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/tenda/ - Tenda Spencer

EurasianTiger mod of /r/hapas - cuckold and child porn spammer, artist
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File (hide): d993a90704f10f8⋯.png (85.76 KB,470x420,47:42,tenda london.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 75e4198b29c9a69⋯.png (159.82 KB,896x2580,224:645,pms.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 035f8669405e1b9⋯.webm (786.06 KB,640x360,16:9,laughing girls.webm) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]


dc8bb7 (1) No.85 [View All][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

>tenda is being btfo beyond anything previously imagined

Just look at cuckchan


28 posts and 34 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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e213dc (1) No.3035

File (hide): 450e2f73f38967d⋯.png (7.08 KB,634x164,317:82,clockwork.png) (h) (u)

Tenda making threads on /r/hapas is response to posts on cuckchan's /pol/


Remember that Tenda claims he's not the one spamming cuckold and child porn and expects us to believe that.

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2d4a19 (1) No.3057

File (hide): 820969cb1d1b99b⋯.png (160.92 KB,808x909,8:9,no 1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): b498a62e59f7570⋯.png (148.37 KB,884x869,884:869,no 2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5b6ec2f3da5c874⋯.png (159.99 KB,1037x919,1037:919,no 3.png) (h) (u)

Tenda just can't stay away from 4chan but his name is well known so he keeps getting called out.

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d77739 (1) No.3086

File (hide): dbda3d11d456f83⋯.png (38.16 KB,744x167,744:167,false.png) (h) (u)

I wonder who keeps posting fake information like this.

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ed53fc (4) No.3130

File (hide): 4712732263ebd40⋯.jpg (248.15 KB,613x606,613:606,he does it for free.jpg) (h) (u)

Looks like the HighlyErotic stuff has been added to the general Tenda trolling rotation. Jannies banned everyone for "replying to off topic garbage". Desperate damage control for one of their fellow discord trannies!


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fe7383 (21) No.3133>>3135

File (hide): 33053be1eb3a8a8⋯.png (7.3 KB,846x163,846:163,cum2quicklywwife.png) (h) (u)

Why is his art only women with black men?

Why not other combinations too? Like black women with Asian men or white men? Or AMWF?

Interracial supporter my ass, deep down he HATES AMWF as if it's other people's fault that he married a fatass Chinkerella with 85 IQ to be able to lose his virginity and he feels entitled to make them pay for it.

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ed53fc (4) No.3135

File (hide): e5a1e517a7691f9⋯.jpg (414.56 KB,1316x635,1316:635,Marcia Christoffsen.jpg) (h) (u)


>only women with black men

Not only, just mostly, like 99%.


He desires white women but hates them because they always reject him. Saying he hates AMWF though is extremely autistic. You need to avoid bending reality to suit whatever your own fixation is (his alleged wife).

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fe7383 (21) No.3137>>3139

One day someone will post the pictures of his wife and that will be his end and he knows it, that's why he hides her so meticulously.

Apparently she must be someone that makes him look like a super desperate sexpat and then he won't be able to talk shit about the other sexpats lol.

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ed53fc (4) No.3139


Well maybe, but perhaps you develop these theories because you believe she is the only barrier between you and him. We've all seen and heard your ideas about how you think you can unlock his talent and save him from himself.

I've seen the emails where you initially praise Tenda's "HighlyErotic" art because you thought the person emailing you was Tenda.

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fe7383 (21) No.3140>>3141

I like this art way better than the crap he posts on his art channel.

It's authentic and sells much better.

I no longer believe his wife is the only barrier. His true love is taking BBC as sissy Marcia

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ed53fc (4) No.3141>>3146


So in other words you still want Tenda and you have never stopped wanting him. Sickening, insane, but true. He is clearly an autogynephile / sissy but the real reason why he doesn't want you is because he doesn't find you attractive. The e-relationship phase was desperation on his part but when he came to his senses he was disgusted with himself. That's why he wrote that awful open letter about hating you.

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fe7383 (21) No.3142

>The e-relationship phase was desperation on his part but when he came to his senses he was disgusted with himself.

Why was he desperate though? he has his infallible wife!

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fe7383 (21) No.3145

File (hide): 776ea1d4fe21cfe⋯.png (26.83 KB,618x493,618:493,dirtywhitemeat.png) (h) (u)

This is from his secret blog "dirtywhitemeat"


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fe7383 (21) No.3146

File (hide): b46f1f45ef8013c⋯.png (5.9 KB,614x168,307:84,ENDITCHINKCEL.png) (h) (u)


See anon? One reason I have really toned down is that I haven't solved the problem of how to not get syphilis and AIDS from having to fuck randoms so he gets cucked and how to prevent him from getting AIDS from cleaning their creampies.

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fe7383 (21) No.3156

File (hide): 9f2c031bd6c1fc7⋯.png (42.45 KB,1101x468,367:156,lookism.png) (h) (u)

I got banned from Lookism for posting the Tenda video.

They called him "some faggot no one cares about"

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14c0e4 (1) No.3164

File (hide): ed4ca1cf2f57d41⋯.png (70.53 KB,726x585,242:195,bing.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): f7e3b3794937454⋯.webm (466.85 KB,1280x720,16:9,fak you.webm) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]

I've changed my default search engine to bing.

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62c335 (1) No.3293

File (hide): e92056e44fadb7a⋯.jpg (141.24 KB,941x612,941:612,tenda1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 24b0841764042a4⋯.jpg (167.41 KB,1054x580,527:290,tenda2.jpg) (h) (u)

Really enjoying seeing these Tenda threads keep popping up.

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fe7383 (21) No.3299>>3302

File (hide): f6b2bb1ae330221⋯.png (366.96 KB,919x569,919:569,tragiccel.png) (h) (u)

The title says "P here"

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76ad87 (1) No.3302


His projection is clearly pathological. He can't help it. We have to ask why would an allegedly non-Tenda account be defending Tenda after the interracial cuckold porn revelations. They ie Tenda have no problem making fun of HIMR so why does Tenda get special protection where any posts about him get deleted so quickly?

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fe7383 (21) No.3314

File (hide): 303db4506f5c625⋯.png (26.83 KB,1089x280,1089:280,JerkWaterHeights2020.png) (h) (u)

In tough times, like the current pandemic, it's crucial to keep yourself in high spirit. Let's focus on the positive effects of the quarantine. For example, Tenda will have to wear a mask going out and will avoid the massive eye-rape he is being subjected to every time he leaves the house.

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fe7383 (21) No.3538

File (hide): ef8a578a9417613⋯.png (48.1 KB,870x342,145:57,mentalcel.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): f5d71295c142ab1⋯.png (454.39 KB,818x495,818:495,whatalegacy.png) (h) (u)

You really want people to google u and see this?

Even his blog has turned into a low effort dumpster fire nowadays.

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fe7383 (21) No.3542

File (hide): 59dd3e9051c32d9⋯.png (305.94 KB,555x963,185:321,uncle.png) (h) (u)

More failures.

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fe7383 (21) No.3553

File (hide): 41ee7266b53f50d⋯.png (330.9 KB,957x574,957:574,poorsexpatcel.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 011394f9fbc8f01⋯.jpg (22.58 KB,841x474,841:474,enditchinkcel.jpg) (h) (u)

Tenda, what happened to you being a romantic artist?

Who needs income when you have your infallible wife that u are madly in love with?

Besides, aren't you having the $170 k in the bank that u would use to find me and kill me?

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fe7383 (21) No.3554

I bet my life that he has a huge stash of drawings of me that he jerks off to and doesn't show to anyone bc they are too mentally disturbed (possible murder themes).

No way Queen of Snakes was the only one.

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6932e1 (1) No.3665

File (hide): 2780e9d83ea4b6b⋯.jpg (47.94 KB,648x159,216:53,dissapointment.jpg) (h) (u)

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2c179a (1) No.3757

File (hide): cbc1c51d9d43ac1⋯.png (19.91 KB,718x472,359:236,private.png) (h) (u)

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fe7383 (21) No.3769>>3770

Why was r/hapas set on private?

I just saw this.

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75f044 (1) No.3770


Probably because in a coordinated move with youtube and other websites plebbit banned a bunch of subplebbits and Tenda fears /r/hapas might be next. He does it every time there's a banwave.

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fe7383 (21) No.3771>>3772

File (hide): e8a758f61eef294⋯.png (39.28 KB,1207x161,1207:161,takeurantipsychoticsffs.png) (h) (u)

>Probably because in a coordinated move with youtube and other websites plebbit banned a bunch of subplebbits and Tenda fears /r/hapas might be next. He does it every time there's a banwave.

I don't know what is he going to do if reddit ends up purging them and I can't help him with his problems.

In the entire 2020 he has been nothing but unsupportive and toxic towards me, trying to use anything he can to make me upset as if it's my fault that he can't stand up to his dog shit relatives or leave that dirty apartment.

I had told him in the past that I would meet him in the US if he wanted to and instead of allowing himself to be happy for once and enjoy each other's company until that happens, he chooses to create catastrophic BS scenarios in his head that I won't like him bc he is gay and looks 200% Asian, when the cat has been out of the bag ever since 2017 when I saw him and I have read the "pain of Eurasian sons" tranny blog of his.

Nowadays he spreads more brain ebola on 4chan with fake posts where he pretends he is Kim and I am his wife who is mad at him, that I am sure he jerks off too. No one else would post this. In his mind he is such a genius mastermind, while all I see is a clusterfuck of fetishes and an oldcel who hit 34 and still can't even be honest with him about what he wants and take risks and be in charge of his own life.

Even my desire to contact him and his alts first has stopped because I know exactly how things will be, he will be nice and great at first, then he will freak out and start becoming venomous and then I will block him to focus on work. He can't improve.

I am focused on writing my new book and I don't have time for him.

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6d1692 (1) No.3772


Yes those posts really are weird. Some autistic people have face blindness so it might not be Tenda. If it is Tenda though I don't really see the point of it, but then again he is completely insane.

>he can't stand up to his dog shit relatives

What does this mean? About what?

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fe7383 (21) No.3773>>3774

>What does this mean? About what?

So he can be able to be gay, Marcia and draw BBC of course!

Now they oppress him, it sucks, what kind of fake life is that?

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2f260b (1) No.3774

File (hide): dbce17844fb1cd8⋯.jpg (101.18 KB,900x637,900:637,Donuts_.jpg) (h) (u)


Oh right so if he was with you he would be free to draw interracial porn (which he already does) and be some kind of gay transsexual (which you say he already is). What am I missing? How would his life be better with you? What do you offer him? What changes?

Try to answer that without insulting anyone, and only making positive statements about yourself. Tenda idealizes white women for being empathetic, caring and kind (in contrast to his totally way evil mother) so it seems like it might be a worthwhile exercise for you.

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fe7383 (21) No.3775>>3780

File (hide): bfd97be4aa499f4⋯.jpg (23.08 KB,839x466,839:466,deaththreat1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 789d0621c1be398⋯.jpg (22.75 KB,841x474,841:474,deaththreat2.jpg) (h) (u)

>Try to answer that without insulting anyone, and only making positive statements about yourself.

I am white and he is a white worshipper, what else is there to discuss?

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13c0f5 (1) No.3780>>3781


Answer the question.

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fe7383 (21) No.3781>>3782

File (hide): a9fe3b46c8cb59d⋯.png (20.08 KB,918x301,918:301,idiot.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 85c94f68e3748cf⋯.png (14.37 KB,906x230,453:115,peasantbehavior.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3d67656e826b68e⋯.png (21.12 KB,902x307,902:307,every6months.png) (h) (u)


Ok, I will stop shit posting and answer seriously:

I could write a lot of superficial things about looks, money, shared interests etc.

In my opinion, there is no better thing in this world than being loved, accepted and appreciated for who you are. By acceptance I don't mean codependency and being ok with abuse, criminal behaviors or enabling self destruction.

I refer to giving a safe space to someone to be able to try new things, find their identity and succeed in their goals. You can't succeed living a lie or having to constantly pretend/hide who you are. It takes too much time and energy and makes you feel worthless.

I didn't reject Tenda even when I got multiple threats, hate, envy, bitter men trying to catfish me for years. How many people do u think have that? Real acceptance? I would say not many. It's very rare.

> How would his life be better with you?

First of all, he wouldn't be a fat loser locked up in a room, eating trash and shit posting all day every day. I am not deluding myself thinking he would stop that completely (it's part of his identity) but he could definitely do more things.I am not going to expand extensively, u get the picture.

>What do you offer him?

Hmm…the chance of being with someone he has actual mutual attraction with?

To prevent u from wasting time by writing the same "Tenda will never meet u blah blah, he hates his real self and consequently hates you for accepting him, u aren't good enough" rhetorics (which I have heard many times), I put the following disclaimer:

Everything I just wrote is MY opinion (the correct one). Tenda has the right to his own (wrong) one. I don't expect him to do anything. All of this is simply a discussion.

We are all adults here, we know that he has resigned himself to fakeness, living a lie, "muh stability and security" and waiting to die and receive the BBC golden martyr trophy for his self-depriving nonsense path in life. It is what it is.

During those 3 years I have developed enough self esteem to not want someone who won't put any effort or take any risk for me. If he doesn't want to meet me, then he should forget I exist.

Btw I found an alt where he is posting letters addressed to me on r/adultery.

The story is a bit altered, but I know it's him.

Checkmate Chinkcel.

Keep waking up in the middle of the night wondering what could have been and lying to yourself about who u are truly in love with.

I have zero regrets and will spend the rest of my life answering the truth to whoever asks me about: That Eurasian Tiger was a codependent loser afraid of his MTF uncle who stayed in a skeletonized bedroom marriage to a brainless noodlewhore bc he didn't have the balls to give a chance to true love. It was never his race, I even shared how I feel about him on the internet, millions of people know and he tossed it all away, don't feel sorry for him".

The only way out of the hot mess he created is: being honest with his wife about the emotional affair, being trans/bisexual, the other skeletons in his closet and see what happens.

If she accepts him, he gains substance in his marriage, if he rejects him he gains freedom.

I bet my life she will NEVER accept him though and he knows it, that's why he continues the coping shit posting on r/adultery and the lies. Even the cheaters on the subreddit called him out on his lies and said he treated me horribly, serves u right for rejecting me trashcan chinkcel!

Excuse me now, I have a book to write, analyzing Tenda's BS doesn't make any money. I will check the thread on my free time.

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c7b343 (1) No.3782


>being with someone he has actual mutual attraction with

His opinion has changed since that "open letter" he wrote? He didn't seem attracted to you then, in fact quite the opposite.

>a fat loser

>brainless noodlewhore


You couldn't answer without resorting to insulting other people.

Anyway in all that you haven't really said anything good about yourself! Do you even realize that, Persephone? The only thing you say is you'll give him space but his alleged wife already does that. He's been allowed to be himself and do whatever he wants for years (drawing interracial porn, harassing, spamming, sending death threats, inciting racial hatred and violence, etc). You haven't explained the difference you would bring.

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fe7383 (21) No.3784>>3786

>Anyway in all that you haven't really said anything good about yourself!

I was never good at advertising my self and I have a strong aversion towards people who do so, bc usually it's all lip service and they are pos. I let my actions speak for me.

> The only thing you say is you'll give him space but his alleged wife already does that.

I am going to use an example with gay men (unrelated to Tenda's gay/bi/trans preferences):

Imagine 2 gay men. One of them comes from a very conservative household that considers homosexuality a sin, the other is accepting of different sexual orientations/lifestyles.

Both guys (let's call them A and B) live away in their own houses.

A is in the closet in a kind of DADT (don't ask don't tell) situation. He has never brought a girlfriend home and his parents suspect that he is gay, but never ask him. When he visits them, sex and romantic relationships are never brought up as discussion topics. The family members live like ships passing each other during the night. A feels that he has to put on a straight man act when he is around them and chooses his clothes, mannerisms, hair styles etc accordingly.

Gay man B has come out to his family years ago.There are interested in his life and support him. He is able to talk to them about his problems, aspirations, goals.He has brought home bfs or other gay friends and no one has to put on a fake front. He feels accepted and validated.

I am B, Vera is A.

If you think that's "about the same", I dont know what else to tell you.

Every person is influenced by their own experiences. I have spent over a decade of my life being forced to act neurotypical and abused when I failed. I have exactly zero patience for people trying to normalize me.

The Tenda who lives with Vera is a hoax imo. I don't claim I know real Tenda. Maybe that's why he has this fluid personality, because he never had the chance to figure out who he is (something most people do as teenagers/young adults).

I never had a single person in my life that was ok with who I am as a person and respected my core values, so I consider that an extremely rare thing and if I found someone who offers it I would never let them go.

But that's just me. There are people that as long as their family and society thinks they are "normal" or "a couple" that's good enough for them, although the man goes to gay bath houses 3 times a week. But oh wait, that's my cheater father in law. Nvm.

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fe7383 (21) No.3785>>3786

One last thing to add to my previous examples:

Both A and B do what they want. They are still gay, they still date/act/dress any way they want.

The difference is that one of them has to do in secrecy, feels toxic shame and lives a double life, while the other is free.

I bet my life Tenda has to hide his drawings, his conversations with people, the porn he is watching, his sexual fantasies, his true dreams and goals.

But yea, sure he has space.

As much space as an animal trapped in a zoo artificial mini park. Tenda's equivalent is that dirty room where all the videos came from.

But what do I know, I am a bitter, deranged, ugly tranny who can't appreciate the beauty found in the harmony and stability of the magnificent custom of Chinese arranged marriage.

Us white colonial oppressors can never understand Confucian principles and have the audacity to want depraved things such as sexual chemistry, passion and true compatibility. No wonder the Western world is collapsing.

Tenda should ignore my harmful opinions and continue his happy life of substance and success with his infallible wife.

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bdc21e (1) No.3786>>3787



To sum it up, with his alleged wife he has to hide being a gay cuckold sissy, with you he could be a gay cuckold sissy openly. Do you understand why that's the opposite of what he wants?

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fe7383 (21) No.3787


You are wrong. With me he CAN'T hide it. I am not into living a lie, turning a blind eye and all the other tactics that resulted in him writing longing for death, failing, getting fat etc.

If he doesn't want it, he can continue living the lie, but only in his own dirty room, bc the truth is one google search away.

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b4ff98 (2) No.4130>>4131

File (hide): 82ce6b116606373⋯.png (161.73 KB,1392x441,464:147,twink.png) (h) (u)

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18288f (3) No.4131>>4132 >>4134


What is this?

He is too fat to be a twink, plus too old, being past 30 is ancient in gay years.

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b9adc9 (1) No.4132>>4133 >>4134


What gay category would he be in? Isn't gay world complete opposite of hetero world where most gay guys want to buttfuck asian boys?

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18288f (3) No.4133


Asian sissies serving BWC & BBC

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b4ff98 (2) No.4134


It was from a thread on 4chan's /gif/. Knowledge of Tenda's role in cuckold spam along with the discord trannies and asianmasculinity posters has spread somewhat so memes like that are posted in retaliation.


If he wasn't a monster I'd feel sorry for Tenda if he's gay/bi and missed out on that. I remember him saying that if he was fetishised then he probably wouldn't have created /r/hapas. Dumb fuck could be wrapped up safe and warm in the arms of a tall Chad right now if he wasn't so insane. If he put the effort in he could have been a eurasian femboy and have ten million guys simping for him. There's all the narcissistic supply he'd need.

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18288f (3) No.4135

> I remember him saying that if he was fetishised then he probably wouldn't have created /r/hapas.

He doesn't look Asian enough to be fetishized. He would have to do the work just like everybody else, especially if he is aiming to attract Chads.

>If he wasn't a monster I'd feel sorry for Tenda if he's gay/bi and missed out on that.

Every day he wakes up and chooses the closet and the missing out, no one is forcing him. He was in a diverce accepting place like NY and he went to live in homophobic China in some dirty attic.

I am sure that if he wanted to seriously find a way to be out of the closet, there would be one. I cannot feel sorry for someone choosing "muh stability and security".

Interestingly, the rants about "closeted homosexual sexpats with an asexual nagging asian wife" on his blog and reddit have multiplied, which means he is becoming increasingly frustrated with his stagnant pointless life.

You can't help anyone who isn't willing to even try to help themselves, I can't even pretend to be sorry at this point.

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2514a2 (1) No.4136>>4137 >>4141

Is this Tenda guy still around and doing this gay shit?

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000000 (3) No.4137


Not much activity on the socks I know about. Haven't really checked much recently though.

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f80972 (1) No.4141


Rest assured, he is being monitored. But what's point telling where when he is so scared of being treated like a lolcow, which he is whether he wants it or not.

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000000 (3) No.4142>>4220

>join or 404

What is going on with this gay website?

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000000 (3) No.4220


It's almost completely un-gayed now. Only took the 8kun admins four years to fix. No, to be fair it's almost four years, not actually four years. That would be ridiculous haha

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