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/tenda/ - Tenda Spencer

EurasianTiger mod of /r/hapas - cuckold and child porn spammer, artist
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File (hide): 38f4bc9129dee93⋯.jpg (2.38 MB,2500x4504,625:1126,tenda_censored.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 88d6884a84ce6fc⋯.jpg (502.66 KB,1043x832,1043:832,Marcia_Christoffsen.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 130840090bd2291⋯.png (103.41 KB,957x731,957:731,imagefap.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): e53cfbc6bc3cb65⋯.png (164.75 KB,1121x819,1121:819,comicfury.png) (h) (u)


2c9cb6 (1) No.3291 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

A thread on the HighlyErotic / Marcia Christoffsen / feetonthighs topic so you don't have to go hunting around.

Look at these infographics for a summary of the evidence. You can also see a lot of his art in these two threads

Tenda Spencer comics >>10

Tenda Spencer art >>93

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877cfd (9) No.3292>>3294

I am very disappointed that there aren't any drawings of me.

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e7b73b (1) No.3294


Yes, there are references to a number of different people and characters but none to you that I could find. He even drew Murdoch Chan from The Murdoch Murdoch Show, probably after seeing they featured him in the episode "Yellow Dawn".

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9f1386 (1) No.3319>>3326

File (hide): d595409339b1d58⋯.png (228.5 KB,851x1055,851:1055,wbin_and_tenda.png) (h) (u)

Holy shit LOL. I remember outing this clown as a 'male' back in my old tumblr days. Didn't know I was talking about the one and only Tenda! Still makes me smile that his 'blog' got deleted before I got banned for racism…

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f890bd (1) No.3326


I don't remember seeing a single racist post on your blog.

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82fcc5 (1) No.3328>>4063

File (hide): 74be5c787bf90bd⋯.jpg (268.92 KB,1009x890,1009:890,reddit.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c7c200ad5771eae⋯.jpg (349.76 KB,1310x918,655:459,feetonthighs.jpg) (h) (u)

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877cfd (9) No.3337>>3343

File (hide): f28d94c945e3296⋯.png (34.18 KB,945x491,945:491,hypocritecel.png) (h) (u)

I don't know how can u live with yourself when you publicly and repeatedly shame someone who has been your only friend for sex work, while also being a sex worker for 2 years (!) AND pretending to be progressive to strangers who don't know the keyboard diarrhea you spray all over the internet.

I don't have proof for this, but I believe that Tenda never had any actual relationships and ended in this Indian type of arranged marriage and the only person he has done anything remotely sexual with is Vera.

He has been raised by peasant with money gooks who insult others as naturally as they breathe, very similar to Kim's family and nasty paleoconservative white trash who live for the pleasure of oppressing and controlling others.

I don't say this with any hate towards him (despite him trying extremely hard to portray his fake happines in that WMAF successful marriage of his), but more like as a fact.

I think that when u face extreme abuse in childhood, it's very easy to be a sadistic edgelord taking it out on anyone who is unfortunate enough to approach you and pretending that nothing matters and supporting a bunch of sadboi philosophies like nihilism, antinatalist etc who are barren wastelands spiritually.

ANYONE can do that. You are not special for being an online abuser bc of your past abuse, quite the opposite, the internet is full of such losers who are more than horse flies.

Can you be someone breaking his family and race programming? Can you live without constantly relying on sick copes like reddit? Can you free yourself from a dead end relationship that demands you change the essence of your own existence to continue staying it in?


(just my opinion in general, not having any hopes that Tenda can do any of that, as we all know he is forever dedicated to his infallible wife and 4chan posting full time job).

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381f10 (1) No.3343


He also attacked lots of porn blogs as well as quite a few girls who post on AsiansGoneWild.

>when u face extreme abuse in childhood

There's no evidence he ever did and there's lots of inconsistencies in his telling of events. It's more likely he was the abuser.

>breaking his family and race programming

He's mentally ill. Stop denying the reality of mental illness. Appealing to reason in this case is pointless.

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877cfd (9) No.3348

I bought the Nazi Interracial experiments on kindle today.

I will make a review video once I read it all.

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662df4 (2) No.3352>>3354 >>3807

File (hide): 3320838c1267dcb⋯.jpg (305.82 KB,1200x848,75:53,1578125070030.jpg) (h) (u)

Imagine sitting down and taking your time to draw diarrhea like this in Photoshop in your spare time. I wouldn't expect even a normal functioning cuckold to stoop so low -- if you can call them normal. First of all, you'd have to be gay, and secondly extremely atypical even among lowlives like cuckolds to personally attack a husband and a father in a foreign nation who has zero relations to you. Reminds me of certain (((pornographic))) directors and artists out there who make a living out of pure filth and brag about it. I wonder if Tenda's ancestry really is half…. European.

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d7d075 (1) No.3354>>3357


I'm not surprised to see that. I think Tenda is attracted to that guy but sees him as unobtainable so draws cuckold porn of him just like he does with various female celebs. Degrading him is part of that.

That image isn't on his hentai-foundry page yet so was it drawn specifically to post on 4chan?

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662df4 (2) No.3357>>3359


>That image isn't on his hentai-foundry page yet so was it drawn specifically to post on 4chan?

Yep, it has only been posted on 4chan once, with a unique filename. I have a couple of others he posted on 4chan too but I think I've posted them somewhere here.

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548f35 (1) No.3359


That's interesting. He could have created another alias to post his gay content or can't/won't login to highlyerotic. Perhaps though he doesn't want to do gay drawings "officially" - there's no name or watermark on the image. Could be his audience doesn't like it or even that he doesn't want to admit to being gay/bisexual yet.

It's also weird that 4chan is so important to him that he'd spend the time. I know he spams on there a lot but this is a new level of commitment. It's bizarre to me because it seems so pointless, but then again everything points to Tenda believing he is on some kind of crusade.

Anyway, after this I suppose the next step is transsexual themes before finally illustrating himself in the "female" role.

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877cfd (9) No.3364>>3381 >>3807

> It's bizarre to me because it seems so pointless, but then again everything points to Tenda believing he is on some kind of crusade.

Asian doctor explains the schizo-OCD combo:


Apparently there is also a link between being schizophrenic and having paraphilias.


If you google "paraphilias in schizophrenia" a lot of interesting scientific papers come up.

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d90ba5 (1) No.3381


We know for certain he has narcissistic personality disorder because his narcissism is extreme, grandiose, ridiculous, clown-like, is seemingly beyond his control and has severely damaged his life. He also has multiple personality disorder. Whether or not he "deliberately" has large numbers of sock accounts / personas is irrelevant, as deciding to do that in the first place is multiple personality disorder, as is "pretending" to have it. To others reading this, multiple personalities have nothing to do with schizophrenia.

However could Tenda also have schizophrenia as well? Yes, and those links are interesting.

Linked in with one of those papers, and I know you don't want to believe this, but Tenda has downloaded child porn, including torture, and has used it as part of his spamming. Clearly like all the other extreme content he downloads he uses it for gratification.

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877cfd (9) No.3383>>3389

You can have BOTH multiple personalities AND schizophrenia, also there are cases where some personalities have a mental illness, while others don't.

He has at least two schizophrenic personalities that I have observed.

It's so annoying, so many personalities and all crippled mentalcels, not even one to be nice and say "I am going to appreciate P for once for being my only friend and encouraged me to write", nope, everyone is a petty incel spam.

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877cfd (9) No.3384>>3807

> I know you don't want to believe this, but Tenda has downloaded child porn, including torture, and has used it as part of his spamming.

What I believe is irrelevant, if u have proof that he is a pedophile, u should send it to interpol asap.

Why isn't 4chan reporting him too?

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742d3f (1) No.3389>>3390


>You can have BOTH multiple personalities AND schizophrenia

Yes, that's what I said.

>two schizophrenic personalities

Two personalities you mean? Multiple personalities are not a symptom of schizophrenia. Or do you mean something else?

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877cfd (9) No.3390>>3395


I meant that at least 2 of his multiple personalities have schizophrenia.

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ea3e7f (1) No.3395


That's really strange as schizophrenia cannot willfully be turned on and off as far as I know, implying he must be emulating someone with schizophrenia. Maybe it's possible for someone to do that if the symptoms of their real schizophrenia are currently not that bad.

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8944bb (1) No.3807>>3811


it has already been said that the non-asian half is in fact jew, and that's why tendyboi looks the way it does and also the reason why it's insane.


paraphilias tend to multiply in an individual, regardless of being schizo or not.

to illustrate the point, see: faggots.

also, tenda is simply a psychopath.

check out the tendency to lie compulsively, hollow threats of suicide, and living in its own parallel mental universe.

the goblin has all the marks.


>why isn't cuckchan reporting him too?

because since trannies are unemployable they have an excessive amount of free time, making them ideal to become jannies.

nearly all the jannies over there are trannies, and trannies being faggots, they're very cool with diddlers.

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4d5d00 (1) No.3811

File (hide): e5ad5f599747763⋯.webm (1.93 MB,640x360,16:9,fuck_jannies.webm) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]



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a2ed3f (1) No.3814

File (hide): ba2dcd4b8afe29e⋯.png (152.86 KB,987x435,329:145,larp.png) (h) (u)

Tenda made a thread on /interracial/ last year.


He can't get the woman he wants so he becomes her. Classic autogynephilia! In Tenda's case that means larping as a white woman who's into black men.

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877cfd (9) No.3943

File (hide): 45650cb08a4827d⋯.png (18.73 KB,414x70,207:35,selfportrait.png) (h) (u)

Is this self portrait supposed to entice potential customers? what the hell

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877cfd (9) No.4056

File (hide): e5837d1678039e9⋯.png (463.22 KB,1237x596,1237:596,superturbointerracialcel.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): b02f847b5ada151⋯.png (34.51 KB,972x389,972:389,kysloser.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): eb76af62727f61c⋯.png (297.12 KB,1031x592,1031:592,trashcancel1.png) (h) (u)

Meanwhile on r/deadbedrooms

"My wife told me that sex was never a priority to her and has been fooling me for 10+ years,in a scale from one to drive by shooting, how many counselors do I need to pay to change her personality and make her exciting?"

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e9d2cf (1) No.4061>>4063

File (hide): da61e3f8d9545b4⋯.png (281.25 KB,798x386,399:193,sissycel2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 024c5f92ba7b387⋯.png (10.67 KB,1182x492,197:82,sissycel1.png) (h) (u)

New sissy account on Phub

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000000 (1) No.4063


Not new, same as >>3328

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e3d77b (1) No.4124

The biggest tragedy of this is that he's a shitty artist after graduating from art school. Like come on. What have you learned there? What a waste of money.

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