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/tenda/ - Tenda Spencer

EurasianTiger mod of /r/hapas - cuckold and child porn spammer, artist
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File (hide): 6f1b45b827bdcf8⋯.jpg (89.43 KB,864x1000,108:125,reddit.jpg) (h) (u)


6c27d1 (5) No.2964 [Last50 Posts][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

General thread for Tenda Spencer's reddit posts.

Thread 1 >>23

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3bc101 (4) No.2972>>2976

File (hide): e5cd0ca2bf9244f⋯.jpg (237.76 KB,815x622,815:622,346343.jpg) (h) (u)

Too many crazy convoluted points in this to just narrow it down to any of those other topics. Putting this here.

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3bc101 (4) No.2973>>2976

File (hide): 26c94b80a443b8a⋯.jpg (62.22 KB,815x157,815:157,5236234.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): ce1e6e382d83577⋯.jpg (646.45 KB,1600x1048,200:131,125.jpg) (h) (u)

Remember boys and girls, if something is factually incorrect and stands no chance in arguments, then it only makes sense to blacklist it from all media platforms. That's why Flat Earthers are feared the same way.

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3bc101 (4) No.2974

File (hide): 4ead4d5dfa51783⋯.jpg (313.41 KB,666x804,111:134,25352.jpg) (h) (u)

Stop talking about doxxing if it doesn't bother you. And use those "nearly unlimited funds" to find a better apartment so we don't have to see you sit in the same room for a decade scared shitless of big bad doxxers. The squalor is frankly embarrassing, I'm sure the cockroaches on the floor feel the same way.

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3bc101 (4) No.2975>>2976

File (hide): 9e31afbc06185fe⋯.jpg (99.43 KB,627x316,627:316,6346432.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 15c07c3f30f2c54⋯.jpg (61.84 KB,622x219,622:219,9675.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8aabecc97ae8281⋯.jpg (48 KB,513x159,171:53,65775.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 98dcfeb78528914⋯.jpg (37.8 KB,512x155,512:155,86544.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 03abb969e2004cd⋯.jpg (52.16 KB,616x166,308:83,643634.jpg) (h) (u)

Jump on the computer first thing in the morning, stay up shitposting until late at night.

Also why does he pretend 183cm is tall? That's around average in Europe. Dalmatian youth are 184.1cm in a recent study. Makarska high school students are 187.6cm on average. You are a manlet bro. Being around Chinese people have made you delusional.

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6c27d1 (5) No.2976



It's NPD. Laughable, clown-like, obviously stupid, and embarrassingly delusional boasts are a product of his mental illness. That's the difference between just been a bit of a twat and being mentally ill. A sane person could predict such a boast would be received poorly by others. Tenda isn't sane, so he can't. He's not embarrassed (although he might be later). The parts of his brain that would normally instinctively and automatically govern and limit his behaviour related to this are not functioning properly.

Tenda will sometimes rationalise it as "trolling" but the truth is he isn't in control. The tragedy is people often see such bizarre outbursts as not serious, some kind of joke or satire, and it's quite common for non-experts to deny the reality of mental illness. Much easier to ignore or excuse rather than face directly. Surely he can't be serious? Surely? Well he is serious. Tenda really is this insane.


Tenda builds epic narrative cathedrals to rationalise away and cope with his situation. It's like that obese women who claimed the only way to stop "fat phobia" was to dismantle all of western civilisation. Just eating less was off the table. When someone is insane there is no limit to how complex their delusional belief system will become.


The "we wuz kangz" narrative is an example of a complex delusion invented by schizophrenics amplified and spread by the internet. It's no surprise Tenda would associate with it. Again, Tenda will later rationalise this as "trolling" and "triggering" people, but don't believe it. At the time he writes these comments he does genuinely believe them.

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bd9394 (7) No.2981

File (hide): 44790cec4fc8e38⋯.png (2.33 KB,367x75,367:75,hapabeauty.png) (h) (u)

No, I am going to wait you, with the golden micropenis, to come out of the basement for the next 70 years LMAO.

Hapabeauty is a 100% Tenda sock.

Disgusting that he always pretend to care about Asian and Hapa men, whilst running a hate subreddit for another hapa, just because he is envious of him.

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bd9394 (7) No.2982

File (hide): fbf25f12db18cb3⋯.png (11.26 KB,947x169,947:169,goforit.png) (h) (u)

After the last incident with WhiskeyCocaine, I am also waiting for you to die.

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f0bb05 (7) No.2986>>2987 >>2989

File (hide): 095649e11a58407⋯.jpg (1.04 MB,712x2730,356:1365,235232.jpg) (h) (u)

Guys… forget all those Reddit alts and halfasian.org posts where he is constantly self-moderating himself for the public, this is Tenda showing his TRUE colors.


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f0bb05 (7) No.2987>>2988 >>2989

File (hide): 757567c4bc82a8f⋯.jpg (121.32 KB,859x498,859:498,6235423.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9c862549260661e⋯.jpg (87.03 KB,880x321,880:321,634546.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7a23bebea52d6ca⋯.jpg (112.05 KB,880x238,440:119,74564.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): ce658c5627a4192⋯.jpg (53.83 KB,881x179,881:179,734632.jpg) (h) (u)


The most insane ramblings you'll ever read. Really puts the SJW narrative in a new perspective when you see what his ulterior motive is (divide and conquer by any means necessary).

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f0bb05 (7) No.2988

File (hide): 19217f42caf4804⋯.jpg (39.25 KB,879x160,879:160,235231.jpg) (h) (u)


In case "racial tourettes" highlighted above isn't enough for you to believe that this is Tenda (it should be, only he uses it), take into account that he also samefagged with the alt on r/hapas with WhiteSupremacyXposed. He seemingly has a grudge against Mark Wahlberg, like TheEurasianTiger did. And finally, mpb stands for male pattern baldness - another common Tenda trope.

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6c27d1 (5) No.2989>>2991


This is what he does all day and night. His entire life devoted to insane ranting and trolling online.


There's no "conquer" there, just divide. He does it to asian and hapa men too, in fact you could argue /r/hapas is just there to make hapas feel worse. Practically speaking all it's done is become a meme used to mock them.

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6c27d1 (5) No.2990

File (hide): 7c4b32c44d4a1fc⋯.png (110.73 KB,879x1437,293:479,tenda's life story.png) (h) (u)

Just a note to any cuckchanners reading this. Please remember Tenda is delusional. People with severe delusional disorder can make up incredible stories of abuse that turn out to be completely false. You obviously don't believe the lies Tenda comes out with about other things so why believe his father was a "nazi"?

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f0bb05 (7) No.2991>>2992

File (hide): 078f6b98389b2cd⋯.jpg (17.07 KB,831x73,831:73,457453.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 971e3e4d6c7935f⋯.jpg (199.97 KB,790x532,395:266,2342356.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7442f0d133295aa⋯.jpg (133.63 KB,875x372,875:372,734523.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 291071736727bdf⋯.jpg (38.05 KB,639x150,213:50,46332.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6e94d16d06618b3⋯.jpg (49.6 KB,840x105,8:1,574474.jpg) (h) (u)

Dead bedroom mentioned. Speaks in third person. Links to 4chan. Links to halfasian.org. Talks about blacked.com (in the earlier screenshots). Exaggerated claims about sexual success. Yep…


For the record, I no longer believe that there are multiple spammers with him. Tenda clearly does it all alone from different IPs. The biggest spammer with the American flag matches 1:1 with Tenda in his message and material.

>There's no "conquer" there, just divide.

Well, you are right, he is basically racist against all women including white women, even though he fetishizes them.

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f0bb05 (7) No.2992

File (hide): ed0c1932030f139⋯.jpg (114.2 KB,832x294,416:147,85467.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e665b44e5445f6e⋯.jpg (44.2 KB,830x124,415:62,235236.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5a2464fc4026253⋯.jpg (27.15 KB,816x101,816:101,458452.jpg) (h) (u)


"I usually only date dark skinned girls"

Hahaha says the lowest of the lowest lowlife who probably sleeps in his computer chair.

Also, "cracker women", "pinkoid women" - here's to all the white women who have ever interacted with Tenda or one of his million alts.

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f0bb05 (7) No.2994>>3014

File (hide): 5bdeab4ac805d22⋯.jpg (61.74 KB,825x138,275:46,6326237.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d9c371b2d7d41f7⋯.jpg (37.32 KB,832x127,832:127,346374.jpg) (h) (u)

What a snake this guy is. Calls white men antisemitic, criticizes his father for being antisemitic and anti-islamic, yet behind back does the very same thing.

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f0bb05 (7) No.2995>>3014

File (hide): 102a6e67aab3f75⋯.jpg (42.42 KB,831x99,277:33,8458543.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c33c8aafc34fd1a⋯.jpg (101.49 KB,811x211,811:211,568765.jpg) (h) (u)

Here he is a 5'7" Chinese gigolo, while in the r/hapas thread he was saying the place is compromised by 5'6" manlets.

"I grew up in deep white territory back in the 70s and 80s"

Lie and deceit is pathological for him.

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bd9394 (7) No.2997

91 signatures on my petition currently, I am very determined to get r/hapas investigated and I will even hire a lawyer against reddit.

Because I am one of those kind hearted white women who go for golden cocks or whatever.

I wish he gets cancer and dies multiple times every day and my curses work, wait and see.

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bd9394 (7) No.3002

File (hide): ccc15592dc954f0⋯.png (38.37 KB,919x470,919:470,LOL.png) (h) (u)

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bd9394 (7) No.3003

File (hide): 618025c06dd4b55⋯.png (15.46 KB,561x172,561:172,realityvscoping.png) (h) (u)

I actually agree with you Tenda, that's why I refuse to have dumb, ugly hapa (Asian) kids that I would have nothing in common with, but the difference is I genuinely see Kim's family as a bunch of ugly people with low IQ, while u larp bc u feel bitter that no white woman (besides me and even I had to give up) ever wanted to date you.

Blast from the past screenshot.

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4640ae (1) No.3008>>3014

File (hide): f84f6d24b2ac4f5⋯.jpg (59.06 KB,705x208,705:208,236322.jpg) (h) (u)

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bd9394 (7) No.3010

File (hide): f469c5cfde15a8a⋯.png (24.05 KB,520x375,104:75,kys1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): cb82b3c7f571174⋯.png (14.42 KB,469x462,67:66,myresponse.png) (h) (u)

I have a pretty horrible opinion about Tenda that won't change anymore, especially since he contacted me from WhiskeyCocaine to tell me that he is a virgin with a micropenis and then ignored me again.

I believe that he is a racist bisexual or gay bitch who hates whites with a burning inferiority complex and he is extremely racist.

I wish from the bottom of my heart he dies in a ditch and gets brain cancer like his father who was dog shit.

Like father like son.

He never even wanted to be my friend, he targeted me just to laugh at me because I was being abused by my tapeworm mother in law and brainless worthless Asian loser I married.

The whole "AMWF is better" propaganda is horse shit, you should see all the AMWF now, that my channel is getting more views than theirs, how they forgot that they called me Slavic trash and idiot and mentally ill and message me to beg me for views.

If they are so cool and the Asian man is so alpha and the WW is so much better than me, why do they need the help of the sewer rat, subpar prostitute?

They should all get cancer and die.

I guess what goes around comes around, I am building an audience based on my honesty, while the "Trying snacks with my bf in Seoul" well no one gives a fuck about that.

I am sure, that when I get a lot of money or fame, Tenda will also remember me, because he is also a gold digging, filthy Asian like my Asian mother in law, who saw me paying off the credit cards and remembered we are family.

Let's see who will be believed, me that I always said things as they are, or the fakeass bitches.

Look at those screenshots for proof.

I state on my FB account "only for business inquiries" but she can message me because she is dating one of the one billion gooks, so she is SO SPECIAL after all.

Go back to your cave golum.

As for Tenda, I know u read this dumb stalker, I am sorry I have ever met you and reached out to you, I wish u die within a year.

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bd9394 (7) No.3012

We will ALWAYS be better than you Tenda.

But I am glad for one thing, I have met you and I am never having ugly, dumb Chink kids bc I realized my worth.

I was a real friend, my support was real, I put my face out there, even when people were threatening me. And I am making money. I would have helped your brother as if he was my own brother.

But what did u do? How did you act.

As an Asian.

I know what u are now, lying bitches looking down on others. I will never be defeated by an Asian or even worse a half Asian cockroach.

The irony is, if you had treated me better, even as a human being, it wouldn't have turned to this.

Enjoy watching me now saying how much I regret dating down and marrying a dumb Asian exploiter.

I will NEVER date an Asian again, not up to my standards.

You helped me believe that, I have never met a more coward, filthy, gold digging, insulting man like you, true trailer trash from Maine.

Keep calling me bottom feeder with no future, while I pay for myself and you beg relatives and you are forced to endure their racist remarks.

I am the one with no future according to you, but if someone insults me, I can just walk away, they don't feed me or pay my bills.

It was never your race. It was always your ASIAN personality. Cold, soulless bitch paying kindness with evilness.

When u get cancer, I won't even be online to respond.

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6c27d1 (5) No.3014


Yes and there's his posts about how great China is only to attack Asian women including Chinese women in others. He sees everyone as below him, nothing but scum, and there's no group he hasn't attacked.


On his paintocrazy sock he said he had multiple personality disorder. No one would believe his bizarre boasts, and a sane person would know that, but Tenda's strange mix of delusion and narcissism is driving him here. It's pathological in both senses of the word.


He always has to wheel out the same names. It's like a compulsion.

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325c49 (1) No.3149

File (hide): 2d966f86d7d4f13⋯.png (124.15 KB,1050x1095,70:73,rhapas is now a.png) (h) (u)

These posts didn't age well given Tenda's cuckold porn artist alias "HighlyErotic"



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cecfac (1) No.3151

Tenda's projection is pathological.

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c06bc7 (1) No.3177>>3178

File (hide): 8e15cb5908af6c6⋯.jpg (49.92 KB,710x362,355:181,4364373.jpg) (h) (u)

This is so rich it has to be archived.

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56ee5f (1) No.3178

>>3177 (Checked)

They're still letting Marica post on /r/hapas despite knowing about all the other subreddits he runs and everything he's done, and is still doing? They still link to his websites on the sidebar too? Yet we are supposed to believe he isn't running it.

What a joke.

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7d5a0c (1) No.3218

File (hide): 4d7e7712bc3f14d⋯.png (30.81 KB,992x540,248:135,whats up with the.png) (h) (u)

>Once you kick out all the extreme guys, you're left with the gays and the sluts

Tenda you are gay as hell… and still running /r/hapas.

But the idea of people only being either extreme or gay/sluts and nothing in between is a funny insight into how Tenda views the world.

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0fb3ec (1) No.3243

File (hide): 8fc6871ed15eda2⋯.png (39.84 KB,951x579,317:193,1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): e090a3e9e322ccb⋯.png (32.43 KB,913x482,913:482,2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8b7c0a440a8df18⋯.png (26.26 KB,940x488,235:122,3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): f4ec186540146fe⋯.png (34.21 KB,903x587,903:587,4.png) (h) (u)

r/hapas. 4 pages straight of selfies


I make no claim that TropicalKing is a Tenda sock but I thought this thread was relevant to the latest /r/hapas selfie incident.

As we know for a fact that Tenda has never not been in control of /r/hapas, he must be in two minds about selfies, especially from the dreaded female of the species. He doesn't want /r/hapas to be taken down in another reddit purge as it is one of the only things he has ever achieved, but on the other hand he absolutely hates Asian and Eurasian women with every fiber of his being. He also hates "happy hapas", ie normal Eurasian men, because they show him up as a failure and nullify every one of his sad excuses.

The fact is that any normal person who Tenda's NPD addled mind regards as a loser is in fact massively superior to him in every respect.

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6d017d (79) No.3244>>3246

File (hide): aa9b9237fd8a6a1⋯.png (35.71 KB,913x429,83:39,hypocritecel.png) (h) (u)

>He also hates "happy hapas", ie normal Eurasian men, because they show him up as a failure and nullify every one of his sad excuses

To be fair, I have met many "happy" Asian or hapa men who were just coping cucks, but the sample wasn't accurate because those men come from the online AMWF FB groups and those groups attract losers who can't get hot women in their countries and they try to sexpat or "find a Euro wifey" like one eyesore said.

The thing is, Tenda has zero contact with successful, well adjusted Asian men too. He lives in hiding, embarrassed about his situation. I find it hard to believe that he would introduce his wife to his Ivy league former friends because he is ashamed of her and he also doesn't appear to have a job (spamming 4chan isn't a registered job).

He is trying to make r/hapas look more real and normal with all the selfie crap. Of course it's too late, because the majority of people consider it a cancerhole and avoid it.

I am disgusted by his whining on r/antinatalism and r/misanthropy where he is complaining about human nature.

there are two main factors for human happiness: achievement from your job (being creative, getting respect, making a good living) and enjoyment from your close relationships, esp marriage.

Obviously you are miserable when you are a cryptohomosexual sissy who hates gooks and u are married and trapped in the same house with some pickmeisha chinkerella who doesn't allow you to be yourself, but that's not the world, that's 100% you being a coward and not rioting against this cuckery.

I made a post about him on r/childfree, let's see what people will say about his case.

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6d017d (79) No.3245

Reposted bc the other account had low carma, from Kim's account:


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cc0947 (1) No.3246

File (hide): 47005a81a6fd146⋯.png (58.84 KB,959x812,137:116,tenda_reddits.png) (h) (u)

An image comparing /r/hapas and /r/handsoffhapas and some more insane Tenda ramblings about wedding dresses and Jews marrying Nazis.

>>3244 (Checked)

>coping cucks

Whereas Tenda is drawing "art" and writing stories of white and asian women having sex with black guys in cuckold scenarios while pretending to be a white woman.

>his Ivy league former friends

It's pretty funny to imagine Tenda having to explain what he's been up to all these years. It reminds me of Jahans' decade of unemployed youtube blogging which ended up amounting to fuck all when he set them all to private (approx 1400 videos, ten years, zero income, mercilessly trolled, humiliated).

>some pickmeisha chinkerella who doesn't allow you to be yourself

Has Tenda talked to her about being a sissy cuckold? Has she forbidden it? How is she preventing Tenda from doing anything? I don't understand how anyone else is responsible for Tenda's situation. What even is Tenda's real self?


That's another coping reddit just like all the others. Having children is a main factor in human happiness for most people. Unless you get unlucky with some terrible illness or problem then the good outweighs the bad a million times over.

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6d017d (79) No.3248>>3252

File (hide): d1adde69733dce7⋯.png (18.3 KB,659x364,659:364,beardcel.png) (h) (u)

>That's another coping reddit just like all the others.

I think it depends on the person's circumstances. I have read horrific stories there, for example a woman raised her 4 siblings because her mother had crippling depression. She was 14 and had to care for 2 kids under 10, a toddler and a baby. I understand if someone like that feels exhausted or postpones/ends up not having kids. Or someone who knows that they have illnesses that prevent them from caring properly for a kid. But I agree with you that r/antinatalism is a sad,coping subreddit for failed millenials with too much free time.

>Has Tenda talked to her about being a sissy cuckold?

1. I doubt he knows how to explain it in Chinese.

2. I doubt she can understand it in English.

3. Tenda's wife seems similar to Kim's mother, Hwa (Kim's mother) is reacting hysterically to whatever she doesn't like to hear, she starts crying or becomes extremely cruel and starts nagging or simply stops listening.

Vera would never accept him in any level, that much is clear. She doesn't read his books ( not even the sci-fi one), she doesn't know what he does online and he has complained many times that he has asked her to shave and she can't bother, which shows she is very close minded sexually (and imo boring, but those preferences are personal so I don't insist on that).

> How is she preventing Tenda from doing anything?

She wants him to be someone he isn't, aka normal. That's me being a psychologist from the outskirts of Mordor, but Tenda seems very insecure and having someone always nagging or not being enthusiastic about your passions definitely contributes to him remaining stuck in life.

I realized that many people cannot go their own way without some form of encouragement from their environment and he clearly doesn't have any.

I think I was the only person ever who encouraged him to write, which makes his current behavior even more disgusting and ungrateful, esp the part that he didn't apologize about writing the letter bitching about porn, when he also makes money from BBC porn.

>What even is Tenda's real self?

That's the thing. I don't believe that self has even surfaced yet. When he was a kid there was too much trauma and struggle to survive. I can relate to that with him. But he got married too young and got locked up in that room and missed out on all the growth people in their 20s do (sex, travelling, relationships, starting a business/getting a job, friendship etc).

I honestly believe that there is only one thing that could help Tenda: cut down on the online crap drastically, get a break from that marriage (or a separation) and focus on building himself up, like working out, eating better, getting friends, making money and dating. Essentially doing in his 30s what should have been done in his 20s.

Every other attempt, like his reddit bitching is just half assed faggotry and will fail.

But this is all theoretical, after I saw the BBC drawing and he still hasn't said sorry, I lost all respect and faith in him. He will rot in China as a paid husband for his beard and will never be anything.

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9738c7 (1) No.3252>>3263


>I think it depends on the person's circumstances.

Yes that's true of course.

>She wants him to be someone he isn't, aka normal

Really interesting post. Most people want someone normal and the idea of a cuckold man is quite disgusting to most women so without any evidence of anything I cannot really blame his alleged wife for allegedly not supporting him, or for him to keep quiet about it.

>I think I was the only person ever who encouraged him to write

If Tenda was always this insane then I can understand people giving up on him. I know that sounds brutal but it's reality. There's not much they could do to help him, especially as he is so hostile.

>he has complained many times that he has asked her to shave and she can't bother

He talked about jerking off to hairy women right? There is also faint evidence of him posting "anonymously" on 8chan and other sites about that fetish too. It seems to be about degrading women by making them disgusting in his eyes.

>his current behavior even more disgusting and ungrateful

Yes but he's an insane narcissist so that's a given. It's not possible for him to behave in any other way.

>there is only one thing that could help Tenda

What you say is all good but it just doesn't apply to someone with Tenda's mental issues, that's my opinion. I think he needs to be institutionalized with no internet access.

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6d017d (79) No.3253>>3257

File (hide): cb8a3bfd0aad43b⋯.png (20.13 KB,741x187,741:187,4chanbrainebola.png) (h) (u)

Look at this blatand humble-bragging.


End it lying chinkcel.

Sub from hell through and through.

I know he is reading here so I will say it:

The worst type of sub is the lazyass who wants the dominant partner to decide everything and do everything, while they just exist, so in case something goes wrong, it was never the sub's fault. Many sissies have this type of fantasy.

I have become very rusty on my Tenda investigations, mainly because I don't have time, his behavior is escalating to more and more repulsive schemes and there is no potential.

He can try to hurt me all his was.

Facts > Crypto-homofaggotry shit posting

Fact: The most important thing in his love life was a psycho internet white gf he never had the balls to meet. Meanwhile he is married and ashamed of his fatass chinkerella wife.

Talk about bottom-feeder maxxing in 2020.

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6d017d (79) No.3254

File (hide): f178eb75bf10bf3⋯.png (278.51 KB,598x479,598:479,Mordorproblems.png) (h) (u)


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6d017d (79) No.3255>>3257

File (hide): 1c1a08f1301ef0c⋯.png (51.8 KB,625x410,125:82,checkmatecuckcel.png) (h) (u)


flush yourself down the toilet eyesore

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6d017d (79) No.3256

File (hide): 8a161691cbbdc48⋯.png (11.38 KB,429x142,429:142,betaeurasiancuckold.png) (h) (u)

And he gets to masturbate to being cucked of course.

NOTHING about all of this was ever about me, it was all about him and his narcissism.

If I look at the same posts now that Marcia is out of the closet it's so hilarious.

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980eed (1) No.3257


As annoying as it may be for you, it's reasonable for someone to call you Tenda's "ex-gf" although personally I would add "internet" as you two never met.

The crusade to document his every movement was happening before you ever spoke to him. I can understand why some people think it's you doing it all though.

>>3255 (Checked)

>Asian women like my mother are asexual

A perfect Tendaism.

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6d017d (79) No.3258>>3260

File (hide): 8c0c05aebb1daef⋯.png (16.58 KB,481x248,481:248,coping.png) (h) (u)

>As annoying as it may be for you, it's reasonable for someone to call you Tenda's "ex-gf" although personally I would add "internet" as you two never met.

That's not what bothers him. Unlike him, I own up to my actions.


He thinks he can use me to harass other men and try to appear superior while bragging about his infallible wife?

This is beyond lame.

Have u ever seen another guy who has orchestrated years of brain ebola regurgitating some internet relationship WHILE married?

Only virgin incels do that or 14 year olds and it's understandable?

But for him? Your marriage is a -100/10 Marcia.

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6d017d (79) No.3259>>3260

File (hide): 580bb966aa183e3⋯.png (415.5 KB,565x579,565:579,pornhub.png) (h) (u)

Tenda avoids dealing with his failed marriage, which is the source of 90% of the problems he has at this point,the same way this cat deals with water.

I am sad because new people start watching my videos and find all of this hot mess and they wait for the video where we meet and then they start asking what went wrong and I block their comments at this point because I don't want to talk about this bottom feeding loser sub.

I committed to not take the videos down, but they legit make my channel look like a barren digital hoarding wasteland where the story has no punch line.


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4a6f15 (1) No.3260


There's not sufficient reason to believe that 4chan post was made by Tenda.


>the source of 90% of the problems he has

His problems are caused by severe mental illness including narcissistic personality disorder.

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6d017d (79) No.3261>>3264

File (hide): 2291f1ca133071f⋯.png (10.88 KB,581x105,83:15,someclarity.png) (h) (u)

Tenda during the "e-relationship" had a lot of honest moments. I think that's one reason I liked him so much back then. Nowadays he extremely fake and phony. Lying to one's self is a huge turn off for me.

Also he wasn't balding.

>There's not sufficient reason to believe that 4chan post was made by Tenda.

No one else gives a shit about me on 4chan.

>His problems are caused by severe mental illness

If his wife put him the ward in Maine where he belongs, it would be a huge step towards the solution.

Chinkerella illiterate enabler denying the existence of mental illness in the 21st century.

Back into your sewer vermin.

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6d017d (79) No.3262

File (hide): 5fb248864a807ee⋯.png (9.23 KB,381x133,381:133,betaeurasiancuckold2.png) (h) (u)

This is entering grooming territory.


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6d017d (79) No.3263

File (hide): ef8733fce11a24f⋯.png (27.52 KB,615x365,123:73,pornaddict.png) (h) (u)


I found the post where he jerks off to women over 30 with hairy armpits.

My brain, like my channel is also a wasteland of useless info.

I don't think it's a humiliation fetish in this one, more like his rampant mommy fetish, I am sure his mom never shaved either and he is attracted to those looks, albeit considering them nasty.

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d65eed (1) No.3264


>No one else gives a shit about me on 4chan

Anyone who followed the Tenda drama would know at least something about your involvement. The site they happen to use is not relevant and not an argument.

>denying the existence of mental illness

The majority of people do this. Not necessarily it's existence as a concept but its effects and consequences. You have done so on numerous occasions yourself. Think about it, how many times have you called for Tenda to change himself or claimed other people have responsibility for his behavior, both things that deny the reality of serious mental illness?

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6d017d (79) No.3265>>3267

>how many times have you called for Tenda to change himself or claimed other people have responsibility for his behavior, both things that deny the reality of serious mental illness?

To be fair to him though, there is some small change. I believe that starting to draw BBC art and getting commissions is a way to be more self accepting and I believe that I did play some part to that.

Even the failed negative positive channel is a change from the eternal WMAF son brain ebola complaining and nit picking AMWF pictures. At least he is discussing something else.

As for people being responsible:

Whoever pays his rent, cooks, cleans and gives him the money, time and space to be an internet abuser and spam has responsibility.

Enablers are part of the problem and contribute to it.

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9b098b (1) No.3267>>3268


The difficult position of such people is if they don't "enable" someone then they end up smashing up the house, harming themselves or others, becoming homeless, etc. No matter what they do though the mental illness is still there and continues to manifest with whatever symptoms. Normal people don't know what mental illness is, all they can do is manage it in a way that seems to work. So in Tenda's case just letting him stay on the internet spamming all day and night makes everyone else's life much easier. It's easy for people to turn a blind eye to the collateral damage because they get to enjoy some peace for once.

Jahans was and is in that situation. He broke up his parent's marriage, physically abused them on several occasions, terrified his sister, even had police involvement. In the end he got to stay in his room writing cannibalism and torture "porn" stories and raving on youtube, shouting and screaming into his webcam at 3am almost every day for years. What were his by then elderly parents supposed to do?

In an ideal world people like Tenda and Jahans would be forcefully institutionalized but the left systematically destroyed any sensible mental health treatment, and here we are. Expecting normal people to somehow look after seriously mentally ill people is itself insane.

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6d017d (79) No.3268


I understand what you are saying. But don't forget, I come from a family with schizos and my uncle had to be institutionalized many years ago with police involvement.

My father said it was the hardest decision of his life, but necessary. My uncle got officially diagnosed and with the help of the family he has a job, a relationship and lives alone. He didn't have a psychotic episode in 10 years. Ever since I can remember I knew about him being schizophrenic (in age appropriate terminology) and I have memories of being 5 and reading children's books with him. Not even once I was afraid. None of my family members ever hid him or his diagnosis and he is invited in all social events (Christmas celebrations, birthday parties, weddings etc).

I know that the was I was raised is not common , but it impacted a lot how I see things. A lot of people tried to make me seem like a moron believing in pipe dreams and claiming that I think I can "save" or "cure" Tenda with love and other similar crap.

It doesn't have to be an ideal world for a person to get help and have a more fulfilling life than just being locked up in a room and spamming. That's the coward's and the peasant's way out in my opinion and people who value saving face more than saving their relative choose it.

And during his worst episode, my uncle who is 6ft and was in his 30s had an ax and attacked multiple family murders because he believed they were FBI agents trying to steal the book he was writing.

My father still chose saving my uncle over saving face. I would choose the same over Tenda and Tenma any day.

So, I am sorry, but Vera and her family will always be a bunch of selfish, money grabbing monkeys in my eyes and no, I don't say this bc he chose to be with them, I will say it each and every time some gook abandons their family to rot alive for appearences and that's that.

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6d017d (79) No.3269

Ok autocorrect on phone fucked my post I will be back later on laptop.

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6d017d (79) No.3295>>3297

File (hide): 4e0cc7140f197a7⋯.png (15.71 KB,923x363,923:363,lolatusadcryptohomo.png) (h) (u)

When I used to talk to Tenda, I told him that my autoimmune has affected and damaged my left eye. That's something very few people know, u would have to either watch and remember videos from many years ago, or be one of the handful of close friends I have (none of them participates in r/hapas).

To bring this up from your socks because I point out that many Chinese people are just subhuman filth and not EVERYONE is a victim and think u can hurt me, just LOL at you.

My eye is about the same for a year now, a direct result of managing stress effectively and living in the truth.

So please, save your pity for the one who truly needs it: yourself, since u are on a pity party for one 24/7.

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8b5d0c (1) No.3297

File (hide): 6b1a19aa6a01f2f⋯.png (28.78 KB,939x521,939:521,I_would_agree_that.png) (h) (u)


He deleted your comment.

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cb61c7 (1) No.3300>>3303

This coward is blaming white men for Corona violence against Asians, even though 99% of the cases have had black perpetrators, and in some cases white men actually saving Asian MEN from a violent stabber while receiving stab wounds himself for the effort. It's ridiculous and blatantly anti-white.

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1378e5 (1) No.3303

File (hide): ddc0b6d31832e7b⋯.png (73.54 KB,593x491,593:491,the_Chinese_Virus.png) (h) (u)


Most anti-white people have similar reasons to Tenda for being the way they are (jealousy, self-hatred, inferiority complex). Most of them also know they're lying too. Looking at the various subreddits he runs you can see they've all aligned on the same narratives.

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6d017d (79) No.3305>>3308

>This coward is blaming white men for Corona violence against Asians

Yet when Hwa and other Asian women go around saying that black people will rob you and give you AIDS and their eyesore Asian husbands don't stop them, r/hapas remain silent.

I have called out the fact that Hwa (who lives in the black ghetto) does this ALL THE TIME and spreads hate and racism and neither her cheater alcoholic ugly husband nor her daugher and son in law say anything.

Tenda thinks he can put whipped cream on dog shit and convince people to eat them. No, lying about great China is and Asian people and boo-hoo they are 100% the victims and white people are 100% bad isn't convincing anyone, u stayed too much among retards Tenda.

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6d017d (79) No.3307>>3308

File (hide): c2e1317b9108e2b⋯.png (5.42 KB,884x115,884:115,sadcreature.png) (h) (u)

Tragic attempts to make me jealous.

At least he found a turtle baby who matches his wife in terms of IQ and looks, since she must look like she came from a sewer.

Tenda, after what u making fun of my eye, I don't have much to say anymore, good luck at your Apex legend career.

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aaf590 (1) No.3308


Who is Hwa?

>go around saying that black people will rob you and give you AIDS

Uh hello, based department?

>who lives in the black ghetto

Then she'd know. It's each for libcucks to go around denying the reality of black crime but having to live with it shows people the truth.


That's intended to make you jealous? A pet? That's a good burn though, respect.

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6d017d (79) No.3309>>3310

Hwa is Kim's mother, the gook centipede.

>That's a good burn though, respect.

It just shows his half Chink part, the one who remains silent when gook goblins abuse animals and children,

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32ba11 (1) No.3310


>Hwa is Kim's mother

Boner lost!

Anyway just to be clear I meant you made a good burn with the sewer thing.

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6d017d (79) No.3311>>3316

File (hide): 7a924f2cb6235f5⋯.png (66.19 KB,877x160,877:160,enditMarcia.png) (h) (u)

You can always be a sissy locked in chastity and finally get that BWC u crave so much.

Someone has been watching my channel.

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d3eb81 (1) No.3316

File (hide): 3dd953b49864e3f⋯.jpg (141.45 KB,1013x847,1013:847,xenos.jpg) (h) (u)


By XF I thought he meant xeno females for a second. Anyway I am willing to bet no female of any kind has ever had an orgasm within distance of Tenda… unless we count Marica herself.

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6d017d (79) No.3340

File (hide): 825ccf63fba72e8⋯.png (23.23 KB,943x552,41:24,NEETcel.png) (h) (u)

Why are u posting on r/NEET? Oh wait, bc u aren't an ET sock and I am just a psycho saying that the r/hapas one man show isn't really going on.

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6d017d (79) No.3341

File (hide): 9f81af14548cae8⋯.png (53.76 KB,951x555,317:185,wizardcel.png) (h) (u)

Why you haven't made better choices is beyond me too, bananasmacker.

Last time I saw someone calling a vagina "axewound" was either in elementary school or in gayspousenetwork where some spiteful beard ex wife described her cryptofaggot husband's aversion to her genitals, not sure.

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6d017d (79) No.3342

File (hide): b0619475f57e16d⋯.png (89.69 KB,1170x585,2:1,copingcel.png) (h) (u)

When u are constantly depressed and horny and you can't even bother to switch alts anymore or even comment under your own BS.

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f8a811 (2) No.3345

File (hide): 6d2b79da670f4e0⋯.png (25.7 KB,971x113,971:113,tenda_deleted.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): c6ffcfa30b41d2f⋯.png (1.41 MB,707x5000,707:5000,9fnbky7pifo41.png) (h) (u)

>implying Tenda wouldn't also become a pathetic slave to an attractive white man if he had the chance

What's REALLY pathetic though is catfishing people to prove something that everyone already knows. Obviously most women regardless of race like attractive white men. It's not fucking rocket science and singling out a Japanese woman for that is stupid. Also let's not forget he obsessed over STPeach just because of her looks.

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6d017d (79) No.3372

File (hide): 834dffe9b9c6507⋯.png (33.8 KB,897x458,897:458,THEIRONY.png) (h) (u)

Hey, Tenda is describing his marriage again!

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6d017d (79) No.3373

File (hide): e2ed392f3c9ca93⋯.png (34.64 KB,943x544,943:544,hapapocalypsecel.png) (h) (u)

The username "cuckedandfuckedpinkmanlet" I can't stop laughing.

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6d017d (79) No.3374

File (hide): c4d1efc1374d7ab⋯.png (292.95 KB,935x550,17:10,gossipcel1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d69f52e5525bf00⋯.png (24.43 KB,889x569,889:569,gossipcel2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): c1aa42a8e22ad80⋯.png (11.2 KB,846x275,846:275,gossipcel3.png) (h) (u)

This is the funniest shit I have ever seen from him lately.

Asian ascension is an alt of historical substance that was commenting on the Eurasian Tiger subreddit (I didn't know it was an alt at the time).

Giletteman is the alt who asked me for the "u will never have this" nude photo.

Also, yea my boobs did get bigger bc I can't work out as much as I need with the lock down, how can u even tell the difference with clothes on?

CONCLUSION: STILL obsessed with me and making "me and my infallible wife and our turtle" posts to make me jealous!


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6d017d (79) No.3375

Also Kim told me that I wasted my time posting this video bc ricecels with a humiliation fetish/exposure fetish just jerk off to it, the rest of the world doesn't give a fuck and I don't make any change when it comes to interracial relationships and I start to suspect that he is right.

How can u win against someone jerking off to BOTH positive and negative attention? I can't combat this level of rotmaxxing and geneneracy.

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6d017d (79) No.3376

File (hide): f9e95de353a97cf⋯.png (6.2 KB,624x157,624:157,dead.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 205276c9b694f17⋯.jpg (110.47 KB,1080x1081,1080:1081,laughing.jpg) (h) (u)

So if I met Tenda he would ask me to cuck him with Changs and write the porno script and my opening line would be "I am your horny Pinkabine, ready for your GGC?"

The world isn't ready for this porn.

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6d017d (79) No.3377

File (hide): 14341238ba78695⋯.png (48.78 KB,647x410,647:410,ddying.png) (h) (u)

I wonder if there is a Persephone sock that he is sexting with, I have been laughing for 20 min straight here.

I see now why he didn't want to do sexual things with me online, I would be making jokes using those terms even on my deathbed.

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6d017d (79) No.3378

Imagine me being about to kick the bucket from Coronavirus and use my last breath to say

"I am leaving this world with one regret, why couldn't I get my Eurasian supreme Mongolman to pour his golden syrup down my pinkubine throat irl, why didn't you meet me GGC beloved Master"

people would legit think I became psychotic bc of high fever XDDDDDDDD

Ok, I will show myself out.

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6d017d (79) No.3392

File (hide): 3b61dd99519a1bf⋯.png (22.69 KB,920x440,23:11,dumbestlittlebitch.png) (h) (u)

This woman is 100% right and Tenda's butthurt is real.

Why do u care Marcia? You are having the time of your life locked up with your wife and a turtle, why does it matter if a WW says that Asian tranny snakes ruin the planet?

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fa0548 (1) No.3404>>3406

File (hide): d8c8302d178f382⋯.jpg (144.21 KB,889x272,889:272,34643.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): a531f294d99f5ff⋯.jpg (113.26 KB,883x233,883:233,3246433.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 52a4ff7148d1679⋯.jpg (242.56 KB,610x561,610:561,643623.jpg) (h) (u)

Ironic that it would be r/hapas that gets him suspended this time. Anyways, before he lost his account he posted a bunch of times on r/schizoid.

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b9199b (1) No.3406


It's funny because it's his NPD that falsely makes him think his other disorders are good things. The combination of the denial of his craziness followed by delusions about women being attracted to him because of it is classic Tenda.

To anyone else reading this, schizoid is a different thing from schizophrenia.

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6d017d (79) No.3433

But if I say that the world has a point to hate the blatantly lying Chinks who created a deadly virus, then boom, immediately nazi.

Double standards much?


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6d017d (79) No.3434

File (hide): 462ea792e8a02dc⋯.png (34.27 KB,1129x341,1129:341,itsover.png) (h) (u)

See Tenda? No need to rope, there is hope for you.

If you go ER and end up in a top security prison, you will guaranteed find at least 2 BBC inmates who will marry you as Marcia so u can have the BBC that u have always wanted, don't give up!

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6d017d (79) No.3584

File (hide): d1f976a5e55cb92⋯.png (19.3 KB,906x275,906:275,hapacel2020.png) (h) (u)

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057485 (1) No.3585>>3588

File (hide): 3cc9cbf71626fc5⋯.jpg (152.81 KB,628x612,157:153,convo.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f1af6183d352fe5⋯.png (67.36 KB,902x667,902:667,leak.png) (h) (u)

This recent convo on handsoffhapas proves that the leak from way back pre-doxxing was right all along. It's a handful of incels who work together in collecting and researching material.

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6d017d (79) No.3586

File (hide): 98034396b5a9564⋯.png (48.46 KB,897x579,299:193,ETera1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5d4c439fb425cd0⋯.png (43.64 KB,895x548,895:548,narcissuscel.png) (h) (u)

"the moral compass of a female cannobalistic spider"

The tarantulacel had way more powerful writing back then, just compare the current cucked garbage on his blog.

I guess staying too long around spineless retards slowly molds u into being one of them.

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6d017d (79) No.3587

Do u see the post where he says "he is essentially working completely alone"?

Why is he saying that if r/hapas is full with real people and not socks?

There will be a day where I will find solid proof and expose this huge scam and all the tapeworms who called me delusional will choke with their own BBC dildo.

This has always been a One Man Show, just wait and u will see.

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94dbb7 (1) No.3588>>3589


vTechCHO and others are obviously Tenda socks.

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6d017d (79) No.3589

File (hide): e9bca10bbf854bb⋯.png (51.42 KB,910x567,130:81,tarantulacel.png) (h) (u)


How about this one? Is this a Tenda sock in your opinion?

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6fd121 (1) No.3609

File (hide): 83ab36e49424790⋯.png (320.36 KB,942x1321,942:1321,male_hapa_represent.png) (h) (u)

<WMAF hapa males will basically be institutionalized as females in like 10-15 years. Notice that hapa males are more likely to be gay or something it's not a coincidence.

<yeah, I agree. This is a big part of the reason I'm against all LGBT. When I was a kid I thought it was stupid to attack these groups, because they didn't bother me. How wrong was I. You give them a few rights here and there, now they want children to listen to "Drag queens" reading children's stories, force boys to sit down and pee, write essays imagining what it's like to be homosexual, participate in gay prides…

<Hapa males are failures in their mother's eyes if they look too asian. So the moms want to cut their balls, while the father cannot even stand their sight

Tenda is still as into the sissy fantasies as he ever was.

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6d017d (79) No.3610

File (hide): 7535302240a7f9b⋯.png (436.52 KB,491x498,491:498,hobbycat.png) (h) (u)

>Tenda is still as into the sissy fantasies as he ever was.

What's the point of him posting all that garbage after the sissy Marcia books came on the light? Cat is out of the bag already.

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6394c0 (1) No.3611

File (hide): dc0e7b0735178b7⋯.png (462.37 KB,1077x1182,359:394,just_like_you_look.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6c075e67d2a1464⋯.png (36.89 KB,908x471,908:471,yeah_I_m_just_watching.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 06fa92a429f7a89⋯.png (47.41 KB,878x603,878:603,I_have_reasons_to.png) (h) (u)

Some more cuck posting from Tenda and some bonus SJW faggotry from Persephone.

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04c6f3 (1) No.3612>>3832

>Ressources from outside

What like blacked.com, plebbit, and shitty normalfag games like Apex Legends and Tomb Raider?

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28331a (1) No.3756

File (hide): c9cbf78b01da6f4⋯.png (32.52 KB,884x498,442:249,I_mean_just_look.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0acd1352ce4db70⋯.png (37.68 KB,878x546,439:273,make_no_mistake_women.png) (h) (u)

Some comments from Tenda about Asian guys choosing to be gay, how Afghanistan has got it right, and how it would be better to rape a woman.

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f8a811 (2) No.3762

File (hide): 874bf13ca3f7fdc⋯.png (18.56 KB,500x394,250:197,bonbi.png) (h) (u)

I wonder if Tenda is simply just jealous of Asian and hapa girls being able to get tall, handsome BEAUTIFUL white bfs with relative ease. And in this case a ginger one. Seems stupid to blame Asian girls for something they can't help (having white men and women find them attractive).

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9c8744 (2) No.3809

File (hide): 9a70ddfa3513b56⋯.png (11.79 KB,876x283,876:283,wtf_did_soviets_inject.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5a3d8e3b5f584b8⋯.png (103.78 KB,719x655,719:655,EQiihGb.png) (h) (u)

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9c8744 (2) No.3810

File (hide): 8e8dcd7f64e1413⋯.png (70.47 KB,1004x1287,1004:1287,the_kind_of_things.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 43b49812c2c77df⋯.jpg (137.96 KB,892x562,446:281,uwuw326c4e851.jpg) (h) (u)

It's funny because I know for a fact that Tenda has spent a lot of time jacking it to porn about Asian guys being turned gay.

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fa9a8e (1) No.3831

File (hide): e51e040f77975e7⋯.png (89.11 KB,811x714,811:714,why_don_t_men_just.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): b10e00c6f142196⋯.png (43.55 KB,893x611,19:13,the_people_at_the.png) (h) (u)

If Tenda had twenty women given to him by the state what exactly would he do with them? What would change? He'd still be spamming cuck porn all day and he'd still be seen as a loser. Why would they stay? They'd have to be lobotomised and then they'd be no different from a blow up doll. A blow up doll he doesn't fuck because it would take time away from spamming. What's the point anyway? He'd still feel inferior to every other man.

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24e536 (1) No.3832

File (hide): bb30cfd77da8a6b⋯.png (54.61 KB,801x324,89:36,report.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 298d1668c1fb45e⋯.jpg (101.11 KB,742x488,371:244,nessa_encounters_anon.jpg) (h) (u)

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df19b0 (1) No.3852

File (hide): 1c7729c7d017486⋯.png (30.04 KB,874x495,874:495,why_should_any_hapa_1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 68ff38610e5fd54⋯.png (27.76 KB,860x458,430:229,why_should_any_hapa_2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 10683e0511daa5f⋯.png (30.03 KB,914x573,914:573,why_should_any_hapa_3.png) (h) (u)

Deleted thread about blacklivesmatter. Obviously BLM is leftist bullshit but it's interesting to see Tenda make posts against it here in his HandsoffHapas subreddit. These socks must be for larping that's more on the non-cucked side of things. Notice as per usual he makes a threat about doing a mass shooting (rathER is a reference to Elliot Rodger).

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6d017d (79) No.3863>>3866

File (hide): 252118b426eae7a⋯.png (21.1 KB,886x351,886:351,bigsad.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0eb3e2fedee4fc1⋯.png (23.91 KB,902x335,902:335,enditchinkcel.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5fde051afddbdd2⋯.png (38.62 KB,844x577,844:577,veraisatrash1.png) (h) (u)

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6d017d (79) No.3864>>3866

File (hide): 5e2eda5893a3509⋯.png (37.97 KB,825x586,825:586,veraisatrash2.png) (h) (u)

Imagine believing u are a genius and still trying to create passion, desire and compatibility when there wasn't any in the first place.

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6d017d (79) No.3865>>3866

File (hide): abd23357860a489⋯.png (48.23 KB,882x559,882:559,trashcancel1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): b8cce397d552994⋯.png (50.4 KB,878x541,878:541,trashcancel2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d0872f9a69225b4⋯.png (51.22 KB,886x586,443:293,trashcancel3.png) (h) (u)

Bitch bye.

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000000 (7) No.3866




Where is the evidence that these are Tenda posts?

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6d017d (79) No.4008

File (hide): 24f382d3dbd0fa1⋯.png (75.71 KB,947x573,947:573,neoeurasiantigercel.png) (h) (u)

New account, new life!

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6d017d (79) No.4009

File (hide): 45f665b4aa17b84⋯.png (360.26 KB,840x564,70:47,whycopewhenucanrope.png) (h) (u)

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98eaea (6) No.4012>>4013 >>4029

File (hide): 677b0c76ccd122b⋯.jpg (318.12 KB,624x771,208:257,34643633.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): a0677060f82d4cc⋯.jpg (66.17 KB,640x233,640:233,8544564.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): ee5eaaba71677f1⋯.jpg (57.76 KB,604x125,604:125,8665450.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1b8b95a023b745a⋯.jpg (58.09 KB,589x219,589:219,6433478.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c8530eb2a4801ca⋯.jpg (182.43 KB,638x485,638:485,43734436.jpg) (h) (u)


This was his main account for a while. I didn't want to post it in case it would get deleted. Well, now it seems to have got suspended anyway, for whatever reason. I took a bunch of screenshots, but they are mostly weeks old. Remember, he is VERY MUCH active despite trying to keep a low profile.

Note: Fiverr is a platform for freelancers.

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98eaea (6) No.4013>>4014

File (hide): 63047bad432fff4⋯.jpg (189.76 KB,627x576,209:192,457458454.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): be2cc74fba365ae⋯.jpg (54.76 KB,599x132,599:132,8769556.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 24dca619495a6b2⋯.jpg (43.69 KB,602x111,602:111,8544634.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 467fcc8d9095fe9⋯.jpg (102.88 KB,617x345,617:345,4377343.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5f7d1d7c324f508⋯.jpg (241.15 KB,596x670,298:335,56846332.jpg) (h) (u)


The name DoctorSamuelHayden refers to a character from the new Doom video games, which I assume he played sometime after Bananasmacker getting banned during the Corona lockdown.

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98eaea (6) No.4014>>4015

File (hide): 6e829622d5fe1a0⋯.jpg (64.47 KB,872x168,109:21,854644.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2f2763358d9c150⋯.jpg (100.47 KB,868x203,124:29,5475426.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3ce7a91ef91c7bd⋯.jpg (78.65 KB,868x259,124:37,5484632.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7aff7e13641c4e5⋯.jpg (31.21 KB,610x92,305:46,7352323.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 119b134fcc7bad5⋯.jpg (33.36 KB,589x82,589:82,5473434.jpg) (h) (u)


Look at the one sub he posts on, antiwork. Didn't he used to criticize his dad for not working? Lol. Funny how so similar to his dad he is in every way.

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98eaea (6) No.4015>>4016

File (hide): a7796b0e52007fc⋯.jpg (121.89 KB,611x267,611:267,23523623.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 915136dc2139ad7⋯.jpg (108.2 KB,639x337,639:337,2623423.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7c0f486ed2b6c5e⋯.jpg (221.25 KB,903x351,301:117,364723563.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d563ae3ee95abb7⋯.jpg (221.53 KB,643x724,643:724,43643734.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 51c5a354e5a978e⋯.jpg (44.65 KB,864x129,288:43,3627344.jpg) (h) (u)

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98eaea (6) No.4016>>4017

File (hide): 6f8b661e78dddfe⋯.jpg (35.22 KB,866x124,433:62,34634634.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6f8b661e78dddfe⋯.jpg (35.22 KB,866x124,433:62,34634634.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1130f113946804d⋯.jpg (149.38 KB,863x433,863:433,435663435.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c1b5583b59b6a4a⋯.jpg (428.37 KB,618x1103,618:1103,458463434.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b92afa63f653d24⋯.jpg (447.95 KB,646x1116,323:558,47374363.jpg) (h) (u)


He is really struggling with his closet gay identity. Drawing all those black dicks in the basement and trying to keep it hidden can't be too healthy for the mind.

Also, still refusing to let go of his delusions of sexual grandeur, despite the whole Internet shooting him down after the doxxing. Lol. Check out the Wikipedia image for grandiose delusions. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grandiose_delusions

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98eaea (6) No.4017

File (hide): 03ec7b6a7b4cfa0⋯.jpg (734.52 KB,793x2116,793:2116,46363436.jpg) (h) (u)

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6d017d (79) No.4018>>4024

File (hide): b1238c1e4533d7c⋯.png (18.89 KB,915x330,61:22,rapist1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ebdb549498ceaf6⋯.png (59.05 KB,845x601,845:601,cockroachrapist.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 62e44212232fb3a⋯.png (21.98 KB,918x298,459:149,rapist2.png) (h) (u)

I have found 24 alt accounts all about his dead bedroom and cockroach life, but I don't have time to post them or make any comments on the nonsense above.

He is a cryptohomosexual cockroach and that's all he will ever be.

The only interesting thing is that he confessed about his cheating online and his wife found it from him and decided to "work on the marriage".

I believe he should stay with her and visit gay bath houses in secret, it has worked amazingly well for my cryptohomosexual gook father in law.

I uploaded a video recently to clear up delusions bc if he thinks that after years of "trying" to create a sex drive or IQ for his wife and fails he will end up with me bc "muh true love" he is mistaken.

I want absolutely nothing to do with him.

Coercing his wife into sex she doesn't want (with threats of divorce) is a form of sexual abuse, he truly belongs in jail since he is a small penis rapist, at least in jail he will be able to have an excuse to get some BBC since that's what he truly desires.



10 years of no penetration = fake marriage

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6d017d (79) No.4019

File (hide): a5ca2816b43ac4b⋯.png (83.85 KB,809x579,809:579,cryptocockroachcel.png) (h) (u)

I forgot to mention Lipstick alley, but no, so not gay, of course not.


Only 44k comments. Holy mother of NEETDOM!

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6d017d (79) No.4020

File (hide): 6178879ff75f6ab⋯.jpg (39.94 KB,680x653,680:653,trannycel.jpg) (h) (u)

I bet his cockroach, stupid, 80 IQ wife is crying crocodile tears and threatening to commit suicide if he leaves since she is dog shit in human form and that's all she can do: guilt trip, manipulate and fake.

She truly is similar to Kim's mother, once u meet one unshaven creature with T-shirts with holes sitting passive aggressively in front of the TV, u have met them all.

I hate both religious trashcans and Asians, but christian and asian is true bottom feeder combo, fake gooks thinking than they are better than u and living in their little head and hating and trying to sabotage whoever enjoys even a single thing in their life.

Tenda always said "if u met me, u would cheat and leave" and that became a self fulfilling prophecy, he has been nothing but a piece of shit for as long as I know him.

Congrats u made me leave permanently and preemptively, I wouldn't touch u even on gun point since u have been a rapist for 10 years forcing your wife to have sex with u under the "divorce or we fix our sex life".

Here's a hint: if someone never initiated or wanted to give u a bj in 10 years, THEY DON'T WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH YOU.

They want a convenient sexless marriage for societal status. That's why it got her 10 years to get dilators.

Below is a picture of the illiterate redneck Lindsey u tried to triangulate me with, looks like she is at the toilet of her $8/hour job and looking like a man.

Remember this: One day "Vera" will replace pickmeisha or even better be the next stage of pickmeisha in the urban dictionary.

She won't commit suicide, subhumans who constantly threaten never do it, also cockroaches can survive without a head for a long time, no worries there.

LOL at u chinksore thinking that after 2 years of trying to convert her into me and failing, u will ever end up with me.


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6d017d (79) No.4021

File (hide): 4916a2d7946d5c5⋯.png (19.72 KB,885x232,885:232,centipedecel.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): b212bea76a42eb4⋯.png (34.27 KB,934x540,467:270,chinkmeishastarfish.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): a47760c2c2316b8⋯.png (38.99 KB,901x565,901:565,turbochinkmeisha1.png) (h) (u)

It's funny that he complains about trying to help others who just want to control him when the only person he tries to help is his wife. Even all the counseling and the dilators and the lists with what each person seeks in a relationship couldn't grow her a brain after all. Bummer.

He looks so tiny and pathetic and enmeshed with his family and whatever fake friends he has with his wife that -OF COURSE- are couples bc his wife cannot allow anything else.

Interesting video reminding me of his cancerous marriage:



Luckily, I am a resourceful sewer rat and I know how to solve his problem:

Tenda, u will read this, here is what you need to do:

Keep trying to ask her what she wants sexually for the next 30 years. Even better 40 years. Keep buying relationship and sex books that you will be the only one to read. Keep posting on r/deadbedrooms and going to different counselors. Also sign up for the gay bathhouses in the link I posted above ^.

After 40 years, either you will be senile and won't remember that she is retarded or you will contract AIDS and die. In any case, u will be the martyr christian husband who never gave up and receive the golden BBC trophy from the heavens.

You are welcome.

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6d017d (79) No.4022

File (hide): 06b9b0b53072691⋯.png (37.02 KB,1061x575,1061:575,grosscel1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): f3297558e9f4b58⋯.png (45.2 KB,842x589,842:589,justdoit.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ad109fb69d06751⋯.png (26.4 KB,909x439,909:439,yikess.png) (h) (u)

I knew about those posts for quite some time and spend days feeling like throwing up, by how this gay human trafficker rationalizes raping her, it's truly vomit inducing.

Everyone in the commends tells him to leave under every sick account of his and this "divorce-work it out" back and forth shit is cruel and unfair.

The true hidden genius is Conrad Lung. I am sure now Conrad hated him thats why he arranged for Tenda to marry this brainless, infertile, selfish manipulative female gook so he can sit back and laugh at Tenda's suffering, since he knows that Tenda is a brainwashed redneck from a christian cult and will never leave. Well plaid old gook, well played.

I truly was Tenda's friend, I truly had feelings for him and I was 100% serious about helping his brother and he just used me to hurt Vera, to confess the cheating and force her to accept sexual abuse.

Truly vomit inducing.

I hope they both die soon, he can ask her to commit suicide together with him, like he asked me, but oh wait, it's not cool to be found dead with a disheveled gookroach like so many other WMAF ugly white incelss.


Please "work" on your marriage with your infallible wife gookroachcel, it will 100% turn her into me.

I stop bc I am getting angrier by the second. Disgusting POS bragging about wanting to eat and sleep and stuck in the oral stage, YIKES

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6d017d (79) No.4023

File (hide): ae85caf9a388afe⋯.png (24.85 KB,900x318,150:53,notTenda.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3e04e0dcb65ac86⋯.png (44.2 KB,913x513,913:513,defTenda.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8971940051a17f4⋯.png (21.98 KB,909x294,303:98,ENDITCHINKCEL.png) (h) (u)

He is officially a conjoined twin.

"My wife makes me wear a tampon with her when she has her period, should I divorce? Is it the right decision?"

"She also has given me 2 bjs in 10 years only after I threatened her with divorce, but says she is attracted to me. How can I rebuild the intimacy that was never there?"

"I know that I want out, but I lie and go back and forth and give her false hope, I am such a great kind guy, everyone else is so cruel and such a bully, I am better than everyone after all"

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af0790 (1) No.4024>>4029


>24 alt accounts

You are obviously coming to this conclusion on rather flimsy evidence / wishful thinking. See, that DoctorSamuelHayden account was tracked for months on end and many pieces of evidence put together to confirm it's him. He mentioned his virgin brother, dead parents, right-wing father, video games over and over again, the fact that he did art as a freelancer, made the same outrageous claims about his physical beauty etc etc etc.. Find me another account like that then you have a jackpot.

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6d017d (79) No.4025

File (hide): 3e8c622e99cc3fc⋯.png (16.67 KB,884x256,221:64,bitterhapacel.png) (h) (u)

Wishful thinking huh.

Alright boastful anon, check this account for example.

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6d017d (79) No.4026

File (hide): 43391dcd10418d7⋯.png (25.35 KB,854x359,854:359,zerosignsofIQ.png) (h) (u)

It is your right to not believe me because you doubted me when I first posted the rand0mnumbers account. But I have done more research in forensic linguistics than most people and I know that most (if not all the accounts I have found are correct).

I will sit back and watch the car crush that is unevitably going to happen bc his wife is a moron, she won't change and he has been cheating for years and years to cope with it.

Keep "working" on your marriage chinksore, as if chemistry and compatibility can even be manufactured LMAO.

Thinking that he can make Vera who married him for muh stability and security want to fuck him is more delusional than the incels who think that they can laid if they take a shower and go out doing cold approach on random women.

But hey, I am a white colonial oppressor and my racial privilege blinds me lololol.

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6d017d (79) No.4027

File (hide): b32a3eeb0eb8765⋯.png (13.38 KB,894x203,894:203,Ihopeshediessoon.png) (h) (u)

Did you ever ask ME if I am going to be ok?

Of course not.

I am white so I should just die, right? Who cares, right?

I am sorry to bring bad news but your infallible retarded wife that you were so madly in love with will not be ok.

Because she is worthless in every way possible, she doesn't have empathy towards anyone, clearly a narcissist but too trashy to get supply:

1. Dumb

2. Ugly

3. Infantile

4. Disheveled

You are both worthless. Stay with her.

You are the biggest piece of trash I have ever met. After a few times of interacting with someone u just have to viciously hurt them to reassure your fragile ego that you still matter.

You don't.

I used to want you to leave your wife, but now I hope u will stay with her and keep going counselors and write "my wife with her broken back gave me a bj for 10 seconds after 10 years, does she like me"

That's exactly what u deserve after trying to hurt me and exploit me bc u are jealous of whites and a christian redneck with a small penis.

Stop writing crap on r/divorce and work on your amazing marriage.

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6d017d (79) No.4028

Also Tenda asks "why are things so hard"

Bc your wife has no dignity and no self respect. If you look r/divorce, every day people post that they left their spouse bc they had an emotional affair or they fell in love with someone else.

If Vera wasn't a chinksore, she would say "I don't want a man who cheated with another woman".

What was the real reason you never met me?

That you are a coward. Not that you were attracted to Vera, people in love and happy do not cheat online.

It will never stop being complicated because she is buffoon who cares about being married for appearences. I am sure she sees YOU as the problem.

The marriage is great, people look at you and ask "awww when are u going to have baybees"


saving face>>>>>>>>>>>your happiness to the gook u married

But hey, u are also a cockroach eyesore who made his choice in 2017 so why do u whine now??

WMAF loser back home. Use your savings for gay bath houses.

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000000 (7) No.4029


I recognise that username as a character from Nudoom. Nuraider, The Outer Wilds, Apex and now Nudoom. For such an insane person he has a very typical normalfag retard casual taste in games. Anyway that's an interesting find and I agree he must surely be active at all times. Someone like him wouldn't just quit the internet.


It's true sometimes Persephone tends to find a lot of false positives but previously she has found a lot of accounts that did turn out to be him. However you're right about the wishful thinking thing. It's mainly about her belief that his marriage is bad and he needs to get divorced and be with her instead.

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6d017d (79) No.4030>>4035

>It's mainly about her belief that his marriage is bad and he needs to get divorced and be with her instead.

I would never be with him, those posts about basically forcing his wife to get raped under threats of divorce have changed how I see him in a permanently undesirable way.

Also the retardation (self imposed) that his wife actually wants sex, when he had to confess the cheating and threaten divorce to make her get dilators.

That's so manipulative and disgusting and essentially transactional.

Of course, you can choose to not believe me, but I know where I stand.

He should focus on getting BBC and forget everything else.

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6d017d (79) No.4031

File (hide): fb688895826b121⋯.png (37.57 KB,895x587,895:587,bathroomcel.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 19d2a34e21a2071⋯.png (6.73 KB,932x118,466:59,bigsad.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 611eef5980b3a1e⋯.png (34.27 KB,846x496,423:248,tolduso.png) (h) (u)

This is the person u called me sewer rat in public to appease.

I am not surprised that she has been ALWAYS lying bc I said years ago that she started to "try" only after coersed after threats of divorce.


I have been in a similar situation with my white ex husband that when we were separated he blurted out that he knew I was extremely unhappy and he didn't do anything bc "I knew your parents (how horrible they were) and I said where can she go?".

This is a stomach turning betrayal I do not wish to anyone, so I won't make any jokes.

Of course, the reddit sheeple will say "YeAh bUt hAvE u BeEn t0 counSEliNG?"

Going to counseling forever to be able to explain to a grown ass adult why their rejection hurts you, is a stupid choice imo.

I would say "she took you for a ride" but my status as the demonic white colonial oppressor creates the usual negative bias towards my opinions, so I stop here.

Best of luck wasting months and dollars on counseling until u can self deceive and "make things work".

For years I told you that you have somewhere to go,but ofc New Yorker chad Tenda Spencer is tool cool to meet sewer rats.

All of this brain ebola was legit created by Tenda being a redneck christian self deceiving with BS and being hostile and racist towards me over racist shit dumb white american women did to him during the Pleistocene. It's so retarded really.

There are some battles one has to fight alone Tenda. If you can't extricate yourself from this codependent gangrene marriage, you will be her pretend husband until you die from a terminal illness and that's that.

I was right about everything.

I think I deserve an apology from real you.

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6d017d (79) No.4032

File (hide): e8e2f57359c1d39⋯.png (50.59 KB,920x581,920:581,morelies.png) (h) (u)

FFS have some self respect.

You hope she will give u some explanation soon? Of what?

"I am not interested in sex" backed up with a skeletal turbo dead bedroom of 10+_years is pretty self explanatory.

She is offering great lip service, while nothing ever get resolved, the Asian way.

Agreeing only verbally.

But everything has a silver lining, bc it made me realize who you really are: a christian redneck even worse than the garbage redditors who either cheat or leave, but in any case have accepted that there is no sex in their marriage.

Sex isn't quantum physics, u are both domestic parasites, plenty of time if she wanted to do it.

But "muh stability and security", isn't sexy.

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6d017d (79) No.4033

I bet my life the plans are buying expensive shit she doesn't need and then going to some restaurant to get fatter, since she is the type of person who will die and leave behind a pile of shit and a pile of garbage as her legacy.

Or if Tenda throws enough tantrums he can get missionary rape in the dark or even a robotic handjob.

I have no idea when anniversaries were in any of my relationships and I never celebrated such crap.

Those things are for ESFJs to have sth to post on instagram or fake book.

hashtag #happyhapa LOLOLOL

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6d017d (79) No.4034

Tenda is legit brain dead.

"leaving her over the lack of sex" says the blind man with the 725 emotional affairs.

You leave bc u were never in love with her and bc she is a codependent inverted narcissist with the IQ of my front door.

But cmon,we all know u are too dickless to leave.

Of course, the whole facade is 100% non sustainable for decades.

One day Tenda will wake up and have a cancer scare or will be bald or some other shit will happen that will trigger his realization of being mortal yet have enjoyed next to nothing other than NEETing and coping avoidance and then he will either run away or become abusive and run away

(he is too gay to be a drive by shooter)

I have seen that, when I was 7-8 years old my mother took me to a pediatrician who was married to a fat Vera. They were clearly in a dead bedroom, she had let herself go and was controlling and even stopped by in his office to control him. He was 40s good looking, not bad. I liked him as a kid bc he gave us lolipops after each visit.

Then one day he snapped and run away with some Russian woman that was the microbiologist in the upper floor. We never saw him again. After that I had to go to some quack dr that only gave me shots, no candy or treats.

OF COURSE, everyone accused the Russian dr saying "see? all Russian women are homewrecking whores even the educated ones". The fact that his wife was unkempt and nagging?No one gave a shit.

Something similar will happen to Tenda and he will snap, he is too narcy to play the martyr forever.

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000000 (7) No.4035


I saw your recent reddit post under the username ExPickmeisha sucking up to Tenda.

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6d017d (79) No.4036>>4050

Not a single person knows about that account.

How do u know about it?

Either u are tenda himself or u stalk all of his alts.

Tenda focus on your infallible wife LMAO

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6d017d (79) No.4037

File (hide): cd0a60dc0762a32⋯.png (29.9 KB,854x412,427:206,kystapewormcel.png) (h) (u)

Tenda the rapist.

Do you REALLY need to be told that you rape her?

She doesnt even want to kiss u ffs!

So much wishy washy brain ebola gook shit!

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6d017d (79) No.4038

She won't. She is stupid she will pass that down,she is an ugly gook and she will pass that down,she has no class or manners and she will raise them to chew loudly with no shirt

but most importantly

she will teach them via observation of her own behavior to be an entitled sajiao burden and to solve problems with 2 year old tantrums and crocodile tears.

Then those kids will become adults who will fail in life since they are not royalty and no one will want to put up with them.

But u continue the self deceiving u roach.

How have the tables turned from when u were calling me sewer rat in public so that your sajiao gook princess feels that she matters,

I hope u both die soon.

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6d017d (79) No.4039

File (hide): 72ebc2a740461ab⋯.png (42.75 KB,885x527,885:527,chinksorecel1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): a134cd263733a39⋯.png (35.46 KB,919x579,919:579,chinksorecel2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): b33d473e1d77a7e⋯.png (39.81 KB,918x490,459:245,chinksorecel3.png) (h) (u)

One more thing:

The sucker of 2020 is dead. I am not lifting a single finger to help you.

I remember very well that talking to me HELPED you tolerate the monkey you married.



But hey since you are such a chad that women try to rape you on the street and u have always been amazingly well liked you can replace me in an instant, right?


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6d017d (79) No.4040

"She wanted to work on it" = she wanted to manipulate with pity handjobs and duty sex so she can't lose her convenience.



Obviously I am so done with you.

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6d017d (79) No.4041

File (hide): 7573cd9cc5abe16⋯.png (27.02 KB,912x435,304:145,tapewormcel1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6d48e99c0562586⋯.png (13.16 KB,918x238,27:7,tapewormcel2.png) (h) (u)

I wonder what was your plan.

That after publicly calling me a sewer rat and insulting me for years and after me knowing that you wasted YEARS begging that unshaven chinkmeisha to change

that you would leave after everything failed

and then show up one day saying

"P I was wrong, let's be together".

It does make your 167 IQ shine.

Yea No.

You chose the right woman for you. So many things in common.

Both lazy, both fat, both delusional, both domestic parasites on relatives, both materialistic narcissists and both dyspraxic coping avoidance gook trash living for appearences and kodak moment.

You are in the right relationship, stay right where u are and keep 'working on it'

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6d017d (79) No.4042

File (hide): 750b9ed22083fc8⋯.png (14.28 KB,852x275,852:275,dirtyoldgook.png) (h) (u)

What happened? It's not so easy to replace the sewer rat? I thought the sewers are full of us.

On a serious note, they ignore you bc u have a horrendous bragging personality and they weren't suckers like me.

Personally I am giving you the space to "work on" your amazing marriage with your infallible wife that you are madly in love with like u said MANY MANY MANY times.

Why do u need other people when you have someone as educated, intelligent and sexy as her anyway?

If she is busy you can always strike up a conversation with the hordes of women eye-raping you on the street since you are more handsome than Daniel Henney.

First world problems honestly.

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6d017d (79) No.4043

File (hide): a9825c874bb9365⋯.png (34.55 KB,904x496,113:62,hatecel1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): fd633c858ffab3f⋯.png (36.73 KB,923x567,923:567,hatecel2.png) (h) (u)

I am 100% sure Tenda won't find anyone online for the following reasons:

1. He has waaay too high standards and the women who meet them simply don't want him (no its not his race, it's his personality).

2. Still married is a massive red flag and no one new wants to deal with that baggage.

3. I haven't met any people like me fetishizing schizo gook basement dwellers, but if they do exist, they have found their person already since there are billions of schizo gook basement dwellers desperate to date.

Stop obsessing over HIMR and go back to your little peanut Tenda. This joke has been dragging on for too long. What will people say?


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6d017d (79) No.4044

I hope you both die soon, you cockroach paying my years of support with evilness and having the nerve to think that after your chinkmeisha didn't change I would be your back up plan.


It took u 3 years to see what I saw in 2017 that your marriage is a shit show. So much for "muh 167 IQ".

No worries though Vera the failed abortion product has no dignity and she will ALWAYS accepting you back since she is this infallible CARING, CHRISTIAN SAINT who has never helped a single person or animal in her entire life, yet she is more amazing than all of us.

As for the hole in your heart, I had it for years and u can looking forward to getting used to it since no one will ever want you. I finally started treating you the way u treat me, doesn't it feel great to be insulted and made fun of?



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6d017d (79) No.4045

File (hide): 07fa71d86f1d111⋯.png (15.99 KB,931x223,931:223,cockroach1.png) (h) (u)

Look at Tenda giving wholesome advice that he wouldn't be able to follow on gun point.

The irony.

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6d017d (79) No.4046

File (hide): df34f20dd62e9d6⋯.png (8.42 KB,916x124,229:31,blatantmanipulation.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0bd301e86701b7a⋯.png (21.43 KB,876x283,876:283,therapycel.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4d1ade7dc0ce05f⋯.png (36.14 KB,867x551,867:551,verakysalready.png) (h) (u)

This is the dumbest shit I have heard in 2020 and I cannot believe he is falling for it.

She is binding her time to find a way to improve her strategy and trap him.

What will more months achieve? Nothing.

Tenda hoping for a divorce without a marriage is like a person with gangrene saying "I want to be healthy, but I don't want u to remove the maggots from my wounds and kill them and I dont want pain when you clean the wounds and I want to be happy while doing it".


On the good side,he will end up dying with her which is exactly what he deserves after treating me like shit!

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6d017d (79) No.4047

File (hide): 5e6daa3954df7fb⋯.png (36.8 KB,828x584,207:146,VRporntbh.png) (h) (u)

The "I AM SAVING MY MARRIAGE" arc didn't age well seems.

Gookcel single (well almost) and ready to mingle!

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6d017d (79) No.4048

File (hide): 3d23339c508d93f⋯.png (13.42 KB,916x206,458:103,micropeniscounselorcel.png) (h) (u)

I was very tempted to make an alt account and comment "Sorry I don't date Asians, they remind me or my relatives" under his post, but I am the better person who does not have time for nonsense in 2020.

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6d017d (79) No.4049

File (hide): 4870c2f46cc42a9⋯.png (7.56 KB,874x139,874:139,shockingnews.png) (h) (u)

Yea, the mountains of trash about WMAF and BBC online will forever be the testimony of that unraveling.

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000000 (7) No.4050


Anyone who glances at the Asian incelosphere can easily see which socks are yours. Anyway who else would say they fetishise mentally ill eurasian men in reference to Tenda? Literally no one else in the entire world finds him attractive.

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6d017d (79) No.4051>>4052

> Literally no one else in the entire world finds him attractive.

B…b..but what about all those women eye-raping him on the street?

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000000 (7) No.4052

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6d017d (79) No.4053

File (hide): 906101b75bd849a⋯.png (13.28 KB,602x458,301:229,cockroachcel.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8d7d70520e28e58⋯.png (31.08 KB,873x458,873:458,reportcuck.png) (h) (u)

Your wife doesn't want u rapist cockroach!

But keep reporting my channel, I wish u die soon.

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6d017d (79) No.4054

File (hide): 3aa427dca7ca488⋯.png (11.65 KB,901x240,901:240,kysgookcel.png) (h) (u)

Genius decision, I bet my life this marriage will 1000% work since u have always been madly in love.

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6d017d (79) No.4055

File (hide): 24cd48e0adb72f3⋯.png (21.51 KB,976x295,976:295,retardation.png) (h) (u)

So she is changing only after "negative reinforcement" aka threats.

What a healthy and long term sustainable change.

Kys trashcancel.

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6d017d (79) No.4057

File (hide): d59af38d4e14e02⋯.png (47.2 KB,897x573,299:191,betaWMAFsimp.png) (h) (u)

I know this is Tenda due to the unbelievable retardation of the wife.

Even if you go to 100 different counselors her shitty narcissistic personality wont change and her 80 IQ wont increase.

Soul sister of Kim's mother. ESFJ spouting hypocritical nonsense about loyalty and family while being the perfect martyr and expecting YOU to change.

And THIS inbred monkey is the person u called me a sewer rat for.

LOL at you chinksorecel.

I hope u have money for escortceling you will need them when u leave since no one will date you.

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6d017d (79) No.4058

File (hide): dc2505a781c6319⋯.png (21.55 KB,940x283,940:283,ridiculous.png) (h) (u)

I would never want a relationship with someone so brainless and entitled that I need 2 mediators to communicate basic things and even then, they hijack the session to pout and make everything about them and play the victim.

I once read that all relationships require work, but if you find yourself feeling like a slave, then you don't need to work more, you need to exit the relationship.

I guess white colonial oppressors like me cannot understand this infallible gook martyr LMAO

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6d017d (79) No.4059

File (hide): 587a725c4446b99⋯.png (32.9 KB,879x466,879:466,haveuconsideredroping.png) (h) (u)

You mean you NEED it to work out, bc its massive narcissistic injury to admit that u wasted your life with someone who never wanted you sexually and married you for money aka muh stability and security.

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85f561 (3) No.4064>>4065 >>4070 >>4072

File (hide): f91616c4060a43b⋯.jpg (240.94 KB,616x486,308:243,5474354.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 742284e3cb86bca⋯.jpg (73.34 KB,601x210,601:210,6322345.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e8a69550a5fec5b⋯.jpg (90.48 KB,615x275,123:55,632432.jpg) (h) (u)

Another account suspended. This time u/cultofoptimism. I don't know why he got suspended but right before it happened he spent a lot of time on incel forums trying to convince his fellow incels that he is not an incel. He most likely got very enraged when above 80 IQ people realized he is full of shit.

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85f561 (3) No.4065>>4066 >>4067

File (hide): 0952459834c88b9⋯.jpg (132.53 KB,642x500,321:250,3462322.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f67b0d6130883f8⋯.jpg (78.03 KB,880x307,880:307,734354.jpg) (h) (u)

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85f561 (3) No.4066

File (hide): 93b91b50138e612⋯.jpg (318.57 KB,858x729,286:243,43642363.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 56d6ac5bb0024c7⋯.jpg (183.79 KB,859x545,859:545,34543634.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1f1fa2546b814e9⋯.jpg (77.56 KB,861x280,123:40,2345232.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4adfa0f25c88ec6⋯.jpg (116.96 KB,861x366,287:122,2342352.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c4c1f9d88bb17bc⋯.jpg (197.07 KB,862x480,431:240,4584511.jpg) (h) (u)


Here's a newsflash for you, Tenda: happy and sexually content people do not constantly need to reinstate publicly how happy they are. They definitely do not need to get into bitter arguments online about it. That's what in-denial dead bedroom China-sexpats do, who just a while ago were one the brink of suicide, so that they won't fall into another deep depression.

You are a WMAF sexpat following in the footsteps of your father, feverishly coming up with mental gymnastics to pretend otherwise. You suffer from low testosterone and believe that it's a good thing that a man is asexual and timid (non-violent as you put it). You were never successful with women.

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000000 (7) No.4067


Almost all docs, tutorials and books about game dev and engines specifically talk about not designing for a fixed resolution. All that time and supposed intelligence and he still hasn't learned to code or understand basic maths.

<normative PC resolution

What does that even mean? Computers and mobile devices have a range of resolutions and aspect ratios.

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9ec916 (1) No.4068

"Forever spooned, but never pegged, incel from womb to tomb", an elegy.

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7e5f66 (5) No.4070>>4071

File (hide): 2f49df51d9308a0⋯.jpg (45.27 KB,526x526,1:1,1527831323147.jpg) (h) (u)

Found something interesting for you guys here:


It's a recent wordpress site by Tenda. Uses the same lingo like "Chads aren't filled with anger" found on halfasian.org, "Belarussians are better looking than Nazis" seen here >>4064 , says "muh" learnt from 4chan. You can also see that he's completely obsessed with looks and calling white men ugly.

Here's the Reddit user who originally posted this address, which indicates that it's Tenda too:


Other quotes by him: "dead bedroom", "Russians are half Asian", "AMWF predates WMAF", "homophobes are homosexuals" as well as using "conspiracy theorist" as an insult whilst being a conspiracy theorist himself. His posts come off as very antisemitic, which is ironic since that's the buzzword that he likes to attack white men with on halfasian.org, but never owns up to it on his part.

One last thing: this guy is very active in the JustBeAsian scene, possibly even the creator of it all. Shouldn't be very surprising that probably the biggest incel in the Redditsphere was behind the whole thing.

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7e5f66 (5) No.4071

File (hide): cd9b0ff50de97dd⋯.jpg (71.51 KB,639x391,639:391,8652843.jpg) (h) (u)


Pay attention to how he writes the headline. Exactly the same way as on halfasian.org where he writes the white male's full name and then repeats it multiple times.

This is also the first time I've seen him say "REEE", taken again straight from 4chan.

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7e5f66 (5) No.4072>>4073

File (hide): e9f80fd7786c488⋯.jpg (577.57 KB,636x1643,12:31,5476745.jpg) (h) (u)

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Number 8 and 11 are a repeat from here >>4064 Everything else is the same rhetoric from halfasian.org

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000000 (7) No.4073


It's so funny when he talks about sexual desperation. A long insane list of points is classic Tenda too.

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7e5f66 (5) No.4074

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Now you know why he keeps getting banned so often after visits to r/incelswithouthate. He can't help but to get into flame wars with his fellow incels.

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7e5f66 (5) No.4075

File (hide): 2970be8d1830172⋯.jpg (56.36 KB,881x225,881:225,547374.jpg) (h) (u)

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620ae6 (2) No.4147>>4148

Lol. He is trying to start a new r/hapas


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620ae6 (2) No.4148

File (hide): 3615678338f34d3⋯.jpg (213.91 KB,842x494,421:247,62324323.jpg) (h) (u)


Well, that was short lived. I mean his account u/HapaRealTalk.

The typical claims "black women and Asian men are the best looking" were made. Instant Tenda markers. I've also noted that he likes to claim he is a product of AMWF nowadays. Seen it on multiple recent accounts. Other than that it's the same old incel posting and boasting about being sexually successful (from the same room we have always seen pictures him of). I guess Kylo Ren didn't turn good after all. Should have listened to Fritz Solo's advice.

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