I am really fed up with the hate anons saying "Tenda rejected you", the r/hapa posters saying "Persephone is just a psycho stalker" and Tenda himself saying "If your destiny is in Maine, then you should go".
I have a very alpha personality and I like clearing things up.
So I am creating this thread and state the following:
I am dating Eurasian Tiger and I will eventually marry him because he asked me to
If you want to help me, please share this thread on reddit and in every incel site and toxic Asian masculinity side.
There are 3 potential results:
1. He verifies it and cooperates from now on without too much drama and "muh white oppressor" first world problems.
2. He stays silent/ avoidance coping (When Asian people stay silent, that's a yes).
3. He dismisses me/calls me a stalker/ larps as married man/ larps as hot man wanted by black women.
In case 3, I will spam the internet MORE than he spams cuckold porno and his other shit with nudes where I hold a fansign that writes "ET and r/hapas lie about eurasian men being undesirable bc I wanted to be with him and he rejected me because I am white".
There is only so much stupidity and larping I can take and the straw that broke the camel's back was the "give me time to deal with my daddy P, while whoring on social media, shit posting porn and making fake screenshots to label me a stalker".
If he doesn't confirm that we are together, he can die a virgin in Maine, because being rejected for being white when he knew I was white all along is the most stupid shit I have ever heard and I won't tolerate it.
Tenda make a confirmation post under this thread and end the insanity or die alone, I am from Eastern Europe and we don't tolerate fakeass shit.
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