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File: b9ae44aabb705f2⋯.jpg (66.91 KB, 598x472, 299:236, Capture.JPG)

2b9d91  No.16903703[Last 50 Posts]

anon, is there anything you want to tell him before cashes out?



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78a440  No.16903707

File: a6c2f5d4a561f34⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1120x1600, 7:10, A22.png)

You could've prevented this.

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227403  No.16903710

File: 16720511cbff279⋯.png (254.17 KB, 988x640, 247:160, 1460208137575.png)

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a1798b  No.16903712

dubs he dies

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a1798b  No.16903713


does the timestamp count as dubs

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227403  No.16903717

File: 873e993b81f5670⋯.webm (2.37 MB, 880x1034, 40:47, freddit.webm)



Given how you got two timestamp dubs in a row, I'd say yes.

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a0609c  No.16903718

File: 2244376015c7708⋯.png (536.16 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ghhhh.png)

This guy is a fucking retard and a piece of shit but I wouldn't wish death on him. I'm just not like that.

Bummer for him if he goes out like this, but what can you do.

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c72a7e  No.16903719

File: bea24e033031526⋯.jpg (30.46 KB, 280x393, 280:393, Smug_yakzua_princess.jpg)

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490d60  No.16903720

File: 3f3bf24ab267e40⋯.png (350.51 KB, 903x497, 129:71, You_can_t_do_anything_righ….png)


He sold us out for media clout, got fat, became a furry, and now he's on the fed's shit list on top of it all he's now got kung-flu. I hope it was worth it cripple kike.

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a67198  No.16903722

We should send him a letter,together.

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227403  No.16903723


We should make it one world per post.

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a0c14a  No.16903724


Dear Cripplekike

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4494cd  No.16903727


Remind him that he defended pedo boards and he's going to hell.

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c72a7e  No.16903728

File: 96cc07a574fbcd5⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 2202x1300, 1101:650, v_writes_a_letter.jpg)

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e48b46  No.16903729

File: 665333edff6026a⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1684x1920, 421:480, 7faab793f3e60bac6827316c5c….png)


Rolling. I hope the piece of shit dies and rots in hell.

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c33dc0  No.16903730

File: ff176d773fc20fc⋯.jpg (80.61 KB, 600x900, 2:3, radical_dude.jpg)


and nothing of value was lost

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6a1450  No.16903731

File: c4cce3b7c7fb0c9⋯.png (1.83 KB, 127x38, 127:38, John_Deadcorn.png)

Wake me when he gets a positive test.

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c9e5ec  No.16903733

File: 7bf2a7e07b09539⋯.jpg (47.03 KB, 750x738, 125:123, 11144.jpg)

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2f568b  No.16903734

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227403  No.16903736

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99b245  No.16903737

File: e3e6cae0326e49c⋯.png (592.13 KB, 626x571, 626:571, serious_hope.png)


Rolling, post your face when he fucking croaks.

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4d4043  No.16903738

File: d92c546356bda59⋯.jpg (143.55 KB, 468x468, 1:1, d92c546356bda591fdb59f4c2a….jpg)

It's weird this dude is only 26, it feels like he's been around for a lot longer.

If anything, I kinda do hope dud survives and realises there are better things to spend his life doing than obsessing over a small imageboard. Dying of COVID-19 is slow, painful and exhausting. You lie in a bed for weeks while your lungs gradually drown in their own fluid.

I still remember shooting the shit with Fredrick back in the day, making memes and sharing 8chan art with him. I hope he can find it in himself to go back to being that cool goofy figure instead of a bitter and jaded outcast.

I want to believe there's still a little bit of Hotwheels left in Fred.

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0510db  No.16903742

>no sticky

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4494cd  No.16903743



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4d4043  No.16903744

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160442  No.16903745

File: 47f32ccdefcba82⋯.mp4 (2.91 MB, 642x720, 107:120, dance_thread.mp4)

>I don't know what comes next

Well I think we do.

Rev up those dance gifs/webms/mp4s.

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227403  No.16903746

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4d4043  No.16903748

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2b9d91  No.16903749

File: cbe515cd68db71a⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1024x1024, 1:1, art.png)


>I kinda do hope dud survives and realises there are better things to spend his life doing than obsessing over a small imageboard.

couldn't have said it better.

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c9e5ec  No.16903753



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4d4043  No.16903755


This one gets discarded

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227403  No.16903757



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139ec4  No.16903758



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c72a7e  No.16903760


It's too late anon Cucktires went past the point of return and tired to pin a shooting on Mark, regardless of how you feel about Mark that was beyond scummy.

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ebb3bf  No.16903761

I can't wait for it to turn out that it's just hay fever from spring time arriving and he dies anyway.

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227403  No.16903762

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c9e5ec  No.16903763


oh no, watch out guys the fun police is here

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4d4043  No.16903765


>spam is fun

U r mr gay

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ccf202  No.16903767


Much the same here. I haven't even got it in me to hate m00t, let alone hotwheels. I hate who they currently are, sure, but if they came back to their senses, I'd be happy to shitpost alongside them again.

That being said, if he doesn't come back to his senses, it'd be better for him to go out now rather than heap more shame onto his name.

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de350c  No.16903768

File: b5c0e56af1da5be⋯.gif (2.56 MB, 300x424, 75:106, Terry_A_Dancevis.gif)


Peace out, you fake fuck. Hope those journo shekels were worth it.


Sure, why not.

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c72a7e  No.16903771


He made his choice and it was to be a total irredeemable scum fuck who is only out to destroy anything he once loved out of petty butthurt,

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c9e5ec  No.16903772

File: 177d0bc5d65b591⋯.jpg (23.54 KB, 500x375, 4:3, Iareseriouscat.jpg)


>my meme letter must be written following the standards and cannot deviate from the rules of letter writing

ok spede, I clearly forgot this was the internet

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5db332  No.16903773

File: bdd60d869e05dc0⋯.jpg (45.45 KB, 715x422, 715:422, DE9pqmTWsAEMzpC.jpg)



I've met people like you who genuinely do not wish for the death of their enemies. There's a reason the 9th circle of hell is treason, backstabbing the community you so dearly helped propel into prosperity, not just for shitposting but for literally championing free speech, is literally the worst thing you can do to a living person. Hotwheels now sides with the hard left. They also don't want to kill you but they want to torture, demoralize you, see you without your rights, job, and to that I file them along Hotwheels under "enemies who need to die".

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7cec0e  No.16903776

You know, there are a lot of things I'd wish would happen to Cuckwheels, but dying of COVID isn't one of them. I think him getting fucked over in the legal system over what he did to the site would be funny, but that's just too cruel imo

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10121b  No.16903777


rip in piss

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6beea6  No.16903778

File: e32bb1d42aced06⋯.mp4 (275.66 KB, 640x360, 16:9, See_you_in_hell_Hank.mp4)

File: 8ca89b69071361b⋯.jpg (73.41 KB, 887x373, 887:373, Mark_has_corona.jpg)

Not much to say besides I hope you get vored by der kuchenjude in hell.

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f878a9  No.16903779

File: 5c413d04b87217f⋯.png (53.85 KB, 337x287, 337:287, ok_then.png)


>low grade fever. 99.03°

>compromised lung capacity


more like Hot Wheeze

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4d4043  No.16903780


Mark actually does have COVID-19, he said it on Twitter.

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c72a7e  No.16903781

File: 6da8238c9e61234⋯.png (222.47 KB, 706x425, 706:425, highly_autistic_girl_2.PNG)


I see I'm not the only one who reads this manga.

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5bb1f2  No.16903784

File: 0a0364f9a932b7d⋯.mp4 (8.5 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, smugdancin.mp4)

File: d1b95fc5472b926⋯.webm (3.79 MB, 600x300, 2:1, Bull_dance.webm)

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d093c8  No.16903785

File: 66c6b6236349bfc⋯.jpg (137.98 KB, 1444x2048, 361:512, 66c6b6236349bfc8c628dfe7db….jpg)

8chan was always gay. The only thing 8cuck had over 4cuck was that it had independent board creation and wasn't under FBI eyes at the time. The latter isn't the case anymore. I just hope that 8cuck fad soon fades away with crippleyid, and everyone moves on to some place not moderated and reviewed by kikes. Reminder that /pol/ and /b/ still aren't up, and sunshine is still being used by codenigger to prevent another Christchurch. Even 4cuck doesn't have that.

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c9e5ec  No.16903786

File: cc209973bc0a32e⋯.jpg (58.57 KB, 500x597, 500:597, fuck_you_dove.jpg)


this is the second time I see you post that crop, give me the fucking source proper this time or I'll box your ears

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58fe0f  No.16903787

File: 55297c2c3dffac9⋯.jpg (152.47 KB, 515x591, 515:591, cripple_kike.jpg)

feels bad man

i know cripple kike fucked up the site and then went and back staved us all like a fucking faggot… but he was OUR cripple kike faggot!

i still remember went he sent some anon to the chair for gifting him Gone Homo on steam claiming that more than anyone should appreciate a walking simulator, or even during gamergate when he actually gave interviews and engaged in debates against SJWs and BTFOed them i know it's low hanging fruit but it was the only thing he could reach

The fucking midget gave us a place to shitpost dank merchant memes back when everyone else was censoring everything

it was disappointing to see him turn his back on us after everything we went through but having him die of the kung flu is just depressing

Rolling dubs for a painless death

rest in peace Hotwheels

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4e42d6  No.16903788


>Saying "I'm male." like it's a bad thing by lumping it in with his other medical conditions.

I was going to say "No." to the OP's question and let the whole thing fade away. But now I know he's getting what he deserves. And now the whole thing can fade away.

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4d4043  No.16903789

File: bea05ff58dd7a62⋯.jpg (54.99 KB, 663x767, 51:59, there_is_no_meme.jpg)


>8chan was always gay


Now take your clothes off

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d093c8  No.16903792

File: 1e576dfed33ef1a⋯.jpg (157.68 KB, 501x420, 167:140, 1e576dfed33ef1a7778813d545….jpg)


>i know cripple kike fucked up the site and then went and back staved us all like a fucking faggot… but he was OUR cripple kike faggot!

This line of reasoning is still used by 4chan faggots about moot.

Why the fuck do people identify with website? Why not a race, ethnicity, or even a nationality- instead of this virtual globalist internet larp?

It's like redditors having "reddit pride" shit is the gayest thing ever.

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c72a7e  No.16903795

File: 4cd97cc4d4566ee⋯.png (1.04 MB, 844x1199, 844:1199, ClipboardImage.png)


Jiken Jaken! I'll finally stop teasing you after so long Anon.

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227403  No.16903796


I think he's referring to the fact that more men are dying of the virus than women so he thinks that men are more vulnerable to it than women, when in reality is because men are more exposed than women, smoke more etc.

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d093c8  No.16903797

File: fc4b28c0e195436⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 646.39 KB, 840x1236, 70:103, fc4b28c0e195436045d23d1bc2….jpg)


Here you go, boy next door.

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6beea6  No.16903799

File: 7b9aa809d8e436e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 907.51 KB, 1676x1796, 419:449, Just_western_hysteria.jpg)

File: 9198fa6887f400e⋯.jpg (54.99 KB, 548x767, 548:767, Corona_just_wants_to_be_in….jpg)


I know.

On the bright side if he survives somehow, he can say that he lost his virginity.

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7cec0e  No.16903800


he actually did it, the absolute madman

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c9e5ec  No.16903801

File: 752d70897fd3e35⋯.mp4 (3.2 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Loli_Neeson.mp4)


last time you made me read like 30 chapters of a manga and it wasn't it, I swear to fuck if this isn't the real deal again I will find you and I will kill you.

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4d4043  No.16903802

File: ab0b5734e6fdbb4⋯.jpg (80.51 KB, 1068x1753, 1068:1753, oh_god.jpg)


Now get on the bed

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c72a7e  No.16903803

File: dee3aaa6ea276fc⋯.png (547.86 KB, 844x1200, 211:300, ClipboardImage.png)


This time it's legit

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8014b2  No.16903806


No, fuck that, he's never shown the slightest degree of regret for anything he did and after all that, he can get fucked.

In an unrelated thought, he believes he has the chink flu, can we report him to the authorities and have him taken away?

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f878a9  No.16903807

File: fa6dd4f9e336b1e⋯.gif (635.4 KB, 492x560, 123:140, ding_dong.gif)


lucky trips

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b9aec5  No.16903808

File: 02d1281a9b2c2a6⋯.gif (2.85 MB, 200x234, 100:117, terry_gif.gif)

Many fags claim that you will regret making fun of people with cancer or some other deadly disease the moment YOU too one day become sick. Well, guaranteed death awaits me 6-8 years from now due to an autoimmune disease, and I have to say:

Making fun of cuckwheels and other left-wing dying faggots is still just as funny as it was 10 years ago

Good riddance, cripple. I'll meet you before the end of this decade to bully you up close, faggot.

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c9e5ec  No.16903812


it best be because I'm going to commit hours of my time to reading these 20 chapters

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2b9d91  No.16903815

File: 6940c4f5f54e9c7⋯.mp4 (492.52 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Rich_Evans_Saying_AIDS.mp4)

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c72a7e  No.16903816

File: 3e3347ac2545c6e⋯.png (33.29 KB, 206x232, 103:116, upset_autistic_girl_2.PNG)

File: b62a7500413f41f⋯.png (58.8 KB, 364x252, 13:9, upset_autistic_girl.PNG)

File: c3b79ece5176a78⋯.png (179.18 KB, 719x291, 719:291, Highly_autistic_girl.PNG)

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c49b21  No.16903819

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58fe0f  No.16903820


m00t is a turbo fag00t who got in bed with SJWs as soon as they popped up, on the other hand, Hotwheels only turned against us after we roasted him for infinity chan and running the site like shit and he didn't go full traitor until we got false flagged by (((them))) with a mass shooter so anons wouldn't have a place to dig into Eipstein while the trail was still hot

>Why do people no identify with a race or ethnicity

the bast majority of SJWs are white, most of the people i despise are white, not saying i'd rather have niggers, chinks, pajets, spics, kikes, (((eternal anglos))) or (((merimutts))) as neighbors, but is sure as fuck ain't gonna identify with a group of people i mostly do not know, especially if half of them are already part of a group that hate me almost as much as i hate them.

But hotwheels i at least knew well enough to feel bad about his death

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c9e5ec  No.16903823

File: 8cc774074d8ffd4⋯.mp4 (272.19 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 8cc774074d8ffd4abc893efc29….mp4)


>all these upskirts and pantyhosed leg shots

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227403  No.16903826

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207655  No.16903839

I just wrote him an email telling him to man the fuck up.

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99b245  No.16903846


Sauce on the first artist? It looks like Dalley-Alpha

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10121b  No.16903849


Why would you want the sauce of that terrible art?

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99b245  No.16903850


The art style's familiar is why.

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99b245  No.16903858


Never mind, I found it.

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dbcc59  No.16903875

File: ee21a1ed7606a80⋯.png (349.18 KB, 629x1003, 37:59, soygoblin.png)

File: 96d9c3c63089612⋯.png (197.87 KB, 505x425, 101:85, fatrick_brennan.png)


Maybe it has something to do with all the soy he was replacing meals with, really let himself go.

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000000  No.16903882


Why should autists care about non-autists? I don't care what faggy shit redditors and normalfags do. That's why anons can feel much more kinship with other anons than the normalfag-world like race, nationality, ethnicity, etc. Normalfags do not matter, so I no longer give a shit about my country or the people/race in it.

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f7b0b4  No.16903894


It's hard to feel bad for someone's death, considering his crimes amount to "tried to nuke the imageboard he created in the first place"


May you find peace at the edge of oblivion.

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4d4043  No.16903901


I do feel sad for Fred in a way, when you're as small as him it's very hard to not be obese. You're either overweight or constantly starving.

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c9e5ec  No.16903905


I'm onto chapter 12, yotsuna is so cute fug why don't tomboys real? but yes, it's good

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c3246f  No.16903908


You won't get a stairway to heaven.

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b69fa2  No.16903910


I don't think you need the bad Karma right now.

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10121b  No.16903917


Nigga literally drinking out a sippy cup.


Fuck off mark, you're the next cuckwheels.

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c3246f  No.16903919


I've put my time in, let me get my say.

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6beea6  No.16903920



Does anyone even want to think of how many he pushed back to cuckchan due to his actions? I'm not sure who to be angrier at.


If nothing else, that's a killer pun.

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58fe0f  No.16903921


don't tempt the man upstairs Mark

or he will have you princess carry Hotwheels up the stairs

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4d4043  No.16903923


Oh hey Mark, how are you? I heard you caught COVID-19, how does it feel? I've never actually heard anybody describe it yet.

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c3246f  No.16903924


Hotwheels isn't going upstairs, he's on the highway to hell.

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c3246f  No.16903926


I'm fine now

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4d4043  No.16903936


Oh, so you recovered?

But you didn't answer my question, how was it?

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b69fa2  No.16903937


Did your testicles explode? Not that you were going to use them.

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c3246f  No.16903941



It was a very mild case, mostly bored if anything.

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638665  No.16903943

File: fde84a97adf48c6⋯.gif (220.48 KB, 320x238, 160:119, 1467861599954.gif)

File: ac33ac3dd84876d⋯.gif (336.15 KB, 540x540, 1:1, ac33ac3dd84876d06ce6eba6f2….gif)

File: d12edb3c5b23e25⋯.gif (360.57 KB, 499x374, 499:374, d8f465e2240a42669302461e92….gif)

File: 1c5d21b8b68b3c4⋯.jpg (78.78 KB, 1080x858, 180:143, pot_of_keks.jpg)


rip in piss cripplekike, I almost feel bad for the worms that are going to have to eat your disgusting flesh as you rot in a shoebox.

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b69fa2  No.16903951


Sounds like you got lucky. Happy for you you fat kike <3.

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c3246f  No.16903952


Hotwheels died with Infinity Next. Fred's gonna burn.

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c3246f  No.16903956

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


thank you. Anyway is this appropriate for a thread theme?

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67faab  No.16903958

File: 06aafbc5a59075c⋯.jpg (11.89 KB, 191x264, 191:264, Stairway_to_Hell.jpg)




*thump* *thump* *thump* *thump* *CRUNCH*

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d97cf5  No.16903961

File: 5f67fe7853367bb⋯.jpg (124.97 KB, 960x686, 480:343, 5f67fe7853367bbef8736cf6b9….jpg)

I'd just like to remind people that he didn't have a high life expectancy due to brittle bones and all that jazz anyways, so all this really means is hopefully Hotwheels will spend more time on his health and less time trying to fuck us all over.

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c3246f  No.16903964


He's a dead man walking

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67faab  No.16903976

File: ab8c8352bf43a49⋯.png (87.01 KB, 608x512, 19:16, Smug_Chio_in_color.png)



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160442  No.16903977

File: 2251ad4822fd388⋯.jpg (45.81 KB, 776x720, 97:90, hehehe.jpg)



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227403  No.16903979

File: 70a7b5499deba0d⋯.png (93.54 KB, 483x400, 483:400, 1427500465214.png)



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c3246f  No.16903981



Well the point is moot, either way his tires are now flat.

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a13596  No.16903982

His will is probably just "Use all my funds to ddos 8chan"

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58fe0f  No.16903983

File: 6992949151bbb66⋯.jpg (108.15 KB, 596x600, 149:150, seinfeld_bat.jpg)



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c3246f  No.16903988



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5df880  No.16903996

File: a8c6d4319ab3f07⋯.png (159.59 KB, 653x510, 653:510, easy_modu_on_plague_inc.png)

File: 8cbb8f1f55ae346⋯.jpg (106.96 KB, 800x733, 800:733, laughing_inklings.jpg)


>Pic related


Too upbeat and a positive outlook lyrics wise for the song to appropriate for our little gremlin-in-training.

J. Giels Band - Serves You Right To Suffer:


MGMT - When You Die




You motherfucker!

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a0609c  No.16904093


Well when you put it that way I can see your point. But I'm a weak anon who couldnt live with the death of someone on my conscience unless they were a true shitbag who killed and raped or advocated for that sort of thing.

So I'll just walk away. Someone else can pull the trigger. Someone stronger than me.

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4c7b26  No.16904108


Nobody's asking you to pull the trigger, just stop acting like a pussy and say "I hope this person dies, and I'll celebrate when they do".

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e8b6b3  No.16904114

File: d94d82bd61f0df7⋯.jpg (572.39 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, ETmuqqmU4AAJTRK.jpg)


We all knew this was gonna happen soon, within maybe a year or two. I hope he dies in his sleep. He lived a hard life, although his most recent predicament was entirely his own fault.


The fat fuck looks like he ages 15-20 years from 6 years ago holy fuck.


Is hotwheels still a diaper shitting furry? Then this song should count too.


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7ba1ea  No.16904116

File: 393917349f17f8a⋯.png (51.52 KB, 639x559, 639:559, Gookrick_Chinknan.PNG)

File: 78f73d15893d772⋯.gif (315.81 KB, 241x200, 241:200, 1395126780103.gif)

File: 67ba0b37cf3bb61⋯.gif (460.47 KB, 257x200, 257:200, 1388652437589.gif)

File: 0a8b44b417ba943⋯.gif (496.31 KB, 226x200, 113:100, 1388956120131.gif)


May the zip lover rest in goddamn piss.


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fad033  No.16904131

File: f3d5521825bb2ca⋯.png (234.39 KB, 632x480, 79:60, vlcsnap_00017.png)

File: 6d3e9ac2c4a84e1⋯.webm (4.99 MB, 304x376, 38:47, 6d3e9ac2c4a84e1da8ec1532e….webm)

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c3246f  No.16904135

File: 00dbd3b0a1babb6⋯.gif (107.47 KB, 170x170, 1:1, Dance_with_shantae.gif)

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9c5984  No.16904206


I would not put it past him to be a spiteful little shit even in death dying to absolutely no dignity.

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2079f0  No.16904211

File: 2b1222c1936151d⋯.jpg (250.54 KB, 700x648, 175:162, 1551941222703.jpg)

Oh damn it I'm unironically recalling things now

>Hear about Hotwheels taking soy

>Have a awful premonition about it the moment I read that

>Ask him if that's really healthy

>Some 2 people dogpile me for being a stereotypical /pol/ poster that hates soy for no reason

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1e947c  No.16904213



>Sending back

Every single one of those faggots crossposted and are the cancer that killed 8chan.

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6472f0  No.16904216

File: 280154fcf36c03f⋯.png (1.02 MB, 894x894, 1:1, 280154fcf36c03f908216b48ab….png)


I forgot he was a thing. Do not care.

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e3e42b  No.16904227

File: 6a4a9af2c3db797⋯.jpg (1.76 MB, 5074x3000, 2537:1500, 8chan_group_reply_of_the_a….jpg)

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a7099c  No.16904235

File: bddea30ea4ee164⋯.png (16.35 KB, 594x123, 198:41, bye_bitch.png)


Anon you are too nice. Stop being a faggot if you continue this way the world will walk all over you.

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c72a7e  No.16904240


>Cuckwheels is in it

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fc998e  No.16904247

File: 64a45d166fe7034⋯.png (86.77 KB, 300x300, 1:1, faputathinking.png)


>coworker talks about how he's only been drinking soy meal replacement shit

>says that 'all that crap about xenoestrogen is debunked'

>later becomes a tranny

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e8b6b3  No.16904253


I miss those days. I always took them for granted back then because I never knew how shitty things would become.


He was a gud boi back then, untainted by jealousy and soy.

Oh how have things went south for all of us but moreso for cuckwheels.

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8014b2  No.16904262


Were you actually tested and did the test come back positive?

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c02400  No.16904286

File: c86e59faa6c3490⋯.jpg (20.42 KB, 326x247, 326:247, b5b05919e5412e8f9b4348b40d….jpg)


After j00t selling us out and now the kike on wheels stabbing us in the back, this should teach a valuable lesson about who you trust. No gods, no masters. Only anon.

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227403  No.16904302

File: 91639257fbf004f⋯.pdf (75.69 KB, Letter_1_1.pdf)

Well I'd say the letter is done.

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4e42d6  No.16904309


He's positive by technicality. It is someone else in the building who has the virus. So he's counting being in the same building as someone with the virus as having the virus.

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302cdf  No.16904315

If he truly kicks the bucket from this, I would really start to believe Coronavirus is doing this all for us.

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139ec4  No.16904335


I'm terrified of it affecting my parents. Everyone I know that isn't at my workplace is out of a job and struggling. I have had to make no changes yo my lifestyle. I get hazard pay and more hours than I want. The economy is fucked, awful countries are being reset, and I have enough money to make investments for when everything starts up again. For me personally, Corona is the best thing that has happened this decade

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9f5b21  No.16904338


>fled to the disease pit of the US just in time for the outbreak

I normally would never laugh about something like this, but I still chuckled the moment I saw it. Even if he doesn't have it, I hope his paranoia drives him mad for being such an insufferable and traitorous faggot.

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41e9a2  No.16904341


Considering he became a furry, maybe he also wound up a bugchaser. Just not the sort of the bug he anticipated.

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d7041b  No.16904348

File: f3e1122242cd586⋯.jpg (315.51 KB, 1917x957, 639:319, Farm_Fresh.jpg)





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8014b2  No.16904358


That's what I thought too, but it doesn't necessarily mean he got the virus, so I wanted to know if he actually got tested, which I would have thought he would have if he actually got it. Although possible it also sounds weird that he makes it sound like it wasn't a big deal.

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a7fde6  No.16904378

File: 9da2549d594a4a5⋯.jpeg (97.02 KB, 886x1200, 443:600, 9da2549d594a4a50f98ad8802….jpeg)


those times were the best

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4c166f  No.16904381

God I hope that treasonous fuck dies.

Apparently the life on anon is being eternally stabbed in the back but never dying.

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90b87d  No.16904382



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9950e6  No.16904401



Okay i'm laughing you fucking niggers.

What now.

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367b50  No.16904405

File: d14d362ea72a5d9⋯.jpg (39.49 KB, 537x537, 1:1, freezer.jpg)

> Flatwheels got the chop fluey

ok that took me offguard

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b0fca9  No.16904410


Technically speaking it never was debunked, it's just the mass food market uses unfermented soy as padding so it's a no no to say it's bad.

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4c166f  No.16904413

File: ea6d9593be5d9d1⋯.png (153.15 KB, 816x900, 68:75, Red_Anon2.png)


Because imageboard culture is the first culture in human history where every last member can speak their mind without being punished. This creates an extremely unique culture that's easily divergent enough to merit being identified with.

The culturally difference between anons and normalfags is in my opinion far more different than the cultural differences between developed nations.

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118c7c  No.16904419


You're on a roll , aren't you ?

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b9aec5  No.16904428


>Charls cuckold

Reminder that he's so utterly braindead, he unironically didn't expect to get blacklisted from every major acting-role after working with Sam. And now he is mad not at himself for being retarded, but at Sam for "manipulating" him.

Nowadays he does stupid nu-philosophy diarrhoea streams and lives by thanks to his underage cuckchan paypigs.

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38fb38  No.16904429


>every last member can speak their mind without being punished.

Not really

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90b87d  No.16904430


hivemind confirmed. (you)'s for everyfag.

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777b7f  No.16904431

Are you really going to laugh or hope poor fellow will have some grace from God to recover?

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4c166f  No.16904433


What punishment do I get for posting what I want here?

I can easily just swap my VPN connection and ban evade with a single click.

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b9aec5  No.16904434


>every last member can speak their mind without being punished

If that was true, we wouldn't have retarded "n-no doxing!!!" and "n-no violence please…" global rules and codefaggot wouldn't instantly sell us out every time the cianiggers demanded information on certain posters.

Rules against spam and degeneracy like pedoshit are one thing, but to delete "extreme!" posts and handing out out IPs and entire post history to governments is on a whole other level of treason. If codenigger and his daddy weren't lazy faggots, they would move their servers out of US soil and ignore all cianigger contacts. If the burger government then responded with banning access to the site, it would be a good thing, since actual 8ch anons would simply use VPNs, while normalfags and most cuckchanners wouldn't bother.


>What punishment do I get for posting what I want here?

Your opinions get deleted and your thread nuked. Even if the cia never knocked on your door, you still aren't able of posting your opinion in here without getting your current IP soon banned.

>What punishment do I get for posting what I want here?

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61ef3e  No.16904436


We still hate you Mark. But that was a good shitpost

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657b9e  No.16904447

File: 92c940a6b9abd4b⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1250x725, 50:29, read_dune.png)



Fear is the mind killer. And so is paranoia. Let all governments of the world gaze into abyss, and abyss will gaze into them. One day all young people with their own vision of the future will grow up, and they will be lead by new ideologies with new tensions and conflicts. Boomer age of fear will pass.

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90b87d  No.16904454


He who controls the spice controls the universe

fuck the boomers.

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39eee2  No.16904463

you gotta admit the cripple got amazing life for someone who is literally unable to do anything

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9fab9a  No.16904473


>mild fever

>already wrote a will

Sounds like Warmwheels should have stayed at home instead of being cucked by Covid in Commiefornia.

Either way he's going to get hammed by the judge or healthcare.

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4b302e  No.16904481

File: f93aae0ce3a5d89⋯.gif (4.7 MB, 450x254, 225:127, same_sama.gif)

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91e521  No.16904486

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Thanks for reminding me.

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468290  No.16904501

File: 1b2fe81a501c29b⋯.jpg (401.74 KB, 1618x1512, 809:756, mug.jpg)

I have a hard time feeling strongly one way or the other. Finding a new home here during the First Exodus is counter-balanced by his betrayal.

I guess in the end it's not right that he gets taken out by some chink ricenigger plague instead of a proper, 'murican made set of stairs.

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511620  No.16904506



>Technically speaking it never was debunked, it's just the mass food market uses unfermented soy as padding so it's a no no to say it's bad.

Pretty much.

Also, "debunking" is usually bullshit. To illustrate:

- some hack academic with a title to his/her/its/whatevs name decides to get some attention and monies by writing an article about a 'sexy' subject

- article is aimed to have a deliberately controversial conclusion

- the data used is shoddy and/or deliberately fudged in order to get the conclusion the author wants

- wrap it up with a title that's basically academic clickbait

- find an institution that's willing to 'peer review' it without minding the shoddiness (which is hilariously easy in the age of OpenAcces)

- get it published in a journal with low quality standards

- then bring this pretty little article to the attention to groups/corporations who like to hear what this article has to say

- article is spread and published in non-academic circles

- journo scum pics up on it

- "[insert subject here] DEBUNKED!!"-articles on sites like Vice, Vox, HuffPo, IFL, io9, etc.

- the plebs now believe that "THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED"

- meanwhile, the same article is either dismissed or mercilessly criticized in academic circles

- the academic debate continues, and it goes into very different directions than the article

- journos don't catch on to any of that because journos don't know shit

- journos also don't care about any subject or conclusion that's not going to bring in any clicks

- the general public is thus none the wiser to what science actually has to say about the subject

- 99% of people don't even read journo articles beyond the headlines anyway, let alone the academic articles that the journos are citing

And so, public opinion has been manipulated for monetary and/or ideological gain for the umpteenth time.

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d31674  No.16904507

File: 5451799999fe43e⋯.jpg (173.17 KB, 865x720, 173:144, Zaku_Dubs.jpg)



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10121b  No.16904511


He shouldn't have started a stupid vendetta against this site in the first place, then he could be relaxing with his ladyboys right now.

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c9e5ec  No.16904512

File: 6de0e38261c317e⋯.png (20.09 KB, 762x748, 381:374, 6de0e38261c317e82786e80542….png)

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a67198  No.16904518

File: 943514f6fc4c4bd⋯.webm (277.62 KB, 640x360, 16:9, rollin_.webm)

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a16a99  No.16904527

File: de739f797638e25⋯.png (21.21 KB, 476x33, 476:33, 11.png)

there's no cure for a guilty conscience

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d31674  No.16904532

File: 696885f8bf7a523⋯.webm (618.75 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Rolling.webm)

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c951e0  No.16904542

File: 1d5030120ac5f3e⋯.jpg (23.28 KB, 236x366, 118:183, 713fc33b856aca1b621be3c3ae….jpg)


Re-rollin, kill this traitor

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468290  No.16904547

File: 8fafad78b60a6c4⋯.jpg (304.35 KB, 1852x1305, 1852:1305, checked.jpg)


Clearly the Gods of Digits don't want to see rolly polly dead

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396bae  No.16904550

File: f51b3346e248ea5⋯.jpg (82.07 KB, 905x581, 905:581, thomas.jpg)

>>16903712 (Rolling)

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6e360a  No.16904552

File: 4cf94e5f9e2f9a9⋯.png (40.48 KB, 152x254, 76:127, yessick.png)



Just think if he'd not been such a fucking asshole we might be feeling bad for him. Instead it's quite amusing, funny how that works out.


those boards kept fags like you out, only good thing he ever did.



nah fuck him

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7d27ef  No.16904562


Wow, you seem like a really uneducated person. Sorry that you can't get laid. I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE!!

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7d27ef  No.16904564


>Because imageboard culture is the first culture in human history where every last member can speak their mind without being punished


>What punishment do I get for posting what I want here?

Gee, I sure do like coming back to threads I participated in 3 hours later only to find out that all my posts were deleted because the faggot BO doesn't like my opinion.

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695be1  No.16904572


Wow, that one is news to me. Just when I think my opinion of him can't get any lower, BAM, willing dog to the Chinese.

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af227f  No.16904583

fuck you for deleting /g/

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6637eb  No.16904588

hot wheels shall live

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9f5b21  No.16904610

File: 0badb1f628fd2f0⋯.png (5.22 MB, 2048x1364, 512:341, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 98460f7fc730707⋯.png (473.99 KB, 1655x1121, 1655:1121, ClipboardImage.png)


He was a traitor, a communist, and a furry before this. It can always go lower anon.

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d97cf5  No.16904619


I'm trying to be a good christian man here, but we all know if it was the pigfarming freemason who caught the chinky flu, Hotwheels would be laughing. He'd wheel his faggot ass all the way back to the philipines just to piss on Jim's grave. So fuck it.

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86fdcb  No.16904621

Guys don't actually wish for him to die holy shit, how do you think Mark is gonna feel about that?

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c72a7e  No.16904624


Mark wants him to die.

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957802  No.16904625


>all these fugged up roll

I guess he'll survive

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591d18  No.16904626

So is all of this recent and ongoing DDOSing just Fred going through his asymptotic giant branch phase?

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86fdcb  No.16904627


That's not true, just because Fred is a backstabbing little gremlin doesn't mean Mark can't forgive him as a friend like a good Christian would.

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7d27ef  No.16904631


>people have rerolled to kill him 12 times now

If you wanted any more proof of "meme magic" or power in repeating digits, look no further. It's clear that HW isn't meant to die, for some reason he's protected by Kek or whatever god is behind all this, for some reason.

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7ea27e  No.16904632






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f02501  No.16904634



he's meant to suffer

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c72a7e  No.16904636


Mark has stated many times he wishes for his death.


Hope he dies.

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1b10bf  No.16904643

What a way for it all to end. I expected him to die from his condition in a year or two, but I guess this isn't much different from that.

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7ea27e  No.16904648


The Pestilence Horseman had enough of the world's bullshit and got a head start over the other 3.

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657b9e  No.16904649


Dubs he lives.

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7ea27e  No.16904653


We got Schrödinger's midget going on here, hes both alive and dead at this point.

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657b9e  No.16904654


Real hotwheels died long time ago.

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8c272b  No.16904686


Damn, this sure is a crazy marketing tactic for Darksiders 4 but maybe it'll pay off

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e703df  No.16904695


I only have a small shred of sympathy for him, because how many people do you think interacted with him? He's kinda confined to his apartment or something and he still managed to get it. Maybe he should have stopped hiring hookers?

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f70553  No.16904702

File: bec2e7aadafb1e6⋯.jpg (185.99 KB, 560x488, 70:61, for_when_you_really_need_t….jpg)

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511620  No.16904709


Acting like a redditor is retarded even when it's supposed to be ironic, you know?

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10121b  No.16904714


You need one for really small mistakes.

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a0c14a  No.16904728

File: 9b14ab65d5ba1ef⋯.jpg (26.3 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, for_very_small_mistakes.jpg)

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d1a662  No.16904747

File: 1f5ee3e57d81638⋯.jpg (49.33 KB, 639x607, 639:607, mrclean.jpg)


You had a good run.

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a67198  No.16904751


>Still no dubs.

Amazing,it might just seem like bonegoblin will make it through this.

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a0c14a  No.16904753

File: 5b9755272d8553b⋯.mp4 (6.19 MB, 512x544, 16:17, literally_shaking.MP4)


>all those rolls and no dubs

how could this happen

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dec09d  No.16904755

File: c9ed438d12b03fe⋯.jpg (59.31 KB, 329x375, 329:375, smug_kek.jpg)


See you in hell Cripplewheels you will not be missed you traitor!

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1e6c1b  No.16904760

I think the bag of bone snot is just looking for pity, what I've heard you shouldn't be concerned about it being Corona-chan unless you hit over 100, if the little faggot is even being truthful about that.

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95fe55  No.16904767

File: d0fdd34c1a2197d⋯.mp4 (499.35 KB, 640x360, 16:9, trump_election_roleplay.mp4)


Meme magic will prevail.

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ca202c  No.16904773


>I can feel it now, Spongebob

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c9e5ec  No.16904780

File: 87674f7ff72a02f⋯.jpg (90.48 KB, 369x515, 369:515, huey_dubs.jpg)


let's do this

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c9785b  No.16904787

File: 0490db6ee3df493⋯.gif (28.75 KB, 300x277, 300:277, 38e761a5d005657_300277.gif)

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e0eab0  No.16904792

File: 072b15ad46454de⋯.jpg (414.24 KB, 900x900, 1:1, irish_gremlin_of_dubs.jpg)


Mark is next.

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7ea27e  No.16904799


check em

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5f850b  No.16904803

File: 82a5d0f01238221⋯.jpg (32.42 KB, 403x370, 403:370, 154bc0273b2ce699410248ff13….jpg)

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b04f91  No.16904813

>>16904799 (checked)


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97ee9d  No.16904845



I feel bad for him honestly. His new friends that he backstabbed us for aren't even helping him.

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7ea27e  No.16904857


Well, you can't strike a deal with the devil.

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1a368a  No.16904980



Dubs, for living only to get shipped out of the country and straight into jail. if Trips, he gets buttfucked, no lube, no consent, no mercy, no more living.






I don't have a source for it, but what I heard, freddit did similar shit to wizardchan, and has narcissistic tendencies. From what I've seen from his out-of-fucking-nowhere emotional outbursts from IRC logs, I'm willing to bet that's true.

Remember, it's okay to both grieve and be angry at the abusive. You are upset because you're grieving for the ideals and good memories you've had with him, before he revealed his true colors. Abusers have no friends, only tools and game board pieces- animals and children are the most commonplace targets of their misgivings.

Hotwheels was never your friend, and it's okay to be sad or angry about it.

Fuck you CP spammers, quit shitting up my exit nodes with your false flagging and service denial

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fd5bcc  No.16905238


how did he get on the feds shit list?

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72c4d6  No.16905259


By running away from the philipines when he had to go to jail?

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fd5bcc  No.16905266


oh wow I wasn't aware of that

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70f2d6  No.16905269


Just think Hotwheels. You could have gone out not being a backstabbing faggot.

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adb150  No.16905299

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


If anons want more context on this, here is a vid and article from guys who wrote hoax articles on gender studies and submitted them to prestigious universities, and of course they got accepted, and some were even featured.


The things they wrote about and got accepted

>how dog humping was proof of rape culture

<got a warning that they did not repsect the dog's privacy when inspecting it's genitals

>rewrote a section of Mein Kampf as intesectional feminism

>paper that says white males in college shouldn’t be allowed to speak in class (or have their emails answered by the instructor), and, for good measure, be asked to sit in the floor in chains so they can ‘experience reparations.’”

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c17044  No.16905310


>he had to go to jail

protective custody before jim feeds the potato to his pigs or did some anon finally manage to plant some drugs?

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e3b0b5  No.16905313

Bon voyage, bone goblin.

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e44984  No.16905368

So what is he really ill or is he just overreacting

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6feaa6  No.16905377


>paper that says white males in college shouldn’t be allowed to speak in class

What is this reversed "females shouldn't talk in church" kind of shit? Sounds like fetish community.

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638665  No.16905403


A coward dies a thousand times before his death. The man 8ch knew as hotwheels died 999 lives ago.

Which would put him on par with Mark in Sonic Mania.

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86dc39  No.16905410

Dear dying faggot,

You're a fucking faggot.


Another dying faggot

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37315d  No.16905432

File: 668aa633f2761a5⋯.jpg (202.44 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1571123174342.jpg)

He was going to die sooner or later.

And yet instead of livjng comfortably in the Philippenes, shitposting with thousands of strangers across the planet who cared about him and would have mourned and drawfagged copious tribute to him for years after he was gone… he threw it all away.

He's burned all bridges, betrayed his principles, pandered to places like VICE whom he begged for a job (which he never got), and will now spend his last days a criminal fugitive on the run in America, hated by everyone, with thousands of people across the planet collectively pissing on his grave when the news breaks.

Such a disasterous life choice. Betrayed everything he stood for, lost everything, and for what?


A bunch of strangers on the internet saying kind words and thinking fonsly of you doesn't count for squat… but when you're dying, it means A LOT. He had that. Strangers brought together across the globe saluting and praising him as a hero for years because he fought for free speech no matter what. And he betrayed it all, turned on everyone, condemned and vilified his entire community with unrestrained vitriol and hate, and ended up a begger using pity to get a writing job at Vice, and failing. Now he has nothing. And when he dies, people will cheer and piss on his grave.


He had nothing, but he had us. just knowing people out there cared is SOMETHING. Sometimes it's everything.

Then he fled to our enemies, and cried "I'm one of you! Let me help you hunt them! I've thought of clever new ways to hurt them! Give me the gun, please! Let me prove myself to you! Look, there's one now! And here! And here! LOOK HOW MUCH I CAN HURT THEM! CAN I PLEASE BE YOUR FRIEND?!!!"

Now he's alone, on the run, dying soon, with nothing and no one.





Why do it?


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10121b  No.16905434


>Betrayed everything he stood for, lost everything, and for what?

Part of his 180 was becoming a christcuck, so he probably thinks he will be rewarded after death anyway.

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adb150  No.16905594


>What is this reversed "females shouldn't talk in church" kind of shit?

Exactly, so they can "experience reparations", so because females couldn't do much in the past, now males shouldn't do much in the present, to balance things out and bring social """justice""". Again, they wrote this as a joke, but the clowns at the university thought this was serious material.

It's from their "Progressive Stack" article, which you can find in the archive, here is the thesis

>That educators should discriminate by identity and calculate their students’ status in terms of privilege, favor the least privileged with more time, attention and positive feedback and penalize the most privileged by declining to hear their contributions, deriding their input, intentionally speaking over them, and making them sit on the floor in chains—framed as educational opportunities we termed “experiential reparations.”

>and making them sit on the floor in chains

>tl;dr bizzaro world /pol/

It was even featured in an article, though they neglected to mention the chains.


Another gem of an article, is the feminist AI one, which states that they should make irrational AIs that act like women so that they won't conquer us. The only suggestion they got was to shorten their article, so that it would be easier to add in a journal(basically they were too inept to even read it);

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0d6538  No.16905617


either the cancer reached his brain or the someone compromised his twitter account

it's hard to hate a guy when it's the disease talking

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14d301  No.16905624


He became a commie way before he became a christian. My guess is is that he understood he would soon die and tried to repent by becoming a commiefaggot and christian, even though he gets used by his new leftypol faggot friends. Friends who will shat him out as soon he becomes useless or in this case dead.

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58fe0f  No.16905658

File: 095c786e25ec8c9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 18.84 KB, 474x474, 1:1, bad_jokes.jpg)


>and will now spend his last days a criminal fugitive on the run in America

>on the run


don't you mean

on the roll

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38fb38  No.16905663


>Friends who will shat him out as soon he becomes useless

As opposed to here?

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10cb92  No.16905665


He was useless to anyone here for years and people remembered him fondly, or at least ignored him. It was when he actively betrayed everyone here that people got upset and even then, people were reluctant. He was just such a spiteful, miserable little cripple faggot that it's hard to even have a shred of compassion for him.

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139ec4  No.16905681


To be fair, Hotwheels has to try twice as hard, because he's half the man any anon here is

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e883f9  No.16905756


I'm probably talking out of my ass, but it seems like a common trait amongst snakes to assume that everybody else operates under the same logic as them. So maybe Hotmeals just assumed that we were going to betray him eventually anyway.

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227403  No.16905783

File: a95c46937b6c18f⋯.jpg (21.49 KB, 631x397, 631:397, 1422456408489.jpg)

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4e42d6  No.16905836


If snakes never thinking outside of their own head is true, then what you've heard is likely to be true as well. And for me, I believe it is.

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4cb22d  No.16905841


This. Blaming Jim and BOs for the shooting was beyond retarded. It could have happened when he was the site owner, easily, and he would be asking for our support against the vicious and corrupt media. He probably fell into despair believing that his condition leaves him with little opportunities to make money (not true at all given he has any modicum of competency in software) and sought payouts from media outlets to keep himself going. I wouldn't wish death on him but only because he's just another unprincipled and cowardly faggot who gives up at the wrong time. They're a diamond dozen in this doggie dog world so it isn't worth the energy to hate them.

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fa45be  No.16906210

File: 4b007796ef0de02⋯.jpg (317.07 KB, 1305x1111, 1305:1111, cursed_mug.jpg)

Dubs decides what I do with this mug.

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86dc39  No.16906213


Ben already drew him on fire, not much need to do anything else. Did you actually fucking buy that?

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4d4043  No.16906214


Keep it

It literally depicts HW in hell, and to be honest, that's pretty based.

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2b9d91  No.16906217


since youre a huge faggot and bought that. cum in it and drink it

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194080  No.16906219


Crush it into powder, mix with water and drink.

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fa45be  No.16906227



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72c4d6  No.16906244


Just put quotation marks around based I guess. Maybe add a 'stache.

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fad033  No.16906293

File: b45721d851b77b8⋯.png (465.36 KB, 961x705, 961:705, hue.png)


Roll it down the stairs.

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86dc39  No.16906337

File: 47afe54fc7c8aff⋯.jpg (119.65 KB, 440x549, 440:549, 1291044633990.jpg)

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342159  No.16906351


>even though he gets used by his new leftypol faggot friends.

That's one of my best bets. Leftypol tactics of isolating people by cutting their ties with anyone deemed slightly problematic are pretty efficient, especially on twitter.

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a67198  No.16906359


Throw it in a fire,if it survives next dubs decide

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4a937f  No.16906368


>Spending on merch idolizing a real person anytime at all

I'll steal your wife.

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342159  No.16906374

File: 1ef8bc2aeafc7b7⋯.png (230.78 KB, 803x688, 803:688, 1423320709030.png)

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67faab  No.16906379

File: 069f1e0eb80f421⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 6.18 KB, 253x337, 253:337, Negro_Midget_Sharpies.jpg)


Winrar, although you can give >her a tranny makeover with Sharpies of Color or something >>16906210

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c9e5ec  No.16906410


>it isn't worth the energy to hate them.

this, fuck him

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73050d  No.16906562

In the end, moot won:

>Moot gets a cushy job at Google

>Moot apparently is now married and might have a kid

>Quit the internet and is most likely very happy

>Hotwheels got 8chan stolen from him Jimbo the CIA spook

>Starts a massive vendetta against us

>Regrets making 8chan and actively tried to shut us down

>Is now on the run from the Philippines

>Might die in the next month

I never thought I'd say this again, but moot won. He really won

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99d664  No.16906609

File: 255795f31557947⋯.jpg (56.54 KB, 598x944, 299:472, 4eb8a941d8dd6890959f625f32….jpg)


>selling your soul to google

>fucking some fat socal tranny cunt


Fuck off moot, nobody cares about you.

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b758d0  No.16906612


>might have a kid

That's implying it's his own.

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ccf202  No.16906615


Compared to the bonegoblin, who has the choice of dying in a Filipino prison pit after they steal his wheelchair and dying on the roll as a hobo in America, that's still winning.

It's not like he didn't sell out, either. He wouldn't be in this position if he didn't since he'd have had people backing him.

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e8674a  No.16906616


>Winning is all about muh money

Imagine being this much of a soulless miserable faggot. I'd rather become homeless than work for jewgle.

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adb150  No.16906627

File: 3351473ad5ad80e⋯.png (940.75 KB, 1598x8372, 799:4186, Moot_visiting_his_favorite….png)


What do you want to compare them on?

Health? Moot wins by default, so it's not a fair comparison.

Popularity? Anons hate cripplekike, but have forgotten about m00t, as they now have Hiroshima who runs cuckchan to hate, /jp/ probably forgot about him as well, so I'd moot wins in this category as well or at least it's a tie.

Family and friends? Moot probably wins here again, at least he is married, and isn't running from the pig farmer.

Religion? Hotwheels wins this round.

Financial stability? Moot has a chuchy job at Google, hotwheels is barely scrapping by.

Integrity? They are both sellouts, so it's a tie, but at least moot got the better end of the deal.

Overall, I'd say moot ended up better, and I have no love for him.

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adb150  No.16906631


I forgot about Happiness, and Life Satisfaction, sadly I haven't been following moot, to see what he is doing, but I can't imagine him being worse than hotwheels in these two categories.

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139ec4  No.16906648


>I forgot about Happiness, and Life Satisfaction

Average /v/ post

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e8674a  No.16906656

File: ccf0b6c2e912bf5⋯.png (175.78 KB, 405x417, 135:139, Desolation.png)

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bec30d  No.16906713

File: 444947e7add587b⋯.jpg (89.82 KB, 630x512, 315:256, fakewheels.jpg)

False alarm confirmed. Party's over.


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ebb3bf  No.16906748


>it really was just hay fever

>getting allergies and then writing a will

what a laughing stock

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4d4043  No.16906759

File: 0965ad2631cdc8c⋯.gif (1.37 MB, 264x170, 132:85, water_filter_merchant_in_a….gif)


>turned out to be nothing

That one anon was right, he was just baiting for sympathybux from Twitter's paypigs.

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e9084e  No.16906802




What a fucking bitch. Also that melodramatic article he wrote about Johnson. HW basically doubles as a buzzfeed journalist now. He'll do just anything to be recognized by others.

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2f7784  No.16906805


> I haven't been following moot, to see what he is doing, but I can't imagine him being worse than hotwheels in these two categories.

he's a weeb living in tokyo of all places with borderline aryan genetics, how do you think he's doing?

also was smart enough to leave it all behind without attentionwhoring, but then he's probably drowning in asian puss to distract him.

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a0609c  No.16906810

File: cd08416a0d50a93⋯.jpg (20.65 KB, 480x468, 40:39, mio.jpg)


lol. What a fucking pussy.

I have panic attacks llike that too

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511620  No.16906938


For even more context, here's two more articles that break things down pretty well:



From the thewalrus article:

>At the most benign level of the junk industry are papers, published in journals with no effective screening process, that are obvious nonsense—about Martians being supermanagers on Mars, chocolate being a “superfood,” or even just the sentence “get me off your fucking mailing list” repeated 863 times. But beyond these papers, in journals with varying standards and reputations, are far more dangerous, flawed studies, including misleading reports about safe drinking water, fake “proof” that humans aren’t responsible for climate change, or bogus research that vaccines cause autism. Many of these are written by scholars who benefit by seeing their research published with minimal effort, thereby padding their academic CVs. And, in some cases, corporations and activists are able to push specific agendas by funding shoddy research published in junk journals that finds coverage in popular media.

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6c96c9  No.16906945

File: 77b95f827aa8d10⋯.gif (1.27 MB, 300x225, 4:3, Rollin.gif)

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6b6c63  No.16906991


>fake “proof” that humans aren’t responsible for climate change

But fake proof and half-truths about human responsibility for 'climate change' is perfectly all right.

Also interesting how these faggots have shut up finally because of corona.

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7efb1e  No.16907013


**So do i, to the degree I am basically incapable of functioning in social situations, or situations where i would be expected to owe someone something (University/employment) I do not like this.

But he's still a fag.**

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fa45be  No.16907023


Yeah I gotta go buy a marker, I'll post it later. Is it ok if I draw a little "hell" sign too?

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6b6c63  No.16907029


Why would you owe anything to someone while working? It goes the other way, you perform a service and receive payment.

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ca5c90  No.16907059

File: 1aaffa0d1d2a19b⋯.jpg (97.64 KB, 880x1038, 440:519, redman.jpg)


lol good, unfortunately he is just being a huge drama fag, he's not gonna die, yet. That said I do hope he suffers like the scum he is.

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4e42d6  No.16907100


>Also interesting how these faggots have shut up finally because of corona.

Well, anon, it's hard to push a belief when things can get deadly for real for any reason and the congregation doesn't have confidence in the existence of a pleasant afterlife, or the existence of any kind of afterlife.

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511620  No.16907416


>But fake proof and half-truths about human responsibility for 'climate change' is perfectly all right.

Important side note: even though the article is based on the conclusions of Eduardo Franco (an actual professor at the Faculty of Medicine at McGill University in Quebec), the article itself is written by Alex Gillis, who has no other credentials to his name other than that he's a journalist.

The bit about climate change and vaccines causing autism? That's the journalist trying to come up with something that *he* thinks is "obviously" fake science.

The journalist utterly refuses to consider this possibility, but your point is spot-on. Nothing attracts shoddy or fraudulent papers as much as a subject that is aggressively being pushed by governments and the media.

And note that climate science is still very much in its infancy. Who is going to notice your fudged paper and your heavily massaged dataset when every global climate model is thrown out after a year or so? Meanwhile, telling the hysteriacs what they want to hear can get you research grants and lucrative magazine publications…

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638665  No.16907422

File: a88e0d495293fbe⋯.mp4 (2.72 MB, 420x316, 105:79, Cripplekike_s_End.mp4)




Turns out cripplekike isn't dying (not now anyways). Kung flu is still in full swing so there's hope that this genetic dead-end will still catch it, even though seeing him thrown into an active dryer would be a much more fitting end.

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7efb1e  No.16907543


It works in both directions, you are owed for your work, and you owe your work for the payment.

Obviously it's an illogical fear, but it is crippling, and knowing its illogical apparently doesnt help.

I think it's mostly a mortifying fear of failure.

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3e16de  No.16907574


>I think it's mostly a mortifying fear of failure.

Then convince yourself that a failure to act is a failure in itself. If you don't do anything, you have 100% chance of failure at whatever you desire to do. No matter how bad the odds are, there is always a chance of success if you give it a try.

You know what's more crippling? Being devoid of energy no matter the food intake and amount of rest. It can always be worse.

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a0c14a  No.16907581


Even if humans are responsible for climate change, it's still ridiculous to lay the blame for it on western societies when its a well known fact that China and India are the most polluted places on earth

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a0c14a  No.16907584


well, there's also New Jersey

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13be76  No.16907586


>Moot apparently is now married and his wife might have a kid


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ea2ef7  No.16908068

File: 3debb8101c645ac⋯.jpg (91.41 KB, 720x720, 1:1, soy_family_george_romero_i….jpg)


The soy got to him. Soy poisoning is a serious disease that affects mental health. What makes a man eat expensive sawdust side products when they could have a proper meal?

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f6db5c  No.16908134


That's just post WW2 doctrine. After the wars, Europeans couldn't cope with the aftermath and went about assigning blame and deconstructing their entire civilization. Academics no longer saw value in their culture or history, since in their assessment, all it did was lead to the big wars and didn't prevent the destruction of the continent. This was the birth of postmodernism and a people devoid of pride or values. Climate change just fits into the scheme tangentially since it allows them blame their past even more. But the mentality first comes from the wars.

This mentality didn't have much of a foothold in the US, since Americans were mostly victors of the wars, and experienced a triumphant "American century" via the Cold War. Instead of crying about WW2, it took more different academics to create guilt over native Americans and Mexican conflicts and slavery. Problems people once thought were mostly resolved. What we see now is their indoctrinated students pushing guilt, like what happened in Europe. It then leads to other issues to play into the self-flogging narrative, like Climate Change.

Wait.. this thread was about Hot Wheels, right? Has anyone checked up on him since he first said this? He should be dead by now.

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