.82 KB,812x576,203:144,compare.jpg)

File: 295844c27ac2fd4⋯.jpg (178.69 KB,1024x768,4:3,1.jpg)

File: d9d89e4c18dde56⋯.jpg (420.06 KB,1024x768,4:3,2.jpg)

File: b8e5a93dcc3403d⋯.jpg (398.61 KB,1024x768,4:3,3.jpg)

File: 3d97fdbf5e7be4b⋯.jpg (394.96 KB,1024x768,4:3,4.jpg)

e0d08f No.1 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]


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dcb486 No.3870

File: ba9e6920998e4b4⋯.jpg (44.76 KB,600x450,4:3,Empty_Pants_Full_of_Shame.jpg)

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File: a66a55b0f66528f⋯.png (78.36 KB,1125x2436,375:812,IMG_3819.png)

9bc41e No.4212 [Open thread]


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File: a9db98cf282fa07⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,114.12 KB,1179x868,1179:868,5316613323229355298.jpg)

090fd5 No.4211 [Open thread]

ya pidor

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File: e045efde109554f⋯.png (994.85 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240811_034620.png)

594988 No.4210 [Open thread]


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File: bf6e3d495c62687⋯.jpg (1.59 MB,4032x3024,4:3,image.jpg)

ba94fb No.4209 [Open thread]


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File: 6f1b45b827bdcf8⋯.jpg (89.43 KB,864x1000,108:125,reddit.jpg)

6c27d1 No.2964 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

General thread for Tenda Spencer's reddit posts.

Thread 1 >>23

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000000 No.4073


It's so funny when he talks about sexual desperation. A long insane list of points is classic Tenda too.

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7e5f66 No.4074

File: 2f56e6ab5e8d40a⋯.jpg (785.13 KB,872x2739,872:2739,7343487.jpg)

File: 585388c7e668f7a⋯.jpg (651.03 KB,861x2218,861:2218,3753574.jpg)

Now you know why he keeps getting banned so often after visits to r/incelswithouthate. He can't help but to get into flame wars with his fellow incels.

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7e5f66 No.4075

File: 2970be8d1830172⋯.jpg (56.36 KB,881x225,881:225,547374.jpg)

File: f90f74642ded614⋯.jpg (56.92 KB,879x207,293:69,734845.jpg)

File: 8e1c6628fe2d544⋯.jpg (89.46 KB,882x357,42:17,268454.jpg)

File: 6d65e0dc40264b0⋯.jpg (36.19 KB,881x151,881:151,756263423.jpg)

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620ae6 No.4147

Lol. He is trying to start a new r/hapas


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620ae6 No.4148

File: 3615678338f34d3⋯.jpg (213.91 KB,842x494,421:247,62324323.jpg)


Well, that was short lived. I mean his account u/HapaRealTalk.

The typical claims "black women and Asian men are the best looking" were made. Instant Tenda markers. I've also noted that he likes to claim he is a product of AMWF nowadays. Seen it on multiple recent accounts. Other than that it's the same old incel posting and boasting about being sexually successful (from the same room we have always seen pictures him of). I guess Kylo Ren didn't turn good after all. Should have listened to Fritz Solo's advice.

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File: d993a90704f10f8⋯.png (85.76 KB,470x420,47:42,tenda london.png)

File: 75e4198b29c9a69⋯.png (159.82 KB,896x2580,224:645,pms.png)

File: 035f8669405e1b9⋯.webm (786.06 KB,640x360,16:9,laughing girls.webm)

dc8bb7 No.85 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

>tenda is being btfo beyond anything previously imagined

Just look at cuckchan


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18288f No.4135

> I remember him saying that if he was fetishised then he probably wouldn't have created /r/hapas.

He doesn't look Asian enough to be fetishized. He would have to do the work just like everybody else, especially if he is aiming to attract Chads.

>If he wasn't a monster I'd feel sorry for Tenda if he's gay/bi and missed out on that.

Every day he wakes up and chooses the closet and the missing out, no one is forcing him. He was in a diverce accepting place like NY and he went to live in homophobic China in some dirty attic.

I am sure that if he wanted to seriously find a way to be out of the closet, there would be one. I cannot feel sorry for someone choosing "muh stability and security".

Interestingly, the rants about "closeted homosexual sexpats with an asexual nagging asian wife" on his blog and reddit have multiplied, which means he is becoming increasingly frustrated with his stagnant pointless life.

You can't help anyone who isn't willing to even try to help themselves, I can't even pretend to be sorry at this point.

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2514a2 No.4136

Is this Tenda guy still around and doing this gay shit?

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000000 No.4137


Not much activity on the socks I know about. Haven't really checked much recently though.

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f80972 No.4141


Rest assured, he is being monitored. But what's point telling where when he is so scared of being treated like a lolcow, which he is whether he wants it or not.

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000000 No.4142

>join or 404

What is going on with this gay website?

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File: 5c28e1b24912303⋯.jpg (257.44 KB,617x1359,617:1359,tendies.jpg)

e9c4a2 No.4078 [Open thread]

What do you think about their article?

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8ba700 No.4125


She's actually fairly typical of a white woman who dates Asians. Standard amwf couples consist of unnatractive nerdy low self esteem white women who seek Asians as they know they will have control over them as most women view Asian men as least physically undesirable so they have the upper hand in the relationship.

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15f60c No.4126

>She's actually fairly typical of a white woman who dates Asians. Standard amwf couples consist of unnatractive nerdy low self esteem white women who seek Asians as they know they will have control over them as most women view Asian men as least physically undesirable so they have the upper hand in the relationship.

Nothing wrong with going for the low hanging fruit anon.

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3b2e79 No.4127


Can be a strategic play. Asian males lack of physical attractiveness can be leveraged in multiple ways. Minimal risk of them ever leaving as their options are limited and they consider even plain white women trophy's. Downsides are they tend to be passive aggressive pussies that have very thin skin and can have robot personalities.

To each their own.

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15f60c No.4128


That couple is 100% NOT unattractive.

Constantly ranting about "closeted angry homosexuals" and "extremely condescending asexual asian gf" without realizing the blatant projection.

I don't get why he just doesn't meet gay men in secret like so many other closeted men in China.

And the objession with the murders/shootings?

Makes me think he is the one who wants to shoot people, not for the reasons he says, but bc they are controlling their life and he doesn't.

Road rage isn't normal, true.

What else isn't normal?

Creating a one man show subreddit to rant about strangers for 10 years straight.

I will never forgive being used as a beard and slandered all because you married a chink trash you are embarrassed to present online Tenda.

Truly the apple fell right under the apple tree though, he has become his father.

When all of this bullshit collapses like a house of cards, I will have exactly zero mercy to show.

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15f60c No.4129

File: 01bae7fedd3b0db⋯.png (32.3 KB,932x534,466:267,ugoERIgoVIRAL.png)

He was so much more honest with himself 3 years ago, the kwoppa alt was blackpilled.

Nowadays he is "hot and dating women of all races"

Sad washed out failed sissy.

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File: 2ddd6e90021ed3c⋯.png (21.2 KB,686x420,49:30,rope.png)

9d06d5 No.4120 [Open thread]

Are you finally able to come out of the closet as a homosexual sissy obsessed with BBC?

That would be a great development.

Because let's fate it, all the dilators and therapy and sensate focus exercises won't make Vera the Invalid interested in your micropenis.

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9d06d5 No.4121

Every last one of my sissy fans is better than Tenda.

They have the balls to explore who they are instead of being a cryptohomo in a sham joke of a marriage who has been stalking and slandering me for years despite the fact that I was the only friend he had in his sad life.

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File: 095d55d7292161e⋯.jpg (349.31 KB,768x1024,3:4,blue_steel.jpg)

File: 84d994846d5fc82⋯.jpg (112.54 KB,686x356,343:178,image.jpg)

File: 11feb10e6f57cf0⋯.jpg (90.89 KB,1132x505,1132:505,odo_but_more_fucked_up.jpg)

File: 478eefc2809c7e9⋯.jpg (51.64 KB,380x383,380:383,tenda_spender.jpg)

File: fca8e87a0bf029b⋯.jpg (54.72 KB,484x828,121:207,the_virgin_walk.jpg)

d83475 No.38 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Memes and edits based on Tenda Spencer's visage and artworks.

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793832 No.3486

File: df4bdc10cd678d2⋯.jpg (93.18 KB,756x652,189:163,tenda.jpg)

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9569f9 No.3862

File: 1a19bffa7699d4e⋯.jpg (302.32 KB,1112x1500,278:375,tenda_spencer_reference.jpg)

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3aebfd No.3967

File: bd00ae4e28649fb⋯.jpg (248.68 KB,834x979,834:979,bloody_pooftah_site.jpg)

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000000 No.4060

Just noticed this


Pretty funny to see Tenda featured there

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6a1e7e No.4082

File: 9d3037db14fd133⋯.jpg (809.34 KB,3369x1799,3369:1799,tendaoldcel.jpg)

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File: 61ee6722abe2aab⋯.png (87.42 KB,1098x367,1098:367,trannycel.png)

dc8469 No.3654 [Open thread]

I start this thread bc it will be convenient to copy-paste it on 4chan every time he shows up.

Just trannymax Marcia.

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dc8469 No.4003

File: bc78949f03aa58c⋯.png (4.27 KB,667x107,667:107,174.png)

File: 77b4f4f8ce45925⋯.png (3.85 KB,723x78,241:26,neverlovedanyone.png)

File: b9789a78cc87061⋯.png (2.95 KB,482x102,241:51,kysabominationcel.png)

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dc8469 No.4006

File: d3234a2f5175c8e⋯.png (4.5 KB,881x70,881:70,itsover.png)

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dc8469 No.4007

File: 4c97991e83a32b1⋯.png (81.48 KB,755x467,755:467,retardedcel1.png)

File: f0021452e629b41⋯.png (76.71 KB,686x413,98:59,retardedce2.png)

Proof that lookism is the same One Man Show as r/hapas.

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809fa9 No.4077

I think Tendie is clearly just a wannabe sissy slave who hates that about himself and desperately wishes that he was a white, socially successful chad.

If he just accepted himself for who he is he'd be a lot happier.

Amazing how much retarded cringe a single case of self-loathing can produce.

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2702e0 No.4081


The sub from hell!

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File: 8db730cc1854009⋯.png (25.58 KB,909x460,909:460,BBCcel.png)

File: d67a609eb3cb8d1⋯.png (5.85 KB,918x92,459:46,RIP.png)

File: 5e08841a97f366f⋯.png (16.39 KB,886x271,886:271,LOL.png)

4c7012 No.3986 [Open thread]


His wife ate some bats and gave him Covid.

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000000 No.3990

Maybe I misread it, but none of those images say ET died. Also COVID-19 was genetically engineered in the Chinese bioweapons lab near Wuhan.

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4c7012 No.3991

File: 6ad0b42546b510d⋯.png (6.42 KB,780x126,130:21,fakenews.png)

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000000 No.3992


I think you've failed to parse that title correctly.

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eefac1 No.4011

File: 75f1d9f2cd19e06⋯.jpg (183.45 KB,359x855,359:855,24634644.jpg)

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File: 04a06e32c5bf4ac⋯.png (15.04 KB,912x197,912:197,homosexualTendasock.png)

66392c No.3183 [Open thread]

I think this deserves it's own thread. Tenda is the sole creator of the HIMR hate subreddit. I believe he is also the one saving and hoarding all of Daniel's videos on his archive.

I was talking to Konaito who told me that "someone from the anti-HIMR subreddit" provided him with Chihiro's fb and other information and essentially did everything he could to destroy Daniel's already joke of a marriage.

There are only 2 mods in this subreddit. The one is hapabeauty, a known Tenda sock and the other one is the Daikon redditor.

Watch the writing style that is strangely too formal and the fact that he is sticking his own comments, sth that Tenda always loved to do as Eurasian Tiger on r/hapas.

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66392c No.3186

File: 3c3e546913b514c⋯.png (44.15 KB,1248x545,1248:545,realopinion.png)


I agree and also want to add:

Marcia always wanted to be a YouTuber and is insanely jealous of Daniel's 100k subs.

She is also jealous of Daniel living the way he wants, even trying to have sex with multiple women, paying for escorts etc, while Marcia leaves the most uneventful life in the same room she always filmed from.

Daniel makes a lot more than Marcia.

Chihiro is 100% better than Marcia's beard (worked 2 jobs, thin, decent looking, actively trying to help Daniel with his projects etc).

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a8d5da No.3207

File: 58cd66c08d12352⋯.webm (2.77 MB,853x480,853:480,this is my voice.webm)



>Marcia always wanted to be a YouTuber

Is this something you talked about with him? He's made a number of youtube channels but only very rarely has ever shown his face, and then deleted the video afterwards. There was one ET video that was just his feet, right? Only up for a short while.

So when did Marcia ever upload a proper video? No mask, no bullshit, not talking over gameplay footage, etc, but a real vlog? If the answer is never, then how the fuck would he ever be popular? And why does he hide? Is it just because my and others absolutely epic trolling or has he always been too self conscious to show his face?

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66392c No.3212

>s this something you talked about with him? He's made a number of youtube channels but only very rarely has ever shown his face, and then deleted the video afterwards. There was one ET video that was just his feet, right? Only up for a short while.

Well, he has been trying for so many years. I got that impression because he was very sad and upset when his channels were terminated, especially after the Terry TV fiasko. If you keep trying for something for years and years, you obviously want it. I don't remember any foot video, so I can't help there.

>And why does he hide?

Because his uncle and "respectful Alumni" family aka horse face girls, will be mad at him and cut off his money.

If somehow he got rid of them, like if they died from the Coronavirus, Tenda would most likely end up like those people in LA who jump in front every camera they see although they have no talent, to make up for the lost time of his career as global representative of incel Eurasians.

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f8693e No.3215

File: 2c2437067c26d91⋯.gif (253.47 KB,418x480,209:240,#rekt.gif)


It seems like he sabotaged himself making an ET channel and then riling up so many different groups. He was guaranteed to get flagged down. Then later making all these very low effort mostly voice-only channels and streams that were never going to go anywhere. Maybe his NPD makes him believe they'd be more popular but the views are just total shit.

>to make up for the lost time of his career as global representative of incel Eurasians

God damn.

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66392c No.4010

File: ff3243d48258c9f⋯.png (20.21 KB,935x177,935:177,gaycel.png)

Cryptohomosexual out and proud jerking it to HIMRs ONLYFANS.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

db4c0d No.68 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Videos about about /r/hapas and Tenda Spencer aka EurasianTiger

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000000 No.3901

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I became famous to get my ex back (story time)


Video about how Persephone's youtube career was driven by her need to prove Tenda wrong.

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000000 No.3966


The like/comment to view ratio seems off on this and some other videos.

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000000 No.3974


To follow up, she addressed this in a non-Tenda related video by claiming she has to delete a lot of comments. That is probably true but I will guess these videos are being view-botted just looking at the available data. By Persephone, or someone trying to get her channel banned? I don't know. However sometimes if most of a video's views come from an embed then likes/dislikes and comments are much lower than normal.

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6a4896 No.3983

File: 13c99fcb2301a66⋯.png (103.17 KB,680x292,170:73,comment1.png)

File: cb6e6a4f3364dc3⋯.jpg (21.54 KB,910x210,13:3,comment2.jpg)

>That is probably true but I will guess these videos are being view-botted just looking at the available data. By Persephone, or someone trying to get her channel banned? I don't know.

I hope not.

I don't know whats going on with the views. If you watch my videos, u must have seen that I try to branch out and do other things instead of femdom.

Unfortunately, there are many freaks commenting their castration, defecation and other fantasies that CAN get be banned, so I have to censor comments.

If someone knows more, u can let me know.

(Examples of deleted comments below)

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000000 No.4004

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Your wife was the mistake WMAF closeted sad stalker

Another episode of Persephone uncritically believes what Tenda writes if it supports her narrative.


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